I’ll be on holiday when you read this – in a place where I assuredly will not be watching the BBC! Anyway for those less fortunate this is where YOU detail the bias!
Radio 5 Live now, just about to have a discussion about women being groped at pop festivals.
They asked for calls
You can be sure that Emma Barnett will omit certain incidents.
…now she is busy smearing UKIP
The beeb are doing their best to play down the labour shambles this morning by focusing on ukip. Their brexit saviours the fib dems have not done well either and timmeh the twat is nowhere to be seen. There was a tory mayor announced as a winner as well but practically ignored. Bodybags burnham is up for the manchester mayor spot and you can bet if he wins that it will be rejoicing all round for the beeboids. Cardiff was held by labour and Huw Edwards this morning seemed very happy about it along with the welsh reporter.
I have a feeling another night of the long knives will be coming for jezza and the gang shortly because they and their supporters are deluding themselves that things are not at all bad judging by what mr armalite mcdonnell was saying this morning.
“Bodybags burnham is up for the manchester mayor spot………..I have a feeling another night of the long knives will be coming for jezza and the gang shortly”
If Burnham wins and Corbyn goes (although he won’t go quietly) Burnham might think he’d made the wrong choice, and that he should have stayed for another chance at the Labour leadership. Either he looses in Manchester or he’s out of the contest for Labour leader – There’ll be a smile on my face either way.
At 1049, the Tory on the election news talks about ‘Strong and Stable leadership’.
Laura Cuntsberg immediately tries to take the piss.
Bias. Guaranteed.
Poor BBC. The results for them are a disaster and it shows. UkIP were bound to lose many votes especially as the Gina Miller crowd have made their opposition to any Brexit quite plain and are going to try to unseat pro Brexit MPs and presumably any Tory ones they can. .
The voters are not stupid despite the elite’s view of us so even if you have little time for Mrs May it is better to vote for her party than risk a disaster. Those Tory MPs opposed to Brexit will toe the line in the end. They have no choice.
Grief. I’ve jut come back out of the lichen to be confronted by Abbot’s racist mug staring back at me. The rhetoric is “We did better in wales than the polls suggested”. Oh well that’s good then.
And now over to Dianne Abbott for an in-depth statistical review of the election results.
“What we are seeing is………..errrr…….what we are seeing ………..errr……..what we are seeing is that Jeremy Corbyn’s message is really getting through”
That’ll be £110,000 please.
Never before in any election I can remember have they (BBC and Sky) been so keen to interview the UKIP representative – even giving them equal airtime with their favoured parties. What do you think could be the reason for that? Hmm – maybe it’s because they can crow at them for this is the worst UKIP result for years.
Ms abbot’s skin is so thick that she has turned for the wake on albeeb election coverage today. Perhaps the £700 appearance fee albeeb pays her has something to do with it ( I sincerely hope I am wrong on that and hope it’s far less) . I bet her maths perks up when she has to work out how much her kids’ private school fees are going to be.
Albeeb seems to be using the sad ukip turn out as a pain killer to distract the awful performance of the comrades . There was some considerable remainer glee spread about by al Beeb reporters the likes of one Alex Forsyth ( degree in politics from university of Portsmouth ) .
Just waiting for al Beeb to say more people voted for labour but didn’t get the seats.
Just on an off topic cooment.
Why are the Tories so keen on elected Mayors?
These are nearly all in metropolitan Labour strongholds, where we will just get permanent one party Labour victories- like Doncaster.
I mean, even with the Tory landslide, the Birmingham mayoralty is reported to be on a knife edge even though the Tory is the presumed very competent former CEO of John Lewis.
And this is a sop to the West Lothian devolution question ??????
Nope. I just don’t get it.
Answers welcome.
It is not rationally explicable. It was a policy which George Osborne was keen on, and as he is an idiot, that may go some way to explaining it.
I find the concept of one person being given such huge power over a region quite unacceptable. I don’t agree with the idea of a London mayor, it just seems to be an attempt to copy the USA. Why should a “vibrant” and “diverse” city have to be represented by just one person?
One of the good things Mrs Thatcher did was to get rid of the metropolitan counties such as Merseyside and Greater Manchester. Now that loon Osborne has in effect restored them, but without a council, just with one gauleiter in charge. And you will note there was no referendum about this major change to local government, because they knew they would lose. Even New Labour had the decency to hold a referendum into a North East Authority, which they duly lost. Osborne learned his lesson, and there were no referendums about mayors for thse so-called “city regions”.
The fact that Osborne lost his job because of a referendum is some consolation, but we will be living with this fool’s muddled changes for many years to come, God help us.
It is very puzzling, I agree. Previously, that imbecile, Prescott, was the biggest proponent of it (which says a lot) and yet this administration is pursuing it even harder than he did and despite the public voting against it in some cases.
There was a suggestion that it was originally an EU policy designed to encourage and accelerate the Balkanisation of individual countries, which is worrying, given the remainiac tendencies in Treezer’s cabinet!
Personally. as it imposes yet another layer of hugely expensive bureaucracy, I would be against it even if it could be shown to have benefits (which I doubt it could).
That was my understanding as well GC, some kind of left over EUSSR pipedream, sure I can remember seeing a map proposing Kent falling into an administrative zone with part of mainland France. Nothing to do with effective government more a sinister plot to undermine national sovereignty and borders and rubbing the plebs noses in it. The whole idea should have been killed of with the brexit vote. Unfortunately the temptation to create yet more useless highly paid golden pension pot bureaucrats could not be resisted.
Voter turnout figures should be interesting, wonder if Gina Miller is going to start agitating about the legitamacy of Northumberlands Lib Dem ‘win’.
The reality is that the Tories can give these Mayors inadequate budgets and control over ever widening spheres, such as local NHS, and when they screw up and run out of money as they inevitably will, the Tories will shrug their shoulders and point to Labour financial incompetence.
The people who are affected will either change their votes or suffer the consequences.
Just to reinforce the point, Liverpool have elected a Labour mayor who got 60% of all the votes cast!
The Tories were next on 20%.
So errr, just what would it take for Liverpool to NOT elect a Labour mayor?
What WERE the Tories thinking of, in creating a whole set of Tamany Hall one party states?
I have to agree on the Mayors. What an utterly pointless additional level of bureaucracy that is invented for invention sake.
It’s hardly like the mayors will have cut through so that the Manchester mayor can sit with the Liverpool one and get things done is it? There are councillors, MP’s and no mayors.
In Burhams case he replaces the Police Commissioner Tony (the Fascist) Lloyd and the fire commissioner in posts currently costing £130K pa. His salary is reportedly £110K representing a £20K saving, plus there are extra duties he is taking on so maybe it is an extra layer, but other posts are at the same time being abolished.
I just hope that the ukip votes which switch to the Conservatives put a bit of pressure on the High Command to dump the obscene £ 13 billion taxpayers money on overseas aid and spend in tax cuts of English/Welsh public services.
My concern is almost the opposite – that UKIP voters switching to Treezer’s Tories will (they will claim) legitimise their ‘soft’ Brexit approach. Once they have the votes in the bag they can do what they like until they next start crawling around our ankles begging for votes. It was on that basis that I voted UKIP yesterday, ‘wasted’ vote or not.
There was no UKIP candidate on my ballot paper yesterday. The Conservative was the least worst option. It will be different next month.
Somewhere up the thread there was a comment that UKIP was a single use Panzerfaust and now that we’ve used it to blow up the EU’s tank we can throw it away. We might have blown up the tank but the crew haven’t surrendered, so now I want to machinegun them as they bail out.
Thanks GC . Fair comment. I just hope that if the conservatives do win they don’t do a break up again in the face of the awful EU again. I respect anyone who votes UKIP. I never had that choice where I live. I was always sorry, though, when people voted UKIP instead of Conservative and thereby allowed a socialist in. Can’t see that happening again. Please.
Adventures engaging with LibMob
#1 April 25 commenters saying the Green Party is “virtually invisible” on the BBC
#2 Hours later Green party guys is being interviewed by Stephen Nolan
“Green Party’s @stevenagnew launches attack”
So I simply Facebook msg link to the LibMob commenter so they can listen, along with mentions of 2 other recent BBC Green progs
So who’s the bad man ?
Well 8 days later I get a msg from someone else informing me a new slanderous discussion has been started about my HARASSMENT and how I have impeded on this woman’s person space
..That’s despite the fact that to see my message she would have to had signed the FB the FB button marked “This person is not your friend do you want to accept their message request ?”
– One key thing about LibMob is that they are tribal..so it doesn’t matter how mad one of their own is ..they will still not call them out.
So I’ve got 30 people namecalling me after reading half a story and then they closed the thread before I can comment.
– No a big problem for me cos of course I have all the screenshots, which I post .. and the woman explodes again.
You to have some time with LibMob to see their bullying behaviour happen again and again
The arsonists who call themselves firefighters.
In reporting the local election results, the BBC appears to have misplaced its dictionary of hyperbole. You know the one, they use it when reporting even the slightest setback for those they dislike ie most of the real world and ordinary people.
If Labour was currently gaining the best part of 300 seats it would be a ‘landslide’, ‘disaster for the far-right’ etc etc.
Instead we have sombre and muted tones. Please indulge me as I re-write this exercise in blandness from the BBC’s website:
‘It has been a good night for the Conservatives and a poor night for almost all the other parties. Labour lost ground, UKIP suffered heavy losses and the Lib Dems did not make the gains they had hoped for.’
It should, of course, read,
‘It has been a phenomenal night for the Conservatives and utterly disastrous for almost all the other parties. Labour is staring into the abyss, UKIP supporters voted tactically and the Lib Dems failed to pull the wool over voters’ eyes.’
It’s amazing that the Beeb can put the loss of UKIP votes to the Conservatives down to voters making a conscious tactical decision to bolster May’s hand.
However, when they choose May over Corbyn it seemingly is a completely unexplainable phenomenon. How about that the voters just think that Labour, in their current form, are utterly useless.
Either way, the Beeb are obsessed that we are moving to the right as if the country is being tipped onto it’s side but not promoting the idea that maybe the country is simply becoming more right wing. And maybe that is because of the things that the Beeb holds dear and keep trying to ‘educate’ us on are of little concern to a wiser more robust nation.
Especially when the bBBC’s very own popular vote summary, which conveniently shows the Tory/Labour gap is down to only 11 points, suggests that the UKIP votes have actually gone to the……….Lib Dems !!!!
I said at the start of the GE Campaign that I thought May was taking a chance, and that I thought she would win but not with much more of a majority than she has now.
According to the Sky expert’s extrapolation of the votes cast by constituency and projected onto the GE, the Conservatives are likely to only have a 48 majority. If something goes wrong, or Labour stage a mini-revival the lead could be cut even further. She would have put herself in a weaker position to fight the EU for our rights than if she’d not done this. She should have waited until at least the dust was settled after this election to get a clearer idea what the outcome of a GE might be.
Don’t know if its been posted before but the BBC has paid Abbot £110 000 since 2003. It might seem a lot as a headline figure, but that is 13 years which means that they have paid £8500 pa which is perhaps not as much as some may have thought.
Has anyone noticed that amid the bBBC elation at the demise of UKIP, they are doing………slightly less well than the Greens…….who are getting, shall we say, less negative coverage?
When you read stuff like this – https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/10307/europe-more-migrants
– and the EU’s intention to restore open borders again, Nigel Lawson’s approach to Brexit seems more plausible and the preferred option. He said, earlier in the week, that the UK should not negotiate with the EU but simply shut up and wait for the 2 years to elapse and then, simply walk away without paying any money in. Seems sensible to me.
Why does the Beeb think it important to put on it’s homepage an article with the headline English losing importance – Juncker?
You can just feel the shared contempt for our language dripping off the article. So the Beeb put up this inflammatory nonsense and then when someone says ‘this silly language needs to stop in the Brexit debate’ they hold their hands up as if it’s nothing to do with them.
Okay, they aren’t responsible for Juncker’s output but if you are going to report it, do try to remember that you reported it when someone arrogantly makes a blanket statement that everyone needs to be less inflammatory.
His comments are a load of BS anyway, I have noticed that English is spoken far more widely across the Channel than ever before. It’s a snide remark aimed at Britain – not very well thought through, maybe he was a bit ‘worse for wear’ again – but kids whose first language is not English are much more proficient in English nowadays thanks to the internet and they want to access the coolest sites that are usually American. Loads of young people are coming to Britain for jobs too as the youth unemployment in their own countries is so appallingly high.
Of course, the standard of the bBBC’s English is appalling on its website nowadays. I understand that the argument against insisting on good grammar and spelling is that it is discriminatory to ethnic minorities. RIP English language.
R4 4:30pm Is Crime Rising?
More or Less
+ Noel-Ann Bradshaw talking about @CitizenMaths
+ John Appleby @jappleby123
Did short piece for tomorrow’s @BBCMoreOrLess on whether £22bn NHS funding gap can be called ‘cuts
+ Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, author of “Everybody Lies”, . Interesting
I hear that the socialist/fascist government in Venezuela is using military vehicles to crush (literally crush) opponents who are rioting against it.
I am deeply puzzled. Under any other circumstances the BBC wouldn’t hesitate for a second to broadcast images of fearless young people hurling stones and Molotov cocktails at troops. The very idea seems to make BBC hacks go weak at the knees.
Can anyone suggest any reason why the Corporation might be so hesitant on this occasion?
Too busy
rubbing their hands with glee over UKIP’s demise?
working out how to spin the LibDem’s losses?
working out how to spin Labour’s disaster as a blip?
working out how to describe the Conservative’s triumph as less than expected gains?
desperately seeking dirt on Trump
race hustling
LBGTXYZ hustling
Tories scrape in in Birmingham.
Pathetic Biased BBC narrative.
Very narrow win.
Only won because UKIP voted Tory on second round preferences.
Very lucky because Lib Dem and Greens cancelled each other out.
Tories spend huge sums months ago in the area.
Narrative – cheating and lucky.
Meanwhile in Manchester. Andy Burnham, popular guy, winning well. Oh, and guess what? Labour.
Absolutely appalling pro-Labour, anti-Tory bias. Clear as the nose on your face.
Yes I saw that too. Painful bias. Think albeeb has decided Andy burnham is the next labour leader in waiting .. plus or minus a parliamentary constituency in a couple of years time.
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Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
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MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
Had to laugh this morn as Radio 4 made a lot more about UKIP doing badly than they did about Labour, clutching at straws or what?
Radio 5 Live now, just about to have a discussion about women being groped at pop festivals.
They asked for calls
You can be sure that Emma Barnett will omit certain incidents.
…now she is busy smearing UKIP
The beeb are doing their best to play down the labour shambles this morning by focusing on ukip. Their brexit saviours the fib dems have not done well either and timmeh the twat is nowhere to be seen. There was a tory mayor announced as a winner as well but practically ignored. Bodybags burnham is up for the manchester mayor spot and you can bet if he wins that it will be rejoicing all round for the beeboids. Cardiff was held by labour and Huw Edwards this morning seemed very happy about it along with the welsh reporter.
I have a feeling another night of the long knives will be coming for jezza and the gang shortly because they and their supporters are deluding themselves that things are not at all bad judging by what mr armalite mcdonnell was saying this morning.
“Bodybags burnham is up for the manchester mayor spot………..I have a feeling another night of the long knives will be coming for jezza and the gang shortly”
If Burnham wins and Corbyn goes (although he won’t go quietly) Burnham might think he’d made the wrong choice, and that he should have stayed for another chance at the Labour leadership. Either he looses in Manchester or he’s out of the contest for Labour leader – There’ll be a smile on my face either way.
At 1049, the Tory on the election news talks about ‘Strong and Stable leadership’.
Laura Cuntsberg immediately tries to take the piss.
Bias. Guaranteed.
Poor BBC. The results for them are a disaster and it shows. UkIP were bound to lose many votes especially as the Gina Miller crowd have made their opposition to any Brexit quite plain and are going to try to unseat pro Brexit MPs and presumably any Tory ones they can. .
The voters are not stupid despite the elite’s view of us so even if you have little time for Mrs May it is better to vote for her party than risk a disaster. Those Tory MPs opposed to Brexit will toe the line in the end. They have no choice.
Grief. I’ve jut come back out of the lichen to be confronted by Abbot’s racist mug staring back at me. The rhetoric is “We did better in wales than the polls suggested”. Oh well that’s good then.
And now over to Dianne Abbott for an in-depth statistical review of the election results.
“What we are seeing is………..errrr…….what we are seeing ………..errr……..what we are seeing is that Jeremy Corbyn’s message is really getting through”
That’ll be £110,000 please.
Sorry Dave666, think we overlapped.
Indeed. 🙂
Never before in any election I can remember have they (BBC and Sky) been so keen to interview the UKIP representative – even giving them equal airtime with their favoured parties. What do you think could be the reason for that? Hmm – maybe it’s because they can crow at them for this is the worst UKIP result for years.
Very funny !
Ms abbot’s skin is so thick that she has turned for the wake on albeeb election coverage today. Perhaps the £700 appearance fee albeeb pays her has something to do with it ( I sincerely hope I am wrong on that and hope it’s far less) . I bet her maths perks up when she has to work out how much her kids’ private school fees are going to be.
Albeeb seems to be using the sad ukip turn out as a pain killer to distract the awful performance of the comrades . There was some considerable remainer glee spread about by al Beeb reporters the likes of one Alex Forsyth ( degree in politics from university of Portsmouth ) .
Just waiting for al Beeb to say more people voted for labour but didn’t get the seats.
Just on an off topic cooment.
Why are the Tories so keen on elected Mayors?
These are nearly all in metropolitan Labour strongholds, where we will just get permanent one party Labour victories- like Doncaster.
I mean, even with the Tory landslide, the Birmingham mayoralty is reported to be on a knife edge even though the Tory is the presumed very competent former CEO of John Lewis.
And this is a sop to the West Lothian devolution question ??????
Nope. I just don’t get it.
Answers welcome.
It is not rationally explicable. It was a policy which George Osborne was keen on, and as he is an idiot, that may go some way to explaining it.
I find the concept of one person being given such huge power over a region quite unacceptable. I don’t agree with the idea of a London mayor, it just seems to be an attempt to copy the USA. Why should a “vibrant” and “diverse” city have to be represented by just one person?
One of the good things Mrs Thatcher did was to get rid of the metropolitan counties such as Merseyside and Greater Manchester. Now that loon Osborne has in effect restored them, but without a council, just with one gauleiter in charge. And you will note there was no referendum about this major change to local government, because they knew they would lose. Even New Labour had the decency to hold a referendum into a North East Authority, which they duly lost. Osborne learned his lesson, and there were no referendums about mayors for thse so-called “city regions”.
The fact that Osborne lost his job because of a referendum is some consolation, but we will be living with this fool’s muddled changes for many years to come, God help us.
It is very puzzling, I agree. Previously, that imbecile, Prescott, was the biggest proponent of it (which says a lot) and yet this administration is pursuing it even harder than he did and despite the public voting against it in some cases.
There was a suggestion that it was originally an EU policy designed to encourage and accelerate the Balkanisation of individual countries, which is worrying, given the remainiac tendencies in Treezer’s cabinet!
Personally. as it imposes yet another layer of hugely expensive bureaucracy, I would be against it even if it could be shown to have benefits (which I doubt it could).
That was my understanding as well GC, some kind of left over EUSSR pipedream, sure I can remember seeing a map proposing Kent falling into an administrative zone with part of mainland France. Nothing to do with effective government more a sinister plot to undermine national sovereignty and borders and rubbing the plebs noses in it. The whole idea should have been killed of with the brexit vote. Unfortunately the temptation to create yet more useless highly paid golden pension pot bureaucrats could not be resisted.
Voter turnout figures should be interesting, wonder if Gina Miller is going to start agitating about the legitamacy of Northumberlands Lib Dem ‘win’.
The reality is that the Tories can give these Mayors inadequate budgets and control over ever widening spheres, such as local NHS, and when they screw up and run out of money as they inevitably will, the Tories will shrug their shoulders and point to Labour financial incompetence.
The people who are affected will either change their votes or suffer the consequences.
Just to reinforce the point, Liverpool have elected a Labour mayor who got 60% of all the votes cast!
The Tories were next on 20%.
So errr, just what would it take for Liverpool to NOT elect a Labour mayor?
What WERE the Tories thinking of, in creating a whole set of Tamany Hall one party states?
And now Andy Burnham has got himself a nice little job for life as Labour mayor in Manchester.
Nice work if you can get it.
I have to agree on the Mayors. What an utterly pointless additional level of bureaucracy that is invented for invention sake.
It’s hardly like the mayors will have cut through so that the Manchester mayor can sit with the Liverpool one and get things done is it? There are councillors, MP’s and no mayors.
In Burhams case he replaces the Police Commissioner Tony (the Fascist) Lloyd and the fire commissioner in posts currently costing £130K pa. His salary is reportedly £110K representing a £20K saving, plus there are extra duties he is taking on so maybe it is an extra layer, but other posts are at the same time being abolished.
Has someone switched off the BBC? My screen has gone blank.
Oh wait. Dianne Flabbott is on (YET AGAIN) and she is wearing a black cardi and dress.
and a face like thunder and she still cannot accept whats happening. Still standing by her man jezza like a lovesick puppy.
Sluff – I take it that you have an extra-wide screen television.
I just hope that the ukip votes which switch to the Conservatives put a bit of pressure on the High Command to dump the obscene £ 13 billion taxpayers money on overseas aid and spend in tax cuts of English/Welsh public services.
My concern is almost the opposite – that UKIP voters switching to Treezer’s Tories will (they will claim) legitimise their ‘soft’ Brexit approach. Once they have the votes in the bag they can do what they like until they next start crawling around our ankles begging for votes. It was on that basis that I voted UKIP yesterday, ‘wasted’ vote or not.
There was no UKIP candidate on my ballot paper yesterday. The Conservative was the least worst option. It will be different next month.
Somewhere up the thread there was a comment that UKIP was a single use Panzerfaust and now that we’ve used it to blow up the EU’s tank we can throw it away. We might have blown up the tank but the crew haven’t surrendered, so now I want to machinegun them as they bail out.
Apologies to anyone here who was a tankie.
Ditto, no UKIP candidate here.
Thanks GC . Fair comment. I just hope that if the conservatives do win they don’t do a break up again in the face of the awful EU again. I respect anyone who votes UKIP. I never had that choice where I live. I was always sorry, though, when people voted UKIP instead of Conservative and thereby allowed a socialist in. Can’t see that happening again. Please.
Adventures engaging with LibMob
#1 April 25 commenters saying the Green Party is “virtually invisible” on the BBC
#2 Hours later Green party guys is being interviewed by Stephen Nolan
“Green Party’s @stevenagnew launches attack”
So I simply Facebook msg link to the LibMob commenter so they can listen, along with mentions of 2 other recent BBC Green progs
So who’s the bad man ?
Well 8 days later I get a msg from someone else informing me a new slanderous discussion has been started about my HARASSMENT and how I have impeded on this woman’s person space
..That’s despite the fact that to see my message she would have to had signed the FB the FB button marked “This person is not your friend do you want to accept their message request ?”
– One key thing about LibMob is that they are tribal..so it doesn’t matter how mad one of their own is ..they will still not call them out.
So I’ve got 30 people namecalling me after reading half a story and then they closed the thread before I can comment.
– No a big problem for me cos of course I have all the screenshots, which I post .. and the woman explodes again.
You to have some time with LibMob to see their bullying behaviour happen again and again
The arsonists who call themselves firefighters.
In reporting the local election results, the BBC appears to have misplaced its dictionary of hyperbole. You know the one, they use it when reporting even the slightest setback for those they dislike ie most of the real world and ordinary people.
If Labour was currently gaining the best part of 300 seats it would be a ‘landslide’, ‘disaster for the far-right’ etc etc.
Instead we have sombre and muted tones. Please indulge me as I re-write this exercise in blandness from the BBC’s website:
‘It has been a good night for the Conservatives and a poor night for almost all the other parties. Labour lost ground, UKIP suffered heavy losses and the Lib Dems did not make the gains they had hoped for.’
It should, of course, read,
‘It has been a phenomenal night for the Conservatives and utterly disastrous for almost all the other parties. Labour is staring into the abyss, UKIP supporters voted tactically and the Lib Dems failed to pull the wool over voters’ eyes.’
There, fixed it for them.
It’s amazing that the Beeb can put the loss of UKIP votes to the Conservatives down to voters making a conscious tactical decision to bolster May’s hand.
However, when they choose May over Corbyn it seemingly is a completely unexplainable phenomenon. How about that the voters just think that Labour, in their current form, are utterly useless.
Either way, the Beeb are obsessed that we are moving to the right as if the country is being tipped onto it’s side but not promoting the idea that maybe the country is simply becoming more right wing. And maybe that is because of the things that the Beeb holds dear and keep trying to ‘educate’ us on are of little concern to a wiser more robust nation.
Especially when the bBBC’s very own popular vote summary, which conveniently shows the Tory/Labour gap is down to only 11 points, suggests that the UKIP votes have actually gone to the……….Lib Dems !!!!
I said at the start of the GE Campaign that I thought May was taking a chance, and that I thought she would win but not with much more of a majority than she has now.
According to the Sky expert’s extrapolation of the votes cast by constituency and projected onto the GE, the Conservatives are likely to only have a 48 majority. If something goes wrong, or Labour stage a mini-revival the lead could be cut even further. She would have put herself in a weaker position to fight the EU for our rights than if she’d not done this. She should have waited until at least the dust was settled after this election to get a clearer idea what the outcome of a GE might be.
Don’t know if its been posted before but the BBC has paid Abbot £110 000 since 2003. It might seem a lot as a headline figure, but that is 13 years which means that they have paid £8500 pa which is perhaps not as much as some may have thought.
I should think it’s a lot more than that if they’ve supplied the KFC buckets as well.
Has anyone noticed that amid the bBBC elation at the demise of UKIP, they are doing………slightly less well than the Greens…….who are getting, shall we say, less negative coverage?
Do you think the BBC chose tonight’s R4 Any Questions panellists with planned cunning ?
– Nigel Farage,
, Emily Thornberry
Sarah Olney
Stuart Andrew,
When you read stuff like this – https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/10307/europe-more-migrants
– and the EU’s intention to restore open borders again, Nigel Lawson’s approach to Brexit seems more plausible and the preferred option. He said, earlier in the week, that the UK should not negotiate with the EU but simply shut up and wait for the 2 years to elapse and then, simply walk away without paying any money in. Seems sensible to me.
Why does the Beeb think it important to put on it’s homepage an article with the headline English losing importance – Juncker?
You can just feel the shared contempt for our language dripping off the article. So the Beeb put up this inflammatory nonsense and then when someone says ‘this silly language needs to stop in the Brexit debate’ they hold their hands up as if it’s nothing to do with them.
Okay, they aren’t responsible for Juncker’s output but if you are going to report it, do try to remember that you reported it when someone arrogantly makes a blanket statement that everyone needs to be less inflammatory.
His comments are a load of BS anyway, I have noticed that English is spoken far more widely across the Channel than ever before. It’s a snide remark aimed at Britain – not very well thought through, maybe he was a bit ‘worse for wear’ again – but kids whose first language is not English are much more proficient in English nowadays thanks to the internet and they want to access the coolest sites that are usually American. Loads of young people are coming to Britain for jobs too as the youth unemployment in their own countries is so appallingly high.
Of course, the standard of the bBBC’s English is appalling on its website nowadays. I understand that the argument against insisting on good grammar and spelling is that it is discriminatory to ethnic minorities. RIP English language.
R4 4:30pm Is Crime Rising?
More or Less
+ Noel-Ann Bradshaw talking about @CitizenMaths
+ John Appleby @jappleby123
Did short piece for tomorrow’s @BBCMoreOrLess on whether £22bn NHS funding gap can be called ‘cuts
+ Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, author of “Everybody Lies”, . Interesting
” Dodgy stats on ‘The truth about stress’
BBC2 scores of 5780 vs 5650.
I am confident(pun intended) 130 diff isn’t stat significant”
MoL & Tim Harfod continue their decline.
Maybe he has a new hippie girlfriend to please.
I hear that the socialist/fascist government in Venezuela is using military vehicles to crush (literally crush) opponents who are rioting against it.
I am deeply puzzled. Under any other circumstances the BBC wouldn’t hesitate for a second to broadcast images of fearless young people hurling stones and Molotov cocktails at troops. The very idea seems to make BBC hacks go weak at the knees.
Can anyone suggest any reason why the Corporation might be so hesitant on this occasion?
Too busy
rubbing their hands with glee over UKIP’s demise?
working out how to spin the LibDem’s losses?
working out how to spin Labour’s disaster as a blip?
working out how to describe the Conservative’s triumph as less than expected gains?
desperately seeking dirt on Trump
race hustling
LBGTXYZ hustling
Tories scrape in in Birmingham.
Pathetic Biased BBC narrative.
Very narrow win.
Only won because UKIP voted Tory on second round preferences.
Very lucky because Lib Dem and Greens cancelled each other out.
Tories spend huge sums months ago in the area.
Narrative – cheating and lucky.
Meanwhile in Manchester. Andy Burnham, popular guy, winning well. Oh, and guess what? Labour.
Absolutely appalling pro-Labour, anti-Tory bias. Clear as the nose on your face.
It really is as if the BBC has entirely given up even pretending they are unbiased, isn’t it?
Labour, utterly decimated, has a ‘set back’ while UKIP, whose voters voted tactically, has been annihilated.
Yes I saw that too. Painful bias. Think albeeb has decided Andy burnham is the next labour leader in waiting .. plus or minus a parliamentary constituency in a couple of years time.
oops I did it again!
Diane Abbott suffered more cringeworthy confusion over figures today as she claimed Labour had only lost 50 council seats.
Leave Diane alone Thoughtful. She’s the ideal role model …..for labour candidates