What the police are saying is a terror attack in London…the BBC wants all the facts….
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So let’s all play bBC bullshit bingo shall we. The attacker will be described as:
A carpenter
Misguided criminal
Somebody with Mental Health issues
No Pounce, even the B.B.Bastards won’t be able to cover this one up, or disguise it, or bury it, or distort it, or downplay it. Too big. Too public. Too close to our Masters in Parliament. Who, by the way, might now snigger a bit less at Trump for trying to prevent such attacks.
I agree especially when pictures of the Islamic terrorist are already on the net:

I’m sorry I hit the report button in error.
BBC must be in a bit of a quandary on this one. Naturally they don’t want to say this was a Muslim attacker, but if they don’t acknowledge that, how can they warn against the danger of a backlash against the innocent muslim community. Sadly, the assailant is a little too old to be described as an aspiring footballer.
Easily done – if you’d kept quiet, nobody would have been any the wiser!
What’s in the red circles in the photo?
Knife in one
A knife is shown in each red circle.
I’m wondering how long the marks around ‘terrorist incident’ are going to stay present on the bbc headline. I think it’s looking pretty likely by now!!
To be consistent with their guidelines on terminology, shouldn’t al-beeb be describing this as a ‘militant incident’?
I place the blame squarely at the door of Hyundai, who often sell their vehicles to lone wolves with mental health issues.
Damn those Asian car makers.
Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has issued a statement: “There has been a serious incident near to Parliament Square this afternoon which is being treated as a terrorist attack until the police know otherwise.”
As opposed to the BBC treating it as simply an incident until proved terrorist and often not even then.
BTW I live in Israel. Welcome to my world.
We need all the advice and guidance we can get from you. Please.
I am surprised that the BBC did not say ” It is being treated as an accident ” . They are total bastards .
Or the Obama regimes “work place violence” explanation of the Fort Hood slaughter of his fellow soldiers by a muslim soldier.
Wonder what all those progressive / squealing / libtard / virtue signalling, anti Trump protesters are thinking now?
Second thoughts, who gives a shit…
Jeff, their brains will be in a whirl as they try to decide whether the event was caused by Trump, Brexit, Farage, Islamophobia, Tory Cuts or a combination thereof.
The poor “men” who did this were persecuted by Trump, Brexit, Farage etc. It is only a backlash against the terror inflicted on them by those bastards. Oh no, my mistake, backlashes come from somewhere else.
Maybe the muslim was upset by the laptop ban on flights from some muslim countries.
That’ll be it
Why does not the BBC do its job properly and state ISLAM and MUSLIM, Its what anyone who’s IQ gets above their shoe size and who does not work for or who does not believe what the BBC or Al-Guardian says worked out years ago
Sadiq Khan will be doubly annoyed if it was a diesel vehicle.
What a shame. Not.
…and triply annoyed if it was a Google electric, no driver vehicle…
Ps is there something wrong with this website? I do not have the option to reply it is greyed out??
Dystopian, ‘reply’ is greyed out on my screen, but it still works if I click on it.
Thank you….there was me thinking I couldnt comment!
Thanks Cranmer
In France watching BBC World News for the last hour. No description of the attackers of any kind. Until just now: Bingo! “Reports are coming in that one of the attackers was a white man. It appears that there may have been two attackers – the other was described as black.” They sounded very happy…
Guido has pic. of assailant that the BBC pixelated. Probably because he perfectly fits the description of a demented Norwegian.
Looks like a bearded “Asian” being treated by the white paramedics in the pictures posted by Pounce.
In my experience, I have never known a non-muslim to have a beard like that. Let’s hope he dies and saves us some money .
“Brietbart – 4 dead so far including attacker”
Dont be so sure Grant – he could well be a West country farmer protesting about the price of mangel-wurzels. Hopefully Paul o Grady will look after his collie.
I misread your post on my tiny phone, thought you said “willy”!
Mole only his friends call him that! Though I think dead prick is more adpt!
Didn’t Paul O’Grady leave the country when the Tories won the election, he said he would.
Unfortunately Steve he is still here – hopefully he will back Labour the Jihad apologists again in the next election.
I see the bBC disinformation unit has been brought in to muddy the news:
Where there two assailants behind attack?
Posted at 17:19
The BBC’s Daniel Sandford says there may have been two assailants involved in the attack on Parliament. He says eye-witness reports have referred to a “bald white man” and a “black man with goatee beard” in association with the incident. It is possible, although he stresses this is not confirmed, that both may have been in the car when it was driven at “high speed” down Westminster Bridge – knocking down an estimated eight people.
The car, Daniel Sandford adds, crashed into the parliamentary railings soon after.
If white, we can be sure he was a convert to Islam.

Here is the overhead picture of the car used today. If there were 2 people in the car. Why is only the drivers side door open?
Listening to BBC TV news now, the second “white man ” does not feature. Just more BBC Fake News. But the BBC are reporting the death of the terrorist in reverential tones, as if they have lost a well-loved friend. And I suppose they have.
They spelt Muslim b.l.a.c.k?
Harding Unit 731 on late shift tonight.
I’m waiting for the BBC to tell me that the “traffic accident” on the bridge was a self-driving car with a software fault. Mohammed tried to fix it with his knife, but when he couldn’t he went to ask the nearest police unit for help. Being institutionally racist they shot him and to make it look justified they cut each other a few times with his knife.
That sounds perfectly plausible. Thanks for saving us several hours dreaming it up.
yours faithfully (not truly)
G Hardy
BBC so-called journalist
Apologies for the facetious comment at 5.35. I posted it before I knew there were fatalities among the innocent – the police officer and at least two on the bridge.
London is now a third world city. To those of you who live or work there, good luck and take care.
Just seen the attacker on sky news.looks like he has been on holiday to me
Seems you didnt learn anything from Quebec Alan. Quickly move on, nothing to see here.
I am NOT watching the BBC. I don’t trust them. This is the time when the fifth columnists at
the BBC come into their own.
The BBC have never known a terrorist that they do not love. Maybe that is why there have never been any terrorist attacks on the BBC.
Knowing beforehand where this story is going, times like this we share, not a fear of Islam but a basic absolute and total revulsion for the cult and its devotees. They can pray five times a day if they wish but I’d personally prefer it if that ritual was carried out somewhere in the Middle East. Although saying that, you cannot get much closer to the Middle East than Londonistan could you?
I wish the Police had killed him. He is filth and won’t give up any information.
All he’ll do is clog up our prisons with all the other radicalised scum. Lee Rigby’s murderers are being fed and watered by us tax payers.
I know that prisons that overrun with Muslim inmates are allowed to forbid ‘bacon/pork’ of any kind being eaten by the small percentage of British prisoners.
Guards turn a blind eye and they are allowed to dominate. They cost so yes I stick by my first sentence and wish he’d been killed.
Looks like the cnut is dead. Maybe he can have a joint funeral with McGuinness and the BBC can have tears in their eyes. Bastards .
I hope so. For the sake of the victims and their families. Bad terrible memories of IRA bombings in London and U.K. Come flooding back.
conveniently dead or removed. Now they can adapt the story to fit the agenda…who can verify the claims of the services?
We certainly won’t find out if he was a migrant or asylum seeker
BBC up to there usual trick when they announced where the PM and MP,s we’re going / taken to. They really are beyond the pale..
BBC Website says ” the alleged assailant “. Maybe the police killed the wrong man ?
Grant – If this bloke is a muslim I am sure our beloved state broadcaster will be turning themselves inside out to make excuses for this bastard. I can feel the tears forming on my cheeks already.
We of course can also look forward to the MCB coming out with their normal platitudes and bleating about Islamaphobia which will be seized on by the quislingesque BBC and MSM and our feeble politicians while people are dying on our streets.
I am afraid that until these wankers start actually asking the right questions we will not get the right answers and so it continues!
MCB have already condemned it. Do they know something we don’t?
I think the MCB have probably known something we dont for a very long time.
Well they know enough to fool far too many people in this country.
Did they say the assailant was 40 or 14?
They are probably wishing he was 14 so they can ignore everything which happened and turn it into Over Aggressive Gun Happy Police Shoot Innocent Child Protesting Black Lives Matter. Nothing the bBBC loves than being able to turn a murderous terrorist into a poor unfortunate victim demonised by the nasty authorities.
Message to Amber – We need some emergency legislation now as I believe the right wing “Islamic backlash” is about to start.
Amber you need to send a strong message to all the white racists in this country who want to cling on to their out of date culture, respect womens rights and eat bacon sandwiches!
Can I suggest a ban on all pork products, immediate execution for all gays and apostates, all women should also wear hijabs in public and only go out with a male family member, all men must wear beards, and the age of legal marriage should be reduced to 12. And of course any killings committed by a member of the Religion of Peace in the name of Allah should be viewed favourably by the courts because the perpertrators have probably experienced racism in the past!
Amber if you get onto this quickly I believe you will avert the worst however do not delay as even now members of the WI are plotting Easter Fayres or worse! ……………. Absolute scum!
Just seen this on Guido Fawkes, says it bloody all.
London Terrorist Attack: This picture says so much about Islam.
The true meaning of “nothing to do with Islam”.
That drip in the headscarf encapsulates the disdain and hatred they hold for non-believers. Why can TPTB not see this?
This has nothing to do with Islam.
Every religion has its fanatics
Islam is the Religion of Peace.
Handful of extremists are giving Islam a bad name.
Islam condemns all forms of violence.
Islam forbids killing innocents – see definition of innocents in Islam.
Several incidents of scarves pulled – Backlash.
If a Muslim does something bad, like slaughtering hundreds of people in a night-club, the apologists of the BBC will always put it down to an aberration, mental illness, drugs, alienation etc etc.
If a Muslim does something good, like, er, well, then it is regarded as representative of all Muslims and a reminder of how wonderful they all are.
Bias infests the BBC like maggots infest a dead mouse’s body.
I am not watching the BBC. But I expect before long they wont be saying it was a man with Caucasion features. Just the euphemism “somebody mentally ill.” Then wait till the Londonistan programme gets hold of the story. Expect them to attack the police for killing the “mentally ill gentleman”
fake news or just crap reporting on the BBCs 6 o’clock News from a reporter quote ” unconfirmed reports say there could have been two attackers one white attacker and one black attacker but these are unconfirmed reports”
fake news or just crap reporting on the BBCs 6 o’clock News from a reporter quote ” unconfirmed reports say there could have been two attackers one white attacker and one black attacker but these are unconfirmed reports”
Even the Met are reporting this was a solo attack
Its been reported that the attacker was bBC favourite Abu Izzadeen
You know, the idiot bBC newsnight interviewed hours after the 7/7 attacks in London.
I cannot see a picture has it been removed
Is this him?

It seems that this story started on Chan4 News who have now backtracked on the claim. By all accounts he is currently safely locked up serving a prison sentence.
Isn’t that Simon Callow?
“Its been reported that the attacker was bBC favourite Abu Izzadeen”
That gives the BBC a lot of footage for the Newsnight eulogy edition.
I wonder how much he has been getting on benefits and for how long?
BBC calling the attack “a success” and doing a pretty good job at reporting the panic.
Cracking PR for the attackers.
I keep hearing the prophetic words of the much maligned and vilified, Enoch Powell.
“We must be mad. Stark raving mad…”
I agree Jeff. I am getting on a bit but always admired Enoch Powell for having the guts to speak out. He was a realist.
My 92-year old mum has been watching the BBC news for over 30 minutes now. I just asked her if the BBC reported that the terrorist was a muslim and it was an Islamic terrorist attack. Her reply was ” No , they did not, is that true ? ” .
My 86 yr old Mum does the same. Watches the BBC avidly. Their generation have been through a huge amount of conflict and they are all probably mystified how this terrible event has happened.
Son and heir works close to Westminster. All in his office used Twitter to find out what was happening, comment ‘the BBC was too slow to report.’ If the BBC is no longer the go to source for information in a crisis, what is its worth? Rhetorical question, in spite of £4 billion a year, it is worth nothing.
Too slow because they were no doubt having meetings to decide what spin they were going to put on it.
watching coverage in the US. Fox is using mostly Sky news ha ha. Did use a video from the BBC tho.
I am very upset for the victims.
Fox currently reporting that online, the attack is in revenge for airstrikes on Mosul. I think their source was the Sun, from the internet.
Twitter costs nothing. BBC costs £145. Which is better value?
Internet news is that the terrorist was a hate preacher, Abu Izzadin Trevor Brooks and he acted alone. Meanwhile , the BBC ????
Does anyone know the whereabouts of his sidekick Simon Keeler (aka Sulaymaniyah Keeler) shown in this…?
Could be the BBC’s “white attacker”, also a Muslim…..damn!
Here he is also getting airtime c/o the BBC…
Sulayman Keeler….that was predictive typing!
Would have been out by now! Who’s idea to return them here?
Expect on QT tomorrow a packed audience of Muslims , the usual terror apologists and it’s all the Wests fault.
Just don’t watch it. I wonder who does.
Watching C4 news- they named the terrorist – a Muslim convert maybe – the BBC not done it yet. I guess c4 named him in order to critic the security services for not doing more – you know shifting the blame- at least one police officer murdered and others. This is Beyond bias games . Duty done. Rest in peace.
Simon Israel on c4 news did a mortified “fake news” apology for naming the wrong Muslim terrorist. C4news pulled the plug on ” plus 1″ news repeat and showed a blank screen instead . Libel laws I suppose. Normal c4/BBC ritual blaming police for security failings coming soon i suppose.
So no change there then
“Hey Ali, I’m by the Houses of Parliament. It’s great, loads of terror, police running around in a panic. There’s one on the ground just by me, it’s OK it’s a whitey kaffir. So 3-1 to us tonight. See you later for the de-briefing session at the Mosque”
“Nothing to do with Islam”, Cassy.
‘Four dead.’
Mmm; up to a point. As things stand at the moment, two people appear to have been killed on Westminster Bridge, and a policeman within the precincts of the Palace of Westminster. And that’s as far as my sympathy extends. I appreciate that confusion, and restraints in reporting against the possibility of legal proceedings, are inevitable, but a different form of words might be:
Three people have been killed in a terrorist attack this afternoon. A fourth person, believed to be the perpetrator, was also killed by armed police during the incident.
That tells viewers and listeners everything they need to know, in a balanced and neutral manner. What it doesn’t do is bundle together all those killed as equivalents in death. Because they aren’t.
The short form is 3-1.
Maybe he was engaging in peace and reconciliation processes after the murders but was taken out before being elected to Parliament?
Sounds familiar. Pint of Guinness anyone?
The Today Programme
“As I came out, I heard three shots”
Evan Davis describes what he saw and heard at the Westminster attack.
As captions go…
Has Evan come out? Who knew. Don’t tell those “men”
So he finally came out! I knew it!
Erdo..prescient as ever!
The first step is for all Europeans to boycott Turkey as a holiday destination.
And North Africa.
And curry houses
And “Asian” corner shops
And especially “Asian” taxis.
“The boys at Westminster School, tucked behind the abbey, just across from parliament, don’t have fire drills these days, they have lock-down drills. And today everything they prepared for was put into practice. For years Londoners have been warned the question was not if another attack would come but when. Anyone who regularly travels in the capital has read the signs and heard the advice about suspicious activity and unattended packages. The possibility of being caught up in random violence crosses peoples’ minds regularly, it’s part of living in a big city. But when it comes, it still knocks you. I was on public transport as details of today’s incident flashed on peoples’ ‘phones. I could see commuters adjusting to the news, brows furrowed, sometimes a quick text, presumably to say they were safe, and then, onto their day as planned. This evening, outside the police cordon, theatres and cinemas, the bars and restraunts of central London are open as normal. There are extra police officers on patrol, some with guns, to give reassurance, but even they are are a regularly familiar site in the nation’s capital. London had been expecting this. It is horrific. It is desperately sad, but beyond the police tape life remains calm and carries on.”
Mark Easton
Mark Easton, wanker.
No Easton, it isn’t “part of living in a big city” at least…….it wasn’t.
Ah I guess nowadays it’s “to be expected”. What a dick!
“OK Positive Discrimination Unit, we have a real job to do . First of all we wont have an
Asian fronting the Londonistan Programme this evening. In fact I believe there are at least two indigenous male Londoners on the staff of the programme out of about a thirty presenting work force. Use them and any other freelance staff you can find. ” ” Yes, Ahmed understood,what about interviews in the street?”” Make sure you use ethnic contributors and
also make sure when you show any film , the first person coming out into the street is wearing a head scarf. Also inform Riz Lateef, Asad Ahmed and Alice Bhanhukravi and any of our other ethnic presenters when they come back not to attack the Metropolitan Police for at least a couple of days. I will inform some of our “brothers” in the diversity department that murdering a mentally ill member of the ethnic community , the police can be attacked for this later on.” ” But boss we haven’t been showing any discretion for quite awhile now.
Why not go for the jugular so far as the police are concerned.” ” No Seamus we have other very important events to cover shortly , such as the State Funeral for Martin McGuinness. Make sure Riz is dressed in black on the day.”
I’ve just found the victim narrative for the BBC maybe they could send me a cheque?
Never has ‘all over, bar the shouting’ resonated more.
Thing is, who gets to shout, be heard, get recorded and then broadcast?
Apparently sweetie shops are running out of stock in certain parts.
It is for communities there to decide whether they embrace, tolerate or decry such behaviour.
Pick one. Pick wisely.
Expect the bbc to start reporting did the police over react, get black lives matter on, Jeremy Vine will have his usual apologists on.
How strange, all of the BBC HYSs seem to have been closed approx. 4 hours ago. I am sure it is a coincidence and not the BBC’s attempt to stop people expressing their outrage.
Edited to say that I spoke too soon, there is still a HYS here:
Get over there quick.
Only alt-Right nutjobs are outraged. A significant proportion of the population will be toasting the news, with non-alcoholic drinks of course.
I was commenting when they closed down all the comment sections, obviously so they can report there bias stance without any questions. Yet again disgusting behaviour from the bbc.
Just seen your comment and upvoted (if there is such a word)it. Let’s see if you get moderated.
I wonder if anyone in Beeby-world has made the connection that this is the anniversary of the “so-called” ISIS attack on Brussels?
“Belgium is marking the first anniversary of the suicide bomb attacks on the Brussels airport and underground system, which killed 32 people.
More than 300 people were wounded in the attacks, which were claimed by the Islamic State (IS) group”
I guess the comment asking why they closed down the comments was a comment from someone here? 😉
It was EmersonV’s comment. Things are getting even stranger. A number of the comments are being removed as we speak. Wish I had done a screen grab earlier as I can’t remember the exact content but they weren’t complimenting the BBC.
That’s the “having a Muslim mayor helps protect London” narrative done with then.
This is what the BBC deems important to print at a time like this:
‘Constantine, a 23-year-old student, says he was near Trafalgar Square when news of the attack broke.
“I saw the police start shutting everything off. I heard a lot of people talking. I have a cousin who works in Parliament and I live in Soho and I am a little worried about safety. Particularly LGBT safety which I am heavily involved with.”
“I heard one man say ‘this is why we need Donald Trump’ which annoyed me,” he adds.’
Constantine is right though, he should be very afraid for LGBT safety.
Apologies in advance but for this the BBC can just go fuck itself. Treacherous vermin the lot of them.
Ticked at least two boxes right there then!
The little boy can rest assured that muslims will ensure LGBT safety.
They had to squeeze a jibe at Trump in to this somehow.
Phew, glad the bBBC included this though:
Posted at
The hashtags #PrayforLondon and #Wearenotafraid are trending on Twitter.
Insert any expletive ______ Can’t be bothered to think of a name to call them. We all know what they are.
That’s a queer thing to say.
The bit that counts…… “This is why we need Donald Trump”.
As usual the BBC news is asking how could this happen – has there been a security lapse? – normal line blame the police and security service. How did the attacker penetrate the most protected area in London? Well the bridge is a public highway and the car never got into the Palace of Westminster, the attacker appears to have only managed a few yards past the entrance gates before being taken down after stabbing the pc (to death)
The minor thing I have noticed during this tragic event was how many BBC political reporters are in and around the Houses of Parliament including at least 1 from BBC Scotland on what started as a normal day and we the great unwashed are paying for them.
It is ok for the BBC , because these cnuts know that terrorists will never target them because the BBC supports terrorism. Beeboids are bastards.
The BBC should be put on trial for their collusion with terrorists.
BBC find a witness who manages to express support for the LGBT lot and condemn Trump
‘Constantine, a 23-year-old student, says he was near Trafalgar Square when news of the attack broke.
“I saw the police start shutting everything off. I heard a lot of people talking. I have a cousin who works in Parliament and I live in Soho and I am a little worried about safety. Particularly LGBT safety which I am heavily involved with.”
“I heard one man say ‘this is why we need Donald Trump’ which annoyed me,” he adds.’
It appears that Izzadeen is still in prison and therefore was wrongly named by channel 4 as the attacker.
What a gift for the BBC this will now be as the issue will become a “fake news” issue rather than a terrorist one where three people where murdered in a terror incident. It could also be used as a lever to help control the release of information even more than it is already.
In the real world no-one would be that much bothered as all we really need to know is what happened and what was the justification for the incident. However with our beloved marxist state broadcaster always looking for an angle I am sure this one will not be overlooked.
Good news too for Izzadeen as I am sure he will be able to claim some compo for “hurt feelings”
Guido Fawkes reports-
“Tory minister Tobias Ellwood gave CPR and mouth to mouth to the police officer who was attacked at parliament. Ellwood was photographed with blood on his face and hands.”
Ellwood served in the British Army as a captain in the nineties and lost his brother in the 2002 Bali bombing.
Top man. And from the nasty party. Perhaps Treezer could now retract her opinion of the party that she allegedly leads.
Treezer has more important things to think about. Namely her wardrobe.