I’ll be on holiday when you read this – in a place where I assuredly will not be watching the BBC! Anyway for those less fortunate this is where YOU detail the bias!
I was watching the bbc last night and I got so scared I nearly jumped out of my skin. Unfortunately there wasn’t any of those helpline numbers at the end to call and get counseling. I didn’t know what to do, in the end the local news came on and the weather and that took my mind off what I had seen.
All joking apart, that gargoyle Laura Keunsberg attacking TM on last nights national news at 6 was scary, pure evil, unashamed hatred and vitreol. A clearer example of the bbc’s hatred of brexit, hatred of the government and hatred of Britain will be hard to find.
The PM is said to nurse a grudge for a long long time. But let’s hope she decides to eat her revenge whilst it is still hot and smashes the arrogant BBC .
RE: Statues relating to slavery removed from New Orleans.
Toady had some race baiter on talking about inequalities, lynching and slavery. Of course all that was unimaginably terrible, but can’t we try and move on rather than wallow in victimhood? We have just had a black President, for God’s sake, why not celebrate the progress? A BAME young person listening this morning would be encouraged to feel like a victim and that sort of attitude can be so destructive. Japan had two atomic bombs dropped on it but within forty years they had the second biggest economy in the world; it’s because they do not have a victim mentality. If a black man can serve two terms in the highest office in the world there is no limit to what you can achieve.
I used to feel sorry for myself over a girl who messed me around; I used to wallow in self-pity.
“She was so harsh to me! How could she treat me like that!”
God it was pathetic. I am so glad I snapped out of it, moved on and took control of my life. So what if she was horrible to me? That was all in the past. What do you achieve by dwelling on bad stuff that happened in the past? There is nothing more pathetic, disempowering and unattractive than a victim mentality yet Al Beeb promotes it as an aspirational lifestyle choice.
The race baiter was illiterate. He kept on talking about “Confederate statutes”. I was surprised, I had not imagined many laws from the time of the Confederacy were still on the books. But he kept referring to “statutes” until it became clear he meant “statues”.
This is someone who has started an entire campaign of bogus indignation, which has crossed the world, yet who does not know how to pronounce the word “statue”. Why are we meant to take an ignorant gobshite like him seriously?
As a species we can be a pretty self-deluded lot. In sport one can be convinced that it’s definitely penalty, or a dive, depending totally on which side you support. Ditto for political debates. I rarely manage to determine who is more convincing because of the noise, so it’s usually only somebody already with a bias that can claim one side more convincing. So it was for me with last night’s debate between Le Pen and Macron.
With that in mind, I am totally unsurprised, but disappointed, to read the BBC headline this morning; “Macron wins over French debate audience”. That shows bias.
Within the same article we have the following:
“Constantly throughout the debate she threw insults and allegations at him, accusing him of being part of the discredited existing order. But there was little substance to her attacks, and over and again Emmanuel Macron was able to expose the weaknesses in her arguments – especially over the economy and the euro”.
French women in the cities can look forward to sexual encounters with the invaders, virile Arabs to replace weedy Frenchmen, and rough sex included. Macron is for open borders.
Paris is done for.
Hopefully Le Pen and the FN will consolidate their power in the rural areas and small towns and the invader will remain in Paris and the liberal cities.
The French have a difficult choice , Macron and open borders and more EU, or Le Pen controlled borders and less EU and no Euro. If the UK referendum had coupled voting Leave with ditching the pound , it might have been a different story. Getting out of the Euro is a problem we fortunately didn’t have to cope with. So if about 40% of the French people vote for Mde Le Penn it shows great courage . It is clear that many French people loath the EU and fear migration and Islam . These numbers will continue to grow. If the terror continues Le Pen will be favourite next time round.
40% represents a great triumph for Le Pen , not that the BBC will ever admit it.
I’ve just realised that Nicola Sturgeon and Laura Kuntsberg are one and the same person.
Shrill, bitchy, acerbic, bitter, twisted, anti-Tory at all times, selective, biased. Look and listen closely. It’s only the wig that is different.
You’ve got to hand it to her though. She certainly puts in the hours. And the commuting.
Sluff, am not so sure about putting in the hours. Laura Kuenssberg’s output is a small fraction of that of her immediate predecessor, Nick Robinson. In addition, her Blog is never open to comment. (At least Kamal Ahmed is open to comment and criticism on his Blog.) She obviously is none too keen on free speech and democracy.
You are right about the excessive commuting. It is paid for by the Licence Fee payer. No Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change at the BBC for staffers.
It’s a theory Sluff but not altogether credible. Ms Kuenssberg’s mouth evidently appears to owe much to Duncan Carswell – draw your own conclusions – while Ms Sturgeon’s seems closer to an anus. Whose that might be is, of course, anyone’s guess, though other oily fish might have played a part.
Is there an admission here that the BBC’s Newspaper Review on its web-site is sometimes, often or usually, politically biased?
“As voters go to the polls in local elections, the BBC, like other broadcasters, is restricted to reporting only factual accounts of voting in line with polling day rules. Here is a round-up of other stories.”
What could be wrong with scanning or photographing the front pages of the newspapers and putting them up on the web-site WITHOUT ANY WRITTEN COMMENT WHATSOEVER in order to allow web-site users to draw their own conclusions? We can go to a newsagent or supermarket and look for ourselves. Why not on the BBC web-site?
Or is this also part of the BBC’s small war with other parts of the media, suggesting ‘They are biased, we are not.’ ? The devious BBC, appearing to be virtuous by excessively conforming to a sound and vision broadcast rule or convention for Election Day.
Except you are not virtuous. You have effectively admitted it on your own web-site.
That didn’t go too well, did it?
Especially as there is a NHS reference in the text and we know who likes to mention the NHS a lot, don’t we? It is reproduced here:
“Young people are increasingly turning away from alcohol, and the number of people who identity as teetotal has risen.
The Sun focuses what it calls the “baby boozers”, people aged 45 to 64 who, the stats show, are visiting hospital for alcohol-related reasons in record numbers.
In an editorial, the paper asks why taxpayers should have to foot the bill for the excesses of baby-boomers, suggesting they should be charged for emergency care.”
“Young people are increasingly turning away from alcohol, and the number of people who identity as teetotal has risen.
I’m guessing that that age group has a higher percentage of people for whom alcohol is against their religion, so either do not indulge or cannot admit to indulging.
In the 70s, we socialised in pubs and clubs and didn’t do drugs, I knew of only 2 girls in my whole school year who did drugs. As a friend of mine put it, drug taking back then was largely considered “a twatty thing to do”. I would like to know how many of those teetotal young people do recreational drugs on a regular basis, as I hear anecdotally from friends with kids at school that it is extremely widespread. What’s the cost of that to the NHS?
This generation hatred towards the elderly is getting out of hand. Can’t afford to buy a house? Well, if you’re spending a fortune on your phone contract, eating out, your gap year etc, I’m not surprised. Go to do your BA in Soap Opera Studies at uni, ending up with a £50K debt and you’re a debt slave for life, far better to do an apprenticeship for a real job at 16 or 18 when your education is free. That’s what many of us did at 16 or 18 and we saved up for things we wanted.
I’ve just had a brilliant week in Blighty despite all its woes (you have no idea how bad things are across the Channel) and a couple of my old school friends are interested in us all sticking together in retirement and keeping an eye on each other, as we don’t trust the generation of little shits not to steal all our money and mistreat us.
Went to Essex University in the late 70`s and shared a tower block floor of separate bedrooms with 11 other mostly middleclass 18/19 year old students.
Of the 12 of us I suspect only 4 of us had tried drugs and not sure if more than 2 of us had lost our virginity even by the end of the first term.Although difficult to verify.
When I went to rock festivals though soft drugs were widespread
Also do not think anyone was knowingly racist although people innocently told jokes which would nowadays be considered racist
Well said! This hatred of anyone over 50 has been whipped-up and encouraged by the far Left media (Guardian, BBC etc)and, of course, the little darlings have eaten it up with a spoon. It’s all of a row with the idiotic pretence that no one will be able to travel in Europe once we have left the vile EU – as if continental travel hasn’t been a feature of life in this country ever since it became a country!
7.30m World Service news. Marine Le Pen has contihually been described as FAR RIGHT. Now they have called her a NATIONALIST.
An Imam in Pakistan has stepped in to save a man from being accused of blasphemy. I expect that this incredible act of heroism will lead to the Nobel prize for peace being awarded.
Sorry this post will appear later than planned. I thought it had gone through. I think it’s still worth making the comments
It is like when they described Trump’s press conference as ‘chaotic’ when if you watched the whole thing it did not seem chaotic at all. The only chaos was provided by the likes of Al Beeb asking annoying and irrelevant questions, which they obviously subsequently led their bulletins with.
The news should provide us with the facts upon which to base our own opinion. Leftists do not like that though. They just tell us what to think and accuse anyone who does not agree with their insanity of having a mental illness.
For an entity that uses (well, abuses) social media so much, it is like the BBC don’t realise people have access to the internet now, and every reason to look up reality to compare with their edits.
A minor article on a trivial matter but Beeby is singing the praises of Adele. Again. Earned £40 million pound. Rich list, blah blah blah. But female supremacist Beeby doesn’t think that’s enough. They seem rather disgusted that Paul McCartney should be in first position.
Why should a legend who changed the face of popular music be richer that our girl Adele?
Why are there so many hideous white MEN on the list? That they’ve been at it far longer than Adele perhaps?
Or does Beeby think they have an unfair advantage being men? They call her a “musician”.
What instrument/s does she play? Huh? She’s a singer.
“she’s still only joint 19th in the list of the richest musicians in the UK, which is dominated by older men.”
For decades there have been few female singers to identify and remember. We had the age of Kylie and now its Adele. In the first decent ‘pop’ decade the pop charts were awash with them…… Dusty Springfield, Sandie Shaw, Lulu, Cilla Black, Mary Hopkin, Helen Shapiro, Shirley Bassey. Then across the pond we heard from Leslie Gore, Janis Joplin, Brenda Lee, Patsy Cline, Dinah Washington, Dionne Warwick, Connie Francis, to name but hundreds !!
Of course each generation has their own idols to listen to, but I wonder if the likes of Rhianna of even Adele herself will be remembered fondly in even 30 years time.
The channels are in meltdown because Philip is stepping down from public duties – shock horror, for God’s sake he’s only 97 !!!
I’m not an ardent royalist, but neither am I a republican. I’ve never been a great fan of Philip either, his ‘gaffes’ although hysterically funny for those in his presence, were more sarcastic than hilarious. The one he made in China to students when he said “you’ll get slitty eyes too if you stay here too long”, – imagine if Donald Trump had said that ! He would be castigated around the world, the pc army would be protesting with placards, and the likes of Bonny Greer and Alibaba would be earning a fortune as talking heads !! Yet Phil gets away with a couple of headlines.
The Today Programne piously announced that the BBC could not do UK political coverage today. So what did we get instead ? A feature on the French Presidential debate which was blatantly pro Macron. Next, a report that first quarter Eurozone economic growth was ‘ faster than Britains’. Then an achingly PC report about tearing down statues of slave owners or traders in the Southern USA. As usual, there are lots of ways to get the bias in.
Not for BBC news, of no interest to the Home Secretary or Treezer’s Government or the Socialist opposition party, and certainly not the media feminists, but thank you Rebel Media and Tommy Robinson for informing the world about the destruction of the English working classes, their humiliation, and the suffering of this poor woman.
Today my mother, in her 80’s, suggested something on Europe that is a shame it can’t be done. We should have a team made up of Margaret Thatcher, Norman Tebbit, Joe Gormley (because he worked as a Special Branch informer?), Arthur Scargill and Tony Benn. There would have been so much arguing in front of the EU negotiating team they would be begging us to leave.
Also in light of the EU stance this should be our reply
Nigel Lawson to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Union on 24 September 2004:
“ … it would never have happened if we had not made it clear that if we did not get satisfaction, we would withhold our contributions. I think it is widely known that we had a draft bill printed to give us the legal authority to withhold our contributions. It was never published, but it was printed. It was discreetly made known to those who we negotiated with that this is what would happen if we did not get satisfaction. Almost certainly the European Court would have eventually decided that this was illegal and it would be struck out, but that would have lasted a long time and would have been quite an effective measure in the context of these negotiations. Without that threat to withhold our contributions, to the extent of having the law officers produce a bill, we would not have got it.”
“BBBC bosses say Sir Cliff Richard has spent “grossly unreasonable” amounts on lawyers after complaining about reports naming him as a suspected sex offender and taking legal action.”
Looks like someone at the BBBC may have to find a few coins down the back of their sofas. What chance that the costs the BBBC will incur for this disgraceful fishing trip will come out of the senior executives’ pay packets, rather than a hike of the telly tax.
Less likely than “Lady” Diana counting up to ten without using her fingers.
“Less likely than “Lady” Diana counting up to ten without using her fingers.” That would be with all three of her hands and all two of her faces!
The BBC response reminds me of the Frank Bruno puppet in Spitting Image complaining to the Harry Carpenter puppet about being knocked out that the other boxers kept hitting him.
“Diesel Job” was an epithet used by a west-country friend of mine back in the seventies. He applied it to chubby ladies.
Not sure I’d call that a pet name, but appropriate nevertheless.
Maybe “Miss Dianne”-as daid in a Benny type of accent a la Crossroads. No prizes for guessing who the Benny is-poor sod`s got an allotment as well, if he can remember where he left it!
It looks like Al Beeb have poached your comment as an idea for tonight’s ‘This Week ‘?
Evidence that their researchers watch this site very carefully?
What gives them the right to say that the amounts are grossly unreasonable? Clearly Sir Cliff does not think so, and he’s surely in the best position to decide.
The BBC arrogance shines through and it desperately needs to be cut down to size.
Does Cliff want crowd funding or a charity run?
Don`t like the sound of that BBC “how many kids can you squeeze into a phone box by Stoke Mandeville”?
That is not to be entertained. Not that the BBC do that anyway.
In honour of Prince Philip courtesy of a French News service:
Prince Philip, who will retire from public duties, earned a reputation for his off-the-cuff remarks. Here are some of his famous quotes. pic.twitter.com/TGMG1yijWI
Yep, and it was my wedding day !!!!! Coming from a big Labour household, all the men in their wedding finery watching the tv as the results were announced looked as though they were going to a funeral, not heading off to church for my nuptials !!!
BBC News – BBC Trending
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“There’s a growing number of fashion brands and multinational companies showcasing women wearing an Islamic headscarf. But, for various reasons, some women from Muslim backgrounds aren’t happy with the trend.
Dolce and Gabbana, H&M, Pepsi, Nike: just a few of the big brands putting women wearing a hijab – a traditional Islamic headscarf – front and centre in advertising campaigns”.
Catwalk Hijabs, Brand power
Pepsi certainly isn’t the only company highlighting women wearing the hijab. Nike recently announced a newly designed sports hijab which will hit shops in 2018. H&M used a first Muslim model in hijab in an advertisement while numerous brands and labels have launched “Ramadan collections” in the hope of attracting Muslim shoppers during the holy month.
“Images of Muslim women communicate to their consumer bases that these companies are ‘progressive’ or ‘inclusive’,” Harwees says. “Given the political climate, it has become socially expedient to align oneself with dissident communities, and for many people, that’s what Muslim women have come to represent.”
It occurred to me that some of the regulars might have some fun with the questionnaire, given the first question is “What is your self-identified gender?”.
Were she to pose for a few miniutes in a red disability scooter-then we`ve the next Labour leader once they`ve been incorporated into the Political Arm of the British People-namely our Theresa and her Mo Mowlem swivelwig.
Works for me!
Mark Shitstick Oaten maybe next Libdump leader?…surely politics needs these titans back in political life.
I agree. A photo can be so misleading. You don’t know what the skinhead is saying or the scout but of course the inference in this identity politics game is that the skinhead is spitting facist racism while the scout is selling fair trade cookies!
I have to laugh at the headline for a linked article on that page of Saffiyah Khan saying that “it’s more important to smile than shout”. Conveniently ignoring the fact that the video of the demonstration clearly shows her shouting abuse at the EDL protestors.
They only do this because they know they can trust the civilised white men they confront NOT to react violently. They are therefore destroying their argument by proving that these men are not evil.
As you say, let’s see them try this stunt against a crowd of ISIS jihadis.
Roland, GWF and Mole – I couldnt agree more. This is all just another extension of the normal left wing game of “Lets send whitey on a guilt trip”
I reckon a lot of journalists are looking for opportunities for pictures of this ilk since Operation Black Vote “See saw” by Saatchi &a Saatchi – where the aggressive skinhead was jabbing his finger at the indian granny.
Of course we all voted leave because we are all serious racists who like nothing better than trying to frighten inoffensive women. Not because we were concerned that our society was becoming swamped by millions of incomers many of whom follow a “religion” where women are treated as second class citizens and where sexual assault is deemed to be permissible if the victim is a “kaffir”
Yes these images are uncomfortable and powerful and must delight the likes of the BBC and the MSM “journalists” who actually do not seem to like anything about our own culture. However like the story of the little boy that cried wolf no one except inhabitants of this left wing echo chamber and the extremely gullible actually believes this shit anymore.
After Cologne, Rotherham and numerous other incidents we all know who the real thugs and predators are and I predict that despite the likes of the BBC and other MSM outlets indulging themselves by encouraging a proliferation of these sort of images in the media. Their use could well be counter productive. Now even the worst informed amongst us have become irritated and angered by the probable staged nature and implicit negative associations about our own culture and the possession of a white skin that these sort of images suggest.
Amazing they are all women and are all “unafraid” of these looming thugs. Well I bloody well wouldnt be – but it just goes to show how much more noble these SJW types are than the rest of us! I wonder whether they would all still be “unafraid” if they had been cornered by a collection of “party goers” in a gloomy ticket hall at Cologne station.
Remember we have had the boy on the beach fiasco and the murder of Jo Cox by all of us brexiters. And yet the majority in the country still voted leave. So I say to the BBC carry on throwing out this journalistic vomit – it is certainly effective but probably not in the way you hope for!
PS Note to self. Next time I go on a potentially violent demo – I must remember to put on a floaty dress for extra effect and some LGBTG smarty points.
However I dont think I will be putting on my boy scout uniform!
‘No, sorry, that’s…er…two million…no, I mean, 100,000, yes, that’s right, 100,000 new policemen..er..and women and…er…what did I just say? Oh yes, 100 million homes. I think that’s right…or did I mis-speak? Anyway, it’ll all be paid for with Corporation Tax. I think. Or do I mean by cutting pensions? Jeremy will know, ask him, and John, he’ll know too. That’s right, ask them.
That will be £27,500 please. Thankyou – although of course, you should be thanking meeeee!
It’s pretty disgusting that Abbott has banked 100k from the BBC for being stupid and racist, but keeping that egregious woman prominent on TV has been of considerable benefit. It has constantly reminded us just what sort of people the Corbynite Labour Party is made of.
Have watched the 7pm albeeb 4 ‘news’ called 100+
. I have read comments about someone called Katty and some other chap who presents it . It is peak smugness and that albeeb approving interview style ( this time Macron ) is shocking in its bias.
Must be an albeeb plan to out left comrade Snow on poor old Channel 4.
It isnt possibly to replace the face pulling .. bendy wet leftist bastard with worse, so thats a win, i would flick the switch on that smug mother-fucker myself.
The local BBC news brought us yet another despairing account from a grieving mother whose son had been stabbed to death. If I had a quid for every time I sat through one of these tragically poignant, but utterly pointless interviews I could retire to the south of France…though if Macron wins I might give that a miss!
It’s always the same thing. She tells us that this carnage “has to stop” and there’s going to be a “mothers march”.
A police spokesman will say they have organised a “knife amnesty”. Some Labour politician will waffle about poverty and a “community leader” will say we need more youth clubs.
What is never mentioned, but what stands out like the proverbial sore thumb, is that invariably everybody involved in these crimes is either black or from some backward third world shit hole. Don’t they notice?
This evening they put up a map with photos of the dead, scattered across the metropolis, nearly all black, brown or “dual heritage”. Recently six were slaughtered in one week alone. Just think about that.
Whenever these appalling crimes are mentioned the audience is supposed to be blind, bloody stupid or living on the moon.
The people I feel most sorry for are the police. Just imagine being a young white bobby in some lovely enriched area like Peckham. Bliss! The press and the politicians will happily hang you out to dry if you try to arrest an ethnic minority and he screams “racist.”
I wouldn’t do their job for Prince Philip’s pension!
And now there’s also the prospect that in a couple of months your new boss could be that half witted race hustler, the beautiful, Diane Abbott.
Please tell me it can’t happen…
You’re right about the police having a dreadful job. In all the fuss about “numbers” Diane, did anyone wonder where all these extra bobbies would come from? National Service might be needed, not just a bit more than £8k pa.
An ex-police acquaintance of mine, when he lived just outside London told me he used to watch the local BBC news from places like the South West and Wales on his Sky box, just to get away from the endless procession of the reports you describe. In the end he gave up and moved to Dorset.
It is impossible to tell the young that sixty or fifty years ago knife killings rarely happened and if six were killed in one week then it would have provoked a real public outcry and real turmoil all the way up to the Prime Minister. From this I conclude that whatever the progressive thinks our civilisation is in real trouble. The progressive can whine on and on about micro aggressions and gender this and that but it does not alter this reality. London and other major cities are becoming ungovernable and too dangerous . Those with children who can leave will and have done so for some time. I am not optimistic. This will lead to real trouble as the shires seek to protect themselves from the violence coming ,as it will, from the cities.
For the first time in our history we are entering a period when the shire people no longer even see London as important in their lives. This will have consequences both economic and social. No firm predictions can now be made as to the future map of England and how this is going to play out.
As you rightly say, London is a foreign place, and, thanks to the bBBC, everyone in the rest of the country knows it. Every ‘news’ item and biased vox pop shows disproportionate numbers of foreigners, different in colour and language from the rest of Britain, unrecognisable to most of us. Every political event, election or demonstration, emphasises this. Without London and the people who inhabit it, we would have a decent country, mostly law-abiding, and unwelcoming to the lefties’ third-world imports who are dragging us down.
Always enjoy the liberal press having to don a Royal bonnet and pretend to show any support for Prince Philip or the Royals.
The inevitable sucking of plums and lemons with a Dot Cotton Kiss-Me -Quick hat and an interview with some Poplar muttonheaded old trout who actually LIKES these dreadful people. Yes, they get their salaries-but bet they don`t get the polenta passed as per at the Islingon soiree this weekend.
They HATE the Royals this lot…but have to pretend that they don`t.
Still-lets me enjoy them stewing in their own vinegar douches.
OT? (I type this whilst being behind in my thread reading) Last weekend I received an email from my MP – as I’ve shown a previous interest in her shenanigans on gimmegration (SNP drone-like response) and inquired about her thoughts on the forthcoming Parliamentary debate on the bBC – explaining that Parliament effectively closed as of Monday 1 May 17. This is rather unfortunate as there was a debate on the bBC planned for Monday 8 May 17.
Trebles all round as all concerned take the opportunity to kick an unwelcome subject into the long grass?
Even superman is black in bbc land, and saving weak weedy matchstick man whitey with his super human strength and double sized physique, every little way they can belittle white males they do, White Beta male bitterness, and sexual fantasy rolled into one, ”’take me mustaffa take me rough.
So they can give you the local news to your area. Diesel’s = death. Prince Phillip is resigning in several months time. It’s early days in the local elections.
“The elections will also be a test of whether the UKIP vote really does seem set to fade away now that we are heading for Brexit and, as it seems, Nigel Farage has taken his final bow.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-39807110
Al Beeb be afraid, very afraid . He might come back ?
Lets hope so Taffman but I do fear that in their current condition they are probably a busted flush. Which is a pity because I still think the likes of Theresa cannot be entirely trusted either with brexit and definitely not on immigration policy.
Which begs the question (especially if she gets a landslide) who will be able to ask her those awkward little questions which she would rather ignore?
And who will represent the ignored white working class in the areas that have significantly suffered through enrichment?
So I too am keeping my fingers crossed for a Farage return.
As I’ve said before, UKIP were like the Panzerfaust; they were a single use weapon that has disabled the tank which was our ongoing membership of the EU.
Stunningly biased BBC response to the local elections on Radio 4 at 7.10am. Can Labour gain heart from its non-wipe out in Wales, is the first report. Then much gloating over UKIP results. Then some Project Fear by seeking out an interview with Goldman Sachs who say the City will stall due to Brexit ( not a common view). Finally there’s coverage of an anti- grammar school organisation that, surprise surprise , thinks that the 11 plus in Kent is disadvantageous to poorer kids .
All the common BBC biases rolled up into 15 minutes.
Radio Alarm just chirped up with Emily Thornbury crowing about a stunning victory in that they didn’t lose as much as they deserved to, or something. No comment from Global’s crack news team.
And on the BBC sofa this morning the new position is being formed. If the Tories do not get over 100 seats in the GE then it will be a disaster. So we can expect crowing from the Beeb if it’s only 99 FFS
I heard all of this and can verify you are completely correct in all respects.
I thought toenails trying to ‘do a Ferrari’ on the UKIP guy who was quite inexperienced was so beneath contempt. But don’t worry. Normal service was resumed at 0810 when he was lobbing easy balls at McDonell.
And to avoid the continuous nonsense like this, I have even started to listen to Fox News from radio from USA in the morning!
This morning the item about the GS chairman mouthing-off was placed in the news summary ahead of an report on a David Davies speech. Yup, the Beeb has soooo lost it, they rank the views of the mega-wealthy globalist head of the Giant Vampire squid, that engineered and profited from the Financial Crash, but funded Remain, ahead of those of the elected representatives of the British people.
It is astonishing that the BBC, or MSM for that matter, would be seeking the input and opinion of the CEO of Goldman Sachs. These are the people hugely responsible for the 2008 meltdown, the very same ‘greedy, tax avoiding bankers’ that so many have contempt for and the bank that has it’s greed tentacles wrapped around the EU like a Kraken around a sinking ship.
Their only motivation is what serves their bottom line so the idea that they would care what happens to the UK is farcical. The EU, and the ridiculous leverage that they wield within it, serves only them and the thought of national identity, sovereignty or the wishes of it’s people are viewed by them with utter contempt.
The continuing silence from the BBC regarding the terrible situation and events in Venezuela amply demonstrates the bias and selective reporting that is the hallmark of that egregious organisation. People starving, rioting throughout the country, demonstrators shot, Maduro arming his own (civilian) supporters, and so on, go unreported by the BBC. To them, Chavez and the Venezuelan revolution was all good, and, it seems, Maduro is doing nothing wrong.
Treezer could do worse than highlight the benefits of left wing socialism in Venezuela in one of her GE broadcasts.
Because vote Labour and this is what we will get.
A comparison the BBC seem strangely to have avoided.
It was wonderful to see Portillo giving FT EUrophile Lionel Barber a good verbal bashing on This Week last night. I was struck though, that virtually all the criticism he levelled at him and the newspaper he works for could be equally said of al beebus, if not even more so.
It was wonderful wasn’t it? You could see him getting more frustrated and then leaning forward and giving it both barrels. The FT is a remain paper and openly supported Remain during the referendum.
Barber and his ilk are continuing this endless line that if they keep saying that we have to pay something in, that the British public will just concede that clearly we must have to pay something.
The Lords reviewed this and we have no legal obligation to pay a settlement figure. If we have agreed to something that extends beyond the two year timeframe, then so be it but if not as Portillo put it ‘the bridge will have to be built at a slower rate’ or others will have to step up to fund it.
Portillo was spot on. Barber is a puppet for the EU, pushing their agenda which is briefed to him over his dinner meetings (no red wine) with Juncker and co.
One of the reasons that I voted for Brexit was that I was sick and tired of British money going to pay for bridges and roads in Europe, even as our roads are crumbling back into the Dark Ages.
Until we leave the EU racket, we will continue to pay in £10 billion a year, because we are a law abiding nation. After that, the payments must stop. If the EU27 are sad at having to live without the British cash cow, that’s really too bad, but I for one could not give a toss what they think.
If anybody is unsure about how to interpret BBC news items, not many here I might add, let me help you with the news about the local election results. Every party, other than the Conservatives, have had an utterly disastrous night. Labour has been deserted, UKIP voters have backed the Tories (no surprise there) and the Lib/dems have been ‘patchy’.
If you take everything the BBC has pushed out over the last few years at face value the results are totally unintelligible. According to them the country is in post-Brexit meltdown. The vast majority of the population is unhappy and seeks to punish the evil Tories. Well BBC, you are wrong again just as your were with GE15, Brexit and Trump. This disparity shows the gulf in opinion between the liberal bubble inhabited by the BBC and MSM and the real world. Even an idiot would realise how much they are embarrassing themselves by now with this bias but not the BBC. Equally baffling to them will be the GE17 result. Bring it on. I shall stay up all night just to watch Dimbleby being fed another sh*t sandwich when he has to announce another Conservative victory.
The minute the GE was called, the BBC was doing “Tactical Voting for Progressive Dummies”, essentially telling remainers that the way to go was to vote for limdems/labour for a second referendum, etc,. Cleatly, UKIP voters have been doing tactical voting of their own without any prompting by the BBC. The usual BBC suspects were oozing schadenfreude at the “complete collapse” of UKIP and one Beeboid at a vote count was puzzled why UKIP suporters were “not that bothered” and telling him laconically “job done, mate”. All those people who were supposedly incapable of understanding the referendum question seem to have run rings around the BBC commemtariat. Although given that practically any tory MP to speak on the media has parrotted “I voted remain, but now I respect the will of the people” and given the tory failure to curb immigration over many years, Brexit may be inevitable but it might not be what tactical UKIP voters are hoping for.
Not BBC, except that they pick up on every daft idea that comes out of America.
There was a time when there were no liberals in America, all parties being ‘conservative’. Now the universities seems to be awash with ‘liberal’ thugs who despise ‘liberty’. How did it go so wrong?
On Toady at 0800 Justin Webb read out news of the Tory gains in the elections in such mournful tones as if the Queen had died and he had been asked to suck on human excrement.
I think it gave him some form of PTSD as he then completely screwed up the handover to the newsreader, whose name he had forgotten.
In other words……..a win for this website !!!!!!!
There was a real beaut on BBC World Service in the small hours. Some bimbo teenage reporter also spoke about the Conservative gains in gloomy tones, then continued the sentence with “but unfortunately”. It was quite clear she was about to say “but unfortunately Labour votes were down”, but recovered (though unable to avoid a hiatus in her voice) by saying “but unfortunately for the Labour Party their votes were down” (or words to that effect). It was a gem, and another example of the BBC mind-set.
Radio 4 are doing their very best this morning to gloss over Labour’s local election catastrophe while bigging up UKIP’s defeats. The bias couldn’t be any plainer! Someone should tell them that Labour are the official opposition; they’re the ones that should be hoovering up seats in local elections. It just isn’t happening.
Of course there are areas where the tribal Labour voters will always tootle out and stick their cross next to the socialist candidate. Why? Some of these ghastly councils have been covering up for Muslim rape gangs for a generation. It absolutely beggars belief. They’re pathetic.
Look, I really hate to say this, coming from a very long line of traditional Labour voters and being a former Labour member and activist, but…An awful lot of tribal Labour voters are as thick as tree trunks.
They’d vote for anyone. You could stick a red rosette on baboon’s arse and get it elected.
Hmmm, someone remind me please…
Where’s Diane’s constituency?
Jeff. I basically agree but at local level it should be possible to vote for ward councillors who basically do a good job. My local Labour guy has been very supportive on a particular local issue and has gone against his own party position on that issue. He’s still Labour but I can painlessly vote for him on a personal basis.
Unfortunately many Labour voters are so tribal they do not actually bother to look at the effectiveness of their councils, and the result is The Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire, Donnygate, and the Rotherham child abuse scandal. That said, the demographics are becoming such that child abuse by Muslims could be a vote winner !
Not BBC bias but I thought this was worth a mention…
In Oxford I spoke with people who raised concerns about racism. We must stand together against those who would seek to divide us. pic.twitter.com/5dmccZAhu8
For some unknown reason they decided to get to work on a statute for the promotion of tolerance. Why I don’t know as I think most of us have this locked down but it wastes a couple of million and allows them to further interfere. However with a staggering lack of irony at their inability to grasp the fundamentals, they had a piece that read
“There is no need to be tolerant to the intolerant. This is especially important as far as freedom of expression is concerned: that freedom must not be abused to defame other groups.”
They cannot seem to grasp the irony of the first sentence can they?
Yes the Muslims , aided and abetted by Corbyn, do seek to divide us. But that’s only stage one of their policy of divide and conquer. The BBC is busy writing UKIPs epitaph today . But let’s remember two things . If it takes three years to both leave the EU and to frame and implement a new immigration control policy, we will see 900,000 net new immigrants come in, maybe more. Secondly no party including the Tories has yet described how they are to effectively reduce immigration nor has any party explained what they would do to eradicate the traitorous Islamists and their fellow travellers among our 4 million Muslims . UKIP may have a bad time in the local elections and the GE, but long term, who knows ?
Ha ha. It’s 09.30 and although there’s lots of results yet to come in, it’s obvious that Labour are receiving a drubbing, as is reflected in most reports from the media who use terms such as “humiliation;” yet the online BBC News and the Guardian headlines are “Tories Make Gains in Local Elections.” Only when one goes on to read the stories are the full extent of the results known so far revealed – and even then they concentrate on the poor showing of UKIP, as if that is the most important outcome. Talk about biased.
It is clear that he Tories are going to do very well in the local elections, Labour as expected doing badly, and the Lib Dems are not making gains. Cue the BBC working hard to promote these called Progressive Alliance. Pants down has been on pleading for it, no doubt Blair will be pitching in . Tiny Tim and Clegg will be popping up. The commentariat will be screaming for it as the only way of softening Brexit. Of course the EU will doing all manor of dirty tricks to limit the Tory majority and to form the PA , not just for the month before the GE , but for the future. The EU and UK liberal elite have long ago written off Corbyn and Labour and want a re alignment of the left . If they succeed we can expect a party probably led by the likes of Clegg, Chucka, Kinnock the younger et al. Their central policy will be to rejoin the EU asap.The BBC will be the party channel and will see big increases in the LF. If the Tories want to survive the coming challenge from the PA getting rid of the BBC would be a crucial step.
Why does no-one on these interviews/shows/QT/etc never put to the lefty remainers if they would prefer the 100 Billion Euros to be paid to their beloved EU or their beloved NHS that is apparently desperate for funding?
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
I was watching the bbc last night and I got so scared I nearly jumped out of my skin. Unfortunately there wasn’t any of those helpline numbers at the end to call and get counseling. I didn’t know what to do, in the end the local news came on and the weather and that took my mind off what I had seen.
All joking apart, that gargoyle Laura Keunsberg attacking TM on last nights national news at 6 was scary, pure evil, unashamed hatred and vitreol. A clearer example of the bbc’s hatred of brexit, hatred of the government and hatred of Britain will be hard to find.
The PM is said to nurse a grudge for a long long time. But let’s hope she decides to eat her revenge whilst it is still hot and smashes the arrogant BBC .
Happy Star Wars Day everybody!
May the 4th be with you!
Sorry, I couldn’t resist it ……
Tomorrow is the Revenge of the Fifth.
Be careful out there.
RE: Statues relating to slavery removed from New Orleans.
Toady had some race baiter on talking about inequalities, lynching and slavery. Of course all that was unimaginably terrible, but can’t we try and move on rather than wallow in victimhood? We have just had a black President, for God’s sake, why not celebrate the progress? A BAME young person listening this morning would be encouraged to feel like a victim and that sort of attitude can be so destructive. Japan had two atomic bombs dropped on it but within forty years they had the second biggest economy in the world; it’s because they do not have a victim mentality. If a black man can serve two terms in the highest office in the world there is no limit to what you can achieve.
I used to feel sorry for myself over a girl who messed me around; I used to wallow in self-pity.
“She was so harsh to me! How could she treat me like that!”
God it was pathetic. I am so glad I snapped out of it, moved on and took control of my life. So what if she was horrible to me? That was all in the past. What do you achieve by dwelling on bad stuff that happened in the past? There is nothing more pathetic, disempowering and unattractive than a victim mentality yet Al Beeb promotes it as an aspirational lifestyle choice.
More of the BBC’s obsession with the US. How about a feature for a change on how well blacks do in Brazil?
The race baiter was illiterate. He kept on talking about “Confederate statutes”. I was surprised, I had not imagined many laws from the time of the Confederacy were still on the books. But he kept referring to “statutes” until it became clear he meant “statues”.
This is someone who has started an entire campaign of bogus indignation, which has crossed the world, yet who does not know how to pronounce the word “statue”. Why are we meant to take an ignorant gobshite like him seriously?
As a species we can be a pretty self-deluded lot. In sport one can be convinced that it’s definitely penalty, or a dive, depending totally on which side you support. Ditto for political debates. I rarely manage to determine who is more convincing because of the noise, so it’s usually only somebody already with a bias that can claim one side more convincing. So it was for me with last night’s debate between Le Pen and Macron.
With that in mind, I am totally unsurprised, but disappointed, to read the BBC headline this morning; “Macron wins over French debate audience”. That shows bias.
Within the same article we have the following:
“Constantly throughout the debate she threw insults and allegations at him, accusing him of being part of the discredited existing order. But there was little substance to her attacks, and over and again Emmanuel Macron was able to expose the weaknesses in her arguments – especially over the economy and the euro”.
That’s not news, that’s opinion.
Was composing a very similar post highlighting the very points you did. No bias from the BBC then…
I’ve just bet £20 on Le Pen to win at odds of 6/1.
Everything the BBC backs seems to lose.
the msm also told us trump lost the debates
French election result. Macron wins.
This time the BBC may have backed the winner.
French women in the cities can look forward to sexual encounters with the invaders, virile Arabs to replace weedy Frenchmen, and rough sex included. Macron is for open borders.
Paris is done for.
Hopefully Le Pen and the FN will consolidate their power in the rural areas and small towns and the invader will remain in Paris and the liberal cities.
Paris – don’t say you were not warned.
That’s ‘wins’ in BBC ‘quotes”.
The French have a difficult choice , Macron and open borders and more EU, or Le Pen controlled borders and less EU and no Euro. If the UK referendum had coupled voting Leave with ditching the pound , it might have been a different story. Getting out of the Euro is a problem we fortunately didn’t have to cope with. So if about 40% of the French people vote for Mde Le Penn it shows great courage . It is clear that many French people loath the EU and fear migration and Islam . These numbers will continue to grow. If the terror continues Le Pen will be favourite next time round.
40% represents a great triumph for Le Pen , not that the BBC will ever admit it.
I’ve just realised that Nicola Sturgeon and Laura Kuntsberg are one and the same person.
Shrill, bitchy, acerbic, bitter, twisted, anti-Tory at all times, selective, biased. Look and listen closely. It’s only the wig that is different.
You’ve got to hand it to her though. She certainly puts in the hours. And the commuting.
Sluff, am not so sure about putting in the hours. Laura Kuenssberg’s output is a small fraction of that of her immediate predecessor, Nick Robinson. In addition, her Blog is never open to comment. (At least Kamal Ahmed is open to comment and criticism on his Blog.) She obviously is none too keen on free speech and democracy.
You are right about the excessive commuting. It is paid for by the Licence Fee payer. No Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change at the BBC for staffers.
It is only caused by us outsiders.
The BBC would fly her to Australia to tweet about Jeremy opening a door.
It’s a theory Sluff but not altogether credible. Ms Kuenssberg’s mouth evidently appears to owe much to Duncan Carswell – draw your own conclusions – while Ms Sturgeon’s seems closer to an anus. Whose that might be is, of course, anyone’s guess, though other oily fish might have played a part.
Nice to see this morning that the BBC’s analysis of the French presidential debate continues to be so neutral.
I fear for France if they choose the bland, vanilla EU puppet.
Have they ever discovered how Macron got so far so quickly ? Is He a Soros candidate ?
I liked Le Pens remark yesterday that whoever wins the election, France will be governed by a Woman, either Her or Merkel.
I wonder who will play the Frank, Lawrence and Angela* roles?
*Lansbury, FTAOD. Then again…
he is a Soros man.
Is there an admission here that the BBC’s Newspaper Review on its web-site is sometimes, often or usually, politically biased?
“As voters go to the polls in local elections, the BBC, like other broadcasters, is restricted to reporting only factual accounts of voting in line with polling day rules. Here is a round-up of other stories.”
What could be wrong with scanning or photographing the front pages of the newspapers and putting them up on the web-site WITHOUT ANY WRITTEN COMMENT WHATSOEVER in order to allow web-site users to draw their own conclusions? We can go to a newsagent or supermarket and look for ourselves. Why not on the BBC web-site?
Or is this also part of the BBC’s small war with other parts of the media, suggesting ‘They are biased, we are not.’ ? The devious BBC, appearing to be virtuous by excessively conforming to a sound and vision broadcast rule or convention for Election Day.
Except you are not virtuous. You have effectively admitted it on your own web-site.
That didn’t go too well, did it?
Especially as there is a NHS reference in the text and we know who likes to mention the NHS a lot, don’t we? It is reproduced here:
“Young people are increasingly turning away from alcohol, and the number of people who identity as teetotal has risen.
The Sun focuses what it calls the “baby boozers”, people aged 45 to 64 who, the stats show, are visiting hospital for alcohol-related reasons in record numbers.
In an editorial, the paper asks why taxpayers should have to foot the bill for the excesses of baby-boomers, suggesting they should be charged for emergency care.”
The BBC. Increasingly excessively dishonest.
“Young people are increasingly turning away from alcohol, and the number of people who identity as teetotal has risen.
I’m guessing that that age group has a higher percentage of people for whom alcohol is against their religion, so either do not indulge or cannot admit to indulging.
In the 70s, we socialised in pubs and clubs and didn’t do drugs, I knew of only 2 girls in my whole school year who did drugs. As a friend of mine put it, drug taking back then was largely considered “a twatty thing to do”. I would like to know how many of those teetotal young people do recreational drugs on a regular basis, as I hear anecdotally from friends with kids at school that it is extremely widespread. What’s the cost of that to the NHS?
This generation hatred towards the elderly is getting out of hand. Can’t afford to buy a house? Well, if you’re spending a fortune on your phone contract, eating out, your gap year etc, I’m not surprised. Go to do your BA in Soap Opera Studies at uni, ending up with a £50K debt and you’re a debt slave for life, far better to do an apprenticeship for a real job at 16 or 18 when your education is free. That’s what many of us did at 16 or 18 and we saved up for things we wanted.
I’ve just had a brilliant week in Blighty despite all its woes (you have no idea how bad things are across the Channel) and a couple of my old school friends are interested in us all sticking together in retirement and keeping an eye on each other, as we don’t trust the generation of little shits not to steal all our money and mistreat us.
Went to Essex University in the late 70`s and shared a tower block floor of separate bedrooms with 11 other mostly middleclass 18/19 year old students.
Of the 12 of us I suspect only 4 of us had tried drugs and not sure if more than 2 of us had lost our virginity even by the end of the first term.Although difficult to verify.
When I went to rock festivals though soft drugs were widespread
Also do not think anyone was knowingly racist although people innocently told jokes which would nowadays be considered racist
Well said! This hatred of anyone over 50 has been whipped-up and encouraged by the far Left media (Guardian, BBC etc)and, of course, the little darlings have eaten it up with a spoon. It’s all of a row with the idiotic pretence that no one will be able to travel in Europe once we have left the vile EU – as if continental travel hasn’t been a feature of life in this country ever since it became a country!
Things appear to be hotting up in Australia –
7.30m World Service news. Marine Le Pen has contihually been described as FAR RIGHT. Now they have called her a NATIONALIST.
An Imam in Pakistan has stepped in to save a man from being accused of blasphemy. I expect that this incredible act of heroism will lead to the Nobel prize for peace being awarded.
Sorry this post will appear later than planned. I thought it had gone through. I think it’s still worth making the comments
RE: Macron and Le Pen debate.
It is like when they described Trump’s press conference as ‘chaotic’ when if you watched the whole thing it did not seem chaotic at all. The only chaos was provided by the likes of Al Beeb asking annoying and irrelevant questions, which they obviously subsequently led their bulletins with.
The news should provide us with the facts upon which to base our own opinion. Leftists do not like that though. They just tell us what to think and accuse anyone who does not agree with their insanity of having a mental illness.
For an entity that uses (well, abuses) social media so much, it is like the BBC don’t realise people have access to the internet now, and every reason to look up reality to compare with their edits.
8pm Radio 4 probably about Le Pen vs Macron
A minor article on a trivial matter but Beeby is singing the praises of Adele. Again. Earned £40 million pound. Rich list, blah blah blah. But female supremacist Beeby doesn’t think that’s enough. They seem rather disgusted that Paul McCartney should be in first position.
Why should a legend who changed the face of popular music be richer that our girl Adele?
Why are there so many hideous white MEN on the list? That they’ve been at it far longer than Adele perhaps?
Or does Beeby think they have an unfair advantage being men? They call her a “musician”.
What instrument/s does she play? Huh? She’s a singer.
“she’s still only joint 19th in the list of the richest musicians in the UK, which is dominated by older men.”
is Michael Flatley a musician?
She’s only made 3 albums.
Well of course it’s dominated by older men. They’ve been around longer to sell more records.
The BBC just can’t help with their snide remarks.
For decades there have been few female singers to identify and remember. We had the age of Kylie and now its Adele. In the first decent ‘pop’ decade the pop charts were awash with them…… Dusty Springfield, Sandie Shaw, Lulu, Cilla Black, Mary Hopkin, Helen Shapiro, Shirley Bassey. Then across the pond we heard from Leslie Gore, Janis Joplin, Brenda Lee, Patsy Cline, Dinah Washington, Dionne Warwick, Connie Francis, to name but hundreds !!
Of course each generation has their own idols to listen to, but I wonder if the likes of Rhianna of even Adele herself will be remembered fondly in even 30 years time.
The channels are in meltdown because Philip is stepping down from public duties – shock horror, for God’s sake he’s only 97 !!!
I’m not an ardent royalist, but neither am I a republican. I’ve never been a great fan of Philip either, his ‘gaffes’ although hysterically funny for those in his presence, were more sarcastic than hilarious. The one he made in China to students when he said “you’ll get slitty eyes too if you stay here too long”, – imagine if Donald Trump had said that ! He would be castigated around the world, the pc army would be protesting with placards, and the likes of Bonny Greer and Alibaba would be earning a fortune as talking heads !! Yet Phil gets away with a couple of headlines.
His manner is direct, sometimes brusque, and un-PC. Typically military.
I grew up surrounded by people like this and personally prefer it to the hypersensitive, modern BS we seem to be saddled with.
Chinese people do look different. It’s a fact, so what?
Isn’t diversity simply a smart word for different? So why complain when Mr Windsor remarks on a difference that is clearly visible?
The Today Programne piously announced that the BBC could not do UK political coverage today. So what did we get instead ? A feature on the French Presidential debate which was blatantly pro Macron. Next, a report that first quarter Eurozone economic growth was ‘ faster than Britains’. Then an achingly PC report about tearing down statues of slave owners or traders in the Southern USA. As usual, there are lots of ways to get the bias in.
Not for BBC news, of no interest to the Home Secretary or Treezer’s Government or the Socialist opposition party, and certainly not the media feminists, but thank you Rebel Media and Tommy Robinson for informing the world about the destruction of the English working classes, their humiliation, and the suffering of this poor woman.
Once the UK is 100% Sharia any Muslim rapist is expected to marry the rape victim.
What exciting times we have waiting for us!
So that’s how they end up with multiple wives?
Today my mother, in her 80’s, suggested something on Europe that is a shame it can’t be done. We should have a team made up of Margaret Thatcher, Norman Tebbit, Joe Gormley (because he worked as a Special Branch informer?), Arthur Scargill and Tony Benn. There would have been so much arguing in front of the EU negotiating team they would be begging us to leave.
Also in light of the EU stance this should be our reply
Nigel Lawson to the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Union on 24 September 2004:
“ … it would never have happened if we had not made it clear that if we did not get satisfaction, we would withhold our contributions. I think it is widely known that we had a draft bill printed to give us the legal authority to withhold our contributions. It was never published, but it was printed. It was discreetly made known to those who we negotiated with that this is what would happen if we did not get satisfaction. Almost certainly the European Court would have eventually decided that this was illegal and it would be struck out, but that would have lasted a long time and would have been quite an effective measure in the context of these negotiations. Without that threat to withhold our contributions, to the extent of having the law officers produce a bill, we would not have got it.”
Oh dear,
From the Daily Telegraph
“BBBC bosses say Sir Cliff Richard has spent “grossly unreasonable” amounts on lawyers after complaining about reports naming him as a suspected sex offender and taking legal action.”
Looks like someone at the BBBC may have to find a few coins down the back of their sofas. What chance that the costs the BBBC will incur for this disgraceful fishing trip will come out of the senior executives’ pay packets, rather than a hike of the telly tax.
Less likely than “Lady” Diana counting up to ten without using her fingers.
“Less likely than “Lady” Diana counting up to ten without using her fingers.” That would be with all three of her hands and all two of her faces!
The BBC response reminds me of the Frank Bruno puppet in Spitting Image complaining to the Harry Carpenter puppet about being knocked out that the other boxers kept hitting him.
You’ve lost me there. What has this to do with Diana?
Could he mean the numerate Dianne Abbot MP?
I did, but have now realised that I “misspoke” and should have referred to the delightful Ms Abbott as “Lady Diane”.
I was trying to coin a new phrase to replace “and pigs might fly”, but I see now that I must try harder.
I wonder if Jeremy had a pet name for her when she was his squeeze, RM. (what an image, weapons grade mind bleach for that one!)
“Diesel Job” was an epithet used by a west-country friend of mine back in the seventies. He applied it to chubby ladies.
Not sure I’d call that a pet name, but appropriate nevertheless.
Say what you like about her, but she doesn’t do things by numbers.
I wish she’d buy a new wig.
Maybe “Miss Dianne”-as daid in a Benny type of accent a la Crossroads. No prizes for guessing who the Benny is-poor sod`s got an allotment as well, if he can remember where he left it!
He’s certainly lost the plot
It looks like Al Beeb have poached your comment as an idea for tonight’s ‘This Week ‘?
Evidence that their researchers watch this site very carefully?
Taffman : The Russians are at it again!
Those folk waving red flags at Jez rallies must be sooooo confused.
What gives them the right to say that the amounts are grossly unreasonable? Clearly Sir Cliff does not think so, and he’s surely in the best position to decide.
The BBC arrogance shines through and it desperately needs to be cut down to size.
‘Grossly unreasonable’ I suspect translates as an amount sufficient to employ a barrister good enough to beat the BBC’s lawyers.
And how much money have they spent keeping the Balen Report under wraps?
Is that amount “grossly unreasonable” as well? Probably not.
The term for this in Lancashire is brassneck, and the bBBC are showing plenty of it with this accusation. Bloody cheek!
Restroom Mole
Talking of “grossly unreasonable” amounts
So that’s where most of the £4bn goes.
Does Cliff want crowd funding or a charity run?
Don`t like the sound of that BBC “how many kids can you squeeze into a phone box by Stoke Mandeville”?
That is not to be entertained. Not that the BBC do that anyway.
In honour of Prince Philip courtesy of a French News service:
Any body know why the bBC (The so called champion of womens rights) hasn’t mentioned this story:
Yep, and it was my wedding day !!!!! Coming from a big Labour household, all the men in their wedding finery watching the tv as the results were announced looked as though they were going to a funeral, not heading off to church for my nuptials !!!
BBC News – BBC Trending
Visit the BBC Trending Facebook page
“There’s a growing number of fashion brands and multinational companies showcasing women wearing an Islamic headscarf. But, for various reasons, some women from Muslim backgrounds aren’t happy with the trend.
Dolce and Gabbana, H&M, Pepsi, Nike: just a few of the big brands putting women wearing a hijab – a traditional Islamic headscarf – front and centre in advertising campaigns”.
Catwalk Hijabs, Brand power
Pepsi certainly isn’t the only company highlighting women wearing the hijab. Nike recently announced a newly designed sports hijab which will hit shops in 2018. H&M used a first Muslim model in hijab in an advertisement while numerous brands and labels have launched “Ramadan collections” in the hope of attracting Muslim shoppers during the holy month.
“Images of Muslim women communicate to their consumer bases that these companies are ‘progressive’ or ‘inclusive’,” Harwees says. “Given the political climate, it has become socially expedient to align oneself with dissident communities, and for many people, that’s what Muslim women have come to represent.”
Meanwhile in the realworld:
Someone in the comments suggested collecting them for SJW and snowflakes here. Note – these women will need them if they arrive in the UK as refugees
Guido has this to report on that BBC’s Awkward Maddie Moment:
It’s nothing to do with BBC bias but this came up on my Twitter feed.
It occurred to me that some of the regulars might have some fun with the questionnaire, given the first question is “What is your self-identified gender?”.
Tory campaign is getting serious Treezer is preparing to met the working classes
Treezer prepares for a question and answer session with the workers
Were she to pose for a few miniutes in a red disability scooter-then we`ve the next Labour leader once they`ve been incorporated into the Political Arm of the British People-namely our Theresa and her Mo Mowlem swivelwig.
Works for me!
Mark Shitstick Oaten maybe next Libdump leader?…surely politics needs these titans back in political life.
“Photo of Czech Girl Scout standing up to skinhead goes viral”
Smacks of a setup to me, which the BBC is only too keen to play along with.
Another silly, naive kid who has no idea how the real world works.
I agree. A photo can be so misleading. You don’t know what the skinhead is saying or the scout but of course the inference in this identity politics game is that the skinhead is spitting facist racism while the scout is selling fair trade cookies!
I have to laugh at the headline for a linked article on that page of Saffiyah Khan saying that “it’s more important to smile than shout”. Conveniently ignoring the fact that the video of the demonstration clearly shows her shouting abuse at the EDL protestors.
She is well qualified to become an investigative reporter with the BBC.
Lone woman stands up to Nazis
It is becoming a habit
But they never stand up to Jihadis.
Anymore for anymore?
They only do this because they know they can trust the civilised white men they confront NOT to react violently. They are therefore destroying their argument by proving that these men are not evil.
As you say, let’s see them try this stunt against a crowd of ISIS jihadis.
Roland, GWF and Mole – I couldnt agree more. This is all just another extension of the normal left wing game of “Lets send whitey on a guilt trip”
I reckon a lot of journalists are looking for opportunities for pictures of this ilk since Operation Black Vote “See saw” by Saatchi &a Saatchi – where the aggressive skinhead was jabbing his finger at the indian granny.
Of course we all voted leave because we are all serious racists who like nothing better than trying to frighten inoffensive women. Not because we were concerned that our society was becoming swamped by millions of incomers many of whom follow a “religion” where women are treated as second class citizens and where sexual assault is deemed to be permissible if the victim is a “kaffir”
Yes these images are uncomfortable and powerful and must delight the likes of the BBC and the MSM “journalists” who actually do not seem to like anything about our own culture. However like the story of the little boy that cried wolf no one except inhabitants of this left wing echo chamber and the extremely gullible actually believes this shit anymore.
After Cologne, Rotherham and numerous other incidents we all know who the real thugs and predators are and I predict that despite the likes of the BBC and other MSM outlets indulging themselves by encouraging a proliferation of these sort of images in the media. Their use could well be counter productive. Now even the worst informed amongst us have become irritated and angered by the probable staged nature and implicit negative associations about our own culture and the possession of a white skin that these sort of images suggest.
Amazing they are all women and are all “unafraid” of these looming thugs. Well I bloody well wouldnt be – but it just goes to show how much more noble these SJW types are than the rest of us! I wonder whether they would all still be “unafraid” if they had been cornered by a collection of “party goers” in a gloomy ticket hall at Cologne station.
Remember we have had the boy on the beach fiasco and the murder of Jo Cox by all of us brexiters. And yet the majority in the country still voted leave. So I say to the BBC carry on throwing out this journalistic vomit – it is certainly effective but probably not in the way you hope for!
Maybe you should just keep it for the Swedish!
PS Note to self. Next time I go on a potentially violent demo – I must remember to put on a floaty dress for extra effect and some LGBTG smarty points.
However I dont think I will be putting on my boy scout uniform!
She’s clearly a nazi skinhead herself.
In theory perhaps Doublethinker but she’s unless she’s related to someone relatively high up in the BBC I suspect she’s not ethnic enough.
In theory perhaps Doublethinker but she’s unless she’s related to someone relatively high up in the BBC I suspect she’s not ethnic enough.
“Blundering Shadow Home Secretary made £110,000 in licence fee payers’ cash for appearing on BBC TV”
As if another reason to scrap the licence fee was needed.
Some wag in the comments wants to ask her how many police officers that would buy.
Blimey! Enough for a million police officers, 20 million homes and doubling all pensions!
‘No, sorry, that’s…er…two million…no, I mean, 100,000, yes, that’s right, 100,000 new policemen..er..and women and…er…what did I just say? Oh yes, 100 million homes. I think that’s right…or did I mis-speak? Anyway, it’ll all be paid for with Corporation Tax. I think. Or do I mean by cutting pensions? Jeremy will know, ask him, and John, he’ll know too. That’s right, ask them.
That will be £27,500 please. Thankyou – although of course, you should be thanking meeeee!
And they try to feign innocence when we point out the BBC’s political bias!
This sum of money is a direct subsidy for Abbot’s anti-white, far Left agenda.
It’s pretty disgusting that Abbott has banked 100k from the BBC for being stupid and racist, but keeping that egregious woman prominent on TV has been of considerable benefit. It has constantly reminded us just what sort of people the Corbynite Labour Party is made of.
Corbynite’s effect on the UK would be the same as kryptonite’s effect on Superman, Martin.
I must be so old, I really need ‘kryptonite’ and ‘superman’ explaining to me.
Doesn’t that make her “rich” according to her colleague John McDonnell? And that’s on top of her (ooh the thought!) salary as an MP.
Hope she’s not evading tax on that huge wedge.
BBC ‘balance’:
Emma Jane Kirby has a chat with a French man who wants Macron to win and a French woman who wants Macron to win.
On the other hand Le Pen is given a boost as the BBC reports the news that Obama wants Macron to win.
Have watched the 7pm albeeb 4 ‘news’ called 100+
. I have read comments about someone called Katty and some other chap who presents it . It is peak smugness and that albeeb approving interview style ( this time Macron ) is shocking in its bias.
Must be an albeeb plan to out left comrade Snow on poor old Channel 4.
It isnt possibly to replace the face pulling .. bendy wet leftist bastard with worse, so thats a win, i would flick the switch on that smug mother-fucker myself.
The local BBC news brought us yet another despairing account from a grieving mother whose son had been stabbed to death. If I had a quid for every time I sat through one of these tragically poignant, but utterly pointless interviews I could retire to the south of France…though if Macron wins I might give that a miss!
It’s always the same thing. She tells us that this carnage “has to stop” and there’s going to be a “mothers march”.
A police spokesman will say they have organised a “knife amnesty”. Some Labour politician will waffle about poverty and a “community leader” will say we need more youth clubs.
What is never mentioned, but what stands out like the proverbial sore thumb, is that invariably everybody involved in these crimes is either black or from some backward third world shit hole. Don’t they notice?
This evening they put up a map with photos of the dead, scattered across the metropolis, nearly all black, brown or “dual heritage”. Recently six were slaughtered in one week alone. Just think about that.
Whenever these appalling crimes are mentioned the audience is supposed to be blind, bloody stupid or living on the moon.
The people I feel most sorry for are the police. Just imagine being a young white bobby in some lovely enriched area like Peckham. Bliss! The press and the politicians will happily hang you out to dry if you try to arrest an ethnic minority and he screams “racist.”
I wouldn’t do their job for Prince Philip’s pension!
And now there’s also the prospect that in a couple of months your new boss could be that half witted race hustler, the beautiful, Diane Abbott.
Please tell me it can’t happen…
You’re right about the police having a dreadful job. In all the fuss about “numbers” Diane, did anyone wonder where all these extra bobbies would come from? National Service might be needed, not just a bit more than £8k pa.
An ex-police acquaintance of mine, when he lived just outside London told me he used to watch the local BBC news from places like the South West and Wales on his Sky box, just to get away from the endless procession of the reports you describe. In the end he gave up and moved to Dorset.
It is impossible to tell the young that sixty or fifty years ago knife killings rarely happened and if six were killed in one week then it would have provoked a real public outcry and real turmoil all the way up to the Prime Minister. From this I conclude that whatever the progressive thinks our civilisation is in real trouble. The progressive can whine on and on about micro aggressions and gender this and that but it does not alter this reality. London and other major cities are becoming ungovernable and too dangerous . Those with children who can leave will and have done so for some time. I am not optimistic. This will lead to real trouble as the shires seek to protect themselves from the violence coming ,as it will, from the cities.
For the first time in our history we are entering a period when the shire people no longer even see London as important in their lives. This will have consequences both economic and social. No firm predictions can now be made as to the future map of England and how this is going to play out.
As you rightly say, London is a foreign place, and, thanks to the bBBC, everyone in the rest of the country knows it. Every ‘news’ item and biased vox pop shows disproportionate numbers of foreigners, different in colour and language from the rest of Britain, unrecognisable to most of us. Every political event, election or demonstration, emphasises this. Without London and the people who inhabit it, we would have a decent country, mostly law-abiding, and unwelcoming to the lefties’ third-world imports who are dragging us down.
Good luck with taking violence to the shires. We are parochial by choice, and have the means to fight back.
PS. Something to do with Alphamax, 7.62 Nato. and 2.45 Win.
For those who might understand.
Not just Londonistan.
One day soon, they will all merge together.
Always enjoy the liberal press having to don a Royal bonnet and pretend to show any support for Prince Philip or the Royals.
The inevitable sucking of plums and lemons with a Dot Cotton Kiss-Me -Quick hat and an interview with some Poplar muttonheaded old trout who actually LIKES these dreadful people. Yes, they get their salaries-but bet they don`t get the polenta passed as per at the Islingon soiree this weekend.
They HATE the Royals this lot…but have to pretend that they don`t.
Still-lets me enjoy them stewing in their own vinegar douches.
Indeed chrisH, Wee Nicola was particularly vomitable.
No change there, then.
OT? (I type this whilst being behind in my thread reading) Last weekend I received an email from my MP – as I’ve shown a previous interest in her shenanigans on gimmegration (SNP drone-like response) and inquired about her thoughts on the forthcoming Parliamentary debate on the bBC – explaining that Parliament effectively closed as of Monday 1 May 17. This is rather unfortunate as there was a debate on the bBC planned for Monday 8 May 17.
Trebles all round as all concerned take the opportunity to kick an unwelcome subject into the long grass?
I to have received notification the debate on the BBc license fee has been cancelled due to the lack of Government
Even superman is black in bbc land, and saving weak weedy matchstick man whitey with his super human strength and double sized physique, every little way they can belittle white males they do, White Beta male bitterness, and sexual fantasy rolled into one, ”’take me mustaffa take me rough.
Sorry cannot post the snip…
Hip Hip Hooray Trump gets his way!
I don’t think Al beeb like it ?
How about you Maxi?
Can any techie here explain to me why I get this message whenever I acess the news…..
“will you allow ww.bbc.co.uk to access your location?”
For some reason! My reply has disappeared!
It was a layman’s reply to your question WRT tracking.
Retired Systems Analyst, Database writer.
So they can give you the local news to your area. Diesel’s = death. Prince Phillip is resigning in several months time. It’s early days in the local elections.
Update a “difficult” night for Liebour in Wales.
“The elections will also be a test of whether the UKIP vote really does seem set to fade away now that we are heading for Brexit and, as it seems, Nigel Farage has taken his final bow.”
Al Beeb be afraid, very afraid . He might come back ?
Lets hope so Taffman but I do fear that in their current condition they are probably a busted flush. Which is a pity because I still think the likes of Theresa cannot be entirely trusted either with brexit and definitely not on immigration policy.
Which begs the question (especially if she gets a landslide) who will be able to ask her those awkward little questions which she would rather ignore?
And who will represent the ignored white working class in the areas that have significantly suffered through enrichment?
So I too am keeping my fingers crossed for a Farage return.
As I’ve said before, UKIP were like the Panzerfaust; they were a single use weapon that has disabled the tank which was our ongoing membership of the EU.
Stunningly biased BBC response to the local elections on Radio 4 at 7.10am. Can Labour gain heart from its non-wipe out in Wales, is the first report. Then much gloating over UKIP results. Then some Project Fear by seeking out an interview with Goldman Sachs who say the City will stall due to Brexit ( not a common view). Finally there’s coverage of an anti- grammar school organisation that, surprise surprise , thinks that the 11 plus in Kent is disadvantageous to poorer kids .
All the common BBC biases rolled up into 15 minutes.
Radio Alarm just chirped up with Emily Thornbury crowing about a stunning victory in that they didn’t lose as much as they deserved to, or something. No comment from Global’s crack news team.
And on the BBC sofa this morning the new position is being formed. If the Tories do not get over 100 seats in the GE then it will be a disaster. So we can expect crowing from the Beeb if it’s only 99 FFS
I’m waiting for the BBC soundbite later today of Jeremy Corbyn saying “we need to get our message across to voters even better”.
There will be no tough question from the BBC interviewers to Corbyn.
Clearly operating on a similar equivalence basis to that pioneered by Mishal Husain on casualty counts.
How an opposition not being trounced as much as arbitrary bars set by the BBC translates into government failing is really quite special.
They really do speak out of quite another orifice, and not for the nation.
I heard all of this and can verify you are completely correct in all respects.
I thought toenails trying to ‘do a Ferrari’ on the UKIP guy who was quite inexperienced was so beneath contempt. But don’t worry. Normal service was resumed at 0810 when he was lobbing easy balls at McDonell.
And to avoid the continuous nonsense like this, I have even started to listen to Fox News from radio from USA in the morning!
This morning the item about the GS chairman mouthing-off was placed in the news summary ahead of an report on a David Davies speech. Yup, the Beeb has soooo lost it, they rank the views of the mega-wealthy globalist head of the Giant Vampire squid, that engineered and profited from the Financial Crash, but funded Remain, ahead of those of the elected representatives of the British people.
It is astonishing that the BBC, or MSM for that matter, would be seeking the input and opinion of the CEO of Goldman Sachs. These are the people hugely responsible for the 2008 meltdown, the very same ‘greedy, tax avoiding bankers’ that so many have contempt for and the bank that has it’s greed tentacles wrapped around the EU like a Kraken around a sinking ship.
Their only motivation is what serves their bottom line so the idea that they would care what happens to the UK is farcical. The EU, and the ridiculous leverage that they wield within it, serves only them and the thought of national identity, sovereignty or the wishes of it’s people are viewed by them with utter contempt.
The continuing silence from the BBC regarding the terrible situation and events in Venezuela amply demonstrates the bias and selective reporting that is the hallmark of that egregious organisation. People starving, rioting throughout the country, demonstrators shot, Maduro arming his own (civilian) supporters, and so on, go unreported by the BBC. To them, Chavez and the Venezuelan revolution was all good, and, it seems, Maduro is doing nothing wrong.
Treezer could do worse than highlight the benefits of left wing socialism in Venezuela in one of her GE broadcasts.
Because vote Labour and this is what we will get.
A comparison the BBC seem strangely to have avoided.
It was wonderful to see Portillo giving FT EUrophile Lionel Barber a good verbal bashing on This Week last night. I was struck though, that virtually all the criticism he levelled at him and the newspaper he works for could be equally said of al beebus, if not even more so.
I wonder if reference was made to Lionel Barber’s Légion d’Honneur award? The Frogs award that gong for loyalty!
It’s worth a watch, started at 7m50s but 14m50s is where Portillo pulls the trigger on this EU tw@t.
portillo just earned a new level of respect from me
why is that arse nandy on tele she never has anything new to say beyond standard leftie dogma
Amazingly, Lisa Nandy seems to have been selected as the nearest thing Labour has to a normal, rational person.
It was wonderful wasn’t it? You could see him getting more frustrated and then leaning forward and giving it both barrels. The FT is a remain paper and openly supported Remain during the referendum.
Barber and his ilk are continuing this endless line that if they keep saying that we have to pay something in, that the British public will just concede that clearly we must have to pay something.
The Lords reviewed this and we have no legal obligation to pay a settlement figure. If we have agreed to something that extends beyond the two year timeframe, then so be it but if not as Portillo put it ‘the bridge will have to be built at a slower rate’ or others will have to step up to fund it.
Portillo was spot on. Barber is a puppet for the EU, pushing their agenda which is briefed to him over his dinner meetings (no red wine) with Juncker and co.
One of the reasons that I voted for Brexit was that I was sick and tired of British money going to pay for bridges and roads in Europe, even as our roads are crumbling back into the Dark Ages.
Until we leave the EU racket, we will continue to pay in £10 billion a year, because we are a law abiding nation. After that, the payments must stop. If the EU27 are sad at having to live without the British cash cow, that’s really too bad, but I for one could not give a toss what they think.
If anybody is unsure about how to interpret BBC news items, not many here I might add, let me help you with the news about the local election results. Every party, other than the Conservatives, have had an utterly disastrous night. Labour has been deserted, UKIP voters have backed the Tories (no surprise there) and the Lib/dems have been ‘patchy’.
If you take everything the BBC has pushed out over the last few years at face value the results are totally unintelligible. According to them the country is in post-Brexit meltdown. The vast majority of the population is unhappy and seeks to punish the evil Tories. Well BBC, you are wrong again just as your were with GE15, Brexit and Trump. This disparity shows the gulf in opinion between the liberal bubble inhabited by the BBC and MSM and the real world. Even an idiot would realise how much they are embarrassing themselves by now with this bias but not the BBC. Equally baffling to them will be the GE17 result. Bring it on. I shall stay up all night just to watch Dimbleby being fed another sh*t sandwich when he has to announce another Conservative victory.
The minute the GE was called, the BBC was doing “Tactical Voting for Progressive Dummies”, essentially telling remainers that the way to go was to vote for limdems/labour for a second referendum, etc,. Cleatly, UKIP voters have been doing tactical voting of their own without any prompting by the BBC. The usual BBC suspects were oozing schadenfreude at the “complete collapse” of UKIP and one Beeboid at a vote count was puzzled why UKIP suporters were “not that bothered” and telling him laconically “job done, mate”. All those people who were supposedly incapable of understanding the referendum question seem to have run rings around the BBC commemtariat. Although given that practically any tory MP to speak on the media has parrotted “I voted remain, but now I respect the will of the people” and given the tory failure to curb immigration over many years, Brexit may be inevitable but it might not be what tactical UKIP voters are hoping for.
Not BBC, except that they pick up on every daft idea that comes out of America.
There was a time when there were no liberals in America, all parties being ‘conservative’. Now the universities seems to be awash with ‘liberal’ thugs who despise ‘liberty’. How did it go so wrong?
On Toady at 0800 Justin Webb read out news of the Tory gains in the elections in such mournful tones as if the Queen had died and he had been asked to suck on human excrement.
I think it gave him some form of PTSD as he then completely screwed up the handover to the newsreader, whose name he had forgotten.
In other words……..a win for this website !!!!!!!
There was a real beaut on BBC World Service in the small hours. Some bimbo teenage reporter also spoke about the Conservative gains in gloomy tones, then continued the sentence with “but unfortunately”. It was quite clear she was about to say “but unfortunately Labour votes were down”, but recovered (though unable to avoid a hiatus in her voice) by saying “but unfortunately for the Labour Party their votes were down” (or words to that effect). It was a gem, and another example of the BBC mind-set.
Radio 4 are doing their very best this morning to gloss over Labour’s local election catastrophe while bigging up UKIP’s defeats. The bias couldn’t be any plainer! Someone should tell them that Labour are the official opposition; they’re the ones that should be hoovering up seats in local elections. It just isn’t happening.
Of course there are areas where the tribal Labour voters will always tootle out and stick their cross next to the socialist candidate. Why? Some of these ghastly councils have been covering up for Muslim rape gangs for a generation. It absolutely beggars belief. They’re pathetic.
Look, I really hate to say this, coming from a very long line of traditional Labour voters and being a former Labour member and activist, but…An awful lot of tribal Labour voters are as thick as tree trunks.
They’d vote for anyone. You could stick a red rosette on baboon’s arse and get it elected.
Hmmm, someone remind me please…
Where’s Diane’s constituency?
Quite correct Jeff, after all Dianne Abbott always gets back in.
Jeff. I basically agree but at local level it should be possible to vote for ward councillors who basically do a good job. My local Labour guy has been very supportive on a particular local issue and has gone against his own party position on that issue. He’s still Labour but I can painlessly vote for him on a personal basis.
Unfortunately many Labour voters are so tribal they do not actually bother to look at the effectiveness of their councils, and the result is The Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire, Donnygate, and the Rotherham child abuse scandal. That said, the demographics are becoming such that child abuse by Muslims could be a vote winner !
It’s damage limitation. The headline right now reads “Tories gain control of five counties as Labour lose ground whilst UKIP suffers heavy losses”.
Note; Labour “lose ground”, UKIP “suffers heavy losses”. Advancing westward, I think they call it.
More of Project Fear, gleefully lapped up by the Fifth Column’s token economics editor.
But of course Goldman Sachs were one of the big contributors to Remain……not that you’d know from reading the article.
Not BBC bias but I thought this was worth a mention…
The irony of the second sentence and the photo!
As my LibDem ex-MP said, “I will not tolerate intolerance”.
The EU have a similar policy.
For some unknown reason they decided to get to work on a statute for the promotion of tolerance. Why I don’t know as I think most of us have this locked down but it wastes a couple of million and allows them to further interfere. However with a staggering lack of irony at their inability to grasp the fundamentals, they had a piece that read
“There is no need to be tolerant to the intolerant. This is especially important as far as freedom of expression is concerned: that freedom must not be abused to defame other groups.”
They cannot seem to grasp the irony of the first sentence can they?
Yes the Muslims , aided and abetted by Corbyn, do seek to divide us. But that’s only stage one of their policy of divide and conquer. The BBC is busy writing UKIPs epitaph today . But let’s remember two things . If it takes three years to both leave the EU and to frame and implement a new immigration control policy, we will see 900,000 net new immigrants come in, maybe more. Secondly no party including the Tories has yet described how they are to effectively reduce immigration nor has any party explained what they would do to eradicate the traitorous Islamists and their fellow travellers among our 4 million Muslims . UKIP may have a bad time in the local elections and the GE, but long term, who knows ?
It would appear so.
Meanwhile, Diane Abbott consoles herself with Constable’s The Hay Wain, a painting by numbers kit she received for Christmas.
Looking good, don’t you think?
Painting by numbers is more difficult than it looks, obviously.
Ha ha. It’s 09.30 and although there’s lots of results yet to come in, it’s obvious that Labour are receiving a drubbing, as is reflected in most reports from the media who use terms such as “humiliation;” yet the online BBC News and the Guardian headlines are “Tories Make Gains in Local Elections.” Only when one goes on to read the stories are the full extent of the results known so far revealed – and even then they concentrate on the poor showing of UKIP, as if that is the most important outcome. Talk about biased.
Labour losses in Wales says BBC ‘Not as bad as expected’.
Well that’s accuracy for you now see. I wonder what they expected
Playing to strengths, such as they are.
It is clear that he Tories are going to do very well in the local elections, Labour as expected doing badly, and the Lib Dems are not making gains. Cue the BBC working hard to promote these called Progressive Alliance. Pants down has been on pleading for it, no doubt Blair will be pitching in . Tiny Tim and Clegg will be popping up. The commentariat will be screaming for it as the only way of softening Brexit. Of course the EU will doing all manor of dirty tricks to limit the Tory majority and to form the PA , not just for the month before the GE , but for the future. The EU and UK liberal elite have long ago written off Corbyn and Labour and want a re alignment of the left . If they succeed we can expect a party probably led by the likes of Clegg, Chucka, Kinnock the younger et al. Their central policy will be to rejoin the EU asap.The BBC will be the party channel and will see big increases in the LF. If the Tories want to survive the coming challenge from the PA getting rid of the BBC would be a crucial step.
Why does no-one on these interviews/shows/QT/etc never put to the lefty remainers if they would prefer the 100 Billion Euros to be paid to their beloved EU or their beloved NHS that is apparently desperate for funding?