The BBC’s coverage of the Gibraltar business is sadly of a standard and form we have long come to expect as the BBC sides with the EU and Spain and blames Britain for the ruckus….and Michael Howard should be ignored because he is a former PM [Yep, I seem to have promoted Howard from leader of the Tory Party] who isn’t in government anymore….so why does the BBC give headline status to the other PM has-beens, Blair and Major? Could it be because they say all the right things about the EU and Brexit, all the things the BBC likes to hear?
The BBC has been insisting all day that sovereignty is not in question…but of course it is...back in June 2016 this was said…
Britain rejects Spain’s talk of joint sovereignty for Gibraltar
In an interview on Friday morning, Spain’s acting foreign minister, José Manuel García-Margallo, said the referendum result had significantly advanced the prospect of a Spanish flag flying on the rock of Gibraltar.
“I hope the formula of co-sovereignty – to be clear, the Spanish flag on the rock – is much closer than before.”
Absolutely clear what the Spanish want, and what the EU terms give them now…a right to determine Gibraltar’s future. What is remarkable is that the BBC does not think the EU’s interference is in anyway remarkable…in effect they are annexing Gibraltar on behalf of Spain. Campbell this morning had a phone-in entitled ‘Gibraltar…should we give it back?’ A pretty leading way of introducing the subject compounded by a typical Campbell comment ‘You’re future is with the EU…you voted to stay’...and ‘Would it really be so bad if you were Spanish?’… about a discussion about Spain’s colonial possessions or Catalonia or indeed the borders of Europe as they constantly change? How about East Germany being handed back to Russia? Or indeed, Spain to the Moors?
Islamic State: “We Will Take Spain Back”
And not just IS that has such desires to reclaim Spain for the Muslims…
“The loss of Andalusia is like losing part of my body,” H.R.H. Prince Turki al-Faisal told me.
I had asked him what the loss of Andalusia meant to him as an Arab. The son of King Faisal, widely celebrated in the Muslim world, Prince Turki heads The King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia’s preeminent think tank, and has been Saudi ambassador to the U.S. and the U.K.
Astonishing how the BBC is so keen to hand over British territory and people to other countries as it continues to work to break up Britain and sell us out to the EU.
And what of Michael Howard’s remarks?…according to the BBC and the Guardian he suggests we must go to war with Spain…
The Guardian…
Theresa May would go to war to protect Gibraltar, Michael Howard says
Lord Howard raised the spectre of military action, saying that 35 years ago, “another woman prime minister sent a taskforce halfway across the world to protect another small group of British people against another Spanish-speaking country.
Trouble is Howard didn’t suggest we engage in a bit of gunboat diplomacy as the BBC tells us he did…all he said was that May should show the same resolve Thatcher did and stand her ground. He said nothing about bombing Madrid….just more BBC fake news….
Jeremy Vine did his bit to stir up trouble on Monday, using Daily Mirror editor Kevin Maguire as his attack dog. It got quite amusing as Maguire got more and more rabid, (and stupid), as he accused Rear Admiral Chris Parry of being a war-monger and having a blood lust. Apparently Maquire believes he understands the cost of war better than a professional sailor with a mention in despatches for his actions during the Falklands campaign. You don’t get to be a Rear Admiral in the Royal Navy without being calm under fire and Chris Parry certainly certainly displayed that characteristic while enduring the rude and ill-judged attack from Maguire.
Vine concluded this piece with the open question as to ‘what sort of people are we?’
I’m afraid my response was “lying, treacherous bastards!”
Yet another BBC made-up story where we are supposed to submit to any demand from the EU and to meakly put aside any ‘big stick’ that might give us any advantage during the Brexit negotiations, (or Versailles type-surrender?)
Kevin Maguire is a loser like his Sunderland football team.
Not only a loser , but not the sharpest tool in the box.
Sunderland indeed! The exceedingly rich ‘Toilets’ Maguire lives in Richmond,ffs!!
He is a professional, ie whining, Geordie.
Michael Howard was Leader of the Opposition, but never PM, unfortunately !
Yes, I would have liked to have seen him as PM. His time as leader was during the Blair years when Labour were as unbeatable as they were dishonest, spiteful and incompetent.
And in the election when he was leader of the Tories, Zanulab accused him of racism for pointing out excessive immigration.
For years this disgusting organisation has operated in the centre of our society as some some sort of fifth column with a public persona of the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation but tacitly encouraging a plethora of groups that actually work against our interests as a unified nation.
However since the brexit vote the BBC has finally started to unveil itself. And the article below shows Nick Robinson now basically outed himself and the BBC as the decaying, maggot infested corpse of treachery we know it to be on this site.
Whether or not it is because it is full of unreconstructed, naive sixth formers spouting revolution – I care not. The bottom line is – That this organisation is also attracting some quite unpleasant people who are actively are working for our decline as a nation. Platforms always readily given to Sturgeon, numerous “religion of peace” apologists, Trump haters and of course our remainers.
You would hope with this latest undermining of our brexit negotiation Theresa would finally start to rein these bastards in but I would not hold your breath. I suspect she is still too in the thrall of this organisation to ask the question – BBC what exactly do you believe in?
I suspect this situation will continue until someone in the know finally has the balls to tell the truth as to why the Government tolerates this corrupt conduit for lies and disinformation. – I think we may have a long wait.
Thanks for saving me the trouble. You have summed up the evil of the BBC and the spinelessness of the Conservatives exactly.
They talk as if trying to push Gibraltar into Spain. They also do this with Ireland. Now you will always see on television the Irish Republic referred to as just “Ireland”. That’s bollocks as Ireland is the whole island. Even yesterday on the Sky weather the presenter said something like “There will be clouds over Ireland, Northern Ireland and the Orkneys.” It’s trying to make out Northern Ireland is illegitimate and not part of Ireland despite its name and location.
It’s like referring to England as Great Britain. In fact I see that as well, on certain sport sites the English competitors are refereed to as British with the Union flag, whereas most Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish are referred to as what they are with their own flags.
I like pointless and Alexander Armstrong but Richard Osman always refers to the Irish Republic as Ireland. The other two that irritate me are Côte d’Ivoire (in English Ivory Coast) and Timor-Leste (East Timor). He will only accept their own language for these two countries but not, say, Österreich or Deutschland. It’s as if he thinks people from these countries are too feeble-minded to realise that their countries names are translated into other languages. He clearly exhibits the racism of low expectation.
By the way I’m not complaining that the Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish are given their own identities – I’m complaining that the English aren’t.
BBC Wales, BBC Scotland, Asian network, but no room for BBC England.
Richard Osman is as PC as they come.
I saw Richard Osman once on “Have I got news for you ” when it was chaired by Clarkson who was actually quite reasonable. Hyslop was making fun of him, but in a light-hearted way. Osman was really nasty, vicious and vindictive, as if it was personal. It was so bad , I actually felt sorry for Clarkson !
We also get various kinds of weather “over most of the UK” as though the weather were political. We also have people reported as living “in Hereford and Worcester”, or even more bizarrely, “in Tyne and Wear”. Category mistakes are their speciality. (I am not sure, on reflection, if this really agrees with the point you are making!)
I despise and hate the BBC and what it has become; a propaganda tool for those who want to destroy Western civilisation and its history in general, and the UK in particular. Why do our leaders sit on their hands when we are clearly being sold down the river in this way? Are they complicit? One can only assume that they are.
How soon we forget, especially if the BBC thinks it is bad news for LABOUR:
It was only in early 2000s when treasonous, TRAITOROUS :
“TONY Blair agreed to a secret deal to hand Gibraltar over to Spain, claims a former cabinet minister.”
Not BBC, but just heard that Blair is in Gambia staying at the Coco Ocean hotel ( the most expensive ) and promising Gambia that he will help the country. They just got rid of one criminal and another appears !
Crikey Grant – I think help is the last thing that the Gambia needs from that messianic knob. If I were you I would try and move your missus and kids out quick before he starts a war somewhere in Africa!
LOL ! I think he will have moved on to his next vanity project by now and forgotten Gambia. He stayed in Coco Ocean Hotel just 2 miles from my house, well within striking distance , if I had been there.
I hate to give Blair any credit for anything ,but the one good thing he did do was the Sierra Leone operation, which prevented the country descending into chaos. Many Sierra Leoneans took refuge in Gambia. Genuine refugees, but no Government assistance there. Some of the stories they told me still give me nightmares. So he is a hero to them and I don’t blame them. Apart from that, he is a shit.
Grant not that I am being cynical but I suspect he did the right thing for the wrong reason. Good though the result was. Hopefully any Prime Minister with half a brain and decent intelligence Service would have done the same thing.
I have always thought he is a bit of a “General Jumbo” figure I suspect he never needed much persuasion to launch all his little men and ships in any sort of foreign adventure. And certainly craved his own “Falklands” moment (maybe a bit too much).
Even ignoring his hidden migrant agenda, I think the sexed up dossiers regarding Iraq are the smoking gun that defines him as a knob of the highest order and this also created some of the conditions that led to many of the “asylum seekers” problems that we are experiencing today.
Yes, I would not imagine his motive was pure, but what happened was justified unlike the Iraq nonsense.
I lay claim to sovereignty ( ownership) of the BBC’s premises at Salford Quays .
I don’t want warfare (ejection by their security guards ) . I want dialogue and compromise . I don’t care if 99% of the staff inside reject my claims .
I will get an impartial third party ( my local pub) to have the say whether my claim is legitimate .
I find it somewhat ironic that the BBC, The Labour party and the left wing press are having a go at Michael Howard for sabre rattling as a means of preventing military conflict when they have done exactly the same in the past. Taking the Falklands as an example. Labour under Callaghan used the tactic and it stopped the Argentinians for 5 years. They bluffed a story that the Navy had a nuclear sub in the area and let the Argentinians know about it. They also mobilised forces and sent them off for “manoeuvres” to reinforce the point. So, by their own use of the tactics they have shown it works as a deterrent.
Think it through GB – Things have now changed. We are in the age of the Onsie where the main function of Royal Navy is as a taxi service for economic migrants. Threatening war and projecting power is not what the RN is for any more.
We shouldnt need to fight wars anymore unless of course they have been especially sanctioned by HM policy unit which consists of Gaurdian journalists and the BBC.
Gibraltar and the Falklands should immediately become parts of the UK with their own elected representatives. I would also like to see the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man represented in Parliament too.
The Gibraltar government should tell Spain that if they can’t keep their politicians under control that they will close the border for two days in midweek, and that it may happen again if they don’t learn to behave. The Spanish economy in that area needs access to jobs in Gibraltar even more than Gib. needs Spanish workers.