Rather sickening juxtaposition today as the BBC gives Jo Cox’s husband airtime to publicise his street party memorial for his wife, the killer of whom, Thomas Mair, was described as a Far-Right neo-Nazi extremist. No mention of his well documented mental health problems whilst the BBC’s first reaction for a Muslim terrorist is to loudly blame ‘mental health’, and no interviews with any of his family or friends to inform us of all the terrible problems he suffered in life that may have ‘driven’ him to murder Jo Cox.
In contrast we have a Muslim terrorist who set out to kill as many people as possible and who has done God knows what during his time with the Islamic State, mass murder, rape, torture?, and the BBC are feeding us stories from his family and his lawyers that are intended to help us understand his life, to explain his ‘radicalisation’, to help us sympathise with the poor fellow. The BBC has always been a backer of these Guantanamo detainees, Begg’s father practically lived at the BBC, no doubt sharing a dressing room with Phil Shiner. The BBC, always keen to see British troops locked up, always ready to smooth the way for Jihadi terrorists.
A Far-Right terrorist is an evil bastard. A Muslim terrorist is a victim of the British State and society…and is in fact someone to be looked up to and admired…like Churchill, Mandela or Gandhi [Mark Easton ©]….and if they kill Jews…well what’s the problem?…look at what Israel is doing in Gaza [Tom Wilcox ©].
We`ve never been given the whole story re Thomas Mair have we?
Nor will we ever get it for THIS electoral cycle anyway.
But I saw him as an OCD oddbod whose NHS drop in psychiatric clinic was closed when he`d called the night before for his medication.
That`s not to say that it`s true-but that the BBC etc refuse to give us the WHOLE story so they can create a myth for themselves is pretty despicable.
Fake News-but what else?
I have never seen any explaination as to how Mair acquired the stolen rifle. The would have been a key piece of evidence for the alleged conspiracy – but there was silence.
I also find it interesting that all this publicity for St Jo is the day before two elections that Labour is likely to lose. Once again Labour are trying to exploit her murder for political ends.
And the BBC are using her death to try and halt Brexit once again.
“Hope Not Hate Deserve To Be Hated”
Hope not Hate are getting by with a little help from capitalist bankers, Wall St and City firms, who donate to Unbound Philanthropy. Link here. Check their full grants list for the recipients of their kindness.
2016 Grants
Asylum Support Appeals Project £60,000.00 02/02/2016 2016-2019 36 London
BtB Education Limited £125,000.00 16/03/2016 2016-2018 24 London
Centre for the Study of Emotion and Law £60,000.00 02/02/2016 2016-2018 24 London
HOPE not hate Educational Limited £200,000.00 16/03/2016 2016-2018 30 London
Market and Opinion Research International Limited £30,000.00 02/02/2016 2016-2017 12 London
Migration Museum Project £90,000.00 02/02/2016 2016-2019 36 London
Modern Brit Ltd £50,000.00 02/02/2016 2016-2017 12 Guildford
Refugee Action £120,000.00 02/02/2016 2016-2019 36 London
should that be “Tim Willcox”? Soulmate of Mishal Husain et al
Dead Muszzie, Dead Leftie.
An example of the two beliefs whose adherents have acquired the worst human records in history, by several orders of magnitude, Muzzie and Marxie.
Were their deaths accompanied by profuse apologies for the blood soaked behaviour of Muzzie and Marxie and their followers?
Well no, for every apology extracted unwillingly about their mass murder we have thousands of paeans extolling their virtues. Absolutely sickening and completely predictable. £4,000,000,000:00s worth of death worship from the World’s Nastiest Broadcaster.
Muzzie and Marxie, I am glad they are both dead. The more members of their two evil religions, and their sickening, disgusting, sub-human vocal supporters, who become prematurely dead the happier we should all be.
Spot on Alan as always. When Muslim terrorists kill all we get is family sob story interviews from the lamestream, Left-wing controlled media… family members are interviewed and come out with the usual crap such as ‘he was such a peaceful and normal guy/woman who would just quietly pray in the mosque after rescuing a kitten from a tree’ etc. Not so when the perpetrator is white/Christian – he gets the far-Right Nazi treatment. And let’s be honest, here, what happened to Jo Cox was terrible and tragic but no-one had a sodding clue who she was before she was murdered. So street parties will most probably amount to a leftie-luvvie virtue-signalling fest with Lilly Allen playing free gig etc. We might even get Harriet Harmen, Diane Abbott and Corbyn singing Kumbaya! Sadly, the left are milking this tragedy of a woman’s death for everything it is politically worth, which indicates how vile they truly are as a party. Despicable, really. There are no depths, now, to which the left will not go to try and make us all feel guilty about how ‘racist’ and ‘bigoted’ we are… problem is, the majority cann see the far-Left for what they truly are: lying, treacherous, Islamic terrorist-sympathising, apologist scum.
A street party in Paris? Love the BBQ!
But no pork !
Was it in honour of Jo?
A mention about why al-Beeb are failing to report on the Paris riots which are happening at the moment.
Re our friend and ex millionaire Hamal al-Harith AKA Ronald Fiddler, question: why did his wife drag her 5 or 6 children to Syria to try and get him to return to the UK? I have an idea she went for no other reason but join the fight in the ranks of ISIS.
It would be a worthwhile exercise for one of the UK tabloids to investigate of how much her benefits etc which she is receiving from the state compares to a KIA UK serviceman with a similar size family, I have a feeling Mrs Al-Harith will come out on top. This does not include what is left of the £1 million tax payers money paid to Hamal/Ron now enjoying himself in heaven with 90 virgins
I thought it was 72 virgins,
have they had a raise?
“why did his wife drag her 5 or 6 children to Syria to try and get him to return to the uk”
well she has to say that really to make sure when she returns, she is
1 allowed in
2 not locked up
3 gets to keep all her benefits
Seems about the right place for a reminder of what is ranged out there.
Yes why would Brendan Cox be touring the PR circuit the day before 2 bi-elections ?
…strange how these coincidences arise
..Just the same how people seem to horde info which is slightly dirty and then release it days before a vote. (eg Nuttal’s web error)
8:20am R4 then 8:40am Breakfast TV it was clearly not real news but a free Newsvert for Team LibMob
A survey in Stoke said the top issue for voters was the NHS.
Now which elephant in the room UK media organisation decided to have a week of positive NHS stories a couple of weeks ago?
Coincidence or conspiracy theory?
I’d like to know where these so called street parties are taking place because from my experience Muslims don’t do community type events.
I’ve said before ,the full story of Thomas Mair will come out but its going to take a real fearless investigative journalist to do it a bit like Andrew Gilligan . He of the sexed up dosier and voter corruption in Tower Hamlets. Look what happened to him though. No awards for him I think.
Where are Mairs Human Rights lawyers? Clamouring to get his mental health issues highlighted?
As Daniel Hannan wrote about another traitor:
Our legal, political and academic elites wanted Shiner to be right. They wanted our troops to be war criminals. They wanted Britain to be disgraced.
Treason, there’s a lot of it about which is why Kevin Creham gets a year in prison for draping a bacon rasher on a mosque door (then dies in prison mysteriously) and the Moriarty of treason Phil Shiner will never even face prosecution!: http://john-moloney.blogspot.com/2017/02/treason-prospers.html
The BBC introduction to this segment, was ‘…the murder of Jo Cox in the days leading up to Brexit’… The deliberate use of these words in the sentence can only be to try and ‘link’ the two. However, this terrible event could have happened at any time, before or after that day, as the gunman had known mental problems which he fixated on his MP.
The BBC’s narrative was carefully prepared yesterday and this morning . If only Ron Fidler hadn’t been sent to Guantanamo then he wouldn’t have been radicalised. Do you seriously believe that? Anyone who went to Afghanistan under the Taliban, as Fidler did, was up to no good. I remember the Shaker guy who also got £1 million- ish was in Afghanistan ” volunteering ” for good causes. Sure……
As for the compensation, where does one start? We may have to concede, that because of the rank stupidity of the Blair Government, Britain was legally exposed and couldn’t defend itself for security reasons . But even so.. Did the Cameron Government have to respond so ineptly? Were conditions attached to this money such as no future involvement in terrorism and no transferring the money abroad or to dubious jihadist front organisations ? Did we monitor the bank accounts of these people? After all, if a law abiding member of the public undertakes significant cash or asset transfers, solicitors and banks crawl all over us, looking for money laundering . We are all suspects, apart , it seems, from the genuinely bad guys. Once again the institutions of the state fail its ordinary citizens .
or we could have just not have paid up, ever, ever, even with threats of further possible costs which we should also never pay
once these legal firms realise they wont get paid they will soon fuck off
You are so right on all your points. I have had quite a few bushes in connection with money laundering, all perfectly legitimate transactions, but you are made to feel like a criminal. How often do you here of the real crooks being caught. Quite frankly the Government and “authorities ” in this country, in all aspects, are third rate incompetents. Can anyone think of anything they do well ?
The below for starters.
Fiddle their expenses
Line their own pockets
Vote through their own pay rises
Treat the general public with disdain
Enforce with the full might of the law any minor so called hate crime
Fail to protect the ordinary law abiding UK citizen
Scary version?:
By all accounts, it appears that the UK is going to have an annual “Hillsborough” day! And now it appears that, we the suffering UK public is going to have a annual “RIP, MP Cox” day?!
Can’t these people let the dead alone!