Sadiq Khan [The man who made being ‘Mooslim’ an election issue in the Mayoral election] claims the SNP are racist..
“In that respect there’s no difference between those who try to divide us on the basis of whether we’re English or Scottish, and those who try to divide us on the basis of our background, race or religion.
“Now of course I’m not saying that nationalists are somehow racist or bigoted – but now, more than ever – what we don’t need is more division and separation.”
The SNP’s whole independence campaign is in essence one based upon an anti-English narrative…it can hardly be one of political independence as they wish to tie themselves ever closer to the EU, thus it can only be an anti-English stance that drives them…a belief backed up so often by their rhetoric. In contrast UKIP is purely about politics and sovereignty but that doesn’t stop the BBC defaming them as racists and Nazis…whilst totally ignoring the claim that the SNP is racist, in fact the BBC so often cheerleading for the independence movement…because of course that lessens the unity and power of Britain and allows the EU to pick off the smaller nation states like Scotland.
Now the BBC is interested…why? Because a Muslim has piped up and a black, female feminist who backed Khan has fled Twitter in fear for her life because of the abuse she got. As with Khan, who identifies strongly as Mooslim, she identifies as black, and proud to be British…and yet shouts about nationalism and the horrors of identity politics….She’s a student…“I’m studying to be a critical race theorist”.
Emma Barnett helpfully exposed [52 mins] what we always knew about the BBC and its view of ‘Nationalism’…she defined it thus…
By definition, historically, nationalism is always about there being an us and there being the ‘other’…an Untermenschen.
Yep, she really did equate nationalism with the very worst aspect of the Nazi ideology…..she wriggled as her interviewee, an SNP politician, told her that was outrageous…and he’s right of course….Barnett lied and said she wasn’t saying that about Scotland…but of course that’s precisely what she was saying.
Still, nice to have down in black and white what the BBC’s definition of nationalism is.
The mid-week open thread is all yours…..
Amidst all the doom and gloom, most of it provided by the beeb, I think it’s time we cheered ourselves up by laughing one last time at Emma Stone telling us how much she f*****g loves Moonlight, and in the process proving that a) luvvies are barking, b) they can’t act (or lie) without a script and a dozen re-takes, and above all that we should never, ever, give any credence to a single word they say, specially when they stray into virtue signalling politics. Enjoy.
Owen jones gets a bollocking and a reality check. Long but worth it.
British students killed in Iraq after joining Isis
“when a convoy he was travelling with leaving Mosul, Iraq, was hit by gunfire.” That must be guardian speak for getting your arse shot off while running away.
Double bingo points on ‘Climate Change Weekly’ or Inside Science as the BBC calls it – Climate Change and homosexuality!
“Some pollution might be good for the world oceans. New finding from China show how iron oxide pollution from power generation and industry has been turned into a source of nutrients for phytoplankton – by interacting with other chemical pollutants. The researchers say this is increasing the ability of the ocean to lock up atmospheric carbon dioxide and so reduce the impact of man made greenhouse gasses. They query whether reducing this kind of pollution could have a negative impact.
This week The Royal Society celebrated LGBT history month and 50 years since the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality in England and Wales
Rory Galloway meets Sir Dermot Turing, the nephew of renowned computer scientist Alan Turing, to discuss Alan’s Legacy for LGBT scientists today, and we look at the continued impacted of homophobia in science. “
More claptrap about how Turing invented modern computing, (he was gay you know!). The idea of programmability goes back at least to Charles Babbage’s time and modern computer architecture uses the John von Neumann model, Turing’s idea of program and data sharing the same memory space, (and the program being modified ‘on the fly’!), was a theoretical dead-end and would give present day computer scientists kittens, (except they wouldn’t dare say it, he was gay you know!).
I’m not sure Alan Turing was gay. Everything I have read suggests a very deep, thoughtful and intense individual, not prone to socialising and friendship.
However, he definitely was a homosexual.
As much as we should all feel a reluctance to wade in with casual talk of Hitler and the Nazis or to even bother to egage with the Left and their hysterical bleatings and false equivalents it is worth noting a few historical facts.
German pre-war anti-semitism was aimed at a resident population not at immigrants. The Jewish population of Germany was tiny, in the range of 1 to 2%. It was a relatively more visible population because it was proportionately over-represented in commerse, trade and the professions. If German workers were persuaded to resent the Jewish population it was not about competition for jobs but rather their low pay might be blamed on Jews owning their factory or the shops at which they paid high prices. The Nazi propaganda was Marxist in tone – accusing Jews of economic malpractice. The Communists have always blamed Capitalism for the world’s ills and the Nazis simply added a new racial element into the mix.
The parallels with Brexit or Trump are not really there as much as the Left wish they were. What we have is a dumbed down education system which churns out youngsters only able to equate the Nazis with simple badness and a Left reaching for the only universally recogisable bogeyman. Similarly I doubt Attila The Hun or Genghis Khan had much if any concept of themselves as being on the far-right end of the political spectrum.
So let’s hear a little less of this Hitler nonsense.
Here’s one missed by al beebeera: “Saudi police pack two transgender Pakistanis into a sack and beat them to death with sticks”.
Strange they missed it, what with them being so obsessed with transgenderism and islamophobia, this one would seem to tick 2 boxes.
Ah, but the perpetrators were muslim and it might reflect badly on the Religion of Intolerance, so hush.
And of course nothing critical must ever be said of the Saudis, our ‘allies’ – who are behind so much terrorism and the export of their barbaric wahhabism.
Attacking women, all par for the course.
Ah, enrichment, doncha luv it?
Discussing the state of policing on BBC News Channel, an interviewee disputes the government’s claim that police budgets have been protected. Only since 2015 he says, big cuts before that. The BBC then seek the views of the camp commandant (ex Commander Brian Paddick, former Lib Dem candidate for mayor of London). Cuts! Cuts! Terrible says Brian. BBC interviewer fails to point out that in effect the previous guest fingered the coalition government as the axeman.
“White people shouldn’t breed” screamed Rezzas Abdulla and spat in baby’s face.
Another one al beeb didn’t report. Probably too busy mocking Trump for trying to keep terrorists out, or preaching to us about the wonders of Islamic mathematics.
As in: 1 bomb + 10 dead kafirs = 72 virgins.
Switched on bBBC1 at 6.55pm and thought the news had over-run. Various crises being mentioned.
Turned out it was a Labour Party broadcast.
It’s well nigh impossible to tell the difference.
Quite shocked to see how Lord Norman Tebbit was treated in the Lords yesterday. His inconvenient truth was to say that any British Government surely ought to put its own citizens first. THEN deal with the foreigners it hosts.
No malice or racism whatsoever-bleeding obvious I`d have thought seeing as the EU are more than prepared to hold British citizens hostage if Juncker and Merkel find it buys them time.
But the “noble Lords” treated Norman as if he`d farted in their liftshaft.
“Foreigner”-NOT a word we use round these parts.
My God-didn`t we used to have good people like Tebbit and Lawson speaking sense in there? Now we`ve got a load of angry birds,Bennetton placemen/women and failed LibLab greasers///and all are motivated to overturn this country for Heseltine or for Mandelson.
We need a second revising chamber-but this shower of ermine shit and stoat droppings are not it.
Possibly the biggest shot across the bows if they really think that dumbed down grasping toads are not what Labour and Liberals turn into-and the crap Tories in there are as bad.
Tebbit, Lawson and a few others excepted.
Nothing on telly of course.
So watch this-possibly the best dissection of the Liberal Death Star ever done.
One you`ve got it-you won`t get pissed off with the BBC, any more that you would with a crocodile in the bed. As invited in by ourselves.
The BBC does what it does-because of the forces that Evan Sayet pitilessly shows to us here.
We are now without excuse.
Starts at 3.30.
The later version is available online too-might be even better!
Thank you for posting this. I haven’t seen it before, or, if truth be known, know anything about the speaker, but he has collected all the stray thoughts and ideas that were lurking around in my head and all those traits I have observed in the infants of the left and put them into concrete form. Now I understand the what and the why. The old maxim “know your enemy” was never more apt. Once again thank you.
Quite, quite wonderful dissection of all that the putrid Left have long got away with.
This lecture apparently gave rise to Breitbart-and was cited by Stephen K Bannon as a key influence is his targeting the idiot Generation Zero. Hence we`d have no Donald J Trump without Mr Sayet.
The Lords decision is typical of the so-called intellectual left who think Britain can act as some kind of beacon of tolerance and ‘progressiveness’ that the rest of the world will follow, whether it’s wrecking our economy in the name of saving the planet, destroying our culture and identity for the sake of acting as a blueprint for a world melting pot of peoples or re-distributing our ‘wealth’ as a model of fairness and ‘social justice’ for all.
The reality is everyone just laughs at our naivety and takes advantage – big time (helped and encouraged by those ‘progressives’ at the BBC, of course).
bbc merrily salivating over the downfall of some US government official who once shared a Beef Stroganoff with a Russian, allegedly.
Hang ‘im high.
Been catching up on this non-story ( a nothingburger as Ted Cruz calls it).
Then followed links to White House briefings with Sean Spicer.
Well worth a watch.
These arseholes are so up themselves. Loads of arcane irrelevant points of nit picking procedure and all about process or trying to push their fetic liberal agendas-as well as baiting Trumps team and scoring points for the frat prats that surround them
Transgendered loos-did he REALLY just have a samovar of tea-and back to Russia or weird games over migrant law, as well as cooing over the great Obama.
Utter wankers-I`d have lamped them, good old Sean is a man of great patience. THIS is what the Free Press gets up to-there`s REAL Navy Seals who die-and there`s pathetic pingus who play at balancing clown fish and red herrings on their big fat snouts.
Trump REALLY needs to get a grip on this lot-send Bannon and Miller out there and let them KNOW what the US people need-and why these mediating inch worms are a side show and need draining…and fast. Why the HELL are the media still getting away with their onanism like over Jeff. Come on Donald-clawhammer and fast!
I think that the Dumbocrats will struggle to unseat Sessions as A-G because he isn’t doing something which is contrary to what the Deep State wants, unlike General Flynn who was – he put Iran “On notice” which implied that the U.S. were on course for a military confrontation with the Iranians.
The Deep State have decided against such a policy and currently want peace with Iran: so Flynn had to be removed and the Dems were happy to support that action; this isn’t the case with Jeff Sessions, so I expect him to stay as the Democruds will be attacking him unsupported.
I do titter when I see the new Reality Check on the BBC news website. This from an organisation that thinks all cultures are equal and all we need is for every organisation to be sufficiently ‘diverse’ then we will have heaven on Earth.
They are leading their Radio 4 news bulletin with the meeting Trump’s attorney general had with a Russian ambassador and did not declare. A diplomat met with another diplomat! What scandal! So he was doing his job?
Reality check: nobody gives a shit. And we are sick to fucking death of you attacking our greatest ally with this spurious Russia horse shit. You wonder why he has put you on the naughty step? Have you not learned your fucking lesson?
Who signs this drivel off at the BBC:
‘Seated in a wooden chair, Mrs Trump wore black stilettos and a large diamond ring as she read to the children.’
This was a comment re. World Book Day on a children’s ward.
How disgusting that they highlighted this in the final paragraph of the article:
Melania Trump reads Dr Seuss to sick children in hospital
Even more disgusting is that they were trying to belittle Mrs Trump whilst visiting sick children. They have no shame.
Pull – You’re surprised a scorpion has a sting in its vicious little tail?
I am just highlighting the depths they go to. Explain what your point is please?
Same as yours. Rhetorical question.
Sorry fell asleep! Getting on a bit. Yes I agree and I’m not surprised it just amazes me how obviously biased the BBC are but if you dare to complain!!
BBC Cuts? what! not in the Telly Tax – A refinancing deal will save the corporation £10 million a year immediately – rising gradually to an estimated £34 million by 2033, it said.
It comes after a damning report in 2015 found costs at Broadcasting House were almost three-times as high as other comparable buildings in the UK.
The National Audit Office said at the time that the building – which became fully operational in 2013 – cost £89 million a year to run, accounting for a third of the annual £273 million running costs of the BBC’s entire UK estate.
Richmond Times – BBC announces cuts to running costs at its New Broadcasting House headquarters
The BBC is an ESSENTIAL SERVICE – Right. Just like the Police, Fire and Ambulance?
What about London pollution ?
The NATIONAL broadcaster could have in a digital age spread it’s operations across the country but instead they built a big over budget building right in the middle of London.
surely forcing all that staff in causes pollution ?
Yet the next moment they start doing a PR campaign about London pollution.
Hypocrisy is their stock-in-trade. They don’t care whether you know that they are full of BS, the only thing that is important to them is that they push the message that we are all bad; no matter what we do.
They can and do call black white and white black, the truth is irrelevant. Imagine the air in London is now more polluted than it was in the 1950’s; utter bull. Vehicle emissions are cleaner, there is no lead in petrol CFCs have gone, no more town gas or coal fires. I could go on, but its pointless shit. They are lying for their own purposes and we have to swallow it? No thanks.
… Not much important going on in Europe BBC?
A judge has backed Madrid’s decision to force a bright orange bus emblazoned with an anti-transgender message off its roads.
Jose Juan Escalonilla said the bus could not move until the slogans, including “if you are born a man, you are a man”, were removed
Or the Middle East
As woman in sparkly Burkha covers,(sorry 😀 ) Vogue Arabia
Anyone would think an agenda is at hand?
I thought the idea of the burkha was to make women less attractive?
It is interesting that the young lady used for the Obama Hope-style poster was not unattractive, whereas most one sees in footage are simply ‘easy to see’ and best left covered.
Just watching BBC 2 docu-drama about the lead-up to a possible Islamic terrorist attack. Predictably, it features a “nice” boy being islamified and radicalised in prison and a Muslim “mole” operating undercover in a potential terrorist cell, ie character 1 – perverted by others; character 2 – a good muslim shopping his mates for the benefit of British society. A wholly predictable fairy story thus far… but let’s see what unfolds.
Multiple use of the word “kufr”, which I find as offensive as the “P” word is to muslims of Pakistani heritage.
A British “migrant” story, following the wishes of the part time crisp salesman, and Lily Allen, the narrative of the Al BBC/Westminster yep! … should have all the requirements for copious BBC Headlines?
… Kind hearted woman opened home to Muslim “12 yr old refugee,” oops!
who was really a 21 yr old adult Islamic extremist, who said “I’ll kill you all”
“Julie said she later found that Abdul had been visiting extremist websites on his mobile phone and an interpreter relayed messages, sent to family and friends, where he had been joking about “tricking” the British government into thinking he was a child.”
Looks like our Norwegian friends are waking up to the reality of the Religion of War.
Good morning Oslo.
“28,500 police officers in Sweden got told in late January how they should present themselves in case of high alert or war.”
High alert eh? Mmm, what could they have in mind?
Another of those weepy BBC “lack of opportunity/education etc etc causes Islamic terrorism” stories … no wait 😀
BBC News “Two British medics who were part of a large group of students who left their studies in Sudan to join so-called Islamic State have been killed in Iraq. The BBC understands that Ahmed Sami Khider, from London, and Hisham Fadlallah, originally from Nottinghamshire, died at the weekend
BBC News also revealed how a British graduate was at the heart of the recruitment drive. Mohammed Fakhri Al-Khabass – who grew up in Middlesbrough – used his position on the Islamic Cultural Association at UMST to urge students not to practise medicine in the West”.
ps. haven t heard yet from the Al BBC,
whether mental illness was a factor,
hmmm they follow Islam
Not the BBC but having watched the very British Hotel on Ch4 – the Mandarin Oriental in London (owned by those two beauties the Candy Bros) – over 80% of the staff, from the General Manager (French) down are non-British, and this is explained by the Laundry Manager (Slovakian) that she has never interviewed anyone for a job who is British !
The Training Manager in Middle Eastern customs (Australian) gave a training session on how to treat the very wealthy Arabic customers who are ‘very special people’ ! and who occupy the £22,000 per night suites.
Amazing that we are talking about OUR capital city here.
Only 1 minute into BBC Question Time and we have some fake news suggesting loads of support from youngsters to ‘demand the Brexit for them’. Some guitarist on the panel was introduced saying he has 250,000 young supporters which the guitarist responds “is now 8 million”.
Dimbleby suggest 8 million cannot be right. guitaris says “its complex”. Dimbleby replies “we can discuss that after the show”
Well done BBC. Put out some fake news and facts and move straight on to the first audience member question.
There is about 8 million young people between ages of 15 to 24 so has this guitarist got every single young person to sign up to his Brexit-breaking campaign?
And I’m still yet to hear the list of things we shall be losing when no longer in the EU. Considering the effort in man hours and frequency of propaganda output, by now I really should know them off by heart.
Maybe I’ve just not been paying attention?
Oh, hang on, was it that that we could run out of builders, fruit pickers and Yodel drivers. Can it be that serious?
Sand dog sculptors and accordionists too.
Absence of fruit pickers was touted on TODAY this morning. Crops will rot!
The question to ask is “How did we manage before we were in the EU”, and then having obtained the answer, apply the solution. Not rocket science is it?
Just rejoice that it’s 2017 and not 1939 because we would be seriously screwed.
Today we are surrounded by those that will give ten reasons why something can’t be done.
They should look at current research and robotics at Harper Adams Uni. Shropshire. In fact WHY don’t they know what is going on in the real world?
Just to take a few projects that will mean the farm of the future will need minimal labour; this year a team will seek to farm a field without setting foot on it, using instead robots, drones and computers, Dionysus a robot that using thermal imagining to detect moisture levels in soil to aid targeted irrigation and save water, driverless vehicles that will replace tractors and combine harvesters. There is so much more. For several years now one man and a GPS guided tractor have been ploughing and sowing acres of potatoes in a single morning, carrots too in field near me.. Harvesting is one man and a tractor plus a couple of trailers to take the crops off to storage where they are automatically washed and graded.
I repeat WHY doesn’t the farmers favouring remain know this? Just think no more cheap EU labour with wages and benefits courtesy of the British taxpayer subsidizing EU migrants.
Re : Sadiq’s anti diesel PR

Take a look at the official gov statistics on UK pollution source
The key issues are supposed to be NOx and particulate PM10
Sadiq forgot to tell s that over all they have consistantly fallen for years
PM10 fell to 30% of 1970 levels , and is just levelling out.
Their trick is to shout about hotspots, where traffic is jammed probably due to half the road been turned into bike lanes.
(There is some correlation between pollution and respiratory problems but it’s a guess rather than robust proof, maybe particulates cause scarring thus helping bacteria)
A 1970 report explains ” A significant correlation has been shown between the death rates from pneumonia and the levels of particulate air pollution in 30 county boroughs in England and Wales. During very cold weather in London the death rate from pneumonia doubled when the duration of fog increased from 10 hours to more than 20 hours in the week preceding death. .. this pattern was not repeated in East Anglia, where the temperature was similar but air pollution much less.”
(We are much better at treating pneumonia these days ..and will be even better in the future.)
To add to the significance of these figures;
1 – the number of road vehicles has probably at least trebled since 1970.
2 – the proportion of vehicles fuelled by diesel has probably doubled.
3 – solid fuel domestic heating has declined dramatically
I used to drive diesel cars, preferring their economy, driving style and robustness. I’ve had to switch to petrol because modern (since 2005) diesel vehicles are crippled with EU emission controls, especially particulate filters that make them impossible to use in towns.
Your figures, StewG suggest that scapegoating diesel cars is the wrong solution to a problem that nevertheless appears to have been largely solved.
BBC More or Less has recently become infected with SJW reporting

Their recent Sweden sex crime prog was disappointing
Yes the Fox reporter is a dumb messenger and totally misrepresented Ruth Alexander’s 2012 report.
But she quickly tried to dismiss sex crime concerns saying
“Rape stats are just 100 higher than 2011, and population has grown”, ‘so the Fox bit is almost Fake News’
MoL knows you have to cover concerns from all angles, cos the first stats I saw from the official Swedish stats service BRA paint a totally different picture for ALL Sexual crime
See how in 2012 1.4% of women were effected
and the latest stat is 3% in 2015 ..lots of caveats apply, but that is a 100% rise (from a baseline lower than most countries)
My point being There have been real victims and you have to respect them
it’s no use saying to a girl whose just been attacked by a mad Syrian
“Well Xland’s rape rate was 5 times Sweden’s and now it’s still 3 times”
….She’d still be saying “You have to properly vet these Syrians”
Of course the ruling politicians and local biz people, Hotels, universities and police paid by them all might have a different message
“Yeh nothing to see, Sweden is fine, come and spend your money, vote for me I’m doing a good job etc.”
That chart looks very different to what the lying beeb are showing on their site, below.
Or as the inimitable Katie Hopkins put it: Look, if you turn the chart on its side, sex crimes are going down!
Bbc Reality Check… wasn’t properly checked
See their graph “Reported sex offences in Sweden”
Well look how the Total line is bigger than the sum of the 3 categories it comprises.
….Seems to me that they’ve omitted an entire category
…maybe the “paid for sex” category.
“Sweden is fine, come and spend your money, vote for me I’m doing a good job etc”
True, but I think it goes even deeper than mere venality. There is a holy terror of being called racist which seems to trump all other considerations. And perhaps there lurk the even deeper terrors, of not being the ‘nice’ person / society you’ve always believed, as if pointing out a wrong somehow sullies you in the process; the terror of facing an unfashionable truth, which means you might even have to act on it; the terror of admitting you’ve been wrong all your life about certain core beliefs; and the terror of having to face evil and stand up to it.
Much easier to swallow the blue pill, tweak some stats and go along with the lie.
The weirdest thing is a activist called DISCOVER THE TRUTH

Tried to use the same graph to say the VERY opposite
Sweden’s Sexual Crimes Have Gone Down Contrary To What Xenophobes Peddle
See how he either doctored the graph … or accidentally used an old 2014 version
“Sweden brings back military conscription amid Baltic tensions”
To deal with Russia , really ?
Or is it a move to have troops trained to deal with the civil unrest caused by the recent ‘undesirables’ mentioned by President Trump ?
Conscripts of course being the kind of crack professionals needed in such situations.
Especially young Swedish males.
Question Time really is terrible. You know when you apply to be in the audience they ask you how you voted in the referendum, how you voted in the last election and what question you might like to ask? Plus they film it an hour in advance so they can edit out any thought crime which has not already been sifted out through the application process. If they just let anyone turn up on the night and filmed it live that could be quite is supposed to show how vibrant our democracy is but in reality they just get loads of people on who will tow the line.
No, really, it is a BBC article.
GW – Unbelievable! And we’re forced to pay for this s**t.
? Well, strictly speaking, only licence fee payers, but yes.
Another winner from the cubicle gardens.
The lady who is complaining is called Celeste Noche.
Note 1: ‘Celeste’ is a brand of frozen pizza owned by Pinnacle Foods
Note 2: ‘Noche’ is a Spanish slang word, referring to female genitals
Is this an example of cultural appropriation?
Is she frigid?
Actually Translates :Celestial night
So the BBC have assumed that Celeste Noche’s views are correct and everyone is wrong.
Why are people so easily offended by anything they can find these days? If a dish is called Tunisian rice it doesn’t need to be renamed. It will never offend anyone.
I’m surprised the BBC didn’t mention a bacon sandwich “can offend certain cultures” in the article.
And ? bananas………?
“please show me where in the Caribbean they mix fruit and meat.”
Chilies are technically fruits. They go in the same pot as meats. Maybe if the student was complete Jamaican instead of just half they might know that.
Pembroke College in Cambridge? Offensive to the Welsh, (or as the BBC would call them, the Wales people, nouns as adjectives being their ‘culture’)!
Guest Who.
“Food media is predominantly generated by white people for white people….”
and if white people are happy with the result what is her problem?
It’s from BBC Tr(uthB)ending
Says it all.
Here from is a pineapple chicken dish
BTW Have you ever seen how they cook British food abroad?
Mostly they have no idea.
This is where that renowned BBC editorial integrity and the difficult choices of time and space con trains come in.
Oh the joys of being in the EU! 😀
Indeed. One might have thought that horse-drawn Romany caravans were not the ideal getaway vehicles.
Nah, they were driving cars, perhaps stolen, and using licences obtained by dubious means, like this lot.
I just knew what the racial origins of these perps would be before I clicked on the article.
I went back and read the article, just for fun. The woman who took the tests was described by the judge as ‘not of good character’, i.e. she would have had previous convictions. The people who got licences fraudulently all come from the most enlightened multiculti suburbs of diverse parts of London.
Driving licences are, of course, a prime requirement for establishing identity, obtaining benefits etc….but you knew that didn’t you.
Tucked away in Pravda is a short item which tells us that average “headline” inflation in the EU has reached 2%.
This of course does not sit too well with the “Brexit-crisis” meme and the UK’s current inflation rate of 1.8 %. We are constantly being told that we are paying the price for daring to escape from “Colditz.” As ever the truth about imported inflation, in this case due mainly to higher world prices for oil and gas, gets sort of lost in the tall grass.
Given the BBC’s high regard for all things European, we might have expected to have seen something substantial on the Commission’s new “White Paper” (yes they love our parliamentary terminology sur le continent) on nothing less than “The Future of Europe”. Well if Brussels Broadcasting have done something, then I guess I missed it, so here is my own “idiosyncratic” summary:
Junker et al offer five versions of the future:”Carrying On”, “Nothing but the Single Market”, “Those who Want More Do more”, “Doing Less More Efficiently” and finally “Doing Much More Together”. You may not be too surprised to hear that the first four options are the bureaucrats version of straw men and when it comes to sunlit uplands only scenario number five “Doing Much More Together” really cuts the mustard.
This tissue-paper-thin “white paper” provides absolutely no basis on which the good citizens of a United Europe might actually choose a future course for themselves (not that there would ever be the remotest possibility of having a democratic vote on the subject ). There are, for example, no figures at all regarding the budgetary implication of the choices on offer. The paper does, however, include one rather important revelation for we learn that under option five “cooperation between all Member States goes further than ever before in all domains. Similarly, the euro area is strengthened with the clear understanding that whatever is beneficial for countries sharing the common currency is also beneficial for all. Decisions are agreed faster at European level and are rapidly enforced.”
What this means in the plainspeak is that the yet to come “fiscal harmonisation” which will see taxpayers in wealthier countries providing some sort of “Barnett formula” for the heavily indebted poorer countries in the eurozone will not just be confined to the eurozone itself. And this is precisely why I voted to leave last year.
I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but the Conservatives have just taken a local council Kersal in Salford from Labour. Nothing on the BBC website about this, but given its import, as Jezza was keen to report council victories, why did I expect more?
Just wondering if this is fake news or why the BBC fake news unit is not on the case?
Not BBC bias, but on the BBC’s anti Israel wavelength
Our Universities are going to town on the so called occupation of Gaza
Please see the following conference announcement.
The Occupation at 50: Pasts, Presents, Futures
A two day conference marking 50 years of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza
Fulton Building, University of Sussex
11-12 May 2017
2017 marks 50 years for the longest standing military occupation in the world. During that time, the political, demographic, legal, economic and social dimensions of the occupation have changed dramatically, in Israel, in the West Bank and Gaza, in the region, and beyond. The two-state solution has moved from being perceived as a threat to Israel’s existence, to the only possible solution, and now to one that is slowly fading into the realms of an unrealistic prospect. The West Bank and Gaza, once viewed as two parts of one political identity, have taken different trajectories. The international arena has moved from bewilderment, to active engagement, to frustration and perhaps, to apathy. Resistance has taken the form of violent uprising, civic protests and international collaboration. The legal system has been portrayed by some as the final frontier for the protection of Palestinian rights, but is seen by others as one of the main facilitators of the occupation. The terms of economic engagement have changed dramatically, from the incorporation of Palestinian labour and markets into the Israeli economy, to selective disengagement during times of upheaval, to complete removal of non-citizen Palestinians from the Israeli labour market, and to calls for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions.
This two-day international conference seeks to take stock and shed light on these issues, by reflecting on the pasts, presents and futures of the occupation, on its implications not just for Palestinians but also for Israelis, and worldwide, and on its global connections and comparisons. Though its principal focus will be academic, it will also include significant non-academic representation, this being especially important given the role of non-academics – activists, charities, civil servants and elected representatives – in designing the occupation’s pasts, presents and futures.
This conference will feature leading UK and international experts on the occupation, including Reem Abou El-Fadl, Bashir Abu-Maneh, Marco Allegra, Yukata Arai, Abeer Baker, Orna Ben-Naftali, George Bisharat, Rosa Freedman, Neve Gordon, Aeyal Gross, Eric Heinze, Horit Herman Peled, Salma Karmi-Ayoubb, Viktor Kattan, Michael Kearney, Ghada Kharmi, Hagar Kotef, Alan Lester, Akanksha Mehta, Yoni Mendel, Nadia Naser-Najjab, Jacob Norris, Yoav Peled, Mezna Qato, Ronald Ranta, Yael Ronen, Ruba Salih, Leila Sansour, Jan Selby, Sammy Smooha, Joy Stacey, Hedi Viterbo, Haim Yacobi, and Ruvi Ziegler.
This will be a full two day conference beginning on the 11th May at 9.30am and finishing on the 12th May at 5.15pm.
The conference is open to Sussex staff and students, researchers and students from other institutions and the general public. There will be no attendance charge. Teas and coffees will be provided but there will be no food provided. The university has a number of food outlets for purchasing lunch and refreshments, for information on these please click here.
Please arrive promptly at 9.30am at Fulton Building, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9NZ. Metered parking is available during the day, however there are no parking charges after 5pm. For a campus map and directions please click here.
For more information and to register please go to: Registration closes on April 30th.
G.W.F. this must be fake news, or evidence of poor grasp of events at Sussex Uni.
Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 and a new age of enlightenment, peace and prosperity has ensued brought about by the adoption of democracy and rule of law under Palestinian self government in their newly “Judenrein” territory.
Not faked news. I omitted my wife’s name from the invitation which has gone to thousands of academics.
D Greenfield
“At Israeli Apartheid Week, campus haters claim to be fighting “colonialism” by fighting Jews.
Columbia University’s Centre for Palestine Studies, dedicated to a country that doesn’t exist and which has produced nothing worth studying except terrorism, features diatribes such as
Palestine Re-Covered: Reading a Settler Colonial Landscape”.
This word salad is a toxic stew of historical revisionism being used to justify the Muslim settler colonization of the indigenous Jewish population.
You can’t colonize Palestine because you can’t colonize colonizers. The Muslim population in Israel is a foreign colonist population.
The indigenous Jewish population can resettle its own country, but it can’t colonize it.
Muslims invaded, conquered and settled Israel.
They forced their language and laws on the population. That’s the definition of colonialism. You can’t colonize and then complain that you’re being colonized when the natives take back the power that you stole from them.
There are Muslims in Israel for the same reason that there are Muslims in India. They are the remnants of a Muslim colonial regime that displaced and oppressed the indigenous non-Muslim population.
There are no serious historical arguments to be made against any of this”.
All thsee Muslim conquests and invasions are well-documented. The Muslim settlements fit every historical template of colonialism complete with importing a foreign population and social system that was imposed on the native population. Until they began losing wars to the indigenous Jewish population, the Muslim settlers were not ashamed of their colonial past, they gloried in it. Their historical legacy was based on seizing indigenous sites, appropriating them and renaming them after the new conquerors.
The only reason there’s a debate about the Temple Mount is because Caliph Omar conquered Jerusalem and ordered a mosque built on a holy Jewish site. The only reason there’s a debate about East Jerusalem is because invading Muslim armies seized half the city in 1948, bombed synagogues and ethnically cleansed the Jewish population to achieve an artificial Muslim settler majority.
The only Muslim claim to Jerusalem or to any other part of Israel is based purely on the enterprise of colonial violence. There is no Muslim claim to Israel based on anything other than colonialism, invasion and settlement.
Israel is littered with Omar mosques, including one built in the courtyard of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, because Islam is a colonial entity whose mosques testify to their invasive origins by celebrating colonialism as their true religion. The faith of Islam is the sworn religion of the sword.
Islam is a religion of colonialism that spread through invasion, settlement and conquest. Its caliphs, from the original invaders, including Omar, to the current Caliph of ISIS, wielded and wield religious authority in the service of the Islamic colonial enterprise.
Allah is the patron deity of colonialism. Jihad is just colonialism in Arabic. Islamic theology is nothing but the manifest destiny of the Muslim conquest of the world, colonial settler enterprises dressed up in the filmy trappings of religion appropriated from the culture of conquered Jewish and Christian minorities”.
And … I refuse ever to use the term “in the Muslim world” … that s a Islamist read Islamic narrative, the term “muslim world?
What is so frustrating is that the managed framed narrative in the media- when Muslims or their enablers lament about others invading ‘their’ lands, the Muslims are in fact the invaders … wherever you find them.
North Africa was Christian,
Afghanistan was Buddhist,
Malaysia was Buddhist,
Iran was Zoroastrian ,
India was Hindu,
Judea was Jewish.
Bethlehem was Christian,
all INVADED by Muslims. Muslims are the invaders,
THEY are the occupiers, and I pull anyone up in debate using it, as I do this term
… “the prophet” … certainly not to any right minded person. anyone with a modicum of intelligence
Actually, I pull anyone up using (so far only one occasion) the term “kaffir” as it is racist. Reminding them that Islam isn t a race, but is racist and discriminatory, I also threw in
“unlike Jewish people who are ” … went down well if I recall
Muslim terrorism is a reactionary colonial response to the liberation movements of the indigenous Jewish population.
The whole thing could be properly fisked if there was any point but the two most blatant fake claims that jump straight out are 1. Israel is not occupying Gaza at all. It also “occupies” only a very small amount of the West Bank too.
2. The claim it’s the longest military occupation in history. Tell that to the Tibetans. What about 500 years of Spain being occupied, or the Balkans being occupied by the Turks for centuries.
They call it the West Bank, I call it Judea/Samaria. The anti-Israel narrative asserts that it has been called Samaria by the Israelis since 1967.
They don’t like to acknowledge it was called Judea/Samaria 2000 years ago.
Israel does not ‘occupy’ any part of Judea/Sumaria. A state does not ‘occupy’ its own territory. No other nation claims the land. The former ‘occupant’ – Jordan, which grabbed it following the recreation of the State of Israel – has long since formally given up its claim.
Sussex again. I expect Exeter and the London lot will add their voices. Who cares? You can predict the tone and final outcomes . Israel very bad bring on BDS.
I have posted this before, but just in case anyone missed, well worth the read.
Factually and statistically correct.
Can shut down any pro Palestinian argument.
Click to access refugees.pdf
It is hard to believe that story about cultural appropriation in food is not a spoof story. I thought the dream of multiculturalism was a rainbow paradise of mutual enrichment? If you get in trouble for ‘appropriating’ someone else’s culture it somewhat shits on the sand castle. In any sane world people would be happy for others to want to emulate their culture: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Cultural appropriation only becomes an issue when it is someone with a low melanin count that is “guilty” of the appropriation, Chilleden.
I wish Muslims hadn’t ‘culturally appropriated’ the aeroplane.
Given that the Great Mo ‘flew’ to Jerusalem on a flying donkey surely it is haram to use a man-made flying machine?
It is indeed haram, which is partly why Osama Bin Laden was keen on destroying them. The Great Man thought the shadow cast by a flying jetliner was akin to a giant crucifix.
Our belated PM David Cameron has been defending his overseas aid budget, describing it as ‘an investment in our security’. He is about to chair a commission on overseas development which is nice, since all such philanthropy by proxy is very laudable, to some, I’m sure. But it’s all in an article penned by our Dave in the Guardian – so he’s obviously not too keen on the news becoming common knowledge.
Cameron…the opener of the gates of Libya to become a conduit for the Southern invasion route into Europe…who`d trust his judgement on anything, ever again?
We deposed Ghaddafi purely because Saudi told us too, and the corrupt leaders in the Saudis pockets did exactly as bidden.
Ghaddafi was attempting to set up a new oil cartel between North African producers and sub Saharan ones such as Nigeria, which would have threatened the position of the Arab league and Saudi oil sales.
This was the reason Ghaddafi was deposed and no other.
History repeats itself ad nauseam. Hitler invaded Poland to grab the grain harvest, which he had already bartered – the reduction in significance of finance being a major tenet of NAZI philosophy – against German heavy machinery. The City went behind his back and bought the grain for cash, attempting to slow the process of lebensraum. Hence WW2 but not according to history books of course.
A detailed record of the conversations between Anthony Blair and Ghaddafi would be interesting to read, particularly the bits about oil and BP…
Don’t recall the BBC truth massaging, severe editing and positive glossing where the Irish were concerned throughout the Troubles.
How things change?
Did you know that available on BBC i-player are over 500 editions of the Radio 4 show In Our Time – containing discussion on topics from history, culture, art, science, philosophy, literature – all these shows hosted, chaired and steered by Melvyn Bragg. All of these 100s of hours paid for through the regressive compulsory licence fee and presented and delivered with a uniformly left-liberal multicultural globalist soft-marxian world view.
Now Labour Lord Headcold of the Lake District gets up in the House of Lords (£300 a day) and first tells us he voted Remain.
Ok that’s his democratic right and I’m pleased that he shows his colours – the BBC ought to report the political views of their arts/culture/political/news presenters (perhaps he’s not an employee perhaps he runs a service company?)
But Bragg goes on that he now feels he’s a minority ‘bullied and beleagured’ moreover he reckons he’s been ‘effectively gagged’
Over 500 hours hosting and chairing discussions on a very broad range of topics with countless opportunities to slip in his opinion, nudge the discussion in a particular direction etc etc – and he feels gagged!!!
Our elite truly are brass-necked.
Well he is a minority as A) fewer people voted to remain in the EU than voted to leave, and B) most normal people haven’t a clue about what he’s on about in his programmes!
For £300 a day, I’d stand up and say I was Donald Duck, but as of a few minutes ago, nobody has actually offered me the opportunity…
I have several hundred IOTs episodes on a tiny little fingernail card on my smart phone. I do a great deal of walking and listen to episodes on history, religion, culture, science and philosophy as I go. They are generally excellent, informative and thought provoking leading me to look up the subject or people being discussed. Bragg does sometimes steer the discussions in one way but it is rare and of no consequence as the panellists usually put him right. Remember the time he was called a racist for daring to suggest Britain led the Industrial Revolution because of our genius for invention and innovation, free from the constraints of bureaucracy that stifled the French.
Remind anyone of present day EU and PC?
All is well in Sweden
More on this story
“A British “migrant” story, following the wishes of the part time crisp salesman, and Lily Allen, the narrative of the Al BBC/Westminster yep! … should have all the requirements for copious BBC Headlines?
… Kind hearted woman opened home to Muslim “12 yr old refugee,” oops!
who was really a 21 yr old adult Islamic extremist, who said “I’ll kill you all”
“Julie said she later found that Abdul had been visiting extremist websites on his mobile phone and an interpreter relayed messages, sent to family and friends, where he had been joking about “tricking” the British government into thinking he was a child.””
This poor woman, She later found out he was not the person he said he was
… had been arrested while posing as a child refugee in Belgium!.
Beyond belief!
“I found out that he claimed asylum there as 17-year-old. I couldn’t understand why that information wasn’t passed on to me”
Well I can, because no one in their right mind would touch these menacing liars with a bargepole … and T May and the No10 liars? their sole answer is to put screens up so we can t see them enter the UK.
“T May’s government also recently admitted two jihad preachers who had praised the murderer of a foe of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. One of them was welcomed by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Meanwhile, the UK banned three bishops from areas of Iraq and Syria where Christians are persecuted, from entering the UK.