Sadiq Khan [The man who made being ‘Mooslim’ an election issue in the Mayoral election] claims the SNP are racist..
“In that respect there’s no difference between those who try to divide us on the basis of whether we’re English or Scottish, and those who try to divide us on the basis of our background, race or religion.
“Now of course I’m not saying that nationalists are somehow racist or bigoted – but now, more than ever – what we don’t need is more division and separation.”
The SNP’s whole independence campaign is in essence one based upon an anti-English narrative…it can hardly be one of political independence as they wish to tie themselves ever closer to the EU, thus it can only be an anti-English stance that drives them…a belief backed up so often by their rhetoric. In contrast UKIP is purely about politics and sovereignty but that doesn’t stop the BBC defaming them as racists and Nazis…whilst totally ignoring the claim that the SNP is racist, in fact the BBC so often cheerleading for the independence movement…because of course that lessens the unity and power of Britain and allows the EU to pick off the smaller nation states like Scotland.
Now the BBC is interested…why? Because a Muslim has piped up and a black, female feminist who backed Khan has fled Twitter in fear for her life because of the abuse she got. As with Khan, who identifies strongly as Mooslim, she identifies as black, and proud to be British…and yet shouts about nationalism and the horrors of identity politics….She’s a student…“I’m studying to be a critical race theorist”.
Emma Barnett helpfully exposed [52 mins] what we always knew about the BBC and its view of ‘Nationalism’…she defined it thus…
By definition, historically, nationalism is always about there being an us and there being the ‘other’…an Untermenschen.
Yep, she really did equate nationalism with the very worst aspect of the Nazi ideology…..she wriggled as her interviewee, an SNP politician, told her that was outrageous…and he’s right of course….Barnett lied and said she wasn’t saying that about Scotland…but of course that’s precisely what she was saying.
Still, nice to have down in black and white what the BBC’s definition of nationalism is.
The mid-week open thread is all yours…..
If, according to the Beeb and rest of MSM, post-Brexit Britain is going to be an economic catastrophe, filled with vile, bigoted hate crime against the superior foreigners…why are EU citizens and the Lefties so keen on ensuring EU nationals’ right to stay in the UK? Doesn’t quite fit the narrative.
Ministers ‘will seek to overturn Brexit bill defeat’ –
Who are the Guantanamo Brits?
I’ve just noticed all those ‘brits’ have beards – what’s the chance of that?
Shackleton Expedition re-enactors?
They look like the kind of stoic chaps happy to tuck into a Husky.
They were probably filming this for the BBC.
Fake news? Not us guv!
No Blacks or Asians?
Surely not, ‘children’ again?
That ‘Hipster’ thing must be coming to an end soon.
What will be the style after that?
The Jihadster, possibly?
They are also about as “British” as I am Eskimo. Am I alone in thinking that being “British” is about more than having a travel document issued by the British government?
BBC favourite Sturgeon versus BBC favourite Khan, what fun!
The SNP line that they are not racist because they are open to Asians etc. might be true using the original definition of racism but they are most definitely anti-‘English’ so it’s an open door to any Johnny Foreigner who shares that view.
There are a couple of problems with that. First who are the ‘English’, certainly not Blair, Brown or Cameron, three recent UK prime ministers! Second their PQist buddies in Canada played the same game, open doors to anyone who speaks French, down with the English! Then they found that speaking French doesn’t ensure that the immigrant has good Catholic roots or that they share any of their pure laine values.
I am loving this, the Khan supporters versus SNP, keep it up folks!
Firstly I love Scotland I have worked there for about two years in total and had many family holidays there, (going to Skye in June), but there is definately a racist, anti English element there,and the SNP promote it, had a few close shaves myself when up there.
Once again the power has gone to Sadiq Khan’s head.
” the old “tree falling in a deserted forest” puzzle – if racism occurs and another white person isn’t around to hear it, has racism still happened?” said Claire Heuchan in the article, so she naturally assumes only white people can be racists.
I worked for a great Scottish firm for several years in the early eighties.
We all mucked in, they sneered at us for being English and we told them they were just sad old jocks, and we all made a fortune and had a lot of fun!
The SNP worries me though – that Sturgeon person isn’t the sort of Scot I remember when commercial matters were important.
Perhaps she’s trying to be a politician, in which case, forget it – a ‘Glasgow handshake’ sorts out little petulant scenes like those in no time!
Er..someone needs to take Khan by his tie-less shirt collars and tell him to go away and read his job description…he is Mayor of London, sadly, he is not given a brief to pontificate on anything but London…this he flouts with impunity. Has anyone got the minerals to tell him this? He will play the race card of course…and as regards the election…does anyone really believe the votes cast were fair and square?….cheating and fraud in elections is rife in Pakistan and muslim areas, the cheating is seen as ok by these is in their very DNA. If the President of the USA is invited to London, it is Khan’s job to facilitate that, if he won’t, sack him.
My parents were Scottish and most of my relations still live there and I have a recognisably Scottish Christian name and surname, but I was born and brought up in England and speak with an RP English accent. You should see the confusion on the faces of some Nats when they try to work out whether I’m ‘friend or enemy’! One potentially nasty encounter with a drunken Scotsman who tried the race card on me ended with him saying ‘Ehhhhhhh…ye’re mair Scottish than I am!’
Ministers ‘will seek to overturn Brexit bill defeat’
Just pull the plug on the EU, end of .
They have far more to lose than us.
They sell far more to us than we sell to them.
We pay far more cash into their pot than they do .
Their tourist industry need us more than we need theirs.
Their workers are over here to earn money not because of their charity.
Our Expats spend their money in the EU. Nice little earner for the EU .
I smell a rat, House of Lords ? House of Cards.
What’s the hold up ?- get out Treeezer, or your out .
I’m largely with The Nigel on this one. We must allow all EU citizens, here legally, to stay. We must bring in the rules of how many and who for people wanting to come in later than a specific date – I suggest the date that Article 50 is called.
However, our nationals must have the same rights to stay over there as theirs do here and that’s where I differ from The Nigel and agree with the Mayfly. A bargaining chip sounds very impersonal but effectively that’s what this should be.
May should also say No, No and No to any EU gauleiter telling us that we must continue to pay after we’ve left. Not one more penny! In fact we should demand to get all our money back that we have overspent into their Reich’s coffers.
ALL EU citizens…? I`m less sure about that than you are…
How about EU citizens can stay provided that they are in employment or otherwise financially independent and who have not acquired a criminal record during their period of UK residence?
Freedom of movement was supposed to be about having a mobile work force, not facilitating cross border crime or unemployment benefits transfers.
The EU negotiation is going to be tough and all bargaining chips will be used against us in the UK. We can`t allow our negotiators to be soft, nor should they be set up to fail.
I agree .All who are settled and employed .No murderers ,fraudsters and unemployed.
WHO exactly, and in their right mind, would WANT to live or work in Europe right now ? the negatives are obvious.
Obvious to some but not others.
Who would want to live in a post Brexit Britain – no one according to the BBC. I do hope they’re right – it’ll make parking so much easier!
Well just follow the people, not the money.
Ask someone who voted Remain to explain why “EU Nationals” are flooding to Britain even after Brexit was chosen and they are stumped.
They must all be masochists, wanting to be abused and oppressed and downtrodden and denigrated and made to feel worthless.
Or is there another explanation that the BBC’s great minds haven’t yet deduced? Here’s a clue: it involves self-interest and rational analysis of human behaviour in the real world. Try it.
ps Aren’t indigenous Britons like me also currently “EU nationals” living in the UK. I demand my rights, oh mighty Lords. I can put on a fake French or German accent if it helps.
EU citizens working here should not have any benefits paid either, while they are here, no housing benefit, family allowance etc., that should only be for British citizens.
My neighbours son has been working in Texas for at least 15 years in a highly paid job, he lives with another British woman over there, they have a baby who is an American citizen, yet now he is out of work he has no rights to anything over there.
I can’t take the deportation hysteria seriously. EU citizens on Today R4 this morning felt so anxious about having their right to stay violated, that they were threating to leave!!. Can anyone follow this logic. If Britain were such an unwelcoming place why come here in the first place? As staunch Europeans, why would they want to suffer the post-Brexit catastrophe that is, supposedly going to finish us all. Surely they should all be leaving en masse to the EU promised land. It’s what they can claim as social benefits that is the main issue.
If they had jobs to go to at home, they wouldn’t be here in the first place, would they?
Rob in Cheshire
The line is that native workers are too stupid and lazy to contribute to the UK economy. The motor is provided by hard-working Poles, for example. If this is the case why is the Polish economy organised by entrepreneurial Poles with a better education not an economic power house. Years of real existing socialism was obviously an economic catastophe. That was decades ago – why has all this Polish dynamism not led to a flourishing economy?
Apparently, they’re still living with the ghost of Communism or rather the, old Party beaurocracy etc..
Even Soviets never claimed they had reached the heights of communism. I suppose we too are living with ghosts of real existing socialism like the NHS and Corbyn.
As staunch Europeans, why would they want to suffer the post-Brexit catastrophe that is, supposedly going to finish us all. Surely they should all be leaving en masse to the EU promised land.
Bloody good point ID, and a question you will never hear asked by the BBC (to be added to a very, very long list which includes such classics as ‘But what would you cut instead to pay for it?’ and ‘And what will we do for energy when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine?’ and ‘So why have climate models completely failed to predict the lack of warming?’ etc etc).
Yes Taff,
Too many out there that just have not got the message and are confident they can overturn Brexit. She needs to send a crystal clear message backed by unambiguous action.
The BBC’s top headline is trying again to suggest that Jeff Sessions colluded with Russia, which has already been debunked. They’re also pushing the latest democrat party lie that Sessions lied during his confirmation hearing by deliberately taking his answers out of context.
Why is the BBC trying to subvert an American government?
Wasn’t there some chap, can’t recall his name, who spent six months out in the Middle East trying to understand their problems and learning to like Muslims?
Some folks in Sweden were so impressed that they sent him a gold foil wrapped chocolate medal!
I believe he went on to get some high ranking job in the US government. I hope he wasn’t influenced by the foreign leaders that he met on his sabbatical!
“Why is the BBC trying to subvert an American government?”
Because they have been given the power and resources to do so and they are staunchly, un democratic and deeply fascist.
I never realised there were so many racists and fascists out there till Al beebeera opened my eyes. Those 17 million who voted Brexit; those 65 million who voted Trump; the millions who voted UKIP; the millions who will vote Wilders, Marine, AfD; the entire population of Hungary; increasingly the Swedes and other Scandinavians… And on and on. Hitler would have been delighted with such an army.
Scary eh?
Well, no, actually. The terms have been so misused and overused they are losing all meaning, and have just become terms of abuse for anyone the liberal left dislike, anybody 1 degree to the right of themselves.
Agree Charlie, but NAZI is the most misused term of all.
NAZI by definition means GERMAN nationalist who subscribes to a particular view of GERMAN “racial superiority” over other white ethnic groups amongst others.
Of course it`s possible to be a collaborator with German national interests against ones own national interest now as then.
Much of the armed and civil resistance to Nazi German invaders was carried out by patriotic, nationalist partisan groups, who as well as fighting Nazis found themselves in conflict with Communists during and after the war.
Unfortunately embolden you have fallen into the same trap as many before you in your analysis of what Nazism actually was.
It’s down to disinformation and a complete lack of education on this subject.
The Nazis never viewed themselves as racially superior to other white races, and indeed were very hopeful the British would join their movement.
You also need to remember the context of which this all evolved – Eugenics was a very fashionable concept and was seen as ‘progressive’ by the left. Race formed a part of this, and the notion that some races were better than others. Nowadays we have moved to the opposite extreme where it is illegal to even to suggest there is any difference at all!
The over riding philosophy however should not be forgotten, that the Nazi’s were first & foremost an offshoot of Socialism, and that shaped their entire thinking. They were never of the ‘Right’ they were firmly of the Left for obvious reasons.
Poles, Russians, Czechs, Serbs, Slavs…Are they White? were they viewed as “untermenschen?” were they forcibly moved to make way for volkdeutsche settlers or subjected to a “war of extermination”?
Nazism bolted together several ideas into an extremely potent unifier but primarily it was about the supremacy of Germans and those they decided were Germanic peoples (like the English, Scots and Scandinavians)
I`ve read an interesting notion that the reason the Eastern Front collapsed so spectacularly was the refusal of the Germans to support anti-Soviet slavs robustly enough, as they saw them as racially inferior and therefore unworthy of support….some of those people then sided with the Soviet partisans.
Rather the Nazis were corporate left in as much as they allied with big business. There is no evading the vile nature of the cult.
Front and centre of their social policy was anti Semitism. The total destruction of the Jews was vital to their world view. it was insane and illogical and destroyed any possibility that a civilised man could have any common ground with them .
The Slavic peoples are undeniably white but considered inferior to German stock. They were treated little better than animals.
There is no apology for the Nazi regime which is tolerable. It has left a legacy that will all but destroy Europe.
Dave S,
I would go further. The problem is not just Nazis, it is Germans. I have posted this before here and got some flak. But I still believe that the problem is the mental illness of most Germans. Am I racist ? Yes !
Regardless of Nazis, Germany like all other countries has geo-political interests that it pursues to its own advantage.Like Russia and its need for a warm water port..pursued before and after the Communist interlude, Germany has always had an interest in a weak Yugoslavia…hence friendly policy towards Croatia in the 1940s and 1990s.
It has a folk memory of and dreads invasion from the East so interferes in Eastern Europe….Poland, Ukraine the Baltics, in the 1940s and in the present day.
It has an affinity for the Turks and was allied with the Ottomans in the First World War and continues to involve itself with the old Ottoman lands and people…Syrians being the current example, preceded by Bosnians and Croats in the 1940s and the 1990s.
Add to that the mixture of guilt trip and resentment engendered by externally applied punishments for Prussian militarism, Nazism, the Stasi state of the DDR and what appears to be overcompensation for the past and we have the heirs to Weimar…
Germany…the Worlds First Totalitarian Virtue Signaling State and central power of the supra national EU federation.
Grant: You are entitled to your opinion and it isn’t difficult to see why Germans, or the Japanese for that matter, attract strong opinions. It’s not an unreasonable reaction to events 75 years ago. My Grandfather, who lost his brother and his own health at Arras in 1917, would have agreed with you.
I disagree with you slightly in that I think the German problem is an inability to understand how anyone can disagree with their opinions and conclusions. I’ve observed this on many occasions over the years, on small and not so small matters, and they seem to be genuinely mystified when proved wrong. Many of them have an unshakable faith in their own logic.
A mental illness? I don’t feel qualified to say, but it can certainly be dangerous.
IMO, Japanese civility can be an illusion. With any people, you have to scratch the surface to discover what lies underneath (apart from Italians of course, when it’s on permanent display 🙂 ).
Grant, I would definitely agree that the war (my parents) generation – or at least the working class version that I was familiar with – always talked about fighting ‘the Germans’, not nazism or fascism. Unfortunately it’s the middle class leftist ‘intellectuals’ who have had the loudest voices over the last two or three decades and not only re-defined WW2 as a fight against ‘fascism’ but also painted the vast majority of Germans who were involved as unwitting victims of Hitler.
Front and centre of their social policy was anti Semitism.
Again this is not true. The Nazis certainly were anti Semitic, but then so were a whole slew of others. In the early days they never envisaged any kind of ‘final solution’ and the mobile ‘death vans’ operated by the Einsatzgruppen didn’t even enter operation until the middle of 1941.
The extermination of the Jews was not even thought of pre war so could not have been “vital to their world view”.
Kristallnacht was in 1938.
Adolf Eichmann was operating an SD “department of Jewish affairs” before then..1933-34?
The anti-Semitic Nuremberg Laws were enacted in 1935.
The Nazis, it is safe to say, were an anti-Semitic organization before the war, some of their plans were concealed.
Kristallnacht was in 1938, the anti-Semitic Nuremberg laws were enacted in 1935 and Eichmann was planning Jewish emigration from the SD office for Jewish Affairs from 1933-34.
The mass killing of the handicapped went on throughout the 30`s so the technology had been trialled.
Bear in mind that the T4 programme was concealed, it`s also probable then that any pre planning of the final solution would also have been concealed. Let`s not forget that until the war started the Nazis were constrained in their actions by the need to maintain control over events, and were dealing with German Jewry, who had economic value that was being stripped from them in exchange for emigration.
The extermination process began when more potential victims fell under German control. The motive was there, the means were there, finally the victims were there…altogether in the operational zones of the advancing German armies.
I don’t think you can condemn, to the same degree, Japan for it’s conduct in the last war for reasons of their primitive culture and hierarchy which existed back then.
But Germany cannot be so easily understood or forgiven. Germany, an advanced Western nation, that had been through one World War, began a second where it indulged in levels of barbarity that defy a description of sane.
Kristallnacht followed an assassination attempt on Hitler by a Jewish activist, and gave the NAZIs the excuse they needed to take a pop at the Jews, scapegoating was a major part of their policies and it is desperately sad to see that returning today.
The origins of the Holocaust are well documented and the NAZIs did not come to power planning it. They didn’t even plan to kill the disabled & mentally ill, it was a parent of a mentally ill child who asked Hitler personally for permission to kill his child which started it off.
As for Germay not so easily understood, think of the deprivations post WWI and the Treaty of Versailles, war reparations, and the actions of Alfred Zimmerman, then it starts to become more understandable
‘A pop at the Jews” Well that is certainly one way of putting the systematic killing of millions for no other reason than their being Jewish. Who give a f*** about the origins and this or that date. It was the result that appalls all civilised men and women.
I have no interest in German wailing about Versailles etc.
By the way I thought Kristalnacht was excused by the Germans as retailiation for the Paris assassination of one of their diplomats .
Some retaliation.
If you Thoughtful are going to offer any defence at all of the Germans in this era then you will be on the wrong side of many of us here.
I for one was not aware that the “systematic killing of millions” all took place on one night “Kristalnacht”.
If you are going to take issue with a single word and try to put some kind of spin on it to mean something it clearly wasn’t intended to then there’s no hope.
I’m not offering any kind of defence for anyone, merely trying to correct historical inaccuracies and again you are spinning something out of its entire context & meaning into something you want it to be.
Whether you like it or not, Hitler was a very lazy man who left much of his dirty work to others, he didn’t even devise the death camps, it was a string of minions desperate to please him who came up with the idea of exterminations.
Mein Kampf set out the Fuhrers thoughts on Jews.
I think it is lacking in thought to try to parse the mass murder of Jews as somehow not being the deliberate policy of the Nazis whose racial hygeine theories were not a secret, and round ups of Jewish people and others took place in broad daylight in front of witnesses.
Your linking Kristalnacht with Herschel Grynszpan was the line taken by the Germans. Grynszpans family had been forcibly evicted from their home, along with other Jewish families prior to his assassination of Vom Rath.
Jews were removed form the German Civil Service by order of the Nazi government in 1933, a very early piece of anti semitic legislation.
Hitler was the party leader and head of government. there is evidence that he took an interest in plans for new Berlin and of course he micro managed his military commanders. Are you really suggesting he took no interest in the actions to fulfill his personal hatred for Jews, when his some of his closest colleagues…Himmler and Heydrich did?
It was not until the attack on Russia that the Germans had large numbers of Jews to massacre. That was in 1941. The situation in the west was quite different and the Germans moved more slowly and used the locals more- see Holland and France if you can be bothered.
Never try to make any and I mean any excuses for the Germans in my hearing.
According to their flagship show Eastenders ,its a hive of hatred and racism out there. I can tell them its not.
but I can tell them about the Sharia patrols and alcohol free zones that are out there.
Foreigners are risking all to get here. Surely they should risking all to get away from this dreadful country?
Something else on the list of the conveniently forgotten.
Spot on ! The bullshit is breathtaking. Not yours , of course !
Most kind, Grant.
I also understand it well in terms of Globalism. The globalists are very much in favour of mass immigration in order to keep wages and democracy down. Anyone who questions mass immigration is called a racist.
The BBC is fully in support of the Globalists. Which explains why BBC and Goldman Sachs support remain.
Both Islam and the far left share a vision of a borderless world united under the Caliph or International Socialism respectively.
Hence their prominence in the Globalisers undeclared war on free trading, nation states and the idea of national solidarity, forces that resist the churn of the trade in deracinated global workers supplying cheap labour wherever it is needed to keep costs down and profits up.
Anyone who questions mass immigration is called a racist……
That’s me then, and pretty much everyone I know !!! and does anyone in this climate really get upset if they are called racist ??? I’m too old to be bothered what I’m called, – racist/bigot/fascist so it would be water off a ducks back; the name callers are the ones in the future who will have to live with the consequence of their actions.
You missed over half of Poland, Charlie. Think the conservative Government in Poland are mighty thankful to President Trump & Marine le Pen for taking the BBC’s heat off them. Been a while since the Beeb were having a go at those horrible racist Poles in power in Poland. (The ones in England are of course absolutely perfect!)
Lord’s decision – just goes to show how the ruling elite in the UK find the indigenous British person beyond contempt. The modus operandi is confirmed: condemn your own people to much uncertainty and protect the foreigner.
So, protect EU citizens living in the UK with no simultaneous reciprocal protection to Brit ex-pats living in Europe? Effectively hanging the British citizens living in Europe ‘out to dry’ with no assurances from those States within which they reside? And at what point would the EU States want to ‘negotiate’ the presence of the Brits in their countries? I suggest, ‘Never’ as they would not need to, their citizens being, ‘alright’ compliments of the Lords still allowing the massive remittances to flow in. That’s the upshot if these old men and women well past their ‘sell by date’ had their way.
I referred earlier to the irony that the protection demanded by the Lords will be for the 3 million estimated Europeans living and working in the UK. Let’s see now: were it not for that 3 million economic mercenaries, the British public may not have voted to leave the EU. Protect them? I ask you! Utter madness but only to be expected by a predominant Labour controlled Lords.
Next round of Party Manifesto’s, I want to see at the top of the shopping list: Abolish the Lords.
Abolition of the upper chamber which examines and alters government business was a priority of both Mussolini and Mosely in their Fascist Manifesto, and it absolutely must not happen despite their petulance.
The Parliament Act means that they cannot stop government business, only delay it.
I’d like to run this nightmare scenario for you.
The HoL is abolished and an elected second chamber is installed. Because of the greed of politicians and their snouts constantly in the trough, they demand salaried position equal at least to the salaries of the commons, plus their expenses. The costs of the second chamber expand 10 fold.
The new upper chamber is organised along party lines which means there is no representation for parties such as UKIP or others, and the whipping system means that the new representatives have no flexibility or independence.
With a government of one colour and an upper chamber the same ALL business is rubber stanped, with different colours nothing is approved and the government business is stymied.
Anyone stepping out of line is deselected and come the next election removed from office, even if they did the right thing.
Imagine a situation where a loon like Corbyn is elected and the upper house is his, or worse, a sinister figure like Blair with a hidden agenda, and possible compromise by foreign countries?
No! We need an unelected second chamber to keep the monsters in their place and on the tracks, because the alternative is too horrible to contemplate.
Seems to me you highlight all the features of the Lords which call for its abolition and/or total reformation at the very least.
Thoughtful, I largely agree with what you say but I feel the Upper House could be used in a different way. Everything that involves the British Constitution should be discussed there, although a major change should be passed by both houses. At the moment we don’t have a “written” constitution, although written it is not held in one place like the American one.
Alternatively the HoL should be the UK Parliament overseeing all the policies that affect all parts of the UK (defence, diplomacy, trade negotiations etc.) and the Commons becoming the English Parliament where English constituencies only are represented.
Many other possible uses too, but I agree there must be a second chamber which keeps a lid on any excesses of the Lower House. Blair screwed up the Lords by introducing a half-way reform, effectively gerrymandering it for Labour. It is now neither fish nor foul and as we can never put the genie back in the bottle we must finish with the reform and make it elected.
I am generally against PR as we would have had perma-Lab/Lib governments most of my adult life, but maybe it could be introduced for the HoL and UKIP would have many seats. This is my favourite option until we get an English Parliament with the same rights as the Scottish one.
I only said to Mr D 30 minutes ago that I thought I might agree now to the HOL abolition but Thoughtful, your forecast gives me pause for thought.
Did you hear the appalled gasp in the Lords when Lord Tebbit called them out on their favouring the foreigner?…
All I can say is I`d love to be a foreigner negotiating with this lot of clowns…..”we`ll tell you our strategy before we start so there`s no misunderstanding that we mean to surrender our citizens interests in your countries”.
unless its a cunning plan to show up the EU member states for the vengeful group that some in the EU want them to be…to discourage other escapers.
“Did you hear the appalled gasp in the Lords when Lord Tebbit called them out on their favouring the foreigner?…”
Virtue signalling is irritating enough on TV or if you turn up at the wrong type of dinner party.
When virtue signalling determines government policy, it’s a far more serious matter.
Or play poker with them. “I’ve got a pair of sixes. How much will you bet you can beat that?”
I believe members of the House of Lords get a £300 a day allowance just for turning up at the House. I am sure there are many hard working Poles who would be willing to do that job for £50 a day. That is what has happened to many British workers, who have had their wages undercut by immigrants happy to accept far lower living standards than any British person.
The Lords should try living like a British worker for a while, it might help them to understand why Brexit happened.
Nice one – reckon Romanians would be even cheaper and Somalians cheaper still.
The Somalians won’t get out of bed.
Trump was awesome in his address to Congress. The BBC actually just reported on what he said with no sneering or innuendo. Is that so hard? Report what someone actually says?
The stock market is soaring. Jobs are returning. The terrorists may well be nervous for once as someone is finally standing up to them. This could be the liberals’ worst nightmare: a hugely successful Trump presidency.
I’m sorry Alan, but there’s no such thing as racism and your post proves it!
Who exactly are the SNP racist against? It can’t be the English as the Scots and the English are the same race and surely that isn’t racism unless of course this infinitely flexible word can have its non definition stretched to cover absolutely anything.
Whilst I am more than happy to describe the SNP as a Fascist part, because it ticks all the boxes, I can’t agree on it being ‘racist’ as there is no such thing.
I’m sorry Alan, but there’s no such thing as racism and your post proves it!
Who exactly are the SNP racist against? It can’t be the English as the Scots and the English are the same race and surely that isn’t racism unless of course this infinitely flexible word can have its non definition stretched to cover absolutely anything.
Whilst I am more than happy to describe the SNP as a Fascist part, because it ticks all the boxes, I can’t agree on it being ‘racist’ as there is no such thing.
To be fair Thoughtful, when the law is used to charge people as racists when the “crime” they are found guilty of is actually religiously motivated, Alan’s point stands. It appears that the true definition of words is more subjective than proscribed these days 🙂
Let alone any potential discussion regarding Anglo Saxon versus Celtic as racial differences, should anyone want to try arguing that 🙂
There is such a thing as racism. A tiny, tiny minority of people consider some races to be inherently inferior to their own. The word has lost all meaning and I’ve reached the stage where I’ll use it as a weapon against the people that throw it around with abandon – e.g. making complaints against James O’Brien’s language on Newsnight.
I can’t really blame the BBC for this, I heard it on this mornings bbc news.
The road camera which takes in the most money in England is on a bus lane in Newcastle.
It has taken £1.5 million from February to July.
Of course, the council say it’s not a revenue generator.
If that is the case then it is the most inefficient camera in England as cameras are supposed to be there to PREVENT us breaking the road laws and thus one is failing spectacularly.
Newcastle say the revenue goes into road improvements, they don’t say if the original road improvement money has been reduced by the amount they are taking in fines though. I suppose council pensions and pay rises may feature.
The message is, DON’T go into Newcastle. They will catch you out with their money raising road cameras.
Glasgow is equally set up to extort money from out of town unfamiliar motorists with it’s bus lane camera fines and after 6pm parking charges.
Watch out in Harrow. My wife got out of the car at a zebra crossing in a quiet road. We got a ticket.
Hammersmith and Fulham are also notorious in West London.
The ferrets fighting in a sack over the seat of Gerald Kaufman (BIH), not a pleasant sight especially given the character of some of the candidates, at least one of whom is an open Fascist.
Who on earth thought someone with the name of Luthfur Rahman would be suitable given his name sake in Tower Hamlets?
This will be comedy gold.
Therefore-it will be locked down as quickly as possible. All those Muslims, all those tribes and backgrounds. All those old stager no hopers and ravers from the grave of northern labour too. Comedy gold-don`t expect to see Michael Crick up THERE, unless Channel 4 need a futile sacrifice to boost ratings or cut out the pie consumption on his expenses.
Well done Kaufman-this will be “No Surrender” like in its filmic scope and potential. May well be Dignitas for Labour -so hope UKIP will stay out on this one.
Let us see what expires eh?
My hope-that Beverley Hughes would return to the city to fight , fight again for the party she loves. Chinese Cockle Pickers 2004?
Crick will arrive once Labour have chosen a candidate and UKIP dare to walk a UK street in daylight.
Politics on both sides of the Atlantic have lately been dominated by left-liberal celebrities and media (especially the BBC) including Rory Bremner and Meryl Streep. I’ve been wondering how World War Two would have worked out if allied leaders had faced a similar situation. A brief sketch on this subject came to me (while under the shower this morning), so I thought I might as well share it:
Scene: Churchill’s war-room, 1944. He discusses with his assistant the forthcoming D-Day invasion:
CHURCHILL: At last – the Normandy landings, Europe’s liberation! Who should we bring in to advise?
ASSISTANT: You’ll have to gain the approval of the popular entertainers, sir. Mr George Formby, Miss Vera Lyn, Flanagan and Allen – the press frequently publicise their hostile opinions about your leadership! Not forgetting the cast of the BBC’s much loved wireless comedy, ITMA.
CHURCHILL: The bloody BBC – they’re usually behind any trouble! We’ll have to keep them sweet or one of the barstewards will deliver the invasion plans gift-wrapped to Erwin Rommel. All right, bring the ITMA lot here – and Gracie Fields!
ASSISTANT: Um, it might be difficult, sir – our building is presently besieged by violent demonstrators. They claim you’re a warmongering xenophobe for bombing the Ruhr Valley dams, drowning thousands of Germans and letting Guy Gibson name his dog ‘Nigger’.
CHURCHILL: Bloody hell. I give up. This country isn’t worth saving. Fight them on the beaches? These people couldn’t win a deckchair from a fat, arrogant German on Brighton pier.
[Winston reaches shakily for a cigar and a bottle from his drinks cabinet. He rips at the few remaining strands of his hair. After a glass of whisky he feels more confident.]
CHURCHILL: I’ve had an idea. Could you get me President Roosevelt on the telephone?
ASSISTANT: He is somewhat preoccupied, sir, by an indignant mob who have surrounded the White House – led by Mr Bing Crosby, who hopes his fashionable opinions will win one of these newfangled Oscar awards. They say Americans should allow admission to Germans fleeing fighting, that the Nazis are peaceful folk driven to violence by allied aggression and Hitler is merely trying to unify Europe.
CHURCHILL: I don’t want to speak to him anyway – I just want him to give me a line to the real rulers of America – the Marx Brothers.
Yes – on the WW2 comparison – after Dunkirk, all British men should fuck off to America as ‘refugees’ and leave the women and children behind.
The big assumption in transposing current “progressive” thinking and moralising to that time is that a war would have occured at all. Faced with a state and an ideology that was claiming world domination, was murdering those who were not true believers, jews, homosexuals, etc. The enlightened response would have been not to do anything “counter-productive” anything that could act as a “recruiting sergeant” to all those “patriotic, moderate and peace-loving” aherents of this ideology who were living amongst us. 5th column? What nonsense! After all, in the past, the British and Americans have invaded their lands, humiliated them and demanded unjust reparations from them. No wonder they are angry and distrustful. We must try and take the “moral high-ground” and offer the hand of peace.
If the BBC was genuinely impartial, this is the sort of sketch you would get on radio four comedy alongside the usual leftie stuff. But if you’ve ever been to a stand up comedy show, you’ll know that if anybody makes a remotely ‘off-message’ joke or comment, a frosty silence descends on the room.
Still chuckling. Brilliant, Helena!
One of the most revealing aspects of Scottish nationalism which clarifies its parochialism is their rabid paranoia around the use of the word Scotch. For entirely self-serving reasons they seem to have decided that Scotch should become a perfect vehicle for uber-umbrage, and will condemn any and every use of the word except as a description of their national drink (aside from Irn-bru and Buckfast). This despite the fact that Scotch was in common, frequent and accepted usage, both in speech and literature, by English and Scotch alike at least until the 1900s.
Since that time, due to the commercial success of their whisky, the use of the word Scotch – which is in reality the Whisky of the Scotch, in precisely the same way as Irish is the Whiskey of the Irish – has been proscribed out of pettiness rather than national pride. Were this not the case, Scotch broth, Scotch eggs and Scotch pancakes would all have to be renamed.
Scottish nationalists – never let a potential new grievance pass them by.
They’re not alone in that, mind you. New grievances, usually with individual titles, appear on the BBC on a regular basis.
I’ve often wondered about why the hostility to that particular word. Would someone on here please enlighten us as to why it’s unacceptable?
Don’t forget Scotch haggis: a sheep’s bladder stuffed with mincemeat. Considered by the Scots to be not only edible but actually a delicacy.
As compared to an English sausage, largely the same except with a higher ratio of offal to grain and served in a rectum rather than a stomach. Oh no wait, both of them have used alternative casings for decades…. Personaly, I don’t get the ‘scotch’ annoyance, it’s never bothed me.
The SNP pushing a grievance is frankly no different to any other political party – that’s what they’re there for, to represent a cultural constituency in society (ie the Labour party push the grievances of public sector workers)
It’s the minced lung I have difficulty with.
BBC1 now is a doco about all the illegal tenants that are living in council HA properties
Like people get a house, then move back to their home country, leaving realatives in the house, or subletting to outsiders ..WTF
Couldn’t the councils have a system of weekly rent collector men, so they get to know who is living in their properties ?
Couldn’t they have a policy of changing the locks after two weeks if the registered tenant doesn’t show up ?
I was told by a Nigerian colleague that people get a council house paid for on housing benefit and then sublet the flat so they get pure profit.
I make a point of saying Scotch to any Scotch folk I come across, to be fair a lot of them couldn’t care less, but as most of the Scotch folk I meet are living in London, I guess that explains why they are not particularly bothered.
Call them pancakes!
Less excuses that snowflakes for being such nasty little bigots and grievance farmers.
What are our dear, freedom loving, caring, sharing, liberal friends up to now?
A bill to murder babies:-
And yet they can emote over ‘refugee’ babies?
What very twisted minds they do have.
10pm C4 Extremely British Muslims
9pm BBC2 The Attack: Terror in the UK
“With a mass-casualty terror attack in the UK seen as almost inevitable, this drama documentary dramatises what terrorism experts fear is the most likely scenario for Britain’s next major terror attack. Counterterrorism police believe that the greatest threat to our security comes from Marauding Terrorist Firearms Attacks (MTFA), which can result in dozens of fatalities even if armed police respond within minutes. There are more than a thousand high-priority terrorism suspects in the UK, but there are only enough surveillance officers to monitor a fraction of these at any time.
Based on extensive research, The Attack: Terror in the UK tells the story of an Islamic State-inspired terrorist group planning a firearms attack and follows the ongoing police investigation. It focuses on Joseph, a young man who, while in prison for drug and firearms charges, is recruited, converted and radicalised by Islamic extremists – highlighting the fear that links are being forged between jihadists and street gangs with access to automatic weapons.”
Wonder if Extremely British Muslims will mention how many BM’s are incarcerated in prison ! – probably not.
It is, of course, delightful that there appears to be an embarrassing spat between Sadiq Khan and Nichola Sturgeon. Both of these ghastly crustaceans are always very quick to point the finger and also to signal their own virtue.
I heartily detest the pair of ’em. However on the specific point of “racism” I am always reminded of one of the famous quotes by the late, great Doctor Johnson. He famously said that “patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.”
Things have changed since Samuel was rambling about Georgian London. Nowadays I think the FIRST refuge of the scoundrel is the accusation of racism. Liberals perpetually point the finger and enjoy a free hand at using the most pejorative terms to attack anyone they’re arguing with. Particularly at the BBC!
How many times have I heard this smear on Question Time? Some poor sap might argue for reduced immigration. Idiot! Doesn’t he know where he is? Immediately some smug, lefty fellow panelist will point the finger and accuse him of the worst crime imaginable. “You’re a RACIST!” This seems to delight the, so called, “impartial” presenter who allows the audience (mob) to carry on squealing, hooting and foot stomping for ages. I often wonder what loony-bin they get these people from!
Then the poor (and innocent) accused spends 10 minutes trying to prove that he isn’t a racist / xenophobe / Islamophobe etc, etc. He’s never beaten his wife, never had unlawful knowledge of an under age duck-billed-platipus and he doesn’t support Tottenham. He might as well try to prove he isn’t a Martian, but it’s job done as far as the liberal is concerned.
So, this time we’ve got two horrible old lefties involved in a spat about racism.
Makes a change…
Ahah Racism? Humans evolved as tribal creatures – thousands and thousands of years of, fear, distrust and natural dislike of the stranger, the foreigner.
Active concern that your tribe may be subverted, subjugated or subsumed by another tribe is perfectly understandable, an instinctive, evolutionarily priority and for all the emoting is quite natural.
Being tolerant is quite different to being a doormat.
Equally it is instinctive and natural and an instinctive priority to have high regard for your offspring and not want to murder them at the point of birth, because it is convenient to do so, as the new Abortion Bill seeks to permit.
I suspect the spat is because Sadiq is a no borders internationalist…a position common to Islam and the SWP whereas Nicola is a European Social Democrat posing as a Scottish civic nationalist.
I wish we had politicians with the gumption to say that all nations/ethnic groups should have homelands with defensible borders, controlled immigration and a coherent shared history and culture in which ethnic identity is respected, and with the nerve to point out that this is not a “racist” position.
This argument is frequently deployed sympathetiacally on the left when criticizing the way colonialists drew national borders without respecting tribal boundaries in Africa and the Middle East, and is used to excuse subsequent violence and conflict, yet becomes “racist” if deployed by White ethnic groups.
I no longer care about the use of the term “racist”. Better to be a situational “racist” as necessary than a perduring fool.
I’ve got to admit I was once a card carrying member of the SNP but it was only when among the inner circles that I found out about the levels of anti English racism and the extent of their particularly vile form of anti semitism which was obsessional within the top tiers and which is now the norm among the rank and file.
Thankfully as the Scottish economy tanks and services are collapsing due to they’re chronic incompetence more and more people are waking up to what they really are and are rejecting them.
Krankie knows that her obsession with calling a second referendum will be the downfall of her and her party but she has to go for it because she and her party have nothing else to offer the Scottish people. Nothing.
Bring it on – all the polls show that rejection of ‘independence’ is growing.
Media Fantasyland is far bigger than the real world
– See how there were thousands of articles about Trump’s Inauguaration concert BEFORE it took place, many with lurid stories about people who refused to perform, but hadn’t been invited anyway.
– Well today I decided to look how it went ..and found there was hardly any coverage ..Half a dozen articles covered it , most of which were a cut and paste from AP (even Fox did that). It had a few lines about how nothing went wrong and then from halfway in just talked about the counter gigs.
You can bet that if things had gone wrong it would have been put in into “operation banging on”
These days I find with news searches I have to stick in the word Breitbart to avoid just getting propaganda.
So strange that a few days ago there was a promo for a lecture
Mathematician To Examine Statistical Interpretation in the Media
On Feb 28 In her lecture, “Should you believe it,” Prof Rebecca Goldin will analyze the use of statistics in media. Citing real statistical bloopers in the news, she will uncover insights on numerical accuracy and answer the very question posed to listeners: “Should you believe it?”
and now after the lecture NADA coverage, no media, no Twitter
Was the lecture cancelled ?
..or did she fail to supply the RIGHT narrative ?
But this summed up Trumps Revolution.
The little people, the brave patriots sang and spoke. No “stars”-but brave guys like Lee Grenwood, Sam Moore and Toby Keith need never work again now. To think for themselves in Tinseltown was freakishly brave. Don`t have to like Ted Nugents music in order to love the man and his REAL punk attitude to things.
Like obscura offering to play for UKIP last spring-doesn`t matter than it got bawled out by the liberal fascists-but means that I now like Bucks Fizz and Roger Daltry…THESE are our people-stuff the elites and the pop poppets.
Let’s see if 2017 is the year when Al Bebeestan finally, finally, manages to join the dots and solve one of the great mysteries that has perplexed mankind for so long. Namely, what could the following possibly have in common?
Rotherham Rochdale Oxford Keighley Bristol Telford Birmingham High Wycombe Harrow Bury Stevenage Burton Chesham Leeds BlackburnBlackpool Preston Nelson London Barking Derby Peterborough Bradford Bristol Coventry Bolton Middlesbrough…
Nice, Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Malmo, Boston, Holland, Orlando, New York, Madrid, London 7/7, Tunisia, Bali, Mumbai…
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Ethiopia, Morrocco, Kenya, Turkey, Yemen, Nigeria, Libya, Algeria, Mali, Chad, Indonesia, Philippines, Lebanon, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Algeria…
Or perhaps we could do it by topic: Terrorism, murder, paedophilia, rape, enslavement, anti-semitism, homophobia, xenophobia, FGM, misogyny, stoning, beheading, mutilation, apostasy-murder, adultery-murder, hijacking, suicides, truck bombs, car bombs, child bombers, 9/11, 7/7, dictatorhip…
Personally I am utterly baffled, but surely the beeb – with its budget of billions, its huge banks of computers, its thousands of researchers, its hundreds of foreign bureaux and offices stuffed with foreign correspondents – surely they could feed the above data into their huge computers, do some number crunching and come up with an answer, no?
Brilliant summary and picture Charlie.
Here`s the prayer room at the UN by way of thanks.
Thanks Alicia, with more time I could have made each of those lists so much longer…
But what’s the meaning of UN meditation room? A black stone and some symbols on a wall painting?
Black Rock of Ka`aba in miniature ,I would say Charlie. As if Islam is the very primary source of UN “religion and spiritual” direction.
NO Christian reference whatsoever
, no Jewish influence allowed.
Just a bland primary school kind of window with a Dag Hammerskold quote under it.
Guess my point is that I can see the BBC from your image-your Muslim connection goes right to the very heart of the UN from the top floor down.
OK, gotcha.
Oh and this maybe CM…….Saudi Arabia is financing the building of Mosques throughout Europe and the UK, it promotes the medieval Wahhabi/Sunni version of Islam.
The UK has the 5th largest economy in the world a large proportion of which is Arms manufacture.
Saudi Arabia is the UKs biggest customer for Arms with a £5.6 Billion spend.
Now you may have a better idea of why Islam cannot be criticised in the UK.
UK government; Prophet/profit before people.
It’s like looking down into Dante’s 9 rings of hell…
What happened in Harrow?
Ade – What happened in Harrow? This for a start:
Ex Policeman Mohammad Shabbir And Brother Muhammad Guilty Of Abusing 13 Year Old
November 5, 2013
Filthy paedo Mohammad Shabbir and his equally vile younger brother Muhammed have both been found guilty of abusing a vulnerable 13 year old. The former being an ex member of the Met Police. Which goes to show even the few Muslims that have a respectable job still cant be trusted anywhere near schoolgirls or women.
Brothers convicted of sexually assaulting same 13-year-old girl at different times
Harrow Crown Court jury finds siblings, 34 and 25, of Colindale guilty of one count and acquits them of another
TWO brothers – one a former Metropolitan Police staff – sexually assaulted the same 13-year-old.
Mohammad Imran Shabbir, 34, who worked for the capital’s force, and Muhammad Farhan Shabbir, 25, both of Sheaveshill Court, The Hyde, Colindale, were found guilty yesterday at Harrow Crown Court of sexual assault.
The BBC showed a brief interview on the 10pm news last night with a decent enough young woman, from an Eastern European EU member state, worried by the Lords debate.
She was billed as an engineer, working in the UK for 4 years who had just bought a house (housing crisis, what housing crisis?).
What struck me was how difficult it was to understand the English that she spoke…are engineers expected to communicate in English with their colleagues and customers in the UK?
Yes but remember UK employers are under the cosh to hire with a diversity priority which precludes hiring the best person for the job.
Embolden… you want to try communicating with some of the doctors in our local hospital ! and don’t get me started on the nurses with the Jamaican patois, and Phillipino guttural sounds. Obviously fine if you happen to be from the West Indies or Asia.
At our hospital they always had a nurses home for the nurses being trained in the Training Centre. Both are long gone. I guess they thought they could dig new nurses out of the ground rather like potatoes?
Gaxvil, I think this was when the rot set in. Abolishing the nurses homes,’proper’ uniforms, the overall in charge Matron, and having Contract cleaners employed. Young girls always loved the ‘classic’ look of being a nurse and had the right caring attitude. Now I believe the degree qualification has scared many potential good nurses from seeking that career path, and I wonder how many of our foreign nurses have an equal ‘degree’ qualification from the country they’re from ! if they don’t, then it defeats the reason from employing from abroad, and no reason why girls from the UK shouldn’t be employed.
Nursing as a job seems to be back to the 19th Century when being a nurse was considered very low life. Unless, of course, you could tend the wealthy, but for the rest anyone will do.
The Tories started it with NHS Trusts, pretending to be businesses. Labour promised reform and gave us the PFI rip off.
Heard a bit about Lefty bias in higher education and academia.
Our smug V.C from South Bank Poly(but where else?) told us not to fuss-1964 was, after all a different time from today and Daily Mail teacup stories like howling down the Jews etc( I extrapolate here-same principle though). Well yes-V.C earn a fortune is what I THINK he meant-but , for course he didn`t want this raised.
Today at 8.45 or so happy to pass this over.
Of COURSE the Left are smarter and nicer-which is why they infest universities, schools and the BBC/old press like fleas on a piss stained mattress.
Here`s the report-the Left and the BBC do NOT want this marinaded wetness being tinged with bitter Stalinist piss…but, hey…it is.
Click to access Left+Wing+Bias+Paper.pdf
My paternal grandmother died 50 years ago.
This was NOT featured on the Toady R4 prog. this morning.
However the 50th anniversary of the death of playright Joe Orton was.
Was he any good?
Irrelevant. Because the really important news was that he was gay.
Queue a fawning tribute in which the interviewee managed inevitably to cram in words like diversity and equality.
Tick tick tick.
But the weird thing is that the bBBC never seem to get round to noticing that their rabid pro-gay stance and their rabid pro-Religion of Peace stance are , ahem, ever so slightly incompatible.
All I know of this gay nomark is that he was from Leicester and got done for obscene defacings of library books somewhere more enlightened than his home town.
A Lifetime Achievement Award surely due-who else could deface library books with such brio, so far ahead of his times eh?
Got killed by his gay American lover-that a racist hate crime or an anti American homophobic incident? WGAFF…only the BBC. Shit plays too, so I`m told.
Gompertz will love them though.
Perhaps I may comment, as I actually appeared in a Joe Orton play during my younger years when I ‘crept the boards’. Personally I didn’t find it particularly funny – it was similar to a Carry On film but with an undertone of rather tedious lefty subversion and homo references. I can see that Orton ticked all the boxes in the 60s – working class background, promiscuous gay, left wing politics, died young. This was sufficient to ensure him a place in the ‘canon’ of modern theatre. However…he was initially promoted by Sir Terence Rattigan, who liked his work. I consider Rattigan to be one of the finest playwrights this country has ever produced, so maybe there was something to Orton’s writing. Rattigan was also gay, but the ‘wrong kind’ of gay, ie, kept it quiet and lived an outwardly conventional, conservative life.
Another plus point for Al Beeb was that he was wont to travel to Morocco, one of the enlightened Muslim N African countries, to have his way with young boys. I wonder what they would do to him nowadays!
Surely that’s the whole point of the BBC ethos Sluff – they really are conceited enough to believe, thanks to their ‘immense and unique’ pool of expertise, they can and will reconcile the two. Incompatible? Too negative. Be brave!
Just in case anyone was unsure about the BBC’s position regarding President Trump, have a read of this dissertation by a member of the lower sixth:
The BBC really does seem determined to scupper the special relationship.
I watched all of President Trump’s address to congress. A fantastic speech. The democrats were determined to sit it out looking sour-faced and unimpressed. However, there were parts that were so rousing even they were too embarrassed to remain seated and not applaud. Overall though, the democrats came across as an infantile bunch of unpatriotic sore losers for all of the US to see.
Steve ,
All Leftists are kids who never grow up. Pathetic creatures.
And all health fanatics dressed in uniform whites.
The new Fascist colour isn`t always brown these days-especially if the State will pay for the ironing.
Found myself watching a clip of the Presidents Address to Congress the other night on a US channel.
It showed the widow of the Navy Seal killed a few weeks back getting a standing ovation with her crying, Ivanka next to her(looking gorgeous)-and Trump saying a heartfelt “thank you” to her for the ultimate sacrifice. Can you imagine how many air miles the liberal media would have run this for had it been phoney Obama or Crooked that got this “moneyshot?”.
Donald is too gracious to say as much-but we need to watch such things and tell the lousy media why it`s fine to show Obama playing a xylophone on the ribs of dead Benghazi consular staff-but somehow Trumps special moment the other night isn`t news-would only make him human I suppose.
Of course we don`t body surf on the dead like the left-but such a moving show of patriotism and kindness won`t make any CNN cut. Despicable creeps.
Surprise surprise, they are now discussing that by 2070 Islam will be the largest religion in the world ! Er, who didn’t know this ?
That was suggested for 1999 back in the mid-1970s. It didn’t happen largely due to Christian revival in Southern Africa and Latin America together with the discovery of the Christian Church in China.
They’re rejoicing. I’m worrying.
Again the BBC find a way to have a pop at the Trump administration through the back door by sensationalising the headline
Upon reading the article, buried halfway down, the organiser quoted.
” she did not think the denial had anything to do with the Trump administration.
“I had feared an outcome like this because Tibetans usually struggle to get US visas as officials fear that they might request asylum,” she said.
Misleading biased headline once again.
There they go again
The BBC are back today with another anti-Trump headline. The Democrat attack on Jeff Sessions is fankly hardly even worthy of headlining internal US political news – certainly not interesting to the UK licence payers – it’s a Washington Bubble story simply designed to play into the Democrat Ruskies-under-the-bed narrative.
But like the proverbial dog retuning to its own vomit the BBC can’t help but follow in lock-step with the Democrat-leaning US media back again and again to this fake news narrative.
Have you seen the BBC news show “100 Days” ? You have to wonder, was this intended to be on air had Hillary won the election as the BBC who were dutifully following the Democrat US media confidently predicted ? Would it have been a celebration of the putative first female President ? I wonder whether the BBC would have asked truth to power questions of Hillary or maybe in contrast used the fawning style of of John Sopel to Obama in 2015 : “What’s gone right?”
Even with Trump’s widely praised speech yesterday the lefty gaggle of Katty Kaye, Christian Fraser and John Sopel still managed to snigger at and disparage Republican leaders on the grounds that their suits and ties matched. Hopeless 4th form efforts BBC.
Will they keep this up for 100 days? Will the BBC follow up with a new series ‘200 days’ ?
One thing is for sure, unless there is major shake up of BBC reporters they will go on and on attacking Trump and supporting the Democrats. It’s biased and it’s BORING
It was Ronald Reagan who popularised the phrase first addressed to Jimmy Carter : ‘There you go again’
Don`t forget the comedy though!
Remember when Trump was accused of “breaking diplomatic convention” by talking to Taiwan?
The BBC are never as happy when it comes to pearl-clutching when “protocol” is breached-quelle horreur, smelling salts Vicar Dibley!
So hopefully Trump will stick with ANYBODY who rattles the lefty cage, more offensive the better.
Paul Flynn ought not to have been offered as shark bait to them-only encourages the scum.
An example of BBC puffed up pedantry-white tails and tiaras this morning as the “Her Majestys Inspector of Constabulary” no less moaned on about not enough money to hand out leaflets.
Don`t the BBC always tell us that crimes no issue?-ah wait, PUBLIC SECTOR flaglet and bunting alert here.
More money from that tree Tory scum if you please.
No-whenever else would the BBC refer to “Her Majesty”-unless it`s to give full titled weight to another lefty grievance.
Oh, so you noticed it’s public sector budget season…?
I know we’re in the post-history era but wasn’t it the week before last that crime was down, the prisons were over full and the refrain was ‘Kumbaya, let my people go!’
Now it’s the cops’ turn to put out the begging bowl and suddenly ‘They should all be nicked cos they’re villains!’
By the way talking of post-history – I know 1066 was on the cusp of the ‘dark ages’ but are the BBC correct, did William The Conqueror really have a West Indian envoy?
Dan Snow delivered a sub-Blue Peter show. It started with a big anachronism – In January of the year 1066 William was already King of England. Until 1752 New Year was Lady Day – 25th March not 1st January. But that’s history.
As predicted, the EUSSR and French establishment are pulling out all the stops to nobble Marine: Le Pen loses immunity from prosecution for tweeting images of Islamic State violence.
3 things strike me:
1) It’s now illegal to show pictures of IS violence? (Wouldn’t want to upset the sadistic murderous bastards, would we! Or for the public to know what’s really going on!)
2) how convenient of them to lift parliamentary immunity, just in her case, and just now – weeks away from the elections.
3) And how very, very predictable of Al Beebeera to salivate over it and post it top of their Europe page.
ps. One was of them burning a prisoner alive, the other of a beheaded journalist, another of an IS tank crushing someone. And the context was that some idiot reporter had compared her party to ISIS! She responded: “THIS IS ISIS!” and posted the offending pix.
Daesh, c’est CA!
Just enjoy it Charlie. The EU are one big joke-hope though that she`ll get permission of those who WILL give permission to show the barbarities.
Went to the site you posted-and found myself laughing at some Transgender bus in Madrid being alleged to be a hate crime on wheels or such. They`ve just gone mad at the BBC, serial shark baiting before refusing to jump them is what we need. Enjoy it-laugh and remember that ,as the BBCs “comedy has turned to Citizen Khan and his transgendered wind turbine…the REAL comedy is to be found freely at BBC News sites.
Don`t tell them though.
Ah yes,the great Spanish hate crime bus: Boys have penises, girls have vulvas. – “Hate crime, Kill, Kill!”
The bus is believed to be a response to posters put up in northern Spain by a transgender rights group, which read: “There are girls with penises and boys with vulvas. It’s as simple as that.”
I would have thought being opposed to this barbarity and ideology would have been considered a good thing?
That is satirical genius!
Just listening to Nick Clegg on WatO. (BBC R4 1.35pm approx) He is obviously quite bitter that the people of Britain have decided he is no longer a populist as a one-time Leader of the LiberalDemocrat Party.
But Clegg isn’t worried about his EU pension. Money Bags Clegg is out for altruistic reasons.
That toilet dryer sums up this Krankie and the snp. Just listened to bBC politics Scotland…. what a complete waste of money that cringe fest is.
A reason the SNP are more and more perceived as anti English could be down to the influx of nationalist Republicans – their so called surge.
The Irish element( immigration) including the Glasgow plastic variety have taken up the SNP cause.
These are anti British elements, what you might call Sinn Fein in disguise.
I wouldn’t characterize the divide as anti English but rather anti British.
Many of us here are watching closely……….time Krankie’s bluff was called.
Which national interest is served by Britain being weakened by secessionists?
Clue, starts with G and has fought in 2 world wars against the UK, including the one during which the IRA launched its rebellion in 1916, in the second one an “independent” Scotland and United Ireland were envisaged as part of the occupation plan.
Looked up the assorted costs of this mornings Today Programme.
Just ONE of the talking heads-one David Phoenix of South Bank Polytechnicals-is on a roll of nearly £300,000 p.a. His interviewer-Justin Webb is likely to be on £150,000 p.a AT LEAST-because John Humphrys is on about £400,000 pa.(does Mastermind though I`m told-so a bargain at that price i`m sure).
So Webb and Phoenix( is that his REAL name, or his staged one?) between are just short of half a million at the taxpayers teat…and all to tell me that Jews are safe at uni, that 0.4% of university in academic/related roles that vote UKIP are-well probably TOO many to start with!
When ARE we going to riot at this then?
The poor bloke from Adam Smith in the liberal double decker sandwich did well enough, but was hardly able to say too much with Webbing interruptions and old Pat telling us that “yooniz just grand” with hounding Farage, Namazie etc.
Typical lefty liberal lies and crap-it`s on at about 8.45 on Today earlier-but funnily enough doesn`t get the banner treatment on the site, any more than the fleeced Geordies that preceded it.
Stuffuk the BBC…new word there!
Watching the Lords debating the Article 50 Bill reinforced my view that it should be reformed or abolished. To think that 800 of them are on a minimum of £300 tax free a day just for turning up and then starting to undermine the government’s negotiating position is painful to watch ( on BBC parliament ).
Only few talked sense – such as Lord Tebbit. I watched and researched their pasts at the same time. Many are university to politic to the Lords – often with partners doing the same.
On the upside they chamber was full for a change and there were all awake – for a change. A Tip – avoid the BBC documentary on The House of Lords if you want to keep your blood pressure low.
Let’s look forward to a good Brexit. Soon.
Good for you Alicia- I often wonder about the economic position of those of the BBC taking the traditional moral high ground ( red nose- the other feel good charity stuff ) as well as their day job undermining th Morale of the Taxpayer. I’d like to see the salary and expenses of every one appearing on the BBC so that we can be more informed about their true position – including whether they set up a business to avoid tax by paying dividends to themselves.
In addition – I’d do a wiki to see if they and their families have been living off the taxpayer for much or all of their lives – another tool to judge their value.
Any doubt that the House of Lords is a club for elitist, un-elected, doddery old farts has been removed with their embarrassing attempt to justify their very existence by tinkering with brexit. That a zebra is a horse designed by a committee has never been more true.
Not sure if this has been mentioned before but there is a petition to do away with the unelected House of Lords and replace it with some form of elected chamber. I signed it this morning at 56K and it is currently heading towards 71K. Would include a link if I knew how!
The BBC having a splendid time because Marie LePen has lost immunity for prosecution over sharing pictures of ISIS murders.
Does this mean anyone can be prosecuted for sharing these images? Seem to recall the BBC showing a few in their time, including the appalling death of the young pilot burnt alive in his cage. They certainly are quick to show the aftermath of any US accidental deaths following an airstrike.
Thus, ought not the BBC be prosecuted too?
Or, and I know this is right out there, just a bit off the wall, requires radical thinking, but shouldn’t we be allowed to know what’s happening in Muslim controlled states?
See earlier post scribblings, with the offending pic…
Did anyone notice the BBC’s coverage of President Trump’s speech to both Houses? It was positive, bordering on reverential. All it took was to exclude them from a press briefing. Mind you the bile must be building up. Expect an explosion anytime soon.
And there it is Ade, top of Home page: Top Trump lawyer hit by Russia claims.
It wasn’t the exclusion that triggered the change in tone of the BBC. It was the change in tone from President Trump that gave them hope that the MSM offensive against him, the mass protests they had whipped up and the platforms that they had given to his opponents, had borne fruit and the President was at last seeing the light and going to drop some of the policies the liberal left elite find most objectionable. They hope a good does of the stick has tamed him , so they now offer him a carrot. We must hope he spits it out and continues his demolition of the liberal left elites . Go Trump , smash em to smithereens, don’t let up , keep on slugging the elite wherever you find them.
And would you credit it- Channel 4 are offering a programme @ 10pm ‘Extremely British Muslims’ Why on earth should such a programme be of interest to Non-Muslims? Wasting TV lincene fees on such incomprehensibility. It those that follow the teachings of Islam that cause and are causing so much of the world’s trouble presently-moving with stealth to control weatern Europe, and detroy the western culture and Christian values that most of us like to live by if given the opportunity.
tarien – Why? Propaganda I expect.
Agree. Sick to death of the more-than-daily indoctrination of positive Muslim stories. Why is it always that religion? The agenda is so obvious. Why aren’t we hearing about other religions or NONE. As far as I’m concerned, it isn’t news. I don’t want to hear about anybody’s hocus pocus, so don’t bother me with it.
Why? because the media presents this group as the underdog, and cannot understand why WE have not integrated with THEM. It hasn’t occurred that their lifestyle, culture, faith, and TB has not enriched our country in any way, – I’ve yet to see evidence of this. What I do see is a deterioration of our inner cities, perverted taxi drivers and oh, you DO NOT want to visit the kitchen of your local curry house !
Interestingly when a Muslim is interviewed on the media, be it a debating programme or asked for a quote, its always a well spoken, well dressed Muslim from the professions. Its never one from the backstreets of Blackburn/Rotherham/Leicester/Luton or Southall – those who live in properties where the windows have never been cleaned and rags hang at the window for curtains; the ones where their women cannot speak English, are covered head to toe and never appear to be happy here anyway. How this is supposed to ‘enrich’ our country is beyond me.
I suppose tonight’s programme will show groups of young Islamic boys laughing and enjoying their life here. And no doubt the young ‘professional’ men and women who are successful in their careers – and all claiming to be proud to be British Muslim ! and I bet there will be many who watch who will be shaking their heads in belief !
” Sick to death of the more-than-daily indoctrination of positive Muslim stories.”
We had that Linda Sarsour publicity stunt covered in the papers last week.
“Muslims raise thousands to restore vandalised Jewish Cemeteries”
She has probably sent substantial funds from those collections through to her anti-Israel BDS Cause.
No mention of WHO has been doing vandalising of Cemeteries & Synagogues.
No mention of investigations. Just angelic Muslims bailing out their friends, the Jews. (try not to laugh) No one bothered to report that it is common practice in at least a dozen other countries for Muslims to attack Jewish holy places.
Linda Cockroach Sarsour known anti-Semite full of concern for her Jewish friends after a recent spate of Nazi attacks is the suggestion. You have to be suffering from Libtard mental disorder to buy that.
KT Hopkins reports from Sweden
Wow, how depressing. Thank god there are still some, like Katie, who are prepared to go, look and tell the truth objectively.
Meanwhile, Sweden opts for ‘selective’ conscription…wonder if that will include from immigrant backgrounds? They have a lot of young men with time on their hands. As if.
Good to know that higher education is free for 25% of EU students compliments of the British taxpayer – Thanks Government: another quality managed situation –
Sweden brings back military conscription.
“Russian military activity is one of the reasons”
Mmm, I wonder if one of the other reasons could be the new enemy within, and the manifest inability of the police to keep the peace (in that country where nothing ever happens, apparently, certainly not riots, car burnings, grenade attacks, mass rapes…)
An interesting development. I wouldn’t be surprised if the main reason was to use the extra troops to control any protests from who don’t accept mass migration. I ant see the Swedish government ever using troops against Muslims, no matter what they did. They seem to put Immigrants far higher up their priority list than they do Swedes. I know that the Swedish democrats , who oppose immigration, are growing , but still the parties of mass immigration have majority support.
Why , is beyond me but the Swedes are not alone in this perverse view. The Dutch polls show Wilders is losing ground, a similar pattern to the last election when he lost 50% of his support in the month before the election. Le Penn is very unlikely to win. In the U.K. The capital has a Muslim mayor and no party is opposed to Islam. It would probably be illegal to have this as a policy in the U.K. It seems that people are more afraid of the remedy to Islamification than they are of the status quo. Of course the flaw in this view is that the status quo is not static , Islam is gaining ground rapidly. The elites are like rabbits in the headlights and the electorates are being duped, before long it will be too late and they will all be at Friday prayers . If Europeans don’t want to be converted to Islam they need to start voting for those who will at least attempt to roll back the invasion and to do it soon.
I wonder if all Swedes of the right age will be conscripted, or will people of certain religions (e.g. Jehovah’s Witnesses, Quakers or others maybe) be exempted?
At least with Jehovah’s and quakers are truly religions of peace.
I can’t get the edit button to work today.
I swear I could pick out the liberal, lefties from a line up.
What can you make of that? Subspecies? Aliens?
Want to experience real death threatening racism, visit Africa.
For religious discrimination that will get you hung, beheaded or crucified, there really is no competition with the Islam, aka as the Religion of Peace.
Meanwhile, Fox News talks to ISIS prisoners in Iraq.
They are on a mission from God, it is a World war and the Caliphate will rule. The screams of women and children mean nothing.
Well, it’s good to get that cleared up.
Amidst the horror of Katie Hopkins’ report on Sweden, this scathing comment by her: Rape statistics were shared and widely interpreted: either Stockholm was ‘the rape capital of Europe’, or the increase in sexual assaults was a mere statistical anomaly and look, if you turn the graph on its side you will see the numbers are actually falling.
Tell ’em Katie!
Where females fear to tread: KATIE HOPKINS reports from Sweden, the Scandi-lib paradise where terrified women have vanished from the streets and a conspiracy of silence and self-censorship on immigration buries the truth
If the BBC reported that an asteroid was headed for Earth and in a matter of days we’d all be dust – how many would believe them?
Sad isn’t it, what the BBC has become after it’s promising start?
Lots of liberal left crap on the BBC website today…
Trying to decide the US immigration policy:
I would think that the US are highly suspicious that this team would claim asylum whilst there.
Letting the wife of the Orlando gunman out on bail. They seem to be just as mad and incapable of resisting the desire to commit cultural suicide as in Europe.
In these days of multiple choice and astounding technology, it really stinks that in order to watch unbiased TV, I have to watch a foreign channel.
This little gem from Lunar-tic House: More than 90 per cent of asylum seekers registering at Croydon’s Lunar House are given the same date of birth, figures reveal.
UK Borders Agency figures obtained under the Freedom of Information act showed in 2008, 24,437 visitors to its headquarters on Wellesley Road were given the date of birth as January 1.
In 2007, of the 23,430 people applying for asylum in Britain, 21,652 – 90 per cent – were also given the January 1 birth date.
According to the Home Office, those given the new identical date of birth did not have valid identification which proved their age or were unable to recall when they were born.
The asylum seekers, predominantly Afghan, Iranian, Chinese, Iraqi and Eritrean nationals, either come into the country illegally and seek the right to stay from within or are caught attempting to smuggle themselves through ports.
A police source said: “A lot of the time we pick up guys who are obviously older than their identification says they are.
“They are men with stubble but according to their new British passports they are only 16 or 17-years-old.
“They commit crimes but are only ever convicted as minors, then because they are considered children they can’t be deported. It makes a mockery of the system.”