Actors are mumbling and muttering their way through SS-GB as the inconceivable consequences of Brexit are brought home to them by the plot-line, and the Luvvies are shocked and angry…so much so that they can hardly speak…no, really. Badminton has seen its Olympic funding drop from £6 million to zero #becauseofBrexit…the exchange rate you know….no, really. It was on the BBC so must be true. Still, the BBC can find £30 million to provide the SNP with their own ‘independent’ state propaganda station.
The BBC, never knowingly ‘free, fair and impartial’…..unlike this new open thread which is all yours…..
Has it ever happened before in the world that the citizens of a nation have been forced under threat of imprisonment to pay a tithe to a broadcaster which works every day to denigrate their values and destroy their way of life?
Future historians will never understand the madness of this.
Rick Bradford
The present so called ‘patriotic’ Tory Government are culpable and it will go down in the annals as infamy.
Any Tory supporters reading this, what say you ?
OK then try this , are there any Trolls out there that wish to comment or point out the right wing bias of Al Beeb ?
Wish we could have kept a log of “Troll Activity” on this site when they did used to pop up.
I first came to this sanctuary in 2009, during the Copenhagen/Climategate crap at UEA.
Since the I get the idea that the trolls stay away with Leveson, Trump and Brexit-they KNOW they`re rumbled re liberal hysteria and wall to wall lies…so they won`t come.
They come when things are settled-but sense it`s going to be a torrid 2017 for them, so hoping that UKIP and the Tories bin Corbyn this evening…though it suits if they have to carry him round on his commode for a few weeks more yet.
If and when the Tories get a large majority they might get the cojones to do something about the BBC.
Its becoming increasingly obvious to ordinary voters about the bias and rubbish they spout.
I think people like Mrs May are stuck in the old Auntie BBC days .
It also needs a concerted effort from the people to refuse to pay the telly tax.That is going to require a figure head leader with charisma to front such a campaign and not mind being threatened with prison.Good luck with that.
Trouble is when pushed the BBC don’t follow through with any one with a ” name ” .
I believe Charles Moore made it public some years ago he would not pay his telly tax .He informed the BBC but they left him alone.and did not follow up.They didnt want the publicity.
They only want to harrass the little people with no power.
Totally agree. The BBC only take on ordinary folks who refuse to pay the LF. So the correct response is to organise a LF strike across the U.K. A sensible first step would be to organise and publiciseone of those government petitions demanding that the BBC becomes a subscription only service. Anyone know how to do that?
The second step , assuming that the government didn’t accede to the demand of the petition, would be to start the LF strike, saying that once the LF was replaced with a voluntary subscription , so making the BBC entirely self funding, no government subsidy in other words, the outstanding monies would be paid, but not until. I reckon that a LF strike by even a total as low as a few tens of thousand would be enough to force the issue onto all the front pages which would garner great support nationwide resulting in many more joining the strike.
The third step , should it be necessary, would be to announce that unless the subscription model was agreed by a certain date the accumulated arrears would not be paid at all.
It is utterly ridiculous – I think it easier to topple Kim in North Korea than remove the tyranny of Big Brother Beeb.
I still don’t know how they get past the Competition Commission?
I think you’ll find the BBC isn’t covered …. A bit like
The Post OfficeBT not being covered by The Sale of Goods Act for it’s landline telephone products and services….Look on the bright side though. With non-BBC online catchup TV, it’s possible to watch television legally without a licence. A few years ago this was not possible. Youtube has also made it possible to watch huge amounts of film and television archives free of charge. There’s no real reason to pay for a TV licence any more, unless you just want to slump on the sofa in front of ‘Jamie Oliver’s Strictly Muslim Bake-Off X Factor on Ice’-type programmes.
Also, the idea of BBC bias is mainstream now – interviewees on air are regularly calling out the BBC on its tactics and it is possible online to fact-check and get alternative views very easily.
So in some sense the tyranny of the Beeb has already been toppled.
You don’t have to pay the licence fee even if you have a television . Even if you have an ariel and connect it up .
You only need the TVlicence if you watch live broadcasts . Tell them you don’t watch live broadcasts and let them prove otherwise . You can’t prove a negative and you don’t have to prove your innocence ,they have to prove guilt .
Don’t give them the money .
Nibor, unless I’m mis-reading the TV Licensing website you do need a licence to watch BBC catch-up:
“You don’t need a licence if you only ever watch on demand or catch up programmes on services other than BBC iPlayer (and you also never watch live TV programmes on any channel, including on iPlayer).”
Wasn’t this bit of licensing legislation changed recently?
The television poll tax is payable:
If you watch or record live television (the definition of live being ‘at the time of broadcast’) and regardless of the means i.e. television set, laptop, smartphone, whatever,
and/or if you use BBC iPlayer.
You do not need to pay the poll tax if you watch catch-up of non-BBC sources e.g. ITV, Channel 4, 5, Sky, UK TV, or if you use a streaming service such as Amazon or Netflix, or if you watch DVDs.
The legislation did indeed change recently. It changed last year to include BBC iPlayer. It is a very important change and one which has not been explored or challenged in the Courts. The reason it is significant is that the poll tax has always been described as a licence to watch television, regardless of provider. But with this change it becomes specific to the services of a single broadcaster i.e. can be considered as a subscription payment for the BBC only.
Thanks for the clarification, Ian. So, no doubt that it is an enforced subscription business model.
“I think people like Mrs May are stuck in the old Auntie BBC days.”
From my own direct and personal experience in trying to put a wrong right by dialogue with the Government in respect of new/amended legislation, I am only too aware that the only thing that would motivate a Government to recognise that there is a problem is a stick of dynamite! Years pass and the expression from Ministers is, “it is only a tiny minority” (of miscreants) wears thin after a while.
The problem is, the system is broken and we have no one with the foresight and guts to seek to put it right. Same goes for arms of the State such as the BBC.
Nuttall should take the lead on this.
He doesn’t yet have a national profile and a bold stance on a simple issue would help set him apart from the other party leaders:
Policy: “UKIP will ax the TV tax and give you £145 pa cash in your pocket to spend on whatever you like”.
Al Beeb would have to publicise it under political impartiality provisions.
You’re right; successive Tory governments have not had the courage to deal with the issue of the BBC’s propaganda and the political levy we have to pay to support it. They now need to grow a pair.
The BBC is the State broadcaster. It’s very purpose is the dissemination of government propaganda, things such as immigration, multi-culturalism, diversity, globalisation, promotion of the State, foreign policy and so on. There is animosity between the people employed by the BBC and the elected politicians, plus they tend to be even further to the Left, but the idea of a Tory government ‘doing something’ about the BBC is a non-sequitur.
The BBC, propaganda? Say it ain’t so!
I regard the A-BBC pushing that disgusting narrative as a hate crime. A real hate crime, that is, not the imagined and invented ones by the A-BBC.
Considering how much political dialog there usually is in soaps – even the dimmest bulbs are going to cotton on to this…
Next up the veg stall operator gets a monologue on “10 a day”, The Vic goes alcohol free, the cafe stops sugar and salt on the tables etc., etc.
I wouldn’t be too sure. The most popular and long-running German soap Lindenstrasse was supposedly inspired by Coronation Street.
But, as far as I can see, the continual axe-grinding for fashionable political causes and painting the street as a multicultural paradise makes it more like EastEnders. Even the opening titles are in German and some language of multicultural interest. One of the story lines was about building a mosque on the street. Of course all the “progressive”, high-status inhabitants of the street were for. All the “salt of the earth” types who have not yet seen the multicultural light are against. Of course, we all know that something is going to happen – all the potential AfD supporters are going to see the multicultural light and again walk the path of righteousness. Neo-Nazi thugs spray islamophobic slogans in the street. All inhabitants are outraged. We must resist fascists’. Orgy of imam cuddling follows and the mosque gets built. In the current episodes, everyone is hiding noble Syrian refugees in their flats. Money gets stolen, unenlightened German inhabitants suspect you know who. A wicked German is revealed to be the real culprit. Apologies all round. How could we be so prejudiced! No wonder Merkel the Mad holds sway in Germany. Maoist agitprop was more subtle
I think you completely under estimate the fear that centre right politicians have of the BBC.if they realise the full extent of the resentment that ordinary people have of the BBC they might have the courage to take on the overmighty corporation. See a suggestion of how that might be brought about in my previous post above.
Yep, it’s the old, “Methinks the lady doth protest too much” at MSM HQ.
I was only ever a Tory voter by default when I saw Labour had lost the plot. Always felt you can’t quite trust the Tories – too many Merchant Bankers and Asset Strippers in their base.
I am a Tory supporter in so much as I am a member of the party. But not everything they do is perfect and I will support them as much as possible because I truly fear what would happen if Labour sorted themselves out and became electable. When I say electable I mean in the same way dear Tony achieved it – stuff any morals about what you believe in – just say the things that the wavering voter might want to hear. Neither UKIP nor the LibDems are electable and the latter certainly don’t have any policies that I would want to support. Brings me back to I support the Conservatives because they are the best of a bad lot and if Theresa can deliver Brexit from a position of strength I guess my support will grow.
But even when IDS was standing as leader, I asked him at a meeting about the bias of the BBC. Only got a politician’s reply but a loud applause from the audience. I once found out things about my local authority that I thought ought to have had a wider audience and contacted my BBC local news. However I was advised that the BBC wouldn’t touch it because they were fed so many stories by the said local authority that they did not want to cut off their sources. Same applied to the local rag – because the local authority jobs were advertised in it, they would not print a negative story.
Just who called it “patriotic”? To me they are not even conservatives and to listen to the drivel that comes from both Houses tells me that our education system is not fit for purpose. They rattle on about the EU but every word shows that they have no understanding of the evil empire whatsoever. They do not seem to know the basics even and they rule over us…..unbloody belivable!
Now come on chaps … you mean, you mean you wouldn t pay the licence Tax just to watch the new series Nadiya’s British Food Adventure, following on from her Christmas Special, last years Desert Island Discs, her series on Bangladesh etc?.
Surely that is worth the telly tax alone!
NO!, Oh alright!,
…… I ll get me coat
I agree, and surely this must end in the coming years. Ten years ago who would have thought of Brexit being here, so changes do happen. Having to pay them to broadcast blatant bias and insult more than half the country – is that legal?
Future historians will be writing in Arabic so they won’t care.
Reducing the funding of the BBC isn’t the solution, it just means that Jeremy Hardy will be banging on about ‘Thatcher’ 24/7. What is needed is a ‘populist’ alternative and a body with teeth to make the BBC do what it is supposed to do.
The argument that this can be done by controlling the money supply is false. Where do the advertisers on TV get their money? That comes from people freely buying their products. So how come Christmas 2016 was a ‘black’ Christmas, how come every sofa or bed is now shared by a multi-racial family, (black-white, not brown-black or brown-white)? Consumer driven by the ‘free’ market? I think not!
Perhaps it depends where one lives but in my experience the old ‘blacks’ from the West Indies are a minority of minorities, I see more on TV than on the street. The new ‘blacks’ are mostly brown, (the expression BAME – Black and Ethnic Minorities is an establishment lie, it should be Brown etc.).
So even when the media is ‘market funded’ the ‘agenda’ is still there – there are no aboriginal Britons and never have been. (Showing a pre-1950 newsreel is probably a hate crime now!).
“Future historians will never understand the madness of this.”
Never mind future people and historians – we don’t understand it right now and the world must be alternately bemused and amused by it.
@Rick what is the difference between the BBC and RT ?
One spreads disinformation, the result being to denigrate the the British culture and economy.
………………………………..the other is RT.
Surely the issue here is that the BBC is not ‘all bad’ I enjoy quite a number of their broadcasts and will be watching the ruggers this weekend. It’s their politically biased opinionated reporting that irks me and as you say therein lies the madness of why do we have to pay to have this shoved back down our throats. I would love to see the likes of Kuenssberg, Smith, Robinson and their cynical like exiled to a separate pay per view ‘Political’ Channel with a corresponding reduction in the overall license fee, using this for sports and other entertainment production such as drama, music, and maybe even some straight news reporting.
More from the mutual appreciation society………..
David Bowie was a true innovator but even he deserted Britain for the States. Funny how many of these stars make their names from Britain then go live somewhere else. at least he didnt lecture us from his ivory tower.
I didnt watch ,just another back slapping excercise that I no longer have any interest in. In the scheme of things its just not that important.
Not going to comment on David Bowie because I’ve never been particularly interested. What always puzzles me, though, is that I’ve heard so many outlandish claims over the years by and on behalf of people in the rock/pop world about their groundbreaking achievements, that surely by now it must rank as a supreme art form like no other in the history of the human race.
The trouble is, it doesn’t sound that way to me.
I think the mistake that many people make is assuming that sophisticated technology must produce sophisticated music. IMO it doesn’t.
Time will tell.
Seasick Steve?
AND he spoke out re the Scottish Referendum.
To nothing but cybernat scorn and nastiness. Hopefully we can remind the SNP what scum they are, as they continue to plant thistles as his portashrine up there.
Noted the Ulster Greens on Today proudly speaking of themselves as “free from identity politics”-and wanting policy only debate.
But their dolly didn`t bring up the Cash for Ash scam that the Greens would have wanted-and Mishal was hardly going to push too hard on a lefty green scam that brought down the Assembly(sic).
So then-we have it from the Ulster Flies-no identity politics now-no gays, trans, migrants, welfare wallahs, arts and community hucksters-no gay cakes wanting abortions on the mainland?
Oh-sorry-correction-when she meant “no identity politics”-she meant no religion, no roots no bible , no family tree and no claims to the land they were born on-just a wish for Enda Kelly to be in the Troika when and as Ireland gets carved up for the EU superstate in 2025.
NO Protestants basically.
What is even more funny is that the “celebs” feel they can then boss us, the People about and then claim to be all knowing. I sometimes wonder how most of them can learn their lines! Idea, scrap all telepromters!
I was thinking only last night how all of the loveable mop-tops didn’t waste a moment getting the hell out of Liverpool as soon as the cash started rolling in. Ringo and Lennon buggered off to America (LA and NY respectively), George bought a ridiculously massive country estate (Friar Park in Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire – staying true to his working class roots, there) and McCartney seems to have homes all over the place.
A working class hero is something to be, indeed.
Extract from the BBC blurb about the new Scottish television channel.
“The Scottish government had been leading calls for a so-called Scottish Six – an hour-long programme produced in Scotland which would have replaced the existing UK news programme at 18:00 and the Scottish bulletin at 18:30.
The calls were largely in response to criticism that the main UK-wide Six O’Clock News often featured stories about issues such as health or education that were not relevant to Scottish viewers.”
Does that mean that the SNP will no longer be taking part in any House of Commons debates, votes etc. on health or education, as it is “not relevant” to them?
I think it means the Scotch are not healthy or educated and prefer to stay that way.
I listened to the White House Press Briefing last night and noted Sean Spicer’s answer to the LGBT question, which seemed sensible and pragmatic, and drew no response from the crowd of journalists in front of him.
I now note the hysterical reporting of it on the BBC news and their website this morning and can only think … eh … WTF?
Meanwhile, Katty Kay is there in the USA… ‘Reporting’…
The programme ‘100 days’ is quite a spectacle. The reporters are either giggling with each other when they think they have got one over on Trump or are almost foaming at the mouth when sensing they have a new angle of attack. Quite disturbing.
“Am I wrong?”
It wouldn’t be the first time, Katty.
Unhappy listening on BBC Radio 4 with Mishal Hussein down the BBC rabbit hole with a hum, possibly also with a cold, influenza or laryngitis, on a taxpayer-funded, climate change-causing jolly to Enniskillen in Northern Ireland. BBC engineering woes continue every lunchtime with Grace Dent trying to make her programme series ‘The Untold’ at 1.45pm un-listenable to by broadcasting either from the same or a different BBC rabbit hole.
As far as I am concerned, she has succeeded.
To Russia with hypocrisy
‘Obama tells Russia’s Medvedev more flexibility after election’
[March 26 2012]
Obama: “This is my last election, after my election I will have more flexibility”
Medvedev: “I will transmit this information to Vladimir”
Labour Lord Head-Cold of the Lake District & Long-Passed Selly-by – I mean Melvyn Bragg – invites a couple of dusty maths academics, plus our National (Broadcaster) Treasure ‘Jim’ Jameel Al-Kalili, onto his Radio 4 show In Our Time to give a big shout of praise for medieval Islamic maths.
Except, we seem to learn, the Arabs didn’t – as such – invent algebra (they wrote their calculations out long-hand), there’s no material evidence they ever had any fabled great city of learning, they didn’t invent zero (or infinity), they borrowed the concept of 1 to 10 ‘Arabic numerals’ from the Indians, they saddled us with a 60-based numeric system making time and degrees of angle inconsistent with decimals, they didn’t know how to work with decimal fractions and they copied a lot else from the Greeks… and in addition (pun alert) to sum up – the Europeans rapidly overtook them in a very short period. I hope you are following all this – there might be a test later.
If the BBC meant this to be a celebration of Islamic learning I’m afraid I’m giving it a ‘C Minus’. They came out with the wrong answer, showed confused and inconsistent workings and I suspect they copied work that was not their own – and even made a mess of that. Do the homework before attempting the more complex ambitious problems.
Now if Mo had come out of his tent one morning and said, “Listen boys, I had this weird dream last night in which the angel Gabriel was banging on about complex numbers. I haven’t a clue what it all meant but one of you guys write it down for me”, then that would be Islamic Mathematics.
If some Arab has nothing to do at night but watch the clear skies and his sheep and doodle sketches in the plentiful sand, and in so doing comes up with a new concept in mathematics then, arguably, that is an ‘Arab’ achievement, (surely personal?). In the unlikely event that he attended the local Baptist Church it wouldn’t be an example of Christian Mathematics would it?
Yep! Soon be time for the bullsh-t train to come around again re – the 1001 Islamic Inventions … the Al BBC will be all over it, just like before.
BBC – Museum explores ‘hidden history’ of Muslim science
“From about 700 to 1700, many of history’s finest scientists and technologists were to be found in the Muslim world.
In Christian Europe the light of scientific inquiry had largely been extinguished with the collapse of the Roman empire. But it survived, and indeed blazed brightly, elsewhere.
From Moorish Spain across North Africa to Damascus, Baghdad, Persia and all the way to India, scientists in the Muslim world were at the forefront of developments in medicine, astronomy, engineering, hydraulics, mathematics, chemistry, map-making and exploration”
WHAT? 1001 inventions and the library of secrets eh?.
More like a couple of inventions and the library of exaggeration.
The Suicide Vest?
I’m getting it all wrong, apparently…
Thank you for contacting us regarding the BBC News website.
Please accept our apologies for the delay in replying. We know our correspondents appreciate a quick response and we are sorry you have had to wait on this occasion.
I understand you felt that the report entitled ‘Trump launches stinging attack on media’ was biased against Donald Trump.
Firstly, in relation to the way in which we refer to the President, we have over the course of recent weeks referred at various points to ‘President Donald Trump’, ‘President Trump’ as well as ‘Mr Trump’ (references by surname alone tend to occur in headlines as a result of the difference in style employed in this area).
We do not feel that referring to the US President as ‘Mr Trump’ on certain occasions is inaccurate or disrespectful. Indeed, it is in keeping with the way in which we frequently refer to various leaders and heads of state. For example, it is not unusual for one of our reports to refer to ‘Prime Minister May’ or ‘Chancellor Merkel’ while at another point in the same item also referring to ‘Mrs May’ or ‘Mrs Merkel’.
It is worth noting too that a number of other media outlets also at times refer to President Trump as ‘Mr Trump’ in their coverage, as can be seen from the links below (please note that the BBC is not responsible for the content of external websites):
As for your comments that we made “no mention” of President Trump’s description of our correspondent Jon Sopel as “another beauty”, this report does actually include video footage of the incident and has an accompanying caption which reads “Trump to BBC correspondent Jon Sopel: Here’s another beauty”. We also published it as a separate item here:
With regard to the segment of your complaint dealing with the order of our top ten most popular news stories at the time you made your complaint, I should point out that the Most Popular section of our site is a simple mechanism that surfaces the most read, most watched and most shared stories on the site at that moment. If our online audience clicks on any story, new or old, enough times, it will appear. We do not control or tamper with the list. It is simply a reflection of what our readers are accessing.
I was sorry to learn that you feel the recent unrest in Paris appears to be “unknown to the BBC”. Choosing the stories to include on our site, the order in which they appear and the space devoted to them is a subjective matter and one which we know not every reader will feel we get right every time.
However, it would be unfair to claim that the story has been “unknown” or ignored by our reporters. We have carried several reports on developments from France in recent days across our radio, TV and online services. Some of the articles which have featured on the BBC News website can be viewed by following the links below:
Finally, I would like to assure you that we value your feedback on these matters. Please know all complaints are sent to senior management and news teams every morning and we have included your points in our overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensure that your complaint has been seen quickly, by the right people. This helps inform their decisions about current and future reporting.
Thank you once again for getting in touch.
My original complaint follows. Mention of “another beauty” didn’t appear until much later, after I sent this:
I have watched the whole of President Trump’s press conference held this evening. You will note that I refer to the democratically-elected US leader by his proper title, not just by his surname as appears to be the norm on the BBC. Anyway, the BBC were quick off the mark with the news page referred to above but sadly you make no mention of the highlight of the conference: The use again by the President of the term “There’s another beauty” when the appalling BBC correspondent Jon Sopel was pulled up and asked where he was from. I laughed. Oh, how I laughed. And then I laughed some more. A priceless moment of live TV, again. And the President is right. BBC News is Fake News. It seems to be unknown to the BBC that riots are occurring in Paris. The police are in running battles, vehicles and property are being destroyed and many areas are now “no go” areas, but there is not a peep about ANY of this on the BBC. A quick check of the Top Ten news stories on your web site tells me that the thimble has been dropped from Monopoly, a Bishop pressed a wrong button, a girl of 7 got a letter from Google, oh, and “Experts question Trump’s mental health” ( which does not contain the phrase “President Trump” in its text, see above). A search for “Paris riots” gives me a page from November 2015, so not relevant to what is happening in Paris right now. Even going to “Europe news” tells me nothing. So just for once, how about you drop the “Oh look, Trump’s getting annoyed with us again and we don’t like it – mwaaahhh!!!” crocodile tears, eh? And how about you report the REAL NEWS, such as Paris, and not tell me about losing the thimble in Monopoly? Perhaps then you might stand a chance of not being the complete embarrassment you are to this country and those of us who are forced by the power of an outdated law to pay for your appalling service. And where do I get my news from? There’s this thing, and it’s free.
With the best will in the world, what response did you expect? There is no point in inserting more than one issue per complaint. Once the BBC is given wriggle room – it wriggles. Responses to complaints and rarely address the nub of the matter. Unless you criticise from the SJW perspective (and even then most of the time) the complaint goes nowhere – or rather straight into the “we got it about right” pigeon-hole.
BTW I note that the 4 website references given all concentrate on the “why?” and not the “what?” of the Paris riots. Sure there’s a place for analysis but the first reports should be just that: reports of what actually occurred. The BBC learned a lesson with its coverage of the Duggan riots. The BBC (almost) missed a trick by transmitting details of the rioters’ behaviour before latterly concentrating its coverage on the saintliness of an armed drug-dealer and serial criminal who was martyred by the police and is sorely missed by his family, friends, clients and the wider “community” in North London.
Great piece Lunchtime Loather.
I like these scattergun assaults on the BBC, makes them see how disconnected randomly incoherent and stupid they are-but ALWAYS on message for Soros and Farron, Chavez and Bin Laden. As if any of us gives a fig for their response-we know they`re doomed like the Euro.
Here`s some REAL reporting
Guido has an interesting report from the local ITV reporter on Copeland. Even handed, it shows both main party leaders giving evasive answers to direct questions. I’m not a fan of ITV but if the BBC even approached that sort of balance it would be something. Incidentally, has anyone ever heard the BBC describe a person or a group as “far left”?
“Moroccan member of Geert Wilders security team leaks his location to a Moroccan criminal gang.”
I posted yesterday that the Establishment, especially the EUSSR would do anything to get rid of Wilders and other ‘populists’ before forthcoming elections. I nearly posted that an easy way to get rid of these troublesome politicians would be to leak their schedules and whereabouts to Islamic terrorists and let them do the dirty work – but then I thought that would be too far-fetched, even for the skullduggerous EUSSR.
Perhaps not?
For the BBC cheerleaders for every Antifa, hope not soap, Red Tory Tory, Neo Lib ass wipe going – must have been smug faces all round?
“Mr Wilders, who was found guilty of hate speech over his promise to reduce the number of Moroccans in the country last year, tweeted: “If I can’t blindly trust the service (DBB) that has to protect me, I can no longer function. This is unacceptable.”
How many times, utter deceit, once again we find the same old story, it comes to Islam … simply cannot be trusted.
Sadly, as one of my elderly uncles used to say when I was a child, I was taken aback he was ex military, a quiet bloke really … never EVER trust a P-ki.
I made the mistake of saying to him , “you can t say that uncle Bill”. He relayed to me then, with sobering clarity, (I won t relay it here)his experience, his fathers experience, of being out there in partition time that at times you simply daren t turn your back on them, your life depended on it, couldn t get them to be truthful.
His closest buddy was Mr Singh, he was just as vociferous, said they had a book that made them insane.
Only my opinion, to these guys, this was hardened experience, not anti religion/racism/cultism or any other of todays isms.
As a footnote to this I watched Who Do You Think You Are last night and because it is the BBC the voice over is almost invariably Leftist spin. It implied that Muslim-Hindu religious conflict in India is due to the British. But as well a voice over it is about actual (as opposed to made up) realities, so after a section about how absolutely spiffing her relatives in India were because they believed in Indian Independence (nothing about why her relatives left India and came to the UK) it was revealed that some of her Hindu relations (who were landowners) were massacred by Pakistanis – who for good measure raped as many women as they could. This happened in the 1970’s.
Wild ,
I am sure that the BBC would point out that the British never carried out brutalities on the scale and severity that the Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims carried out on each other after partition. The details are horrific.
This will be a difficult listen-there is so much information and insight here that it`s hard to take it all in.
But-this is what the BBC might once have been able to do-but as the Left mourns Kenneth Arrow, let`s cherish this GREAT man-Thomas Sowell.
Great economist, but alive enough to have noted all THIS by way of cultural criticism.
Be warned-this can change lives, certainly allows you loads of time off from the BBCs use of language…all you need is a buzzword bingo card of your own devising and you can watch the fun, listen to their obvious wailings being noted for later.
Whoever first gave us all the link to Thomas Sowell here at Biased BBC-THANK YOU!
Along with the bbc, I’m incandescent with rage that the wicked Trump has stopped me sneaking in to the Ladies, erm, ‘restrooms’ next time I visit the US. If further proof were needed of his fascistic totalitarianism, this is it. Pure evil. Well I won’t take it sitting down, or standing up as the case may be. Brothers and Sisters and erm, LGBTQIAers, join me later for a mass demo in Grosvenor Square, followed by some rioting and looting. They have some very nice frocks in nearby Primark.
¡No pasarán!
Trump rescinds transgender bathroom rules from Obama era
Didn`t bother to really all of the BBCs claptrap piece here Peter. But-like the Scots and the BBC…these trivial and stupid stories are now coming back to bite them.
Mockery and comedy,Springsteen certainly won`t play places where gayloos aren`t obligatory-but you need only look at what HE insists on backstage in case HIS girls need the loo-and you can just tell what Virtue Signalling Hypocrites they are(VSH).
Just easier to send them out of school to use the portaloo, and shut them up-but they`ll not want them unless they`re pink will they?
Why didn`t I read this BBC story?
Well-look at that kids picture-she says under it “My heart is a Girl Heart”.
There you go-stuff William Harvey and Christaan Barnard…the BBC will faithfully tell us that a confused kid has a “girls heart”.
Is there ANY science still left at the BBC?…or did Susan Watts take it all with her when she left?
From Fake News to Fake Science in one mimsy hop….
PS Obama ERA?…ERA?…`ll be a geological fact in schools by next year for exams then?
As much as I despair at the Lefties, they have made huge gains by changing the rules of victimisation to make it something ‘to aspire to’. All woman are ‘victims’ of Men. Men are ‘sexist’ and trendsetter ‘transgenders’ is simply (taxpayer funded) order prescription on NHS (with Surgury). Men you can be a ‘Woman’, simply by dressing as one. And yes ‘Woman’, you can claim that being a ‘Woman’ was a biological disaster and claim compensation (from Men and Woman i.e. parents). To the ‘left’ Boys and Girls can be seen as interchangable parts – (even thougn any parent can see the not only biological difference but the pychological differences). But No, if your blind, deaf and of the left, you can persuade governments that everybody is exactly the same, same apsiration (not), same intellect (sometimes), same victims of circumstance (always Woman it seems) and same (supposed) identity confusion.
Except it’s not true. The left know its not true, but if you can make it illegal to say its not true then you can silence your critics legally using state legislation on almost everything else. One World politik. One global public company (for everything), One School (no alteranative and no private Schools). One Broadcaster (guess which one), One currency (that would be the EURO), One parent (otherwise that would be ‘sexist’), the UK birth certificate is also banned from stating a ‘boy’ or ‘girl’ as the state now recognises that being a sexually confused individual on benefits is now a’protected status’. And legislation being debated on Parliament this Friday (24th Feb) will ensure the US style ‘Bathroom Bil’ (as its called in US) is being introduced here to ban any the use of any term in a public space as it causes ‘offence’ to those have no idea what biology they are. Men (in transit) can visit a Womans bathroom space and claim it as there own. This is the kind of thing the BBC paedophiles can only dream about. Abusing both sexes at the same time, (Saville abused both sexes). It would have been Saville’s last dying wish.
Unfortunatley it is to become another Uk law on unintended consequences. You can vote against but Maria Miller (Cons) but she might as well be part of Blairs (New Labour) team. It can be debated but it will still become EU law elsewhere). That is how the EU works until we are out. It’s not biological or logical but it will become a new offence to criticise anyone of the miriade of (absurd) new sexes invented by the left. Last count 112 (according to UN).
Its not equality, but hey, we can all get arrested by stating that not everything is equal and some things are absurd and contradict (Biological) Science and lead to later Pychological problems later in life. Most commit Suicide when the medication starts to wear off. It is illegal for a Doctor to say that (in the NHS). So I vote against whilst it will become UK law. Because the BBC says that they are all victims. Indeed we all are.
There is an interesting and disturbing meme polluting the coverage of our very own home grown Guantanamo Bay terrorist, Ronald Fiddler.
Yesterday, Sky’s Kay Burley, mentioned almost as a throwaway line, that Fiddler had been “radicalised” whilst he had been incarcerated in Gitmo. There is absolutely no proof of this at all. She’s making a wild and unsubstantiated assertions. The clear implication being that until he was picked up by the Americans in a war torn area (innocently selling ice-creams / tending to the sick / or acting as a door to dung hill vacuum cleaner salesman) this poor “British” lad had no Islamist inclinations whatsoever. Just happened to be wandering around, as you do…
Before you know it both the Beeb, Sky, The Guardian, et al will be blaming allied actions in attempting to humanely house enemy combatants in creating the Islamist terrorists they always were.
And don’t get me started on the actions of his wife. According to her, once he had set off to become a suicide bomber, she followed with their FIVE!! children and tried to persuade him to return to Blighty. Oh yeh! If you believe that eyewash I’ve got a nice little bridge you might like to purchase. Only one careful owner.
Cash only…
Jeff – Selling ice creams? I thought he was on a wine-tasting tour of the vineyards of Afghanistan.
Putting restrictions on Muslims traveling to the West encourages radicalisation as the West is so bigoted. Not putting restrictions on Muslims traveling to the West encourages radicalisation because the West is so bigoted towards them when they arrive.
Criticising Islam (i.e. Islamaphobia) encourages radicalisation as it risks alientating the Muslim community. Not criticising Islam (i.e. Islamaphilia) encourages radicalisation because it reinforces that the crackpot doctrine is correct.
Criticising Islamic terrorists encourages radicalisation as it alientates the Muslim community. Not criticising Islamic terrorists encourages radicalisation as it embodlens their actions.
Drawing cartoons of Mo encourages radicalisation. Not allowing halal products encourages radicalisation. Not allowing a call to prayer encourages radicalisation. Not allowing sharia courts encourages radicalisation. Insisting that women are not possesions or sex slaves encourages radicalisation as it show a lack of respect to the culture. All these things risk alientating the Muslim community
Interveaning in Middle East dictatorships and bloodbaths encourages radicalisation as it is the West meddling in Muslim lands. Not interveaning in Middle East dictatorships and bloodbaths (or letting migrants in en masse) encourages radicalisation as the West is complicit in the the butchering of Muslims.
Arresting and jailing loony terrorists or hate preachers encourages radicalisation as it risks alientating the Muslim community. Not arresting and jailing loony terrorists or hate preachers encourages radicalisation as it emboldens them…
…It is almost like, short of accepting dhimmitude, bowing down to Islam and paying the jyzra, anything any non-Muslim says or does encourages radicalisation in some way, shape or form.
Perhaps one day it will dawn on us that maybe we’re not the entire problem.
Give children no boundaries or guidelines – expect chaos.
Give Muslims no boundaries or guidelines – expect death.
“Once he had set off to become a suicide bomber, she followed with their FIVE!! children and tried to persuade him to return to Blighty.”
That was my favourite bit of the story.
I was going to say “You couldn’t make it up” but then presumably that is exactly what she did.
In budgets the Government will blab on if we’re getting the odd £30 a year back.
Yet never a mention of the £145 TV tax.
And just because many do not complain DOES NOT MEAN MOST PEOPLE ARE HAPPY WITH THE BBC SYSTEM. Which other company does not satisfaction survey it’s customers and publish results and analysis? Name one?
Sorry Jeff, my mistake: the beeb have just informed me that Fiddler-on-the-hoof was actually on a fact-finding mission looking into the provision of trans-gender friendly toilets in Afghanistan, financed by our Department for International Development. Money well spent, I think we can agree.
Net migration still around the 300 k level, total immigration still around 600k, illegal levels unknown of course. Around half of immigrants from outside the EU ( so we could have controlled but didn’t), over 100k with no job to go to. Impact on NHS, housing, benefits payments, schools? Voters in Stoke and Copeland please note.
And still we get migrant sob stories on BBC and C4 news.
lib-lab-con it makes no difference they all want mass(ive) migration to continue
do not be fooled by weasel words
My 2 youngest boys have a new secondary school opening the other day. This is a £45m PFI Scottish project. They have informed me that all the toilets in this brand new school are ‘unisex’. There are no urinals, only actual toilet cubicles. Boys and Girls side by side and mixing when washing hands etc.
There’s a fair chance this is to avoid having to provide transgender bathrooms, but with them having PE today, I have told them to ask to shower with the girls.
Shagging in the cubicles, it’s going to happen.
It is time for the dads to speak out
We as parents could have our children taken away if we protest too much. If our children complain they will be called ‘bigots’ by social services who will blame the parents. The school will blame the parents and the local authority will ensure that parents do not voice an opinion as it could be deemed ‘offensive’. So its our ‘opinion’ against the educational ‘experts’ and political left wingers who have signed up to Unisex everything. What happens next we only have to look at the US. It’s called (middle school) ‘comprehensive sex education’. Its will be an offence to object to anything else that goes on at your sons’ school, even though we are parents, it now means precisley zero to Labour run local authorities.
Katy Perry was protesting Trump and May at the Brits – just like when Obama was first elected?
In America the ‘Resist Campaign’ continues with protests, disruptions and MSM jabbering – just like when Obama was first elected?
Well, who can forget the months of violent protests from ‘white supremacists’ and the ‘far right’ after Obama’s election . . . .
I turned the Brits off when it started because I knew some idiot would have a go. Katy Perry is using Trump etc to boost her flagging ‘career’.
Spot on.
God it must be sooo boring being young these days, having to listen to political lectures when attending concerts; are sadly short changed on the humour gene and being so bloody serious all the time about ‘issues’ and ‘appropriateness’ !
Maybe my generation were the last of the ‘fun’ generations, having a great time at concerts without being preached to (we left that to Harold Wilson et al), smoked a bit and had flowers in our hair, we laughed a lot and chose whether to be a Mod or Rocker – although Margate & Brighton got a bit bloodied at Bank Holidays! yes we protested with college types about Banning the Bomb. We didn’t have to deal with ‘diversity’ because if migration was an ‘issue’ it was mainly contained in London, Bradford, Wolverhampton and Leicester, so didn’t affect us too much. Alcohol didn’t figure much either, the lads drank the new ‘lager’ or Watney’s Party 6, and us girls had Cherry B, Pony or Babycham – wines included Blue Nun, Black Tower and the stuff in wicker baskets ! McDonalds hadn’t arrived but Wimpeys had, but we didn’t eat out much. There you go, each generation believes they had the best of times, but I know we did !
Friends! The third installment of Saveed Miliband’s Progressive Left pieces in the Far-Right Guardian is now available in my Blog. One of the pieces covers the vexed issue of the BBC Licence Fee which, as I’m sure all B-BBC readers will agree, is literally far too low.
Friend Lefty! This is your best yet! I have to chuckle when I read the commentators who actually think it is some sort of spoof!
Seconded Cranmer.
Support Our Lefty needs a berth here to accept our adulations-and , as we now know-his back catalogue of brilliant things is now emerging as a genre-dare I say even an ouvre?
Best satirist in Britain-and a real Zelig, Forrest Gump who was in all this at the ground floor as the rest of us floundered in his fragrant greatness-even loveliness for all I know!
Now Sir Leftward of the Weald-I have a book in the writing called “Transjam”-it is the story of a pot of plum jam who feels like he`s always been fine cute marmalade…and has long lived the lie.
His colour has been an issue to him, and he has long resented the label put upon him and his aspiration-and the bloody supermarket fascists and shelf stackers fail to accept his need to be put with the Robertsons fine cut.
Yes, eventually he gets to be “Coarse cut”-after many adventures on hizza “journey”…but this is not enough-and he tragically falls out of the basket(or was she pushed?) , rather than be labelled as mere fine cut own brand value marmalade.
The book is called Lady Marmalade…Savile Press seem keen, seeing as it`s aimed at kids-but I only leave my manuscript at your fragrant feet Lord Leftington…have I done good…?
With all undying fealties and fol de rol…Professor Plum of Wessex and the Weald.
I don’t read all his pieces but it is incredible by the comments how many people do not realise they are spoofs. Just how far does he have to go before everyone realises it is a pile of horse shit ?
I remember some time back a new poster here was puzzled by cH’s posts and I pointed out that they were very esoteric and only semi-comprehensible to most people and I meant that as a compliment !
PS I think there was one where he suggested that people who pay no tax should pay even less and someone commented ” How is that possible ? ” !!!
ChrisH, that book idea sounds good. You could include a Robinson’s Golliwog who has been pushed to the back of the shelf by all the white racist Brexit voters in the supermarket. Got to get the kids politically aware early on!
Cranmer-most kind my friend!
I now see a collegiate or community book, a co-operative venture.
Your golliwoggle idea is excellent-he`d be gender fluid, and possibly a shade of Obama/Beyonce/MichaelJackson-so we don`t get accused of blacking up as it were.
Make a fine lapel badge to prick kiddies in the cereal boxes
Jimmy Savile would have approved.
But I digress-let a thousand (Paul) Flowers bloom!
Is there a Gambian tartan available Grant?…if so, we could incorporate this on my porridge box I`m planning!
LOL ! The Gambian Police Band wear kilts and play the bagpipes with a very African lilt. I don’t think there is a Gambian tartan, but I shall check that.
One of my neighbours, Gibril, was a sergeant in the Gambian Army and showed me a photo of him in full highland dress with a few additions, like a leopard skin draped round his shoulders. Shades of Idi Amin, i fear !
Thank you, Friend Chris! I’m – literally – blushing now!
Perhaps we should merge your book proposal with mine? How about “Lady Marmalade and Lefty’s Little Read Book Of Literally Literary Delights”? But maybe we should keep away from Savile Press, which sounds distinctly unsavoury!
Anyway, thanks to you and all the kind folks at B-BBC who enjoy Saveed’s and my scribblings! Your kind compliments – much too kind, in many cases! – really are greatly appreciated.
Thank you, Friend Cranmer! But it worries me a little if you think this is my best yet – as those Graun pieces are all over a year old!
I like to think they get better as I go along … but you, and others, will be the best judges of that. (I’m estimating there’s at least a couple of dozen more Blogs’ worth of material to take us up to the present day.) It’s interesting for me (as I’d largely forgotten this older material) to see how my style has developed. For instance, at that stage, I – literally – hadn’t even used my literally favourite word yet ;).
You appear regularly on Speccie comments section, and you are the equivalent of our late unmissed troll ‘Clapped out man in Clapham’ You are welcome to waste your time here as you clearly do in speccie judging by others responses to your posts. However you will achieve no goals here whatsoever.
Jerry Owen:
Well, judging by responses from several people here – in terms of comments and upticks – a lot of people here *do* enjoy my posts; I wouldn’t post here if they didn’t.
You, of course, are fully entitled to not enjoy my material. But please don’t presume to speak for everyone else here, as clearly many people here do not share your view.
May I add my voice to those who have said how much they enjoy your posts here and indeed all of your material. You are a very talented satirist. I think Jerry Owen must himself have been satirising those poor demented Grauniad readers who take your expressed views seriously.
Thank you very much, you are very kind. Glad you enjoy my stuff.
I just seem to have a problem with anyone called Owen, although normally it’s when it’s their first name ;).
LOL ! Jerry, have you had a sense of humour by-pass ? I assume Support is being ironic and taking the piss. Surely ?
Actually, I don’t have any problem with Jerry not liking my stuff. Humour, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, and it would be unreasonable to expect all Right-wingers (I assume Jerry is one) to enjoy it – I know that quite a few don’t; just as, perhaps more surprisingly, there are actually a few Lefties who do like my material.
What I found less reasonable was the rather pompous and condescending way Jerry wrote, as though he spoke for everyone at B-BBC, or indeed the Spectator (which btw, contrary to what he said, I rarely post on – here, Guido Fawkes and Going Postal are my main sites), when he plainly doesn’t.
Anyway, thanks again.
Jerry is one of the best posters here. That is why I was a bit surprised by his comment.
Jerry – it’s understandable that you might have misread SOL’s comments if you hadn’t seen others where he explains that they are form of wind-up to those lefty mindsets. He’s one of us with a unique approach 😉
Teddy Bear:
Thank you. But it may well be that Jerry knows all too well about my particular style of writing, and simply doesn’t enjoy it all.
If so, I have no problem with that at all. Everyone is entitled to their own view on what constitutes good humour (or doesn’t). My only complaint was that he seemed to think he was speaking for everyone here, when he plainly wasn’t.
SOL – Since I’m aware of how much Jerry does support this site I could only believe he didn’t understand your true motive in posting the way you do. I believe he will read your posts with a different understanding from now on.
Perhaps you two can team up together – that would put an interesting slant on it – Sol and Jerry? 😉
LOL ! You clearly have a thing about cuddly animals !
Grant – How can I not?

Does a Bear shit in the woods?
How would I know ? I have never seen one !
Teddy – Thinking back a bit, there have been people in the past who’ve thought I was serious and consequently hated my stuff; and who subsequently have gone on to be fans. Obviously I’d be very happy if that turned out to be the case with Jerry, too. I don’t want to have a bad relationship with anyone here – it’s a very civilised place, unlike certain places I won’t mention, e.g. the Hard-Right Breitbart!
SOL – I’d have thought that it would have been part of the attraction to adopt the cloak you do.
I’d be ripping you a new AR-SOL about your Breitbart comment but after Grant’s comment I’m going to get cuddled 😉
I have to admit to being one of those who hadn’t realised that SOL’s comments were a wind-up when I first read them. In fact I remember taking him to task, until he wised me up. So it shows its easily done.
Brissles: thanks for reminding me about that. As I recall, we had a reasonably civilised exchange!
I guess my pieces are a bit of a balancing act: the aim is for my parodies to be reasonably realistic (one reason I don’t find Mark Steel remotely funny is that his caricatures of the Right are not remotely realistic – no-one would be confused by his pieces, surely); but the modern Left is so outrageous, it’s understandable that people can sometimes mistake my parodies for the real thing!
I thought you were the real thing and the Labour Party was the parody .
Nibor, I do sometimes wonder … 😉
‘Hot from the Press’ (and guaranteed to make your blood boil) – current migration statistics –
Our Nadiya is going to travel the entire length and breadth of multiculty Britain to teach the white wogs how to cook.
And we get served the heart-warming story about this Imam on a Amazon advert:
Wonder if the hack looked up the material published by the mosque his school is affiliated to. Makes some interesting reading (right down to the “Islam means peace” porky:
This Licence Tax…………anyone who has a subscription service ( Virgin/SKY/BT) ever asked their service provider if it is possible to block bBC channels?
Alternatively, You would think it could be in their commercial interests to offer the bBC as an optional subscription service. Either way with the aim of starting the process of killing of this totally unfair tax.
Meanwhile, a new £ 30 m Scottish bBC channel is announced………….I have not met a single person in Scotland who wants this. The first programme will with certainty
NOT welcome viewers to the highest income tax part of the UK!
Yes BUT, it’s not a BBC tax – it’s a tax for OWNING AND WATCHING A TV.
So, nice idea to block channels but they have it covered.
Is it a coincidence that the government have released the fall in immigration figures on the day that voting takes place in Stoke?
It doesn’t seem like much of a fall and it still needs a town a year to house them all .None is when I will be happy giving us time to sort out the services that are buckling.
I will wait with baited breath for the BBC to report another shocking example of post-Brexit hate crime:
Daily Politics today there was news of a Brexit concession by the government. The government is alleged to offer that Parliament may have a ‘meaningful’ vote at the end of the Brexit negotiations. If this proves to be the case Brexit is lost, at least in any way that would satisfy most of us who voted Leave. In that case the Fears of Leavers have been proved correct, the establishment have in effect overturned the referendum result .
By having a meaningful vote for Parliamentat the end of the process it gives the EU every incentive to offer the worst possible deal knowing that Parliament will reject it and the UK may not even leave the EU. If this allegation is true we have been stitched up by the establishment with the connivance of the Tory government . This would be The most cynical betrayal of the British people for generations, and so , even if people don’t like UKIP socialist policies , as I don’t, there is no other political party to vote for if you want to Leave the Eu.
Key to understanding if this betrayal is true or not, will be to watch the reaction of the Eurosceptic Tories like Bone . If they don’t make a stink we have little to fear, if they are furious then we have indeed been betrayed.
I don’t understand how parliament can have a ‘meaningful’ vote at the end of the negotiations.
Once the UK has initiated Article 50:-
1. Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.
2. A Member State which decides to withdraw shall notify the European Council of its intention. In the light of the guidelines provided by the European Council, the Union shall negotiate and conclude an agreement with that State, setting out the arrangements for its withdrawal, taking account of the framework for its future relationship with the Union. That agreement shall be negotiated in accordance with Article 218(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. It shall be concluded on behalf of the Union by the Council, acting by a qualified majority, after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament.
3. The Treaties shall cease to apply to the State in question from the date of entry into force of the withdrawal agreement or, failing that, two years after the notification referred to in paragraph 2, unless the European Council, in agreement with the Member State concerned, unanimously decides to extend this period.
So having reached the end of the negotiation and getting the ‘yes’ from the EU the UK can also say ‘yes’ or ‘no’, (guided by the ‘meaningful’ debate?). If the government is forced to say ‘no’ by parliament we are left with Article 50 Clause 3, i.e. at the end of two years we are out, with no agreement and we are in the position of other countries outside the EU with no arrangement. Somehow I don’t think the ‘remainers’ want that, so they are stuck with voting ‘yes’, so what is the point of a debate?
Anyone who was not comfortable with a WTO outcome should not have voted for Brexit as this is the outcome a purely ideological EU position on the “four freedoms” would produce. A slightly better outcome on free-trade could be agreed on a basis of mutual self-interest, but that would be a bonus that cannot be quaranteed. The House of Numbskulls and the House of Fossils are living in a fantasy world. Does any Brexiteer want to trade off freedom of movement for free access? There was no point voting otherwise.
Also on the Daily Politics was a piece on the latest immigration figures. Unless I missed it (I was having my lunch at the time), they failed to mention that 104,000 people arrived in this country last year without a job to go to. So that’s 104,000 that went straight onto benefits?
Doctors and engineers? Nah, dole scum and criminals. Just what the country needs.
“By having a meaningful vote for Parliament at the end of the process it gives the EU every incentive to offer the worst possible deal knowing that Parliament will reject it and the UK may not even leave the EU.”
Spot on. The people calling for such a “meaningful vote” are either stupid or cynical.
We had a very meaningful vote and elected the Tories then had another meaningful vote to leave the EU – PERIOD.
The Madrid Treaty was the first to give a member state the option and method to leave the union, (the so-called Article 50). Article 50 doesn’t contain an “I’m sorry can I re-think this clause”, once triggered the direction is out, it is only the when and the terms that are unclear.
The only point for a second debate is for ‘remoaners’ to reprise their Laurel and Hardy act, “That’s another fine mess etc.”.
One look a the current cabinet with a mere handful of exceptions and you know they will betray us. It is in their nature. May is there to keep us in.
As the late lamented Milo once put it in his succinct way: Be nice to us or we’ll kill you!
(In response to the argument that counter-measures like travel restrictions ‘radicalise’ muslims.)
Another green power con exposed.
The Times has finally caught up with the rest of us, in discovering how burning wood pellets is not carbon neutral and is robbing tax payers of millions of pounds.
What I didn’t know was that the old lying jailbird Chris Huhne, who as secretary of state for energy set up the process of handing out millions of taxpayers money to corporations for the asburd bio mass buring, is now European chairman of Zilkha Biomass, a US supplier of wood pellets.
From diesel to higher prices for energy, the BBC supported environmentalists are costing us a fortune and tens of thousands of lives, (Diesel kills about 30,000 per year and 40,000 people die from the cold in the UK every year).
Be angry, very angry.
The rigoursly fact-checked Font of Truth reliably informs us that a record number, 16,000, of EU citizens from founder-member countries have become British citizens.
It then conjectures that this is a strategem to prevent possible deportation by a cruel post-Brexit regime.This is a very strange conjecture when Britain is supposed to become a failed state post Brexit and the EU will continue to be a paradise on earth. The BBC cannot admit that these people have judged Post-Brexit Britain to be a better prospect than the EU, which they could return to without difficultly as German or French citizens, and want to stay. The BBC would have us simultaneously believe that British citizens are too stupid to realize they are leaving the EU paradise and that EU citizens are so anxious and stupid to want to remain in a faschist, Post-Brexit failed state that they apply to become British citizens. Its nonsequitur checking not fact checking that is lacking at the BBC.
Here and in the EU and US – we still don’t know:-
1) What they’re actually protesting about?
2) What is their vision of the future?
3) How do they plan to achieve it?
Sound-bites and name calling lead to nothing – certainly not Utopia.
Now R4 play is first of 5 parts about “Asian Grooming gangs”
So I’ll wager part 5 will reveal the white guy did it.
\\ The body of a local teenage girl has been discovered. Members of a so-called ‘grooming gang’ have been arrested and tensions are running high. Rachel Collier is a probation officer in the town and hears rumours of foul play. And then her own daughter goes missing.//
Just looked at blurb for tomorrow
Part 2 “Apparently, the true perpetrators are being protected. As Rachel investigates what seems to be an institutional cover-up, she puts herself and her family in danger.”
‘the perpetrators are just as much victims …..’ – I’m betting that will be the conclusion.
So they want to half our bin collections and charge £35 for the garden waste bin.
Again, we’ve paid for what? The theoretical concept of a service? So then, we have to pay for the actual service?
Just like dental and opticians.
I am seeing an internet pro-Islamic propaganda story going around that Muslims have “generously” raised funds to repair vandalised gravestones at Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery in Missouri. The fund-raising was headed up by of all people -Linda Sarsour & one Tarek El-Messidi. Hamas-loving Linda Sarsour. Another Islamic taqiya publicity stunt to cover their crime.
No one seems to be asking the obvious question. Who vandalised the cemetery in the first place? No recognition that it has been a common practice among Muslims for more than 1000 years to destroy the burial places of other religions. They do however, make the strong suggestion that it must have something to do with Trump supporters. “The desecration of the cemetery comes amidst reports of a spike in anti-Semitic incidents in the wake of Donald Trump’s presidential victory.” with a further dig at Donald Trump, that he has been “slow to respond to antisemitism”.
And what of the bomb threats to 11 Jewish Centres?
By elections today. Next week candidates who said naughty things will face trial. Well, maybe one elderly candidate whom the media seems to have forgotten.
Heaven help her if they put her in jail – she is a nationalist and the Home Office will keep quiet if something unpleasant happens to her.
I cannot believe we are living in a world where people are already being arrested for resisting Islam. This is nothing more than the thin end of the wedge for the introduction of Sharia blasphemy laws. Someone made a complaint? And that is enough? A perceived offence. Am I an extra in an episode of Dr Who and The Muslims?
BBC Newsbeat, for da kidzzz, on Facebook…
British TV’s first major gay drama, Queer as Folk, hit our screens 18 years ago today – just look at those fresh faces!
Let’s look at the reviews for Queer as Folk
Oo, let’s! But first, a little crafty question….
Katy Perry was joined on stage #Brits by two giant puppet skeletons -& you’re not alone if you thought they looked familiar…
Did Katy Perry mock Donald Trump & Theresa May at the Brits?
We are rapidly heading as a nation, for a life under the British Stasi – afraid to utter, afraid the neighbours or colleagues will inform on us, afraid to type a word just in case.
Because there can be only one view and one truth and just by breathing we might cause outrage and offence.
Sussex Uni acknowledge fault with anti right-wing seminar.
Yesterday’s Telegraph had 2 articles
And a view from LibMob bubble
Doesn’t understand the fuss.
All credit to the Vice Chancellor for putting his job on the line !
Sussex University – Its just outside the Green enclave of sea-side Brighton. Lots of weird people go there, most decamped from London’s Camden town pretending to be arty locals. Sussex was the first Uni in the country to benefit from state-of-athe-art ‘Unisex’ loos ‘on-Campus’ (before if became compulsory). It’s become a rotten borough otherwise and hosts the annual ‘gay pride’ march under Police escort. Shame it was a nice town once. Totally political correct, no alternative views allowed in this green resort. Milo would be the odd one out. You have to be seriously weird to study at Brighton these days.
Referring to many of the posts above , I am afraid that the UK is ceasing to be a democracy. It is very sad and I see little hope of the decline being reversed at any level. UK RIP.
Re. 1001 Muslim inventions on bibistan. I hope they do a similarly effusive prog on the wonderful inventions of Nazi Germany, who, remember, first invented the jet and almost made it to the atomic bomb.
My ironic point being: even assuming they did come up with some inventions (disputed) or preserved others’ (Indian etc) does this mean it’s a culture to be admired?
Moslem science, its golden age, is a fake. The earth is flat, the sun sets in a muddy pool, and so on. Londoners voted for a mayor who either believes this crap or is too scared to call it crap.
Oh Dear! Time to re write history yet again. I was just getting used to the ‘fact’ that it was black people who invented everything. Now we’re told it was Muslims! Give it a while and it’ll be someone else’s turn.
For all the propaganda, actions continue to speak louder than words.
Eskimos never seem to get a look in. BBC racism.
Kingsley(must be hard up?) says, ‘Dare to look inside?’
It’s hollowed out, has a trip-switch and is packed with Cemtex.
No mention of the fact that Muslims may not represent any living thing in any way. So no anatomy or wildlife studies. That’s just for starters.
Now on R4
“News of a scientists’ plan to resurrect Mammoths has spread around the world. However the story is largely untrue. We look at how this kind of ‘Fake science news’ story can impact on perceptions of real medical research – some times with negative consequences.”
9pm C4 Trevor Philips : Has Political Correctness Gone Mad ?
He thinks that Freespeech Restrictions have gone too far eg that it’s OK for PegidaUK to have rallies.
The sort of libtards who watch the BBC and enjoy its anti-English, anti-white propaganda remind me of that chap Silas in the film “The Da Vinci Code” who gets a kick out of whipping himself:
“OOO OOO I hate my nasty biggoted white self. I must be punished. Please Mr Big Black Man, spank my lazy white ass”
“Yo honky – I’m gonna whip yo sad white ass so hard you evil, inately racist monster”
“OOO OOO YES PLEASE – spank that racism right out of me OOO OOO YES! YES YESSSS OH GOD!”
“Amen to that evil, white muthalovvva”
“Today’s sermon was read by the Right Reverend Justin Welby, Archbishop Of Cantebury, with additional material by the Right Reverend John Sentamu, Archbishop Of York. And now on BBC Radio 4 we present “The Archers”.
By the way, in certain circles BBC stands for Big Black Cocks. Apparently.
The TV nearly had a brick thrown at it during the Daily Politics today when David ‘No Brain’ Willetts blamed (yet again) the ‘Baby Boomer’ generation for the plight of those aged between 20 and 40.
So it’s got nothing to do with politicians then David? Thanks to people like you students now emerge from ‘uni’ £20-25K in debt and then what do they find? Only that the government has decided to let in another 300K immigrants which has the effect of keeping growth in wages low. This policy also keeps house prices high as we can’t build enough houses to keep up with demand so that they can’t afford a first home and end up living with parents or renting and can never accumulate any equity. But according to Willetts it’s all our fault. Grrr…..
I have posted several times that I never knew why Willets got the reputation. He always just seemed to me to be another dim socialist .
I have caught those BBC feckers red handed.
Headline (screen capture today 15:15): Net Migration to UK Falls to 273,000
BBC open up a comments section with people saying 273,000 is way above the 10,000s net immigration promised by the conservative party.
Headline (screen capture today 17:12): Net Migration to UK Falls by 49,000
What predictable feckers the biased BBC are.
What frightens me the is the fact the net migration figures is the net change in population and not the actual number of people entering the UK. So in theory if the net migration “fell” to 273,000 we could in fact have had 273,000 indigenous/settled brits leaving the UK and 546,000 enrichers coming to our country to improve the quality of our lives.
Have I got this right or am I missing something?
Because it seems to me that this is just another Government sleight of hand to hide from the majority of the population what in fact is actually happening.
Please can someone correct me if I am wrong on this?
That makes sense to me. The “Leavers” are probably a mixture of people going overseas for work , tend to be higher achievers, and people retiring, so taking their money with them.
The “Arrivers ” are probably lower achievers, generally.
Overall the pressure on the UK increases and the “pool of talent ” decreases.
Never mind the pool of talent, Grant (can we ever have enough Big Issue sellers?) The “pool of genes” (getting shallower) should be of more concern.
“Room 101, ToobiWan, Room 101!” intoned O’Brien (not the BBC one, although, then again …!)
And the torturer inspired a Corbin O’Brian (two spelling “mistakes”?)in the film Snowden.
Very prescient was Eric Blair.
Oh, I’m sure Oaknash has it exactly right.
The BBC always shows the net immigration figure in order to hide the actual figure. If the BBC was an open honest balanced enterprise it would investigate and analyse both immigrant and leaver numbers. Like Grant says, I’m sure we’d find the leavers on average to be wealthier, better educated and healthier than the immigrants.
BBC loves to bang on about the “crisisintheNHS” or housing shortage, but never never links this to immigration. It’s 100% misdirection that it feeds the populace.
On R4 News at 6pm the angle taken by Mark Easton (the well past it home affairs editor) was that the fall in immigration was a concern because the economy (and of course the NHS) is dependent on ever increasing amounts of cheap labour from Eastern Europe! He treats us as idiots. Immigration of well over 500,000 pa, but he is shrilling for more, presumably so that the globalists can keep wages down and make money they can take to tax havens.
The BBC also always downplays that the Government’s immigration figures are a rough estimate based on “survey” data – I’d bet a gross underestimate.
The BBC and the Government twist all figures on anything to fit their political agenda which is broadly the same. I simply don’t trust anything they say.
Engineer – The other thing I do not understand is at what point does immigration become too much.
All we hear is not enough hospitals, not enough schools or houses.
More! more! more! I assume the money tree at some point will cease to be as fruitful as more take from it than it can sustain.
And to use the argument that we need all these incomers to wipe my arse when I get older seems perverse. Surely then, when all these new arsewipers who have joined us get older themselves wont we then need even more arsewipers to wipe their arses down the line and so on. What a future!
I suppose we could start up a new internatonal arsewiping service!
I am sorry but I just dont get it – but then again I dont think we are meant to
I believe that from the globalist viewpoint there is never enough immigration. The more the better to keep wages down. As part of the elite you are in Davos for skiing or your yacht in Monaco and never have to worry about the ever more crowded infrastructure and declining quality of life of the rest of us. I’m even going to have to break it to you that they don’t care about the cleanliness of your arse. It’s a fake argument to promote mass immigration. Another laughable one was the shortage of curry chefs.
Don’t know if I imagined this but didn’t Tesco the supermarket giant calculate the population as being around 80 million a while ago based on the amount of stuff it sold? I think the government tried to rubbish it’s claims. I’d rather believe Tesco and the evidence of my own eyes than anything H.M. governments’ would have me believe.
Yes , I think the big businesses base their estimates of population roughly around that figure. And they have more incentive to get it right than government.
Grant and Cass
All this goes to prove at how many levels we are being deceived.
From the soft soap slightly opaque net immigration figures all the way through to the “Tell Mama” knock on your door approach.
Whether it is a deliberate attempt to subvert our civilisation or whether it is just the helpless floundering s of weak western Governments totally out of their depth – I dont know – though I expect it is a bit of a combination of them both. Whatever it is, unfortunately – I think it is not going to end nicely.
No wonder they all hate Trump – Apolitical leader who tells the truth why its just not not not……….civilised!
However in a bizarre way this man may well end up being the savior of western civilisation – He is the first important leader to tell people what is truly going on. And despite the MSM smear campaigns – It may well be just enough to make even the most complacent, snowflake denier start questioning the validity of their libtard bubble.
In some ways the more they try to smear him the more it highlights what he is saying.
Apologies if this has been posted before but I thought this was an excellent article today.
Yes Soapbox. Been reading that today ‘The reality is that the EU is edging ever-closer to the abyss: it is at its weakest, most vulnerable since its creation, and it is now touch and go whether it survives 2017 or whether it is swept away in a catastrophic populist revolt..’ unfortunatley Telegraph cuts off half the online content (its almost half page in Comments section). It’s copying the Times in doing this. Over in the Telegraph BUSINESS section I learn that it is much more serious in that money is leaching out of the EURO as they try to prop up fallen states (notably Greece and Italy whoose Banks are entirely propped up by EU central bank).
In a very disurbing account by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard predicts the Euro will fail withing three montsh (plunging the entire monetary system into chaos across Europe). For example (just one bank) Banca d’Italia has (Euro) 364billion debt to ECB, whilst Spain has another 328billion debt and Porugal and Grece combined has a further 72bn debt to Brussels. All this is finelly balance against Luxembourg and Germany ‘credits’ (so called Target2 credits) of about 728bn with tiney luxumbourg laiming it has 187bn Euros ‘banked’. But its all (all of it) at risk of losing all of it. It only needs France (to follow the Neteherlands) or Ms Le Marine Le Pen and the whole Europroject is bust. History. Dustbin. Even without BREXIT it is not-sustainable (with or without immigration), the figures don’t stack up. The Euro is built on sand. In the article it’s clear thatno matter what the liberal elite ‘think’ (an oxymoron) they cannot buck the financial system for much longer (maybe three monthh tops) before the rug is pulled on Euro banks, and collpase of Eurozone. I think we got out just in time. But we are not OUT yet!
Simlar links to this:
And yet Junckers and Co still dream of a financial zone to rival London. Even in crisis and mess of their own making, they think they can still ‘pull-it-off’. They are trying on two fronts (1) to but the UK stock exc
Yes Soapbox. Been reading that today ‘The reality is that the EU is edging ever-closer to the abyss: it is at its weakest, most vulnerable since its creation, and it is now touch and go whether it survives 2017 or whether it is swept away in a catastrophic populist revolt..’ unfortunatley Telegraph cuts off half the ‘online’ news content (its almost half page in printed page Comments section). It’s copying the Times in doing this (hiding content). Over in the Telegraph BUSINESS section I learn that it (The Euro project) is in far more serious trouble in that money is leaching out of the EURO as they try to prop up fallen states (notably Greece and Italy whoose Banks are entirely propped up by EU central bank).
In a very disturbing account by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, predicts the Euro will fail withing three months (plunging the entire monetary system into chaos across Europe). For example (just one bank) Banca d’Italia has (Euro) 364billion debt to ECB, whilst Spain has another 328billion debt and Portugal and Grece combined has a further 72bn debt to Brussels. All this is finelly balance against Luxembourg and Germany ‘credits’ (so called Target2 credits) of about 728bn with tiny Luxumbourg claiming it has 187bn Euros ‘banked’. But (all of it) is at risk of ‘default’and will loose all of it if any of the southern states want ‘out’. It only needs France (to follow the Netherlands) or Ms Le Marine Le Pen in France and the whole Europroject is bust. History. Dustbin. Even without BREXIT it is not-sustainable (with or without immigration), the figures don’t stack up. The Euro is built on sand. In the article it’s clear that no matter what the liberal elite ‘think’ (an oxymoron) they cannot buck the financial system for much longer (maybe three monthh tops) before the rug is pulled on all Euro banks, and collapse of the Eurozone for good. I think we got out just in time. But we are not OUT yet!
Simlar links to this:
And yet Junckers and Co still dream of a financial zone to rival London. Even in crisis and the entire mess of their own socialist making, they think they can still ‘pull-it-off’ in the same way that we have been trading freely in the wider world (even before the EU (or EEC) was born. The EU is ‘against’ free trade, that is why it has ‘quotas’, ‘tariffs’ and ‘surcharges’ to protect itself from ‘world trade’. Its an absurd socialist fantasy trying to extract Money from the UK when they need us to ‘bankroll’ the failing Eurozone. Germany does well in Europe as its currency of choice (as Trump has stated) is kept artificially low for them and everything in Germany is ‘rosy’, even though most of its poor factory worforce is Turkish labour and now it has huge (Ms Merkel) immigration bills with no prospects of work or integration for them (all unskilled illegals). Spain and France already approaching 50% youth unemployment rates which is another reason that the UK is flooded with europeans looking for work (on top of muslim illegals that have no intention of finding work and head straight for UK benefits office).
Meanwhile the EU does everything it can to undermine our democratic and financial independance. First the proposed ‘sale’ of the London Stock Exchange to Frankfurt (on hold until after Brexit and may never happen if we leave the EU anyway) and then to our huge UK dealing with Eurozone ‘derivatives’ they want to relocate to Paris. This will cause THEM all kinds of financial problems but heck do they care, or understand the concept of ‘risk’ of that?
The BBC and the political establishment have for a long time preferred to quote the net figure, because this hides the full extent of their treason. As you suggest, there is quite a difference between [ +273,000 – 0 = 273,000] and [ -273,000 + 546,000 = 273,000]. The first is bad enough, whereas the second would represent a much more rapid population replacement, assuming of course that it is broadly indigenous British who are leaving and others coming in, rather than say Poles or Pakistanis returning home.
The BBC kept quiet about the Blair non-White mass immigration from 1997 and only began talking about the subject when mass White Eastern European immigration came to people’s attention after the accession to the EU of various countries in 2004, in particular Poland. It was ‘safe’ to allow people to talk a bit about mass immigration from European countries because at least race wouldn’t be an issue. Discussion of the whole issue has been policed for years and even the official underestimates are frightening enough.
I noticed on the BBC News website that there’s an article about the latest immigration figures by Dominic Casciani, with a graph of immigration and emigration rates from 2006 up to the present. Is it deliberate that it doesn’t go further back? The figures from before 2004 would be interesting, since the EU increased in size that year; and the rises since 1997 would be even more graphic. As it is, the lines look fairly flat, albeit at high levels. But then we wouldn’t want to encourage ‘populist’ anger, would we?
Spot on piece about the Brendan Cox self-promotion bandwagon
Like this ? …
Pimping his dead wife. What a disgusting animal.
Right competition time.
first one for the children. changing only one letter at a time, how many steps does it take to change Jo Cox to So Wot.
and for those with a musical bent. Compose a song ripping the tits off the Phantom
Actually what I wrote is disgusting and disrespectful, but If I was a lefty wan^$£ saying this about the Late Margaret Thatcher, I would get a Radio 1 record deal. The bBBC makes me puke.
Yes, I do wonder what the reaction might have been if, for example, the Conservative (now former-) MP Esther McVey had been murdered by a Left-wing man with mental health problems during her 2015 General Election campaign. She didn’t fly around the globe earning money by helping non-British people and wasn’t part of what husband Brendan casually called ‘the Obama campaign’ in that Jon Show interview. By the way, what were the Cox family doing helping Obama in 2008 anyway?
I would go as far as saying her murder was not ‘designed to tear us apart’ but was designed ‘to keep us together’. The leftie policies, including those of Saint Jo, are tearing Britain apart.
S.J.H. – thank you for linking that in your post, a superb article.
How inconvenient of Jo Cox to be killed when she was and for her husband to have hold his ‘celebration’ on June 17-18. Pity the brown-eyed boys will have to give it a miss, Ramadan being May 27 through June 25.
Every time they mention St Jo you should mention , Kriss Donald the innocent Glasgow boy killed by a racist ethnic-Muslim gang.
“killed by”
Tortured and killed by ….
SJH thank you for posting that link: not a site I’d visited hitherto.
Article spot on, many of the comments too.