I’ll be on holiday when you read this – in a place where I assuredly will not be watching the BBC! Anyway for those less fortunate this is where YOU detail the bias!
…If that Greg Wallace comes near me, I’ll nip his goolies!…..
Oh I wish Lobby! how that bloke ever got a job on the tele is beyond words. Dines in the best restaurants, gets to taste good food, because what? he was a one time bloody grocer (no offence to grocers) and knew the difference between an artichoke and asparagus ? I don’t mind Masterchef, but he thoroughly spoils it with his shouty bully boy attitude, and I rather suspect that John Torode has no time for him either.
Strange that the irony of a programme devoted to the preparation of food which only a very tiny percentage of the population could ever afford to eat appears lost on the BBC. I suppose it’s part of the mindset which credits the Guardian as being representative?
I admit I’m an awful philistine about food, but I’ve never understood the sheer numbers of cookery programs on mainstream TV. Maybe I could understand two or three spread across all the schedules but the buggers are everywhere (along with doing-up-your-house type programs).
There are thousands of recipe sites on the internet, if you want to do something new for your posh dinner party just bloody well look it up! Save that TV half-hour slot for something educational, entertaining or informative.
It’s not like the celebrity chefs are especially charismatic, in fact most of the chefs I worked with years ago in kitchens were often downright unpleasant.
I came across this out-of-date blog the other day, which sums up my feelings on ‘poncey’ food. Warning – sweary words contained therein :
Enjoy this video of cool journalist Lauren Southern playing the system by going through the process of ‘officially’ getting permission to identify as a male. NSFW – some swearing, and she is damn hot! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGpZSefYvwM
In my previous life I was a senior police officer. The force, for entirely pc reasons, sent a memo to every officer and member of police staff directing that they self-defined their own ethnicity. Most people didn’t like the nonsense for obvious reasons but returns were compulsory. I ran a number of different departments, but one, the Fraud Squad, was quite bolshy. There were 48 officers and about six police staff. All were white, other than one Asian officer. They got their heads together. One responded to the memo saying he had 27 years police and if they didn’t know his colour they could bugger off. The rest all defined themselves as black afro-Caribbean and sent their returns. I thought it was brilliant. I contacted the press office to see if they wanted to photograph the first ‘vitually all white, self-defined all black Fraud Squad in the country.’ Funnily enough they didn’t seem to have my sense of humour nor the staff’s balls to take the piss out of stupid nonsense.
Good story. Thing is, we know that what they can measure, they will try to work on, so if correctly self-identifying, they would have installed a target to increase diversity in the group by 20% in the next year, for example….
For that reason I never, ever identify myself correctly. Whatever they do with the figures, it is never going to be to my benefit as a white male. So I always refuse to answer or identify as African. If enough people do that then one day they will realise their figures are garbage and give up. Funniest thing is, under Libtard ‘culture’ they made it impossible for themselves to categorise me under the obvious category.
My Civil service department ran a similar exercise in the 1990s. We were told in confidence to complete a form noting our etenticity. Some of us refused and binned the forms surmising this was the start of a positive discrimination exercise confident that as this was “confidential” and we couldn’t be recognised we forgot about it. A fortnight later a reminder with a new form appeared on the refusniks desks. Curious as to how we had been rumbled a closer look at the form revealed it had our staff numbers on it. So much for “in confidence”. As I was a fairly high positioned union officer at the time I voiced my displeasure to the management to be informed that the confidential referred to the data storage. Despite threats of disciplinary action several of us re-binned the forms. That was the last I heard on the subject.
All of this race and gender self-identifying is an attempt to delegitimise reality.
Once reality has been reduced to what everyone individually decides it means for them, you are well on the way to destroying a society’s ability to function by itself.
Then, of course, the self-appointed Noble & Wise step in to control every aspect of our lives.
When will the BBC realise that highlighting people’s colour and ‘celebrating’ their successes demean the people concerned. Last night – half joking – I predicted that the black chef in Great British Menu would get the highest score because he was black. Guess what? The black chef received the highest score. Now was it because he was black or because his was the best dish? Since Nadya who made the poorest decorated cake for the Queen’s birthday won Bake Off -I no longer think BBC judges award on merit.
On Masterchef, Bighead Gregg is overegging the pudding (!) when it comes to complementing the food of the Asian doctor. I had her as a rank outsider a few shows ago, but now, despite her only cooking Indian food, she could be coming through in the first 3.
While watching Holby City last night (yes, yes, I know but it’s a venial rather than a mortal vice) the BBC slipped in another little bit of anti-English racism.
Henryk, the Swedish CEO, had spent the day on one of the wards talking to patients to see that everything was up to scratch (and politically correct). At the end of a long day, he mentioned that he had been subject to an attempt “to make him into an Anglo-Saxon”. Apparently he’d bumped into an awkward (white English) patient (who for the length of the programme the staff had been trying to prevent Henryk seeing because he – the patient – was “awkward”). The patient had said – apparently unprompted – that Britain was “full up”. Henryk and the rest of the staff were aghast. Oddly, no-one commented that Sweden was now the rape capital of Europe. But, job done by the BBC: another smidgen of impartial bile aimed at those horrible Brexiteers and anti-immigrant racists.
“Sexist!”…”Mysogonistic!”…”Intolerant!”…”Vile!”…”Disgusting!”…The Islamic Al Beeb have justifiably lost their shit over these shocking results of the completely unacceptable views of men in the modern world……oh wait…
“At least a quarter of men in the Arab region support equality for women in some areas”…Some areas!! Which means 3 quarters dont!!! WTF!!
“The International Men and Gender Equality Study in the Middle East and North Africa (IMAGES MENA) found that the majority of men – up to 90% in some places – expected to control their wives’ freedoms, from clothing to how often the couple had sex”…can it get any worse than that for a woman and her freedom??
If this article was written about a study of white mens views, could you imagine the level of anger that would spew out of every single word?!…but in this case?..justifiably so…Nothing! Its a fucking apology on behalf of the muslim world by the psychopaths at Al Shabeeb!!!
If this was the confirmed views of even 1 white man, the entire Western world would be on fire from the sick fuck, delusional, hate filled feminazi’s….but because its about muslims…
You hit the nail on the head! Speaking as an Arab, alt least a quarter of us support women’s rights in the area of doing the washing up and cleaning around the toilet bowl. Boom!
**article update**
Looks like one of the deviant, British hating militants reads this website (so we all hope ?), or one of the traitorous clag-nuts has realised how jaw-droppingly disgusting the original sick piece of shit of an article I read was!
It now reads
“Only 1 in 4…” instead of “At least 1 in 4” and now doesn’t look like a full on glorification or eulogy of Muslims sick and barbaric views and treatment of their own women (never mind the Yazidis, the children of Rotherham and the woman of Cologne)
Still Al Shabeeb….lets champion the invasion of Europe by these women hating, Europe hating, freedom hating, tolerance hating, gay hating, all other religions hating ‘men’
An even bigger leap of progress for the Turner Prize would be where there were two men and two women nominated, their ethnic origin and skin colour would be irrelevant and only their artistic output would be under consideration by the Judging Panel, the public and their media.
Exactly correct – so Liebour has dozens of all-woman shortlists and never had a female PM, because the garbage floats to the top. In the Tories, until Camoron, women were treated as equals, so quality floated to the top. (Generalising!!)
Interesting debate at work this morning –
‘Would you give up all modern technological advances, internet, satellite tv, smart phones, email, etc to return to an early 80’s style UK pre-islam, pre-SNP, pre-immigration, etc, etc.
Those over 40 was a unanimous yes, those under unanimous no.
TR, all those ‘technological advances’ have OFF switches.
I certainly would not wish to return to the past merely to lose all that, as well as the impact of a religion on our country, and I am – I have to admit – well past the age of 40.
Interesting ‘survey’. I just wonder though what those who cannot do without their Smartphone now, will be saying in 40 years time when other technological devices will have been invented.
I can remember when the first handheld calculators were the latest in ‘technology’, portable tape recorders, the Betamax video recorder, 8 track tapes, in-car dvd players, the Walkman, and the microwave oven.
Some of these we’ve lost but have survived ok without them. I don’t have a Smartphone, don’t use Apps, don’t have Netflix, don’t have sat-nav (use maps), and I don’t need Facebook or Twatter to enhance my life either; strangely I’m still breathing, eating and paying my bills ok; and apparently I appear to be stress free because I don’t have a phone that needs to be checked every 30 seconds. (I do have a m/phone, but if it gets used twice a day, that’s a lot !!)
I was talking to a physiotherapist recentley, B and he said that from the problems he is seeing, people of the future will have hunched backs from crouching over a screen, over developed thumbs but little strength in the fingers. They will also lose their long vision ability through living their lives through an LCD screen, 12 inches from their nose.
I am increasingly BBC-free these days, listening to less and less of Lefty Radio 4 and watching hardly any TV except at weekends. This morning I caught Jim Naughtie’s piece from France on the Presidential Election there (after 8:30 on ‘Today’).
One thing stood out from the interviews with people and comments about Macron and Le Pen: we were told that the Mayor of Béziers was very ‘controversial’ (the usual label-and-dismiss tactic). Had he called for Sharia for the whole of France? Had he advocated race-mixing as Sarkozy (‘nous devons relever le défi du métissage) did? We were not told why he was controversial, and what he said about Macron being the establishment seemed plausible enough. Could it be that Naughtie and the biased BBC did not wish to repeat what the Mayor had said about ‘le Grand Remplacement’ being visible in his town, where over 60% of the children in the junior classes were Muslims? After all, we wouldn’t want the sheeple to stop and think, “Maybe Ms Le Pen has a point”.
Mustapha, I also listened to the first part of Naughtie’s report. Think the problem he has with Menard is that he is a Communist and the plain fact that is confronting Naughtie is that the Left are fighting amongst themselves for control of France. (Menard according to Wiki is also a ‘Pied Noir’.)
Naughtie does not wish to recognise that Le Pen is a Socialist, Macron may be anything – including small ‘s’ Socialist or even fairly serious Socialist – and that the current President is, er, a fairly Hard-Left Socialist. Perhaps Naughtie is a Socialist and aligned with one of those parties in France? We know he supports the UK Labour Party from a couple of on-air slips he has made in the past. I got the impression that Naughtie was struggling to come to terms with a reality that faces all of ‘the Left’. They all hate each other.
France is not doing too well.
It has been run by Socialists in the recent past. It is likely to be run by Socialists in the next few years.
Sorry, OG. Typo on my part. Should read ‘It has been ruined by Socialists in the recent past. It is likely to be ruined by Socialists in the next few years.’
If Nick Ferrari, on a shoestring LBC budget can ask simple questions and make useless Labour politicians squirm, how come the BBC, with its £4bn resource and its mountain of journalists cannot?
Except of course that they don’t want to!
I don’t think they really are ‘journalists’, Sluff, more like mouthpieces told what to ask, say and do to suit the Official Opposition to the government, i.e. the bbbc.
They may have some sort of qualification in some obscure subject, but the first item on any journalist’s agenda has to be ‘ask a question’!
Unfortunately all reporters on the BBBC want their opinions out front first, either by innuendo, or just crass squealing – especially in the case of Laura K.
Always listen to Nick Ferrari , even pre DAB , was just in range on FM , but somehow 15 nm west of me, Stansted ATC, use to break in , now & again! Nick , Brillo ,& a few others are the best . Even Piers on ITV breakfast, nailed Fatty Abbott too .
taffman, they are probably still wondering in the BBC Newsroom how to get around condemning Nuttall & UKIP for cutting the cost of living by axing the Licence Fee while trying to mention inflation and increasing costs as an urgent danger for the whole UK because of Brexit.
Their concern could be wider, of course. All the proposed new taxes for car drivers from the Labour Mayor of London, for example.
Oh, I forgot.
The BBC spearheaded that particular campaign in a momentary abandonment (irony alert) of their political neutrality. Not too worried about the inflation caused by that or, for that matter, the VED increases from 1 April 2017.
“they are probably still wondering in the BBC Newsroom how to get around condemning Nuttall & UKIP for cutting the cost of living by axing the Licence Fee while trying to mention inflation and increasing costs as an urgent danger for the whole UK because of Brexit.”
Well they can’t really, fewer people are watching Al Beeb now with the advent of all the new ‘free’ channels that are before us. Viewing figures must be down!
Al Beeb are defunct, the License Fee is defunct. Simples !
I (like most people) find all of the above (and there’s plenty more) culturally utterly insensitive seeing as all the paedophiles belong to a culture other than British.(why doesn’t the bbC never refer to these Islamic kiddy fiddlers as paedophiles?) yet the bBC never seems to get round to saying that. Far better to opine about non-whites complaining about trivial things.
I am deeply offended by this photograph.
Her footware is totally unsuitable. Trainers ?????
Surely she should be wearing full-on mountain boots in such a location.
Think the Health and Safety people should be getting the what for.
I know the Oxford “eye contact” thing has been doing the rounds for a few days, but oh isn’t it wonderful to read about the right-on mob eating themselves. Frank Furedi; congratulations.
Jeremy Vine show preview on R2, will talk about the Ms Abbot problems, implies that it wasn’t such a big deal as we all make mistakes from time to time and is there a possibility that she is picked on because of her race?
Perhaps her migraine of a few weeks back was a symptom of a deeper lying problem that she has in the relationship between her massive mouth and her tiny brain.
“Jeremy Vine show preview on R2, will talk about the Ms Abbot problems, implies that it wasn’t such a big deal as we all make mistakes from time to time and is there a possibility that she is picked on because of her race?”
Does he mean ladies such as Shanique Syrena Pearson.
It is said that, what happens in the USofA eventually ends up here but the apparent slow death by a thousand cuts of free speech is already underway in the UK, certainly in the form of ‘PC’ – https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/10300/death-of-facts
One piece of the Douglas Murray article which I liked was this:
“As the English philosopher Roger Scruton wrote in his book Modern Philosophy, “A writer who says that there are no truths, or that all truth is ‘merely relative’, is asking you not to believe him. So don’t.””
GWF has already mentioned that we’re approaching that monumental love fest of pretentiousness, The Turner Prize.
Many yeas ago the late and unlamented Gerald Kaufman, who loved all things to do with modern art, was perusing one of the exhibits. He was ecstatic! “I love the lines,” he breathed huskily, “there’s an eloquence and a symmetry that is evocative” he continued to coo, “the pure white and the beautiful chrome…” Somebody stopped him in mid flow to point out that he wasn’t actually looking at an exhibit, he was standing at the urinal.
Clearly this is an apocryphal story, however, it’s a pretty decent metaphor for The Turner Prize and most modern art and what it does. It takes the bleedin’ piss!
Poor old Gerald.
Being stopped in mid flow…
The answer to this problem is simple, lobby, if the country these “visitors” wash up from is in receipt of Foreign Aid, which they invariably are, just take the money fprm this slush fund instead. At least the foreign aid will be used for what it was intended for, aiding foreigners and not filling despot’s bank accounts!
I do have to laugh at this line from the Express and Star
“It has now been revealed that this woman may have come to the UK on purpose to give birth and take advantage of NHS care”
Really, on purpose, oh my god! Who could imagine such flagrant deceit?
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the gullibility of some people that shock, horror there are some people in the world that might tell lies to get free stuff.
Do you *really* think Midlands Today will bother with that story?! They’re much more interested in who is going to be Midlands Mayor
Or the item I’m currently watching, Nigel Clough taking his dog to training and how it has helped Burton Albion stay in the Championship. You have to watch it to believe it!
Magic science hyped by BBC
Then RETRACTED by science checkers
“Remarkable” it was ever accepted, says report: Science to retract study on fish and microplastics Retraction Watch
Science is retracting a paper about how human pollution is harming fish, after months of questions about the validity of the data.
The move, first reported by the news side of Science on Friday, follows a new report from a review board in Sweden that concluded the authors were guilty of “scientific dishonesty,” and the paper should be “recalled.”
Data fabrication ..expt never took place.
The BBC acts like a PR agency for bad science.
Their original story was massively tweeted.
Whilst skeptics know straight away to be wary of extraordinary claims from UNREPLICATED studies.
BBC News – Fish eat plastic like teens eat fast food, researchers say https://t.co/BQoNMEaAfr
Just heard a plank of a caller on the Jeremy Vine show saying that all politicians make mistakes and we shouldn’t be criticising flabbot, but asking why there are so many police officers needed in the first place when crime etc., are rising. He then wen on to say that the attacks on flabbot are a result of the tory, right wing media in this country which is the worst in the world.
Yes, I heard that as well, this was towards the point in the segment where her “gaffe” (their description) was sidelined and it was all about the critics being racist and misogynistic.
Vine brought in a journalism lecturer to talk about the case of Cornwall Online journalists being excluded from filming TMay visiting a factory.
The lecturer exhorted journalists superiority over the public.
“The public can’t get truth out of politicians only journalists have the skill for that.”
Really and I thought journos MO was to wait around for a minor slipup which they then distort and bang on and on about… And that everyone detests journos cos they cheat and lie.
I think ‘journalists’ have destroyed politics because no politician dares say what they really think less their words get twisted just to make a story.
That might make the journalists feel good but it isn’t good for us.
The Prime Minister should reply in the Commons to the Ms Merkel
Colleagues we have difficult times ahead of us . There are those in the beaurocracies abroad who might even want to punish us . We are going to have to deal with them .
Firstly we are going to purge our civil servants who are not applying themselves 100% for Britain . All the self servers will go , the bullies will go , the indolent will go and most important the ones who feel they have a higher calling to serve than Great Britain will go . That’s the Gramscians , the EUroluvvies , the Internationalists , the Anywheres and the generally treasonable .
That previous head of the civil service , Gus O Donnell is stripped of his title and pension .
We are also restructuring the BBC . It will have to make the choice whether it continues to insult the intelligence and morals of the majority of the population and cater for a liberal/ left elite , or speak for the nation and speak the truth .
We have given a lot to Europe . We have taken their excess workforce so that their unemployment costs have been neglible , in fact we have given a lot of social care to many foreigners here ( and sent child allowance abroad ) . It has not been in our interests , despite what Guardian type journalists and BBC have been saying .
So we tell the EUrocrats , who don’t speak for the ordinary people , that if they try to impoverish us we will retaliate .
We don’t have to put up with indignities any longer . The people will be in charge so don’t stretch their tolerance .
I wonder how the EU bosses are going to get a unanimous negotiating position among 27 diverse countries, and how they are going to make the end point compromise which will be negotiated also be supported unanimously?
If it all goes pearshaped and they impose punishing tarifs on our exports of, say lamb to France, what will be the reaction of the French to swingeing tarifs on their Champagne? Ditto in Germany if we impose tarifs on the import of their cars, but not on the Japanese ones? Will Merkel try to invade the UK to impose her will?
I am a bit pessimistic about the negotiations. Not because many individual countries and their people would not like a deal.
No, the issue is that the Euro fanatics in Brussels, Berlin etc, just cannot bear the thought of a deal with the UK. To them, the cause of the Euro project far outweighs any sensible economic agreement.
Unelected Eurocrats don’t care about European people, just the ‘project’.
We have to be punished and be seen to be enduring a painful exit to prevent others wanting to do the same.
I recall a single in the 60s by Left Banke, covered by the 4 Tops, ‘Walk Away Renee’
Well, ‘Walk Away Mrs May’ could yet be what we would prefer to hear.
Just to think, the UK stepped in to help Europe out in the late thirties’ which left the country broke and these a**holes are plotting to try and milk the Brits. I’d follow Nigel Lawsons advice given on the World at One BBC Radio 4 today: Keep quiet, live out the two years and then say ‘goodbye’ without any discussion and not paying a bean.
I was wondering about the ‘silence’ option. Since the msm doesn’t want to understand that a negotiation involves leaks , rumours, disinformation , propaganda, dirty tricks – all they seem to want to do is eat the EU version and spit it out to the detriment of our future.
It seems ironic that countries such as France and Germany want money from the uk and have conveniently written the Second World War out of their memories . I was trying to work out why Britain stopped taking money from Germany for what they did to us and the consequences from which we continue to suffer- particularly since there are British people remaining who were alive during the war .
The sooner we are out the better. And if they want our taxpayers money – give them a years worth of the £13 billion aid budget and send them on their ever closer way.
The toxic Laura K has just caused a shut down of our TV after only six minutes.
She really is a little bitch isn’t she; clueless in anything other than spitting bile in lieu of asking questions, and never even understanding or listening to answers if she ever gets any.
But as Guido says, more votes for the Conservatives by the day, so keep it up Laura, you’re doing a fine job.
There is a problem with the younger journalists. They are all ‘progressive ‘ in outlook which is why they were recruited but unlike the older ones they cannot disguise their real opinions. So many of us can see it and so ignore everything they say as tainted by bias. It then looks as if they are just poor at their jobs. Being charitable I realise that a generationally flawed recruitment policy both in the BBc and the universities where they recruit has led to this. For a news business it is probably terminal.
Additionally they have no experience of life outside their bubble.
Can it be changed? No not at present. What will change it is the internet and time.
Excellent points Dave, and very true. All the channels have ‘young’ journalists who try to assert their authority by talking over those they are interviewing, raising their voices and have clearly been schooled in the art of ‘sneering’ by the aged Jon Snow. Rarely have I heard an interviewee reply “are you going to shut up and let me answer the question…… please”. These little snots need to be gagged and bound after asking the initial question !
Too right, Brissles! Dave hits the proverbial on the proverbial!
Back in the sixties (I remember them), David Frost was withered by anti-satirists, and he was good enough to give them two fingers!
Unfortunately, the sneerers who were watching then decided to breed a new sort of ‘reporter’, so they’re all at it now, following later on after a few tentative pokes at the establishment by their ‘peers’.
I even thought Andrew Marr was reasonable until I saw a pic of him outside some sordid dive with some person who wasn’t his wife, looking and acting like an idiot. That’s not what I do. Sorry.
They do let themselves down these ‘autocue-readers’, don’t they…
As is the BBC by those who may like the option of not paying Laura’s salary to speak on the nation’s behalf by compulsion.
Mrs. May may wish to ponder why that is still permitted.
In our constituency Labour usually loses its deposit. The Limp dims have pissed just about everyone off tellings we are child killers for voting for Brexit.
UKIP has offered to pull the TVL. I may just vote tactically again.
My family have a history in Pontefract dating back to the 1880s, informed by the collieries in the area.
Its a very traditional working class Labour stronghold.
The BBC chose it for an election vox pop this lunchtime.
Forgetting the ‘impartiality’ of such a choice for the moment (after yesterday’s Labour-voting vox pop at a Southampton burger van) what struck me was the juxtaposition between the genuine working class Labour supporters in the street and the middle class intellectual liberal Guardianista BBC type Labour supporters behind the camera and the microphone. God, they are SO patronising. They don’t have a clue about working people.
If as seems likely Macron becomes President of France , what can we expect from the BBC?
No doubt unalloyed rejoicing that Le Pen didn’t win , the populist movement has been stopped by a great centrist victory and that the EU will be strengthened . Then endless warnings from all and sundry that the new President , being a fanatical EUrophile, will be determined to make Brexit as tough as possible for us.
No mention will be made that Le Pen has , as looks likely , got 40% of the vote on an anti EU , anti immigration programme in a country that was once the driving force of the EU. Indeed she will win the vote everywhere but in the cities and the expat vote. Furthermore if we deduct the Muslim vote, who we can safely assume voted en bloc against Le Penn, she will have got well over 40%.
Far from seeing the end of what the BBC disparagingly terms populism, this is in reality another huge increase in the anti Globalist elite vote. It seems inveitable that Islamic terror will continue in France , how will Macron cope ? After all he has told the French that they will have to get used it. Try telling them that in Nice or wherever the next mass murder takes place. I think it’s reasonable to ask if he can survive his full term if the terror continues. Ms Le Pen is very likely to be the next President of France after Macron and it may be sooner than we think.
By the way can you imagine what the reaction in the UK would be to a politician who told us that we needed to get used mass murder by terrorists because there was nothing that they could do to stop it. Corbyn is quite close to this abject position but I don’t think we would / will make him PM with 60% of the vote.
You rightly ask if it is reasonable to conclude that Macron will survive a full term. May I add that left and Islamic hostility to Le Pen will continue with increasing levels of violence as she mounts the case for France and civilised values.
Do not rule out the possibility of civil war or a military coup
As for the politician in the UK asking us to get use to violence, I believe the Emir of London has said this, and some would like him to be a future Labour PM.
Bus driver’s son: “Jeremy, there’s loads of empty seats in this carriage, no need to sit on the floor.”
Jeremy “I don’t use tubes. The Mayor of London says we have to be prepared for attacks, and I seem to remember some tube trains being blown up a few years ago”
This proves that many Londoners are no longer British . I wonder where they came from? Seriously though giving city mayors sweeping powers is playing into the hands of the invaders.
The liberal media are utterly pitiful. Jon Snow and Gary Gibbon have given us all a Duemmsberg-type of grim picture of our benighted prospects now May has upset them and their EU lube monkeys in Brussels and Strasbourg.
And now we have a Portuguese Socialist with Chukka Ummuna to follow to say May is “unhelpful” and “will only make things worse for us” by sating the bleedin obvious. And the media do not like that. Sexist claptrap from the Left as ever.
Hope to heaven that the Tories and May are backed, so Labour and Liberals become mere skid marks on the national sheets. Cannot afford them any more than we can afford Channel 4 or the BBC.
RE Thoughtfuls point-let the Left think that Le Pen and Wilders “lost”…they are now the SECOND parties of nation states, yet the idiot left think this “defeat for the right”.
Idiots-from microscopic votes in 2002 to second parties in antional elections all over Europe?…onwards and upwards.
Double thinker – I was working on the spin albeeb will deliver if Le Pen happened to win – something like – she might have won the election but didn’t win the popular vote – she told lies to get elected – she had a lot of money – her win doesn’t mean anything —– does that sound familiar ? Circa 2016?
The electorate were deceived and duped by fake news.
The electorate are thick
The electorate are racist
The electorate need education
The electorate didn’t know what sort of le Pen they would get if they voted for her.
It was the Russians
Strange phrasing in the Times Monday
“parodying the religious concept of taqiyya, which islamaphohes distort to suggest that Muslims lie”
Sorry but that really looks like that was written by a dodgy NGO rather than “the newspaper of record”
The bBC , the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism: Damon Smith guilty of planting Tube bomb
The bBC reports on the guilty verdict on a wannabe terrorist. Yet whilst they mention he’s autistic and had a keen interest in guns, bombs and other weapons. They leave out his main interests which happen to be Islam, radical Islam, making bombs and the koran.
Which explains why built a bomb, left it on the tube, why he prays to Mecca and why when he was arrested he was found with a koran on his person.
Pakistani asylum seeker beat wife with a hammer – Moshin Akram, 21, repeatedly beat Mariam Hussain , banned her from having mobile phone or leaving the house.
He’d married her to help his spurious asylum claim he went to Pakistan on holiday last year.
He got 15months jail.
#news Pakistani asylum seeker beat wife with a hammer – Moshin Akram, 21, repeatedly beat Mariam Hussain while … https://t.co/hR1DUh65PJ
She claims he went to Pakistan and he very well might have but is there any proof?
Asylum seekers have to surrender their passport and are given a temporary one in exchange which specifically excludes travel to the country they are running from. If he did return to Pakistan then he would have had to borrow a passport which is equally possible given the virtual non existence of British border controls.
“English vineyards hit by ‘catastrophic’ frost, wiping out half of harvest”
Brexit or Global Warming anyone?
I hope the French ones are OK ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39792774
Taff, there is a real problem with some vineyards in Kent, they have to keep warm air circulating all night with bonfires and heaters etc.
It’s nothing to do with globule worming, just a late frost or three which always plays havoc with fruit here and has done since time immemorial. Our pear trees have taken a bashing, as have the apples, and that’s a real shame!
You’d think that with all the hot air and arrogant bullshit coming out of Brussels, we’d be in a heatwave by now! Perhaps a few DAB radios with the bbbc’s mounting panic might also raise the temperature…
Justin Webb is correct. Because “Climate change” means that the UK is colder. At night. Except for the days when it is warmer. And the nights. Which is the trend. Apparently.
A lot of frosts here, this April/May – more so than I’ve experienced before. My cherries are a non-event this year, and even the strawberries have given up.
I will be voting UKIP.
They are the only opposition to Labour and the ‘Nats’ where I live.
After all, UKIP and ‘Lord Farage’ got us Brexit.
If there is a Tory candidate standing who is a Brexit supporter, (unlike your mate Cameron) then I will be voting Tory.
Like every good boy, I have always eaten my Greens , including my leek on St Dai’s day .
I did the same Taff in 2015. The outcome was the vote was split between the sitting Tory MP and UKIP, allowing a female, bisexual, remainiac labour bint to win the seat with a 1200 majority. A result I hope to see corrected next month!
I’d heard this as well, Taff. I think what is of more concern is who do disgruntled SNP voters turn to? Given their past affiliations it is unlely to be the conservatives and the last thing the UK needs is labour resurgent once more north of the border.
#1 Ban of Wikipedia in Turkey and media control
#2 @ReutersUS on fake news, and MSM re-establising credibility ..haha
(actually not bad ..each story ..will have a backstory box to establish its provenance)
#3 @FixRadioUK boutique radio stations for builders etc.
Guilt ridden white men of BBC make sure they choose a BME as new presenter
Amol Rajan His blog
Media Editor, @BBCNews; Presenter, BBC Radio; Reggae nut; Author of #Twirlymen (spin bowlers).
Rajan was formerly editor of The Independent newspaper from June 2013
Rajan was born in Calcutta raised in Tooting, son of Hindu parents, he has not believed in any god since the age of 15. https://radiotoday.co.uk/2017/05/amol-rajan-to-host-radio-4s-the-media-show/
Caught sight of this character in a programme a couple of weeks ago. He was delivering verbiage as he walked and his appearance with velvet lined collar overcoat etc. reminded me of what my parents called, “a market spiv”.
Not only were they diverse, they were shockingly thick. As pig excrement, as two short planks.
One didn’t know which of Mars, Uranus, and Saturn was the nearest to the Earth.
These are people with degrees, for god’s sake.
I said to Mrs Mole, I’d ask for a second opinion if one of them tried a diagnosis on me.
I didn’t watch it TBH. And what you say about their level of intelligence I don’t find that surprising. Most ethnics are only bright in their own field of work, general knowledge is an unknown entity to them.
However, saying that, I never cease to be amazed at the lack of knowledge that those with degrees do not have. A friend of mine (she’s almost 60 !!!) gained her Masters in Education about 10 years ago, whereas I never passed my 11 plus, – we were discussing geographic locations of some air routes, when the Bay of Biscay was mentioned; she hadn’t a clue where it was. She said ‘geography wasn’t her thing’, and I was staggered that she had a framed certification to prove she wasn’t stupid, but it was the fact she had reached an age whereby a close to home location was unknown ! She is also one of those people who will insist on saying “brought” when meaning ‘bought’. Sometimes I do wonder how high (or low) the level is to attain a degree these days, because it leaves me shaking my head in bewilderment.
Diane Abbott read history at Cambridge. Which is why she knows that “The earliest blacks in Britain were probably black Roman centurions that came over hundreds of years before Christ.” (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/modern/dabbott_01.shtml).
Correction: It has just been pointed out that in fact she listened to the Michael Jackson album ‘HIStory’ at Cambridge.
You’ve spoiled my evening and I will probably have a sleepless night after reading fatty’s page about multicultural Britain on that link. URGH!!!
For her information, the Romans invaded Britain in 55BC, which in my world is not hundreds of years before Christ. Still those pesky numbers, always causing trouble, were they invented by whitey to confuse us?
the white house press briefing from yesterday with a masterclass in how to deal with arsey journos by director mulvaney, a fine speaker. If only we had his like here.
Top story on BBC London news.
People with ‘gender identity issues’ are having to wait for an increasing amount of time for NHS treatment.
Any chance of any news for the other 99.999% of the population?
The only treatment required, is a damned good spanking, and being sent to bed with no tea. NHS time should not even be considered worth wasting on these weak, stupid incapables.
The only treatment required, is a damned good spanking, and being sent to bed with no tea. NHS time should not even be considered worth wasting on these weak, stupid incapables.
The BBC is to bring back “Tomorrow’s World“ including a new documentary called “Expedition New Earth” by Stephen Hawking.
In it he shows evidence that he is finally beginning to show the first signs of dementia, when he claims that time is running out for Earth. Humans will need to colonise another planet within one hundred years to ensure our survival. As we are all doomed to die within the next hundred years, with Climate Change, Asteroid strikes, Epidemics and Overpopulation causing our death within one hundred years.
Yes, he said it. Overpopulation will cause the extinction of all Humans within one hundred years. Solid evidence for dementia.
Also the BBC is producing a documentary on the science of changing gender, and reports are that Lord Hall insisted that the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientific debate and independent/non-ideological scientists would continue indefinitely. Only loony left-wing globalist/green scientists will be allowed onto the BBC.
So the BBC’s list of banned scientists includes Graham Stringer, Peter Lilley, Johnny Ball, James Lovelock, Gerhard Gerlich, Ned Nikolov, Karl Zeller, Jasper Kirkby, Piers Corbyn, Henrik Svensmark, David Archibald, Enric Palle, Nir Shaviv, Henrik Svensmark, Zbigniew Jaworowski, Ernst-Georg Beck, Tom Segalstad, Steve McIntyre, Roy Spencer, Richard Lindzen, Ross McKitrick, David Bellamy, Ed Fix, Tim Channon, Rick Salvador, Carlo Tosti, Nicola Scafetta, Paul Vaughan, Ian Wilson, Eigil Friis-Christensen and many many more.
Let’s all remember Raymond Baxter. Presenter of tomorrows world when it was worth watching and a Spitfire Pilot in WW2 to boot. He wouldn’t get a job with today’s BBC.
In an interview about his wartime career, Baxter described flying over a V-2 rocket site during a launch on 14 February 1945, and his wingman firing on the missile: “I dread to think what would have happened if he’d hit the thing!”
Bill Oddie?
Willing to bet that they won’t discuss overpopulation or population control. The left have a good plan though – eradicate white westerners and replace them with third worlders.
The release I read TomW would not be brought back as a programme.
Rather TomW would be used as a brand .. over a group of items or progs like the way BBC Future is used.
…all the people who don’t subscribe to daft bbbc progs any more.
I really can’t be arsed to listen to drivel from the Horrorbin rent-a-crowd any more, they’re just flakes of nothingness.
There was some petulant Aussi on Radio5 live the other night, jabbering to that dried-up bloke Rhod Sharp about something or other, and we had a full half-hour of drivel about the changing Great Barrier Reef! Bugger me, aren’t reefs living things, and won’t they change one day?
I just went out and bought some more diesel for the car, and felt a lot better!
Caller “I’d like to ask Ni-Sturgeon
Why would you leave one union to join another ?”
Dipped into Farage radio show..he really is very impressive, cos he can deal with any caller
Angry LibMob callers try to throw insults, but it doesn’t phase him.
Then the next minute an African or Indian voice is telling him what a great guy he is.
just about as articulate
..”Yeh, you lie about everything you Farage”
NF : “OK give me an example”
… “it’s everyfink”
NF “give me an example”
…”oh ah oo “
Our “Brexit bill” seems to be all over the place. Our European “friends” seem to be picking numbers out of a magicians hat. Think of a number. Double it. Add your dad’s inside leg measurement and times it by your Aunt Bessie’s hat size.
First of all there was speculation that the blighters might try to squeeze us for £50 billion. Without any warning it went up to £60 billion. Last week I was listening to some doom and gloom propaganda on Radio 4 and heard the news we were being screwed for £80 billion and today, hey presto! they give us the updated figure, £100 billion!
For the love of God!
Who’s doing their accounts?
Diane Abbott…
But the worst of this farce is that the BBBC are happy to egg on the EU to ever bigger demands, and are 100% behind them.
Can it possibly be that the BBBC have put patriotism on hold in a cynical ploy to derail Brexit and get rid of the nasty Tories?
If only we had a national broadcaster that supported Britain, rather than those that would do us down.
#1 “defined themselves as black”
it’s possible some people with dark skin don’t self define as black
#2 Cambridge takes students from all over the world , so their demographic will not be the same as the UK’s
Seen the Progressive Alliance new election posters ?
They say : “We called you racists, now vote for us !”
Is it a plausible scenario that Lihbmob people like Farron, Clegg, Alistair Campbell and all the shouty pointy finger people are all highly paid double-agents for the Conservative Party ?
..That their job is to be unfair and unreasonable who treat people with contempt and thus ensure that people won’t vote for LibMob
On the subject of the election I have a question about the posters householders put in windows – eg Vote for This or that party.
The constituency where I live is solidly Labour, but there’s less of the old working class nowadays so although the majority isn’t what it was I think the yoof, ethnic and leftist middle-classes always get them past the post.
My point is I see lots of Vote Labour and Vote Green posters everywhere, but never Vote Conservative. (Or God forbid Vote UKIP). Is this the classic shy tory phenomenon, or are people just browbeaten and scared they’d have their windows smashed in?
Just curious to know if anyone who lives in a Conservative constituency sees a lot of blue posters on their travels, or are they similarly reticent even in tory strongholds?
I live in a very, very Conservative constituency. For the council and sheriff elections there are orange Liberal “Democrat” posters everywhere but I haven’t seen a Conservative or UKIP one. Normally you see as many Blue as orange ones but not this time.
I have pointed this out to my wife and I said that I think that left-wing parties like the Illiberal Antidemocrats have no worries that their windows will be smashed as the right (i.e. Conservative or UKIP) never initiate that sort of violence, but the conservative supporters are, by now, well aware that the left will use violence at the slightest provocation (i.e. someone with a different opinion is enough provocation for them).
Well cheers for all your responses. I was just curious as to know whether we’ve got to the stage where people are afraid of outwardly showing support for even a wishy-washy centre-ist tory administration.
If so it just shows how out of touch the mainstream media is for when it actually comes to the actual voting (dodgy Labour practices aside).If it were otherwise we’d have had Clegg and Milliband taking tea with the Queen for the past couple of years.
Putting up a tory poster may be a signal that you’re some kind of pariah if you don’t like the idea of paying more tax to accommodate unwelcome visitors while having ever worsening public services.
Bugger it, all I can say is Go Mme Le Pen! Ignore those polls. If you look at her policies the MSM would in theory love her – socialist leaning and all -but she spoiled it by being able to notice things like the difference between right and wrong. And that a country isn’t just composed of a lot of interchangeable robotic economic units. And there actually is a such a thing as western european culture that’s worth keeping.
Bit late, I know, but wanted to add a comment. I live in a very, very Tory seat too, and mostly rural.
The farmers have got the blue signs out, the farmers always put the blue signs out, no other signs visible anywhere, but then again, that seems normal around here, always seems strange to drive through some other part of the country and see the red and yellow (rare these days) signs in people’s windows.
Expect it is shy Tories, round here they have won by a landslide since 1930 something, or other (I believe). Yes, to people worrying about bricks through windows if they put up UKIP signs, guess it might be same for Tories, but only heard people scared to admit they vote UKIP.
Farmers don’t seem to care, but they have shotguns.
Should add, despite what BBC and Guardian keep saying about ‘farmers being Remain’, around here last year EVERY field had a Brexit sign in it.
Much the same here, but of course, according to the BBC rural areas don’t exist, so there is no need to represent our views.
I held my nose and voted UKIP again, even though I think the current party is in an awful mess. The Tories will win here but I wanted to register the point that not all of us are taken in by their lies.
LBC just pointed out the EU are similarly acting counter-productively causing us to vote for May.
Obama telling us what to do is what caused many to vote for Brexit in the first place.
Should the EU leaderships bad behaviour go unpunished ???
I’m not generally in favour of consumer boycotts cos in a attempt to get at the boss you end u[ punishing innocent workers.
But I’ve come up with an idea to deal with the EU
One day of bad behaviour has to be met with 2 days of boycott.
IN the future I will buy EU stuff, the EU workers need the jobs
But for now whilst they are unfair and unreasonable I will count the days ..and even when they come back to their senses I will not buy anything immediately but rather count the accumulated days until they are back in credit.
So now they’ve had about 14 days of ultra bad behaviour I’ll keep off the French wine and cheese for 14 days even if they repent
..and the longer they don’t repent the lobger the punishment will be.
The Chileans have been making wine longer than the French and do some proper research on English and Welsh cheese. I can recommend Caws Cenarth as an example.
Non-EU wine is excellent and better value by far, even with the extortionate duties that are imposed to protect the French wine industry. After BREXIT, happy days for us drinkers and also for NZ, Australian, S.African, Chilean and Californian wine makers!
StewGreen; “I’ll keep off the French wine and cheese for 14 days even if they repent”
EU farmers must be quaking in their boots.
The rest of the EU sells 7% of it’s goods to the UK. That’s quite a significant amount and no doubt would cause serious problems for the EU economy if taken away.
Meanwhile, the UK sells 47% of it’s goods to the rest of the EU.
What do you think would happen to the UK economy if that was taken away? Nothing much?
You have never traded I guess. My family have done so for generations long before the Eu existed.
Rule One. Is the product any good?. What is the price and delivery?. Everything else freight, duties ,clearance costs are secondary .
That is the trouble with progressives.No idea how things really work.
There will be long standing business relationships between firms in the Eu and Uk and that is not just going to be abandoned overnight. People do not behave like that . Life is not like that. Grow up.
Well maxi cony what will happen to that 7% who export to us ? What will those businesses do and where will the workers go ? Will they join the 3.2 million odd that will have to leave here because our economy can’t afford them ?
And is Estonia , Poland et al ready for the Russians to march in ? We won’t be able to afford NATO commitments to their defence __ they impoverished us !
Our economy will be better off with 3.2 million fewer workers & consumers? How does that work exactly?
The immigrant workers are cheap workers because they tolerate low wages, so they cannot consume much, and they drag wages down for the native population, so they also cannot afford much either, and are also encouraged not to work, if the benefits received are not much less than the minimum wage.
There are a few examples in history of how an economy can be better off with 3.2 million fewer workers.
For England, the best example, which gave the English the highest standard of living on Earth, was the collapse of the feudal system after the Black Death, which reduced the work force by 30 percent, which then gave greater value to those workers who survived, causing the former feudal lords to raise the wages to compete with each other for workers. Giving the next generation of English people a wealth that angered the posh elite, and a taste for freedom which caused the Peasants revolt.
So the lesson is to eliminate cheap labour by 30 percent to make Britain the richest nation on Earth. It makes the small number of rich elite poorer, but the huge number of people who become richer, causes a massive increase in the standard of living, because of and due to a massive increase in demand from consumers.
The logic of the Eurocrazies is that all of a sudden once we’ve thrown off the shackles of EU-serfdom all our trade with the EU will cease, notwithstanding that we were trading with these countries prior to joining the EEC.
But to complete the logic, if 47% of our trade will disappear once we leave, if we stay that means we will lose 53% of our trade. Therefore, even using their “logic” we will be 6% better off leaving than staying.
Number 7
Since we have been in the European Union I have witnessed the entire decimation of our great country’s industries.
Maxicony is just an Al Beeb troll. Something to sport with, something that is letting the broadcasting corporation down by even posting here .
If the EU plays silly buggers on car tariffs and kills everyone’s export trade British manufacturers will be looking to produce an extra million cars a year to meet domestic demand. They’ll be struggling to keep up. Even if the general economy falters the demand for cars could fall by 1 million without having any impact on our manufacturers.
Things not going your way ? Under pressure ?
Funny, we never get any example of Al Beeb bias from you ?
Have you any, or are you just a troll or an employee?
2015 figures:-
UK exports to EU £230bn
UK imports from EU £290bn
and somehow this is our problem? I wonder if the German motor industry would agree, or the French wine growers etc etc.
Any decrease (in ALL trade with EU, both imports and exports) will hit them far more than us. In fact a pro-rata decrease will reduce our net trade deficit.
Using your (incorrect) figures, 7% of a very big number is far higher than 47% of a small number, we know that because of our trade balance.
Remainders like to say UK sends 47% of EXPORT GOODS to the EU, but we all know that is a lie, because of the “Rotterdam Effect”. After BREXIT, the only change is that exports to China will go to China instead of ‘to EU/Rotterdam’ then to China.
If you need to be told that you are thick. If you already knew that you are a liar.
Anyway Stewgreen was only talking about boycotting French goods, not sure what percentage of our exports are to France, but I’m pretty confident if you split out the 47% figure between the 27 other EU countries rather than lumping them all in together, our import/export relationship with France would be all in their favour, at the moment.
And if I’m wrong maybe buying British instead of French will go some way to salving the pain.
Edit: a quick google appears to show that we spent $10 billion more on French goods than they did on ours in 2016.
If you are still at school try some after school maths, or possibly learn non fiction from fiction.
If you are not a school goer your parents should be fined for not sending you, cruelty to children and all that!
… French cheese and wine – redundant these days … with New World wines and, say, cheese from Co Cork there is no need at all to glance across the English Channel …
“”Egyptian Saad Mohammed creates 700 metre Koran by hand””
“”Saad Mohammed’s intricately decorated, hand-drawn scroll is 700 metres long (2,296ft) – which means, when it is unrolled, it is almost twice as tall as the 381-metre-high Empire State Building.””
There was a wonderful moment on the PM programme today. The item was about Peter Kay’s announcement that he wouldn’t make a third series of Car Share. Eddie Mair interviewed Gareth McLean (Guardian journalist), but it didn’t end quite as scripted. At 30.40 McLean is making the point that the BBC would have bought more series, with the comment: “He knows he could flog [it] to the BBC until there is no more BBC; so in about 5 years time”. The interview ended 20 seconds later. Even a Guardian journalist can see the writing is on the wall for the BBC.
At great expense the BBC have covered the French election debate. Obviously the BBC are under orders to favour Macron.
But this is an example of BBC journalism
One of those little coincidences but the BBC, so cleverly, made the most of it. Madeleine McCann’s disappearance in 2007, the Sun’s front cover urging UK police involvement in 2011 and the implication that Teresa May, Home Secretary in the still recently elected government dragged her heels in authorising an investigation.
No mention of what party was in power between 2007 and 2010….but that might influence the outcome of an election. Can’t have that.
4am World Service News. In gleeful tones the very first snippet. Macron cements his place. There was a very brief translation from the debate where Ms Le Pen is describing Mr Macron as a supporter of the globalist elite, which is true. Then Mr Macron paints Ms Le Pen as inciting Islamic fear, or was the word hatred. I can’t remember. His serve in this case is clearly untrue as the French and the rest of us have a lot to fear especially from a man who has no intention of stopping Muslims from coming into France and a man who has told the people get used to it. If France can not see what’s happening and understand how close they are to a complete breakdown in their society then they must be prepared to face chaos and ruin. There was a you tube clip I saw which did allude to the media in France not reporting the true extent of the street riots going on. Surely that can’t be right as the media have a dedicated team of highly educated sincere individuals working 24/7 to ensure that we are properly informed.
It occurs to me that Marine Le Pen and Jeremy Corbyn have the same policies and principles (including a party of anti-Semites) and vociferous opposition to the EU (Jezza until 6 months ago). Le Pen is proper old Labour and extremely Socialist – France first, import duties, no outside intervention, lots of support and protection for struggling / disadvantaged FRENCH people. How does the Biased BBC get away with calling the one “far-right” and the other “left/centrist”?
Left v right are now fake political labels…..the line is national patriots vs globalists…….this is the dividing line.
It is blurred and denied in this country more than it is in France, but it is where the true battle of ideas is being fought. The EU and the BBC are globalist entities.
Mme Le Pen argues for border controls, a reassertion of French cultural and financial independence.
Mr Corbyn argues for open borders, the subversion of British culture and cluelessness on finance.
Macron served in a “socialist” globalist government yet is sold as a “centrist”
That’s why they are presented in the way they are by the BBC.
The other test of course, is how cosy is the politicians relationship with Islam, the globalists current weapon of choice for undermining national culture and self confidence in the west.
Just been to vote in my local elections and passed a house where three generations live who have never had a job in their lives, yet they have a huge vote labour poster in their window. Fiscally illiterate indeed, Lojo, in other words keep voting for the free money!
“….how cosy is the politicians relationship with Islam, the globalists current weapon of choice for undermining national culture and self confidence in the west.”
They’ll live to regret it because the muslim’s attachment to islam is far stronger than any perceived and false attachment to Western politics.
7.30m World Service news. Marine Le Pen has continually been described as FAR RIGHT. Now they have called her a NATIONALIST.
An Imam in Pakistan has stepped in to save a man from being accused of blasphemy. I expect that this incredible act of heroism will lead to the Nobel prize for peace being awarded.
I heard a piece on Toady from New Orleans, where the (majority black) council have ordered the removal of some statues of figures from the era of the Confederacy; Jefferson Davis, the Confederate President, among them.
The al Beeboid (Asian) reporter continuing the false narrative that the War Between The States was over slavery, when it wasn’t; the war was about tariffs imposed by the Federal government to the severe detriment of many southern states.
The Confederates are always portrayed as evil and Lincoln and the Union above reproach, if that were the case: why is it that in the entire war the army of the Confederacy burnt down one town in the Union, yet the Union Army razed forty three in ONE southern state alone?
Off to the Big Easy (70% black before Katrina) to my brother’s for Thanksgiving in November and as a frequent visitor, can categorically say that the vast majority of septics know SFA about history having gleaned what little they know or are interested in from Hollywood.
I noticed that Mrs May standing in front of Number 10 telling us that the EU are trying to affect our election, is yesterday’s news. Not a whimper about it on The Today programme. How much time have they spent analysing that the Russians won it for Trump?
MarkyMarkFeb 25, 10:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Request For the most recent financial year for which you have complete claims records, please could you tell me how…
tomoFeb 25, 10:17 Start the Week 24th February 2025 NOT on the BBC, I reckon. https://twitter.com/aDissentient/status/1894282552988283290
tomoFeb 25, 10:14 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Analysing social media narratives What corruption? https://twitter.com/StarkNakedBrief/status/1894001103340986464
MarkyMarkFeb 25, 09:57 Start the Week 24th February 2025 19 December 2024 Syria’s rebel leader, Ahmed al-Sharaa, has dismissed the online controversy over videos showing him gesturing to a…
MarkyMarkFeb 25, 09:56 Start the Week 24th February 2025 £400K To Hamas …. “I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I…
andyjsnapeFeb 25, 09:56 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The worlds most trusted broadcaster, stirring it again! Israel demands complete demilitarisation of southern Syria https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cvgenz02lp8o “It is an announcement…
Black??? How the F does she qualify as being black? She’s a damn sight paler than I am after a day in the garden!
Toobi – You are what you identify yourself as. Apparently.
I identify myself as a lobster, which is why I don’t watch Masterchef! If that Greg Wallace comes near me, I’ll nip his goolies!
My local hospital wouldn’t acceot the fact I am a Jedi though, following my recent TIA,. Lobby Something to do with the force they said.
Mace Windu more a malteser shade.
Yoda erring on the mushy peas.
I am a werewolf and I am offended by lycanthropophobia
I choose to Identify myself as a gorilla as like a gorilla I am large at 6 foot and 20 stone and am very hairy
That sounds like a woman I used to know …..
So you know my sister.
Corbyn= Dearth Vader or leader of Dearth Labour
… The Farce is with him.
…If that Greg Wallace comes near me, I’ll nip his goolies!…..
Oh I wish Lobby! how that bloke ever got a job on the tele is beyond words. Dines in the best restaurants, gets to taste good food, because what? he was a one time bloody grocer (no offence to grocers) and knew the difference between an artichoke and asparagus ? I don’t mind Masterchef, but he thoroughly spoils it with his shouty bully boy attitude, and I rather suspect that John Torode has no time for him either.
Strange that the irony of a programme devoted to the preparation of food which only a very tiny percentage of the population could ever afford to eat appears lost on the BBC. I suppose it’s part of the mindset which credits the Guardian as being representative?
I admit I’m an awful philistine about food, but I’ve never understood the sheer numbers of cookery programs on mainstream TV. Maybe I could understand two or three spread across all the schedules but the buggers are everywhere (along with doing-up-your-house type programs).
There are thousands of recipe sites on the internet, if you want to do something new for your posh dinner party just bloody well look it up! Save that TV half-hour slot for something educational, entertaining or informative.
It’s not like the celebrity chefs are especially charismatic, in fact most of the chefs I worked with years ago in kitchens were often downright unpleasant.
I came across this out-of-date blog the other day, which sums up my feelings on ‘poncey’ food. Warning – sweary words contained therein :
This hits the nail firmly on the head: https://youtu.be/xfO1veFs6Ho
Enjoy this video of cool journalist Lauren Southern playing the system by going through the process of ‘officially’ getting permission to identify as a male. NSFW – some swearing, and she is damn hot! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGpZSefYvwM
In my previous life I was a senior police officer. The force, for entirely pc reasons, sent a memo to every officer and member of police staff directing that they self-defined their own ethnicity. Most people didn’t like the nonsense for obvious reasons but returns were compulsory. I ran a number of different departments, but one, the Fraud Squad, was quite bolshy. There were 48 officers and about six police staff. All were white, other than one Asian officer. They got their heads together. One responded to the memo saying he had 27 years police and if they didn’t know his colour they could bugger off. The rest all defined themselves as black afro-Caribbean and sent their returns. I thought it was brilliant. I contacted the press office to see if they wanted to photograph the first ‘vitually all white, self-defined all black Fraud Squad in the country.’ Funnily enough they didn’t seem to have my sense of humour nor the staff’s balls to take the piss out of stupid nonsense.
Good story. Thing is, we know that what they can measure, they will try to work on, so if correctly self-identifying, they would have installed a target to increase diversity in the group by 20% in the next year, for example….
For that reason I never, ever identify myself correctly. Whatever they do with the figures, it is never going to be to my benefit as a white male. So I always refuse to answer or identify as African. If enough people do that then one day they will realise their figures are garbage and give up. Funniest thing is, under Libtard ‘culture’ they made it impossible for themselves to categorise me under the obvious category.
My Civil service department ran a similar exercise in the 1990s. We were told in confidence to complete a form noting our etenticity. Some of us refused and binned the forms surmising this was the start of a positive discrimination exercise confident that as this was “confidential” and we couldn’t be recognised we forgot about it. A fortnight later a reminder with a new form appeared on the refusniks desks. Curious as to how we had been rumbled a closer look at the form revealed it had our staff numbers on it. So much for “in confidence”. As I was a fairly high positioned union officer at the time I voiced my displeasure to the management to be informed that the confidential referred to the data storage. Despite threats of disciplinary action several of us re-binned the forms. That was the last I heard on the subject.
We are all persons of colour.
I have a pantone chart to ensure I stay accurate.
All of this race and gender self-identifying is an attempt to delegitimise reality.
Once reality has been reduced to what everyone individually decides it means for them, you are well on the way to destroying a society’s ability to function by itself.
Then, of course, the self-appointed Noble & Wise step in to control every aspect of our lives.
When will the BBC realise that highlighting people’s colour and ‘celebrating’ their successes demean the people concerned. Last night – half joking – I predicted that the black chef in Great British Menu would get the highest score because he was black. Guess what? The black chef received the highest score. Now was it because he was black or because his was the best dish? Since Nadya who made the poorest decorated cake for the Queen’s birthday won Bake Off -I no longer think BBC judges award on merit.
On Masterchef, Bighead Gregg is overegging the pudding (!) when it comes to complementing the food of the Asian doctor. I had her as a rank outsider a few shows ago, but now, despite her only cooking Indian food, she could be coming through in the first 3.
While watching Holby City last night (yes, yes, I know but it’s a venial rather than a mortal vice) the BBC slipped in another little bit of anti-English racism.
Henryk, the Swedish CEO, had spent the day on one of the wards talking to patients to see that everything was up to scratch (and politically correct). At the end of a long day, he mentioned that he had been subject to an attempt “to make him into an Anglo-Saxon”. Apparently he’d bumped into an awkward (white English) patient (who for the length of the programme the staff had been trying to prevent Henryk seeing because he – the patient – was “awkward”). The patient had said – apparently unprompted – that Britain was “full up”. Henryk and the rest of the staff were aghast. Oddly, no-one commented that Sweden was now the rape capital of Europe. But, job done by the BBC: another smidgen of impartial bile aimed at those horrible Brexiteers and anti-immigrant racists.
Umbongo, thinking of racism, I was struck that within minutes of the start of Only Artists (BBC Radio 4, 9.02am today) there was some blatant racism.
In a protest, I hit the OFF switch.
“Sexist!”…”Mysogonistic!”…”Intolerant!”…”Vile!”…”Disgusting!”…The Islamic Al Beeb have justifiably lost their shit over these shocking results of the completely unacceptable views of men in the modern world……oh wait…
“At least a quarter of men in the Arab region support equality for women in some areas”…Some areas!! Which means 3 quarters dont!!! WTF!!
“The International Men and Gender Equality Study in the Middle East and North Africa (IMAGES MENA) found that the majority of men – up to 90% in some places – expected to control their wives’ freedoms, from clothing to how often the couple had sex”…can it get any worse than that for a woman and her freedom??
If this article was written about a study of white mens views, could you imagine the level of anger that would spew out of every single word?!…but in this case?..justifiably so…Nothing! Its a fucking apology on behalf of the muslim world by the psychopaths at Al Shabeeb!!!
If this was the confirmed views of even 1 white man, the entire Western world would be on fire from the sick fuck, delusional, hate filled feminazi’s….but because its about muslims…
You hit the nail on the head! Speaking as an Arab, alt least a quarter of us support women’s rights in the area of doing the washing up and cleaning around the toilet bowl. Boom!
**article update**
Looks like one of the deviant, British hating militants reads this website (so we all hope ?), or one of the traitorous clag-nuts has realised how jaw-droppingly disgusting the original sick piece of shit of an article I read was!
It now reads
“Only 1 in 4…” instead of “At least 1 in 4” and now doesn’t look like a full on glorification or eulogy of Muslims sick and barbaric views and treatment of their own women (never mind the Yazidis, the children of Rotherham and the woman of Cologne)
Still Al Shabeeb….lets champion the invasion of Europe by these women hating, Europe hating, freedom hating, tolerance hating, gay hating, all other religions hating ‘men’
Black artists doing well in the Turner heap of shite multicultural art competition.
The big breathrough for black people would come when a black artist denounces this crap show.
An even bigger leap of progress for the Turner Prize would be where there were two men and two women nominated, their ethnic origin and skin colour would be irrelevant and only their artistic output would be under consideration by the Judging Panel, the public and their media.
True equality.
Equality for a conservative means equality of opportunity – all can enter the contest and let the best artist win.
Equality for the Left means equality of outcome – just as many prizes must be given to ethnic minorities as to the majority.
As one commentator (might have been Jonathan Haidt) noted: “Blind pursuit of equal outcome leads to abomination of justice.”
Not that the BBC could care about that, even if they could understand it.
Exactly correct – so Liebour has dozens of all-woman shortlists and never had a female PM, because the garbage floats to the top. In the Tories, until Camoron, women were treated as equals, so quality floated to the top. (Generalising!!)
Two men and two women would not be true equality. Their sex should be no more relevant than their colour.
Interesting debate at work this morning –
‘Would you give up all modern technological advances, internet, satellite tv, smart phones, email, etc to return to an early 80’s style UK pre-islam, pre-SNP, pre-immigration, etc, etc.
Those over 40 was a unanimous yes, those under unanimous no.
TR, all those ‘technological advances’ have OFF switches.
I certainly would not wish to return to the past merely to lose all that, as well as the impact of a religion on our country, and I am – I have to admit – well past the age of 40.
Interesting ‘survey’. I just wonder though what those who cannot do without their Smartphone now, will be saying in 40 years time when other technological devices will have been invented.
I can remember when the first handheld calculators were the latest in ‘technology’, portable tape recorders, the Betamax video recorder, 8 track tapes, in-car dvd players, the Walkman, and the microwave oven.
Some of these we’ve lost but have survived ok without them. I don’t have a Smartphone, don’t use Apps, don’t have Netflix, don’t have sat-nav (use maps), and I don’t need Facebook or Twatter to enhance my life either; strangely I’m still breathing, eating and paying my bills ok; and apparently I appear to be stress free because I don’t have a phone that needs to be checked every 30 seconds. (I do have a m/phone, but if it gets used twice a day, that’s a lot !!)
I was talking to a physiotherapist recentley, B and he said that from the problems he is seeing, people of the future will have hunched backs from crouching over a screen, over developed thumbs but little strength in the fingers. They will also lose their long vision ability through living their lives through an LCD screen, 12 inches from their nose.
I’m chuckling TW, at the thought of the human race gradually evolving into a fingerless race, with just thumbs to suck !!!
I am increasingly BBC-free these days, listening to less and less of Lefty Radio 4 and watching hardly any TV except at weekends. This morning I caught Jim Naughtie’s piece from France on the Presidential Election there (after 8:30 on ‘Today’).
One thing stood out from the interviews with people and comments about Macron and Le Pen: we were told that the Mayor of Béziers was very ‘controversial’ (the usual label-and-dismiss tactic). Had he called for Sharia for the whole of France? Had he advocated race-mixing as Sarkozy (‘nous devons relever le défi du métissage) did? We were not told why he was controversial, and what he said about Macron being the establishment seemed plausible enough. Could it be that Naughtie and the biased BBC did not wish to repeat what the Mayor had said about ‘le Grand Remplacement’ being visible in his town, where over 60% of the children in the junior classes were Muslims? After all, we wouldn’t want the sheeple to stop and think, “Maybe Ms Le Pen has a point”.
Mustapha, I also listened to the first part of Naughtie’s report. Think the problem he has with Menard is that he is a Communist and the plain fact that is confronting Naughtie is that the Left are fighting amongst themselves for control of France. (Menard according to Wiki is also a ‘Pied Noir’.)
Naughtie does not wish to recognise that Le Pen is a Socialist, Macron may be anything – including small ‘s’ Socialist or even fairly serious Socialist – and that the current President is, er, a fairly Hard-Left Socialist. Perhaps Naughtie is a Socialist and aligned with one of those parties in France? We know he supports the UK Labour Party from a couple of on-air slips he has made in the past. I got the impression that Naughtie was struggling to come to terms with a reality that faces all of ‘the Left’. They all hate each other.
France is not doing too well.
It has been run by Socialists in the recent past. It is likely to be run by Socialists in the next few years.
“Run”, perhaps, is not the right word…
Sorry, OG. Typo on my part. Should read ‘It has been ruined by Socialists in the recent past. It is likely to be ruined by Socialists in the next few years.’
… the BBC lies by omission … often and effectively …
If Nick Ferrari, on a shoestring LBC budget can ask simple questions and make useless Labour politicians squirm, how come the BBC, with its £4bn resource and its mountain of journalists cannot?
Except of course that they don’t want to!
I don’t think they really are ‘journalists’, Sluff, more like mouthpieces told what to ask, say and do to suit the Official Opposition to the government, i.e. the bbbc.
They may have some sort of qualification in some obscure subject, but the first item on any journalist’s agenda has to be ‘ask a question’!
Unfortunately all reporters on the BBBC want their opinions out front first, either by innuendo, or just crass squealing – especially in the case of Laura K.
Always listen to Nick Ferrari , even pre DAB , was just in range on FM , but somehow 15 nm west of me, Stansted ATC, use to break in , now & again! Nick , Brillo ,& a few others are the best . Even Piers on ITV breakfast, nailed Fatty Abbott too .
What a shame that the BBC were not so anxious and keen to warn of rising costs in 1998 and 1999 and 2000 and 2001 and … (you get the idea).
Especially when their Licence Fee rocketed upward.
“UKIP vows to axe TV licence fee and end foreign aid ‘bonanza'”
Cant find nowt on Al Beeb about this ?
Censorship ?
taffman, they are probably still wondering in the BBC Newsroom how to get around condemning Nuttall & UKIP for cutting the cost of living by axing the Licence Fee while trying to mention inflation and increasing costs as an urgent danger for the whole UK because of Brexit.
Their concern could be wider, of course. All the proposed new taxes for car drivers from the Labour Mayor of London, for example.
Oh, I forgot.
The BBC spearheaded that particular campaign in a momentary abandonment (irony alert) of their political neutrality. Not too worried about the inflation caused by that or, for that matter, the VED increases from 1 April 2017.
The BBC.
Total hypocrites.
Total incompetents, too?
“they are probably still wondering in the BBC Newsroom how to get around condemning Nuttall & UKIP for cutting the cost of living by axing the Licence Fee while trying to mention inflation and increasing costs as an urgent danger for the whole UK because of Brexit.”
Well they can’t really, fewer people are watching Al Beeb now with the advent of all the new ‘free’ channels that are before us. Viewing figures must be down!
Al Beeb are defunct, the License Fee is defunct. Simples !
Hey bBC CS!

Why is this deemed culturally utterly insensitive.
But this never was :
Rotherham child abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited,
Err hang on there’s more:
Oxfordshire grooming victims may have totalled 373 children
Derby gang guilty of teen sex abuses
Rochdale grooming gang leader gets 22 years
Blackpool man charged with historical child sex abuse offences
Twelve men sentenced for sexual exploitation of Keighley teenager
Dewsbury child sex abuse gang jailed
Bristol sex gangs jailed for grooming girls
Northumbria Police have charged 20 people with sexual offences
Men who gang raped schoolgirl after luring her to hotel room
I (like most people) find all of the above (and there’s plenty more) culturally utterly insensitive seeing as all the paedophiles belong to a culture other than British.(why doesn’t the bbC never refer to these Islamic kiddy fiddlers as paedophiles?) yet the bBC never seems to get round to saying that. Far better to opine about non-whites complaining about trivial things.
What a disgraceful photo you show here… the one I saw this morning in the DM had no pixilations on it whatsoever 😉

Please except my apologies, here is the photo in all its glory:
However I feel you may like this video (Its clean) of the young lady much better:
She’s the business.
I am deeply offended by this photograph.
Her footware is totally unsuitable. Trainers ?????
Surely she should be wearing full-on mountain boots in such a location.
Think the Health and Safety people should be getting the what for.
that is one hell of a mountain
I know the Oxford “eye contact” thing has been doing the rounds for a few days, but oh isn’t it wonderful to read about the right-on mob eating themselves. Frank Furedi; congratulations.
Jeremy Vine show preview on R2, will talk about the Ms Abbot problems, implies that it wasn’t such a big deal as we all make mistakes from time to time and is there a possibility that she is picked on because of her race?
Perhaps her migraine of a few weeks back was a symptom of a deeper lying problem that she has in the relationship between her massive mouth and her tiny brain.
“Jeremy Vine show preview on R2, will talk about the Ms Abbot problems, implies that it wasn’t such a big deal as we all make mistakes from time to time and is there a possibility that she is picked on because of her race?”
Does he mean ladies such as Shanique Syrena Pearson.
It is said that, what happens in the USofA eventually ends up here but the apparent slow death by a thousand cuts of free speech is already underway in the UK, certainly in the form of ‘PC’ – https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/10300/death-of-facts
One piece of the Douglas Murray article which I liked was this:
“As the English philosopher Roger Scruton wrote in his book Modern Philosophy, “A writer who says that there are no truths, or that all truth is ‘merely relative’, is asking you not to believe him. So don’t.””
GWF has already mentioned that we’re approaching that monumental love fest of pretentiousness, The Turner Prize.
Many yeas ago the late and unlamented Gerald Kaufman, who loved all things to do with modern art, was perusing one of the exhibits. He was ecstatic! “I love the lines,” he breathed huskily, “there’s an eloquence and a symmetry that is evocative” he continued to coo, “the pure white and the beautiful chrome…” Somebody stopped him in mid flow to point out that he wasn’t actually looking at an exhibit, he was standing at the urinal.
Clearly this is an apocryphal story, however, it’s a pretty decent metaphor for The Turner Prize and most modern art and what it does. It takes the bleedin’ piss!
Poor old Gerald.
Being stopped in mid flow…
I haven’t seen any mention of this by the BBC.
I suppose it doesn’t fit the mantra of the NHS being short of cash.
The answer to this problem is simple, lobby, if the country these “visitors” wash up from is in receipt of Foreign Aid, which they invariably are, just take the money fprm this slush fund instead. At least the foreign aid will be used for what it was intended for, aiding foreigners and not filling despot’s bank accounts!
I do have to laugh at this line from the Express and Star
“It has now been revealed that this woman may have come to the UK on purpose to give birth and take advantage of NHS care”
Really, on purpose, oh my god! Who could imagine such flagrant deceit?
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the gullibility of some people that shock, horror there are some people in the world that might tell lies to get free stuff.
Do you *really* think Midlands Today will bother with that story?! They’re much more interested in who is going to be Midlands Mayor
Or the item I’m currently watching, Nigel Clough taking his dog to training and how it has helped Burton Albion stay in the Championship. You have to watch it to believe it!
Magic science hyped by BBC
Then RETRACTED by science checkers
“Remarkable” it was ever accepted, says report: Science to retract study on fish and microplastics Retraction Watch
Science is retracting a paper about how human pollution is harming fish, after months of questions about the validity of the data.
The move, first reported by the news side of Science on Friday, follows a new report from a review board in Sweden that concluded the authors were guilty of “scientific dishonesty,” and the paper should be “recalled.”
Data fabrication ..expt never took place.
naïve BBC report from June
Fish eat plastic like teenagers eat fast food
The BBC acts like a PR agency for bad science.
Their original story was massively tweeted.
Whilst skeptics know straight away to be wary of extraordinary claims from UNREPLICATED studies.
Just heard a plank of a caller on the Jeremy Vine show saying that all politicians make mistakes and we shouldn’t be criticising flabbot, but asking why there are so many police officers needed in the first place when crime etc., are rising. He then wen on to say that the attacks on flabbot are a result of the tory, right wing media in this country which is the worst in the world.
Yes, I heard that as well, this was towards the point in the segment where her “gaffe” (their description) was sidelined and it was all about the critics being racist and misogynistic.
Black = above criticism because…. racism
Vine brought in a journalism lecturer to talk about the case of Cornwall Online journalists being excluded from filming TMay visiting a factory.
The lecturer exhorted journalists superiority over the public.
“The public can’t get truth out of politicians only journalists have the skill for that.”
Really and I thought journos MO was to wait around for a minor slipup which they then distort and bang on and on about… And that everyone detests journos cos they cheat and lie.
That was a ‘splutter’ moment for me too.
I think ‘journalists’ have destroyed politics because no politician dares say what they really think less their words get twisted just to make a story.
That might make the journalists feel good but it isn’t good for us.
You really have to be thick to believe a journalist on the bbbc these days.
If you think they’re clever, vote for Abbott and her chum, Crowbyn.
The Prime Minister should reply in the Commons to the Ms Merkel
Colleagues we have difficult times ahead of us . There are those in the beaurocracies abroad who might even want to punish us . We are going to have to deal with them .
Firstly we are going to purge our civil servants who are not applying themselves 100% for Britain . All the self servers will go , the bullies will go , the indolent will go and most important the ones who feel they have a higher calling to serve than Great Britain will go . That’s the Gramscians , the EUroluvvies , the Internationalists , the Anywheres and the generally treasonable .
That previous head of the civil service , Gus O Donnell is stripped of his title and pension .
We are also restructuring the BBC . It will have to make the choice whether it continues to insult the intelligence and morals of the majority of the population and cater for a liberal/ left elite , or speak for the nation and speak the truth .
We have given a lot to Europe . We have taken their excess workforce so that their unemployment costs have been neglible , in fact we have given a lot of social care to many foreigners here ( and sent child allowance abroad ) . It has not been in our interests , despite what Guardian type journalists and BBC have been saying .
So we tell the EUrocrats , who don’t speak for the ordinary people , that if they try to impoverish us we will retaliate .
We don’t have to put up with indignities any longer . The people will be in charge so don’t stretch their tolerance .
Good post, Nibor.
I think Mrs May has started already…
That’s quite a Wish List, Nibor.
Love it to happen but I have my doubts.
I wonder how the EU bosses are going to get a unanimous negotiating position among 27 diverse countries, and how they are going to make the end point compromise which will be negotiated also be supported unanimously?
If it all goes pearshaped and they impose punishing tarifs on our exports of, say lamb to France, what will be the reaction of the French to swingeing tarifs on their Champagne? Ditto in Germany if we impose tarifs on the import of their cars, but not on the Japanese ones? Will Merkel try to invade the UK to impose her will?
I am a bit pessimistic about the negotiations. Not because many individual countries and their people would not like a deal.
No, the issue is that the Euro fanatics in Brussels, Berlin etc, just cannot bear the thought of a deal with the UK. To them, the cause of the Euro project far outweighs any sensible economic agreement.
Unelected Eurocrats don’t care about European people, just the ‘project’.
We have to be punished and be seen to be enduring a painful exit to prevent others wanting to do the same.
I recall a single in the 60s by Left Banke, covered by the 4 Tops, ‘Walk Away Renee’
Well, ‘Walk Away Mrs May’ could yet be what we would prefer to hear.
Actually I’m more worried about ‘negotiations’, that smacks a bit too much of EU-lite, all the rules, most of the fee and no say!
Just to think, the UK stepped in to help Europe out in the late thirties’ which left the country broke and these a**holes are plotting to try and milk the Brits. I’d follow Nigel Lawsons advice given on the World at One BBC Radio 4 today: Keep quiet, live out the two years and then say ‘goodbye’ without any discussion and not paying a bean.
I was wondering about the ‘silence’ option. Since the msm doesn’t want to understand that a negotiation involves leaks , rumours, disinformation , propaganda, dirty tricks – all they seem to want to do is eat the EU version and spit it out to the detriment of our future.
It seems ironic that countries such as France and Germany want money from the uk and have conveniently written the Second World War out of their memories . I was trying to work out why Britain stopped taking money from Germany for what they did to us and the consequences from which we continue to suffer- particularly since there are British people remaining who were alive during the war .
The sooner we are out the better. And if they want our taxpayers money – give them a years worth of the £13 billion aid budget and send them on their ever closer way.
Absolutely, G!
The toxic Laura K has just caused a shut down of our TV after only six minutes.
She really is a little bitch isn’t she; clueless in anything other than spitting bile in lieu of asking questions, and never even understanding or listening to answers if she ever gets any.
But as Guido says, more votes for the Conservatives by the day, so keep it up Laura, you’re doing a fine job.
There is a problem with the younger journalists. They are all ‘progressive ‘ in outlook which is why they were recruited but unlike the older ones they cannot disguise their real opinions. So many of us can see it and so ignore everything they say as tainted by bias. It then looks as if they are just poor at their jobs. Being charitable I realise that a generationally flawed recruitment policy both in the BBc and the universities where they recruit has led to this. For a news business it is probably terminal.
Additionally they have no experience of life outside their bubble.
Can it be changed? No not at present. What will change it is the internet and time.
Excellent points Dave, and very true. All the channels have ‘young’ journalists who try to assert their authority by talking over those they are interviewing, raising their voices and have clearly been schooled in the art of ‘sneering’ by the aged Jon Snow. Rarely have I heard an interviewee reply “are you going to shut up and let me answer the question…… please”. These little snots need to be gagged and bound after asking the initial question !
Too right, Brissles! Dave hits the proverbial on the proverbial!
Back in the sixties (I remember them), David Frost was withered by anti-satirists, and he was good enough to give them two fingers!
Unfortunately, the sneerers who were watching then decided to breed a new sort of ‘reporter’, so they’re all at it now, following later on after a few tentative pokes at the establishment by their ‘peers’.
I even thought Andrew Marr was reasonable until I saw a pic of him outside some sordid dive with some person who wasn’t his wife, looking and acting like an idiot. That’s not what I do. Sorry.
They do let themselves down these ‘autocue-readers’, don’t they…
Bruuuuuuuutally outnumbered.
As is the BBC by those who may like the option of not paying Laura’s salary to speak on the nation’s behalf by compulsion.
Mrs. May may wish to ponder why that is still permitted.
In our constituency Labour usually loses its deposit. The Limp dims have pissed just about everyone off tellings we are child killers for voting for Brexit.
UKIP has offered to pull the TVL. I may just vote tactically again.
My family have a history in Pontefract dating back to the 1880s, informed by the collieries in the area.
Its a very traditional working class Labour stronghold.
The BBC chose it for an election vox pop this lunchtime.
Forgetting the ‘impartiality’ of such a choice for the moment (after yesterday’s Labour-voting vox pop at a Southampton burger van) what struck me was the juxtaposition between the genuine working class Labour supporters in the street and the middle class intellectual liberal Guardianista BBC type Labour supporters behind the camera and the microphone. God, they are SO patronising. They don’t have a clue about working people.
… the vile thing is that they do have a clue.
Because their background is so often work class or recently work class.
The bBC sent out their ace reporters in which to ask the British public regards next months GE:
Then its back to the studio in which to ask a sample of British people on why they don’t vote:
sorry did I say sample.
‘Random’ sample
Sample of ‘randoms’
Thirty years old and no-body has told her nuffink, doesn’t she receive the BBC?
If as seems likely Macron becomes President of France , what can we expect from the BBC?
No doubt unalloyed rejoicing that Le Pen didn’t win , the populist movement has been stopped by a great centrist victory and that the EU will be strengthened . Then endless warnings from all and sundry that the new President , being a fanatical EUrophile, will be determined to make Brexit as tough as possible for us.
No mention will be made that Le Pen has , as looks likely , got 40% of the vote on an anti EU , anti immigration programme in a country that was once the driving force of the EU. Indeed she will win the vote everywhere but in the cities and the expat vote. Furthermore if we deduct the Muslim vote, who we can safely assume voted en bloc against Le Penn, she will have got well over 40%.
Far from seeing the end of what the BBC disparagingly terms populism, this is in reality another huge increase in the anti Globalist elite vote. It seems inveitable that Islamic terror will continue in France , how will Macron cope ? After all he has told the French that they will have to get used it. Try telling them that in Nice or wherever the next mass murder takes place. I think it’s reasonable to ask if he can survive his full term if the terror continues. Ms Le Pen is very likely to be the next President of France after Macron and it may be sooner than we think.
By the way can you imagine what the reaction in the UK would be to a politician who told us that we needed to get used mass murder by terrorists because there was nothing that they could do to stop it. Corbyn is quite close to this abject position but I don’t think we would / will make him PM with 60% of the vote.
You rightly ask if it is reasonable to conclude that Macron will survive a full term. May I add that left and Islamic hostility to Le Pen will continue with increasing levels of violence as she mounts the case for France and civilised values.
Do not rule out the possibility of civil war or a military coup
As for the politician in the UK asking us to get use to violence, I believe the Emir of London has said this, and some would like him to be a future Labour PM.
Khan wouldn’t be so accepting of Terrorism in London if Mosques were being blown up.
Bus driver’s son: “Jeremy, there’s loads of empty seats in this carriage, no need to sit on the floor.”
Jeremy “I don’t use tubes. The Mayor of London says we have to be prepared for attacks, and I seem to remember some tube trains being blown up a few years ago”
This proves that many Londoners are no longer British . I wonder where they came from? Seriously though giving city mayors sweeping powers is playing into the hands of the invaders.
The liberal media are utterly pitiful. Jon Snow and Gary Gibbon have given us all a Duemmsberg-type of grim picture of our benighted prospects now May has upset them and their EU lube monkeys in Brussels and Strasbourg.
And now we have a Portuguese Socialist with Chukka Ummuna to follow to say May is “unhelpful” and “will only make things worse for us” by sating the bleedin obvious. And the media do not like that. Sexist claptrap from the Left as ever.
Hope to heaven that the Tories and May are backed, so Labour and Liberals become mere skid marks on the national sheets. Cannot afford them any more than we can afford Channel 4 or the BBC.
RE Thoughtfuls point-let the Left think that Le Pen and Wilders “lost”…they are now the SECOND parties of nation states, yet the idiot left think this “defeat for the right”.
Idiots-from microscopic votes in 2002 to second parties in antional elections all over Europe?…onwards and upwards.
Double thinker – I was working on the spin albeeb will deliver if Le Pen happened to win – something like – she might have won the election but didn’t win the popular vote – she told lies to get elected – she had a lot of money – her win doesn’t mean anything —– does that sound familiar ? Circa 2016?
The electorate were deceived and duped by fake news.
The electorate are thick
The electorate are racist
The electorate need education
The electorate didn’t know what sort of le Pen they would get if they voted for her.
It was the Russians
Strange phrasing in the Times Monday
“parodying the religious concept of taqiyya, which islamaphohes distort to suggest that Muslims lie”
Sorry but that really looks like that was written by a dodgy NGO rather than “the newspaper of record”
See a dissection here :
The bBC , the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism:
Damon Smith guilty of planting Tube bomb
The bBC reports on the guilty verdict on a wannabe terrorist. Yet whilst they mention he’s autistic and had a keen interest in guns, bombs and other weapons. They leave out his main interests which happen to be Islam, radical Islam, making bombs and the koran.
Which explains why built a bomb, left it on the tube, why he prays to Mecca and why when he was arrested he was found with a koran on his person.
It was a simple auto-correct error on the computer used to create the report. “Islamic” is corrected to “autistic”.
Doesn’t happen on my computer, or phone, but perhaps BBBC machines have a special software patch installed?
Pakistani asylum seeker beat wife with a hammer – Moshin Akram, 21, repeatedly beat Mariam Hussain , banned her from having mobile phone or leaving the house.
He’d married her to help his spurious asylum claim he went to Pakistan on holiday last year.
He got 15months jail.
She claims he went to Pakistan and he very well might have but is there any proof?
Asylum seekers have to surrender their passport and are given a temporary one in exchange which specifically excludes travel to the country they are running from. If he did return to Pakistan then he would have had to borrow a passport which is equally possible given the virtual non existence of British border controls.
They married in Feb2013
He already has a battery conviction from 2015.
They have a child.
Maybe she is being vindictive.
How can Justin Webb impartially present the R4Today prog whist writing partisan political articles in the Times?
Trump-bashing has become a distraction and his opponents need to focus more on finding a message to unite the nation
“English vineyards hit by ‘catastrophic’ frost, wiping out half of harvest”
Brexit or Global Warming anyone?
I hope the French ones are OK ?
Taff, there is a real problem with some vineyards in Kent, they have to keep warm air circulating all night with bonfires and heaters etc.
It’s nothing to do with globule worming, just a late frost or three which always plays havoc with fruit here and has done since time immemorial. Our pear trees have taken a bashing, as have the apples, and that’s a real shame!
You’d think that with all the hot air and arrogant bullshit coming out of Brussels, we’d be in a heatwave by now! Perhaps a few DAB radios with the bbbc’s mounting panic might also raise the temperature…
But Justin Webb this morning said the frosts were due to ‘Climate Change’ on the Today programme.
“the frosts were due to ‘Climate Change”
When will we get the ‘coldest May day so far’ from Al Beeb?
Justin Webb is correct. Because “Climate change” means that the UK is colder. At night. Except for the days when it is warmer. And the nights. Which is the trend. Apparently.
A lot of frosts here, this April/May – more so than I’ve experienced before. My cherries are a non-event this year, and even the strawberries have given up.
Breaking …”Threats from Brussel……..”
Are the press telling fibs ?
taffman , will you be voting Conservative on June the 8th, to keep the PC , Fib Dems & Labourites , out of Wales ? I do hope so ! (Greens Too)
I will be voting UKIP.
They are the only opposition to Labour and the ‘Nats’ where I live.
After all, UKIP and ‘Lord Farage’ got us Brexit.
If there is a Tory candidate standing who is a Brexit supporter, (unlike your mate Cameron) then I will be voting Tory.
Like every good boy, I have always eaten my Greens , including my leek on St Dai’s day .
I did the same Taff in 2015. The outcome was the vote was split between the sitting Tory MP and UKIP, allowing a female, bisexual, remainiac labour bint to win the seat with a 1200 majority. A result I hope to see corrected next month!
I understand that UKIP have advised their candidates not to stand against Tory MPs who support Brexit in the GE.
I’d heard this as well, Taff. I think what is of more concern is who do disgruntled SNP voters turn to? Given their past affiliations it is unlely to be the conservatives and the last thing the UK needs is labour resurgent once more north of the border.
“who do disgruntled SNP voters turn to?”
Well, if they really want democracy and freedom – UKIP.
Now on radio4 R4MediaShow
#1 Ban of Wikipedia in Turkey and media control
#2 @ReutersUS on fake news, and MSM re-establising credibility ..haha
(actually not bad ..each story ..will have a backstory box to establish its provenance)
#3 @FixRadioUK boutique radio stations for builders etc.
Guilt ridden white men of BBC make sure they choose a BME as new presenter
Amol Rajan His blog
Media Editor, @BBCNews; Presenter, BBC Radio; Reggae nut; Author of #Twirlymen (spin bowlers).
Rajan was formerly editor of The Independent newspaper from June 2013
Rajan was born in Calcutta raised in Tooting, son of Hindu parents, he has not believed in any god since the age of 15.
“Rajan was born in Calcutta raised in Tooting, son of Hindu parents, he has not believed in any god since the age of 15.”
Not even the god of ‘diversity’?
… not ANY …? …
Caught sight of this character in a programme a couple of weeks ago. He was delivering verbiage as he walked and his appearance with velvet lined collar overcoat etc. reminded me of what my parents called, “a market spiv”.
Celebrity Eggheads – 5 ‘television’ doctors, white 2…ethnic 3 (as for being ‘celebrity’, never heard of any of ’em)
Not only were they diverse, they were shockingly thick. As pig excrement, as two short planks.
One didn’t know which of Mars, Uranus, and Saturn was the nearest to the Earth.
These are people with degrees, for god’s sake.
I said to Mrs Mole, I’d ask for a second opinion if one of them tried a diagnosis on me.
…These are people with degrees, for god’s sake…..
I didn’t watch it TBH. And what you say about their level of intelligence I don’t find that surprising. Most ethnics are only bright in their own field of work, general knowledge is an unknown entity to them.
However, saying that, I never cease to be amazed at the lack of knowledge that those with degrees do not have. A friend of mine (she’s almost 60 !!!) gained her Masters in Education about 10 years ago, whereas I never passed my 11 plus, – we were discussing geographic locations of some air routes, when the Bay of Biscay was mentioned; she hadn’t a clue where it was. She said ‘geography wasn’t her thing’, and I was staggered that she had a framed certification to prove she wasn’t stupid, but it was the fact she had reached an age whereby a close to home location was unknown ! She is also one of those people who will insist on saying “brought” when meaning ‘bought’. Sometimes I do wonder how high (or low) the level is to attain a degree these days, because it leaves me shaking my head in bewilderment.
You can get a degree in a packet of cornflakes these days. They are not what they used to be .
Diane Abbott read history at Cambridge. Which is why she knows that “The earliest blacks in Britain were probably black Roman centurions that came over hundreds of years before Christ.” (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/modern/dabbott_01.shtml).
Correction: It has just been pointed out that in fact she listened to the Michael Jackson album ‘HIStory’ at Cambridge.
so fatbott knows for a fact they were centurions?
got their names as well fatty
You’ve spoiled my evening and I will probably have a sleepless night after reading fatty’s page about multicultural Britain on that link. URGH!!!
For her information, the Romans invaded Britain in 55BC, which in my world is not hundreds of years before Christ. Still those pesky numbers, always causing trouble, were they invented by whitey to confuse us?
the white house press briefing from yesterday with a masterclass in how to deal with arsey journos by director mulvaney, a fine speaker. If only we had his like here.
Maybe we could hire him to help negotiate with the EUscum?
Mulvaney is brilliant, first time I’ve seen him.
Top story on BBC London news.
People with ‘gender identity issues’ are having to wait for an increasing amount of time for NHS treatment.
Any chance of any news for the other 99.999% of the population?
The only treatment required, is a damned good spanking, and being sent to bed with no tea. NHS time should not even be considered worth wasting on these weak, stupid incapables.
The only treatment required, is a damned good spanking, and being sent to bed with no tea. NHS time should not even be considered worth wasting on these weak, stupid incapables.
(Don’t know how I managed to post it twice…)
Katty Kay needs to up her game.
ps: I used to subscribe to TIME.
Why is the MSM so keen on getting the political opinions of story tellers and overpaid ‘meeja’ stars?
She struggles to distinguish facts from her own fiction.
Unlike Laura K, another blonde gob on the BBC payroll, but who speaks for the nation on both sides of the pond.
The BBC is to bring back “Tomorrow’s World“ including a new documentary called “Expedition New Earth” by Stephen Hawking.
In it he shows evidence that he is finally beginning to show the first signs of dementia, when he claims that time is running out for Earth. Humans will need to colonise another planet within one hundred years to ensure our survival. As we are all doomed to die within the next hundred years, with Climate Change, Asteroid strikes, Epidemics and Overpopulation causing our death within one hundred years.
Yes, he said it. Overpopulation will cause the extinction of all Humans within one hundred years. Solid evidence for dementia.
Also the BBC is producing a documentary on the science of changing gender, and reports are that Lord Hall insisted that the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientific debate and independent/non-ideological scientists would continue indefinitely. Only loony left-wing globalist/green scientists will be allowed onto the BBC.
So the BBC’s list of banned scientists includes Graham Stringer, Peter Lilley, Johnny Ball, James Lovelock, Gerhard Gerlich, Ned Nikolov, Karl Zeller, Jasper Kirkby, Piers Corbyn, Henrik Svensmark, David Archibald, Enric Palle, Nir Shaviv, Henrik Svensmark, Zbigniew Jaworowski, Ernst-Georg Beck, Tom Segalstad, Steve McIntyre, Roy Spencer, Richard Lindzen, Ross McKitrick, David Bellamy, Ed Fix, Tim Channon, Rick Salvador, Carlo Tosti, Nicola Scafetta, Paul Vaughan, Ian Wilson, Eigil Friis-Christensen and many many more.
Let’s all remember Raymond Baxter. Presenter of tomorrows world when it was worth watching and a Spitfire Pilot in WW2 to boot. He wouldn’t get a job with today’s BBC.
The only fighter pilot to have shot down a V2 rocket – it took off in front of him.
In an interview about his wartime career, Baxter described flying over a V-2 rocket site during a launch on 14 February 1945, and his wingman firing on the missile: “I dread to think what would have happened if he’d hit the thing!”
Bill Oddie?
Willing to bet that they won’t discuss overpopulation or population control. The left have a good plan though – eradicate white westerners and replace them with third worlders.
Rather pointless as it’s only white westerners, and Japanese who seem to be able to control the size of their populations.
The release I read TomW would not be brought back as a programme.
Rather TomW would be used as a brand .. over a group of items or progs like the way BBC Future is used.
…all the people who don’t subscribe to daft bbbc progs any more.
I really can’t be arsed to listen to drivel from the Horrorbin rent-a-crowd any more, they’re just flakes of nothingness.
There was some petulant Aussi on Radio5 live the other night, jabbering to that dried-up bloke Rhod Sharp about something or other, and we had a full half-hour of drivel about the changing Great Barrier Reef! Bugger me, aren’t reefs living things, and won’t they change one day?
I just went out and bought some more diesel for the car, and felt a lot better!
And to celebrate, I didn’t buy any Fosters.
Caller “I’d like to ask Ni-Sturgeon
Why would you leave one union to join another ?”
Dipped into Farage radio show..he really is very impressive, cos he can deal with any caller
Angry LibMob callers try to throw insults, but it doesn’t phase him.
Then the next minute an African or Indian voice is telling him what a great guy he is.
That angry Manc sounded like something from BBC Acton RADA…like Noel Gallagher tribute act I thought!
just about as articulate
..”Yeh, you lie about everything you Farage”
NF : “OK give me an example”
… “it’s everyfink”
NF “give me an example”
…”oh ah oo “
Our “Brexit bill” seems to be all over the place. Our European “friends” seem to be picking numbers out of a magicians hat. Think of a number. Double it. Add your dad’s inside leg measurement and times it by your Aunt Bessie’s hat size.
First of all there was speculation that the blighters might try to squeeze us for £50 billion. Without any warning it went up to £60 billion. Last week I was listening to some doom and gloom propaganda on Radio 4 and heard the news we were being screwed for £80 billion and today, hey presto! they give us the updated figure, £100 billion!
For the love of God!
Who’s doing their accounts?
Diane Abbott…
But the worst of this farce is that the BBBC are happy to egg on the EU to ever bigger demands, and are 100% behind them.
Can it possibly be that the BBBC have put patriotism on hold in a cynical ploy to derail Brexit and get rid of the nasty Tories?
If only we had a national broadcaster that supported Britain, rather than those that would do us down.
BBC Online News:
“”Why 14 black male Cambridge students posed for this photo””
“”Of 3,449 students accepted into Cambridge during the 2015/2016 academic year, 38 defined themselves as black, a proportion of just over 1%””
Selection is based on merit, not skin colour.
Or does the BBC want that changed??
It undoubtedly does. Sadly, quite a few Cambridge academics agree with them.
What is it they, the academics, have against Rhodes.
OK, I answered my own question.
#1 “defined themselves as black”
it’s possible some people with dark skin don’t self define as black
#2 Cambridge takes students from all over the world , so their demographic will not be the same as the UK’s
Of course it does and has been campaigning for this sort of anti white prejudice for years.
Seen the Progressive Alliance new election posters ?
They say : “We called you racists, now vote for us !”
Is it a plausible scenario that Lihbmob people like Farron, Clegg, Alistair Campbell and all the shouty pointy finger people are all highly paid double-agents for the Conservative Party ?
..That their job is to be unfair and unreasonable who treat people with contempt and thus ensure that people won’t vote for LibMob
On the subject of the election I have a question about the posters householders put in windows – eg Vote for This or that party.
The constituency where I live is solidly Labour, but there’s less of the old working class nowadays so although the majority isn’t what it was I think the yoof, ethnic and leftist middle-classes always get them past the post.
My point is I see lots of Vote Labour and Vote Green posters everywhere, but never Vote Conservative. (Or God forbid Vote UKIP). Is this the classic shy tory phenomenon, or are people just browbeaten and scared they’d have their windows smashed in?
Just curious to know if anyone who lives in a Conservative constituency sees a lot of blue posters on their travels, or are they similarly reticent even in tory strongholds?
Putting posters in a window is so vulgar!
Fair comment.
Apart from this one!
Mind you I have yet to see a Labour canvasser, let alone spoken with one.
I live in a very, very Conservative constituency. For the council and sheriff elections there are orange Liberal “Democrat” posters everywhere but I haven’t seen a Conservative or UKIP one. Normally you see as many Blue as orange ones but not this time.
I have pointed this out to my wife and I said that I think that left-wing parties like the Illiberal Antidemocrats have no worries that their windows will be smashed as the right (i.e. Conservative or UKIP) never initiate that sort of violence, but the conservative supporters are, by now, well aware that the left will use violence at the slightest provocation (i.e. someone with a different opinion is enough provocation for them).
Scared they will be blacklisted and attacked by Leftard mob justice. Same reason you only see UKIP posters on the bravest of houses.
Well cheers for all your responses. I was just curious as to know whether we’ve got to the stage where people are afraid of outwardly showing support for even a wishy-washy centre-ist tory administration.
If so it just shows how out of touch the mainstream media is for when it actually comes to the actual voting (dodgy Labour practices aside).If it were otherwise we’d have had Clegg and Milliband taking tea with the Queen for the past couple of years.
Putting up a tory poster may be a signal that you’re some kind of pariah if you don’t like the idea of paying more tax to accommodate unwelcome visitors while having ever worsening public services.
Bugger it, all I can say is Go Mme Le Pen! Ignore those polls. If you look at her policies the MSM would in theory love her – socialist leaning and all -but she spoiled it by being able to notice things like the difference between right and wrong. And that a country isn’t just composed of a lot of interchangeable robotic economic units. And there actually is a such a thing as western european culture that’s worth keeping.
OK I’ve waffled on enough I now need a beer!
Bit late, I know, but wanted to add a comment. I live in a very, very Tory seat too, and mostly rural.
The farmers have got the blue signs out, the farmers always put the blue signs out, no other signs visible anywhere, but then again, that seems normal around here, always seems strange to drive through some other part of the country and see the red and yellow (rare these days) signs in people’s windows.
Expect it is shy Tories, round here they have won by a landslide since 1930 something, or other (I believe). Yes, to people worrying about bricks through windows if they put up UKIP signs, guess it might be same for Tories, but only heard people scared to admit they vote UKIP.
Farmers don’t seem to care, but they have shotguns.
Should add, despite what BBC and Guardian keep saying about ‘farmers being Remain’, around here last year EVERY field had a Brexit sign in it.
Much the same here, but of course, according to the BBC rural areas don’t exist, so there is no need to represent our views.
I held my nose and voted UKIP again, even though I think the current party is in an awful mess. The Tories will win here but I wanted to register the point that not all of us are taken in by their lies.
LBC just pointed out the EU are similarly acting counter-productively causing us to vote for May.
Obama telling us what to do is what caused many to vote for Brexit in the first place.
One of the very few valuable things Obama did was to give Cameron his 100% backing.
Now, if only I could think of the other valuable things he did. Oh yes, here’s one; he implored Americans to vote for Hillary.
Shortly we can expect the repugnant Geldorf to pop up and scream ‘ Give us your fucking votes’ .
Should the EU leaderships bad behaviour go unpunished ???
I’m not generally in favour of consumer boycotts cos in a attempt to get at the boss you end u[ punishing innocent workers.
But I’ve come up with an idea to deal with the EU
One day of bad behaviour has to be met with 2 days of boycott.
IN the future I will buy EU stuff, the EU workers need the jobs
But for now whilst they are unfair and unreasonable I will count the days ..and even when they come back to their senses I will not buy anything immediately but rather count the accumulated days until they are back in credit.
So now they’ve had about 14 days of ultra bad behaviour I’ll keep off the French wine and cheese for 14 days even if they repent
..and the longer they don’t repent the lobger the punishment will be.
The Chileans have been making wine longer than the French and do some proper research on English and Welsh cheese. I can recommend Caws Cenarth as an example.
Non-EU wine is excellent and better value by far, even with the extortionate duties that are imposed to protect the French wine industry. After BREXIT, happy days for us drinkers and also for NZ, Australian, S.African, Chilean and Californian wine makers!
StewGreen; “I’ll keep off the French wine and cheese for 14 days even if they repent”
EU farmers must be quaking in their boots.
The rest of the EU sells 7% of it’s goods to the UK. That’s quite a significant amount and no doubt would cause serious problems for the EU economy if taken away.
Meanwhile, the UK sells 47% of it’s goods to the rest of the EU.
What do you think would happen to the UK economy if that was taken away? Nothing much?
You have never traded I guess. My family have done so for generations long before the Eu existed.
Rule One. Is the product any good?. What is the price and delivery?. Everything else freight, duties ,clearance costs are secondary .
That is the trouble with progressives.No idea how things really work.
There will be long standing business relationships between firms in the Eu and Uk and that is not just going to be abandoned overnight. People do not behave like that . Life is not like that. Grow up.
Well maxi cony what will happen to that 7% who export to us ? What will those businesses do and where will the workers go ? Will they join the 3.2 million odd that will have to leave here because our economy can’t afford them ?
And is Estonia , Poland et al ready for the Russians to march in ? We won’t be able to afford NATO commitments to their defence __ they impoverished us !
“what will happen to that 7% who export to us?”
Interesting question; perhaps the same thing that will happen to the 47% of us?
“Will they join the 3.2 million odd that will have to leave here because our economy can’t afford them?”
Our economy will be better off with 3.2 million fewer workers & consumers? How does that work exactly?
Our economy will be better off with 3.2 million fewer workers & consumers? How does that work exactly?
The immigrant workers are cheap workers because they tolerate low wages, so they cannot consume much, and they drag wages down for the native population, so they also cannot afford much either, and are also encouraged not to work, if the benefits received are not much less than the minimum wage.
There are a few examples in history of how an economy can be better off with 3.2 million fewer workers.
For England, the best example, which gave the English the highest standard of living on Earth, was the collapse of the feudal system after the Black Death, which reduced the work force by 30 percent, which then gave greater value to those workers who survived, causing the former feudal lords to raise the wages to compete with each other for workers. Giving the next generation of English people a wealth that angered the posh elite, and a taste for freedom which caused the Peasants revolt.
So the lesson is to eliminate cheap labour by 30 percent to make Britain the richest nation on Earth. It makes the small number of rich elite poorer, but the huge number of people who become richer, causes a massive increase in the standard of living, because of and due to a massive increase in demand from consumers.
The logic of the Eurocrazies is that all of a sudden once we’ve thrown off the shackles of EU-serfdom all our trade with the EU will cease, notwithstanding that we were trading with these countries prior to joining the EEC.
But to complete the logic, if 47% of our trade will disappear once we leave, if we stay that means we will lose 53% of our trade. Therefore, even using their “logic” we will be 6% better off leaving than staying.
You forgot to mention that foreign workers send much of their money out of our economy into their own homeland economy.
BMW, AUDI, PORCHE, VOLKSWAGON and MERCEDES – plus a few ‘spin offs’ like SEAT – regard this country as one of their main export markets.
If Mutti continues with her threats, I suspect that one or two major German industry taxpayers may be having a ‘quiet word’.
They did have a booming market in Greece – OOPS.
They did have a booming market in the USA – OOPS.
Don’t even mention Nissan before doing some research into Renault – OOPS
Number 7
Since we have been in the European Union I have witnessed the entire decimation of our great country’s industries.
Maxicony is just an Al Beeb troll. Something to sport with, something that is letting the broadcasting corporation down by even posting here .
Sut wyt ti Cwmro.
I’ve already spotted bignrabbit as an AlBeeb staffer. I was just being polite (unlike some of his posts).
I didn’t even mention ‘white goods’ manufactured in China and sold as a German brand.
Number 7, as you mention cars I’ll put some real numbers in to the discussion as maxincony’s percentages are meaningless without the base numbers.
In 2016 British car manufacturers produced 1.7 million cars – according to figures produced by the manufacturers.
In 2016 the British bought 2.69 million cars. Let’s quote the BBC on this one.
If the EU plays silly buggers on car tariffs and kills everyone’s export trade British manufacturers will be looking to produce an extra million cars a year to meet domestic demand. They’ll be struggling to keep up. Even if the general economy falters the demand for cars could fall by 1 million without having any impact on our manufacturers.
Things not going your way ? Under pressure ?
Funny, we never get any example of Al Beeb bias from you ?
Have you any, or are you just a troll or an employee?
2015 figures:-
UK exports to EU £230bn
UK imports from EU £290bn
and somehow this is our problem? I wonder if the German motor industry would agree, or the French wine growers etc etc.
Any decrease (in ALL trade with EU, both imports and exports) will hit them far more than us. In fact a pro-rata decrease will reduce our net trade deficit.
What’s not to like?
Using your (incorrect) figures, 7% of a very big number is far higher than 47% of a small number, we know that because of our trade balance.
Remainders like to say UK sends 47% of EXPORT GOODS to the EU, but we all know that is a lie, because of the “Rotterdam Effect”. After BREXIT, the only change is that exports to China will go to China instead of ‘to EU/Rotterdam’ then to China.
If you need to be told that you are thick. If you already knew that you are a liar.
Anyway Stewgreen was only talking about boycotting French goods, not sure what percentage of our exports are to France, but I’m pretty confident if you split out the 47% figure between the 27 other EU countries rather than lumping them all in together, our import/export relationship with France would be all in their favour, at the moment.
And if I’m wrong maybe buying British instead of French will go some way to salving the pain.
Edit: a quick google appears to show that we spent $10 billion more on French goods than they did on ours in 2016.
If you are still at school try some after school maths, or possibly learn non fiction from fiction.
If you are not a school goer your parents should be fined for not sending you, cruelty to children and all that!
… French cheese and wine – redundant these days … with New World wines and, say, cheese from Co Cork there is no need at all to glance across the English Channel …
BBC Online News:
“”Egyptian Saad Mohammed creates 700 metre Koran by hand””
“”Saad Mohammed’s intricately decorated, hand-drawn scroll is 700 metres long (2,296ft) – which means, when it is unrolled, it is almost twice as tall as the 381-metre-high Empire State Building.””
Would the BBC have been equally interested in a 700 metre long Holy Bible?
If so, I’ll start one tonight that will be 701 metres long…
Twice the height of the Empire State Building?
That sound a bit of a tall story to me …..
A good length of roll – but what’s it like for absorbency and softness?
They could call it Korandrex!
There was a wonderful moment on the PM programme today. The item was about Peter Kay’s announcement that he wouldn’t make a third series of Car Share. Eddie Mair interviewed Gareth McLean (Guardian journalist), but it didn’t end quite as scripted. At 30.40 McLean is making the point that the BBC would have bought more series, with the comment: “He knows he could flog [it] to the BBC until there is no more BBC; so in about 5 years time”. The interview ended 20 seconds later. Even a Guardian journalist can see the writing is on the wall for the BBC.
At great expense the BBC have covered the French election debate. Obviously the BBC are under orders to favour Macron.
But this is an example of BBC journalism
Miss Piggy v Kermit The Frog
Posted at
John Lichfield, a British journalist based in Paris, gives his assessment of how the pair are doing:
French debate: an over-aggressive Miss Piggy versus a nerdy but coherent Kermit the Frog. The frog is winning hands down.
One of those little coincidences but the BBC, so cleverly, made the most of it. Madeleine McCann’s disappearance in 2007, the Sun’s front cover urging UK police involvement in 2011 and the implication that Teresa May, Home Secretary in the still recently elected government dragged her heels in authorising an investigation.
No mention of what party was in power between 2007 and 2010….but that might influence the outcome of an election. Can’t have that.
My cartoon for the week, this time with a guest appearance by Diane Abbott
Hijab of the day, complete with imam-approved specs
The Muslim-led backlash against hijab fashion
Reading that article made me glad I don’t have any daughters. What all women will be wearing in 50 years time, thank goodness I’ll be long gone.
4am World Service News. In gleeful tones the very first snippet. Macron cements his place. There was a very brief translation from the debate where Ms Le Pen is describing Mr Macron as a supporter of the globalist elite, which is true. Then Mr Macron paints Ms Le Pen as inciting Islamic fear, or was the word hatred. I can’t remember. His serve in this case is clearly untrue as the French and the rest of us have a lot to fear especially from a man who has no intention of stopping Muslims from coming into France and a man who has told the people get used to it. If France can not see what’s happening and understand how close they are to a complete breakdown in their society then they must be prepared to face chaos and ruin. There was a you tube clip I saw which did allude to the media in France not reporting the true extent of the street riots going on. Surely that can’t be right as the media have a dedicated team of highly educated sincere individuals working 24/7 to ensure that we are properly informed.
It occurs to me that Marine Le Pen and Jeremy Corbyn have the same policies and principles (including a party of anti-Semites) and vociferous opposition to the EU (Jezza until 6 months ago). Le Pen is proper old Labour and extremely Socialist – France first, import duties, no outside intervention, lots of support and protection for struggling / disadvantaged FRENCH people. How does the Biased BBC get away with calling the one “far-right” and the other “left/centrist”?
Left v right are now fake political labels…..the line is national patriots vs globalists…….this is the dividing line.
It is blurred and denied in this country more than it is in France, but it is where the true battle of ideas is being fought. The EU and the BBC are globalist entities.
Mme Le Pen argues for border controls, a reassertion of French cultural and financial independence.
Mr Corbyn argues for open borders, the subversion of British culture and cluelessness on finance.
Macron served in a “socialist” globalist government yet is sold as a “centrist”
That’s why they are presented in the way they are by the BBC.
The other test of course, is how cosy is the politicians relationship with Islam, the globalists current weapon of choice for undermining national culture and self confidence in the west.
Good point – I do personally prefer the categories “Fiscally responsible” and “Fiscally illiterate” to describe the opposing sides.
Just been to vote in my local elections and passed a house where three generations live who have never had a job in their lives, yet they have a huge vote labour poster in their window. Fiscally illiterate indeed, Lojo, in other words keep voting for the free money!
“….how cosy is the politicians relationship with Islam, the globalists current weapon of choice for undermining national culture and self confidence in the west.”
They’ll live to regret it because the muslim’s attachment to islam is far stronger than any perceived and false attachment to Western politics.
Politics is a circle. Far right and far left eventually meet each other.
7.30m World Service news. Marine Le Pen has continually been described as FAR RIGHT. Now they have called her a NATIONALIST.
An Imam in Pakistan has stepped in to save a man from being accused of blasphemy. I expect that this incredible act of heroism will lead to the Nobel prize for peace being awarded.
I heard a piece on Toady from New Orleans, where the (majority black) council have ordered the removal of some statues of figures from the era of the Confederacy; Jefferson Davis, the Confederate President, among them.
The al Beeboid (Asian) reporter continuing the false narrative that the War Between The States was over slavery, when it wasn’t; the war was about tariffs imposed by the Federal government to the severe detriment of many southern states.
The Confederates are always portrayed as evil and Lincoln and the Union above reproach, if that were the case: why is it that in the entire war the army of the Confederacy burnt down one town in the Union, yet the Union Army razed forty three in ONE southern state alone?
Off to the Big Easy (70% black before Katrina) to my brother’s for Thanksgiving in November and as a frequent visitor, can categorically say that the vast majority of septics know SFA about history having gleaned what little they know or are interested in from Hollywood.
I noticed that Mrs May standing in front of Number 10 telling us that the EU are trying to affect our election, is yesterday’s news. Not a whimper about it on The Today programme. How much time have they spent analysing that the Russians won it for Trump?