Time for a new one of these. I couldn’t bear to watch the BBC eulogise IRA mss killer Martin McGuinness yesterday and from what I hear from others I was right to stay away from the love-in. Meanwhile, Jihad on Westminster bridge…
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BBC Breakfast has its expected narrative .
The candles were lit, multiculturalism resurgent .
Hope triumphs over hate.
So… When will the next one be?
Don’t ask the Emir in his tower or St Brendan in his boat .
A couple of points concerning the prevailing BBC narrative in the wake of the Westminster Islamic Terror attack:
The “Vigil” in Trafalgar Square is obviously a boon to news broadcasters, providing a ready focus and location for cameras and reporters. I note descriptions of the crowd gathered last night has escalated from ‘hundreds’ to ‘thousands’ this morning. The rather tight camera angles suggest the former. And this event – a raised podium platform to elevate Little Man Khan’s platitudes – seems to have been well-populated among the sparce crowd with campaigners of various lefty stripes ready with their messages for the eager broadcast interviewers. I’m afraid Londoners, in the main, are not easily herded together like Latin American peons flocking to light a candle as a votive offering to the one god Diversity – even post-Blair-Diana.
As for the narrative that ‘we’ will not give in to division. This is in stark contrast with the constant daily BBC drumbeat of identity politics and special pleading. The Lefty BBC relentlessly divides and separates its audience. In every sphere from ‘Asian BBC’ to ethnic quotas in drama the BBC is far from colour-blind; rather it is colour-obsessed.
The narrative of blame is another rich slice of Lefty BBC hokum. Around the attack on pro-Remain MP Jo Cox the BBC allowed and gave platform to endless commentary blaming UKIP and Leave campaigners for having instigated and encouraged ‘hate crime’. In stark contrast the dodgy character Brendan Cox is a loud but typical voice demanding that ‘we’ cannot ‘blame’ anyone or anything in particular for the present outrage.
Brendan “#hopenothate” Cox just loves these terror events so he can get himself on camera again showing us his Messiah complex.
Seriously, does he really believe he can defeat terrorism by physically standing next to someone else?!? Mr Cox lost his wife to a “right wing terrorist” the other bloke lost his brother to a “Muslim terrorist” so is this video in any way supposed to make future terrorists change their minds?
Not being funny but surely getting everyone to stand together just makes an easy target for the next terror attack with a vehicle. My advice is “we can reduce terror attack deaths by spreading out from others and avoid crowded areas”
Aaaah, Hope not hate. Aka the real fascists.
Ah, Hope Not Hate. Not very much on their website about William Reeves and Debbie Berger. Who they? They help finance an organisation called ‘Unbound Philanthropy’, which contributes millions of dollars to left-wing groups promoting mass immigration, open borders, all the usual issues that help provide a never ending source of cheap labour for big business. According to this article, they have stumped up £320,000 for Hope Not Hate – http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/12/09/hawaiis-george-soros-hidden-donor-funding-illegal-immigration-blacklivesmatter-activists/.
Not sure about articles on Breitbart? Then take a look at Unbound Philanthropy’s own website, where it boasts that it has given £2,557,000 to UK-based groups. The list includes: Asylum Support Appeals Project; Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association; Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants; Market and Opinion Research International Limited; Refugee Action; The National Council for Civil Liberties. Oh yes, and these people – Trinity Mirror plc – which is probably why Hope Not Hate gets never ending publicity in the Daily Mirror. See https://www.unboundphilanthropy.org/who-we-fund
Apart from a couple of bonkers people who turn up to the opening of a book , few lefty agitators and tourists – I don’t think anyone really turned up. You could see it in the faces of Amber and Little Sadiq – it did not work in London did it guys we do not buy the narrative.
Yes we all continue to go to work but we know who we are on the look out for and we know you continue to invite them in to do harm to the native population.
BBC and Politicians are preaching in an echo chamber in the U.K
ive stocked up on supplies for coming religious apocalypse, I now have TWO draws full of ikea candles and a cupboard full of charity shop teddy bears.
I’ve never approved of panic buying.
I’m surprised that UK branches of IKEA have any candles at all. Sweden’s need is even greater than ours.
Try Philip Green’s new chain: “Virtue Signallers R Us”.
Another Brendan Cox interview with the BBC.
Not only does it take two BBC staff (probably on £250k each) to interview one man (with the same tired message) but the synchronized head nodding at 0m42s in total agreement just shows the BBC only interview those who have the same bias left wing agenda.
I’d love to see them interview Tommy Robinson and ask him how we can defeat Islamic terrorism. I’m sure Tommy’s suggestions would save lives.
Albeeb will roll this man out every time there is a need to defect attention away from Muslim terrorism . Surprised labour hasn’t dropped him into a safe seat – if they have one any more….
Albeeb has been in overdrive today avoid the dead Muslim terrorists final name “mahmood?” To calling him by his ‘birth’ name – which apparently is Adrian – very English – unfortunately their false news is having to be changed as he has a foreign birth name….. confused? Think it’s part of the plan. If they can’t deflect from Muslim terrorist murder then they aim to confuse.
The Met is now to blame for shooting the terrorist with a police personal protection officer and not a perimeter security police officer . See how easily they switch from praising the poor dead policeman ( rip) to criticising the organisation he worked for to deflect from the evil of the … Muslim terrorist. Sick.
Wonder if he wants to talk about this http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3298572/New-charity-scandal-Save-Children-executive-quits-women-s-complaints-inappropriate-behaviour.html
Nick on the Today programme R4 was pondering why Birmingham was a hotbed of muslim terrorism and recruitment. I wasn’t paying too much attention but whoever was enlightening Nick didn’t really know or thought it was the kuffars’ fault.
Nick could have spared himself that exercise in futility and listened to Dimblebore Junior blurbing for his pointless talking shop. One in five “Brummies” are Muslim.
Might be a clue there for “I can’t quite join the dots” Nick.
I am now listening to Nick talking to some moron who is opining that a “low tech attack of this kind could be carried out by anyone with a driving licence”!!! I don’t think a muslim mass murderer is going to worry unduly about having a valid driving licence.
The swapping of names when one adopts the ROP is interesting. All those POWs and refugees who remained in Britain after WWII, Germans, Italians, Ukranians, Latvians, etc had no problem in giving their children English names. The son of a Czech refugee I went to school with was even called Spencer after Winston Spencer Churchill. The Royal Family changed its name during WWI to show where its loyalties lay. The people who handwring about a divided society should wonder why muslims are reluctant to make even a token gesture of loyalty to a culture and way of life they claim to want to be a part of.
Excellent points.
http://www.africanews.com has a quote by one of Masood’s neighbours ” He was a normal family man” !
“He was a normal family man” – but a bit careless with the cutlery, apparently.
According to the DT, he was treated badly in his village:
How London attacker Khalid Masood snapped because of racism in his village – then went to jail and became radicalised
Our fault again.
i love the classic defensive minimising understatement
“When Mott arrived at his car, Masood waved the knife at him and caught his face, leaving him needing more than 20 stitches”
“The court heard at the time that Masood had consumed four pints during the afternoon and had the knife because he was decorating his daughter’s bedroom”
Hard not to laugh, isn’t it?
Even less plausible than “the dog ate my homework”.
The BBC at last first with the ‘news’, for some reason:
Has anyone else noticed a recurring BBC theme after every attack? Miami, Tunisia, Berlin, Westminster…..the current BBC editorial line is that it’s now the fault of the security services for not being able to stop them. Talk about deflecting blame from the real issue.
GIND, you are right that there’s this dilution mode that the BBC swing in to after the awful events of a terrorist attack. However, I noted, because in a way it was so blunt, that following the 8am News on the TODAY programme (BBC R4) they – think Nick Robinson was speaking – did pretty clearly point at Islam as being the ‘conversion factor’ of Dartford-born ‘lad’ into Wednesday’s full-blown terrorist.
To my mind it is a measure of how low the BBC has sunk that I found that particular segment of the programme notable.
The irony is that most BBC editors are so thick that they consider it ‘right on’ and ‘cool’ to try and undermine the security services, whom they perceive as obstacles to the vision of a shining Socialist Utopia, much as they discussed in years gone by in the Junior Common Room. In reality, the security services and government love and encourage this apparent criticism, as it makes the case for more funding and resources: “If only we had the manpower/money we could have prevented this…”
£4Bpa seems a lot for ‘occasionally’.
Popped in here to leave some praise – yes praise! – for the BBC’s Radio4 TODAY programme. Strange thing though, just wanted to name check a contributor’s organisation. I resorted to iPlayer for a quick listen again and find the last half hour of the programme is not there.
Oh well.
In the last twenty minutes of this morning’s TODAY programme, I enjoyed being INFORMED by Leonard Doyle of a refugee organisation, really just confirming what I already had, or could have, guessed at, but even so it was good to hear it honestly, clearly and succinctly put. He was followed after an intervening contribution by Dr Jan Frayne from Bristol University who EDUCATED me on the latest developments in blood & blood replacement products research.
This was good stuff. Do listen on catch-up if they put it on the web-site. It is what the BBC News and the rest of the organisation should be about, in a politically neutral, non-propagandising way, all of the time.
Please, BBC! Please, please me.
stuck his name into Twitter
@LeonardDoyle Spokesperson/Head of Comms UN Migration Agency (IOM)
International Organization for Migration “Becomes a Related Organization to the UN” then “IOM becomes the UN Migration Agency” 9 Mar 2017
The BBC 5Live has Panto Nikki, having an hour long concerted attack on …
English people being nationalistic, singing songs “two world wars and one world cup” etc, a well orchestrated line up of virulent detractors,(thanks Al BBC call centre)
… Panto is simply lapping it up, “everyone today is singing from the same hymn sheet” … hmmm I wonder why?, actually quite sickening.
Which Nikki ? Dame Nikki Campbell ? Or Krankie ? Either way, they are both Scots and to accuse the English of being nationalistic is a bit rich !
seems primary school education no longer includes the song “sticks and stones”
Heard it
BBC Radio 5 Motto – “Hate yourself white man”
Not much to be encouraged by, but the sound of some serious firepower being honed at the nearby firing range suggests something more tangible than a scented candle on a concrete block for a month (lone terrorists of course can not be copycatted and anyway stabby stabby vroom vroom types forget so quickly) is being instigated by someone in authority not polished by common purpose dogma.
Taffman, Rhif Saith…
Any info on the location(s) in Carmarthenshire linked to Masood?
I’m getting told Carmarthen, Swansea, and lastly a village in Carms called Trelech.
The Trelech info from talk amongst the rural/farming community.
The info now says that Trelech was where his mother was living.
Thank you pertelote, the village name is now included in Radio Wales news bulletins, and they are keen to point out she is so upset to hear what her son did….not half as bloody upset as the victims and their famlies I guess.
Oh…and her cousin is seriously ill…honestly, I heard that in a news bulletin on RWales just 5 minutes ago….how the fuck is that relevant?
The Independant (Not a newspaper and not independent) is running a piece quoting Brendan Cox as saying the Westminster attacker no more represents Muslims than Joe Cox’s murderer represents people from Yorkshire. This is devious, there have never been any accusations against Yorkshire folk ! There have been many unchallenged assertions that Thomas Mair spoke for Brexiteers.
originated from the R4 Today interview yesterday
Last night we mentioned @MishalHusainBBC doing PR for Cox by tweeting his point so he could retweet her
Helping to push false narrative
“Righties=bad they support ppl like Thom Mair”
Funny How she mentions Muslims and Yorkshire in the same Tweet
Mair killed one MP he didn’t rape 5,000 girls
So it is False Equivalence to say that Right-wing Terribles is equivalent to Muslim Terribles
In the blue corner we have one Yorkshire nutter who killed one MP
And in the Red corner we have
– 5,000 Victims of Yorkshire Pak/Bangla grooming gangs
..which is downgraded as not racist, nor hatecrime
(Given that the vast majority of Muslims do do not abuse, just that the level seems to be disproportionate to their numbers in the pouulation
– Honour killings
– Forced Child brides snatched out of school and sent to Pak/Bangla to marry older men they have never met
Yet BBC + Cox give us this False Equivalence
BBC Subterfuge Specialist-
Victoria Derbyshire “Terror Attack: How Can Religion Help?”
We are subjected to a phoney melding-of-all-religions sketch in which she
speaks with a Vicar & the required bearded Mossie in a white hat on the comfy sofa.
It’s nauseating.
How can religion help?
Is bad religion not the root cause of this problem BBC?
Islam is political ideology anyway, the religion part is the “get out of jail free card” everything about it aims to get political power, to instil political power over all. The prime example is Sharia courts.
It is always said by apologists “carry no legal weight”, so? who cares?
who cares if it has legal weight or not … they are there, they are extremely retrograde, and causing harm … it is a mafia system
“the mafia has no legal weight” either, its operating of its own volition, in communities where open information is repressed, and backward imams call the shots and so women are not getting to the real courts ie its worked.
Why has May not immediately banned sharia? … there is no excuse
Why are imams on her so called review? no need for review its a parallel legal system its divisive, and it does great harm
In every respect it is totalitarian political system.
I ve heard from the BBC this morning now there are 50 injured, objectively
terrible as the attack was 50 injured? are they sure that was the case,
I hope this isn t getting more political spin.
If they carry on like this, the bBBC will be claiming 50 jay walkers on Westminster Bridge put a motorist at risk, and only the drivers consummate skill and bravery prevented the vehicle smashing into the House of Commons Chamber, where Jo Cox may have been if she was still alive. And then, to calm and entertain the shocked crowd, the brave motorist treated them to a skilful display of knife handling, before being ruthlessly gunned down and murdered by a racist gunman.
Delingpole :
“Whatever the BBC says I know for certain that the right view to take is the exact opposite”.
He references Katie Hopkins
“London is a city so desperate to be seen as tolerant, no news of the injured was released. No clue about who was safe or not.
Liberals convince themselves multiculturalism works because we all die together, too.
An entire city of monkeys: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Blind. Deaf. And dumb.”
“The endless tolerance to those who harm us, (while the Home Office tries to shift the focus of public fear to white terror) — versus the millions like me who face the truth, with worried families and hopeless hearts, who feel the country sinking.”
It would be great if anyone who can, especially tourists, boycott London. My personal boycott started in 1985 ! I went to live in istanbul and felt much safer there than in London. Not sure that I would today , though ! Both cities equally dangerous.
The senator for Hawaii managed to sabotage Trump’s second attempt to impose a travel ban on citizens from certain ME countries. His successful claim was that it caused economic harm to the tourist industry of Hawaii. The extent of this harm was that 70, yes seventy tourists from these countries were unable to travel.
I wonder how many American, Japanese, Canadian, Australian and European tourists will be cancelling their trips to the UK, and how many others will decide never to come here. I guess there will be a thousand-fold greater detriment to the UK tourist industry from this incident than Trump’s ban has on Hawaii’s.
Katie is right and we know it and so do the idiots who pretend to lead us. They are the real problem and in the end will go as such people have always had to down the ages. Who takes their place I cannot tell but they are there and waiting even if they do not yet know it. . I have no doubt some of them we will not like at all but that is the way of things.
An old and ancient people do not go down like this. The men and women who we need will understand this above all else.
The BBC do not like it that the US Senate has confirmed right-winger David Friedman as America’s next ambassador to Israel (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-39375961). His ‘crimes’ include opposition to the so-called two state solution and his belief that the American embassy should be relocated to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. They helpfully point out that: ‘J Street, the Washington-based pro-Israel Jewish group, opposed his nomination, saying he “lacks any diplomatic or policy credentials”‘. Sounds bad, doesn’t it, if even a ‘pro-Israel Jewish group’ opposes him? They are relying, of course, on the fact that most people won’t know what J Street is or who is behind it. It is actually a left-wing group of the ‘Turkeys voting for Christmas’ variety that advocates for a Palestinian state. Founded in 2008, a lot of its initial funding ($750K from 2008 to 2010) came from George Soros – a fact that it seemingly tried to hide. It has some strange bedfellows; here is a short extract from its Wikipedia entry:
A Jerusalem Post editorial expressed concern regarding the individuals invited to speak to the J Street February 2011 conference. They included Rebecca Vilkomerson, executive director of Jewish Voice for Peace, whom the newspaper described as an “adamant proponent” of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel; Mustafa Barghouti, leader of the Palestinian National Initiative, described as a BDS advocate who took part in the Free Gaza Flotilla; and Michael Sfard, an attorney who, according to the newspaper, “advocates international ‘lawfare’ against Israel”.
J Street does, of course, represent one strand of Jewish public opinion. But notice how the BBC article mentions that “America’s conservative Jewish organisations backed Mr Friedman.” See what they did there? It’s so subtle that you could blink and miss it. Supporters of ‘controversial’ Mr Friedman are explicitly described as ‘conservative’, whilst opponents are described neutrally i.e. they do not say ‘J Street, the left wing Washington-based…’. This is over and above the already somewhat ambiguous description of them as ‘pro-Israel’.
A good appointment. if J Street do not like it then doubly so. I imagine most of our so called universities will be in mourning as well. Tough .
Spot on.
I look forward to having my picture taken outside the relocated American embassy in due course. And hopefully the British one as well.
Boy they are really pushing this ‘Adrian Elms Ajao’ angle this morning aren’t they? And not just The BBC. Anything to distance the violence from it’s origin of Islam & pin on something more British. I have noticed that over the last two hours they have dropped the Ajao & are just going with Adrian Elms.
That he is home grown should be far more concerning not less.
Really doesn’t matter, the motivation is what counts and the motivation is the, ‘Great Faith of Islam’.
Or was it something to do with Teachers’ pensions?
I’m betting that BBC, PR firms, Alistair Campbell & Remainer hedgefunds are grooming Sadiq DieselsRPaedos Khan and Brendan Cox as electable leaders of the next government (as opposed to Corbyn).
Treezer is stupid despite being a renowned Koran scholar
I bet she has never read the Koran. I first read it ( in english ! ) when I was 15 and it frightened me even then. Treezer is not only very ignorant but she is dangerous. How did this useless creature become PM ?
“Ah, Prime Minister” said Crown Prince Mohammed Ahmed Faisal Camel Lotsawives, “I would like to present you with this copy of the Holy Koran”.
“Thank you, very kind” said the Prime Minister. “Now, Crown Prince, about this billion pound loan you are offering our country, and also the new weapons deal…?”
“Prime Minister, Prime Minister. All in good time. We can talk about it at our next meeting, when I shall also ask you some questions about the Koran. And make sure you wear a headscarf next time.”
Grant Re: The Koran,
One thing the infidels who haven’t read it don’t understand is that it is not understandable on it’s own. If you aren’t familiar with the life of Mad hammed you can’t possibly get what it’s banging on about. (That’s where the Hadith comes in) There is no biography of Mohammed included in the Koran, such as you get in the New Testament with Jesus.
On top of that, the psychotic ramblings of that Allah character aren’t arranged in anything like a chronological order. It’s just chapters from longest first, to shortest. It is seriously lacking in quality. From the point of view of someone who is familiar with studying religious texts it’s a blatant forgery. One of the most awkward pieces of literature ever written.
That’s one reason why mindless repetitive chanting of isolated verses works best. It beats having to try to teach people the whole message.
I keep hearing how much money Muslims have raised for the London terror attack victims
It currently has just £20,000 donated by 890 supporters. Compare that to the fund started to support the family of the murdered policeman which is getting near £400,000.
Now, as I understand Islam is has 5 pillars one of which is charity. I would assume this p!ss poor amount of money raised means Muslims in London don’t care about non-Muslims (so the 5 pillars don’t apply) or they are not strict Muslims.
Edit: Wikipedia says there were 607,083 Muslims reported in the 2001 census in the Greater London area.[
It only applies to other muslims. So the £20000 is quite remarkable.
I mistrust all those figures (remember Taqiya – fancy muslim word for ‘lying’) and I mistrust where that money ends up.
I would never ever give one penny to any muslim charity.
Well I bet I can guess where a lot of it ends up !
Precisely. Hyundai 4×4 maybe?
All this stuff about ‘carrying on as normal’ – as if that’s a heroic response. It’s not. ‘As normal’ is not good enough. It’s acquiescent. Passive. Submissive. It normalises terror. Just part of the ups and downs of big city life as the Emir tells us. Wrong. We are at war and need to be on a war footing.
‘As normal’ reminds me of wildebeest (or zebras) in those nature documentaries: a lion picks off one of the heard, and the others continue grazing just yards away, ‘as normal’, till the next one gets killed. As normal is a defeatist bovine response.
But ‘lion’ is the wrong comparison. Hyenas are a better analogy.
I think the attitude of the extremists is summed up by the conversation with the alien in Independence Day. They don’t care either way on publicity or shows of “defiance” and “solidarity”. That only makes the people showing defiance and solidarity feel better about themselves for a couple of news cycles.
“[the president scramble into an operating room’s viewing deck after an alien revives itself and attacks the surgical crew]
Dr. Okun: Release me…
Major Mitchell: Open the door, get him out of there.
General Grey: Wait!
[they notice the tentacle wrapped around Okun’s neck; the alien comes into view, speaking telepathically through Okun]
Dr. Okun/Alien: Release me! Now! NOW!
President Whitmore: I know there is much we can learn from each other, if we can negotiate a truce. We can find a way to co-exist. Can there be a peace between us?
Dr. Okun/Alien: Peace?…. No peace…
Whitmore: What is it you want us to do?
Dr. Okun/Alien: Die… Die…” WikiQuote.
Monsieur Martel, I’d have to say a swarm of locusts.
Charlie Martel, yes. After Nice, Bataclan and Fr Hamel, France should have burned. Can you honestly imagine the French accepting such a thing a hundred, even fifty years ago? It’s the same in London. Britons have become supine, and think that sticking their heads in the sand is the same as defiance.
I assumed that all police wear a stab vest. Does anyone know if PC Palmer was wearing one? I would suggest not.
Isn’t it ironic that Labour MP’s were just an hour before the terrorist incident, were in Parliament, singing their praises of murdering terrorist Martin McGuiness yet within minutes running away for their lives from another terrorist!
What a pathetic shower they are.
They are the scum of the earth.
Yep Grant.
As well being virtue signalling,vermin,cowardly,thick, pro Islam, anti British,lazy idiots.
I think,coincidentally, I’ve also described the BBC.
Overpaid, oversexed and over here !
Wronged… you’re forgetting something. The Westminster butcher wasn’t a terrorist – he was an ‘attacker’. From Kent. Quite, quite different. And definitely nothing to do with Islam (I heard it on the BBC).
That’s right Ian.
‘ (I heard it on the BBC)’
…and if the BBC (our national broadcaster) say it, it must be true!
Being born in the UK allows him to escape the opprobrium of being labelled a refugee, immigrant or asylum seeker. So the Left will sneer their equivalence that “British” people also do terrible things.
That worries me as many of these attacks seem to come from people born here to immigrants, of which there are more than a few.
I suggest the media’s insistence on the attacker being ‘British born’ actually does more harm to their cause than good. It suggests that there is indeed a ‘fifth column’ of traitors in this country, British in name only, and that ‘integration’ and ‘multiculturalism’ is therefore not quite the success story we are told.
Certainly in this household.
And makes all the daft showboating around this, especially at such febrile times, all the more risible.
Exactly – proof, if needed, that multiculturalism and integration is a complete crock.
What’s more an English Teacher. We must hope MI5 has our home grown, British born English Teachers under surveillance!
Many people on twitter asked same question
Not visible on the photo
Which shows him wearing coat and Fluorescent water proof over that.
Jesus was he both unarmed, un vested, and un-overseen ?
Personally I think such police should be working in pairs so that you always have an eye on your oppo and if someone gets in his personal space you run over and intervene with a tazer.
You should have clear painted lines the officers stand behind.
The open gate and single officer is similar to leaving a window open for a burglar.
External HoC CCTV cameras could have guns within them, but make sure they’re unhackable.
Not just the Labour members, the Tories’ spineless response is sickening
On a lighter note. I’ts red nose Day with (Sir)Lenny Henry doing his bit for “charidee”.
Q: If Lenny and Russel Brand were on a coach, which plummets off a cliff. Who is saved?
A: The world of comedy.
If Lenny and Russel Brand were the only occupants, I’d call it a wasted opportunity.
Why can’t we recognize that what binds us together is greater than what separates us?
Why can’t we all just get along?
To my utter horror, Jollof News are reporting that Masood’s “wife” has been arrested in London. Rohey Hydara is a Gambian woman. Not clear if they were actually living together. I cannot believe that any Gambian would be involved in terrorism. Anyway, let’s see if she is charged with anything.
Jesus can’t believe the Jeremy Vine show, basically saying what a nice neighbour, very religious is there a clue there.
Yes Jeremy very religious…
OK even worst not a terrorist just a bit of a naughty guy…Fucking left wing apologists, oh we have created it now..
End of Western civilisation I am afraid just want to bury there head in the sand…
Our Jeremy does seem awfully anxious to sanitise the man.
I don’t remenber him having such a concern over Thomas Mair, but then he was the spawn of Nigel Farage and the poster boy of the ‘52%’!
How to get bbcR4Feedbck to contact you
– Put out a tweet CRITICISING the appearance of a non-LibMob voice on the BBC
– Put out a tweet PRAISING a Lib-Mob right-on prog
..Seems o me that their is a link between what they choose and the SaveTheBBC campaign
..ie they spend more time promoting progs than they used to, as if they have been co-opted by the campaign.
The ever excellent David Wood dismantles the absurd comparison between the muslim murderer and the killing of Airey Neave made by the absurd MP Tomlinson to the absurd Appeazer.
His erudition, logic, razor edged sarcasm and sardonic wit are a joy to behold amidst all the fuzzy thinking, Kumbaya crap doing the rounds.
(Sorry just seen this was posted above. Worth re-watching anyway)
I would say that David leaves them dead, but that would be insensitive.
First time that I have seen him. A sort of American Pat Condell. Superb.
Has the BBC broadcast this quote from Turkey’s dictator in chief, Erdogan?
“no European in any part of the world can walk safely on the streets.”
This from the very day people walking the streets of London were attacked and killed by an islamic terrorist. You would have thought it was quite pertinent, wouldn’t you? Islamist dictator warns of violence on the very day an islamist terrorist carries out mass murder on a European street. You would have thought this would be front and center, wouldn’t you?
I wonder if Trump had said the same thing what the response would have been?
No they won’t because doing that would lift the lid on the cess pool, exposing the filth within.
Spacemonkey Re: Erdogan’s comments,
Here we have the Muslim leader, (Possibly the world’s strongest candidate for Caliph)
Telling the absolute truth.
The Western media steps in to apply Taqiyya. That’s their job.
But, rest assured, all Western politicians will hear ErdiGerdi’s assertion with total approval.
All Europeans should stop taking holidays in Turkey and don’t invest there. Hit Erdogan where it hurts. Expel Turkey from NATO. Cancel their application to join the EU. Then that evil bastard Erdogan will get a message and he will start to worry that Russia may achieve its historical objective, to take Turkey. And, if Turkey is no longer in NATO, no-one will defend them.
One of the saddest days in my life was last year, when the coup against Erdogan failed. Probably the last chance to get rid of that cnut.
The excellent Paul Joseph Watson in the above vid (thanks Nogginator) makes the point that islam is ‘in serious need of imminent reform’. True, but the trouble is it CAN’T be reformed. Every word is the unchangeable revealed Word Of God / Gabriel / the infallible mad mo, and not one syllable can be altered. Ever. So all the murderous, hateful, evil injunctions to murder, terrorise and subjugate cannot be reformed. This isn’t a benign religion like Christianity that’s gone a bit astray and needs a Reformation, it’s rotten to the core.
Paul right on the button as usual !
Yahoo News has just upgraded Wednesday’s murdering Muslim terrorist to “A football-mad teenager”.
It’s easy to see how football could drive a man to Jihad.
The Hijab C4 lady (hope GCHQ doesn’t flag that) has retweeted a comment on twitter that the violent islamist was once a violent Christian approvingly. Guess she’s a Jon Snow fan too.
This may well be true, but interesting when the violence was upped to a new level post conversion and garnered approval from a large chunk of the congregation rather than horror.
There are some very odd analogies being peddled these days.
Social media today crawling with apologists for terrorism. All the usual platitudes trotted out. A website forum, a fairly right wing one which I frequent has removed two threads about Islamic terrorism claiming they were ‘hate speech’ – all I saw was a rational discussion about the problem of radical Islam.
Quite frankly I now just think to hell with western civilization – it’s brought this upon itself and refuses to even admit there’s a problem. I just feel sad for the innocent people that will have to suffer.
Cranmer,Is the Western World majority Muslim? Is the World? Is the UK?
Why then the desperate push to make it so?
There is nothing to attract the average person to Islam anywhere, anytime, anyhow. Lord above, most people find going to Church for an hour a week too arduous. Then there are all the curtailments of freedoms and pleasures that Islam precludes.
I strive to understand but it just doesn’t make sense.
Beauty Broadcasting Corporation, R4 Today 24.03.17. More speculation on the ISLAMIC TERRORIST. But we, the BBC, need to spread the responsibility as far as is possible for the public’s consumption in our attempts to spread blame as far and wide as is possible. Thinks: I know, lets ask the Security Services could they have done more to prevent the random act of the sadist ISLAMIC TERRORIST? More speculation. Nothing like starting to analyse any problem by starting at fact 3 or maybe 4 before 1. So, BeautyBC, why not speculate, as factor 1 on what parts of the Quaran the ISLAMIC TERRORIST studied which “inspired” him to murder the public randomly? I do appreciate that, to be thorough, this may well constitute a full programme at the very least as the Quaran is littered with instructions for the devotee which legitimises crime and murder but nevertheless, logic would dictate you started there surely?
That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for the BBC.
Yes G. And ‘Beauty Broadcasting Corporation’ – excellent name.
BBC trying to find every excuse not to blame the evil of Islam. Beeboids are mentally ill.
Normal day on R4
The play is supposed to be about Dorothy Squires
It’s about Dorothy Squires going to do a Gay Pride concert in Southend in the 1989 (fictitious)
Bye bye Canada, you used to be a lovely country. Soon you’ll go the way of Sweden, France, Germany, UK…
P.S. And YOU voted for it. So f**k you, morons.
And only applies to muslims ? Yes, Canada is finished under that teenage wanker Justin Trudeau.
I, none the less have faith in physics and I look to that islamic scholar, Mohamed Newton. What’s that you say? he wasn’t islamic? My apologies. I guess it is only a matter of time before the Beauty Broadcasting Corp start more work on re-writing our history. Perhaps he was born in Kent and had four or five different names? Anyway I digress. Mohamed Newton asserted, inter alia, correctly, that action and reaction are equal and opposite. Point being that despite the ignorance and arrogance of western politicians, lefties and liberal multiculti supporters including the media, unless they foolishly deny the Laws of Physics, there will be a reaction. Fact. What form it will take I do not know but I suspect something will finally trigger it. Be prepared Good Folks!
I only wish human behavior was as easy to understand and predict as the movement of snooker balls around a table.
15 March Radio 3 Freethinking : BALANCED prog about Trump’s America
– A Trump hating commentator
is balanced by 2 Trump despising commentators
Sarah Churchwell, Professor of American Literature
Michael Goldfarb ..Guardian, The New York Times and The Washington Post
and Michael Prodger ..New Statesman
Edward Luce ..FT wrote Retreat of Western Liberalism
join Anne McElvoy
As I said we are now so familiar with the BBC scripts, it’s like watching Macbeth and expecting a different ending. It just ain’t gonna happen.
Times has a wide shot of the Trafalgar Square vigil
Maybe 1000 people
99% white
ISIS will be quaking in their sandals!
Yes, the Peaceful Religionists were no doubt quietly rejoicing – sorry, mourning – at home.
Go on Poland!
They’ve been occupied by Germany then Russia – they deserve a break!
gaxvil – And after the delights of communism and fascism, they recognise a cruel savage ideology when they see one!
Exactly- fresh in the memory and well aware.
Well done Poland !
Maybe WE need more Poles over here – they don’t appear to be like our British surrender monkeys?
Theresa in defiant mode. In a defiantly churchillian speech, Theresa defiantly vows to do… nothing at all, except defiantly ignore the true cause of terrorism, defiantly look the other way, defiantly bury her head in the sand and defiantly pretend all is ‘as normal’, and defiantly wait for the next muslim atrocity, before defiantly repeating some defiant platitudes about the religion of peace having been perverted.
Charlie, “having run for home, protected by armed guards”.
Act II…… The Appeaser then hands England over on a silver platter
He’s saying: and this is where we teach them how to drive 4x4s onto pavements.
Caption: “I’m too old to have children who grow up to spread the word of Allah, (peace be upon him, his head, neck, torso, dick, legs, feet). Decapitation?
Lucy, Please!
This is NOT helping.
nice tits.
Is this one of those tee shirts made in a Mauritius sweat shop where the ladies earn 62p per day?
Thank you 😉
I reckon most folk will be shocked by Westminster, not that it happened but that the reaction has been so slight and downplayed.
Am I alone in thinking, Fuck candles and flowers, give us pay back.
Treezer and the MPs have reacted like spineless dhimmis. No-one can rely on these wasters. And it has been noted all round the Islamic world.
So the Emir cancels his trip to Warsaw, where he’d have gone down like a bacon sarnie in a mosque I’m sure.
“Mayor scales back visits
London Mayor Sadiq Khan is to scale back visits to European capitals next week in light of the Westminster attack.
Berlin, Madrid and Warsaw are no longer on the itinerary.
Lucky Berlin , Madrid and Warsaw. They don’t have to clean up after that piece of slime.
Why is he ‘scaling back’? He is likely to have police protection all the way, so it can’t be because of fears of another terrorist attack. I suspect it may be that he, or his advisors, realise that it is perhaps not very politic for a Muslim to visit those cities and pontificate on violence by other Muslims. There could be some very embarrassing scenes.
Or maybe they said ‘Mayor has a scaley back..’ as in lizard
Wait, I thought he said we would not be cowed. [scratches head]
He’s had to cancel cos he’s too busy lighting candles and singing Kumbaya in Trafalgar Square, then making vapid speeches about all religions being about peace bla bla. Well, maybe not ALL, but most.
Is it just me or does anyone else wonder what in freshly brewed f*ck the Caliph of Londonstan, no doubt with an entourage of flunkies, is doing swanning round Europe at council tax payers expense?
MSN is running a gloss-over story on the Headbagged Muslim woman walking by the carnage on Wednesday.
Guess What? Things in Westminster where “calm & tranquil” And the Muslima, is the “distressed” victim. These people must think we are all as thick as $hit to run this piece of rubbish! Way to literally add insult to injury MSN!
The photographer who captured an image of a woman wearing a hijab walking past a victim of yesterday’s London terrorist attack has defended her actions, saying she looked distressed and horrified.
The woman has become the centre of a debate online, with many Twitter users claiming she was casually ignoring a victim lying on the ground.
Freelance photographer Jamie Lorriman was underneath the Westminster Bridge at the time of the attack and began photographing at the scene moments later.
Lorriman said the scene was “quiet and tranquil”, describing a “strange sort of calm atmosphere”.
“No-one was sort of screaming or shouting.”
He says the idea that the woman he photographed wearing the hijab was ignoring the scene as she was walking past was wrong, and a series of images demonstrated she was most likely distressed.
“The people who took on that picture are being rather selective,” he said. “In the other picture in the sequence she looks truly distraught … personally I think she looks distressed in both pictures.
“It’s wrong it’s been misappropriated in that way.” Lorriman said he would not assume what was going through her mind, and neither should people who were not at the scene.
“To assume she was ignoring someone is impossible to know, the look on the woman’s face, she’s horrified, she’s in the middle of a traumatic situation.
“She probably just wanted to get off the bridge.
“I feel so sorry for the woman in the picture. If she’s seen this, she must feel awful.”
I do think it is wrong the way this woman has been singled out – she clearly looks distressed to me in this picture, the exact circumstances of this we can’t be sure of. Spreading this around as propaganda just gives fuel to those who say anybody who points to a connection between Islam and terror is a hysterical racist.
That said, it may make those who voluntarily wear the hijab to perhaps consider just how potent a symbol it is and whether it is appropriate for them to do so since they will inevitably be judged for it. On the other hand, in today’s Britain, it is just as likely to embolden more women to wear one, in ‘solidarity’ etc.
Maybe she is calling the “Red Crescent” to come and help !
She is so distressed she can hardly text, poor thing.
I agree. It was a mistake to have that photo go viral, now we’ll never hear the end of it.
I actually think it is a good thing, because those who complain against it will have to mention the I (or M) word. I think the discussion needs to be had! She will probably end up making money out of it one way or another – maybe her own BBC show?? It wouldn’t surprise me if the BBC put her there for their must-have hijab in shot.
She looks a bit like Nadiya to me.
I was and remain uncomfortable with this focus.
People deal with situations different ways. Camera angles and perspectives can tell all sorts of varied, even contradictory stories visually where context is clearly needed.
She ‘may’ be calling emergency services. Who knows? The guy taking this photo wasn’t, or helping. I have no idea how I would respond.
She doesn’t deserve to be part of a ‘two wrongs’ session, but those now leaping on the other end of the outrage bandwagon pendulum may give pause to hark back how often they have happily pounced on a single image, especially one lifted from a 24fps video, to get excited about what may, or may not be happening.
Oh good comic relief 2017. I won’t be watching the BBc tonight then. No change there then. Boom boom.
They can donate a portion of money raised to distressed (annoyed) muslims. IMO an insensitive time to have comic relief – not a very funny week. Fortunately I won’t be able to watch any of it.
On that note, they are advertising Britbox over here – it looks quite good and only $6.99 per month! Andy Pandy said we’re not allowed though – he’s not giving any more of our money to the BBC..
And they can donate to the victims of Islamic terrorism all round the world. If there is any money left after the celebs and hangers on have taken their cut. What a bunch of bloody hypocrites .