I just noticed the interview on Thursday morning with Mr. Raab MP, he got a right grilling. It was a disgrace, especially with the respect shown to Labour and the lying limp-dims.
Roger Waters takes ‘The Wall’ Concerts to 57 Islamic Countries to Protest against Sharia Law and Execution of Homosexuals by having Walls Fall on Them
Having supported every wall-related cause and courageously stared down the free world over hundreds of minor injustices involving walls, co-founder and former lead singer of Pink Floyd Roger Waters has announced that he will take ‘The Wall’ performances to the Muslim world to protest the practice of crushing homosexuals with walls.
“I’ve already dragged my Wall concerts around the world to protest against walls, fences, and miscellaneous types of enclosures,” explains Waters. “There’s no reason I should exclude Muslim countries just because the cause would be real and the album’s message would actually apply.”
“After my wall protest in Israel, a holler against death walls in Muslim countries would just be a hop, skip, and a jump away. I was literally only one zip code away from doing this anyhow,” says the legendary author of the we don’t need no education jingle.
Indeed, it won’t be the first time the singer braves the Middle East. In 2006 he defiantly protested the border wall in Israel that keeps gays escaping Gaza and the West Bank from having walls fall on them, including those that may topple onto them at Israeli night clubs because of suicide bombers.
“It fills me with horror,” Mr. Waters said at the time. “The thought of being constrained by something like this – it’s like living in a giant prison.” He adapted the lyrics of the famous song to: “We don’t need no occupation. We don’t need no racist wall.” Before performing, Waters spray-painted graffiti across part of the wall near Bethlehem, reading “No thought control,” and urged Israel to tear down the wall, since preventing anyone from killing Jews is by definition racist.
“After my Israel trip I have received many letters from fans in Muslim countries,” says Waters. “Most of them happened to be homosexuals who pleaded with me to come and perform The Wall in their area, as a way to raise awareness about the walls of death that are being dropped on gays there in accordance with the Hadith.”
As an artist and therefore not a hypocrite, not a coward, and not one to measure Muslims by different standards from the rest of humanity, Waters decided to rise to the challenge of speaking to a part of the world where “thought control” is the understatement of the 7th century.
“If I did it in Israel and Berlin, I should be able to take The Wall to Islamic countries to benefit gay rights there,” says Waters. “If all cultures are equal, what worked in Israel should also work in Saudi Arabia. I honestly believe that Muslim cultures are just as mentally and morally equipped as the Western cultures, if not more so. Besides, a gesture like this would add a nice new touch to my image as an artist with a message who brings meaning to his lyrics, one who has always defended progress against irony and sarcasm.”
I’ll believe it when I see it. Which muslim countries does he have in mind and have any of them agreed he can perform? If he manages to perform as this report implies it will be interesting to see what the leaders of the muslim cult threaten him with.
Ditto John.
It`s a great brave thing to do if it`s true-but somehow I doubt it`ll be the raw idea once the Brotherhood of Man get t hear of it. That pig will have to go for a start unless they can fire it as a rocket over the Israeli border.
Could be a good one to bring back on April 1st, if Rog has gone all soft and flaccid on us.
Should have kept it for 1st April, Lucy. It is good enough. Sent to the BBC late on 31st March and it would be interesting to see if it appeared on BBC TV or Radio the following morning.
News : New rules mean non-EU migrants must provide criminal record checks
Seems old law said
“British person tell us you have no criminal record, bring your UK criminal records check, before you work in this school”
“Foreign person tell us you have no criminal record, bring your UK criminal records check, before you work in this school… but we won’t ask for any criminal record from the place you just came from” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4323442/Non-EU-migrants-provide-criminal-record-checks.html
“While failure to meet the requirement can be cause to block a visa, the Home Office is allowed to waive it if it is not ‘reasonably practicable’ to get a certificate.”
Feedback : was a bit boring, I’d seen an orchestrated Twitter campaign to get them to mention BBC’s supposed lack of coverage of Tory Election scandal.
..in the end Feedback didn’t cover the topic.
For School reporter Day Child reporter “I have learnt that the BBC focus on unbiased reports ”
Are they reading off a card?
PS …
If that BBC Mount Etna crew got their jackets burnt then they were surely not complying with H&S standards
Did hear this Stew.
Talk about brainwashing of kids?
Inarticulate kids from Bradford-yes, we can guess why they hardly speak English somehow manage words like “vulnerable” “impartial” and “solidarity” c/o the License Fee Payer, all pumped into school staffrooms so the teachers don`t have to get their noses out of the Guardian, nor miss a pop at the Red Nose cake sale. Utterly disgraceful-and the BBC don`t think its proselytising, evangelical propaganda-and the teachers don`t think at all? Which is just what Labour, the unions and the BBC have long been working towards.
Savilisasian Culture c/o the BBC and the NWO Show.
I received a letter today stating:- You can reduce the amount of any penalty by giving us assistance throughout our check. We call this assistance the “quality of disclosure” or “telling, helping and giving”.
It’s actually about a VAT inspection, but the way it’s written one could think it was from TVL.
Oh There’s a new film out I wonder if the BBC will help it get some free publicity ?
“Get Out is a horror thriller about a black man who discovers that his white girlfriend’s parents are involved in a sinister conspiracy to keep their wealthy suburb racially monochrome. ”
Sounds like a #BbcPetIssue
Only 3 specific pages about it so far, plus 3 pages mention it.
Get Out star says Samuel L Jackson 'entitled to his opinion' – BBC News https://t.co/VlRx9UAOYL
I am afraid I have had the unfortunate experience of sitting right through this pile of horse manure.
I will never get those precious two hours back; I wish I had obeyed the title after 10 minutes!
I was hoping for a decent horror flick but of course I should have realised it was going to be a vehicle for more hypocritical white bashing. This is an out and out racist film. Please avoid this for the sake of your sanity.
Unfortunately this will be a shoe in for an Oscar or two in 2018; I jest?
Watch Sidney Poitier ‘In the Heat of the Night’ instead, a much more nuanced film of racism with a glimmer of hope in the end.. not like ‘Get out’
The lead actor, one Daniel Kaluuya, has worked on much more worthy productions,
even on the BBC!
Brilliant ! No way that would be allowed on the BBC now. I always had a feeling that Harry and Paul were dropped by the BBC because they were not politically correct and Left Wing. May be wrong, of course.
The film gets an improbable 8.3 on the IMDB website. However, most of the reviewers who marked it down are incensed at the crude racism of the message.
Academy award fodder and virtue signallers’ dream.
Roger Waters has been widely accused for years of being an anti-Semite by Pro-Israel people.The argument being why are the Roger Waters so obessed with Palestinisn human rights when they are not with so many other similar ethnic groups with grievances such as the Muslim minorities in Chezna,China,Kashmir Myanmir etc The ProIsrael lobby claiming that the obsession is not about Palestinians but aboutwho the perceived `bad guys` are i.e the Jews
Essentially after the holocaust anti-semites could no longer be respectively be publicly anti-Semitic so they have used attacking Israel as a cover.
Maybe Waters is doing `his wall` tour of Islamic countries to change his image.
I have noticed quite a few former very vocal anti-Isrealis left wingers like Owen Jones trying to repeatedly state publicly that they are against `anti-Semitism`
Maybe they are looking at some of their left wing & Islamic bedfellows and trying to put some distance between themselves and those overt antisemitics who clearly barely care about being seen as antisemitic
That in spite of how bad of a deal an Independent Scotland would get from Brussels, the SNP will want it if it means seperation from London. No say whatsoever on monetary policy? Let’s join Europe. Italian judges being able to overrule a currently separate and independent judiciary from England? Let’s join Europe. Complete subjugation to Brussels in favour of London? Let’s join Europe. Russia invading Europe? Let’s join Europe.
It’s utter madness based on the over-arching predecate of racism towards England at absolutely any cost. As I say, I’m in favour of an independent Scotland & an English parliament but the SNP (being ineffectual) see the EU more as a crowbar against Englishness and (likely) a pocket to pick from, that being easier than conjuring up a coherent economic strategy.
As the Lib Dems found, government is like a game show: it’s a lot harder when you’re there.
Presumably Nicola Sturgeon is answering a question by saying, (in English), “Yes, sure enough, but there is no English folk!”
Well the first problem here, for an audience in England, is that she never answers questions, just makes statements that the BBC gleefully listens to in respectful silence.
Secondly, what was the question?
Third, the grammatical construction implies a Thatcher-like, (misquote), “there is no society”, i.e. the class ‘folk’ doesn’t exist in England, they are all perhaps aristocrats? Or perhaps, as one BBC presenter implied, “there is no ‘race’ English, they are all immigrants”? It can’t mean there are no English as the drawing shows at least one in London, (has Birmingham been cleared away for HS2?).
Fourth, what is going on ‘in Europe’? The EU appears to have been reduced to just Belgium, Mrs Merkl hasn’t got a clue, having installed tank traps to stop invasion by the Danes, and an anonymous Swiss banker looks sternly on!
Fifth, what is going on in the North Sea? Scotland has no oil and the belligerent Danes have launched an air attack on the Dutch fishing fleet!
The BBC and other news outlets are reporting a “man” who they say is a “student” has been freed following his arrest and admission to sexual intercourse with a girl, who turned out to be twelve years old. This is defined as rape and he has just been let off for rape. His name is Daniel Cieslak.
What I am trying to find out, and it is not being published, is whether he is a foreign student and what is his nationality. This information for some reason is deliberately being kept secret. If he were a Scotsman or an Englishman you can be certain they would say he was a Scotsman or Englishman rather than just a “man”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-39305042
Yes I wasn’t in court
Someone with a mental age of 19 is still a child, but should easily be able to obey the no sleeping with minors rule. Would you let your own son off ?
I don’t see any excuse. If you want to stay within the law, you make a point of establishing the age. “I thought she was 16 is not good enough”.
A teenager who does such one night stands is a sleazebag irrespective of the law.
I note how the BBC are prominently reporting on their website about the white man in court for rape.
When there were gangs of ‘Asian’ men raping white girls on an industrial scale, they went to court to shut him up. Were it not for that bold reporter Andrew Norfolk breaking the taboo it would still be going on without the Ministry of Truth mentioning it; it is probably still going on to an unimaginable level. Leopards do not change their spots. Free, fair and impartial? Expensive, unfair and biased.
Yes, but, that “bold” w@nker fretted that the story would be used by the “far-right” against the beautiful enrichers; whose sexual proclivities have since made Rotherham known throughout the globe.
I meant to say they took the people who tried to do something about the he rape gangs to court for inciting racial hatred. Clearly they have the whole thing diametrically wrong – what depths of hatred must you have to think it is ok to ruin school girls’ lives like they just because they have different colour skin to yours?
A few years ago I bought a digital radio.
I discovered Radio 4 Extra.
What a relief from tuning into BBC World Service at night …the shop window for gaining entry into the UK for anyone and every one!
However my enjoyment has been short lived as the BBC has increasingly politicised the content of 4 Extra with PC and multiculturalism enrichment
There must be an alternative to the BBC!
Ideas welcome!
Try oldvalve radio, Goldradio old time radio and Horror Theatre Georgia. They’re all internet radio stations but I have an internet radio so I can fall asleep listening to them. The audio quality is variable and there are a lot of old American adverts but at least they are good old entertainment for normal people.
I’ve been ranting against radio 4 extra for several years, shortly after it ceased being radio 7 and turned into the women and ethnics channel, interspersed with unfunny comedy and collectivist propaganda masquerading as education.
I listen to online American podcasts these days, particularly those at Ricochet which include a wide range of comment and discussion, all of it intelligent, from the humorous Andrew Klavan Show to Professor Richard A. Epstein’s “Libertarian Podcast”. (You need a clear head to listen to the latter: he throws out facts and ideas so rapidly I have to replay it several times.)
I also look forward to Radio Derb every Saturday morning; it’s usually posted by about 7.00 a.m.
The bBBC report on George Osborne becoming editor of the London Evening Standard.
Now, like him or loathe him, Osborne makes no claim to be impartial.
But……unlike that……
The bBBC report is given by Amol Rajan, who is filmed standing outside Northcliffe House and announces “when I worked in this building as the editor of the Independent”
The Independent. That impartial newspaper.
The BBC. That impartial broadcaster.
George “punishment budget” Osborne?
George “mission critical oops failure” Osborne
We re all in this together … well apart from me Osborne
The very same man who got Iain D Smith punching the air, as he hammered the poorest and most vulnerable in our nation … who gets paid £320,000 for delivering speeches
Turns into George “serious conflicts of interest” Osborne, the guy that increased Government debt by £555 billion in a little over 5 yrs from when he took office in 2010, now London Standard editor
Perhaps utter abject failure, is the secret to the “big society” eh?
Just spend the time to watch this video by a woman who started off as a Feminist and now describes herself as a ‘conservative lesbian’
She lived 18 months as a man and was shocked to find that ALL the feminist memes are dead wrong and it is in reality men who are the victims of what she calls female privilege.
Lesbian Feminist lives as a man for 18 months but afterwards is more appreciative of her female privilege and is happy to get back to life as a woman.
The dating adventures are the most breath taking. Ned is on the receiving end of women’s boring, self-pitying monologues and endless tirades about what bastards men are. His dates all suspect he is as bad as the rest of them: ‘They made every man they met into a wolf, even when that man was a woman.’
I can tell you that the usual rabid feminists are not at all happy with this book denying that there is any merit in it and in the usual blinkered bigoted way ignored what she found and carried on with their delusions as if nothing had changed.
I was fascinated by this incredible journey. I felt that every part of this was real and from the heart. Is this me being not quite on the ball. I like to think that I have some intelligence but realising that the BBC isn’t the media darling I thought it was has really shaken my confidence. You have to admire someone going this far into research. Wouldn’t it be truly incredible if we could use our gifts, our intelligence to all get together and shine like we’re meant too. If only. At least I’ve got this wonderful site to read and enjoy. That helps a little bit.
I managed a minute of the Now Show on Radio 4. Instantly they bash Trump for being orange. It is out of order how they mock him for his appearance. Then the comic says something about how people who have a problem with the Burqa are just as bad as they want to wear hoods like the KKK. I need a safe space!
Isn’t the idea of banning speakers you find offensive ridiculous? I did not want to listen to this twat so I just listened to something else. I would never say other people could not listen to it if they wanted to, even though I find it so deeply offensive and am fully triggered.
But Chilleden!
Well remember that slogan-“The Future`s Bright-The Future`s Orange”.
Let alone “Mr Tangerine Man”!
Bet the unfunny Left can only DREAM of our wit and talent-hence their foisting of Hardy, Calman and Howard upon us every night.
Would recommend Harry and Paul from Radio 2 the other night-as good as the BBC gets these days….and just funny(imagine THAT, you BBC stoners?)
Oh the times they are a changing. How is the BBC going to extricate itself from the Climate change bllshit ?
There must be many a meeting of highly paid dkheads trying to work out how they row back from all of their settled science.
BBC QT, Yep! … saw the political potted plant harridan squealing (nothing to do with any question),about Corbyn, and Eagle virtually sniggering
…. political establishment business as usual.
Stew mentioned earlier the BBC snowflake … sexism, waycism etc.
Oh yes five minutes later, look everybody we should JUST overlook more f-ck ups from Hammond?, and it was “tastrophe” Treezer who signed it off anyway, but of course no one ever asks.
…. political establishment business as usual
no mention of Tory expenses/electoral fraud?, oh yes sirree! business as usual
The show again brings up the NHS … yet again carefully scripted questions and worse
even more scripted answers. Our public service broadcaster has once again avoided factually scrutinising the funding, provides superficial fluff instead if incision on health reform and instead simply regurgitates the Westminster spin, whilst continuing to peddle the scapegoat myths.
…. Political establishment business as usual
Westminster clear out requirement, “drain the swamp”
Even allowing for the excited tone and hyperbole of the Sputnik article, it largely hits the nail on the head. If there are any readers who still wonder why ‘the Tories’ do not ‘do something about the BBC’ and ‘scrap the licence fee’, it shows why not.
Very poignant to read such material on a day that British troops are just 85 miles away from St Petersburg. In the footsteps of Hitler and Napoleon…
I see that Rima Khalaf a Jordanian under secretary for wiping Israel off the face of the earth at the United Nations has resigned. I think she would be perfect to join Riz Lateef,
Asad Ahmed and Alice Bhandhukravi presenting the Londonistan programme. Poor Alice this evening thought that George Osborne is still in the government.Mind you I bet that Alice and I are amongst only a few that know that Muang Thong Utd from Bangkok held Ulsan to a draw in the Asian Champions League in South Korea on Tuesday!
It looks like Trump has commented on GCHQ looking at his emails, phone calls and financial transactions, probably from evidence revealed by Julian Assange of WikiLeaks in the biggest ever leak of CIA documents, most of which are yet to be released. Coincidently, Farage went to talk to Assange a few days ago. GCHQ would look at his emails and financial transactions by searching MTI, using the Tempora computer system and PRISM, while tapping his phone using GTE.
At the moment I would not be surprised if people are trying to persuade Teresa May to go behind the back of Boris Johnson and use the SAS to raid the Ecuadorian Embassy.
It looks like the evidence that the democrats in the CIA used Russia mania as an excuse to get GCHQ to look at Trump’s emails, phone calls and financial transactions, is to be revealed in Congressional hearings. A British spy was also working for the Clinton campaign, manufacturing or digging up fake information about Donald Trump and Russia. An email revealed the spy in question as the MI6 operative Christopher Steele, but in Britain there was a D notice on his name appearing in the media. Presumably the D Notice was lifted because MI6 could not keep a lid on the shit, so ordered him to leave MI6. That would be the reason that he is now described as a former MI6 agent.
Also, Obama used Russiaphobia to get his Justice department to use the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to spy on Trump. Obama got the Justice Department to pursue the matter as a national-security investigation under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). In June, it sought the FISA court’s permission to conduct surveillance. It has been reported that Trump was “named” in the application, but the FISA court apparently found the Justice Department’s presentation to be so weak that it refused to authorize the surveillance. Unwilling to take no for an answer, Obama got the Justice Department to go back to the FISA court in October, this application was much narrower than the earlier one and did not mention Donald Trump. The FISA Court granted this application.
As far as I can see, Obama is still resident in Washington, vainly trying to hold back the pile of shit. While Trump is patiently collecting evidence for a coming investigation.
It was a also revealed that the CIA can investigate American citizens using proxies, leaving fake evidence that it was another country that did the hacking, such as Russia.
Demoralisation within the FBI and CIA is causing leaks by Trump supporters to Assange, and a hopeful collapse of the Neo-Con Liberal Fascist empire within the CIA.
Excellent comment. Thank you.
I would not rule out collaboration with the UK government, probably the PM who has no love for Trump and his administration.
Denials from Smiley’s people, eagerly reported by the BBC, regarding their role have an air of desperate lying about them
Hmm what kind of TV prog would 5-Live be interested in promoting ?
Note that it was posted today Friday
with the tag “They’re about to appear on Channel 4’s ‘Extremely British Muslims”
..em no they are not … cos it was on last night.
“A Greater Manchester Police spokesman said: “Police were called at 8.25am on Thursday March 2 to a report that a disclosure of sexual offences had been made on a live radio show. An investigation has been launched.”
In an apology broadcast the following night, Beswick said: “If you were listening last night, you might have heard from a caller who made a number of grossly offensive comments. Now, I’ve listened back to what he said and I’ve discussed the matter with people that I trust, and I’m now convinced that I shouldn’t have allowed the call to continue.
“I should have ended it sooner. A lot sooner. So I apologise for that. And I apologise because I think you’re entitled to expect rather better from me.””
The Fascist Lefts new plan by another self destructive Jew who utterly fails to address the issue of Muslim aspiration to murder Jews gays liberals and anyone else who crosses their path. I expect to see the BBC promulgating this naive bollox over the coming months
The UK will align itself with the Scandinavian countries? What planet is this guy on? Has he not heard what is going on in Sweden? Has he not read his history on the British Empire?
France will reach out to her former colonies? You mean the ones causing mayhem in France now, like Algeria & Morocco?
How can you take someone seriously when they come out with such BS?
Roger Harrabin was on PM today (BBC R4 5-6pm) to apologise and explain that the BBC was misspeaking when it claimed in 2015 and 2016 that the previous years CO2 emissions were the highest ever in the history of the planet. It is, of course, about now each year when Roger tells us that the previous year was the hottest ever. And, of course, the prior-previous year had the highest ever CO2 emissions.
Except he didn’t.
Apologise. Or explain.
I’d like to know how the BBC has deliberately reported FakeNews every year for several years. Had they had taken in good faith a Press Release from an authoritative body who were responsible for carefully measuring such things?
Or were they just stating it because they had heard it and didn’t need to check to see if it was authoritative because as everyone knows the science is settled and 97% of all scientists that exist on our planet all totally agree that mankind is causing the planet to heat up and/or the climate to change via CO2 emissions? In other words they were happy to pass on FakeNews because everyone believes it, especially at the PostTruth BBC.
Unfortunately, it now appears that it WAS FakeNews and there was no truth in the statements about CO2. The last three years, 2014, 2015 & 2016 have seen CO2 emissions plateau, if not fall ever so slightly according to Roger today.
Temperatures? Who knows? Maybe there will be in time an adjustment to those, too.
Now, I wonder if the BBC will continue its crusade against diesel engines, well, not all diesel engines, just some diesel engines that they do not like in new cars. Not dirty ones in trucks and vans and buses and taxis but just the ones in cars. Will they let it fade quickly away now that they have reported this latest emissions news?
The little bit of science applicable here that I was taught in school pops into my mind at awkward moments – for the BBC as well as for me, using precious time writing these screeds (doing Roger’s job for him for free?) – to observe that whether it is CO2 or NOX emissions, they both come from the same litre of burnt fuel. If the CO2 emissions of the planet as a whole have levelled out or fallen, then there must also be less Nitrous Oxide around. The pollution levels that the BBC were so exercised about last week and the week before must actually be less than in 2013.
Please correct me if I am wrong but as I understand it, what comes out of an exhaust pipe is a product of what goes into an engine. Just as road miles equate to emissions then so nitrous oxides from diesel must equate to the CO2 from diesel and to those same road miles because they have come from the same litre of fuel which is burnt in travelling those road miles. They are pretty much fixed although various parts of the ignition & fuel mixing & burning & exhaust filtering chain, as well as quality of maintenance, might vary the relationships slightly. What goes in is what comes out, whether its power to the wheels or pollution to the skies.
I know this. Roger Harrabin knows this. Either that or he hasn’t been paying attention to his science teacher at school and to vehicle engineers that he talks to as part of his job as a journalist at the BBC.
Or perhaps, he doesn’t even talk to engineers because they would provide information that would not fit the BBC’s FakeNews narrative and might inconveniently pop up later and say “That’s not what we told him in interview.” when Roger treats us to his news.
There’s something that does not add up in all of this BBC Climate Change stuff. Remember how green the planet became in 2015? Or nettles became profuse on the TODAY Programme in 2016, as reported last week?
I have been stung! We deserve an explanation about the obvious contradictions. And perhaps an apology. Or many profuse and abject apologies. How careful have they been with the accuracy of their reporting?
I wonder what they will be telling us in 2020 about Climate Change? Or 2025? And will it be: “Sorry. We got it wrong.”?
I think the BBC uses the Keeling Curve from Mauna Loa, Hawaii. But because of China, we would expect Man-made emissions of CO2 to be the highest ever, producing a seasonal trend in the northern hemisphere blowing over to Hawaii. But there is no known information showing an increase in the ratio from 4 percent, so the Oceans still dominate the system with a mass 275 times that of the Atmosphere, so the ratio of CO2 in the Atmosphere/Oceans is still dependent upon the heat in the Oceans, therefore proving that the temperature leads the system, and therefore providing evidence to the Solar Magnetic Cloud Albedo theories. Therefore it’s the idea that carbon dioxide causes any warming that is the hoax. And CO2 levels would only fall if Global cooling started as colder Oceans would absorb rather than emit natural CO2.
I think Roger Harrabin would never randomly phone up an independent scientist qualified in Atmospheric Physics. Such “real experts” are blacklisted by the BBC as “Climate deniers” because they are not going to agree with the environmental activists or “fake experts” who advise the Tyndall Centre on Atmospheric Physics, such as Roger himself? who as far as I know, is still on the scientific advisory board.
Correct, 400ppm. Sorry for not elaborating. Man-made and Volcanic CO2 does not have the Carbon-14 Isotope. Levels of this Isotope show that 4 percent or a maximum of 16ppm of the 100ppm increase in CO2 in over 100 years is due to Man-made or Volcanic CO2, this is also confirmed by the ratio of Carbon-12 to Carbon-13 in the Atmosphere. Also, ice core data shows that CO2 levels rise about 800 years after a warming and that the Medieval Warm period peaked about 800 years ago. The reason for this is that there is a 800 year thermal lag in the deep oceans. So any fall in CO2 levels due to cooling seas could be temporary, and show up in future ice core data as a delay, as the lag wobbles between 700 and 900 years. But then the peak of the Medieval Warm period quickly came to an end, so CO2 levels should start to fall within the next hundred years.
Richard, think you may be confusing natural emissions with man-made CO2 emissions which is a very BBC sort of thing to do & understandable after the battering of ‘enlightenment’ that they bring to listeners’ ears on the subject.
Roger Harrabin, if I recall correctly, did not say in his short report on the PM programme that he was specifically referring to man-made CO2 (ie. power generation, carbon powered vehicle use, cycling (!), etc) thus keeping a BBC tradition of vagueness going on this important and taxing subject. The inference was clear, however, that it was man-made CO2 that had levelled off or fallen slightly over the last three years.
Interestingly, there is no sign of a written report or Blog on the subject from Roger as he’s not normally shy from promoting Anthropogenic Global Warming at the drop of a hat.
No emissions caused there, except perhaps from extra exertion when he has to pick it up.
And as I bid thee goodnight and sweet dreams, here is a last bit of news that made the editorial integrity cut from the world standard in broadcasting. Apparently.
BBC Newsbeat
This politician wants to charge you $100 every time you masturbate.
I watched This Week last night and saw the interview with John Nicholson of the SNP, the discussion turned as to what Scotland’s position would be, if they achieved independence, as regards EU membership. Nicholson intimated that he’d had discussions with senior German politicians, who had told him that their (Scotland’s) application to join would be the “fastest in history” (or some such).
If that is true, it is outrageous interference by foreign politicians which could affect a British constitutional dispute between two of the nations of the UK; the German ambassador (if what Nicholson said was correct) should be called to the FO and asked to explain what the meaning of this is. These German politicians have no business making such a promise to the SNP, the dispute is between the UK government in Westminster and the glorified county council at Holyrood; the input of Berlin is neither required nor welcome.
Isn’t this the sort of interference which it seems so currently fashionable to accuse the Russians of, whenever and wherever an opportunity arises?
Accordanding to the most recent BBC logic, in 1940 after Dunkirk, my father and his generation should have fucked off to America and left my mother and my siblings behind.
Well Thatch some of us were left behind but only by brave men who took the fight to the enemy to save us instead of scarpering to save themselves. Sadly many of them did not return and are still quietly mourned by those of us who remember.
Unfortunately starvation is one of the techniques being used by Islamists in the Islamification of Africa. A different technique is being used for the Islamification of Europe. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-39279631
Allah-u-Akhbar, the BBC is great, reporting on behalf of our Muslim brothers and sisters. A top news story from the BBC brotherhood – Iran have sorted out their rift with Saudi Arabia and Iranians can now attend the Hajj in Mecca once again, as all our Muslim brothers and sisters must do at least once in their lives. Allah-u-Akhbar. BBC-u-akhbar.
“Orly airport: Man killed after taking soldier’s gun”
One of those “men” again ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-39314250
And there’s more …..
A policeman shot …….
Merkel’s marauders again ?
Welcome to the EU. An EU that the Scots want to remain in.
Hey not our problem we just won’t go to Holland or France ever again. They are all happy to vote for the status quo – must mean they enjoy it. Enjoy I say sing multi-culti from the rooftops
A man has been shot dead after grabbing a soldier’s gun at Orly airport in Paris, French officials say.
Poor chap probably thought it a risk free enterprise after seeing the levity with which the BBC (and US judiciary) had treated a similar event at a Trump election rally.
So funny to listen to the BBC ‘ A MAN has been shot. The MAN tried to grab the gun. It was a MAN. A MAN in PARIS.
So just to recap it was a MAN .
How do they know it wasn’t a transgender ? It was absolutely not a bloke with a big beard and a little book who worked in Alan’s Snackbar.
Now the BBC have established the full facts: 1) he is a MAN 2) it happened in Paris, the news is already old and stale and it will be hidden deep into the news bulletins.
It looks like it is just one of unconnected random events that the BBC keep reporting.
Or, is it now : ‘please contact our complaints department if you actually like and admire the way we do things’
This is the self-produced show apparently brought into existence in order to air viewers’ (I prefer the term Licence Payers’) views. It’s an odd beast – it’s short and on at odd times on the BBC News Channel – you tend to catch it rather than tune in to watch it (eg. 7.47am Saturday).
The format has tended to be as follows: the BBC self-select their main news stories of the week, present a few viewer criticisms and then a normally behind-the-scenes BBC news manager (with some exalted job title) points out that the plebs have got it all wrong and that the BBC has – you guessed it – got it about right.
In line with general BBC policy toward complaints an occasional mild mea culpa may be offered – but only to either those critics who stand on the Left of an issue or when perforce the BBC has been caught bang to rights.
The presenter Samira Ahmed affects an unpretentious personable persona – as though to take the side of the audience but yet has the air of a sympathetic yet stern assistant animal nurse explaining to the kiddies that the vet is going to put down the family pet however much they cry and you better all just run along now – because… well, he’s the vet and because he jolly well knows best. Of course in this BBC kangaroo court there’s no second opinions allowed from any other media professional. To switch metaphors, it is like protesting your innocence and conducting your own defence at a trial against the judge and serried ranks of prosecution lawyers. Good luck with that.
The deck is stacked to bolster the status quo and in the BBC’s favour. Samira I believe has recently tipped her cards to expose her left-liberal credentials in some unguarded virtue-signalling Twitter exclamation.
But feeling the digression coming on for an interlude of light relief let’s instead consider the BBC’s Ahmed clan (spellings may vary). There’s Kamal Ahmed – the recently promoted nerdy economics guy. You might think that in the current climate the BBC ought to fast-track an expert who had successfully argued against the much-predicted but apparently non-existent post-Referendum economic melt-down. Perhaps they couldn’t find one? Anyway we have Kamal – at least looking the part of dedicated hack Clark Kent – oddly enough even though he’s without any Superman-like powers of economic prediction he’s still bonked his Lois Lane (Sophie Long). Another of the clan is Asad Ahmad. He’s the BBC London news reader with neither a face for TV nor a voice for radio – for those outside the boundaries of the Great Wen imagine the adenoidal delivery of a younger version of Labour Lord Melvyn Bragg. And when he’s really got a cold it’s worse. I don’t know anything about former BBC religious affairs boss Aqil Ahmed other than he’s a Muslim. Which is probably all the BBC needed to know. Did I miss any Ahmeds/Ahmads?
Back to Newswatch and the new development which I noted this morning. The show seems to have done away with live skype links to viewers and with the idea of having a real guest viewer on the show. Instead so as to fill in the small amount of show time available we get a few more Tweet-like quotes from viewers – reducing their opinions to the status of Tweets. We do get another bloody airing of that blooper video of the guy being interviewed and his kids invading his home office. This under the pretext of a viewer telling the BBC they have already shown it too often! I don’t know about racist comments confusing his wife as the nanny. Shouldn’t his wife have been out to work and the kids in daycare?!!! That’s proper BBC social policy, no?
But to the point. We are used to the BBC deflecting criticism accusing them of being leftist by airing the inevitable views accusing them of the opposite and then relaxing with the predictable we get attacked from both sides so we must be getting it about right. The BBC have begun inserting pro-BBC news viewers’ comments in Newswatch. Sycophantic comments waste time on a complaints show but bolster the BBC’s ability to deflect. This looks like a new policy. At the end of the show Samira goes as far as to elicit supporting comments from viewers. “Please get in touch, if you particularly like, or dislike the BBC news”
I was at the gym yesterday morning (toning my already magnificent physique!) and to camouflage the thudding rock music I had my walk-man tuned to The Today programme. Nick Robinson was interviewing a woman whose boss had been on the prog’ the day before and had caused outrage among the listeners; the heartless blighter had referred to his female workforce as “the girls.” Ye gods! “We’ve been deluged with complaints” Nick told us and then played the tape where the witless, insensitive fool used the offensive phrase a couple more times. This poor lady had turned up to defend her boss. “He’s lovely” she told us.
In the red corner was an irate lesbian, feminist who couldn’t care less how “lovely” this swine was, she was outraged at his “offensive language.” Nick, as you’d expect, from the “free fair and impartial BBC” was anything but impartial and he and the feminist ganged up on the poor woman. “You must be in your forties” the chivalrous Nick told her, “aren’t you offended?” Apparently she wasn’t.
Nick and the lesbian were offended enough for all of us and it seemed half the readership of The Guardian must have complained as well. The brave woman stood her ground. “We all like him” she said, and then, “he brings us buns.”
I thought the feminist was going to explode. Nick allowed her a good five minute rant about the oppression of women in the workforce and the unfair wage structure and how women are held back in our society.
You know it does a chap good now and again to realise just what bunch of chauvinist swine we really are. My God we’re an appalling country. I felt thoroughly ashamed of my gender, my culture, indeed our entire oppressive history. It really made me think about how I could show my appreciation to the woman in my life.What is a poor bloke to do when faced with a moral conundrum like this? I had a brain wave.
On the way home I bought the missus a bun…
Jeff funny you should mention that I had an appointment in a large office yesterday and as I walked past reception on the way out ‘ I turned and said ‘ Thank-you girls ‘ (they were young women so in my book they are girls). They both smiled and said no problem.
As I turned to walk away I thought am I allowed to say that these days – so so sad what the PC brigade have done to this Country.
Ah but BBC’s very own sports guy and Strictly winner Ore Oduba made that very gaff last Wimbledon. Rather than refer to the now dubious appellation “Ladies’ Final” on the morning red sofa he casually went so far as to talk of ‘the girls’ – oddly enough I heard not a twitter of complaint.
Its not only you chaps who get ‘pulled up’. I referred to my ‘young GP’ when discussing my ailments with the Consultant at the hospital. (all 3 of us are females). Before I finished my sentence she quickly jumped in and said… “in order to qualify as a GP she has to be over 25 da da da da da. So I responded….. “well, to me, anyone under the age of 50 is young”. That shut her up !
I quite like being of a more ‘mature’ age, I’m going to say what the hell I like (of course I’m a properly well mannered and brought up GIRL), but if I inadvertently offend anyone, then tough titties – their problem, not mine.
Absolutely ! and what about when couples socialise (the men and women variety), the ‘girls’ all sit together talking about what the ‘boys’ get up to !! whether they be 26 or 86.
Vive la difference. The late, and great, Bob Monkhouse ( Bob who ? ) had a joke ” I love women so much , I think I am a lesbian trapped in a man’s body “.
This is a really relevant post, not that all the others are not but this demonstrates how crazy things have become. The most innocent gesture or remark is now grounds for castration or beheading. Recently I quickly moved in front of an elderly woman so I could open a door for her. I was met with a response of something like (not exact) “I’m quite capable” Fuck it, and fuck the bitch. All I wanted to do was be polite. That’s all. However we now live in a culture where no matter what you do or say, it puts you in danger of being a racist or a mysoginst or any number of instantly targeted assumptions. I’m involved in a workshop for older (oh shit, should I have said older, or senior or not mentioned the term at all) people (above 40) Anyway it’s a diverse group of fabulous interesting people. However I’m also terrified of saying the wrong thing. I’m working on a scene trapped with two women in a lift. One is much younger the other older like myself (although I’m constantly told that I don’t look my age, hey I’m gay and 62, I need the ego massage it doesn’t quite replace sex but at my age it’s better than nothing.) I was confronted by a remark from the older woman “I hope you are not mysoginist” what the fuck. She doesn’t know me, we’ve hardly said boo and suddenly I’m being harassed. Oops, I don’t know why I used that word. Yet I hope it demonstrates just how mental everything has become. Basically as an older guy born in 1954 and living in 2017 I’m not handeling it very well. What was once innocent and intended to be polite can now be interpreted as disgustingly rude or mysoginistic. I’m already on borrowed time so when that has ran out I will not be sad to say goodby to this world. In fact I shall consider myself a very lucky man.
Interesting development in Ireland courtesy of the BEEB’s broadcasting blood brothers RTE. The annual St Patricks Day parade through Dublin city is always broadcast on RTE each year. Big money spent by sponsors on floats, etc. to get seen. Yesterday however the coverage lasted only an hour, and was abruptly cut away from mid-flow and followed by Neighbours and Home & Away. Viewers are perplexed and up in arms. RTE’s official response is that it was a “scheduling issue”!!
The new Director General and Head of News are both cultural marxist imports from outside the country. The latter (Jon Williams ex BBC) even has his own personal Trump bashing Twitter page!
Too much of a stretch to suggest that the curtailed coverage has anything to do with the #EndStPatricksDay push on Twitter and a gradual phasing out of a day of patriotism and Christianity?
The new DG is native born, I believe, from Cork. And the ex-BBCer you mention is only the latest one. Don’t forget Kevin. That’s Kevin Bakhurst, Controller of News in the Helen Boaden-era BBC, who has been RTE’s MD of News and Deputy DG for about the past four or so years. Now gone to Ofcom I believe. How they do recycle them. What with Peter Barron or is it Horrocks? at Google appearing before a select committee trying to look earnest this week, Jay Hunt at Channel 4 in the news for ruining Bake Off with some juvenile presenter, that other one who went off to run ITV with Chiles and Bleakley, and none other than the ex-DG appearing on Marr from the US today, there is no avoiding this organisation and its personnel, in London, Dublin or N York. I wonder if the Culture Sec would refer the BBC to Ofcom along with Sky on grounds of saturation. Chance would be a fine thing.
As soon as you switch on the bias starts
9:20 R4 Saturday Live : “We’ve never had a Republican on before”
“You are the first Republican we’ve had on”
Aasmah Mir says to Jimmy Osmond
…Yeh well of course not
#1 Cos you prefer to only invite your LibMob mates on
#2 When you do get Republican the first thing you would do is fish and push for them to say something bad about Trump and you are not going to stop until you do
Cos that is what is Aasmah Mir did
“So what do you think about the situation ?” … not suitable reply
She tries another tack : “So you were invited to sing at the inauguration”
DO : “Well yes but at the last moment, so it was too late”
AM “So would you have said Yes ? (please please say No)” … not suitable reply
AM pushed further
DO said “Well we have to control our borders but this country is built on immigrants so we have to take care” …This seemed to placate her enough and they moved on. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08hl645#playt=18m
Hang on a minute…I know we’re all inured to the blatant bias so nothing surprises us, but – “You are the first Republican we’ve had on”??
Surely, more than four months on from the election of a Republican president, that is a massive admission of BBC bias. Sounds like they are proud of it, too!
The awful thing is that the brainwashing has been so successful no one seems to care. Strange, isn’t it, how the world turns. In the 1960s/70s/80s the politically aware in the USSR tuned into the BBC and Voice of America to find out what Pravda wouldn’t tell them, and now we find that RT often provides more balance than our own broadcasters.
@Stella2 Yep that’s exactly what I thought.
She just came right out and said it without any tone of guilt.
For a show that is on every Saturday for 90 minutes for 50 weeks a year featuring 5+ guests every week, and most weeks has at least one US citizen on.
Unbelievable. Well, in a world where “fair” and “impartial” mean what they should, it would be.
PS. At first, I thought you were joking, but then I listened to the link. It’s there all right, plain as the creepy vileness of Jimmy Savile that everyone else spotted a mile off.
“A BBC radio presenter allowed a phone-in caller to discuss having sex with young children and to claim his victims had enjoyed being abused.
Allan Beswick, host of the Late Night Phone-In programme on BBC Radio Manchester and BBC Radio Lancashire, engaged in conversation with a man – who said he was calling from prison – for four and a half minutes without cutting him off.
Listeners were horrified to hear the man repeat details of his crimes and the BBC Trust launched an investigation after the call was broadcast on March 1. In a damning ruling, the Trust’s editorial standards committee said the programme was a serious breach of BBC guidelines.
‘Trustees were deeply troubled by this incident, which they considered showed a grave lack of judgment by the presenter and a serious failure to follow the programme’s protocols’, it said.
The caller ‘had been given the opportunity to put forward justification for the most serious and distressing of crimes without adequate challenge”, the Trust’s report added.
Beswick apologised the following night, the offending conversation was withdrawn from iPlayer and staff on the show were offered further training.”
The sofa telling us we can stay up to date with all of the latest events from Paris via the BBC website .
Dear BBC I can assure you that for the latest news none of us use the BBC website.
Not much comment yet on the BBC website about the shooting at Orly Airport in Paris. Plus the link between this and the border patrol incident earlier. Biased or what. Gordon Brown is obviously more important.
Sky News are reporting the border patrol shooting was ‘by the same Islamic fundamentalist’. The BBC are reporting there is no link nor that the man was a Muslim.
Yes Tabs-There must of been a frenzy by the fifth columnist supporters of terrorism at the BBC. ” Make sure there is a picture of an innocent Muslim
woman at the forefront at the airport.” Or is it just a coincidence? Me thinks not.
Yes Tabs-There must of been a frenzy by the fifth columnist supporters of terrorism at the BBC. ” Make sure there is a picture of an innocent Muslim
woman at the forefront at the airport.” Or is it just a coincidence? Me thinks not.
Yes Tabs-There must of been a frenzy by the fifth columnist supporters of terrorism at the BBC. ” Make sure there is a picture of an innocent Muslim
woman at the forefront at the airport.” Or is it just a coincidence? Me thinks not.
Same thing happened after the Bastille day, runaway truck episode in Nice. The BBC, female, gob on a stick, whilst looking at the makeshift shrine to those who had been murdered, intoned, “so much anger; so much intolerance.” People had had lost and seen loved ones killed and all she was bothered about was the bloody “intolerance”. She then went on to find a tame rag head and asked him how the event had affected him, FFS!
The media cartel including the BBC are depicting the election in the Netherlands as a, ‘blow’ to Geert Wilders as he, ‘lost’ the election. Rubbish! I cannot find a graphical representation yet to demonstrate pictorially the result ‘before/after’ but clearly Wilders’ party has risen to second place amongst the plethora of miscellaneous parties. I don’t like the bloke but the interview by George Galloway on RT this morning spoke volumes. He interviewed some Brit (am I still allowed to use that distinction?) PhD Foster, a UK expert in EU Politics and Foster explained the dilemma the liberal/left/multiculti devotees have for the future with support continuing to drain away from the ‘Old Order’. Question is, will it all be too late to save Europe from Islamisation?
Wilders almost quadrupled the number of seats his party holds in parliament. Quadrupled! Wonder what the BBC’s adjective would be if Labour increased their council seats or parliamentary seats fourfold? A blow? A disaster? A loss?
Interesting figures from France. I do like the thought of the French Police disguising themselves in Islamic attire to enter Islamic no-go enclaves to apprehend criminals. But, needless to say, “…Some locals also didn’t like that the police were reinforcing the stereotype of the poorer suburbs of the city being full of Muslims.” Perhaps the poorer suburbs are actually full of Muslims! Take note, Police in Bradford, Rochdale, Birmingham, Londonistan, (the list goes on and on and on….). https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/10062/france-islam-multiculturalism-february
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Another picture of the dusky ‘ German ‘ who killed at least 2 in mannheim yesterday ( now forgotten )……
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Van HelsingMar 4, 17:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, Russia isn’t as strong as some people think. It wasn’t the old USSR to begin with and it’s even…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
I just noticed the interview on Thursday morning with Mr. Raab MP, he got a right grilling. It was a disgrace, especially with the respect shown to Labour and the lying limp-dims.
Roger Waters takes ‘The Wall’ Concerts to 57 Islamic Countries to Protest against Sharia Law and Execution of Homosexuals by having Walls Fall on Them
Having supported every wall-related cause and courageously stared down the free world over hundreds of minor injustices involving walls, co-founder and former lead singer of Pink Floyd Roger Waters has announced that he will take ‘The Wall’ performances to the Muslim world to protest the practice of crushing homosexuals with walls.
“I’ve already dragged my Wall concerts around the world to protest against walls, fences, and miscellaneous types of enclosures,” explains Waters. “There’s no reason I should exclude Muslim countries just because the cause would be real and the album’s message would actually apply.”
“After my wall protest in Israel, a holler against death walls in Muslim countries would just be a hop, skip, and a jump away. I was literally only one zip code away from doing this anyhow,” says the legendary author of the we don’t need no education jingle.
Indeed, it won’t be the first time the singer braves the Middle East. In 2006 he defiantly protested the border wall in Israel that keeps gays escaping Gaza and the West Bank from having walls fall on them, including those that may topple onto them at Israeli night clubs because of suicide bombers.
“It fills me with horror,” Mr. Waters said at the time. “The thought of being constrained by something like this – it’s like living in a giant prison.” He adapted the lyrics of the famous song to: “We don’t need no occupation. We don’t need no racist wall.” Before performing, Waters spray-painted graffiti across part of the wall near Bethlehem, reading “No thought control,” and urged Israel to tear down the wall, since preventing anyone from killing Jews is by definition racist.
“After my Israel trip I have received many letters from fans in Muslim countries,” says Waters. “Most of them happened to be homosexuals who pleaded with me to come and perform The Wall in their area, as a way to raise awareness about the walls of death that are being dropped on gays there in accordance with the Hadith.”
As an artist and therefore not a hypocrite, not a coward, and not one to measure Muslims by different standards from the rest of humanity, Waters decided to rise to the challenge of speaking to a part of the world where “thought control” is the understatement of the 7th century.
“If I did it in Israel and Berlin, I should be able to take The Wall to Islamic countries to benefit gay rights there,” says Waters. “If all cultures are equal, what worked in Israel should also work in Saudi Arabia. I honestly believe that Muslim cultures are just as mentally and morally equipped as the Western cultures, if not more so. Besides, a gesture like this would add a nice new touch to my image as an artist with a message who brings meaning to his lyrics, one who has always defended progress against irony and sarcasm.”
I’ll believe it when I see it. Which muslim countries does he have in mind and have any of them agreed he can perform? If he manages to perform as this report implies it will be interesting to see what the leaders of the muslim cult threaten him with.
Ditto John.
It`s a great brave thing to do if it`s true-but somehow I doubt it`ll be the raw idea once the Brotherhood of Man get t hear of it. That pig will have to go for a start unless they can fire it as a rocket over the Israeli border.
Could be a good one to bring back on April 1st, if Rog has gone all soft and flaccid on us.
Sorry, The Waters write-up- it’s a joke, satire. I thought to start the weekend of with something lite.
Should have kept it for 1st April, Lucy. It is good enough. Sent to the BBC late on 31st March and it would be interesting to see if it appeared on BBC TV or Radio the following morning.
I think you are right. It is a satire !
Music is Haram so he shouldn’t get his hopes up.;) Wouldn’t Dignitas be an easier way of ending it all?
Quick link to previous page of comments from today Friday
News : New rules mean non-EU migrants must provide criminal record checks
Seems old law said
“British person tell us you have no criminal record, bring your UK criminal records check, before you work in this school”
“Foreign person tell us you have no criminal record, bring your UK criminal records check, before you work in this school… but we won’t ask for any criminal record from the place you just came from”
“While failure to meet the requirement can be cause to block a visa, the Home Office is allowed to waive it if it is not ‘reasonably practicable’ to get a certificate.”
And there is the get out for the immigrants.
Feedback : was a bit boring, I’d seen an orchestrated Twitter campaign to get them to mention BBC’s supposed lack of coverage of Tory Election scandal.
..in the end Feedback didn’t cover the topic.
For School reporter Day Child reporter “I have learnt that the BBC focus on unbiased reports ”
Are they reading off a card?
PS …
If that BBC Mount Etna crew got their jackets burnt then they were surely not complying with H&S standards
Did hear this Stew.
Talk about brainwashing of kids?
Inarticulate kids from Bradford-yes, we can guess why they hardly speak English somehow manage words like “vulnerable” “impartial” and “solidarity” c/o the License Fee Payer, all pumped into school staffrooms so the teachers don`t have to get their noses out of the Guardian, nor miss a pop at the Red Nose cake sale. Utterly disgraceful-and the BBC don`t think its proselytising, evangelical propaganda-and the teachers don`t think at all? Which is just what Labour, the unions and the BBC have long been working towards.
Savilisasian Culture c/o the BBC and the NWO Show.
I received a letter today stating:- You can reduce the amount of any penalty by giving us assistance throughout our check. We call this assistance the “quality of disclosure” or “telling, helping and giving”.
It’s actually about a VAT inspection, but the way it’s written one could think it was from TVL.
Oh There’s a new film out I wonder if the BBC will help it get some free publicity ?
“Get Out is a horror thriller about a black man who discovers that his white girlfriend’s parents are involved in a sinister conspiracy to keep their wealthy suburb racially monochrome. ”
Sounds like a #BbcPetIssue
Only 3 specific pages about it so far, plus 3 pages mention it.
I am afraid I have had the unfortunate experience of sitting right through this pile of horse manure.
I will never get those precious two hours back; I wish I had obeyed the title after 10 minutes!
I was hoping for a decent horror flick but of course I should have realised it was going to be a vehicle for more hypocritical white bashing. This is an out and out racist film. Please avoid this for the sake of your sanity.
Unfortunately this will be a shoe in for an Oscar or two in 2018; I jest?
Watch Sidney Poitier ‘In the Heat of the Night’ instead, a much more nuanced film of racism with a glimmer of hope in the end.. not like ‘Get out’
The lead actor, one Daniel Kaluuya, has worked on much more worthy productions,
even on the BBC!
His crowning achievement was this:-
You don’t know how realistic that is until you make a visit to Birmingham. Especially in the Jewellery Quarter. It’s like a pack of hyenas.Utter cu…..
Brilliant ! No way that would be allowed on the BBC now. I always had a feeling that Harry and Paul were dropped by the BBC because they were not politically correct and Left Wing. May be wrong, of course.
The film gets an improbable 8.3 on the IMDB website. However, most of the reviewers who marked it down are incensed at the crude racism of the message.
Academy award fodder and virtue signallers’ dream.
Roger Waters has been widely accused for years of being an anti-Semite by Pro-Israel people.The argument being why are the Roger Waters so obessed with Palestinisn human rights when they are not with so many other similar ethnic groups with grievances such as the Muslim minorities in Chezna,China,Kashmir Myanmir etc The ProIsrael lobby claiming that the obsession is not about Palestinians but aboutwho the perceived `bad guys` are i.e the Jews
Essentially after the holocaust anti-semites could no longer be respectively be publicly anti-Semitic so they have used attacking Israel as a cover.
Maybe Waters is doing `his wall` tour of Islamic countries to change his image.
I have noticed quite a few former very vocal anti-Isrealis left wingers like Owen Jones trying to repeatedly state publicly that they are against `anti-Semitism`
Maybe they are looking at some of their left wing & Islamic bedfellows and trying to put some distance between themselves and those overt antisemitics who clearly barely care about being seen as antisemitic
Thought I’d repost my cartoon of the week for y’all
(the midweek thread closed just a couple hours after I posted it there)
But what does it mean?
That in spite of how bad of a deal an Independent Scotland would get from Brussels, the SNP will want it if it means seperation from London. No say whatsoever on monetary policy? Let’s join Europe. Italian judges being able to overrule a currently separate and independent judiciary from England? Let’s join Europe. Complete subjugation to Brussels in favour of London? Let’s join Europe. Russia invading Europe? Let’s join Europe.
It’s utter madness based on the over-arching predecate of racism towards England at absolutely any cost. As I say, I’m in favour of an independent Scotland & an English parliament but the SNP (being ineffectual) see the EU more as a crowbar against Englishness and (likely) a pocket to pick from, that being easier than conjuring up a coherent economic strategy.
As the Lib Dems found, government is like a game show: it’s a lot harder when you’re there.
Presumably Nicola Sturgeon is answering a question by saying, (in English), “Yes, sure enough, but there is no English folk!”
Well the first problem here, for an audience in England, is that she never answers questions, just makes statements that the BBC gleefully listens to in respectful silence.
Secondly, what was the question?
Third, the grammatical construction implies a Thatcher-like, (misquote), “there is no society”, i.e. the class ‘folk’ doesn’t exist in England, they are all perhaps aristocrats? Or perhaps, as one BBC presenter implied, “there is no ‘race’ English, they are all immigrants”? It can’t mean there are no English as the drawing shows at least one in London, (has Birmingham been cleared away for HS2?).
Fourth, what is going on ‘in Europe’? The EU appears to have been reduced to just Belgium, Mrs Merkl hasn’t got a clue, having installed tank traps to stop invasion by the Danes, and an anonymous Swiss banker looks sternly on!
Fifth, what is going on in the North Sea? Scotland has no oil and the belligerent Danes have launched an air attack on the Dutch fishing fleet!
Apart from that, well done!
The BBC and other news outlets are reporting a “man” who they say is a “student” has been freed following his arrest and admission to sexual intercourse with a girl, who turned out to be twelve years old. This is defined as rape and he has just been let off for rape. His name is Daniel Cieslak.
What I am trying to find out, and it is not being published, is whether he is a foreign student and what is his nationality. This information for some reason is deliberately being kept secret. If he were a Scotsman or an Englishman you can be certain they would say he was a Scotsman or Englishman rather than just a “man”.
In the referenced article it states he was “Polish-born”
Cieslak is a Polish name according to Wiki. Whether he or his family have lived here long is another question.
A foreign student born in Poland
Yep, compare to Adam Johnson….not defending him in any way but compare sentences??
Yes I wasn’t in court
Someone with a mental age of 19 is still a child, but should easily be able to obey the no sleeping with minors rule. Would you let your own son off ?
I don’t see any excuse. If you want to stay within the law, you make a point of establishing the age. “I thought she was 16 is not good enough”.
A teenager who does such one night stands is a sleazebag irrespective of the law.
The BBC are reporting a painting has been saved for the nation: “Monarch of the Glen painting saved for nation”
Yet oddly the BBC is not saving for the Nation the English Culture, which it sees as horribly white and racist.
I note how the BBC are prominently reporting on their website about the white man in court for rape.
When there were gangs of ‘Asian’ men raping white girls on an industrial scale, they went to court to shut him up. Were it not for that bold reporter Andrew Norfolk breaking the taboo it would still be going on without the Ministry of Truth mentioning it; it is probably still going on to an unimaginable level. Leopards do not change their spots. Free, fair and impartial? Expensive, unfair and biased.
Yes, but, that “bold” w@nker fretted that the story would be used by the “far-right” against the beautiful enrichers; whose sexual proclivities have since made Rotherham known throughout the globe.
I meant to say they took the people who tried to do something about the he rape gangs to court for inciting racial hatred. Clearly they have the whole thing diametrically wrong – what depths of hatred must you have to think it is ok to ruin school girls’ lives like they just because they have different colour skin to yours?
A few years ago I bought a digital radio.
I discovered Radio 4 Extra.
What a relief from tuning into BBC World Service at night …the shop window for gaining entry into the UK for anyone and every one!
However my enjoyment has been short lived as the BBC has increasingly politicised the content of 4 Extra with PC and multiculturalism enrichment
There must be an alternative to the BBC!
Ideas welcome!
Try oldvalve radio, Goldradio old time radio and Horror Theatre Georgia. They’re all internet radio stations but I have an internet radio so I can fall asleep listening to them. The audio quality is variable and there are a lot of old American adverts but at least they are good old entertainment for normal people.
I’ve been ranting against radio 4 extra for several years, shortly after it ceased being radio 7 and turned into the women and ethnics channel, interspersed with unfunny comedy and collectivist propaganda masquerading as education.
If you’re into classical music, there’s this, on-line:
I listen to online American podcasts these days, particularly those at Ricochet which include a wide range of comment and discussion, all of it intelligent, from the humorous Andrew Klavan Show to Professor Richard A. Epstein’s “Libertarian Podcast”. (You need a clear head to listen to the latter: he throws out facts and ideas so rapidly I have to replay it several times.)
I also look forward to Radio Derb every Saturday morning; it’s usually posted by about 7.00 a.m.
The bBBC report on George Osborne becoming editor of the London Evening Standard.
Now, like him or loathe him, Osborne makes no claim to be impartial.
But……unlike that……
The bBBC report is given by Amol Rajan, who is filmed standing outside Northcliffe House and announces “when I worked in this building as the editor of the Independent”
The Independent. That impartial newspaper.
The BBC. That impartial broadcaster.
George “punishment budget” Osborne?
George “mission critical oops failure” Osborne
We re all in this together … well apart from me Osborne
The very same man who got Iain D Smith punching the air, as he hammered the poorest and most vulnerable in our nation … who gets paid £320,000 for delivering speeches
Turns into George “serious conflicts of interest” Osborne, the guy that increased Government debt by £555 billion in a little over 5 yrs from when he took office in 2010, now London Standard editor
Perhaps utter abject failure, is the secret to the “big society” eh?
… political establishment business as usual
Just spend the time to watch this video by a woman who started off as a Feminist and now describes herself as a ‘conservative lesbian’
She lived 18 months as a man and was shocked to find that ALL the feminist memes are dead wrong and it is in reality men who are the victims of what she calls female privilege.
Lesbian Feminist lives as a man for 18 months but afterwards is more appreciative of her female privilege and is happy to get back to life as a woman.
The dating adventures are the most breath taking. Ned is on the receiving end of women’s boring, self-pitying monologues and endless tirades about what bastards men are. His dates all suspect he is as bad as the rest of them: ‘They made every man they met into a wolf, even when that man was a woman.’
I can tell you that the usual rabid feminists are not at all happy with this book denying that there is any merit in it and in the usual blinkered bigoted way ignored what she found and carried on with their delusions as if nothing had changed.
I was fascinated by this incredible journey. I felt that every part of this was real and from the heart. Is this me being not quite on the ball. I like to think that I have some intelligence but realising that the BBC isn’t the media darling I thought it was has really shaken my confidence. You have to admire someone going this far into research. Wouldn’t it be truly incredible if we could use our gifts, our intelligence to all get together and shine like we’re meant too. If only. At least I’ve got this wonderful site to read and enjoy. That helps a little bit.
I managed a minute of the Now Show on Radio 4. Instantly they bash Trump for being orange. It is out of order how they mock him for his appearance. Then the comic says something about how people who have a problem with the Burqa are just as bad as they want to wear hoods like the KKK. I need a safe space!
Isn’t the idea of banning speakers you find offensive ridiculous? I did not want to listen to this twat so I just listened to something else. I would never say other people could not listen to it if they wanted to, even though I find it so deeply offensive and am fully triggered.
I am reminded of George Orwell and Emanuel Goldstein the 30 minutes of HATE, which they then tell us is because they oppose ‘hate’.
Clearly the ministry of truth is working overtime.
But Chilleden!
Well remember that slogan-“The Future`s Bright-The Future`s Orange”.
Let alone “Mr Tangerine Man”!
Bet the unfunny Left can only DREAM of our wit and talent-hence their foisting of Hardy, Calman and Howard upon us every night.
Would recommend Harry and Paul from Radio 2 the other night-as good as the BBC gets these days….and just funny(imagine THAT, you BBC stoners?)
Oh the times they are a changing. How is the BBC going to extricate itself from the Climate change bllshit ?
There must be many a meeting of highly paid dkheads trying to work out how they row back from all of their settled science.
BBC QT, Yep! … saw the political potted plant harridan squealing (nothing to do with any question),about Corbyn, and Eagle virtually sniggering
…. political establishment business as usual.
Stew mentioned earlier the BBC snowflake … sexism, waycism etc.
Oh yes five minutes later, look everybody we should JUST overlook more f-ck ups from Hammond?, and it was “tastrophe” Treezer who signed it off anyway, but of course no one ever asks.
…. political establishment business as usual
no mention of Tory expenses/electoral fraud?, oh yes sirree! business as usual
The show again brings up the NHS … yet again carefully scripted questions and worse
even more scripted answers. Our public service broadcaster has once again avoided factually scrutinising the funding, provides superficial fluff instead if incision on health reform and instead simply regurgitates the Westminster spin, whilst continuing to peddle the scapegoat myths.
…. Political establishment business as usual
Westminster clear out requirement, “drain the swamp”
The BBC.
Now a threat to World peace.
Highland Rebel
Thanks for the link Re:BBC Threat to world peace. A good read.
Even allowing for the excited tone and hyperbole of the Sputnik article, it largely hits the nail on the head. If there are any readers who still wonder why ‘the Tories’ do not ‘do something about the BBC’ and ‘scrap the licence fee’, it shows why not.
Very poignant to read such material on a day that British troops are just 85 miles away from St Petersburg. In the footsteps of Hitler and Napoleon…
I see that Rima Khalaf a Jordanian under secretary for wiping Israel off the face of the earth at the United Nations has resigned. I think she would be perfect to join Riz Lateef,
Asad Ahmed and Alice Bhandhukravi presenting the Londonistan programme. Poor Alice this evening thought that George Osborne is still in the government.Mind you I bet that Alice and I are amongst only a few that know that Muang Thong Utd from Bangkok held Ulsan to a draw in the Asian Champions League in South Korea on Tuesday!
It looks like Trump has commented on GCHQ looking at his emails, phone calls and financial transactions, probably from evidence revealed by Julian Assange of WikiLeaks in the biggest ever leak of CIA documents, most of which are yet to be released. Coincidently, Farage went to talk to Assange a few days ago. GCHQ would look at his emails and financial transactions by searching MTI, using the Tempora computer system and PRISM, while tapping his phone using GTE.
At the moment I would not be surprised if people are trying to persuade Teresa May to go behind the back of Boris Johnson and use the SAS to raid the Ecuadorian Embassy.
It looks like the evidence that the democrats in the CIA used Russia mania as an excuse to get GCHQ to look at Trump’s emails, phone calls and financial transactions, is to be revealed in Congressional hearings. A British spy was also working for the Clinton campaign, manufacturing or digging up fake information about Donald Trump and Russia. An email revealed the spy in question as the MI6 operative Christopher Steele, but in Britain there was a D notice on his name appearing in the media. Presumably the D Notice was lifted because MI6 could not keep a lid on the shit, so ordered him to leave MI6. That would be the reason that he is now described as a former MI6 agent.
Also, Obama used Russiaphobia to get his Justice department to use the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to spy on Trump. Obama got the Justice Department to pursue the matter as a national-security investigation under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). In June, it sought the FISA court’s permission to conduct surveillance. It has been reported that Trump was “named” in the application, but the FISA court apparently found the Justice Department’s presentation to be so weak that it refused to authorize the surveillance. Unwilling to take no for an answer, Obama got the Justice Department to go back to the FISA court in October, this application was much narrower than the earlier one and did not mention Donald Trump. The FISA Court granted this application.
As far as I can see, Obama is still resident in Washington, vainly trying to hold back the pile of shit. While Trump is patiently collecting evidence for a coming investigation.
It was a also revealed that the CIA can investigate American citizens using proxies, leaving fake evidence that it was another country that did the hacking, such as Russia.
Demoralisation within the FBI and CIA is causing leaks by Trump supporters to Assange, and a hopeful collapse of the Neo-Con Liberal Fascist empire within the CIA.
Richard Pinder
Excellent comment. Thank you.
I would not rule out collaboration with the UK government, probably the PM who has no love for Trump and his administration.
Denials from Smiley’s people, eagerly reported by the BBC, regarding their role have an air of desperate lying about them
Hmm what kind of TV prog would 5-Live be interested in promoting ?

Note that it was posted today Friday
with the tag “They’re about to appear on Channel 4’s ‘Extremely British Muslims”
..em no they are not … cos it was on last night.
And what’s their priority in news to spin

With the old ‘Give a BBC opinion by quoting someone else” ?
..Oh yeh the BBC doesn’t have opinions
Now where is there a wing of a media organisation where its 8 Radio national Stations are headed by a politician ..
…. an ex Labour politician ?
James Purnell not free for comment? Too busy leaving his politics at the door, reprogramming the DNA… Stuff like that.
Bias? What bias?
Of course nobody in the BBC knew about Saville’s behaviour.
Nobody in the BBC would support such behaviour.
“A Greater Manchester Police spokesman said: “Police were called at 8.25am on Thursday March 2 to a report that a disclosure of sexual offences had been made on a live radio show. An investigation has been launched.”
In an apology broadcast the following night, Beswick said: “If you were listening last night, you might have heard from a caller who made a number of grossly offensive comments. Now, I’ve listened back to what he said and I’ve discussed the matter with people that I trust, and I’m now convinced that I shouldn’t have allowed the call to continue.
“I should have ended it sooner. A lot sooner. So I apologise for that. And I apologise because I think you’re entitled to expect rather better from me.””
Bloody Hypocrites.
The Fascist Lefts new plan by another self destructive Jew who utterly fails to address the issue of Muslim aspiration to murder Jews gays liberals and anyone else who crosses their path. I expect to see the BBC promulgating this naive bollox over the coming months
It’s from the LSE. As such it can be filed under ‘M’ for mental disorders.
The UK will align itself with the Scandinavian countries? What planet is this guy on? Has he not heard what is going on in Sweden? Has he not read his history on the British Empire?
France will reach out to her former colonies? You mean the ones causing mayhem in France now, like Algeria & Morocco?
How can you take someone seriously when they come out with such BS?
Roger Harrabin was on PM today (BBC R4 5-6pm) to apologise and explain that the BBC was misspeaking when it claimed in 2015 and 2016 that the previous years CO2 emissions were the highest ever in the history of the planet. It is, of course, about now each year when Roger tells us that the previous year was the hottest ever. And, of course, the prior-previous year had the highest ever CO2 emissions.
Except he didn’t.
Apologise. Or explain.
I’d like to know how the BBC has deliberately reported FakeNews every year for several years. Had they had taken in good faith a Press Release from an authoritative body who were responsible for carefully measuring such things?
Or were they just stating it because they had heard it and didn’t need to check to see if it was authoritative because as everyone knows the science is settled and 97% of all scientists that exist on our planet all totally agree that mankind is causing the planet to heat up and/or the climate to change via CO2 emissions? In other words they were happy to pass on FakeNews because everyone believes it, especially at the PostTruth BBC.
Unfortunately, it now appears that it WAS FakeNews and there was no truth in the statements about CO2. The last three years, 2014, 2015 & 2016 have seen CO2 emissions plateau, if not fall ever so slightly according to Roger today.
Temperatures? Who knows? Maybe there will be in time an adjustment to those, too.
Now, I wonder if the BBC will continue its crusade against diesel engines, well, not all diesel engines, just some diesel engines that they do not like in new cars. Not dirty ones in trucks and vans and buses and taxis but just the ones in cars. Will they let it fade quickly away now that they have reported this latest emissions news?
The little bit of science applicable here that I was taught in school pops into my mind at awkward moments – for the BBC as well as for me, using precious time writing these screeds (doing Roger’s job for him for free?) – to observe that whether it is CO2 or NOX emissions, they both come from the same litre of burnt fuel. If the CO2 emissions of the planet as a whole have levelled out or fallen, then there must also be less Nitrous Oxide around. The pollution levels that the BBC were so exercised about last week and the week before must actually be less than in 2013.
Please correct me if I am wrong but as I understand it, what comes out of an exhaust pipe is a product of what goes into an engine. Just as road miles equate to emissions then so nitrous oxides from diesel must equate to the CO2 from diesel and to those same road miles because they have come from the same litre of fuel which is burnt in travelling those road miles. They are pretty much fixed although various parts of the ignition & fuel mixing & burning & exhaust filtering chain, as well as quality of maintenance, might vary the relationships slightly. What goes in is what comes out, whether its power to the wheels or pollution to the skies.
I know this. Roger Harrabin knows this. Either that or he hasn’t been paying attention to his science teacher at school and to vehicle engineers that he talks to as part of his job as a journalist at the BBC.
Or perhaps, he doesn’t even talk to engineers because they would provide information that would not fit the BBC’s FakeNews narrative and might inconveniently pop up later and say “That’s not what we told him in interview.” when Roger treats us to his news.
There’s something that does not add up in all of this BBC Climate Change stuff. Remember how green the planet became in 2015? Or nettles became profuse on the TODAY Programme in 2016, as reported last week?
I have been stung! We deserve an explanation about the obvious contradictions. And perhaps an apology. Or many profuse and abject apologies. How careful have they been with the accuracy of their reporting?
I wonder what they will be telling us in 2020 about Climate Change? Or 2025? And will it be: “Sorry. We got it wrong.”?
It is not far away.
I think the BBC uses the Keeling Curve from Mauna Loa, Hawaii. But because of China, we would expect Man-made emissions of CO2 to be the highest ever, producing a seasonal trend in the northern hemisphere blowing over to Hawaii. But there is no known information showing an increase in the ratio from 4 percent, so the Oceans still dominate the system with a mass 275 times that of the Atmosphere, so the ratio of CO2 in the Atmosphere/Oceans is still dependent upon the heat in the Oceans, therefore proving that the temperature leads the system, and therefore providing evidence to the Solar Magnetic Cloud Albedo theories. Therefore it’s the idea that carbon dioxide causes any warming that is the hoax. And CO2 levels would only fall if Global cooling started as colder Oceans would absorb rather than emit natural CO2.
I think Roger Harrabin would never randomly phone up an independent scientist qualified in Atmospheric Physics. Such “real experts” are blacklisted by the BBC as “Climate deniers” because they are not going to agree with the environmental activists or “fake experts” who advise the Tyndall Centre on Atmospheric Physics, such as Roger himself? who as far as I know, is still on the scientific advisory board.
“… an increase in the ratio from 4 percent, …”
Isn’t the CO2 merely 0.04 of 1 percent of the total (i.e. 4 / 10,000) of our atmosphere?
Correct, 400ppm. Sorry for not elaborating. Man-made and Volcanic CO2 does not have the Carbon-14 Isotope. Levels of this Isotope show that 4 percent or a maximum of 16ppm of the 100ppm increase in CO2 in over 100 years is due to Man-made or Volcanic CO2, this is also confirmed by the ratio of Carbon-12 to Carbon-13 in the Atmosphere. Also, ice core data shows that CO2 levels rise about 800 years after a warming and that the Medieval Warm period peaked about 800 years ago. The reason for this is that there is a 800 year thermal lag in the deep oceans. So any fall in CO2 levels due to cooling seas could be temporary, and show up in future ice core data as a delay, as the lag wobbles between 700 and 900 years. But then the peak of the Medieval Warm period quickly came to an end, so CO2 levels should start to fall within the next hundred years.
Richard, think you may be confusing natural emissions with man-made CO2 emissions which is a very BBC sort of thing to do & understandable after the battering of ‘enlightenment’ that they bring to listeners’ ears on the subject.
Roger Harrabin, if I recall correctly, did not say in his short report on the PM programme that he was specifically referring to man-made CO2 (ie. power generation, carbon powered vehicle use, cycling (!), etc) thus keeping a BBC tradition of vagueness going on this important and taxing subject. The inference was clear, however, that it was man-made CO2 that had levelled off or fallen slightly over the last three years.
Interestingly, there is no sign of a written report or Blog on the subject from Roger as he’s not normally shy from promoting Anthropogenic Global Warming at the drop of a hat.
No emissions caused there, except perhaps from extra exertion when he has to pick it up.
And as I bid thee goodnight and sweet dreams, here is a last bit of news that made the editorial integrity cut from the world standard in broadcasting. Apparently.
BBC Newsbeat
This politician wants to charge you $100 every time you masturbate.
Sorry if I missed discussion of this earlier: the bBBC Racist Network encouraging their audience to think that blasphemy is a crime.
Mixed reviews on social media, to say the least, ranging from not great to less positive.
Is this video clip for real? And she has this fucking smile on her face. We already know what the punishment for blasphemy is DEATH!
Remember police getting scrambled to get divers to get Qurans out of a canal? acting like that is Sharia law … NOT ours
“Police dived into an east London canal to rescue 150 Islamic books dive after misunderstanding the rules for proper disposal of the Koran”
Deja Vu?
Police Scrambled to Bradford UK as Quran in Skip Sparks Hysteria & Violent Threats from moderate Muslims
If you check out the T&A article? … almost beyond belief
BBC News? … maybe after the skinny lattes in the morning
I watched This Week last night and saw the interview with John Nicholson of the SNP, the discussion turned as to what Scotland’s position would be, if they achieved independence, as regards EU membership. Nicholson intimated that he’d had discussions with senior German politicians, who had told him that their (Scotland’s) application to join would be the “fastest in history” (or some such).
If that is true, it is outrageous interference by foreign politicians which could affect a British constitutional dispute between two of the nations of the UK; the German ambassador (if what Nicholson said was correct) should be called to the FO and asked to explain what the meaning of this is. These German politicians have no business making such a promise to the SNP, the dispute is between the UK government in Westminster and the glorified county council at Holyrood; the input of Berlin is neither required nor welcome.
Isn’t this the sort of interference which it seems so currently fashionable to accuse the Russians of, whenever and wherever an opportunity arises?
Accordanding to the most recent BBC logic, in 1940 after Dunkirk, my father and his generation should have fucked off to America and left my mother and my siblings behind.
Well Thatch some of us were left behind but only by brave men who took the fight to the enemy to save us instead of scarpering to save themselves. Sadly many of them did not return and are still quietly mourned by those of us who remember.
Unfortunately starvation is one of the techniques being used by Islamists in the Islamification of Africa. A different technique is being used for the Islamification of Europe.
Allah-u-Akhbar, the BBC is great, reporting on behalf of our Muslim brothers and sisters. A top news story from the BBC brotherhood – Iran have sorted out their rift with Saudi Arabia and Iranians can now attend the Hajj in Mecca once again, as all our Muslim brothers and sisters must do at least once in their lives. Allah-u-Akhbar. BBC-u-akhbar.
Iranian pilgrims ‘to attend Hajj again’ after Saudi rift: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-39307578
Nick ‘Views my own, sources who say’ Robbo again turns to social media, impartially:
Not really working out as planned.
He really seems quite thick.
“Orly airport: Man killed after taking soldier’s gun”
One of those “men” again ?
And there’s more …..
A policeman shot …….
Merkel’s marauders again ?
Welcome to the EU. An EU that the Scots want to remain in.
Certainly one of those very careful BBC headlines.
Currently reads like a bizarre suicide.
Hey not our problem we just won’t go to Holland or France ever again. They are all happy to vote for the status quo – must mean they enjoy it. Enjoy I say sing multi-culti from the rooftops
I kid you not. On R 4 news this morning the man who took the soldier’s gun was described as a ‘radicalised individual’.
People are leaving Britain [because of Brexit]
As if that’s a bad thing. If only we could get a few million more to go.
The more the merrier.
A man has been shot dead after grabbing a soldier’s gun at Orly airport in Paris, French officials say.
Poor chap probably thought it a risk free enterprise after seeing the levity with which the BBC (and US judiciary) had treated a similar event at a Trump election rally.
So funny to listen to the BBC ‘ A MAN has been shot. The MAN tried to grab the gun. It was a MAN. A MAN in PARIS.
So just to recap it was a MAN .
How do they know it wasn’t a transgender ? It was absolutely not a bloke with a big beard and a little book who worked in Alan’s Snackbar.
Now the BBC have established the full facts: 1) he is a MAN 2) it happened in Paris, the news is already old and stale and it will be hidden deep into the news bulletins.
It looks like it is just one of unconnected random events that the BBC keep reporting.
Meanwhile on RT.com they are reporting
Police sources told Reuters he was known to intelligence services as a radicalized Muslim.
BBC “Newswatch”
Or, is it now : ‘please contact our complaints department if you actually like and admire the way we do things’
This is the self-produced show apparently brought into existence in order to air viewers’ (I prefer the term Licence Payers’) views. It’s an odd beast – it’s short and on at odd times on the BBC News Channel – you tend to catch it rather than tune in to watch it (eg. 7.47am Saturday).
The format has tended to be as follows: the BBC self-select their main news stories of the week, present a few viewer criticisms and then a normally behind-the-scenes BBC news manager (with some exalted job title) points out that the plebs have got it all wrong and that the BBC has – you guessed it – got it about right.
In line with general BBC policy toward complaints an occasional mild mea culpa may be offered – but only to either those critics who stand on the Left of an issue or when perforce the BBC has been caught bang to rights.
The presenter Samira Ahmed affects an unpretentious personable persona – as though to take the side of the audience but yet has the air of a sympathetic yet stern assistant animal nurse explaining to the kiddies that the vet is going to put down the family pet however much they cry and you better all just run along now – because… well, he’s the vet and because he jolly well knows best. Of course in this BBC kangaroo court there’s no second opinions allowed from any other media professional. To switch metaphors, it is like protesting your innocence and conducting your own defence at a trial against the judge and serried ranks of prosecution lawyers. Good luck with that.
The deck is stacked to bolster the status quo and in the BBC’s favour. Samira I believe has recently tipped her cards to expose her left-liberal credentials in some unguarded virtue-signalling Twitter exclamation.
But feeling the digression coming on for an interlude of light relief let’s instead consider the BBC’s Ahmed clan (spellings may vary). There’s Kamal Ahmed – the recently promoted nerdy economics guy. You might think that in the current climate the BBC ought to fast-track an expert who had successfully argued against the much-predicted but apparently non-existent post-Referendum economic melt-down. Perhaps they couldn’t find one? Anyway we have Kamal – at least looking the part of dedicated hack Clark Kent – oddly enough even though he’s without any Superman-like powers of economic prediction he’s still bonked his Lois Lane (Sophie Long). Another of the clan is Asad Ahmad. He’s the BBC London news reader with neither a face for TV nor a voice for radio – for those outside the boundaries of the Great Wen imagine the adenoidal delivery of a younger version of Labour Lord Melvyn Bragg. And when he’s really got a cold it’s worse. I don’t know anything about former BBC religious affairs boss Aqil Ahmed other than he’s a Muslim. Which is probably all the BBC needed to know. Did I miss any Ahmeds/Ahmads?
Back to Newswatch and the new development which I noted this morning. The show seems to have done away with live skype links to viewers and with the idea of having a real guest viewer on the show. Instead so as to fill in the small amount of show time available we get a few more Tweet-like quotes from viewers – reducing their opinions to the status of Tweets. We do get another bloody airing of that blooper video of the guy being interviewed and his kids invading his home office. This under the pretext of a viewer telling the BBC they have already shown it too often! I don’t know about racist comments confusing his wife as the nanny. Shouldn’t his wife have been out to work and the kids in daycare?!!! That’s proper BBC social policy, no?
But to the point. We are used to the BBC deflecting criticism accusing them of being leftist by airing the inevitable views accusing them of the opposite and then relaxing with the predictable we get attacked from both sides so we must be getting it about right. The BBC have begun inserting pro-BBC news viewers’ comments in Newswatch. Sycophantic comments waste time on a complaints show but bolster the BBC’s ability to deflect. This looks like a new policy. At the end of the show Samira goes as far as to elicit supporting comments from viewers. “Please get in touch, if you particularly like, or dislike the BBC news”
Always worth reading the two issues BBC Complaints figure are most pressing, which they place on their home page.
Often for weeks.
It’s like they filter what comes in and only allow out what suits.
I was at the gym yesterday morning (toning my already magnificent physique!) and to camouflage the thudding rock music I had my walk-man tuned to The Today programme. Nick Robinson was interviewing a woman whose boss had been on the prog’ the day before and had caused outrage among the listeners; the heartless blighter had referred to his female workforce as “the girls.” Ye gods! “We’ve been deluged with complaints” Nick told us and then played the tape where the witless, insensitive fool used the offensive phrase a couple more times. This poor lady had turned up to defend her boss. “He’s lovely” she told us.
In the red corner was an irate lesbian, feminist who couldn’t care less how “lovely” this swine was, she was outraged at his “offensive language.” Nick, as you’d expect, from the “free fair and impartial BBC” was anything but impartial and he and the feminist ganged up on the poor woman. “You must be in your forties” the chivalrous Nick told her, “aren’t you offended?” Apparently she wasn’t.
Nick and the lesbian were offended enough for all of us and it seemed half the readership of The Guardian must have complained as well. The brave woman stood her ground. “We all like him” she said, and then, “he brings us buns.”
I thought the feminist was going to explode. Nick allowed her a good five minute rant about the oppression of women in the workforce and the unfair wage structure and how women are held back in our society.
You know it does a chap good now and again to realise just what bunch of chauvinist swine we really are. My God we’re an appalling country. I felt thoroughly ashamed of my gender, my culture, indeed our entire oppressive history. It really made me think about how I could show my appreciation to the woman in my life.What is a poor bloke to do when faced with a moral conundrum like this? I had a brain wave.
On the way home I bought the missus a bun…
Lucky Andy Marr didn’t stroll by and offer either lady a post interview libation and panty rearrangement outside a nearby club.
Nick may have been conflicted.
Jeff funny you should mention that I had an appointment in a large office yesterday and as I walked past reception on the way out ‘ I turned and said ‘ Thank-you girls ‘ (they were young women so in my book they are girls). They both smiled and said no problem.
As I turned to walk away I thought am I allowed to say that these days – so so sad what the PC brigade have done to this Country.
Ore Odubious and the “Girls”
Ah but BBC’s very own sports guy and Strictly winner Ore Oduba made that very gaff last Wimbledon. Rather than refer to the now dubious appellation “Ladies’ Final” on the morning red sofa he casually went so far as to talk of ‘the girls’ – oddly enough I heard not a twitter of complaint.
Its not only you chaps who get ‘pulled up’. I referred to my ‘young GP’ when discussing my ailments with the Consultant at the hospital. (all 3 of us are females). Before I finished my sentence she quickly jumped in and said… “in order to qualify as a GP she has to be over 25 da da da da da. So I responded….. “well, to me, anyone under the age of 50 is young”. That shut her up !
I quite like being of a more ‘mature’ age, I’m going to say what the hell I like (of course I’m a properly well mannered and brought up GIRL), but if I inadvertently offend anyone, then tough titties – their problem, not mine.
In my experience many ladies of more mature years take is as a compliment to be referred to as “girls”.
And all young girls like to be called ‘ladies’,you can’t win.
Absolutely ! and what about when couples socialise (the men and women variety), the ‘girls’ all sit together talking about what the ‘boys’ get up to !! whether they be 26 or 86.
Vive la difference. The late, and great, Bob Monkhouse ( Bob who ? ) had a joke ” I love women so much , I think I am a lesbian trapped in a man’s body “.
Pre-dated all the BBC transgenderism crap.
This is a really relevant post, not that all the others are not but this demonstrates how crazy things have become. The most innocent gesture or remark is now grounds for castration or beheading. Recently I quickly moved in front of an elderly woman so I could open a door for her. I was met with a response of something like (not exact) “I’m quite capable” Fuck it, and fuck the bitch. All I wanted to do was be polite. That’s all. However we now live in a culture where no matter what you do or say, it puts you in danger of being a racist or a mysoginst or any number of instantly targeted assumptions. I’m involved in a workshop for older (oh shit, should I have said older, or senior or not mentioned the term at all) people (above 40) Anyway it’s a diverse group of fabulous interesting people. However I’m also terrified of saying the wrong thing. I’m working on a scene trapped with two women in a lift. One is much younger the other older like myself (although I’m constantly told that I don’t look my age, hey I’m gay and 62, I need the ego massage it doesn’t quite replace sex but at my age it’s better than nothing.) I was confronted by a remark from the older woman “I hope you are not mysoginist” what the fuck. She doesn’t know me, we’ve hardly said boo and suddenly I’m being harassed. Oops, I don’t know why I used that word. Yet I hope it demonstrates just how mental everything has become. Basically as an older guy born in 1954 and living in 2017 I’m not handeling it very well. What was once innocent and intended to be polite can now be interpreted as disgustingly rude or mysoginistic. I’m already on borrowed time so when that has ran out I will not be sad to say goodby to this world. In fact I shall consider myself a very lucky man.
Interesting development in Ireland courtesy of the BEEB’s broadcasting blood brothers RTE. The annual St Patricks Day parade through Dublin city is always broadcast on RTE each year. Big money spent by sponsors on floats, etc. to get seen. Yesterday however the coverage lasted only an hour, and was abruptly cut away from mid-flow and followed by Neighbours and Home & Away. Viewers are perplexed and up in arms. RTE’s official response is that it was a “scheduling issue”!!
The new Director General and Head of News are both cultural marxist imports from outside the country. The latter (Jon Williams ex BBC) even has his own personal Trump bashing Twitter page!
Too much of a stretch to suggest that the curtailed coverage has anything to do with the #EndStPatricksDay push on Twitter and a gradual phasing out of a day of patriotism and Christianity?
The new DG is native born, I believe, from Cork. And the ex-BBCer you mention is only the latest one. Don’t forget Kevin. That’s Kevin Bakhurst, Controller of News in the Helen Boaden-era BBC, who has been RTE’s MD of News and Deputy DG for about the past four or so years. Now gone to Ofcom I believe. How they do recycle them. What with Peter Barron or is it Horrocks? at Google appearing before a select committee trying to look earnest this week, Jay Hunt at Channel 4 in the news for ruining Bake Off with some juvenile presenter, that other one who went off to run ITV with Chiles and Bleakley, and none other than the ex-DG appearing on Marr from the US today, there is no avoiding this organisation and its personnel, in London, Dublin or N York. I wonder if the Culture Sec would refer the BBC to Ofcom along with Sky on grounds of saturation. Chance would be a fine thing.
Once again, I’m struck by how many people are becoming irritated by the BBC:
BBC Sinks To New Low
Some good articles on this site.
Further intensification of the ubiquitous Islamic cause in Pakistan?
As soon as you switch on the bias starts
9:20 R4 Saturday Live : “We’ve never had a Republican on before”
“You are the first Republican we’ve had on”
Aasmah Mir says to Jimmy Osmond
…Yeh well of course not
#1 Cos you prefer to only invite your LibMob mates on
#2 When you do get Republican the first thing you would do is fish and push for them to say something bad about Trump and you are not going to stop until you do
Cos that is what is Aasmah Mir did
“So what do you think about the situation ?” … not suitable reply
She tries another tack : “So you were invited to sing at the inauguration”
DO : “Well yes but at the last moment, so it was too late”
AM “So would you have said Yes ? (please please say No)” … not suitable reply
AM pushed further
DO said “Well we have to control our borders but this country is built on immigrants so we have to take care” …This seemed to placate her enough and they moved on.
Hang on a minute…I know we’re all inured to the blatant bias so nothing surprises us, but – “You are the first Republican we’ve had on”??
Surely, more than four months on from the election of a Republican president, that is a massive admission of BBC bias. Sounds like they are proud of it, too!
The awful thing is that the brainwashing has been so successful no one seems to care. Strange, isn’t it, how the world turns. In the 1960s/70s/80s the politically aware in the USSR tuned into the BBC and Voice of America to find out what Pravda wouldn’t tell them, and now we find that RT often provides more balance than our own broadcasters.
@Stella2 Yep that’s exactly what I thought.
She just came right out and said it without any tone of guilt.
For a show that is on every Saturday for 90 minutes for 50 weeks a year featuring 5+ guests every week, and most weeks has at least one US citizen on.
Unbelievable. Well, in a world where “fair” and “impartial” mean what they should, it would be.
PS. At first, I thought you were joking, but then I listened to the link. It’s there all right, plain as the creepy vileness of Jimmy Savile that everyone else spotted a mile off.
Jimmy’s gone conservative? At last, he’s atoned for singing ‘Long-haired lover from Liverpool’!
From the Daily Telegraph 18/3/2017.
By Anita Singh, Arts and Entertainment Editor
“A BBC radio presenter allowed a phone-in caller to discuss having sex with young children and to claim his victims had enjoyed being abused.
Allan Beswick, host of the Late Night Phone-In programme on BBC Radio Manchester and BBC Radio Lancashire, engaged in conversation with a man – who said he was calling from prison – for four and a half minutes without cutting him off.
Listeners were horrified to hear the man repeat details of his crimes and the BBC Trust launched an investigation after the call was broadcast on March 1. In a damning ruling, the Trust’s editorial standards committee said the programme was a serious breach of BBC guidelines.
‘Trustees were deeply troubled by this incident, which they considered showed a grave lack of judgment by the presenter and a serious failure to follow the programme’s protocols’, it said.
The caller ‘had been given the opportunity to put forward justification for the most serious and distressing of crimes without adequate challenge”, the Trust’s report added.
Beswick apologised the following night, the offending conversation was withdrawn from iPlayer and staff on the show were offered further training.”
This person’s comment on Brietbart hits the nail on the head…
“BBC recently interviewed a pedophile from prison. They allowed him to go on at length about how enjoyable sex with his 8 year old daughters was.
The BBC & other media outlets are pushing for the normalization of pedophilia. Islam helps them with this cause to “fundamentally transform society.”
The BBC put it up to see the reaction and then crocodile tears. The BBC fully support sex with children and that is one reason they support Islam.
The sofa telling us we can stay up to date with all of the latest events from Paris via the BBC website .
Dear BBC I can assure you that for the latest news none of us use the BBC website.
Some of us don’t use the BBC at all…
Not much comment yet on the BBC website about the shooting at Orly Airport in Paris. Plus the link between this and the border patrol incident earlier. Biased or what. Gordon Brown is obviously more important.
Sky News are reporting the border patrol shooting was ‘by the same Islamic fundamentalist’. The BBC are reporting there is no link nor that the man was a Muslim.
The BBC do have a photo of a ‘innocent victim’ Muslim woman traveller stuck waiting outside with her luggage though…
Give them a couple of hours then the BBC will have TV interviews with stranded Muslim travellers – “the real victims”.
Yes Tabs-There must of been a frenzy by the fifth columnist supporters of terrorism at the BBC. ” Make sure there is a picture of an innocent Muslim
woman at the forefront at the airport.” Or is it just a coincidence? Me thinks not.
Yes Tabs-There must of been a frenzy by the fifth columnist supporters of terrorism at the BBC. ” Make sure there is a picture of an innocent Muslim
woman at the forefront at the airport.” Or is it just a coincidence? Me thinks not.
Yes Tabs-There must of been a frenzy by the fifth columnist supporters of terrorism at the BBC. ” Make sure there is a picture of an innocent Muslim
woman at the forefront at the airport.” Or is it just a coincidence? Me thinks not.
Same thing happened after the Bastille day, runaway truck episode in Nice. The BBC, female, gob on a stick, whilst looking at the makeshift shrine to those who had been murdered, intoned, “so much anger; so much intolerance.” People had had lost and seen loved ones killed and all she was bothered about was the bloody “intolerance”. She then went on to find a tame rag head and asked him how the event had affected him, FFS!
The media cartel including the BBC are depicting the election in the Netherlands as a, ‘blow’ to Geert Wilders as he, ‘lost’ the election. Rubbish! I cannot find a graphical representation yet to demonstrate pictorially the result ‘before/after’ but clearly Wilders’ party has risen to second place amongst the plethora of miscellaneous parties. I don’t like the bloke but the interview by George Galloway on RT this morning spoke volumes. He interviewed some Brit (am I still allowed to use that distinction?) PhD Foster, a UK expert in EU Politics and Foster explained the dilemma the liberal/left/multiculti devotees have for the future with support continuing to drain away from the ‘Old Order’. Question is, will it all be too late to save Europe from Islamisation?
Exactly G
Wilders almost quadrupled the number of seats his party holds in parliament. Quadrupled! Wonder what the BBC’s adjective would be if Labour increased their council seats or parliamentary seats fourfold? A blow? A disaster? A loss?
Interesting figures from France. I do like the thought of the French Police disguising themselves in Islamic attire to enter Islamic no-go enclaves to apprehend criminals. But, needless to say, “…Some locals also didn’t like that the police were reinforcing the stereotype of the poorer suburbs of the city being full of Muslims.” Perhaps the poorer suburbs are actually full of Muslims! Take note, Police in Bradford, Rochdale, Birmingham, Londonistan, (the list goes on and on and on….).