Anyone who is concerned about mass, uncontrolled immigration, those of you whom the BBC suggests might be spiteful, drunken Far Right Nazis who want to gas immigrants in concentration camps, feel free to have your say about the BBC’s world view on the new open thread….
Oh..and don’t feel that the BBC is singling you out for special treatment…oh no…Trump and his supporters get tarred with the same brush as well…H/T Craig at Is the BBC Biased?…From the BBC…
Mr Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and policy have led to comparisons, from some quarters, with the rise of the Nazi party in Germany….The US president’s use of “enemies of the people” raises unavoidable echoes of some of history’s most murderous dictators.
The BBC really is a disgrace…this is genuine hate crime against leave voters and Trumpers, demonising them and giving licence to the alt-left thugs to attack them….let’s not forget a Brit already tried to kill Trump…did the BBC’s constant contemptuous attacks on Trump drive him to it and ‘enable’ him?
The BBC is the enemy of the people, of free speech, of a truly democratic and liberal state. It serves the ‘Liberal’ elite’s dictatorship. To the BBC ‘The People’ are the enemy, to be suppressed, censored and silenced. ‘Populism’, ie democracy, is unacceptable to the BBC.
Institutional Trumpophobia at the BBC
The newspaper review on BBC tv news this morning appears to take the theme of new technologies.
The guest, a tech commentator and personable black chap dressed like Craig Charles from Red Dwarf (dreadlocks and combat jacket – but hey, that’s cool, it’s diverse and it’s young and happening – actually a throwback to the 1980s and more like Dad’s idea of cool.. but again hey ho).
The main news report of interest is about robots doing all the menial jobs. You have to smile when our tech guy Dan explains to his hosts – two interchangable examples of the many identical BBC feisty female and beta male sofa bots – that their jobs are ok because they love doing them (and safe too presumable is his job) so overall this must be a good idea – no fear they will ever be robotised – what a laugh.
Anyway, guest what… Big State could step in and pay all the useless prols a ‘social wage’. Another smile when we learn the place where this utopian idea is being tried out. Yes you guessed – think of the very whitest place on planet earth – Finland.
As I made clear this guest named Dan was a personable enough chap but he obviously knows what’s expected when he enters an institution that has an office culture of prejudice and bias.
For his last newspaper snippet (from the left-leaning Observer) we get a slow news day magazine-type report on handshakes. “If you have a firm handshake you are more likely to have been a bully at school” – can you guess yet where this is going?
BBC newspaper review guest Dan: “I’m not saying Trump is a bully.. but this report does”
Gary Kasparov on Andrew Marr to talk about Trump and Russia. What the fuck does he know? He is a chess player who hates Putin! They keep trying to flog that dead horse of the Flynn resignation, who had some tenuous link to Russia, did he read some Dostoyevsky once or something? The BBC is a disgrace.
Kasparov is a highly intelligent man who actually knows quite a lot . He’s also very brave because Putin has not hesitated to murder his opponents whether in Moscow, London or elsewhere around the world . Putin is a vicious dictator of what, thankfully, is only a medium sized economy . However he runs a corrupt gangster society that has impoverished its ordinary citizens as well as destabilising any country that may want to become part of the West.
Yep, Kasparov is a hero who knows where all too many of the bodies are buried in Russian politics and beyond.
That`s not to say that he`s the whole package-may well be flawed, but his courage and awareness of how and why Putins Russia is going where it is, is to be respected.
Reading Russian history tells you much more though, and I still think that Yeltsin was their Trump-and we failed to back his brave efforts to create a Euro democracy. We had the chance-but we sent them Armand Hammer,cosied up to Maxwell and George Bush Snr and pissed the “peace dividend” into the Gulf sands.
Still though-we`e got a Chelsea team doing OK-so the liberals nearby will stay stupid.
Yep not a crime to platform Kasparov.
.. The crime is that the BBC routinely de-platforms the counterside non-LibMob voices.
“Mr Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and policy have led to comparisons, from some quarters, with the rise of the Nazi party in Germany.”
From some quarters, or to be precise, from three quarters of our own bbc news ‘writers’.
Why do I feel sick to my stomach when I see and hear Peter Mandelshite? He really comes across as a nasty little man – even makes Uriah Heep nice!!
Fail to worry, Soap!
Most people who don’t bother with politicians saw this arsehole coming a long way back!
He’s toast really, and never will have any respect from normal voters who tell pollsters to f**k off.
In their ‘Enemies of the people’ article, our fair and balanced bibistan manage to tar Trump, Brexit and the Daily Mail with the same brush as Stalin, Mao, hard labour camps and mass murder.
Thus proving Trump’s point.
They add: “Trump’s remark drew comparisons with dictators Stalin and Mao.”
By whom? Beeb journos in the pub?
The article goes on: “Steve Silberman, an award-winning writer and journalist, wondered whether the remark would prompt Trump supporters to shoot at journalists.”
You mean in the same way the hysterical anti Trump rhetoric prompted a Brit to attempt to shoot Trump during the campaign?
Well spotted that item is clear BBC narrative constructing , not actual event reporting.
I tried to watch The Big Questions but have given up and decided on Conspiracy Files Unsealed: Secret Alien Attack. I find it has more truth in it then any of Panto Nicky’s shows
Clearly, the Putin shtick is a pre-emptive strike to discredit all those imminent elections in Europe that could “go the wrong way” from the point of view of the BBC. If you can slur anti-EU sentiment in Europe, you can indirectly slur Brexit. The Blairs and Mandlesons of this world clearly think they can lie their way to a Brexit reversal. A le Pen or Wilders victory would be catastrophic for them as it would clearly show the EU is on the way out on many fronts.
ID – Nail on head.
“Trump has called MSM “enemies of the American people”, which – when you think about it – is a fair call when (like Clinton News Network, Al Beeb and Clinton 4 News) their coverage of the election campaign was laughably biased from start to finish.”
Hi, Tony. We mustn’t forget those elite British advertising companies as well! They are mostly run/founded by gays/lesbians and often employee gay actors to do their adds! You watch some of their adds to see an anti-Brexit campaign well at work 24/7.
I thoroughly enjoyed President Trump’s speech /rant last night. He completely out manouevres the media elite and talks straight to the public. I find it refreshing and i love the fact that they so clearly loathe him and are made absolutely redundant. You might get a few snotty talking heads after the event but they are beginning to look tired, defeated and not fit for purpose. He’s lanced the media boil. His constant reference (and others) to the bias and “fake news” must make even the most gormless BBC addict question what they are being fed on a daily basis.
Oh, and at last, the Beeb have shown us war torn, riot strewn, arson inflicted Paris. Well done BBC! How long did it take them? And, of course, it’s being presented through the pc prism of the “assault” on a young man. The endless cliches about poverty, disenfranchisement, parallel societies etc. We all knew how they would report this catastrophic breakdown a week ago. Most sane people (I don’t include most Labour voters in that assessment) will ask the question about the wisdom of mass third world immigration into our once civilised countries. And hopefully we’ll ask the question do we want further immigration from these war torn, unholy third world dung heaps. Whether you call them refugees, economic migrants, or whatever.
And most of us will say no thank you!
Excellent Jeff!
10 out of 10!
Great !!! Trump tells it like it is. He is shaking their tree. And they are throwing their toys out of their prams. President Barrow in Gambia is watching Trump and doing much the same there. Except he is saying to the media ” you are free now to say what you think “.
Yeah – it’s Trump who is the baddie and not them.
I listened to all Trumps speech in Florida.
He devoted only a couple of paragraphs to “The Media” relatively early on.
Yet this is ALL that the media chose to report upon.
He said lots of things that would relate to what the US people wanted-and it was a great speech in terms of content and scope.
Yet he gets slated for “still behaving like he`s campaigning”-not feet up behind the Oval Office as Fort Hood gets excused away.
The BBC are DESPERATE…lying never ending.
Trump is correct. The Media need nobbling, and he`s just the bloke to do it.
President Trump doesn’t seem to spend much time on the golf course, does he? Then again, I suppose he got where he is by hard work and not “Affirmative Action”.
Sorry wrong link.
Thought this might be a trailer for SS-GB. Am I being too cynical in thinking this offering might be a creative BBC allegory for a “hard Brexit” Britain? Of course, if they wanted a realistic re-imagining what the BBC would be like after being taken over by the Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda, they could have just done a documentary on the BBC as is. That’s a bit unfair. The politics are different but the methods are the same.
“Am I being too cynical in thinking this offering might be a creative BBC allegory for a “hard Brexit” Britain? ”
I doubt that I’ll watch it, but if I do I’ll approach it as the BBC’s version of Britain in 2020 if Remain had won last June.
Friends! My Sunday round-up of tweets for the last week is now – literally – available! And as a special treat, my Blog also includes my good friend Saveed Miliband’s latest passionate tirade against this Hard-Right Tory Government for – literally – making it impossible for smokers to give up their habit.
It can be found – literally – here:
The BBC is charter bound to be impartial in its reportage.
On President Trump and Brexit they are absolutely failing in this obligation.
Marr show gave ,via Mandleson , a ten minute advert for Open Britain , he even begged for donations. No bias of course.
Good one – Vive le Pen:
Tony Benn on joining the European Common Market1971:-
‘The Referendum begins with the debate and ends with the peoples’ vote.’
Tony Benn was a Lefty – how things change.
Tony Benn was left wing but old school left wing. Not in the same bracket as the lefty luvvies of today. He put this country first.
I wonder what he would make of all that is happening today. It’s a shame he died before last June’s result. Great shame.
gaxvil, Tony Benn was – above all else – a Parliamentarian.
As for whether he was a true Lefty, there are rumours that he allegedly indulged in modern Labour-style aggressive tax avoidance, quite legally, but nevertheless employing Miliband-style aggressive tax avoidance in order to enrich his family. Lefties, unlike the people they claim to represent, appear to be very capable of accumulating vast fortunes but also holding on to them.
Maybe Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson, as well as Ed Miliband, would be capable of speaking more successfully to ‘the people’ if they were rather more like the people they wish to influence and lead.
Labour Party: getting rich by keeping people poor.
BBC News Rham – “A man has been cleared of killing an off-duty police officer who was hit by a car while crossing a road. PC Hassan Ali, 44, died in hospital on 6 February 2015, a week after being hit by a car on Staniforth Road, Sheffield.
Waqas Khan, 23, of Balfour Road, Sheffield, was found not guilty of causing death by careless driving after a trial at Sheffield Crown Court.
At the time of his death, Mr Ali was under investigation for his alleged role in the Rotherham abuse scandal”.
Well, Mr Ali will not be giving any information on the ISLAMIC “Rotherham abuse scandal” … anymore
It was on CCTV
\\Mr Yunis said: “He (Mr Khan -driver) then realised Hassan(victim) was the uncle of his best friend and asked if it was Uncle Hassan.”//,breaking-student-cleared-of-causing-rotherham-police-officers-death_21620.htm
“PC Andrew Burgoyne, SYP forensic collision investigator, said the cause of the collision was a combination of adverse weather conditions, the failure to see pedestrians on the carriageway and pedestrian’s failure to see the driver.
The IPCC said it was still investigating PC Ali, along with
(wait for it) … 53 OTHER NAMED PCs over their handling of CSE in Rotherham.
A spokesman for the watchdog said this week investigations were “extremely complex” and once concluded it would “consider how and when our findings will be published”
… yeah right … nothing to see here, put it out of your mind entirely, move along … I said NOW! move along.
This was widely reported yesterday. It looks like Beeby finally picked up on it 4hrs ago.
“California the Democrat stronghold bombed in aftermath of Trump riots!” 😉 (Give them time to work on it)
Put this on the wrong thread. I wish it was about the BBC licence.
I would like to live in a parallel universe where the below is a statement from Parliament about the BBC.
Shame it was Singapore in 2011. The description, including the part about using public funds to finance a private corporation, seems so true. The BBC acts like it is above the public and is a private corporation in so many ways.
Never mind. Back to reality, misinformation and omission of Trump, Brexit and all things non luvvie. Maybe they can come up with one word so they don’t tire out their fingers. Brump, Trexit or something similar.
Singapore 2011
“He told Parliament that the licence fees were losing their relevance. Many users now watch TV and listen to radio on the Internet, bypassing the traditional channels, he also pointed out.
The licence fees had been justified in the past as necessary to fund public broadcasting programmes made by free-to-air broadcaster Mediacorp as well as other TV programmes supported by the Media Development Authority. The government regulator collected S$132.5 million of licence fees in 2009.
However, over the years, many users have asked if public funds should be used to prop up programmes made by Mediacorp, a private company. They have also questioned if the amount collected was more than what was needed to fund public programmes.
It seems the authorities have finally got the point. Under the new measures, those who have already paid up their licence fees would get a refund from the government by April this year.”
Lots of websites are commenting on that BBC article likening Trump to Mao and Stalin. Just keep digging BBC! It is starting to look like a game of disgrace limbo. I thought the Kremlin Panorama was the worst but this is the best.
Tomorrow is the first anniversary of the death of George R, one of this site’s most distinguished contributors. I think Alan, to use his real name, would be happy at the turn events in the past year. Brexit would have delighted him. I also think he would have been pleased at the result of the American election.
For Alan, 9/11 changed the rules of the game. He had not taken any particular interest in Islam before that fateful day. But it had become clear that these guys were serious – they really did want to kill us! Alan took it upon himself to study Islam in depth and came across many disturbing features. It infuriated him to hear Islam described as a peaceful religion. What about the death sentence for apostasy?
Alan would have been delighted that President Trump is trying to do something about Islamic terrorism. We have a problem, so let’s give it a name. And then try and tackle it. Let’s not shy away from naming the problem, just because it offends certain people. Most importantly, we must never regard Islamic terrorism as part of the weather, as natural like an earthquake, and something we can do nothing about. For all his faults, President Trump looks like someone who would like to kill every last man in Islamic state. Now, that’s what I call tackling terrorism!
RIP Alan. You were a great prophet.
Thank you for the reminder. He is, as you say, much missed.
Sorry that I missed him.
But since last year, he`ll surely be laughing his wings off as he looks down on the BBC and CNN, Guardian and the rest…and sees that he`s helped grease the bottom of the Good Ship Liberal, as she slides off the rails and into its bottle.
Used to look like a battleship-now it`s not fit to pass as a dinghy in Brockwell Park.
RIP Alan.
May George R rest in peace. I had wondered what had happened as I had realised he had been poorly but must have missed the report of his death. But I had missed his posts.
Oh, this is a big surprise to me.
I had a few run-ins with George R , mainly on Islamic issues. But that was never personal about him, just some ambivalence in my mind about how to deal with the problem of Islam. That was many years ago and I have pretty much come round to his way of thinking.
I never doubted his honesty and integrity. May he rest in peace and all sympathy to his family and friends.
Well that`s MY stint done here in the saltmines.
Mark Mardell has just referred to a WHITE computer in Sheffield, that the Uni there seems to think will one day be giving me my weekly perm like Edwina Scissorhands.
WHITE-is Mark Lardell able to SAY that these days-surely black computers could do the job just as well, given affirmative programming-much as Mardell and all BBC stiffs get as the chip is implanted.
Good luck with whitey Mark and Unibummers…when I meet another woman who`ll let you lot loose on a hairdo, I`ll let you know.
Still though-their argument means we`ll be needing no more immigrants to do all those crap jobs like ATM scams and spud picking and distillations…so let`s hope the BBC accept that we now need to prevent them all from coming for work-because whitey in Sheffield will be doing the jobs for us.
Poor Mark seemed a bit flat-any robot can bash Trump as he does and at no cost to we license fee shucks.
But he cheered up when he went to a hospital ward to see another computer-maybe white, maybe not-but it had a boys face and a shock of black hair…if THAT doesn`t get the BBC boys damp down under then what would.
Wonder if it will be called the Savilator…Mark seemed it rather a Salivator, but you know their dyslexia tendencies…
It was probably a response to Sopel’s, smug ‘Impartial, free and fair’, comment to Trump the other day, but this Petition to scrap the licence fee and decriminalise watching live TV has put on nearly 1500 signatures overnight.
It just needs another push to get it over the line and make MPs debate the issue. If you haven’t signed it already you know what to do. If you have…pass it on.
I think that Lord Hall would welcome the ending of the licence fee, if this 2 year old article is anything to go by,
I think that if the licence fee ended tomorrow, we would still not be able to watch TV for free, we would have a similar model to the one in use in Germany imposed on us, where every person pays, not just one at the address, they have to pay, even if they do not own a TV set.
The bBBC should be subscription based , on a fantasy channel maybe. If they are as well respected and revered as they think they are, they should have little to worry about.
Yes but a tax on every house ! Hall is a lying twister. He should go subscription only. Very dirty boy.
I could hazard a guess at a few households who would not be harrased by any such tax collectors, Grant. I had a laugh last year, when someone from the DVLA was warning “road tax” dodgers that every street in the country would be visited, at least twice, this year to catcth those who do not pay. Aye, and I bet I could name a few again that would be off limits.
On the BBC News Channel following last night’s Trump gathering the BBC had a couple of talking heads in the studio. One, described as a journalist, was very anti-Trump but sought to dismiss Trump’s argument about the hostile media. He stated that Trump could not claim to being opposed by the media when he had just been given an hour of live coverage. Did this chap believe this, or expect the audience to believe it, when in the past week Trump’s appearances & statements have been followed up, by the BBC alone, with suggestions he a liar, mentally ill and/or the successor to Stalin
Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.
I honestly believe that the BBC current affairs staff and other afflicted media folk are suffering bigly. Their smug, comfortable worldview has been rocked, they no longer have the same power. They are projecting their mental turmoil onto the man who is exposing their hopelessness and calling out every empty argument.
Quite agree and posted the point about “projection” some weeks ago. The BBC and the Left are haters. Their whole bankrupt ” ideology” is based on hate, greed, jealousy, selfishness, dishonesty. So project all their serious psychoses on the rest of us. I suppose the only consolation is that they hate each other more than they hate us. Sad creatures , but dangerous.
You usually call it right, Grant! The way to dismantle their hissy fits (and lies and omissions) is to call them out, as so many clear-thinking posters do on here. Use logic on their madness, coolly and relentlessly.
The outrage, of course, is that we have to filter our so-called national broadcaster in this way. Just cannot understand why the Govt seems to have its collective fingers in ears.
Thanks ! Yes, the failure of the Tories to deal with the BBC, which is an evil cancer at the heart of the UK, is one of the mysteries of the universe. I can only assume that most Tories agree with the BBC’s Leftist agenda. But I do not know why .
“could not claim to being opposed by the media when he had just been given an hour of live coverage”
That would explain the massive increase in “BBC Censorship” regarding Science, Islam, European Union Governance etc. The BBC now finds itself censoring the Majority. Ten majority groups “opposed by the BBC”:
(1) Brexiters
(2) Tories
(3) Heterosexuals
(4) Patriots
(5) People from peaceful religions
(6) Nice British people
(7) People who have read an article touching on European Union Governance
(8) People better educated than advisers attending a BBC Seminar
(9) People without a degree in a Leisure pursuit
And the most unrepresented “opposed by the BBC” group of the lot
(10) People with an IQ above 99
Very interesting article by Peter Oborne – subject? – ‘Democracy’ –
Well worth a read.
Flabbott whimpers: “Had I known it would be like this 30 years on from being elected, I’d have thought twice for running for Parliament at all”.
Still time to reconsider Diane.
So what other “career” did she have in mind ? She couldn’t even make it in the “oldest profession “. She is thick as 2 short planks. Perfect for the BBC !
In the oldest profession she’d have had at least Jeremy and, erm.
Maybe not.
In my experience, socialists never pay for anything unless it is with someone else’s money. Try getting them to buy a round of drinks in a bar .
Oh poor poor Diane – Looks like shes jumped onto the sympathy funbus along with the likes of Gina Miller and co. Lets hope its suspension can handle it.
Shes quite happy race hustling as the victims to this are generally invisible and it is a difficult thing to prove. However when she sticks her bitter, oversized gob over the parapet and people react negatively towards her (and yes I am sure lots of what is said is pretty unpleasant) suddenly she becomes a sensitive and easily bruised flower – pathetic!
As for jobs I think she would make a good brick shithouse! As its dense and full of shite!
Actually maybe not – as a shithouse is actually quite useful.
Well thank you very much for spoiling my sunday lunch. I could just about cope with Rabbit, now Gina Miller pops up . What did I ever do to you ?
Sorry Grant – my vindictiveness knows no bounds as I am having to eat salad!
Anyway whats wrong with a bit of “twin girl action” – think they would make a great wrestling tag team how about “The bile sistas”
In fact you would you would get quite a lot for your money when a sweaty Fatbott is squeezed into her body hugging, skimpy white leotard. More like ten girls for the price of one! – Bargain dont you think!
Hope you enjoy your lunch!
LOL ! You need medical help !
Finally got around to watching (most of) the Abbott interview on SKY. As bad as the BBC, if not worse. The interviewer was so reverential she was almost on her knees.
Where were these compassionate people when Margaret Thatcher and her family were being abused on a regular basis, or Norman Tebbit for that matter? The fact is, MPs of all political parties have always needed thick skins. It’s something they used to understand. Abbott says she’s concerned about being attacked. Well Thatcher and the Tebbits were, but the only people Abbott could speak about were Vaz and (surprise surprise) the Lawrences. The woman is a serial whiner and racist, and everything comes down to race. THAT is why she is so deeply disliked.
Some of the insults may involve race, but they’re not about race. There’s a big difference. Unfortunately, the MSM’s obsession with race, and black races in particular, means that no deeper analysis is required. Just shout “racist” – it’s a self-contained argument so far as they’re concerned.
And nearly forgot to mention – her arguments are very poorly constructed for someone who is often described as well educated.
Grant, but look how much you would get for money. Never mind the quality, feel the width.
Disgraceful comment. There is no place for sexism on this site. Stop it ! Now, why am I laughing !
When I looked in yesterday, the BBC very kindly popped a window open asking my opinion on how they were doing. Having been brought up to be honest and truthful at all times, naturally I told them. Well actually, I gave them both barrels but was impeccably polite, avoiding any kind of insult, writing in a kind of ‘restrained irritation’ sort of way.
Their reply? :-
Thank you for being willing to take part in future research for the BBC. The BBC conducts online research throughout the year, and therefore you may not be contacted for a while.
Kind regards
The BBC Team
I’m taking that to mean they didn’t especially approve of my version of the truth!! Unless my ticking of the “50 year old, white northern male” boxes scuppered my chances of further correspondence?!
But! … But!
S Arabia is the chief exporter of Islamic terrorism!,
and now gets all NIMBY?
“Saudi Arabia ‘deports 40,000 Pakistani workers over terror fears,
So glad we ve got our No10 so far up SA s arse they can lick the breakfast, Prince Wingnut as a lakkie, and No10 giving them special deals on properties for services rendered. SA
the most obnoxious, throwback, inbred, Brit hating society infesting our towns and cities
The Pak.
Squat on Al BBC News
Meanwhile, Kurdish mourners gathered to line Heathrow Airport as the body of Ryan Lock arrived back in the UK on Saturday. Mr Lock, 20, from Chichester, West Sussex, went to Syria to fight against Islamic State. He died on 21 December during a battle for the IS group’s stronghold of Raqqa, while fighting with the Kurdish forces known as the YPG.
… (Ryan actually killed himself as he faced IS capture)
Always a veritable tumbleweed corridor as and when you make the point that all surrounding Muslim countries wouldn`t touch these refugees with a dhow pole. Yet seem more than happy to send the handbooks, mobiles, mosque plans and ricin recipes along with their “fellow-brothers in the umma”.
As yet-have never heard one BBC blimp ask this of a Muslim…why ever not?
Bob Geldof will house them. I meant the “refugees”, not the Beeboids. On the other hand ……
Billy Bragg, Juliet Stevenson, Nicola Sturgeon, Katy Perry, Lily Allan, Justin Welby and Patrick Stewart,
Surely there`s an algorithm here re
a) number of rooms
b) occupancy rate over the year
c) proximity to shoreline
d) proximity to mosque and other local amenities
e) Deterrance effect so others don`t bother coming….
and the winner is…
BILLY BRAGG-he owns a good slice of West Dorsets coastal path, and I`m told that Woody Guthrie filtered through a pigskin cap is a favourite of the Peace People.
“Which side are you on”? Billy,,,Billy?
Oh he`s left the room….
You and Oak and some other posters are determined to ruin my sunday. Thank God, I have a 12-year old bottle of Ardbeg by my right hand to steady my nerve. ( No insult, but you can stick to your Scrumpy ).
Did you see the recent Paul Joseph Watson post on these hypocritical wasters ? I mean the luvvies, not the drinks.
“Either put up or shut the F up “. One of Paul’s finest , I think .
Ha! “BBC Blimp”. Thanks chrisH, I shall store that in my virtual ammo box for use later.
Nog, have any of the luvvies started anything about how ‘we’ should be taking in these 40,000.
It’s an untapped virtue signalling opportunity.
Which one will be first to offer a home to any of these unfortunates….Yvette?, have you any space left, I know you’ve already taken in a refugee family because you said you would on national tv.
EG, you could be on to something there. I can feel a pop song coming on.
“Ooo eee Yvette, how many have you kept?
from the hunger and the cold
you spoke and were so bold
How many did you house, sweet, sweet Yvette?”
Needs more work.
I’m off.
(Maybe I could enter it for the Eurovision Song Contest next year? Just a thought.)
The BBC’s failure to report news can also be classed as fake news.
We know that they have singularly failed to report the rioting in Paris by Muslims.
We know they won’t go anywhere near Sweden where police recruiting is plummeting, the immigrant controlled no-go areas are becoming too numerous to count, rape and violent crime has gone through the roof and anyone who dares speak out about it is hounded through the courts for ‘hate crime’
Well blow me down here’s the BBC giving Sweden a mention, but not in the context that real news outlets cover.
Oh No! This is the BBC’s offering:
“What happened last night, Swedes ask Trump”
What follows is an ex culpa of the first magnitude. The most derisory comment being, “It saw a sharp increase in asylum seekers in 2015, with more than 160,000 people arriving. With the influx, tensions also rose with some isolated attacks on immigrants, as well as pro- and anti-migrant demonstrations.”
So the only crime increase in Sweden, according to the BBC, is “some isolated attacks on immigrants”
Real News? No, the BBC in full fake news mode.
Yes, the biggest reporters of Fake News are the BBC and that includes omission.
Another news item that the BBC won’t touch with a bargepole until they’ve got their ducks in a row to bring in a truck load of Islamic nutters to smear the head teacher:
“Headteacher is forced to work from home following death threats from Muslim parents over her ‘offensive clothes’ amid fears there is a ‘Trojan Horse’ plot to ‘Islamicise’ the school”
This is what makes the BBC so dangerous. With a near monopoly of broadcast news in the UK, it can ‘make the weather’ even more easily by what it chooses to hide than what it actually broadcasts.
If people don’t even know that Sweden and France are in deep trouble, then the propaganda has become invisible, like a deadly gas.
Spot on. I think that the French may fight it. They have experience of muslims in Africa as part of their history. Sweden, I think is a write-off now. The Swedes have very little experience and do not understand the nature of the beast. We are not hearing much about Finland these days, but I hear that they may be going the same way. Mind you Putin may have something to say about that.
I’m not the greatest fan of the French, Grant, but I wouldn’t wish on them what is happening now. And while some on the Right are saying ‘it’s their own fault for tolerating it’, what about the position in the UK, where a government of traitors hauled the Trojan horse through our very walls and yet are still walking free?
I hope for their sake that you’re right about the French.
Not a fan of the Frogs either, but they have some qualities. My late father used to joke ” Prenez garde, grenouilles ” which he translated as ” Watch it, frogs ” !
You are so right about the British traitors and it is unlikely that any of them will, personally , have to face the consequences.
“and it is unlikely that any of them will, personally , have to face the consequences.”
It is our job to ensure that they do. According to the policies of our sacred ancestors.
They have to be brought to account. But who is going to do it? Not the bloody scumbags in the police or judiciary.
Scum like Blair, Mandelson and the rest have to be tried for treason.
But no-one will do it .
I think Blair is in a Hell of his own making. He wanted to be a popular, right-on, reforming, PM with a legacy, now he says he can’t walk down the street without someone calling him a war criminal (or something along those lines).
Mandelson is just a tart. Benn, from an earlier generation, was a complete loon, but at least he was a loon with integrity.
Well summed up. My goodness, I never thought I would miss Benn ! I think the only street Blair can walk down is the Arab Street. What a slut.
I must be explaining this very badly.
We apply our laws to them.
We ignore their “laws”.
The laws of our ancestors have precedence.
Trials? You must be kidding.
Self interest will eventually prevail everywhere except Sweden, where they don’t know what it is. And that is not a compliment. They’re insane and, I suspect, a bit cowardly. Sorry Swedes, but I think you are.
Destroying your own culture through excessive altruism, and ultimately destroying your ability to be altruistic at all, is not moral superiority, it’s just plain silly.
Eventually, France will get around to doing what is necessary. It won’t be pleasant.
Sorry to agree about the Swedes. Useless. I have a lot more faith in the Norwegians and Finns. Maybe they should invade ?
I don’t want to add too many generalisations but I understand that some Norwegians have a low opinion of Sweden. Goes back to WW2.
Finns I don’t know about.
I have known a few of them . High regard for Norwegians and Finns. Especially the latter who fought the Russians to a standstill before WW2.
Also, I love Grieg and Sibelius , especially Sibbie. Can’t quite remember any Swedish composers ?
I’ve heard of Stenhammar, but can’t name a single thing he wrote.
Have to admit to being a fan of Birgit Nilsson though. Heard her at the Royal Albert Hall when she was well past her best, but still amazing after a shaky start. Second only to Kirsten Flagstad. Can’t think of a modern equivalent.
Norway is not so hot. Look at the Gatestone Institute for the 17th Feb. An essay on Scandinavia’s obsession with destroying Israel. Norway is pretty far down that road.
If the examples are true and they do check out then Norway could be the first European nation to embrace this BDS policy as state policy. As for Sweden we have all here considered it finished for some time. President Trump is only stating the obvious even if his example was poor.
We will soon have a list of European countries to avoid. Scandinavia and Germany and France perhaps. Tourist trade anyone?
Dave S,
I take your point about Norway. Guess I am just clutching at straws.
And still the BBC refuse to see how they are damaging their own credibility: this is exactly what drives people to alternative news sites. Which reveal even more clearly what the BBC is not covering.
“Spokesman for Oldham council, cabinet member for education Amanda Chadderton, said: ‘We take any allegations about our schools very seriously. The report into an Oldham primary school found no basis to the “Trojan Horse” allegations.”
No Basis? what with :-
“Death Threats”?
“harassment and intimidation’ by Islamic parents?
‘aggressive verbal abuse’?
‘threats to blow up her car’?
furious as “her dress is offensive”?
even that “her own daughters photo s are offensive”?
… no basis??, nothing to see???
One supposes they ve asked Islamic teachers, and Islamic parents,
and they erm, know nothing about it?
Hopelessly compromised and infested Oldham council, nothing to see?
The harassment and abuse deserves stronger scrutiny, compromised Oldham
council doubly so.
This is not a biased BBC article, just a moan from me about something on bbc2.
The Lake District: a wild year, should have been an enjoyable view for the hour it was shown yet I found it intensely irritating and annoying because of the constant use of the fast speed playback. Almost every minute the picture would go into a x50 or so fast forward speed which spoiled the whole programme.
It seemed that the person who edited this must have just been given the fast forward function to play with and done it to death.
My guess is that some young trendy editor who has no idea of what to do was let loose on it and has subsequently ruined what could have been a very enjoyable watch.
I’m not bothering to complain though, it’s probably down to fear of Brexit or Trump anyway.
BBC weather forecasts for the coming week return today to that peculiar moral imperative : “Temperatures warmer than they should be”
Someone please explain to them about the concept of averages.
Meanwhile still no Parisian cars aflame but that footage of a car in California falling into a sink hole is shown over and over on repeat days after the event.
Plenty about Paris on ‘Fake News’ RTV.
God those Russians are clever. All that video footage faked in a few hours!
I think there is a wider phenomenon than just the “biased BBC”. I have just checked the websites for the “New York Times” and “CNN” and if anything, they are even more hysterical than the BBC: anti-Trump, pro-immigration, pro-islam, anti-Brexit, pro-EU.
And it is not just media organisations – there is a political dimension to it. For example the BBC are not allowed to say “Islamic State” they have to say “so-called Islamic State” and that is by dictate of the British government. So there is a political angle to all this as well.
Diane Abbott is asking for Parliamentary Inquiry regarding the abuse being levelled at her and others on social media. She said ” If I had known 30 years ago that this would have come about, I would have thought more deeply about getting involved in politics.”
Well Diane, if only we could put the clock back !!!!!!
( But there is still time for you to get out.)
As a political activist Diane Abbott was the one flinging the brown stuff at politicians and she still does. She even slept with certain politicians in clambering up the slippery pole to power and now finds herself as Shadow Home Secretary.
Linda Bellos, Dianne Abbott, the Eagle Brothers, Hazel Blears, Patricia Hewitt, Joan Lestor, Joan Maynard, Pat Arrowsmith, Fiona McTaggert, Yvette(Boy Bisto) Cooper-Balls and the lovely Barbara Roche.
I have one of each of these lovely girls on my 2017 Calendar and it will be a shame when Feb 28th comes and luscious Linda will have to make way in the garage for Angela Eagle who is the March Hare of all dreams( a Bunny in fact).
Ian McCartney may yet be Aprils hottie , rather than Maria Eagle-but who knows?
LOL ! Some blasts from the past there. Is it you age or too much scrumpy ? Good luck with your calendar. Clothes on please, and I am not just talking about yours.
By the way, whatever happened to Tony McNulty ” The Forces sweetheart ” ?
Yes, Blairs babes and Browns Boilers was a golden age.
Corbyns Carers seem not to have registered yet with the lads in the garage.
Scrumpies for Trump maybe?
cH ,
LOL !! I quite like Scrumpy and Trumpy.
Greasy pole has a whole new meaning in her case!
I thought getting their five inquiries a day was Ed Millipede’s gig?
Despite enthusiastic platforming from the Graun, Sky, BBC nexus of weevils, she seems to be enjoying limited support for her latest ‘me, me, me’ attempt.
One can only hope a few editors of integrity have told her to peddle her victim narrative somewhere it could get the respect it deserves, like Finland.
Interesting article on the RTE (Ireland’s BBC) website. The government has been warned by its child welfare agency, that the child refugees they are about to accept from the Calais camp a) might try to run away to join relatives in the UK, b) might not be children.
Trump is wrong about Sweden; it is very peaceful there with lots of happy immigrants and low crime rates. No terrorism, according to the BBC.
So everything is fine in Sweden. Except, many Swedes disagree !!
I think Grant, that the BBC will be bound to know far more about what is going on in Sweden than the rather limited “too close to get the broader nuanced position” that Swedes themselves would appear to be seeing and mouthing off about.
The BBC therefore are to be taken on trust, the Swedes will thank the BBC one day for fearlessly telling the Swedes what “truth” is.
That`s why the BBC have a World Service…and why they lead Swedish opinion, but seem happy enough to let Saudi find their own way back to Saviles Lap. Lapland indeed!
Lapland indeed !! LOL !
And the Jewish population, Malmo especially.
Yes, and the Swedish Government is taking an anti-semitic , pro-muslim position. And , fully supported by the anti-semitic BBC.
Blimey, now the BBC speaks for Sweden too? Laura K is quite the cunning linguist.
And, guess what? Jon and his Snow Job are going large on this as well, under the heading ‘Trump under fire’:
“What happened in Sweden?
Donald Trump has insisted the White House is running smoothly – despite what he called the media’s unwillingness to “report the truth”.
But critics say the US president appeared to invent a terror attack in Sweden.
We speak to Jake Turx, a reporter for the Orthodox Jewish Ami Magazine, whose exchange with the President at a press conference last week made headlines around the world when his question about anti-Semitism”
It is to be hoped the facts check out.
The BBC speak for everyone. Show some respect !
Tugs forelock.
The wankers at the BBC really think we should crawl to them !
Regarding the “Sopel” BBC adventure into “Side comments” that reporters then consider to be “News” on their Twitter sites, I sent the immediate message to BBC News once I was aware of John Sopel’s obviously biased comments, pretending to be “news”:
Mr Sopel declared “[…] Impartial, free and fair […]”
May I ask in what way the BBC is “free” to UK citizens? We pay a huge, regressive tax simply to watch live TV, even if we do not watch the BBC.
This is yet another example of the BBC and their reporters being cavalier with actual facts. It is time it stopped. In fact, it is time the whole BBC organisation was seriously investigated, especially after my attention has also been drawn to out-and-out lies and propaganda about Islam’s “Golden Age” on your supposed “education” pages.
You are a very serious danger to British society as a whole. You broadcast untrue propaganda intent on undermining Britain and I do seriously wonder who creates and then manages to get these falsehoods published on your website?
A reply would be greatly appreciated.
[Needless to say, no reply has been firthcoming.]
Yes and as we keep stating, the BBC breaks with it’s Charter on an hourly basis.
We know it, the Government knows it, OFCOM knows it and even President Donald Trump knows it.
Trouble in Sweden? Nah, course not.
Just maybe not last night. But Trump will lose credibility if he doesn’t fact-check. If he’d just said ‘huge crime surge, rape surge, rioting and social problems’ (all under-reported), he’d have been unassailable.
Instead of which he’s given the msm enemy the opportunity to pooh-pooh the explosive problems in Sweden.
In France of course bibistan is presenting the rioting as a legitimate response to the evil racist police.
Meanwhile, in other news…
Who to trust? Who to believe?
As a rough guide I err against an entity that claims transparency but hides behind an all purpose exemption when held to account.
Which entity ? I have no clue what you are talking about.
Have to agree there, Peter. That sort of needless error gives the MSM its excuse to ignore the important issues. (“Sweden to Trump: What happened last night?”)
I’m pretty sure that article is longer than the one the BBC wrote about the rally itself, which was a masterclass in saying pretty much nothing whilst being able to say they’d reported the rally.
If anyone was in any doubt where the BBC’s sympathies lie, they need look no further than this line in the article: As British historian Simon Schama, says: “The real Swedish message: 200,000 refugees, no terrorist attacks.”
A clear endorsement of Mr Schama’s interpretation as to what the real message is.
The Sunday Times today:
-Front page about another Trojan Horse plot, this time in Oldham. A head teacher’s position had become untenable and people have threatened to blow up her car.
-Page four about the extra-judicial killing of British Islamists. There is a judicial review of the decision which will no doubt be dragged out for as long as possible by parasitic lawyers and cost hundreds of thousands of
-Also on page four how museums are being put on alert for an ISIS bomb in a suitcase.
Trump is so evil for not wanting any of this!
It’s ok, in fact your Muslim duty to, enslave, rape, torture and kill infidels.
They’re still not getting it, are they?
I do not think they will get it until it is right at their door and then it will be too late.
Got this clip re CNNs response to a Bush supporter telling Don Lemon(remember him?…endless free puffs on Channel 4 and BBC before Hillary tanked last November?)
They don`t like the phrase “fake news” do they?
So let`s keep drilling this into the BBCs lousy raddled black heart say I.
Shooting has taken’ place in Montauban in Southern France,
reports of at least 3 injured. Police have possibly shot a person.
BBC ……………………..
BBC Europe ……………….
BBC France ……………….
Mind you they have this
BBC – Spain pro-refugee march draws thousands
“Protest organisers quoted by local media said that as many as 300,000 people took part”.
Terror fears in France after knifeman goes beserk in town where al-Qaeda killed two Muslim soldiers
… mental illness? Psychological Problems?
MSM very quiet, which usually means ___________ (fill in the blank)
NTDWI, clearly, Pope Snowflake has assured us.
Listening to an old, “Archive on Four” R4 Xtra – from when Brown was PM. Well worth a listen. It discussed the declining quality of debate. Rolling news and the internet was blamed for truncated, sound-bite exchanges replacing proper debate.
You hear Abbott, when she first entered Parliament playing the race card and William Haig doing a great stand-up on the possibility of Blair for EU President (remember that!). Plus some very old Any Questions and Question Times. Point was made that these days solutions to problems are so much more limited and most debate centres around whether you acknowledge that there is, in fact, a problem.
Can`t resist putting up this post by Daniel Greenfield on his peerless “Sultan Knish” website.
Many of us here are clearly good writers-and there`s a lot of brains and talent here…but Greenfield on a good day takes some beating.
This article shows the chasm between the new Overlords like Gates, Zuckerberg, Blair, Soros , O Leary and Gates…and we the plebs who voted out, for Trump.
Having read Greenfield’s piece I think I’m going to have to dig out my old DVD of Zardoz. As I remember the film, the equivalents of Gates and Soros were living in their sealed bubble while the peasants were outside waiting to break in, and when they did it ended in a massacre. The only bit that doesn’t fit is that I can’t picture either Nigel or Donald in Connery’s red loincloth.
For those who’ve never seen the film the trailer is here:
O how the MSM will sneer at this. (if they can be bothered to report it)
It is a pity that none of our mainstream politicians could not ever be bothered to show an interest in the destruction of these communities of what in effect was the well spring of our own culture.
I suppose the likes of Merkel, Junker, Timmy Farron, Clegg and Corbin were all too busy popping up in a competitive mischief of splatt rats. Seeing who could show the most concern and be the most vehement in censuring Russia for bombing Isis and demanding we welcome in even more potentially hostile invaders to our own lands, to be bothered about unimportant petty issues such as the wholesale destruction, rape and enslavement of the Yazdis and Christian communities in the Middle East.
And of course our own world class broadcaster has also been far more interested in our enriching friends to spare much thought for Christians. I suppose being a Christian is pretty uncool whereas wearing a keffiyeh makes you look like Joe Strummer – that is cooooooool!
It says it all about how establishment loyalties have shifted in that the most concern for the Christian enclaves in the Middle East has been shown by the so called “far right” politicians such as Le Penn and Farage. And the most practical help from the “civilised world” has come from the evil satanic Putin!
I dont know whether to be sad, depressed or just F#####G angry. I think I will settle for F#####G angry. I will also continue to despise these vain, vacuous dhimmis who so hate their own culture that they are willing to lose it all – for 5 minutes of virtue signalling and a warm feeling in their tummies!
As I said in an earlier post WANKERS!
It would be enlightening to find someone with views you’ve detailed above and get from them their ‘rational’ explanation for those views. No sounds-bites, no name calling – just an explanation of how/why they have arrived at their conclusions. Maybe they know something we don’t and see a bright future for us and our grand-kids in the West. If so they really need to communicate!
I won’t hold my breath.
Gaxvil – all I can think is that – they all want to be seen as part of the virtuous “in” crowd. It just goes to show that when it comes to making important decisions many people are more influenced by vanity, and social pressure than common sense. Even when that wrong decision may well result in their own destruction.
Interesting Video from the Barrios in LA. The way things are going California may end up voting Trump due to the Latino backlash!
Also, calling people white supremacists didn’t go as planned as no one backed down.
Our BBC have been hard at it for weeks, spinning cost effective time-wasting trailers for SS-GB which starts later tonight. Somehow, unless I’ve missed it – which is always possible under mind-numbing repetition – they seem to have missed mentioning that it’s all based on a book by Len Deighton, published nearly 40 years ago in 1978.
Then again, by keeping shtum they might get away with the impression it’s all a typical topical Brexit-based doomsday scenario…sort of accidentally. What I don’t get is how they’ll manage to weave a childish megalomaniac US President and several ultra-right European politicians into the storyline. Have Ken Loach and Danny Boyle both been in on the re-write?
The sad thing is that it took Amazon making an adaptation of The Man In The High Castle, to get them to do it. How we can have had a writer as good as Deighton being ignored by the one company with the money to do him justice is a story in itself.
That’s the sort of programme I would have been very interested to watch until recently. No longer. If the BBC has made it I will not watch it because waiting for the virtue-signalling lefty references, subtle and not so subtle will spoil it for me. Plus the inevitable “hero” who, despite the action being set in the 1940s, holds all the correct 21st century views to contrast with his stupid bosses stuck in the past.
Well, yes. I agree, so what I’m going to do is record it and if the general view is that it is as bad as you fear (and as I also suspect it will be) then I’ll simply wipe it without watching.
My hope is that they won’t have had the effrontery to tamper too much with the original. Then again, this is the BBC we’re talking about.
Roland – I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if they have a black, transgender hijab-wearing Wehrmacht officer in a wheelchair, who is really a heroic double agent working for for the Allies and who has so far escaped the attention of the Gestapo.
I suppose the hijab at least shows the wearer had the correct attitude to the Jewish question.
The hideous whiteness of the national myths has been a cause of concern to the BBC for ages. The earlier series of Robin Hood were great examples of the ahistorical ethnic. Black friars really were friars that were black. There were always Saracens with exceptional knowledge of medicine, explosives etc, putting the backward natives to shame. The only gay in the forest also made an appearance. Spot the incongruent ethic is a great game to play with children so they get what the BBC is all about from an early age.
Beltane, just don’t bother to watch it!
It’ll be the usual rubbish from second-rate actors spouting end-of-term-play-like lines, and will be pathetic!
I’m so happy that I can disregard everything they try and produce, and also extremely angry that I have to pay for the crap.
I had a discussion with someone I knew vaguely in a pub on Friday evening. I slated the BBC as usual, then discovered much later that he was an ex-BBC journalist. Usually, I worry that I may have upset someone; this time, I punched the air and shouted ‘Yaaaaaah’!
Great feeling and will do the same very soon, hopefully. Maybe he’ll listen.
BBC Sweden correspondent:
No riots here, just Trump’s fake news.
Set out below is the section of the transcript of Trump’s remarks (from the site) where Sweden is mentioned:
“Here’s the bottom line. We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening. We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what’s happening in Brussels. You look at what’s happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris. We’ve allowed thousands and thousands of people into our country and there was no way to vet those people. There was no documentation. There was no nothing. So we’re going to keep our country safe.”
Hardly a specific allegation of a terrorist attack occurring in Sweden or anywhere else last night is it? Frankly I don’t know what he’s saying specifically but generally he’s pointing out what Islamic immigration is doing to Europe. And the MSM has gone ballistic – I wonder why. If this is all they can come up with, I reckon Trump is in the White House for the full 8 years.
Unbongo I notice how they didn’t call him out over Paris, only Sweden..
Clearly the bibistan et al think they’ve had the better over Trump on his Sweden reference. No doubt confirmed beeboids will simply sneer, but perhaps some independently minded people will actually do a quick google and find the truth of what’s going on in that once peaceful, prosperous country.
In which case yet again the msm will have done Trump’s work for him of getting people to think for themselves, disbelieve the msm, and wake up to what’s happening in the world.
peter, you have more faith in the public than I do. I hope you are right!