On the day of PC Keith Palmer’s funeral, the BBC decides to play a clip about ‘Plebgate’ and Andrew Mitchell ….is this a deliberately sly attempt to try and defame and malign Mitchell, a not so subtle comparison of the death of a brave police officer who died defending politicians with the politician who allegedly insulted a police officer at Downing Street?
The BBC stooping so low? Of course they would.
If that’s the BBCs intention then they fail spectacularly.
What it reminds me of is that the police union saw a chance to stitch up Andrew Mitchell a cabinet minister for their own political ends.
Either way ,the BBC should have left it alone this day of all days.
The witch hunt conducted afterwards saw about 5 or 6 officers lose their jobs and a large number (20 or so) have thier career’s kaiboshed. As for the “federation”, they got stung when mr Mitchell wound them up in a private meeting and recorded and released the second part of the meeting to frame them. I worked with somebody from the unit involved. He was off sick that day and lucky to escape the backlash. Mr Mitchell was and is a very unpleasant person. He was very nasty to the officers at the time and did everything he could to ruin everybody’s day. As for stitching him he did that to himself. The witch hunt included seizing officers private mobile phones and looking for evidence of missconduct. How would you like your boss looking through your emails and text message’s.
Mitchell clearly isn’t very pleasant – he admitted he swore at the policemen on the gate, and for a government minister to do that is a very poor show. However, there were police who lied as well like the one who claimed he was a civilian walking past the gate and “heard it all” but in reality was nowhere near the scene.
I still doubt he used the word “plebs” as that is not a normally used insult except in jest; he much more likely called them “plods” which is a common insult for policemen.
They knew that if they complained that he called them “plods” people would laugh at them, so to twist the word into “plebs” they knew it would be picked up by the left-wing establishment MSM as they like to portray all Conservatives as upper-class twits who look down on everyone (sure there are a few, but Labour is worse – e.g. Lady Nugee, Tristram Hunt, Hilary Benn, Tony Blair, Shawn Woodward etc.).
The police let themselves down badly on this and, with playing the left-wing “anti-racism” card in places like Rotherham, the people too. But, when something like this terrorist attack happens the police show the side which we must all admire, the selfless act to combat evil and even give their lives if necessary. On the whole the police are lions led by donkeys, look at that stupid Dick at the Met.
No tragedy is ever to great for the Left to try to make use of or to gain political capital out of. Great day to bury bad news anybody?
Lose their jobs, career ruined. Ah.
Pass me a large, new, crisp, white, lawn, ‘kerchief.
My lachrymosity is unbounded, for the decent, hard working police officers who do a difficult job, to the best of their ability.
A job that is increasingly dangerous due to the Islamic scum of the earth with which the, equally scum of the earth, lefties have deliberately infected Europe. The lefties in the “Federation”, the lefties fast tracked into senior positions in the police service, straight from Common Purpose college without any “on the beat” experience whatsoever.
Plenty of experience in QUANGOs and other gravy train troughing activities, though. Pass the Bolly Chief Superintendent.
Another not fit for purpose public sector waste of taxes. Which needs decimation.
Slightly off topic, but did anyone else feel that PC Palmer’s funeral had been taken over by the “Princess Diana Professional Mourners Society”? Once upon a time police officer’s funerals were carried out locally, with only that officer’s colleagues attending. Now it seems that we need a national display of sorrow for all occasions. PC Palmer’s integrity and bravery is not in dispute, but I felt that the whole occasion was mawkish, over emotional and unnecessary.
Perhaps the politicos felt it was required, to “show that they care”?
JTB – isn’t that true of most things, nowadays? All mawkish over-the-top shite in my opinion.
The EDL are usually banned from peaceful protest because they are invariably attacked by violent, hate-filled Muslims. On the other hand hate filled Muslims can march and wave abusive placards without fear of police arrest because the pecaful EDL do not attack them. Crazy situation.