So Prince Charles thinks we are ‘forgetting to learn the lesson of the Holocaust’ in light of Trump’s immigration policy...this from a man who maintains close ties to Muslim fundamentalists, a major part of whose ideology is anti-Semitic and who fund that ideology across the world, including in the UK.
The same Charles who told us that Muslim migrants to Europe were like Mary and Joseph and that Muhammed was merely a peace loving migrant himself…never mind he slaughtered the Jews and conquered and colonised so many countries imposing his oppressive ideology upon them.
Seems the only person who forgets the lessons of history is Charles himself.
And the BBC of course.
They maybe need a reminder….all yours on the new open thread…
Charles is bonkers.
I remember buying a new Bartholomew’s World Atlas from the stationers when I lived in the KSA. On flicking through the pages of countries my eye caught the work of a black permanent marker pen. On closer inspection, I noticed that some Saudi religious official, I imagine, had clearly gone through each and every copy and redacted all and any reference to Israel, including the index at the back. Draw your own conclusions.
That is so pathetic.
The majority of Arab countries wanted to see the state of Israel wiped off the map since its inception (attempts: 3, failures: 3, departed history courtesy BBC Memory Hole some decades ago) – and it is enshrined in the Hamas constitution, a fact also studiously ignored by the BBC.
How can an arab/muslim army fight effectively when it has to stick its arse in the air 5 times a day?
The BBC’s special relationship with our allies is going well.
Just delicious. I posted the whole interview – including her almost-apology to regular viewers for the airing of alternative opinion! – at the end of the previous open thread.
Seb was a friend of mine back in the day, and I am delighted to see he has done so well.
His family escaped from Hungary in 1956, so he is well versed in dealing with Communists, something which must come in handy when being interviewed on the BBC.
Surely the “lesson of the Holocaust” is to avoid empowering anti-Semites, to challenge their every appearance, and treat their literature with circumspection.
I find it incomprehensible that Islam is not challenged on this by the BBC on a daily basis in the same way that others who are suspected of anti-Semitic sympathies always are.
I have heard President Trump (who has a Jewish son in law) compared to Hitler, but I have not heard Sadiq Khan ever questioned on his views on Islamic anti-Semitism.
‘ Prince Charles thinks we are ‘forgetting to learn the lesson of the Holocaust’ ‘
Don’t worry Charlie, some haven’t forgotten.
So obvious yet so buried that it needs to be said again and again. Kudos. WHY does the BBC keep ignoring this??. Selective coverage and selective outrage. Any respect I had with the beeb died with Mr Ben circa 1985ish.
By an extraordinary conjunction of events, the UK is in an exceptionally favourable position vis a vis the most powerful economy in the world and with an anglophile leader, just when we need it most post brexit.
The gods couldn’t have orchestrated it better.
Peterthegreat, I think there is a lot to be thankful for in that Mr Farage met with Mr Trump before even Mrs May did. Farage will have put Trump straight on the UK media bias etc and how it does not represent the majority of UK opinion. I don’t think Trump is like Bush jr, who always seemed to have that vague American cluelessness about Britain. I may be wrong but Trump seems to understand the special relationship and the affinity of the English speaking peoples for one another.
And don’t forget Trump has spent a lot of time here investing in the UK and doing business here. He probably knows more about Britain than any President in history. And certainly a lot more than most Brits, especially snowflakes, know about the US.
Half of the snowflakes shown at these demos, Grant, couldn’t find their arse with both hands, never mind know anything about, well, anything.
Grant, the man, The President of the USA had a British mother.
He`s pretty much one of us!
Half of his DNA is Hebridean and that makes him tough and awkward ! But, yes , he understands Britain and our history, more than most snowflakes. and he is not stupid !
embolden, Grant
A British mother should entitle him to come here, bring his entire extended family and live off benefits with free accommodation.
President Trump certainly knows how shifty and useless SNP politicians are!
Some of Trump’s letters to wee Eck were published. In one he wrote ” Do you want to be known as “Mad Alex “, the man who destroyed Scotland ? “. LOL !
Agreed Cranmer and Grant, but the anti-Trump mob could make his visit to UK very difficult and unpleasant and already MPs are discussing blocking his addressing Parliament etc.
Luckily Trump has thick skin and seems to thrive on adversity. But still – not good for international relations. Morons.
I confess my lack of computer skills is impeding my ability to “fact-check” part of this BBC article on the proposed Donald visit to the UK.
A line caught my attention and a question immediately formed. “A petition calling for the state visit to be cancelled has gathered more than 1.6 million signatures. A rival pro-visit petition has more than 90,000.”
Nowww, my question is this….Are they comparing the long-standing petition to have Our Donald banned from the UK from a very recently formed petition to support his visit?
I hope one can see the profound bias and impression that this line might foster?
Can anyone tell me how I can confirm when each of these two stated petitions started?
Hope you don’t mind me posting this here:
Donald Trump should make a State Visit to the United Kingdom.
Sign the petition!
Done Edward.
In the light of the pro-Trump petition now having reached some 217,500 signatures it’s interesting to see that the BBC have finally deigned to grant it some web space.
Founder of pro-Trump petition ‘proud’ MPs will debate it
Having spent an hour or so this morning making up the list below, and bearing in mind Thoughtful and others comments on the Monday thread, please excuse my repost from the thread:
The BBC obviously didn’t think that 100,000 petition signatures calling for ‘Donald Trump should make a State Visit to the United Kingdom’ was worthy of a report on In the absence of reporting on the Trump petition, here’s a selection of 100,000 signature petitions that the BBC did consider newsworthy.
12 April 2013
Petition signed by 100,000 for Guantanamo detainee
4 September 2015
Refugee petition races above 100,000 threshold
9 December 2015
Petition calling for Donald Trump UK ban passes 100,000
8 April 2016
Petition to stop pro-EU leaflets gets 100,000 backers
‘A vote to leave could mean a decade or more of uncertainty’
12 May 2016
High heels row: Petition gets 100,000 signatures
17 May 2016
What am I supposed to eat now? BBC recipes petition reaches over 100,000
31 May 2016
Student loan payback petition tops 100,000 signatures
21 October 2016
Stabbed police dog ‘Finn’s Law’ petition passes 100,000 names
12 Dec 2016
Boxing Day shopping ban petition being debated by MPs
An online petition urging curbs has attracted more than 100,000 signatures.
and, finally under the Trump travel ban heading:
31 Jan 2017
Amber Rudd: Trump travel ban could help IS
The above web page includes the fake news* reference to ‘A rival petition, arguing that Mr Trump’s trip should go ahead, has attracted more than 150,000 supporters.’
*no petition proposed that Trump’s trip shouldn’t go ahead.
I doubt it but perhaps the BBC will consider 200,000 pro Trump petition signatures will equal the newsworthiness of the ‘high heels row’?
There about 3m Muslims in the UK. So there must be quite a few others, who voted against Donald Trump’s visit to the UK. These people need extreme vetting if they go to the USA. It is obvious that one cant have such people, who wish to have millions more Muslims in the USA, to wander about in the land of the free.
Brillo demolishes Labour MP on his grounds for objecting to President Trump’s temporary ban on travellers on some Muslims entering the USA. At last someone with a lot of common sense and no myopic leftist agenda says what most folk really think. If the BBC has another 50 or 100 journalists like Brillo I might not loath them so much . On second thought 50 to 100 would to be increased by a factor of ten before I could stomach the over mighty , biased, supercilious, arrogant , liberal left to their roots, tax payer funded corporation .
Only by sacking the lot and starting again could they hope to establish any semblance of balance.
The hard leftist culture at the BBC is like dry rot, and like dry rot it spreads relentlessly unless you destroy every trace.
Do idiot MPs have some kind of S&M thing going on when the DP producer calls, or they really of an ‘any publicity’ bent?
Reminded me of Geoffrey Norman MP in the Fast Show – “No, no, your wrong, it’s not, I don’t, no ………….”
Her on the left was sucking a lemon for sure.
Laura Kuenssberg: ‘Good q from Corbyn – ‘PM said she would speak frankly to Trump – what happened ? ‘
Well, I suppose someone somewhere has to think Corbyn is doing a good job. Strange that it should be the top political journo at the BBC.
Has Corbyn stopped all those PMQ questions from ‘Doris in Wallsall about her drains’ and ‘Sid in Rotherham about his day centre closing due to Tory cuts’ etc?
Steady on, Cranmer, I’ve been listening to BBC weather forecasts this morning and can tell you “There’s a 30% chance this area of low pressure will be a named storm, if it is it will be called Doris”
Storm Sid will be here with us later, Tory cuts permitting.
The approach of Storm Donald is the one I’m looking forward to!
Yes they stopped because they found Jeremy was so useless at questioning the Prime Minister that it simply isn’t worth the trouble. This is personally very disappointing for me because I voted for him in the Labour leadership election. In many respects Jeremy is doing exactly what I voted for, wrecking the Labour Party from stem to stern. My concern is that if he is so crap at PMQs it may bring about his downfall before he Has buried the Labour party , driven a stake through its heart and concreted over the grave.
I would simply love to see Corbyn v The Moggster.
I thought our fly-by troll posted yesterday that the BBC is equally biased against the left because they have it in for Corbyn (the only example he could think of, presumably, as he quoted no others).
You still there ‘kebab’?
Want to stay DISINFORMED ?
Keep listening to BBCNews.
News-bite + reporter’s Fantasies = Contructed False-Narratives
R2 Vine coming up after 1.20pm
Vine trialled “Everyone is anti-diesel these days…should we take a moment to celebrate the diesel engine?”
Maybe he can explain why, in the past , “everyone” was pro-diesel.
Wasn’t it that political giant from your neck, Grant, that convinced everyone of the benefits of diesel, one James Gordon Brown?
The “problem” with diesel engines in vehicles, is that tend to be used extensively in cities, public transport, taxis, delivery vehicles, etc., but given the amount of congestion, traffic lights, etc., these engines are not able to run at anywhere near peak efficiency. And doesn’t the bBBC just love to show just how bad the air quality is around these so representative road junctions?
Did you know Rudolf Diesel (inventor of the engine, not the fuel) commited “suicide” on a North Sea Ferry?
Thanks for reminding me of Gordon the Moron. I had almost expunged him from my memory.
wot criticise the blessed genius’s brown and b’liar’s government are you having a laugh
Probably not relevant now as things have moved on but the ” Gordon is a Moron” by Vernon Coleman sets out all of Brown’s stupidities and is a good laugh as well. Not that there is anything funny about the damage he did.
You do the man an injustice, Grant. I think his input into the Brexit referendum was worth more than a few votes for leave camp.
LOL ! As Private Eye would say ” The curse of Broon “.
He’s not one of the Sunday Post Broons is he?
My old mum used to get it every week, she was very fond of “Oor Wullie”.
I think that was what she said.
LOL ! He is not as clever as the Broons you are referring to. Well, as Maggie Thatcher said about Willie Whitelaw “every one should have a Willie “.
Translation of Vines BeeboidSpeak
“Everyone is saying”= Something was in theGuardian and me and my bubbleworld friends just believe it.
Actually it’s more serious than that cos it’s a well known psychological sales technique called anchoring. It frames Vines desire as the NORMAL position when in fact it is not.
1’35pm Radio 2 just had an interesting discussion with the bloke who did BBC4 doco enthusing about diesels.
“Diesel is amazingly efficient and omnipresent …I met a lot of experts who told me how much diesels had been cleaned up so that would be the way to go”
Thicko Vine couldn’t understand the difference between CO2 and pollution so he suggested more biofuel as a solution.
Times is well on the plug Electric cars stop diesel campaign
pg5 Cornwall to evacuate polluted zones
compulsory purchase of homes to get them away from “diesel vehicles”
pg 29 Editorial says see this is what happens when ministers refuse to accelerate pollution measures.
all media now Mail
Electric car manufacturers just can’t make them financially viable – they have to subsidise drivers to be able to sell them – and until they really get batteries sorted out, and with the price of oil likely to stay low, it will stay that way.
But this will be seen by some of these manufacturers as a great way to get the taxpayer to take over the subsidies they’re currently paying, and pay them even more subsidies as well ‘to persuade people to buy them’. Then there’s loads of other infrastructure to be built for them as well – all at taxpayers’ expense, no doubt. Virtue-signalling all round.
A lovely, cash-delivering wheeze for them, no doubt.
I heard something this morning on radio 4 about how if you stood upon a hill somewhere you could look down over London you could see what looked like a haze eminating from the city.
I imagine it’s like the steam rising from a big pile of cow dung..London….isn’t that where the BBC are based?
“everyone is saying” a common media trick… just watch Sean Spicer (President Trumps press secretary) take this line down…
last night he was repeatedly asked a question that began “it`s been reported in the New York Times that….”
….after a couple of goes he just said to the journo… this situation has already been explained, (I paraphrase) and then… “just because the New York Times reported it doesn`t make it a fact. Next!”
Brilliant! you could hear the hiss of deflating media egos over the live feed.
I do have some sympathy for Jeremy Vine. Have you seen the violent thug convicted today of trying to run him off the road? She was driving an unlicensed car and, aged only 22, already has a string of previous convictions including assaults and theft. Her lawyer tried playing the race card, but failed.
She ought to be deported, and take her child with her.
Even a Beeboid does not deserve that. What is amazing is that she tweeted from court that she would do the same thing again or words to that effect. What is wrong with this country ?
I scream abuse at Jeremy Vine every time I see or hear him. Unfortunately he never hears it. 😉
BBC Radio 4 News just: reference to the shootings in Tunisia and the ongoing Inquest. The news reader referred to, the victims being shot by, wait for it, “AN EXTREMIST” no less! That’s a ‘first’ is it not? No Islamic Jihadist slaughterer for the BBC. No! an ‘Extremist’ of no religion not following the diktat of an evil Instruction Book and Islamic Jihad?
in the Times
BBC Virtue Signalling costs helicopter rescue
They sent Frank Gardner to climb a mountain in PNG then he got wheelchair sores so they brought in helicopter and flew him to Australia.
Supreme Court upholds appellant In McCann libel court case.
said to be fair comment
in the Times
BBC Virtue Signalling costs helicopter rescue
They sent Frank Gardner to climb a mountain in PNG then he got wheelchair sores so they brought in helicopter and flew him to Australia.
Supreme Court upholds appellant In McCann libel court case.
said to be fair comment
I’m sure I’ve read your last comment somewhere before!
wronged – are you getting double vision again?
Interesting picture of Frank, on his rare bird hunting Papua, New Guinea to make a BBC documentary, being borne aloft in a sedan chair by some decidedly ethnic ‘beasts of burden’. “This is so much more than just going to see a bird,” Gardner said. “This is in a way a form of closure to my injuries.”
Nice to know our BBC licence fee is being so well spent …
Frank. What a bloody idiot. Having had a close brush with death in the past , he risks his life again in dangerous part of the world. And, yes, we have to pay for his vanity and stupidity. Typical Beeboid.
Yup, too right, and what sort of BBC idiot would have commissioned our Frank to go on a wheelchair sightseeing trip to Papua, New Guinea in the first place. Not exactly wheel chair friendly, never mind any other possible problems (I speak from experience). No, don’t tell me, I know the answer … the usual sort of BBC idiot.
Ref above, my experience of spinal injury and wheelchairs, not of Papua, New Guinea, unfortunately.
Name – Do they still have cannibals there? One can but hope …..
I’m told he makes a lovely stew.
I suppose they sent him to PNG as part of some political statement that there is nothing a person in a wheelchair can’t do. Sadly, the real world proves this is false. It is an act of extreme stupidity to send a wheelchair bound man out into the jungle, and only an organisation composed of virtue signalling idiots would ever have thought differently. Behold the BBC hive mind in action.
They think the whole world is a game show.
Strictly Come Virtue Signalling?
Most of the media take a very sympathetic approach to the McCanns, and attack the police officer.
I checked the Mail and it was the same as other newspapers.
The comments are interesting
Of course, Katie Hopkins has something interesting to say.
Fact remains, however you juggle it – they left their small children unattended. Had this been a single parent who’d gone off down the pub, the reaction would have been quite different.
Typo mate “Most of the media take a very sympathetic approach to the millionare lawyer McCanns …”
Yup, it remains one of the greatest conundrums in the world today.
The BBC et al treat Islam as though it were some harmless minority condition and yet it’s views are as extreme as the people and organisations reviled by the BBC etc..
Islam has no tolerance for, ooh, lets think, all the things the BBC champions.
Except for one thing, the BBC, at every conceivable opportunity, champions Islam.
It’s not merely a view of the BBC, it is a serious case of self harm while proselytising for us to join them in our own destruction.
If an organisation were to set up with the views and practices of Islam – there would be an immediate furore to get it banned. Just like the supposed Alt Right one, that no one had ever even heard of, they banned a little while ago.
If Charles Martel were alive to day, I wonder what he would make of the marches, virtue signalling and all-round hysteria generated by the Left on behalf of Islam simply because the leader of the Free West wants to protect his country from unvetted Muslims from failed states?
The Battle of Tours (often called the Battle of Poitiers, but not to be confused with the Battle of Poitiers, 1356) was fought on October 10, 732 between forces under the Frankish leader Charles Martel and a massive invading Islamic army led by Emir Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi Abd al Rahman, near the city of Tours, France. During the battle, the Franks defeated the Islamic army and Emir Abd er Rahman was killed. This battle stopped the northward advance of Islam from the Iberian peninsula, and is considered by most historians to be of macrohistorical importance, in that it halted the Islamic conquests, and preserved Christianity as the controlling faith in Europe, during a period in which Islam was overrunning the remains of the old Roman and Persian Empires.
Perhaps the BBC could get one of their go-to historians – Mary Beard for instance – to do an educational piece for the nation – you know, to give modern day events a bit of context.
Thought not.
More recent history tells us, quite unequivocally, that you can’t trust the Germans and you can’t rely on the French.
Exactly , it is clear as a bell to anyone with a brain. Thank God we can rely on the plucky Belgians.
Hmmm, I was going to add Belgians but went blank!
Just like their ammo in the Falklands War .
I’m really surprised that there has been no posts about this:
David Cameron ‘tried to get Mail editor sacked’ over Brexit stance.
It now really does become a matter of urgency to find out what discussions were had with the BBC regarding the renewal of its charter – very suddenly & unexpectedly, and whether the odious Cameron did a deal with them in return for supporting remain – a pointless compromise as they would have done that anyway.
Whittingdale came in for a lot of criticism for rolling over on the charter renewal, but it looks more and more as if it wasn’t his decision and he was Cameron’s fall guy.
I almost wrote “whipping boy” but that would have taken the comment in a different direction.
I too suspect that Cameron ,realising the referendum wasn’t going to be walk over , decided to do a deal with the BBC. If you remember back to the GE in 2015 he was incandescent about the pro Labour BBC bias and was reported as saying that he was going to sort them out. Then a few months later Osborne said on the BBC that the corporation had become ‘imperial’ , implying he thought it had fingers in too many pies. Later Whittingdale said that he did not rule out significant changes to the charter such as using part of the LF to partially fund new commercial broadcasters, or even putting in place a time table for subscription. So clearly the mood music was for significant change to the charter. The BBC was busy saying how detrimental all of this was. Then we had an abrupt change of mood and the government gave the BBC most of what it wanted. It seems very likely that Cameron made a pact with the Devil and lost out big time.
The politics of dealing with , i.e.mightily diminishing the influence of, the BBC are challenging. Politicians are scared to death of the BBC . But the BBC have been insulting 52% of its LF payers for over 6 months now , calling us dim, knuckle daggers, racists etc etc .This ought to make millions of them look more critically at the output that they pay for and perhaps many of them will reach the same conclusion as those of us who visit this site, that the BBC is not a fit and proper organisation to receive public funding. The trick is how transform that view into a coherent mass movement so giving the politicians the prompt they need to feel that public opinion is against the BBC and lots of people want it to be cut down to size. Does anyone know how to harvest the resentment of Leave voters over how they have been portrayed by the organisation that they are forced to fund?
I feel that the next H of C is likely to be one with a solid Tory majority, a good level of UKIPMPs, the 10 or so DUP and of course many fewer Labour members. So a much less pro BBC house than for many many years. Even the SNP isn’t likely to die in the last ditch for the BBC unless they are bribed by the corporation of course. If the public mood is against the BBC or at lest not very pro, then there is chance that something will be done to cut the overmighty corporation down to size. We can but hope.
DT that should be presented on some mainstream video broadcast.
Remember the old C4 video box in the days of free speech?
Plausible scenario: If Windfarm Subsidy Cameron tried to cut a deal with the Mail then he probably tried the same with the BBC.
The Quebec shooting has gone a bit quiet. Gone from the BBC main news.
As usual, look elsewhere for news.
This reminds one of Kennedy and the ‘magic bullet’.
The story hasn’t gone completely from the BBC News website as the victims are named and there is a short biography of each. In the interests of balance should not a similar piece have been included on the Australians who were killed when a Muslim used his car as a weapon a few weeks ago? Maybe I missed it.
The Times Will Pavia has a mixed up column “Gunman’s ID sparked fake news” in the pay walled part of this article.
The end smears The Rebel Media
“Ezra Levant is trying to set up a kind of Alt-Right Breitbart”
#1 Breitbart is certainly not Alt-Right it’s just Conservative.
#2 The Rebel is not new and has been established a few years.
Buried away on the BBC is the report that Fox news deletes tweet after Canada complains!
It says more about the snowflakes of Canada that they singled out Fox news for spreading misinformation, when that very information was reported by the police and even broadcast by bBBC.
To go back to the subject of Charles. The man is unpopular and always will be. The elite knows this and as another poster pointed out the invitation to President Trump came from the Queen . I am sure the Queen’s age and health came into it.
Charles is hardly likely to agree with President Trump on anything at all.
Long life to the Queen and may fortune preserve us from Charles.
Amen to that.
There was ‘widespread condemnation’ (that well worn phrase) that P.Trump was vilifying women with crude remarks when overheard in a private conversation years ago, and which resulted in cries of misogyny and street marches.
So, by the same token why didn’t women take to the streets and placard wave, when Charles was taped having a phone conversation where he wished he was an item of womens sanitary wear ?????
Tell me, whats the difference.
Disgustingly rich on unearned wealth, and obscenely barbaric society, in one shot.
Good. Should show this at every opportunity.
4:30pm R4 Media Show
Sarah Sands, new Editor of Today; the PM’s press pack; editors and politicians
Sarah Sands – not Shabheer Sandhu ?
Wake me up when R4 Today recruit a Breitbart staffer.
Quote from her
“We supported Goldsmith cos of air quality,
But since Sadiq has got in he has played a blinder”
She’s had her Beeboid chip inserted.
8pm R4 Moral Maze
” The petition to prevent Donald Trump from making a State Visit to the UK has now got well over a million signatures. Rather like the spinning figures on a petrol pump, you can see the total rising by the hundreds every minute as people register their moral outrage at the President’s executive order banning travel to the US from certain Muslim majority countries. What price should we, as a nation, be willing to pay to make it clear to a foreign nation that their policies are unacceptable? ”
Note that only The Guardian/BBC bubbleworld position is considered
There are oh so many moral dilemmas to debate if the Moral Maze is looking, such as: Is it valid to betray the aspirations and achievements of your forefathers in pursuit of some spurious idea of social justice?
If the BBC think sensible vetting of immigrants and visitors from failed states that are demonstrably hostile is a moral maze…..
….then they truly are imbeciles, moral imbeciles.
It`s the duty of a state to protect its citizens from external threats.
The “moral maze” is why the heck is the British state not doing the same?
What can you say. The snowflakes have melted and all we have left is puddles.
Dave S
Yes, never a truer word spoken.
Did anyone actually listen to the Moral Haze?
I suppose I was the only one stupid enough to do so on BIASEDBBC. Never in my life, and I do mean this sincerely and literally, have I ever heard such delusional drivel from a supposedly serious broadcaster. Trump is an existential threat to the world. Trump is a monster. There will be wars. We are threatened by America and Putin. Rev. Giles seems to be a modern version of the religious nutters who used to go around with sandwich boards proclaiming “The End is Nigh”. Repent ye and follow the path of righteousness. I was sceptical years ago when I read many people committed suicide after the execution of Charles I, as the world as they knew it had disintegrated. Brexit and Trump really do seem to have driven this type of person over the edge. The Queen should respect the feelings of her treasured Muslims who would be discombobulated by the Trump presence. What healthy mind comes up with this infantile crap?
Muslims, good democrats, are renowned for voting multiple times.
Long live the Queen! I am hoping Charles will never get the throne.
Considering his privileged life, he has no excuse to be so ignorant.
He owes it to the nation he is meant to serve to take an interest in it’s preservation.
With the monarchy he will inherit the title “Head of The Church of England”.
Head of the Church? What? That spineless, clueless wimp!
I hope William is more clued in than his father. What are the chances though?
Rather a republic than Charles.
A matter of opinion.
Charles is 68, reign likely to be limited. We’d have a succession of presidents from abolition onward. There’d be no going back.
President Cameron/Blair/Kinnock/Clarke/Beckham? A ridiculous compromise as in Germany? Be careful what you wish for.
Of those likely to actually get the job in practice (forget Farage), who would you favour?
So far as being head of the CofE is concerned, who actually cares? It’s dying anyway.
Dave S,
Sorry , but even rather Charles than a Republic !
Spot on there with Beckham. Those mainly under 30 who are obsessed with slebs would indeed vote for a President Beckham/Cowell/Barlow or even Ant&Dec such is the intelligence of Joe Public. And judging by the any-age grinning gawkers in the background when a sleb is being outside interviewed, there are many over 30 who would do the same. We are in despair.
You only have to look down the right-hand side of the Mail Online, and there will be pics of every sleb going, in various stages of undress, fat arses, and you can bet that they’ll all get votes from the kids.
There was a bit on R5 news early today, where some screeching girl said that Beyonder or whatever her name is was expecting twins, and ‘after all the awful news we’ve bin ‘aving for ages, this is just greeeeeeeeat’!
Hopefully she isn’t old enough to vote yet!
Sir Nigel Farage today butchered the EU Parliament. He stood there and delivered salvo after salvo.
A snowflake MEP sat behind him held up an A4 piece of paper with ‘He is Lying’ crayoned on.
A joy to see, especially as it was broadcast by the BBC.
I’ve now discovered that the snowflake with the crayon is Seb Dance, Labour MEP for London.
Dance, with such talent he could go far – maybe even top of a pre-school nursery class?
What a childish twat! Soon to be out of a job anyway.
This pillock, with the IQ of a primary school-kid, is apparently a very-well-paid EU MEP who sits on a couple of committees (and who in the EU doesn’t, there are so damned many of these talking shops, designed to try to convince us these people are actually doing things for our benefit). He’s also apparently a ‘shadow rapporteur’ on a couple of other issues ????? Not quite knowing what a ‘shadow rapporteur’ is, I looked it up and found in the eu abc the following little ditty…
“A rapporteur is responsable (sic) for a certain topic on behalf of a committee in the European Parliament. Each political group may then have a shadow rapporteur to negotiate the topic with the rapporteur.”
Oh, that sounds like a really beneficial use of the money we send to the EU, then.
And that’s it – otherwise he sits there raking in the coin, and not seeming to achieve anything.
Sorry – Wikipedia does record one achievement – something he’s actually done – and that’s sitting with a really childish sign behind another MEP who’s actually done something for Britain. Yep – his achievement has already been added to his Wikipedia profile.
I am no supporter of Nigel Farage, but this dimwit Dance really is taking the proverbial with this sort of behaviour. Time he graduated to long trousers for a change.
Jeez, what a guy (sorry – expensive nonentity) !
Unfortunately, I think he was also picking his nose…
Seems the BBC’s main source of opinion has decided it was quite the prank.
Nigel Farage just got trolled in the European Parliament
But precedent is an interesting genie to unleash from the bottle. Banners hanging from cranes like Iranian alternative lifestyle victims behind the White House, this… what next?
Beyond Labour confirming it is inhabited by a kindergarten remedial class, I look forward to the BBC fact checking unit going through the ‘lies’ he was claimed to be making, and then get Andrew Neil to discuss these in detail with the well paid UK constituency representative Mr. Dance.
Sorry, I just have to say it again – All those, remainers, SJWs and the heartbroken should go make a new life, escape the tyranny and go be ‘refugees’ in their Euro paradise.
The BBC are running this story and had it linked from their frontpage as a major story. It’s entirely of zero news content & merely propagates an execrable slur. What complete feckers the BBC are …
Links to the story were headlined as: ‘He’s lying’ sign held behind Farage
Link to story:
I recently lodged a complaint with the BBC regarding their dreadful anti-Trump bias, in particular at his inauguration.
I knew what the response would be(and it was) but it looks as if they’ve been swamped with complaints because they couldn’t be bothered to reply individually and have sent out a singular mass reply.
I know this is a lot of waffle, sorry, text but I’ll post it all because there’s even a note of defiance!.
“Many thanks for getting in touch about our coverage from Washington of Donald Trump’s inauguration as US President on 20 January 2017.
We were naturally concerned to learn of your unhappiness about our presentation, and we’ve discussed audience feedback personally with the senior editorial personnel responsible within BBC News. To allow us to reply promptly, and to ensure we use our TV Licence fee resources as efficiently as possible, we’re sending this response to everyone. We’re sorry we can’t reply individually, but we hope this will address most of the points raised.
We of course appreciate that every viewer, listener and web user will have their own personal views on any story or issue we report on, but we’d explain that all our experienced and respected correspondents, reporters, presenters and editors are very well aware of our key commitment to impartial reporting at all times. They simply try to provide the information and context on the story or issue using their professional insight to allow our audiences to make up their own minds. BBC News aims to show the political reality and provide a forum for discussion on issues, giving full opportunity for all sides of the debate to be heard and explored. Senior editorial staff within BBC News, the BBC’s Executive Board, and the BBC Trust keep a close watch on programmes to ensure that standards of impartiality are maintained. The key point is that the BBC as an organisation has no view or position itself on anything we may report upon – our aim is to identify all significant views, and to test them rigorously and fairly on behalf of our audiences.
In terms of Donald Trump’s inauguration, we of course devoted a great deal of airtime to it by carrying the inauguration ceremony live – including the new President’s uninterrupted speech – and we heard supportive voices in the crowd and from his political backers. But it is also undeniable that there have been sizeable demonstrations within America and elsewhere –not universal, as we’ve also made clear – against the new President that have warranted coverage. It is also the case that – regardless of any views in favour or against him personally – the nature of the Trump Presidency, as witnessed from news conferences to sweeping executive orders already enacted, has marked a noticeable break with how such things have traditionally been conducted by the White House.
The bottom line is that it’s right for BBC News to point this out and to reflect widespread concerns which have emerged. But it is equally right that we need to keep reminding even the President’s fiercest opponents around the world that he was democratically elected and that polls in America appear to support many of his policies and aims. Simply hearing from supporters and opponents or reflecting their points of view does not mean the BBC agrees with or is sympathetic to either side here. As always, we’re simply reflecting the fact that two sides – which on this matter are pretty vehemently divided – do actually exist and that both have very strong and opposing views.
Nevertheless, we acknowledge your own views on our coverage, and we thank you again for taking the time to get in touch with your valuable feedback which has been discussed with BBC News.”
Which BBC sent that?
I recently lodged a complaint with the BBC regarding their dreadful anti-Trump bias, in particular at his inauguration.
I knew what the response would be(and it was) but it looks as if they’ve been swamped with complaints because they couldn’t be bothered to reply individually and have sent out a singular mass reply.
I know this is a lot of patronising waffle, sorry, text to read through but I’ll post it all because there’s even a note of defiance!.
“Many thanks for getting in touch about our coverage from Washington of Donald Trump’s inauguration as US President on 20 January 2017.
We were naturally concerned to learn of your unhappiness about our presentation, and we’ve discussed audience feedback personally with the senior editorial personnel responsible within BBC News. To allow us to reply promptly, and to ensure we use our TV Licence fee resources as efficiently as possible, we’re sending this response to everyone. We’re sorry we can’t reply individually, but we hope this will address most of the points raised.
We of course appreciate that every viewer, listener and web user will have their own personal views on any story or issue we report on, but we’d explain that all our experienced and respected correspondents, reporters, presenters and editors are very well aware of our key commitment to impartial reporting at all times. They simply try to provide the information and context on the story or issue using their professional insight to allow our audiences to make up their own minds. BBC News aims to show the political reality and provide a forum for discussion on issues, giving full opportunity for all sides of the debate to be heard and explored. Senior editorial staff within BBC News, the BBC’s Executive Board, and the BBC Trust keep a close watch on programmes to ensure that standards of impartiality are maintained. The key point is that the BBC as an organisation has no view or position itself on anything we may report upon – our aim is to identify all significant views, and to test them rigorously and fairly on behalf of our audiences.
In terms of Donald Trump’s inauguration, we of course devoted a great deal of airtime to it by carrying the inauguration ceremony live – including the new President’s uninterrupted speech – and we heard supportive voices in the crowd and from his political backers. But it is also undeniable that there have been sizeable demonstrations within America and elsewhere –not universal, as we’ve also made clear – against the new President that have warranted coverage. It is also the case that – regardless of any views in favour or against him personally – the nature of the Trump Presidency, as witnessed from news conferences to sweeping executive orders already enacted, has marked a noticeable break with how such things have traditionally been conducted by the White House.
The bottom line is that it’s right for BBC News to point this out and to reflect widespread concerns which have emerged. But it is equally right that we need to keep reminding even the President’s fiercest opponents around the world that he was democratically elected and that polls in America appear to support many of his policies and aims. Simply hearing from supporters and opponents or reflecting their points of view does not mean the BBC agrees with or is sympathetic to either side here. As always, we’re simply reflecting the fact that two sides – which on this matter are pretty vehemently divided – do actually exist and that both have very strong and opposing views.
Nevertheless, we acknowledge your own views on our coverage, and we thank you again for taking the time to get in touch with your valuable feedback which has been discussed with BBC News.”
This is much the same as their answer to my (and others’) complaint about Laura Kuenssberg’s questioning of the Prime Minister and President: the bBBC claim to be acting “on behalf of our audiences”. But the map of the signatories to the anti-Trump State Visit petition shows that the overwhelming majority of the petitioners are in the foreign city that used to be our capital, and a handful of snowflake headquarters in university towns. These are of course, just the same places where beeboids spend their time and who they see as their “audiences”. The bBBC should get out of their metropolitan bubble and see who their audiences – we who are forced to pay for them – really are.
The BBC certainly have the bit between their teeth on this one:
“Quebec mosque attack: Fox News deletes tweet after Canada complains”
They go on:
“Fox News has removed a tweet saying a suspect in the Quebec mosque attack was of Moroccan origin, after a request by the Canadian prime minister’s office.
Justin Trudeau’s communications chief, Kate Purchase, said Fox was “spreading misinformation” with the tweet, which was based on early reports.
French-Canadian student Alexandre Bissonette was subsequently charged. Fox News has apologised for the tweet. initially corrected the misreported information with a tweet and an update to the story on Monday,” managing director Refet Kaplan told the BBC.
Fox’s story was updated to reflect this but the news organisation did not, at first, remove its tweet. The Fox News Twitter account has 13m followers.”
Yep. The BBC are certainly hunting down any example of “fake news” especially where Fox News is concerned. Almost an obsession wouldn’t you say.
The self appointed guardians of “real news”, the BBC and their report of 30th January.
“Quebec City mosque shooting: Six killed, eight wounded”
The BBC report goes on:
“One suspect was arrested at the scene and another was arrested nearby. Police do not believe there are other suspects at large. ………………….. The Quebec authorities have not identified the suspects, but Radio Canada quoted a source close to the investigation as saying that they were students at Laval University in Quebec City and one was of Moroccan origin. An eyewitness told the radio station that two hooded people had burst into the mosque. One opened fire on those praying and shouted “Allahu Akbar”, Arabic for God is Great.”
The famously ‘impartial envy of the world’ criticising a reputable news outlet whilst reporting exactly the same news, AND, it’s still there.
We all know that the BBC is forever sniffing around this site and others that hold it to account, so watch out for the stealth edits to take effect on their original article.
It was the Associated Press that first released the details of the supposed TWO attackers at the mosque. The names were reported by a clerk who signed them in after the arrests of the two attackers. Later the AP then said that only one was an attacker the other a witness. They continued to name the one under arrest. All FOX did was to repeat what the AP had put out first. I know this for a fact because I watched it all happen minute by minute and took screen shots from the AP press releases. I wonder why the BBC didn’t mention that it was the AP that started off the Fake News, which was probably a genuine error?
The Mirror reported the same thing. Strange the BBC are not making more of this as one Canadian newspaper looked at the suspect’s social media and found he was a Le Penn supporter and also a fan of Richard Dawkins and Cristopher Hitchens.
We simply don’t know if there was only one attacker or two. But the significant thing is that for good reason we doubt what the Canadian government is telling us. Just as we doubted the Australian government after the attack in Melbourne and the German government after the attack in Munich. The originators of modern fake news are western governments because of their increasingly transparent efforts to convince us that Islam is not a real threat to our way of life.
Ha, ha, ha! the left are losing, hence the BBCs panic.
much, much, more to come……REJOICE!
Further to AslSeelt at 1231.
Just watched PMQ. I know Treezer is not our favourite on this website but she absolutely took Corbyn to the cleaners today.
What’s the betting that on the news the edited highlights will instead show a balanced, even handed, even Stevens view?
All in the interests of impartiality you understand.
Place your bets……
You mean her lame “fatcher ” impression, with all those nodding cretins behind her?
In that totally orchestrated charade, when there s no chance to reply.
“I m leading a country” … by lying, omitting facts, by being evasive and totally incompetent?.
FFS buddy … get out more.
Is that the speech where she said that Trump’s Muslim ban is divisive and wrong, thus indicating that she is not aware that it is a temporary restriction on admitting people from regions which are unstable or hostile to the US?
Treezer has clearly caved in to the left and the BBC. What a useless leader.
See what the leftish Mirror says
May has bowed to the lie. The lie as propagated by MSM and picked up by all forms of idiot.
She has shown such weakness I am rapidly going of her.
She is well aware that:-
1) It is not Muslim ban
2) Only temporary
3) Only aimed at 7 failed states – terrorist havens
3) Only what he promised pre election
4) Trump has a mandate from the people
Heck, I could go on but for our PM to disregard all such facts and crumble is a cause for concern and shame.
No cause for concern. Mrs May has already had her card marked over the Kuensberg question.Just watch President Trump’s face and then his comment. A joke ? No it was for real.
She is about being PM and that is all. Our Jeremy is more of a conviction politician that she will ever be.
I’m crying all the way to the bookies.
Odds on … Trump visit 😀
Did you get good odds when he got the POTUS?
Like me, you`ll no doubt be wondering what Alastair Campbell thinks about Donald Trump and about the Newsnight cupcake of a non-story re Dacre and Cameron. I`ll not spoil it for you-but it makes up nearly all of “The Media Show” featuring some Ulster poppet called Andrea. Hewlett may be ill-but he`s a colossus in comparison to his replacement, who was full of Campbells soup.
So-in addition to all other battleships and cruisers that the BBC are employing to scupper Trumpexit at the mo-we can now add all possible orifices at the BBC from 6am-7pm to be used to shaft Trump and Brexit-and ANY excuse of their execrable content will be gaily led around the ring for us all to regard as “fair comment” and “balanced analysis”.
How DARE Campbell tear at May, Brexit or Trump-not one of them has led a decent scientist to top himself yet, not massaged Maxwells gross form, nor applied goose grease to Blairs bollocks ah he did.
Is ANYBODY taking this all up with the BBC? They really are cheesing the nation off, and we should not be paying for this shit.
Alicia Sinclair
And the government does nothing ………..
Quebec cops now say Alexandre Bissonnette sole suspect in “Allahu akbar” shooting at mosque.
“Witnesses said at least one (at least one???) gunman shouted ‘Allahu akbar!’ while opening fire at the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre Sunday night, killing six men.”
Yep!, The small matter of shouts of allah ackbar etc? and erm ‘little information is available’ on the another elusive pimpernel who now appears now to be (don t laugh) some kind of helpful good Samaritan! 😀
What happened about “the TWO assailants stormed in, opening fire while shouting, “Allahu Akbar” and the Canada Plod “the possible motive was unclear.”
It is a stitch up, “a horse and pony show” directed by the shiny pony himself Trudeau
Right on cue, perfect political capital to be made … it stinks.
Witnesses said, “Two men in masks”. Double vision?
Even when it was down to only one shooter they were still reporting that the police had recovered two rifles. I expect that’s been revised by now, but I can’t be bothered to look.
Last night another of the BBC’s clones, Michael Scott, presented a history of Sicily. He found particular gratification in his tale of Phoenician immigrants, fleeing war & oppression in the Near East, they settled in Sicily and integrated well with the resident Greeks. A lesson for us all. Scott however, whilst having the beatific smile of Brian Cox, must be a little less brilliant at hard sums, as he told us 450 slaughtered oxen would feed over 200,000 people.
It’s Al Beeb pushing Islam’s superiority again, a bit of one-upmanship. Christ could only feed 5,000 with his loaves and fishes.
I thought that Harriet Harman had been quiet for too long; well she’s back with a splash today.
The old gender warrior, never one to shirk any her responsibilities with wimmin’s issues, was spouting off today about a controversial subject that has been swept under the carpet for decades. Dr Who must be a female. Fantastic! Thank God some brave politician has had the nerve and resolve to confront this.
This is just so typical of the PC left. She stays schtum over the industrial scale rape of young white girls by…men…. from a certain peace loving community. She has little or nothing to offer on the horrific third world, barbaric practice of FGM that has now blessed our nation, but cometh the hour, cometh the woman….and there she is, bleating away about Dr bleedin’ Who.
A nice safe subject, attacking white men, so that won’t upset the lefties or the luvvies.
Thanks Harriet. With someone like you representing them the women of our country can sleep easily tonight,
Well said. And she is very quiet about her support for the Paedophile Information Exchange and paedophilia. She disgusts me.
She was way ahead of her time. The left are actively trying to normalise paedophilia in the same way they have normalised tranys.
In the screwed up world of the SJW everything which was once virtuous is now bad and everything which was once bad is now virtuous.
Grant – Apparently it is all a right wing smear and everything happened before her time at the NCCL.
In other words “It wernt me Gov -Honest”
It wouldn’t be ‘Doctor Who’, it’d be ‘Doctor Which’, to appease every sort of lbgtdgtahgdtebdd group in the UK!
Come to think of it, Jeremy Corbyn would make a great Doctor Who; lives in a fantasy world, gets on lots of news rabbiting about nothing, and has a great fat dark planet right next to him at PMQs…
Nothing less than a black, muslim , transgender Dr. What will satisfy the British public.
He’s also familiar with black holes.(I’m talking about the one in the nation’s budget under Labour, before anybody starts sniggering.)
t’s amazing that I support:
1. Brexit
2. President Trump
3. Scotland To Remain In The UK
These are all majority positions, yet I have no representation in the media.
Who’s side is this guy on ?………………….
“Sir Ivan Rogers: Brexit talks to be on humongous scale”
There is a HYS running – get your in now before they close it !
Highest rated so far …..
“Who cares what this guy thinks….and given his negotiating skills with Cameron on the last non-EU deal….hardly in a position to discuss negotiations at all”
It’s comparison time!
Yesterday on Toady R4 the Canadian mosque murderer was described as from the ‘Far right’
This evening on 6pm bBBC1 news, the Tunisian hotel mass murderer was described as a ‘gunman’.
Absolute impartiality as usual !
And spare a thought for the featured British lady who lost a son, brother, and father in Tunisia because of the actions of what the BBC describe as the ‘gunman’.
Framing trick again!
Didn’t Cam say they were going to hunt down those behind the attack in Tunisia?
It would appear that statement carried as much sincerity as his declaration that he was going to immediately trigger Article 50 should he lose the referendum.
“……….as local authorities come under pressure from the government to hit the one million homes target.”
Why the demand ? Elephant or should I state, Mammoth in the Room. Goodbye England’s green and pleasant land.
Ah the billion dollar question. Constantly told we are an ageing population and birth rates are low…soooo….presumably the upcoming concrete jungle will be due to enrichment. I live in a lovely green village. South of leicester but the Muslim hoarde is slowly moving outwards, meaning more fields to be built on. Makes me f*cking chuck.
Everybody is bailing out to the country because said “enrichment” has made the cities, in large parts, unlivable and significantly lowered the quality of life for British people who reside there.
we must be neighbours, almost!! I, too, look towards the city with concern, watching the building work, and wondering who will be the occupants of these new houses, and how the “infrastructure” will cope. Nice to know someone of similar persuasion (so to speak) lives nearby – lot of small c conservatives round here, perhaps afraid to speak their mind? Although, I confess, I don’t use the local hostelries, so I don’t hear the beer talk!
… By the way I love the Prince Wingnut video, the typical “useful idiot” twat hope it gets enormous coverage
Watching that bunch is reminiscent of the Hillbilly Clampets striking oil, full of one string banjo players.
… not to repeat on the BBC anytime soon,
“When men speak of you they speak of poets, music makers, doctors, scientists. Where are your warriors? You dare to call youselve s sons of the Prophet?You have become women! … Burn your books! Make warriors of your poets! Let you doctors invent new poisons for our arrows. Let you scientists invent new war machines!
And then, kill! Burn! Infidels”
Al Beeb Wales are telling us that Welsh MPs are rebelling by voting against Brexit. I hope that their names will be published so that we the true Welsh can kick them out at the next election.
Are you with us ? – Vote UKIP next time .
Just posted the below to BBC complaints,
“Is it corporation policy not to give Donald Trump his full title when carrying out your usual character assassinations posing as news items? I realise you regard PRESIDENT Trump as the antichrist but your childish refusal, Sople’s in particular, to give him the title of the office he holds is very disrespectful and possibly damaging to any relationships that might take place between the US and UK. Or is this your aim? You do not want the UK to leave the EU, you do not want the UK to succeed outside the EU, so what better way than to scupper any trade deals that might be forthcoming from his administration. You have the absolute cheek to call yourselves an unbiased and impartial news organisation and I look forward to your long overdue extinction!”
Trump already regards the BBC as between something you scrape off your shoe and something that hides beneath a stone. What do they think is going to happen when the most powerful man in the world takes against an organisation like the BBC? I’m sure if the CIA and FBI were to take a snoop around the beeb they would find plenty of dirt, and if they didn’t I’m sure they could make some up.
To be sure, the BBC has been exposed as a witches covern of perverts, but it has all been presenters and the like, the front of house staff who are 10 a penny and easy to replace and deny all knowledge of. But if the filth was shown to be systemic and at the highest level?
The BBC thinks it is invulnerable, but the CIA turns over governments for a living. Trump could squash them like a toad any time he likes.
Do share the reply even, and perhaps especially if it is a template. They do not get let off for those.
I found this an interesting example of industry lack of self awareness in complement:
They really think their obsession with Pres. Trump is a problem created by him? In the UK, the dedication of youth channel BBC Newsbeat alone to him, and only negatively, is beyond derangement.
This was on the automated response, GW, nice to know they will use the licence fee efficiently…
“If others also complain about the same issue, our response to you and everyone may be the same in order to use the licence fee efficiently. ”
It goes on, looks like I will be told to swivel.
“For the same reason we may not reply in detail if your complaint doesn’t suggest there’s a potential breach of BBC standards, or a significant issue of general importance”
One day the dam that is the conceit of the BBC deciding what isn’t suggested or of general importance to the BBC will crumble. Potentially.
Could they be any more bent?
Could they care any less?
Could they be any more indulged to be so?
I was genuinely saddened a couple of days ago when a goodly portion of my absolute favourite Radcliffe & Maconie show on 6 Music was turned in to political rant disguised as an interview with Omid Djalili. Other than the news at half past the hour (which is easily missed by making a drink or similar) I had hoped that 6 Music might just be the one place where the BBC agenda would not be broadcast. But I forgot that the BBC never fail to disappoint.
Radcliffe and Maconie are both privileged lefties allowed to play the northern cartoon. Professional northern tossers , too close to folk and the Hacienda to make much sense.
When Peter Kay turns into such an oaf-then I`ll worry, but so far so good!
Boycott all Lefty shows-bring back Brian Matthew and have a weep at the demise of the likes of Desmond Carrington.
Thank God for Lisa Tarbuck and Ken Bruce.
6 music is just rammed full of lefties with an agenda. The arrogance on display is sometimes astounding. I used to listen to it but since the election in 2015 and brexit the butthurt has spilled over and it makes it unlistenable with one exception Gideon coe.
You sound like an old girlfriend, Peter. 🙂
The ‘comedy’ at 6.30 on Radio 4 is, the blurb proudly declares, about growing up ‘black, gay and funny in Brixton.’ Sadly only the first two adjectives seem to apply which clearly is all that matters for the BBC, as for them the colour of your skin and who you want to have sex with matters more than the content of your character. It is painfully bad – forever shoehorning in preachy propaganda. Great art should entertain and instruct, but entertainment is paramount. Shows like South Park and Brass Eye are above all very funny but also make a point. You cannot just patronise your audience without entertaining them.
I usually quite like the programme, but tonight’s episode was full of nonsense about the Brixton riots. These were apparently a totally justified uprising against the white oppressor. No mention of the fact that the main driver behind the riots was the looting of shops.
Harriet Harman calling for a female Dr Who is so yesterday’s news.
My money is on Frank Gardener.
It’s about time the Daleks could compete on level terms. The continued discrimination against them with the lack of ramps and lifts has been disgusting.
Surely a bit of K-9/C3P0 action would get her PIE mixed media loins fired up again, so long as PETA (warning: acronym overdose imminent) doesn’t get all furry about it?
Sir Lenny must have it sewn up surely?
I don’t know. What about ‘Michael’ Obama? Ticks several boxes and such a great role model for girls in the UK, according to Jane Garvey anyway.
And in other news…
‘The National Audit Office’s report on the efficiency of licence-fee collection says all is well – apart from the rather crucial issue of people not paying when they should”
And, of course, not paying legally because they don’t have to.
‘Moral dilemma: The BBC seems to have shopped the Ivory Coast dealer to the police. Has Ed Thomas shopped the Liverpool lass showing him giant knives to the scuffers ?
BBC editorial integrity maybe intrudes here. Or simply the odd diversity of legal enforcement that exists in certain areas with the TVL?
No Fact Controller sadly, which in the world of BBC titles would surely be a nifty one for james harding?
I also notice this: ‘Sherlock would note that the FoI was submitted on the 6th January, and the chart is dated 18th January, Cause and effect ?’
In those rare instances the BBC even entertains an FOI in public domain, likely yes.
Anyway, as money talks, let’s talk money…
‘James Harding got Ian Katz from The Guardian for £150,600.’
Bargain. For his tweets alone, matching the Don in volume almost. No snoring boring at all.
“…her subjects were English and Drama – though there’s no obvious record of degree achievement.’
Polly Toynbee will be livid.
As will that fella off the Daily Politics…
“Jeremy Paxman has joined the ranks of hacks-on-high-life-holidays, signing up for two days accompanying guests paying close to £4,000 a head for luxury rail trip’
Has Jon Dennison actually posted anything in the last few months from Australia?
They call ISIS a nihilistic death cult but the LGBT SJWs living it large out there and thinking Brexit is just the worst.
They’ll be the ones first on the bonfire when we get to, ‘Brickshit’ when we’ve left Western democracy and achieved Sharia statehood.
I do wonder what is going to happen when perish the thought the do take over and kill all the Jews and the final judgement / end of the world Mohammed promised, doesn’t happen.
Will they all turn round to each other, shrug their shoulders in realisation that they’ve been duped, or will they do what Muslims always do & just wipe each other out ?
Trunp has already signed some Executive orders to ensure gay rights in society and the workplace.
Did it yesterday-but did the BBC mention this enlightened and progressive guff?
No-had Obama done it, we`d never hear the end of it.
AND-just heard Kylie Morris on Channel 4 refer to the “God,Guns and Gross Profits” types that were “grinning” around Trumps Cabinet table as the new judge was introduced.
God, Guns and Gross profit?
Ye Gods, even my Marxist pamphleteers in the 70s weren`t so lazily biased, cliched and Soviet Bloc as this?
Time to wind up the BBC and Channel 4-just sick of their student politics.
Cut out the BBC-Meddlemen by just following TheRealTrump on Twitter
Here’s the LBGTQ statement
The Bbc spin went up 22 hours ago, but maybe they didn’t air it much.
Its my birthday today… what I hear you think, Well look at this.
Mishel Hussain presented, From Our Home Correspondent, Sunday 1:30 R4.
First topic, bin collections – very apt for the BBC, rubbish, garbage, and recycling trash.
Hilarious, the absurdity never ends. I’m now at the point of just laughing at it all. Seems to be a waste of time to feel the hypocricy or to reply in any form of anger or ridicule. I think it’s best to let terrible views and opinions die on their own natural lifespan.
Martin Bashir – he who wanted somewhat to have a shit in Sarah Palin’s mouth – is crowing because Jews in the UK have joined the anti Trump bandwagon. ( See my post on Anti Semitism…the facts… here.)
I think the line has been crossed and Trump should decline the offer from this banana republic
R5 6:20 Lise Deceit
Used 2 bits of deceitful framing + unevidenced conspiracy theory in a chat about Saudi leader saying he supports Trump policies on Immigration & Energy
#1 “ban” “7 Muslim majority countries” *
Actually it’s a temporary suspension of visas from 7 war torn countries
#2 “cities across the world object”
#3 When asked why Saudi was not on the list starts talking about Trump having business interests in Saudi **
When actually from the start the statement says they just used Obama’s list .. President’s Facebook page
* That facilitates the lie in the listener’s mind that’s it’s a “Muslim ban”
** When realists speculated about the Quebec attack from initial police statement about a Muslim attacker they went ape
And the BBC are maintaining with fanatical zeal their hate campaign to destroy the successful British Cycling’s set up – the leadership is too fecking white male for them …
Headline: Dan Roan asks whether welfare should come before winning.
First few lines: It may have started out as a dispute between a track cyclist and her former coach. But 10 months after Jess Varnish first made allegations of sexism, discrimination and bullying against Shane Sutton – and British Cycling – it is not just the reputation of the country’s most successful and best-funded Olympic sports that is on the line.
Link to the full story:
Click to access TimesResults_170131_Trump_W.pdf
You Gov Poll which shows 49% of Britons support the visit of Donald Trump while only 36% (all snowflakes) think it should be cancelled.
51% believe the government should work with Donald Trump where only 32% think we should distance ourselves.
Alas the respondents thought every single one of Trumps policy implementations were a bad idea including 70% for Obama care – something which very few Britains would even have any real insight into other than the propaganda of the BBC.