In anticipation of another abysmal year funded to the tune of £4Bn, I award the Fake News Site of the Year Award 2017 to the BBC.
Lets see if they prove me wrong.
If there was a news-store then all of the MSM would be by the door in the “Past The Sell By Date bin”
Only Breitbart, Guido and Fox News would be on the “Worth checking Everyday” shelf.
– And then another shelf of specialist blogs like this one and the Climate blogs etc.
The best antidote to the BBC is Jon Gaunt’s daily online radio show.
Scroll down for the latest podcasts and be sure to spread the word. It sounds like it’s becoming a very popular show and he has some big plans for the near future.
Did I hear You and Yours – a consumer programme – using the fake-news epithet yesterday? Was surprised it popped up in such an unusual place. Quickly mumbled by the presenter and the talk moved on. Cannot now remember the context.
I have an uncomfortable feeling that certain parties, political or otherwise, media, religious groups, strains of thought and social actors, may well be labelled as spreading fake-news during 2017 as the BBC tries to make itself appear totally innocent of such things while trying to hang on to its hegemony.
Meanwhile chaos & comedy together with special interest and social intervention pleading appear to be continuing strongly from 5.30am on BBC R4 this morning.
[This should be under joeadamsmith’s post as a reply to Steve Jones above but it appears to have been relegated.]
They seem to have jumped the gun to make sure they are ahead of the rest of the MSM pack.
Take a look at their “reporting” of the Chicago hate crime – you all know what I am talking about.
They stress, time after time, “but BLM (Black Lives Matter) was never mentioned in the videostream”.
Quite correct, BBC “Reporters”, … BUT … very hateful statements were made by the perpetrators about “white people” in general and “Donald Trump” in particular.
Or did you warped, twisted, purveyors of FALSE NEWS aka the BBC never actually realise just what those poor downtrodden black children were actually talking about when they abused a vulnerable person who would never, ever fit into the BBC’s image of an abused minority, no matter how much he had suffered over at least 48 hours???
Go on – ANY SINGLE SOUL FROM THE BBC – dare to come on here and honestly tell me just what your BBC “news” would be leading with for the next week at least, had the perps been white and that had been a black disadvantaged guy being beaten and abused by white perpetrators.
Your bias is sickening. Your bias should be stopped by punitive action. You are unworthy of the title of “News Outlet”. You are a biased, left-wing, snowflake supporting, trigger-warning, shit-stirring, Soros leaning and supported organisation that hates the West and hates Britain in particular.
I thought that the quantity of food sold in supermarkets and the amount of human waste processed at sewage works here in the U.K. now, was that which would be expected for a population in excess of 70,000,000 already?
You know I’ve always known the BBC was lower than a snake’s belly but tonight’s outpouring on BBC news with regards to stud bad boy AKA gangster drug baron whatever you want to call him Yasser Yaqub is an absolute disgrace. Honestly, its coverage is sicking
Utterly disgraceful reporting by the fake news leftist BBC tonight regarding the shooting of Yaqoob – the BBC for some reason leaving out his name Mohammad. The fake news at ten painted him as some sort of saint. Shouldn’t the BBC have faith in our police to make the right decisions in deadly situations or does it deem its views above the rule and process of law investigation? If the victim had been white and British the BBC would have just reported the basics. I am sick of the anti-British pro-EU pro-Islam fake news BBC. It’s been a barage of pro-EU anti-Trump propaganda for the last few months…this despicable leftie hive of scum should be made to fund its own leftie shite. But like the Guardian and pathetic Indie it would vanush like fart in the wibd under private funding.
Yes I’ve neen banned from the Indie ?the Daily Fail and the Guardian. Pathetic rags. I have posted quite a few un-PC posts on all of their comment pages.
I was listening to global news bollocks at 7 the morning after and no mention of this clowns name so alarm bells went off straight away but then the reporter sated that no police officers were arrested. Why say this when you couldnt even give the perps name. Now it looks like he may be painted as another Mark Duggan.
In cases like this the BBC always report that there is going to be an investigation by the IPCC (hope I have got the right abbreviation) as though the police’s reason for shooting was at least suspect and at worst damned unreasonable of them. Mr D gets quite aerated as he shouts at the radio that the investigation is always done in these circumstances.
Years ago, I visited Yellowstone National Park, so was happy to watch a programme about it on BBC2.
Sadly this was yet another doom and gloom climate change propaganda piece.
Particularly noteworthy were comments about the increasingly hot summers, above 30 C, and the early end to Winter, and the incessant year on year temperature increase.
So being a reasonable kind of person, I went online and searched for the Yellowstone climate records.
As far back as 1948, the weather records are hugely variable day to day, month to month, year to year. This variation is far greater than any gradual climate change increase, if indeed there is one. Yet all the animals seem to have survived pretty well these past 60+ years.
So the claims made are complete bollocks.
The bias on the climate change issue continues unabated, deceitful, selective, partial.
Absolutely dreadful journalism and editorial.
But by accepting that this as ‘light entertainment’ you are condoning politically motivated propaganda as something that is enjoyable to watch !!
The sheeple cannot differentiate between the two and will accept the green slimy climate bollocks oozing out of BBC’s orifice every day because it’s got nice pictures and music and that nice Mr Attenborough doing the voiceover.
“Extreme heat from surrounding thermal areas has created a hot spot in Yellowstone National Park, melting a portion of a road and causing temporary closures in the park during the peak summer tourist season.”
LA Times 2014
The last known eruption in Yellowstone – which probably formed the caldera beneath the park – was 650,000 years ago and the resulting ash and debris covered most of north America to a depth of 2m.
The next eruption – uncertain timing, but the depressed ‘cauldron’ is already tilting and has been measured by authentic scientific observation – will firmly establish all current climate change credentials. Applications to closely observe the phenomenon are being organised by a group of like-minded enthusiasts, chaired by Roger Harrabin.
Average temperatures in the park are higher now than they were 50 years ago…
What a coincidence that 50 years ago we were in the middle of a post-war cooling and ‘scientists’ were warning that increasing CO2 emissions were leading us towards another ice age.
But if you compare average temperatures to the 1920s and 30s – how inconvenient that would be, though the likes of NASA are doing their best to ‘adjust’ the historic data to fit their AGW narrative.
Ta Stew-am listening to Nigel now!
Great stuff, and what an antidote to the BBCs current slurry and drive by.
Heard a bit of the 6pm news earlier.
1. Sir Ivan leaves-who knew, who`s ever heard of this fat Trojan Horse for the Moaners and Maniacs. But we get ten minutes(good as) on the crisis that this nomark leaves us all with. Typical BBC bat up its own nightie…as ever.
2. Our drug baron comes to a sticky end up in Huddersfield-Muslim gangsta with a posh yellow car. But the BBC helpfully tell the umma where the torchlight processions could yet be filmed, and in the sole hope that the BBC can “do a Duggan” as they did in Aug 2011.
3. I`d had enough-it`d be Trump, Russia, refugees and Syrian then-and we all knew it here.
Brexit, Islam shillings and drugs, backstairs tittle tattle from Brussels or Labour HQ…will the BBC be telling us anything apart from this crap between now and NEXT New Year?
Nah…ah well, Nigel and Donald should help with the movecol…
Algerian terror suspect linked to Osama Bin Laden wins 21-year legal battle with Home Office to stay in UK
A wheelchair-bound Algerian terror suspect linked to Osama Bin Laden has won his 21-year legal battle to live in the UK in the latest blow to the Government’s efforts to expel foreign jihadists.
The father has repeatedly defeated attempts to deport him despite being accused of helping to send young British Muslims to terror training camps abroad.
Now a judge has ruled that the threat of deportation has affected his mental health and quashed the Home Office refusal to grant him the right to indefinite leave to remain in the UK.
So he is on Benefits, plus all the family, and fighting against deportation using legal aid, provided by our taxes.
This is the usual norm for the UK. Clueless. Proven terrorists given money, a house, and for all I know, funded holidays to the home country, and Hajj.
Lets examine the comments though, and see what people have to say.
Colonel Mustard 3 Jan 2017 8:54AM
The greatest mistake the UK Government and other authoritative bodies make is to regard Islam as “one of the three great Abramic faiths”. It’s nothing of the sort. It masquerades as a religion but in reality it’s even more dangerous in the long term than Nazi Germany. Imams preach peace in English and war in Arabic. We haven’t a hope in hell of winning if we keep letting Islam use our freedoms against us.
Islam is a greater threat to us then Nazi Germany was? No one seems to have taken exception to the comment. Not even mild exception, in a major newspaper, which one can hardly call “Right wing”. No one is shocked.
So its out. But not in the detail we discussed in the thread
They tell us that the great liberal project is under attach from the right and that we are in great danger…..Er no the “great liberal project” is actually a fundimentally flawed failure prone disaster that should never have left the drawing board. Also “the thirties loom other us again” Er no again as the new fascists will be the anti-fascists
Sometimes I feel sorry for governments (Labour and Tory) They have tried, to a greater or lesser extent, to deport people and, time and again, been thwarted by judges…..
The decision to allow the Algerian terrorist trainer to stay was, we discover with a profound lack of surprise, taken by Justice Andrew Collins, and is only one in a long list of contentious decisions he has made. This judge, the son of the notorious Canon Collins of CND (who the older members will well remember), was a thorn in the side of David Blunkett (who eventhually became pretty sound on immigration matters) and of subsequent Home Secretaries. Collins seems to see his role as a supporter of the wishes of illegals against the government, however flimsy their case. He needs his wings clipped.
Don’t know of what to make of it. Is this just another program to normalise Islam in all its depredations? Or is there a change in the environment? Keep in mind that Trump takes over in 16 days.
One can just imagine how the BBC will spin that story though a reliable clue is that Tommy Robinson will get no truth or fairness from the brussels broadcasting corporation
She could win because the Government will instruct the courts to come down heavy on Tommy Robinson.
Remember, the separation of Government from the Judiciary is a fiction here.
Speaking of which, anyone heard anything about the man who put bacon on a mosque door and died in prison? Yeah yeah, we know there will be an official whitewash, but meanwhile, no one in the media are interested. It is not as if he were in jail for murdering a British soldier in London. ,
Grant, I read the Robinson/Allen exchanges briefly. My guess is that Miss Allen was advised by her publicists not to continue and the only way to gracefully bow out was to threaten legal action. ‘You’ll be hearing from my lawyers’ at most will probably just mean some sort of cease-and-desist letter to Mr Robinson, if anything.
One of the good things about Twatter is it reveals the shallowness of most celebrity virtual signalling.
Mr Robinson is not the most polished of public speakers, but he has I believe addressed the Oxford Union and presumably knows a bit about how to argue. Celebrities (and their publicists) generally can’t, and wouldn’t know a straw man from a straw poll, so it’s easy to back them into a corner if you know a little bit about logic and rhetoric.
In fact this may be one reason why the alt.right has risen so much, because so many online lefties have shown themselves to be mere empty vessels making a lot of noise.
I am out of the country at the moment or I could ask my wife who is a lawyer and adviser to the Home Office. My gut reaction is that something will be found in her favour, as they want to nail Robinson.
PS. Mrs G.W.F tells me she has no case at all. Which sounds interesting.
That is interesting. I was thinking of defamation as Tommy implied she was lying but didn’t actually say that. The twitters would make a good case study for student lawyers !
He asked a question, which as far as I’m aware isn’t deformation – unless it were of the ‘what was the name of the child you abused’ type – i.e. the question infers a ‘fact’. Simply asking for the crime reference number is just a question.
I wonder if it is illegal to publish the address ( well addresses of the wealthy of course) who choose to lecture us whilst signalling their misplaced virtue. Then the public would know where to go to give the celebs ,or Trade Unionists who make lives a misery by striking for selfish reasons, or BBC presenters who just lie through their teeth, or Remoaners journalists who refuse to accept democracy, even our robed and bewigged judges, some personal , hand crafted feedback. So much better to discuss things face to face than via electronic media.
In Lils case we could round up a few migrants and leave them in her Cotswold garden for her to mother, they may look strapping twenty somethings to us , but to Lil they are abandoned waifs. Seriously I’m beginning to think that some direct action against the liberal left prominenti may be required to get them to accept the points that we thought that we had made democratically at the ballot box. What a dangerous game they are playing by refusing to accept democratic outcomes.
repost of @DoverSentry from last thread
BBConline-News agonises about top10 headline : Lesbian v Black Woman
”Ellen DeGeneres bans Kim Burrell after homophobic comments”
”Ellen DeGeneres has said Kim Burrell will not appear on her show after the gospel singer made homophobic comments”
“Burrell referred to “the perverted homosexual spirit” during a sermon at a church in Houston, Texas”
Wonder how Mark Longhurst, the sacked Sky host, feels about that ! and it will be interesting to see how the host on this occasion will walk on eggshells around Owen, for fear of their own job in case he does a runner again !
‘The scale of the attacks on women at the city’s central railway station has shocked Germany. About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved.
City police chief Wolfgang Albers called it “a completely new dimension of crime”. The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said.’
Uh oh. The following day and the BBC is now having to back track. Turns out there weren’t any New Year sex attacks in Bangalore after all. Who’d have thought it eh?
The BBC hasn’t given up and is reporting anonymous unsubstantiated claims of harassment, but its an unconvincing attempt to diminish what is so recently a feature of New Year in Germany.
My wife went travelling in India with a female friend. She said they were rushing for a train with their backpacks on and men were grabbing and groping them as they moved down the street. Then on a sleeper train the man on the opposite bunk was staring and masturbating shamelessly.
India has a sex ratio of 940 females per 1000 of males, which is more skewed to the younger generations. That is roughly 50 million men without a potential mate. The uneducated illiterate poorer castes have no chance or ever marrying and given the conservative nature of Indian society almost no chance of sex except for prostitutes.
I’m not excusing any sexual assaults, but they’ve go a major problem on their hands and it is leading to kidnapping of slave brides, rapes, etc. When people can’t even find solace in a family life, no matter how impoverished, people are clearly going to be very angry and may lash out at the perceived ‘source’ of their problems – e.g. ‘stuck up’ women (in reality normal women making rational decisions in their choice of lifetime partner – doctors, not street sweepers).
Can someone please help me?
I seem to have missed all the top 10 Christmas Day programmes watched by millions of other people and the same thing appears to have happened again on Boxing Day.
I read of a celebrity dancing programme won by someone called O-doom (prophetic?) being the most popular.
Over Christmas my news came from France 24 (in English). I confess I did not watch a single one of the BBC programmes, but I did look at the Red Button to check the football and rugby results.
Apparently Charlotte Moore (BBC Director of Content) claimed the BBC ‘entertained the nation on Christmas Day.’
Does my omission disqualify me from making comments on Biased BBC?
I watched the Queens broadcast, that was o.k. I feel certain the BBC didn’t have editorial control of that.
The BBC coverage of Midnight mass used some very odd camera angles that seemed to be designed to make St Chads Cathedral in Birmingham look smaller than it is, can’t think why they did that.
I had better things to do than watch the BBC on Christmas Day.
David. We watched none of the BBc’s “feast” of entertainment over the winterfest apart from some of one of the Winterfest lectures. Most of my televisual entertainment was provided by searching through what was on the Amazon fire stick I was gifted.
There is Press TV from Iran while Press TV and the BBC are both government mouthpeices and both think islam and muslims can do no wrong Press TV makes the BBC look almost balanced and bias free in comparison
“You’re going to say it’s nippy today; I think when you and I and Louise were nippers, I think it was colder then”
BBC sofa male Charlie Stayt brings his no doubt considerable climatalogical expertise to bear this morning so as to precis Carol Kirkwood’s weather forcast.
Or maybe our Charlie has no particular scientific conribution of his own and it is just that the Gobal Warming staff training he’s had there at the BBC made a big impression on the lad.
Maybe he didn’t have central heating as a kid or had a father like mine that would light a fire in the lounge and leave the rest of the house freezing? Or maybe clothes have improved and are now windproof and waterproof with good thermal insulation and he no longer feels cold outside.
Or maybe the group think shill is just parroting the things he reads in the Guardian?
Breakfast still running it’s agenda. A report from Canada suggests living near heavy traffic may increase the chances of Add to dictionary so let’s watch the BBc run it’s agenda through speculation. One observer tells us sensibly it’s an effect but the cause isn’t clear. Of course as we all know it’s down to the satanic evil of the diesel engine and it’s particulate emissions all based on zero evidence.
I’m not a ‘believer’ in the narrative of world ending man made global warming – if it even exists. I do care about the planet and my health, though. Particulates appear to be very harmful to health and I did once read that pathologists can’t identify smokers by looking at the outside of the lungs for people that live in London – all cadavers in London have dark grey lungs, whereas rural non-smokers have pale lungs. Whether that is actually true, I have no idea.
I think we need to get back to the pressing issues facing the planet – i.e. habitat loss, poisonous chemicals entering the water table (e.g. dioxins), plastics clogging up fish gills, poaching, over fishing/hunting, population density, etc. Instead all we hear is bloody CO2 scaremongering.
For those discerning readers who can’t face the prospect of listening to this blatant propaganda here is a precis of what I heard:
1. All people who voted for Brexit are either thick, northern and racist, probably all three.
Over Christmas on BBC Radio 4 Toady I heard an expert say that she was worried about ‘The Tyranny of the Majority’, e.g. Democracy. She went on to say that politicians are in danger of creating laws that concur with the beliefs of the ‘populist’ majority.
Breaking news: Tony Blair is starting up a new organisation (cost £10 million) to combat ‘populism’.
Ta for this Cassandra-heard the second part only last night, so knew it was the usual-“you say populist/we say popular” line that so irks the Guardian hacks like John Harris.
There ought to be a study of these BBC professional northerners who confuse “working class honouring of our roots” with mansplaining all over the BBC and Guardian with their lazy, bought up liberal cant and reflex idiocies and vogues-I think of Terry Christian, Paul Mason, Owen Jones-and(of course John Harris here).
So I listened to the first half for as long as I could take-all I needed to see at the top of his Iplayer feed was “Imagine-The New Truth”.
And that summed it all up-and, as he revisited the Brighton Blair call to be the “political arm of the British People”-and Harris seems to think that THIS was not his lovely Left in action before his very eyes-then I knew he`s learned nothing, so why bother?
Some speak of Blairs “Globalisation as the world is in flux” crap( 2001-2005)-as Harris and his BBC handlers do-but I only see Walter Wolfgang getting strongarmed out like an anti-Hussain goon at the SELFSAME Brighton Conference in 2005…but John Reid saying “soz bruv” next day, as if THAT was all we needed to hear.
Fascism came to the Left in public at that Brighton Conference of 2005-and Harris needed to know THAT was the day we collectively found our Farages and Trumps.
Don`t tell them though-he`ll still be moaning around Stoke or Dagenham to his Guardian acolytes about how Labour needs Cruddas or Chukka….cretinous show, but that famed Guardian/BBC tag team crap they do…as we go to LBC and to Nigel, to Gaunt or to here!
Anyone get the message that this guy is completely out of touch with the people of Great Britain?
Is he trying to shoehorn more immigrants in through the back door? Does he not realise that Canada is a huge country compared to these islands.
The country is full already?
I think that regional immigration policies are a great idea, but I presume the immigrant will be electronically tagged to make sure they stay in Glasgow or whichever region invited them? I also presume that no extra government funding will be made available to local councils, given what an asset unskilled migrants with big families provide?
I would love to see the true figures for fiscal cost/benefit of the immigrants that have come since 2002. I suspect that less than 20% are actually paying their way. I also really like to know what the government finances would look like if we’d only taken people with a job offer paying enough to be a NET benefit. I suspect there would be no housing crisis and no deficit at this point in the economic cycle.
But what do I know? I’m clearly just a bigoted UKIP supporter.
More global warming statistical trickery getting an unexpected helping hand from the BBC:
Young McGrath will get a solid 8 out of 10 from Headmaster Harrabin for this little piece.
With no significant warming since last century, and you know who about to ask some tricky questions Stateside, a previously debunked theory that the missing heat has been hiding in the oceans has been resurrected. The ‘science is settled brigade’ had been in disarray for some time trying to explain the global warming pause in the real world that didn’t appear in their virtual world. First it was there but the heat had disappeared in the sea, then some more sums were done and the pause disappeared, phew. Good old fashioned pantomime stuff. Now with global atmospheric temps on the decline again the heat has been found, again. It was there all the time it was just that the required statistics hadn’t been performed on the ocean temperature data.
Those that follow the global warming comedy circuit will recognise an old trick being redeployed. Old data was cooled and modern data warmed and, hey presto, disaster is back on the agenda.
McGrath even gets in a swipe at politicians for having the cheek to demand emails from scientists who cooked up a previous study. Note for young McGrath, the politicians represent the public that pays for this expensive policy supporting crap.
As well as the El Nino/La Nina events over the hiatus period giving misleading results, especially where the graph temperature axis finishes at the peak of the most recent El Nino, there is also the fact that up until the rollout of temperature buoys across the globe through the Argo project which didn’t complete until around 2007 (and even so, there is only one per thousands – 3? – of sq. kilometres), measurements were sparse and haphazard which was the prime justification for Argo’s approval in the first place. It was something along the lines of ‘so we can better understand the impact of the Earth’s oceans and currents on climate’.
So a ‘settled science’ that was asking for hundreds of millions of dollars for a project that wouldn’t complete until 2007 so it could better understand the impact of the oceans on climate tells us with such authority that it can prove the ocean warming that has occurred since 1998…..
I had the misfortune to watch the News at Ten on BBC last night, while visiting a relation (I do not watch BBC normally). The first article, about the EU ambassador, was one long pessimistic Remainer moan. It really does seem clear to me now that 2016 was the year the BBC finally had to reveal its bias for all to see; it could not stand by and be impartial over Brexit and Trump.
On Socialism Today (bBBC R4 from 6am) we had in quick succession
1. The ‘problem’ of families leaving money to their children – cue thinly veiled attack on government inheritance tax threahold (too high)
2. The problem (not in inverted commas) of the growing gap between total life expectancy and healthy life expectancy (informed in part by dementia) Cue an unchallenged diatribe about the need for more equality, as the middle class get a better time of it.
Yep. The bBBC solution to all our evils is more socialism, and especially more taxes from those who have worked hard.
8:40 interview with BASF Chemicals guy about how EU regulations are so mad all the bio-tech corps have moved out to America.
Then interview stopped being reasonable.
Beeboid : “now Molly Scott Cato MEP Green Party MEP”
MSC : “BASF worship the Devil, eat live babies and have sex with pigs”
Beeboid “Now BASF let me ask you this long question about EU regs”
Mr BASF ” hangon I’d like answer Molly’s points”
Off topic but I just heard an insightful comment from a US conservative (I paraphrase slightly) :
‘According to the mainstream media (read the BBC): if a Leftist wins an election it’s a mandate; if a conservative wins an election they need to heal the divide’
cf. Theresa May’s peculiar New Year talk about pleasing both Leave and Remain voters – how? Then imagine the boot on the other foot – what on earth would a winning Remain side have offered Leavers? Nothing, we know that because Brussels gave nothing to Cameron.
Think about all this divided nation tosh the BBC keeps rabbiting on about. All this Brexit having exposed great divisions talk. It’s straight out of the Leftist media playbook.
I often think that I have tuned into Al Jazeera or some Indian sub continent television channel when switching on to watch a news programme in the evening. Actualy not Al Jazeera because a fair proportion of their presenters are Caucasion.
But maybe I am not being fair to the BBC. Maybe all the ethnic presenters and reporters are better at pronouncing the names of the criminals, terrorists etc ,than any indigenous presenter would be.
Meanwhile it was also reported that dementia levles are higher for people living near busy roads. Now to be fair, not only have the bBBC misreported this story but shamefully the Telegraph also has, but the former has so much more power.
As soon as you put acience and statistics in the eyesight of all the media studies graduate news presenters, they shrivel up and resort to interview questions that would shame most GCSE students.
The researchers have made NO causal connection between the main roads and dementia. This is ONLY a correlation at this point. But the bBBC need an anti-capitalist narrative, so the bare facts are not enough.
What a shame this story and the life expectancy story could not be combined to,provide a proper discussion about how to deal with an ageing population that needs the state and other (young) people’s taxes to look after it.
The BBC do not do science and certainly not statistics. I have not read the study, so do not know how the researchers would exclude all other factors than “busy roads”. Either way, there is no way that any journalist at the BBC would be able to critique any scientific research.
Agreed. But what sticks in my gut is the deliberate misrepresentation.
The guy being interviewed about this on Toady was straight down the line honest. He made no causation claim, indeed went out of his way to explain why other factors (such as under-reporting of dementia by people in rural settings) could be contributing to the statistics.
He also pointed out that factors affecting dementia such as obesity, which most individuals ccan do somethig about, were far more significant than the 12% uplift noted in the study.
But the bBBC need a narrative, so a nice eco-friendly castigation of motorists killing people by causing them to get dementia is so much more important than an unbiased review of the actial facts.
Me? It could be as simple as houses next to busy roads are cheaper, so poorer people tend to live in them, and poorer people are on the whole poor for a reason, which is a lack of intelligence, dedication, self reliance, and committment. Such people may, and on the whole do, take less care about their own health.
Yes, agree. I did not know much about dementia until my mum was diagnosed with it about 6 months ago. There is also a genetical component. But what is disgusting about the BBC generally is that they will use anyone’s suffering to further their political agenda. They do not care anything about humanity.
Sorry to hear that Grant. I’m afraid I have about 10 years experience. Of course, those of us whose loved ones suffer are highly attuned to bollocks from the bBBC on this. For instance I’ve yet to hear anyone mention the TYPE of dementia noted as increasing. Alzheimer’s? Vascular? Other? Combination? These all have different prompts and mechanisms, in addition a genetic component. So which has gone up 12%?
Or is the aim just to guilt thosevwho drive cars and live in more gentle surroundings?
BBC 1 last night, Italys Invisible Cities with Alexander Armstrong and Dr Micheal Scott. First Naples and its Greek and Roman origins.
This is about exploring the ground under cities, using modern technology. Deep under the bustling Naples we discover a massive tunnel dug by the Greeks or Romans two thousand years ago? Actually, no, it was started in 1990 and abandoned in 1994, when the project was massively over budget due to corruption and the money ran out. Guess where the money came from? Well readers on this blog know all too well.
Travel around Italy and marvel at the unfinished motorways in the sky, a kilometre here and another kilometre somewhere else. Someone, or rather more likely a certain Mafia “family” will have run the scam and a blind EU would have funded it.
In Spain we have a new airport, hardly ever used, now closed. Built on productive farmland, taken from the villagers at a cost of one euro per square metre; now unproductive concrete.There are so many similar examples of corruption with massively expensive failed projects that would never have got off the drawing board had they been subject to the most basic scrutiny by a commercial firm having to fund it themselves.
When confronted with reports, after the event, from experts about the waste, corruption and stupidity of what has been going on, the EU hierarchy, as usual in their arrogance dismiss the reports.
Just one of the reasons I voted Leave.
Incidentally, the programme is really worth watching!
Grant there are 22 million reasons as to why the BBC will do any investigation into EU corruption, Namely the £22 million {off our money} that the EU has chucked the BBC since 2007 and no dout further digging would find even more of our money that the EU has bunged the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation over the years
Three cheers for the wonderful folk up in Scarborough.
Their piss take comments about the dramatic crisis of their 3.8 earthquake, satirising do-gooders, doom merchants, and earnest statist solutionists is an absolute joy.
Pictures of upturned plastic chairs and dustbins are captioned with such as ‘Bingo to resume asap’, but my favourite is the picture of Scarborough castle (a ruin) with the caption ‘ harrowing images……hard to believe only yesterday this was a Travelodge’.
Brilliant. But I suspect not quite the response desired by the bBBC newsroom.
I have to admit that I haven’t read it – it’s “premium” content and I’m not prepared to give money to the DT in its present state.
My point is this – if Germany, or any other European country for that matter, wants to avoid a repetition of events of the 1930s, it might be a good idea to avoid destabilising the place and allowing an influx of people who, unlike Jews who were truly German, are genuinely provocative.
It doesn’t take a genius to predict the way this is going to end unless someone gets a grip.
I’ve always thought the conflation of pre-war antisemitism with contemporary ‘Islamophobia’ is ridiculous. There’s a scene in a film, can’t remember which (‘Cabaret’ possibly) where an elderly Jewish gentleman is being persecuted by Nazi brownshirts. In retribution he silently stands outside the brownshirt’s HQ dressed in his First World War uniform and medals.
My point being that Jews in the main contributed greatly to European civilization over many centuries and were not involved in terrorism or attempts to change society to fit their own beliefs and practices.
Concerning the point you are making regarding the “Muslims are the new Jews of Europe” propaganda that’s being put about quite a bit these days, I’d like to expand on that.
This contrived parallel is wrong on several levels.
We have seen Muslims falsely portrayed as victims, going as far as claiming similar status to holocaust victims by wearing the yellow star in protest.
If any of the ultra liberal media clones had spent any time doing Middle Eastern history studies they might have learned that-
Long before Nazis , the yellow badge and other yellow distinguishing clothes were imposed on Jews BY MUSLIMS. It was introduced over a thousand years ago as a symbol of the Jews inferiority under Muslim rule.
The practice of wearing special markings in order to distinguish Jews and other non-Muslims (Dhimmis) in Muslim-dominated countries seems to have been introduced by Umayyad Caliph Umar II in early 8th century. The practice was reinforced by a later Caliph & remained in force for centuries.
A genizah (synagogue storage place) document from 1121 gives the following description of decrees issued in Baghdad:
Two yellow badges [are to be displayed], one on the headgear and one on the neck. Furthermore, each Jew must hang round his neck a piece of lead with the word Dhimmi on it. He also has to wear a belt round his waist. The women have to wear one red and one black shoe and have a small bell on their necks or shoes.
(A dhimmi is a second class, extra-tax paying subject under Sharia Law)
It continued well into the 20th century.
Here’s an example of the justification given in a letter to the head of the Jewish community in Egypt in 1913.
“He must also see to it that their persons are protected by their being humble and lowly and by their bowing their heads in submissiveness to the followers of the faith of Islam, by their giving way to Muslims in the streets… He must also see to it that they bear the Dhimmi badge which has been ordained for them… He should know that their yellow badge is required so that their red blood will not be spilled…”
Then there were the Muslim Nazis during the war quite happy to help Hitler achieve a common goal. (The 13th SS Panzer division of Eastern European Muslims) The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Al Husseini. (Hitlers’ friend).
Hezbollah proudly uses a Nazi salute en masse to demonstrate their cultural enrichment of Lebanon.
Mohammed himself oversaw the beheading of 800 Jews in one night as he began to establish his mass-murder cult.
BUT our left media asks us to believe that Islam means peace & Muslims are eternal victims.
If I was Jewish & living in Europe I would be very alarmed.
And at the risk of adding an obvious one, German Jews in the 1930s did not have a safe Jewish homeland to go to. The future of the rest of Europe was uncertain although many left Germany for neighbouring countries, only to be rounded up later.
Obviously there is no shortage of Muslim “homelands” (other than Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya) but, for some reason, they seem to hold little appeal.
This is the thing that the ‘intelligentsia’ can’t see. They caused Brexit. They created Trump. They are pushing people to vote for fringe parties. If the mainstream won’t act upon genuine and real concerns in a reasonable manner, then people are forced to find an alternative – and by that point they’re ready to listen to the more extreme solutions.
You will never see, hear, or read anything more disgusting, deceitful and cowardly than this article currently headlining the Al Shabeeb webshite (its f*cking disgrace!)
Headline states “Chicago police hold four over live-streamed attack”, with the intial details stating “Four people are held in Chicago for the live Facebook attack of a man with special needs”….I press on, clearly being mislead to believe this is about an attack where the victim having special needs is the relevant detail!! How wrong could I be!!
“The man being assaulted has special needs, police say. His assailants can be heard making derogatory statements against white people and President-elect Donald Trump” – So they are black people attacking a white man because he is white!! Why not just f*cking say it in the title!! These are the very racist, white hating, deviants you constantly do everything to protect and empower you disgusting, traitors, scumbags!!
“In one part of the video they use a knife to remove part of his scalp. Chicago police have described the video as a “sickening” possible hate crime” – WTF!! So hate wasnt involved in the racist, white hating attack?? How is it possible for those working at the Islamic Al Beeb to hate their own skin colour, their own people, so much!! And how is mentioning ‘hate crime’ suggesting that if it is deemed as a ‘hate crime’, it somehow makes this worse!!!! As if being left a rasher of bacon at your door is WORSE than a man being burned, cut, beaten, treated like an animal, all because of the colour of his skin, but because his skin is white, it may not be the worst crime in the mentally ill lefts mind, the ‘hate crime’!!!
This is shocking. Absolutely disgusting, and those involved in putting this article together should be looking up for treason
I don’t support “bacon attacks” because they are childish. They are irrelevant and should not, in themselves, be a crime. If people really are offended, which I doubt, they should sue.
This is a good comment from SBPDL, about the torture of the handicapped white chap, filmed by the four blacks who carried it out, in Chicago.
“Anonymous said…
I predicted a while ago that cell phone cameras would help undermine liberalism as they would provide a raw view of the American Congos that the liberal press does not want Whites to see.
What I did not predict was that Blacks would actually record themselves committing crimes and help make the case against liberalism.
Actually, this penchant of black thugs, or their hangers-on, to film attacks and mayhem is not at all new. An American author, Colin Flaherty, has documented black-on-white/Asian attacks in a whole string of American cities, in his books “White Girl Bleed a Lot” and “Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry”. In each, he has provided links to the evidence of the assault.
Sometimes, it is public CCTV, sometimes a security camera in a store that has been pillaged, but, pretty often, it is mobile phone footage, made by the perpetrators or their friends, put on to the internet. Shamefully, the relevant police departments have failed to investigate many such crimes and local news networks have routinely ignored them, often accusing Colin Flaherty of “racism”, as a pretext for their own inactivity. The truth is that the evidence is readily available, sometimes made so by the criminals themselves.
The present case has received far less attention in the United States than a comparable attack by whites on a black victim would have. In that event, we should have heard incendiary comments from Obama (“If I had a son, he’d look like…”), race-baiting by Al Sharpton (currently pre-occupied with trying to prevent the appointment of Jeff Sessions to US Attorney-General) and outright provocation by the blacklivesmatter crowd. Without a doubt, there would have been several random murders of white people by now.
Don’t expect the BBC to spend much time highlighting the positives of this Cambridge report, which puts the Treasury to shame. Most likely they will unleash Andy Verity or one of his chums to downplay it and then drop it as a news item ASAP.
Tucker reminds me of every BBC interviewer – total waste of interviewing slot, bogged down in interviewer’s ego driven agenda. That said, the other guy is a dick.
I first learned about Paul, Tucker and Milo from this site. They have all brightened up my life. Leftists must really hate them. They are just too clever ! Oh, and I forgot Pat Condell !
Not sure I am so worried about this. Young people tend to rebel against imposed orthodoxy. It failed in the Soviet Union and in many other examples. If the fascists in history were successful, there would be no freedom today .
What I am worried about is that this is child abuse and the same abuse is happening in the UK. I thought there are meant to be laws against child abuse.
Two women shopping in Tesco in their nightwear, and yes they are almost certainly council estate benefits slobs with no self respect.
Some woman who saw them wrote to the store manager expressing her disgust, but compare the stance the paper takes over the two white women to anyone complaining about Muslim women wearing the Jilbab, when it would have described the letter as ‘vile’ (a common leftie adjective).
The defence is made of the Jilbab that people have the right to wear what ever they please, but obviously that is a lie only dragged out to protect the favourite brown eyed boys & girls.
This is racism, pure & simple, different standards are being applied to white people than to others, but it’s all OK because they’re white, and the Fascist left don’t believe you can be racist to white people.
We`ve been doing this in Cardiff for years.
As long as the boys are in the barracks and behind my fluffy onesie-I`ve had no complaints and plenty offers.
Manchester-as ever-is behind the curve-this has been a S.Wales iconic trend now since 2011.
Also-it`s a great way of nicking stuff from the hospital( the Limerick Lop, as it`s called)-if you`re in your nightie you can smuggle a kid in and go through the lockers, if you insist on PJs, then they`ll STILL not fuss as you rummage through the visitors bags.
Can I have my own Channel 5 series now?….
“Seriously. There are bigger things to worry about.”
Yes, strictly speaking, that’s probably true, but what does this behaviour say about what some of us have become? IMO, some modes of behaviour are just plain inferior. I’d ask the relativists who try to justify it: “If you were running a business, would you employ people like this?”. I doubt it because they know perfectly well that the lazy slobbishness would be reflected in their work.
It`s just post-humour, post sense Marion.
These ridiculous issues are only a result of years of liberal implementation of their madness-so any “chav attempts” to mock the agenda and mess with their heads and pretensions is alright by me.
Let a liberal luvvie(as opposes to ourselves) tell us why they`re wrong to flop around OneStop as they`re doing. They can`t.
Same goes for benefit scams and mocking the law and its courts-it goes against all WE stand for-but enjoy the tumbleweed and popped fuses as they realise that their liberal pretensions cause all this if followed through ad adsurdem.
He`s a God of Comedy-we`d not have Trump or Farage if he were not!
A good start to the year I feel. Snowflakes everywhere melting and only 15 days till their worst nightmare takes over in the USA.
Keep up the contempt everyone and never ever give the BBC and the liberal media an even break.
I am so looking forward to watching President Elect Trump’s inauguration.
The bullet-spitting programme planners in the bBeeb must be tearing their hairs out, trying to invent new distasteful terms for their autocue readers to say on the day. It’ll be a great day, and no doubt they’ll use it as a practice run for when Article 50 gets moved a few weeks later.
Watch out, however, for another catastrophe/sleb story to be invented, to divert the biggest story on January 20th. Conspiracy theories are already being considered…
Good point Scroblene.
If I were Macca, Jagger or such-I `d get some extra security.
And , doubtless Clintons Firm are hoping that Dylan will peg it that day. He`s too smart and has a tour here in May, so doubt he`ll agree to this pointed sacrifice-but Stevie Wonder might be daft enough to offer himself.
Hope not…and that it`s the likes of Cher, Sheen or De Niro who are currently calculating the cost/benefits of this grandest of liberal gesture. Suicide Jaegerbombers for Soros maybe?
Extra security for Joni Mitchell please!
“Suicide Jaegerbombers ” !!! Most luvvies seem to be Lefties, but I am not sure about Macca and Mick. As for Stevie, right on on race, but not sure how Leftie he is. Big risk for any black musician to appear , but how about Diana Ross ?
Hoping that Kanye pops up.Messiah complex, but does have a mind of his own-rare in rap culture.
Otherwise it`s Ted and Kid Rock-so air guitars at the ready.
Asked my mum ( 87) how she enjoyed the festive TV as most older folks ( this site excepted, of course) would tend to consider the BBC as the centre piece…….of Christmas viewing entertainment.
She said it was the worst she could remember in living memory and that even she has still enough memory cells to know that BargainHunt with Tim she has probably seen 3 times……….already.
When I told her that the bBC was not for the likes of us hideously white and older anymore she looked bemused …….and simply said
We didn’t watch a single bit of tv this Christmas (except for a few seconds of headlines and the weather)! It was utterly dire, and we’d hoped that at least ‘The Great Escape’ would be on, but no chance.
Plenty of real DVDs around from way back when, and mostly cheap as they’re so old now!
Ta ED.
This is Four Lions type of comedy-and much needed.
Well done Revolting-will watch next week now to see if they`re brave enough to continue this.
I haven’t seen it. But the issue is whether it trivialises the victims of ISIS – such as the Yazidi Christians, the underage girls used as sex slaves and so forth.
The perspective of this comedy show is that of the Jihadi brides not from the perspective of the ISIS victims. The ISIS slaughter and raping is occurring while this show is being aired. As an equivalent it is like airing a comedy show of Nazi brides while the Nazis where waging war on Britain and committing genocide.
I think the BBC is trying to garner sympathy for those British women who are going over to Syria to marry and help sustain the ISIS slaughter / genocide. But as I haven’t seen it I am guessing, but I suspect, knowing what the BBC is, I am not too far wrong. So I think this is just one strand of the BBC propaganda that many of us here have already cottoned on to.
Good thinking there, BBC.
Never though of it like that.
The people who made the show would be lefties as ever-but this is still a rare effort to conflate vacuous Kardashian culture with IS dopes.
Will ask my daughter before she heads back to uni now!
The mannerisms of the girls here is VERY uni these days I`m afraid.
Another rabid labour supporter and general fuckwit gets airtime. Quelle surprise. Didnt he have to take a ‘sabbatical’ from the one show for naughtiness. Looks like hes been rehabilitated. Just waiting for carol thatcher to be back on the one show sofa any day now………………
Lovely Reeta Chakrabarti news anchor for BBC News Channel delivers something of a BBC bombshell at 1pm (well, more like 16 or so minutes past one, this was hardly the top headline) anyway, seems 4 people arrested in Chicargo spoke ‘derogatory remarks against white people’
Apparently the local police are looking into whether a “hate crime” was commited. Look forward to Reeta getting back to us on that one.
My point is this: nowhere in the BBC report was the dread word ‘racist’ spoken. How come?
Yes a racist attack. Or an incident. See the BBC link.
So how can this obvious cruel and vindictive race attack be turned into an anti Trump message by the BBC?
From the BBC Report
‘The incident has provoked a strong reaction on Twitter, especially among alt-right – the fringe group that celebrated Mr Trump’s election win with Nazi salutes’.
Of course, this all gives the Leftists’ game away. Everything depends on who is the victim and who is the perpetrator. There is no principle involved, no concept of humanity or right and wrong. Just use people’s suffering to further your own perverted “ideology”. All fully supported by the vermin at the BBC.
The list of things which anger me about the BBC is a long one. I tried to think of the one which annoyed me the most in 2016 and came up with their decision to erect a statue outside Broadcasting House to George Orwell bearing his famous quote ‘ That if liberty means anything at all it means having the right to tell people what they don’t want to hear’.
The hypocrisy of the BBC in daring to inscribe this quote on the statue is extraordinary even by their own exalted standards. The BBC , long ago, perhaps may just have had a little of Orwell’s respect but not for the past 30 or more years when they have systematically lied to the British people, been proactive in perpetrating the secret Blair mass immigration programme , lead the way in the destruction of our country and now are conniving at overturning the democratic Brexit vote. It is as though they are trying to emulate his Ministry of Truth , Doublespeak and Doublethink to the letter. Orwell may have been a socialist but he would have no truck with the modern BBC, it has become everything he warned about and despised.
There are so many quotes from the great man that are much more fitting to the BBC of the 21st century. For example, particularly for their news service,
‘ The concept of objective truth is fading out of the modern world. Lies will pass into history’.
Or for their determination to destroy the British, particularly the English,
‘ The most effective way to destroy a people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history’.
Or , for their non stop promotion of Islam when everything tells us this is highly dangerous,
‘ So much left wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don’t even know that fire is hot.’
Well said. The BBC of today is everything that Orwell was fighting against. Either they do not realise that, in which case they are stupid or, they do realise that and are dishonest. Either way, to link that great man with the BBC is an insult to his memory.
Having bored you earlier today with a mention and recommendation of a BBC history/archeology programme, Hidden Cities of Italy, I will do say again.
Professor Jeremy Black on BBC4 3rd Jan. ”Why The Industrial Revolution Happened here’
I was a little sceptical, remembering the two part IOT prog. with Melvin Bragg back in 2010.
Melvin was extolling the IR that started in Britain, as something which owed its origins and success to innovation, invention, the idea of free trade, entrepreneurship and the British people. One of the female professors at that point called him a RACIST, (just imagine his face!) she said it was just because we had lots of coal!
In fact Proff. Black made a first rate job of explaining the IR and expanded my knowledge of the subject that I did at A Level some 50 years ago.
As for the claims of the racist screaming female on IOT, well in fact France had as much coal as us; but what they also had in the early 1700s was a an overbearing out of touch controlling monarchy and aristocracy, a system of bureaucracy, that stymied enterprise, and would take years for new ideas for industry to go through the bureaucratic system. One hundred years in one case he quotes.
Out of touch, arrogant bureaucracy? What does that remind you of?
He did mention slavery, but did not spend 90% of the programme on it which is what we normally expect from the BBC.
Another recommendation,
Lefties are a laugh a minute, calling Bragg “him a RACIST, (just imagine his face!) she said it was just because we had lots of coal!”
I guess the west, especially the British and in particular white males are not allowed any praise.
The feminist, Camille Paglia actually thanks men for the Industrial Revolution, which she says enables women to become part of an affluent society. Sorry, why hasn’t this great thinker been on the BBC much? Oh yeh, she hates Hillary and questions man hating feminism.
I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that one of the reasons the Witch Mania of the 17th/18th centuries died down was because those investigating it (magistrates, clergy etc) started to be accused of witchcraft themselves. If arch-liberal luvvies like Lord Bragg are being called racist, it might start them pondering on just what sort of a frankenstein’s monster their generation of 1968 have spawned.
Cranmer, it already happened with Germaine Greer being banned from a university because of her views on people changing gender. There was an old saying about the revolution eating its own. Bring it on!
Must take issue with you on the French quote. French coal production peaked at only 60m tons/year in 1958. We peaked at 300m tons pre WWI.
It forms part of a talk I give on French railways. Their lack of coal to provide traffic was a major reason why the French built their railways on the franchise system with the government building various %ages and then taking bids to complete and operate them. Sound familiar?
Later they just guaranteed a return if private finance built them, a bit like on pv panels recently here, and thousands of miles of never to be profitable lines were built, resulting in massive closures on nationalisation in 1938 when the losses became unsustainable and which make the Beeching cuts look quite modest.
I’m guessing a fair proportion of the usual BBC news editors are still off on leave. There’s some iffy stuff getting through to air. Someone’s brought up the thorny subject of migrants being oblidged to learn English – this seems to be taken as another chance for the BBC to re-launch their pal Chucks Umunna in their report on this story. The line taken in the BBC report appears to be yes, learn English – either before, or after, you come here and yes, it should be free tuition.
Bit of a gaff though when a heavily-accented asian chap in what looked like Stratford (London) put his oar in. It’s not fair because some family members ‘come from villages’ and they are ‘not very literate so it’s hard for them’.
Brightest and the best, eh? This immgration will soon have our economy roaring along – well maybe we’ll employ a few more state-funded basic English teachers. Bit it’s all good, honest.
The BBC solution will be to introduce compulsory education in at least Arabic, Urdu, and an African language for all white Brits under the age of 80. Failure to pass the fluency test after the 5 year programme will be deemed racist and result in imprisoment. The BBC will use the Open University channel for tutorials at a small fee.
It would be quite funny to watch people having to learn Arabic or Urdu script. As for African languages, depends how you define it , but most black African tribal languages that I am aware of do not have their own script or written tradition. To take one , not entirely at random as my wife is Wolof, when Wolof is written , it is written in the Roman alphabet. Which brings us back to English !
I find it rather ironic that in good old ‘racist’ British India, any British person working in the civil service, military or police had to be fluent in at least one Indian language (usually Hindi) and in practice needed to be able to speak another reasonably well (Urdu, Bengali etc).
…….but apart from parliamentary democracy, a legal code, a judiciary, a civil service, and a national railway system, what did the British do for India?
Marion – the stereotype of the arrogant coloniser, though doubtless grounded in some truth, is to my mind exaggerated by western marxists and Indian nationalists (who were themselves to a large extent influenced by western romantic nationalism and revolutionary socialism).
Paul Scott’s series of novels, ‘The Raj Quartet’ explores these ideas quite well as do the novels of John Masters. From the limited time I have spent in India, these ring truer to me than novels such as Forster’s ‘A Passage to India’ which very much set the tone for the ‘correct’ liberal view of India.
And the Leftists never compare the British colonialists with the Dutch, French, Belgian, German, Spanish , Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Russian colonialists. The list is endless. Now why should that be ?
AsI your quote from the Asian chap I think might point to part of the reason why we have so much non EU immigration. Watching Muslim Like Us I was struck when one of the guy’s was talking about his future bride his mum and sister had found for him – his cousin living in Pakistan! Are these brides just rubber stamped and allowed in?
Teachers, English teachers, so many indoctrinated with leftist British are racist views, gravitate towards teaching English as a foreign language eager to work with immigrants. Likely to be first in the queue for teaching posts as they will have the correct political attitudes towards migrants.
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 31, 22:28 Start the Week 31st March 2025 A stupid episode in The Archers recently had nice Mr Malik cancel his family’s Eid firework display out of sensitivity…
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … [img][/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img][/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
In anticipation of another abysmal year funded to the tune of £4Bn, I award the Fake News Site of the Year Award 2017 to the BBC.
Lets see if they prove me wrong.
BBC = Fake-News org of the decade across the world
ABC = Australia regional winner
Don’t forget CBC as runner-up regional winner
CNN aka the Clinton News Network has got to be in with a good chance
If there’s a category for print media, then the New York Times would be hard to beat.
It proselytised so heavily for Clinton that it had to apologise publicly after her defeat.
*New York Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. has admitted his paper underestimated Donald Trump’s support among American voters.
Sulzberger promises to “rededicate ourselves” to the newspaper’s standards of reporting news “honestly,”…*
If that isn’t admitting to fake news, I don’t know what is. But, The Donald doesn’t forget…
If there was a news-store then all of the MSM would be by the door in the “Past The Sell By Date bin”
Only Breitbart, Guido and Fox News would be on the “Worth checking Everyday” shelf.
– And then another shelf of specialist blogs like this one and the Climate blogs etc.
The internet on the “Check every day for special offers” shelf to check and compare facts and falsehoods maybe
The best antidote to the BBC is Jon Gaunt’s daily online radio show.
Scroll down for the latest podcasts and be sure to spread the word. It sounds like it’s becoming a very popular show and he has some big plans for the near future.
Did I hear You and Yours – a consumer programme – using the fake-news epithet yesterday? Was surprised it popped up in such an unusual place. Quickly mumbled by the presenter and the talk moved on. Cannot now remember the context.
I have an uncomfortable feeling that certain parties, political or otherwise, media, religious groups, strains of thought and social actors, may well be labelled as spreading fake-news during 2017 as the BBC tries to make itself appear totally innocent of such things while trying to hang on to its hegemony.
Meanwhile chaos & comedy together with special interest and social intervention pleading appear to be continuing strongly from 5.30am on BBC R4 this morning.
[This should be under joeadamsmith’s post as a reply to Steve Jones above but it appears to have been relegated.]
They seem to have jumped the gun to make sure they are ahead of the rest of the MSM pack.
Take a look at their “reporting” of the Chicago hate crime – you all know what I am talking about.
They stress, time after time, “but BLM (Black Lives Matter) was never mentioned in the videostream”.
Quite correct, BBC “Reporters”, … BUT … very hateful statements were made by the perpetrators about “white people” in general and “Donald Trump” in particular.
Or did you warped, twisted, purveyors of FALSE NEWS aka the BBC never actually realise just what those poor downtrodden black children were actually talking about when they abused a vulnerable person who would never, ever fit into the BBC’s image of an abused minority, no matter how much he had suffered over at least 48 hours???
Go on – ANY SINGLE SOUL FROM THE BBC – dare to come on here and honestly tell me just what your BBC “news” would be leading with for the next week at least, had the perps been white and that had been a black disadvantaged guy being beaten and abused by white perpetrators.
Your bias is sickening. Your bias should be stopped by punitive action. You are unworthy of the title of “News Outlet”. You are a biased, left-wing, snowflake supporting, trigger-warning, shit-stirring, Soros leaning and supported organisation that hates the West and hates Britain in particular.
In the name of God, GO!
10pm-1am Nigel Farage is presenting on LBC
First topic “EU predicts in 2050 UK population will be 77m
Today immigration is still running at record rates”
Now with Co chair of Migration Watch
Thanks StewGreen. Listening now. NF is the master of the media. That’s why they hate him!
I thought that the quantity of food sold in supermarkets and the amount of human waste processed at sewage works here in the U.K. now, was that which would be expected for a population in excess of 70,000,000 already?
You know I’ve always known the BBC was lower than a snake’s belly but tonight’s outpouring on BBC news with regards to stud bad boy AKA gangster drug baron whatever you want to call him Yasser Yaqub is an absolute disgrace. Honestly, its coverage is sicking
Utterly disgraceful reporting by the fake news leftist BBC tonight regarding the shooting of Yaqoob – the BBC for some reason leaving out his name Mohammad. The fake news at ten painted him as some sort of saint. Shouldn’t the BBC have faith in our police to make the right decisions in deadly situations or does it deem its views above the rule and process of law investigation? If the victim had been white and British the BBC would have just reported the basics. I am sick of the anti-British pro-EU pro-Islam fake news BBC. It’s been a barage of pro-EU anti-Trump propaganda for the last few months…this despicable leftie hive of scum should be made to fund its own leftie shite. But like the Guardian and pathetic Indie it would vanush like fart in the wibd under private funding.
It was a fantastic piece of marksmanship. Lovely, tight cluster of bullet holes in the windscreen.
Actually, online INDY is a good read – not for the articles, but the comments are invariably critical about the Indy’s pro-EU etc stance.
Yes I’ve neen banned from the Indie ?the Daily Fail and the Guardian. Pathetic rags. I have posted quite a few un-PC posts on all of their comment pages.
I was listening to global news bollocks at 7 the morning after and no mention of this clowns name so alarm bells went off straight away but then the reporter sated that no police officers were arrested. Why say this when you couldnt even give the perps name. Now it looks like he may be painted as another Mark Duggan.
In cases like this the BBC always report that there is going to be an investigation by the IPCC (hope I have got the right abbreviation) as though the police’s reason for shooting was at least suspect and at worst damned unreasonable of them. Mr D gets quite aerated as he shouts at the radio that the investigation is always done in these circumstances.
Years ago, I visited Yellowstone National Park, so was happy to watch a programme about it on BBC2.
Sadly this was yet another doom and gloom climate change propaganda piece.
Particularly noteworthy were comments about the increasingly hot summers, above 30 C, and the early end to Winter, and the incessant year on year temperature increase.
So being a reasonable kind of person, I went online and searched for the Yellowstone climate records.
As far back as 1948, the weather records are hugely variable day to day, month to month, year to year. This variation is far greater than any gradual climate change increase, if indeed there is one. Yet all the animals seem to have survived pretty well these past 60+ years.
So the claims made are complete bollocks.
The bias on the climate change issue continues unabated, deceitful, selective, partial.
Absolutely dreadful journalism and editorial.
I’m afraid the BBC is now so hopelessly infiltrated and corrupted that its science and wildlife programmes are best taken as light entertainment.
But by accepting that this as ‘light entertainment’ you are condoning politically motivated propaganda as something that is enjoyable to watch !!
The sheeple cannot differentiate between the two and will accept the green slimy climate bollocks oozing out of BBC’s orifice every day because it’s got nice pictures and music and that nice Mr Attenborough doing the voiceover.
Yellowstone NP = place with HOT volcanoes and hot GEYSERS etc.
I can see how 0.02C/decade of global warming could screw that up.
“Extreme heat from surrounding thermal areas has created a hot spot in Yellowstone National Park, melting a portion of a road and causing temporary closures in the park during the peak summer tourist season.”
LA Times 2014
The last known eruption in Yellowstone – which probably formed the caldera beneath the park – was 650,000 years ago and the resulting ash and debris covered most of north America to a depth of 2m.
The next eruption – uncertain timing, but the depressed ‘cauldron’ is already tilting and has been measured by authentic scientific observation – will firmly establish all current climate change credentials. Applications to closely observe the phenomenon are being organised by a group of like-minded enthusiasts, chaired by Roger Harrabin.
Average temperatures in the park are higher now than they were 50 years ago…
What a coincidence that 50 years ago we were in the middle of a post-war cooling and ‘scientists’ were warning that increasing CO2 emissions were leading us towards another ice age.
But if you compare average temperatures to the 1920s and 30s – how inconvenient that would be, though the likes of NASA are doing their best to ‘adjust’ the historic data to fit their AGW narrative.
Its got Humble in it so guaranteed climate change bollocks. Shes famous for it. She is a sheep farmer dont you know.
Ta Stew-am listening to Nigel now!
Great stuff, and what an antidote to the BBCs current slurry and drive by.
Heard a bit of the 6pm news earlier.
1. Sir Ivan leaves-who knew, who`s ever heard of this fat Trojan Horse for the Moaners and Maniacs. But we get ten minutes(good as) on the crisis that this nomark leaves us all with. Typical BBC bat up its own nightie…as ever.
2. Our drug baron comes to a sticky end up in Huddersfield-Muslim gangsta with a posh yellow car. But the BBC helpfully tell the umma where the torchlight processions could yet be filmed, and in the sole hope that the BBC can “do a Duggan” as they did in Aug 2011.
3. I`d had enough-it`d be Trump, Russia, refugees and Syrian then-and we all knew it here.
Brexit, Islam shillings and drugs, backstairs tittle tattle from Brussels or Labour HQ…will the BBC be telling us anything apart from this crap between now and NEXT New Year?
Nah…ah well, Nigel and Donald should help with the movecol…
Absolutely amazing that this can happen
Algerian terror suspect linked to Osama Bin Laden wins 21-year legal battle with Home Office to stay in UK
A wheelchair-bound Algerian terror suspect linked to Osama Bin Laden has won his 21-year legal battle to live in the UK in the latest blow to the Government’s efforts to expel foreign jihadists.
The father has repeatedly defeated attempts to deport him despite being accused of helping to send young British Muslims to terror training camps abroad.
Now a judge has ruled that the threat of deportation has affected his mental health and quashed the Home Office refusal to grant him the right to indefinite leave to remain in the UK.
So he is on Benefits, plus all the family, and fighting against deportation using legal aid, provided by our taxes.
This is the usual norm for the UK. Clueless. Proven terrorists given money, a house, and for all I know, funded holidays to the home country, and Hajj.
Lets examine the comments though, and see what people have to say.
Colonel Mustard 3 Jan 2017 8:54AM
The greatest mistake the UK Government and other authoritative bodies make is to regard Islam as “one of the three great Abramic faiths”. It’s nothing of the sort. It masquerades as a religion but in reality it’s even more dangerous in the long term than Nazi Germany. Imams preach peace in English and war in Arabic. We haven’t a hope in hell of winning if we keep letting Islam use our freedoms against us.
Islam is a greater threat to us then Nazi Germany was? No one seems to have taken exception to the comment. Not even mild exception, in a major newspaper, which one can hardly call “Right wing”. No one is shocked.
So its out. But not in the detail we discussed in the thread
The BBC’s Media Jihad
They tell us that the great liberal project is under attach from the right and that we are in great danger…..Er no the “great liberal project” is actually a fundimentally flawed failure prone disaster that should never have left the drawing board. Also “the thirties loom other us again” Er no again as the new fascists will be the anti-fascists
Sometimes I feel sorry for governments (Labour and Tory) They have tried, to a greater or lesser extent, to deport people and, time and again, been thwarted by judges…..
Who draws up the legislation that judges interpret?
Funny how the Government can easily ban people from entering the country, like Pamela Geller who objects very strongly to Islamic terrorists
The decision to allow the Algerian terrorist trainer to stay was, we discover with a profound lack of surprise, taken by Justice Andrew Collins, and is only one in a long list of contentious decisions he has made. This judge, the son of the notorious Canon Collins of CND (who the older members will well remember), was a thorn in the side of David Blunkett (who eventhually became pretty sound on immigration matters) and of subsequent Home Secretaries. Collins seems to see his role as a supporter of the wishes of illegals against the government, however flimsy their case. He needs his wings clipped.
Poor man has mental health problems but they won’t interfere with him studying in the Open University. Hope he can afford to pay his tuition fees.
And, in reality, the Nazis were not a Global threat , but Islam is.
From BBC2
Don’t know of what to make of it. Is this just another program to normalise Islam in all its depredations? Or is there a change in the environment? Keep in mind that Trump takes over in 16 days.
Lily Allen Lost a Twitter Row with Tommy Robinson and Is Now Threatening Legal Action
One can just imagine how the BBC will spin that story though a reliable clue is that Tommy Robinson will get no truth or fairness from the brussels broadcasting corporation
She is just a petulant ‘wigger ‘
Petulant and just as likely talentless just another nobody trying to push her non-career on the gullible sheeple ?
She is just a petulant ‘wigger ‘
She could win because the Government will instruct the courts to come down heavy on Tommy Robinson.
Remember, the separation of Government from the Judiciary is a fiction here.
Speaking of which, anyone heard anything about the man who put bacon on a mosque door and died in prison? Yeah yeah, we know there will be an official whitewash, but meanwhile, no one in the media are interested. It is not as if he were in jail for murdering a British soldier in London. ,
I am not a lawyer , but what would her claim actually be ? However, agree with you about judiciary.
I love the bit where she blocks Tommy because he is “upsetting” her fans. Opening their eyes more like it !
Grant, I read the Robinson/Allen exchanges briefly. My guess is that Miss Allen was advised by her publicists not to continue and the only way to gracefully bow out was to threaten legal action. ‘You’ll be hearing from my lawyers’ at most will probably just mean some sort of cease-and-desist letter to Mr Robinson, if anything.
A very interesting exchange. Tommy too smart for Lily who came over as rather thick and nasty.
PS and racist !
One of the good things about Twatter is it reveals the shallowness of most celebrity virtual signalling.
Mr Robinson is not the most polished of public speakers, but he has I believe addressed the Oxford Union and presumably knows a bit about how to argue. Celebrities (and their publicists) generally can’t, and wouldn’t know a straw man from a straw poll, so it’s easy to back them into a corner if you know a little bit about logic and rhetoric.
In fact this may be one reason why the alt.right has risen so much, because so many online lefties have shown themselves to be mere empty vessels making a lot of noise.
I am out of the country at the moment or I could ask my wife who is a lawyer and adviser to the Home Office. My gut reaction is that something will be found in her favour, as they want to nail Robinson.
PS. Mrs G.W.F tells me she has no case at all. Which sounds interesting.
That is interesting. I was thinking of defamation as Tommy implied she was lying but didn’t actually say that. The twitters would make a good case study for student lawyers !
He asked a question, which as far as I’m aware isn’t deformation – unless it were of the ‘what was the name of the child you abused’ type – i.e. the question infers a ‘fact’. Simply asking for the crime reference number is just a question.
Sorry Grant I accidentally clicked report instead of the like button. It’s a pain when navigating the page on mobile and whilst having a few pints ?
I wonder if it is illegal to publish the address ( well addresses of the wealthy of course) who choose to lecture us whilst signalling their misplaced virtue. Then the public would know where to go to give the celebs ,or Trade Unionists who make lives a misery by striking for selfish reasons, or BBC presenters who just lie through their teeth, or Remoaners journalists who refuse to accept democracy, even our robed and bewigged judges, some personal , hand crafted feedback. So much better to discuss things face to face than via electronic media.
In Lils case we could round up a few migrants and leave them in her Cotswold garden for her to mother, they may look strapping twenty somethings to us , but to Lil they are abandoned waifs. Seriously I’m beginning to think that some direct action against the liberal left prominenti may be required to get them to accept the points that we thought that we had made democratically at the ballot box. What a dangerous game they are playing by refusing to accept democratic outcomes.
Don’t forget, ladies and gentlemen.
On January the 20th, things will change.
Good luck Mr. Trump. The BBC have you as their target. Are you worried??
I wish the POTUS had the BBC on his target list.
There is hardly any doubt, that the BBC is deliberately, with malice as well Fake truth, out to destroy our relations with our most important ally.
This has to stop. A quiet word from a senior cabinet secretary to the DG of the BBC, is necessary for the good of the country.
BBC’s Dom C knows what really counts as news…
Farage talking on LBC radio this evening.
Excellent listening.
At 23.20 he said that Putin is the most powerful world leader but that will change on the 20th January when Trump is sworn in as President.
Interesting times ahead.
repost of @DoverSentry from last thread
BBConline-News agonises about top10 headline : Lesbian v Black Woman
”Ellen DeGeneres bans Kim Burrell after homophobic comments”
”Ellen DeGeneres has said Kim Burrell will not appear on her show after the gospel singer made homophobic comments”
“Burrell referred to “the perverted homosexual spirit” during a sermon at a church in Houston, Texas”
So that also rules out any muslims appearing on the show unless they are gay.
FFS that c u next tuesday Jones is back on the Sky newspaper review.
How the f has that happened?
Wonder how Mark Longhurst, the sacked Sky host, feels about that ! and it will be interesting to see how the host on this occasion will walk on eggshells around Owen, for fear of their own job in case he does a runner again !
‘Six arrested over New Year sex attacks in Bangalore’
Laughable attempt by the BBC to persuade us that New Year sex attacks are a common phenomenon, not just a problem in Germany.
‘At least six people have been arrested over the sexual molestation of women during New Year’s Eve celebrations in the Indian city of Bangalore.’
Bangalore has a population of 4.3 million. Cologne has a population of 1 million.
‘Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women’
‘The scale of the attacks on women at the city’s central railway station has shocked Germany. About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved.
City police chief Wolfgang Albers called it “a completely new dimension of crime”. The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said.’
And the Indian attacks were Indians on Indians. Also a bit different from Cologne but just as bad.
Uh oh. The following day and the BBC is now having to back track. Turns out there weren’t any New Year sex attacks in Bangalore after all. Who’d have thought it eh?
”No evidence’ of New Year mass sex attacks in Bangalore: Police’
The BBC hasn’t given up and is reporting anonymous unsubstantiated claims of harassment, but its an unconvincing attempt to diminish what is so recently a feature of New Year in Germany.
My wife went travelling in India with a female friend. She said they were rushing for a train with their backpacks on and men were grabbing and groping them as they moved down the street. Then on a sleeper train the man on the opposite bunk was staring and masturbating shamelessly.
India has a sex ratio of 940 females per 1000 of males, which is more skewed to the younger generations. That is roughly 50 million men without a potential mate. The uneducated illiterate poorer castes have no chance or ever marrying and given the conservative nature of Indian society almost no chance of sex except for prostitutes.
I’m not excusing any sexual assaults, but they’ve go a major problem on their hands and it is leading to kidnapping of slave brides, rapes, etc. When people can’t even find solace in a family life, no matter how impoverished, people are clearly going to be very angry and may lash out at the perceived ‘source’ of their problems – e.g. ‘stuck up’ women (in reality normal women making rational decisions in their choice of lifetime partner – doctors, not street sweepers).
Here’s a direct link to today’s other posts.
I hate it when threads die before I’ve finished reading then.
BBC editorial integrity in awesome inanimate third person mode again:
If it’s not a fake stunt video then it’s well twisted.
Can someone please help me?
I seem to have missed all the top 10 Christmas Day programmes watched by millions of other people and the same thing appears to have happened again on Boxing Day.
I read of a celebrity dancing programme won by someone called O-doom (prophetic?) being the most popular.
Over Christmas my news came from France 24 (in English). I confess I did not watch a single one of the BBC programmes, but I did look at the Red Button to check the football and rugby results.
Apparently Charlotte Moore (BBC Director of Content) claimed the BBC ‘entertained the nation on Christmas Day.’
Does my omission disqualify me from making comments on Biased BBC?
I watched the Queens broadcast, that was o.k. I feel certain the BBC didn’t have editorial control of that.
The BBC coverage of Midnight mass used some very odd camera angles that seemed to be designed to make St Chads Cathedral in Birmingham look smaller than it is, can’t think why they did that.
I had better things to do than watch the BBC on Christmas Day.
David. We watched none of the BBc’s “feast” of entertainment over the winterfest apart from some of one of the Winterfest lectures. Most of my televisual entertainment was provided by searching through what was on the Amazon fire stick I was gifted.
Yes, France 24 News much better than the BBC but that would not be difficult.
There is Press TV from Iran while Press TV and the BBC are both government mouthpeices and both think islam and muslims can do no wrong Press TV makes the BBC look almost balanced and bias free in comparison
“You’re going to say it’s nippy today; I think when you and I and Louise were nippers, I think it was colder then”
BBC sofa male Charlie Stayt brings his no doubt considerable climatalogical expertise to bear this morning so as to precis Carol Kirkwood’s weather forcast.
Or maybe our Charlie has no particular scientific conribution of his own and it is just that the Gobal Warming staff training he’s had there at the BBC made a big impression on the lad.
AISI, very interesting weather broadcasts on R4 since 5.30am. “Very cold, coldest night of year for some, as low as -8C.”
Strange, it’s not showing on a quick search around the BBC Weather chart where -4C was the lowest I found. That is also provided by the MetOffice.
Must be due to the warming in the oceans, then. Or is the BBC doing some more fake-news, even in the weather bulletins and forecasts?
It’s -4 here now in Epsom, and there are lots of higher spots further north, I am led to believe.
-5 right here now in Strathearn, Perthshire at about 300 feet asl. But we had much colder weather before christmas
According to Wikipedia, Charlie was was a public schoolboy before “going to Birmingham Polytechnic “. No further info. given.
Maybe he didn’t have central heating as a kid or had a father like mine that would light a fire in the lounge and leave the rest of the house freezing? Or maybe clothes have improved and are now windproof and waterproof with good thermal insulation and he no longer feels cold outside.
Or maybe the group think shill is just parroting the things he reads in the Guardian?
Breakfast still running it’s agenda. A report from Canada suggests living near heavy traffic may increase the chances of Add to dictionary so let’s watch the BBc run it’s agenda through speculation. One observer tells us sensibly it’s an effect but the cause isn’t clear. Of course as we all know it’s down to the satanic evil of the diesel engine and it’s particulate emissions all based on zero evidence.
I’m not a ‘believer’ in the narrative of world ending man made global warming – if it even exists. I do care about the planet and my health, though. Particulates appear to be very harmful to health and I did once read that pathologists can’t identify smokers by looking at the outside of the lungs for people that live in London – all cadavers in London have dark grey lungs, whereas rural non-smokers have pale lungs. Whether that is actually true, I have no idea.
I think we need to get back to the pressing issues facing the planet – i.e. habitat loss, poisonous chemicals entering the water table (e.g. dioxins), plastics clogging up fish gills, poaching, over fishing/hunting, population density, etc. Instead all we hear is bloody CO2 scaremongering.
Went to bed Tuesday night and switched on Radio 4. If this programme doesn’t prove how biased the BBC is, then I don’t know what does.
For those discerning readers who can’t face the prospect of listening to this blatant propaganda here is a precis of what I heard:
1. All people who voted for Brexit are either thick, northern and racist, probably all three.
Over Christmas on BBC Radio 4 Toady I heard an expert say that she was worried about ‘The Tyranny of the Majority’, e.g. Democracy. She went on to say that politicians are in danger of creating laws that concur with the beliefs of the ‘populist’ majority.
Breaking news: Tony Blair is starting up a new organisation (cost £10 million) to combat ‘populism’.
Cassandra: whoops three out of three. Well I am from Sunderland and the 1960s
Ta for this Cassandra-heard the second part only last night, so knew it was the usual-“you say populist/we say popular” line that so irks the Guardian hacks like John Harris.
There ought to be a study of these BBC professional northerners who confuse “working class honouring of our roots” with mansplaining all over the BBC and Guardian with their lazy, bought up liberal cant and reflex idiocies and vogues-I think of Terry Christian, Paul Mason, Owen Jones-and(of course John Harris here).
So I listened to the first half for as long as I could take-all I needed to see at the top of his Iplayer feed was “Imagine-The New Truth”.
And that summed it all up-and, as he revisited the Brighton Blair call to be the “political arm of the British People”-and Harris seems to think that THIS was not his lovely Left in action before his very eyes-then I knew he`s learned nothing, so why bother?
Some speak of Blairs “Globalisation as the world is in flux” crap( 2001-2005)-as Harris and his BBC handlers do-but I only see Walter Wolfgang getting strongarmed out like an anti-Hussain goon at the SELFSAME Brighton Conference in 2005…but John Reid saying “soz bruv” next day, as if THAT was all we needed to hear.
Fascism came to the Left in public at that Brighton Conference of 2005-and Harris needed to know THAT was the day we collectively found our Farages and Trumps.
Don`t tell them though-he`ll still be moaning around Stoke or Dagenham to his Guardian acolytes about how Labour needs Cruddas or Chukka….cretinous show, but that famed Guardian/BBC tag team crap they do…as we go to LBC and to Nigel, to Gaunt or to here!
Sunderland-2016 was the year when we ALL became Makems…and as Manny knows-God Bless the place, hope Moyes keeps you up!
The Economist needs to learn from the BBC how this is done:
Anyone get the message that this guy is completely out of touch with the people of Great Britain?
Is he trying to shoehorn more immigrants in through the back door? Does he not realise that Canada is a huge country compared to these islands.
The country is full already?
I think that regional immigration policies are a great idea, but I presume the immigrant will be electronically tagged to make sure they stay in Glasgow or whichever region invited them? I also presume that no extra government funding will be made available to local councils, given what an asset unskilled migrants with big families provide?
I would love to see the true figures for fiscal cost/benefit of the immigrants that have come since 2002. I suspect that less than 20% are actually paying their way. I also really like to know what the government finances would look like if we’d only taken people with a job offer paying enough to be a NET benefit. I suspect there would be no housing crisis and no deficit at this point in the economic cycle.
But what do I know? I’m clearly just a bigoted UKIP supporter.
More global warming statistical trickery getting an unexpected helping hand from the BBC:
Young McGrath will get a solid 8 out of 10 from Headmaster Harrabin for this little piece.
With no significant warming since last century, and you know who about to ask some tricky questions Stateside, a previously debunked theory that the missing heat has been hiding in the oceans has been resurrected. The ‘science is settled brigade’ had been in disarray for some time trying to explain the global warming pause in the real world that didn’t appear in their virtual world. First it was there but the heat had disappeared in the sea, then some more sums were done and the pause disappeared, phew. Good old fashioned pantomime stuff. Now with global atmospheric temps on the decline again the heat has been found, again. It was there all the time it was just that the required statistics hadn’t been performed on the ocean temperature data.
Those that follow the global warming comedy circuit will recognise an old trick being redeployed. Old data was cooled and modern data warmed and, hey presto, disaster is back on the agenda.
McGrath even gets in a swipe at politicians for having the cheek to demand emails from scientists who cooked up a previous study. Note for young McGrath, the politicians represent the public that pays for this expensive policy supporting crap.
Further to my post about climate change, here is a former BBC science editor’s view on the study:
Can anyone guess why Dr David Whitehouse no longer works for the BBC?
If you are struggling with the question, and I very much doubt you are, here are a couple of clues by way of links:
No wonder the BBC replaced him with the likes of the scientifically and mathematically challenged Harrabin (BA Eng Lit).
As well as the El Nino/La Nina events over the hiatus period giving misleading results, especially where the graph temperature axis finishes at the peak of the most recent El Nino, there is also the fact that up until the rollout of temperature buoys across the globe through the Argo project which didn’t complete until around 2007 (and even so, there is only one per thousands – 3? – of sq. kilometres), measurements were sparse and haphazard which was the prime justification for Argo’s approval in the first place. It was something along the lines of ‘so we can better understand the impact of the Earth’s oceans and currents on climate’.
So a ‘settled science’ that was asking for hundreds of millions of dollars for a project that wouldn’t complete until 2007 so it could better understand the impact of the oceans on climate tells us with such authority that it can prove the ocean warming that has occurred since 1998…..
BBC 5 Live all Lefty, all the time!/story.php?story_fbid=10154955813791108&id=8251776107
I had the misfortune to watch the News at Ten on BBC last night, while visiting a relation (I do not watch BBC normally). The first article, about the EU ambassador, was one long pessimistic Remainer moan. It really does seem clear to me now that 2016 was the year the BBC finally had to reveal its bias for all to see; it could not stand by and be impartial over Brexit and Trump.
Spot on, Cranmer.
I reckon the BBC and the democracy-hating left are now fighting out in the open because they are scared and desperate._
On Socialism Today (bBBC R4 from 6am) we had in quick succession
1. The ‘problem’ of families leaving money to their children – cue thinly veiled attack on government inheritance tax threahold (too high)
2. The problem (not in inverted commas) of the growing gap between total life expectancy and healthy life expectancy (informed in part by dementia) Cue an unchallenged diatribe about the need for more equality, as the middle class get a better time of it.
Yep. The bBBC solution to all our evils is more socialism, and especially more taxes from those who have worked hard.
8:40 interview with BASF Chemicals guy about how EU regulations are so mad all the bio-tech corps have moved out to America.
Then interview stopped being reasonable.
Beeboid : “now Molly Scott Cato MEP Green Party MEP”
MSC : “BASF worship the Devil, eat live babies and have sex with pigs”
Beeboid “Now BASF let me ask you this long question about EU regs”
Mr BASF ” hangon I’d like answer Molly’s points”
Off topic but I just heard an insightful comment from a US conservative (I paraphrase slightly) :
‘According to the mainstream media (read the BBC): if a Leftist wins an election it’s a mandate; if a conservative wins an election they need to heal the divide’
cf. Theresa May’s peculiar New Year talk about pleasing both Leave and Remain voters – how? Then imagine the boot on the other foot – what on earth would a winning Remain side have offered Leavers? Nothing, we know that because Brussels gave nothing to Cameron.
Think about all this divided nation tosh the BBC keeps rabbiting on about. All this Brexit having exposed great divisions talk. It’s straight out of the Leftist media playbook.
I often think that I have tuned into Al Jazeera or some Indian sub continent television channel when switching on to watch a news programme in the evening. Actualy not Al Jazeera because a fair proportion of their presenters are Caucasion.
But maybe I am not being fair to the BBC. Maybe all the ethnic presenters and reporters are better at pronouncing the names of the criminals, terrorists etc ,than any indigenous presenter would be.
Now 5 Live phone in about immigration.
They didn’t post anything on their Facebook page again.
Meanwhile it was also reported that dementia levles are higher for people living near busy roads. Now to be fair, not only have the bBBC misreported this story but shamefully the Telegraph also has, but the former has so much more power.
As soon as you put acience and statistics in the eyesight of all the media studies graduate news presenters, they shrivel up and resort to interview questions that would shame most GCSE students.
The researchers have made NO causal connection between the main roads and dementia. This is ONLY a correlation at this point. But the bBBC need an anti-capitalist narrative, so the bare facts are not enough.
What a shame this story and the life expectancy story could not be combined to,provide a proper discussion about how to deal with an ageing population that needs the state and other (young) people’s taxes to look after it.
12% difference
…. What’s the margin of error ?
One study, in one location proves nothing.
It was a 12 year study , is that long enough ? For a complex slow disease.
Sluff and Stew,
The BBC do not do science and certainly not statistics. I have not read the study, so do not know how the researchers would exclude all other factors than “busy roads”. Either way, there is no way that any journalist at the BBC would be able to critique any scientific research.
Agreed. But what sticks in my gut is the deliberate misrepresentation.
The guy being interviewed about this on Toady was straight down the line honest. He made no causation claim, indeed went out of his way to explain why other factors (such as under-reporting of dementia by people in rural settings) could be contributing to the statistics.
He also pointed out that factors affecting dementia such as obesity, which most individuals ccan do somethig about, were far more significant than the 12% uplift noted in the study.
But the bBBC need a narrative, so a nice eco-friendly castigation of motorists killing people by causing them to get dementia is so much more important than an unbiased review of the actial facts.
Me? It could be as simple as houses next to busy roads are cheaper, so poorer people tend to live in them, and poorer people are on the whole poor for a reason, which is a lack of intelligence, dedication, self reliance, and committment. Such people may, and on the whole do, take less care about their own health.
Yes, agree. I did not know much about dementia until my mum was diagnosed with it about 6 months ago. There is also a genetical component. But what is disgusting about the BBC generally is that they will use anyone’s suffering to further their political agenda. They do not care anything about humanity.
Sorry to hear that Grant. I’m afraid I have about 10 years experience. Of course, those of us whose loved ones suffer are highly attuned to bollocks from the bBBC on this. For instance I’ve yet to hear anyone mention the TYPE of dementia noted as increasing. Alzheimer’s? Vascular? Other? Combination? These all have different prompts and mechanisms, in addition a genetic component. So which has gone up 12%?
Or is the aim just to guilt thosevwho drive cars and live in more gentle surroundings?
BBC 1 last night, Italys Invisible Cities with Alexander Armstrong and Dr Micheal Scott. First Naples and its Greek and Roman origins.
This is about exploring the ground under cities, using modern technology. Deep under the bustling Naples we discover a massive tunnel dug by the Greeks or Romans two thousand years ago? Actually, no, it was started in 1990 and abandoned in 1994, when the project was massively over budget due to corruption and the money ran out. Guess where the money came from? Well readers on this blog know all too well.
Travel around Italy and marvel at the unfinished motorways in the sky, a kilometre here and another kilometre somewhere else. Someone, or rather more likely a certain Mafia “family” will have run the scam and a blind EU would have funded it.
In Spain we have a new airport, hardly ever used, now closed. Built on productive farmland, taken from the villagers at a cost of one euro per square metre; now unproductive concrete.There are so many similar examples of corruption with massively expensive failed projects that would never have got off the drawing board had they been subject to the most basic scrutiny by a commercial firm having to fund it themselves.
When confronted with reports, after the event, from experts about the waste, corruption and stupidity of what has been going on, the EU hierarchy, as usual in their arrogance dismiss the reports.
Just one of the reasons I voted Leave.
Incidentally, the programme is really worth watching!
I get the impression that, generally, the BBC do very little to expose EU corruption !
Grant there are 22 million reasons as to why the BBC will do any investigation into EU corruption, Namely the £22 million {off our money} that the EU has chucked the BBC since 2007 and no dout further digging would find even more of our money that the EU has bunged the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation over the years
Three cheers for the wonderful folk up in Scarborough.
Their piss take comments about the dramatic crisis of their 3.8 earthquake, satirising do-gooders, doom merchants, and earnest statist solutionists is an absolute joy.
Pictures of upturned plastic chairs and dustbins are captioned with such as ‘Bingo to resume asap’, but my favourite is the picture of Scarborough castle (a ruin) with the caption ‘ harrowing images……hard to believe only yesterday this was a Travelodge’.
Brilliant. But I suspect not quite the response desired by the bBBC newsroom.
What is the point of Victoria Derbyshire?
To brainwash housewives.
To make emily Maitless look smart
DT article: “Germany is blinded by the fear that Nazi history will repeat itself”
I have to admit that I haven’t read it – it’s “premium” content and I’m not prepared to give money to the DT in its present state.
My point is this – if Germany, or any other European country for that matter, wants to avoid a repetition of events of the 1930s, it might be a good idea to avoid destabilising the place and allowing an influx of people who, unlike Jews who were truly German, are genuinely provocative.
It doesn’t take a genius to predict the way this is going to end unless someone gets a grip.
I’ve always thought the conflation of pre-war antisemitism with contemporary ‘Islamophobia’ is ridiculous. There’s a scene in a film, can’t remember which (‘Cabaret’ possibly) where an elderly Jewish gentleman is being persecuted by Nazi brownshirts. In retribution he silently stands outside the brownshirt’s HQ dressed in his First World War uniform and medals.
My point being that Jews in the main contributed greatly to European civilization over many centuries and were not involved in terrorism or attempts to change society to fit their own beliefs and practices.
Exactly. Anyone who thinks there is a parallel between the Jews in Europe and Muslims is insane. Or anywhere in the world for that matter.
Concerning the point you are making regarding the “Muslims are the new Jews of Europe” propaganda that’s being put about quite a bit these days, I’d like to expand on that.
This contrived parallel is wrong on several levels.
We have seen Muslims falsely portrayed as victims, going as far as claiming similar status to holocaust victims by wearing the yellow star in protest.
If any of the ultra liberal media clones had spent any time doing Middle Eastern history studies they might have learned that-
Long before Nazis , the yellow badge and other yellow distinguishing clothes were imposed on Jews BY MUSLIMS. It was introduced over a thousand years ago as a symbol of the Jews inferiority under Muslim rule.
The practice of wearing special markings in order to distinguish Jews and other non-Muslims (Dhimmis) in Muslim-dominated countries seems to have been introduced by Umayyad Caliph Umar II in early 8th century. The practice was reinforced by a later Caliph & remained in force for centuries.
A genizah (synagogue storage place) document from 1121 gives the following description of decrees issued in Baghdad:
Two yellow badges [are to be displayed], one on the headgear and one on the neck. Furthermore, each Jew must hang round his neck a piece of lead with the word Dhimmi on it. He also has to wear a belt round his waist. The women have to wear one red and one black shoe and have a small bell on their necks or shoes.
(A dhimmi is a second class, extra-tax paying subject under Sharia Law)
It continued well into the 20th century.
Here’s an example of the justification given in a letter to the head of the Jewish community in Egypt in 1913.
“He must also see to it that their persons are protected by their being humble and lowly and by their bowing their heads in submissiveness to the followers of the faith of Islam, by their giving way to Muslims in the streets… He must also see to it that they bear the Dhimmi badge which has been ordained for them… He should know that their yellow badge is required so that their red blood will not be spilled…”
Then there were the Muslim Nazis during the war quite happy to help Hitler achieve a common goal. (The 13th SS Panzer division of Eastern European Muslims) The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Al Husseini. (Hitlers’ friend).
Hezbollah proudly uses a Nazi salute en masse to demonstrate their cultural enrichment of Lebanon.
Mohammed himself oversaw the beheading of 800 Jews in one night as he began to establish his mass-murder cult.
BUT our left media asks us to believe that Islam means peace & Muslims are eternal victims.
If I was Jewish & living in Europe I would be very alarmed.
Well said. Comparisons to the Holocaust are invidious if not outright obscene.
Spot on. And many Arabs supported the Germans in WW1, but many were not sure which side to take. Maybe hedging their bets.
Excellent points.
And at the risk of adding an obvious one, German Jews in the 1930s did not have a safe Jewish homeland to go to. The future of the rest of Europe was uncertain although many left Germany for neighbouring countries, only to be rounded up later.
Obviously there is no shortage of Muslim “homelands” (other than Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya) but, for some reason, they seem to hold little appeal.
This is the thing that the ‘intelligentsia’ can’t see. They caused Brexit. They created Trump. They are pushing people to vote for fringe parties. If the mainstream won’t act upon genuine and real concerns in a reasonable manner, then people are forced to find an alternative – and by that point they’re ready to listen to the more extreme solutions.
You will never see, hear, or read anything more disgusting, deceitful and cowardly than this article currently headlining the Al Shabeeb webshite (its f*cking disgrace!)
Headline states “Chicago police hold four over live-streamed attack”, with the intial details stating “Four people are held in Chicago for the live Facebook attack of a man with special needs”….I press on, clearly being mislead to believe this is about an attack where the victim having special needs is the relevant detail!! How wrong could I be!!
“The man being assaulted has special needs, police say. His assailants can be heard making derogatory statements against white people and President-elect Donald Trump” – So they are black people attacking a white man because he is white!! Why not just f*cking say it in the title!! These are the very racist, white hating, deviants you constantly do everything to protect and empower you disgusting, traitors, scumbags!!
“In one part of the video they use a knife to remove part of his scalp. Chicago police have described the video as a “sickening” possible hate crime” – WTF!! So hate wasnt involved in the racist, white hating attack?? How is it possible for those working at the Islamic Al Beeb to hate their own skin colour, their own people, so much!! And how is mentioning ‘hate crime’ suggesting that if it is deemed as a ‘hate crime’, it somehow makes this worse!!!! As if being left a rasher of bacon at your door is WORSE than a man being burned, cut, beaten, treated like an animal, all because of the colour of his skin, but because his skin is white, it may not be the worst crime in the mentally ill lefts mind, the ‘hate crime’!!!
This is shocking. Absolutely disgusting, and those involved in putting this article together should be looking up for treason
Agree entirely.
I don’t support “bacon attacks” because they are childish. They are irrelevant and should not, in themselves, be a crime. If people really are offended, which I doubt, they should sue.
This is a good comment from SBPDL, about the torture of the handicapped white chap, filmed by the four blacks who carried it out, in Chicago.
“Anonymous said…
I predicted a while ago that cell phone cameras would help undermine liberalism as they would provide a raw view of the American Congos that the liberal press does not want Whites to see.
What I did not predict was that Blacks would actually record themselves committing crimes and help make the case against liberalism.
Actually, this penchant of black thugs, or their hangers-on, to film attacks and mayhem is not at all new. An American author, Colin Flaherty, has documented black-on-white/Asian attacks in a whole string of American cities, in his books “White Girl Bleed a Lot” and “Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry”. In each, he has provided links to the evidence of the assault.
Sometimes, it is public CCTV, sometimes a security camera in a store that has been pillaged, but, pretty often, it is mobile phone footage, made by the perpetrators or their friends, put on to the internet. Shamefully, the relevant police departments have failed to investigate many such crimes and local news networks have routinely ignored them, often accusing Colin Flaherty of “racism”, as a pretext for their own inactivity. The truth is that the evidence is readily available, sometimes made so by the criminals themselves.
The present case has received far less attention in the United States than a comparable attack by whites on a black victim would have. In that event, we should have heard incendiary comments from Obama (“If I had a son, he’d look like…”), race-baiting by Al Sharpton (currently pre-occupied with trying to prevent the appointment of Jeff Sessions to US Attorney-General) and outright provocation by the blacklivesmatter crowd. Without a doubt, there would have been several random murders of white people by now.
BBC website so far ignoring academic study demolishing negative Treasury forecasts about the impact of Brexit.
If the report had come out with the opposite conclusions, there would be screaming headlines.
Don’t expect the BBC to spend much time highlighting the positives of this Cambridge report, which puts the Treasury to shame. Most likely they will unleash Andy Verity or one of his chums to downplay it and then drop it as a news item ASAP.
I have a new word for the English language – ‘Tuckered’
Media hack gets Tuckered for biased journalism. Tucker Carlson
“Can’t cuck the Tuck”
Kurt seems a shoo in for Head of BBC complaints
Tucker reminds me of every BBC interviewer – total waste of interviewing slot, bogged down in interviewer’s ego driven agenda. That said, the other guy is a dick.
Paul joseph watson driving leftists and liberals nuts 24hrs a day. Makes me smile everytime
I first learned about Paul, Tucker and Milo from this site. They have all brightened up my life. Leftists must really hate them. They are just too clever ! Oh, and I forgot Pat Condell !
Just in case anyone has not met Millenial Millie.
She does good interviews and also gets out to cover news.
We need a few more like this
“Give me the child until he is seven and I will show you the man”
Not sure I am so worried about this. Young people tend to rebel against imposed orthodoxy. It failed in the Soviet Union and in many other examples. If the fascists in history were successful, there would be no freedom today .
What I am worried about is that this is child abuse and the same abuse is happening in the UK. I thought there are meant to be laws against child abuse.
How did Rod Liddle get in at 3 mins?
Not the BBC on this occasion, but a media rag which laughingly describes itself as a newspaper:
Two women shopping in Tesco in their nightwear, and yes they are almost certainly council estate benefits slobs with no self respect.
Some woman who saw them wrote to the store manager expressing her disgust, but compare the stance the paper takes over the two white women to anyone complaining about Muslim women wearing the Jilbab, when it would have described the letter as ‘vile’ (a common leftie adjective).
The defence is made of the Jilbab that people have the right to wear what ever they please, but obviously that is a lie only dragged out to protect the favourite brown eyed boys & girls.
This is racism, pure & simple, different standards are being applied to white people than to others, but it’s all OK because they’re white, and the Fascist left don’t believe you can be racist to white people.
We`ve been doing this in Cardiff for years.
As long as the boys are in the barracks and behind my fluffy onesie-I`ve had no complaints and plenty offers.
Manchester-as ever-is behind the curve-this has been a S.Wales iconic trend now since 2011.
Also-it`s a great way of nicking stuff from the hospital( the Limerick Lop, as it`s called)-if you`re in your nightie you can smuggle a kid in and go through the lockers, if you insist on PJs, then they`ll STILL not fuss as you rummage through the visitors bags.
Can I have my own Channel 5 series now?….
I find some of the comments interesting. Eg:
“Seriously. There are bigger things to worry about.”
Yes, strictly speaking, that’s probably true, but what does this behaviour say about what some of us have become? IMO, some modes of behaviour are just plain inferior. I’d ask the relativists who try to justify it: “If you were running a business, would you employ people like this?”. I doubt it because they know perfectly well that the lazy slobbishness would be reflected in their work.
It`s just post-humour, post sense Marion.
These ridiculous issues are only a result of years of liberal implementation of their madness-so any “chav attempts” to mock the agenda and mess with their heads and pretensions is alright by me.
Let a liberal luvvie(as opposes to ourselves) tell us why they`re wrong to flop around OneStop as they`re doing. They can`t.
Same goes for benefit scams and mocking the law and its courts-it goes against all WE stand for-but enjoy the tumbleweed and popped fuses as they realise that their liberal pretensions cause all this if followed through ad adsurdem.
He`s a God of Comedy-we`d not have Trump or Farage if he were not!
I don’t really see the problem. Their clothes aren’t revealing, so what’s the harm?
A good start to the year I feel. Snowflakes everywhere melting and only 15 days till their worst nightmare takes over in the USA.
Keep up the contempt everyone and never ever give the BBC and the liberal media an even break.
I am so looking forward to watching President Elect Trump’s inauguration.
The bullet-spitting programme planners in the bBeeb must be tearing their hairs out, trying to invent new distasteful terms for their autocue readers to say on the day. It’ll be a great day, and no doubt they’ll use it as a practice run for when Article 50 gets moved a few weeks later.
Watch out, however, for another catastrophe/sleb story to be invented, to divert the biggest story on January 20th. Conspiracy theories are already being considered…
Good point Scroblene.
If I were Macca, Jagger or such-I `d get some extra security.
And , doubtless Clintons Firm are hoping that Dylan will peg it that day. He`s too smart and has a tour here in May, so doubt he`ll agree to this pointed sacrifice-but Stevie Wonder might be daft enough to offer himself.
Hope not…and that it`s the likes of Cher, Sheen or De Niro who are currently calculating the cost/benefits of this grandest of liberal gesture. Suicide Jaegerbombers for Soros maybe?
Extra security for Joni Mitchell please!
“Suicide Jaegerbombers ” !!! Most luvvies seem to be Lefties, but I am not sure about Macca and Mick. As for Stevie, right on on race, but not sure how Leftie he is. Big risk for any black musician to appear , but how about Diana Ross ?
Hoping that Kanye pops up.Messiah complex, but does have a mind of his own-rare in rap culture.
Otherwise it`s Ted and Kid Rock-so air guitars at the ready.
Actually, I wouldn’t really want to see a sleb dead just for the bBeeb to make it a headline…
How about: –
Traffic light out in Oldham…
Man with overdue library book confesses…
Crisis in Civil Service, tea lady has varicose veins diagnosed…
Asked my mum ( 87) how she enjoyed the festive TV as most older folks ( this site excepted, of course) would tend to consider the BBC as the centre piece…….of Christmas viewing entertainment.
She said it was the worst she could remember in living memory and that even she has still enough memory cells to know that BargainHunt with Tim she has probably seen 3 times……….already.
When I told her that the bBC was not for the likes of us hideously white and older anymore she looked bemused …….and simply said
We pay for the Bu**ers!
We didn’t watch a single bit of tv this Christmas (except for a few seconds of headlines and the weather)! It was utterly dire, and we’d hoped that at least ‘The Great Escape’ would be on, but no chance.
Plenty of real DVDs around from way back when, and mostly cheap as they’re so old now!
Anybody been watching this piece of excrement?
I have had a look on YouTube, its a spoof from BBC’s Revolting series.
I cant say I have a problem with it. Why not have a comedy sketch that mocks ISIS and by association the RoP itself! Amazed the Beeb allowed it!!!!
Ta ED.
This is Four Lions type of comedy-and much needed.
Well done Revolting-will watch next week now to see if they`re brave enough to continue this.
I haven’t seen it. But the issue is whether it trivialises the victims of ISIS – such as the Yazidi Christians, the underage girls used as sex slaves and so forth.
The perspective of this comedy show is that of the Jihadi brides not from the perspective of the ISIS victims. The ISIS slaughter and raping is occurring while this show is being aired. As an equivalent it is like airing a comedy show of Nazi brides while the Nazis where waging war on Britain and committing genocide.
I think the BBC is trying to garner sympathy for those British women who are going over to Syria to marry and help sustain the ISIS slaughter / genocide. But as I haven’t seen it I am guessing, but I suspect, knowing what the BBC is, I am not too far wrong. So I think this is just one strand of the BBC propaganda that many of us here have already cottoned on to.
Good thinking there, BBC.
Never though of it like that.
The people who made the show would be lefties as ever-but this is still a rare effort to conflate vacuous Kardashian culture with IS dopes.
Will ask my daughter before she heads back to uni now!
The mannerisms of the girls here is VERY uni these days I`m afraid.
Oh joy of joys, and Indian who thinks he is British is given three hours to bleat about how British TV isn’t Indian enough.
Hardeep Singh Kohli’s Making Himself at Home
Well he and his fellow Indians should set up their own TV channel !
I think he’ll find that India is still quite ….. Indian.
Go figure, as an American would say.
Another rabid labour supporter and general fuckwit gets airtime. Quelle surprise. Didnt he have to take a ‘sabbatical’ from the one show for naughtiness. Looks like hes been rehabilitated. Just waiting for carol thatcher to be back on the one show sofa any day now………………
Lovely Reeta Chakrabarti news anchor for BBC News Channel delivers something of a BBC bombshell at 1pm (well, more like 16 or so minutes past one, this was hardly the top headline) anyway, seems 4 people arrested in Chicargo spoke ‘derogatory remarks against white people’
Apparently the local police are looking into whether a “hate crime” was commited. Look forward to Reeta getting back to us on that one.
My point is this: nowhere in the BBC report was the dread word ‘racist’ spoken. How come?
Why are there more females on BBC named Chakrabarti, than males named Smith?
What happened to quotas?
The Khan quota is currently at limit?
I read the report. This is a blatant racist attack by black racists. Anyone who hates racism, as I do, must condemn it, surely ?
Yes a racist attack. Or an incident. See the BBC link.
So how can this obvious cruel and vindictive race attack be turned into an anti Trump message by the BBC?
From the BBC Report
‘The incident has provoked a strong reaction on Twitter, especially among alt-right – the fringe group that celebrated Mr Trump’s election win with Nazi salutes’.
Of course, this all gives the Leftists’ game away. Everything depends on who is the victim and who is the perpetrator. There is no principle involved, no concept of humanity or right and wrong. Just use people’s suffering to further your own perverted “ideology”. All fully supported by the vermin at the BBC.
The list of things which anger me about the BBC is a long one. I tried to think of the one which annoyed me the most in 2016 and came up with their decision to erect a statue outside Broadcasting House to George Orwell bearing his famous quote ‘ That if liberty means anything at all it means having the right to tell people what they don’t want to hear’.
The hypocrisy of the BBC in daring to inscribe this quote on the statue is extraordinary even by their own exalted standards. The BBC , long ago, perhaps may just have had a little of Orwell’s respect but not for the past 30 or more years when they have systematically lied to the British people, been proactive in perpetrating the secret Blair mass immigration programme , lead the way in the destruction of our country and now are conniving at overturning the democratic Brexit vote. It is as though they are trying to emulate his Ministry of Truth , Doublespeak and Doublethink to the letter. Orwell may have been a socialist but he would have no truck with the modern BBC, it has become everything he warned about and despised.
There are so many quotes from the great man that are much more fitting to the BBC of the 21st century. For example, particularly for their news service,
‘ The concept of objective truth is fading out of the modern world. Lies will pass into history’.
Or for their determination to destroy the British, particularly the English,
‘ The most effective way to destroy a people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history’.
Or , for their non stop promotion of Islam when everything tells us this is highly dangerous,
‘ So much left wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don’t even know that fire is hot.’
Well said. The BBC of today is everything that Orwell was fighting against. Either they do not realise that, in which case they are stupid or, they do realise that and are dishonest. Either way, to link that great man with the BBC is an insult to his memory.
They’re all George Orwell’s ‘fruit-juice drinkers’ at bBeeb’s Wigan Pier studios…
Y’know, the sort in dark bottles, with a little 13% popped in and a quick squirt from a sodastream machine…
Having bored you earlier today with a mention and recommendation of a BBC history/archeology programme, Hidden Cities of Italy, I will do say again.
Professor Jeremy Black on BBC4 3rd Jan. ”Why The Industrial Revolution Happened here’
I was a little sceptical, remembering the two part IOT prog. with Melvin Bragg back in 2010.
Melvin was extolling the IR that started in Britain, as something which owed its origins and success to innovation, invention, the idea of free trade, entrepreneurship and the British people. One of the female professors at that point called him a RACIST, (just imagine his face!) she said it was just because we had lots of coal!
In fact Proff. Black made a first rate job of explaining the IR and expanded my knowledge of the subject that I did at A Level some 50 years ago.
As for the claims of the racist screaming female on IOT, well in fact France had as much coal as us; but what they also had in the early 1700s was a an overbearing out of touch controlling monarchy and aristocracy, a system of bureaucracy, that stymied enterprise, and would take years for new ideas for industry to go through the bureaucratic system. One hundred years in one case he quotes.
Out of touch, arrogant bureaucracy? What does that remind you of?
He did mention slavery, but did not spend 90% of the programme on it which is what we normally expect from the BBC.
Another recommendation,
“she said it was just because we had lots of coal!”
So had South Africa. Lot of use it was before Europeans came along and put it to some use.
Lefties are a laugh a minute, calling Bragg “him a RACIST, (just imagine his face!) she said it was just because we had lots of coal!”
I guess the west, especially the British and in particular white males are not allowed any praise.
The feminist, Camille Paglia actually thanks men for the Industrial Revolution, which she says enables women to become part of an affluent society. Sorry, why hasn’t this great thinker been on the BBC much? Oh yeh, she hates Hillary and questions man hating feminism.
I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that one of the reasons the Witch Mania of the 17th/18th centuries died down was because those investigating it (magistrates, clergy etc) started to be accused of witchcraft themselves. If arch-liberal luvvies like Lord Bragg are being called racist, it might start them pondering on just what sort of a frankenstein’s monster their generation of 1968 have spawned.
Cranmer, it already happened with Germaine Greer being banned from a university because of her views on people changing gender. There was an old saying about the revolution eating its own. Bring it on!
Must take issue with you on the French quote. French coal production peaked at only 60m tons/year in 1958. We peaked at 300m tons pre WWI.
It forms part of a talk I give on French railways. Their lack of coal to provide traffic was a major reason why the French built their railways on the franchise system with the government building various %ages and then taking bids to complete and operate them. Sound familiar?
Later they just guaranteed a return if private finance built them, a bit like on pv panels recently here, and thousands of miles of never to be profitable lines were built, resulting in massive closures on nationalisation in 1938 when the losses became unsustainable and which make the Beeching cuts look quite modest.
I’m guessing a fair proportion of the usual BBC news editors are still off on leave. There’s some iffy stuff getting through to air. Someone’s brought up the thorny subject of migrants being oblidged to learn English – this seems to be taken as another chance for the BBC to re-launch their pal Chucks Umunna in their report on this story. The line taken in the BBC report appears to be yes, learn English – either before, or after, you come here and yes, it should be free tuition.
Bit of a gaff though when a heavily-accented asian chap in what looked like Stratford (London) put his oar in. It’s not fair because some family members ‘come from villages’ and they are ‘not very literate so it’s hard for them’.
Brightest and the best, eh? This immgration will soon have our economy roaring along – well maybe we’ll employ a few more state-funded basic English teachers. Bit it’s all good, honest.
The BBC solution will be to introduce compulsory education in at least Arabic, Urdu, and an African language for all white Brits under the age of 80. Failure to pass the fluency test after the 5 year programme will be deemed racist and result in imprisoment. The BBC will use the Open University channel for tutorials at a small fee.
It would be quite funny to watch people having to learn Arabic or Urdu script. As for African languages, depends how you define it , but most black African tribal languages that I am aware of do not have their own script or written tradition. To take one , not entirely at random as my wife is Wolof, when Wolof is written , it is written in the Roman alphabet. Which brings us back to English !
I find it rather ironic that in good old ‘racist’ British India, any British person working in the civil service, military or police had to be fluent in at least one Indian language (usually Hindi) and in practice needed to be able to speak another reasonably well (Urdu, Bengali etc).
That’s very interesting, Cranmer.
Doesn’t fit in with the stereotype of the arrogant coloniser at all.
…….but apart from parliamentary democracy, a legal code, a judiciary, a civil service, and a national railway system, what did the British do for India?
Marion – the stereotype of the arrogant coloniser, though doubtless grounded in some truth, is to my mind exaggerated by western marxists and Indian nationalists (who were themselves to a large extent influenced by western romantic nationalism and revolutionary socialism).
Paul Scott’s series of novels, ‘The Raj Quartet’ explores these ideas quite well as do the novels of John Masters. From the limited time I have spent in India, these ring truer to me than novels such as Forster’s ‘A Passage to India’ which very much set the tone for the ‘correct’ liberal view of India.
And the Leftists never compare the British colonialists with the Dutch, French, Belgian, German, Spanish , Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Russian colonialists. The list is endless. Now why should that be ?
AsI your quote from the Asian chap I think might point to part of the reason why we have so much non EU immigration. Watching Muslim Like Us I was struck when one of the guy’s was talking about his future bride his mum and sister had found for him – his cousin living in Pakistan! Are these brides just rubber stamped and allowed in?
Classic FM Global Meltdown had the parents of the aspiring footballer/trainee doctor intercepted en route to Glasgow Airport by the rozzers up North.
Dad reckoned he was a sweetheart in fair English.
Mum didn’t say much but made a lot of noise.
“Are these brides just rubber stamped and allowed in?”
Go on, hazard a guess!
Teachers, English teachers, so many indoctrinated with leftist British are racist views, gravitate towards teaching English as a foreign language eager to work with immigrants. Likely to be first in the queue for teaching posts as they will have the correct political attitudes towards migrants.