So Prince Charles thinks we are ‘forgetting to learn the lesson of the Holocaust’ in light of Trump’s immigration policy...this from a man who maintains close ties to Muslim fundamentalists, a major part of whose ideology is anti-Semitic and who fund that ideology across the world, including in the UK.
The same Charles who told us that Muslim migrants to Europe were like Mary and Joseph and that Muhammed was merely a peace loving migrant himself…never mind he slaughtered the Jews and conquered and colonised so many countries imposing his oppressive ideology upon them.
Seems the only person who forgets the lessons of history is Charles himself.
And the BBC of course.
They maybe need a reminder….all yours on the new open thread…
The Today team on R4 were pondering whether the rocketing sales (BBC truth?) of Orwell’s 1984 had anything to do with Trump’s astounding Machtergreifung. Strange. As far as I can remember 1984 was a critique of the Soviet totalitarianism. One girly pseudointellectual did seem to grasp that “it was something to do with language”. No connection was made between political correctness and the suppression of free speech.
Media orifices that proclaim their own truthfulness should always be mistrusted. Pravda = Truth
BBC = We are the Font of Truth – we will protect you from “Fake news”
But in the eyes of Pravda and the BBC, truth is a “bourgeois concept”. What is important is to use information or news to further a political agenda.
The BBC continuously pushes the line that Brexit has opened up divisions in the country, that need healecd (retch, puke), the spike in “racist incidents/racist attacks/hate crime” since the referendum, that Brexit has “given permission” for people to say “what they daren’t say” before. Mrs Blair amongst others, used the same expression during an interview on Newsshite some time ago.This is very sinister indeed. Why should anybody need permission from the likes of Blair or the BBC to express their opinion?
Farage was Hitler a few years ago. Now Trump is the new Hitler and so it goes on.
But Hitler just didn’t appear overnight. It took the carnage and defeat in WW1, hyperinflation, harsh reparations, communist and nazi paramilitary violence, the weakness of the Weimar republic, the Wall Street Crash and the Grest depression to produce Hitler. So if Farage is Hitler, 40 years of the EU and the liberal project must be equivalent to the horrors and hardships that brought the real Hitler to power.
Didn’t George Orwell write 1984 after working at the BBC’s department of Information, sending the latter up as the Ministry of Truth?
Yes, I think that is where he got the idea. Now roles are reversed , the BBC are getting their ideas from 1984.
Wasn’t 101 the room number of a particular department at the BBC in Orwell’s time there?
I think it was a meeting room and Orwell found the meetings akin to torture. BBC resurrected it in the series and comedy “Room 101 “, persumebly being unaware of the irony !
ID et al,
Orwell was employed in the wartime propaganda department of the BBC from 1941 to1943 , broadcasting pro British essays and the like to India.He resigned to do something that he thought would be more useful to the war effort. Working for the BBC was not his cup of tea. That particular propaganda department has taken over the whole of the corporation in recent years. I am certain that Orwell would be horrified by the present day BBC and their endless stream of leftist bile. He would also feel that his warnings about the way truth is manipulated by power to serve the ends of power , were fully justified. The BBC are trying to claim Orwell for their own and suggesting he was warning about the rise of politicians, they pejoratively call them ‘populists’, such as President Trump, Nigel Farage, Gert Wilders. But it is exactly the current wave of none conforming politicians who give ordinary people a voice and enable them to tell those charge , the liberal left elite, what they don’t want to hear , which is something Orwell believed to be the very essence of liberty and democracy.
The BBC serve the liberal left globalist elite who have run the world for several decades. That elite is being challenged for the first time by Brexit and the election of President Trump and they don’t like it one little bit. The people , led by The likes of Farage and the POTUS, are challenging the elite ( what a strange thing to write, the POTUS is challenging the elite! ) . Long suppressed truths are being spoken. Orwell would be very pleased and supportive.
“The BBC are trying to claim Orwell for their own and suggesting he was warning about the rise of politicians, they pejoratively call them ‘populists’, such as President Trump, Nigel Farage, Gert Wilders.”
Odd that. At the time, no-one thought Orwell was warning about “populists”. Orwell could not get the book published by any left wing publisher, because they all saw that it was a critique of Stalin and Soviet Socialism. But if Newspeak and Doublethink mean anything, it is surely to enable the left wing intelligentsia to claim Orwell in their fight against the free democratic will of the lumpen proles. Which fools gave them the vote?
Yes indeed Animal Farm and 1984 are critiques of totalitarian regimes in general and communism in particular.. the BBC are trying to lead people to believe that Orwell’s target was only Facism and that Farage and Trump are in that category., rather than , as I think they are, the voices of the people.
BBC Main News Page – A transgender teenager is taking legal action against his former school for discrimination.
Aidan, 16, who was born female??? ,claims he was effectively excluded because Hereford Cathedral School refused to let him wear a boy’s uniform.
This was despite the support of his mother and the family’s GP as he began his transition.
BBC continues on with erm … the rules, the erm Gender reassignment guidance
The Equality Act: Gender reassignment guidance for schools
It is unlawful for schools to treat pupils less favourably because of their gender reassignment
Schools must factor in gender reassignment when considering their obligations under the Equality Act
To be protected by the Act, a pupil will not necessarily have to be undertaking a medical procedure to change their sex, but must be taking steps to live in the opposite gender, or proposing to do so
Schools need to make sure that all gender variant pupils are not singled out for different and less favourable treatment from that given to other pupils
… There s a lot of money behind all this, a lot of influence
Like Trans-genderism is the new black?
………… or the new, gay? Not so long ago, gay wedding cakes and hotel rooms were a cause celebre. Seems trans news has replaced that.
But that then gives them two mutually exclusive causes – genderism and Islamism?
“To be protected by the Act, a pupil will not necessarily have to be undertaking a medical procedure to change their sex, but must be taking steps to live in the opposite gender, or proposing to do so
Schools need to make sure that all gender variant pupils are not singled out for different and less favourable treatment from that given to other pupils”
I bet that would cause a bit of a stir in the changing rooms after P.E.
We have always had trans people in society (albeit a tiny minority) and men who for artistic purposes wore makeup. Nobody batted an eyelid. So why now?
I’m convinced the current promotion by official bodies of transgenderism is to facilitate the development and introduction of transhumanism.
I was at one of his increasingly rare talks a few weeks ago – Icke is sounding less and less crazy these days, and very placid in his delivery.
If the aim is for the country and ultimately the World to be none binary (good luck with that one) – But, but, but, Muslims will not approve. In fact it is anti-Islamic!
It sounds like the next step for the BBC …. the BBC i-plugger. Then they can download their bullsh1t directly to your brain!
GS..We have always had trans people in society (albeit a tiny minority) and men who for artistic purposes wore makeup.
Am currently in a late village pantomime, and you should hear the backstage comments our 6’2 Panto Dame is getting in light of all the recent Trans news. The quips are much funnier than the onstage script !!!!
Lobster, I wonder if this will head in the same direction as these ‘hate crimes’ where anybody, anywhere just needs to say they were upset by something that someone was supposed to have said.
Once speech is shut down, will it be an offence to look at someone (or even not look at someone) and somebody, somewhere will find a reason to be offended.
I’m sure there are sensible laws that already exist to protect any mistreatment of these people without having to keep creating laws which eventually will make everything illegal.
Wish I was a schoolboy again !
Also the chilling amendment in official documentation and medical terminology of the term “Gender” to “Assigned Gender”.
The subtext of which is that ultimately the authorities, not nature, will decide what you are.
Even George Orwell did not predict this .
It would have been impossible, the very concept did not exist.
So how does the BBC get by the Competition Commission?
Just listening to the Moral Maze from radio 4 last night, some of the idiots were calling Trump a monster and worse, what the hell is the BBC playing at allowing this to be broadcast?
The Moral Maze featured a Dr Philip Cunliffe from Kent Univeristy, who totally destroyed the efforts and lefty mindset of Matthew Tayolr and Giles Fraser last night.
Both reveal themselves to be clueless lefty lotus eaters in the face of real brains, their real nastiness and abuse of their inferiors (Fraser called Trump a scumbag-hope Malloch passes it back and Mr Prez sues the pants off the BBC for allowing this constant abuse and serial evil on their airwaves).
And the best bit was that Cunliffe took them apart from the LEFT!
Boy-they weren`t ready for that!
Brilliant Dr Cunliffe-have a listen to not the point when Taylor gives up the chase and loses all point, heart and purpose.
Much like his dad and fellow stiff stuffers at the BBC.
Like sending the Keystone Cops into the Twin Towers-Trump has learned all he now needs, so we`ll be fine.
Moral Maze – Dr Philip Cunliffe – an almost perfect example of how to deal with bullshit from posturing political juveniles.
This is the first time I have listened with growing interest to anything on BBC.
US-Australia refugee deal: Trump in ‘worst call’ with Turnbull on Al Beeb News web site.
The highest rated comments are not going well…so far, I love Mr Bill Savages’s take:-
‘BBC excels itself by trying to demonise Trump who was democratically elected on a platform of controlling US borders. Of course these immigrants are illegal and people smugglers are testing our defences every day. The bleeding hearts would just open the borders to all comers. How many immigrants did Geldof take?’
At last they have got rid of that picture on the News site of the idiot at the Euro Reichstag Parliament with his silly sign behind Nigel Farage pointing to an empty seat!
Interesting – The US has a growing number of ‘sanctuary cities’ where illegals are welcomed and not vetted.
This puts these cities outside US Federal law.
So far there have only been threats to with-hold Federal funding with California threatening to succeed from the Union.
When the BBC get bored with their current obsession with transgenderism, I wonder where they will go next ? My guess is that it will be something to do with animals and will not be very pleasant.
It won’t be Halal slaughter for sure.
Can’t help think that for some the trans thing is just another ‘look at me’ thing like coming out as gay, tattoos and piercings.
Grant, the taboos yet to be be broken seem to be the following, and I put these in the order in which I think the progressives/grievance mongers will tackle them: 1. Polygamy. 2. Incest. 3. Paedophilia. 4. Bestiality.
I think number 1 will be an issue over the next few years, for demographic reasons. 2, 3 and 4 have all reared their heads in recent years, but the public does not seem to have much appetite for them. 2 has clear genetic reasons against it, which are hard to argue against. 3. will probably be blurred in some way, perhaps involving child brides etc. 4 raises issues of animal rights, which at present trump issues of free choice in humans.
However, ‘Trans’ stuff, due to its endless permutations and varieties, will I think occupy the lawyers and nuisance peddlers for many years to come. With taboos 1-4 you are either doing them or you are not; with ‘trans’ its nowhere near as simple and thus they can keep debate going almost indefinitely.
And , what is the factor in common ? Sex, of course. The BBC’s overriding obsession. Even moreso than Brexit and Trump.
1. I wonder if the BBC would include women having more than one husband, in the interest of equality. 2. I do not think the BBC would be interested in the genetic aspects , but would support it because it is practised by many muslims. 3. Already practised by some Beeboids and many muslims , so ok. 4. You have a point. Maybe just restrict it to dead animals.
Anyway, we have given any Beeboids reading this some ideas and they should be grateful.
Grant, the BBC considered a programme on sado-masochism, bestiality and necrophilia but decided it was just flogging a dead horse.
“The BBC’s overriding obsession”? Maybe, maybe not. I’d err towards the latter.
But seeing as that list came from Cranmer’s mind and nowhere else, it’s a bit rum to blame the BBC for his/her own sordid obsessions.
Although Biased BBC being what Biased BBC is, I don’t doubt that its deluded denizens will claim that they are pure, virtuous, intelligent adults, rather than puerile little juveniles who’ve never grown up and blame everybody else for their own failings.
‘. . . seeing as that list came from Cranmer’s mind and nowhere else, it’s a bit rum to blame the BBC for his/her own sordid obsessions.’
Can’t comment on the polygamy, but for the incest, paedophilia and bestiality, I expect Cranmer was thinking of the sculptor and typeface designer Eric Gill (1882 – 1940). It was quite well known during his life that Gill was having sex with two of his daughters, Betty and Petra, with his sisters Cicely and Gladys (and probably with Angela, too), and with his dog. The perfect hat-trick of sexual deviance, in fact. As well as exploiting his position to exercise a droit de seigneur with his domestic staff.
When he wasn’t carving the frieze Prospero and Ariel (1932), that is, which to this day graces the exterior of Broadcasting House. Not that the installation should be removed. That way iconoclasm lies. Nor should we draw any adverse inference from the fact that the BBC much later adopted the fount Gill Sans for its graphic identity and for many of its on-screen graphics. It does make me wonder, though (to rehearse something I wondered about in a thread months and months ago, so apologies for the repetition, but it seems relevant here), what first attacted the BBC to the bestial and incestuous paedophile Eric Gill?
LOL ! He sounds just like the BBC’s kind of guy. My goodness, they were at it even back then !
I love the idea of ultra-puritan John Reith signing up Gill to do The Sower statue in the foyer with all the pompous words on the Latin inscription alongside it “This temple of the arts and muses is dedicated to Almighty God and dog-botherers everywhere”. If only Reith knew – ha ha ha.
Tomi Dearest,
If you want considered argument and thoughtful debate – you could do a lot worse than this site. If you just want to be abusive – I humbly suggest you just fuck off.
Numbers 1,2 and 3 are also collectively known as Islam.
How bestiality/animal rights were dealt with in the Middle Ages is in some ways relevant to the Sharia law approach to rape.
In Germany and Switzerland if a boar,say, gored someone to death, it could be put on trial for its life. In the case of bestiality, both parties were considered equally culpable and could be put on trial for their lives. This was because both had committed an unnatural and impious act, i.e. a taboo had been broken. The same thinking must apply for rape under Shariah law. Both parties are impure because of an impure act and so must be stoned to death. In one case in Basle a butcher and a mule were caught performing unnatural acts, they were both put on trial and sentenced to be buried alive. The citizens of Basle were upset and got up a petition to spare the mule because she had “suffered violence” and was of a “sweet and gentle nature”. The butcher was killed and the mule walked free. I suppose this was the “battered mule” defence.
If a stone block, say, fell from a building, the block could also be put on trial for murder. The modern mind cannot grasp the thinking behind these processes. As with the Romans, there is an idea that the natural order has been disturbed and some rite has to be performed to restore it.
This is why pandering to Islam and Shariah law is such a retrograde step.
Concepts like halal and haram have no place in the modern world anymore than the fas/nefas of the Romans.
That is why they have these “animal brothels” in Germany today, where the depraved can lawfully go and pay to rape animals.
The law which made homosexuality illegal in Germany was one which covered unnatural acts – within which bestiality was also prohibited; when the law was repealed to legalize homosexuality, other activity it prevented were also made lawful.
That’s dead boring.
Grant, I’ve been thinking this is where mankind is heading next – where else is there to go ?
Brilliant. Trump has now put that Aussie prat Turnball in his place. Looks like he slammed the phone down on him. Trump is the gift which never stops giving. Great stuff !
He is the greatest political leader I have ever had the privilege of witnessing.
I love him!
BTW I don’t recall much in the way of anti Aussie protests against their hard-line immigration policy?
Gaxvil, I recall the BBC got an attack of the vapours over it, and there was some quite harsh questioning on the Today programme etc, but the policy largely seems to have been forgotten now (probably because it works as a deterrent and therefore there are no newsworthy stories about drownings etc).
That moron, Obama , was too stupid to ask himself ” If the Aussies won’t take them, why should we ? “. Idiot.
Yes, I recall the Today mentions, but compared to the hysteria surrounding Trump – minimal.
Why is it that when you try and Google Malcolm Turnbull, all you get is ‘articles’ by The Guardian?
Something to gladden BBC hearts.
Christian persecution seen in more locations across the globe, new report shows:-
F**K YEAH!!!!
Iraq lawyer Phil Shiner struck off over misconduct
It`s about time… This part though annoyed me…..
He did not attend the hearing, having written to the tribunal to say he was unwell and could not afford to pay for a defence lawyer. WTF!!??
Also why is he not now subject to criminal proceedings??? His actions cost the taxpayer over £30 million.. Also his false accusations ended some of our bravest soldiers thier careers….
There is some justice however little or late.
Justin – just lately there seems to be an epidemic of people “falling ill” at crucial moments. I think it’s called Abbottitis.
I must apologise to the absent Shadow Minister as it would appear that she was ill with an upset stomach.
Is that her front or rear view ? I have a degree in Zoology , but we never studied Abbotts.
Grant – Take your pick! Crap comes out of both ends.
Ah, poor woman. That must explain all the buckets at events she attends.
Lob, that hippo seems to have caught a bit of what Damien Grammaticus was suffering from yesterday.
BBC: Let’s talk now to our European correspondant, Damien Grammaticus, who is in Brussels and … and clearly tempers getting, er [giggles], very frayed there, Damien.
Damien: Yes they are, I mean, this European parliament, er, at times does get quite rowdy. Here what we’re seeing, er, the, er, ripple effects coming out from, I think, both the the sort of tensions caused by the, er, what we’re seeing, er, Donald Trump’s administration and now and also the the Brexit vote, er, being reflected here in the European Parliament in the debate that’s going on. Er, the those exchanges, er, with Nigel Farage were, er, preceded by, er, the biggest leaders, the leaders of the the biggest groupings in the parliament, the main centrist groupings, er, who stood up and condemned, er, Donald Trump’s, er, travel ban, er, that was also supported by the European Union’s foreign policy chief who said that that was not the European policy, the European policy was to, er, to view that as those sorts of measures as increasing tensions, er, not otherwise. Er, and then, er, the issue was also raised, er, about the Donald Trump’s pick of ambassador, er, for to the European Union and we heard the two leaders of the two biggest groups in the Parliament say that they would not welcome a man who had publicly said, er, that he was in favour of seeing the end of the European Union and the end of the Euro. So some real tensions bubbling up.
Thanks Damien … and bubbling out too, it would seem. Unfortunately, Damien doesn’t possess a tail.
Now I know why everyone on the Labour front bench looks so nervous.
I couldn’t hear a thing due to the soundtrack from the BBC reality check programme?
I wonder if there are any grounds for criminal charges against Shiner ? I would love to see that low-life in chokey !
Grant – just choked would suit me.
Fraud Act 2006, (inter alia).
And I suspect the British soldiers who are victims of Shiner may have cause for a civil action against him. He must be made to suffer just as much as they did. He is a very evil man.
Absolutely! As well as falsely pursuing thousands of our brave servicemen, Phil Shyster defrauded us of millions of pounds in legal aid.
You can be certain he won’t be the only “human rights” lawyer involved in this type of malfeasance.
I’d like to think that there are quite a few brave soldiers, who may just decide to change their names to ‘Chalky’, ‘Snowy’ and ‘Jumbo’, and pop round to his place for a bit Glasgow handshaking…
Worth a listen: BBC R4 The World Tonight item on “fake news” starts at 38:45
Had I not been lying down in bed, my jaw would surely have dropped!
If any of us on this site are of a malicious disposition today is the day to pump your fist in the air and shout “YES!!” very loudly. Phil Shiner, human rights lawyer, has been found guilty of multiple counts of dishonesty and a lack of integrity. He’s been struck off. This conniving traitor has accused numerous British soldiers of torturing and murdering Iraqi combatants. And he’s made a fortune from their misery. He has now been forced to admit that he paid an Iraqi middleman to find these “claimants” and pay them.
What really got my goat though was when he took part in a BBC documentary about the (in)famous Sergeant Blackman case. He was totally unsympathetic to the plight of our brave solider. When asked about the dreadful battlefield stress all the troops would have been subjected to he said, “That’s what they’re trained for. There should be no reduction in his sentence.” Well, you heard it from the “horse’s mouth.” No reduction in his sentence…
This bloke’s a lawyer. He knows the law. That’s what he was trained for.
Let’s hope this foul creature is treated with equal sympathy…
I see More or Less does not call Trump a liar on Inauguration crowd numbers.
Problems with aerial shots
– Look closely and you’ll spot some white spaces were rain marqees with people inside
– too cloudy for satellite
– no air shots cos no fly zone and no tall buildings
The modelling guys only mention numbers 45 mins before start
Prog claims the womens march got bigger crowds.Yes of course cos marches and parades do get bigger crowds cos more spread and less security.
Blue Peter time capsule dug up 33 years early
Might be a good time to take that Jim’ll Fix It badge out then?
Friends! I have – literally – waded in to the mass debate [Sic! – J.C. Oh Jeremy! Don’t be so literally dirty-minded! – L.] that is currently raging on the Progressive Left about how to deal with the latest dirty trick that has been played by Hard-Right Brexiters, namely, persuading 498 MPs to vote for it!
It comes [Oh, I totally DESPAIR! – J.C. Oh Jeremy! Don’t despair! Brexit can yet be averted – I know you’re as anxious for that as I am! – L. No comment! – J.C.] in the shape of a piece I’ve written in response to an article by Anne Perkins in the Far-Right Guardian today, which I’ve also copied in to my Blog, which can be found – literally – here:
Friend Lefty! Doubtless you are aware of work in this regard being carried out by Operative XX-3, codename ‘Kuensberg’. She successfully issued the coded broadcast last night (also known as ‘News at Ten’) making it clear that all MPs were ‘voting against what they believed in’. (J.C. – Hey! Some of believe in Brexit 70% you know! Groan.)
Friend Cranmer! It is good to hear that the Far-Right Zionist Kuensberg is beginning to make amends for her vicious slanders against Jeremy recently – not merely by the action last night that you’ve described, but also by objectively pointing out to Trump the other day that he is a literally unelected dictator, who is literally worse than Hitler.
Not really news I suppose. Most certainly not BBC type news! Merely further to what we know already i.e. more confirmation of the conspiracy of the Western Governments, including the UK, to turn a ‘blind-eye’ to the further development and intensification of Islam in the West.
Where are the demonstrations against Merkel??
Germany to electronically tag muslims on watch list even though they have committed no crime. Can you imagine the reaction if Trump did it!
Again you’ll not see this in BBC.
Paywalled so if link doesn’t work google” financial times Germany tags”.
Guardian’s £90m losses
PaulH aready has big discussion about the Guardian
The Guardian is a national treasure that evidently requires its own unique funding formula.
Therefore I propose a new tax (or “Newspaper Licence Fee”) on equipment used in connection with reading newspapers (e.g. magazine racks, spectacles, contact lenses, armchairs), regardless of whether or not said equipment is used for reading The Guardian or other newspapers.
The Newspaper Licence Fee (NLF) might be unpopular at first, but could be enforced by writing a series of increasingly sinister automated letters to “the occupier” at unlicensed addresses. Most Brits prefer a quiet life and would cough up sooner or later. In time the NLF would become part of the fabric of national life, and folk would pay it without thinking.
The NLF could be set at, say, £14.70 per year. Less than 30 pence per week seems a small price to pay to safeguard a much loved, globally admired British institution and foster objective news reporting in the age of fake news.
Fees collected could be put into a Trust, to be disbursed under the supervision of a Board of suitably qualified and distinguished Trustees. Unfortunately “Son of a Lord” Tristram Hunt and “Thunderbirds” Miliband are already busy, but it could be the ideal gig for any senior Brit currently doing valuable work on the UK’s behalf in Brussels, but who may now be freshening up their LinkedIn profile.
A clever post, Tom_Kenny.
Uncomfortable case in local paper: The judge has stopped a court case about Asians 3Men & 1 woman “encouraging a child into prostitution”
The “teenager” claimed on one occasion she’d been sexually assaulted and on another raped, but cos she’d been seen on CCTV receiving money from the 27yr old rape suspect the judge said that meant her evidence wasn’t sound.
Farage on Trump and the EU
Best definition of a fascist – someone from the Right winning the argument.
BTW following the UC Berkeley riot there has been one arrest.
According to Breitbart, Trump has tweeted about UC Berkeley ” No Federal Funds ? ” .
Children, Daddy Donald is home now and I think you’re going to be for it!
I don’t know the full facts , but it seems a bit harsh to punish the Uni. when they at least invited Milo. But, who knows to what extent they were complicit.
Well, their people put ideas in kid’s heads – safe spaces, taking down statues and all references to their founders etc and wholehearted encourage, ‘spoilt child teddy’s out of cots’ attitudes.
Though, when I said, ‘Children’ – I include Democrat Senators, Iran and a whole lot more.
This Month in Your Local NHS Trust:-
“We will be shining the spotlight on some of our most influential health pioneers – people like Florence Nightingale and Dr Michael Dillon – as part of the worldwide acknowledgement of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans+) History Month which runs throughout February.
The aim of LGBT+ History month is to promote equality and diversity and at the Trust we want to encourage conversations and raise awareness of the range of communities that make up our workforce. Longer term, we want to ensure inclusive practice, clinical and otherwise, and aim to create an environment that is supportive of people’s differences and challenges; where ignorance and discrimination are exposed.
Colleagues may well be familiar with our health pioneers’ professional achievements but may not realise what was going on in their personal lives at the same time. Did you know that Dr Dillon, born in 1915 and famed for his work on ethics and medicine, is the first person known to have transitioned from female to male both hormonally and surgically? Or that scientist, feminist and suffragist Dr Sara Baker was an “out” lesbian who worked in a very male-dominated field? or check out NHS Employers“
It really gets on my tits when public sector organisations launch virtue-signalling, social engineering initiatives like this.
Or it will do, after I’ve had them done.
T_K – That’s funny!
It’s been almost half a working day since the BBC had a transgender article to continue their obsession…
and here is the latest…
I may get pregnant but I won’t be an ‘expectant mother’
From the article:
“The trans community is small, the trans male community is smaller and then the number of trans men who’ve had babies is vanishingly small,” he says.
Yep, vanishingly small but the BBC still like to p*ss away the taxpayer budget on this stuff.
For those who can’t get enough of this stuff here is a shed load more Trans stuff:
We hear Vera Lynn is 100. Apologies to the forces’ sweetheart but here is the modern version of the BBC weather forecast:
There’ll be Named Clouds over
The white cliffs of Dover
Tomorrow, there’s a 30% chance, you’ll see.
There’ll be false weather alerts and warnings
But peaceful mornings
Tomorrow, unless you live in Orkney
This weather weirding
It’s the WORST that you’ve EVER seen!
And Carol will dance on Strictly
And Tomasz will flip the bird
In their own little world again.
There’ll be Named Clouds over
The white cliffs of Dover,
Tomorrow, if the Irish Met Office agree
There’ll be Global Warming
So best wrap up warmly
Tomorrow, just you wait and see.
The bBBC doesn’t seem to have found space to report this, no doubt for their usual reason. Watch for it to be hidden away as ‘local news’.
First thing that popped into my mind looking at the 6 photos of the men was….lone wolves.
I thought they looked a bit Norwegian.
“First thing that popped into my mind looking at the 6 photos of the men was….lone wolves.”
The first thing that popped into my mind was……. -castration.
Two of the men shouted “Allahu Ackbar” as they were taken to the cells.
It’s nothing to do with Islam, though.
Can’r find it on the BBC website.
Whilst the BBC has yet to cover that story, probably working on the damage-limitation aspects at the moment, they have covered this important item:
Poor old Nadiya.
The BBC really has got its head wedged firmly up its own arse.
They have covered it. They even mentioned Alan’s Snackbar much to my amazement.
However I had to search the entire site for ‘Rotherham’ before I was able to locate it, tucked away on the Sheffield & South Yorkshire pages.
Plus ca change…
Thanks for putting in the effort to find that story. I can only imagine it was bumped from the front page by Beyoncé’s bump, the Blue Peter time capsule disaster or the fact that Bristol is more posh than Cambridge.
Sir Arthur (ref your comment at 4:19 pm),
You sir, are a clairvoyant of the highest order. Spooky!
As I am no longer writing anything nasty about the BBC I have decided to apply for a
job with them as a diversity consultant. I wrote to them telling them if they wanted to find one ethnic officer from the Coldstream Guards to interview about the army, I was their man.
Also I told them them I could give them a list of many schools in London where they wouldn’t
have to show a single indigenous London kid.
As for female ethnic presenters and reporters I can give them a long list of middle east or
Indian subcontinent ladies with strong Irish brogues. Alas I had a letter back telling me
that they already have a full department dealing efficiently with this. However they told me that if I could get another of the bar staff with a strong Mancunian accent to jump ship and leave Coronation Street and join the BBC as an economics editor they would be obliged.
I would have thought that the Guardsman aspect might get their interest.
Only if gay/transgender.
“However they told me that if I could get another of the bar staff with a strong Mancunian accent to jump ship and leave Coronation Street and join the BBC as an economics editor they would be obliged.”
They’ll be lucky. Are there any real Mancunians on Coronation Street?
“They’ll be lucky. Are there any real Mancunians on Coronation Street?”
No they’re all on Emmerdale which is supposed to be Yorkshire !
It’s like there’s no real cockneys in Eastenders.
If there were, they’d all be supporting Manchester United.
Story from Canada of Green NGOs going rogue
President Trump.
I just like saying that (or typing it) PRESIDENT Trump.
It makes libtards smart.
I’d like to add Prime Minister Farage to my vocabulary. Now wouldn’t THAT be fun?
Why did I stop listening to the WS Radio tech show Click ?
For any seeking to savour the DNA purity of BBC politics at the door, Newsbeat on Facebook is always a hoot.
Just one of today’s ‘picks’, about fellow youtheteers Reddit:
If you visit r/altright or r/alternativeright you’ll see a message saying the community has been banned
A BBC speciality.
Is reality bursting in on the BBC?
On PM this evening, following on the back-tracking by the Bank of England over its doom-laden forecasts, their economics correspondent puts forward the theory that ‘we won the referendum’ and winners are optimistic and optimistic people buy stuff!
Come on BBC! Join us, you know it makes sense!
Good Brexxxxxxit News!
“Bank of England sharply raises 2017 growth outlook”
Do you believe him this time ?
There is a HYS running, top comment so far……….
“So the $6m question is. Just how many more people would of voted to leave if there hadn’t been the tirade of negative stories from the so called experts many of which are having to significantly backtrack.”
There’s a link in that…
It is just possible that Kamal is a toll of the state broadcaster.
This story about a windmill falling over would be funny if it wasn’t for the fact the owner is still probably going to pocket our cash by way of subsidies paid for these useless things:
May many more suffer the same fate.
Another last week in Ayrshire
“Apparently the G114-2.5 MW turbine on a 328-foot tower “creased” at the access door at ground level.- debris was spread over half a kilometre”
The bBC has been headlining this story all day:
Nadiya Hussain on anti-Muslim abuse: ‘I thought, gosh, what have I done’
When you see such a story such as this, you just know the bBC are simply acting like the cephalopods they are (spineless) in which to ink a news story they wish to hide before scuttling off up into the nearest dark hole. At first I thought it was about the extreme rise in Anti-Semitism which came out yesterday.
Huge increase in anti-semitic hate crimes in London, as number in UK reaches record level
But then this news story came out,
UK: Muslim rape-gang shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ in court as they are jailed for their crimes.
A story which the bBC was not been only late in publishing , but they haven’t bothered to post it outside a certain bBC news site. But the story about a Muslim baker is all over the shop. Just goes to show you the priorities of reporting the news at the bBC. Go on see if you can find it and then ask yourself would you have if you didn’t already know about it.
The bBC, the apologists for Islamic intolerance, paid for by you.
Pounce ,
Nadiya. A typical case of the BBC creating “News” and then reporting on it ad infinitum. Pathetic.
Grant – Mind you, I hear she bakes a pretty awesome pork pie.
She has sold her soul to the devil and become the latest ‘pet ethnic’ of the BBC. If you lie with dogs you get fleas.
BBC Yorkshire has it, this should be on the main news page, how come the editors of the web pages have it hidden away in a regional section. Do you think it may be because of the perpetrators religion being muslim? I also note some of the main news stories they do cover concern someone called Beyonce, and a Blue Peter time capsule (one they presumably made earlier). There is a story in ‘Also in the news’ about trans-parenting, which I presume must be a typo or predictive text for trains-spotting.
If really cornered the BBC might say that these rapes by muslims are so common that they are not really news any more.
Looks like FlAbbott has been rumbled by her own side:
I really didn’t think the vile woman could sink any lower, how she continues to surprise.
” I am sorry, I’ve got a headache “.
A relative gets about 10 migraines a month.
But they manage to commute 40 minutes each day and back again to a specialist cancer centre for treatment.
I’ll leave you to guess what I think about Abbott. You’re unlikely to get it wrong.
As a matter of interest, what happened to the “story” about President Trump and the urinating prostitutes that was doing the rounds a couple of weeks ago? That certainly seems to have died the death doesn’t it?
Oh dear, you are so passe. We have moved on, try and keep up.
Sorry Grant, but the TV and radio reception on the sea bed is a bit hit and miss!
hit and miss? considering the theme, shouldn’t that be shit and piss.
Abbo – That was quality!
BBC1 6pm news.
Coverage of the inquests into the mass murders at the Tunisian holiday resort.
But what do the sickening BBC tell us about the murderer. Why, he is a ‘gunman’. That’s it.
However, whoever he is, we know he is not from the ‘Far Right’, because if he was, you can bet your house that the bBBC would make absolutely sure they mentioned it.
BBC lunchtime news and the ‘unique’ interpretations of their reporters.
1. Apparently because Trump had the temerity to reverse yet another Barmy Barry deal – this time re-settle asylum seekers rejected by Australia – that means Trump has put his allies, like Australia, ‘on notice’ along with the likes of Iran and all the other failed states. Sorry, but isn’t ‘on notice’ used when there’s a threat of some pretty severe action, diplomatic or military? Is that really what we’re talking about here, BBC?
2. Who could be leaking The Donald’s confidential stuff, like his private conversation with the Aus PM, the US correspondent is asked. Well possibly a White House staffer, she replies, someone who is stunned and dismayed’ by Trump’s actions. That’s right, not ‘someone who disagrees with his policies’ – no, they could only be stunned and dismayed (as only left liberals and Democrat sympathisers like the BBC could be, evidently).
Shut it down.
How can it possibly be a good deal for America to accept the refugees / asylum seekers / third world garbage that Australia won’t?
Australia is the same size as the mainland U.S. yet the Australians don’t feel inclined to make room for them, their population is 22 million and that of America is +300 million; so why should the Americans be expected to let them in?
Listening to the PM coverage of the “Parasite in General” – Phils Shiners hearing.
You can really understand why British Justice is the envy of the world (or the Islamic world at least)
If you tout for and encourage baseless prosecutions against British troops many of whom have risked their life for us.
Which would
1 Severely effect the mental health of the accused and thus also effect their families with stress and depression.
2 Probably have a major negative effect on recruitment for HM forces.
You will lose our job and probably have to pay some of the prosecutions costs.
However upset a couple of muzzies by draping a couple of rashers of bacon across the door of a mosque and off you go to prison for a couple of years, and you may not even come out alive!
I suppose that is what the legal profession calls proportionality.
Think I have had enough of hearing about lawyers the last couple of weeks!
More from the BBC ‘reporting good news through gritted teeth’ department.
The B of E has had to revise growth rates – up again. Project Fear would now be on its last legs and about to disappear back down the sewer from whence it came if it didn’t have the expensive life support of the BBC. So as with any good news that’s hard to take they have to follow it with a big BUT (no, not you Diane)…….
…which was the cost of living is likely to rise and people will be ‘squeezed’. Cut to couple where bloke has just lost his job (yeh, he’s lost his job so they are bound to be struggling – duh) and how they will find it hard to manage if prices rise…..uncertaintly caused by Brexit…blah blah usual effing blah. No mention that inflation is about one-fifteenth of what it was in the 70s.
No mention that wages are rising faster than prices, and no analysis asking why families who have enjoyed record low interest rates on their mortgages for several years on the trot will suddenly find it hard to cope with a rise in inflation which still only take it to a level that historically is absolutely miniscule.
Instead we hear that people ‘have now used all their savings’, an out and out deception given personal savings have been at historically very low levels for many many years now and people have been on a massive borrowing/spending binge ever since Brown was Chancellor – witness the never-ending growth in bars, restaurants, coffee shops and takeaways. Where the f… does the BBC think the demand is coming from?
Yet another agenda piece showing how bad things are in austerity/Brexit Britain. In reality, just take a stroll down the nearest high street and see how full the coffee shops are…
Excellent analysis. I think I would put more trust in you than in the Bank of England. By the way, why hasn’t Treezer sacked Carney yet ? He is useless.
My first post here.
Following the petition to allow President Trump’s state visit, the lefties and snowflakes were quick to point out the spelling mistake on the petition proving brexiteers and trump supporters are thick.
However, I noticed this “beauty” broadcast on BBC north this morning.
Welcome ! I hope your stay will not be temporay.
I think the shocking thing is that the weatherwoman is white !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is because it is winter .
BBC News ——— BBC Middle East News ———
India Times – Kuwait has banned nationals from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. It said the ban included on tourism, visit and trade visas as well as visas sponsored by spouses. The ban was attributed to the “difficult security conditions”
Financial Express – Kuwaiti slaps visa ban on 5 Muslim countries, including Pakistan
Asia News –
You d have thought a sudden visa ban, of Muslim countries nationals would be news
BBC … the BBC seems very keen to keep it news, unless that is … its not D Trump
Ah Well! this is news though
BBC – Why non Muslim women are all wearing the hijab
“Women in America have walked in the shoes of Muslim women by wearing a hijab for World Hijab Day” 1000s of “solidarity selfies” were posted all across the social media.
The BBC was there, and asked non-Muslim women why they decided to don the headscarf.
WARNING – do not hold anything fragile if you watch the Al BBC report.
An interesting Trump link.
Somehow do not think it will make the BBC!
If it was his predecessor I suspect the cameras of CNN would have been called in.
I read an interesting thing the other day, I can’t recall if it was a comment on a blog somewhere or within an article, the basic gist of it was directed to all the snowflakes; progressives; SJWs; Antifa etc.
“What if Trump isn’t the Messiah for the Right but is really John the Baptist, preparing the way for who comes after?”
That should be a sobering thought for those who find the policies of the new POTUS outside the pale of “Western values”, because from what I observe the “Left” (for want of a better word) is in worldwide retreat.
Just heard discussion on Front Page in which the new production of Half a sixpence is being criticized for having an all white cast. Really? It’s set in the early 1900s. Reference was made to the recent theatre production of Amadeus where Salieri and Mozart’s wife Constanza are both played by people who are a different race/colour than these real white people! I turned off when they moved on to the new tv series of Roots.
I meant Front Row, sorry.
Mandelson receives French Legion d’honneur … BBC this is not news, it is lazy, superficial pap.
Lord Mandelson, credited as one of the co-creators of New Labour, held a number of Cabinet positions under Labour prime ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown and was a Britain Stronger in Europe director during last year’s EU referendum campaign.
He was also European Commissioner for Trade between 2004 and 2008
Numerous British politicians have also been decorated recently, including the last British governor of Hong Kong, former Conservative cabinet minister Lord Patten, former Conservative attorney general Dominic Grieve and Conservative MP Sir Edward Leigh.
No one cares about some slimy red Tory, who should get back under his stone there is news today the and BBC is not reporting it
The odious Liam Fox, gives Hunt, May, and Hammond a break from lying.
The UK government is not aiming to change anything of any substance. Britain will virtually keep the an identikit EU tariff system
“In order to minimise disruption to global trade as we leave the EU, over the coming period the Government will prepare the necessary draft schedules which replicate as far as possible our current obligations”.
Yep, our industrious trade department is working day and night on replicating the status quo
How that creature Fox even is in government, shows just how corrupt the Tory Party is. After he allowed his close friend and best man, Adam Werrity, to take up an unofficial and undeclared role in which he attended meetings at the Ministry of Defence without first obtaining security clearance. Werrity who had access to Fox’s diary, printed business cards announcing himself as his advisor, and even joined him at meetings with foreign dignitaries, disclosure outside the MoD of details about future visits overseas posed a degree of security risk not only to Dr Fox, but also to the whole accompanying official party.
Agreed, how is Fox in the cabinet and J R-M on the back benches?
A little poem to help with the casting:
A black one, a white one, a gay and trans-vestite one,
A transgender, a double ender and one return to sender.
Gosh, doesn’t the BBC think it & its favoured celebs are the centre of the universe”
I noticed this headline “Nadiya needed police protection“.
Wondering who this person was I clicked the link, getting to a further headline
“Nadiya Hussain on anti-Muslim abuse: ‘I thought, gosh, what have I done'”
The short article still does nothing to further identify this person.
Good old Milo stirring it up at Berkeley ‘university’. The beeb lapping it up, natch, as the leftie-liberals go ballistic with outrage.
They shouldn’t be called hard left or soft left or far left, or liberal, they should be the Fascistic ‘liberal’-left, the Sanctimonious ‘liberal’-left, the Illiberal ‘liberal’-left. In fact we need a whole new lexicon, starting with a word that encapsulates that hideous cocktail of hyper-sensitivity, imagined victimhood, sanctimony, Puritanism, prissiness, entitlement and hysterical violent intolerance to alternative opinions.×479.jpg