So Prince Charles thinks we are ‘forgetting to learn the lesson of the Holocaust’ in light of Trump’s immigration policy...this from a man who maintains close ties to Muslim fundamentalists, a major part of whose ideology is anti-Semitic and who fund that ideology across the world, including in the UK.
The same Charles who told us that Muslim migrants to Europe were like Mary and Joseph and that Muhammed was merely a peace loving migrant himself…never mind he slaughtered the Jews and conquered and colonised so many countries imposing his oppressive ideology upon them.
Seems the only person who forgets the lessons of history is Charles himself.
And the BBC of course.
They maybe need a reminder….all yours on the new open thread…
I think they should all go to live on Neckar Island.
I’m sure Branson will welcome as many as possible, after all, that’s what he wants for England.
So, all Muslims, get yourselves there, he wants you, the more the merrier.
UKIP libel damages case deferred
#1 She’s pleading cancer
#2 she maybe punished for delaying tactics
#3 but judgement seemed sympathetic
\\Following a hearing on the “meaning” of the words in Ms Collins’ speech, in April 2015, Mr Justice Warby found she had stated that the three MPs “knew of the abuse and chose not to intervene”, as though it was a fact.
He also found other assertions made by her, including that the trio “acted in this way for motives of political correctness, political cowardice, or political selfishness”, were expressions of opinion.
Mr Justice Warby has now reserved his decision on the amount of damages Ms Collins must pay and will give his ruling at a later date.//,judge-in-meps-rotherham-child-abuse-libel-case-reserves-costs-verdict_21405.htm
If they didn’t know about it, then they must have been amongst the few in their constituencies who didn’t; which doesn’t speak overly well for how competently they’ve represented the people living within them.
My my. How different presidential styles play out.
Unannounced President Trump took off in the Marine One helicopter without informing the press and disappeared.
Press annoyed because they aren’t informed.
Later transpires (according to witnesses) that he went to Dover Air Force Base to meet privately with the family of the Navy Seal who was killed in Yemen yesterday and be with them when the casket arrived back in the US.
No press release. No fanfare. No photo Op. No other information available. Shades of Margaret Thatcher.
News outlets now reporting what witnesses saw, except, of course, the BBC.
Now if it had been the former occupant of the White House …………………..!!
President Trump has the makings of a fine leader. As Commander in Chief that is part of what a real commander does. Will go down well with the real Americans I spent much time with long ago.
Well Brexit passed first hurdle…I expect a party mood at the BBC…The pain must be constant like being hit from both sides…….Trump right cross….Brexit elbow..Farage weighs in with a few slaps for good measure…A extreme left wing forum that’s televised for all to see and at our expense.
To say they have lost the plot is put it mildly ..anyway here is to Trump hasn’t even been a fortnight and he has them foaming at the mouth already..wait until he gets his teeth into Merkel..Hollande and Co..He sorting his home first then he set his sights on them..hope they keep running their mouths..
ST George
Laura K acknowledges the point of no return, but the BBC and Remainers are preparing for a war lasting years.
‘There are many hurdles ahead, probably thousands of hours of debate here, years of negotiations for Theresa May with our friends and rivals around the EU, as she seeks a deal – and possibly as long as a decade of administrative adjustments, as the country extricates itself from the EU.’
And La Keunssberg is another one of these Beeboids who continually come out with the trite phrase about ‘just how hard it will be, having to negotiate with 27 other countries just to sort out our relationship with the EU, never mind the myriad others around the world’(who, despite the disdain from the beeboids, actually seem to really want to create trade deals with the UK).
WRONG – we’ll be negotiating with one group of negotiators representing the EU – it will be up to that group to talk to the 27 other EU members….
Lies, damned lies, and BBC ‘reporting’.
Isn’t the whole point of the EU that the members speak and act as one?
Should be interesting,and then the EU will try and get trade deals with Trump,good luck with that!
“He’s lying’ sign held behind Nigel Farage”
One word sums up the MEP with the sign – childish.
To borrow from Denis Healey (originally about Eric Heffer’s walk-out after Neil Kinnock’s conference speech):
“I thought it was a display of infantile exhibitionism”.
The strange thing is that Dancing boy did not just do what the others do and collect his attendance allowance and go , but sat behind Nigel with his pre-prepared sign attention-seeking. I guess it worked, nobody had ever heard of him before. But , when he wrote the sign , how did he know Nigel was going to lie if he did not know what Nigel was going to say ? But worse, the EU jobsworth presiding rebukes Nigel for not showing respect , but says nothing about an MEP calling a fellow MEP a liar.
Sums up the whole , stinking rotten, edifice of the EU. Let’s get out asap.
The poster boy is having his wages under false pretences.
Was it a set up by Al Beeb?
“He’s lying’ sign held behind Nigel Farage”
Also sums up how they like to do things. The cowards way, behind people’s backs.
Behaviour like that would not be allowed in any real parliament. However, as we know the “European Parliament” is a joke talking shop with no real power, and only exists to give a fig leaf of democracy to the EU projekt. It is thus “in order” to be boorish towards any MEP who does not follow the official religion of Europeanism.
Thank God we getting out of this festering dungheap of corruption.
Just seen a (recorded) show from channel 4 called Common sense.
It’s a bit like goggle box where lots of ‘ordinary’ people come out with their views on the weeks goings on.
What do you think the chances must be that every comment about Trump was very negative from all of those on the show.
The message being transmitted is that everybody hates Trump yet in the real world it doesn’t seem like that with ever so many applauding and supporting him.
Strange that a main stream media outlet is pumping out anti Trump propaganda about someone who is pointing out that the main stream media is biased.
Isn’t ‘Common sense’ on BBC2? If so that would explain all the negative comments about Trump.
All the big TV and media companies hate Trump and are not representitive of the general publics opinions. I can’t wait for the Oscars later this month. Every luvvie’s winning speech will be anti-Trump to a thunderous applause from like minded people in the same bubble.
My mistake Tabs. It is bbc2.
Diane Abbot ‘ too ill to vote’, yeah of course she was, really she was defying Corbyn but couldn’t face up to it, so she lied instead.
Was it something she “hate”, WB?
Winnie Flabbott went home ‘ill’ at 5pm. She then sent this tweet at 6.02pm.
I am surprised she was defying Corbyn – in the past she used to suck up to him. Literally.
That’s me put off my supper!
Mind Bleach – NOW!!!
Mind napalm more like.
Napalm? That image needs a cluster bomb!
And today’s award of Biggest Load of Bollox spoken by a remainer goes to Rachael Maskell.
She just said on SKY news, “no one voted for a Theresa May exit, a Hard Brexit.”
Erm, Rachael, before you make too big a tit of yourself, yes, we did vote for a hard Brexit, millions of did. Hope that’s cleared up your misconception.
How many others, in the BBC, Sky news or the Labour party think we don’t want a hard Brexit?
“Fire up the Quattro, BBC, this new one’s going to take a lot of selling..”
Just read the list of these public figures so teasingly left to the small print.
Young Owen’s run has hit the buffers if this collection of protest envelope opening attendees are the A list.
Bet even Di Abbo may have second thoughts and RSVP she’s in this year doing her hair.
Bring it on . Make it 2 million. There must be that many snowflakes here surely. Listen Jones and the rest. Nobody who is a real American patriot gives a damn what goes on here. Nobody even really thinks we exist except as a Hollywood movie and a B one at that. Nobody respects us and nobody even knows where we are anymore.
The luvvies and the US snowflakes on the east and West coast might have a vague idea but even those don’t really care much beyond a photo opportunity.
You are looking like the fools you are and President Trump is not ever going to take a blind bit of notice. Not good for the country though so please just STFU.
How come these moaners can organise these massive protests and no one stops them. the EDL were always stopped from protesting by the Police?
Possibly because no-one will attempt to attack and intimidate this march, whereas the left fascists always make a point of attacking any peaceful protest they disagree with.
Some thoughts I’ve been having lately on ‘snowflakes’.
1. They are the first generation to have totally ‘open borders’ in terms of information sharing. It’s perfectly normal for them to share pictures, text, videos etc with other snowflakes from Ullswater to Ulan Bator. They have also been able to afford lots of holidays abroad, especially in border-free EU. This makes it very hard for them to understand the concept of borders, nationhood etc or to understand that not all cultures are equal and not everybody around the world shares their opinions.
2. They are the first generation to have been brought up in total moral relativism. Most of us over 40 were brought up with at least some nominal connection to an absolute ideological code, be that Christianity or doctrinaire Marxism. The snowflakes have been told however that no moral absolutes exist. But a desire for moral certainty seems to be part of human nature. Thus, hatred of Trump has given them their first, heady taste of absolute moral certainty and self righteousness.
I believe these two things are causing the collective meltdown and insanity we are seeing in the media.
Cranmer may I add…..
3. This snowflake generation are the first in many years (nearly a century), that by and large have been brought up by parents who have never been exposed to military service or had to fight for the peace that they enjoy.
They have been protected by other people who volunteered to do so on their behalf.
Embolden, the last time anyone in Britain had to fight for national survival was in 1940. The snowflake generation however had the Second World War presented to them as a simple fight against the far right and fascism, not about nationhood.
Although that was part of it, the majority of Britons fought to protect hearth and home and their British identity, and they would have done the same had the Russians been the enemy (which they were, for a short time during the Nazi-Soviet pact).
Very true Cranmer.
My father was in the Far East, fighting the Imperial Japanese racial supremacists.
He told me his view was that he and his mates were fighting to save each other from capture and enslavement or a bayonet in the throat during the night. Grand strategy was rather far from their thoughts.
ITV 7:30pm Thu Chris Choi
Exposé on Smart Meters
– Theyre not free, we’ll pay the £11bn in our bills
– corps may get cash back in meter read savings + by selling your use pattern data
– – If it actually causes people to reduce use, then unit price of electric will increase to get back meter cost
– Choi says problem is it’s not been scrutinized enough cos has cross party support, same for HS2 (& green nuttiness)
(Yes but media failed also cos its job to challenge also)
PS why aren’t all utilities feeding data in also?
Preview was on RT
Plus the energy firms will no doubt hike the prices up during high usage times.
They will also be able to cut people off remotely when it suits them.
Personally I wouldn’t trust them not to be winding on a few extra digits remotely too whilst no one is looking!
I’ve posted on this subject before, D. I used to work in power stations and am familiar with tariff prices and demand.
The unit price changes every half an hour, depending on demand and the on line plant providing the loads. Peak periods, breakfast, lunch and tea times tend to be more expensive but the demand can spike in the evening if there is something gripping on the box, everyone putting the kettles on in the ad breaks. Industry would pay these differing prices or shed load during these times. I’ve seen prices going from £30 per Mwh to tens of thousands of pounds per Mwh in particularly cold winters. This was a penalty to get the big users to reduce load to prevent the CEGB as it was then from putting the less economical stations on line to meet the demand.
Domestic consumers would not be faced with these costs, as there was no way of knowing, unlike the industrial metering systems, what was being used and when. Consumers would have their bills averaged out between the cheap night tariff, midnight until 6:00, when they could not give the stuff away and an averaged daytime tariff.
With smart meters all this will change, your provider will know exactly what is being used and when. If you have the temerity to cook a meal or put the washer on in a high tariff period, you “could” end up paying the going tariff price. All this has something to do with Agenda 21 (UN) and the EU has had an input into it as well. Couple this with the fact that the UK no longer has a coherent energy policy, closure of viable plant and over reliance in a technology that reached its peak in the 17th century and you have a recipe for disaster. One cold winter with a blocking anticyclone over the UK could see wide spread outages, all it would take is just one of our few remaining stations to suffer an outage.
They say that smart meters will save you money. Maybe, if you become nocturnal and only use power between midnight and 6:00. What industry, corporation or business on the planet would actively encourage or welcome a reduction in profit or cash flow?
Plus the little issue that they can be hacked.
Putin has a team working on it as I write, #7.
You don’t need Putin, 2B.
The official ‘hackers’ are the bigger worry.
When power is in short supply at the moment whole areas get disconnected. With ‘smart’ meters individuals can be disconnected remotely for ‘demand management’. You can bet that our leaders won’t be top of the list of disconnects.
It is my belief that smart meters will enable energy customers to cut off power temporarily when windmill power fails. The break may only be for a few seconds, until the diesel backup generators can kick in.
Without smart meters, I think the whole green energy scam must fail. So far I have declined “offers” to have one installed, but the day may come when they are mandatory. Remember, whoever wins the election, the government always gets in.
during the last phone call I had from British Gas a week ago (which I declined) the salesperson said everyone had to have one by 2020?..true or not I have no idea..but I am very sceptical about the whole thing.
I think that was BS. They want everyone to have a smart meter by 2020, but so far they can’t force you to have one.
I wonder if it was mentioned that the smart meter idea came from an EU directive, but like all things BLiar wanted to make it more complicated and more intrusive than it ever needed to be.
The meters he demanded were able to communicate the real time load of the household, and allow for remote disconnection too!
He realised the insane Green policies meant that the UKs electricity generation was dangerously close to being insufficient to meet demands but didn’t want to be bothered doing anything about it. His solution was to disconnect the heavy users when demand went too high.
Imagine this scenario though. If your energy provider can disconnect you and others from the grid, then what’s to stop some spotty hacker in his bedroom doing the same for a laugh? Or worse a foreign enemy – or terrorist.
I for one will be hold out against having one for as long as humanly possible.
So the City will suffer post-Brexit, will it?
Not as much as the EU, it seems.
The EU’s advantages are exposed for the bluster, piss and wind that they are!
BBC Live 5 just said that their upcoming broadcast is going to be a Trump Free Zone.
What the feck?
Getting mightily fed up with the BBCs lazy cliches and “verdicts on history as THEY see it”.
Both John Pienarr and the Media Show, Mair on PM too-all agree that Mays visit to the USA to meet Trump, and to invite him over were a “PR disaster”.
What the hell does THAT mean?
Says who-in what way-how-and do the British People think the same? Any polls?
And just because the BBC call it one-seems anything but to me!
And how come all I`m hearing from on Newsnight and clips on the “news” are the views of Labour MPs, Remainiacs, Remoaners and A Minor Fart?
Any chance I hear something from Rees Mogg and other REAL leaders of this nation?
BBC = Fake News.
Presumably then, if Mrs May had phoned President Trump, had a blazing row with him and had the phone put down on her, as happened to the Prime Minister of Australia, that would have been a diplomatic triumph for Britain?
The BBC really is beneath contempt.
I was scanning through the digital radio channels at lunchtime and I found a BBC “Asian” channel. Never realised the licence fee pays for that as well.
Anyway, can’t remember if it was a different channel I was scanning or their news but they stated that the claim that President Trump hung up was not true.
Nothing is true until it has been officially denied.
I do so love the malicious propaganda that Trump has banned Muslims from entering the US. If it was even vaguely accurate then he made a massively pathetic attempt at doing it seeing he missed including countries which have 85% of the World’s Muslims.
The seven Countries he included make up just 15% of Muslims. If he really wanted to place ban on Muslims entering the US he would surely started with Indonesia, the Country with the largest Muslim population, followed by the next three, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Those four make up nearly half of the World’s Muslims so if banning Muslims were the real reason behind the temporary ban, and not the problems created by terrorism, why would he only stop unchecked immigration from only seven tiny Muslim Countries, and with most of them having less than 2% each, whilst placing no restrictions at all on Countries where the vast majority of the World’s Muslims live.
That information, and conclusion, takes just a few minutes to find on the web but that seems to be well beyond the wit of the bBBC or I it just that it is something they are determined to completely ignore because, as with so many other inconvenient things, it does not comply with their Fake News propaganda output?
I was reading the Evening Standard last night and whilst there was anti-Trump propaganda on almost every page, it was interesting to see some pro-Trump letters in the correspondence page. I do think that some ordinary British people can see through the smokescreen that the MSM is trying to put up in front of Trump. Some of us still remember Nice, Bataclan and Father Jacques Hamel.
Local regional paper started its report on the local protest “Around 1000 people gathered in ….
True to form photo was there of (part) of the crowd. Counted about 125 in the picture, and knowing the venue there were not 8 x as many there as shown.
Two or three hundred gathered … does not quite strike the same ring, and facts in the media are now under close scrutiny.
The paper also analysed the heat map of the !.75m. Top of the pops locally went to the constituency with the students of the university and bottom of the pops was the local constituency with a strong UKIP showing!
No analysis of the other petition drawn up by the 13 year old half arabic girl for her father!
Newsnight taking it well, then.
BBC World Service – Have Your Say – Would you wear a headscarf today – World Hijab Day? Non-Muslim women around… the world are being encouraged to try out life wearing the traditional Islamic head scarf
We should be instigating/celebrating remove the Hijab day, end oppression for women
… freedom for every Muslim woman.
The BBC, the MSM, Sky should all be promoting it.
Appeaser May oops, no dice, she can t wait to cover up
It is a sad, very sad day when Islam is allowed to invert reality, turn an object of oppression into a perverse “role call”.
Because its all about erm … “freedom”? (shakes head)
Beyond belief.
Not really, Grant, considering who’s promoting it.
Look, if you are pig ugly wear a bag over your head – simples .
The Sergeant at Arms may have a problem with that in the HOC cymro.
Some may think the full burka should be compulsory. I couldn’t possibly comment!
Tell me about it, they stopped me going into the petrol station with my motorbike crash helmet on !
A rule for one……..
Get a turban!!!!!!!!!????????
I believe one Margaret Thatcher was not averse to wearing a head scarf.
Perhaps organisers could use photographs of her in their advertising?
What do you mean, Don’t be so silly!
Let’s have a world FGM day.
For God’s sake don’t give them ideas .
I believe this particular woman tried both the Conservatives and Labour before finding a cushy number with the Scottish National Socialists. They are more than welcome to her.
Old news? That bbc page is dated 2013
But the Express page is today’s
OT as it’s Sky, what’s the difference??? I spotted this on Guido and it’s worth spending 8min. watching. Ever so lefty presenter first shown to be presenting “fake news” followed by a perfect description of the non-democratic, violent lefties.
We need a ‘Trump’ to take over Treezer’s place – to drain the swamp and tackle the ‘rotten’, liberal media.
Roll on the next GE .
This is truly dreadful:
AT 30:34 a BBC lecture against Donald Trump. Then at 38:00 a caller complains about the high rate of immigration (not immigration per se, just the rate) and the BBC gives us another lecture without addressing his points.
The BBC is out of control. How can it be allowed to keep its licence to broadcast?
Just listened to the broadcast it is frightening. The hectoring and abuse presenter Yasmeen Khan gave the elderly East London man was a chilling insight into how immigrants view British natives.
The elderly guy says ‘We had a beautiful community’ and she assumes her patronising, better than thou BBC presenter voice and tells him ‘…but Peter that’s changed everywhere, it’s nothing to do with immigration, times have changed.’
Earlier Khan said that she grew up without feeling any kind of prejudice but that she felt fear for the first time yesterday. Someone should tell her ‘…but Jasmin, all that’s changed, nothing to do with racism, times have changed’.
Newsnight – Trump’s travel restrictions are “hardline”…er..No.
To my mind “hardline” would be if he expelled all Muslims from the U.S. as there continued presence their is a constant and growing threat to the stability of the country and the safety of its citizens, then introduced a permanent ban on any Muslims from entering the country.
I hope not hate the idea that we will eventually expel violent middle-class lefties and Muslims from Britain, leaving Britain a peaceful Commonwealth nation full of nice and peaceful working-class lefties, Hindus, Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians and other tolerant ideologies.
As we can see with the immoral lifestyles and history of left-wing lovvies with immoral methods of getting rich. The hypocrisy of their moral virtue signalling, when comparing their lifestyles to those of ordinary people.
This unholy alliance between Islam and these lovvies who are regarded by Islam as “anti-Semitic useful idiots, to be eventually disposed of as moral and sexual perverts”. Now marching in what seems like hideously white crowds from white areas, in support of Islam, but apparently not bringing along any Muslim refugees to these marches, or filling their spare homes with refugees either, but only demanding that those who do not want mass immigration, take them in, and rub the white working-class Labour supporters nose in diversity to the point of destruction of the Labour party core vote, by middle-class Labour voters living as a minority in Tory areas, but controlling the future of the Labour party.
I think the truth is that like National Socialists and Soviet Socialists, these Liberal socialists and Islam have a self regarding moral superiority over every one else, that inevitably causes them to violently clash with civilised people.
But also these moral puritan perverts have caused the biggest conflicts in recent times, between different factions of Socialist puritans and Islamic puritans. The National Socialists who lost, are now labelled right-wing Tories, as are many Labour MP’s today so called by a Momentum of real puritan Socialists.
Near punch-ups on the Moral Maze tonight on R4…enjoyed it…..Everyone’s favourite gobshite Owen Jones was first up, and as usual, his motor-mouth was way ahead of his brain, calling Trump nasty names and losing dummy after dummy sparring with Melanie [Phillips ]….Giles Fraser, the Islam licking CofE idiot was chiming with the boy, it was all highly amusing stuff, the Chairman struggling to maintain order. Very cool last guest, name escapes me, had the measure of the panel and left them perplexed. More of this BBC, very entertaining for once..
And we are paying a license fee to get people like Owen Jones on the BBC. The other day his masterpiece article explained to the snowflakes, that in Hungary there is no freedom of speech as one of the leftist newspaper has gone bust. Forgot to mention that it was one of the original communist state papers, got privatized and now gone bust. I doubt after the wall came down people wanted to read more socialist propaganda. Of course when I tried to complain his email address didn’t work. I suppose he felt right at home at the BBC, surrounded by similarly “intelligent” friends.
Thanks Grim, having a listen now.
Go on Portillo!
Dear Al Beeb
As the nation gets the democratic wish of the people, I thought I would reflect on my decision to vote to get out of the United States of Europe .
1. To regain our national sovereignty and democracy, something we were handed on a plate by our ancestors who fought with their lives for, for hundreds of years.
2. To control the abnormal amount of people that have been getting into our country because of weak willed leaders.
We were truly a great nation, but we have been turned into a politically correct satellite of an undemocratic union ashamed of its past .
Shame on the British MEPs that allowed it to happen.
I am pretty damn sure Churchill would have been glad of todays result .
In closing, a video especially for Al Beeb, its staff and researchers – Enjoy
Brexit: MPs overwhelmingly back Article 50 bill
So, that Supreme Court case was money and time well spent then?
“So, that Supreme Court case was money and time well spent then?”
‘A nice little earner’ if you are a lawyer?
But that nasty bitch Gina Miller had her place in the sun , so she is happy. Let’s hope she crawls back under the stone where she came from.
It’s not a stone that she’s been under.
Al Beeb’s Laura not looking very happy after the vote for independence. All that blatant propaganda didn’t work. A waste of telly tax money .
The British public are forced to pay for a broadcaster that promulgated and peddled bias against the wish of the people . Time to get rid of the telly tax.
MPs on this site – does the government have the bottle to do it? over to you Boris. You know it makes sense.
You answered your own question.
As you alluded above, we need our own Trump. He makes a decision and then makes it work – despite the BBC. Typical, successful CEO.
It’s a shame that R5 tried to equate The St Louis Manifest with President Trump’s recent temporary exclusion order.
While it was heartbreaking to hear the stories of two articulate and knowledgeable women, they steadfastly kept Rhod Sharpe’s Nazi comments on one side and agreed that there were no parallels between escaping Nazi Germany, and banning immigrants today.
Of course, after the ‘News’, he immediately got a historian to do her bit, and again, parallels were not forthcoming, but STILL, the ‘Nazi’ references peppered all his statements.
Balanced? I think definitely not! Had he agreed that the two subjects were so different, he might have brought some sensible discussion to a conclusion, but like all bBeeb ads these days, just mention one word, and you’re away with the hate. It was ‘Nazi’ in this case, therefore President Trump is doing what a ‘Nazi’ does. What utter crap!
There’s always one night when I get about two hours sleep, and sadly, it’s usually during the week when Sharpe is on, so it’s R5 or pop music…
Apologies if already covered.
DT reports yesterday that the new editor for Today is to be Sarah Sands, editor of the London Evening Standard. A publication I am unfamiliar with, but the article does include reference to a tweet saying the writer did not want “the Daily Mail to spoil my breakfast”.
The Guardian would appear to have been spoiling the breakfast of many on here for quite some time!
I’m sure any noticeable change will be noted on here, but suspect she may well be the exception that proves the rule in the Today set up.
In her career, Sands has veered between left and right wherever the money takes her. She will toe the BBC line and take our cash. Totally unprincipled creature.
So, ‘Shifty Sands’ then?
Chosen well, BBC again, you have.
I would consider the London Evening Standard to be left-leaning. It’s an odd fish though: 364 days a year its editorial choices are leftist but then suddenly out of the blue it supported Cameron at the 2015 General Election. Day to day it seems to wear diversity and equality like badges – so the Standard is the typical metropolitan virtue-signaller. Just like the BBC outlook, when something goes wrong in London – be it crime, terrorism, housing over-crowding, whatever… and the only possible answer must be more diversity. Bear in mind there’s another similarity with the BBC – it never has to SELL a single copy – it’s a feebie financed by virtual-signalling advertisers and the plaything of a Russian oligarch keen to garner celebrity support and establishment acceptance. The main man managed to get himself an invite to BBC Question Time recently – say no more.
The Standard used to be known as the ‘baby Mail’ and was fairly right-leaning.
When it moved to free production, I noticed it shifted quite heavily to left leaning, urban metropolitan SJW content. It seems to have very few actual journalists but relies mainly on reprinted press releases from NGOs, charities and other pressure groups, which is probably a major reason for the leftist angle.
‘reprinted press releases from NGOs, charities and other pressure groups’
Another similarity with the BBC
Sarah Sands became the editor of The Sunday Telegaph in November 2005. Up until then it had been my favourite newspaper. It was one of those papers that you could buy on Sunday and still find things of interest to read four days later. It was a huge and fascinating read. She gave the old girl a complete revamp, though most of us loved the paper as it was. She jettisoned a lot of brilliant free thinking journalists, Kevin Myers being my particular favourite. Popular features disappeared and their replacements were bland and safe. I don’t think The Sunday Telegraph ever recovered. She lost me as a reader and her job after six months.
It’s not looking good…
She was on the Media Show.
It is-of course “unseemly” to discuss her salary, but the dopey presenter coyly alluded to it as a final comment.
Sarah apparently has taken a big drop in salary to benefit the rest of us.
But it would be crass to tell us what that was-if it`s at all true-and what we`re stumping up for her genius.
And listen to that sarcastic knowing voice “This is the BBC , of COURSE it`s a duty to serve and to lose all my money to serve you all out there”. THAT was my message-they`re all in on the joke, damned if I`ll tell YOU lot what I`m scraping by on now.
Water cooler contempt-pure and simple.
Get her gone,smug creep.
Thank you for your replies, which have been enlightening.
You can see the BBC publicity now. Sarah Sands ex ST editor, rather like Lord Patten was wheeled out as a Conservative, all to deflect the bias claims.
Devious. Conniving. Traitorous. Intolerant. Bigoted. Delusional…..There are so many words to discribe the white hating, suicidal, Islamic Al Qabeeba cultists who have terminally infected our supposedly legally mandated impartial national broadcaster. However, this week that one word is…
‘Double standards’
“A rule or principle which is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups”
It runs through them like it would in a stick of rock…
“Trump is evil for banning Muslims travelling to the US (even though the lying bastards know thats not true) = Not even a passing mention of the fact 16 death cult states completely ban Israelis.
“Trump is uttery wrong to be protectionist and is going to cause untold damage to the worlds economy with his threats of tariffs if the US doesn’t get its way” = “The UK is going to cause untold damage to the worlds economy because the EU’s utterly right to use protectionist policies and threats to impose tariffs if it doesn’t get its way” (WTF!!)
“Caliph Obama couldn’t get anything done because he was shit…(sorry my phones autocorrect ?)..because the Republicans kept blocking him…it was disgusting” = “Democrats are doing everything they can to block everything that Trumps putting forward…its brilliant and lets hope they succeed”
“Suspected terrorist attack taking place…no details as yet, but one report of a white man seen somewhere near the the area so this is clearly a far right, racist, pro-brexit terrorist act…” =”Terrorist lorry, that killed 12 who got in the way of the lorry, had a driver. Man in court to face charges. Police say they still cannot work out the motive but they believe that Muhammad Bin Jihadi, described as looking Norwegian, and from no fixed address, has mental issues”
Has anybody seen a list yet of those MPs who voted against triggering article 50?
Of the 114 we can easily discard 54 SNP votes as noise but are all the remaining 60 from constituencies that ‘voted remain’ ? So far I have seen no correlation between dissenting MPs and their ‘local vote’ in the EU referendum. MPs are there to promote the interests of their constituency at a national level and failure to do this because of some misguided personal ideology will be remembered at the next general election.
Daily Mail has a list of MPs who went against their constituents. It includes scumbag Chris Bryant.
God help us after the next election if the first past the post results don’t suit Tiny Tim/Clegg and their liberal/left acolytes.
And the winner of the 2017 Leftoid’s linguistic gymnastics title is…..
Yeah, and you have to read right to the bottom to get a mention of the link between anti-semitism and the the Labour Party.
The Telegraph this morning puts it differently.
“Labour linked to increase in anti-Semitic incidents”
But I suppose in LeftMob world, that is just the use of ‘alternative facts’ which we can blame on Brexit and Trump.
As usual at breakfast time, I am reading the unillustrated Constitution of The Gambia. S. 71 (2) prevents any foreign national or person with dual nationality from being a cabinet minister. Not sure if this extends to National Assembly Members. I believe that the UK should pass legislation preventing anyone with dual nationality from being an MP.
PS. There are demonstrations outside the Gambian National Assembly calling on all NAMs to resign. God forbid that that should happen here !
A ban on owing allegiance to an alien power should be the law:
1) Foreign nationality (split loyalty)
2) EU pension (split loyalty to EU)
3) Muslim (split ‘loyalty’ to Sharia)
Yes !
I was amazed that it is legal to serve as an MP in the UK parliament and hold dual citizenship, to me that was the most disturbing thing which was revealed by our MSM within their response to the revised immigration measures introduced in the US.
BBC News and BBC Breakfast – Secret life of 5 yr olds
Sheesh! a lot of pushing for this programme this morning?
A long interview, a virtual advert before?
The little boys were asked, can you act like a girl? lets see you do it.
Lots of Quentin Crispery style, Hello Sailor etc, and much giggling
Our host blurts out “yes we ed like to laugh but” …
BUT! … Well, yes of course you should its comical and childlike to play and parody.
Onto the next section bring some psycho bod in
… but look folks, one girl isn t acting as the other girls … see wants to show karate etc, now that’s really interesting, lots of over the top focus from the sofa.
Intimation, look 5yr transgender traits… 5yr olds, geddit!.
Here we go, its called being a “tomboy” FFS quite normal behaviour,
That week of Interrelational diversity training, that’s cost a fortune at broadcasting house, last only week has skewed the agenda again
It’s a long time ago but my memory was that the ‘tomboys’ wanted to play with the boys, not to be a boy, and as they became pubescent the boys increasingly became their ‘prey’.
But that was before ‘they’ put something in the water and ‘we’ all became homosexual, (or is it just the BBC’s water?).
Do you mean gender fluid “metrosexual” 😀 Jim!
Bloody wasting licence fee-payers’ money on “Divercity Week” (reference to Media City, play on words, we re sooo progressive etc)
… to indoctrinate their employees at their new multi, multi million pound Media City centre in Salford.
All staff at BBC North will have to go to classes including
“All About Trans Interactions”,
“Explore the Brain of a Neurodiverse Person”
and some reality inverting mindwarp called the erm
… “Unconscious Bias Crash Course”.
Is there ANY sane parent who`d allow the BBC anywhere NEAR their kids these days?
Or are they only speaking to their own kind of media-worshipping selfie victim stupitidies in White City, Shepherds Bush and the nicer end of Salford-called Manchester(such things are relative, my dears!). In other words-drugs, lube, haribos and a Saviles Travels Annual from 1976 to get kiddies to say what Uncle Stuart, Jimmy or Chris Denning has written on their muffcuffs?
Sometimes the bias leads to utter ineptness.
On Toady this morning Mischel ‘useless’ Hussein lived up to her moniker. She had the chance to put Grayling on the spot on the issue of Heathrow expansion and the effects of traffic on the surrounding area. Lots to go for here. How to widen the M25 ? Gridlock on surrounding local roads for miles around? The effects of current rail plans which will put a local area of 25000 inhabitamts into a sort of giant trapped cul de sac. Challenging the expectations over the use of public transport. How is an expanded workforce going to get to work? And home again? And much more.
But no. We were reduced to the current lowest common denominator ‘hot’ topic about diesel cars ( note, not diesel lorries or buses, because in bBBC world only private transport can be evil). And needless to say, this just produced a ya-boo period of nothingness.
So a great opportunity to ask some truly searching questions was lost.
Absolutely pathetic. A great example though of agenda and narrative at the expense of proper investigation.
Some people have praised Farage’s speech in the EU Parliament yesterday. But it seems that the BBC were more impressed with an immature sign than what Farage actually said:
The BBC should have been appalled that the “presiding officer ” rebuked Nigel for lack of respect, but did not rebuke the child for holding up the sign. Are there no age limits for MEPs ?
In the UK parliament it is strictly forbidden to call another member a liar. I’m pretty sure it’s also not allowed to hold up signs etc. Thank God we’re leaving this other ridiculous Ruritanian tinpot ‘parliament’.
“Idiot Labour MEP Can’t Find His Seat In Brussels Parliament”
He should be in seat 383 not 44. No doubt he has broken some procedural rule by sitting in the wrong place.
A few days ago the German police raiding several ‘far right’ apartments which quite rightly made the news.
Last night they raided 50 mosques and other buildings. It’s not obviously reported on the BBC news page. Tried several searches. You’d think it might have been slightly newsworthy?
Nice little piece on Today about Dame Vera Lynn the forces sweetheart of the Second World War, but Robinson had to spoil it at the end…”ah, listening to Dame Vera Lynn the perfect antidote to Brexit and Donald Trump”.
Nick, wasn`t Britain in an alliance with the US fighting against foreign control in Dame Veras time?
Then as now. The weapons are absent now (thank God) but the spirit is the same.
Just a small aside, but one of a cumulative effort that shows just how Nick and the rest leave their politics at their door and their DNA in a uranium mine.
Nick Robinson heralded this non-story as “100 year old woman maybe about to get a Number 1 LP” with her new record,released next month.
How many half truths, blurred notions-what percentage of FAKE NEWS is contained in even those few words from Robinson?
Basically Dame Veras “greatest hits” will get Alfie Boe added and some trip-hopping types will “go all George Martin” on the string arrangements.
Vera won`t have sung in years-let alone anything “new”.
This of course is in no way a slight on the Great Lady-she`s just getting used by the patronising, soundbite cabbages at the BBC and Newsbeat yoof.
But how DARE the BBC speak of alternative facts, when they can`t even tell the truth about Veras songs getting repackaged (and probably ruined) by the marketing boys who see she`s coming up to 100 years old.
Lying bastards-our BBC-and even on the trivial, the fun, the banal as well these days.
PR-not News Basically her record company got free airtime to advertise the new album.
The BBc advertises the BBc and surprise I don’t really want to watch any of it.
Had to post this re. Flabbott:
Apologies if it’s already been shared!
Guessing BBC editorial integrity will see little time free to analyse how this latest genius political ploy to not look an utter tool has totally backfired on her, her leader, and the BBC’s fading hope of a saviour party.
The Black Flab-Butt
BBC Website calls yesterday’s anti-Trump, anti-Milo riot at Berkeley as a “protest”. it was lucky that no-one was killed. shows some of the Leftist hate tweets. Silence from the BBC.
PS Re-reading the report, a lot of it is about Milo but they don’t mention that he is gay. That is a strange omission for the gay-obsessed BBC, don’t you think ? I mean the BBC report now on their website.
Grant, somebody on here I think was positing the theory that gay men may eventually get dropped from the list of PC victims. I think this may well happen because a. they’re offensive to Islam; b. there are getting to be too many intelligent conservative gay men in the media (eg Milo, Dr David Starkey etc) who are rubbishing the left and getting away with it by playing the gay card; c. there’s a strong streak of misogyny in some gay men, of an intensity you rarely get in straight men, which offends radical feminists; d. their legal and social status is now more or less equal with heterosexual males, so they are no longer of use to special interest/victim groups.
Very perceptive post. Gay men = job done. Presumebly it only would apply to white gay men.
Grant, thanks – there certainly do seem to be a lot of very well informed, intelligent, highly rational conservative gay men in the media. I can think of Douglas Murray, Peter Whittle and Dr Starkey for starters. So much so that whenever I see a man with well argued conservative opinions who is also well turned out, I automatically think ‘gay’ (not in any pejorative sense, I might add). I think it has something to do with not having a wife (women tend to be more touchy-feely left wing than men, in my experience) and not having children (who take up time otherwise used for reading, thinking etc).
I saw one clip on YouTube of Milo saying his one regret was that he could not have children, meaning natural-born children. But, I agree , mostly they seem to be high achievers and it must drive Lefties nuts to know that so many dress to the right, so to speak !
RT News has been reporting the violence far more objectively. Highlighting the physical aggression. A Breitbart supporter was deliberately pepper-sprayed to silence in front of the camera. A young reporter was given time to speak about the irrational violence of the “protesters” and call the MSM out as agitators.
This is the kind of reporting we expect BBC!
Exactly. Many were pepper-sprayed and some beaten with metal bars, at least one when he was already lying on the ground. Police used tear gas and put the campus on lock-down. A very serious riot. If it had been the “Far Right” it would be headline news on the BBC for weeks. Any Beeboid Trolls here want to comment ? You have been very quiet for a long time now .
Like Diane Abbot they are too ill to comment.
On News at Ten last night, Laura Doomsberg was at pains to explain to Huw back in the studio that although Parliament voted to start Brexit, they were voting against what they believed in. So let’s get this straight. The British people voted for Brexit. The government could have pushed through Article 50 without a vote in Parliament, but decided to hold a vote anyway, even before they were told they must by the ‘Supreme Court’. Parliament has now voted, with a clear majority, to start Brexit.
There’s no way it could be called undemocratic – so for the Remoaners it must somehow be ‘against its beliefs’. They really are clutching at straws now.
PMQs and a Labour MP, an adult, a professional public representative.
And he was screaming, screaming at May. “Trump is a mysoganist, a racist and anti Islamic! Why won’t you cancel his state visit?” Like his life depended on it?
I don’t think in recent history any leader, even tin-pot dictators, have been so scrutinised, analysed and vilified as Donald Trump. I am at a loss to understand what is causing this hysterical reaction. It’s very similar to the Brexit reaction – based on falsehoods, irrational thought and resulting in unprecedented, over reaction.
America has coined a term for the Trump reaction, TDS or Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Gaxvil, I agree. I’ve mentioned some of my theories about Trump on here today; ie that the progressive left is flailing and desperate for a unified, morally absolute cause that they can rally behind, and hatred of Trump provides that.
Trump is also the first proper grown up politician (since Thatcher) who has said ‘No’ firmly to them. This has made them behave like a teenager who screams ‘I hate you!’ at his parents when they lay down the law.
OT, but the Telegraph seems to be aping the BBC’s editorial integrity combining a daft backside covering weasel with a Trumpslam whilst skipping over Obamaonthebeach special…
Well, ‘likely’ at least. Allegedly.
Guest Who
Sources in the US are suggesting that the targets in the Yemen had been tipped off about the raid, and the Seals met with unexpected heavy resistance.
Worth keeping an eye on this story.
Wouldn’t be surprised if civil servants with Democrat Party affiliations, within the US government or US military are going to be teaming up with al-Qaeda against anything Donald Trump does.
Were any civilians killed when Obama was bombing Yemen ? Or is it only Trump who kills civilians ?
I am sure that I read that the raid was authorised on the 19th January 2017 – go figure.
Grant, only in hospitals I believe, which in Syria is a BBC no no, but once Barry was on bombardier duty all good. Apparently. Now bad again.
Petition to allow Trump to visit the U.K., up to 260,000 signatures already.
sign here >>>
We read that Owen Jones, the Labour and left street yobboes are planning massive anti Trump demonstrations. Leftish Naxis are openly boasting about the violence they intend to inflict, with no condemnation form Herr Jones and co.
Worth comparing them to Pegida marches, which are refused permission by the police despite assurances that they will be peaceful
Perhaps it might be worth asking the Prime Minister and Home Secretary to use a few hose pipes to wash away this filth. Even if it means getting a few of her precious Moslems wet.
What are they afraid of? Any ideas? Anyone? Please?
I hope the Emir of London didn’t flog the water cannons that Boris bought. Seems like they might come in handy after all.
It will be interesting to peruse all those Labour MP’s who voted against Brexit. I would love to believe that UKIP could make some headway out this self indulgent act of treachery. However, from my experience Labour voters are incredibly tribal. There are parts of Blighty where you could put up a horse’s arse and stick a red rosette on it and it would get elected.
I’m thinking particularly of David Lammy but it’s a long list.
Interesting – on the pro Trump visit petition map – a high uptake in Farron’s constituency.
Her time but whose money? Tell me who was working her with their foot or is she simply a, ‘hobby litigator’?
I think his name starts with “S” and ends with “oros”.
I wouldn’t even call her ‘luv’, bloody witch!
This is ridiculous – the BBC have placed “Here’s Lying Sign Held Behind Farage” headline – back on their Frontpage – with an image of “He’s Lying”. They had it on their frontpage yesterday – but replaced it with a link to the non-story of Beyoncé due to be having twins. But today they have returned the non-story slur of Nigel Farage of “you’re lying” back on their frontpage.
Frontpage as of now: (scroll down a little)
Link to the non-story:
Dance – very professional, very adult. What jolly, school boy japes might we see next? But then Dance is understandably upset – the wheels have come off his gravy train. Boo Hoo!
Don’t be silly, MPs and MEPs make huge salary sacrifices so that they can be of “public service”, or so they are always telling us. After Brexit he can return to his high paying, high skilled job in the private sector… or maybe become a tax eating parasite on a quango.
Whatever happens, he won’t starve. Sadly.
Is anybody keeping tabs on just WHO the BBC is choosing to interview these days?
The Today show seems to glory in giving us Marxist gobshites, Lefty grievance mongers, nomark Lib Dummies and-yes endless Trumpexit hating blowhards we all know.
But even I have never heard of Lord Newby-Leader of the Libscum in the Lords.
Remind me again-eight MPs in 2015 for those traitors-so why the hell are they in the Lords which they surely see as anti-democratic don`t they?
But Newby got plenty time to spout shite as did MacDonell.
As opposed to the mother of a murdered girl who wanted parole denied to anybody who`d not tell the parents where the body was-poor sod got bumped sharpish by Mishal, mid-story-because
Guess What?
How Brexit will affect Shell, and what dirt can be dished on Rex Tilletson who`s an oil man himself, before Trump gave him his new job?
Sod your dead kids-Trumpexit needs to be shoehorned and jemmied into EVERY story. Fuck the BBC-fuck , fuck and fuck again the BBC.
Well, it’s only what you’d expect from a Left Wing political organization.
Remember we were given a CHOICE of whether part of our union sub’s went to the Labour Party? With BBC subscriptions – we do not have that luxury.
And I thought the Conservatives were all about CHOICE?
When I have this discussion with a Lefty, I always ask them how they would feel if they had to pay £145 every year to the Tory party on pain of imprisonment. But they still don’t get it or pretend they don’t.
100 Women: What’s it like to be British, female and Muslim?
The short video has an interview with the National Treasure Nadiya – the BBCs gold standard of Muslims.
Interesting bit at 2m00s when a Muslim lady says she is asked if she considers herself “British” and she says she shouldn’t have to answer that question. Seems a bit hypocritical of the videos authors to include that bit but title the video ‘What’s it like to be British, female and Muslim?’
I cannot keep up with the political correctness these days. Are we to assume that all Muslims in the UK are 100% “British” but if we ask them if they feel “British” then that is Islamophobic?
The correct question would have been “What is it like to be a female muslim with a British passport?”.
I don’t think that possession of a travel document issued by Britain will ever change their true allegiance.
Put a dog in a stable then ask it if it feels like a horse.
Just in case you have never heard this (snigger) a Moslem woman won the Bake Off competition some time ago. Since then she has been hailed as a representative of all that is perfect in the Moslem community. Described by the BBC as a ‘Celebrity baker and author’. But now the poor wee lass is appearing on the BBC once again. This time to say how oppressed she is,and how she needs police protection.
(On another topic. Has anyone heard anything about the bacon sandwich thrower who died in prison?)
Snap. We both hit the same spot.
GWF. and now it seems she’s in line to be included with the old Bake Off team for a new programme, but her daughter wishes she’d never won Bake Off as ‘she never sees enough of Mummy” – bet the money helps though !
Massive destruction in and around Berkeley University USA where Milo was due to speak on FREE SPEACH. A Starbucks was destroyed but so far no arrests.
More details on
BBC Website headline ” UC Berkeley cancels Breitbart speaker as students protest”.
Tells you all you need to know about the verminous BBC.
Would recommend “In Our Time” featuring Hannah Arendt earlier today.
1. No real look into how Heidegger seduced her, for that Nazi/Jewish refugee mix is toxic and requires opinions on feminist heroism c.f career building and worshipping clever amoral older blokes. Hardly of the scale and moment of Harriet Harman and her imaginings, but would have thought it worth a word or two-if only to make the feminists think for once.Tessa Jowell may SEEM to match this one Melvyn-but it doesn`t.
2. Some real insights-inadvertedly-into the totalitarian liberal mindset-yes, they meant to describe Nazis, but it all reflected right back onto the BBC re Trump and Brexit, Global warming and Islam, Refugees and Marxist/Leninism(pastel shades of lime green and pink with a rainbow flag maybe?).
Apparently these “radical totalitarians” could not even discuss evil, their banal acceptance of it, their hunting down of alien or dissenting voices, their capture of culture and education at all levels, the media doing their brainwork for them. seeing each other only as causes, victims, systems to administer and put on file.
The BBC panel saw no parallels about their OWN beam in the eye-it`s as if Alastair Campbell never spoke on their Media Show yesterday afternoon like a Goebbels blowing on Maxwells lungs stuffed with Prozac and thinking he`s playing a bagpipe to Hamelin via the Kindertransport
No-even Eichmann was duped like this, a bland clueless functionary in need of a lifes work, good cause and state pension for following the herd-leading the lesser species…those who`d vote for Trump or Nigel eh Adolf?
No-nobody at Melvyns table saw any link to today-but once you`d heard Giles Fraser, Owen Jones and Matthew Taylor on the Moral Maze last night-you`d see the obvious link-and the only one required these days.
Thankfully-after Brexit and Trump-tomorrow NO LONGER belongs to them.
But-the liberal scum in the media etc have long got used to being at the bridge, and won`t easily give up the wheel of the ship. But we know where they are now, and I for one am enjoying the sabotage, Hope you are too.
“You should never reward those who are responsible for failure, because all you`ll ever get in the future is more failure”
Book Of Trump-Woolman Ice Rink 1986-Chapter 13, p323, verse 3!
Thank God for this man won`t you?Pray he stuffs that elephant enema up their fat arses so deep they`ll waddle off to hell pronto! Dianne Abbottabad not so well is hse?
Sounds like the continuation of the Today programme by other means
I believe that nowadays historical research shows that Arendt was proably wrong with her comment on the “banality of evil” with regard to Eichmann.
When his life was on the line, it suited Eichmann to appear as if he was a boring little cog in the big machine, a mere civil servant doing his job without regard for the big picture. However, it now seems that he was in fact an enthusiastic National Socialist and rabid anti-Semite, who enthusiastically worked towards the Final Solution. Naturally, mentioning that would not have helped his defence, but luckily the Israelis saw through it and stretched his neck anyway.
A shame for him really, because nowadays he’d feel right at home in Momentum.
Rob, Bettina Stangneths “Eichmann before Jerusalem” explores the evidence around this in some detail, and discusses whether Arendt herself was to some degree duped by him.
The true horror of ideological totalitarianism of the Nazi or Communist varieties seems to be that some people really believe in the rightness of killing for the utopian cause, and are able to lead others to act on the same conclusion.
Thanks, that must be the book I was thinking of.