Actors are mumbling and muttering their way through SS-GB as the inconceivable consequences of Brexit are brought home to them by the plot-line, and the Luvvies are shocked and angry…so much so that they can hardly speak…no, really. Badminton has seen its Olympic funding drop from £6 million to zero #becauseofBrexit…the exchange rate you know….no, really. It was on the BBC so must be true. Still, the BBC can find £30 million to provide the SNP with their own ‘independent’ state propaganda station.
The BBC, never knowingly ‘free, fair and impartial’…..unlike this new open thread which is all yours…..
Why can’t there be something like this on the BBC?
I think the process shown in the YouTube video is pretty much modus operandi for the majority of MSM outlets (some say, Allegedly etc.)
Good Brexit News!
“Barclays boss has reasons to be cheerful”
Couched in the blurb……….
“Despite this structural sleight of hand, Mr Staley is confident London will remain the financial centre of Europe long after Brexit.”
If other banks move I am moving my assets to Barclays……..
bibistan: “Students tear-gassed in Paris protest.”
1) “Students tear gased” – Not: Students go rampaging and pelt police with stones.
So they’re the victims.
2) I wonder how many of those ‘students’ had mental health problems.
From print version of bbc, aka Grauniad:
“Geert Wilders suspends election campaign over alleged security leak.”
So, The Euro Plan is working.
7:15pm Police/secret service force Nigel Farage off air due to some kind of security threat causing thousand to be evacuated.
He just keeps on talking until last moment and no one else is in the room.
(Nothing bad happned AFAIK)
Liberal media seem awful quiet re these by-elections.
Can I conclude that we`ve got the dream ticket of UKIP and Tories winning tonight?
Sense all that Hillsborough and “yes, we DO like nuclear after all” stuff has had zil effect…can only hope so.
The tone of BBC reports from the two by-elections suggest to me that if Labour hold one and the Tories edge the other then that’s ok. The BBC really really don’t want to see any UKIP win.
Thu : “Extremely British Muslims”
\\Made by a BAFTA award-winning team, this brand new series provides an eye-opening view of British Muslim life, through privileged access to Birmingham Central Mosque and the lives of the community it serves. As Donald Trump continues to try to ban* some Muslims from entering America, this series – filmed over a year in a city where a baby boy is more likely to be called Mohammed than any other name – looks beyond the headlines to find out what its like to be a Muslim in Britain right now.//
* There was no Muslim ban ..the rules applied to all people from the list of countries irrespective of religion.
Press release
\\Waz helps Nav get a job with the emergency disasterrelief charity he works for. As they return from a trip, helping refugees who’ve made the dangerous boat crossing to Greece, Waz and Nav are delayed by police at the airport for several hours. Whilst Nav is angered by the experience, Waz, who has been stopped several times before reflects: “When you look the way that I do, of course they’re gonna stop you, why aren’t they gonna stop you? You look like the last person that was on the news like doing whatever he was doing so, they are just doing it to keep everybody safe, aren’t they?”//
\\ “People do think that because I wear this, because I’m covered, I am oppressed, sat at home just cooking for a husband, doesn’t know English; people say you’re a terrorist, you’re Taliban. No. It’s actually my own personal choice and it’s freedom of choice.” Her husband, recently arrived from Pakistan agrees.// (Does that mean her husband is a Pakistani citizen ?)
so the ninja bag wearer earns more than 18k huh, not for long 5 years 5 kids.
and whats so wrong with english pakis, surely there are plenty of males wanting a wife ?
“filmed over a year in a city where a baby boy is more likely to be called Mohammed than any other name”
Lies by omission again. If you aggregate the different spellings of Mohammed the statemennt applies to the whole of the UK, not just one city.
BBC Question Time tonight appears to have a better level of debate from Stoke. Might be due to Stoke voting 70% to Brexit so the audience isn’t clapping on cue to any Remainer’s comments.
Angela Rayner MP has twice tried to crowbar “Donald Trump” into her answers but it’s not getting any applause – how refreshing for a change!
Angela Rayner as Education Secretary?
I`ve never heard anybody so out of her depth since Jess Phillips, Leanne Wood, Natalie Bennett or Sarah Teather.
THIS is the class of political woman who`s getting on the media these days by way of lefties….
All the Tory women wipe the floor with this lot,even Anna Soubry at least can argue-shit though she spouts.
I spare Kate Hoey, Gisela Stuart and Anne Cryer from this.UKIP really ought to be getting these women in to get them fit for the next election.
Angela Rayner is 25/1 to be next labour leader and has positioned herself quite well to get Corbyns support if he stands down.She is also has a `real life cv`
Jess Philips has an attractive accent and is one of the few MP`s around that I watch when she is interviewed.
She answers questions.She will end up as Labours Nadine Dorries and in fact they get on well together
‘Jess Philips has an attractive accent’
Didn’t Jess Phillips try and say that the 1000+ sexual assaults on white women by muslims in Cologne was no worse than what happens in Birmingham every Saturday night?
For once, she might have been speaking the truth, but not the way she thought.
“Jess Philips has an attractive accent…”
You lost me there.
The Stoke chairman turns out to be a total twat , go figure
Quite right but you need to put the word liar in there somewhere.
If Labour win at Stoke it will be the home of the Donkey Sanctuary.
If Labour win at Copeland its nuclear dependent populace will be the home of Turkeys at Christmas.
we wouldnt be saying the stoke chairman likes physical intimidation and underhand tactics now would we ;-O
“If Labour win at Stoke it will be the home of the Donkey Sanctuary.”
Well they have, and it is. On second thoughts, it’s unfair to bring donkeys into this.
I’ve come to the conclusion that Labour voters are just irredeemably dim. They’ve voted for someone whose concept of democracy is to call Brexit a “massive pile of shit”.
When their daughters are raped and whole families are eventually replaced, they will only have themselves to blame. Not Islington, not London, not Corbyn, not UKIP disarray, not Thatcher, just themselves. Thick.
Yes but hopefully Corbyn will now hang on to the leadership .If he had lost Stoke he surely had to resign.
If you look at the bashing UKIP again took in the media ,its surprising Nuttall did as well.
Those who voted Tory in Stoke must have known that their candidate had no chance of winning but that their vote was splitting the non Labour vote and would let Labour win. Why did they do it rather than vote tactically for UKIP?
It could have been for a number of reasons:
1 They always vote Tory
2 They dislike UKIP or Nuttal
3 They don’t believe in tactical voting to keep Labour out
4 They think PM is doing well on Brexit
Whatever the reason they have damaged UKIP greatly at a point when Brexit needs the threat of UKIP to keep the Tories going down the straight and narrow road to Brexit. Also Labours win will encourage Labour MPs to try and water down Brexit as the Stoke result demonstrates that even in strong Leave constituencies ,with a Remain candidate , Labour can win. A bad night for Brexit I’m afraid. I can feel it slipping through our fingers . Remoaners will be emboldened everywhere. The only small piece of good news is that Jezza may be shored up by the result and stay as leader a little longer, wrecking Labour and so doing the country a service.
UKIP is going nowhere until it gets candidates with the balls to call out lefties and the media on their behaviour. Nuttal is reported to have complained about the despicable behaviour of the left, but that kind of behaviour was never a secret. He should have been ready for it and have had plans to deal with it.
UKIP need to be sore losers. Complain about the underhand tactics, the intimidation. Report Labour for targeting the Muslim vote with leaflets threatening hell for not voting Labour. Demand analysis of postal votes. Stop being polite about it.
Like the missing ballot boxes and a delay of several hours to finalise the count at South Thanet, you mean Roland? Fat lot of good it did Farage, and a fat lot of good it would do Nuttall, sadly, to suggest foul play at Stoke.
The MSM are only too keen to present UKIP as wingeing sore losers in any event, but the real problem is the system behind politics today, so well entrenched to ensure the results they need to maintain the status quo – as both Le Pen and Wilders, in their hearts, know all too well. It looks as though only the Yanks have had the balls to create the sort of earthquake needed for real change and even that can still come up against the same sort of opposition – and that doesn’t mean banner waving tossers.
Here, we just witter on about how unfair life is on BBBC – and I include myself in that sad fact.
I don’t recall that much fuss WAS made regarding the missing ballot boxes in South Thanet, for fear of looking like bad losers. I have to say I agreed with that at the time, but the Brexit and Trump votes since have persuaded me there’s a far more receptive audience than I had thought and that to meekly go along with the media does more damage.
Absolutely agree. UKIP need to be more Trumpish too, not be afraid of antagonising the media, confront the Moslem powers in Labour heartlands.
“When their daughters are raped and whole families are eventually replaced, they will only have themselves to blame.”
If Rotherham is anything to go by, even then they will keep on voting Labour. There is no helping some people.
Voters in Copeland seem to be more sensible. I don’t know the place but I suspect it’s less “cloth cap” than the Labour heartlands further south, even though it’s been Labour for ever.
“Ministers to investigate claims British suicide bomber Jamal al-Harith handed £1m taxpayer compensation to Isis ” Just keeps getting better doesn’t it?
Beeboid presenter asks ‘How is Jeremy Corbyn going down in this part of the country?’
I think you just answered your own question: Down!
Douglas Carswell must have got a massive bung from the Conservatives to defect to UKIP. His performance on QT was another tour de force in divisive back-stabbing which made Quisling and Joyce look like Wombles, so it’s easy to see why he’s the BBC’s favourite. At one point he talked of ‘an alternative party to challenge the system’ without mentioning UKIP. Quite unreal – and yet achieving it’s aim, of course.
The BBc reported the supposed drop in immigration the other day. My mind wandered back to when the BBc would have had a spokesman in from immigration watch rather than another BBc “journalist”.
The sofa sloths report the Tory win looking like they have both eaten lemons. John Mc Donald comes on and gives us the old chestnut of learning lessons. he also goes on about defeating deceit and division (Stoke), Funny deceit and division he could be referring to Liebour. Tory representative comes on , sorry didn’t get his name and despite giving McDonald an easy ride. Steph goes into “attack mode” trying to be little the victory.
RBS makes a loss of £7billion in 2016. So this “Scottish” institution has lost £50 billion in eight years. Note this is in the same ballpark as the “stand and deliver” demand from the Brussels pirates. My point is that the UK has managed to carry the lame duck RBS with relative equanimity, and a second “bad bank” settlement with Brussels is equally feasible (not that we should take their dodgy accounting at face value).
As a former Governor of the Bank of England has pointed out, the UK’s contingent liabilities from the financial sector risks in the Eurozone, if we had not voted leave , far outweigh the likely final cost of our escape.
Where’s ‘Fred the Shred’ now I wonder. Anybody any ideas?
Reality Check: Is Malmo the rape capital of Europe?
This article shows how the BBC will publish real data but the article text will spout bollox about how rape has fallen since Sweden took in immigrants. They concentrate on the tiny blip where the rapes were lower than a previous year whilst ignoring the overall trend of a large increase of sex offences will follows the rise in immigration perfectly.
They then go on to say how “sexual offences” in Sweden can cover lots of sex crimes as utter fake news like this:
That means, as Susanne Lekengard from Bra explains, that if a person comes to the police and reports being raped by a partner or husband every day for the past year, the police will record each of these events.
In many other countries these incidents would be recorded just once: one victim, one type of crime and one record.
The UK will also count multiple rapes the same way as Sweden but the BBC article is doing everything it can to suggest rape by an immigrant is a blessing and an enrichment. They are utter sh!ts for suggesting that being raped 10 times would only count as 1 rape in another country therefore it’s not that bad really.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the BBC go on to claim raping a 1 year old baby is only 1/20th of the crime of raping a 20 year old – especially when an immigrant does it.
Yes, the BBC are truly evil.
Tabs – some real stats on Sweden crime rates here:
It seems Al beeb may have been a tad selective with their stats from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention. From the same website the stats for women victims in the 16-79 age range show a rise in sex offences from 2011- from 1% in 2011 to 3% in 2015. Now I would call that significant.
BBC Breakfast Stephanie asking UKIP Deputy Leader if their 2nd place in Stoke means the end of the party.
No mention of a 2nd Stoke election or a high court challenge to overturn the result. Also no mention if Labour losing Copeland after 80 years of Labour rule was the ‘end of the party’ or even the ‘end of Corbyn’.
This is not the first time the BBC have suggested UKIP should disband.
Given what a slobbering oaf Red Robbo was over UKIPs “catastrophe” -as he virtually pleaded for UKIP to stop this democracy nonsense, this wish to wipe Labour out and let us stay in the EU…none of this Trump stuff eh?…
What a contrast when John McDonnell showed up half an hour later.
Twenty minutes of lefty grief therapy, counselling, camomile tea and hugs-more for Robbo than McDonnell I senses-who know`s he`s mere toast-crust.
Pathetic…but it`s the BBC…it`s what they do these days.
Tome to sink them-or maybe replace Corbyn with Ranieri.
Things could only get better then.
I’m not at all surprised (disappointed, yes) at last night’s vote in Stoke. What with the deeply unpleasant campaign, you also have to deal with tribal Labour voters. I’m afraid that these folk are so thick they give two short planks a bad name. You could stick a red rosette on a pig and it would get elected. Just look at the horrible creature they have just elected! Absolutely foul.
There have been interviews on the Today programme, interviewing those who have continued to put their cross in the Labour box. “Well, I always vote Labour,” they say. “Me dad voted Labour, me grandfather…”
I’m a working class bloke. My family always voted Labour. I joined the party as a youngster and I parroted the well polished Corbynite cliches when dear old Michael Foot was leader. I marched against the Falklands campaign, I supported CND and wore a duffel coat, had the ubiquitous long hair, beard and plimsolls. Believe me I’m blushing as I write this. One of my girlfriend nicknamed me Wolfie Smith. Painful!
Eventually I grew up. However these people are an embarrassment. They are Ill informed, ill educated and almost illiterate. They receive their world view through soap operas and the biased BBC.
UKIP were squeezed by the Tories, ripped to bits by an outrageously partisan media and the turnout was a lethargic 38%.
Stick a red rosette on a pig…
I`m not worried at all Jeff.
Give it time-the UKIP chairman swatted Robinson off like the blowfly that he is.
Robbo even got his name wrong as he berated him like a pink Roland Friesler. UKIP ARE a shambles-Steven Woolf and Paul Nuttall ARE incompetent, clueless and naive-and you could despair.
But the chairman was calm, measured and professional-and that gives great hope for me.
I myself will join UKIP, all they have to do is
1. Promise to dismantle the BBC
2. Bring back grammar schools.
3. Trigger Article 50 NOW!
4. Welcome Donald Trump.
If THEY were to slate the media as Trump is doing, if they`d shaft the EU project ceaslessly and mock it-and if they give us that role of comedy, mockery and calling out of the likes of Harman, Cooper and Corbyn that they OUGHT to be doing-then they`ll walk it in Labours areas.
AND-as John Curtiss says-they must NOT give the Tories a clear run-if they`re a Remainer standing-then give them both barrels, `cos they`re as bad as Labour.
Nil desperandum.
As a libertarian I would not join a party called UKIP because of its recent brand image however unfair.I would consider joining a party called `Breitbart` or `Tea Party.
I suspect there are quite a lot of `alt right` people out there who look at the Breitbart website and might also look to build a party out of its readers.
Alicia, both Jeff and yourself raise some good points and I agree with all you have both written. However, where I do disagree with you Alicia is in your comment
‘If THEY were to slate the media as Trump is doing’
UKIP have their hands tied. What media station are going to invite them onto the sofa if they are going to question their integrity? UKIP would have little or no TV coverage at all. The BBC is a very Fascist organisation.
Trump is only successful in this sphere simply because he holds the power to do so. I think this is precisely why he took control of Fox. The Tories have the power to do something about the BBC bias.
I am both perplexed and angry with the Conservative party in their continued inaction against the very biased left wing, anti British BBC and Channel Four.
Their stupidity to act now could well backfire on them in years to come.
Good points wronged.
I guess what I was hoping for is less the “invites onto to sofa”-and more the 5-Star, Twitter and CND tactics as used by Trump, Aaron Banks as well as comedy and cultural attacks on a guerilla basis.
Of course there`s a need for respectable dialogue on sofas etc-but had our UKIP Chairman put in a few barbs about “not even getting my name right” or when asked TWICE about his being in denial-he ought to have said “yes, of course I know what being “in denial looks like-I see and hear it every day with you lot re the Referendum result”. Live attacks on the media mortify and wound them-and they can smell the marsh gas coming up now from under their floorboards.
Witness the Stoke speakers after 8.30 who slated the media for the patronising portrayal of their city…again, live on air as Webb floundered.
UKIP need to watch and learn-think quicker on their feet, don`t be cowed by the privileged lefties at the BBC and hit below their belts as Trump`s been doing…then UKIP will be fit to wipe out Labour and trim the Tories.
No UKIP candidate needs no more than a picture of Michael Crick on their screen saver-THAT is what they are here to extinguish.
I find it staggering that major political parties like UKIP and LABOUR cannot find amongst their ranks a perfectly normal human being who can speak articulately, has no skeletons in the cupboard, has the sense to constantly check their social media output for untruths, and can appear statesmanlike in the eyes of the world, oh and keep his/her trousers zipped ! Why does this appear to be an impossibility ?
There are many people like that, but the last thing they want to be is a politician. Look at the riff-raff they would have to mix with.
I joined some meetings of UKIP before I moved home. The very first time I had made any effort to explore political parties. I had a long conversation with the prospective PPC during which he asked me what I thought about the local group. I replied that it seemed to be in a constant state of war with itself with the different factions slagging one another off all the time. The PPC then confidentially asked me would I wish to join in the, ‘inner sanctum’ – a group of about 15 who were locally the real, ‘movers and shakers’. I attended a couple of meetings and, yes, they were constructive. But, I will never forget the in-fighting that continued outside of the inner sanctum. I imagine that’s what UKIP are all about throughout the country so I fully understand the fragmentation of those behind Paul Nuttall. It’s called the UKIP ‘death wish’ – very much an old fashioned British disease.
Well said Jeff, I was the same, but the Blair/Brown years ‘turned me’, and the veil dropped from my eyes. I too feel that those who vote Labour now are an embarrassment, – who clearly just haven’t a clue and all because they wont vote Tory at any cost.
I’m not so sure now that Labour will never win a G/Election given this result; and the devil in me hopes they do because its only when that happens will the population realise what they’ve let themselves in for. !
Careful what you wish for Brissles?
At least the pig might serve as a bit of Islam-repellent. Preferable to your average Labour candidate.
I did laugh when I saw that new ‘Reality Check’ feature on BBC News. They just keep digging. Apparently Malmo is really no more hectic than a Women’s Institute meeting in Eastbourne. The cat is out of the bag now: no matter how much they manipulate statititsics, after Cologne and Rotherham everyone has woken up. They are starting to look like that Comical Ali, the Iraqi PR guy during the Iraq War who kept saying they were winning as everything exploded behind him.
I just wonder how bad things have to get in Sweden , Germany and France before the BBC are forced to stop minimising the problem and covering things up ?
Agreed Grant, I’m only amazed that one or two of their politicians haven’t been bumped off yet for ruining their country. – Not that I’m condoning that sort of thing of course!
Of course not !
My parents (in their 70s) don’t do ‘online’, I’m aware many of their generation do, but my parents, like a lot, simply don’t see why they should bother.
Anyway, I got a phone call from my Mum early this morning and she said “I thought I’d read the News online because you keep saying we ought to use Dad’s computer more. They have this thing called ‘BBC Reality Check’ which was about Sweden being the ‘rape capital’ of the world. The article seemed to be saying there were less rapes since recent immigration from Syria, but I couldn’t see how there could be less rapes, because even if the Syrians weren’t, surely there would still be some Swedish rapists? It didn’t make much sense, so I got your Dad to look at it, and he said the graphs didn’t add up either, and where were the figures for 2016 after the immigrants arrived? Could you take a look at it for us and see what you think?”
I’ve paraphrased a bit there, but you get the gist. My Dad might be getting on a bit, but he’s far from stupid, where ARE the figures for ‘Reported Sex Offences in Sweden’ in 2016 AFTER the arrival of all those immigrants in 2015? The last chart would suggest that, for Malmo at least (and Gothenburg even more), there WAS a substantial increase… and therefore Mr Farage was actually telling the truth, perhaps?
To be frank I’m pretty sure Swedish people (not just women, not just adults) would have a good idea if the person attempting to rape them was an immigrant, and the ‘unofficial’ reporting coming from the ordinary Swedes looks pretty damning.
The BBC is behaving evilly in pretending these victims of horrible crimes at the hands of immigrants don’t exist, you’d think after Rotherham they’d have changed their tune, but apparently not.
You would almost think that the BBC and the Left don’t care how many people get raped so long as the rapes are by immigrants.
Sexual incontinence, freedom for Islam to do is it wilt and cowardice and condoning the enemies of the US, Israel and the conservative is a toxic brew-but one the BBC and the Left have long cherished.
Womans Hour of course won`t go near it and Jess Phillips will excuse it-Cologne last New Year was a watershed.
Thankfully we all KNOW what the game is. No game to our daughters and ourselves though.
Labour and the BBC have long been the Paedos Pals…Islam only does what it can get away with, and as long as WE don`t speak but the BBC does-it won`t get better.
Le Pen, Wilders , Frauke MUST shake them in Europe this year-this is no silly Stoke stuff from now on.
anyone remember the days of rampant car crime
the manufactures solved that with more difficult to steal cars
the government claimed credit for the descending crime figures!!
perhaps swedish women dont go out alone anymore?? the government will be claiming that as a success
the last time they did collect immigration status with crime stats 14% of the nation did 76.6 % of the raping
and of the other 86% of the nation that did 23.4% of the raping, second gen and immigrants who had achieved citizenship were included with the native vikings
so the figures are probably worse.
I note the BBC are towing the No10 political establishment line all morning.
After lauding Copeland to the rafters? so important etc etc, hmmm so important
that when “tastrophe” Teresa visited, there was one lone reporter, who asked one question and she was gone.
Whilst they were virtually camped out in Stoke, once again the political rights aim
with full BBC influence eyes at the ready was, UKIP split the vote so much win, that Labour would come third.
Political establishment business as usual.
Second choice voter turn out so low, UKIP smeared so the Tories sneak in.
Political Establishment business as usual, Its turned into Tory/UKIP tv this morning.
I m just waiting for Mandy s boys to turn up, Johnson, Haine, and co to put the knife in. Lets face it they held Stoke no coverage, but just like when they got three back from the SNP no coverage.
Political establishment business as usual.
As I commented after the LibDem “triumph” in Richmond, the lessons from by-elections – including yesterday’s – are that there are no lessons. We know that as an electoral machine under FPTP, UKIP is worse than useless. OTOH, it’s very good at getting out the vote in a referendum or a proportional representation set-up like the European elections. There’s a reason (beyond getting his life back) that Farage resigned as UKIP leader after the Brexit vote saying that his job was done. The basic machinery for mass parties in the UK is expensive and difficult to create and he doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life weightlifting.
The idea of UKIP riding the post-Brexit wave to 50+ seats is not on because the Conservatives will steal – arguably have stolen – UKIP’s thunder by the simple expedient of lying to the electorate ie apparently moving “rightwards” and making clucking noises about immigration. Like all establishment parties the Conservatives are a coalition. It might be that, for now, it’s leaning UKIPwards. Next year (next week?) it will lean the other way. Labour is failing electorally because it is no longer a coalition but has become a home for SJW boors with its “moderates” bailing out as quickly as they can find a tax-funded non-job to go to. “Moderates” ie the Cameroons and other quasi-socialists, are not bailing out of the Conservatives: why would they? They control policy after all. Don’t listen to Conservative spokesmen; observe what the government actually does.
This Conservative government (perhaps with the exception of getting on with Brexit, and even then . . . ) is a New Labour administration in all but name; certainly one where Blair and Brown would feel comfortable. For instance, only a New Labour-type idiot would rule out meeting/making deals with pre-election Trump or Le Pen. F*ck me, Chamberlain talked to Hitler, Churchill talked to Stalin. I know Trump and Le Pen are – per SJW and BBC orthodoxy – in a lower stratum of fascist hell than Adolf (not Joe, of course, who is enshrined at W1A) but what they did/do/might do seriously affects the well-being of the UK: as a prime minister, talking to them is the least you must do to further or maintain the UK’s interests.
Anyway, back to the by-elections and the BBC: I realised that yesterday was not a complete tragedy for Labour when, as I turned on Today at 7:25 this morning, Justin was on-air introducing the sports coverage with an audible “smile”. Manifestly, I thought, the Queen still reigns and UKIP failed and at 7:30 – just before I turned off the radio – sure enough I was informed that Labour had triumphed at Stoke. I didn’t hang around for the post mortem: 5 minutes of Today per month is quite enough thank you.
Good post,Umbongo.
Agreed, good post umbongo.
We should also not underestimate how much behind the scenes cooperation is taking place between the “opposing” parties…the “Lib-Lab-Con” joined by the SNP and Plaid Cymru… all of whom are happy to share power with each other as necessary, all of whom appear to have an overriding loyalty to themselves rather than the people they claim to represent, all of whom are determined to keep politics constrained within their agreed consensus that apparently emanates from the EU and other globalising interests.
UKIP are their enemy….hence the determined countermeasures employed against them by their media allies. One big Party, one big game….control the silent majority, until their false consciousness of national identity and state can be swamped, one way or another.
Friends! Saveed Miliband’s latest piece in the Far-Right Guardian, in which he analyses Labour’s amazing victory last night – in which it won a full 50% of the seats being contested – is now available in my new Blog:
You should be writing for Private Eye ! You are a lot better than some of their crap.
Thank you, Grant! Funnily enough, just over a year ago I did send a few samples of my pieces to Hislop, suggesting that maybe a Corbynista character could be based on them; but I just got a standard rejection (something like “Sorry, Ed. says No”) from him. Guess I was just too Progressive Left for him …
LOL ! Yes, Hislop and Private Eye have moved to the Left since he started taking the BBC shilling. It is now relentless anti-Brexit, anti-Trump, indistinguishable from the BBC.
Grant: must admit I stopped reading Private Eye quite a few years ago, for precisely the reasons that you provide. I used to have a subscription back in the Ingrams days, then looked at it in the library/newsagents until (I guess) about a decade ago. Now I hardly ever bother with it – it’s exactly as you describe it. No wonder the BBC is so keen on Hislop, for whom the description “smug” could have been specifically invented.
I still subscribe through gritted teeth. Hislop is a toerag.
My advice is to grit your teeth and cancel your subscription. I’m sure you won’t miss it in the slightest …
I have heard this a number of times this morning from Beeboids to labour apparatchiks ” How did you lose Copeland when the NHS was your central campaign issue ?” mmm. So all those “NHS on the rocks” bits from Al Beeb just before the election were obviously entirely coincidental. Even so the voters didn’t buy it. Its not just Liebour and Corbyn who are on the ropes.
Mumbing ruins SS-drama – Times letter from Steven Berkoff.
I anticipate the reply
‘Dear Mr Berkoff on balance we at the BBC feel we got it about right’
Haven’t heard of Berkoff for some time. Not the worst of luvvies.
9pm ITV Farage interviewed by Piers Morgan.
It was scheduled a few weeks ago so I’m guessing they thought it would bias yesterdays election.
Why dont you put the Farage radio show in you AmazonEcho or Google calendars to see if it influences their database.
7pm LBC weekdays.