Gotta love this….the BBC’s response to a complaint about a ‘comic’ calling Jacob Rees-Mogg an arsehole on The Now Show…
This was not about calling random people ‘arsehole’ indiscriminately. This was a satirical piece about Jacob Rees-Mogg and his claim that ‘experts’ were in the same category as ‘soothsayers and astrologers’. Nish Kumar felt this was a preposterous statement from an MP and pick ed up on Rees-Mogg rather pretentiously quoting the Roman philosopher and politician Cicero on Newsnight to support his argument.
Nish Kumar provided a genuine quote from Cicero in return, countering Rees-Mogg’s argument and ended with a comic undercut in the form of the made -up quote from Cicero saying, “the guy is a total arsehole”.
This concluded a sophisticated argument by using anachronistic modern terminology, which also satirised Rees-Mogg for his pretension.
Rees – Mogg is fair game in this context as a public figure he often plays up to the image of being old-fashioned and more comfortable with classical allusions than modern ones.
Get her…‘a sophisticated argument by using anachronistic modern terminology, which also satirised Rees-Mogg for his pretension.’….blimey and there was me thinking it was just something slapped together on the 54 bus on the way to the studio….and it seems a bit of a leap to suggest it is somehow justified to call Rees-Mogg an arsehole because he likes the classics…..what can we call Mary Beard then? [No need to answer that one thanks]
And the use of the phrase ‘hideously white’? Not apparently prejudicial to white people at all….and other media outlets used the phrase, so OK…
It was the lack of diversity and representation which was being described as hideous in this phrase, not any particular ethnicity itself. Other media outlets quoted the phrase from the report too.
Just in the same way the BBC thinks it amusing to bandy about the phrase ‘Pale, male and stale’…sexist, ageist and racist…but it’s OK for BBC presenters to use it.
Try using ‘Hideously Muslim’ if you believe the BBC has an over-abundance of Muslim employees….see where that gets you….it wouldn’t of course be about ethnicity or religious identity but merely an argument about too much diversity and an over-representation of Muslims in the BBC that isn’t merited by their actual presence in society.
Thanks to Mice Height for this…
F*** off BBC racists.
Just thought I’d make a sophisticated argument using anachronistic modern terminology, which also satirised BBC for its racism.
The BBC is institutionally racist and anti-semitic. Maybe Ofcom will sort them out. LOL !
The only way I can describe Mr Hall and the organisation he purports to lead on behalf of our nation, is sickening. He’s a bad man, running a bad corporation and eventually all badness will be punished; if not in this life, most certainly in the next. But I suspect Mr Hall doesn’t care what I think, what God thinks or what the overwhelming majority of white indigenous population thinks.
Worse than bad, they are evil.
This Larry Elder interview is brilliant – thanks for posting it! The last two minutes are very relevant to this country too.
The BBC has no diversity whatever.
Anyone above the level of cameraman has exactly the same infantile kumbaya PC gender-fluid multiculural view of the world (or if they haven’t, they keep it extremely quiet).
Cannot “reply” to “john in cheshire April 1, 2017 at 12:00 pm” in the normal manner.
Fault in system? Anyway it will allow me to comment as the latest post.
“all badness will be punished; if not in this life, most certainly in the next”
States jic.
Well I think its our job to punish everybody at the BBC, in this life. And the way to punish them, is to send them to the next life. PDQ.
Which they so richly deserve.
Morgan Freeman has the answer.When asked how you deal with racism he replied “you stop talking about it ” He doesn’t support black history month because he supports American History which black and white together are part of.
A very sensible guy .Not much work for him on the BBC I should think.
I think Jacob Rees-Mogg is far too intelligent for the middle-class morons at the BBC. His claim that ‘experts’ were in the same category as ‘soothsayers and astrologers’ is based on the results of predictions by experts that were eventually proved wrong. Such as predictions for the success of the Euro, failure of countries not in the EU, and predictions using the Arrhenius formula in computer models after 1997.
I suppose that I am an expert in Astronomy, but I only make predictions using formulas that have already been proven to work. Such as Keplers laws, which are now being used to predict future Climate Change by calculating the speed of the centre of the Sun relative to the centre of mass or barycentre of the Solar System, which determines the length of the solar cycle. Short Solar Cycles have higher Solar Magnetic activity due to the increase in the speed of plasma within the Sun, and therefore a larger number of Sun spots. Long Solar Cycles have lower Solar Magnetic activity and therefore a smaller number of Sun spots.
The real experts are the ones using Keplers laws to show how Climate Change correlates with the Solar Cycles from 1766 to 2008, showing how Global Warming ended in 1997, and showing why Global Cooling starts from 2018.
It’s good to hear a discussion like the interview with Larry Elder. All too often anyone speaking logically about issues such as racism, perpetuating group victimhood status and governments rewarding people for irresponsible and selfish behaviour is shouted down abusively.
The rewards handed out by governments seem to escalate in line with the increasing level of irresponsibility and selfishness and are provided by forcibly taking assets from responsible hard working people. Add to this the welcoming into western countries of large numbers of Muslim immigrants, looking for a slice of someone else’s cake, who’s first allegiance will always be to Islam and who expect their hosts to adapt to their ways. The strain is showing across the western world.
First time I have seen Larry Elder. Superb. Not as clever as Diane Abbott though.
Wow ! Larry Elder is demolishing this Leftie boy. But, the interview is civilised. You would never see this on the BBC.
Now Show – News Quiz – countless other Al beeb ‘ comedy ‘ shows – the same unfunny smug tokenist ex Edinburgh festival types appearing on each other’s shows. See 4extra for even worse . Best to just hit the off switch . It’s a shame because some of the stuff on al beeb used to be ‘ funny’ . Now they are just too busy self censoring so as not to cause offence to their own kind.