What the police are saying is a terror attack in London…the BBC wants all the facts….
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BBC Website headline is still ” 4 dead in Westminster Terror Attack “. Unbelievable. How dare the police murder that poor muslim in cold blood ?
Grant – I think what never ceases to amaze me is the sheer barefaced news manipulation the BBC participates and yet it still acts as if it has the authority to act as as some sort of moral arbiter on fake news. Are the politicians blind to this or are we really going mad and this is all in our imagination?
I really have no answer .
What would Churchill say and do if he were PM?
I suggest he would ask Muslims who consider this attack to be contemptible to renounce their faith and seek the protection of the British state. Those who refused would then be interned prior to deportment if not UK born.
What will May say?
We need to do more to understand what we have done to make our Muslim citizens feel so alienated. We must listen to their concerns. We must do all we can to assist their integration.
What will she do?
Listen to Muslim cries of discrimination and backlashes, and give them more concessions, power and autonomy. Sharia law to be a choice for believers above English law. Local authorities to be required to act on petitions from their residents for areas to be designated as Muslim, where Sharia law will have precedence even for non believers.
In short, appeasement.
Churchill was a highly intelligent man who had read much about Islam and experienced it in muslim countries. Treezer is of very low intelligence, knows nothing about Islam, and has probably never read a book in her life. She will continue to lick the muslim ass.
What May should have said on the steps of Downing Street:-
The attacker was Muslim
The attacker was Asian
I am going to make an honest admission to the British people. We have let in far too many Muslims into Britain over many decades . Many of them haven’t integrated and don’t share our values .
I am not gong to talk about defending our traditions of tolerance and valuing diversity.
I am not going to talk about business as usual .
Tomorrow , in Parliament, instead of talking platitudes I am going to announce an early end to free movement of people upon triggering Article 50. This will include not just the EU but much stricter controls on immigrants from Muslim majority countries.
A raft of new measures to enforce integration by Muslims will follow shortly . Expect mosques and Muslim private schools to figure significantly .
Non compliance will result in deportation of non citizens and removal to a remote British overseas territory of non compliants who have citizenship . If they prefer to apply for citizenship of a Muslim country this will be encouraged.
Newsnight – both invited guests mentioned Joe Cox within minutes of each other classing it it a terrorist murder – it does make you give up the will to live!
Time for Maxicony to make his repeated point about Thomas Mair for balance.
I see the UAF are calling their supporters out to drive away the Britain First demonstration over the London murders using Mair as their example.
Let’s face it.
This will be all but forgotten this time next week.
The tea lights and teddy bears will be in landfills and if they manage to get a piano player out there to play imagine, that will also have gone from our screens.
All the virtue signallers will probably still have the union flag on their avatars, at least until the next muzzy outing and they have to change it to a French or other flag.
Our politicians will carry on as before.
I’ve been watching Tucker Carlson on Fox tv. They have had a rape at a school in Rockville (I think that’s the town name) where immigrant men were put into a class of 14 year olds. They have been making a big deal out of this. I wonder what they would make of the tens of thousands of our little girls being groomed, abused, raped and gangbanged by muzzies in the Rotherhams and Rochdales over here. I wonder if the police in America are saying the 14 year old girl is a slag and was asking for it as our police do over here.
The Muslim terrorist was a “UK National” known to MI5 Apparently. But he was not very high up on the naughty list.
BBC Website ” Man arrested in Antwerp on suspician of driving at a crowd “. It is these men again ! The BBC are a joke.