“Is inflation all down to Brexit?”
Is the BBC biased against Brexit ? Ha ! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39339834
“More recently, poor weather in southern Europe has meant that foods such as salad have increased in price by over 60%.”
I remember a time when we only had salad in the summertime – what the heck ! đ
I think the MPs of this United Kingdom and the Daily Mail are reading this site .
World Oil prices and EU inflation: unless they were mentioned then it’s disinformation by omission.
Last few months Oil went up. Last month it fell, and that won’t have fed thru into price indexes yet.
Coming R4 4pm : Fake News and the Law
Hmm since the BBC/MSM lie most of the time I can’t see that it’s worth devoting much time to thinking about “odd fringe internet stories that make no practical impact” which is what the BBC means by FakeNews.
“Joshua Rozenberg presents the specialist legal programme which this week asks if current legislation is adequate to deal with the phenomenon of fake news.”
Features Simon Robins of Reuters on how @Reuters verifies stories.
Bet they don’t publish any old crap that Buzzfeed send , like the BBC does.
Actually that is only 1 item
Full line-up : deferred prosecutions for fraud, fake news and why @realDonaldTrump can make executive orders
Maybe they will mention how BBC refer to accusers as ‘victims’, when ‘complainants’ is the neutral word. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08jb9nl
OK item finished after 14 mins
I’m not sure if thy said much
Last 2 mins was the Reuters guy “We try to contact all those involved in a story”
Well BBC don’t seem to do that they deliberately exclude people who are not mates
..They seem to have that many NGO’s and PR’s pushing material at them, they just pick 1 or 2 of them ..and then mostly exclude other sides.
Se the way this morning the prog featured Buzzfeed mate, slagging Breitbart, but no Breitbart voice.
That is exactly how the BBC’s news rooms work. They get their news from a handful of approved sources, starting with the other far Left ‘liberal media’ (Guardian, NYT,CNN etc) and including Quangos, NGOs, trade unions, fake charities and single issue pressure groups. Its ‘researchers’ work from lists of contacts closely related to the same.
The result is the Leftist closed circle that we are forced to endure every day. It won’t stop until either the BBC is forced to change its staffing and recruitment policies or the whole rotten mess is closed down.
Nearly half of Canadians want to deport people who are illegally crossing into Canada from the United States, and a similar number disapprove of how Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is handling the influx, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Monday.
The increasing flow of hundreds of asylum-seekers of African and Middle Eastern origin from the United States in recent months is becoming a contentious issue in Canada.
He is questioned about it almost every time he appears in parliament, from opponents on the left, who want more asylum-seekers to be allowed in, and critics on the right, who say the migrants pose a potential security risk.
When asked specifically about the recent border crossings, the same number â 48 percent â said Canada should âsend these migrants back to the U.S.â Another 36 percent said Canada should âaccept these migrantsâ.
If this is on Reuters then the BBC know all about it, however they are not reporting on anything which might criticise their new golden boy Justin Trudeau described even by the BBC as an âultra liberalâ.
It seems his lunatic politics is dividing and destroying his country, just as they have in every other country which has tried them. Thereâs one thing with left wing nutters, and that is their complete denial that they ever get anything wrong. Itâs never their fault, and when it does go wrong someone always has to be blamed â hence the rise of the shadowy right a non existent paper tiger who they can blame for their idiocy reaching an inevitable conclusion.
flights from Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia.
– The restrictions, which also apply to tablets, DVD players and BIG phones, follow a similar US ban affecting eight countries.
UK actually names 14 carriers, the US only 9
@GuessWho ..well Commonsense it top now
Guess the one above got removed
2nd was 37. Posted by MiKtheBrit about ‘soon time to add UK to list cos full of Muslims@
but then it’s just been removed by Freespeech BBC
I shalln’t link, on the grounds of taste and decency, but this is the Twitter response of Jon Snowâyes, that Jon Snowâto the death of a significant public figure earlier today (and no, I don’t mean Colin Dexter):
A great loss; an extraordinary life that culminated in great service.
From which we conclude that irony died today as well.
Jon Snow is a wretched excuse for a journalist. Feted by his doting liberal acolytes and peers, he’s a malign, race-baiting, England-hating, pro-EU, pro-borderless immigration, pro-climate change hypocrite who bears all the usual hallmarks of the monied, virtue-signalling regressive left (particularly the ‘meeja’ regressive left).
An absolutely despicable, dishonest, wilfully mendacious example of just how utterly worthless and politically compromised the so-called mainstream media has allowed itself to become.
Here is the loon that the Tories have put up for a doomed pop at the mayor of Manchester election.
A man so inept that he thought it would be a good idea to take senior Muslim MP Sajid Javid on a tour of the local Black pudding factory, which makes its product from the blood of pigs !
What kind of message is he trying to send to the electorate, and the Muslim voters in the city, not to mention the senior party members?
Manchester is not a city which believes in democracy, and the election of a Labour mayor is more of a coronation than a election. The brain dead Labour voters would vote Adolf Hitler into power if he stood for Labour, because they vote not for a person, or their policies, but a party, simply because their granddad did, and he is controlling them from beyond the grave!
âHere is the loon that the Tories have put up for a doomed pop at the mayor of Manchester election. A man so inept that he thought it would be a good idea to take senior Muslim MP Sajid Javid on a tour of the local Black pudding factory, which makes its product from the blood of pigs !â
But apparently not the sort of âloonâ who doesnât know that Sajid Javid isnât a Muslim.
Dontcha wish people did a bit of research first especially as to Muslims regard as a Muslim.
Javids parents moved from Pakistan to Rochdale, they are both Muslim and he says that he is of Muslim heritage, although non practicing. That doesn’t mean he is an atheist, nor an apostate, therefore he is still a Muslim.
Any body suffer the pretentiously named ” The Long View” on R4 this morning. I am afraid I only caught bits of it as I kept on hitting the off switch but in a weird sort of S&M way I turned it back on again only to switch it of again to prevent vomiting.
What a ghastly piece of pro Islam drivel propaganda it appeared to be. It was all about drawing parallels between anti antisemitism caused by fake news stories in medieval England and “fake news” stories today encouraging “Islamaphpbia” whatever that is. I must say I wasnt aware that the BBC were around in those days but since “fake” news has been around for a long time I can only draw the obvious conclusion.
The presenter – Jonathon Friedland appeared to be some sort of affected (retiring virgin) BBC type who was constantly “shocked” about all the fake news stories in the non MSM sources just to besmirch Islam. By working for the BBC you would have thought that Friedland was more than aware where most of the fake news originates – but no I believe even butter would not have melted in Jonathons virtuous mouth.
Also I dont think there was any serious mention of violence in the name of the prophet – Lee Rigby, Assad Shah , Sharia law, Rotherham, Cologne, Treatment of Yazdis and Christians by IS. Maybe these factors may go some way to shape our attitudes on Islam rather than “fake news”
Of course the shocked Jonathon wasnt on his own. We also had some big brained philosopher from Oxford to lend the whole gig some “intellectual gravitas” and of course what programme on “Islamaphobia” would not be complete without some bleating Imman to show us that all muslims in this country are victims of Islamaphobia stoked by “fake news”
Basically the whole programme was all about how we make up stories to give Islam a “bad rap” . Typical BBC fayre, deceitful, disingenuous and total rubbish dressed up as serious journalism. Good value for our “national treasure” state broadcaster though, not only was this a top dollar PR job for their favourite religion they could also posture as a “serious broadcaster” concerned about all this fake news!
Just what I expect these days from the BBC total shite!
It will be interesting to see the next edition of Question Time. Will the first question be about the bias of the BBC ? and who on the panel will agree with it – despite being paid to appear by …… the BBC.
Why Moses was the one who received the ten Commandments
God went to the Arabs and said, ‘I have Commandments for you that will make your lives better.’
The Arabs asked, ‘What are Commandments?’
And the Lord said, ‘They are rules for living.’
‘Can you give us an example?’
‘Thou shall not kill.’
‘Not kill? We’re not interested..’
So He went to the Blacks and said, ‘I have Commandments.’
The Blacks wanted an example, and the Lord said,
‘Honor thy Father and Mother.’
‘Father? We don’t know who our fathers are.
We’re not interested.’
Then He went to the Mexicans and said, ‘I have Commandments.
The Mexicans also wanted an example, and the Lord said
‘Thou shall not steal.’
‘Not steal? We’re not interested.’
Then He went to the French and said, ‘I have Commandments.’
The French too wanted an example and the Lord said,
‘Thou shall not commit adultery.’
‘Sacre bleu!!! Not commit adultery?
We’re not interested.’
Finally, He went to the Jews and said, ‘I have Commandments..
‘Commandments?’ They said, ‘How much are they?’
‘They’re free.’
‘We’ll take 10.’
WB it was probably the Incas, but Mexico was substituted cos it was in the area…… roughly. I would have put a modern day spin on it and substituted Mexico for Rumania !
A man at the centre of the âTrojan Horseâ schools scandal is helping to run the Labour campaign machine in Birmingham, Guido can reveal. Mohammad Ashraf was a governor at Golden Hillock School, which was placed into special measures after it emerged it had segregated boys and girls, banned the teaching of some subjects and taught pupils: âIslam is the true religion, not like those Christians and Jewsâ
Yet Guido can reveal that, in spite of his past actions, Ashraf remains heavily active in Labour Party politics. This month he acted as a referee for the Labour council candidate Alison Gove-Humphries, who was deselected on Saturday after Guido revealed her posts linking Israel to ISIS. Ashraf was pictured in Stoke campaigning for new Labour MP Gareth Snell. He is listed on Birmingham Labourâs website as the partyâs contact in Hall Green. This man helped run a Trojan Horse school, now he is helping run Labourâs campaigns in BirminghamâŚ
Revelations of Ashrafâs ongoing influence in the Birmingham party come after a slew of Labour scandals in the city. Earlier this month West Midlands mayoral candidate Sion Simonâs campaign chief Waseem Zaffar was forced to resign after he intervened in a primary school to insist a four-year-old girl wear a hijab. It was in Birmingham that Labour councillors Ansar Ali Khan and Mariam Khan held sex segregated rallies. Todayâs Daily Mail runs an investigation showing how Birmingham Labour councillors turned a blind eye to Islamist extremism in the city. Birmingham Labour is a rotten borough, not ideal for Sion Simonâs âThis is Englandâ campaign for West Midlands mayorâŚ
The investigators of the Trojan Horse affair discovered also that a number of teachers in the schools investigated were convinced that the Boston bombings and the Lee Rigby slaughter were fabricated by the CIA and MI5 respectively. They communicated this amongst themselves by email which was adduced as evidence. I found these facts in the Report proper but the information, needless to say, was not broadcast at the time by our Beauty Broadcasting Corporation – you will know the one – ‘The World’s Most Trusted’.
Apologies, I hit the “report” button by mistake. What I intended to say is that the Tories are crazy to decentralise so much power to the large urban centres controlled by labour without ensuring there are rigorous investigation and external audit arrangements in place. Also there is a real danger that the Treasury will be unable to control sub-national borrowing by councils which do not have the skilled staff required to deal with greedy banks. Looking abroad such decentralisations to inept/corrupt provincial bodies has led to huge misspending and in one or two spectacular cases the intervention and “rescue” by the IMF.
Howcome when BBC news report President Trump’s “ban” they refer to “mainly Muslim countries”, but now they are reporting a ban on electronic equipment on flights from “six middle eastern countries”?!
BBC just reran on Facebook an interview they conducted with a chap they had found who conformed to their narrative:
“Mark Eakin’s eight-year-old sister was killed in the 1972 Claudy bombings in County Londonderry. He explains why he changed his mind about Martin McGuinness.”
Let’s just say the comments so far do not suggest they have achieved the result clearly intended. The BBC really does not do well when it loses total control of the thread.
How unfortunate that the police weren’t so sedulous in their pursuit of Muslim terrorists as they are in these of the “Far right”.
If they had been, then maybe we wouldn’t be having to tolerate the problems which now exist within our society; although perhaps this diligence is due to the absence of politically correct considerations, vis-a-vis race and religion, when police are pursuing these offenders.
In LoonyLibland
“Right wing terror is a bigger threat”,
but the police action against “Right wing terror” is so vigorous and effective that “Right wing terror” appears almost invisible.
…. Whereas “Islamic terror” is a small threat
So the police action against “Islamic terror” is minor
So Islamic terror seems so widespread.
The Yorkshire Post never misses an opportunity to build the narrative and stick a photo of Jo Cox.
‘Google under pressure over extremist videos’ fails to take action against material posted by National Action , Far Right Terrorist group according to Yvette Cooper
…Aha that is why we are talking about material by a far right group rather than the 1000X more videos posted by Islamic nutters.
As I have said previously Google/Facebook advertising is mostly a waste of time but they’ll cynically stick advertising leaflets thru any old letterbox even when they know the house has been boarded up for 30 years.
bBBC gleeful that a young, attractive, blonde, conservative white female has been shot down for stating her views honestly and not towing the line (of her conservative US station!!). I thought BBC would agree with pro-choice….maybe the tinkling of disharmony with Trump is heard from afar.
Good for her – hearing the truthful opinions of folks is so refreshing, like on Fox..such a breath of fresh air after the bBBC.
Frankly, at this stage anything that isn’t the BBC, CH4, Sky News UK, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, CBC, ABC, etc, etc, etc… is likely to be breath a of fresh air. The problem is that 98% of all current affairs broadcasting is entirely left wing in the UK. I struggle to think of even one right-of-centre broadcaster here (LBC? Perhaps? Maybe?)
Channel4 isn’t saying anything different to what the BBC is saying, to what Sky News UK is saying…it’s just a fishbowl, each mutually agreeable inhabitant mindlessly echoing the worthless political virtue signaling and propaganda of its peers.
At present, the only real option is to spend money on a Sky package to obtain real-time access to Fox News (US). That singular channel is the one genuinely alternative political voice in a swamp of regressive left broadcasters.
Totally agree. I watch Sky’s Total Politics each morning and am frequently astonished by the degree of extreme Remain bias on display. But I remind myself that I don’t have to pay for Sky if I don’t want to and so I don’t get angry. I see the same degree of pro Remain bias onBBC . But of course the difference is that I am forced to pay for the BBC by threat of legal action. That is a profound difference and one which must be reflected in the way the BBC behaves. The country voted to Leave the EU , the public are fully justified in expecting that the BBC should be unbiased on pBrexit. I think that the public would support government action against the BBC to ensure that they are unbiased on Brexit. A letter from backbench MPs will just be ignored by the supercilious BBC. Firm action from the government is required. If not License Fee payers should refuse to pay .
I largely agree with Tomi on this. Although abortion is too easy these days, many use it as a form of birth control, there are many reasons why it may be necessary or advisable.
It’s not a black and white issue. Many on the American far-right don’t believe in abortion in any circumstance, whereas many on the nutty-left (that’s most of them) believe that it’s right to kill foetuses up to 5 minutes before birth. I believe common sense is somewhere between those two extreme positions.
Agree it is not a black and white issue, but it is necessary to acknowledge that despite the arguments of the pro-abortionists the fetus has a moral status at all times during pregnancy. If it is not a baby then you are not pregnant. To deny this is to start the debate on the wrong footing.
A local church holds an annual service for women who have lost babies during pregnancy whether through miscarriage or voluntary termination. It is a moral issue recognised as such by the women who attend and share their experience, whatever their faith or none.
If we can establish this as a moral fact – which many pro choice people do not – then the debate can move on to cover whether or not the state should punish those who choose abort or the extent of restrictions that may be required to avoid the immoral practice of abortion as a means of birth control
It should be possible to recognize that termination of fetal life is a wrong, whilst recognizing that in life we cannot effectively outlaw and punish all wrongs.
In an investigation I conducted some time ago there were many arguments for witholding abortion – selling of fetal organs and tissues, or even donation. I covered one case of a woman who had chosen to become pregnant in order to abort so that the tissues could be used to treat her father’s illness. Who should decide, for example, to donate parts of an aborted fetus? Should it be the mother who has exercised her right to kill the fetus? Not exactly like parents donating organs of a dead child is it? We sorted that problem out in the UK 20 years ago, but I see it has risen again with revelations that Planned Parenthood in the US have been selling aborted fetal tissue.
When I published on this subject I was invited to discuss it on the radio with Enoch Powell but unfortunately he was not available. It fairly soon became apparent that I was not suitable for the BBC line and they cut me off and played a song by JosĂŠ Iglesias
PS I am a supporter of Tomi Lahren and on this issue perhaps we can disagree. But to hell with those who sacked her, she is a vital voice in the transformation of the US during the next few years. Tomi is now bigger then Beck
G.W.F. Thanks for your thoughtful and interesting reply. I thoroughly agree with you about Tomi and there is an increasing number like her:
Intelligent, attractive, able to hold their own in debates. They are making the right look like the trendy anti-establishment side, which effectively it is. Some other names include Lauren Southern, Blonde in the Belly of the Beast, Brittany Pettibone, Tara (who works with Brittany), Millie Weaver etc.
It gives hope that it may still not be too late for our culture when these 20-somethings are making an impact already.
There are a number of Conservatives like Tomi, attractive, articulate and capable of hitting hard with facts. Lauren Southern has made it as an independent, and Millie Weaver is doing some brilliant interviews.
Someone – actually on the left – complained that Conservativism is the new rock n roll
I agree with many of your points GWF, and also that abortion is not a black & white issue as you would expect with a physical and emotional state of the human body. Where I agree with Tomi (as a conservative too) is that it feels deeply uncomfortable to have governments, legislation, religions all having policy on a female state. It smacks of female oppression.
I know there are many who don’t like Stacey Dooley here, but she did a prog ‘worst place to be a woman’ – think it was Honduras – what an eye opener. Basically women there are treated worse than dogs, men who abuse them basically get away with it, and abortion is illegal hence many pregnant young girls, women in prison and murdered women.
“Which brings us to the current incarnation of useful idiotsâarrogant, left wing barmcakes who are attempting to normalise brutal religious extremism and who fit right in at, for example, the BBC.”
Tackling oppression is something all decent people would sign up to.
The wording was, ‘annoys’ not ‘oppresses’ – not quite the same – is it?
Darned if I see Muslim oppression in evidence in this country – the Middle East, well now, that would be Muslims truly oppressing other Muslims. So Caliphate Khan, GFY.
Seems the below does not apply if you are white.
“Article 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) states that “All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law.”
Thus, everyone must be treated equally under the law regardless of race, gender, national origin, colour, ethnicity, religion, disability, or other characteristics, without privilege, discrimination, or bias.”
He’s ‘annoying’ me in not wearing a Western tie – ever. This is a top position in one of the top capitals of the world and he’s hell bent on turning his fiefdom into an Islamic mini state, no doubt helped by the Islamic Head of Religion at the BBC !!!
Who ? But seriously, his failure to wear a tie is an insult. The new Gambian President, Adama Barrow, is muslim and always wears African dress . Never a suit and tie. When he meets the President of Senegal, Macky Sall, who is also a muslim, Macky always wears a suit and tie. These things matter.
So, we start from a position where physically attacking minorities is illegal. Fair enough. Applies across the board, or it should.
Then it’s discriminating against them. Allegedly will suffice.
Then it’s attacking their religion verbally.
Then it’s any criticism of their religion, or the culture associated with it.
Then it’s writing a novel about it.
Then it’s making fun of their religion, even in a non malicious, light-hearted way.
Then it’s drawing a cartoon.
Now it’s just “annoying” them.
Why don’t we just move to Antarctica and hand the country over?
On a similar note of exasperation, did anyone read this article about a transgender rapist (yes!) being moved from a male to female prison. I hope he makes some nice friends there, surely they will feel sympathetic to him, now he has decided that he is a real woman. Maybe he could arrange for someone to rape him so he can experience what that is like as a real woman (lets take away some of his muscle mass first).
Anyway, the most annoying point – that he has the op funded by the NHS (at least partly). Why isn’t someone calling out this insanity for what it is? Just when you think it can’t get worse, then you read something like this.
Iain Muir-
Moving to Antarctica.
No that won’t be enough. They want EVERYTHING. They would wait for us to make it habitable. (I truly don’t believe Islamic anti-culture possesses the capacity to generate a suitable human habitation. That’s the reason for the legacy of robbery & conquest.) Once we established ourselves they would be demanding we hand over the icy south as well. Sooner or later Islam will force us to fight. We should have cut it off at the pass years ago. The longer we leave it the harder it will be. They will have the whole globe or someone will stop them. There is ultimately no compromise.
That would have been quite a show – politicians prosecuted for not being quite truthful in absolute terms.
We of course, would have to start from the premise that the liberal/left have a complete monopoly on the truth.
BBC WS – Mention of a very learned, no doubt expensive, report on water and pollution by the, World Money To Be Made Reporting What is Patently Obvious Institute.
Why? we’ve heard it oh so many times: Flooding is bad. Dirty water is bad. Drought is bad. Conflict is bad. Businesses must stop polluting the Earth because that’s bad. Too many people not enough resources.
Reminds you of Cleese and “stating the bleedin’ obvious.”
Switched on R4 yesterday. I do not know which program or who was speaking, but a Beeboid described the Lib Dems as a “centre party ” and went on to describe Justin Trudeau as “young and charismatic “. Switched off. Total listening time 10 seconds.
Point in last 3 mins of that clip
Trump Russia links have been under investigation since last July,
doesn’t that mean his team has been under some kind of surveillance ?
Yet they keep shouting “there was no wiretap of Trump Tower or Trump”.
Basically the BBC are appealing to the British public to cough up cash to send to East Africa. What are missing from all the pictures the BBC is presenting are all the able body men – no doubt waging Islamic jihad elsewhere, and all the able body teenage boys (also waging Islamic Jihad no doubt) and all the teenage girls (no doubt pregnant wives or sex slaves of the Islamic Jihadists).
Coincidences happen : Re the Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Mon : Yorkshire Post photo : Syrian refugees posed by a mocked up Refugee Camp set up as a new exhibit
Wed : Yorkshire Post runs a story Serious sex attack on woman in West Yorkshire village
“The 37-year-old victim was attacked by a man while she was out walking.. near Yorkshire Sculpture Park, at about 1pm yesterday.”
BBc mid-day news. Electronic device ban on direct flights. Strange the BBc are not using one of their favourite phrases “mainly muslim countries”.
Brussels marks anniversary of the attack. Ready to dance around the bushes? Let’s dance. Who were the attackers? “suicide bombers”, what “extremists- planning on their own”. So nothing to do with….
More women working to 70 apparently to keep their standard of living. Strange it was only just before the budget Generation me were telling us via the BBc how terrible the triple lock pension increases were.
Not ‘tells the truth about Labour hypocrites’, but ‘gets personal’. Stay classy, BBC.
Guido, meanwhile, gets to the heart of the matter and why Mrs May was absolutely spot-on:
Theresa May went ad hominem at PMQs, attacking Labourâs frontbench for pulling up the drawbridge. As Guido has noted previously:
Jeremy Corbyn â Attended a grammar school. His son went to a grammar school.
John McDonnell â Attended a grammar school.
Seumas Milne â Sent both his son and daughter to grammar schools.
Diane Abbott â Attended a grammar school and sent her son to a private school.
Jon Trickett â Attended a grammar school.
Grahame Morris â Attended a grammar school.
Paul Flynn â Attended a grammar school. https://order-order.com/#_@/ctv6O27Ps_uCTw
Labour are such a motley collection of dishonest, duplicitous fakers – but the BBC thinks Mrs May just is being mean. Couldn’t make it up, etc.
Friends! My good friend Saveed Miliband has written a rather thoughtful piece in today’s Far-Right Guardian, in response to an article about happiness, which as those of us on the Progressive Left all realise is a viciously bourgeois construct.
Unlike Monday’s piece, the Hard-Right censors have not viciously censored it! It can be found in my Blog, along with, as per usual, a link to the original article and replies to my comment, all of which, I am happy to say, appear to have taken it – literally – literally:
Pg 15 of Times “Alt-Right in thrall to Jane Austen’s white world”
A strange piece of narrative constructing journalism.
“The world of Austen scholarship has been ruffled by an American academicâs discovery that her work has been appropriated by members of the alt-right, a loose collection of white nationalists, pseudo-libertarians, overt racists, antisemites and isolationists whose influence helped to propel Donald Trump to the presidency last year.
Invading totalitarian regimes all follow the same pattern: censorship in all forms, removal and suppression of iconic items, re-writing of history, silencing of dissenters, clear presentation of ‘acceptable’ truths with heavy sanctioning of those who stray.
I think we’re getting there.
another quote from Mirror guy
\\I turned to look out of our window overlooking New Palace Yard and I saw a man â I think a policeman â pointing a gun at someone in a grey suit and shoot them.//
Looks like base of the bridge
I’m guessing the guy was knocked off the roadway above
and possibly instantly died and couldn’t be helped by those people.
News said 2 died on the bridge, so he’d be the other one after the girl under the bus.
No doubt a result of the racist right wing backlash in the heightened atmosphere of hate following the divisive Brexit vote in Parliament. I await the perpetrator being revealed as a mentally ill lone Norwegian worried about being sent back to Syr…er, I mean Norway.
RT live feed shows about five persons on the ground on Westminster Bridge presumably alive as all being attended to. What looks like one dead body outside Parliament in the square.
R5 Now reporting 3 separate incidents
#1 Car Westminister bridge . 5 live bodies being treated
#2 Car drove into gate outside parliament .. same 5 people on ground being treated
#3 Policeman stabbed ..assailant shot by armed police
\\âA guy came past my right shoulder with a big knife and just started plunging it into the policeman.//
“Witness Jayne Wilkinson said: ‘We were taking photos of Big Ben and we saw all the people running towards us, and then there was an Asian guy in about his 40s carrying a knife about seven or eight inches long.”
In the earliest moments, about an hour ago, the BBCâs News Channel was scrabbling around as per, desperately trying to find some facts amidst the slurry of speculation. Imagine the delight in the newsroom, then, at finding not just an eyewitness inside Portcullis House, but an eyewitness inside Portcullis House whoâs a BBC journalist! What had he seen?
Er, I should just say that I no longer work for the BBC . . . Iâm now working for a Labour MP.
Presumably Mayor Khan will be using some sort of cut and paste template for his inevitable broadcast this evening. Just use the last speech and change the dates and place names. ‘Will not stop our way of life…vibrant and inclusive…no giving in to hate…coming together as a city…could not have been foreseen..unavoidable consequence of modern life…religion of peace…bla bla…’
Well the Mirror is big on quoting Brendan Cox
“They will not succeed in dividing us”
Oh yeh same man who spreads intolerance and division
5 Live seemed to have aired the same old speed dial MPs
all Labour except for Anna Soubry
..and was that before they aired their own reporters from the scene
My first thoughts on the London terror attack today was “this is going to divide us”.
Luckily Jo Cox’s husband has tweeted: Whoever has attacked our parliament for whatever motive will not succeed in dividing us. All of my thoughts with those injured.
Phew I feel much better now. None of us care about people dying do we?!? As long as we don’t get ‘divided’ that’s all that matters – ffs!
Yesterday BBC/MSM celebrated terrorism
……………………. today they report on terrorism
BBC has 10 reporters on the job,
…… another 20 are on standby in case any Trans are involved,
……….another 20 are on standby in case KTHopkins or Farage tweet something
At 15:47 is says: Mr Sikorski, a senior fellow at Harvard Centre for European Studies, told the BBC: “I heard what I thought what I thought was just a collision and then I looked through the window of the taxi and someone down, obviously in great distress.
“Then I saw a second person down, and I started filming, then I saw three more people down, one of them bleeding profusely.”
It’s comforting to know that if I am ever the victim of a terror attack I can rely on a member of public to film me dying. When I was at school it was all about first aid but I guess times have changed.
Thoughts are with the victims and their loved ones but I have to say how ironic it is that yesterday many in Parliament were giving sickening praise to the evil terrorist Martin McGuinness, and today this.
Look how close it was to the Palace of Westminster. If it had been packed with explosives it would have been carnage. At the moment it seems to be a few radicalised individuals. Radicalised by the Religion Of Peace – at least that is what Theresa May and others call it.
At such a time one’s first thoughts must go to the victims, their families and all those tasked with dealing with such a terrible event.
However, there will be a thirst for tangible, sensible news…. the who, what, why, where, how, etc.
Tellingly my first port of call when my wife called up that something bad was going down in London was very definitely not the BBC.
I shall pay attention to them only later to see if they pull their usual unique editorialising of the incident.
In particular a dread at which creep will ‘call for’ what that suits their devious agenda in light of this, and I don’t mean sensible questions and suggestions on public safety.
Seems from the Portcullius video , that knife man crossed the gate .. was attacking the officer within 10 yards, but other officers ran from inside shot hit whilst the gate guys closed the games ,
No car is visible , so the one smashed into the gates must have been part of a second wave.
Normally you should film a thief etc.
But if it’s a terrorist incident just get the hell out, cos of risk of bomb and after attack.
No, from the Sun’s map it looks like the car came over the bridge round the coner knocking people then crashed into the fence ..then next week know guy with knife appears 10-15 yards inside Portcullis House gate stabbing officer .. and then shot by plain clothed officers running from inside building.
Later 2 ambulances ..and he’s still got M16 pointing at him as para medics treat him, while others seem to treat stabbed officer.
Clarification : “inside Portcullis House gate”
No I mixed up 2 things
Car came over bridge and crashed in to fence acroos road and OPPOSITE Portcullis House
Then as if someone had jumped out and run around the corner to left
OR jumped on the bonnet and jumped over the fence (yes I think that now)
Cos ..the stabber man appeared inside the gate to Parliament stabbed the officer but was shot in minutes.
(from the photos it looks possible to me that he was carted off injured and alive, but it’s convenient to say he was killed)
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MarkyMarkMar 12, 11:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Stop foreign aid .. oh wait … that’s 8 billion leaving the UK! HA HA HAH AHAH AH A “Migrant…
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“Is inflation all down to Brexit?”
Is the BBC biased against Brexit ? Ha !
“More recently, poor weather in southern Europe has meant that foods such as salad have increased in price by over 60%.”
I remember a time when we only had salad in the summertime – what the heck ! đ
I think the MPs of this United Kingdom and the Daily Mail are reading this site .
World Oil prices and EU inflation: unless they were mentioned then it’s disinformation by omission.
Last few months Oil went up. Last month it fell, and that won’t have fed thru into price indexes yet.
Shush #BiasedBBC don’t mention oil or EU graphs #BlameBrexit
Germany’s Feb 2.2%, March forecast 2.4%
Belgium’s is 2.97%
Coming R4 4pm : Fake News and the Law
Hmm since the BBC/MSM lie most of the time I can’t see that it’s worth devoting much time to thinking about “odd fringe internet stories that make no practical impact” which is what the BBC means by FakeNews.
“Joshua Rozenberg presents the specialist legal programme which this week asks if current legislation is adequate to deal with the phenomenon of fake news.”
Features Simon Robins of Reuters on how @Reuters verifies stories.
Bet they don’t publish any old crap that Buzzfeed send , like the BBC does.
Actually that is only 1 item
Full line-up : deferred prosecutions for fraud, fake news and why @realDonaldTrump can make executive orders
Maybe they will mention how BBC refer to accusers as ‘victims’, when ‘complainants’ is the neutral word.
OK item finished after 14 mins
I’m not sure if thy said much
Last 2 mins was the Reuters guy “We try to contact all those involved in a story”
Well BBC don’t seem to do that they deliberately exclude people who are not mates
..They seem to have that many NGO’s and PR’s pushing material at them, they just pick 1 or 2 of them ..and then mostly exclude other sides.
Se the way this morning the prog featured Buzzfeed mate, slagging Breitbart, but no Breitbart voice.
That is exactly how the BBC’s news rooms work. They get their news from a handful of approved sources, starting with the other far Left ‘liberal media’ (Guardian, NYT,CNN etc) and including Quangos, NGOs, trade unions, fake charities and single issue pressure groups. Its ‘researchers’ work from lists of contacts closely related to the same.
The result is the Leftist closed circle that we are forced to endure every day. It won’t stop until either the BBC is forced to change its staffing and recruitment policies or the whole rotten mess is closed down.
Nearly half of Canadians want to deport people who are illegally crossing into Canada from the United States, and a similar number disapprove of how Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is handling the influx, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Monday.
The increasing flow of hundreds of asylum-seekers of African and Middle Eastern origin from the United States in recent months is becoming a contentious issue in Canada.
He is questioned about it almost every time he appears in parliament, from opponents on the left, who want more asylum-seekers to be allowed in, and critics on the right, who say the migrants pose a potential security risk.
When asked specifically about the recent border crossings, the same number â 48 percent â said Canada should âsend these migrants back to the U.S.â Another 36 percent said Canada should âaccept these migrantsâ.
If this is on Reuters then the BBC know all about it, however they are not reporting on anything which might criticise their new golden boy Justin Trudeau described even by the BBC as an âultra liberalâ.
It seems his lunatic politics is dividing and destroying his country, just as they have in every other country which has tried them. Thereâs one thing with left wing nutters, and that is their complete denial that they ever get anything wrong. Itâs never their fault, and when it does go wrong someone always has to be blamed â hence the rise of the shadowy right a non existent paper tiger who they can blame for their idiocy reaching an inevitable conclusion.
They can have our asylum seekers as well if they like,Canada has loads of room.
Top Skeptic :Tony Heller :
“The BBC has just breathlessly reported record warmth in January across much of Africa and South America.”
“This is completely fake data. NOAA thermometers show the exact of opposite of the BBC/NOAA claims.”
He takes apart Matt McGrath’s claims
“UK flight ban on electronic devices announced”
Strangely, the BBC isn’t describing it as “mainly Muslim” countries. Only applies when President Trump does it, apparently.
flights from Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia.
– The restrictions, which also apply to tablets, DVD players and BIG phones, follow a similar US ban affecting eight countries.
UK actually names 14 carriers, the US only 9
Doesn’t bother me,I would never fly to or from those countries and anyway would rather read a book on a flight.
And it has an open HYS so it does.
Well, for now.
Top comments a hoot, as anticipated.
Well, those not ‘removed’.
Number 2 seems to sum it:
Posted by Commonsense on
Waiting for the Liberals to call this a Muslim ban!! any second now
Other points are noted too.
@GuessWho ..well Commonsense it top now
Guess the one above got removed
2nd was 37. Posted by MiKtheBrit about ‘soon time to add UK to list cos full of Muslims@
but then it’s just been removed by Freespeech BBC
I shalln’t link, on the grounds of taste and decency, but this is the Twitter response of Jon Snowâyes, that Jon Snowâto the death of a significant public figure earlier today (and no, I don’t mean Colin Dexter):
A great loss; an extraordinary life that culminated in great service.
From which we conclude that irony died today as well.
Snow shows his tribal loyalty by Signalling his Virtue
– Sympathy for villains/tyrants
– And hate to tweeters like Farage & KTHopkins
Jon Snow is a wretched excuse for a journalist. Feted by his doting liberal acolytes and peers, he’s a malign, race-baiting, England-hating, pro-EU, pro-borderless immigration, pro-climate change hypocrite who bears all the usual hallmarks of the monied, virtue-signalling regressive left (particularly the ‘meeja’ regressive left).
An absolutely despicable, dishonest, wilfully mendacious example of just how utterly worthless and politically compromised the so-called mainstream media has allowed itself to become.
Steady on! With a reference like that he’d walk into a job as a Newsnight presenter.
Here is the loon that the Tories have put up for a doomed pop at the mayor of Manchester election.
A man so inept that he thought it would be a good idea to take senior Muslim MP Sajid Javid on a tour of the local Black pudding factory, which makes its product from the blood of pigs !
What kind of message is he trying to send to the electorate, and the Muslim voters in the city, not to mention the senior party members?
Manchester is not a city which believes in democracy, and the election of a Labour mayor is more of a coronation than a election. The brain dead Labour voters would vote Adolf Hitler into power if he stood for Labour, because they vote not for a person, or their policies, but a party, simply because their granddad did, and he is controlling them from beyond the grave!
âHere is the loon that the Tories have put up for a doomed pop at the mayor of Manchester election. A man so inept that he thought it would be a good idea to take senior Muslim MP Sajid Javid on a tour of the local Black pudding factory, which makes its product from the blood of pigs !â
But apparently not the sort of âloonâ who doesnât know that Sajid Javid isnât a Muslim.
Dontcha wish people did a bit of research first especially as to Muslims regard as a Muslim.
Javids parents moved from Pakistan to Rochdale, they are both Muslim and he says that he is of Muslim heritage, although non practicing. That doesn’t mean he is an atheist, nor an apostate, therefore he is still a Muslim.
Any body suffer the pretentiously named ” The Long View” on R4 this morning. I am afraid I only caught bits of it as I kept on hitting the off switch but in a weird sort of S&M way I turned it back on again only to switch it of again to prevent vomiting.
What a ghastly piece of pro Islam drivel propaganda it appeared to be. It was all about drawing parallels between anti antisemitism caused by fake news stories in medieval England and “fake news” stories today encouraging “Islamaphpbia” whatever that is. I must say I wasnt aware that the BBC were around in those days but since “fake” news has been around for a long time I can only draw the obvious conclusion.
The presenter – Jonathon Friedland appeared to be some sort of affected (retiring virgin) BBC type who was constantly “shocked” about all the fake news stories in the non MSM sources just to besmirch Islam. By working for the BBC you would have thought that Friedland was more than aware where most of the fake news originates – but no I believe even butter would not have melted in Jonathons virtuous mouth.
Also I dont think there was any serious mention of violence in the name of the prophet – Lee Rigby, Assad Shah , Sharia law, Rotherham, Cologne, Treatment of Yazdis and Christians by IS. Maybe these factors may go some way to shape our attitudes on Islam rather than “fake news”
Of course the shocked Jonathon wasnt on his own. We also had some big brained philosopher from Oxford to lend the whole gig some “intellectual gravitas” and of course what programme on “Islamaphobia” would not be complete without some bleating Imman to show us that all muslims in this country are victims of Islamaphobia stoked by “fake news”
Basically the whole programme was all about how we make up stories to give Islam a “bad rap” . Typical BBC fayre, deceitful, disingenuous and total rubbish dressed up as serious journalism. Good value for our “national treasure” state broadcaster though, not only was this a top dollar PR job for their favourite religion they could also posture as a “serious broadcaster” concerned about all this fake news!
Just what I expect these days from the BBC total shite!
It will be interesting to see the next edition of Question Time. Will the first question be about the bias of the BBC ? and who on the panel will agree with it – despite being paid to appear by …… the BBC.
A few remarks on Black Privilege which will not be discussed on the BBC or in any of our yoonies
Anyone seen this?
Yes, a while ago.
Given reality versus what it claims, the most generous term, and one that saw it fall at the first hurdle, was “quis custodiet ipsos custodes”
trans : Who watches, the watchers ?
“Who guards the guards ? “
@Grant that’s literal
but “Who watches the watchmen” is common trans
eg journalists watch the politicians but who watches the journalists ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quis_custodiet_ipsos_custodes%3F
Chuckle for the day ?
Why Moses was the one who received the ten Commandments
God went to the Arabs and said, ‘I have Commandments for you that will make your lives better.’
The Arabs asked, ‘What are Commandments?’
And the Lord said, ‘They are rules for living.’
‘Can you give us an example?’
‘Thou shall not kill.’
‘Not kill? We’re not interested..’
So He went to the Blacks and said, ‘I have Commandments.’
The Blacks wanted an example, and the Lord said,
‘Honor thy Father and Mother.’
‘Father? We don’t know who our fathers are.
We’re not interested.’
Then He went to the Mexicans and said, ‘I have Commandments.
The Mexicans also wanted an example, and the Lord said
‘Thou shall not steal.’
‘Not steal? We’re not interested.’
Then He went to the French and said, ‘I have Commandments.’
The French too wanted an example and the Lord said,
‘Thou shall not commit adultery.’
‘Sacre bleu!!! Not commit adultery?
We’re not interested.’
Finally, He went to the Jews and said, ‘I have Commandments..
‘Commandments?’ They said, ‘How much are they?’
‘They’re free.’
‘We’ll take 10.’
There! That should upset just about everybody!!….
I don’t think Mexico existed as a country back then,just saying like?
WB it was probably the Incas, but Mexico was substituted cos it was in the area…… roughly. I would have put a modern day spin on it and substituted Mexico for Rumania !
Here’s a nice follow-on in the form of Mel Brooks’ take on matters:
A man at the centre of the âTrojan Horseâ schools scandal is helping to run the Labour campaign machine in Birmingham, Guido can reveal. Mohammad Ashraf was a governor at Golden Hillock School, which was placed into special measures after it emerged it had segregated boys and girls, banned the teaching of some subjects and taught pupils: âIslam is the true religion, not like those Christians and Jewsâ
Yet Guido can reveal that, in spite of his past actions, Ashraf remains heavily active in Labour Party politics. This month he acted as a referee for the Labour council candidate Alison Gove-Humphries, who was deselected on Saturday after Guido revealed her posts linking Israel to ISIS. Ashraf was pictured in Stoke campaigning for new Labour MP Gareth Snell. He is listed on Birmingham Labourâs website as the partyâs contact in Hall Green. This man helped run a Trojan Horse school, now he is helping run Labourâs campaigns in BirminghamâŚ
Revelations of Ashrafâs ongoing influence in the Birmingham party come after a slew of Labour scandals in the city. Earlier this month West Midlands mayoral candidate Sion Simonâs campaign chief Waseem Zaffar was forced to resign after he intervened in a primary school to insist a four-year-old girl wear a hijab. It was in Birmingham that Labour councillors Ansar Ali Khan and Mariam Khan held sex segregated rallies. Todayâs Daily Mail runs an investigation showing how Birmingham Labour councillors turned a blind eye to Islamist extremism in the city. Birmingham Labour is a rotten borough, not ideal for Sion Simonâs âThis is Englandâ campaign for West Midlands mayorâŚ
The Labour party is already doomed, but it looks as if it is going to be a totally Islamic party before long,and then run for Government.
The investigators of the Trojan Horse affair discovered also that a number of teachers in the schools investigated were convinced that the Boston bombings and the Lee Rigby slaughter were fabricated by the CIA and MI5 respectively. They communicated this amongst themselves by email which was adduced as evidence. I found these facts in the Report proper but the information, needless to say, was not broadcast at the time by our Beauty Broadcasting Corporation – you will know the one – ‘The World’s Most Trusted’.
Apologies, I hit the “report” button by mistake. What I intended to say is that the Tories are crazy to decentralise so much power to the large urban centres controlled by labour without ensuring there are rigorous investigation and external audit arrangements in place. Also there is a real danger that the Treasury will be unable to control sub-national borrowing by councils which do not have the skilled staff required to deal with greedy banks. Looking abroad such decentralisations to inept/corrupt provincial bodies has led to huge misspending and in one or two spectacular cases the intervention and “rescue” by the IMF.
Howcome when BBC news report President Trump’s “ban” they refer to “mainly Muslim countries”, but now they are reporting a ban on electronic equipment on flights from “six middle eastern countries”?!
Jeremy Bowen is upset.
Totally worth it.
BBC just reran on Facebook an interview they conducted with a chap they had found who conformed to their narrative:
“Mark Eakin’s eight-year-old sister was killed in the 1972 Claudy bombings in County Londonderry. He explains why he changed his mind about Martin McGuinness.”
Let’s just say the comments so far do not suggest they have achieved the result clearly intended. The BBC really does not do well when it loses total control of the thread.
ITV news “The banned right wing TERRORIST group national action”….
Terrorist group?
…and then sympathy for the death of McGuiness.
How unfortunate that the police weren’t so sedulous in their pursuit of Muslim terrorists as they are in these of the “Far right”.
If they had been, then maybe we wouldn’t be having to tolerate the problems which now exist within our society; although perhaps this diligence is due to the absence of politically correct considerations, vis-a-vis race and religion, when police are pursuing these offenders.
In LoonyLibland
“Right wing terror is a bigger threat”,
but the police action against “Right wing terror” is so vigorous and effective that “Right wing terror” appears almost invisible.
…. Whereas “Islamic terror” is a small threat
So the police action against “Islamic terror” is minor
So Islamic terror seems so widespread.
The Yorkshire Post never misses an opportunity to build the narrative and stick a photo of Jo Cox.
‘Google under pressure over extremist videos’ fails to take action against material posted by National Action , Far Right Terrorist group according to Yvette Cooper
…Aha that is why we are talking about material by a far right group rather than the 1000X more videos posted by Islamic nutters.
As I have said previously Google/Facebook advertising is mostly a waste of time but they’ll cynically stick advertising leaflets thru any old letterbox even when they know the house has been boarded up for 30 years.
bBBC gleeful that a young, attractive, blonde, conservative white female has been shot down for stating her views honestly and not towing the line (of her conservative US station!!). I thought BBC would agree with pro-choice….maybe the tinkling of disharmony with Trump is heard from afar.
Good for her – hearing the truthful opinions of folks is so refreshing, like on Fox..such a breath of fresh air after the bBBC.
Frankly, at this stage anything that isn’t the BBC, CH4, Sky News UK, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, CBC, ABC, etc, etc, etc… is likely to be breath a of fresh air. The problem is that 98% of all current affairs broadcasting is entirely left wing in the UK. I struggle to think of even one right-of-centre broadcaster here (LBC? Perhaps? Maybe?)
Channel4 isn’t saying anything different to what the BBC is saying, to what Sky News UK is saying…it’s just a fishbowl, each mutually agreeable inhabitant mindlessly echoing the worthless political virtue signaling and propaganda of its peers.
At present, the only real option is to spend money on a Sky package to obtain real-time access to Fox News (US). That singular channel is the one genuinely alternative political voice in a swamp of regressive left broadcasters.
Don’t forget the WSJ.
Yes, she’s baaaaaaaack…
Try Revelation TV .On sky it is channel 581
Totally agree. I watch Sky’s Total Politics each morning and am frequently astonished by the degree of extreme Remain bias on display. But I remind myself that I don’t have to pay for Sky if I don’t want to and so I don’t get angry. I see the same degree of pro Remain bias onBBC . But of course the difference is that I am forced to pay for the BBC by threat of legal action. That is a profound difference and one which must be reflected in the way the BBC behaves. The country voted to Leave the EU , the public are fully justified in expecting that the BBC should be unbiased on pBrexit. I think that the public would support government action against the BBC to ensure that they are unbiased on Brexit. A letter from backbench MPs will just be ignored by the supercilious BBC. Firm action from the government is required. If not License Fee payers should refuse to pay .
I largely agree with Tomi on this. Although abortion is too easy these days, many use it as a form of birth control, there are many reasons why it may be necessary or advisable.
It’s not a black and white issue. Many on the American far-right don’t believe in abortion in any circumstance, whereas many on the nutty-left (that’s most of them) believe that it’s right to kill foetuses up to 5 minutes before birth. I believe common sense is somewhere between those two extreme positions.
Agree it is not a black and white issue, but it is necessary to acknowledge that despite the arguments of the pro-abortionists the fetus has a moral status at all times during pregnancy. If it is not a baby then you are not pregnant. To deny this is to start the debate on the wrong footing.
A local church holds an annual service for women who have lost babies during pregnancy whether through miscarriage or voluntary termination. It is a moral issue recognised as such by the women who attend and share their experience, whatever their faith or none.
If we can establish this as a moral fact – which many pro choice people do not – then the debate can move on to cover whether or not the state should punish those who choose abort or the extent of restrictions that may be required to avoid the immoral practice of abortion as a means of birth control
It should be possible to recognize that termination of fetal life is a wrong, whilst recognizing that in life we cannot effectively outlaw and punish all wrongs.
In an investigation I conducted some time ago there were many arguments for witholding abortion – selling of fetal organs and tissues, or even donation. I covered one case of a woman who had chosen to become pregnant in order to abort so that the tissues could be used to treat her father’s illness. Who should decide, for example, to donate parts of an aborted fetus? Should it be the mother who has exercised her right to kill the fetus? Not exactly like parents donating organs of a dead child is it? We sorted that problem out in the UK 20 years ago, but I see it has risen again with revelations that Planned Parenthood in the US have been selling aborted fetal tissue.
When I published on this subject I was invited to discuss it on the radio with Enoch Powell but unfortunately he was not available. It fairly soon became apparent that I was not suitable for the BBC line and they cut me off and played a song by JosĂŠ Iglesias
PS I am a supporter of Tomi Lahren and on this issue perhaps we can disagree. But to hell with those who sacked her, she is a vital voice in the transformation of the US during the next few years. Tomi is now bigger then Beck
G.W.F. Thanks for your thoughtful and interesting reply. I thoroughly agree with you about Tomi and there is an increasing number like her:
Intelligent, attractive, able to hold their own in debates. They are making the right look like the trendy anti-establishment side, which effectively it is. Some other names include Lauren Southern, Blonde in the Belly of the Beast, Brittany Pettibone, Tara (who works with Brittany), Millie Weaver etc.
It gives hope that it may still not be too late for our culture when these 20-somethings are making an impact already.
There are a number of Conservatives like Tomi, attractive, articulate and capable of hitting hard with facts. Lauren Southern has made it as an independent, and Millie Weaver is doing some brilliant interviews.
Someone – actually on the left – complained that Conservativism is the new rock n roll
I agree with many of your points GWF, and also that abortion is not a black & white issue as you would expect with a physical and emotional state of the human body. Where I agree with Tomi (as a conservative too) is that it feels deeply uncomfortable to have governments, legislation, religions all having policy on a female state. It smacks of female oppression.
I know there are many who don’t like Stacey Dooley here, but she did a prog ‘worst place to be a woman’ – think it was Honduras – what an eye opener. Basically women there are treated worse than dogs, men who abuse them basically get away with it, and abortion is illegal hence many pregnant young girls, women in prison and murdered women.
Another outstanding article on the Country Squire Magazine website:
Stealth Blasphemy UK
“Which brings us to the current incarnation of useful idiotsâarrogant, left wing barmcakes who are attempting to normalise brutal religious extremism and who fit right in at, for example, the BBC.”
You’ve got competition !
Muslim London Mayor Sets Up Task Force To Jail Those Who âAnnoyâ Muslims Online
I don’t expect the BBC to be critical of this as regards freedom of speech.
Only Muslims?
That must be a joke?
Joke or not, he promised to tackle Islamophobia in his election campaign. And Treezer will support any campaign against the far right
Tackling oppression is something all decent people would sign up to.
The wording was, ‘annoys’ not ‘oppresses’ – not quite the same – is it?
Darned if I see Muslim oppression in evidence in this country – the Middle East, well now, that would be Muslims truly oppressing other Muslims. So Caliphate Khan, GFY.
If this happens then freedom is over. This must be fought by all who value democracy and are in positions of influence.
Every day I am getting more afraid of the future of Great Britain. This is just another nail in the coffin of democracy.
Seems the below does not apply if you are white.
“Article 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) states that “All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law.”
Thus, everyone must be treated equally under the law regardless of race, gender, national origin, colour, ethnicity, religion, disability, or other characteristics, without privilege, discrimination, or bias.”
He’s ‘annoying’ me in not wearing a Western tie – ever. This is a top position in one of the top capitals of the world and he’s hell bent on turning his fiefdom into an Islamic mini state, no doubt helped by the Islamic Head of Religion at the BBC !!!
Who ? But seriously, his failure to wear a tie is an insult. The new Gambian President, Adama Barrow, is muslim and always wears African dress . Never a suit and tie. When he meets the President of Senegal, Macky Sall, who is also a muslim, Macky always wears a suit and tie. These things matter.
Shows commitment – plain and simple.
So, we start from a position where physically attacking minorities is illegal. Fair enough. Applies across the board, or it should.
Then it’s discriminating against them. Allegedly will suffice.
Then it’s attacking their religion verbally.
Then it’s any criticism of their religion, or the culture associated with it.
Then it’s writing a novel about it.
Then it’s making fun of their religion, even in a non malicious, light-hearted way.
Then it’s drawing a cartoon.
Now it’s just “annoying” them.
Why don’t we just move to Antarctica and hand the country over?
Wholeheartedly agree Iain, thankyou.
On a similar note of exasperation, did anyone read this article about a transgender rapist (yes!) being moved from a male to female prison. I hope he makes some nice friends there, surely they will feel sympathetic to him, now he has decided that he is a real woman. Maybe he could arrange for someone to rape him so he can experience what that is like as a real woman (lets take away some of his muscle mass first).
Anyway, the most annoying point – that he has the op funded by the NHS (at least partly). Why isn’t someone calling out this insanity for what it is? Just when you think it can’t get worse, then you read something like this.
Iain Muir-
Moving to Antarctica.
No that won’t be enough. They want EVERYTHING. They would wait for us to make it habitable. (I truly don’t believe Islamic anti-culture possesses the capacity to generate a suitable human habitation. That’s the reason for the legacy of robbery & conquest.) Once we established ourselves they would be demanding we hand over the icy south as well. Sooner or later Islam will force us to fight. We should have cut it off at the pass years ago. The longer we leave it the harder it will be. They will have the whole globe or someone will stop them. There is ultimately no compromise.
Very interesting article re the June 2016 Referendum by, Richard Clayton QC –
That would have been quite a show – politicians prosecuted for not being quite truthful in absolute terms.
We of course, would have to start from the premise that the liberal/left have a complete monopoly on the truth.
BBC WS – Mention of a very learned, no doubt expensive, report on water and pollution by the, World Money To Be Made Reporting What is Patently Obvious Institute.
Why? we’ve heard it oh so many times: Flooding is bad. Dirty water is bad. Drought is bad. Conflict is bad. Businesses must stop polluting the Earth because that’s bad. Too many people not enough resources.
Reminds you of Cleese and “stating the bleedin’ obvious.”
VD “discovers” the horror story that is Rochdale this morning. A bit bloody late !!
Likelihood of any significant follow-up ? Journalistic investigation of organised Asian gangs operating across the country ? Nah!
Switched on R4 yesterday. I do not know which program or who was speaking, but a Beeboid described the Lib Dems as a “centre party ” and went on to describe Justin Trudeau as “young and charismatic “. Switched off. Total listening time 10 seconds.
At least you tried. I avoided the BBC yesterday as I assumed it would be wall to wall somber music because Mcguinness was dead.
I ought to say that was my total contact with the BBC this week so far and it was not pleasant !
Total listening time 10 seconds.
âSometimes to keep it together, you’ve got to leave it alone.â
â Eagles
This is not Fake news, This is stating the F@@)$%$ obvious news.
Just another chance to put Trump in a negative light.
For real news, something the BBC will never show………………..
Point in last 3 mins of that clip
Trump Russia links have been under investigation since last July,
doesn’t that mean his team has been under some kind of surveillance ?
Yet they keep shouting “there was no wiretap of Trump Tower or Trump”.
Coming up : R4 Y&Y item list includes “BBC accounts” – a password will be needed for catchupTV
Can anyone spot what is missing in this fake piece of news from the BBC?
The face of hunger: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/in-pictures-39337954
Basically the BBC are appealing to the British public to cough up cash to send to East Africa. What are missing from all the pictures the BBC is presenting are all the able body men – no doubt waging Islamic jihad elsewhere, and all the able body teenage boys (also waging Islamic Jihad no doubt) and all the teenage girls (no doubt pregnant wives or sex slaves of the Islamic Jihadists).
Meanwhile in the parallel BBC we have the well funded BBC Asian network rocking and rolling:
All Muslims. But what about Allah? What is he doing about the problems besetting his flock of cult followers?
News not being reported by the BBC from East Africa: Islamic Jihadists detonating car bomb in Somalian capital yesterday killing at least five people:
So they have radicalised individuals in East Africa
Heineken products half kicked out of Tesco after it like UniLever tried to raise prices and #BlameBrexit
… other brands are available.
Coincidences happen : Re the Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Mon : Yorkshire Post photo : Syrian refugees posed by a mocked up Refugee Camp set up as a new exhibit
Wed : Yorkshire Post runs a story
Serious sex attack on woman in West Yorkshire village
“The 37-year-old victim was attacked by a man while she was out walking.. near Yorkshire Sculpture Park, at about 1pm yesterday.”
As we know ” A man ” is usually code for muslim.
BBc mid-day news. Electronic device ban on direct flights. Strange the BBc are not using one of their favourite phrases “mainly muslim countries”.
Brussels marks anniversary of the attack. Ready to dance around the bushes? Let’s dance. Who were the attackers? “suicide bombers”, what “extremists- planning on their own”. So nothing to do with….
More women working to 70 apparently to keep their standard of living. Strange it was only just before the budget Generation me were telling us via the BBc how terrible the triple lock pension increases were.
I note the BBC are being typically mealy-mouthed when one of the enemy lands a direct hit on the comrades:
PMQs: May gets personal with Corbyn over grammar schools
Not ‘tells the truth about Labour hypocrites’, but ‘gets personal’. Stay classy, BBC.
Guido, meanwhile, gets to the heart of the matter and why Mrs May was absolutely spot-on:
Theresa May went ad hominem at PMQs, attacking Labourâs frontbench for pulling up the drawbridge. As Guido has noted previously:
Jeremy Corbyn â Attended a grammar school. His son went to a grammar school.
John McDonnell â Attended a grammar school.
Seumas Milne â Sent both his son and daughter to grammar schools.
Diane Abbott â Attended a grammar school and sent her son to a private school.
Jon Trickett â Attended a grammar school.
Grahame Morris â Attended a grammar school.
Paul Flynn â Attended a grammar school.
Labour are such a motley collection of dishonest, duplicitous fakers – but the BBC thinks Mrs May just is being mean. Couldn’t make it up, etc.
They really are vermin !
Friends! My good friend Saveed Miliband has written a rather thoughtful piece in today’s Far-Right Guardian, in response to an article about happiness, which as those of us on the Progressive Left all realise is a viciously bourgeois construct.
Unlike Monday’s piece, the Hard-Right censors have not viciously censored it! It can be found in my Blog, along with, as per usual, a link to the original article and replies to my comment, all of which, I am happy to say, appear to have taken it – literally – literally:
Pg 15 of Times “Alt-Right in thrall to Jane Austen’s white world”
A strange piece of narrative constructing journalism.
Milo once mentioned Jane Austen lines in a speech and he’s Alt-Right (He isn’t actually)
..and then Lefty Nicole Wright checked she found other Jane Austen quotes in other ‘right wing’ speeches
I think the correct answer to that is – FFS!
Cue the removal of white authors, playwrights, screenwriters, in favour of diversity…
Invading totalitarian regimes all follow the same pattern: censorship in all forms, removal and suppression of iconic items, re-writing of history, silencing of dissenters, clear presentation of ‘acceptable’ truths with heavy sanctioning of those who stray.
I think we’re getting there.
I SHOULD HAVE ADDED- Create a climate of fear and conduct acts of terror.
Retaining national dress sends a message to all but the blind and stupid.
Sky news reporting gunfire near the Palace of Westminster……???
possible a dozen injured on Westminster bridge.
and someone shot by portcullis house, and two people being treated
inside the main gate of parliament
Even the BBC Website has this as breaking news. I assume it is the usual right-wing terrorists.
BBC TV now describing it as a “firearms incident ” !
Seems that the man had a knife but the police used firearms to shoot him. BBC fingers crossed that he is not a muslim !
photo of ‘dead guy’ hoddie , white white hands
another quote from Mirror guy
\\I turned to look out of our window overlooking New Palace Yard and I saw a man â I think a policeman â pointing a gun at someone in a grey suit and shoot them.//
Interesting that people are just standing and looking. No-one is trying to help him. I would be moving in the opposite direction !
Looks like base of the bridge
I’m guessing the guy was knocked off the roadway above
and possibly instantly died and couldn’t be helped by those people.
News said 2 died on the bridge, so he’d be the other one after the girl under the bus.
Yes was on R4 3pm news
2:43pm 2 cars went wild mowing people down, maybe this one is the one prevented from entering Portcullis House
Guido has a clip…’man’ with knife again!
I’m shocked that such a thing could happen in the Islamic Capital of Britain!
Caliphate Khan will be very ‘annoyed’.
Don’t worry – just another ‘man’ with ‘mental health issues’. Nothing to see here. Move along.
No doubt a result of the racist right wing backlash in the heightened atmosphere of hate following the divisive Brexit vote in Parliament. I await the perpetrator being revealed as a mentally ill lone Norwegian worried about being sent back to Syr…er, I mean Norway.
RT live feed shows about five persons on the ground on Westminster Bridge presumably alive as all being attended to. What looks like one dead body outside Parliament in the square.
That’ll be the guy in the suit the police shot
R5 Now reporting 3 separate incidents
#1 Car Westminister bridge . 5 live bodies being treated
#2 Car drove into gate outside parliament .. same 5 people on ground being treated
#3 Policeman stabbed ..assailant shot by armed police
\\âA guy came past my right shoulder with a big knife and just started plunging it into the policeman.//
..PM in safe location
No sign of Maxicnut with a smug comment?
Cowards like Maxiboy keep their heads down at this stage. They are just praying that
it is not a muslim. He is a wanker.
daily mail latest
“Witness Jayne Wilkinson said: ‘We were taking photos of Big Ben and we saw all the people running towards us, and then there was an Asian guy in about his 40s carrying a knife about seven or eight inches long.”
Asian ? Japanese maybe ? Burmese ?
with a knife that big i assume its a gurkha
Kaiser ,
LOL ! The Gurkhas would sort this muslim terrorist nonsense out pdq using their specialist methods of subtle persuasion !
If it is a moslem Maxiboy will remind us of Thomas Mair
Many dead in London. I just pray to God no hate crime has been committed.
Sure it wasn’t krankie in drag on her way to give Theresa the good news?
In the earliest moments, about an hour ago, the BBCâs News Channel was scrabbling around as per, desperately trying to find some facts amidst the slurry of speculation. Imagine the delight in the newsroom, then, at finding not just an eyewitness inside Portcullis House, but an eyewitness inside Portcullis House whoâs a BBC journalist! What had he seen?
Er, I should just say that I no longer work for the BBC . . . Iâm now working for a Labour MP.
Shocked, I tell yer.
“Work for the BBC” . . . “Iâm now working for a Labour MP.”
They are in fact the same thing
Presumably Mayor Khan will be using some sort of cut and paste template for his inevitable broadcast this evening. Just use the last speech and change the dates and place names. ‘Will not stop our way of life…vibrant and inclusive…no giving in to hate…coming together as a city…could not have been foreseen..unavoidable consequence of modern life…religion of peace…bla bla…’
It’ll be more of the usual patronising cobblers. Looks like Ramadan is kicking off early this year. Avoid European capital cities until late July.
Don’t forget that the first & most pressing concern should be how Muslims might be effected by a faux “backlash”
Regards the incident outside Parliament:
12 people run down on Westminster bridge
Policeman stabbed
Police treating this as a terrorist incident
bBC reports this all as: Parliament shooting
Expect the bBC to promote this all as a mental health issue.
A car which attacks people and a radicalised individual perhaps.
I have been following Nick Robinson and other witnesses. Jesus. BBC witnesses.
I have been following Nick Robinson and other witnesses.
Would that be the Nick Robinson who just opined about how questions must be asked how this man got into parliament
As for the other witnesses, did you hear where the bBC twat asked how long it took Police to arrive on the scene?
Well the Mirror is big on quoting Brendan Cox
“They will not succeed in dividing us”
Oh yeh same man who spreads intolerance and division
5 Live seemed to have aired the same old speed dial MPs
all Labour except for Anna Soubry
..and was that before they aired their own reporters from the scene
My first thoughts on the London terror attack today was “this is going to divide us”.
Luckily Jo Cox’s husband has tweeted:
Whoever has attacked our parliament for whatever motive will not succeed in dividing us. All of my thoughts with those injured.
Phew I feel much better now. None of us care about people dying do we?!? As long as we don’t get ‘divided’ that’s all that matters – ffs!
Fine if they’re white! Just so long as no Muslims were hurt or annoyed?
I would add a GFY Cox to your FFS.
London police treating UK Parliament attack “as terrorist incident until we know otherwise”.
Well, I guess it could simply be a peaceful protest or publicity stunt gone horribly wrong.
It could just be a religious person enjoying the freedom to follow their religion to the letter.
Yesterday BBC/MSM celebrated terrorism
……………………. today they report on terrorism
BBC has 10 reporters on the job,
…… another 20 are on standby in case any Trans are involved,
……….another 20 are on standby in case KTHopkins or Farage tweet something
On the BBC latest updates about the terror attack
At 15:47 is says:
Mr Sikorski, a senior fellow at Harvard Centre for European Studies, told the BBC: “I heard what I thought what I thought was just a collision and then I looked through the window of the taxi and someone down, obviously in great distress.
“Then I saw a second person down, and I started filming, then I saw three more people down, one of them bleeding profusely.”
It’s comforting to know that if I am ever the victim of a terror attack I can rely on a member of public to film me dying. When I was at school it was all about first aid but I guess times have changed.
Thoughts are with the victims and their loved ones but I have to say how ironic it is that yesterday many in Parliament were giving sickening praise to the evil terrorist Martin McGuinness, and today this.
Mirror : One woman dead, others suffer “catastrophic injuries”
car I guess
And I expect the stabbed policeman to be dead
The bBC are disgusting here is their map on what happened today at Westminster.

Parliament shooting: Woman dies in Westminster attack
Look at how they describe what happened on Westminster bridge.
Oh and by the way, the attacker has been described as a middle aged Asian.
Look how close it was to the Palace of Westminster. If it had been packed with explosives it would have been carnage. At the moment it seems to be a few radicalised individuals. Radicalised by the Religion Of Peace – at least that is what Theresa May and others call it.
Sun’s map

At such a time one’s first thoughts must go to the victims, their families and all those tasked with dealing with such a terrible event.
However, there will be a thirst for tangible, sensible news…. the who, what, why, where, how, etc.
Tellingly my first port of call when my wife called up that something bad was going down in London was very definitely not the BBC.
I shall pay attention to them only later to see if they pull their usual unique editorialising of the incident.
In particular a dread at which creep will ‘call for’ what that suits their devious agenda in light of this, and I don’t mean sensible questions and suggestions on public safety.
Seems from the Portcullius video , that knife man crossed the gate .. was attacking the officer within 10 yards, but other officers ran from inside shot hit whilst the gate guys closed the games ,
No car is visible , so the one smashed into the gates must have been part of a second wave.
Normally you should film a thief etc.
But if it’s a terrorist incident just get the hell out, cos of risk of bomb and after attack.
No, from the Sun’s map it looks like the car came over the bridge round the coner knocking people then crashed into the fence ..then next week know guy with knife appears 10-15 yards inside Portcullis House gate stabbing officer .. and then shot by plain clothed officers running from inside building.
Later 2 ambulances ..and he’s still got M16 pointing at him as para medics treat him, while others seem to treat stabbed officer.
Clarification : “inside Portcullis House gate”
No I mixed up 2 things
Car came over bridge and crashed in to fence acroos road and OPPOSITE Portcullis House
Then as if someone had jumped out and run around the corner to left
OR jumped on the bonnet and jumped over the fence (yes I think that now)
Cos ..the stabber man appeared inside the gate to Parliament stabbed the officer but was shot in minutes.
(from the photos it looks possible to me that he was carted off injured and alive, but it’s convenient to say he was killed)