If only our government would take such a stand against the Saudi funding that pours into the UK universities and Muslim communities [Not to mention the millions that they channelled to the Clintons]…
Hungary passes bill targeting Central European University
Supporters have gathered at a Budapest university after MPs passed a bill which could force it out of Hungary.
The 199-seat parliament head earlier voted 123 to 38 in favour of the legislation, which places tough restrictions on foreign universities.
The main target is believed to be the Central European University (CEU) and its founder, George Soros.
It is the latest battle declared by the right-wing Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, against liberalism.
A battle against ‘liberalism’…or against a George Soros funded slow burn ‘coup’? Soros is a much a threat to many nation’s sovereignty, security and stability as Putin in his own way using his billions to finance ‘revolution’….Soros funding so much of the opposition to Trump in an attempt to unseat him or at least stop any of his policies being enacted. Curious the BBC does not recognise that. Or that he also allegedly funds Pussy Riot to attack Trump, Pussy Riot also supposedly funded by the US government….the Establishment against Trump?…
Here’s Pussy Riot’s anti-Trump video…
So the protest group ‘Pussy Riot’ is allegedly funded through various channels by Soros and the US government [via the National Endowment for Democracy organisation, a US government funded ‘soft-power’ organisation meant to promote democracy…by undermining non-democracies…such as Russia…much of course as the BBC’s World Service, still partially funded by government, is also mean to promote democracy…hence ‘Media Action’….’Areas described as suffering from a “democratic deficit” – a shortage of impartial news. [LOL]And while the Government will be helping to pay the bills – editorial control remains entirely with the BBC.’]
BBC Media Action is the BBC’s international development charity. We use the power of media and communication to help reduce poverty and support people in understanding their rights. Our aim is to inform, connect and empower people around the world.
A free and diverse media rooted in a strong culture of independent journalism is a cornerstone of effective governance. In many of the countries where we work, media is often a positive force for democratic change and governance.
Curious how supposed Russian interference in our politics is outrageous but our interference in other nations’ politics is the promotion of democracy and enlightenment and thus OK…never mind that the BBC always seems to hate democracy, Britain and America….guess their enemies’ enemy is their friend now as they seek to unseat Trump.
Just a little something which goes to show how Muslims in the UK subtly shove 2 fingers up at the kaffur:
Remember when publicly funded free schools were all the rage. One of the first was Kings Science Academy in Bradford. Which saw the founder and his family jailed for nepotism and the mis- appropriation of school funds (£86k)
KSA is also the acronym for the Kingdom of Saudis Arabia. Every Muslim household has a picture of the Black box in Saudi Arabia on the wall somewhere.

Personally I prefer this black box. (No not Dianne Abbott)
To be fair its just good business. The Saudi’s spend a fortune on British military equipment. If the government were to then start questioning the funding of universities, the spending on military equipment would dry up quicker than a bar in Newcastle’s meat market during happy hour. As to what the Saudis hope to achieve through their funding ……?
Actually they don’t, everything we sell them is virtually European? Typhoon,Tornado, Brimstone, are all European. Even the Paveway we sell them is ….American. Now the Germans, French, Chinese, Italians, Spanish, Turks, and Americans they do sell the Saudis their own own made in their own country military goods.
The line sold by the left that we sell the most Miltary goods to SA is a lie.
So, wishfull thinking on my part that anything is actually produced in the uk. ?
Spider, the Saudis are funding the spread of Wahabist Islam through UK universities who silently and treacherously never mention the conditions attached to such donations, which invariably involve the promotion of Islam.
When you see things like the split in the Brexit vote along university education lines, then you see the effects of this indoctrination.
When Tony BLiar talked about education education education, he was attempting to get more young minds into university education – not because the country would benefit, but so they could be indoctrinated.
When these people leave uni they then go on to positions of power in the public sphere and this is where the disconnect between the people and the elites has its roots. Because they never really re-integrate back into their home communities they cannot comprehend the lives of ordinary people.
According to Innes Bowen, writing in The Spectator, only two of the 1,700 mosques in Britain today follow the modernist interpretation of Islam, compared with 56% in the United States. The Wahhabis control six percent of mosques in the UK, while the fundamentalist Deobandi control up to 45%.
The Deobandis are ‘extremists’ so far on the fringe that even the BBC has run a two part documentary on them, and yet again their funding comes from Saudi.
Today it could not be better illustrated by the Labour parties failure to expel Ken Livingstone. The Left has been completely hoodwinked by the Saudi gold when it comes to Palestine.
Why stop at accusations against the Clintons though? One of the biggest recipients of Middle Eastern money has been Tony BLiar, probably all three of the evil triumvirate – but proving it to a criminal standard is very difficult.