On the one hand…..


The BBC just keeps on giving…..anything to do with Trump sets them off on a furious tirade of nonsense and abuse never mind the facts…

Trumplomacy: Bromance with an autocrat

When I was based in Egypt during the 1990s, we regularly got human rights reports about dreadful abuses in military prisons.

What particularly sticks in my mind, though, is a report on what happened in police stations: even people picked up for petty crimes were tortured.

Egypt’s security state has always been ruthless, but in those days the brutality was more under the surface.

Under George W Bush the administration began to question the wisdom of seeking stability at the expense of democracy.

Barack Obama went further. He rolled with the revolutionary wave of the Arab Spring, then shunned the strongman, Army General Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, who took power in the debris of its aftermath.

The brutality had risen to the surface: Sisi oversaw a vicious security operation that killed hundreds of protesters in the streets. He has since jailed tens of thousands of his opponents.

But he has also cracked down on Islamist terrorism, and that is the language the Trump administration speaks.

So President Sisi has been rehabilitated, validated by a visit to the [Trump] White House.

Is this Washington reverting to the comfort zone of supporting Arab autocrats, in a time of great instability?


Ah Trump the friend of brutal autocrats…and Putin….and he wants to crack down on Islamic terrorism…and the BBC doesn’t?

Hmmm…OK…but….also from the BBC…..’Pope Francis will travel to Egypt later this month. In a statement, the Vatican said the Pope had accepted an invitation from President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’…..Can there be two al-Sisi’s running Egypt…the badass chumming it up with Trump and the angelic one meeting his Popishness?

Dialogue marks faiths’ response to the Westminster attacks

Following the recent attack in Westminster, the temptation to increase tensions between Christianity and Islam was rejected almost immediately.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, the Chief Rabbi and two British imams gathered on Westminster’s North Green, embodying interfaith unity in the shadow of a horrifying attack.

“We are each drawn from the historic Abrahamic faiths,” said Archbishop Justin Welby, “faiths that teach the primacy of love and compassion over antagonism. We have come together to push for a more peaceful future.”

It was an immediate effort to reject the narrative that Khalid Masood was an agent of Islam at war with the Christian West. [Good luck with that]

The Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, will embark upon a more adventurous pilgrimage. He will take four British imams to meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican, also on Wednesday. The BBC has been invited to travel with the cardinal’s party.

“Pope Francis is committed to engagement,” the cardinal says. “When he was archbishop of Buenos Aires, he repeatedly visited mosques and engaged with the Muslim community. And his willingness to welcome our British imams is a further sign that he regards interfaith dialogue as being of the utmost importance.”

To further emphasise this commitment, it has just been announced that Pope Francis will travel to Egypt later this month. In a statement, the Vatican said the Pope had accepted an invitation from President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Roman Catholic bishops, the leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria and the grand imam of Cairo’s Al-Azhar mosque.

Oh hang on…one last BBC jibe at Trump as the report ends…

But by continuing the dialogue, these faith leaders are sending a clear message to the communities they serve: that faith without works is dead and that dialogue must always trump conflict.


Is this an example of ‘alternate facts’…one set for the Pope and one for Trump?  Good old truthful, unbiased and honest BBC.



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4 Responses to On the one hand…..

  1. Richard Pinder says:

    An 876 year old prophecy claims Pope Francis is the final Pope who will reign during a time of great trouble and the destruction of Rome.
    The prophecy appears to have credibility because the man who gave it also gave prophecies for every Pope from 1139 to today, a total of 112 Popes. Historians have found his words for previous Popes were accurate.
    In 1139 this Irish monk, Malachy of Armagh, was summoned to Rome by Pope Innocent II. While in Rome Malachy experienced a divine vision of the future Popes.
    Malachy not only predicted the number of Popes remaining before the end, but also accurately predicted who they would be by identifying unique facts about each one, such as their birthplaces, family names, personal arms, and their pre-papal titles.
    Malachy wrote the following prophecy about the 112th Pope, which is Pope Francis. “In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.”
    The name has unique applications to Pope Francis as he took his name from Saint Francis of Assisi who was born with the name Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone. The last part of his name literally means Peter the Roman. Amazingly, Saint Francis of Assisi prophesied the last Pope “by his cunning, will endeavor to draw many into error and death… Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it under foot and deny it…for in those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a destroyer”


    • Demon says:

      “Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone.” Surely that’s nothing to do with Rome, it just states his father’s and grandfather’s names.


  2. JimS says:

    I expect the imams will be measuring up the vatican for new curtains and carpets.


  3. sadman says:

    I’m under no illusion Trump has his faults, but which of us out there is perfect. But the BBC has yet to give him any real praisè. On Monday I read on the bbc Trump: I will go it alone against North Korea. Yet what he said was I will go it alone if China does not support us. Andrew Zurcher is the BBC correspondent and please fb him. He is not independent.

    His latest article runs along the line of is Trump part of the establishment. Is there anyone out there that really believes this was a planned by the Rotchchild’s et al.

    Zurcher’s previous article talks about Trump’s failed bud to remove Obamacare. When you have all the democrats doing everything to scupper Trump and a slim majority, is it little wonder it failed.

    Zurcher’s is in a very influential position and he is not providing fair reporting. No comment on the improving economy, or how business confidence is at its highest since Reegan or about how his administration is still not complete or how democrats are preventing the supreme court judge from taking his position