Those Evil F***ing Jews

The BBC are up to their old tricks again, vilifying the ‘Israelis’ and blaming them for all the violence in the world.

FOOC visited Lebanon where we are told everyone is getting along famously now, Muslim and Christian living in a wonderful multicultural utopia.  Just one fly in the ointment…those Jews across the border.

After several heartwarming tales of mutual respect and cooperation and Muslim/Christian knees-ups, the piece finished with a comment about a memorial for 28 dead…’many of them children‘, killed by Israeli bombs.  Now why did the BBC feel the need to mention that?  Thousands have died in Lebanon from all sorts of atrocities…and yet the BBC rounds off a report with a comment targeting the Jews.

Anyone wonder where Mel Gibson got the idea that the Jews were the origin of all the wars in the world?  Does he watch the BBC?

Others have a less rosy view of what is happening in Lebanon…  ‘My enemy’s enemy’….

Demonstrations and clashes in Lebanon in recent weeks reflect significant changes in the nature of Muslim-Christian relations in that country. Current developments increasingly involve alliances between important Christian and Muslim groups. Tragically, however, the new-found Muslim-Christian cooperation is part of current conflict within Lebanon rather than involving efforts for increased stability and peace in the country.

In the current tensions, however, the basic conflicts are between Sunnis and Shi’is, with Christians forming some alliances with groups on both sides of the current battles. The battle lines in Beirut reflect the changing conflict. Anthony Shadid notes that the “line of separation between Sunnis and Shiites” is roughly the same as the “Green Line” separating Muslim and Christian combatants in the old civil war. (Washington Post, 27 January 2007). In the new struggle, large Christian groups have joined with their old rivals, the Sunnis, in supporting the Siniora government, while a controversial Christian former militia leader and presidential aspirant, Michel Aoun, has joined forces with Hizbullah in opposing the current government.

Or this on a similar note….

This unlikely alliance between Christians and Hezbollah is a far cry from the adversarial relationship depicted between the two groups in the region.

According to the IB Times report, however, the alliance is one of convenience. Hezbollah is Iran’s strongest proxy in that area of Lebanon and has been a key factor in keeping President Bashar Assad’s regime in power after four years of the Syrian war. Protecting Ras Baalbek is a priority for the group because losing it to ISIS would put the surrounding Shiite towns under direct threat.

As a result, Hezbollah has invested heavily in sustaining the relationship with Christians.


The BBC told us the new accord was because they were all tired of fighting…seems that the new accord is all about fighting, they’re not tired at all, they just have more urgent priorities and different people to kill.  Good old BBC, spinning away as always…more fake news.



Lord Hall, Peddling Hate Crime…Lock Him Up!


We have already had a look at the BBC’s upcoming attempt to portray a post-Brexit Britain as akin to something that occupied Europe would have recognised in their latest piece of propaganda, SS-GB…and if you doubt that is the BBC’s intent just see what the actors think it means…

Rufus Sewell in the Sunday Times….

“I thnk reducing Nazis to werewolves and zombies and vampires and aliens, as a knd of entertainment, takes us away from the important fact that they were human beings.  Germany was not populated at that time by all the evil people in the world.  It happened to a lot of normal people.  It could happen again.  It nearly happened here.  What’s vital is that you get the story of the human beings being sucked into an evil-world view without knowing it.  That’s one of the things that makes it so timely that we’re doing it now.”

Maeve Dermody fellow actor…

“The rise in nationalist sentiment around the world makes this warning from an imagined history unusually pertinent….we have such a diminished sense of history.”

Brexit voters were characterised as people with “primitive, savage and evil impulses’ on ‘Book of the week’ this week and today we had yet another example of the BBC demonising and generating hate against Leave voters on the Today show.

We had a ‘door-to-door’ poet walking up to people and creating a personalised poem for them based on what is important to them in their lives.  At 08:50 we had John who said what was important to him was immigration, you immediately got a negative vibe from the poet.  What we didn’t get was a poem.  The BBC skipped that and went on ‘a few doors down’ where they found Alan [no relation] who was having his poem delivered to him…on Prejudice.  Just pure coincidence I’m sure and not staged at all by slick editing.  Alan, naturally, has a German mother who was an immigrant and suffered abuse….when did she come here?  Just after the war?  We weren’t told.  How many doors did they have to knock on to find this piece of ‘gold’?

What was the poet’s idea on ‘prejudice’?  Poor old John and people with similar concerns were dismissed as drunken, spiteful Far Right Nazis who would finish off the unwelcome immigrants by gassing them in concentration camps.  I kid you not.  No mention of ‘gas’ of course but it was implicit and obviously intended for you to think of as the end game.

What on earth possessed the editor or whoever cobbled such a piece of offensive trash together to put that on air?  Clearly the ‘BBC’ has lost all sense of proportion and integrity and is spiralling out of control as it tries to smash Brexit by vilifying those who voted for it.

I see no reason why Lord Hall, as the man in ultimate charge of the BBC, should not have a visit from the police as his organisation is deliberately setting out to generate as much hate against those who voted for Brexit and want to control immigration as possible.  Lock him up!

The BBC is peddling fake news, and it’s a hate crime, just as they did, and do, with Trump as their alarmist and prejudiced reporting quite probably helped to incite a Bitish man to try and kill him.







Blankety Blank

The BBC’s mind has gone blank…all is a blur…thankfully…forgetfulness is a quality that preserves their dignity.

I was somewhat surprised to hear the BBC castigating the newspapers on ‘You and Yours’ for being full of stories of food prices rocketing due to Brexit.  Surprised because this has been a favourite BBC narrative since the referendum…food prices would rocket and we’d all starve…#DuetoBrexit.

I was also surprised to hear that the present 2.6% rise in wages is considered a low rate of rise by the BBC…after having spent years telling  us Austerity was killing the economy and that wages were stagnating  because of it.  Although 2.6%, a considerable rise on what was happening over the last few years, is considered ‘low’ by the BBC they think a fall in the wage rate rise, from 2.7 to that 2.6% is a  significant sign of impending doom.  Odd that…a comparatively large rise is low but a miniscule fall is significant.  Only on the BBC.  And I note the BBC today was repeatedly broadcasting some thinktank’s claim that we are being impoverished by inflation as wages aren’t keeping up…so inflation is what, 1.8%?, and wages are rising 2.6%……maybe my maths is bad but I’m sure 2.6 is more than 1.8….yep, the BBC even confirms that, and negates its own reports on the same subject…Wages grew faster than the rate of inflation at the end of 2016, official figures show.’

Also odd that no one at the BBC seems to have noticed that whilst Obama moaned about the Russians spying on the US, the US has no problem spying on the Russian ambassador..and Mike Flynn [Who is a disaffected Democrat“I grew up as a Democrat in a very strong Democratic family, but I will tell you that Democratic party that exists in this country is not the Democratic Party that I grew up around in my upbringing,” he said. “I vote for leaders.”]

Curious US intelligence is unconcerned about the Clintons being funded by the Saudis…whom documents suggest were behind 9/11 and who back ISIS now…or about the economic war that Saudis declared on the US when it tried to close down the US fracking industry and end cheap oil in order to keep its dominance of the oil and gas market.

Curious the BBC is so concerned about the Russians hacking our own democracy and yet are unconcerned about the billions the Saudis pour into this country in order to influence our politicians, media, influential thinkers and educators as well as funding Islamic fundamentalism within the Muslim community in the UK.

Oh for the days when it was ‘Better to be Red than dead’…now the BBC prefers ‘Better Muhammed than dead’.  Not quite so catchy but it’ll do.






You have to hand it to the BBC, they do have chutzpah! How else to explain them doing their level best to portray notorious race hustler Diane Abbott as a role model for women entering politics?

Women may be deterred from entering politics because of abuse suffered by female MPs, Diane Abbott says. The shadow home secretary said she was speaking out about her own experiences after recently receiving a series of threats and insults. Last week Brexit secretary David Davis was branded “sexist” for reportedly sending a text saying he would not hug Ms Abbott because he was “not blind”.

Now to be fair, David Davis was wrong to say what he did. I don’t believe that a blind person would want to hug the odious Abbott, not for her looks but for her vile political views.  The BBC may be seeking to confer Sainthood on Abbott but I am convinced the more she speaks the more she destroys Labour.


I’m old enough to remember when the BBC took a very sympathetic line to the old USSR. But things have changed and the BBC now leads the charge against Putin. They have worked themselves up into a frenzy over the resignation of General Flynn, delighted that a scalp has been obtained so early on in the life of the Trump administration. They aren’t bothered about how it came to be that Flynn was hung out to dry by Obama era operatives still within the US intelligence services – the “Deep State’ as some refer to it. No, the BBC angle is that Trump is colluding with Putin in ways that they can’t quite work out, and so endless hours are being given to examining the issue.  Russia IS the BBC bogey-man, the nation that they would quite like us to go to war – and their visceral hatred of Putin shows,


Another day and another instance of poverty hustling from the well off given max publicity on the BBC.

Nearly a third of the population of Britain is living on an “inadequate” income, according to research by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF). In 2014-15, it said that 19 million people were living on less than the Minimum Income Standard (MIS). It said the problem was that household costs have been rising, while incomes have stagnated.

Now the Rowntree Foundation specialises in this kind of specious clap trap, continually whining about just how awful life is and how dreadful the inequality is that afflicts our Nation.  I was amused at this new “measure” of what constitutes “inadequate” income – yes, the sexy new MIS.

The MIS is set by experts at Loughborough University, and is based on what members of the public think is a reasonable income to live on.

“Experts” at a University and based on what “the public think” – utterly risible and yet allowed to generate BBC headlines.  It’s a toss up between the Resolution Foundation and the Rowntree Foundation as to which can get the most mileage for their left wing agenda from the BBC.

Sinister Orwellian Steamroller

The BBC is flooding the schedules with programmes designed to educate us about how unpleasant and stupid we are to vote for Trump or Brexit.  I don’t think there is a programme that in some shape or form does not have such  veiled and sinister messages implanted within either deriding and mocking Trump or scaremongering about Brexit.  Switch on the TV or radio anytime at random and you can almost guarantee Trump/Brexit being maligned and undermined.

On Saturday on ‘Inside Out London’ [Any coincidence that the logo for this programme is Islamically inspired?] we had the smug and right-on Matthew Wright introducing a programme on alleged discrimination against Muslims [another one of those subjects the BBC fills the airwaves with, when it’s not telling us how wonderful Isam is] with the thought that thank goodness for Trump because his racism puts it back in the news agenda.  Wright was telling us how Muslims are discriminated in the jobs market.  How does he know?  Because a Muslim academic tells him so.  An academic who says he himself is discriminated against and he has developed a test to prove it…and naturally he does so.  Might suggest the opposite is true…Muslims get preferential treatment.  The trick is to have some useful idiot plant some bombs in the name of Islam, claim they were driven to it by anti-Muslim discrimination, then claim that Muslims themselves are the real victims of the bombs…..politicians panic and the likes of the BBC work as the propaganda arm of the Islamists and promote the narrative that Muslims are the victims of British society…everyone then panders to this narrative and you get an Islamist like Warsi placed as Chair of the Tory Party.  So like the 1930’s.

Trump came up again this morning in a highly disrespectful and insulting manner as the BBC trailed ‘The Life Scientific’ by saying you might think Trump was mentally ill but that would be insulting to the mentally ill. This was on the prime-time Today show….astonishing that they think it appropriate not only to insult the President of the United States but to do so by using ‘mental health’ as an insult….so the ‘mentally ill’ are now figures of hate and abuse for the BBC?  It is remarkable how the BBC’s employees think they have a licence to so casually insult and abuse Trump in such a contemptuous manner, a manner they would never dream of using for Obama or Merkel.  It’s outright prejudice from our supposedly gold standard news outlet.

Brexit is also the de rigeur subject to link to in any programme…preferably in as negative and derogatory a tone as possible.  The standard form is to link Brexit to the 1930’s or Fascism or the Far Right.  I haven’t listened to much of the BBC’s ‘Brexit: A guide for the perplexed’ but I don’t think I’m missing much as it seems just to be the usual excuse for scaremongering and generating hate against Leave voters who were described in yet another sly attack on Brexit as being ‘people who will rise up against the elite and beat ‘the Other’ to death’ .  Leave voters apparently fear change and such fears were inflamed by the nasty rhetoric of polticians and journalists [naturally pro-Brexit ones…the Remain camp’s lies and alarmism never gets mentioned].  We are informed that Parliament has no idea what the hell it has let itself in for by voting for Brexit.  All those EU regulations will have to go and we just can’t cope [er…no, they don’t have to go].  Apparently Ministers will invoke ‘Henry VIII’ clauses and bypass Parliament using statutory instruments to avoid scrutiny and trash laws as they like…this [Brexit], we are told, is very, very dangerous.   But the EU laws do not have to go, they can remain in force until government decides they need to be amended….there is no rush..,.if they work, they work.  The BBC is just inventing problems as it tries to generate alarm and fear about Brexit.

I’m sure you have read a bit about the BBC’s James Purnell’s comments on the future of the BBC and how it will ‘reinvent’ itself…mostly it seems by rewriting history and denigrating Britain…so no change there then.

Facts, accuracy, truth, seem to have been abandoned in favour of ’empathy’ and manipulating the news so as not to offend anyone….so again no change there then…

 There’s no canon, no set texts, nobody is handing down tablets of stone. It’s about working out what we want from life, and learning the empathy that, as Peter Bazalgette argued recently, “is the glue that enables families, communities and countries to function in a civil and civilised manner”.

So much for this laughably pompous and ridiculous comment…

Fake news is a serious concern but we should not be too despondent because today’s media is also the greatest educational resource the world has ever seen.

The BBC is the biggest peddler of fake news in the world…it criticises Russia’s alleged nterference in the US election [by publishing genuine and inconveniently ‘sensitive’ emails on Clinto and Co] and yet the BBC has an enormous budget from government to broadcast propaganda to countries it thinks are in need of its help in toppling those leaders and regimes it sees as ‘unBBC’ in an exercise of soft power….such as er…Russia.

Purnell goes on…

…after solving the meaning of life and the future of the world, we’ll turn to civilisation. Well, Civilisations — inspired by Kenneth Clark’s seminal documentary series, but in many ways the opposite of the original. Rather than a single view of civilisation, we will have three presenters. Rather than looking at Western civilisation, we will look at many, and question the very concept of civilisation.

Naturally at least two strands will be Islam and Black Africa with the line that both are innocent victims of White oppression.  The presenters will use the programme to launch an all out attack on the West whilst painting a picture of incredible and beautiful native cultures languishing under the brutal colonial whiphand.

You can get a taste of what is to come by looking at this week’s ‘Book of the Week’…’The Age of Anger’ by Pankaj Mishra…You can get an idea of his thinking here…any wonder why the BBC gives him airtime?….The BBC’s favourite whipping boys…..Trump, Brexit, Nationalism, Hindus….

In a ground-breaking new analysis, Pankaj Mishra traces the tangled roots of hatreds and nationalisms across the world.

Inspired by Hindu nationalists in his own country, the rise of the so-called Islamic State, the emergence of Donald Trump as a candidate for President, as well as Brexit, the author attempts to re-examine the divided modern world.

Mishra himself explains…

How can we explain the origins of the great wave of paranoid hatreds that seem inescapable in our close-knit world – from American ‘shooters’ and ISIS to Trump, from a rise in vengeful nationalism across the world to racism and misogyny on social media?

So Trump, Brexit, mass murderers and ISIS…all one and the same.

Mishra is apparently a self-proclaimed Buddhist but one who loves Islam and proselytises relentlessly for it whilst demonising Hindus and anyone who criticises Islam…again so BBC.

Here’s what the site ‘Butterflies and Wheels’ says about Mishra’s attack on one he describes as the anti-Islam  ‘Enlightenment fundamentalist’ Ayaan Hirsi Ali…

It’s ugly, nasty, bullying, innuendo-laden stuff…. patronizing clueless nonsense.

That’s in fact pretty much a description of his ‘Book of the Week’ in which we are told the ‘white supremacist’ Trump and Brexit are the end result of the rise in racism and the Far Right fueled by foaming-at-the-mouth demagogues,  telling us that ‘It is a moment for thinkers such as Sigmund Freud, who warned in 1915 that the “primitive, savage and evil impulses of mankind have not vanished in any individual”, but are simply waiting for the opportunity to show themselves again.’

I thought people just voted to leave the undemocratic, autocratic EU…who knew eh?  Primitive, savage and evil bastards? Well I never did.

Yep…just a foretaste of what the BBC is planning to use your licence money for, to propagate its anti-white, anti-Western, anti-Brexit, anti-Trump messages.

The BBC’s message is one of hate, it’s divisive and dangerous.  If the same messages were being said about Muslims and Islam the BBC would be up in arms…instead it peddles its own racism, prejudice and hate against Leave voters and whites.


“Never stop speaking out, never accept the distortions, never accept the lies & never give up”