1. Pounce says:

    Anybody else notice that it is exactly a year to the day when Brussels airport was attacked.
    2016 Brussels bombings


  2. Thoughtful says:

    If you use Twitter as a source for news then you can filter out the whack jobs because they have no other supporting tweets. When you have a group of separate unconnected people giving similar accounts you know that you have something close to the truth and it very often is highly different to the lying medias version.

    One verminous MP has already lied that it was a lone Wolf attack, when it was at least 6 – 7 Pakis. Even when it comes so close to home our elected representatives protected by the security services who are willing to give their lives to protect the scum, are completely incapable of telling the truth of what is going on.


  3. Doublethinker says:

    I hesitate to post this at such a time but if ,as seems almost inevitable , this is an Islamic attack, I can only say to the politicians that the casualties and victims of the attack, like those of every other Islamic attack in the West , are your fault. None of this was inevitable if you had done the right thing years ago.You have allowed mass immigration, you have allowed Muslims to do as they please, you have protected them rather than your own people, you have ignored the fears and concerns of your people. You should be ashamed. You should admit your catastrophic error and begin to take effective action. Things will only get steadily worse. There is no easy and victimless way out of the deadly situation you have created.
    But we all know the BBC et al will try and deflect the blame away from Islam using all their sad old stupid tricks and excuses and that the craven politicians will duck and weave as usual. We have been abandoned by our leaders.


    • Grant says:


      Well said. I think it would take a successful muslim terrorist attack on a large number of MPs to get them to do something. Not that I would advocate that , of course. They are truly scumbags.


      • Cranmer says:

        Grant, sadly I don’t think an attack on MPs would make any difference other than making them beef up security and giving them all armed guards. They will never in a million years admit a connection between mass immigration/open borders with this kind of incident.


    • Heisenberg says:

      Well said DT.


  4. Lurkio says:


    “A man/men”
    “A man/men of Asian appearance”
    “Shouting Arabic slogans”
    “They will not divide us”


  5. Pounce says:

    How the Spanish media are reporting this story with pictures they wouldn’t show in the Uk (warning graphic)


    • Grant says:


      Yes , the rest of the world media are giving us the news. The BBC are censoring it. BBC = Bastards


      • Grant says:

        The BBC are so incredibly stupid. People have mobiles, smartphones, camcorders and access to the internet. The dinosaur cnuts at the BBC cannot conceal the truth any more.


    • StewGreen says:

      Por Favor … UK press always avoid showing indentifiable dead bodies, cos relatives first news of death, should not be from seeing their dead relative on TV.
      In other countries it is not considered disrespectful.

      One shot shows a woman under back of bus, just past the back wheel
      How did she end up there ?
      \\The female who died in today’s attack was found under the wheels of a bus on Westminster Bridge, a junior doctor confirmed.//


  6. StewGreen says:

    R4 Media show -interviewing MP re BBC Brexit bias
    Beeboid is poushing for specific examples of ‘positives’


  7. StewGreen says:

    Press Association: Second death confirmed.

    Police boats scanning Thames cos witnesses saw people knocked off bridge by that first 4×4.
    Hmm if was enough force to knock them so far ..that was probably fatal.


    • StewGreen says:

      Sun : Officials confirm a woman was pulled from the water alive near Westminster Bridge. She is undergoing treatment.

      A statement from the Port of London Authority read: “A female member of the public was recovered from the water near Westminster Bridge.


  8. Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

    We must remember that security services stop nearly all UK planned attacks. Of course the worrying thing is that there are so many “people” planning attacks in the UK. Why doesn’t the government tell us who these “people” are?


    • Restroom Mole says:

      They are men. Trouble is there are many men, probably nearly 40% of the population, so that doesn’t really help.
      I think that “ladies” of a certain faith have also got up to similar mischief.
      It’s all very confusing.


  9. Guest Who says:

    I watched ‘London Has Fallen’ a while ago. Seemed a bit in-credible.



  10. Grant says:

    The way the BBC have dealt with this so far is a total fucking disgrace even by their gutter standards.


  11. G.W.F. says:

    The Mayor will take decisive action soon; there may be a backlash to deal with



  12. gb123 says:

    This has echoes of Paris. I would be extra vigilant if going to Wembley for England v Germany tonight.


  13. G.W.F. says:

    Meryl Streep Tweets ‘My heart is with London’

    Meryl Streep, stick your heart up your arse



  14. StewGreen says:

    Photo shows Norweigen complexion


  15. gaxvil says:

    These creatures were invited, made welcome and financed by us via our esteemed politicians.
    Curious, as the purveyor of IRA death and terror dies we neatly Segway into it’s replacement.
    Unfortunately we can’t all be rushed to safety in an armoured Jaguar.


  16. G says:


    Friends of yours Treezer?


    • G.W.F. says:

      Tomorrow we get the candles and a visit from the man with the piano who will play John Lennon’s Imagine


      • G says:

        And Jo Cox’s husband (cos he knows from personal experience what it’s like to lose someone close)


    • Grant says:


      I wonder if the deeply ignorant Treezer the Appeaser will take any lessons from this. I doubt it. She is thick as two short planks.


  17. taffman says:

    Will all this carnage be logged as a ‘hate crime’?
    RT appears to have better coverage of the incident than Al Beeb.


  18. Dystopian says:

    Non stop news and regular programming cancelled because something happens in London. Anywhere else and no coverage.


    • Grant says:


      Good point. It is close to the journalist / polititian nexus and they will all be thinking “It could have been me “. Totally selfish , self -serving vermin.


    • gaxvil says:

      I imagine the Beeb etc., are busy planting battered, blood soaked teddies and dollies.


      • Al Shubtill says:

        And worrying about the (as yet non-existent) “backlash”.


        • G says:

          “..backlash..”? – most households: yawn, back to Coronation Street, “pass me the TV paper darling”………


    • Iain Muir says:

      “Something” ??


  19. G says:

    Fraid I put this one on the wrong page. Sorry.
    Knowing beforehand where this story is going, times like this we share, not a fear of Islam but a basic absolute and total revulsion for the cult and its devotees. They can pray five times a day if they wish but I’d personally prefer it if that ritual was carried out somewhere in the Middle East. Although saying that, you cannot get much closer to the Middle East than Londonistan could you?


  20. Fire and Ice says:

    RIP to the brave policeman and the innocent civilians. Luckily the terrorist is dead.. just imagine the millions that would have been spent on this pos, putting him through the courts and decades in prison.


    • taffman says:

      Police use the term ‘terrorist incident’
      Al Beeb use the term for the perpetrator as ‘attacker’ not terrorist.
      Its time that our Government sorted out Al Beeb.


    • Restroom Mole says:

      Trouble is, the scum will now be a martyr.
      I wonder what Jeremy Dustbyn will think of “the unlawful execution” preventing the “man” having his day in court?


      • BRISSLES says:

        I wonder how long it will take for someone to cry for a public enquiry into how, why and whom the policeman was who fired the fatal shot.

        I hope Cressida Dick has got her a….e covered on this one !


    • Grant says:


      Human Rights !


    • G says:

      Just like the one with a hooked hand? Treezer spent £millions getting him out the UK. So they certainly fear making a start on the rest. Come out of the ECHR sharpish, and put the house in order.


      • Al Shubtill says:

        They should be spending millions to deport millions, not just f*****g one.


  21. Thoughtful says:

    It is now known that four people have lost their lives as a result of the Islamic attack.

    Where is the husband of Jo Cox to tell us about hate having triumphed and all the usual left wing crap he comes out with?

    Nowhere to be seen because white lives don’t matter.


    • Restroom Mole says:


      Three people and one pond-life.


    • Expat John says:

      Probably relaxing on a millionaire lefty’s luxury yacht on the Thames, sticking two fingers up at people who actually work for a living…


  22. Restroom Mole says:

    Time for mass correspondence to MPs I think.


    • Kaiser says:

      beeb news still pushing the maybe white maybe black attacker, will flabbot now call the bbc racists, cos he dont look black to me


  23. Sluff says:

    I hear someone is causing mischief again, this time in the Westminster area.
    Presumably an Anglo Saxon white Christian, with mental health issues.


  24. taffman says:

    Next form Al Beeb we will have ‘lessons to be learnt’.
    Yes, perhaps that appeasement does not work ?


  25. Sluff says:

    Dreadful BBC comment that Parliament is “supposed to be one of the safest places in the country” with a smug innuendo that the measures have been unsuccessful.
    Errrr, Westminster Bridge is an open, public road.
    And the terrorist (bbc description “mam”) was stopped and killed within a few metres of the perimeter.
    So I find their innuendo truly disgusting.


    • Restroom Mole says:


      Same from Mat Barbet on C5 news. Astonishment from him that anyone would be crazy enough to attack a well defended citadel like Parliament. Perhaps the lives of the 3 plebs who died are not equivalent to the precious MPs? Just collateral damage, worth it as long as Farron and Dustbyn are kept safe.
      I suggest that Parliament be left undefended during Ramadan so that our esteemed representatives get to feel the full force of the poison that they have allowed to develop in this country. Then they might realise that radical action is needed – NOW!


  26. Dave666 says:

    I’ve just seen the news! I’ve switched over to RT and brought up Stormfront. On the basis I’ll get more info, than the BBc.


  27. Cassandra says:




  28. Dave666 says:

    “Reports are circulating that the terrorist responsible for the attacks outside the Palace of Westminster in London today is hate preacher Abu Izzadeen (Trevor Brooks) from Clapton in Hackney”


  29. Sluff says:

    Channel4 are naming the terrorist and he’s a known person in the ahem, RoP community. They show a picture of him on a stretcher, presumably dead.
    But the biased BBC, ever keen to support said RoP, call him a man and last I saw they are showing the same photo of him dead on the stretcher with, get this, his face blurred out and obscured !!!!!!!
    The bBBC truly are vermin.


    • Restroom Mole says:

      C5 also had his face obscured,
      Why do they bother, it’s all over the internet and the sensible TV stations. It’s not as if the jury at his trial will be predjudiced.


  30. Dave666 says:

    07:24 RT states those in the muslim community must be fearing a “backlash” Did they beat the BBc to that one.


  31. gaxvil says:

    But why did have to kill him? They could have fire a warning shot – in his head.


  32. gaxvil says:

    Yet another, lone wolf – nearly enough for and army of lone wolves – like ISIS maybe?
    But Police say, ‘likely acted alone ….’.
    How do they know?

    Anyhow, he had Allah and Mohammed assisting big time.

    Don’t you just love it – the first concern is not for the victims but for the chance of a backlash which would annoy,Caliphate Khan the Grand High Mufti of Marylebone.


  33. Grant says:

    I just checked the BBC website. They are still in denial. It is totally pathetic. Beeboids, if you are reading this, it was not Nigel Farage , ok ?


  34. S.J.H says:


    • StewGreen says:

      8:30pm Channel 4+1 was down
      ..Maybe they wanted to avoid repeating the bits with the error
      8:50pm it was back ..then JonOld Snow told us
      “We’ve just been contacted by XX’s brother, who says it can’t be XX cos he is still in Prison”


  35. Dystopian says:

    Still in jail or still “supposed to be” in jail?


  36. Dystopian says:

    Did anyone see the reporting on the child sex gang earlier on local news 3 white men convicted in Sheffield.
    Didn’t see so much coverage of the same when it was Muslim “men”.


  37. StewGreen says:

    R4 Now : Nationalism : Moral Maze
    Hardeep Singh Kohli being very political
    “Scotlands womens movement”, “TRUMP Muslim ban”*
    * next says “we want facts” #Irony
    “In Scotland we have brown MPs !”


  38. G.W.F. says:

    Just so that we know where the Labour Party, Owen Jones, and the politicians who support and finance the anti facists stand, here is a statement from the UAF.
    Yes folks, they will be marching against the backlash.
    Unite Against Fascism added an event.
    29 mins ·
    The appalling events in London, at Parliament, on Wednesday afternoon, where four people were killed and several injured,have shocked us all. Deepest sympathies must be extended to the victims and their families. There can be no justification for such horror.
    in their haste to incite islamophobia and hatred of Muslims, the fascists of Britain First, have called a march in Central London, on April 1st. ‘Britain first’ were words echoed by Thomas Mair, when he murdered Jo Cox MP.
    Britain First are notorious islamophobes whose concern is not with the vitcims or their relatives, but only lie in racism. We should not be divided by such fascists. UAF calls on all anti fascists to join us in mass opposition to the fascists – our unity is our strength.


  39. AsISeeIt says:

    ‘Two men who were born in Germany but don’t have German citizenship will be deported to countries in North Africa, where their parents immigrated from, over suspicions that they were planning a terrorist attack. German officials say it’s the first time the government is making such a move’


    Errrr…. European Court of Human Rights…? Or is that all just a scam for bashing us here in the UK. Seems different rules apply for the Germans.


    • Thoughtful says:

      No it’s all down to the way crooked Tony made UK law subservient to the ECtHR Other countries did not do this when they signed up to it, and it’s the other way around. Some countries laws state that it cannot over ride their constitutions.

      But then he did have grasping Cherie to consider.


    • Iain Muir says:

      Whichever way you look at it, it’s a step in the right direction.


  40. nogginator says:

    Police scramble to south London tube station as capital is placed on high terror alert.Police have rushed to a London Underground station tonight just hours after a terrorist attack in Westminster.

    Crowds have gathered outside Kennington station with around a dozen police cars parked outside.

    “watching al Jazeera live. You wouldn’t believe the number of likes, “well done” and “allah Akbar there were”


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      nogginator, Re: The Tommy Robinson clip-Thank you for posting that.
      These young men will be in my prayers. (for their safety) It’s good to see that there is some self-respect left in the younger generation. You wouldn’t know judging by the controlled MSM & entertainment world.


  41. AsISeeIt says:

    A subtle, yet telling, rare admission of BBC leftist bias from a media insider.

    ‘At the heart of this is a BBC conundrum. Many of its defenders inside and outside regard it as a redress from the Left of Centre to a Right-ish tilt in the national press’


    So there you have it – many inside the BBC believe they are justified in pursuing a leftist bias because they see the print press as rightist. Of course the press is available in all varieties including leftist – people just don’t seem to buy lefty newspapers in such great numbers.


    • Restroom Mole says:


      Well they get what they want on the BBC and C4 for £145 a year. A daily Guardian would cost them something in the region of £500 per year. Why buy a paper then.
      Of course the BBBC price is subsidised by the enforced payments from those who find it repellent.


    • Grant says:


      Roseanna, my MSP, who lives just 7 miles away from where I am now. Last week , she was first ahead of me in the supermarket queue. Only had 3 items to buy. Couldn’t find her bag to put them in, couldn’t find her purse to get money to pay for it. I said ” for God’s sake , I am a busy man, I do not have time to wait for some daft , lazy, overpaid
      politician to waste my time. Move it “. She scuttled off.

      None of the other customers or staff defended her. And she is not even Scottish !


      • Kaiser says:

        scum indeed


        • Grant says:


          So many stories about her. Before christmas I was sitting behind her on a bus from Crieff to Perth. She had her laptop and was looking important. But was just chatting and gossiping. She failed to anticipate a bend in the road and the laptop fell and broke. I said ” Don’t worry, you can claim it on expenses ” . Fellow passengers were laughing. But Roseanna has 2 problems, she is an “incomer” and she is stupid.


  42. StewGreen says:

    RT reported that dead office is a female who’d tackled the attacker withoutout drawing weapon/spray
    I’m guess ing that he actually got in by jumping off the bonnet and over the fence.

    RT then had a black security expert saying that such an attack was expected and should/could have been stopped..implying such loonies can be put under better observation.
    Of course cars can’t get onto curbs when trees or lamposts are in the way.
    Surprised parliament doesn’t already have snipers looking from on high.


  43. gaxvil says:

    When German bombs were raining down, I don’t think Churchill said to, ‘move on, take no notice and fill our hearts with love’.


    • Restroom Mole says:

      Teresa May:
      “We shall not defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall not fight on the beaches, we shall not fight on the landing grounds, we shall not fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall not fight in the hills; we will surrender.”


      • Thoughtful says:

        and anyone who does even think about fighting will be put in prison and held without trial, possibly subjected to torture!

        Can’t have the Saudi overlords getting upset can we?


  44. Thoughtful says:

    Yet again being in the Guardian this is something the powerful at the must be acutely aware of this piece, especially relevant as it holds them accountable.
    So will they cover this screamingly important issue?


    argued that there was a trade-off between increased diversity, through mass immigration, and social solidarity, in the form of the welfare state. Goodhart said that for citizens willingly to hand some of their hard-earned cash to others via their taxes, they needed to feel a basic level of affinity with those others. He wrote that in the homogenous societies of old that was never a problem: citizens felt the mutual obligation of kinship. But in the highly mixed societies of today, such fellow-feeling was strained. Goodhart offered copious data to show that people bridled at subsidising the housing, education or welfare benefits of those whose roots in the society were shallow. As he wrote, “To put it bluntly – most of us prefer our own kind.”

    Goodhart insists that the views of Somewheres have been overlooked for decades, over-ruled by the Anywheres who control the commanding heights of political and cultural power, from the civil service to the universities to the BBC.

    It is the Guardians book of the week, far too long a review to paste here, but worth a read. The liberals HATE this man with a passion and it shows in the criticisms where they imbue the daily papers with far more influence than they have ever had in reality.


  45. Charlie Martel says:

    If the tragic islamic attack in Westminster has taught us one thing, it’s that Laura Kuntsberg really is ugly, holed up in Parliament her ugly mouth babbling nonsense.
    Some people say it’s a shame she wasn’t on the bridge minutes earlier, where she could have experienced enrichment first hand. Some people are wondering if she’s still so sneering at Trump who’s not afraid to call a terrorist a muslim, and to do something about it.


  46. Charlie Martel says:

    A wonderful new euphemism is coined by pc PC Mark Rowley , and eagerly repeated ad nauseam by Al-beebistan: the muslim murderer was ‘inspired by international terrorism’.
    Mmm, ‘inspired’… like Wordsworth… or Mozart, maybe?
    And ‘international terrorism’, what exactly is that, pray? Oh, you mean ISLAM.


  47. Charlie Martel says:

    The Appeaser’s Churchillian speech in full:

    Tomorrow morning, Parliament will meet as normal. We will come together as normal…
    Muslim murderers will continue their business as normal. Innocent men, women and children will be mutilated and die as normal. Politicians will make vacuous speeches as normal. Emir Khan will tell us it’s normal, as normal. Police commissioners will warn against the Far Right and express sympathy for our muslim community who are the real victims, as normal. The bbc will avoid investigating the real causes of Islamic terrorism (the clue’s in the name) as normal.

    Not good enough Treezer, we don’t need a business as usual appeaser, we need a Trump to drain the swamp.


  48. Tabs says:

    London attack: What we know so far

    The word ‘Islam’ is mentioned only once in the entire article. ‘Muslim’ doesn’t get a mention at all. Come on BBC I thinkg we know more than this so far!?!

    A quote from the article:
    He said police were focusing on the suspect’s “motivation, preparation and associates”.

    I think I can help them there…
    Preparation=hiring a car and grabbing a kitchen knife
    Associates=other Muslim family members and fellow Mosque visitors.

    but the BBC will go for
    Motivation=Backlash for Brexit, Trump and travel bans
    Associates=None, a lone wolf attack