Time for a new one of these. I couldn’t bear to watch the BBC eulogise IRA mss killer Martin McGuinness yesterday and from what I hear from others I was right to stay away from the love-in. Meanwhile, Jihad on Westminster bridge…
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8:30pm R4 Migrant Entrepreneurs with Evan Davis
Tony Kitous, Founder, Comptoir Libanais
Razan Alsous, Yorkshire Dama Cheese
Surinder Arora, Founder and Chairman, Arora Group. (properties like Hilton hotels etc.)
saturday 25th : I guess BBC will be all over the Stop-Brexit March
for people claiminng to be tolerant
But showing no tolerance of people who dared vote different from them
“Oooh, look! It’s in Park Lane. It is full of nice buildings with lots of windows to smash. Let’s show how peaceful and democratic we are”. Sadly, I think that is exactly what will happen on Saturday. Maybe Theresa May should send the Article 50 letter tomorrow to pi$$ on their parade.
Just seen the”advert” for the new Holby city storyline, two blokes in a clinch, tongue wrestling. Is this sort of showing not covered by watershed rules or do they not apply any more in beebworld?
It is being taught to young kids in schools in UK. Thank God my little girl is at school in Gambia where they still have some moral values.
As a regular Holby City viewer I can tell you that most of the osculation in the past few years has been of the same-sex variety, M+M and F+F. In fact it almost seems queer to see a M-F relationship.
Join the Emir of London, Jeremy Corbyn, Muslims, Jews and Trots from the SWP and UAF to stand together against any far right attempt to spread hate after the London attack.
Vigil outside No 10, so Treezer can feel really together with her people
And the Guardian face the backlash – Farage, Tommy Robinson, Katie Hopkins and Trump Jr stirring up hate. Nothing to do with the murderer and his comrades
What’s the betting we won’t be able to get near the place due to the thosands of attending koranderthals chanting “not in my name”, oh.. wait!
Wonder why the apologists have not extended into an equally staunch defence of the Germans and Japanese during WW2? eg: The Germans were lied to and misled into a perversion of the great faith of Socialism. The Death Camps were run by teams of lone wolves.
Yes, it’s that ridiculous!
By the way, how many have been killed and maimed by Right Wing terrorists in recent times?
I’ll pass on your kind invitation. I have paint that won’t dry unless I watch it.
That Guardian article sounds like it’s written by our very own Support Our Lefty/Saveed Milliband. What a load of guff!
David Vine on his show said “… alleged assailant…” Presumably the BBC are worried that the police shot the wrong man?
I watched my traitorous MP Michael Fallon, So-called “Defence Secretary” on Beeby News this morning.
Following that The BBC news actually interviewed the BBC news at the scene of the Muslim Jihad attack. Why would anyone want or need a BBC interview with Laura Kuenssberg? Drain swamp.
WHAT??? “Right wing media bias” ? WHAT? I said WHAT??
Laura Kuenssberg claims there is a right wing media bias (the papers)
In the interview, Kuenssberg said:
On bias in the media: “In the era we’re in at the moment, most of the papers tend to be on the right. But then you also have the Guardian. You’ve also got the Mirror. It’s not the case – and I think it’s important to make this point – that everybody thinks the same. That’s just not the case. And I think in Britain we have a sort of feast actually, if you like, of stuff that’s available […] People are deciding – if they don’t like a particular point of view or a particular paper, it goes out of business.”
On the dominance of the right-wing media: “… most of the pressure on [Theresa May] is from the right, broadly, and also from inside her own party. But does that follow then that there’s bias? I don’t accept that the two things are intrinsically linked like that.”
On the role of the BBC: “We want people to watch and consume what we do but we are not trying to sell anything. So that does give us a freedom in a way
But the BBC IS selling something – a left of centre, liberal political message.
24/7/365 1/4
If left of centre, liberal means Marxist, Arthrup, I’d say you had it right.
But they don’t have to sell anything, in the true sense. There is no connection between what they produce and what they get paid.
@pcar mentioned CNN’s other tricks after we saw that BBC do pre-interviews to filter off , people who are not with their narrative
“CNN Cuts Mics, Kicks Guests and Silences – VERY FAKE NEWS – Opinhi TV”
Have none of them heard of the internet?
they have heard of it but they are too stupid to understand it. They are living in the past. The world has moved on.
Islamic terrorist scum attack YET again (a daily occurrence in the west these days) and what does our useless, weak PM say? ‘Islam is a great faith…’. Yes, can you believe this? Well, in my opinion I think that is it folks; all hope is lost. Our treacherous politicians (who have caused this influx of Islamic terror through their naive stupidity and arrogance) are actually the root cause of this alongside murdering barbarians from that ‘great faith’. So, unless we have WWIII or civil war expect nothing to change and Islam to slowly take over this country. I am very frightened about the future; I just cannot see how anything will change with this utterly useless bunch of self-interested and out-of-touch traitors in Westminster running the country.
I feel sorry for our service men and women who act heroically to protect us and who are so badly let down by our useless political class who seem to be more interested in scrounging expenses than doing the best for the country. My bloody blood boils. The only thing that can change this situation is war…. it is coming folks maybe not in the next ten years but soon.
Agreed – Our kids are going bowling then to Pizza Hut. In the near future this will not be an option.
MSM have cranked up the not all Muslims are terrorist narrative today. These are the very people who had no scruples about trying to link the killing of Jo Cox to the leave campaign in the Brexit vote.
I’ve actually just heard this on the BBC News channel. It beggars belief, but…
Muslims are becoming angry that they keep being targeted by the security services. Really?!
These perpetual grievance mongers are painting themselves as the victims here. And that’s not the worst of it.
To add insult to injury, on this of all days, they are burying that repulsive old knee-capper, the repellent Martin McGuiness. Bill Clinton is standing there reading a stomach churning eulogy. “Man of peace…” For the love of God can no-one see the tragic irony of this? Honestly, I sometimes feel I’ve gone mad!
I often think that if I had fallen into a coma sometime in the mid 70’s and awoken yesterday, I wouldn’t recognise or understand the country of my birth.
It really wouldn’t surprise me if some arsehole suggested putting up a statue to the old terrorist in Parliament Square. There will be a plaque and gormless youngsters, too stupid and ill educated to know any better, will take “selfies” in front of it.
In 30 years or so will there be tributes to that (British lad) Khalid Masood?
It seems to be the way things are going.
Piss be upon him…
Always plenty of shit for brains journo’s waiting to indulge them.
And during it all the faux victims take the place of the real ones.
‘sometimes feel I’ve gone mad’ – you and me both. Like someone spiked the water. There was none of the nonsense during the years of IRA atrocities or any other conflict as I’m aware of.
are trying so very, very hard to pull us into their alternative reality.
Like it Jeff, but you also gave me a chuckle !
Al-Beebistan: “Eight arrests have been made in raids by police…”
So, not such a lone wolf eh?
How many lone wolves does it take to make a pack? And how many packs to make a community? and how many communities to make a religion?
Nail on head there.
Farron yesterday, ‘In the result of the Referendum, the will of the people was sovereign so we must have another Referendum to vote on whether that first Referendum result was correct because the will of the people is sovereign’.
And that bloke is a senior politician, leader of a political party no less ?????
Note the Fascist Farron’s use of the word ” correct “. He is a Fascist.
Yes – another of those increasingly frequent – Did I just hear that right? moments.
What’s the betting the love-in in Trafalgar Square will be twisted by the Emir and beebistan into a ‘show of solidarity with the muslim community who are the real victims.’
‘We mustn’t let them divide us’ translates to ‘we mustn’t speak the truth about an ideology of hate, murder, oppression, and intolerance.’
I don’t see any problems in dividing us from Muslims – the sooner the better thank you.
Have searched the BBC News website and can see no mention of this on their website, I wonder why? Do check out all those ‘English’ names!
posted an hour ago..so say!
no fan of Al Beeb btw.. they are a national disgrace..but..no names mind!!..probably Adams, Brunt, Cork, Davies, Edwards, Francis etc. etc!!
Thanks for that, it was not up when I looked, I note that the good old beeb doesnt mention their names or ethnic background though!
that’s why I said “so say!.,.I don’t trust this AlBeeb bunch of monkeys at all…
actually Balanchine this is a classic example of the way they protect a certain section of our populace by vague reporting which deliberately (?) omits the salient details of the case. The BBC is a total disgrace..no doubt. I’d like to think that what they do, day in day out, is subject to some redress in law..but I wait for someone more clever than me to nail these dangerous clowns.
Islam fest on LBC now
– Presenter Iain Dale saying should use Islamist rather than Islamic terrorist?!!?
– Guests saying “I don’t need to apologise for Islam, cos these terrorists are not Mulims”
(then the next moment they say that Mair was a white supremacist and speaks fe ALL white people)
– Now Sadiq is on
“More than a dozen terrorist attacks have been thrawted by the vigilance of the police
..I’m mayor of the greatest city in the world”
Someone else said that when someone does something wrong ..it is right that there is blowback against people he claims to speak for” cos that is an incentive aginst doing the terrorism in the first place.
Wow TV cameras can never make it to Scunthorpe yet they are showing Scunthorpe mosque on TV. There are no BBC staff or studios in the entire region of North Lincolnshire. (Grimsby is a different region)
Then they show a group of XXXXX Muslims presenting a wreath of Condolences to Scunthorpe police.
Guess what group XXXXX means ..yep that normal outcast Muslim group.
This article is about the arrest of an Israeli (?) teenager for anti-semitic hate crime. Amidst the article is an audio/video entitled ‘This is what a hate crime sounds like’, featuring a Muslim American couple….because THEY are always the victims. The bBBC, promoters of Islam, never miss a trick
All these proclamations about ‘no rush to judgement’ and ‘fully investigate to find out the true motivation’ etc – I knew exactly what had happened and if I had been on that bridge and saw a speeding car, my experience tells me that it was a muslim attack.
So if I followed all this media advice, I should be standing watching the car hurtling towards me not thinking its going to kill me????????
bBBC London news is reporting live from the Trafalgar Square vigil to commemorate the victims of the attack yesterday.
But wait. All the people standing behind presenter Riz Lateef on the outside broadcast from the Square are white !!!!!!
I am appalled, truly appalled that the bBBC is so ‘significantly under-representing’ members of the ethnic minorities that make up such a huge % of the London population.
Just seen a report on the Midlands news about the arrests in Birmingham and the reactions of a local mosque and neighbouring church. Just by chance, the member of the clergy interviewed was black and female – I didn’t see if she was in a wheelchair as well.
Harriet Harmon, we must stop Islamaphobia, nothing about condemning the terrorist scum…..
I hope to goodness that the security services and fuel companies have put measures in place to minimise the risk of one of these “lone wolves” getting control of a petrol tanker, they need cameras in the cabs of the tractor units and remote engine control in case they ever did; the devastation would be unbelievable if they managed to use one as mobile fire bomb.
This Islamic mass murderer, Masood was a school teacher in English from Kent apparently?
Now just a minute, according to the news he s had firearms offences,
assault, and violent extremism concerns.
I m pretty sure, you need advanced checks to work with children in school.
… Something is not lining up, is there a cogent timeline? for this convert to lone wolves oops! I mean Islam.
Have you seen the useless Amber Dudd with Khan at the vigil with those weird glasses? … looks like bloody Herr Flick
Get with it. These are minimum requirements to be a school-teacher in UK.
The naive Frank Gardner just on the BBC talking about the latest terrorist attack. the only trim he mentioned Muslim was when he said ISIS had called for the deaths of non Muslims.
No mention of who is carrying out these appalling and viscous attacks.
Oddly, he was wrong in that single remark, Muslims do not care if they murder other Muslims.
Frank ? Naive ? No , he is thick as shit !
Brain damage.
I heard that apologist “ironsides” on toady this morning
… what an embarrassment!
BBC News – London attack:
The BBC walks Westminster Bridge route (shakes head)
Collateral damage only, well worth it to achieve the final solution.
If a muslim doesn’t care about the death of a fellow muslim, just imagine how much less she cares about the death of a kuffar.
(See how right on I was there, saying that female muslims have equality. Is that “appropriate”, BBBC)
Weird that the LimMob led phone-ins are full of whitely callers saying we mustn’t blame Islam.
Then when Farage comes on, more of his callers are Muslims mostly of which seem to be anti-Muslim one just said ‘I was born Muslim, but I don’t think Islam can be reformed”
OK his last caller was a true believer…oh and this one now
“callers saying we mustn’t blame Islam.”
Why not?
What else should you blame? Oh yeah, Global Warming of course.
Why can’t someone ask these people……If Islamic violence is a perversion of a peaceful religion why did Muhammed (The founder) murder & rape so many people himself?
StewGreen earlier posted about the upcoming “Stop Brexit” march on Saturday, I’ve just been looking at the Crowdfunder website for it, yesterday’s events seems to have put a spanner in the works. Apparently they borrowed a float from Germany, but are now saying they are not going to use it, having been advised it is not appropriate given the circumstances
some people not very happy about it, looking at the comments section
not 100% certain, but I’m guessing the float in question is the one with May holding a brexit gun in her mouth
Not many names of UK origin there
I dont have a telly so I wont see it anyway, but since we have recently experienced a “non islamic ” terrorist attack, isnt it time Channel 4 broke out their hijab newsreader again – just to give us all a taste of the future. It is also good to rub our white racist noses in an extra bit of diversity especially at times like this!
I do believe the good lady may be laying low for a while, given subsequent deeds proved somewhat at odds with fingers wagged on Twitter not long before.
A professional faux pas, if you will.
US citizen one of the victims. I hope that the US responds in some way.
Treezer May backed by the Emir of London is running a Quisling Government.
Perhaps Trump will add Britain to the list of his so-called travel ban. After all we are, or soon will be, a muslim majority nation.
Muslims firmly believe they are the Master Race – there can be no accommodation on either side.
What passes for tolerance and diversity is forced submission but only ever on our part.
That would be Master Religion rather than Master Race.
Yes, well, thinking of the parallels with the Nazi ethos. You can’t slip a fag paper between the two belief systems.
“You can’t slip a fag paper between the two belief systems.”
True, but at least members of the regular German military fought like men by and large, unlike the cowardly terrorists who don’t even seem have the courage to confront women face to face unless they outnumber them.
Germany and Japan in WW2, the USSR – all worthy adversaries. This lot? Pathetic apologies for mankind.
I can’t recall who wrote it -maybe Diana West- but it’s very apt:
“Islam is ideological Ebola”.
Our Quisling leaders tell us that everything is normal, Londoners are united and getting on with their lives.
Reminds me of the Nazi Occupation of the Channel Isles.
The Channel Isles reported the Nazi Occupation, with statements that everything is normal. This is what happens when the authorities surrender.
The Guernsey Star, 8th July 1940, one week after the Nazi Occupation stated.
Everything normal, pleased to say its is going smoothly.
From the bottom of the page
‘There has, happily it can be said, been no friction: the adjustment to the new conditions has been achieved with a smoothness remarkable alike for the calmness and commonsense with which the population is settling down to the new situation…’
An invasion and occupation becomes ‘adjustment to new conditions’.
The Vigil
Crikey, which one is Christopher Lee?
Lauren Southern is on the ball over London and the war with Islam
On the BBC homepage there is a current link to a major BBC story labelled: Heartwarming Acts of Solidarity After London Attack: http://www.bbc.co.uk/
A direct link to the story is given here:
And according to this BBC stort, only Muslims as a specific group are doing any heartwarming acts:
“A Muslim-led group has raised more than £10,000 for the families of those killed and injured in the Westminster attack. Akeela Ahmed @AkeelaAhmed I think we might hit our target today. That would be awesome! Come on people let’s do good 4victims #LondonIsOpen
And scroll down a little further and there is Syrian Muslim Aiman Alzetani donating blood: “All done a pint of blood in Mint condition for #LondonIsOpen #londonisnotafraid #MuslimsAgainstViolence”
There is no mention of Christian led groups, no mention of Jewish led groups, no mention of Hindu led groups, no mention of Buddhist led groups, no mention of Shinto led groups … there is only specific mention of Muslims performing heartwarming acts.
“I think we might hit our target today” – maybe they could have phrased that better
Evan Davies, on BBC’s Newsnight tonight, introduced us to the delightful Anas Altikriti of the Cordoba Foundation to discuss Muslim terrorists in the UK.
Evan forgot to say that Anas is a supporter of the banned Muslim Brotherhood, his father actually ran the Iraq Muslim Brotherhood. Cordoba is considered a terrorist organisation by the United Arab Emirates of all people. Andrew Gilligan has also outlined its links to the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood.
HSBC was so concerned at the activates and links of Anas and his Cordoba Foundation that they shut down all their accounts. Yes all.
Can’t think why the BBC would have an apologist for Islamic terrorism on its program and forget to mention who or what he does.
qt they are all now quoting the debunked underground sign, fake news fake news
consensus seems to be shhhhhhhh nothing to see here say nothing, hide the facts, never mention the I word … pathetic
now what we on oooooohh all europes lovely money we wont get it any more …. its your money you fuckin idiots – the EUs cut
BBC1 Question Time first question “is terrorism something we should get used to?”
The panels answers have been:
1) we shouldn’t even discuss the events of yesterday
2) the Police did a great job
3) the signs on the Tube said ‘you cant change us and we are going to have a cup of tea’
Is this the new low for the UK? Just to roll over and totally accept it and now not even wanting to discuss it? No wonder world politics is going through some right wing changes – we need leaders who are going to fight back.
Second question; How will Wales survive without EU funding?
Just where do these cretins think that the money for “EU funding” comes from in the first place?
How will Wales survive without EU funding ?
We give the EU £2 they give us £1 back – Simples !
Yes very simple indeed !
What bit of the ‘we fund the European Union’ don’t they get ?
Joining the EU decimated Welsh industry . Wales voted Out, out, out.
You are aware that there is a magic money tree somewhere in Brussels. Its location is a closely guarded secret. Unfortunately it needs a lots of fertiliser to keep it growing the money that the EU hands out.
This fertiliser is known as Britain’s contributions.
That ‘question’ (BBC single quotes) sounds suspiciously like the next stage of expectation management after the MoL floated his beauty a while ago.
The “cup of tea” sign on the Tube was a fake created using http://www.tubesign.uk and confused many…
“we need leaders who are going to fight back.”
The repeated lack of reaction from the government to terrorist attacks brings to mind an interview in the series “World at War” from the episode on the Battle of Britain and the Blitz. A Londoner recounted how, after the Blitz, he’d asked one of the anti-aircraft gunners about his success rate. He was told that the anti-aircraft guns were fired into the sky with no expectation of hitting anything, but so that the Londoners would know that that they hadn’t been abandoned. It was an effort to maintain morale.
In contrast, today the government is afraid of doing anything because that might upset the “muslim community” and attract bad publicity from the BBC. The indigenous people have been abandoned to their fate with no attempt to maintain morale. The Caliph has told Londoners that they have to get used to being targets
Either the government changes its policy or the people will change the government.
Yes – May reminds me so much of Obama – fine words but f**k all else.
“Either the government changes its policy or the people will change the government.” Nice idea but we ain’t got many to choose from. UKIP seem to have evaporated?
Paul Nuttall’s recent open letter to supporters about this attack was disappointingly PC and conciliatory.
Question Time is on….
If I hear one more spinless piece of shit say “don’t give terrorists media attention as that’s what they want” or “they want to attack our democracy and create fear” I’m going to read the Qur’an and start Islamically enriching these stupid, delusional morons!
This kind of attack tacks places multiple times a day in the Islamic hell holes of Iraq and Syria! Do they really believe that these attacks in the middle of nowhere, where nobody knows who’s killing or being killed, is for media attention!! FFS!!!!! The only reason Muslims all over the world are doing this is because their death cult life instructions from serial killing Mo states that to die a death in the battle for Islam, is a guarantee to paradise!!! Why the fuck would someone give a flying fuck about fear when he is blown up or shot! Why are people so fucking stupid and brainwashed to believe this deadly bullshit!!
Well said.
Our PM yesterday was saying the terror attack failed. Yeah right, that terrorist was doing that just to get his own TV Chat Show?!? He is now on a fluffy cloud being waited on by 72 virgins and that was his aim and he succeeded.
Well my feeling of terror increased. I expect it did for the relatives of those killed, and for those injured.
But I suppose in the safe-space bubble that our PM inhabits, these things are irrelevant. After all she is well guarded now, and will be for the rest of her life. We plebs don’t have that luxury.
Now who was it who said “lions led by donkeys”?
“I expect it did for the relatives of those killed, and for those injured.”
My thoughts exactly – lives and families will never be the same again.
On Sky this morning – back to normal, everybody getting on with their lives, these incidents are rare. But I don’t recall such reassurances when S Lawrence was murdered – I think it’s fair to say that, in the UK now, we hear more about S Lawrence than 9/11. One is a tragedy, 3000 is clearly just a statistic (to paraphrase Stalin, I think it was).
Lets’s all move on – until the next time, and the time after that.
We have the vigils, the candles, the flowers, the love and that’s where it ends. Like that addresses and neatly solves the problem.
To even hint at affirmative action invites accusations of Islamophobia and being closed down.
Just when will the sheep look up and see the shit storm heading this way?
The big question Week in Poltics was wrestling with was “Will we have to get used to “lt’s nothing to do with Islam” terrorism as part of our everyday life.
The Japanese do not seem to be overly vexed by muslim terrorism. Maybe because they have not thrown open their doors to the muslim menace and the number of muslims in the country has not reached critical mass. If Jihadists were “equal opportunity” radicalisers, surely you would expect some activity in Japan. All this shows is that it is very diificult to “radicalise” nonmuslims. Muslims who strongly believe the kuffar should be exterminated but are too lazy to act can be more easily pushed towards butchery. Justs as vicars exhort those christians who are weak in faith to give to charity or perform other good works to fulfil their religious obligations, so imams exhort the ummah to kill a kuffar or two. In oldtime religion the thing to do is obey the revealed will of the supreme entity. If he tells you to sacrifice your son, you do it.
Watching the BBC1 News at 10 I noticed there was no mention of ‘Muslim’ or ‘Islamic’ about the London terror attack yesterday. No surprise there.
But the video of the policeman speaking said ‘blah blah international terrorism’. Is this the new code for Islamic terrorism.
The BBC then went on to mention a few other ‘terror attacks’ again not mentioning the elephant in the room. The BBC then hit a new low saying “…Lee Rigby was stabbed to death…”. There was me thinking he was beheaded in broad daylight but the BBC have decided to change history and make it sound like a normal everyday murder.
Jesus …
Unfortunately Twitterati complained “the last terrorist attack was not mention ..Jo Cox”
This morning I heard BBC forgot about Lee Rigby
“the BBC reported this morning that London hasn’t had a terrorist attack since 7.7 what about Lee Rigby ?”
Question time. Bloke from Wrexham tells it as it is. If you haven’t been there it’s full of migrants and a few jobs. The much vaunted super prison created all of 80 odd jobs. I know I used to live there. Strange not much applause Leanne shows how out of touch she is as we go to the “it’s a mystery why Wales chose to leave” telling us she campaigned to stay and her constituency voted out. Some sad remainder informs us that her county voted to stay, welcome to democracy love.
Question time. Bloke from Wrexham tells it as it is. If you haven’t been there it’s full of migrants and a few jobs. The much vaunted super prison created all of 80 odd jobs. I know I used to live there. Strange not much applause Leanne shows how out of touch she is as we go to the “it’s a mystery why Wales chose to leave” telling us she campaigned to stay and her constituency voted out. Some sad remainder informs us that her county voted to stay, welcome to democracy love.
Wood by name wood by nature . Un representative of the people of Wales . We voted out of the EU.
where the fuck did they get these welsh people from taffman and how the fuck did you fight off all them zulus, im beginning to think its a myth
How many real Welshmen in the audience ?
Looks like a lot of ‘foreigners to me’ 😉
I do believe that the population of London exceeds the whole of Wales.
Zulus, first now bring on the so called ‘Londoners’ of ‘Londinistan’ and Al Beebistan 😉
Now where is Scott and Maxi………
Could be, Kaiser the 2nd Warwickshires didn’t change their title to the South Wales Borderers until 1st July 1881, a couple of years after the battle.
24th Foot!
Flicking through my book….long time since I read it. B company, 24th, 19 men with Welsh connections.
My orignal referenced a regiment with Wales/Welsh on the capbadge. 🙂
i have to admit taffman a lot of those moaning welsh dicks sounded english 🙁 i apologise to you on their behalf
No offence taken we lost recently against England in the real game, that’s enough 😀
I thought that, K and call me thick but just what is the third estate which will not survive without EU funding?
“Education” establishments?
We have a lot of English people leaving the cities of England and moving to Wales because of the growing migrants moving in to the cities .
We’ll be living in the fastnesses of Snowdonia and Black mountains and carrying out guerrilla raids on the caliphate in about 50 years, taff if things don’t change.
Outside Mold tomorrow for a family wedding.
Nos Da
Wales a country of two halves . North and South .
Both totally different, as you will see .
North soccer, South Rugby !
Remember when we play England, we are a very small nation .
Nos Da i ti.
“We’ll be living in the fastnesses of Snowdonia and Black mountains”
That was always a dream if we got over-run in our Kent village…
The Black Mountains are one of the best areas in the UK; I love the place!
Just found this. Watch it through to the end.
Sorry to reply to my own post but I just watched it again. I only just spotted that the blonde is Lauren Southern. The other girl calls herself of the left, but she always talks sense against SJWs and 3rd Wave Fems. Enjoy.
Strange though, the BBC just adore creating terror with stories about the dangers of every day stuff along the lines of, the BBC has learned that breathing may be fatal.
And yet we have an existential threat in our midst and they downplay it for all it’s worth.
One of the first questioners on QT mentioned the dirty word ‘migrant’, and was quickly told that the Westminster attacker was from Kent. Oh, so that’s alright then ! The questioner didn’t think quick enough to retort that the attacker’s parents must have been migrants at some point though !
A dog born in a stable does not make it a horse .
Yes and a black horse born in a stable isn’t a horse. Only white horses are horses; black horses are dogs. And if a black horse gives birth to a white horse then that white horse isn’t a horse because a horse isn’t a horse.
Do you have any more deep philosophical quotes from the “Junor Klansman’s Manual” you’d like to share with the group, taffman?
Whoa there Maxi! Go easy on the vino! I think you’ve got some basic principles of biology mixed up.
It’s the Duke of Wellington supposedly. Do you have any leftie comments to share with us?
Maxi, I don’t think you should be working on the BBC public relations desk at 4.08am if you are drinking or taking recreational drugs and if your employers knew you were looking at sites like this you would be in serious hot water.
Maxi’s style indicates the it is Zero. Dull but bursting with a desire to insult.
Is that all you have to offer , just a load of childish tosh?
Now as I have politely requested before, can you offer any adult posts about Al Beeb’s bias , left or right?
Otherwise you will considered a childish troll, or a young inexperienced Al Beeb employee.
i dont care if he was born in buck palace neither him or me considered him to be english or british
he was muslim full stop, i know lots of them and very few consider themselves english or british, in their own words they are citizens of the world
which as a supremacist i guess you would
He was no more British than the man on the moon.
A lone wolf ?
A pack of lone wolves ? An oxymoron if ever there was one 😀
My cartoon take on the week and it’s horribleness:
LOL ! Far be it from me to echo your comments about Glasgow !
I think the bBBC has a rule that the website must feature at least one woman in a hijab per day. Games to play when you’re bored… Spot the hijab article
Here is todays ‘woman in a hijab’
Yes Tabs, I saw that, but didn’t link it because I felt very sorry for her – what a truly awful condition, and I would think even worse as a woman in her community. And she was so positive and upbeat, so I hope she has a good family and support network.
All that said, the bBBC probably only featured it because of her veil. As a biologist, I wonder about the genetics of such conditions. Soon medics won’t be able to do that, because it will be racist.
We are truly going backwards in time. I am worried for my children.
On BBC World Service during the night they interviewed a woman who said he chances of dying in a terrorist attack are one in three million whilst her chances of being attacked by a man are one in five. What a disgrace. A man has just died doing his job protecting people yet they still kick the boot in.
One in five? Who comes up with statistics like that? No doubt a professional victim who has to create problems to justify her wages.
A man died in duty. Then another man instantly ran to try and save the life of the attacker.
There is a grain of truth in their argument, many more women suffer violence from men than vice versa. This is particularly so in Muslim communities and of course Muslim men behave even worse towards women who are not Muslims , Rotherham etc etc are just the examples we know of. My question to feminists is , if you are leading the fight for women’s rights why isn’t Islam at the top of your hit list ? Why didn’t you have mass marches about Rotherham, why do you allow FGM to go unpunished, why do you allow forced marriages , why not mass protests about honour killings. In short why are you not taking on the appalling misogyny of Islam?
Of course, you know the answer to that. Muslims wouldn’t simply lie back and take it, unlike easier targets.
Dt- solid post.
Maybe a lot of those Feminazis don’t protest about Islam, because they know they could end up receiving a face full of acid on their doorstep if they did.
Your questions are really rhetorical, I guess. There are, of course, some mass marches against the likes of Rotherham. The problem seems to be that they are instantly met by violence from ultra-left-wing agitator groups, probably tipped off in advance by the police. They promptly arrest those protesting against muslim violence, whilst allowing the UAF types free rein. It’s kinda skewed, isn’t it?
MartinW and then these marches are rarely reported due to the UAF Hope Not Hate violence on show.
Unanswered Breakfast question of the day. Khalid Masood was born as Adrian Elms. So why did he change his name? No mention of and nothing to do with………… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39373766
Answers on a postcard To BBc agenda at work , PO Box 1922, Darlington, DL3 0UR
07:46 Breakfast now talking about him being “converted”. Still can’t say it can they?
Is the name change a symptom of undiagnosed mental illness? Anyone who converts willingly to Islam can’t be mentally sound can they. If the BBC did begin to hint at mental issues in this particular case I would be inclined to agree.
The met later corrected the birth name to Adrian Ajao
It has been mentioned that his mother’s name was Elms
But she married a man called Phillip Ajao
I don’t know if that is the biological father
It’s been suggested that Ajao is a Nigerian name