Remarkable how sanguine the BBC is about the extraordinary bully-boy tactics of the EU as they come out with ever more draconian demands and aggressive and insulting language. Watching BBC interviews with EU apparatchiks the reporters so often nod along agreeably as the Eurocrats lay into May and Brexit and set out the EU’s very onerous terms, the reporters often seeming to side with the Eurocrats as the journo’s themselves start laying into May and ‘the British’, usually along the lines of ‘don’t you Eurocrats find it all too trying having to deal with delusional Brits trying to split you apart and making absurd demands?’.
This write up on the BBC website does however actually recognise the EU’s tactics are designed to disrupt the British negotiations and cause concern and doubt in the British Public’s mind, and no doubt try to influence the election towards a more EU friendly government or a Parliament with a ‘mandate’ to dump Brexit…
The EU set out tough terms for the Brexit negotiations at the weekend – and has followed up with a steady drumbeat of briefing suggesting that the UK is unprepared for the talks to come and harbouring delusions about the possible outcomes.
Officials in Brussels naturally have a vested interest in stressing that leaving the EU is difficult and dangerous…there’s no doubt the European briefings will be seen in the UK as provocative – and designed to stir up fears among British voters about what Brexit is ultimately going to mean.
It’s a shame that the BBC’s journalists on the ground interviewing the Eurocrats don’t start making the point to them that their position is so obviously tactical and intended to cause trouble in the UK, such as comments about Northern Ireland’s border and the EU essentially trying to annex both NI and Gibraltar taking them both out of the UK without any say for the UK government.
When the Eurocrats are so obviously interfering in British national politics such as the election the BBC should be making this quite clear and be challenging those Eurocrats on their behaviour….the BBC weren’t so shy about denouncing Russia for allegedly supporting Trump and yet when it comes to our own country the BBC seems to look away.
The Mail has noticed the bully-boy tactics and doesn’t look away…
DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Why these EU bully boys fear democracy
There was more than a hint of the bizarre about the meeting at which 27 EU leaders set out their negotiating position on Brexit.
After getting round the conference table in Brussels, they deliberated for just four minutes before issuing a set of absurdly draconian demands.
Then, like some 1970s meeting of the Chinese Communist party, they erupted into a protracted round of applause and self-congratulation, as if they had done something terribly clever.
In fact, what they presented was not so much a negotiating position as an ultimatum to Britain – pay a £50billion penalty, guarantee the rights of all EU citizens living in the UK, give Spain a veto on the future of Gibraltar and promise not to enforce border controls between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic.
These ludicrous blowhards should also remember that Britain imports billions of pounds a year more in goods and services from the EU than we export to them. So German car makers, French wine producers and Irish farmers have more to lose from a trade war than UK manufacturers.
Of course, there is another agenda. With Euroscepticism rampant across the continent, the EU high command wants to punish Britain for leaving as a warning to other member states not to follow suit. They are terrified that a blast of democracy could soon destroy their cosy little club.
The Mail is confident Mrs May will not be deflected by these cynical tactics but she needs the full support of the British people in the difficult negotiations to come.
Full support of the British people…and the Media…the British Media.
More on the EU’s bully-boy tactics…here’s Daniel Hannan from 2008….it all sounds very familiar…
EU treaty censored by Euro-federalists
Shall I tell you the most annoying thing about Eurocrats? It’s not their readiness to toss aside inconvenient referendum results, nor their intolerance of dissent. No, the truly maddening thing about them is the flagrancy with which they break their own rules.
This week, a small group of MEPs decided to protest against the ratification, without the promised referendums, of the Lisbon Treaty (née European Constitution). The method we decided on was procedural delay – the technique that worked so brilliantly for the Irish nationalist leader Charles Stewart Parnell.
MEPs do have two rights that not even the Speaker can infringe. We can demand that a vote be held electronically rather than by show of hands – a slightly slower procedure, but one that guarantees accuracy and allows everyone to see how individual MEPs vote. And, when the vote is over, we have the right to state, in not more than a minute, why we voted as we did.
At worst, we would have kept MEPs from their lunch for half an hour, and perhaps delayed the afternoon session – hardly Samson bringing down the temple. But even this was too much for the parliamentary authorities. With brazen disregard for their own rulebook, they disallowed our requests for explanations of how members voted and suspended the session.
Their action had no legal basis. The parliamentary rules state that “once the general debate has been concluded, any Member may give an oral explanation on the final vote for not longer than one minute”. Indeed, the Deputy Speaker in the chair at the time didn’t even pretend to be following due process. He simply announced that “this house is sovereign” and that a minority could not stand in the way of the majority.
The authorities are now threatening – almost unbelievably – to disallow requests for electronic votes, despite proved inaccuracies in the show-of-hands procedure, and despite the fact that no one will be able to find out how his representative voted.
The people they really resent are their own voters, who keep on mulishly voting “No”. But, of course, they can’t be openly contemptuous of their constituents. So they take out all their frustration on us, the handful of Euro-sceptics in the chamber.
Yes, keep on voting until you vote the way the EU wants and if all else fails remove the right to vote in a way that is transparent and accountable, and if that fails to stop the annoying democrats, then just don’t let them vote.
Gotta love the EU.
The answer of course isn’t really Brexit but the dismantling and extinction of the unelected and undemocratic, empire building and tyrannical EU itself….keep the co-operation between states, keep open a talking shop to agree on what and how to co-operate, but close the EU ‘government’ which takes ever-more powers to itself and imposes ever-more draconian laws and regulations upon sovereign nation states with the intent of crushing and destroying them….so let’s crush and destroy the EU ‘government’ instead….out with the arrogant Drunkard….sorry, Drunckers…no it’s Junckers isn’t it?…and in with democracy, genuine co-operation and freedom to act in your own interests when needed.
BBC is currently ‘live’ on Facebook:
“We were live from Paris where protesters are rallying against presidential candidate Marine Le Pen.
James Reynolds was at the scene.”
James & Co. not doing too well in the comments.
Top rated:
“How come this news station is only showing the le pen protestors and not the protestors for Macron! people are protesting against both! cheap shot BBC News cheap shot”
If the BBC was any more bent it could serve as Zebedee’s undercarriage.
“live from Yorkshire, where protesters are not rallying against prime ministerial candidate Jeremy Corbyn, because we are all going to vote against him, instead of looking like nasty negative anti-democratic thugs”
Well it’s up to the “colleagues” and their project .
We have 3.2 million EUnatianals living here ( I reckon much higher ) . They have a million mainly rich retirees and genuine professionals living there from GB .
If they impoverish us , their citizens should go home , to join their labour force and unemployed . We will take back our citizens and look after them . We will be quids in on that .
Secondly we should have another look at our NATO commitment and whether to withdraw . Why put our lives at risk to protect states that want to do us down ?
The EU bully boy tactics look good from hear in Yorkshire. A few threats from Lord Haw Haw in Brussels is good for the moral of us defiant Brexiteers. It makes us more determined to win the war for freedom, and boost hopes for UKIP victories in Hull and Grimsby.
I think the lesson is for Teresa May to openly declare the bottom line, which would be total independence from the EU, with the best possible free trade agreement. And if the trade deal is worse than WTO tariffs, then a no deal would be preferable.
Therefore, a unilateral declaration for Britain to follow single market rules for exports to the EU only, and for all imports unless Parliament tables unilateral amendments after a set period. Then wait to see what the European Union does?
This would mean that the other 27 members of the EU would have to unanimously decide whether or not to impose WTO rules on Britain. Britain with one government would be able to respond much faster than a 27 member union.
So if the EU was to stupidly impose a protectionist tariff against a Britain in a trade defect with the EU, then Britain could deduct the amount from tariffed imports to subsidise tariffed exports, which with a trade deficit, is actually cheaper than free trade.
So strangely, it seems that a no deal on WTO rules would be cheaper than the membership fee for the Single Market.
Also I remember that any unreasonable weak position that means something less that total independence can cause future wars. So we mustn’t allow the EU to stop and search Royal Navy ships in Gibraltar, to look for EU nationals.
Also because Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic do not have a land border with the rest of the UK and EU, and you have to get on a ship or a plane to travel there, then this makes it possible for UK and EU border controls, with Irish and British personnel, at all ports and airports in the Island of Ireland. I suppose the Irish Republic would insist that the British staff at Irish republic ports, were all recruited from Northern Ireland.
I seem to remember reading that the French still own us the UK for money that we lent them for the First World War which the French have never repaid. Can anyone with a better knowledge of such things confirm this??
Since they charged the BEF for all use of French rail and rolling stock during the course of the war, and charged rent for every metre of trench dug in French soil, we might as well ask for that back too.
The official reply will no doubt be that we should continue to feel privileged to have fertilised so much agricultural land with high quality blood and bone, for the general good of the EU.
Our churlishness in failing to recognise our good fortune is typical, as De Gaulle frequently pointed out when denying us entry to the EEC. If Heath had not been so desperate to ‘go down in history’ and absorb obscene amounts of humiliation and affront to our national pride – or what the Americans had left to us – we might, with hindsight, have saved ourselves a deal of money and trouble.
Just been investigating this ‘rent of trenches’ thing and it’s basically true. We had to pay for damage to French property / land and for the upgrading and running of the railways.
Someone on one forum came up with the sentence “Good reason not to advance too fast as it would begin to get expensive”.
Gotta love history.
As De Gaule said about WWII “We will shock you with our ungratefulness”. Or similar.
Still – come on France! Stand up for yourself like you have so many times before.
I wonder if any of ‘old France’ remains now. The Elan? I hope so: the French can be a very very warry nation when they need to be.
There’s something wrong with Europe – it’s not the same as it was.
I have to remind myself that EU is not Europe.