The BBC has gone all tabloid and been slagging off the royal family, as usual, all the while pretending it’s great art.
A play about the royal family in crisis and a constitutional problem. And all in the best possible taste.
The Spectator’s take on the play on the stage?…….Charles III is made for numbskulls by numbskulls.
Written in Shakespearean verse but brought right up to date as the BBC has now replaced Harry’s white girlfriend with a black one….oh, and of course it’s the ‘orrible Press that’s looking to ‘attack’ the Royals...and not the honourable, respectable, BBC…
Meanwhile, an unhappy and frustrated Prince Harry starts a relationship with a ‘commoner’, just at the moment that the press is looking for a way to attack.
Here’s the BBC’s original casting in 2015…
The new ethnically diverse one…
The play reopens the question of who Prince Harry’s father is…
‘Is Charles really your dad?’ BBC is accused of inflicting ‘deliberate pain’ with ‘salacious’ paternity slur against Prince Harry in controversial TV show
His girlfriend asks him: ‘Is Charles really your dad? Or was it the other one?’
Noticing his ‘very ginger’ hair, she adds: ‘Cos if Hewlitt [sic] was your dad instead, you would be out the family.’
The fictional Harry remains silent, while one of his friends corrects Jess on the name, pointing out that it is Hewitt.
…..and brings on a ghost of Princess Diana…despite one of the actors admitting that…
For Charles or William or Harry it would be agonising to watch. That upsets me. But I don’t think we’ve done anything unreasonable or cruel.’
So ‘agonising’ but not ‘unreasonable or cruel’?
Curious timing as only a couple of weeks ago the BBC was headling, and indeed working with the Royals, on mental health issues…in particular about Harry’s mental issues surrounding his mother’s death…
Prince Harry ‘in total chaos’ over mother Diana’s death
Prince Harry has revealed he sought counselling after spending nearly 20 years “not thinking” about the death of his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales.
In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, he said it was not until his late 20s that he processed the grief – after two years of “total chaos” and coming close to a “complete breakdown”.
“I have probably been very close to a complete breakdown on numerous occasions when all sorts of grief and all sorts of lies and misconceptions and everything are coming to you from every angle.”
Perfect timing then for the BBC to broadcast this play now…presumably good therapy for little ‘arry.
The BBC’s helicopter doorstepping and salacious intrusion into Cliff Richard’s life also illustrates how the evermore tabloid BBC is dropping into the gutter in the search for sensation and easy headlines…but it is complaining vociferously about the bill as Cliff surrounds himself with the best legal brains money can buy….and it ain’t cheap….the BBC doesn’t like it one bit…though they weren’t so shy about spending hundreds of thousands to keep the Balen Report out of the public eye [does BBC news kill Jews?]…
BBC attacks Sir Cliff Richard’s ‘grossly unreasonable’ spending on lawyers in his fight for damages against them
BBC bosses say Sir Cliff Richard has spent “grossly unreasonable” amounts on lawyers after complaining about reports naming him as a suspected sex offender and taking legal action.
They say figures show the singer has already run up legal costs of more than £800,000 which are “on any view … disproportionate”.
Lawyers representing the BBC made the criticism as a judge analysed the latest stage of the dispute at a High Court hearing in London on Thursday.
If Sir Cliff’s claim succeeds, and he wins damages, the BBC could be ordered to pick up all his lawyers’ bills.
The BBC peddling fake and scandalous, not to mention extremely ‘agonising’, tales about a living Royal and does the same for the music world’s ‘royalty’…whatever next, the BBC making up an entirely ficticious claim that a Lord was a child abuser? Oh…they’ve already been there and done that.
The BBC. The Gold Standard. My arse.
The BBC complaining about grossly unreasonable legal representation, as magistrates’ courts the length of the land bend over to the BBC prosecution sausage machine?
Nice one.
“If Sir Cliff’s claim succeeds, and he wins damages, the BBC could be ordered to pick up all his lawyers’ bills.”
You mean suckers like me who still pay this offensive bunch of semi-literate politicians to watch their spiteful bile.
No – GuestWho means “suckers like me who still pay this offensive bunch of semi-literate” [expletive deleted] whether we watch their rubbish or not.
Someone should remind them that the penalty for lèse-majesté was only changed from death to a maximum of imprisonment for life under the Crime And Disorder Act 1998 despite the death penalty for murder being abolished in 1965.
I stand corrected.
If, and not wishing to rub this in, about £150pa better off than some.
Clarification, re-working and re-enactment of the various Treason Acts – with Draconian sentences imposed upon individuals AND corporate bodies – would seem to be in order.
This FOI request from 2012 gives some background to the various Acts.
I’ve just almost wet myself watching that Kenny Everett clip!
They don’t make ’em like that anymore, do they?
If I were you would watch out using the expression: “making them anymore”
The transgender benders will be outraged by your comment because they consider their genders are not “made” but born like that!
The Royal Family was an institution greatly admired . We must be modern about these things though .
So how about a play about another institution ; the BBC ?
Showing how it got took over by Gramscians , who wanted Social Justice about everything , except favoured folk like celebs ( Geldof , Lily Allen , Eddie Izzard , Grayson Perry , Russel Brand etc ) , Marxist professors , social justice warriors , UAF , EUro politicians and bureaucrats , public sector managers , senior civil servants , various pressure groups , modern art dreamers , Guardian people , rich people who virtue signal , Bilderburgers and Common Purpose , right on religious luminaries and of course themselves .
The working class can go to hell , it don’t vote right . ( Actually it does , because voting left isn’t the same as what it was ) .
As its a play about the BBC , don’t forget to put as much hectoring against perceived injustices , offensive language , tirades against old people , a good wise minority person and ” edgeiness” in .
And pay the telly tax , you ungrateful proles .
As for lawyer fees there is the reputed £330,000 BBC bill to prevent you and me reading the Balen Report!
Not to mention those Hugs racked up on 28Gate, and every BBC twat with something to hide making an FOI go away.
The BBC have an article today about “fighting for gender equality” in surfing. They think that the more forced oppression narratives they can concoct out of nothing, that this will somehow be a substitute for their total refusal to tackle actual threats to women from the Islamic community. They can’t blame that on white men, so they ignore it or try to excuse it.
If we truly wish for equality and fairness, we should start by forcing the BBC to represent the vast majority of Brits who aren’t self-loathing, cultural Marxist, moral relativist nihilists.