The BBC obviously doesn’t want to be name checked as an ‘Uncle Tom’ (©Sadiq Khan) for helping the Rozzers catch some boyz in the hood…..after looking at David’s earlier post I checked the BBC’s latest on the 17 year old lad beaten up by ‘racists’ in Croydon and the BBC doesn’t seem totally keen to help the police with their enquiries…no photo of the people the police hope to speak to in relation to this attack on their latest frontpage report...there is a photo of the bus stop and of some grafitti saying ‘refugees welcome’….but no indication that some of the attackers may not be KKK members…
The photo above was from the BBC site…but buried on the London page…and now, even that has gone missing from that page as far as I can see, or not see….to see it you’d need to know it was archived somewhere and have the link already.
The Guardian has a nice picture of the courthouse but not of any suspects…
Would like to know where the police got the information that this was a racist attack and that the boy was asked where he came from…was it from his two friends? Hardly going to be the most reliable source……have to say the victim doesn’t himself look as if he really is the quiet studious type who stayed out of trouble that the Guardian suggests…
You have to ask what was really said to start the fight…did he in fact start it, did he slag off one of the girls and it all kicked off, did he say something about Britain and the British, did he say something about the black youths?
You’ve got to think there is more to this than is coming out right now…but as David said the BBC is all over it and eager to press the ‘racist’ angle….Nolan, encouraging the idea of ‘racist Britain’ last night had some immigrant on telling his tale of woe…found him in Sheffield I think…apparently a car drove past him and splashed him….gotta say welcome to the real world. Then we had the usual immigration charity on to tell us how racist Britain is especially since Brexit.
All smacks of the last time the BBC made up allegations that an attack was almost certainly racist…
David Keighley’s BBC Watch: ‘Race hate murder’ linked to Brexit was just fake news
This dates back to the death last August 31 of a well-liked Polish man, ‘Arek’ Jozwik, after a late night fracas in a pizza parlour in Harlow. This sent the BBC news gathering operation – which then as now was hell-bent on a mission to undermine Brexit – into overdrive.
BBC1 man-on-the spot Daniel Sandford alleged most prominently in his report that the crime – prematurely said by him to be a ‘murder’ – was being investigated as a frenzied attack by a gang of six local youths triggered by race hate stirred up by the referendum vote.
And later that evening, on BBC2’s Newsnight, correspondent John Sweeney’s outro to his feature about the death was a quote from a friend of Mr Jozwik, who declared that Nigel Farage had ‘blood on his hands’.
Fast forward to the present. It has since emerged that Mr Jozwik’s death was not murder at all. Nor, say the police, was race hate involved, and nor was the crime committed by a frenzied gang of race hating youths.
Instead, a sole 15-year-old youth has been charged with manslaughter.
This time the police have charged one person with racially motivated GBH…but as above, it will be interesting to see what the real facts are and what really started the fight.
Oh yes…..Thanks to Mice Height for this…maybe a row over cigarettes…
Just confirming the above here…
— UK Rants: Waiting on a statue of Thatcher (@uk_rants) April 3, 2017
“…the BBC doesn’t seem totally keen to help the police with their enquiries…no photo of the people the police hope to speak to in relation to this attack… no indication that some of the attackers may not be KKK members…”
Oh, apart from;
“The photo above was from the BBC site…”
And just where has the BBC blamed this attack on “Whites” or “White Supremacists” or “KKK members”?
Never mind, I don’t expect an answer. The only important thing to remember is that “Us Whites” are the true victims of this attack.
Reker Ahmed? Beaten to within an inch of his life? Well just look at him;
“doesn’t himself look as if he really is the quiet studious type who stayed out of trouble…”
Seldom have I seen a more gratuitous example of victim blaming, slathered with such self-pity. A Kurdish-Iranian immigrant was subject to a horrendous assault and all you are concerned about, Alan; is yourself.
Poor you.
I guess the guy above has trouble reading…
“no photo of the people the police hope to speak to in relation to this attack on their latest [b]frontpage[/b] report…
The photo above was from the BBC site…but [b]buried on the London page[/b]…and now, even that has gone missing from that page as far as I can see, or not see….”
Dear Max:
I think most people watch BBC TV news rather than peruse its website.
I watched BBC TV news yesterday, and in all their reporting, they did not bother to mention that the suspects were black.
ITV TV news, on the other hand, did broadcast the photos of the three suspects. Their reporters could not bring themselves to actually say the suspects were black, but at least viewers could see for themselves that they were, indeed, black.
As your fellow Communist Denis Healey once said, “when you are in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.”
Have a nice day.
Dear Rob,
Pictures of the the black suspects were shown on the 1pm, 6pm and 10pm BBC News yesterday. No they didn’t say they where “black”; neither did they say five people arrested where “white”.
Then again, neither did they say the victim probably deserved it because of the way he looked.
That was Alan.
What do you think that proves, hole wise?
Dear Max:
I think it must prove we watched different broadcasts. I was interested to see if the BBC would mention that the suspects were black. They didn’t.
The DM has pictures of 4 of the wankers who attacked this lad. They are all white. That said there is another 26 thugs to arrest and charge.
The DM has pictures of 4 of the wankers who attacked this lad. They are all white. That said there is another 26 thugs to arrest and charge.
I am not condoning the attack, but you are now describing the victim of this incident as an immigrant (he was an asylum seeker yesterday). What is this 17-year old immigrant doing here? It would be interesting to learn. Jeremy Corbyn says he is fleeing Iran, but why when Iranian Kurds have nothing to flee from? Apparently things are so bad there that Iran is one of the world’s fastest growing tourist destinations and the tourism board booked out an entire hall at the recent ITB travel show in Berlin! By contrast, the UK just a had a small stand.
An Iranian friend of mine has just moved back to Isfahan (I realise that this is not a Kurdish area) and after years in the UK and he is amazed how things have improved and how much nicer it is there compared to here. Clearly, Mr Corbyn thinks otherwise; although he seemed happy enough in the past working for Iranian TV.
Meanwhile, the Kurdish youth was subjected to an horrendous assault, which was clearly described as a so-called “hate crime” (and with all the connotations that go with the phrase) by the BBC and the ghastly Diane Abbot.
Yet this may not be the case and maybe it was an argument over cigarettes and, if so, it’s hardly a hate crime.
By the way, I hate people who drop litter. Should I be arrested for this hatred or subject to police investigation?