Time for a new one of these. I couldn’t bear to watch the BBC eulogise IRA mss killer Martin McGuinness yesterday and from what I hear from others I was right to stay away from the love-in. Meanwhile, Jihad on Westminster bridge…
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The latest Islamic terrorist attack in London, right next to the Houses of Parliament, is dreadful and distressing. But, I have to mention that Israel has suffered from these ramming and knifing attacks for years, from the same kind of Muslim terrorists, except they call themselves Palestinians.
There is no doubt shock in the UK at this unexpected terrible attack that took three lives, two civilians and a policeman, as well as injuring 20. But, the British have not become used to such attacks as Israel has. Which is why Israel built a security fence (called a wall by those who have no understanding of the true situation) and why Israeli forces take preventative action all the time, as the British forces will now have to do, to try to prevent the next attack.
Perhaps now sympathy and more understanding of terror attacks in Israel when they happen by the British news media particularly the BBC.. and pigs might fly
Now that they’ve felt the heat getting closer, perhaps our wise Masters in Parliament will start to get real about islam.
Nothing will change. If any politician speaks out that something needs to be done to stop the spread of Islam/immigration/lack of integration etc the lefty media will be all over them saying “this is not the time to discuss such things and score political points and our thoughts should be with the victims and the Muslim community”.
So everyone stays quiet for an easy life and so it continues…
The muslim terrorist obviously chose Westminster for its symbolic value. Can we think of another target that symbolises Britishness, say a Broadcasting Corporation?
Some would say the BBC symbolises Britishness in the way the Islam symbolises Peace…
I’m afraid BBC Propaganda Central is probably the safest place in London to be in the event
of any terror attacks.
No terrorist group has ever targetted the BBC. Draw your own conclusions !
The British Broadcasting Corporation epitomises Britishness in the same way as the patriot Anjem Choudry who, when asked why he held a British passport, replied that he thought of it as an “enhanced travel document”. The BBC seizes on nominal citizenship like this to create the fiction of “home-grown” terrorism. These people are no more British than the offspring that happened to be born to British service personnel once stationed in Hong Kong were Chinese.
Kittens born in a stable don’t grow up to be horses.
Yet again being in the Guardian this is something the powerful at the must be acutely aware of this piece, especially relevant as it holds them accountable.
So will they cover this screamingly important issue?
argued that there was a trade-off between increased diversity, through mass immigration, and social solidarity, in the form of the welfare state. Goodhart said that for citizens willingly to hand some of their hard-earned cash to others via their taxes, they needed to feel a basic level of affinity with those others. He wrote that in the homogenous societies of old that was never a problem: citizens felt the mutual obligation of kinship. But in the highly mixed societies of today, such fellow-feeling was strained. Goodhart offered copious data to show that people bridled at subsidising the housing, education or welfare benefits of those whose roots in the society were shallow. As he wrote, “To put it bluntly – most of us prefer our own kind.”
Goodhart insists that the views of Somewheres have been overlooked for decades, over-ruled by the Anywheres who control the commanding heights of political and cultural power, from the civil service to the universities to the BBC.
It is the Guardians book of the week, far too long a review to paste here, but worth a read. The liberals HATE this man with a passion and it shows in the criticisms where they imbue the daily papers with far more influence than they have ever had in reality.
Here’s a funny story: I once worked for local radio BBC (broadcase assistant) and was on the mic talking on air to the presenter about bubble cars…. safe subject for local radio you’ll agree.
I interjected with the line “It’s funny how the manufacturers of these bubble cars (which enabled civilians to transport themselves cheaply in peace time) – Messerschmitt etc – once were the manufacturers of Na-Zi war machines”. Presenter didn’t answer, put on a record and I had to leave the building never to return. No explanation.
Bit harsh I thought seeing as many of the old folk listening probably fought off said war-machines in the war.
Not really related to yesterday’s ‘attacker’ or ‘man’ but shows how one word – one word – out of place at the bbbc will see you evacuated.
This is the same station where we had Donny Osmond on and no-one rang in to speak to him. Not one person. I had to go into another studio and pretend to be two different people. He didn’t catch on and indeed was stimulated by my muso-style questions and wanted more callers. We got the lady on the front desk to pretend to be a fan. Had a phone-in to win a CD from him by answering a simple question. 500 people rang in.
The presenters complained that our job title ‘Broadcast Assistant’ made us sound important so we were re-named ‘telephone answerers’. I’ve still got the T-shirt they gave me and occasionally wear it as I worship in front of my poster of Terry Wogan.
This is the new normal.
A muslim mayor too no less in the Capital of the Empire.
How the mighty have fallen.
I think some people call that a “progressive society”.
One thing we can be sure of, as this “progressive society” increases the Muslim population we can look forward to more violence. Countries that have near 100% Muslim populations are some of the most violent sh!t holes on this planet.
Just about every refugee problem in the world today is Muslims running away from fellow Muslims.
Government propaganda published by the BBC We must stand together, people of all faiths
and skin texture.
Thank you Treezer for your Churchillian leadership
There is no strength is ‘diversity’. All it does is create cultural ghettos, fails to encourage cultural integration, promotes the toxic sludge of cultural relativism and has spawned the race-baiting of identity politics and the regressive invention of so-called ‘hate speech’ – the weaponising of words by which the regressive left attempt to silence anyone who fails to abide by their sick, totalitarian dogma.
Strength can be found in unity. It requires courage, an adherence to the truth, the facts and a willingness to call out the incessant virtue signalling and pathological altruism of the Marxist left who are hell-bent on undermining our culture, our values and our borders.
Didn’t we used to be told ‘United we stand, divided we fall‘?
In this country we read and scan pictures from left to right and so in the above enrichment-celebrating picture the woman in the headscarf is put first. Tells you everything you need to know.
I’m sick of hearing that islamic terror attacks are a proportionate and reasonable response to the West’s military incursions in the peaceful lands. It is our fault for attacking them in the first place. Complete rubbish. Since its inception islam has been a religion which sanctions, in facts compels holy war ( jihad ) in order to spread its sick ideology of submission.
Year zero for islam is 622AD, by 624 Mo the peaceful had all his Jewish supporters executed or banished. 624 also sees the first islamic battle, Battle of Abdr. By 630 they had an army of 30,000 which attacked and took mecca. 637 they have taken Jerusalem. 711 the army of peace had taken Syria and Iraq, the whole of North Africa and Southern Spain where they continued to rule until 1491. So, in 89 years islam had gone from nothing to controlling much of the known world, and they didn’t do it by being nice.
But that wasn’t the end of islams attempt to take Europe. They continued to attack Europe until they were defeated at the battle of Vienna on 11th September 1683. 11th September, ring any bells? Hardly a history of peaceful people, is it? For reference the first crusade was in 1095, 384 years after Spain fell to islam, so don’t start telling me islamic incursion into Europe was push back against the crusades.
And if they aren’t killing the infidel they are killing each other. Take a look at any place where there is islam and at any point in islams’ history and it is a story of bloody violence. The here and now is no different.
Can’t disagree with most of your points, but regarding the ‘response to West’s military incursions’, there is a lot of truth in the claim I feel, after all, you wouldn’t go poking a hornets nest with a stick and not expect to be stung would you? Some things really are best left alone (or sprayed from a distance with insecticide).
May has just claimed that “Islamic terrorism” is “a perversion of a great faith”. If this is the case why are all those peace-loving moderate muslims so reluctant to repudiate it when they are so eager to butcher any other kind of heretic.
If it is “a perversion of a great faith” then perhaps the Quran needs a re-edit as a lot of Muslims seem to be misinterpreting it!
Yes – shouldn’t the un perverted Muslims be out there screaming, ‘Not in our name’?
…………………………..Tumbleweed Moment ……………………………..
The Appeaser must have missed the bits in the muslim war, rape, torture and terror manual (aka koran) about killing infidels, Christians and Jews, murdering gays, torturing thieves, oppressing women, murdering apostates, conquering and subjugating the whole world, keeping slaves, raping sex slaves and underage girls, torturing animals the halal way, oh and killing dogs. What a great religion indeed Treezer.
Very tricky though – the Emperor has no clothes. Islam is a cult not compatible Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu or Sikh values but no one will say it – best keep quiet and let the country go the way of Afghanistan and all the other glorious Islamic nations.
Slowly the outrages will become worse and worse. We will ‘get used’ to them and continue to die while our esteemed politicians enjoy the high levels of security protection we pay for.
Yes, ID, apparently we are all wrong. It WASN’T an Islamic attack at all ! Nothing to do with faith it seems.
That lot in ‘this place’ needs to get out of London and speak to those who live outside the M25, because no amount of supposed handwringing by Immans cuts any ice. We do not want Islam or its culture in our society, it does not ‘enrich’ us, we do not benefit from it, and the sooner this cancer is cut out the better.
I suppose Alibaba Brown will be relishing her next appearance as a talking head, when she can give vent to the awful treatment she allegedly has received since the attack on Westminster. Give me strength.
R4 12:15 Other priorties from R4 : BLACK pets are oppressed
“The black pets stay in the animal rescues longer than the rest.”
“More black cats and dogs are handed in to animal charities for re-homing than pets of any other colour.”
Also single mother challenges landlords right to refuse tenants on benefit grounds.
Plans to claim court that landlords should lose this right, cos single mothers are disproportionately affected so it’s DISCRIMINATION.
surely The Law of Unintended Consequences means that if you take away the rights of landlords to reduce risk, then less people will offer rentals, thus prices will rise, thus “single mothers” WILL BE “disproportionately affected”
On black dogs and cats the BBC is right and more than twenty years late in reporting what animal rescue charities have long been aware of. Why do they reproduce old news as new?
I have noticed this tendency to reproduce old news as new for some time. Last week they had an academic on R4 putting forward the case for teaching philosophy to school children. We set up an institution for this and hired researchers over 30 years ago, but neither the BBC nor the academic mentioned this fact
Black dogs are oppressed.
If you or yours are killed by a terrorist, Islamic or perverted Islamic – you are just as dead.
Was the IRA a ‘perversion’ of nationalism?
“We are not afraid” says Theresa May in the Commons.
I am – absolutely terrified in fact that nothing is going to be done and this is going to be a regular occurance.
Yes – any sane person who doesn’t have an armed protection squad and bomb proof car would be afraid.
Treezer, don’t piss onus us and tell us it’s just rain.
That bitch Treezer does not have to be afraid. She has top class security paid for by us. We do not have the same luxury. It is politicians like her who are responsible for putting our lives in danger. She is a total cnut.
I don’t think she’s a bad person – just hopelessly weak and out of her depth.
I don’t think she’s a bad person – just hopelessly weak and out of her depth.
I wouldn’t just target Treezer for having top class security, it was ever thus that the Government, those in the Cabinet and Royalty have always enjoyed security paid for by us.
If truth be told I really wouldn’t want to be in her shoes at the moment, with that nutcase in Scotland to deal with, the Brexit timetable, expenses row in her own party, and now this attack on her doorstep. If she is no good then who out of the blokes available would you replace her with (from all parties ?). Because none have the guts or the balls, either public school toffs or hard nose lefties, none dare put their head above the parapet —– except Nigel !
Nigel could certainly direct her how to accomplish Brexit and immigration control in how shall we say, a more robust and timely way.
However judging by the mealy mouthed open letter from Paul Nuttall I have just read, UKIP’s current leadership is rather spineless as far as dealing with the Muslim problem is concerned. Disappointingly similar to Conservative appeasement policy.
To all of you. No-one forced Treezer to go into politics. What I am saying is that she is more crap than Cameron. I would not employ her to clean my toilet.
She is useless.
Throughout history we have had kings and politicians who were crap. Fortunately for them there were powerful advisers around who did the thinking for them. Treezer is mindless and thinks for herself.
Agreed !
Grant! Nobody could be worse than Cameron. Keep some sense of proportion, man.
I will admit, in the words of the famous traitor Tom Paine, “These are times that try men’s souls”, but never-the-less keep a stiff upper lip and some perspective.
Risk & Security measures needed might explain why the selebs rarely do house refugees in their mansions.
Is this a clickbait headline in the Guardian ?
“Quarter of English state primary schools are ‘ethnically segregated”
No understates apparently cos iCoCo Study says
“in 2016, more than a quarter of primaries (26%)
and around two fifths (40.6%) of secondaries were ethnically segregated”
“A study singled out Barnet in north London, Peterborough, Blackburn and Kirklees in West Yorkshire as school segregation hotspots, and warned that the situation in some areas had grown worse over the past five years.”
Link to Times, cos I don’t have enough mindbleach, to recover from reading the Guardian
I still think the NGO could be overestimating the figs…You know what they are like.
The Guardian plumbs new depths by describing the murdering Islamic terrorist as a “lone actor”
No doubt fresh from playing Macbeth…..”Is this a dagger I see before me?”
At least the BBC cannot complain there is a lack of ethnic minority actors playing the main characters.
So why have the police arrested other people ?
Looks like at least 9 arrests so far.
ISIS have claimed it BUT they’re still DESPERATELY pushing the ‘lone actor’ FFS.
Terrorise : Ongoing process over time using violence/intimidation.
A gangster also does that.
So the difference is “political purpose”
The terrorist is part of an ongoing process.
Non Terrorist- Thomas Mair was a madman who did 1 targeted attack against a politician, he didn’t seem interested in killing the public. He was not part of an ongoing political terror campaign by the far right, cos there isn’t one.
Type-1 terrorist – 911 guys, cos they were part of an organised terror group, with an ongoing plan.
Type-2 terrorist : Like the Bloomsbury killer or even the Lee Rigby killers. Lone wolf attackers who are not part of an organised body, but who do commit a violent act in support of an ongoing terrorism campaign.
A common thread is that they often don’t restrict themselves to military, political, government people but include the public in their target.
Yes they maybe mentally ill as well.
But note two special aspects of Islam as regards Terrorism : Instructions can be found in the holy book, and community don’t keep control of rogues.
The members of other religions cannot easily find clear instruction for violent acts within their holy books.
Secondly the “Look to the big man” culture restricts self policing with Islam.
In other faiths there isn’t the clear failure to speak up against rogues. If a Christian started preaching violence people would quickly condemn him and point to the anti-violence sections of the bible.
When an Islamic preacher starts preaching violence, other Muslims keep their heads down, cos “who am I to criticise, I am not the big man”.
There are racist and baiters who are wrong to shout unkind words.
– Yet there is no ongoing campaign that specifically puts Muslims in day to day fear of deadly acts.
– There in an ongoing violent campaign by SOME misguided people in SUPPORT of Islamic aims.
Al BBC R4 utterly useless F Gardiner bleats about the communities where the terrorist came from shouldn t feel pressured, isolated or … victimised
Brendan Cox … sheesh! almost no words
waffling empathy, and lots of far right inferences, the perp it was just an extremist, he knows what Muslims feel/think? knows the perp is not representative of Muslims or Islam.
So by the same measure T Mair is not representative of Brexiters, or indeed the (far) right then.
… hmmm, he knows a lot, doesn t he
So it’s confirmed. Our politicians continue to treat us as fools. Their calculation remains that platitudinous statements and assertions that life is going on as normal will be enough to placate us. Surely the time has come for the public to make it clear that this will no longer do. First and foremost our politicians must stop defending Islam and flattering it as a great religion. They must come clean and admit that Islam is the root of the problem . Secondly we deserve a credible action plan based on the obvious fact that we are at war , not with ‘international terrorism ‘ but with a cult like religion that wants to destroy us and will never integrate. Our problems are significantly home grown . With the potential pool at 4 million and rising , ever more jihadists will be produced who are in the UK and our security forces simply cannot cope if they rely on existing methods.
It would also be nice for more honesty about the identity of the perpetrator after almost 24 hours. Yes the security forces need time to investigate him and his circle . But already , people in Birmingham say he lived at the raided flat and his name will come out soon anyway . So let’s have some honesty.
Spot on. The politicians and MSM, especially the BBC are insulting us. They are the stupid ones. Total idiots.
Treezer says the terrorist was known to MI5. Has his name been released yet ?
They do seem to be taking a long time to get around to this. The initial excuse that it was to prevent other security operations being compromised is wearing a little thin. After all, they’ve already arrested 8 people in 6 locations (non-disclosed as well other than Birmingham) for what is still being described as a ‘Lone Wolf’ attack. The lone wolf appears to have a significant sized pack.
Common sense from The New Observer:
…..the belief that culture and civilization is merely an outer trapping created by “society” which can be transplanted onto anybody, no matter what their racial origin or genetic makeup.
The reality is however, that “society” does not form the individual. It is the individual, or groups of individuals, who form the society.
“Society” is therefore a reflection of the people inside that community—and not the other way around ……. Once the majority of individuals within that society stop being Europeans, then that society will stop being “First World” and will then reflect the racial origins of the majority of its new inhabitants.
Quite, I always thought it was obvious. However, we all know what happens when anyone outside the Left dares to comment on “society”. It’s a lefty construct, always has been.
I suspect that is what Maggie meant when she said “there is no such thing as society”. Naturally she was vilified by the Left.
Haven’t come very far, have we? And elsewhere it’s reported that the Guardian is commenting on divisions within schools in the North West. Isn’t that related to the problems identified by Ray Honeyford in 1984, just over the Pennines in Bradford?
I just think, at this point, it’s worth remembering that the annual jihadi bomb-a-thon hasn’t yet begun. Ramadan kicks off in late May and runs until late June. That’ll be ‘peak suicide vest’ for the Religion of Peace’s more enthusiastic adherents across Europe and possibly even North America this year. Mohammed is doubtless arranging the necessary virgins ahead of open season.
Forget government platitudes and patronising talk. It just takes one nutjob with a car or a kitchen knife to create absolute mayhem and carnage. Islam is not short of them.
Personally, I hope our security forces shoot them down every single time – even better, ahead of time. But, for the rest of us, let’s stay vigilant, remember to switch on our situational awareness and think ahead, even in a crisis.
Gunboats and armed occupation – don’t knock it.
Bang on cue Ishtiaq Hussain just ‘happens’ to call ‘from Northampton’ on Jeremy Vine. Does he have Vine’s personal number?
If only we had some form of ‘extreme vetting’………………..or perhaps we banned
travel from certain countries…………………
Well yes, at least until they stop killing us. Not an unreasonable action surely?
So find me an Islamic Peace Preacher.
Thousands of mourners are expected at Martin McGuiness’s funeral today.
Most of them are mourning their family members who were murdered on McGuiness’s orders, and also to make sure he is dead.
Waving the flag in support of terrorism at the funeral are the usual suspects: Bill Clinton, and the BBC, which never met a terrorist it didn’t like, as long as the terrorist was anti-British. The BBC is even live-streaming the event, in a supreme display of contempt for the majority of its viewers.
Will there be calls for a bronze bust of Martin McGuiness in London just like that BBC favourite ‘Peoples Terrorist’ Nelson Mandela?
I seem to remember the bBBC being pretty choked when Castro shuffled off to meet Satan as well, Tabs. Never met a terrorist they didn’t like? I wonder if they will feel the same when what remains of the indigenous whites become the “terrorist” in what was once their own country?
Tabs, thing about Mandela was that his escaping the death penalty at the Judge’s hands and his time in prison definitely changed him. Sincere repentance and Christian conversion? Perhaps. I don’t know. Haven’t read the book – yet. Have heard him say that the trial & early imprisonment left him a changed man.
I think how he behaved, personally, afterwards demonstrated that. As someone, effectively, posted yesterday ‘Shame though about the Mrs!’.
We not know the whole story about McGuinness yet, although Ian Paisley Jr may do. Have heard him speak briefly on radio about his father’s later relationship with McGuinness.
Not sure we had any real sign from McGuinness that he was a totally changed person. No help to families of victims. No real constant condemning of past & present terrorism nor any real effort as far as I am aware – unlike Mandela – to support & sustain a peace & reconciliation process with British soldiers and others.
RB, Maybe a small measure of some justice in that the attention of most will be elsewhere, in England? Perhaps it’s a good day to bury bad news?
Two very interesting recent tweets from Brendan Cox…
Ok let me get this right… he does care about white right wing “terror” groups meeting up but they have never killed anyone and then a few days later he doesn’t even want to know the name of a Muslim terrorist killer.
What is it with White British people who hate White British people so much?!?
Brendan Cox. The clue is in the surname. He is an evil asshole.
Look under Coxes ITV tweet and you see tweets from then 4 days ago

then you see tweets from today

The Daily Politics team spent an hour baffled by the equation
Knives + car + x = muslim terrorism
Without an x, they were pretty certain that
knives +car hardly every leads to bloody mayhem
Whatever could x be?
No good asking a populist numbskull. They would just come up with a simplistic solution
like x= muslim.
what about…
x = Farage
x = Brexit
x = Trump
x = Travel ban on electronic items in the aircraft cabin
Joking aside all of the above have been discussed on BBC in recent days as reasons why Muslims may hate us.
“Prime Minister Theresa May said MPs were meeting as normal to show “we are not afraid””
But yet they can only say that because rough men are prepared to deal violence on their behalf – a case that does not apply to the rest of us.
And despite their words they are afraid, terrified, of speaking the name of the ideology which motivated the attacks – Islam. All that despite ISIS claiming responsibility for them, and the security service calling it a terrorists attack & confirming the dead Muslim had been known to MI5.
Our MPs truly are a bunch of snivelling cowards.
“Prime Minister Theresa May said MPs were meeting as normal to show “we are not afraid””
Really? According to SKY only a short while ago, they are considering ways of improving security at the HoP. Of course they are. Wouldn’t have helped the poor buggers on Westminster Bridge though, would it? At least Thatcher nearly died before closing off Downing Street.
They make be sick – a large proportion of them have been happy to hand power to Brussels but, when something like this happens, we get pure cant about “attacks on democracy”.
A question for May – apparently MI5 decided at some point that this animal was not a threat. Would you have been happy to employ him within the HoP? Of course you wouldn’t.
Sooner or later, I predict that internment will be necessary. It was good enough for NI.
I’m sick of hearing the “we-are-not-afraid” motto parroted by our leaders.
If people aren’t afraid, they are stupid. I don’t suppose the people who were killed last night were afraid up until the last moment.
The most fear-inducing part of all is the attitude of our government to the British citizens of The UK. We matter far less to them than foreigners.
be afraid it keeps you safer!
especially when you dont get whisked away in an armoured car at the first sign of trouble , or have an armed personal protection officer waiting at the door for you.
The HOP will no doubt carry on as if nothing happened only with twice the number of guns stationed there.
“especially when you dont get whisked away in an armoured car at the first sign of trouble , or have an armed personal protection officer waiting at the door for you.”
Yes. It has been revealed that the murdering Muslim was shot by Michael Fallon’s bodyguard.
Nice. Can I have one please? Actually I’d settle for a police force that is more concerned about my safety than my thoughts about a 7th century death cult.
they will be happy to do so in the knowledge that you, me, and all the rest (“cannon fodder”) will be out there taking the punishment.
Would someone like to hazard a guess? How many flights from Islamic countries came into the UK during the “attack”. And how many of those passengers came to take up UK residence?
That’ll stop ’em eh? Don’t you mess with us or we’ll errrr.. light up our buildings in abject surrender.
I knew it would happen, Jeremy Vine show. should the police be armed more, Vines reply what if they start shooting more people..
Slowly the narrative is changing, attack security services, blame the police for shooting…
Someone, probably here, has pointed out that the police should have fired a few warning shots – preferably in the terrorist’s head.
“Someone, probably here, has pointed out that the police should have fired a few warning shots – preferably in the terrorist’s head.”
No GWF, they should have shot him where it would have done some damage.
Would it not be good to get some of them alive and into Court for a well publicised trial? Give them some time to spout their piece, too.
Maybe it’s a vain hope of mine but a couple of really vocal, guilty terrorists going through a trial, might just wake up the Brits that need it to some realities of 21st century life.
I can think of lots of people whose shooting by the police would benefit us.
Katie is getting slated by the multiculties
Yes, great coverage by Tucker, who is not afraid to call it what it is. Farage and Katie Hopkins on within 10 mins – another thing you’d never see on the bBBC! And Farage said that Ofcom are investigating him for saying that Malmo is the rape capital of the world…talk about the erosion of free speech. Now it is hate speech against a city?? Can you call Belgium the chocolate capital….Paris the love capital….Amsterdam the sex capital…
The western world is going mad, and the authorities need to start saying some sensible things about measures against these ridiculous trends to erode free speech, narrow the definition of hate speech and take action against islamic terrorism. FFS Isis have claimed responsibility and they still won’t acknowledge it.
Don’t mean to appear dense, but how do I copy a picture on my laptop, or a screenshot onto here?
Under, ‘Post Comment’ it says, ‘you can add pictures by clicking here’. Copy and paste the URL of the picture to that.
I see what you are asking, ie screen capture from your hard drive. It’s actually really easy.
[1] Create a pinterest account [2 minutes] at https://uk.pinterest.com/ and follow the instructions for ‘Using the Pinterest Website on Desktop’ from the following web page to upload your image off your hard drive
[2] Then open your image on your browser via pinterest. Copy the url, which should look like this
and paste it using the “You can add images to your comment by clicking here.” button on the biasedbbc website.
I’ve done it here. It takes a little bit of getting used to [20 minutes] but it gets the job done. Once you get use to it, it takes no time.
You can’t copy an image from your laptop, only from a website. There are file hosting websites where you can open an account ( for free ) and upload your picture and then link to it that way. If you don’t want to open an account you can do it anonymously at Filetea.me.
Easy to post images/video here via Twitter or Facebook
– After you’ve tweeted or facebooked, put the mouse over the time next to your posting and grab the URL there by right clicking ans selecting copy URL
Then come to the post window here and right click to select paste
After you click POST the image will show up
sometimes you need to reload
– If your image was already on the web right you don’t need to tweet/FB it first just put the mouse over the time next to your posting and grab the URL there by right clicking.
But that doesn’t work with videos.
Either paste the Youtube URL of go via Twitter/Facebook
nearly got some no mention of the I word though
From Twitter…..Hey LOOK Beeby!
One would never know from the BBC news that the POTUS ever signs anything other than travel bans.
Were it not for the USA we would be in even deeper shit than we already are.
Do they really think Germany, France and all the other backsliders would ever come to our aid?
Pah, just science. We have a Mayor in London who supports the outfit whose prophet flew to heaven on a winged horse, without any scientific backing or government support.
What, like Harry Potter?
All this time I thought it was pure fiction.
That wouldn’t suit the BBC, because, as we know, Trumpy is steering NASA away from anything to do with climate change…
SA = Space Agency, not Global Warming hustlers
They’re at it again with the Islamo-publicity fund raising ruse
They’re simply warm and cuddly people……….
This is an appeal organised by the heretical Amadhi community who are persecuted ferociously throughout the Islamic world. Do you remember Mr Shah the Glasgow newsagent murdered for, amongst other things, wishing his customers a “Merry Christmas”. He was Ahmadi. Do you remember the Muslims attending mass for Father Hamel inside Normandy Churches? Again Ahmadi. The MSM NEVER mention that nearly all of the gestures of solidarity shown after these outrages originate within the Ahmadi community. By the way the Ahmadi are banned from entering Saudi Arabia and under an amendment to the constitution of Pakistan they are not allowed to call themselves Muslims and they face a three year jail sentence if they do so.
I remember back around 1980 discussing the state of the England football team with an older man ex amateur player. He stated quite simply that in his opinion it was’nt lack of ability but lack of toughness (compared with the 1966 world cup winning team) that made us so ineffectual.
I think we can equate this to our present state of being a victim to radical islam.
We have over the years slowly become emasculated with soft left/liberal constraints in the name of ‘progression’ Some things were right to change e.g. the decriminalisation of homosexual practice. However the pendulum has swung too far and we are now a victim of our own pursuit of virtue.
Unless we are prepared to toughen up we will continue to be a victim to radical islam
The solutions are there such as internment or deportation – if the laws are in place then intern (in special security prisons) all high risk persons on the radar of the security services, or deport them. This will free up the Security Services to monitor the so called peripherals.
This was done by this country in the second world war (without blinking) effecting lots of innocent German nationals, I am talking about effecting potential or active terroists.
This to me seems a reasonable solution, my own preference would be to put them all in a rusty ship (due for demolition) and scupper it in the middle of the Atlantic, but that’s just me.
Of course none of this is feasible while we remain in the EU!
WW2 all of Japanese decent were interred.
Need we say, tough times demand tough measures?
Yes,I guess we do and risk becoming persona non grata.
Yes gaxvil. I’ve suggested somewhere around here that internment will become necessary in due course. Probably after an atrocity that even our Government can’t rationalise away.
I agree with you and Gax. I think it will take a massive terrorist attack on MPs with many casualties before they do anything. So long as they do not suffer , they will do nothing. These are venal, selfish creatures.
They never suffered yesterday, locked in for a while before being let out to be comforted by their rent boys and easy ladies.
I am not saying that I wish a successful terrorist attack on MPs . But…
Our esteemed government has safe spaces where they are untouched. The only way to trigger any useful response to this crisis is to expose them to the same dangers that we face.
The politicians problem, and therefore our problem, is that the mass immigration or migration of millions of Muslims to our country and our continent was predicated on the assumption that the migrants would integrate and settle down peacefully adapting to Western life. They were warned by the like of Enoch Powell that this unlikely to be the case. But they said he was a racist , ignored him and went right ahead, and things turned out exactly as he feared.
Now they have no idea what to do but do know that they are sitting on a tinder box. So they whistle in the wind hoping something will turn up which will solve the problem , whilst praying that things don’t erupt on their watch. They Use the likes of the BBC to try and keep us calm and to deflect the outrage away from Islam. They use legislation to stop us voicing our opinions. They attack anyone who challenges Islam. Suppress the opposition to Islam is their policy to buy time. Meanwhile they make concession after concession to Islam to stop the Muslims taking to the streets. Play for time is the name of their game. But there is no way out of this mess that the politicians have created over the last thirty or forty years. It is rapidly becoming a battle of western values v Islam and the longer that struggle is delayed the less chance there is of the West winning. Future generations face a bleak future.
This is all we needed to know about Islam in 1957. How times have changed!
“These are venal, selfish creatures.”
Theresa May says ‘Islamist’ Westminster Attack ‘Not Islamic’
OK, you monumentally stupid, cowardly woman, if “this act of terror was not an act of faith” but was “a perversion; a warped ideology, which leads to an act of terrorism”, why is it almost always Muslims? Where are the perverted and warped Buddhist and Hindu terrorists?
About the only good thing about mass Muslim immigration is that people all over the country, from Bradford to Brent, from Rotherham to Romford, are in a position to decide for themselves what they think of Islam. Unfortunately, the conclusions they seem to be coming to are not represented in the HoP or in the MSM.
She won’t get all her millions from the Saudis and friends is she tells the truth, and as a Tory she’ll always come back to her one great principle – the love of money beyond all else.
Sorry gaxvil, I accidently reported your comment.
What I meant to do was add to your statement that we would risk becoming living persona non gratas!
It’s ok – I’ve had worse.
At least we can relax knowing that Muslim terrorists are not driving vehicles into crowds everyday.
Oh wait…
To be fair he may not be a Muslim as the BBC say he is “a man of north African origin”.
Probably Coptic christian .
Damn those Algerian Buddhists.
On the electronic device ban. Where was the Lockerbie bomb placed – that would be in the hold.
Watching the bBBC 1 news at 1 pm.
What struck me was a juxtaposition.
A lot of the emergency services personnel and to be fair the MPs were being interviewed and were going along a ‘in the line of duty’, ‘its what we train for’, ‘business as usual’ mode. Fair play to them.
Whereas Al Beeb were clearly hoping to get a welter of sob stories from deeply traumatised people, parents of injured children, relatives etc, hoping to get the ‘Yuman Interest’ story, ideally with tears and wailing. The subtext being the success of the terrorists and by implication the failings of the evil Tory government being unable to keep us safe.
In fact they seemed to be struggling to find any such contributions.
But clearly the bBBC is opting to support the terrorists, by its wall to wall coverage. The lamentable result of both their anti-British mind set and a lazy and bloated and overstaffed news department with little to do, and for whom this atrocity presents easy overtime and an excuse for not doing anything else.
Watching the bBBC 1 news at 1 pm.
What struck me was a juxtaposition.
A lot of the emergency services personnel and to be fair the MPs were being interviewed and were going along a ‘in the line of duty’, ‘its what we train for’, ‘business as usual’ mode. Fair play to them.
Whereas Al Beeb were clearly hoping to get a welter of sob stories from deeply traumatised people, parents of injured children, relatives etc, hoping to get the ‘Yuman Interest’ story, ideally with tears and wailing. The subtext being the success of the terrorists and by implication the failings of the evil Tory government being unable to keep us safe.
In fact they seemed to be struggling to find any such contributions.
But clearly the bBBC is opting to support the terrorists, by its wall to wall coverage. The lamentable result of both their anti-British mind set and a lazy and bloated and overstaffed news department with little to do, and for whom this atrocity presents easy overtime and an excuse for not doing anything else.
So Treezer, it’s not Islamic terrorism, but “a perversion of a great faith.”
I thought the ‘great faith’/ religion of peace / NTDWI / clichés had died somewhere between Nice and Berlin. But apparently not, so let me walk you through this Treezer, nice ‘n slow, in language simple enough for even a politician to understand.
Islamic State (there’s a clue in the name Treezer, pay attention) whose every act and every pronouncement is strictly based on the koran (clue), or the teachings of mad mo the prophet (clue), sharia law (clue) the hadith (clue) and sira (clue) calls for Muslims (clue) worldwide to commit acts of terror as Jihad (clue) against the infidels (clue) to further the establishment of the caliphate (clue), when kafirs (clue) will be either exterminated or reduced to dhimmitude (clue).
A number of Muslims (clue), some already radicalised by the teachings of their imams (clue) in madrassas (clue) and mosques (clue) heed the call and carry out said acts of terrorism (perhaps hoping to get to heavenly Jannah (clue) and their 72 virgins/raisins whatever) often endorsed, or at least tacitly accepted, by their imams, and never denounced by their co-religionists before, during or after – many of whom must know something is afoot in their tight-knit communities and extended families.
In other words, Treezer, the whole brutal, barbaric chain of events is islamic through and through, from start to finish, as islamic as the pope is catholic.
(And much more islamic than the crusades or inquisition were Christian, given that Christ never sanctioned violence and war in the name of religion, quite the opposite.)
And sure as night follows day, before the blood has dried on the streets of Westminster, another muslim (called mohammed, bless) drives at a crowd in Antwerp.
So Treeza, run me through again how this has nothing to do with islam, like all the others.
“…as night follows day…”? Really, you mean: ‘Eid follows Ramadan’?
We increasingly need to familiarise ourselves with these new terms before they’re imposed on us under threat of Sharia Law.
That Brendan Cox tweet leads today his twitterfeed retweeting a BBC SJW Missionary evangelising for the cause @MishalHusainBBC
* The Westminster attacker is no more representative of Muslims
than Jo Cox’s killer is representative of Yorkshire @MrBrendanCox #r4today *
When some one points out
“Do we want BBC correspondents to express their own political views on Twitter?”
She claims it’s what Cox said this morning
It probably is but it’s sloppy of her not to put quotation marks
(she’ tweeted 14 times today from that account)
Remember how Brendan Cox and people like @MishalHusainBBC
pushed a false-narrative
— There’s good people like us Lefties,
then bad people like Righties who are full of hate : Thomas Mair is one of them —
I’d say
“The Westminster attacker is to ever peaceful Muslims
What Thomas Mair is to Non-lefties ”
ie Non-Lefties, Brexiteers had nothing to do with Thomas Mair ..but people like her did try make a link to imply Brexiteers are Righties full of hate.
And how many people have been arrested in connection with the Jo Cox murder ?
What a stupidly moronic tweet…
The Left are in meltdown and Mishal is a great example !
That is exactly what Cox said. That’s fine, he can have his deluded opinion.
What rankles is that the BBBC handmaiden never gave any thought to how ridiculous it is, or challenged him on air, but exposed it to a potentially world wide audience as if it were her opinion.
Why doesn’t anyone point out to these virtue signaling idiots that there is a difference between an English county and people who follow an ideology?
BBC Website. Police name terrorist as Kalid Masood 52. Now let me guess !!!
The police have named the Westminster terrorist: Khalid Masood, what a surprise.
He’s from Kent apparently, a good Kentish name if ever i heard one, of yeoman stock no doubt, a brewer perhaps, or pig farmer.
Reminds me of Bob Monkhouse , who was born and brought up in Kent. ” I am a Man of Kent. I hear people muttering it as I pass them in the street ” .
Perhaps he dropped out as soon as his mother arrived in Dover?
Just had a conversation with a Guardian-reading/BBC-watching colleague of mine. “See!” he says triumphantly, “Not a migrant or a refugee, born and bred in Britain!”. Liberals just don’t get it, do they? If anything, it makes it worse as it shows that even second generation (or third, whatever he was) don’t integrate and assimilate. I point out to him that Mr Masood was in trouble with the authorities when he was younger, which seems to be something of a pattern. “So what do you suggest?” he says, “that all young Muslim men who get in trouble with the law should be permanently locked up or deported or something?”. Hmmm. First vaguely sensible suggestion I’ve heard from a liberal for some time…
Nice one Ian.
No they really don’t get it. If it’s new migrants molesting women or killing in Sweden / Germany, it’s cos they haven’t had time to learn our ways yet. If it’s 2nd or 3rd generation paedo grooming or murdering like in UK, it’s some other excuse, ‘marginalised’, disadvantaged, bla bla. Always excuses.
It’s bizarre. If they really think the best argument they have is that next generation nut jobs from closed communities carrying on stone age practices from the home country here is a glowing example of successful diversity and integration, this may struggle to persuade.
First it was Homes under the Hammer and now……………Hmmmmmmm, didn’t take long. I’m an avid viewer of Money for Nothing – afternoon slot Beeb. If nothing else it gives exposure to young artisan creatives who use their talents in trying to earn a crust. The present host is Sarah Moore – one time winner of the British Design Challenge; BUT now it appears that one of the artisans, – Jay Blades (who paints a few stool legs in random colours and believes he’s created something ‘cool’) has got himself an Agent (Carole Hayes Management) and pushed himself front and centre to also become a host on the show. The Beeb never stop do they in getting an ethnic in the mix one way or another, Dion Dublin, Nadya Hussein, and on and on it continues with Jay Blades – sod the other contestants in Bake Off, sod the other talented guys and gals in Money for Nothing – just get a non white in there !!!!
The Beeb cannot abide an all white show.
Can’t wait for the Black and Black Minstrel Show!
Sir Lenny Henry was in the Black and White Minstrel show and then made a name for himself sending up Black people in his ‘comedy’ act .
Now he is a professional victim and the BBC treat him like some kind of elder statesman and hang of his every word
It’s so predictable it is beyond a joke…Yep true to form QT coming from Birmingham , audience packed full of Muslims and lefties and the panel a bunch of apologists..
They probably had Mr. Masood on the panel – but it’s ok they have found a late replacement Saint Brendan of Cox
We should be grateful really. All that time we could waste watching utterly predictable BBC – we don’t need to because we just know their script so well.
It sounds insufferable… and yet a part of me is attracted to what is surely going to be an hilarious car crash of liberal emoting, worthless, slippery virtue signalling and sly moral equivocation. Should I watch it or not? Will it win a BAFTA for Best BBC Comedy 2017? Decisions, decisions…
Car crash, surely not. Are there such things?
BBC fave Mehdi making his pitch to get back in the studio asap…
Maybe ease in again via Countryfile, being a bovine expert ‘n all?
@BbcR4Feedback is asking for views on the BBC’s terrorism coverage
I notice they are fishing for comments from people who have tweeted positively about
“Brendan Cox eloquent on @BBCr4today ”
They could always invite this chap:
He seems to have got it about right, and does speak for me more than they do.
Ironic cos Feedback is also fishing around for Remain people who have tweeted negatively about Brexit economics.
and also about the Tim Samuels’ Sleepover doc (Israel’s Ziv hospital, where they treat wounded Syrians)
Also tweeted “Hello Heather, we are looking into what might happen at the BBC in the event of a royal death. Do you have any thoughts on the plans?”