The BBC continues to press ahead with its promotion of the liberal’s mythical utopian project that, as with Corbyn, fails to reflect reality and the facts. Whether Brexit or Trump the BBC buries its head in the sand and refuses to acknowledge reality and why it happened.
They keep talking about Brexit solely through an economic lens and, despite the evidence, try to paint a picture of doom and gloom whilst conversely not genuinely accepting that the EU is an economic basket case which in itself is a purely political project that has been forced through regardless of the disastrous economic consequences that are very real and very, very obvious. When did the BBC ever ask what would have been the real result of staying inside the EU, an EU that is imploding on just about every front, economically, politically and socially? They preferred to peddle the Remain claim that Brexit was a great unknown whilst the EU’s success and stability were a certainty. Hmmm….so stupid…
Trump of course gets nothing but derision and mocking contempt, only yesterday we heard that people were looking for certainty and Trump recognised that…but of course ‘certainty’ is only for stupid people….so not only is Trump stupid but all those who voted for him….the ‘expert’ was absolutely certain about that.
Then there’s Obama, still the One who can do no wrong. He’s at present making a lot of noise about Russia apparently hacking Clinton’s emails and effecting the outcome ofthe election…what the BBC reported as being like ‘a new Pearl Harbour’….lol. If so…why? Clinton must be seriously at fault allowing highly sensitive emails to be hacked and then why would such emails effect the outcome of the election? Only if they actually contained material that was seriously compromising for Clinton or the Democrats…the BBC doesn’t bother to investigate the emails preferring to avoid such difficult questions….as of course does Obama who should surely be disciplining Clinton for such a serious and dangerous breach of security. Curiously the BBC seems unconcerned about the Russian spy, Snowden, who was aided and abetted by the Guardian, and the BBC itself, to attack US, and Western , intelligence and security, doing them enormous damage.
Obama is talking loudly of the threat to US democracy and when Trump won the Presidency Obama said…
“Everybody is sad when their side loses,” Mr. Obama said with Vice President Joseph R. Biden at his side. “The day after, we have to remember we’re actually all on one team. We are now all rooting for his [Mr. Trump‘s] success in uniting and leading the country. We are Americans first.”
However he has spent the last couple of weeks doing everything he can to undermine the new President and the democratic result of the election including of course pompous, sanctimonious speeches that ‘advise’ Trump on how to be a good President…something Obama knows little about…and as for democracy…Obama was pretty handy with those undemocratic executive orders using them to push through very controversial policies such as Obamacare, dodgy deals with the terrorist state of Iran and on immigration.
The BBC of course doesn’t ask questions about the reasons for Obama’s attacks on Trump and the rhetoric about Russia…the BBC accepts it all as if every word were the truth and unpolitical when it is very obvious Obama is engaged in a highly partisan attempt to undermine Trump and make his presidency as difficult as possible.
Comes to something when we have to rely on ‘Rolling Stone’ magazine to bring us decent analysis of political news rather than the well-resourced and supposedly ‘gold-standard’ news organisation that is the BBC…
The problem with this story is that, like the Iraq-WMD mess, it takes place in the middle of a highly politicized environment during which the motives of all the relevant actors are suspect. Nothing quite adds up….this could also just be a cynical ass-covering campaign, by a Democratic Party that has seemed keen to deflect attention from its own electoral failures.
The outgoing Democrats could just be using an over-interpreted intelligence “assessment” to delegitimize the incoming Trump administration and force Trump into an embarrassing political situation.
The BBC…business as normal then.
So what can you call someone you wish to insult then without crossing the, ‘none PC’ line?
Nasty, bad, stinky, poopy panted, unimaginative?
“So what can you call someone you wish to insult without crossing the, ‘none PC’ line?”
Easy – Tomi the Troll.
Poor Tomi , so lonely and no future. And so full of hate and anger and no love in her young heart. Very sad.
So you’ve established that he/she/it has a gender?
Just guessing !
No hate and anger in my heart, sunshine. But hey. You’ve never let being completely inaccurate stop you before. You carry on lying to yourself. Biased BBC likes lying morons, so GWF and the rest will keep you company.
I’m off to meet up with the friends you say don’t exist. You stay here lying to yourself, there’s a good chap.
So ‘Tomi’ before you pop off to ‘meet up with friends’ where is you post on Al Beeb’s Bias ?
Or are you here just to troll ?
Hi Mountain Girl
Still at it then I see.
Are you seeing fervent SJWmob United fans roaming around your internet villages making trouble ?
– In our village a couple of lads are fervent fans of SJWmob United, but they’ve become a bit frustrated and have taken to roaming the village spraying the walls with nonsense and shouting dumb questions to gain attention and disrupt the coversation.
Their points can easily be answered but it’s a waste of time, cos they’re not really interested in answers.
I feel sorry about the fans of SJWmob United turning into foolighans … they’ve been accustomed to thinking they are kings of the universe … being US champions for 8 years, but they just got relegated
..and in Britain they’ve been the biggest club and thought they were going to win the cup back …. But also just suffered a big defeat. They’re having trouble getting over the fact they don’t even have 48% support.
Where’s SJWmob United’s homeground ?
… Metropolitan Bubbleworld
or Elites United
….Metropolitan Elites United foolighans
I am doing well with the BBC this New Year’s Day. Dads Army, one I must have seen at least 5 times; Still Open All Hours – crude jokes far more obvious than the innuendo either with Ronnie B or even the start of these new ones and I fell asleep; then Sherlock, boring as hell with a running joke about Mrs Thatcher, and I know the producers are not doing it in a good way. What does the BBC do with our money?
What ! You are missing the R5 special about migrants crossing the Med
on for 50 mins
“BBC Radio 5 live’s Lucy Grey reflects on the 12 days she spent broadcasting live from a search and rescue ship as it pulled nearly 400 people from the sea near the Libyan coast.”
Saturday’s Times : stories missed by BBC
Lewisham – Woman is claiming council is harassing her by ASBO Letters.
eg sending one for putting up Brexit and Conservative posters in her own window “inflammatory notices”
p12 Halal chicken firm fined
Stun and throat cutting procedures failed and live chickens ended up in boiling water.
Hygiene inspectors established it happened on 10 occasions at 1stop Halal
@Athelstan said ‘ask a guy suffering in Mosul if we should worry about London Diesel and global warming and not about Islamic terrorism’
In a long comment over on NotALot
Politicians in alliance with the green regression
Oh I can hardly wait..Oh no yes I can.
Looks a bit hideous.
But good the hippo theme being maintained.
Well, I had never noticed “For the past decade, all of the BBC One idents have been based on circles.”. I really must pay more attention. Or perhaps not.
Oh I can hardly wait..Oh no yes I can.
Oh I can hardly wait..Oh no yes I can.
Here we go again. A new year but the same tired agenda:
“Where are the black dolls in high street stores?”
Living in East London there is no shortage of black dolls. There is however a shortage of brown dolls. Asian heritage people are more populous in Britain than any other people of colour yet the racist BBC choose to ignore that fact and pander to the loudest minority voice.
Surely black dolls, like gollies are racist and must be banned.
The real story is “where are the dolls without faces……why are there no sharia compliant dolls on Britains high streets?”
Dolls with faces are of course idolatrous, graven images in the eyes of the sharia compliant.
Faceless dolls can be seen in Saudi toy shops.
Wonder who the BBC will rush to the red sofa in outrage if Hamleys are dubious about carrying this little cutie?:
Starting on R4 in 10 mins. A New World: Are we really living in a post-truth world?
A series of programmes this week which I think is almost certain to be propaganda.
The programmes have been extensively promoted on R4 with the question “do facts matter any more?”
Wrong question. It’s BBC “facts” that don’t matter any more.
You may be right.
Odd they are so dogmatic in their refusal to answer even on an amount that would just about cover Yentob’s lift decoration despite the bad PR.
Still, the new Washimgtom Post sub for all staff will help keep them informed on what is happening in la la land.
‘Outdoor events which are typically held over wide areas’
Now what would they be terrorist attacks or revolution? (Both I am guessing)
So the EU is getting all the TV companies in line to play down both of the above – Business as Usual then
In the interests of balance, could someone direct me to the comparable website that details the right wing bias of the BBC. Thanks
Not many, but here’s one:
Just been on the BBC news web page. BBC report on a report they commissioned on the background of Scottish athletes that won Olympic medals. First I have to ask why they waste my money on such a report, surely not what the BBC was set up to do?
The results were that 9 out of 10 were either privately educated or lived in wealthy areas where they attended state schools. Certainly not on their home page did they ask why. But perhaps their reasons might not be mine.
Deborah. I read that too. What annoys me is that the Beeb is forever commissioning reports on so many obscure things and then reports that as NEWS! And as you rightly say, it is OUR money they are using to do that. I never asked them to do it and I suspect thousands of other would agree with me.
And while having a mini-rant, why spend all that money on changing their introductory themes. Don’t think much of what they have chosen so far. They should have brought back the huge hot air balloon which drifted beautifully over many well known British landmarks! That’s what a national BRITISH broadcasting corporation would do – support their own country!
Sorry, not related directly to the BBC, but I’m very conflicted about my own reaction to this Express news story:
“More than 250 rioters SMASH kebab shop after ‘group of Arab men stab young local to death’
The rioters descended on the town of Elk, Poland, after a group of Arab – reportedly of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia descent – chased a young man out of a restaurant in the town and repeatedly stabbed him.
The man, known only as Daniel, was stabbed last Saturday around 11pm local time, got into a brawl with four other men after reports suggest he threw a firecracker inside a Kebab diner.”
On the one hand I should be appalled that locals have taken the law into their own hands – that is what the police are for – on the other hand I can’t help feeling “good, at least someone is showing some backbone and defending their own community against the damage inflicted by PC politicians”. It’s also noteworthy that this is Poland, where people know a thing or two about invasion.
It’s sad, however, if this is what Europe is descending into.
(Must bear in mind that this report is from the Express, which seems to feature articles on a daily basis involving alien abduction and imminent nuclear attack.)
This may be the future, but this particular story is not over
From Vlad Tapes
‘Listening to post-modern leaders, determined to destroy the nation state and individual rights like Trudeau and Obama, people have heard the lie so often that “diversity is our strength’, a clear and obvious oxymoron, so often most people parrot it as if it was axiomatic.
Then you see an event like this one in Poland where on New Years Eve, a single man threw a fire cracker in the general direction of a kebab shop, and four foreign men, identified as Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian came out and stabbed him to death’….
‘Poland shows that it has a collective self worth. It will not accept the bleating of the leftist press, who, we are told, left the reason for these protests and this minor destruction at the Kebab shop out of the news story but made it look like racist Poles broke some windows’.
Far more interesting account of the incident.
8:55 amR4 bias switch-on bingo “One thing is certain we face the longest hardest negotiations ever.. with Brexit negotiations”
..Whoa that is one hell of a FRAMING by the R4Today presenter.
.. It is actually only 1 scenario
Unfortunately for the R4 spinmeisters they’d chosen as guests Tim Martin of Weatherspoons and a woman football transfer negotiator.
Tim Martin – its easy tell the EU we’ll go with 2 options
– terms favourable to UK
– Or we’ll walk away and take World Trade Tariff terms which are already more favourable to us.
Weako Cameron wasn’t prepared to walk away.
The woman said – yes it wasn’t so difficult
agreeing you can walk away.
Now 9am a prog on Post Truth
Started with the £350m figure
Presenter Jo Fidgen said “I confess I’m a liberal and I’m flippen terrified”
Then they are featuring psycholohist Stephen Lewandowsky as an expert when people know him from his Global Warmng work one of the least scientific and deceptive ever
Ben Pile @clim8resistance
Wow! @BBCRadio4 went to Stephan Lewandowsky for the first word on what “post truth” means!
Derrick Byford @DerrickByford
@aDissentient @wattsupwiththat @BBCRadio4 Prog currently playing on “post truth” taking expert comment from Lewandowsky! Couldn’t make it up
Twitter thread
Ben Pile confronts prog maker Jo about the Lew issues
Non transparent dodgy research later retracted .
Then revenge research constructed to smear people who challenge him
Prog :
Radio 4
Nothing but the Truth
The New World
Are we really living in a post-truth world? It has been an extraordinary year for the concept of veracity. Brexit. Trump. Experts have taken a beating, facts have apparently taken second place to emotion and feeling. And what about truth? It seems like fewer and fewer people, whether voters or politicians, care what’s true anymore. Step forward the Oxford English Dictionary’s word of 2016: “post-truth”. Is this just shorthand to help liberals make sense of a world they don’t like? Or does it mark something more meaningful? Are we really no longer interested in truth or is our toxic political climate clouding our ability to agree on what the facts are? In a series of special programmes as 2017 begins, Radio 4 examines inflection points in the world around us. In the first programme, Jo Fidgen explores how our brains process facts when they become polluted by politics.
Jo Fidgen, self confessed Left wing liberal, a snowflake who just about sums up everything wrong with the BBC.
Prepared to criticise the Bible for the mildest Misogyny, but not prepared to ever criticise the Qur’an under any circumstances about anything no matter how bad it is.
She talks about ‘post truth’, but even then she can’t understand why people don’t trust the liberal left. Perhaps its because they are so selective about which truths they want to tell us and those they choose to ignore. How they can take the speck out of the eye of Christianity while failing to take any notice of the entire forest in the eye of Islam.
They then talk about people failing to believe known stated facts !
Truly on a different planet !
Excellent comments on the BBC by Peter Hitchens in his review of the BBC’s Witness For The Prosecution by Agatha Christie. He says: “The BBC cannot leave the past alone, but does not understand that it was really different from the present …
… The BBC licence fee is not collected under the threat of imprisonment to allow people to indulge themselves in this way.”
Good comments on the criminal justice system as well.
“Did anyone in authority notice that the culprit of the Berlin Christmas market outrage turned out – yet again – to be a drug-abusing petty criminal?”
Errr no Peter, he turned out to be a fully fledged ISIS member with backup in a foreign country. If he did take drugs then it was only to numb the effects of the deaths he caused and the hideous teachings of his religion.
“This is because they need to believe in conspiracy theories and global plots, as this makes them feel important.”
Err no Peter ISIS is not a small drug dealing operation, it genuinely is a global terror organisation, or at least has plans to be.
Makes you wonder whether Hitchens has lost the plot !
Firstly, my comment was supposed to be stand-alone, not a response to yours. Don’t know why that happened.
“Makes you wonder whether Hitchens has lost the plot !”
I don’t think he has. A terrorist can still be “a drug-abusing petty criminal”; the two are not mutually exclusive. Without excusing ISIS, he has been consistently pointing out a link between drugs and terrorism for some time now. I don’t think it should be dismissed lightly. It doesn’t detract from the evil of ISIS, Al-Qaeda, or any of the other crackpot Muslim organisations in their use of drug addicted idiots.
“If he did take drugs then it was only to numb the effects of the deaths he caused and the hideous teachings of his religion.”
How can you possibly know that?
(And “Err” does not add weight to your argument.)
“A terrorist can still be “a drug-abusing petty criminal””
Up to that point, obviously.
I didn’t suggest it was anything other than a stand alone comment Marion, and I wasn’t taking issue with you, but Hitchens who does of late appear to have changed his political views somewhat.
From the days of the Hashashins drugs have been used by Islamic murderers to lessen the psychological effects of their murderous religion. This has continued to this day.
Anis Amri who carried out the Berlin attack was NOT some “drug-abusing petty criminal” & I wonder if Hitchens is thinking of the original arrestee who was released without charge.
This is from the Daily Telegraph 23rd December:
“But as details of the investigation emerged, it quickly became clear that Amri is not the undetected jihadi hiding among a million migrants that Germany has feared.
In fact, he was well-known to police, and had long been identified as a potential terrorist. He was supposed to be under surveillance, but had somehow managed to give his watchers the slip just weeks before he is now believed to have driven a lorry into a crowded Christmas market in the heart of Berlin, killing 12 and injuring 49.”
In other words Hitchins is spouting nonsense and not for the first time !
I think that active drug users would be too unreliable and distractible to be effective terrorists. They`d also be a huge security risk being open to turning by the authorities in exchange for their drug of choice.
Drug free petty criminals are a different matter… and as for people with a cover story of drug and alcohol use….can`t possibly be aligned to an Islamic group can they?
This subject is well covered in the film “Battle of Algiers” which apart from being a great watch, has reputedly been used by several counter terrorist services as a training aid.
Excellent review of the BBC’s Agatha Christie, which I actually watched on catch up and thought the poor vision was due to a fault with my lap top. Thanks for sharing
Jo Fidgen’s actual conclusions were correct
: always be skeptical
: don’t rush to nsult on social media
: don’t live in Echo Chambers
annoyingly she says
“all.Liberal values I know” as if the problem is about non-Lefties
Jesus Fidgen you are just totally PROJECTING it is not us it is leftmob like you that don’t follow those rules.
…Next prog starts the intro says “Ms X our subject talks about being a Leftist Progressive from Turkey.”
9:59 trailer for Comrade Harrabins hit piece against Trump about Global Warming
Tuesday 8pm
Jo Fidgen’s actual conclusions were correct
: always be skeptical
: don’t rush to consult on social media
: don’t live in Echo Chambers
Absolutely, and I was about to post the same.
But the timing of the programme, the content of the programme, the people interviewed, and the emphasis on Brexit and Trump, still placed the programme firmly in propaganda.
(And yes, I also noted the very next programme also jumped straight into anti-Brexit and anti-Trump rhetoric despite being irrelevant. At which point I had to switch off.)
It was when at the beginning she gave the definition of Post Truth to be simply ‘populists’ who could not accept the truth of liberalism, and that as a liberal she declared herself terrified by the election of Trump, vote for Brexit, and the rise of what she calls ‘populism’ she gave the game away.
The conclusions are fine if they apply to everyone equally, but to my mind she is not speaking to the choir but only to people like us which she regards as being guilty of not doing what she is attempting to teach us.
She spoke about climate change being settled and that all the experts agreed, as being an example of post truth.
What she did not recognise was the arguments against this, that anyone not in agreement is immediately sacked, and that research grants are not given to anyone who wants to show man made climate change is a scam.
With this woman being a confirmed leftie liberal snowflake with a history of bias and prejudice as long as your arm, this was total propaganda as far as I was concerned.
Insult . wrote consult
I gave this programme 10 minutes before I had to switch it off. Just too similar to much of Radio 4’s left-liberal, angst-ridden, ‘what went wrong?’ analysis of 2016. I’d never heard of Fidgen before, but the very name tends to give it away. She’s someone who seems to have inhabited various corners of BBC radio all her career and is thoroughly imbued, by self-confession, with the Corporation’s ethics and world view. I wonder when someone with right-of-centre political views will be given such a platform on the BBC?
The Rip Off Britain show and our somewhat superannuated would-be gap-year back-packer Simon Calder goes European city-break bargain hunting. (Sorry for so many compound words there) Donning the inevitable health and safety bike helmet and flashing knobbly knees which last saw the light of day when awarded first prize by Ruth Madoc of Hi-de-Hi our intrepid BBC chap perhaps ticks a box on some W1A diversity manager’s spreadsheet. Pity his Parisian report comes over like an audition for a part in Last of the Summer Wine. Pity too that our EU-loving national broadcaster lacked the chutzpah to properly name the show Rip Off Europe. Poor old Simon reminisced about the first time he visited the ‘city of love’ when strapped for cash he pitched his tent beneath the trees on the Bois de Boulogne. Before we are transported too far back down the long winding continental cycle paths of yore when earnest young chaps the likes of Rabbi Lionel Blue spent the long vacs mounted on their rickety machines… Things have changed Simon tells us. Yes, Simon, you didn’t show us but the only foreigners camping out in Paris now will be the Moroccan illegal immigrants. Hats off to the BBC researchers. All the Beeboids’ holidays came at once when our Simon honed in on a museum offering a few Euros off admission on Fridays after 4pm if you happen to be under 25 and flash an EU passport ‘for the time being’. Bingo! The BBC money shot. Can you even begin to imagine the BBC furore should a London musuem bring in discounts for British passport holders only? Oh the discrimination!
AISI: “Poor old Simon reminisced about the first time he visited the ‘city of love’ when strapped for cash he pitched his tent beneath the trees on the Bois de Boulogne.”
Isn’t it strange that the Liberal Left accuse UKIP and Brexit voters of wanting to return to and live in the past, yet it is they who constantly do just that?
Not BBC bias (well, there is some) but a recommendation for an hour of interesting programming on BBC Radio4 from 9am to 10am this morning. Catch it on Radio iPlayer if you missed it.
The presenter from 9am – Jo Fidgen – was honest enough to reveal her own standpoint and although there were some ‘holes’ in the programmes critical thinking & presentation, it was very revealing as was the fifteen minutes with Turkish poet – Ece Temelkuran – that followed.
The programme went wrong when she started to imply that climate change was fact and that the reason people are climate skeptics is on tribal grounds.The reason 1 group of people are climate skeptics is because they think it is common sense and that the idea that anybody can predict the climate in a 100 years when they cannot in 100 days is ludricous.40 years 86% of scientists when asked said a mini- ice age was coming.This has been whitewashed out of mainstream coverage
The reason another group of people oppose climate change policies that kill jobs and put up energy prices is for the opposite reason – they believe climate change is happening so fast it is utopian to believe one can stop it.
Interesting that the Turkish `progressive leftist` lady who followed seemed totally myopic that when she talked about herself smoking in a non-smoking hotel room and had no guilt that this is exactly the type of personal selfish behaviour that stops socialist societies ever working
I well remember in the 60s all the talk was about a “cooling climate”. Witness Snowy Owls nesting on Fetlar. If they got it wrong then, they can get it wrong now. And you are right, the “cooling climate” has been airbrushed out of history.
Grant, I remember that too, it went on well into the mid seventies…”new ice age” and all that.
I mused on the “warming phenomenon” as I scraped ice off my car this morning!
It was a fatuous programme presented by a fool. In other words, pretty typical of the BBC’s R4 output these days.
Saying that those who do not believe in AGW do so because of group think is meaningless. You can apply exactly the same argument to those who do believe in it – and probably with greater justification. It is either true or not true based on observation and experimentation. The former is openly falsified by AGW’s proponents, who manipulate recorded temperatures, making the entire debate meaningless.
GC, agreed!
The point Jo Fidgen could also have made: AGW as theory is provable scientific fact by constant reference to a thermometer. In time, either true or false.
Climate and its changes is a whole different ballgame.
And Jo Fidgen’s science qualifications are ?
Well spotted, 7Clubs. That was the obvious candidate for example of early Post-truth. Instead Jo Fidgen & the Producer chose the Iraq War and even then not from the big Blair soundbites. Arguably, the WMD fiasco was as much about western agencies and their Governments being sold a pup by a third-party and getting lazy on their fact checking.
Climate Change is in a whole different league of Post Truth and pre-dates the Gulf2 preamble by four years or so. It was initiated by Blair and his cronies with help from elsewhere in the West. Possibly they were warned by some honest and realistic scientists that the AGW Theory might not only turn out to be just a theory and wrong at that but 180 degrees wrong
Confuse, obfuscate and divert attention with Climate Change and carry on ringing up the cash register with the taxes charged.
“Confuse, obfuscate and divert attention with Climate Change and carry on ringing up the cash register with the taxes charged.”
Abso-bleeding-lutely, Up2!
Let politicians, and their mates at the BBC loose, and they create a market funded by – guess who – Joe Public!
Just like the BBC charges everyone to be ‘educated’ by their fatuous nonsense, most politicians just love it when their free publicity is squirted out by climateers, hell-bent on making sordid comments on things they know little about.
Don’t be shocked by Sherlock
Personally I was not too fussed about the breaking of the Margaret Thatcher busts McGuffin – although I’m sure the Beeboids enjoyed it inordinately and fellow travellers took it as a sly wink from their favourite broadcaster. But think for a moment, the parallel with Napoleon is actually a compliment – can you seriously imagine a leftist Prime Minister with sufficient gravitas worthy of commemoration with a statue? Tony Blair – for goodness sake? And think again – a Blair statue should it exist would likely as not be the target of fellow leftist vandalism.
As for the tv show itself, it is increasingly frantic and overblown. Modern tech will date it rapidly. Watch it in ten years’ time and cringe. Now it is not the mystery but hero’s character flaws that are elevated to the central theme in the drama and interesting character quirks are given the status of modern psycho-babble significance. All shall win prizes. Fear not computer gaming nerd – you’re probably on the spectrum of some diagnosable autistic tendency and in any case you are really a step away from being a world-rescuing superhero. As for the all too familiar feisty female muscling into the script to steal the limelight from our crime-busting male duo – fans of recent Star Wars will recognise the syndrome. Beta males suck. Of course it is represented as diversity but is really just the playing out of the fantasies of gay male writers and producers. Much like the much-complained of fashion industry adherence to the zero-sized model – the waif model is no more than a gay boy fantasy.
Just watched a ‘fill-in’ half hour programme on BBC News. An Asian journalist (whose own parents were shopkeepers in the 70’s onwards) reporting on how the corner shop has changed over the years since the war years. Very enlightening. I was in my early 20’s when Idi Amin expelled the Asians from his country, but didn’t really know the reason why.
Cue a shot of Amin reading out a statement about how the Asians were secular and didn’t integrate (really ?), and what I didn’t know was that they amounted to only 2% of the population, but had 90% of the wealth. Funny how Alibaba Brown never mentions that little gem when she pontificates about Britain taking her in. Amin was clearly a despot, but he no doubt saw how the bigger picture was being formed for the future, so took the necessary action.
What a shame our leaders are unable to see the bigger picture – all starting with the takeover of the corner shop decades ago, culminating with an Islamic mayor of London, next stop Prime Minister. There will never be an expelling of migrants in great numbers, but we have to stop more of them coming in, from wherever in the world, now !
Maybe the sisters should call the Sweeney?
Maybe the bbc is promoting one of their pet subjects again – gender ambiguity.
Personally, I subscribe to the Crocodile Dundee school of gender testing. One good feel of the balls and – “that’s a bloke”
End of.
Obviously in the name of gender equality, the BBC will be visiting High Street stores and demand that equal space is given to male clothing, shoes, scents, trinkets etc. as is given to female clothing etc. Similarly, TV advertising ( not BBC ) of course should be the norm with hysterical comments and condemnation if neither of mthe above is carried out.
Did I really see a white male English newsreader on the BBC main news last night?
Careful, the Trolls might enjoy that !
“One good feel of the balls and – “that’s a bloke””
Perhaps that explains events in Cologne one year ago?
When should Frau Merkel capitulate and hand over the Law of Germany to Sharia courts? Any bets how long?
“8 to 10 million muslim migrants still on their way” –
And the Garden Gnome et al in Scotland wants to be a part of the ‘share out’ of Muslims dictated by Frau Merkel? Your’e welcome Mrs Gnome. If Scotland gains retention of any part-membership of the EU, part of Englands capital expenditure on priority infrastructure work should include re-building and strengthening, where necessary Hadrians Wall……..
Krankie is a nutcase. The EU have already said that an independent Scotland would have to apply for membership of the EU. I think the English should call her bluff and have a referendum in England about independence from Scotland. I reckon it would be quite close. If England became independent, Scotland would be out of the UK, out of the EU and have to have its own (weak ) currency, Hadrian’s Wall or not !
The most surprising news of 2016 – some of the ‘child’ ‘refugees’ were twice as old as they claimed – seems to have passed the bBBC by.
BBC passed that one by. You don’t say, Sir Arthur? Well, blow me down with a feather!
Here’s another one which I find very surprising – Muslim Charities in the UK funding Jihadism –
Sir Arthur,
And it also becomes an issue if they commit any crimes, heaven forbid.
As so often – the BBC actively manipulating the truth by excluding inconvenient stories from its coverage. Radio Pyonyang has lessons to learn from the BBC!
Here is a literal message to comrade Lefty. The looney left are literally celebrating 2017 as a year which literally may reproduce the total achievements of 1917.Literally.
And 100 years of revolution have produced nothing but death, poverty and misery. They truly are insane.
Yes, Grant, but where did the money to finance it come from? Some interesting reading here, especially the role played by a well respected, charitable works organisation.
Neo Bolshevism is the fashion statement of 2017 . Just when you think the left could not get any more looney.
It is very rare for me to praise the BBC, but I am delighted to see that the BBC website is reporting the 200 th anniversary of Lagavulin Single Malt Scotch Whisky , one of the greatest achievements of mankind. ( The whisky, I mean , not the BBC ). Sassenachs are welcome to their warm beer. Special edition bottles of Lagavulin are on sale for £1494 each and cheap at the price, I am sure. Mind you, you would have to be a BBC “journalist” to afford one.
For some reason I cannot abide Whisky. Even the smell is enough to make me retch. I have no idea why I have this reaction, as I find brandy very palatable.
“De gustibus non est disputandum “. Slainte !
In that case, you must have been very impressed when Sean “Scotland for ever” Connery was promoting Suntory whisky a few years ago!
Probably didn’t come as a big surprise though.
Sean is a total hypocrite ! He will do anything for money. Except, to become UK resident and pay UK taxes. Reasonably good actor , but not the sharpest tool in the box. Bit of an asshole, really. I don’t think he even owns a property in Scotland. Probably not, it may prejudice his tax status.
A famously mean, misogynist , wife-beater. Not a great advertisment for Scotland .
“Reasonably good actor”
I was reading an account recently (I forget where) of how, in his early James Bond years, the scripted one-liners were designed to be as foolproof as possible as he had no experience of proper delivery. He has certainly improved over the years, learning on the job. A bit like Harrison Ford I suppose, who comes across (rightly or wrongly) as a modest man who takes himself less seriously, although I also understand that he doesn’t suffer fools gladly. Takes low profile holidays in places like the Norfolk Broads, happy to sit in a pub with a beer instead of doing the “superstar” thing.
Not sure I’d want any celebrity as a neighbour.
Don’t know about Harrison Ford, but reports of Connery’s modesty have been greatly exaggerated. As for his legendary meanness with money, don’t get me started .
Actually, my comment was badly constructed. I meant to say that Ford was like Connery in starting off with virtually no experience and improving on the job. I didn’t intend to imply that Connery was ever modest. That was shum mishtake!
OK, I got you now !
I always thought Suntory was a sort of Mexican fag in an orange packet!
Just shows what another New Year does to the memory!
Sassenachs are welcome to their warm beer.
Don’t you mean a pint of stunning real ale (thousands to choose from) served at cellar temperature? Big difference.
And no mention of our ‘warm’ sparkling wine that kicks that French piss into touch at every blind tasting? Or any of the fabulous wines being produced by the likes of Chapel Down, Nyetimber, Sharpham etc etc?
(Oops, sorry Grant – slipped into Little Englander mode there for moment…)
P.S Best whisky I’ve tasted recently was Penderyn (Welsh), but then it’s down to personal taste I guess…
I love english beer at cellar temperature ! The taste of so many is great but not when it is warm !
English wine is now pound for pound, or should I say , Euro for Euro, as good as french .
I never tasted Penderyn , but they should have the water down there. And their Master Blender and Consultant is Jim Swan, who created the style. Now, I wonder which country he comes from ??
“De gustibus non est disputandum ” !
I cannot believe this, twice in one day I praise the BBC. Website now reporting that, in Gambia, Jammeh has closed Taranga FM radio station. It was only yesterday. The BBC seems to be speeding up. Maybe 2017 will see the BBC turning over a new leaf, but I am not going to hold my breath !
I should have read to the end of the article. ” It is a popular tourist destination because of its beaches “. Where do the BBC find these teenage scribblers ? Do they have to dumb everything down because they think we are stupid or is it because they are stupid ?
Don’t be fooled by this one.
Len McClusky is talking about comrade Corbyn possibly stepping down if his poll ratings don’t improve, but this is just a front – words he doesn’t mean or believe.
There is a leadership challenge for the leadership of Unite, and McClusky has been a vocal supporter of Corbyn. Now he’s being called out for this, and the immigration issue is being brought to the fore he is backtracking like crazy.
He knows his beliefs are unsustainable, he knows they are unpopular, and that if he continues voicing them he will likely lose his well rewarded position. His views however have not changed, only his words have.
The BBC are reporting this,but not the implications for the Labour party with Unite being one of its biggest supporters, and biggest donors. A change of leader might pull the rug from under Corbyn, to be replaced by who knows whom.
I wouldn’t like to guess whether Mcluskey believes In his own comments or not . Maybe it’s another example of the BBC’s current obsession with post – truth. However I wouldn’t discount the possibility that the comments are genuine , albeit that MCluskey perhaps feels under pressure from his opponent , Coyne, who does actually make some sense.
All right I will make a guess . I think that this could be the beginning of the end for Corbyn. Once he loses big union backing he’s in deep trouble, despite the efforts of his cult followers in Momentum.
The BBC are politically much closer to 1997-2001 Blair or to Miliband’s version of labour than a 70’s far left hangover like Corbyn. It will be interesting to see how quickly they turn on him.
New Year, same old anti-Trump bias, where they’ve searched for a Republican to say something negative about the President Elect, interviewed them and dressed it up as news.
Donald Trump makes top Republican fear environmental future
Comments are allowed, should anyone wish to do so.
I can’t remember the BBC finding “top” democrats saying anything negative about Hillary. You would almost think the BBC are biased !
And Trump is sacking Whitman so there just may be an element of sour grapes. Hell hath no fury ….
And Whitman has a BA in ” Government ” but no knowledge of science that I can see !
And Whitman is allowed by the BBC to trot out the same GW lies without challenge:
“To walk away from something where you have 97% of scientists saying this is occurring and people have an impact on it … it’s gotten to the point where we’ve got to try to slow it down if we’re going to survive it.”
Typical of the amateurs at the BBC not to ask where the 97% comes from. Sounds a bit like an election result in a dictatorship.
Exactly, Grant! I have a B.Sc(hons) and I don’t believe in the Global Warming scam. Do I count as a scientist?
Architects were included as Scientists in the false 97%.
Well my BSc is in Zoology from Aberdeen and that discipline is quite relevant to “Global Warming “. I wonder how many journalists were included in the 97% ? Harribin maybe ?
The 97% fiction has been debunked so many times that it stretches credibility beyond breaking to hear it being repeated.
Shame on the BBC for letting this clown get away with it.
I read an article recently but am uable to find it at present which stated that this 97% “consensus” was extrapolated from the 64 papers “proving” AGW, out of the 11,000 papers that disagreed or had no opinion either way. It went on to call out an academic at an Australian university, who, as of yet had not taken any action to challenge the accusations and defend his reputation.
The whole thing is a New World Order scam, invented by the anti capitalists at the UN, who see themselves as the government in waiting, ably assisted by the incumbent in the White House. Hopefully, things might change after the 21st.
Re Jo Fidgin’s Post Truth prog at 9am R4
Does anyone know if anyone started a blogpost about it ?
Ben Pile was on the case on Twitter but he seems to have stopped blogging.
Maybe Paul Homewood will do something.
Hundreds of top skeptics tweeted about the irony of the prog eg Matt Ridley, David Rose etc.
Apologies if this has been noted but I had to get this down! I watched ‘Sherlock’ on New Year’s Day. Part of the plot was a USB stick had been hidden in a porcelain bust of Margaret Thatcher, part of a limited edition of six copies. A secret agent was burgling the homes of the owners and smashing each of the busts to find the stick.
This enabled the show to feature several shots of Thatcher’s face being smashed in with a hammer or shattering onto a floor. Now, I am pretty sure some Beeboids got together and said ‘how can we get an image of Thatcher’s face being stoved in with a hammer onto the TV and still get away with it.’
Now, maybe it’s paranoia to think this is bias, but can you imagine if it was a bust of Tony Blair, or Nelson Mandela?
Beeboids are like little kids who think they are clever and never grow up .
The sequel will have Moriarty smashing busts of St Jo
Cute they waited until she was long gone for getting brave on their satirical metaphors.
Of course, even if she were still alive, Mrs. T would have give a rat’s pitootie.
The others… Nokias in the stucco.
can you seriously imagine anyone wanting a bust of either of them ?
True. But I have my eye on the Abbott canvas.
Canvas? You’d need a bloody great bell tent – plus flaps!
And can someone tell her that the correct word is ‘Waycialist’, not ‘Waycist’!
I really don’t know what a proper education has come to these days! You have to buy one for your kids I suppose. Ooops…
The funniest plot element in Sherlock was that we were supposed to believe that every member of a group of mercenaries (so expert that they were used by governments) always went on operations carrying a USB stick that would identify every other member of their team.
Even the Beeboids must have seen war films were troops were reminded not to take any personal papers with them because of the possibility that they might be killed or captured.
This Sherlock show is about all the BBC has got left along I suppose with the ludicrously overated Dr Who.
I see the star of the Sherlock show is well known for abusing insufficiently caring left liberal audiences. Good enough reason for anyone to switch off.
The BBC is just poor quality nowadays.
“A couple missing overnight in “Arctic” conditions in the Cairngorms have been found alive.”
Arctic Conditions ! Surely not ?
Global Warming anyone ?
link to above………….
I spent a lot of time on the Cairngorm Plateau in my younger days, but only in summer and the conditions were pretty arctic then . It is not the South Downs !
Bloody Hell Grant! Quite a bit of my misspent youth was spent on the Cairngorms and the South Downs. Winter and Summer. Great Places and the people in the pubs when you descended were terrific.
Wow ! Amazing. Yes, both wonderful in their different ways. As a bird-watcher , it was South Downs for Corn Buntings and the Cairngorms for Snow Buntings. And you are right about the pubs !
Grant, I read your post quickly on my way up the board and when I read it the second time I realised I thought it had said “I spent a lot of time cowering on the Cairngorm Plateau in my younger days”!
Quite right. Not for the ill-equipped or casual stroller.
LOL ! Yes, it can go from summer to winter in 5 minutes. I was lucky that my late father told me , when I was a boy , ” Laddie, you see these mountains ? Show the greatest respect for them , because they have no more respect for you, than I have for any damn politician ” !
Thank goodness they were caught in “Arctic conditions” otherwise they would have been quite cold…
I don’t think the BBC understand irony.
There is this columnist writing in the Daily Malicious, I think his name
is John Littledick, or something like that. I find him amusing He
quite often writes about how events might of been written about in
the past by today’s standards. I like this approach.
I believe for instance Paul Dacre’s Daily Malicious would have
reported the death of Joe Green in January 1901 by writing ” Sig
Giuseppe Verdi the opera composer has died in Milan. His estate at
Santa Agata is worth in excess of 10000000000 Lira.
Now how would of the BBC of today reported the SECOND WORLD WAR ?
” It is reported that Coventry was bombed last night. Up to now we
cannot report on who may of caused the collateral damage. However it
is expected that some mentally ill pilots of central European appearance
may of been responsible.Our special correspondent in Berlin Helmut Streicher
tells us that Herr Goebbels has told him that there were no Axis planes in
the vacinity. As for the damage done to Bethnal Green Underground Station,
our senior foreign reporter Helga Koch has told us that the station was a legimitate
target as there were many Jews cowering there.”
BBC Header
Lib Dems: Bouncing back from the dead in 2017?
The BBC do like their ‘questions’ headlines.
Is there a dead cat in either picture?
The Lib Dems of course have 101 fewer uses.
I guess with Labour in terminal meltdown , the BBC have switched horses to the Lib Dems, ” After their sensational victory in Richmond “. Well, I guess that with their highly intellectual, charismatic, principled leader, er.. cant quite remember his name, the Libs Dems will sweep all before them.
Not forgetting his newly elected GOAT babe, who might be seen again if Andrew Neil retires.
oops, apologies. This was the picture of the Lib Dems back from the dead in the BBC article. Well, not far out was it?
Come to think of it, was Dame Shirley resuscitated or defrosted for another honour this year?
Come off it, GWF, I know a still from The Walking Dead when I see one.
Nobody is stopping these protesters from moving to the EU. If it’s so grand on the Continent why do so may people want to come here? After all we British are in for economic, social and cultural disaster and as “Little Englanders” (detest that phrase) are only looking to reinstate the Empire. Can you be inward looking and still reach out to the rest of the world for trade?! Still, the infants of the left never did understand history, or people and certainly not how the world works.
So, on the day that a poll comes out showing the LDEM’s share of the vote increases from 11% to 12% (+1), and UKIP’s share of the vote increases from 12% to 14% (+2), the BBC decide they should publish an article promoting LDEM.
The one with the yellow hat in the real picture is definitely a future leader.
I thought Lenny Henry had retired after his ‘sort of programme’ around Christmas.
Andy why is he wearing a hat shaped like Big Ben?
Looks like a bunch of typical university students ( Russell group) Trying to access their special safe spaces.
“The move is a victory for campaigners who demanded an end to what they saw as sexist pricing on the high street.”
Is this really worthy news or Al Beeb bias again ?
My wife has been using my ‘sexist’ razor for years .
Trump upturns the ‘libtards’ apple cart?……..
Brilliant stroke from Trump. The girl should sing “Strange Fruit ” ( though won’t be as great Billie Holiday ) to remind the American people that the Democrats supported slavery while the Republicans opposed it. Maybe he could also refer to the lyrics being written by a Communist and they know all about slavery and lynchings !
Slavery and Great Britain ?
This film may also upset the libtard apple cart……….
Brilliant ! No way the BBC would ever show that ! I love her Caribbean accent and they know what this is about. Scum like the BBC can try and rewrite history but they will never succeed.
Thanks Taffman; great ad.
Has it been screened? Great find by the way.
Dover Sentry
I think that it was screened over two years ago but not on Al Beeb.
I want to give it ten likes.
I can never ever see a magnolia tree without remembering that enigmatic line, Grant.
The song is awesome.
Yes. And so many versions, but Billie is the number one for me !
BBC Online News:
“”David Hempleman-Adams urges climate change action after Arctic voyage””
“”The 60-year-old set off from Bristol in June to circumnavigate the Arctic polar region by boat, a trip traditionally taking about three years””
“”His team managed it in four months and one day which confirmed, he said, his “worst fears” about disappearing ice””
It is not possible to reduce your sailing time from 36 months to 4 months circling the Arctic.
To do so, the area of the ice cap would have to diminish by about 70%
Satellite images show that the area of the Arctic has not diminished in 16 years.
The BBC have a duty to question this. Roger Harabin wouldn’t question it. He would end up without a job. He would have to revert to being an ordinary scientist. But….wait a minute…he has no scientific qualification.
The BBC accept global warming as 100% Settled science, you see. No dangers with that attitude are there??
Now, now Dover Sentry, the World’s climate has always changed; that’s all we’re sayin’. Plus of course based on a few decades of dodgy data in the 430 billion year history of our planet we claim, categorically, to know precisely what causes the climate to change and how to control it. So let’s change it to something nice; OK?
Some of us can remember or have been taught about it in good science history lessons, DB, that the USA & the Soviet Empire spent trillions of $, in present day money, during the 1950s and early 1960s trying to control weather as a part function of climate in order to gain battlefield advantage in the event of an East:West conflict. Mankind cannot control climate. Two different sets of scientists, working separately, proved it. The two military powers abandoned the quest.
We may influence climate in a place by, say, building in certain ways in certain concentrations but controlling climate would require so much more than that.
The BBC no longer does good science. Or history. The BBC cannot remember its own programmes. The BBC is badly broken.