The BBC can’t seem to help itself, especially as it doesn’t have to be balanced anymore according to Nick Robinson, it pumps out endless alarmist nonsense about a Far-Right on the brink of power along with fantastical tales of how secret internet warriors stole the election for Trump…and Brexit. The BBC is going mad. All sense of reality and perspective have vanished to be replaced with the very thing it agitates and rails against….prejudiced, partisan and highly subjective comment with very little connection to the truth….fake news in other words.
BBC Trending is always at the fore of the daftness, forever looking for hidden racism and inventing significance where there is none. Look at its latest great scoop…
How The ‘Great Meme War’ Moved To France
A group of anonymous keyboard warriors who claim they helped Donald Trump win his presidency have moved their fight to Europe and are trying to help elect a right wing leader for France.
Conversations in secret online messaging forums reveal a systematic effort to sway opinion in favour of a right-wing leader in this year’s forthcoming elections.
There is, according to the BBC, a vast underground Far-Right network conspiring and collaborating to ‘steal’ the French election…hmmm…even if there was a group of right-wing activists that was promoting right-wing politics [see how a different use of language changes perspective suddenly] I fail to see why that is such a problem…isn’t that just democracy in action rather than a sinister plot to undermine the election? It is the BBC that is the problem not these free and independent activists….the BBC after all does not create a witch-hunt against similar left-wing groups doing exactly the same….nor of course does it check its own reporting for ‘memes’.
The two BBC ‘journalists’ sexing up this story quite possibly have a personal problem with what they think is the Far-Right and anyone who wants to control immigration….one,
, clearly doesn’t do any homework and is more than ready to promote a ‘meme’ herself if it suits her own prejudices such as in this story….Muslim woman’s cheeky selfie with anti-Islam group goes viral
Yep….another one of those ‘heroic Muslim women’ [ala the one in the infamous photo recently] who aren’t all the BBC cracks them up to be….did Subedar know her heroine tweeted stuff like this?
Such a cheeky woman eh? Curious that the BBC is always so supportive of those who want to wipe Israel and its inhabitants off the map [going so far as to make a whole series promoting such an idea….‘a ‘smart bomb’ delivered into thousands, if not millions, of homes around the world bearing not high explosives but a poisonous message….a message delivered by the BBC on behalf of Hamas, Fatah and all those who wish to ‘wipe Israel off the map’.] and have little concern for Jews being forced out of Europe…until it is someone of the Far-Right who says something anti-semitic…then the BBC is very, very concerned all of a sudden. Oh…and let’s have the Balen Report published…does it say BBC News Kills Jews?
The BBC itself engages in political activism intended to influence elections and policy, this attack on the Right is in fact part of that….an attempt to undermine, malign and deligitimise the Right so that people turn away from them and vote for a more left-wing candidate. The BBC that fills the airwaves with outraged voices and invented tales of the Russians hacking the US election, and indeed possibly even the Brexit referendum, is the same BBC that spent two years abusing Trump, calling him a racist, a sexist, an Islamophobe, a madman, and all so that their own favoured candidate, Clinton, would have a better chance. Is that not interference in the US election? If not what is?
The BBC of course is still at it, still pumping out the abuse and the conspiracy theories about Trump and Brexit hoping to unseat them both…here’s two videos from the supposedly flagship BBC Newsnight programme that are pretty typical of the BBC’s output….just abuse, arrogance, contempt and denial….they are paft of the BBC’s very own ‘Great Meme War’…. a war against the Right…….
And here’s another which once again tries to keep alive the idea that Trump and Putin are in it together…pure fantasy…no facts just prejudiced opinion…the first few seconds show what the BBC has been doing for years itself…the ‘post-modern’ philosophy, rewriting history, denying there is any one truth, insisting everything is relative and that nothing is better than anything else…especially ‘civilisations’ or political systems…all intended to overthrow the Established order….now apparently being used by a ‘new breed of leaders to entrench their authority’…Trump and Putin of course….oh my, politicians now using propaganda, half-truths and outright lies to further their aims….blimey O’Reilly…how did this happen?…gotta be that damned interwebby thing [close it down!!!]…..let’s get back to pre-2016 and the golden age of honest, truthful and sincere politicians…
The snowflakes sound like they are getting a bit hot under the collar.
Possibly a bit like Tsar Nicholas realising he had a slight problem with the Proletariat.
I give you Brexit & Trump as an example.
Except the left (and the BBC) are losing the argument.
Go, short, to-the-point piece here about hysterical EUrophiles.
‘Brexit-hating ultra-remailers are making fools of themselves’
“The BBC can’t seem to help itself, especially as it doesn’t have to be balanced anymore”
And our Tory government stands by and does nowt about Al Beeb?
From The above clip.
At the end of the day “There’ll be fighting in the streets”.
But it’s already happening (not on the BBC of course).
Immigration – good for Britain. Government policy? Tick. BBC policy? Tick.
Islamification – a good thing. Government policy? Tick. BBC policy? Tick.
Global warming – real. Government policy? Tick. BBC policy? Tick.
Interventionist wars. Government policy? Tick. BBC policy? Tick.
Diversity agenda. Government policy? Tick. BBC policy? Tick.
Russophobia. Government policy? Tick. BBC policy? Tick.
Foreign Aid scam. Government policy? Tick. BBC policy? Tick
Why would a Tory government want to do anything about the BBC? The Left hand knows fully well what the Right hand is doing…
Quite right, The Tories are a socialist party. Not quite as Far Left as the others but still Left Wing.
We have the Blue, Red and Yellow EU parties. It is Darwinism in action. The environment is the BBC, ready to attack any policy that it doesn’t like within the space of thirty minutes. Elections have no real meaning, the ‘fittest’ has already been selected.
Watch how when a new government policy is about to be announced if the BBC doesn’t like it the next news programme will include comments from at least three people that oppose it, even when, technically, the policy hasn’t even been announced in parliament or via a speech!
The result is near-identical politicians that know where the line is and daren’t stray from it – they wouldn’t want to be divisive now, would they? It is like politics in Sicily, the politicians go through the motions and the ‘gangsters’ run the island. Here it is ‘Don’ Baron Hall and his mates.
Despite trying very hard, I find it impossible not to hate the BBC and all it now stands for. Sorry, but I can no longer deny it.
‘BBC Trending’ is just news for children, the pieces I’ve watched all use the same simplistic formula, biased left wing content cobbled together with unsubstantiated bullet points and a little mood music, like a lazy student who doesn’t understand a subject padding out an essay in an effort to hide the fact it has no substance. The lack of intelligent comment currently available on the BBC is just embarrassing, can you imagine what the likes of Alistair Cooke would have had to say about Trump and contemporary America, now that would have been worth a licence fee. Thinking about it, could you imagine the BBC employing the likes of Alistair Cooke these days?
Howard Jacobson – “Democracy works best when people are making the right decisions. What’s wrong with that?” And there, in a nutshell, is the liberals’ argument. WE decide what is the right decision they say, abetted by their soul brothers and sisters in the BBC. The arrogance of the new liberal aristocracy! Not dukes, earls and barons but quango chairs, LA chief executives, BBC apparatiks, politicians; all claiming “divine right” to decide for the peasantry who pay their wages (tax-free offshore of course)
Spot on.
It is rather breathtaking isn’t it?
I (repeatedly) watched him very closely indeed when he said that and he truly believed what he was saying. No insight at all.
BUT the frightening thing about the attitude is that it would defend ANY horror in the name of a greater good or in the name of doing what’s right for you…
Like Torquemada whispering into your ear “this is for your salvation” as the oh-so-painful flames lick at your feet.
Beeboids are totally demented. It is a collective mental illness. They are in denial, denying the realities of the world.
Their fantasy theme of a world-wide right-wing conspiracy is just that they need to invent a bogeyman so they can continue to push their lies over and over again. To create this bogeyman they had to look at themselves and the existent world-wide left-wing conspiracy, in which they are a major cog, and blame the fictitious bogeyman of carrying out the methods they, themselves, are using.
It makes it easy: they don’t have to invent what methods that this fictitious right-wing conspiracy could be using if it existed, they just look at their own instruction manual for their attempt at world-wide domination and superimpose it onto their invented enemy.
The left always do this, call the other side fascist when they are the ones who are actually fascistic, claim the other side doesn’t allow them free speech while they violently try to close down moderates from speaking freely, calling the moderates Anti-Semites while behaving like nazis towards Jews who are not left-wing whilst violently supporting terrorist groups who plan to slaughter all Jews in Israel and even the whole world. I could go on but this is a tried and trusted left-wing tactic that has proved successful up till now. Last year was a wake-up call to the left and ever since they have doubled down on their evil actions.
Top post ! Yes, the Left project their own perversions on anyone who disagrees with them. They are evil and hateful.
Does anyone actually watch the Islamic Broadcasting Corp? The BBC just give us opinion and views rather than objective newd… they are pathetic but highly combative and arrogant as they know they are unaccountable. Snooty middle class trendy Sky ‘News’ and their idle little pc chit chats round the news room table are just as bad. Both corporations are saturated with urban, affluent middle class types who check their emails on macbook pros in Starbucks whilst tweeting about how evil Trump and the Tories are. They’re all a bunch of twats.
Your last sentence sums the BBC up perfectly. Whilst a part of me would love to be able to compose some erudite prose to describe them, as you say, they’re all a bunch of twats.
You are also spot on. The illusory bogeyman has been a tool of the propaganda merchant from the start. The use of the term far-right merely reveals the user as ignorant of modern European politics. People wishing to stand up for the culture and freedoms that have taken centuries to establish are not far-right.
Well said ! Beeboids and their ilk contribute nothing good to society. They are oxygen and time wasters.
1. The bbc’s definition of ‘right wing’ and ‘far right’ would seem to be anyone they don’t like. On that basis, I propose the definition of ‘left wing’ and ‘ far left’ is the bbc and everyone they do like.
2. Every criticism that the bbc levels against those they don’t like should more accurately be leveled at themselves and their mates such as the UAF, their pet muslims, the Labour and Libdem parties, the Clintons and Obamas, their climate change shills,their EU dictatorship co-lovers and their hypocritical privately educated haters of selection by intelligence ( which unsurprisingly applies to the majority of the bbc’s screeching elite).
I simply refuse to fund the loathsome BBC, I have a television which I use for watching what I want, Films, and TV series, all delivered to me by Amazon, of course there is additional cost, but it’s my choice’ and I sleep easier.
The TV also doubles as my music centre, CDs can be played on a DVD player, and I do like my metal loud…( I have head phones). The TV is not connected to an ariel/receiver, so watching or recording live Television is not practical. These days you can get far more useful news and information from the internet.
I called TV licensing, and explained the above, they were fine about it… and that is all there is to it.
The loathsome BBC can transmit what they jolly well like, I don’t watch it, and I don’t pay for it …fcuk em! ..
If you don’t like it don’t fund it.
I scrapped my old TV last year. Any TV I watch is on my elderly mother’s TV and she does not have to pay the tax. So neither of us contribute to the evil BBC.
In Gambia, there is a State Broadcaster, GRTS, which is funded out of general taxation and on quite a low budget. However, it is vastly superior to the BBC, although that would not be difficult. The children’s programmes are especially educational with no PC crap, in contrast with the garbage BBC kids programmes.
My house is connected to satellite with about 100 channels, including BBC 24 news (I think it is called ). I can’t bear to watch it. I have about 10 other news channels all of which are vastly superior to the BBC. It is only when you compare the BBC to other world outputs that you realise what crap it is.
Am I smug ? You bet !
Yes am with you on those views. I just cannot , cannot pay the al beeb Licence tax while it is in its current shameful form. Maybe after Brexit and the tories get a better majority there will be a proper look at those in the BBC who see anyone they don’t agree with as extreme right.
I might buy shares in it though just to celebrate privatisation . I’ll take some stick but I’d privatised the perfect International Health Service as well.
Happy Easter from Fedup!
The BBC , along with most other Western state funded broadcasters, is a key part of the Globalist cabal that is intent on creating a one world Utopia ruled by the members of the cabal of course. Those at the top of the Tory party are just as much part of this Globalist grouping as are Labour and Lib Dems. Why else would the Tories give the BBC a free pass for another ten years ? We on this site may deride the BBC and predict it being overtaken by technological change, but it has powerful friends and protectors who still need it to do a great deal of dirty work for them. It will not die easily.
To the Globalists Brexit is an inconvenience that must be dealt with without upsetting the voters too much , so a long game is being played with the electorate to get them to agree, under the cloak of faux democracy of course, that a soft , or even no Brexit , is really what they want. If this plan doesn’t work within a couple of years we can expect the big guns to be turned on us to show voters in other countries what happens if you reject the Globalist agenda, Project Fear made real.
If voters or governments in other countries similarly reject Globalism, e.g. Orban, Le Penn , the Globalists will turn on them too. Hence the increasing efforts to undermine Le Penn, she is doing too well for comfort. Brexit and A Le Penn presidency would be too much to cope with even for the powerful a Globalist elite. The democratic revolt by the people against the Globalist agenda would have gained enormous momentum and set the project back for several years , or perhaps wreck it altogether. This will not be allowed to happen. So the likes of the BBC will be protected and boosted and alternate sources of news from the net will be censored or shut down. The Globalist war on democracy is in full swing but not many ordinary people know it yet.
Sadly, I fear that your analysis is accurate. These wretched people do not believe in democracy. Except when it suits them.
Democracy of course simply being the train that gets you to the destination…..
Doublethinker……Nail, Head, Hit, Hammer, all due to decades of programming and brainwashing of the sheeple bourght to you for decades by the BBC, As the one thing the Globalists truely fear is if enought of the sheeple break their programming and wake up and start using alternative media where they can access multiple sources of information and make their own minds up as to what is fact and what is fiction rather than relying on the BBC and the rest of the lying dying european state broadcasters to do their thinking and make their minds up for them
So the odious BBC is always looking for hidden racism I take that given the amount of muslims the BBC employs that the BBC unlike me has never read peadophile mohammad’s unholy quran and if the BBC ever did enter the real world as opposed to the BBC bubbleverse where the islamic death cult realy is the religion of peace and the mindless muslims dont have a master-race mentality and read the unholy quran then the BBC would find all the racism the BBC would want but then that would mean the BBC having to admit that it has been wrong and lying to us for decades. But given the BBC’s long history of appeasement to islam and its mindless followers that the BBC giving us an apology is highly unlikely
I would be willing to bet that no non-muslim Beeboid has ever read the Koran. They are totally ignorant. Morons !
Grant…..I would be very supprised if there are not any white converts to islam beeboids working at the BBC as throughout the Uk population there seems to be an increasing number of white people who will from suffer mental illness and become muslim sadly for them
I look at it a slightly different way and say to dhimmis, ” If you love Islam so much, why don’t you convert “. It sends shudders through them, especially the women !
I also ask people if they have read the Koran. If they have not, I say well go and read it then we can discuss Islam. So far, over the years, none of them have ! Better for them just to live the lie !
The impression we get from the BBC, is that they do not come into contact with anyone other than posh or middle-class left-wing Guardian reading Labour, Green or Libdem voters who voted Remain.
Therefore they would regard Brexit voters as inferior because the only Brexit voters they know are some working-class people who for some reason, still support the Labour party, which has been taken over and now represents, low IQ posh people.
So the BBC is unaware that the reason why all those inferior posh people in the Labour party (who think of themselves as superior to the working-class people in the Labour party) voted Remain, was because all those superior posh people, whose existence is censored by the BBC, despite being the majority of posh people, support the Tory Party, and the majority of these people voted Leave, as did a high IQ self-educated working-class minority of Labour voters.
So this error of perception would explain why the BBC regards Brexit voters as inferior.
As further proof: I live in a posh Tory area of East Yorkshire which voted for Brexit. This was because inferior middle-class Labour voters are a minority in posh Tory areas, as they tend to move down south for the left-wing Leisure based education and state jobs such as employment with the BBC, that caters for these low IQ middle-class types, who should really be employed in the menial jobs that immigrants are brought in to do, if we had a meritocracy, instead of the Dumbeddownocracy, introduced by Tony Blair.
Also, I am told that because the ratio of Tory voters is higher than the population at large. It is estimated that the Brexit vote in Mensa was also higher than 52 percent.
“I live in a posh Tory area of East Yorkshire ”
I used to live in Stamford Bridge and that was more Tory than anything else, despite a very active, nasty Liberal woman of low reasoning skills, but high output of words.
How we pity Metrobubbleworld Beeboids
Yes, the gas chambers are ready for the muslims. How do these perverts think that there is an equivalence ? Do they not realise that Islam is Neo-Nazi ? It is beyond belief.
It’s only beyond belief ’til you remember that the BBC are intent selling the UK a total lie 24/7 and FORCING us to pay for it. One day, somebody like Farage will come along and lead the UK out of the darkness created by this cancerous travesty…
Simon Love all it needs is enough of us who do what I do and no longer fund the odious BBC {Broadcasting for the British Caliphate} by no longer paying the BBC viewing tax. If enough of us do that and once the tipping point has been reached then to survive in order to insult our intellegence the BBC will either have to encrypt its miserable output and those who want the BBC in their loves can pay for it with subscription fees just like Sky or the BBC wit have to compete with the professional broadcasters and take advertising
The prog was followed up by a written piece by 2 grad students at UNAM in Mexico City.
Unusually I haven’t put myself thru the ordeal of listening to the prog.
Whether accidentally or on purpose LibMob get themselves into the state of mind that they are fighting some mega enemy and then that provides LibMob with justification for skullduggery and their Alinsky methods.
New story “The rise of left-wing, anti-Trump fake news” from BBC TR(uthB)ending
are they being sarcastic ??
Cos although everyone else knows that almost all FAkeNews come from LibMob, I don’t think the beeboids are capable of recognising that.
One thing’s for certain – Both Trump and Putin have totally rejected the lie that is socialism. That’s why the BBC savages them so mercilessly. Now we’ve achieved Brexit, we need to focus as a nation on the cancer that is eating us from within – The BBC…
That they decided to run with this narrative of ‘fake news’ shows breathtaking arrogance. Maybe people just assessed the facts and decided against what the Left was arguing? Oh no – they must be deluded! We could not possibly be wrong could we?
Voters see that the far-left fantasy of a rainbow global village where everyone holds hands and ‘celebrates diversity’ in perfect harmony is just that – a fantasty.
The reality is starting to look more like a dystopia: no free speech; relentless terror attacks; crippling fear as to what the endgame is for all this now we have crossed the Rubicon, as it could start to get really ugly.
The BBC has run a series of online and radio segments claiming the “great meme war has travelled to France”, implying Internet jokes could swing the French election
So out of 500 million total tweets a day, the BBC 500 are changing the world
And How many tweets are sent per day ?
“Every second, on average, around 6,000 tweets are tweeted on Twitter, which corresponds to over 350,000 tweets sent per minute, 500 million tweets per day and around 200 billion tweets per year.”
So 50K over 3 months ….that’s 500/day one in a million tweets
So BBC crime of fallacy of perspective.
“Conversations in secret online messaging forums reveal a systematic effort to sway opinion…”
Anyone see a problem in that sentence? If the forums are secret, how does bBC know what’s being said in them?
Maybe secret online message forums should have an exemption from BBC exposure, ‘for the purposes of staying secret’? Just like BBC news sources.