The BBC is rushing out the news that ‘sources in Brussels’ have contacted the BBC to reveal that they think Brexit will fail.
Why did they target Lord Hall Hall’s BBC to disseminate this ‘news’? And why does the BBC give any credence whatsoever to what is an obvious bit of ‘enemy’ propaganda?
Why did they target Lord Hall Hall’s BBC to disseminate this ‘news’? And why does the BBC give any credence whatsoever to what is an obvious bit of ‘enemy’ propaganda?
See the £22 million in european union funding to the BBC since 2007 plus from what i have read millions more in soft loans from the european union for your answers. That sort of money will get you plenty of pro-european union propaganda on the pro european union BBC despite such things apparently being in violation of the BBC charter ??
Looking forward to a stout defence of the uses of anonymous sources by a BBC anonymous spokesperson.
Closely followed by claims of record trust in their commitment to transparency, which if subjected to requests for substantiation will founder on unique levels of ‘purposes of’ exemption, as always.
They are a joke. A dangerous, £4B joke, but still a joke.
Guest the BBC maybe an unfit for purpose joke but it no longer gets £147 a year from me and has not for five years now.
Me either.
But they may be grasping that having Ms. Abbott in her own personal BBC green room ready to deploy at a moment’s notice is not funny any more.
Which in many ways is a shame.
Well, they are not gleeful now 🙂
It may be sinking in that the horses they are hitched to are knackered and dragging them over a very steep cliff.
Juncker, Clegg, Abbott… true beauties.
As we all know here the BBC dropped all pretence of having any interest in this country or its indigenous population a long time ago. Why they still even bother including the word “British” in their title I know not unless it is some sort of ironic joke at the expense of us proles to those in the know.
I am afraid they have now become a mouthpiece to those who would want to punish and harm us as a nation, be it the EU globalists, Jihadis or any other anti British Tom , Dick or Harry who has an anti UK axe to grind.
The fact that so little complaints have been heard either from politicians or other media outlets (and those that do complain are currently subject to censorship) Shows how the MSM and in particular the BBC has dragged the nations spirits down to a point where we meekly accept BBC regularly disseminating lies and propaganda. Yet when people get a chance to vote in private we resoundingly vote to leave the EU.
Therefore as the BBC has no interest in our welfare it is perfectly natural that the EU should turn to their very own William Joyce. And the best thing is the EU doesnt even have to pay for it.
So there we have it the BBC The Peoples enemy.
Why the BBC do it we probably will never really know. But they obviously value treachery above loyalty. But in a sense it doesnt really matter – at least we know them for what they are. Sometimes just knowing your enemy is half the battle.
A good point. And why does the BBC still use the ‘anachronistic’ ‘British’ anyway, when its current ungrammatical fad would be to use the word ‘Britain’ instead?
For example, current BBC usage would be something like the illiterate: ‘Austria ski instructor in snow enquiry’.
And, no. I have no idea why it does it but I suspect, at root, it’s due to political correctness.
At a Manchester station yesterday I was looking at the sandwiches and noticed a sign that said something along the lines of “If you can’t find what you’re looking for ask a colleague.” I wasn’t with my colleagues and why would they have any more idea where something is then me. Sainsbury of course. This “colleague announcement” crap always annoys me (what is wrong with the word “staff” anyway). Must be for PC reasons but I don’t see why.
Yes indeed know the enemy. It’s a certainty for me that the likes of Blair Mandleson and Miller are colliding and coordinating with the BBC and probably with the EU too.
Time for May to deploy MI5 on this.
Here is a link to the actual story that is the source of the allegations:
If you don’t speak German you will have to use Google Translate, but it is interesting to note some of the best recommended comments.
There is more positive goodwill towards the UK about these allegations, from some German people commenting in the very German newspaper at the source of these allegations, than there is from our own state broadcaster.
A couple of year’s from now the BBC will be like that the old USSR news agency Pravda.irrelevant!
Can but hope foxcote.
I for one look forward to privatisation to get some licence tax back.
Slightly different subject – I suppose the EU want to undermine the current PM by leaking stories about her alleged inability to understand the oh so complex issues about Brexit. Any one could see they’d much prefer Farron or Corbin to undermine Brexit by going for a second article 50 vote.
It’s pretty dark dealing in an election run up . If I were the conservatives I would do and say very little unless the polls change a lot. What is it they say ? ‘Elections are for governments to lose’ so allow Timmy Jeremy and the truly shocking labour shadows go on the Beeb and spout off incredible money tree stuff about more this and more that promises. Job done. Big majority. Deal with the EU properly then. I wouldn’t have let Junkers 88 in the door of number 10
And abolish the licence fee a day or 2 into your 5 years spell, walk away completely politically un-scathed, and 3/4 years of running the country and negotiations bbc negativity and treachery free, there will never ever be a better time to kill the far left propaganda apparatus, and re-align journalism in the uk.
We are going to have to face EU leaks being helpfully given to the BBC throughout these negotiations . Juncker hates Britain and will make no attempt to respect Theresa Mays request for confidentiality . Junker also knows that the BBC has a pro EU agenda so he can get right through to the British public via our anti British nationalised industry broadcaster .
The correspondent leading for the BBC on Europe is not really British anyway . Apparently born in London but to a German or Austrian family and recruited by the BBC in Vienna . Let’s not fall into the trap of thinking that such internationally mobile elitist people have any real sympathies for the British voters who wanted out of the EU.
The Beeb had Amber Rudd on this morning so that they could squeeze some more out of this leak story. She stood up to them reasonable well, but the Sofa jockey could hardly contain himself, so excited was he to have a bit of bad Brexit news to play with.
Anyway maybe two should play that game. I’d have been tempted to leak the news that Drunker got stroppy when the Berolo ran out, using an unnamed and unaccountable source of course, and that was why the meeting was not a success. I’m only half joking, it is clear that the EU are taking our democratic decision to leave very personally and intend to thwart us at every turn.
Its just a shame it hands so much ammo to opposition, by opposition I mean the Beeb not Lib/Lab.
Amber Rudd is a Remainiac and deeply embedded (via her brother) in that camp.
Nothing she says can be believed.
To be honest I trust very few of the Tory party on Brexit, but they seem to be the least worst option.
It’s a real problem, I agree. I have voted UKIP in all elections for a long while now but I am finding it hard to support the current party hierarchs. I may do what I felt compelled to do in the London mayoral election some years ago, when the choice was between maniacs, liars or fools – write ‘none of the above’ on my paper
Who cares what they think? Not interested in the opinions of dictators. Isn’t that just like an opposition team saying they think they are going to win/you lose?
The EU is setting out its negotiating position. Obviously, at this stage, they will make their maximum demands. Hence, it seems like a good idea to demand €60 billion from the UK as an exit fee. I am sure there was no trouble getting the EU27 to agree on that. But it doesn’t mean they will get it, and I am sure they must know that.
The UK will continue to pay into the EU until we leave, just as we have paid in, day after day, ever since we joined in 1973. When we leave, the payments stop. We don’t pay in, and we don’t get anything out, because we will not be a member any more.
Now, there may well be programmes such as Erasmus which we want to stay in, and if we do, we will pay to do so. We also want a free trade agreement with the EU27, and if there are ongoing costs there, we will pay our share. That is only fair. So there is room for negotiation. I do not think that in reality, the EU27 will stick to their demand for a €60 billion settlement before we leave, but if they do, then it is clear that they do not want any sort of negotiated withdrawal for the UK, and we will simply have to leave without an agreement, and they can whistle for their €60 billion.
A fine example of “Robinson’s Enlightenment” was there on Today this morning.
The tee up shot – that anonymous but informed and well placed EU “source” and the softening up of our P.M.
Wedge to the green – how tough and complex these negotiations will be
The Putter….the winless Nick Clegg and his disparaging remarks about our negotiating [position.
Oh and team captain , Anthony Blair ( papal knight) waiting in the wings.
Robinson of ‘leaves politics at the door I greet Paul Mason at for a cosy chat’ fame?
There is a video of the end of that EU/May dinner.
It’s available as a double DVD pack with the Trump/Moscow prostitutes video
Anyone can pop into the BBC shop and buy it
…on hang on ..they’re out of stock at the moment.
BBC=FlakeNews …SnowFlake News
If the EU had the capacity to force us to stay in it would do so. However it has no army or stasi (yet). This is just bluster and needs to be firmly slapped down but as the BBc is traitorous to it’s core it will continue to aid the EU . We all expected this and need to stand firm. But our useless MPS are not like us. Sadly.
What the EU apparatchnkiks do not get is that giving an Englishman a lecture from a continental would be despot is never a good thing to do. We will see them off in the same old way.
It’s not the anonymity of the sources that bother me so much as the conceit that they can accurately predict the future. Or is it like predicting what side of a coin will land heads? A 50% chance of success no matter what prediction you make?
At least the climate changers can dazzle me with science jargon. What do the sources us a crystal ball?
Can only imagine that it was some orgasmic slip over flat champers as the BBC rent boys were getting serviced by Junckers drunkaeds.
That the BBC DARE to use this bitchslappers gossip as “news headlines”-only shows how much up each others arses the BBC and the E.U are now to be found.
And-don`t tell the BBC-but it only galvanises us to ensure that May gets all that she wants-and more, by way of a landslide.
The Tories are shit-as is she, likely as not-but i`m voting for her because the BBC and the EU don`t seem to like her…so I do.
Utterly disgraceful hack piece from the BBC spunk buckets…to lead news headlines with their pillow biting talk is fake, flake crepe news…and there`ll be a reckoning.
I await the first pro-Brexit broadcast form the BBC.
Just one would provide balance and display impartiality when set against the dozens supporting Remain…..
Note the following promise from last year:
“Last year, the BBC’s Director-General Lord Hall agreed to review the Beeb’s complaints procedures after a cross-party group of parliamentarians challenged him to name a single programme which has been enthusiastic about Brexit since the EU referendum on June 23 — and Hall was unable to do so.”
“The parliamentarians included UKIP peer Lord Pearson, Labour’s Kate Hoey and Tory Philip Hollobone. Lord Pearson hailed Lord Hall’s decision as a significant blow against ‘those at the top of the BBC who wish to see the referendum result reversed’.”