‘I happen to think this brief glimpse of the truth was the most important political revelation of our time. We have been betrayed.’ Peter Hitchens on Labour’s secret immigration policy
David Goodhart, the lefty academic who ‘self-radicalised’ as he studied mass immigration and the effects of Islam upon Western society and, as his eyes were opened, came to the conclusion that neither was to our benefit, has revealed to the world, in the Sunday Times, the philosophy behind so much of the BBC’s reporting and of those who support the EU…no surprises here….
At an Oxford college dinner six years ago I told my neighbour – Gus O’Donnell [one of the BBC’s goto voices for pro-EU pitch dressed up as sage, impartial civil servant advice], then in his last few months as cabinet secretary, the most senior civil servant in the land – that I was writing a book about immigration. He replied: “When I was at the Treasury I argued for the most open door possible to immigration….I think it’s my job to maximise global welfare, not national welfare.” [His job? Thought he was there to do the bidding of his political masters not make policy himself]
I was surprised to hear this and asked the man sitting next to him, Mark Thompson – then director-general of the BBC – whether he believed global welfare should be put before national welfare, if the two should conflict. He defended O’Donnell and said he too believed global welfare was paramount.
Is it healthy for a democracy when such powerful persons hold views that are evidently at odds with the core political intuitions of the majority of the public?
Further reading…
David Goodhart in 2004…
Too diverse?
Is Britain becoming too diverse to sustain the mutual obligations behind a good society and the welfare state?
The nation state remains irreplaceable as the site for democratic participation and it is hard to imagine how else one can organise welfare states and redistribution except through national tax and public spending. Moreover, since the arrival of immigrant groups from non-liberal or illiberal cultures it has become clear that to remain liberal the state may have to prescribe a clearer hierarchy of values.
Goodhart has critical views about Islam as revealed in this BBC programme….
The gulf between conservative Islam and secular liberal Britain is larger than with any comparable large group….for those of us who value an open, liberal society it is time to explain why it is superior to the alternatives.
He told us that…
Some claim that if people understood Islam more everything would be fine, they would be more tolerant, I think quite the contrary….the more they understand about it the more alien they would find it…authoritarian, collectivist, patriarchal, misogynist…..all sorts of things that Britain might have been 100 years ago but isn’t now.
David Coleman, professor of demography at the the University of Oxford, said:
“Many of the consequences of large scale migration are damaging. We do not need up to 13 million more people by the mid century. Almost all that increase will be immigrants and their children. It will not make the UK a happier or richer place. Crowding and congestion will have entirely negative effects, increasing pressure on schools, hospitals and particulary housing.”
Simon Ross, director of Population Concern, said it was time people looked at the consequences migration had on quality of life.
“There’s a lot of people with vested interests in immigration, the universities and employers for instance….People talk about the taxes that migrants pay but that is a short term view. Migrants have children and get old and we need to take account of the services they will eventually use. We should not reduce migration simply to a taxation issue. We should talk about its effect on British society including the need for more housing which effects the green belt and transport infrastructure. These are quality of life issues.”
The Government knows all this because it studies the consequences of world affairs…but ignores them, or refuses to deal with the difficult questions..such as is Islam compatible with Western democracy? Western society is heading for implosion and war [many migrants have already joined the war against the West and Western ideas] as immigrants are allowed to flood in, immigrants who don’t hold the same values and beliefs….
You may want to read this forecast from 2007 of what the future may well bring….and indeed has…
Identity & Interest – Potential Implications
While citizenship and physical security will remain important, individual loyalty to the state and state institutions will become increasingly conditional, based on personal identity and interest.
Nationhood and ethnicity in certain countries will continue to influence human behaviour and international relations.
Diaspora communities and their networks will be dynamic and unpredictable features of the political, demographic and economic aspects of globalization.
Physical and cultural origin will continue to be significant to identity, but will be employed increasingly selectively, based on their utility in context and in relation to personal interest.
Communities will increasingly form around the pursuit of common interests.The expansion of global media and Information Communications Technology (ICT) will
heighten the sense of grievance and marginalization between ‘haves and have-nots’,
nationally and internationally. This is likely to lead to populism, human crises and
confrontations, typified by inter-communal and inter-ethnic conflicts at local level, but,
when related to access to strategic resources necessary to sustain developed or
developing economies, may increase the incidence and risk of international confrontation.
Communicable disease will continue to be a feature of human life; while familiar diseases
will be eradicated or mitigated through prophylaxis or cure, others will emerge, of varying
intensity and impact, alongside the constant risk of low incidence, but potentially high
impact, pandemics.
From Newstime Africa, and why it paid Labour to import voters…
Thousands of asylum seekers in the UK are to benefit from new rules set by the government to clear backlogs of about 450,000 applicants within the immigration system,
But African’s across the UK have welcomed the news and this will give a big boost to the Labour party in the forthcoming general elections as this would mean over a million family members who may not have been eligible to vote as a result of their status would now cast their votes for the first time in the UK. We are urging all those who are set to benefit from this new rules to cast their votes for the Labour party as they have shown courage in the face of conservative adversity to make this positive move that will go down well in places as far as villages in remote areas in Africa whose loved ones have faced intolerable suffering in Britain as a result of touch immigration policies.
From now on this press would mount a ‘VOTE FOR LABOUR’ campaign in recognition and appreciation of this brilliant move by the labour government to make life much easier for African immigrants in the UK. This move is a clear indication that the Labour party is the party of the people!!
By Voting Labour you secure for yourself a bright future in the UK. The UK conservative party is not an option for immigrants; they simply don’t want to see us here!! At least the Labour government has granted 3 amnesties since they came to power.
My friend, just vote labour!!
The left has become blinded by self-loathing, which they project onto every other white person in Europe and America.
And they have no sense of humour !
Way too much in the way of facts, reason and argument here. The Left despise facts-they just want you to feel good. Facts do NOT do that. Certainly these ones don`t anyway that you set out since 2004.
Feelings are all-the only field in which the left can get away with their antics. Until now.
Objectivity is feared and loathed, it forces you to “discern”-dare I say “discriminate”? Neutrality is required even when the result is a slide into Brussels, Nice or Cologne, Stockholm or Malmo.
THe facts above are what the BBC call “Alternative Facts”-facts that they choose not to tell us, being a better name for them. Kellyanne has joined the Rumsfeld lexicon of REAL facts. But the Left have got to lie about it all for fifteen years before they concede.
But we don`t have that this time.
If you increase the population of a country you have to increase the infrastructure ~ immediately .
The costs of the increase of infrastructure are immediate ( even if you borrow the money) which the recent immigrants have not payed for .
I’ve always maintained that the senior levels of the civil service are self serving , secretive , indolent , snobbish , deceitful b@$t^r}s who should be replaced wholesale at once with patriots .
The person who wrote the Newstime Africa article is semi-literate, note all the errors-e.g. African’s instead of Africans etc.
The article demonstrates that Labour is the party for immigrants-NOT the party of the people. What absence of logic.
The BBC reporting on Africa is even more pitiful than their reporting of anywhere else. I rely on many sources but http://www.africanews.com and http://www.allafrica.com are excellent. And neither of them quote the BBC much. Maybe 1 time in 50 reports.
Grant, I found some decent reporting on this site.
Of course, you may well know better, but I found the reporting here to be fair and informative – unlike the BBC.
I dip into that one occasionally. Tends to be mainly RSA news, but certainly better than the BBC. Perhaps the question which should be put is which news and current affairs outlets are actually worse than the BBC ? Any ideas ?
One of the reasons for the Left’s infatuation with mass third world immigration has always been the votes they expect to get from them.
Absolutely not to be allowed a vote against any political party for at least 5 years-and certainly no Citizenship for a least 5 yrs this will help to determine as to whether that person/s are those that Britian would want as citizens. Trouble in a big way is storing up-smaller towns are being pushed to build more housing never mind that their infrastructure couldn’t sensibly support which in some would mean as many as several thousand new homes. 6000 houses envisaged in my area would mean @ 3 per home 18,000 people, probably 12,000 more vehicles, that many adding to the already overcrowded Doctors Surgery’s and A& E units in the Hospitals, some of which may close-just mind boggingly incomprehensible. Those Governments that have been in power since the end of 1980’s have done nothing of real future planning for this nation and just sat back and allowed those that control the world’s money to blast us to hell. A statistician in 1970 said that the United Kingdom’s infrastructure at that time could support no more than 55 million-we are now as the experts tells us over 70 million people living in the UK, the infrastructure problems however have remained as ever.
BRITAIN’S official terror threat stands at “severe” – meaning an attack is highly likely – as the BBC screened a new programme wich focuses on the dangers the nation faces.
The Attack: Terror in the UK, to be broadcast on BBC 2 on March 2 drama is based on real-life attacks by terrorists caught in the grip of Isis.
On top of it, most Muslims do not want jobs, as being a burden on the state is a safe way to conduct Jihad. A vast majority of Muslim women do not want a job, as they have a far important duty to do. In any case they are unemployable.