Anyone who is concerned about mass, uncontrolled immigration, those of you whom the BBC suggests might be spiteful, drunken Far Right Nazis who want to gas immigrants in concentration camps, feel free to have your say about the BBC’s world view on the new open thread….
Oh..and don’t feel that the BBC is singling you out for special treatment…oh no…Trump and his supporters get tarred with the same brush as well…H/T Craig at Is the BBC Biased?…From the BBC…
Mr Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and policy have led to comparisons, from some quarters, with the rise of the Nazi party in Germany….The US president’s use of “enemies of the people” raises unavoidable echoes of some of history’s most murderous dictators.
The BBC really is a disgrace…this is genuine hate crime against leave voters and Trumpers, demonising them and giving licence to the alt-left thugs to attack them….let’s not forget a Brit already tried to kill Trump…did the BBC’s constant contemptuous attacks on Trump drive him to it and ‘enable’ him?
The BBC is the enemy of the people, of free speech, of a truly democratic and liberal state. It serves the ‘Liberal’ elite’s dictatorship. To the BBC ‘The People’ are the enemy, to be suppressed, censored and silenced. ‘Populism’, ie democracy, is unacceptable to the BBC.
The BBC have declared war against Donald Trump although why they are getting so involved in a foreign country’s politics is beyond me (actually, it’s not, they can’t help themselves). They are sailing very close to the wind and the article Alan refers to is inflammatory and verging on incitement.
The BBC see themselves as having reached the level of gods – all knowing, all powerful. They yearn to meet out their justice in the ways of old. Not too great a leap, therefore, for their wrath to approve beheading and burning alive of those that displease it.
I think the ‘gods’ are making the BBC crazy. That’s the first part done, we know (hope) what comes next.
International outrage as Trump enrolls ISIS into Obamacare
Komissar al-Blogunov
It’s only Trump’s second full day on the job, and already he has drawn international criticism: in an executive order signed today, the new president has enrolled all members of ISIS into Obamacare, effective immediately.
Defending his decision, President Trump told reporters, “Look, I know it’s controversial, blah, blah, blah. But to me it’s genius. I’m gonna make ISIS go on Obamacare, and I’m going to make them pay for it. It’s what I campaigned on, and I’m gonna make it happen in the first 100 days.”
In the U.S. Senate, Chuck Schumer rushed to a microphone. “We’re better than this,” he said, peering over his glasses while registering indignation. “I know Trump was bragging about bringing back waterboarding and worse, but this – THIS – is over the top. Such cruel treatment of an enemy, even ISIS, is way out of accord with the Geneva Convention.”
Retired Senator Harry Reid also weighed in. “Everybody knows Obamacare is a disaster. Why do you think we exempted ourselves from it while imposing it on the rest of America? It’s only fair if white, middle class Americans go broke paying those premiums, but it’s inconceivable that any other human being would be subjected to such cruel and unusual punishment.”
Read it all.
ITV are just as bad that smug b@stard Robert Moore “Washington Correspondent” really thinks he is some kind of news God frowning down upon the “Chaotic” Trump administration on a daily basis.
Being one of the bigots, mysoginists, racist nazis etc I would like to stick up for the BBC.
They are forever criticising places like Saudi Arabia and Islam in between the blanket coverage of the Paris riots in the non existent no go areas (and now into Paris as well)
You can bet your life they would have reported any riots in Paris Texas if they had been anti-Trump ones.
Emmanuel Goldstein
Ah ha. You did not confess to being an Islamophobe. And you of all persons, should know that you have to confess to everything.
Report to the nearest labour camp Infidel Jew. Bring your own shovel.
NCBBC. There’s that many ‘ists and ‘isms now I lose count of what I am. That’s why I put the etc.
Maybe we could have just one word to describe us to save the snowflakes time so that they can run back into their safe spaces for a good cry.
Whether it’s deplorable or loony I’m not bothered.
Trump has called MSM “enemies of the American people”, which – when you think about it – is a fair call when (like Clinton News Network, Al Beeb and Clinton 4 News) their coverage of the election campaign was laughably biased from start to finish.
R4 Today’s angle this morning was: “Where does this rhetoric lead?”
Just as it sought to frame Brexiteers en masse for the murder of Jo Cox, Al Beeb is now seeking to foster a climate of opinion in which Trump can be held responsible for the actions of the first right wing nut-job to have a pop at a journalist / islamist.
What really enrages MSM is that having dis-intermediated the media itself, Trump is now thumbing his nose at them. Trump knows, and is showing the world, that MSM is not as important as it used to be.
It`s precisely because the BBC have an instinct on where “this rhetoric leads” that they`re going to such demonic lengths to get him killed or impeached asap.
No Paris riots,
No Cologne or Climate Change beanos
No Harrabin.
No Euro
No political elite
and-of course-no BBC.
No Labour, Lib Dems, Guardian or Lords.
No Islam or Lee Rigby.
No Meryl Streep, Backham, Lineker or Trayvon Martin
No unwanted crims or immigrants.
And so on-this is the Anti-World they`ve all been pushing us into since Reagan left in 1988.
Good times.
I think it also says pretty much everything we need to know about the mettle of our “Leaderene” in that she seems content to let the “world class broadcaster” projectile vomit in all directions in an attempt to destroy international relations with our closest ally and smear over half of her own electorate all at the same time.
The silence from Downing street as usual is deafening
She really is a class act!
The Government, may not direct or in any way exert influence on the BBC – says so in the Charter.
My MP and the Minister concerned, told me it is vital that the BBC remains independent. But it’s not and that is the Diane Abbott, Tony Blair and Bill Oddie in the room!
” . . . in the room!”
Room?, singular.
Does this room contain a goldfish bowl, in which bowl there is an artificial island? In which island there is a body of salt water known as the Pacific Ocean?
The Telegraph; “Quebec mosque shooting: Student charged with six counts of murder over gun attack in mosque”
TruthSeeker; “Some brave Canadian patriots joining the most desirable process of expelling members of the nastiest organisation in history from the Occident.
Most welcome.”
Where is she … in hiding again, like the EU Ref?
Isn t there an important by election for the political landscape on in Stoke?
It is complete manipulation by the political establishment, where is the scrutiny of the Tory party, the clueless, feet dragging, they are simply an empty vessel, an echo chamber, kind of riding on any available coat tail to spin with their control on the MSM … yesterday T May campaigned in Cumbria where she spent 2 minutes answering a question from 1 reporter
Think May is in a lot of trouble.
Had she only triggered Article 50 when she should have done-IMMEDIATELY on taking office-we could now be watching Paris live, not had to stomach Blair back on the telly and thanking God that we chose wisely.
But she`s Gordon Brown really-timid, no vision or principles and forver trying to win the election for the Tories.
But now she`s bogged down in the trenches, she`s failed to go to us as Trump does to HIS people-and so we`ll get the coming shitstorms of Business rates, Trojan Horses, Prisons and NHS/Welfare mitherings and sheer bad decisions that will create the rucks.
If you`re going to be a politician-be at least a good one.
Otherwise it`ll be Farage, Trump and even FAR more dangerous characters coming down the road.
Because the Left are getting nasty in the universities-and we will need to deal with them…Hamburg in July won`t be nice if the political elites don`t protect us.
“If you`re going to be a politician-be at least a good one.”
Nice one, Alicia!
Do you ever believe they’ll learn though…
The BBC is working to an agenda.
Destroy Trump..Destroy Brexit.
Who is the BBC? Who controls the BBC?
Who pays for the BBC?
Obviously not the licence payers..
Turn off the BBC!
Sopel had his tongue firmly in his cheek and struggled not to collapse into laughter – ‘free, fare, impartial’.
To all rational, objective minds, they clearly are none of those things.
Trump’s crimes against humanity so far:
1) Proposes to keep illegal immigrants and drug dealers out.
2) Takes steps to keep islamic terrorists out.
3) Tells the msm they’re biased, leftist and mendacious.
4) Attempts to improve relations with Russia.
5) Asks the European nations of NATO to pull their weight, instead of depending on the US while simultaneously criticising them at every turn.
6) Proposes to relaunch the US economy.
7) Proposes to rebuild the crumbling infrastructure.
8) Is not black which proves how racist he is, or female which shows his misogyny. Or gay/bi/trans/. Not even Questioning.
9) Isn’t cool. Doesn’t play the sax. Has never written a single book with a pompous title like the Audacity of Dope. Has never won the Nobel Peace Prize for being black, and probably never will.
10) Doesn’t much like the EUSSR.
11) Proposes to stop American jobs and profits being outsourced.
12) Refuses to pander to the gods of political correctness and liberal-leftism in academia, the media, Hollywood.
13) Tells Meryl the Peril she’s crap.
14) Puts UK at the front of the queue for trading partnerships.
15) Refuses to bend the knee to the bibistan after they systematically reviled him for months. Mocks Sopel.
16) Most heinous of all, loves his country and proposes to make it great again.
For these and similar unpardonable crimes there is only one suitable punishment according to al-bibistan: release the lynch mob and hang him!
Indeed if you weren’t utterly spot on, one might think it was from a very far fetched movie.
ptg – solid post.
Shared to Facebook.
17) Isn’t crippled by psychotic delusion and fear with self-brainwashed Islamaphobia-phobia.
18) Doesn’t feel that the personal qualities to get on in life are morality raping and fucking over your own people
19) Not overwhelmed with hatred, disgust and intolerance towards all people with y chromosomes and white skin
20) Doesn’t engineer every conversation to crowbar the feeling/environment that anyone who could possibly disagree with them is evil and dangerous, regardless of how wrong and moronic the detail of that conversation is
21) Doesn’t hate themselves, their own skin, their history, their heritage, their family….so much, that they are willing to see it all wiped out, even in unimaginable violence and bloodshed
No wonder you gave up at 16 Peter, this list is infinite ?
Excellent stuff. Will uses it, if you dont mind, and acknowledge author.
I read on Breitbart that President Orban of Hungary said last week that the EU elite had decided that the people of Europe represented a threat to democracy and must be stopped from using their votes to instal populist governments. Tony Blair obviously sides with the elite and is doing his bit for the liberal left cause but seems to be being treated with disdain, thank goodness. The MSM have also put their shoulders to the wheel and are working hard to prevent the people from being ruled by those they democratically elect.
President Trump is the voice of the people , not just of America , but of people right across the West who have had enough of the liberal left consensus that has held power for the past 30 years , but they are finding that the elite ignore democracy and try to hold onto power. The MSM is a powerful weapon for the elite and until the arrival of DT few politicians had used the digital platforms to communicate directly with the people so bypassing the MSM . Suddenly the elite find their great propaganda weapon is losing its power to control the news agenda and they are desperate. They know that once the truth is available to all , the liberal left globalist consensus will collapse. Consequently they attack President Trump non stop and are also trying to gain control of digital platforms. DT must stop them from achieving this . In fact he must massively increase the range and scope of news services available on the internet so the people at last know the truth
That’s how it starts – them thinking we’re too stupid to be allowed a vote.
All this could so easily be avoided with a one party state like China perhaps?
Example, Its used by all the remoaners – “all the thickos voted for Brexit” – Lets have another vote until they get it right.
Many of those who voted to remain, having been swayed by the ‘project fear’ rhetoric and the hectoring of the BBC, are now wishing they had not been so timid. They have realised that they were being conned (again) by the self-serving liberal elite.
Those who desire a second go at a referendum should be very careful what they wish for…………………
Do they want to be beaten or thrashed ?
Absolutely! – who are the ‘thickos’ now ?
Only the ‘thickos’, Maxi, Tomi and Scot would go for a second referendum. Bless.
Someone put a link up to Jon Gaunt on a previous thread here very recently.
An archetypal Florida Blowhard lefty Professor alright…but still worth the listen.
Why so?
Because when Gaunt says that Trump is only draining the swamp as he was elected to do-our Professor sees “The Swamp” as being the white trash, the workers, the Main St shills-as well as the very People that Trump has “tasked” with doing the drainage like Tilletson and De Vos etc.
And Trumps doing nothing about THEM-so no, he`s not draining anything but talent, migrants, environmentalists, media and all those lovely good people and democrasts like himself-THESE are the sunlit uplands, the fertile ground of self sustaining fruity goodness. And bloody Trump is putting it all at risk.
Our Prof sees Bibi as the swamp needing draining-but multibillionaire arch hater of Britain, Malcolm Turnbull as not an everglades crock, but a gentle pilot fish to lead us all to liberal heaven.
The lack of awareness, comedy and self-reflection clearly shows too many Obamacare books ( Fear It , Do It Love It c/o Brian Griffin)-and too much time in Florida State Uni for too long.
It`s as if the Pulse massacre never even entered his head.
But at least we now see how inverted and perverted, how deviant and dopey the New Left have been now since 1984.
Weekend Woman’s Hour.
Item 1. Women’s hearing loss. Said at least 3 times at the end of the piece that hearing aids are free on the NHS and how marvellous the NHS is.
Items 2. Adam de Bouton and a female comedian discuss looking for love. Mrs Garvey finishes the discussion by asking the comedian if she is looking for a man which I suppose in this day and age cannot be assumed, especially at the BBC.
Item 3. Some woman from Blackburn who has gone to fight against IS. There has always to be an Islamic related item.
Item 4. A story about the success of the family and drug courts. Sorry I’m sure I have the name slightly wrong. The success highlighted of a woman who appeared to have’fallen pregnant’ three times. We were not told if these were immaculate conceptions, although baby 2 did have a father because that was where baby is living. These courts may lose their funding but the costs must be sky high as the judges see their clients every two weeks. The woman who appeared on WH used every social service cliche there ever was, so was well coached. These courts ‘support’ her; she is ‘well supported ‘, they improve her ‘self worth’ etc etc. The social worker then explained that all these drug abusers have had a bad childhood but we were not told how many people who have had a difficult childhood don’t go on to use drugs or indeed what the success rate of these courts is.
Well, I had finished the ironing by time the programme had finished but it did seemed to have ticked every box it could have without mentioning Trump or Brexit.
” ‘fallen pregnant’ three times”
Yeah, trip on the rug, land on some erect member – easily done.
I’ve always hated that phrase – ‘fallen pregnant’. It’s as if the female in question has had absolutely no input whatsoever in creating the situation, and as for some male being partially responsible, well, how could that be possible, since the female in question clearly wasn’t involved, so how could anyone else have been. It’s the ‘You know, there I was, walking down the street one Saturday last month when….oops – I must have fallen pregnant. Who would have thought it, eh ? Never mind, it’s only my first, and at least I’ll get some more benefits.
We have been introducing sex education for kids in primary school upwards, before the onset of puberty even, and still these precious little flowers think it’s all just a little mystery to them how all this happened. But never mind, it makes them the centre of attention for now as well.
And as for ‘falling pregnant’ for the third time – well, just how mind-blowingly against the odds that must be, eh ?
Gaxvil, wasn’t that the case of some Muslim a few months ago where he was accused of ra pe but managed to get away with it saying something like she fell onto his knob which accidentally went up her (and I expect did a few times more)
Exactly – easily done.
What, a bit like this do you mean:
That’s the one Ian.
As a recently divorced father of two, I spat out my Cornflakes when I heard a senior female solicitor on R4 telling us that the Family Courts are working well.
All that this Court does well is provide a stream of interesting, highly paid work for m’learned friends.
The system is glacially slow, ruinously expensive, manifestly unfair to fathers and harmful to many children. It rewards mothers for being unscrupulous, which their lawyers therefore encourage them to be, and thereby fosters acrimony.
A massive part of the problem is the lawyers’ collective insistence that every divorce settlement needs to be “made to measure”, when most people’s needs could be catered for perfectly adequately “off the peg”.
Before I got divorced I used to hold lawyers in quite high regard. Now I put them on a par with estate agents.
Tom, you have my complete…..empathy.
It WILL pass, eventually, but you must let it.
Thanks Boohanna 🙂
Surely they are lower than that; more like on a par with the bbc’s self-described journalists.
This is satire about history repeating itself every 78 years. It will not appear in the Pro-Establishment “Private Eye” because Ian Hislop wants to continue working for the BBC and hopes Lord Hall will recommend him for an appointment to the House of Lords.
At the end of March, Teresa May returns from Brussels waving a signed copy of Article 50, and says “Brexit in our time”
In September, the newly formed German lead EU Army invades Poland because of the Polish Constitutional Court crisis.
In May 2018, Teresa the appeaser resigns as Prime Minister after the EU tears up its copy of Article 50 and invades Holland because of Geert Wilders. She is replaced by Nigel Farage after he was appointed to the House of Lords in the 2018 new year honours list. Farage immediately declares unilateral independence from the European Union, Remainiacs mourn the end of our membership by wearing Black, including Black shirts.
The Black shirts march on Brexit areas, inflicting violence and destruction. Bob Geldof screams “Power to the Black Shirts” as he throws a clenched fisted Black Power salute. Geldof is taken away after being arrested for treason. Max Mosley who is also arrested for treason, defiantly shouts that, “Trump’s sexual perversions are all talk, no action”
The EU Army then invades France because of Marine Le Pen, then they fail to invade Britain because of the failure to form a European Navy or Air Force.
In June 2019, the EU Army invades Russia because of Putin.
In December 2019, the European Union declares war against the United States because of Donald Trump. But they lose because Farage, Trump and Putin inevitably win the war on the 8th May 2023, which is already the 78th Victory in Europe day.
Steady on. We should have learned by now not to dismiss the apparently far fetched quite so quickly.
In September, the newly formed German lead EU Army invades Poland because of the Polish Constitutional Court crisis.
.. But they lose because Farage, Trump and Putin inevitably win the war on the 8th May 2023, which is already the 78th Victory in Europe day.
I hope it doesn’t come to it.
The Al BBC misleading the news
BBC News Main Page – Dutch populist calls Moroccans ‘scum’ ie racist.
That s the link
On the Page header – Dutch populist Geert Wilders calls SOME Moroccans ‘scum’
diluted but he s still racist
As you read down this, “so called” journalism
“There is a lot of Moroccan scum in Holland who make the streets unsafe,”
he said. “If you want to regain your country, make the Netherlands for the people of the Netherlands again, then you can only vote for one party.”
With a Al BBC addition of … He emphasised that he thought “not all are scum”.
So now we have … not all are “scum” pretty much like people would talk about any youth gangs terrorising an area.
“Mr Wilders addressed his supporters on Saturday amid tight security in his party’s stronghold of Spijkenisse, an ethnically-diverse area near Rotterdam”.
Why BBC? no one asks.
The BBC’s Anna Holligan, in The Hague, said Mr Wilders’ championing of US President Donald Trump’s policies appears to be backfiring, as many Dutch voters believe Mr Trump is bad for global stability”.
and … many who support Trumps style, and are sick and tired of detrimental immigration, and weak neo liberal leadership will support him,
…But hey, why say that eh? “free and impartial BBC”
BBC reporting this afternoon (Saturday), that the polls are showing Geert Wilders lead closing. Not least, the polls have not been very reliable recently. But that is the trouble with a BBC with an agenda; I don’t know whether I believe their report.
Holland must be like Stoke. “FEAR”
If I was in Stoke, I would not tell a pollster that I was going to vote UKIP, if I felt that it would mean that left-wing thugs could turn up and bash my head in. Especially when I heard of what has happened to Nuttall.
I would say that I was going to vote Labour, and then take advantage of the secret ballot.
Really don’t think I will be voting UKIP at all, Nigel was always going to be a hard act to follow but I just don’t know what to make of his successor.
I think a bit like you Oldspeaker; but until we get FULL Brexit I will be voting for them all the way because anything else is a vote against Brexit, the UK, freedom and democracy. Once our powers are fully repatriated to this country, as they should be, I will go back to looking at the other parties.
I would still continue to vote UKIP if, after Brexit, they make a promise to drain the BBC swamp, as well as the CofE and other government organisations infested with lefties. These need to be politically neutral, or at least even-handed.
Also if UKIP promise to make an English Parliament with the same rights and powers as the Scottish one then I will vote for them. Alternatively they can tell the SNP that as they don’t believe that one ballot result is enough to be enacted upon, the Scottish and Welsh parliaments will be abolished as they were established as a result of one referendum each. UKIP should stand for unity and equality for all UK citizens.
UKIP are trying to do the right thing. The don’t always manage it, but it’s what they want to do.
We must always remember that even the slightest mistake they make will magnified out of all proportion by the BBC. The original Hillsborough smear against Nuttall was that the didn’t attend the match. When that story fell apart they moved on to whether the people he knew who died there were friends or acquaintances – he said acquaintances but his web site said friends. To the BBC that mistake is now the greatest lie ever told, and their lies in the original smear attempt alleging his non-attendance have disappeared from the BBC’s collective memory.
So long as organisations like he BBC and people like Blair attack UKIP I have no doubt that they’re on the side of the British people and I’ll vote for them.
We`re seeing a new trend here.
Like that figure on the Leave bus re “the NHS extra money”-like that “we`ve had enough of experts”-the BBC can`t even make it up anymore.
We know and we knew both contexts, both quotes…and we know that the BBC lie on the hoof, and refuse to give us the unedited footage. And anyone can check it too.
So we KNOW the BBC/Guardian insistence of trying to pin a tail on their donkey is laughable “fake news”
So we know what and how they do it all…and, more to the point-why they do it too.
Looking forward to their faces on Friday when Corbyn gets kippered…
If I were an artist I’d draw up an image of the BBC-bus with it’s False-Narrative slogans on the side :
UKIP=racists, EU grants come from a magic money tree, Trum and Brexit=Catastrophe, “Green Energy” is magic, Global warming is making the UK so much warmer,saving a child from Calais is worth saving a million in Africa etc.
Last months Spectator. ‘Why Geert Wilders is taking over Dutch politics’ worth a read, I never believe BBC polls either.
Never trust the BBC on polls.
Bibistan: “Mr Wilders’ three-week trial last year was triggered when police received 6,400 complaints about remarks he had made during a municipal election campaign in The Hague.”
Mmm, I wonder where they were from.
From 400 Moroccans and 6000 BBC employees, perhaps?
BBC1 News – Auntie Lyse is given time to present a lengthy report from the Munich conference. She whines on about Trump’s commitment to NATO. A snippet from Pence brings up the American’s position of wanting the Europeans to fulfill their commitments to the organisation. Doucet fails to explain that his comments relate to the Europeans reneging on their undertaking to provide 2% of GDP for defence, or more significantly that some European leaders have effectively told Trump to get stuffed.
Ann Coulter rightly pastes those Republicans who delight in leaving Trump to do all the heavy lifting whilst they bitch on to the Washington Bugle or the New York Sentinel.
Thanks to the friend who put up Peter Obornes trashing of Sopel, Blair and Today yesterday on Today at 8.20 or so-following on from Gorka peerless ripping the nipple rings from Evan Davis the night before( he must think they were war medals. We ought to award a Fake News Breaker Award to Gorka this week…and hoping that Gorgeous Ted Malloch will take the hint.
I fear it is naïve to believe that our government intends to do anything positive on Brexit. They are happy to give the impression of diligence but, like all good public servants, their skill is in appearing to be busy while doing the crossword behind the paperwork. And while we wait in hope, across the channel others hope for the success of Wilders and Le Pen, but again I fear their Fat Controllers will do all they can to ensure disappointment.
Of course, what such machinations might achieve in the long run is not a happy prospect – but the current French crisis is a fair indication.
Another day, another Anti-Trump hit piece from the supposedly impartial BBC.
This time they’ve struck a new low, in this piece they have compared Trump to every evil dictator from Emperor Nero to Joseph Stalin. Despicable, and highly disrespectful to those who suffered under those regimes.
With the proviso that nobody really suffered under Stalin, of course. At least not in the BBC view of history.
Radio 4 News at 17:00 finally mentions the riots that have been going on for two weeks in France. Are they concerned about the owners of the damaged property and cars? Are they concerned about the poor citizens unable to go about their lawful business?
Don’t be silly! They need to talk to the friends and family of the poor Muslim lad who, it is alleged, was assaulted by a policeman, leading to all the other poor Muslims who normally hang around in the streets having to give up that pleasure and go on the riot!
Is The BBC Biased? on BBC’s James Longman’s reporting of the ‘victims’ in France.
Tory f-ckwit, M Fabricant will be erm simply terrified the next time he attends
mass. (hand -forehead – slap)
“Former vice-chair of the Conservative party has compared some conservative Christians to the militant jihadist group ISIS in an article calling on the Church of England to ‘fully embrace the 21st century”
The CofE! I was walking down the road the other day, and I thought what would Jesus do etc … or
At Tony Bliar’s Lazarus speech (rise up, rise up), apparently there were some privately invited on-lookers. Including Cherie Bliar (why invited? aren’t they living together?), and one Anjie Hunter.
Hmmmmmm…….. Anjie Hunter is none other than the wife of Sky’s Adam ‘Fatty’ Bolton ! All in the trough together then !
Interesting but not entirely surprising. Boulton was always thick as thieves with ZaNu Labour.
Sky is every bit as bad as the BBC.
According to the Express Patrick Stewart has apologised to Europe on behalf of Britain for our decision to leave the EU. Has this noble act on his behalf been extensively reported by the bbc? To me it seems like the kind of story that would be right up their…. street.
So WTF died and made him spokesman from his LA home. Shut TF up – make it so.
So WTF died and made him spokesman from his LA home. Shut TF up – make it so.
What right does Patrick Stewart feel he has to speak for all of us. These Megalomaniac, low intellect actors with Messiah complexes seem to be all over the place. Good actor, but that’s all one can say positively about him. Dear dear.
Just checked BBC Europe – still no news from Gay Paree
They have this though,
BBC News Europe – Hundreds of migrants storm fence to reach Spanish enclave of Ceuta
with a helpful video clip, of them celebrating after scaling the fence.
… Unless of course, it was the BBC film crew!
Hope they run into these lads…..
…..and lasses!
Being under a brutal, rape-based, religious apartheid system (I mean ‘living in a Golden Age’) for 800 years can wonderfully help concentrate a nation as to what is at stake…
I’ve been watching video clips on YouTube and there are hundreds of invaders smashing up buildings and vehicles. They all appear to be speaking French rather than foreign languages. Also in one report it was stated that half of France’s armed forces are deployed on the streets of France. That’s how bad it is.
how did they go one getting the Navy on the streets?
Half the French armed forces deployed!
Not enough to warrant a mention on the BBC then.
Monopoly changing the top hat or iron on their board game…now we’re talking.
I still can’t understand why not one of ‘our’ politicians has even mentioned this on any show or news interview. There must be someone who thinks these riots shouldn’t be kept secret.
If a Brit pops over to Paris for a break and gets killed in the rioting, could the foreign office be sued for hiding this information and not warning the public about travelling there?
I was thinking the other day about how the alt-left media and a certain US political party have become so obsessed with so-called ‘interference in sovereign elections from foreign parts’ (i.e. supposedly from Russia) but without much evidence to show that direct interference took place in the recent US presidential election. Our own BBC has not been behind the gate in supporting the view that interference took place, and is to be condemned.
Hmmmmm. if I recall correctly, the Guardian newspaper from the UK interfered absolutely directly in 2004 in the US presidential election, attempting (ultimately unsuccessfully) to browbeat voters in Clark County, Ohio, to cast their votes against George Bush.
I don’t remember any great brouhaha and outright condemnation at the time against the behaviour of the Guardian by any alt-left media… and absolutely NOT from our gloriously unbiased BBC – in fact IIRC, the BBC was more concerned that the Guardian had actually won Ohio for Bush.
Typical BBC hypocrisy.
You’re correct and why haven’t the sodding bbc bothered to investigate George Soros’ meddling in the US election process, in the Ukraine and other Eastern European countries, as well as in our own country?
That’s a very good point. The role Soros has played in UK politics would make for a fascinating programme.
Which, no doubt, is why the BBC hasn’t made it.
“Alt-Left” do you mean “Ctrl-Left”
I think ‘alt-left’ is an abbreviated description of certain organisations, ‘ctrl-left’ is the abbreviated objective of the same organisations.
Not reported on the bBBC, or anywhere else.
You know HS2 is set to cost £50bn+.
Apparently an enormous chunk of that is driven by EU directives about every conceivable environmental, wildlife habitat protection scheme.
Bat protection, newt protection, centipede protection. Tunnels, bridges, mass re-location. Some of the costs are absolutely eye watering and totally disproportionate to any benefit. But the will of the EU must be upheld.
But after Brexit, we will not be governed by this nonsense, so the economics of Brexit are several billion £ better than almost every commentator from either side has ever mentioned.
HS2 is the biggest white elephant going, 10 years too late
and for what, a fast train for fat cats?
Where s the provision of that greater clarity on the policy context, the assessment of alternatives, the REAL financial and economic case,
Basically, HS2 will mean putting in a massive subsidy to run something which will only benefit the richest in society.
The whole thing is an abomination
HS2 the Concorde for the 21st Century.
Until, Skylon the Concorde for the post-Brexit 21st Century.
At the time, I think Concorde made more sense. The UK and France weren’t the only ones to think so (Boeing SST etc), and it was a pleasure to see noses out of joint in the US. At least the cash was spent internally. I doubt if that will be the case with HS2.
Goodness me! Next you’ll be telling us that HS2 is part of the Trans-European Rail Network (TEN-R), which is only part of a larger project called the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). And that it stems from Decision No. 1692/96/EC made on 23 July 1996. And that there is even a Trans-European Road Network, Inland Waterway and Seaport Network and Trans-European Airports Network. Oh yes, and that Decision No. 884/2004/EC in September 2001 also sets out a ‘Motorways of the Sea’. And that the whole thing was originally outlined in the Treaty of Rome, signed in 1958. I mean, as if…
£50 billion would fix a lot of pot holes in our crumbling road network. If it were ever put to a referendum, HS2 would be history.
Money we haven’t got being spent on a railway we don’t need. If that’s not a definition of madness, I don’t know what is.
“£50 billion would fix a lot of pot holes in our crumbling road network.”
And, with efficient management, would go a long way towards upgrading the existing network. All we need, IMO, are reasonably fast trains running very reliably and efficiently (with S.J.H.’s comment, below, in mind).
200mph is nice to have, but not at any price.
Before they start work on it, they better sort out who gets to close the doors!
So, has the BBC been up to any of its usual tricks while I have been out?
That would suggest a ‘yes’.
‘More infantile by the day – Your BBC’
Dear BBC
Please grow up for goodness sake because at this rate your most eloquent statement will be to fill your nappies.
The bbc are the enema of the people.
“The two enemies of the people are criminals and the government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so it does not become a legalized version of the first.” Thomas Jefferson
Time to start planning another image on Mount Rushmore?
We need to remember that in the US nobody is interested in what the BBc thinks or says.
Perhaps a few progressive snowflakes but that is all.
The President is hardly putting a foot wrong. The MSM ( now the main opposition) has no idea what is coming next so it can only react and fight on his terms.
Take the case of the resignation of the adviser Mike Flynn who allegedly had contact with the Russians. Now President Trump can go for those in the security service who leaked it. With no opposition from anyone . His terms on his ground. He is gradually flushing out the opposition. That said the BBC’s article was disgraceful. The only explanation is that the BBC has been told it is persona non grata and is effectively excluded from any of the special favours it thinks are it’s right.
I hope Marine Le Pen does the same
Well at least it has got the BBC to admit that Joe & Mao were less benevolent than the Millibands
It wasn`t THAT long ago when Trumps “quoting” of Mao and Stalin would have got them all purring at the BBC.
Even within our times, John McDonnell threw his Mao book across at George Osborne in the Commons.
Ah how things change-Russia was A. O.K when they were the USSR.
But sadly-Putin doesn`t pay for Scargill and the Unions anymore let alone CND-unlike the Soviets who the BBC were always fond of.
So we are now to hate Putin the Christian Patriot(yes, I Know-but they left Yeltsin to rot and so Putin resulted).
As for Mao and Stalin?…you`d think the BBC would be pleased-they used to be.
But-like Farage as for Trump–no matter WHAT they say, it`ll be loathed by the BBC.
As opposed to Blair, Verhofstad, Clarke, Heseltine, AShdown and Williams etc etc…..
#1 The tweet got 2,000 likes ..those likers are 1 in a million
(2 billion English speakers could have read that tweet)
#2 The article contain only contains anti-Trump views and it’s unlikely that the BBC has put them on another article.. so it’s breaking Charter Rules on impartiality.
#3 I bet they first included Hitler on the list of tyrants, but then remembered Godwin’s Law.
Just when you think the BBC cannot hit a new low, they prove you wrong.
Good evening comrades and happy weekend. For your cultural enrichment let’s have a little Islamic dancing. Here is the more ‘mystical’ side of Islam. The Sufis. Wahhabists, Salafists & hard line Shias frown on these guys. Far too progressive! If you’ve ever thought Catholic Latin mass looked mind-numbingly boring this here might make you want to run & kiss the Pope’s ring. It’s the perfect religious order for our brainwashed libtard friends.
Saudi’s Got Talent.
Beats Billy Bragg.
And Lilly Allen
I really enjoyed this year’s ventriloquist winners of ‘Saudi’s got talent’
Reminds me – must get some meat for the dog.
Prefer Wilson, Keppel and Betty.
As for the Catholic Latin mass looked mind-numbingly boring? Berlioz Requiem, Verdi Requiem?
Prefer the Giulini EMI recording , I think back in the 60’s . Very subtle and spiritual.
I take it that the original video soundtrack had the Sufis grooving to the Quo
The myth of BBC independence from Government might be sustained should the BBC uncover some dirty deals by the Government, which it does, without fear of Government intervention. But the outpourings of lies and distortion about Trump, the repeated assertion of his racism, is something the Government might mention to the independent state broadcaster. Not good broadcasting old chums.
Stand up Front Benchers let us hear your whispers of protest.
Yes, with freedom comes responsibility. Someone really should mention that to the BBC.
This makes me wonder if the May regime is really as close to the new US government as it would have us believe
Dave S
I sometimes have the opinion that she is not close and belongs with Merkel and Europe, far away from the US
The BBC will blame it all on BREXIT! (The Co-op Bank is being sold – probably for less than its parts).
I imagine that IF the BBC were to be privatised it would be very similar to the Co-Op (rather than BT which has thrown off its old public mantle to take on the likes of Sky TV and become much more competitive, (and although I don’t have much sympathy for BT telephones generally) but BT has prospered greatly financially – whilst the BBC has done the opposite. Bugger all. Its hard to think the BBC can survive without its little clan of ethical bunnies and luvvies and the BILLIONS from the TV license. The BBC loves the co-op and has featured it in many of it’s programs. The Co-Op is very much the ethical bunnie (or luvvie) movement, I would not be surprised to learn that most BBC staff only shop at the Co-Op and rely on its antiquated banking facilities. The Co-op has ‘ethics’ and its no surprise the BBC says it does too. The BBC – when challenged call this their editorial ‘ethics’ policy indicating a vague scenario of fabled ‘impartiality’; somewhere over in the far distance (viewable only with binoculars on a clear day). Its political consensus is stultifying and EU centric (anti UK).
So it must be a bit of a shock to read that their only UK ‘ethical’ bank is to be urgently sold.* This was reported in this Saturday’s Times (18th Feb 2017), leave it a few days before the Guardian report it. The BBC may mention it, only in passing as they also have ‘Private’ banks (offshore). its not such a big deal when your seriously rich.
In the same paper a Co-Op pensioner writes: -in some desperation, she has only just realised that what little money she had had in the Co-Op ‘pensions’ fund had closed years earlier. (had been quietly sold off by Co-op, in 2001). The Times however offered her valuable financial advice, suggesting she was deluded to think that she could not get a better pension elsewhere (with far lower pension charges) and far better investments!*
This compares to the generous BBC PRIVATE pension schemes and ‘bonuses’ where everybody becomes a BBC Millionaire or multi-millionaire for those chosen few- for not very doing much other than follow the BBC ‘ethics’ guidelines (such as of attacking those who voted for BREXIT) (or collectively), reading The Guardian (which is itself in serious financial debt and may close ironically due to unfettered ‘competition’ from non other than the BBC itself. The Editor has been on records as stating). Meanwhile the Guardian is in trouble.
If the BBC were PRIVATISED it could then be sponsored by The Guardian, but as it stands, the BBC Charter means that it cannot bail out The Guardian or vis-versa, only employ the ex-journalist as they ‘downsize’ something the BBC has no plans to do.
But I will leave you with this TIMES tribute to the ‘ethical’ Co-Op (as written by The Times financials) as it gives a most accurate account of what the Co-Op and the BBC have in common, and it’s not common sense!
* Read and enjoy this from the MONEY section called Savings watch’
‘The co-operative Bank has been put up for sale this week after running into a series of obstacles, including the saga of its former chairmann Paul Flowers, the “Crystal Methodist”, who was convicted of possessing cocaine, crystal meths and ketamine’…. one other little mentioned gem is that Flowers sought to move his luxury penthouse a little closer to the BBC in relocated Manchester. The Times also declares that there are 650,000 current account customers affected’.
You can imagine that the Co-Op started as a worthy project, but unfortunately stated to develop the same ‘ethical’ standards of the engorged BBC, as well as the struggling Guardian. Soon there will only be the BBC left. And the BBC as a classic corporate failure will never be made public. But if its losses were made known, it too would be closed down. The ‘ethics’ it suggests are more ‘convenience’ of its political bias. The Co-op was a bank once, The BBC was a broadcaster once.
The Daily Express yesterday led with this:
Sweden has been the poster child for openness and toleration for decades but that has changed in just two years, the study by independent British think-tank Demos found.
Demos is a think tank based in the United Kingdom with a cross-party political viewpoint. It was founded in 1993 and specialises in social policy, developing evidence-based solutions in a range of areas – from education and skills to health and housing.
The BBC on the other hand ran a rather different Swedish story:
Is Sweden’s feminist agenda working?
Some headlines have been less flattering to the government, however. This week, it received widespread condemnation after a trade visit to Iran, for instructing female officials to comply with Iran’s headscarf law.
Wow shock horror! The BBC is obviously not going to be happy that some uppity Swedish Feminists thought that they were higher up the hierarchy of isms than the Muslims! What on earth are those Swedes on? The Fly Agarics?
Not a lot of “diversity” in the women picture!
Presumably to follow shortly, or perhaps not if the migrants are mostly young men!
Thanks Nogginator. This is all very worrying. I knew it was bad but I had no idea that it was that bad. Multiculturalism is falling apart, no wonder the BBC attacks the messenger. But the real crime is the EU elite who think that this level of crime is acceptable and worse still – try to hide it.
I was channel-hopping on tv tonight trying to find something to watch, when I suddenly remembered a comedian who I used to like who used to be on the BBC quite often, but who I haven’t seen on there for ages – Reginald D Hunter.
Strangely, his appearances seemed to dry up about the time he did this.
Must be pure coincidence, a bit like the way you never see Lee Hurst or David Bellamy these days.
Notice when Al Beeb are ‘loosing ground’ with their pet ideals & subjects ie elections, Brexit, Trump, Farage or any of their flagship ideals, troll attacks on this site are increased, adding strength to the adage “the closer to the target, the more the flak”.
Is Al Beeb & the media loosing the war of propaganda?
I must confess that I have not been a fan of Brillo. But I have to admire the man’s talent in this satire on grandstanding Bercow regarding his ban on Trump
Have a laugh before going to bed.
The ever excellent David Wood on Islamic Rape Gangs in the UK.
Why are we bothering ? honestly ? On a daily basis I see and hear the way that Islam is slowing eating away at my country and nothing is done about it. People I speak to and on here, are overwhelmed by the diversity that is being thrust down our throats like no other time in our history, and are powerless to stop it.
The media, the NHS, advertising, are all hell bent in making this country in particular one giant bloody melting pot, and crushing our national faith in the process.
I’ve just seen the ultimate now, its the Modest Dress Fashion Show in London. Muslim designers displaying on the catwalk head to toe coverings which will be available in our High St Department stores. It greatly worries me that seemingly the fashion buyers in our national stores see a ‘gap in the market’ for modesty dressing. This is commercial speak for the Islamic pound, and is more evidence that the growth of migrants is influencing what we see in the shops. If I want to see hijabs, salwar kamiz, saris, burkhas, and the like, then I would go to the ethnic neighbourhood shops, not walk into the ladies department of John Lewis and be faced with mannequins dressed as such.
We’ve talked of the UK becoming Islamic by the turn of the next century. At this rate it will be within the next 50 years or less. I shall be gone at some time during the next 20 years, and aren’t I chuffed to nuts !
It strikes me that if there is a “NWO” plot to establish a one world government, their intention is to use Islam as the policing footsoldiers at ground level, given its rape culture and zero tolerance on various fronts. A deal will have been done high up with senior Islamists – they get their global caliphate at the muppet level, but the hidden elite lie beyond that again.
Pray for President Trump – chosen by God for a very special mission.
Brilliant article on Fox
Pity that this type of information never gets shown by our wonderful impartial free and fair broadcaster.
Media’s treatment of Trump/Blair
Brendan O’Neill on double standards over demagoguery
“Excellent: The people of Britain have already risen up, Mr Blair, and it was against everything you stand for.”
The question no one is seeming to ask, and yet is the most important one, is who is paying the old liar for this?
Bliar doesn’t do anything for free, and if you paid him he would promote Brexit.
Someone has enough money and enough vested interests into a hopeless attempt to derail the democratic process that they can afford to pay this odious man.
This time it’s not the Saudi’s as they’ve stopped paying him since a new cash cow came on the block.
To my mind this is a question of paramount importance. The iceberg question where Blair is the part above the water, the backers are the part underneath which you can’t see, but where the real danger lies.
Soros will have his fingers in the pie, you can be certain of that.
Also from Brendan O’Neill
‘Today’ on Radio 4 this morning had a series of perfectly formed middle class EU immigrants who were afraid of deportation because they had been turned down for permanent residence.
Of course the BBC did not explain why – that they had lived here without supporting themselves (i.e. were not employed) and had not taken out health insurance, contrary to EU rules!
Later a weedy Tory MP was pitted against a LibDem snowflake peer and the truth was ignored. The Tory of course provided no explanation.
The BBC would have us believe the hateful Home Office bureaucrats are preparing to round up batches of children called Hans or Luigi.
In truth, the Home Office have never enforced the rules about EU citizens having to have a job and not live on benefits or charity, except by issuing a pathetic unenforced letter when there appears to be a gap in national insurance payments.
After, indeed running up to Brexit, EU citizens who cannot support themselves should be gently returned as should have happened for the last 30 years.
Trump would.
And those on benefits.
BBC finally report on the Paris unrest, in their own entirely predictable unique way.
“Mejdi is 27 and was born on the estate. He rides up and down on his BMX”
“He – like many here – is bright and well informed”
maybe somebody should inform him that he’s a bit old to be spending the day pissing about on a BMX!
“Retour vers le futur IV – Is Paris Burning?'” promises to be a hoot.
S.J.H – Perhaps he is really 12 and only looks 27, as so many do ……
You have me thinking about these 12 year old children, according to the Home Office, who turn out to be 40 years old.
Think about it. Few will live long enough to collect their pensions. A clever plot to cut down on pension payments.
G.W.F. – I hadn’t thought of that! With that, winter fuel payments and bus passes we’ll be quids in!
“Donald Trump savages media at Florida rally”
Well done Trump I say. The genuine people of Great Britain are fed up with Fake News .
Drain the Swamp in our country Mrs May.
Here is the new liberal PC Buzz word for illegal invaders… “Undocumented Migrants.”
This is propaganda working – Invaders to Illegal Immigrants to economic migrants to migrants to undocumented migrants. Its called conditioning .
Nevertheless this stands the test of time …..
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Man arrested with “undocumented jewellery”:
It didn’t take the BBC long to start invoking Godwin’s law
It’s ok when the BBC does it. Apparently.
Only it is referred to as “OhGodwins Law” in their hands, sources close to the BBC have learned.
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool Geert Wilders 😉
Lucy Pevensey
Well that’s a new take on it I suppose.
What does Maxicooney think about that maxim ? 😀
“Barcelona protest to support refugees draws thousands”
Fake News ?
Any Spaniards on this site care to comment?
Clearly their broadcast offerings as entertainment match those here.
Clearly the Spaniards are a pretty insular bunch – they do not see the rioting in the adjacent France – whether we, or anyone else likes it or not, caused by immigrants. Or, maybe they have a national broadcaster like the BBC who fail to report real ‘news’.
Strange cos recent news stories said Barcelona is sick of FOREIGN tourists
#RentaMob demo
From AlIslamophileLaLaLand
“On Brexit, Tony Blair should get real – and butt out” – Simon Jenkins
First paragraph, Simon on the referendum :-
“The argument was endless, tedious, but conducted in public – not least by the BBC, to its credit – with an attempt to be fair.”
Well you now know why the output of the, self styled, “World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster” is so expensive.
It is not due to the overmanning. It is not due to the policy of finding some income for all the world’s lefty waifs and strays. It is not due to the eye watering salaries. It is not due to to the unregulated expenses. It is not due to finding some income for lefties operating in marketing, in advertising, in public relations, in lobbying. It is not due to the administrative costs of employing lefties without legally employing them. It is not due to the disgraceful pensions. It is not due to the policy of tax evasion via the Cayman Islands.
It is not due to the lefty musical chairs, from BBC, to Guardian, to Quango, to Labour Party, to EU, to Civil Service, to UN, to Think Tank, to “charity”, ad nauseam. With a nicely, funded by the taxpayer thank you, trip to the trough every time the music stops.
No, it is none of the above, the BBC exists in the plural, there at least two of them.
#1 The disgusting home for traitors with which we are only to familiar.
#2 The “fair” one only existing in the lefty minds.
The Telegraph; “Quebec mosque shooting: Student charged with six counts of murder over gun attack in mosque”
TruthSeeker; “Some brave Canadian patriots joining the most desirable process of expelling members of the nastiest organisation in history from the Occident.
Most welcome.”
“members of the nastiest organisation in history”
What is inaccurate about this statement? Please explain.
Sad that 6 innocent ethnic-muslims died ..A MONTH ago
Yet every day magnitudes more Muslims are killed by other Muslims …. #AllLivesMatter
– “18 Feb 2017 – Kabul: The UN has condemned the killing of 12 Afghans, including eight children returning from school, by a roadside bomb”
– “At least 88 martyred in bombing at Lal Shahbaz Qalandar shrine Pakistan-17 Feb 2017”
– “A child was killed and at least 15 people injured in a large car bomb blast in a town in southern Turkey, 17 Feb 2017″
– Nigeria (Reuters) – Seven suspected Boko Haram militants blew themselves on the outskirts of a northeast Nigerian city on Friday, a local aid agency said, in an attack witnesses said targeted refugees preparing to return to their home villages. 17 Feb 2017”
Haven’t posted for a while as I needed a break from the BBC, and after my self enforced break from our beloved broadcaster and seeing their latest offering I now remember why!
“Enemies of the people’: Trump remark echoes history’s worst tyrants”. For added dramatic effect there’s a picture of Stalin and Mao
The sub heading is even worse…..
“At a different time, in another country, it was effectively a death sentence”
Very true BBC but we’re talking about the US, a democratic nation, in 2017. We’re not talking about a 20th century communist dictatorship where there was no protection of freedom of speech, so stop trying to conflate the two!
The article uses words like “chilling” and “unprecedented” and appears to be implying that Trump is a dangerous tyrant threatening the First Amendment, and his attacks on the media are somehow reminiscent of the dark days of the Soviet Union or Mao’s China.
Look beyond the hysteria and ask yourself who is Trump actually attacking?
Is he attacking all journalists?….No.
Is he claiming that all journalists are liars and purveyors of fake news?…No
He’s actually attacking the media “fat cats”, the super rich corporations whose primary concern is not ethical journalism but profit. Organisations such as ABC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX NEWS, etc claim to offer “News” but in reality offer sensationalism. They’re all competing against one another, political facts and news are (mostly) mundane and therefore not profitable, so they throw in sensationalism through opinions and spin, make a story bigger and more scandalous than it actually is and, hey presto!, you have a much more entertaining story and who cares if the facts don’t fit?
This why Trump called them “the enemy of the American people”, corporate media don’t do facts, they do opinions presented as facts, they then sell these “facts” to a largely ignorant population. I’d say he hit the nail on the head.
And whose opinion are you getting? The opinions of the mega rich, the people who benefit from the current status quo. Who presents these opinions? Rich presenters who either have no connection to, or have lost connection with, ordinary people. Trump represents a serious threat to the current status quo and I think this is why we’re seeing such hysteria amongst the media right now. They’re under threat from a president, who let’s not forget is one of the “fat cats” himself, but who appears to be (at least for the moment) on the side of the ordinary person. This hysteria has been even further heightened by the likes of WikiLeaks who have demonstrated the unhealthy relationship between the government and the press. They didn’t give a toss how corrupt Hilary was or the damage she could cause, all they cared about was access, access to the president and exclusives, very much a case of “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” and to hell with everything else. Enemy of the American people? You bet!!!
The idea that Trump is somehow a threat to democracy is ludicrous, he’s trying to open people eyes to just how corrupt the whole system is, and thanks to independent journalists who aren’t beholden to some corporate entity, it’s working. I don’t fully trust him yet but he’s certainly making the right noises. The corporate media are terrified and we can see the terror manifest itself through their constant lies and half truth’s.
Although the BBC is somewhat different due to it’s unique funding the results are much the same over here. You can see it in the complete disconnect between them and us over Brexit. We weren’t given news about Brexit, we were given opinions. The opinions of the wealthy elite, be it politicians, presenters, producers or even director generals, and the general opinion was akin to the sky would cave in if we voted to leave. Of course they believed this because they’re doing fine under the current system. They don’t have to worry about the effects of globalization, they’re insulated from the effects of uncontrolled immigration, they don’t have to worry if the NHS is under huge strain, or the housing shortage. Any of these problems can be easily bypassed…………if you have the money. Guess what? Most don’t.
Get stuffed BBC with you’re fake news and scaremongering, Trump isn’t a threat to the people, and neither are Le Pen, Wilders or any other populist movement. The truth is they’re a threat to YOU.
“…they’re insulated from the effects of uncontrolled immigration”. Slight correction: they’re not insulated – uncontrolled immigration = opportunities abound to positively discriminate and employ more of them, particularly Muslims.
“…did the BBC’s constant contemptuous attacks on Trump drive him to it and ‘enable’ him?”
Did a regular poster to this site help inspire Anders Breivik to murder 77 people?
Did you, Alan, try to excuse Breivik’s crimes by suggesting he majority of British people held similar views about Muslims to his own?
And now this site publishes the opinions of someone who describes mass murder as a “most desirable process”.
Bit late to try and claim the moral high ground don’t you think?
Max, a quick run down on how you think Islamic jihadism and its enablers should be dealt with would interest me.
Any ideas? Please explain.
Dear BBC,
Your newsreader informed us President Trump had delivered a deranged rant and gone into meltdown. My husband hurriedly brought in the popcorn and cocoa so we could fully enjoy the most thrilling spectacle since the fall of the Berlin wall. We expected at least a mouth-frothing seizure, following a Basil Fawlty goose-step.
What a bloody let-down! All we saw was an elderly gentleman who seemed remarkably articulate and in control. He accused the media of being deceitful and negative towards him. Have you perhaps just proved he might have point?
Frankly, we no longer trust your news service (which seems to recruit presenters from an employment agency in Islamabad). For example, it might have been helpful if you’d made headlines of the fact the Parisians have been re-enacting the destruction of the Bastille. I should imagine some unwary British long-distance trucker was lucky to escape with his life the city’s riots. (And he probably discovered when he reached Dover that half of Mogadishu had hidden under the courgettes in the back of his lorry. You don’t seem to be reporting much on the perils we face from the migrant crisis.)
Yours, a disgruntled viewer (no, I’m not going to send it!)
Why not?
Copy and paste.
Wait 6 months.
Expected result… filed for the future.
Oh, but you should!
take a screenshot and then Tweet it to @BBcNewsand other BBC accounts
eg @jonathancmunro Head of Newsgathering for the BBC
Beautifully written, so please do send it. You can then marvel at the way “your comments have been noted” and that “on balance, we think we’ve got it right”.
Is it me or is the Guardian planning to stop comments on the pearls of wisdom that they put before we Brexit Swine?
Fewer articles accept comments.
Fewer still articles give the number of comments.
I suspect they have been overwhelmed by the full backing their opinions receive BTL.
Still plenty of begging, apparently more people than ever are reading the Guardian, must be the jokes.
Is the BBC becoming more desperate in it’s Left Wing Bias against Trump?
Trump hasn’t been toppled as they hoped. He becomes stronger despite the BBC’s spiteful rhetoric.
The BBC are fighting on three fronts and failing:-
a. Anti-Trump.
b. Anti-Brexit.
c. Anti-UKIP.
Full marks for trying, BBC!
But I’d sooner not be paying for this Bias.
Pensioners and single mothers are taken to court by the BBC for failing to pay the BBC Licence Fee tax.
I’m sure that BBC millionaires such as Jonathan Ross, Gary Lineker and Graham Norton are humbly grateful for their sacrifices.
Well said. Beeboids are the pits. The BBC is a national disgrace. They are losing an all fronts and are like cornered rats. I am really enjoying watching these bastards suffer !
I am surprised at BBC Watch here.
“Ditch…. es” ??!?
BBC ME editor never had any and if he did it was lost along with Amelia Ehrhard.
Ha ! Bowen, just another BBC Fake News merchant .
The biased BBC is utterly obsessed with LGBT issues.
On ‘Sunday’ this morning on R4, the supposedly religious programme, we had 20 minutes of propaganda on the C of E LGBT conundrum. Spilt only by a homeless night shelter story, it was just the usual casual socialist BBC agenda.
The LGBT population of the UK is about 2%. Quite why the 500 year old institution that is the Church of England should be so committed to tearing itself apart over the narrow issue of church marriage for this small group is totally unclear to me, and seems totally disproportionate . But then I am not a Stonewall activist.
More relevant in the context of this website however is a question.
Given the BBC’s obsession with LGBTs, why do they not have a feature about how Mosques in the UK deal with this issue? Come on, BBC, why not? Are you frit?
The LGBT population may only be about 2%, if that. But add a few more percentage points to represent religious minorities, criminals, vegans, animal rights activists, unwashed students, extreme feminists and so on, and you might just have a coalition large enough to determine the outcome of an election. It didn’t work for Hillary Clinton, but the BBC and friends spend a lot of effort constantly trying to invent/exploit other groups who can be brought (or bought) onboard.
You should have added ‘BBC luvvies’ to your minority list!
I share your concern, certanly about the statist broadcaster’s methods. Bur the get -out-of-jail for the likes of you, me, and many readers, is that many belonging to one of your groups also belong to several others, yet only have one vote. One can envisage a feminist vegan Lesbian who works for the bBBC, for instance.
Sluff, Ian
I see you are touching on Intersectionalism, a BBC luvvies’ topic. It is supposed to be about the relationships between different groups seeking justice, but in reality it is about etablishing a hierarchy of oppression and the oppressors who need to be removed. And these are – white folk who are living off the backs of oppressed blacks.
Check this weekend’s Vegan Conference in Brighton which has a Vegan Intersectionality day. You might think that being a vegan and encouraging it is about defending animals from meat eaters.
Wrong. Its about combating whitey.
‘Amongst the topics to be discussed at the summit is the current surge and acceptance of alt-right vegan groups, the history of veganism in the non-Western world, how these cultures are treated in the movement today, how whiteness became the norm in the vegan community and why this is harmful. Eshe Kiama Zuri, political activist, social campaigner and the owner of Yemoja Foods – a fully vegan British-Caribbean catering business – dissects what intersectionality means and how it’s important in our current unstable political climate to build safe spaces for (especially marginalised) vegans and veganism to move forward.’
So there you have it. Eating Linda MacCartney’s vegan sausages shows that you are a RACIST.
Don’t mention Halal meat – that is OK if you are an intersectional lesbian, gay, anti fascist, anti Islamophobic, anti Trump, Vegan
That is just surreal. It just had to be in Brighton, didn’t it?
After I followed one of the links from here to Radio 4 catch-up, I was offered a chance to take part in a BBC survey. I took it, of course. Quite enjoyed it, hehe.
One of the first questions was about my gender. Naturally I – straight and happily married with children for 25 years – ticked “Other”. Just because.
Never ask the Muslims what THEY think of same sex marriage do they?
THIS is Islamophobia I`d have thought-I`d like to know their views, and get a wide range of opinions on it.
Why ever not Beeb?
I’ve been wondering for a while: in the wonderful world of diversity and equality, where do women stand on the question of having four husbands at once?
Do we have to convert to avoid bigamy laws? Or is it not possible, as we are victims of a repressive, divisive State that oppresses women? Perhaps the BBC would like to take up this tangled web.
Think you`ve got your cause Stella!
Be passionate and forever sticking your beak into fellow-imagined victims of multiple marriages.
I myself think I was a victim, and would love to join your campaign to get polypartners their long-thwarted human rights.
I perceive us both to be sufferers of this genetic aberration to be diagnosed-and demand portaloos to be now made with linking tunnels so multiple wives can share a hankie at Glasto without vacating the loo.
It might indeed be fun, ChrisH. I will have to think carefully about my numerous prospective husbands. I’ll want to make them BBC friendly, a right old pickle of a melting pot.
First and current – only – husband will kick off the oppression by objecting. But stuff his rights: he’s white, male and boring enough that he pays his taxes! Looking to the others, I’m thinking…a glamorous, savvy Aga Khan-type who can play oppressed and confused, a ruthless Chinese logistician of famous Communist stock and a pouting Italian male model. On second thoughts, perhaps the model could be gender-neutral.
I could travel between studios with my entourage demanding taxpayers fund five hotel bedrooms for overnight stays – the boys will bicker if I show favouritism – and then we can all wail about our right to live as we choose and without discrimination, and the heart-rending way we are not allowed a legal polygamous marriage.
Then I’ll have a photogenic weep about how exhausted I am because it’s all just not FAIR.
Got to be shares on this one-can I get in on the ground floor and agitate from Wessex?
Our local university(ie me and a few pals) will happily write the report that shows widespread discrimination at this previously unknown grievance farm…shame on the BBC for ignoring our pleas and wailings now since-I dunno 2007 maybe?
Usual agency fees and conditions apply, but Max Clifford is off the market now-so I`m free ( to quote John Binman!)
Excellent news, Chris. Every grievance needs an academic report. My people will be in touch with your people.
Make sure your group is branded as a think tank with a neutral name – Centre for Marriage Policy, or some such – but that your website makes it clear that it is a progressive initiative, with funding from the Clinton Foundation. BBC will not be able to resist being lured in!
BBC Radio News tells me this morning that Trump’s speech in Florida was in defence of his presidential performance.
That’s the BBC for you. The constant insidious editorialising with their choice of words. But of course they are really impartial??!
Beeboids are such dickheads that they think they are the most important people in the world and that the President of the USA has to defend himself against their attacks. They are increasingly useless and irrelevant.