The BBC coverage of Brexit is dire. They still can’t handle the fact we voted OUT and so they desperately hang on to any lifeline to keep their EU hopes alive. Take the way they cover this story…
Leaders of the devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are to press for a greater role in Brexit negotiations when they hold talks with Theresa May in Cardiff. The Scottish and Welsh governments have produced plans that would allow them to keep full access to the single market. However, they say they have not seen any signs that the UK government is taking their proposals seriously.
Gosh – and WHY might that be, BBC?
Do you think it is because the UK voted to LEAVE the Single Market, the Customs Union and indeed every other facet of the EU. The delusionalists in Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast may wish reality to be different but it isn’t. Yet the BBC does all it can to keep these delusional regional tinpot third rate politicians happy by bigging up their ludicrous agenda.
The “single market” brings no actual benefit to the average person. A recent article in the “Spectator” points out that Wales is one of the poorest areas in Europe, despite having been a part of the “single market”. While acknowledging that there are other factors, too, the bloated and incompetent devolved government in Cardiff being one of them, it asks how Wales could be worse off outside the “single market”:
The Welsh did actually vote to Leave, so the politicians in Cardiff have even less right to ignore the result than Sturgeon has. For any devolved part of the UK to remain in the “single market” would make a nonsense of Brexit, since it would imply a border between that part and England. If Wales, for instance, were part of the “single market”, and were obliged to do a Merkel on unrestricted numbers of immigrants, England would have to rebuild Offa’s Dyke, because it’s pretty obvious the immigrants’ real objective wouldn’t be Llanelli.
In fact, the continentals themselves already seem to have ruled out, in about fifteen different ways, the idea of an a la carte Brexit for Scotland and that would have to apply to Wales and Northern Ireland, too.
“Do you think it is because the UK voted to LEAVE the Single Market, the Customs Union and indeed every other facet of the EU.”
That ignores that the question in the referendum made no such clear-cut point. Given that some non-EU countries have access to the single market and/or the customs union, and some EU member countries are not part of the EUCU, you cannot automatically equate the referendum question on leaving the EU so directly with the single market and customs union.
Indeed, it was the decidedly pro-Brexit Daniel Hannan who was saying things like, “Absolutely nobody is talking about threatening our place in the Single Market,” and “Only a madam would actually leave the Market” in the run-up to the vote.
Back-pedalling to claim that the referendum question answered David Vance’s desires explicitly is to misrepresent the facts so badly that he may as well wear a badly fitting dress and a blonde wig and call himself Kellyanne.
oh dear tomi, guess you didnt listen to anyone at all during the run up to the referendum did you.
The list is endless of those who said “lets be clear” leaving europe means leaving the single market
let me guess you would like a referendum on every single point and process and institution of the EU one by tiresome one.
Little Tomi clearly only listened to Al Beeb, and only before the watershed!
Tomi: “Only a madam…”
Are you sure?
Leave means Leave. Staying in the “single market” isn’t actually an option and would be insane, even if it were. We’d have all the regulation and bureaucracy, the once-in-two-lifetimes trade agreements, plus the Merkelisation of immigration. I voted to Leave all that.
“Tomi: “Only a madam…””
Ah well, I made a typo. Of course that means my point is invalid.
“Staying in the “single market” isn’t actually an option and would be insane,”
“I voted to Leave all that.”
And other people voted Leave but had different ideas as to what leaving would actually mean. Sorry if that concept is too difficult for you to grasp.
Fat fingers or autocorrect again?
Never mind, happens a lot to some.
The referendum made it clear that leaving the EU meant leaving all of it. This attempt to retroactively claim that there’s ‘degrees’ of Brexit is just desperation and you know it.
And your points are invalid because they’re fatuous and you’re nothing more than an attention-seeking contrarian, rather than because of your literacy issues.
Because of course Tomi the intellectually superior Remainers voted for a single reason to stay in the EU …… which was ….
‘I don’t care …. I want my Mummy Juncker !’
Spoken to a number of Remainer friends and colleagues and they can barely articulate a reason to stay other than ‘We know it’s not perfect but we don’t know what’s out there on our own’ … cue blood curdling scream !
Wonder how the other 170 countries mange it … just a thought
Haven’t you got some wailing to do over President Trump?
“Only a madam would actually leave the Market”
Can that really be right?
The EU themselves insisted that a vote to Leave meant leaving the Single Market so claiming nobody mentioned anything about voting Leave meant leaving the Single Market nonsense. Only the Remainers seem to be in a permanent state of confusion over what the Leave Vote entailed. Those who voted Leave certainly suffer from no such confusion and it’s only the Remainers who keep rambling on about it because they didn’t like the result of the Referendum and hope to pretend that Leave really meant Remain.
The vote to leave means extricating ourselves from anything that ties us to EU controlled regulation. It’s that simple and it clearly includes leaving the restrictive “single market” regulations.
Of course we should remember that the Remainers and the ballot paper did not make clear what sort of EU we would be remaining in.
Perhaps some of the advocates of the ‘Remain’ campaign would just tell us just precisely what they understood ‘leaving the EU’ actually meant – and, more importantly, why they believe that.
In the face of all of the ‘fear and panic’ merchants in the ‘Remain’ campaign clearly trying to browbeat the British public to believe that voting ‘Leave’ in the referendum meant that we would be, disastrously in their view, leaving the single market (which obviously does NOT mean stopping trading with the EU), leaving the Customs Union, and leaving the control of the European Legislature, etc., etc. In fact these were their key reasons for wanting to stay in the EU, i.e. so that we would not be leaving these institutions. So, conversely, it is patently obvious that if we did not leave these institutions, then we clearly were not leaving the EU.
Couple that with the key players in the ‘Leave’ campaign also saying precisely the same thing, and this meant that anyone going to vote was absolutely aware of the main consequences of their votes.
I really would like to understand what the ‘Remainers’ really believe the vote was about, if not the above ? But please, I don’t want to hear any more of this ‘departure and destination’ bullsh1t, it really is too pathetic for words.
richard D,
Exactly. And , if we had voted to remain, we would have had no idea of our destination. The Remainers’ “arguments” are intellectually bankrupt.
Remainers and ‘intellectually’ in the same sentence?
LOL ! I was trying to be “moderate”.
I’ve been trying to have adult discourse with these cretins for 6 months now, you can’t argue with stupid.
Cameron, Osborn, Carney and all the other Remainers were explicit that we were voting to be “in” or “out”, and that any half-way house arrangement such as the Norway Option was not an option. If it wasn’t possible then it’s no more possible now.
Remember that the “progressive” Left has an allergy to facts, so it may have escaped their notice that in Cameron’s 9m stg leaflet, it states openly : “Remaining inside the EU guarantees our full access to its Single Market. By contrast, leaving creates uncertainty and risk.”
Some news that may or may not find its way onto the world’s most trusted DNA mutation… or not…
Guessing the BBC might like this one.
This one… not so much?
Maybe folk need to up their game…
Westminster Meeting – How To Influence Parliament, MPs, Ministers & Government
Tuesday, Feb 28, 2017, 6:30 PM
Wilson room
Portcullis House London, GB
94 21st Century Networkers Went
Join us in the House of Commons where with the Parliamentary Out Reach Section of the House of Commons we will be holding a meeting where we can all find out how we can more effectively influence Parliament.GlobalNet21 holds many meetings in the House of Commons but many people are keen to know how they can take the issues discussed further and in…
Check out this Meetup →
Venue still needed. Frankie Howerd was probably booked.
And in similar ‘pr as news’ vein…
WEBINAR -The Psychology of Brexit, Trump & the Rise of the Alt Right
Tuesday, Jan 31, 2017, 7:00 PM
Online Meeting
Own Homes Global, GB
60 21st Century Networkers Went
To participate in this free Webinar, register on the Landing Page at:, the election of President Trump and the rise of so-called populism and the ‘alt-right’ has been a shock to the prevailing groupthink that has dominated politics for decades. In this webinar, Dr Nicholas Beecroft will ex…
Check out this Meetup →
Surely the BBC can send a few?
And here is one to send many a Beeboid keyboard warrior heart aflutter…
I see Hollywood is threatening to go on indefinite strike. Maybe the BBC staff could be persuaded to follow suit?
Would anybody notice??
“The BBC coverage of Brexit is dire. They still can’t handle the fact we voted OUT”
You wont believe me, but I’ve just been watching the local BBC news – North West – and the report was about how a blackpool gold-bullion dealer is the 2nd largest in the UK (up to now, every things fine and dandy) but then, right at the end of the programme the BBC reporter slyly and sneeringly added: The next gold coin to be minted will be “a Donald Trump coin”…..
When all your political futures and hopes lie with Sturgeon, Farron, Heseltine and Corbyn-let alone Miliband and Blair-suffice to say that you`re not really SERIOUSLY going to command anything but BBC types and fellow-cretins.
Enjoy the deliquescence of all their dreams and plans. Be liberal with the salt and slug pellets too.Merciful to all concerned.
Chwarae teg (fair play) cH.
A merciful cull perhaps? Nah – most of them haven’t got a brain.
“Theresa May is “closer” on immigration to voters in Wales than Carwyn Jones, Welsh Secretary Alun Cairns has said.”
Absolutely !
About time we had a referendum on getting rid of the Welsh Assembly. Its just another tier of bureaucracy just like the EU.
What you think Tomi ?
These devolutionist politicians are a joke . They are the false construct of Blairs devolution disaster whose careers are based on biting the English hand that feeds them. The ultimate irony is that this backfired on Labour in Scotland and is beginning to do the same in Wales.
Wales is an economic basket- case. It’s private sector is very weak and it has a bloated public sector whose jobs are funded by taxpayers. It has not and cannot benefit to any meaningful degree from the single market because it’s industrial and export base is so weak. Even EU immigrants don’t rush to settle there because the jobs for them don’t exist. That’s why Wales voted Leave. Welsh Labour please note and see the writing on the wall. Creating a bloated public sector can’t always buy votes after all.
Scotland is in better economic health but my bet is that decades of SNP dictatorship will ruin the Scottish economy. There is very little EU immigration into Scotland for the same reason as Wales and this allows Sturgeon to grandstand on free movement knowing that Scotland will not suffer from its damaging social and cultural effects. The news this morning is that the oil industry will now drain the Exchequer of funds for the remaining life of the oil fields . Bang goes the Salmond-Sturgeon grand economic plan for independence , based on oil tax revenue fantasy.
I think we can safely tell Carwyn James and The Sturgeon exactly where to go, and if Sturgean wants another Referendum on independence I say call her bluff.
Englandexpects, this line is a good summary: ‘There is very little EU immigration into Scotland for the same reason as Wales and this allows Sturgeon to grandstand on free movement knowing that Scotland will not suffer from its damaging social and cultural effects.’ I had been thinking along these lines but hadn’t quite managed to put the theory into words; and of course we won’t ever see it in the mainstream media.
Thanks Cranmer. I don’t think that there’s anything anyone can teach Sturgeon, James or, for that matter, little Timmy Farron, about hypocrisy when it comes to the EU. Ok, so let’s add Clegg and the BBC to that list!
It’s interesting to compare and contrast the bBC at work
They have pressed the nuclear button versus President Trump.
They have pressed the mute button versus the snp.
This, despite the clear evidence that on measurable outputs ( education, [policing,justice, economy and the NHS Scotland is failing
Now the snp are getting near hysterical about Brexit….ergo it must be conclusive proof that the bBC will hang its anti Brexit hat on even this snp, tainted doorknob.