With his smoke and mirrors, so much part of the establishment the red Tories, he was indistinguishable, nobody knew who he was only a few months ago.
One of the first in line in the establishment clearout that is so badly required in Westminster
But the public is not fooled (see the comments section), the BBC is reaching a point of no return, become again an impartial reporter of news or become irrelevant.
I`ve said it before and I`1l say it again.
Ted Malloch is our man-where he goes, so do I…and hubby can do his own tea.
This man is Professor Ted Malloch of Oxford and Henley Business School-he was around when the USSR packed up, and keeps a lot under his hat.
He slaughters liberals for fun-poor Schama is still drooling in the Green Room as Teds louche Hugh Hefner impression gains ground.
Donald SURELY knows this-let him run riot around Europe whilst he`s free to cause this havoc. A true fox in the liberal hen house..set him free and enjoy the feathers flying!
Schulz blames the rise of “populism” (the BBC agrees of course). These suited faceless bastards refuse to see the cause and effect on that one. Or maybe they do?
Poor Martin. He looks a bit frazzled these days. It must be the strain of being the SPD choice to replace Merkel the Mad.
Wolfgang SchƤuble, CDU, German Finance Minister and Bankrupter-in-Chief of Greece has called Schulz the “German Trump” because he wants to “make the EU great again”. Who says Germans have no sense of humour.
BBC has little self awareness, eg last night BBC WS contradicted themselves on Global Warming, without noticing.
They had 3 items last night within an hour
Item #2 Was in Science Action “The state of Mars atmosphere does not fit with current Greenhouse House gas science” *
Item #3 Was About a special bacteria which feeds on CO2, Carbon Monoxide and hydrogen, which can be processed as biofuel. **
Now Item #1 Was Hard Talk where Stephen Sackur laid into Myron Ebell for a full half hour for NOT supporting Global Warming alarmism, asserting it’s all proven.
The super loaded questions ran like “When you are beating your wife, her mother and her sister in X on Y, what was the weather like ?”
I don’t know why Ebell agreed to the interview, however he stood up well.
The only one he didn’t deal with completely was when Sackur asked “Now CEI has always been funded by big oil and the Koch brothers …blah blah”
To which he replied “No our experts decides our policies first then people fund us, it’s not the other way around.”
I guess it would take a long time for him to go into detail that CEI is a proper Think Tank with lots of funding and projects over the years and that donor details have to be kept secret due to activist threats against them and that Koch brothers are not driving the organisation.
* Back to Item #2
The scientist was trying to explain about the Mars water situation, that all the earth channels mean water must have flowed eons ago, yet today when the sun is shining brighter and the atmosphere is loaded with CO2 it’s too cold for liquid water.
** Back to Item #3
The point being that it could harvest CO2 out of the air. One of those magic solutions which probably not going to come off. The thing is that you need energy to get the hydrogen in the first place.. on and off power like wind/solar could be efficiently used, but probably be a drop in the ocean.
RT is defending itself from yesterday’s senate hearing where someone said on oath that RT USA only alone has a $400m budget, whereas RT itself maintains there is no basis for that number cos it’s own figures are $312m for the whole world.
Can any legal eagles on here tell me how its possible to make a ‘High Court Appearance’ within 24 hours or within a couple of weeks at the very least ? This appears to happen with increasing regularity – according to the ‘news’. We hear that do gooders are making a High Court Appearance TODAY to legally challenge the Governments stance of ending the asylum programme of refugee children – which has only come to light within the last couple of days !
Like GP’s who clearly hold back a few daily appointments, does the legal system keep a few hours ‘handy’ for situations like this, and the Gina Miller Brexit court appearance. Because its always been known that its takes years and years for cases to come to court, so I’m completely baffled that an item of current news is able to access the ‘High Court’ within a matter of hours !!!!
I imagine that Trump is working behind the scenes to make sure that awful sniveling man Bercow is banned from attending any state function. My cartoon take on the week:
LOL ! I think that Loch Ness is the deepest loch in Scotland, although maybe Loch Morar is. Not that I would wish Krankie to plumb these depths , of course.
The only positive thing about him I suppose is that he can’t vote on anything so has to largely keep his views to social media.
BTW, subscribe for more of these, I made it a new year’s resolution to post a new one each week and get back into it as a hobby (something I used to do years ago)
Scottish Calvin, when you first started posting these I wasn’t sure quite where you were coming from – maybe it was your choice of subject – but am beginning to enjoy them now.
Cheers Deborah. Politically I’m a borderline anarcho-capitalist (like many of us here) but given that we’ve finally got right of centre parties in everywhere again, I suppose that being critical of the government has a tendency to come across as being the same as left wing. Ironically, the BBC use the same excuse when they’re laying into Brexit or the like.
Grant: I’d love to have more than a minute’s worth of material each week but I’m self employed with two toddlers so I’d rather keep things short and sweet than waste folk’s time. Originally my idea was just to publish to WordPress (https://calvinsworldnews.wordpress.com) to practice and/build up a portfolio but I thought I’d try the YouTube version.
Something strange happened on Brussels Broadcasting last night. Katya Adler’s EU piece for the This World series on BBC 2 last night actually managed to present a pretty accurate picture of the truly catastrophic situation within the EU and more particularly within the eurozone. Never mind Brexit, the entire fabric of the EU is in danger of falling apart. You only had to listen to Guy Verhofstadt telling Katya that he believed european citizens actually want a much greater degree of political and economic integration to realise just how delusional the Brussels elite have become (note to Treezer: you can forget about any EU deals with Guy on the other side of the table). The fact is though that without fiscal integration of the kind Guy dreams about, the Euro is going to continue to wreck the economies of southern Europe. The reality is that the German voters are simply not prepared to keep bailing out the “lazy” southerners which may well force Greece to exit the euro in the next few months. But even if there is yet another debt deal, the Greeks face decades of low growth and high unemployment courtesy of the economic policies directed from Berlin. Meanwhile, the problems in Italy simply continue to grow, and around Europe the calls for the return of sovereignty to national governments get louder and louder.
Gunner, I read an article by Ms Adler in Radio Times about the reasons behind Brexit and it was very reasonable – almost pro-Brexit in tone. Like Michael Portillo she is of mixed British and European heritage, and I wonder if this actually produces a more balanced outlook than those types of journos who only know Tuscany and Paris.
Maybe the BBC thought the general public would be cowering in terror behind their sofas when they glimpsed thd new “axis of evil”. Katya seemed to think an
interview with Marine was a dangerous enterprise, as if the spawn of Le Diable would suddenly lean foward, rip her beating hear from her chest and eat it. Would have been great TV.
Sulky, sneeriness reserved for Orban, who very sensibly ignores the BBC.
Gunner / ID – Never mind Marine’s chest, let’s discuss Marion’s, the next generation. Strictly in the interest of political science you understand.
Vive La Revolution and Joyeux Noel, all in one!
Sexiste, moi?
The BBC in on the “Global warming”, no “Climate Change” no “Saving the Planet” …
Refugee bearded “Children, Trump boo his Trump Train again
… not news, not actually facts and weak journalistically.
Whilst the BBC is broadcasting ambiguous I think deliberately vague waffle on the NHS, I know headlines are needed … it is in crisis of course, however the BBC is not up to doing a real journalistic job.
While the BBC spends half the news on lack of courgettes for metropolia, some veggie shortage, That snake of a Health Secretary was on a US trip to erm ādiscuss the close links between the US and the UK health sectors”, as I have mentioned re “tastrophe” Teresa s US “giveaway” visit previously.
Apparently he gave a lecture while he was there on wait for it … “patient safety” … there are literally no words.
No mention of those bastards Letwin/Redwood, no mention of that faux spat between
Stevens and Hunt over funding? NHS chief executive Simon Stevensā last job was as a UnitedHealth executive! and Hunt? on record as saying that the NHS should be privatised. Back in 2005 in co-authored a book called Direct Democracy, which called for the NHS to be dismantled! … these crooks are “two cheeks of the same arse”.
Funding? more than ever comes the bleat … no BBC report questions the CCGs (deliberately designed as transitional bodies to be taken over by private insurers), The accountancy firms and management consultants, an army of unnecessary intermediaries siphoning away taxpayersā money from delivery of direct healthcare, while allowing a list of convenient scapegoats for the demise of the NHS.
Purchaser-Provider divide-and-rule manoeuvres pits GPs against hospital doctors, handing GPs the axe to take to hospital services, even setting up bodies to block referral s contrary to the interests of patients. BBC News was virtually advertising private health insurance yesterday with
No mention of increasing marketisation & PFI bleeding NHS dry, no mention of the bloated administrative structure that has simply imposed government policy irrespective of outcomes and care for patients.
Our public service broadcaster has avoided factually scrutinising health reforms and instead simply regurgitates government spin, peddles myths and even presents pro-privatisation think tanks as if they were independent.
There is a crisis in the NHS but its manufactured, The NHS is being deliberately defunded and marketised. The perceived failure is by design, its hard to sell/force private insurance, if its running adequately. The misleading crap about the funding
So our ill and elderly are expendable.
Of course the blame game will be everything from Drs, hospital staff, the elderly, councils, the mentally ill, individual hospital departments etc etc.
“It s a Good thing the NHS could be part of a future US trade deal”.
Nick Seddon, David Cameron’s former health advisor whose now joined an NHS Privatisation Firm, back to where he came from? as he was formerly of private healthcare company Circle, he has suggested that CCGs should be merged with private insurance companies.
THIS what the BBC should be relaying, this is the scandal, The most deceitful incompetent underhand “short term” crooks ever to infest No10 … selling off/giving away something, they have no right to
… They should be using up to date facts, alongside their headlines and ambulance chasing
Remember the five largest drug companies made $50 billion in profits last year while 1 in 5 ordinary Americans could not even fill their own prescriptions.
Nog, you missed out the fact that all the groundwork was done by Blair’s Labour government. Before Blair the NHS was a single legal entity and privatising any significant parts of it would have been impossible. By the end of Blair’s reign all the providers of clinical services to the public (hospitals, clinics, etc)had been transformed into Foundation Trusts, each with its own legal identity and set of legally binding contracts that could be reassigned to any organisation. From the sharp end, once Blair had got rid of Dobson it was down hill all the way.
RJ … Blair! are you swearing at me š
The groundwork was actually done before him, PFI was N Lamont s erm “brainchild”, more of the nightmare of a “private” utopia, Osborne
implemented a number of PFI projects
it was acted upon by Blair and co, for 2 reasons
1/. The state the NHS was left in, something was needed quickly.
2/. thus in typical Red Tory style PFI schemes could be kept off the Treasury books, while enabling major projects to go ahead quickly, in fact the typical city con trick.
Please not BlairRichProject … not to my delicate ears š
Here is the perfect example, of all I have said above
No mention of the deliberate marketization/privatisation, no mention of the defunding process, no mention of the deliberate running down/failure by design, it is a manufactured crisis and the all the facts that show it.
Literally a shameful No10 echo chamber – this is the fault of Barnet s lack of A/the subject matter and B/This policy of not scrutinising on the bullet points.
End result – Same old spin machine, the lying No10 narrative with no interruption
This is a literally a disgrace,
BBC 5Live NHS – Robert Francis QC 2hrs 5mins http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08cq5w9
I appreciate that the BBC is a good earner for them but does any educated person who is not a Guardian reader have any shadow of doubt that the BBC remake of the Kenneth Clark Civilisation series by Simon Schama, Mary Beard, and David Olusoga, is going to be politically correct crap? When he made the programme Kenneth Clark told the BBC that it is not going to be the usual Marxist interpretation, and the BBC as a result (even though he produced a masterpiece for them) have hated it ever since. As soon as it was made they made another series called Ways of Seeing presented by the Marxist John Berger, and an endless diet of Cultural Marxist crap ever since. Why are we still funding the BBC?
Seriously, why is this absurd arrangement still in place? The pernicious BBC should gave gone the way of Five Year Plans, nationalised industries, and our membership of the EU. Time we were asked if we want to be forced to carry on funding it.
Wild, thanks for the clip. PJTV looks interesting. While I don’t agree with everything, I was struck by the idea about absolute moral relativism. If all cultures are equally valid, any ‘successful’ culture can only appear to be so because it has stolen from the others. This forms, I suspect, the foundation of the cultural self-hatred we see on the left.
Yes, Cranmer, although that leaves me with another puzzle: the Cultural Marxist or Extreme Liberal does not abandon all culture.
They have a culture and it is built around, for want of a better phrase ‘Performance History’, their own Performance History. They do the building of it. They nurture it. They propagate it.
They discriminate heavily in doing so. Against Enoch Powell. Against Margaret Thatcher. Against ‘Tories’ (less so against Conservatives) and any Tory vehicle or organ, ie. Murdoch TV and some newspapers.
You get to see this via News and Documentary Photography. A photo of Che becomes a poster, becomes the placard and then morphs into the tee-shirt. The CND symbol. The history of the march and demonstration. Aldermaston. Greenham Common. Poll tax Riots. Student Fees protest. So-called ‘AntiRacism’ Marches and Demonstrations, all of which might be called Performance Fascism in a Performance Arts sort of way.
Having written that, I have just reminded myself that I was going to mention here an interesting item on, if I recall correctly, WatO (BBC R4) on Thursday when a discussion was held about an exhibition of Russian 20th century art opening somewhere. In the context of the above, as well as the labelling of Trump as ‘a Fascist’ and ‘Hitler reincarnate’ by the equally fascistic Liberal, Socialist and Marxist that chooses to do so, that discussion about the exhibition was fascinating.
Very interesting. A book I must read, I think. May well feel as I do that I wish I had written it. Thanks for putting up the link, Wild.
Far be it from me to disagree with such great minds but I think the more extreme Liberal mind in the form of Cultural Marxists (a.k.a. Cultural Leftist) HAS discriminated. It has discriminated in an extremely precise way in favour of:
1. Primarily, above all else, the succouring State,
2. The ability of Government to cure all ills using, preferably, other peoples’ money,
3. The form of that Government to be exactly what I choose, and
4. If it is not in a form that pleases me and the people in my peer group and also ‘the people that think like me’, I have every right to demonstrate against it, violently if necessary, and overthrow it almost to the point of, and perhaps beyond, undemocratically.
Thomas Sowell distinguishes between the Unconstrained Vision and the Constrained Vision.
The Constrained Vision says that humanity is irretrievably flawed and that we have to work with that understanding, using the wisdom of past generations, to edge our way towards better ways of doing things. There are no solutions, only trade-offs.
The Unconstrained Vision says that humanity is perfectible, that the only failing is in the system, and if the ‘right’ people were running everything, we would have Utopia on earth, courtesy of their benevolent solutions.
The Cultural Marxists obviously subscribe to the latter interpretation, which is why their policies inevitably founder on the rock of human fallibility, cussedness and self-interest.
This is entirely different it is about how liberals think – not an active attempt to destroy Western society which is cultural Marxism.
This about grey goo – everything the same, or as I wrote on the previous thread, equality at all costs regardless of reality or the consequences, and without any other policy.
You don’t understand the talk Thoughtful. Did you even watch it? Destruction of the West is precisely what he is talking about – he wrote the book because of 9/11, or 9/12 as he puts it because it is how the Left reacted to 9/11 rather than 9/11 itself which was the turning point for him.
I’ll give them an overall ‘B’ for all three being lefties, including a woman and an ethnic minority. But as far as I can make out none of them is gay so they miss the top mark.
The BBC – making contemptible revisionist history programs on your dime!
Gay men seem to be being shuffled quite quickly to the bottom of the media ‘top trumps’ deck – far too many intelligent right wing openly gay men around now (Milo, Dr Starkey etc)- I suspect they are no longer considered a tame minority.
Speaking as a (white) ‘right-of-center’ gay man myself, I can tell you I have been kicked well and truly to the bottom of the oppression olympics by regressives. I have been censored, banned and blocked on so many forums for daring to voice my political opinions. The fact that, like Milo, I favour men of colour still didn’t help me – I was defunded of all my oppression points by the identitarian Stazi and banned for life from one forum in particular because I openly voted Conservative, voted for Brexit (and championed it) and I predicted Trump would win the US Presidency well ahead of his victory. Oh, and I also voiced my doubts about so-called ‘climate change’.
This is how the regressive left operate: ‘diversity’ in all things, except diversity of opinion. They are trying to impose self-censorship on all of us, regardless of how far up or down the oppression ladder we are (according to their vile, race-baiting identity politics). They must not be allowed to succeed.
Reminds me of the brutal totalitarianism of Pol Pot’s Kampuchea (Cambodia), or Mao’s shrieking, murderous Cultural Revolution.
Your comments about yourself highlight something I noticed a few years back. As with every other so called oppressed minority, the minority you meet in real life are nothing like the activist element of that minority. The left will view you as a traitor for daring to form your own opinions rather than have them issued to you.
The issue is not whether or not there is “so called” oppression, the issue is whether the Left have a monopoly right to speak on behalf of those they deem to be oppressed. The answer is the Left have no monopoly right, indeed you could argue that most of the oppression in the world in the last hundred years has been caused by the Left. In terms of numbers of deaths alone we are not talking about single digits we are talking about millions starved and executed as a consequence of the intolerance of the Left toward anybody who disagrees with them.
Remember the note left at the Treasury for the Conservative coalition with the LibDems when the last Labour shower came out of office: “There’s no money left”.
In the end – and as history has shown repeatedly – the left will eat itself. It happens every time – they eventually run out of targets and turn on themselves and that moment is happening right now…
“…āWhen Justin Trudeau responded to the Muslim ban that this coward, this white supremacist coward, Donald Trump, put forward, what did Justin Trudeau say? He said he wanted to accept everyone who is not allowed into the U.S. border to Canada. [ā¦] We know what that manipulation is,ā declared Black Lives Matter co-founder Yusra Khogali.
Khogali, mic in hand and anger on full display, continued, ā[Justin Trudeau] is a white supremacist terrorist.ā The roaring cheers from moments earlier diminish. Think pieces calling for BLM ā Toronto to be banished and calling them no stranger to ābad publicityā soon followed.” https://nowtoronto.com/news/justin-trudeau-a-white-supremacist-maybe/
All she was missing was her Little Red Book. I weep for poor Canada, held hostage beneath the iron boot of progressives and their paramilitary wing in BLM and other ‘activist’ (i.e. terrorist) groups.
Obi the shame of it is – once these bastards have F####ed everything up and pissed off back to where they came from to lecture in gender studies or BLME oppression or whatever relevant topics they have farted up after a lunch of tofu cuttlets. The rest of us have to deal with the results of their re-engineering of society.
I always thought the Canadians were pretty tough but pragmatic at the same time (loads of them lost their lives helping us in WW2 in both Bomber Command and the army and it is a debt to this nation that I also feel we still owe) But it just goes to show how when a few progressives get into positions of power they seem to rapidly concentrate it and make changes to a society and a culture that will take decades – if ever to undo. I call it the cancer of stupidity!
Obi I too weep for Canada especially after the Brexit vote, when many of our progressive/right on types said they intended to emigrate there because we were all waycists here and they all felt much happier weeping and cry wanking under the benign and caring watch of Justin the just .
From my point of view good riddance however I do worry whether the Canadians truly realise what they have voted for and what may be coming their way.
Canada will go the way of Sweden, once the acme of civilised, peaceful, progressive, cohesive communities, now experiencing soaring crime, rape, riots and social dislocation.
Ah, I love the smell of enrichment in the morning.
Well said. The Left-wing Fascists cannot stand “Gays” who are not Lefties. Rest assured you and Lobster and the others are welcome on this site. Personally, I don’t give a monkey’s toss about sex. Well that is what my wife tells me , anyway !
ObiWan, this is interesting – I had heard similar comments from a right-wing gay gentleman of my acquaintance, but I did not know if this was typical. I wonder if it’s because those who are supposed to be part of the ‘oppressed minority’ but who do not conform to marxist thought, are therefore viewed in marxist terms as ‘class traitors’ and thus worse than others on the right?
If you assume that homosexuals are on the Left you are accepting the assumptions of the Left. They want you to make that assumption because they want to claim to speak on their behalf. They do the same for class, gender, and race. The whole point of identity politics is to undermine individuality and think only in terms of groups (or classes) of people in a struggle for power. If you return back to individuals you will discover that homosexuals have as many different political opinions as there are colours in the rainbow,
Well, Alexander the Great, not noted for his Left Wing tendencies, could never be described as confirmed hetero.
So, yes the left take liberties in claiming any and all minority groups as theirs.
Wild, the Left have to nurture a grievance to get their way via the Succouring State.
When that grievance is done with, it will probably be cast completely aside. I remember how Labour and the Trade Unions ranted and raved, almost on a daily basis, about unemployment and the unemployed right up until 1 May 1997.
Then they fell quiet.
Within days they were completely silent on the issue and it has not really been raised, in that way, again.
Great post, ObiWan, although I share less of your choices & views. I hope this is the last kick-back of a minority that have had their way for far too long and done immense amounts of damage around the world, as two of the names you list indicate.
I hope and pray that the folk in the middle, who have been kicked about by extremists on each side for over a century, will have their day and say quietly and firmly “No. Decent democracy must prevail. People must have peaceful enjoyment of their nations whether choosing the winning Government of being on the losing side. We must work to build better, not run away and refuse to do anything, or even actively destroy, merely because the Government of the day does not bear my label and carry my Wish List next to its heart.”
I feel for you in the treatment meted out to you. Stay strong, in a quiet and gentle sort of way!
[Something strange happened while I was writing this. I had pressed the ‘Reply’ button – honest!- to ObiWan’s post at 12.30pm.]
Obi – I agree with all of the above comments. The left seems to have a whole tick box of of causes for which it fights for but which are all stacked in a league of importance.
You dont count as a real member of an oppressed minority unless you buy into all the other causes as well.
You also have to ignore the apparent glaring contradictions in these various causes ie sexism and Islam or gay rights and Islam or overpopulation and Islam, Racism (to non muslims) and Islam – I think that there may be some sort of theme developing here.
Unfortunately one particular cause like a cuckoo in the nest seems to have become top of league in importance and everyone on the left is expected to shut up about its negative aspects and is labelled a fascist when they do air these obvious contradictions (hence the treatment Milo gets)
Whether the left will wake up one day to the destructive force it is nurturing in its own ranks I very much doubt it. They are too filled with hate and loathing for the rest of us to give this any thought. At the end of the day I expect it will be Islam uber alles! Funnily enough another bloke seventy plus years ago came out with something similar. Think we all know who the fascists are these days – despite the lefts claims to be “anti fascist”.
As regard your sexuality as others here have said I consider it irrelevant in as much as any other personal characteristic any of us have. I am sorry you have been pilloried by the left but as others have said you are always welcome here. And the one strength we all of which the left does not possess is that we can all laugh at ourselves and keep a sense of reality at the same time.
This is what I like about Milo (mind you I wish he would swear just a little bit less!)
I suppose this is why the left are such a bunch of miserable, sneering,
aggressive Calvinists. If you allow yourself a sense of humour you start to analyse the contradictions in life and that night make them think – dangerous stuff!
I totally agree with you. Another assault on poor old whitey is being prepared. History will be rewritten to accede with the BBC liberal left world view.
It is building up to Genocide. Of white skinned-people. The morons at the BBC and on the Left think they will be spared. But they won’t. The Genocide will apply to all whites.
Grant an appeaser is one who feeds the crocodile hoping it will eat him last. The BBC and the leftards are nothing but appeasers but still they feed the crocodile and still the BBC and the leftards are to stupid to see that the crocodile will eat them sooner or later
As with the anti-Brexit court procedure here, the Trump travel ban saga results in our indignant betters suggesting that the judiciary is a tender flower which cannot be criticised. They are independent we are told.
Why then does the BBC make such play about the US Supreme Court being currently tied with 4 liberal & 4 conservative members and a judgement therefore dependent on their political bias?
An excellent point. In the past 25 years ,since Clinton and Blair , the liberal left has penetrated and gained complete control of all our key institutions, education, judiciary, media, and ,in the UK at least ,the police. They have become the elite.
The election of DT and Brexit represent democratic attempts by the people , led by Nigel Farage and President Trump, to roll the liberal left back. It is being bitterly resisted by the elite. Of course they can dictate the way in which this battle is being presented because the MSM is obedient . They can also count on plenty of ill educated snowflakes , who are as easily manipulated as five year olds, to march around protesting about anything and everything. They are also trying to gain control of the internet which is key to the people finding out the truth that the MSM suppresses.
There is no doubt that we are witnessing a rebellion of the people against the elite. It is too early to tell who will win, rebellions only become revolutions if they succeed. In Europe the two important battles are the Euro and the misery it is inflicting in Southern Europe and mass immigration of Muslims. Recent polls on immigration show that the people are dead set against it in almost every country and yet the elite are determined to force upon the people. As tensions between indigenous Europeans and Muslims grow , which is inevitable, this is likely to become the defining issue of the war between the liberal left elite and the people. We need the internet to know what is actually going on because the MSM will lie through their teeth to keep concern over immigration at a manageable level.
Friends! Apologies for my prolonged absence here, but I have been – literally – tied up by the Far-Right Twitter!
Also, I have recently cut down on plugging my blog, as hopefully by now most people who enjoy it will have it bookmarked, or subscribed to the email notification system that’s available.
But I thought some of you might be interested in a new series I’ve started today, which is publishing some of my old pieces from the Guardian! As some of you may be aware, I’ve started copying my Guardian pieces in to the Blog as soon as they’re published, and as the response has been more enthusiastic than I’d expected, I thought maybe people would like to see some of the earlier pieces too, which have not dated quite as much as I thought they might have.
Today’s compilation is from December 2015, and it – literally – kicks off with a comment regarding that notoriously Hard-Right BBC programme, “Question Time”! Which is what made me think I should mention it here! Hope you’ll take a look, and if so, enjoy it!
. . . and which apparently affects editorial judgement as well. Within the last month or so, R4 has broadcast in the same slot the third series of G. F. Newmanās The Corrupted, a tale of politics, policing and organised crime set in the 1970s. (Think the original Get Carter [1971], or David Peaceās Red Riding Quartet [1999-2002].) Before each episode, the continuity announcer regretted that āthe following drama contains attitudes and language prevalent at the timeā, or words to that effect. Sexism and racism and homophobia, youāll be astonished to learn.
Compare and contrast. During Daniel Lawrence Taylorās drama this afternoon, I distinctly heard one character refer to another as a āretardā. My understanding is that this is as profoundly offensive to those who have Downās Syndrome (say) in their family as some of the āattitudes and language prevalent at the timeā. And yet, before the start of todayās broadcast I heard no similar trigger warning.
In both cases, the objectionable elements of the respective scripts arose from character and setting, so the dramatic context isnāt an editorial excuse for the omission. Given that the BBC agreed a five-figure, out-of-court settlement when the political reporter Gary O’Donoghue brought a case against the nationās most trusted broadcaster for disability discrimination, Iām not sure we should be surprised. Still, itās always interesting what the BBC decides is gratuitously offensive and what isnāt.
Jump, another reminder for me. I intended to post a piece here about the Newman series over one week ago but real life, other duties, got in the way.
‘The Corrupted’ has become incredibly feeble, laughable even, after a tolerably good start.
Maybe I enjoyed Series 1 because it was an era I had heard about but not lived through. I did find his constant use of the trope “Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself” incredibly trite and tiresome after a couple of episodes of Series 1. In addition, Newman was lazy and instead of working contemporary events into the script, the writer had his Narrator announce them in a way that was so artificial as to be laughable.
What really upset me about Series 3 was the obvious historical errors and the blatant attempt to traduce further the reputation of Margaret Thatcher. If I recall correctly, if there were any doubts about the dealings of the Thatcher family, they were all to do with Denis in his business interests and, then, maybe more of his associates’ doing than his. What was hilarious was the fact that the same male actor played Margaret as well as Denis but used the wrong voice for Margaret Thatcher for the period covered by Series 3.
You would have thought that the BBC would have had all the knowledge and the resources to get that right.
Little to disagree with there, Up2snuff. No doubt the author and broadcaster would have been relaxed at the belittling of Mrs Thatcher. (Youād think Steve Nallon would have wanted to get the voice right, though.) In some ways she was her own worst enemy: in the face of so striking a public figure, few people have any idea of her many small acts of kindness to individuals.
As for ā. . . the knowledge and the resources to get that rightā, I think producers no longer care about historical accuracy. Perhaps theyāre too young to know any different. In script terms the result is a cloth-eared insensitivity to language.
The worst recent example I can bring to mind is ITVās production of the Miss Marple series (losing her spinsterly title in Agatha Christieās Marple is itself the victory of branding over fidelity to source and period). As I recall the scene, a character was writing to a relation or friend, inviting her to stay: āIād love it if you cameā. Now, Iām sometimes surprised by instances of what sounds to me like modern American English in British productions for the British market from the ā70s and ā80s (āyou guysā, for example)ābut āIād love it if you cameā is nothing like the verbal texture of genteel, 1950sā British English. āIād be delighted if you were able to acceptā, or a similar formula, sounds much less like chalk down a blackboard.
I’m sure this is a case of a simple mix up and nothing more: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-38930201
These poor people were only buying acetone. Don’t those silly French security forces realise that acetone is nail varnish remover?
Still, lucky they put the glass screen up at the Eiffel Tower, wouldn’t want nail varnish all over that would we?
4:30pm @BbcR4Feedback to suggest coverage of Quebec was anti-Muslim
It’s been fishing for comment
\\Brian Tweedaleā @briantwid
‘Almost all terrorism is carried out by people who call themselves Muslim’ @hughSykes #Bbcpm No evidence at all provide for this assertion.//
Hello, I have just DM'd a telephone number to contact on
They’ve also been fishing for Lefties to say R4Today is too rightwing.
\\What are your hopes for the future of #R4Today? Tweet them to us for new editor #SarahSands //
And someone supporting Giles Fraser on The Moral Maze
Complaining about Melanie Phillips
By Fishing I mean that I can see Feedbacks direct msging system and seems what they’ve done is look thru Tweets about the Giles Fraser on MoralMaze
– From 20 who support him – They’ve direct messaged 5 to air their views
– From 200 people oppose him – They’ve picked 1
… And that counts as ‘balance’
R4 Today reminds me of Radio Moscow – fourty years ago.
Back then, they had one view, one agenda and everything but EVERYTHING was subservient to that. News was edited, censored, faked and massaged to be in agreement with the Soviet line.
Hmmmm, sound familiar?
I thought it was interesting that on last nights BBC news the story about traffic volumes on Britain’s roads reaching an all time high was given about 20 seconds towards the end of the programme.
You would have thought that with the implications for pollution, the emissions etc all supposedly contributing to “climate change” that this environmentally alarming story would have been given far more attention and would have been afforded some kind of additional analysis.
In my view given that climate change is a BBC obsession it certainly ordinarily would, but in this case the autogeddon scenario here is caused by England’s population explosion fuelled almost entirely by open door immigration so accordingly the BBC decides to brush it off in a few seconds rather than having to opening that
particular hornets nest.
In terms of population there’s a rumor going around that Tesco / Sainsburys / Morrison et al are calculating their catering figures on a population substantially higher then the officially published one.
Interview on R5 live this morning (0745) when presenter talked with an Australian(?) excavator operator who spent a long time trapped under his machine in a small lake with only his eyes and nostrils above water.
“So did you do the prayer thing?” asked the interviewer. The operator confessed he was brought up a Catholic but had not offered prayers.
I wondered whether the Editor of this programme would condone reference to “the prayer thing” with any religion other than Christianity.
Is this the level of BBC interviews that one can expect in future? For many people prayer is a very personal and integral mstter of their religious conviction, no matter what religion is invloved, whether the Pope, Muslim imams or say, the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Well, I’ve had a reply to my complaint of anti-Trump bias on last Friday’s Graham Norton Show. It’s everything anyone here would have expected.
Whilst I decide on the level of sarcasm to be used in my retort, I leave you with this little snippet from their answer.
Graham Norton and the editorial team work hard to ensure that there is no excessive bias shown either way and we apologise if anyone feels that we have failed in that aim.
Once you’ve all stopped laughing, I’d be interested to know what on Earth would have qualified as excessive bias. Calling for his assassination, perhaps? Oh – I think they’ve already done that, haven’t they?
Well, she ended up saying we’d hear much more of this, but I haven’t! If you didn’t know better (?!) you’d think that the west wanted to commit collective suicide. It all beggars belief…courts challenging governement decisions about national security, overlooking obvious threats to our security…it goes on and on. While western countries plough huge amounts of taxes and effort into anti-terrorism intelligence, at the same time they allow in thousands of migrants from the offending countries, through the back door. Can’t help thinking Trump made a balls-up of the immigration ban, unless he is even cleverer than we think and has set up the situation to show how anti-American and pro-muslim the MSM, lefties and globalists are.
OT, but if you need a laugh, read comments sections on George & Amal’s immaculate conception!! probably Daily Mail best
One can imagine the uproar if black or Asian politicians were stereotyped thus. Besides we can all think of non-white polticians who have had their awkward moments. Have they never heard of Diane Abbott for starters?
Am I alone in thinking that the bBC never came up with any answers to HMQ’s question
to name 3 positive aspects of the EU?
Have to say I,m personally struggling too………..oh got 1
They have recognized Stornoway black Pudding….as one of those specialist food things.
Talking about black puddings , if anyone is familiar with the film The Party starring Peter Sellers ( who plays an international gentleman)where they sit him for dinner on a shoogly child’s stool where his head is at table level ……now that’s how Bercow should be positioned at the Trump banquest.
Extraordinary Claim made in today’s Times/Murdoch article about FakeNews.
“The top 20 fake stories about the US election were shared almost nine million times in the three months to last November, making them more popular than the top 20 real stories. ”
Do you believe that ?
They give no source, maybe it’s an official statistic NOT
The earliest tweet I can trace is
November 16th quoting Buzzffeed
The 20 top-performing false election stories outperformed top 20 real stories on Facebook in final 3 months of race https://t.co/tXS6UvGNqv
Actual article says
“A BuzzFeed News analysis found that top fake election news stories generated more total engagement on Facebook than top election stories from 19 major news outlets combined.”
For last 2 days the Times has been trying to build a narrative “OMG big corp & government advertising has been ending up on dodgy websites making money for the owners”
FFS it takes me 3 seconds to explain
‘A 10 year old kid called Goog Fbook has been sent out with a pile of posters and told he gets 2p for asking households to put up a poster for which they’d get 1p’
He’s come back saying he’s put up 10,000 posters
..And been asked “now you didn’t put up posters in houses painted yellow did you?”
Doh of course he did.
I used to be a news ‘junkie’. I often listened to pm with Eddie Mair before watching the 6pm news. Until a couple of years ago I would then watch Channel 4 News whilst eating my supper. 10pm we were back to BBC1 for a fix. Now? Quick listen to the headlines at 10pm before turning over to Yes Minister or Allo Allo on ‘Yesterday’ or is it ‘Dave’? Apart from missing the weather forecast – usually put right by looking out of the window we know as much as we need to. The BBC’s reports (or do we call it anti-Government propaganda?) this week on the NHS have obviously only looked for the bad-for-government stories. I did hear this morning on Today the story that prescription drugs will be late coming to the UK because of Brexit. Surely there is nothing to stop us as a country saying that if drugs are approved in the EU we can accept them here?
Me too – grew up on Radio 4 and BBC news. After last year and Brexit, well, that did it for me. It’s Fox, internet, a smidge of World Service and old stuff on Radio 4 Xtra.
My wife say’s, maybe the BBC was always like it is and it’s you that changed?
You guys should search out a few YouTube commentators – I can recommend Stefan Molyneux, Bill Whittle, Professor Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, Sargon of Akkad… there are many others with either a right-of-centre, disenchanted leftist or libertarian slant. I can literally watch almost a whole evening of interesting, thought-provoking commentary and analysis every evening on YT from subscriptions (free) on my big tellie in the living room (I use the free YouTube app on my Playstation 4 to watch YT in HD on my TV). It’s a fantastic antidote to the politically compromised, utterly reprehensible progressive msm.
Also Pat Condell, Paul Watson, Gavin McInnes, Andrew Klavan, Stephen Crowder , Ezra Levant, Anne Coulter and Mark Steyn. Amongst politicos Nigel Farage, and Daniel Hannan.
Not forgetting Mark Dyce.
For those who are fed up with BBC drama and entertainment heavily soaked in PC and leftism there are scores of alternatives on You Tube. I can get all the classical music and entertainment, past or present, on You Tube. News, drama etc. We really can live without the BBC.
And don’t forget, most of BBC news programmes are available of You Tube, and you can join in the comments without BBC moderators.
Deborah, yes, me too. It was the Falklands War that turned me into a News Junkie. Then my situation at work demanded a greater interest in what was going on in the world. Had a range of papers and journals freely available there. At home, would go through a day with radio and TV, staying up for Newsnight and beyond, until I gave up TV in 2005.
I am getting more & more, in the last couple of years or so, to the point where I can switch R4 News off and feel good about the silence.
You can see something in his eyes, he’s sort of smiling toward the end of sentences. He’s spinning like mad, trying to appear cuddly and reasonable to try to win over the viewers to his and Remain’s position. He’s devious.
Love the fact Rees-Mogg has to do battle with Ken Clarke AND Jo Coburn. Poor lad can’t say more than few words with out being interrupted by Coburn. She doesn’t appear to want to hear anything he says.
Watching this again I was more conscious of the inherent BBC bias. As some have noted Jacob Rees Mogg is constantly interrupted but more subtly Ken Clarke is treated as some wise elder statesman and Jacob as some upstart who doesn’t know what he is talking about. Thus (and I don’t think this is my own prejudice) there is just a very slight difference when the interviewer turns to each for their response to a point. I am not sure how this is conveyed, whether it is body language, inflection or what but it certainly came across to me subliminally.
Do lawyers rule the world? Is that what’s really happening? They think they can overturn a national vote. They even tell The American President what to do. Lawyers? Who are these people?
Actual Wikipedia page
“In 2017, a discussion panel of contributors to the English-language version of the Wikipedia website concluded that it could not generally be used as a reliable source due to its “reputation for poor fact checking, sensationalism, and flat-out fabrication.”
The source cited for that is the Guardian
That is completely dumb itself.
Why do they cite a third party instead of linking to their own actual discussion ?
Anyway it’s the Fallacy of Authority to divide the world into trusted sources and untrusted.
See how it precludes the small boy in the Emperor’s New Clothes story.
You test the claim NOT the messenger.
The Mail can like all modern media be iffy, but also breaks lots of significant stories
eg Lefty ones like Steven Lawrence case, Guantanamo captives
As well as Climate leaks
First they invade Poland because of the Polish Constitutional Court crisis, then they invade Holland because of GeertĀ Wilders, Teresa May then resigns the same day and is replaced by Nigel Farage after he is hastily appointed to the House of Lords, then they invade France because of Marine Le Pen, then they fail to invade Britain because of the failure to form a European Navy or Air Force, then they invade Russia because of Putin. Only after that will they go to war with the United States because of Donald Trump. But they lose because Farage, Trump and Putin inevitably win the war on the 8th May 2023, which is all ready the 78th Victory in Europe day.
So this amazing correlation of events implies that history has repeated itself after 78 years.
Gunner / ID ā Never mind Marineās chest, letās discuss Marionās, the next generation. Strictly in the interest of political science you understand.
Vive La Revolution, Vive la Difference, and Joyeux Noel, all in one!
Sexiste, moi?
(Wrongly posted earlier, apologies – but the message bares repeating.)
Quite so gaxvil. Like the bibistan itself, our exalted mission is to inform, educate and entertain. I submit the above post does all three, and you don’t even have to pay an extortion fee for the privilege.
Reply from the “Ministry of Truth” to my complaint about the disrespect shown to the Don in not using the title of his office, the position he won in the election, the surfit of Remoaners who haunt all news/current affairs programs and how they do not want the UK to succeed outside of the EUssr. Lots of bullshit and no mention of my last two points.
Thank you for contacting us about BBC News.
I understand you feel BBC News is politically biased against Donald Trump, and that it’s disrespectful to not always refer to him as President Trump.
Typically we would begin a story by referring to the title of any leaders it relates to. On subsequent mentions, they are often referred to by name or surname for brevity and to avoid repetition. We always aim to be informative and follow this practice as much as possible. Scripted stories allow more opportunity to demonstrate it, whilst live and improvised lines may vary from the usual approach. Thatās the nature of rolling news stories and interviews, whoever the subject is. On first introduction, their role would normally be included and on further iterations their name alone would suffice. Written headlines on the other hand, must be brief by their nature. We donāt take a specific approach to one leader that would be different to any other. Weāre satisfied that our use of titles and names across BBC News is duly respectful and consistent, for the people mentioned in those items.
Donald Trumpās election as president was an extraordinary political event and has generated much reaction, both positive and negative, not just in America but across the world. We think it was right to reflect this in our coverage.
Prior to his inauguration, the claim that Russia had compromising material about Mr Trump and that it had tried to influence the election was, we believe, an important topic to explore. We took care to include his denials and made clear that the allegation had not been proven.
Since becoming president, Mr Trump has expressed controversial views, including support for torture, and has taken measures that have also caused controversy. His executive order which put into place a temporary travel ban on people from seven predominantly Muslim countries caused widespread protests and received criticism from several world leaders, including the German chancellor, Angela Merkel.
When reporting on Mr Trumpās actions, we have tried to explain his position in detail and to incorporate a range of views about his policies, as well as his own response to criticism.
BBC News does not, of course, have a view on whether or not Mr Trump will be a successful president, nor do we think our coverage has suggested so. Our aim has simply been to report and analyse events, so that our audiences can make up their own minds.
We hope this helps explain our policy in this area and address your concerns.
Thank you again for contacting us, we value your feedback about BBC News. All complaints are sent to senior management and BBC News editors every morning and I included your points in this overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future broadcasts.
Kind regards
Darren Loughlin
BBC Complaints Team
So even in their reply to a complaint they presume to give a lecture about President Trump & push their opinion. I have the urge to bitch-slap whoever wrote that reply! We need to make these Barstewards accountable to us somehow. It’s flipping 2016! Not 1984!
“BBC News does not, of course, have a view on whether or not Mr Trump will be a successful president…” ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
“His executive order which put into place a temporary travel ban on people from seven predominantly Muslim countries… received criticism from several world leaders, including… ANGELA MERKEL.” ha ha ha ha ha
“We donāt take a specific approach to one leader that would be different to any other.” hahahaha
Never let it be said bibistan lack a sense of humour.
Toobi I fed the bibistan Complaints Team’s reply to you into Google Translate from Beeblish to English and this is what came out:
“BBC Fake News is incandescent with rage at Trump’s election, hates him with a passion and will do everything to demonise him, his policies and his administration.
Likewise BBC Fake News hates Brexit with a vengeance, despises those who voted for it and will do its utmost to wreck and derail it in every possible way”.
Modern technology – amazing eh?
“Since becoming president, Mr Trump has expressed controversial views, including support for torture, and has taken measures that have also caused controversy.” This is opinion. Just because others have objected doesn’t in itself make the measures controversial. There will always be objections. I can’t recall ex-Pres Obama’s measures being called controversial in total. The response may be controversial but it is only opinion that the measures caused the controversial response. It is still a subjective measure. By that reasoning any action taken by any head of state or government can be deemed to cause controversy. Will all other heads of state or government be addressed in non-respectful manner?
Maybe this article points out why the bBBC is currently engaged in its hysterical coverage of the NHS.
“If it’s successful, a Labour strategy of responding to relentless attacks on Mr Corbyn with an equally relentless focus on the NHS may provide a model for the opposition in the years ahead.”
The lead ‘news’ from the bBBC at six this evening was a report on the last four days of the their campaign to blame the government for the failure of the NHS. Despicable.
Again, I recall Labour had control of the NHS for quite a while. They were going to undo the perceived damage wrought by Fowler and Clarke etc..
It didn’t happen.
Notice how the BBC always treats organisations in the NHS like the Royal College of Surgeons, the Royal College of Nursing or the British Medical Association etc. as wise and impartial bodies, and not the old style trade unions stuck in the 1970s they actually are. There was a time I recall when the CBI was usually described as the bosses union, but not since they came out in favour of the EU.
OT, but just heard on RT News that one of the problems with Trident is that it runs on Windows XP (FFS!!!!) and Microsoft on longer supports this OS. The dick, who wants to see it banned and the money put toward comabatting climate change) is hoping for a “future” government to bring in the ban.
Sounds like the kind of fake narrative that comes out of nuclear haters like Greenpeace who want you to jump to the conclusion that the nuclear control system is connected to the internet and running on something like your home XP computer which unsafe and unsupported.
The system implemented in 2008 “based on a custom stripped down version of XP” will be a different thing and will be fully supported by MS. https://m.theregister.co.uk/2008/12/16/windows_for_submarines_rollout/
That was my impression, Stew, I switched after the interview had started, so I didn’t catonch his name. They were on about undersea drones making nuclear subs redundant, so there would be no need for Trident. We could then spend the money on climate change and the NHS.
He looked the sort that should be shaking a tin somewhere.
There is no way any such systems would be based on microsoft systems…. More than likely the benefits of Windows drag and drop interface would be of no use whatsoever in this area… More than likely it would be based on an IBM systems base same as the banking world is as it needs to constantly create back up logs and also back those up as well… The weapons systems also do not even use the same internet systems as the rest of the tech world and the origins of the internet itself were military… The nearest equivelant would be an open source OS such as FreeBSD which has the ability to be tailored exactly to specified requirements by the operating systems coders reqiorements using generic encryption and mutual generic passkeys throughout its entire interconnected network, if one part fails to send the correct passkey prior to a recive or data sendind of a packet it immediately disconnects and depending on how its security operates goes into full lock down prior to destruction using a revised and higher shredding GUTMAN process or is physically destroyed by military grade hardware so it cannot be retrieved in any way ever…. This type of OS is the reason why copyright piracy groups are able to keep ahead of IT security bodies and thier legal arms… It is possible to create the same type of system to run on a server hired from a wenhosting company with full secured data management which even the hosting company is unable and unwilling to attempt reading as each time it sends and recieves the corresponding passkeys across all connected systems and sub routines generically encrypts with a new random key each and everytime the process of a packet send happens… this is also the same type of coding which secured banking uses… Windows is nothing more than a commercially packaged interface and is too full of insecurities to be considered viable… also windows was originally a sub program originally intended for a presentation which was to be shown to IBM, it was turned down as it was of no use in accounting an area where eveerything is logged, relogged collated and relies not on how it looks but in how it works….
Not as exciting or as luxurious as Marines chest I am afraid however –
I have just been listening to a bit of PM. We had one of their reporters some name like Elise du sex (or something like that). She was in Saudi Arabia reporting on changes in the country.
I now realise how wrong I have been about Saudi. There I was thinking that Saudi law was based on sharia with all its attendant rules and oppression of women.
I also thought that
Women were not allowed to drive
All women had to have a male gaurdian when out and needed his permission for travel, bank accounts, jobs, surgery, marrying or divorce.
Apparently in Saudi you can also can marry more than one wife and even marry a nine year old providing wait until puberty for sex. That will be nice for Grandad!
However according to Elise it all sounds jolly exiting there now. With some “big” changes. More women are now working and apparently you can now wear a multi coloured niquab without being hassled by the police. That must be bloody useful garment for women to wear in 100 degree heat. Shows how caring the Saudis are – they dont want their women getting hypothermia. Maybe we should take a leaf out of their book I hear niquabs are all the rage these days especially in summer in Luton. I love it , freedom of choice, Sistas doing it for themselves.
With all this nasty Donald stuff going around – Three cheers for the BBC showing muslim countries and their ways in this more truthful positive light. I am sure that they dont have any other motive in highlighting all the “good things” that are happening in this hard line Islamic country.
I reckon after this report all the sistas will be making a bee line there to enjoy all their new found freedoms. And maybe even stay there (hopefully). I have already booked a ticket for Harriet Harmon and Jenny Murray (and hopefully both will demonstrate choice by wearing a full burkah) – But I have a feeling they may not want to go. As I understand that they still have important work to do here in highlighting gender equality in the boardroom and other important issues -shame
Any mention of the Saudi led coalition on the attacks and blockade of Hodeidah in the Yemen, which is leading to famine and the possible displacement of millions of refugees, Oak?
Must have missed this on the beeb. https://www.rt.com/news/376929-saudi-yemen-port-civilians/
I dont believe that for one minute Toobi sounds like you have been listening to too much “fake news” – If the BBC suggest that the Saudis are changing for the better than I for one would never doubt it because the BBC is the worlds most trusted broadcaster.
Why they are so disturbed about all of this “fake news” going around they have taken it upon themselves to police it for us, and tell us what we should or should not believe.
Not as exciting or as luxurious as Marine’s chest I am afraid – Don’t apologise Oak, biased bbc is a broad church with room for highbrow as well as low.
I shall keep supplying the latter.
Phwoar, these right wing political babes, eh? Won’t find them in Labour…
Who gives a f… but Shia LaBeouf’s 24hr live stream video art installation!! has been shut down, as it is regarded as a flash point for violence! Of course this would be from the far right Nazis who lurk around it. Not people coherently telling it like it is….or supporting Trump, like the impressive Chinese chap the other day. What a load of tossers they all are.
Headline article in the Guardian:”Nothing can stop the mighty Ofcom: except, perhaps, the BBC. The media watchdog is in charge of everything from internet speeds to Murdochās mergers. But regulating Broadcasting House is a challenge like no other.”
Dear God – is the bbc run by Idi Amin? People are so afraid their head will end up in his fridge?
I almost feel sorry for the Guardian. Their business model depends on people paying them for “facts” and opinion that are available from the BBC at no charge beyond the TV tax that’s already been extracted on pain of imprisonment. If it wasn’t for the Trust Fund the Guardian would be broke.
Can anyone confirm the delightful rumour that David Davis (Brexit Minister) planted a crafty smacker on the rotund cheek of the divine Diane Abbott? I’ve heard that his conciliatory overtures were met with a somewhat uncouth rebuff; “Fuck off!” Oh dear.
What a gracious, indeed graceful creature Ms Abbott is and let’s all be grateful that she managed to haul her considerable carcass out of her death bed and into the voting chamber to obey her leader. That must have stung.
Apparently Davis made his escape chortling heartily at the discomfort and annoyance he had caused Labour’s racist in residence.
Please tell me this is true!
Lobster looking at diane abbopotomus it is difficult to tell which end is which with diane abbopotomus especially as the shite comes out of both ends of the abbopotomus
I heard the fragrant Mrs Balls on the Jeremy Whine Show today, discussing how simply dreadful it was that the government are casting aside the “Dubbs Amendment”.
Yvette spoke of some Eritrean girls who were allowed into the U.K. and are now safe in schools here but she was so terribly worried about yet more such girls who are being trafficked into prostitution and raped on the Continent.
It’s strange that as concerned as she appears to be about protecting foreign girls from sexual violence and abuse, I can’t recall her ever lamenting the fate of British girls raped and trafficked around the country as child prostitutes by Muslims. Which is odd considering that her constituency is within the heart of West Yorkshire, an area which is one of the very worst in the country for Islamic gangs sexually abusing indigenous female children.
I expect she shares the “selective compassion” which the dear, departed Saint Jo possessed and so many other Progressives here in the UK do too.
BBC r2 news this morning
“4 men to be deported to Pakistan involved with the Rochdale child grooming gang”
Next they were gloating about court rejects Trumps ban of mainly Muslim countries.
Funny how no mention of Muslim made when it doesn’t suit their bias.
David Davis tried to kiss Fatbott? Shoulda gone to Specsavers.
As should Corbyn all those years ago, unless he did it to enhance his non-racist credentials. A case of ‘close your eyes and think of England’, or in his case, the Soviet Union.
A three bag job. One over her head so that he can’t see her, one over his head so that he really can’t see her, and one over his dog’s head so that the dog will still respect him in the morning.
Never have I ever witnessed such a jaw dropping display of total annihilation and humiliation of a human being, as this brain dead leftie cuck journo is on this video. Its close to watching horrific abuse towards the end. Animals are put out of their misary for a thousandth of what this idiot has to suffer.
Tucker Carlson we salute you Sir. What a brilliant man
It is rapidly approaching the level of Monty Python’s, “Your Father was a hamster and your Mother smelled of elderberries.”
Is it like, ‘Bullshit Bingo’? A contest to see who,on the Left, can issue the most banal, puerile, ludicrous statement?
Paul Joesph Watson has for a long time created magnificent video’s, perfectly designed for winning over new, younger members to our cause. Edgey, educational, funny, hard hitting, all facts…..Paul is doing more to defeat the enemy than anyone.
This video encapsulates all of the above, and is clearly designed to win hearts and minds. It’s utterly brilliant. Read the comments to see the response he is getting.
Brilliant, brilliant work Mr Watson.
If I posted that on my regular web hangout (soon to be former) They probably wouldn’t bother reading it. Many times I’ve tried to fill them in on details regarding Islamic doctrine, Middle Eastern history & so forth. I’ve done write-ups with links, references, images. I could always tell by the responses that they hadn’t bothered reading my posts properly. I’ve ended up being called all the usual slurs, waycist, xenophobe, etc. Nevermind the doctorate in Middle-Eastern studies. I’m stupid & a liar. You just hit a brick wall with these people. They’re so narrow-minded!
Lucy, I’ve had the same experience. After the Brexit vote, my brother ranted to me about Brexiteers being ‘stupid racists, living in the fifties’ etc. I sent him an e-mail that tried to change his views about the EU, Islam, immigration etc. (linking to articles in respectable mainstream newspapers). He pretty much ignored it. I wouldn’t have minded if he’d argued any of my points – it would have at least proved he’d read them!
I said: ‘Have you considered the possibility the real time-warp dwellers are the people still living in a multiculturalist utopian dream that’s collapsing across Europe under pressure from Islamic aggression and massive immigration?’ It seems he didn’t.
I’m afraid people like him have invested too much in the multiculti dream to be able to change. He spent thirty years as a local government race relations officer, listening to the Taqiyya-merchants of Bolton and trying to persuade the local schools accept Halal food. He’s clever, but utterly closed-minded on certain issues. In his position, I wouldn’t like to face the possibility I’d been mistaken for so long.
PS, is Lucy Pevensey your real name, or did you just choose it out of enthusiasm for ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’?
Oh yes Helena Hand-Basket, you are experiencing the same brain dead with eyes wide shut scenario as I have over many years of endeavouring to educate people to what is happening in their closed controlled world where those that control the power have invented this word multiculturalism-this in partnership with Human Trafficking the fastest grwoing business in the world with Ā£billions being earned from it-has been driving the integration of particularly an alien culture into a mostly Christian white community in Europe-this evolvement will destroy us, as was stated by the late leader of Lybia-no by swords but by mass immigration and the wombs of their women.
A short time ago, the BBC ran many features at length about Trump’s romps with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel room. All verified by MI6 according to the BBC.
Where now, BBC? Did this news fall off a cliff?
And if so, why?
If such false allegations had been made against Blair the BBC Saint, we would by now have had umpteen BBC Panorama specials praising his innocence.
after the BBC spent hours spinning up hate
#1 Trumpās romps with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel room
#2 Rumour that there is a dress like a woman order in the WhiteHouse
#3 Claims that BBC has done positive Brexit coverage
The left’s main weapon to win arguments is to go for control of (unearned) moral superiority as soon as possible to close down the debate. It’s nothing at all to do with what is fact and what is truth.
“So you hate children, because you do not want ‘children’ ‘refugees’ from Calais to be safe in the UK?”
“You are islamaphobic!” (When trying to stop people who want to kill you from coming into our country)
“You are racist” (when correctly stating that selecting people for privilege, just because they are not male or not have white skin, is utterly wrong and moronic)
This tactic is used relentlessly and without fail. It’s designed to make anyone that opposes them a bad person, and the argument void.
How do you take this evil, disgusting tactic on…..Ben Shapiro
I watched this whole exchange and by the end of it I was left very disheartened. Why? Because the whole conversation was absurd to begin with. If, as it appears, parts of Western civilization’s populous need to be debated on realities and facts of life that are self-evident and intuitive in their very nature, then the forces of cultural Marxism really have struck some serious blows within our societies, and no amount of new-era conservative pushback will ever be enough to restabilize us to a point of stable coherency. The best that can be hoped for, I fear, is some damage control but even then a stronger, more predatory culture will keep taking chunks out of the wounded animal.
Really? There seem to be more and more folk like, Ben, Nigel, Milo, Ann, etc popping up now and giving as good as they get only in a calmer, more factual and persuasive way.
I would not wish to be on the debating team across the stage.
Agreed the premise set is often fatuous but that is the state of play. Better to engage the opposition well prepared for what they think are their big guns.
Then look at once cocksure types like Emily, Evan, KRM, J’Ob, etc collapse in the face of it.
And keep ears open for the shy voting block in the crowd muttering ‘he got owned’, or glee clubbers grasping a sacred cow just got ground into burger and served with an order of fries.
Unless it’s the BBC. They all seem to be Amy Rutland clones, just like the young lady watching her career path go down the toilet anywhere but the already overstocked institutions who set up such questions.
“Really? There seem to be more and more folk like, Ben, Nigel, Milo, Ann, etc popping up now and giving as good as they get only in a calmer, more factual and persuasive way.”
And wonderful it is to behold too. But the point I was trying to make was that a (complete) restoration of common sense and social coherency will still be limited because so much damage has already been done. The pushback is wonderful, and in a world that hasn’t been turned inside out and upside down the civilizational decay could be halted, but much like someone who has suffered a severe injury or terrible illness they’re rarely one hundred percent ever again.
The thing is when I was watching that Ben Shapiro video where he was answering her questions with reason and logic, I felt disheartened because most of the questions she raised could have only manifested in a period of civilizational decline. We’re living in an era where time and energy has been put into intellectually combating the absurd. It would be completely different if this was a debate about, say, manufacturing processes or whatever, but taking a step back all I’m left thinking is “shit”.
I hope I’m wrong on this and a comprehensive reversal takes place, but I’m not overly optimistic. Don’t misunderstand me, what pushback there is is great, but some of the points of discussion would have been unthinkable a few decades ago.
That “Rape Melania” sign?
Not only is it evil-but I thought that she was the heroine who Al Queda shot in the Hindu Kushistan hell hole-and we in Birmingham patched up, took her whole tribe and family here and sent them round the universities and Media Studying Green Rooms at the BBC etc?
At lifelong cost to ourselves. Two women-similar names that the Left won`t care about-but look how one is reverted and one is hated.
And the one who`s not cost us a penny. let alone a dollar is the one that the Left deems worthy of demonising and rape.
How evil does it go with the Left then…
Well sure, a lot of us would like to be somewhere else. I know it’s a little known fact but in this country there are a good few 14 year old kids – some of them quite deserving.
Why does no-one on ITN or al beebus ever ask your average Britons what they think about letting the likes of “14 year old Jonah” into THEIR country and then honestly broadcast their answers?
Maybe it’s because most of the answers would be utterly beyond the pale, for them that is and the rest of the deluded, no borders fanatics.
Dear Jonah, while on the face of it you seem to be quite deserving of entry to the UK, I think you need to understand how things are at the moment. You see the problem is that over the last 20 years or so migration has been weaponised by people who see it as a means to fundamentally transform the UK against the wishes of most of it’s people. What this means is that a country that once welcomed refugees and other migrants to a reasonable extent has become suspicious and even hostile to almost all such. You should also be aware that the British media have been enthusiastic supporters of unlimited migration and therefore should be considered complicit in this. In other words, the people who appear to be sympathetic and your friend are in fact also responsible for the change in national mood which has led to you being denied entry to the UK.
Needless to say, ‘watch the BBC reporting’. BBC Radio 4 News at 1000 tonight (2200 10th). They’ve sure got it in for Geert Wilders in the Netherlands. National election looming there and Geert is the favourite to secure a majority for, inter alia, his stance on anti-immigration/immigrants. He’s got really good support from people so pissed off with ‘multiculturalism’. “So”, (as all interviewees seem to start their reply with these days), watch the condemnation and unbalanced reporting from “The Worlds Most Trusted”. It’s sure started tonight.
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GlONESyXsAAbWQL?format=jpg&name=small[/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Is that Welsh windbag on QT last night the most odious creep in existence?
With his smoke and mirrors, so much part of the establishment the red Tories, he was indistinguishable, nobody knew who he was only a few months ago.
One of the first in line in the establishment clearout that is so badly required in Westminster
David Vanceā tweeted
Memo to #bbcqt.
– Jews were fleeing Nazis in WW2.
– Muslim “refugees” are fleeing …erm….Muslims
Can I add…
When Jews escaped Nazis in the 30`s, the Nazis were left behind.
When Christians escape the muslim dominated middle east, the muslims come too. Hence the need for extreme vetting.
The Beeb with yet another story to spin an anti Brexit tale of woe
Germany warns the City over Brexit risk
But the public is not fooled (see the comments section), the BBC is reaching a point of no return, become again an impartial reporter of news or become irrelevant.
BBC 5live Daily – 11 30am … A MUST LISTEN FOR ALL AT BBBC
Trumps Next EU Rep … dismantles š overtly biased Beebot.
No Link yet
1hr 37mins
Ted Mallick next EU Ambassador from the US
I`ve said it before and I`1l say it again.
Ted Malloch is our man-where he goes, so do I…and hubby can do his own tea.
This man is Professor Ted Malloch of Oxford and Henley Business School-he was around when the USSR packed up, and keeps a lot under his hat.
He slaughters liberals for fun-poor Schama is still drooling in the Green Room as Teds louche Hugh Hefner impression gains ground.
Donald SURELY knows this-let him run riot around Europe whilst he`s free to cause this havoc. A true fox in the liberal hen house..set him free and enjoy the feathers flying!
Roll on the end of March, Article 50 will be triggered, no going back, we can laugh at the Remoaners forever.
Bill – I’ll still only believe it when I see it.
The BBC reports on the probable disintegration of the EU.
Schulz blames the rise of “populism” (the BBC agrees of course). These suited faceless bastards refuse to see the cause and effect on that one. Or maybe they do?
The sooner it fragments to dust the better.
Poor Martin. He looks a bit frazzled these days. It must be the strain of being the SPD choice to replace Merkel the Mad.
Wolfgang SchƤuble, CDU, German Finance Minister and Bankrupter-in-Chief of Greece has called Schulz the “German Trump” because he wants to “make the EU great again”. Who says Germans have no sense of humour.
BBC has little self awareness, eg last night BBC WS contradicted themselves on Global Warming, without noticing.
They had 3 items last night within an hour
Item #2 Was in Science Action “The state of Mars atmosphere does not fit with current Greenhouse House gas science” *
Item #3 Was About a special bacteria which feeds on CO2, Carbon Monoxide and hydrogen, which can be processed as biofuel. **
Now Item #1 Was Hard Talk where Stephen Sackur laid into Myron Ebell for a full half hour for NOT supporting Global Warming alarmism, asserting it’s all proven.
The super loaded questions ran like “When you are beating your wife, her mother and her sister in X on Y, what was the weather like ?”
I don’t know why Ebell agreed to the interview, however he stood up well.
The only one he didn’t deal with completely was when Sackur asked “Now CEI has always been funded by big oil and the Koch brothers …blah blah”
To which he replied “No our experts decides our policies first then people fund us, it’s not the other way around.”
I guess it would take a long time for him to go into detail that CEI is a proper Think Tank with lots of funding and projects over the years and that donor details have to be kept secret due to activist threats against them and that Koch brothers are not driving the organisation.
* Back to Item #2
The scientist was trying to explain about the Mars water situation, that all the earth channels mean water must have flowed eons ago, yet today when the sun is shining brighter and the atmosphere is loaded with CO2 it’s too cold for liquid water.
** Back to Item #3
The point being that it could harvest CO2 out of the air. One of those magic solutions which probably not going to come off. The thing is that you need energy to get the hydrogen in the first place.. on and off power like wind/solar could be efficiently used, but probably be a drop in the ocean.
Links with OFFICIAL bbc titles
3:02am HardTalk : Director of Competitive Enterprise Institute – Myron Ebell
3:32 Science in Action : Clueless about Martian Atmosphere
RT is defending itself from yesterday’s senate hearing where someone said on oath that RT USA only alone has a $400m budget, whereas RT itself maintains there is no basis for that number cos it’s own figures are $312m for the whole world.
Can any legal eagles on here tell me how its possible to make a ‘High Court Appearance’ within 24 hours or within a couple of weeks at the very least ? This appears to happen with increasing regularity – according to the ‘news’. We hear that do gooders are making a High Court Appearance TODAY to legally challenge the Governments stance of ending the asylum programme of refugee children – which has only come to light within the last couple of days !
Like GP’s who clearly hold back a few daily appointments, does the legal system keep a few hours ‘handy’ for situations like this, and the Gina Miller Brexit court appearance. Because its always been known that its takes years and years for cases to come to court, so I’m completely baffled that an item of current news is able to access the ‘High Court’ within a matter of hours !!!!
I imagine that Trump is working behind the scenes to make sure that awful sniveling man Bercow is banned from attending any state function. My cartoon take on the week:
Scottish Calvin,
LOL ! Glad that you share the enthusiasm for Bercow which most of us here feel !
PS. Speaking of Witchell, did you know that he is a fervent believer in the Loch Ness Monster and even wrote a book about it. Nutter.
Speaking of the Loch Ness Monster, Nicola Sturgeon has been a bit quiet this week, she must be plotting something?
Wild Bill,
LOL ! I think that Loch Ness is the deepest loch in Scotland, although maybe Loch Morar is. Not that I would wish Krankie to plumb these depths , of course.
No, and we wouldn’t want her to be wearing a pair of concrete socks when she did it, would we?
I heard she was busy rehearsing for a TV show where she imitates Tracy Ullman.
The only positive thing about him I suppose is that he can’t vote on anything so has to largely keep his views to social media.
BTW, subscribe for more of these, I made it a new year’s resolution to post a new one each week and get back into it as a hobby (something I used to do years ago)
While we are on the subject of Bercow….
Bercow is a total wanker.
When commenting online I always make a conscious effort to avoid personal insults and engage with the argument, but it’s impossible with Bercow.
The man just fizzes with pomposity and self-regard.
I almost suspect that he knows it himself. It’s part of his schtick, like Piers Morgan.
I return to the intellectual argument. Bercow and Piers Morgan are both wankers. That is all the needs to be said.
There is an argument going on round here as to whether Bercow is a black-billed thrush or a pale-vented thrush.
This is because the Latin name for the former is ‘turdus ignobilis’; for the latter ‘turdus obsoletus’.
Scottish Calvin, when you first started posting these I wasn’t sure quite where you were coming from – maybe it was your choice of subject – but am beginning to enjoy them now.
He is ok, just tilting at windmills. And all in 1 minute !
Cheers Deborah. Politically I’m a borderline anarcho-capitalist (like many of us here) but given that we’ve finally got right of centre parties in everywhere again, I suppose that being critical of the government has a tendency to come across as being the same as left wing. Ironically, the BBC use the same excuse when they’re laying into Brexit or the like.
Grant: I’d love to have more than a minute’s worth of material each week but I’m self employed with two toddlers so I’d rather keep things short and sweet than waste folk’s time. Originally my idea was just to publish to WordPress (https://calvinsworldnews.wordpress.com) to practice and/build up a portfolio but I thought I’d try the YouTube version.
Something strange happened on Brussels Broadcasting last night. Katya Adler’s EU piece for the This World series on BBC 2 last night actually managed to present a pretty accurate picture of the truly catastrophic situation within the EU and more particularly within the eurozone. Never mind Brexit, the entire fabric of the EU is in danger of falling apart. You only had to listen to Guy Verhofstadt telling Katya that he believed european citizens actually want a much greater degree of political and economic integration to realise just how delusional the Brussels elite have become (note to Treezer: you can forget about any EU deals with Guy on the other side of the table). The fact is though that without fiscal integration of the kind Guy dreams about, the Euro is going to continue to wreck the economies of southern Europe. The reality is that the German voters are simply not prepared to keep bailing out the “lazy” southerners which may well force Greece to exit the euro in the next few months. But even if there is yet another debt deal, the Greeks face decades of low growth and high unemployment courtesy of the economic policies directed from Berlin. Meanwhile, the problems in Italy simply continue to grow, and around Europe the calls for the return of sovereignty to national governments get louder and louder.
Gunner, I read an article by Ms Adler in Radio Times about the reasons behind Brexit and it was very reasonable – almost pro-Brexit in tone. Like Michael Portillo she is of mixed British and European heritage, and I wonder if this actually produces a more balanced outlook than those types of journos who only know Tuscany and Paris.
“mixed British and European heritage”
Did you really mean to use lefty Newspeak or is there some humour which
went over my head?
Maybe the BBC thought the general public would be cowering in terror behind their sofas when they glimpsed thd new “axis of evil”. Katya seemed to think an
interview with Marine was a dangerous enterprise, as if the spawn of Le Diable would suddenly lean foward, rip her beating hear from her chest and eat it. Would have been great TV.
Sulky, sneeriness reserved for Orban, who very sensibly ignores the BBC.
Long live Hungary
Nagy lofasz a seggedbe, BBC!
Gunner / ID – Never mind Marine’s chest, let’s discuss Marion’s, the next generation. Strictly in the interest of political science you understand.
Vive La Revolution and Joyeux Noel, all in one!
Sexiste, moi?
Can we be cheerleaders for the Garden Gnome in Scotland?
The only reason for Brussels acknowledging the dire state of the Greek and Italian economies is that it draws attention away from Spain and France.
The BBC in on the “Global warming”, no “Climate Change” no “Saving the Planet” …
Refugee bearded “Children, Trump boo his Trump Train again
… not news, not actually facts and weak journalistically.
Whilst the BBC is broadcasting ambiguous I think deliberately vague waffle on the NHS, I know headlines are needed … it is in crisis of course, however the BBC is not up to doing a real journalistic job.
While the BBC spends half the news on lack of courgettes for metropolia, some veggie shortage, That snake of a Health Secretary was on a US trip to erm ādiscuss the close links between the US and the UK health sectors”, as I have mentioned re “tastrophe” Teresa s US “giveaway” visit previously.
Apparently he gave a lecture while he was there on wait for it … “patient safety” … there are literally no words.
No mention of those bastards Letwin/Redwood, no mention of that faux spat between
Stevens and Hunt over funding? NHS chief executive Simon Stevensā last job was as a UnitedHealth executive! and Hunt? on record as saying that the NHS should be privatised. Back in 2005 in co-authored a book called Direct Democracy, which called for the NHS to be dismantled! … these crooks are “two cheeks of the same arse”.
Funding? more than ever comes the bleat … no BBC report questions the CCGs (deliberately designed as transitional bodies to be taken over by private insurers), The accountancy firms and management consultants, an army of unnecessary intermediaries siphoning away taxpayersā money from delivery of direct healthcare, while allowing a list of convenient scapegoats for the demise of the NHS.
Purchaser-Provider divide-and-rule manoeuvres pits GPs against hospital doctors, handing GPs the axe to take to hospital services, even setting up bodies to block referral s contrary to the interests of patients. BBC News was virtually advertising private health insurance yesterday with
No mention of increasing marketisation & PFI bleeding NHS dry, no mention of the bloated administrative structure that has simply imposed government policy irrespective of outcomes and care for patients.
Our public service broadcaster has avoided factually scrutinising health reforms and instead simply regurgitates government spin, peddles myths and even presents pro-privatisation think tanks as if they were independent.
There is a crisis in the NHS but its manufactured, The NHS is being deliberately defunded and marketised. The perceived failure is by design, its hard to sell/force private insurance, if its running adequately. The misleading crap about the funding
So our ill and elderly are expendable.
Of course the blame game will be everything from Drs, hospital staff, the elderly, councils, the mentally ill, individual hospital departments etc etc.
“It s a Good thing the NHS could be part of a future US trade deal”.
Nick Seddon, David Cameron’s former health advisor whose now joined an NHS Privatisation Firm, back to where he came from? as he was formerly of private healthcare company Circle, he has suggested that CCGs should be merged with private insurance companies.
THIS what the BBC should be relaying, this is the scandal, The most deceitful incompetent underhand “short term” crooks ever to infest No10 … selling off/giving away something, they have no right to
… They should be using up to date facts, alongside their headlines and ambulance chasing
Remember the five largest drug companies made $50 billion in profits last year while 1 in 5 ordinary Americans could not even fill their own prescriptions.
Nog, you missed out the fact that all the groundwork was done by Blair’s Labour government. Before Blair the NHS was a single legal entity and privatising any significant parts of it would have been impossible. By the end of Blair’s reign all the providers of clinical services to the public (hospitals, clinics, etc)had been transformed into Foundation Trusts, each with its own legal identity and set of legally binding contracts that could be reassigned to any organisation. From the sharp end, once Blair had got rid of Dobson it was down hill all the way.
RJ … Blair! are you swearing at me š
The groundwork was actually done before him, PFI was N Lamont s erm “brainchild”, more of the nightmare of a “private” utopia, Osborne
implemented a number of PFI projects
it was acted upon by Blair and co, for 2 reasons
1/. The state the NHS was left in, something was needed quickly.
2/. thus in typical Red Tory style PFI schemes could be kept off the Treasury books, while enabling major projects to go ahead quickly, in fact the typical city con trick.
Please not BlairRichProject … not to my delicate ears š
“1/. The state the NHS was left in, something was needed quickly.”
This something was millions of enemy Muslims imported to vote Labour.
Here is the perfect example, of all I have said above
No mention of the deliberate marketization/privatisation, no mention of the defunding process, no mention of the deliberate running down/failure by design, it is a manufactured crisis and the all the facts that show it.
Literally a shameful No10 echo chamber – this is the fault of Barnet s lack of A/the subject matter and B/This policy of not scrutinising on the bullet points.
End result – Same old spin machine, the lying No10 narrative with no interruption
This is a literally a disgrace,
BBC 5Live NHS – Robert Francis QC 2hrs 5mins
I appreciate that the BBC is a good earner for them but does any educated person who is not a Guardian reader have any shadow of doubt that the BBC remake of the Kenneth Clark Civilisation series by Simon Schama, Mary Beard, and David Olusoga, is going to be politically correct crap? When he made the programme Kenneth Clark told the BBC that it is not going to be the usual Marxist interpretation, and the BBC as a result (even though he produced a masterpiece for them) have hated it ever since. As soon as it was made they made another series called Ways of Seeing presented by the Marxist John Berger, and an endless diet of Cultural Marxist crap ever since. Why are we still funding the BBC?
Seriously, why is this absurd arrangement still in place? The pernicious BBC should gave gone the way of Five Year Plans, nationalised industries, and our membership of the EU. Time we were asked if we want to be forced to carry on funding it.
A 10 minute summary of what Cultural Marxism is can be found here
Wild, thanks for the clip. PJTV looks interesting. While I don’t agree with everything, I was struck by the idea about absolute moral relativism. If all cultures are equally valid, any ‘successful’ culture can only appear to be so because it has stolen from the others. This forms, I suspect, the foundation of the cultural self-hatred we see on the left.
Yes, Cranmer, although that leaves me with another puzzle: the Cultural Marxist or Extreme Liberal does not abandon all culture.
They have a culture and it is built around, for want of a better phrase ‘Performance History’, their own Performance History. They do the building of it. They nurture it. They propagate it.
They discriminate heavily in doing so. Against Enoch Powell. Against Margaret Thatcher. Against ‘Tories’ (less so against Conservatives) and any Tory vehicle or organ, ie. Murdoch TV and some newspapers.
You get to see this via News and Documentary Photography. A photo of Che becomes a poster, becomes the placard and then morphs into the tee-shirt. The CND symbol. The history of the march and demonstration. Aldermaston. Greenham Common. Poll tax Riots. Student Fees protest. So-called ‘AntiRacism’ Marches and Demonstrations, all of which might be called Performance Fascism in a Performance Arts sort of way.
Having written that, I have just reminded myself that I was going to mention here an interesting item on, if I recall correctly, WatO (BBC R4) on Thursday when a discussion was held about an exhibition of Russian 20th century art opening somewhere. In the context of the above, as well as the labelling of Trump as ‘a Fascist’ and ‘Hitler reincarnate’ by the equally fascistic Liberal, Socialist and Marxist that chooses to do so, that discussion about the exhibition was fascinating.
And surprisingly balanced!
On BBC Radio 4, too!
Very interesting. A book I must read, I think. May well feel as I do that I wish I had written it. Thanks for putting up the link, Wild.
Far be it from me to disagree with such great minds but I think the more extreme Liberal mind in the form of Cultural Marxists (a.k.a. Cultural Leftist) HAS discriminated. It has discriminated in an extremely precise way in favour of:
1. Primarily, above all else, the succouring State,
2. The ability of Government to cure all ills using, preferably, other peoples’ money,
3. The form of that Government to be exactly what I choose, and
4. If it is not in a form that pleases me and the people in my peer group and also ‘the people that think like me’, I have every right to demonstrate against it, violently if necessary, and overthrow it almost to the point of, and perhaps beyond, undemocratically.
Thomas Sowell distinguishes between the Unconstrained Vision and the Constrained Vision.
The Constrained Vision says that humanity is irretrievably flawed and that we have to work with that understanding, using the wisdom of past generations, to edge our way towards better ways of doing things. There are no solutions, only trade-offs.
The Unconstrained Vision says that humanity is perfectible, that the only failing is in the system, and if the ‘right’ people were running everything, we would have Utopia on earth, courtesy of their benevolent solutions.
The Cultural Marxists obviously subscribe to the latter interpretation, which is why their policies inevitably founder on the rock of human fallibility, cussedness and self-interest.
Except this is not cultural Marxism !
This is entirely different it is about how liberals think – not an active attempt to destroy Western society which is cultural Marxism.
This about grey goo – everything the same, or as I wrote on the previous thread, equality at all costs regardless of reality or the consequences, and without any other policy.
You don’t understand the talk Thoughtful. Did you even watch it? Destruction of the West is precisely what he is talking about – he wrote the book because of 9/11, or 9/12 as he puts it because it is how the Left reacted to 9/11 rather than 9/11 itself which was the turning point for him.
I’ll give them an overall ‘B’ for all three being lefties, including a woman and an ethnic minority. But as far as I can make out none of them is gay so they miss the top mark.
The BBC – making contemptible revisionist history programs on your dime!
Gay men seem to be being shuffled quite quickly to the bottom of the media ‘top trumps’ deck – far too many intelligent right wing openly gay men around now (Milo, Dr Starkey etc)- I suspect they are no longer considered a tame minority.
Speaking as a (white) ‘right-of-center’ gay man myself, I can tell you I have been kicked well and truly to the bottom of the oppression olympics by regressives. I have been censored, banned and blocked on so many forums for daring to voice my political opinions. The fact that, like Milo, I favour men of colour still didn’t help me – I was defunded of all my oppression points by the identitarian Stazi and banned for life from one forum in particular because I openly voted Conservative, voted for Brexit (and championed it) and I predicted Trump would win the US Presidency well ahead of his victory. Oh, and I also voiced my doubts about so-called ‘climate change’.
This is how the regressive left operate: ‘diversity’ in all things, except diversity of opinion. They are trying to impose self-censorship on all of us, regardless of how far up or down the oppression ladder we are (according to their vile, race-baiting identity politics). They must not be allowed to succeed.
Reminds me of the brutal totalitarianism of Pol Pot’s Kampuchea (Cambodia), or Mao’s shrieking, murderous Cultural Revolution.
Your comments about yourself highlight something I noticed a few years back. As with every other so called oppressed minority, the minority you meet in real life are nothing like the activist element of that minority. The left will view you as a traitor for daring to form your own opinions rather than have them issued to you.
The issue is not whether or not there is “so called” oppression, the issue is whether the Left have a monopoly right to speak on behalf of those they deem to be oppressed. The answer is the Left have no monopoly right, indeed you could argue that most of the oppression in the world in the last hundred years has been caused by the Left. In terms of numbers of deaths alone we are not talking about single digits we are talking about millions starved and executed as a consequence of the intolerance of the Left toward anybody who disagrees with them.
They come to a halt when they’ve spent everyone else’s money.
Remember the note left at the Treasury for the Conservative coalition with the LibDems when the last Labour shower came out of office: “There’s no money left”.
W -Here are some zeroes to append to correct your figures – 000.
In the end – and as history has shown repeatedly – the left will eat itself. It happens every time – they eventually run out of targets and turn on themselves and that moment is happening right now…
“…āWhen Justin Trudeau responded to the Muslim ban that this coward, this white supremacist coward, Donald Trump, put forward, what did Justin Trudeau say? He said he wanted to accept everyone who is not allowed into the U.S. border to Canada. [ā¦] We know what that manipulation is,ā declared Black Lives Matter co-founder Yusra Khogali.
Khogali, mic in hand and anger on full display, continued, ā[Justin Trudeau] is a white supremacist terrorist.ā The roaring cheers from moments earlier diminish. Think pieces calling for BLM ā Toronto to be banished and calling them no stranger to ābad publicityā soon followed.”
All she was missing was her Little Red Book. I weep for poor Canada, held hostage beneath the iron boot of progressives and their paramilitary wing in BLM and other ‘activist’ (i.e. terrorist) groups.
Obi the shame of it is – once these bastards have F####ed everything up and pissed off back to where they came from to lecture in gender studies or BLME oppression or whatever relevant topics they have farted up after a lunch of tofu cuttlets. The rest of us have to deal with the results of their re-engineering of society.
I always thought the Canadians were pretty tough but pragmatic at the same time (loads of them lost their lives helping us in WW2 in both Bomber Command and the army and it is a debt to this nation that I also feel we still owe) But it just goes to show how when a few progressives get into positions of power they seem to rapidly concentrate it and make changes to a society and a culture that will take decades – if ever to undo. I call it the cancer of stupidity!
Obi I too weep for Canada especially after the Brexit vote, when many of our progressive/right on types said they intended to emigrate there because we were all waycists here and they all felt much happier weeping and cry wanking under the benign and caring watch of Justin the just .
From my point of view good riddance however I do worry whether the Canadians truly realise what they have voted for and what may be coming their way.
Canada will go the way of Sweden, once the acme of civilised, peaceful, progressive, cohesive communities, now experiencing soaring crime, rape, riots and social dislocation.
Ah, I love the smell of enrichment in the morning.
They asked for it.
Well said. The Left-wing Fascists cannot stand “Gays” who are not Lefties. Rest assured you and Lobster and the others are welcome on this site. Personally, I don’t give a monkey’s toss about sex. Well that is what my wife tells me , anyway !
I think the monkeys might be were you’re going wrong. š
Lucy ,
LOL !!!
ObiWan, this is interesting – I had heard similar comments from a right-wing gay gentleman of my acquaintance, but I did not know if this was typical. I wonder if it’s because those who are supposed to be part of the ‘oppressed minority’ but who do not conform to marxist thought, are therefore viewed in marxist terms as ‘class traitors’ and thus worse than others on the right?
If you assume that homosexuals are on the Left you are accepting the assumptions of the Left. They want you to make that assumption because they want to claim to speak on their behalf. They do the same for class, gender, and race. The whole point of identity politics is to undermine individuality and think only in terms of groups (or classes) of people in a struggle for power. If you return back to individuals you will discover that homosexuals have as many different political opinions as there are colours in the rainbow,
Well, Alexander the Great, not noted for his Left Wing tendencies, could never be described as confirmed hetero.
So, yes the left take liberties in claiming any and all minority groups as theirs.
Wild, the Left have to nurture a grievance to get their way via the Succouring State.
When that grievance is done with, it will probably be cast completely aside. I remember how Labour and the Trade Unions ranted and raved, almost on a daily basis, about unemployment and the unemployed right up until 1 May 1997.
Then they fell quiet.
Within days they were completely silent on the issue and it has not really been raised, in that way, again.
Great post, ObiWan, although I share less of your choices & views. I hope this is the last kick-back of a minority that have had their way for far too long and done immense amounts of damage around the world, as two of the names you list indicate.
I hope and pray that the folk in the middle, who have been kicked about by extremists on each side for over a century, will have their day and say quietly and firmly “No. Decent democracy must prevail. People must have peaceful enjoyment of their nations whether choosing the winning Government of being on the losing side. We must work to build better, not run away and refuse to do anything, or even actively destroy, merely because the Government of the day does not bear my label and carry my Wish List next to its heart.”
I feel for you in the treatment meted out to you. Stay strong, in a quiet and gentle sort of way!
[Something strange happened while I was writing this. I had pressed the ‘Reply’ button – honest!- to ObiWan’s post at 12.30pm.]
Obi – I agree with all of the above comments. The left seems to have a whole tick box of of causes for which it fights for but which are all stacked in a league of importance.
You dont count as a real member of an oppressed minority unless you buy into all the other causes as well.
You also have to ignore the apparent glaring contradictions in these various causes ie sexism and Islam or gay rights and Islam or overpopulation and Islam, Racism (to non muslims) and Islam – I think that there may be some sort of theme developing here.
Unfortunately one particular cause like a cuckoo in the nest seems to have become top of league in importance and everyone on the left is expected to shut up about its negative aspects and is labelled a fascist when they do air these obvious contradictions (hence the treatment Milo gets)
Whether the left will wake up one day to the destructive force it is nurturing in its own ranks I very much doubt it. They are too filled with hate and loathing for the rest of us to give this any thought. At the end of the day I expect it will be Islam uber alles! Funnily enough another bloke seventy plus years ago came out with something similar. Think we all know who the fascists are these days – despite the lefts claims to be “anti fascist”.
As regard your sexuality as others here have said I consider it irrelevant in as much as any other personal characteristic any of us have. I am sorry you have been pilloried by the left but as others have said you are always welcome here. And the one strength we all of which the left does not possess is that we can all laugh at ourselves and keep a sense of reality at the same time.
This is what I like about Milo (mind you I wish he would swear just a little bit less!)
I suppose this is why the left are such a bunch of miserable, sneering,
aggressive Calvinists. If you allow yourself a sense of humour you start to analyse the contradictions in life and that night make them think – dangerous stuff!
I totally agree with you. Another assault on poor old whitey is being prepared. History will be rewritten to accede with the BBC liberal left world view.
It is building up to Genocide. Of white skinned-people. The morons at the BBC and on the Left think they will be spared. But they won’t. The Genocide will apply to all whites.
Grant an appeaser is one who feeds the crocodile hoping it will eat him last. The BBC and the leftards are nothing but appeasers but still they feed the crocodile and still the BBC and the leftards are to stupid to see that the crocodile will eat them sooner or later
As with the anti-Brexit court procedure here, the Trump travel ban saga results in our indignant betters suggesting that the judiciary is a tender flower which cannot be criticised. They are independent we are told.
Why then does the BBC make such play about the US Supreme Court being currently tied with 4 liberal & 4 conservative members and a judgement therefore dependent on their political bias?
An excellent point. In the past 25 years ,since Clinton and Blair , the liberal left has penetrated and gained complete control of all our key institutions, education, judiciary, media, and ,in the UK at least ,the police. They have become the elite.
The election of DT and Brexit represent democratic attempts by the people , led by Nigel Farage and President Trump, to roll the liberal left back. It is being bitterly resisted by the elite. Of course they can dictate the way in which this battle is being presented because the MSM is obedient . They can also count on plenty of ill educated snowflakes , who are as easily manipulated as five year olds, to march around protesting about anything and everything. They are also trying to gain control of the internet which is key to the people finding out the truth that the MSM suppresses.
There is no doubt that we are witnessing a rebellion of the people against the elite. It is too early to tell who will win, rebellions only become revolutions if they succeed. In Europe the two important battles are the Euro and the misery it is inflicting in Southern Europe and mass immigration of Muslims. Recent polls on immigration show that the people are dead set against it in almost every country and yet the elite are determined to force upon the people. As tensions between indigenous Europeans and Muslims grow , which is inevitable, this is likely to become the defining issue of the war between the liberal left elite and the people. We need the internet to know what is actually going on because the MSM will lie through their teeth to keep concern over immigration at a manageable level.
NISA, well spotted. Have you asked them, btw?
Friends! Apologies for my prolonged absence here, but I have been – literally – tied up by the Far-Right Twitter!
Also, I have recently cut down on plugging my blog, as hopefully by now most people who enjoy it will have it bookmarked, or subscribed to the email notification system that’s available.
But I thought some of you might be interested in a new series I’ve started today, which is publishing some of my old pieces from the Guardian! As some of you may be aware, I’ve started copying my Guardian pieces in to the Blog as soon as they’re published, and as the response has been more enthusiastic than I’d expected, I thought maybe people would like to see some of the earlier pieces too, which have not dated quite as much as I thought they might have.
Today’s compilation is from December 2015, and it – literally – kicks off with a comment regarding that notoriously Hard-Right BBC programme, “Question Time”! Which is what made me think I should mention it here! Hope you’ll take a look, and if so, enjoy it!
LOL, SoL! Great opening line.
Thank you, Friend Up2snuff! š
Entirely right that BBC output reflects the public, but Virtue Signalling leads to disproportionality.
Today’s R4 drama cast seems entirely black
“Daniel Lawrence Taylor’s first drama for radio is a razor-sharp satire about gender and power”
… Is that an entirely random name ?
. . . and which apparently affects editorial judgement as well. Within the last month or so, R4 has broadcast in the same slot the third series of G. F. Newmanās The Corrupted, a tale of politics, policing and organised crime set in the 1970s. (Think the original Get Carter [1971], or David Peaceās Red Riding Quartet [1999-2002].) Before each episode, the continuity announcer regretted that āthe following drama contains attitudes and language prevalent at the timeā, or words to that effect. Sexism and racism and homophobia, youāll be astonished to learn.
Compare and contrast. During Daniel Lawrence Taylorās drama this afternoon, I distinctly heard one character refer to another as a āretardā. My understanding is that this is as profoundly offensive to those who have Downās Syndrome (say) in their family as some of the āattitudes and language prevalent at the timeā. And yet, before the start of todayās broadcast I heard no similar trigger warning.
In both cases, the objectionable elements of the respective scripts arose from character and setting, so the dramatic context isnāt an editorial excuse for the omission. Given that the BBC agreed a five-figure, out-of-court settlement when the political reporter Gary O’Donoghue brought a case against the nationās most trusted broadcaster for disability discrimination, Iām not sure we should be surprised. Still, itās always interesting what the BBC decides is gratuitously offensive and what isnāt.
Jump, another reminder for me. I intended to post a piece here about the Newman series over one week ago but real life, other duties, got in the way.
‘The Corrupted’ has become incredibly feeble, laughable even, after a tolerably good start.
Maybe I enjoyed Series 1 because it was an era I had heard about but not lived through. I did find his constant use of the trope “Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself” incredibly trite and tiresome after a couple of episodes of Series 1. In addition, Newman was lazy and instead of working contemporary events into the script, the writer had his Narrator announce them in a way that was so artificial as to be laughable.
What really upset me about Series 3 was the obvious historical errors and the blatant attempt to traduce further the reputation of Margaret Thatcher. If I recall correctly, if there were any doubts about the dealings of the Thatcher family, they were all to do with Denis in his business interests and, then, maybe more of his associates’ doing than his. What was hilarious was the fact that the same male actor played Margaret as well as Denis but used the wrong voice for Margaret Thatcher for the period covered by Series 3.
You would have thought that the BBC would have had all the knowledge and the resources to get that right.
Little to disagree with there, Up2snuff. No doubt the author and broadcaster would have been relaxed at the belittling of Mrs Thatcher. (Youād think Steve Nallon would have wanted to get the voice right, though.) In some ways she was her own worst enemy: in the face of so striking a public figure, few people have any idea of her many small acts of kindness to individuals.
As for ā. . . the knowledge and the resources to get that rightā, I think producers no longer care about historical accuracy. Perhaps theyāre too young to know any different. In script terms the result is a cloth-eared insensitivity to language.
The worst recent example I can bring to mind is ITVās production of the Miss Marple series (losing her spinsterly title in Agatha Christieās Marple is itself the victory of branding over fidelity to source and period). As I recall the scene, a character was writing to a relation or friend, inviting her to stay: āIād love it if you cameā. Now, Iām sometimes surprised by instances of what sounds to me like modern American English in British productions for the British market from the ā70s and ā80s (āyou guysā, for example)ābut āIād love it if you cameā is nothing like the verbal texture of genteel, 1950sā British English. āIād be delighted if you were able to acceptā, or a similar formula, sounds much less like chalk down a blackboard.
I’m sure this is a case of a simple mix up and nothing more:
These poor people were only buying acetone. Don’t those silly French security forces realise that acetone is nail varnish remover?
Still, lucky they put the glass screen up at the Eiffel Tower, wouldn’t want nail varnish all over that would we?
4:30pm @BbcR4Feedback to suggest coverage of Quebec was anti-Muslim
It’s been fishing for comment
\\Brian Tweedaleā @briantwid
‘Almost all terrorism is carried out by people who call themselves Muslim’ @hughSykes #Bbcpm No evidence at all provide for this assertion.//
They’ve also been fishing for Lefties to say R4Today is too rightwing.
\\What are your hopes for the future of #R4Today? Tweet them to us for new editor #SarahSands //
And someone supporting Giles Fraser on The Moral Maze
Complaining about Melanie Phillips
By Fishing I mean that I can see Feedbacks direct msging system and seems what they’ve done is look thru Tweets about the Giles Fraser on MoralMaze
– From 20 who support him – They’ve direct messaged 5 to air their views
– From 200 people oppose him – They’ve picked 1
… And that counts as ‘balance’
R4 Today reminds me of Radio Moscow – fourty years ago.
Back then, they had one view, one agenda and everything but EVERYTHING was subservient to that. News was edited, censored, faked and massaged to be in agreement with the Soviet line.
Hmmmm, sound familiar?
BBC Website headline ” How often should you wash your hair ? “.
‘How often should you wash your hair’?
It depends on whether you wear a hijab or not, surely? I hope the BBC have considered this.
Frankly, that sort of question is offensive to those of us who are follicly challenged. I shall be demanding an apology.
So it’s sexist !
I thought it was interesting that on last nights BBC news the story about traffic volumes on Britain’s roads reaching an all time high was given about 20 seconds towards the end of the programme.
You would have thought that with the implications for pollution, the emissions etc all supposedly contributing to “climate change” that this environmentally alarming story would have been given far more attention and would have been afforded some kind of additional analysis.
In my view given that climate change is a BBC obsession it certainly ordinarily would, but in this case the autogeddon scenario here is caused by England’s population explosion fuelled almost entirely by open door immigration so accordingly the BBC decides to brush it off in a few seconds rather than having to opening that
particular hornets nest.
Vehicles driven by immigrants, emit special Co2 that actually helps to ‘save the climate’.
And the fact a good number of them don’t bother to tax and insure their cars appeals to the BBC’s 1968 rebellious mindset.
In terms of population there’s a rumor going around that Tesco / Sainsburys / Morrison et al are calculating their catering figures on a population substantially higher then the officially published one.
Interview on R5 live this morning (0745) when presenter talked with an Australian(?) excavator operator who spent a long time trapped under his machine in a small lake with only his eyes and nostrils above water.
“So did you do the prayer thing?” asked the interviewer. The operator confessed he was brought up a Catholic but had not offered prayers.
I wondered whether the Editor of this programme would condone reference to “the prayer thing” with any religion other than Christianity.
Is this the level of BBC interviews that one can expect in future? For many people prayer is a very personal and integral mstter of their religious conviction, no matter what religion is invloved, whether the Pope, Muslim imams or say, the Archbishop of Canterbury.
I think we’d be more interested in some honest discussion about the religion who do the ‘explodey thing’! I don’t think we’ll get it, though.
The natural question would be ‘Did you pray?’
‘The prayer thing’ – speaks volumes about the BBC mindset.
Well, I’ve had a reply to my complaint of anti-Trump bias on last Friday’s Graham Norton Show. It’s everything anyone here would have expected.
Whilst I decide on the level of sarcasm to be used in my retort, I leave you with this little snippet from their answer.
Once you’ve all stopped laughing, I’d be interested to know what on Earth would have qualified as excessive bias. Calling for his assassination, perhaps? Oh – I think they’ve already done that, haven’t they?
Is this Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of US Congress?
Well, she ended up saying we’d hear much more of this, but I haven’t! If you didn’t know better (?!) you’d think that the west wanted to commit collective suicide. It all beggars belief…courts challenging governement decisions about national security, overlooking obvious threats to our security…it goes on and on. While western countries plough huge amounts of taxes and effort into anti-terrorism intelligence, at the same time they allow in thousands of migrants from the offending countries, through the back door. Can’t help thinking Trump made a balls-up of the immigration ban, unless he is even cleverer than we think and has set up the situation to show how anti-American and pro-muslim the MSM, lefties and globalists are.
OT, but if you need a laugh, read comments sections on George & Amal’s immaculate conception!! probably Daily Mail best
Presumably this is Fox fake news, which has been quickly sussed by the infallible, impartial BBC and is why they haven’t covered it.
Newsbeat, even by its own poor standards, sets a new low in its open racism against white people. Check out the segment on Zac Goldsmith –
“There’s none quite as awkward as a white British politician”
One can imagine the uproar if black or Asian politicians were stereotyped thus. Besides we can all think of non-white polticians who have had their awkward moments. Have they never heard of Diane Abbott for starters?
Yes, I heard The Russians were invading Korea the other day.
Am I alone in thinking that the bBC never came up with any answers to HMQ’s question
to name 3 positive aspects of the EU?
Have to say I,m personally struggling too………..oh got 1
They have recognized Stornoway black Pudding….as one of those specialist food things.
Talking about black puddings , if anyone is familiar with the film The Party starring Peter Sellers ( who plays an international gentleman)where they sit him for dinner on a shoogly child’s stool where his head is at table level ……now that’s how Bercow should be positioned at the Trump banquest.
I retweeted @DouglasCarswell yesterday to ask if@AdrianChiles had sent the tapes he promised on Jan 24
Extraordinary Claim made in today’s Times/Murdoch article about FakeNews.
“The top 20 fake stories about the US election were shared almost nine million times in the three months to last November, making them more popular than the top 20 real stories. ”
Do you believe that ?
They give no source, maybe it’s an official statistic NOT
The earliest tweet I can trace is
November 16th quoting Buzzffeed
Actual article says
“A BuzzFeed News analysis found that top fake election news stories generated more total engagement on Facebook than top election stories from 19 major news outlets combined.”
Well so far I don’t believe it.
For last 2 days the Times has been trying to build a narrative “OMG big corp & government advertising has been ending up on dodgy websites making money for the owners”
FFS it takes me 3 seconds to explain
‘A 10 year old kid called Goog Fbook has been sent out with a pile of posters and told he gets 2p for asking households to put up a poster for which they’d get 1p’
He’s come back saying he’s put up 10,000 posters
..And been asked “now you didn’t put up posters in houses painted yellow did you?”
Doh of course he did.
I used to be a news ‘junkie’. I often listened to pm with Eddie Mair before watching the 6pm news. Until a couple of years ago I would then watch Channel 4 News whilst eating my supper. 10pm we were back to BBC1 for a fix. Now? Quick listen to the headlines at 10pm before turning over to Yes Minister or Allo Allo on ‘Yesterday’ or is it ‘Dave’? Apart from missing the weather forecast – usually put right by looking out of the window we know as much as we need to. The BBC’s reports (or do we call it anti-Government propaganda?) this week on the NHS have obviously only looked for the bad-for-government stories. I did hear this morning on Today the story that prescription drugs will be late coming to the UK because of Brexit. Surely there is nothing to stop us as a country saying that if drugs are approved in the EU we can accept them here?
Me too – grew up on Radio 4 and BBC news. After last year and Brexit, well, that did it for me. It’s Fox, internet, a smidge of World Service and old stuff on Radio 4 Xtra.
My wife say’s, maybe the BBC was always like it is and it’s you that changed?
You guys should search out a few YouTube commentators – I can recommend Stefan Molyneux, Bill Whittle, Professor Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, Sargon of Akkad… there are many others with either a right-of-centre, disenchanted leftist or libertarian slant. I can literally watch almost a whole evening of interesting, thought-provoking commentary and analysis every evening on YT from subscriptions (free) on my big tellie in the living room (I use the free YouTube app on my Playstation 4 to watch YT in HD on my TV). It’s a fantastic antidote to the politically compromised, utterly reprehensible progressive msm.
Also Pat Condell, Paul Watson, Gavin McInnes, Andrew Klavan, Stephen Crowder , Ezra Levant, Anne Coulter and Mark Steyn. Amongst politicos Nigel Farage, and Daniel Hannan.
Not forgetting Mark Dyce.
For those who are fed up with BBC drama and entertainment heavily soaked in PC and leftism there are scores of alternatives on You Tube. I can get all the classical music and entertainment, past or present, on You Tube. News, drama etc. We really can live without the BBC.
And don’t forget, most of BBC news programmes are available of You Tube, and you can join in the comments without BBC moderators.
I hit this You Tube link in seconds
Ken Clarke,
Another wanker !
And a Bumbling buffoon !
Deborah, yes, me too. It was the Falklands War that turned me into a News Junkie. Then my situation at work demanded a greater interest in what was going on in the world. Had a range of papers and journals freely available there. At home, would go through a day with radio and TV, staying up for Newsnight and beyond, until I gave up TV in 2005.
I am getting more & more, in the last couple of years or so, to the point where I can switch R4 News off and feel good about the silence.
The Mogginator destroying Ken Clarke and showing him up for the total idiot he is ! Wonderful !
Is Ken Clarke a moron ?
Is Ken Clarke on drugs ? I cannot believe how stupid he is.
Jesus Christ. Clarke does not even know the difference between the ECJ and the ICC. !!!!!
Thing is, when you’re that well heeled you are free to talk unutterable crap. Eg: luvvies and other ‘celebs’.
But Jacob is well-heeled. It does not explain why Ken Clarke is thick as shit.
He likes his ciggies and a jar or two. Probably much more scrambled in the ‘loft’ area than Donald Trump!
You can see something in his eyes, he’s sort of smiling toward the end of sentences. He’s spinning like mad, trying to appear cuddly and reasonable to try to win over the viewers to his and Remain’s position. He’s devious.
Love the fact Rees-Mogg has to do battle with Ken Clarke AND Jo Coburn. Poor lad can’t say more than few words with out being interrupted by Coburn. She doesn’t appear to want to hear anything he says.
The BBC impartiality at its best.
Watching this again I was more conscious of the inherent BBC bias. As some have noted Jacob Rees Mogg is constantly interrupted but more subtly Ken Clarke is treated as some wise elder statesman and Jacob as some upstart who doesn’t know what he is talking about. Thus (and I don’t think this is my own prejudice) there is just a very slight difference when the interviewer turns to each for their response to a point. I am not sure how this is conveyed, whether it is body language, inflection or what but it certainly came across to me subliminally.
I will try some of them, but as we don’t have unlimited broadband, I will have to be selective.
“My wife sayās, maybe the BBC was always like it is and itās you that changed?”
Gaxvil – Very perceptive, your wife.
I always ask myself how Robert Dougall or Richard Baker would have reported current events, and my answer is always “Not like this”.
Do lawyers rule the world? Is that what’s really happening? They think they can overturn a national vote. They even tell The American President what to do. Lawyers? Who are these people?
Described as, “The oldest profession.”
Just like our UK Parliament, Lucy, Senate & Congress is full of them. It’s why we have had so many disasters and ended up where we are.
Actual Wikipedia page
“In 2017, a discussion panel of contributors to the English-language version of the Wikipedia website concluded that it could not generally be used as a reliable source due to its “reputation for poor fact checking, sensationalism, and flat-out fabrication.”
The source cited for that is the Guardian
That is completely dumb itself.
Why do they cite a third party instead of linking to their own actual discussion ?
Anyway it’s the Fallacy of Authority to divide the world into trusted sources and untrusted.
See how it precludes the small boy in the Emperor’s New Clothes story.
You test the claim NOT the messenger.
The Mail can like all modern media be iffy, but also breaks lots of significant stories
eg Lefty ones like Steven Lawrence case, Guantanamo captives
As well as Climate leaks
Forgot to say “Wikipedia bans citing of Daily Mail” is the topic.
I’m wondering when will the great European army, led by Germany declare war on that vile, totalitarian United States of America?
First they invade Poland because of the Polish Constitutional Court crisis, then they invade Holland because of GeertĀ Wilders, Teresa May then resigns the same day and is replaced by Nigel Farage after he is hastily appointed to the House of Lords, then they invade France because of Marine Le Pen, then they fail to invade Britain because of the failure to form a European Navy or Air Force, then they invade Russia because of Putin. Only after that will they go to war with the United States because of Donald Trump. But they lose because Farage, Trump and Putin inevitably win the war on the 8th May 2023, which is all ready the 78th Victory in Europe day.
So this amazing correlation of events implies that history has repeated itself after 78 years.
Gunner / ID ā Never mind Marineās chest, letās discuss Marionās, the next generation. Strictly in the interest of political science you understand.
Vive La Revolution, Vive la Difference, and Joyeux Noel, all in one!
Sexiste, moi?
(Wrongly posted earlier, apologies – but the message bares repeating.)
This site does keep one abreast of things.
Quite so gaxvil. Like the bibistan itself, our exalted mission is to inform, educate and entertain. I submit the above post does all three, and you don’t even have to pay an extortion fee for the privilege.
Reply from the “Ministry of Truth” to my complaint about the disrespect shown to the Don in not using the title of his office, the position he won in the election, the surfit of Remoaners who haunt all news/current affairs programs and how they do not want the UK to succeed outside of the EUssr. Lots of bullshit and no mention of my last two points.
Thank you for contacting us about BBC News.
I understand you feel BBC News is politically biased against Donald Trump, and that it’s disrespectful to not always refer to him as President Trump.
Typically we would begin a story by referring to the title of any leaders it relates to. On subsequent mentions, they are often referred to by name or surname for brevity and to avoid repetition. We always aim to be informative and follow this practice as much as possible. Scripted stories allow more opportunity to demonstrate it, whilst live and improvised lines may vary from the usual approach. Thatās the nature of rolling news stories and interviews, whoever the subject is. On first introduction, their role would normally be included and on further iterations their name alone would suffice. Written headlines on the other hand, must be brief by their nature. We donāt take a specific approach to one leader that would be different to any other. Weāre satisfied that our use of titles and names across BBC News is duly respectful and consistent, for the people mentioned in those items.
Donald Trumpās election as president was an extraordinary political event and has generated much reaction, both positive and negative, not just in America but across the world. We think it was right to reflect this in our coverage.
Prior to his inauguration, the claim that Russia had compromising material about Mr Trump and that it had tried to influence the election was, we believe, an important topic to explore. We took care to include his denials and made clear that the allegation had not been proven.
Since becoming president, Mr Trump has expressed controversial views, including support for torture, and has taken measures that have also caused controversy. His executive order which put into place a temporary travel ban on people from seven predominantly Muslim countries caused widespread protests and received criticism from several world leaders, including the German chancellor, Angela Merkel.
When reporting on Mr Trumpās actions, we have tried to explain his position in detail and to incorporate a range of views about his policies, as well as his own response to criticism.
BBC News does not, of course, have a view on whether or not Mr Trump will be a successful president, nor do we think our coverage has suggested so. Our aim has simply been to report and analyse events, so that our audiences can make up their own minds.
We hope this helps explain our policy in this area and address your concerns.
Thank you again for contacting us, we value your feedback about BBC News. All complaints are sent to senior management and BBC News editors every morning and I included your points in this overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future broadcasts.
Kind regards
Darren Loughlin
BBC Complaints Team
I think that is a fake signature, it should read….
Kindly F**k **f
Darren Loughlin
bBBC Whitewash Team
So even in their reply to a complaint they presume to give a lecture about President Trump & push their opinion. I have the urge to bitch-slap whoever wrote that reply! We need to make these Barstewards accountable to us somehow. It’s flipping 2016! Not 1984!
oh dear, I mean, it’s 2017. I’m not used to it yet.
(Still wondering where the 1970’s went)
Are you a little cross, by any chance?
“BBC News does not, of course, have a view on whether or not Mr Trump will be a successful president, nor do we think our coverage has suggested so.”
That ‘of course’ may not have been the smartest addition.
“BBC News does not, of course, have a view on whether or not Mr Trump will be a successful president…” ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
“His executive order which put into place a temporary travel ban on people from seven predominantly Muslim countries… received criticism from several world leaders, including… ANGELA MERKEL.” ha ha ha ha ha
“We donāt take a specific approach to one leader that would be different to any other.” hahahaha
Never let it be said bibistan lack a sense of humour.
Toobi I fed the bibistan Complaints Team’s reply to you into Google Translate from Beeblish to English and this is what came out:
“BBC Fake News is incandescent with rage at Trump’s election, hates him with a passion and will do everything to demonise him, his policies and his administration.
Likewise BBC Fake News hates Brexit with a vengeance, despises those who voted for it and will do its utmost to wreck and derail it in every possible way”.
Modern technology – amazing eh?
“Since becoming president, Mr Trump has expressed controversial views, including support for torture, and has taken measures that have also caused controversy.” This is opinion. Just because others have objected doesn’t in itself make the measures controversial. There will always be objections. I can’t recall ex-Pres Obama’s measures being called controversial in total. The response may be controversial but it is only opinion that the measures caused the controversial response. It is still a subjective measure. By that reasoning any action taken by any head of state or government can be deemed to cause controversy. Will all other heads of state or government be addressed in non-respectful manner?
Maybe this article points out why the bBBC is currently engaged in its hysterical coverage of the NHS.
“If it’s successful, a Labour strategy of responding to relentless attacks on Mr Corbyn with an equally relentless focus on the NHS may provide a model for the opposition in the years ahead.”
Looks like we will have years of it….
The lead ‘news’ from the bBBC at six this evening was a report on the last four days of the their campaign to blame the government for the failure of the NHS. Despicable.
Again, I recall Labour had control of the NHS for quite a while. They were going to undo the perceived damage wrought by Fowler and Clarke etc..
It didn’t happen.
Two words the BBC will never allow in conjunction with a story on the NHS: Andy Burnham.
Notice how the BBC always treats organisations in the NHS like the Royal College of Surgeons, the Royal College of Nursing or the British Medical Association etc. as wise and impartial bodies, and not the old style trade unions stuck in the 1970s they actually are. There was a time I recall when the CBI was usually described as the bosses union, but not since they came out in favour of the EU.
OT, but just heard on RT News that one of the problems with Trident is that it runs on Windows XP (FFS!!!!) and Microsoft on longer supports this OS. The dick, who wants to see it banned and the money put toward comabatting climate change) is hoping for a “future” government to bring in the ban.
Sounds like the kind of fake narrative that comes out of nuclear haters like Greenpeace who want you to jump to the conclusion that the nuclear control system is connected to the internet and running on something like your home XP computer which unsafe and unsupported.
The system implemented in 2008 “based on a custom stripped down version of XP” will be a different thing and will be fully supported by MS.
That was my impression, Stew, I switched after the interview had started, so I didn’t catonch his name. They were on about undersea drones making nuclear subs redundant, so there would be no need for Trident. We could then spend the money on climate change and the NHS.
He looked the sort that should be shaking a tin somewhere.
There is no way any such systems would be based on microsoft systems…. More than likely the benefits of Windows drag and drop interface would be of no use whatsoever in this area… More than likely it would be based on an IBM systems base same as the banking world is as it needs to constantly create back up logs and also back those up as well… The weapons systems also do not even use the same internet systems as the rest of the tech world and the origins of the internet itself were military… The nearest equivelant would be an open source OS such as FreeBSD which has the ability to be tailored exactly to specified requirements by the operating systems coders reqiorements using generic encryption and mutual generic passkeys throughout its entire interconnected network, if one part fails to send the correct passkey prior to a recive or data sendind of a packet it immediately disconnects and depending on how its security operates goes into full lock down prior to destruction using a revised and higher shredding GUTMAN process or is physically destroyed by military grade hardware so it cannot be retrieved in any way ever…. This type of OS is the reason why copyright piracy groups are able to keep ahead of IT security bodies and thier legal arms… It is possible to create the same type of system to run on a server hired from a wenhosting company with full secured data management which even the hosting company is unable and unwilling to attempt reading as each time it sends and recieves the corresponding passkeys across all connected systems and sub routines generically encrypts with a new random key each and everytime the process of a packet send happens… this is also the same type of coding which secured banking uses… Windows is nothing more than a commercially packaged interface and is too full of insecurities to be considered viable… also windows was originally a sub program originally intended for a presentation which was to be shown to IBM, it was turned down as it was of no use in accounting an area where eveerything is logged, relogged collated and relies not on how it looks but in how it works….
Not as exciting or as luxurious as Marines chest I am afraid however –
I have just been listening to a bit of PM. We had one of their reporters some name like Elise du sex (or something like that). She was in Saudi Arabia reporting on changes in the country.
I now realise how wrong I have been about Saudi. There I was thinking that Saudi law was based on sharia with all its attendant rules and oppression of women.
I also thought that
Women were not allowed to drive
All women had to have a male gaurdian when out and needed his permission for travel, bank accounts, jobs, surgery, marrying or divorce.
Apparently in Saudi you can also can marry more than one wife and even marry a nine year old providing wait until puberty for sex. That will be nice for Grandad!
However according to Elise it all sounds jolly exiting there now. With some “big” changes. More women are now working and apparently you can now wear a multi coloured niquab without being hassled by the police. That must be bloody useful garment for women to wear in 100 degree heat. Shows how caring the Saudis are – they dont want their women getting hypothermia. Maybe we should take a leaf out of their book I hear niquabs are all the rage these days especially in summer in Luton. I love it , freedom of choice, Sistas doing it for themselves.
With all this nasty Donald stuff going around – Three cheers for the BBC showing muslim countries and their ways in this more truthful positive light. I am sure that they dont have any other motive in highlighting all the “good things” that are happening in this hard line Islamic country.
I reckon after this report all the sistas will be making a bee line there to enjoy all their new found freedoms. And maybe even stay there (hopefully). I have already booked a ticket for Harriet Harmon and Jenny Murray (and hopefully both will demonstrate choice by wearing a full burkah) – But I have a feeling they may not want to go. As I understand that they still have important work to do here in highlighting gender equality in the boardroom and other important issues -shame
Any mention of the Saudi led coalition on the attacks and blockade of Hodeidah in the Yemen, which is leading to famine and the possible displacement of millions of refugees, Oak?
Must have missed this on the beeb.
You just don’t get it Toobi: if it’s not Trump’s / Farage / Brexit’s fault, it’s not news.
I think you confuse news with opinions, Peter, that’s all we seem to get from you know who.
I dont believe that for one minute Toobi sounds like you have been listening to too much “fake news” – If the BBC suggest that the Saudis are changing for the better than I for one would never doubt it because the BBC is the worlds most trusted broadcaster.
Why they are so disturbed about all of this “fake news” going around they have taken it upon themselves to police it for us, and tell us what we should or should not believe.
Not as exciting or as luxurious as Marine’s chest I am afraid – Don’t apologise Oak, biased bbc is a broad church with room for highbrow as well as low.
I shall keep supplying the latter.
Phwoar, these right wing political babes, eh? Won’t find them in Labour…
Peter when they go low we should go lower!
Phwoar with knobs on!
Sorry about my spelling of phwooar but it doesnt seem to be in my Oxford dictionary – Fortunately neither is cisgender (whatever that is!)
I liked the bit when the cloaked one was asked if she wore it by choice.
It turned out that it was her choice.. and the law!
Jacob Rees-Mogg for Prime Minister !
The bias is relentless
Who gives a f… but Shia LaBeouf’s 24hr live stream video art installation!! has been shut down, as it is regarded as a flash point for violence! Of course this would be from the far right Nazis who lurk around it. Not people coherently telling it like it is….or supporting Trump, like the impressive Chinese chap the other day. What a load of tossers they all are.
Headline article in the Guardian:”Nothing can stop the mighty Ofcom: except, perhaps, the BBC. The media watchdog is in charge of everything from internet speeds to Murdochās mergers. But regulating Broadcasting House is a challenge like no other.”
Dear God – is the bbc run by Idi Amin? People are so afraid their head will end up in his fridge?
succulentpork sounds like a staffer, G.
Having read that Al-Guardian article I notice three things
#1 It appears OFCOM is stuffed with ex-beeboids and wonder where their loyality will ly
#2 Al-Guardian is doing the one thing that Al-Guardian is good at fake news re more and more people are reading Al-Guardian
#3 If Al-Guardian is that good why oh why has Al-Guardian got the begging bowl out
My trust OFCOM to do a good job of regulating the BBC……Yeah when the devil installs air-conditioning in hell
I almost feel sorry for the Guardian. Their business model depends on people paying them for “facts” and opinion that are available from the BBC at no charge beyond the TV tax that’s already been extracted on pain of imprisonment. If it wasn’t for the Trust Fund the Guardian would be broke.
Almost sorry, but not quite.
Can anyone confirm the delightful rumour that David Davis (Brexit Minister) planted a crafty smacker on the rotund cheek of the divine Diane Abbott? I’ve heard that his conciliatory overtures were met with a somewhat uncouth rebuff; “Fuck off!” Oh dear.
What a gracious, indeed graceful creature Ms Abbott is and let’s all be grateful that she managed to haul her considerable carcass out of her death bed and into the voting chamber to obey her leader. That must have stung.
Apparently Davis made his escape chortling heartily at the discomfort and annoyance he had caused Labour’s racist in residence.
Please tell me this is true!
I hope to God it wasn’t one of her arse cheeks!
Bastard Lobby – you nicked my line!
Sorry Oak! You can kiss her other cheek as compensation.
Lobster looking at diane abbopotomus it is difficult to tell which end is which with diane abbopotomus especially as the shite comes out of both ends of the abbopotomus
More bBBC local news. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-38933581
Islamic State supporters jailed after undercover police operation
Think global,
Keep the bad news local!
Yet bbc MO is mention it once on the news then bury it.
Yet if Trump has one hair out of place give it hours of coverage.
I heard the fragrant Mrs Balls on the Jeremy Whine Show today, discussing how simply dreadful it was that the government are casting aside the “Dubbs Amendment”.
Yvette spoke of some Eritrean girls who were allowed into the U.K. and are now safe in schools here but she was so terribly worried about yet more such girls who are being trafficked into prostitution and raped on the Continent.
It’s strange that as concerned as she appears to be about protecting foreign girls from sexual violence and abuse, I can’t recall her ever lamenting the fate of British girls raped and trafficked around the country as child prostitutes by Muslims. Which is odd considering that her constituency is within the heart of West Yorkshire, an area which is one of the very worst in the country for Islamic gangs sexually abusing indigenous female children.
I expect she shares the “selective compassion” which the dear, departed Saint Jo possessed and so many other Progressives here in the UK do too.
BBC r2 news this morning
“4 men to be deported to Pakistan involved with the Rochdale child grooming gang”
Next they were gloating about court rejects Trumps ban of mainly Muslim countries.
Funny how no mention of Muslim made when it doesn’t suit their bias.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Trump should sue. Second thoughts, Trump should send a black op’s team.
David Davis tried to kiss Fatbott? Shoulda gone to Specsavers.
As should Corbyn all those years ago, unless he did it to enhance his non-racist credentials. A case of ‘close your eyes and think of England’, or in his case, the Soviet Union.
A three bag job. One over her head so that he can’t see her, one over his head so that he really can’t see her, and one over his dog’s head so that the dog will still respect him in the morning.
Never have I ever witnessed such a jaw dropping display of total annihilation and humiliation of a human being, as this brain dead leftie cuck journo is on this video. Its close to watching horrific abuse towards the end. Animals are put out of their misary for a thousandth of what this idiot has to suffer.
Tucker Carlson we salute you Sir. What a brilliant man
It is rapidly approaching the level of Monty Python’s, “Your Father was a hamster and your Mother smelled of elderberries.”
Is it like, ‘Bullshit Bingo’? A contest to see who,on the Left, can issue the most banal, puerile, ludicrous statement?
Paul Joesph Watson has for a long time created magnificent video’s, perfectly designed for winning over new, younger members to our cause. Edgey, educational, funny, hard hitting, all facts…..Paul is doing more to defeat the enemy than anyone.
This video encapsulates all of the above, and is clearly designed to win hearts and minds. It’s utterly brilliant. Read the comments to see the response he is getting.
Brilliant, brilliant work Mr Watson.
USA Today are confusing Islam with Muslims.
I think there is a civilisational war going on between The West and Islam.
The following is a handy guide to Islam.
It can be covered in 15 minutes.
It can be used to refute spurious claims.
If I posted that on my regular web hangout (soon to be former) They probably wouldn’t bother reading it. Many times I’ve tried to fill them in on details regarding Islamic doctrine, Middle Eastern history & so forth. I’ve done write-ups with links, references, images. I could always tell by the responses that they hadn’t bothered reading my posts properly. I’ve ended up being called all the usual slurs, waycist, xenophobe, etc. Nevermind the doctorate in Middle-Eastern studies. I’m stupid & a liar. You just hit a brick wall with these people. They’re so narrow-minded!
Lucy, I’ve had the same experience. After the Brexit vote, my brother ranted to me about Brexiteers being ‘stupid racists, living in the fifties’ etc. I sent him an e-mail that tried to change his views about the EU, Islam, immigration etc. (linking to articles in respectable mainstream newspapers). He pretty much ignored it. I wouldn’t have minded if he’d argued any of my points – it would have at least proved he’d read them!
I said: ‘Have you considered the possibility the real time-warp dwellers are the people still living in a multiculturalist utopian dream that’s collapsing across Europe under pressure from Islamic aggression and massive immigration?’ It seems he didn’t.
I’m afraid people like him have invested too much in the multiculti dream to be able to change. He spent thirty years as a local government race relations officer, listening to the Taqiyya-merchants of Bolton and trying to persuade the local schools accept Halal food. He’s clever, but utterly closed-minded on certain issues. In his position, I wouldn’t like to face the possibility I’d been mistaken for so long.
PS, is Lucy Pevensey your real name, or did you just choose it out of enthusiasm for ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’?
Oh yes Helena Hand-Basket, you are experiencing the same brain dead with eyes wide shut scenario as I have over many years of endeavouring to educate people to what is happening in their closed controlled world where those that control the power have invented this word multiculturalism-this in partnership with Human Trafficking the fastest grwoing business in the world with Ā£billions being earned from it-has been driving the integration of particularly an alien culture into a mostly Christian white community in Europe-this evolvement will destroy us, as was stated by the late leader of Lybia-no by swords but by mass immigration and the wombs of their women.
Let’s re-investigate.
A short time ago, the BBC ran many features at length about Trump’s romps with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel room. All verified by MI6 according to the BBC.
Where now, BBC? Did this news fall off a cliff?
And if so, why?
If such false allegations had been made against Blair the BBC Saint, we would by now have had umpteen BBC Panorama specials praising his innocence.
Moving on. Job done.
You could ask the bbc.
Bet I know what they will hide behind.
after the BBC spent hours spinning up hate
#1 Trumpās romps with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel room
#2 Rumour that there is a dress like a woman order in the WhiteHouse
#3 Claims that BBC has done positive Brexit coverage
The left’s main weapon to win arguments is to go for control of (unearned) moral superiority as soon as possible to close down the debate. It’s nothing at all to do with what is fact and what is truth.
“So you hate children, because you do not want ‘children’ ‘refugees’ from Calais to be safe in the UK?”
“You are islamaphobic!” (When trying to stop people who want to kill you from coming into our country)
“You are racist” (when correctly stating that selecting people for privilege, just because they are not male or not have white skin, is utterly wrong and moronic)
This tactic is used relentlessly and without fail. It’s designed to make anyone that opposes them a bad person, and the argument void.
How do you take this evil, disgusting tactic on…..Ben Shapiro
And another, magnificent example of a lefty getting owned and rekt…..
Keep them coming Ben
I watched this whole exchange and by the end of it I was left very disheartened. Why? Because the whole conversation was absurd to begin with. If, as it appears, parts of Western civilization’s populous need to be debated on realities and facts of life that are self-evident and intuitive in their very nature, then the forces of cultural Marxism really have struck some serious blows within our societies, and no amount of new-era conservative pushback will ever be enough to restabilize us to a point of stable coherency. The best that can be hoped for, I fear, is some damage control but even then a stronger, more predatory culture will keep taking chunks out of the wounded animal.
Very disconcerting stuff.
Really? There seem to be more and more folk like, Ben, Nigel, Milo, Ann, etc popping up now and giving as good as they get only in a calmer, more factual and persuasive way.
I would not wish to be on the debating team across the stage.
Agreed the premise set is often fatuous but that is the state of play. Better to engage the opposition well prepared for what they think are their big guns.
Then look at once cocksure types like Emily, Evan, KRM, J’Ob, etc collapse in the face of it.
And keep ears open for the shy voting block in the crowd muttering ‘he got owned’, or glee clubbers grasping a sacred cow just got ground into burger and served with an order of fries.
Unless it’s the BBC. They all seem to be Amy Rutland clones, just like the young lady watching her career path go down the toilet anywhere but the already overstocked institutions who set up such questions.
“Really? There seem to be more and more folk like, Ben, Nigel, Milo, Ann, etc popping up now and giving as good as they get only in a calmer, more factual and persuasive way.”
And wonderful it is to behold too. But the point I was trying to make was that a (complete) restoration of common sense and social coherency will still be limited because so much damage has already been done. The pushback is wonderful, and in a world that hasn’t been turned inside out and upside down the civilizational decay could be halted, but much like someone who has suffered a severe injury or terrible illness they’re rarely one hundred percent ever again.
The thing is when I was watching that Ben Shapiro video where he was answering her questions with reason and logic, I felt disheartened because most of the questions she raised could have only manifested in a period of civilizational decline. We’re living in an era where time and energy has been put into intellectually combating the absurd. It would be completely different if this was a debate about, say, manufacturing processes or whatever, but taking a step back all I’m left thinking is “shit”.
I hope I’m wrong on this and a comprehensive reversal takes place, but I’m not overly optimistic. Don’t misunderstand me, what pushback there is is great, but some of the points of discussion would have been unthinkable a few decades ago.
Misogyny!! Boo hoo! Trump said “pussy” 12 years ago. He’s Evil! He hates immigrants!
Let’s take it all out on a Slovenian woman.
And note the other sign, “DUMP D TRUMP” – must be a Berkley English major.
That “Rape Melania” sign?
Not only is it evil-but I thought that she was the heroine who Al Queda shot in the Hindu Kushistan hell hole-and we in Birmingham patched up, took her whole tribe and family here and sent them round the universities and Media Studying Green Rooms at the BBC etc?
At lifelong cost to ourselves. Two women-similar names that the Left won`t care about-but look how one is reverted and one is hated.
And the one who`s not cost us a penny. let alone a dollar is the one that the Left deems worthy of demonising and rape.
How evil does it go with the Left then…
ITV are at it now.
“14-year-old Jonah” has been “left in limbo” in France, but wants to be in Britain.
Well sure, a lot of us would like to be somewhere else. I know it’s a little known fact but in this country there are a good few 14 year old kids – some of them quite deserving.
Why does no-one on ITN or al beebus ever ask your average Britons what they think about letting the likes of “14 year old Jonah” into THEIR country and then honestly broadcast their answers?
Maybe it’s because most of the answers would be utterly beyond the pale, for them that is and the rest of the deluded, no borders fanatics.
Dear Jonah, while on the face of it you seem to be quite deserving of entry to the UK, I think you need to understand how things are at the moment. You see the problem is that over the last 20 years or so migration has been weaponised by people who see it as a means to fundamentally transform the UK against the wishes of most of it’s people. What this means is that a country that once welcomed refugees and other migrants to a reasonable extent has become suspicious and even hostile to almost all such. You should also be aware that the British media have been enthusiastic supporters of unlimited migration and therefore should be considered complicit in this. In other words, the people who appear to be sympathetic and your friend are in fact also responsible for the change in national mood which has led to you being denied entry to the UK.
Needless to say, ‘watch the BBC reporting’. BBC Radio 4 News at 1000 tonight (2200 10th). They’ve sure got it in for Geert Wilders in the Netherlands. National election looming there and Geert is the favourite to secure a majority for, inter alia, his stance on anti-immigration/immigrants. He’s got really good support from people so pissed off with ‘multiculturalism’. “So”, (as all interviewees seem to start their reply with these days), watch the condemnation and unbalanced reporting from “The Worlds Most Trusted”. It’s sure started tonight.