Who are the extremists, those who want to allow immigration but also to control it in order to make it manageable so as to ensure better integration and that services are not overwhelmed, or those who work to smash national borders, loyalties, ethnicity and cohesion by throwing open the borders to allow in absolutely anyone and everyone who wants to come here?
The BBC, and the EU, are the real immigration extremists, the EU intent on creating loyal EU citizens who no longer care for their own nation state [and nothing to do with economics], the BBC’s extremism is even more insidious being centred on an ideology of anti-white, anti-British, racism. The BBC, as with the Labour Party, wants to ‘brown Britain’, to rub the Right’s nose in diversity..in effect to breed out the white people, a form of ethnic cleansing. The BBC has an inbuilt antipathy and hatred of all things British, it hates the old Empire believing it did nothing but bad and that we must now apologise and grovel to those whose land we colonised and that ‘Whiteness’ is a sign of a malignant person, a racist and oppressor who must be stopped from ever again having the whip hand as they see it….thus white people must be made to disappear….literally. It is an irony that though they preach and celebrate ‘diversity’ what they really want is a world where everyone is exactly the same….it is a utopian dream based upon a very dangerous ignorance and naivety, a complete lack of understanding of human nature.
It is, as said, the BBC journalists who are the real racists who are trying to promote a very nasty form of racism and yet it is these same journalists who persist in labelling anyone who wants to ensure a stable and successful society by controlling immigration as racists or of the Far-Right….not a day goes by when the BBC does not mention Marine Le Pen and ‘Far-Right’ in the same breath and yet you look in vain to find ot why she is so labelled…in fact the one indepth study of her life and politics, by the BBC itself, declared she wasn’t ‘Far-Right’…and yet….
Clearly the BBC institutional editorial decision has been to label her so, a deliberate and targeted political smear by the supposedly impartial BBC, a deliberate attempt to interfere in the French elections just as they attempted to do in the US [and yet they report in outraged tones of supposed Russian interference….which merely revealed the darker side of Clinton and the Democrats in their emails…and thus did a real service].
Lord Hall Hall really should be hung out to dry but of course Ofcom is full of BBC stooges and left-wingers who wouldn’t dream of actually holding the BBC to genuine account…if they did the whole corrupt edifice would have to be torn apart and replaced by something that was genuinely impartial or at least balanced with some right-wing journalism…let’s have half of the licence fee for a ‘Fox News’.
That went on a bit longer than I expected…it was only meant to be an intro to an article by David Sedgewick who also looks at how the BBC reports on Le Pen, immigration and the EU…
The BBC’s ever shifting far-right goal posts
The BBC wilfully confuses the policy of extreme right-wing ideologies with just about any party or politician who dares question the sanctity of mass immigration, says David Sedgwick.
In the run-up to the French elections the BBC have been excelling themselves. Fearing victory for Marine Le Pen’s Front National party, our impartial national broadcaster has responded by upping their anti-Le Pen rhetoric to even higher levels, if that were at all possible.
The corporation has its own reasons for polarising the debate into this simple for / against dichotomy. Our politically neutral national broadcaster sees as a threat any political party that opposes its own unquestioning support for the neoliberal open borders agenda, and thus expends a considerable amount of its energy and resources attempting to nullify this threat.That any western European nation would have the temerity to even think they have a culture worth preserving would strike Broadcasting House editorial staff as quaint, indicative of some ghastly, thinly suppressed form of white supremacism.
Furthermore, selling the dubious tenets of social engineering to such people has proved to be an almost impossible task. Much to the BBC’s annoyance it appears that a significant majority of people are somewhat attached to their heritage, culture and antecedents, what in the parlance of the cultural Marxists would be disparagingly dismissed as mere nostalgia or sentimentality.
How then to convince a population to vote against its own interests, to surrender its heritage and accept the social upheaval that is a natural consequence of unceasing mass immigration?
Easy. Play the ‘far right’ card. Smear. After all, pulling out a smear is far less taxing then constructing a compelling enough argument that convinces people to abandon their heritage. Playing the far right card allows the BBC and its fellow travellers to simply bypass potentially bothersome arguments they know they cannot possibly win.
Just got my BBC email summary for the day:
If you read one thing today
The two faces of Trump’s America
And they wonder why they need compulsion for funding.
Our BBC Breakfast sofa dolly undermines the mass immigration narrative this morning.
One moment we are told of Labour’s plans to build a million new homes the next moment we hear of a beautiful rural hamlet just sold to a property investment company.
“I wonder what they will do with it” ponders Sally Nugent “hopefully nothing, it’s lovely”
I think our Charlie Stayt today’s sofa eunuch may have caught the awkward juxtaposition – there was a slight hestitation in his next comments.
I’ve had a few Remain-voting friends start squawking about the proposed development on some beautiful rural sites in our area. It didn’t seem to occur to them that this is exactly what they were voting for.
At the top of my many reasons for voting Leave, was a desire to conserve rural Britain.
Same here, except my concern is specifically for rural England as open borders have had little effect on the landscapes of Wales or Scotland .
Mice Height,
“At the top of my many reasons for voting Leave, was a desire to conserve rural Britain.”
Me too & it always annoys me that “greens” don’t create a fuss about the mass immigration being forced on us. On the basis that mass immigration & over-breeding will definitely damage the local environment.
Where would the BBC get all its new female presenters without mass immigration?
The idle British won’t get out of bed for the £100k on offer.
“Lord Hall Hall really should be hung out to dry”
Some would say just hung.
No some (me) would say just hung
Not just Hall either.
Sometimes I wonder if it’s more just the case that when you’re vehemently left wing, anyone to the center is by definition relatively ‘a bit right wing’ and people who really promotes the concept of free markets and the like are therefore extreme and ‘far right’ – I know someone who works at the Beeb and they really do consider center-right politics as a form of niche extremism.
With Le Pen though, I wouldn’t mind except that her domestic policies are quite far to the left, even by French standards. It’s hard to tell whether the BBC is being deceitful or if it’s just lazy and ill-researched
Iain Watson shilling for the Labour Party here… the headline suggests he wishes for some straight talking on Brexit… the simple fact is that the Labour policy is plain wrong and muddle headed, but he can’t bring himself to say it.
That article starts “As things stand, with the party trailing in the polls….” Now I bet that if it was the Tories behind, there would be an adverb with “trailing” – like badly, critically, desperately, seriously. They just can’t bring themselves to say it, can they?
Ha, just proved myself right – from BBC website – “Mr Macron, who is far ahead in opinion polls, is in Amiens……”
The BBC is beyond all hope now and it is pointless to even engage any more with it. Besides that it is very poor quality and if honest with us is losing viewers and listeners daily.
Technology is killing it as was obvious some time ago. So it ends up campaigning for what it’s workers think is the power that is and will always be. Big mistake as usual with people in positions of authority. They always think the status quo will last.
Concerning France it is clear that Marine is actually left wing by my terms. So the BBc’s position is bizarre. It and it’s little friend the Guardian have been hailing Macron as some kind of progressive hero. He is a stooge of the banking and neo liberal elite that is all .
he will achieve nothing and in many ways I welcome his arrival as it will hasten the inevitable crash into reality that is coming to France.
I still think a military coup is inevitable.
We all know the BBC despises all notions of patriotism and Englishness. So we need to treat it as an enemy and insult it and degrade it every single day.
Tommy Robinson must’ve read your mind.
A good number of BBC journalists need visits such as this one –
Isn’t it interesting to see how the media react when the boot is on the other foot? Those hacks would ordinarily be the first to justify doorstepping – they’d probably do it themselves if they were after a story.
A working class hero.
We all know the BBC despises all notions of patriotism and Englishness. So we need to treat it as an enemy and insult it and degrade it every single day.
Dave S……….Nah what we need to really do with the odious BBC is to defund it by stopping paying the £147 a year BBC viewing tax prior to the dismemberment and destruction of the now and for decades irrelevant and unfit for purpose BBC
Ideally yes defund it but this is in the future and we just do not have the time. The BBc is but part of the progressive tyranny .
Has anybody noticed how the BBC always says ‘muslim communities’ instead of ‘muslims’. They never say ‘racist communities’ though.
Personally, I reject the whole notion of ‘communities’. What makes them think people who share one thing in common (ethnicity, religion, sexual proclivity etc) share anything else at all? It’s insulting and, to use one of the far Left’s phrases the BBC loves so much, ‘divisive’.
Classic ‘divide and rule’ tactics – break down the population along lines of race, gender, sexual proclivity, age, class, religion, political-ideology-masquerading-as-religion. Anything. Invent new categories if necessary.
British people do not live in ‘communities’ – we live in a nation. That is the consciousness they do not wish us to have, unless it can be diverted into relatively harmless things such as sports or tourism.
The concept of ‘communities’ creates ‘community leaders’ who can parade their own prejudices under the guise of representing a ‘community’ which even if it exists has seldom chosen them.
The Left is full of contradictions. Diversity is good, divisiveness is bad.
But doesn’t multicultural diversity inevitably lead to divisions? Unless of course the purpose is to subsume the indigenous “communities” into the new ones.
In Britain the Left, and their mouthpiece the bBBC, praise it as glorious Diversity. In South Africa they condemned the same concept as evil Apartheid.
As you say, they are full to the brim with contradictions. The real danger is that they are so blinkered that they don’t even realise it.
It all shows what spurious nonsense the whole anti racism industry is. This black man in France was racially abused and they led news bulletins with it; apparently he had to have therapy to get over it.
Well as a straight white man I am bombarded with racism against me all the time: I am told my employers would especially like someone black; I am not ‘diverse’ and thus not worth celebrating; I can have no group solidarity without being called a Nazi and losing my livelihood like other groups can.
So what? I will just get on with my job and enjoy life. So what if a minority of powerful idiots are racist? The vast majority of people are not. It’s best to just ignore the idiots. It is annoying but it does not matter on the scale of things.
Yet how much time and money is spent harping on about micro aggressions, hate crimes and ‘institutional racism’? Just get a job and obey the law and you will be fine.
Beeb Brother – I too work for a company which is extremely exercised about diversity. It thinks it needs a more diverse workforce to improve performance – despite being a blue-chip company that is doing very well as it is. The thing is though we have a lot of smart people of all races in our workforce already. We have no policy of discrimination. Everyone is free to apply to join us if they want. If they are suitable for the job they will be taken on. And yet my company seems to think that it can only come up with better ideas and innovations if it employs even more ethnicities than it does already. A dubious notion in my view but they claim that this has been “proved”. Another thing that exercises them is the “gender pay gap”. The company doesn’t have sexist rates of pay so God knows what they are talking about there.
Probably an HR director who has been got at by Common Purpose.