Trump would win again if another election was held now, not only would he win the Electoral College vote, he’d win the popular vote as well…so reveals the Democrat supporting Washington Post, way, way, down their article...
Asked how they would vote if the election were held today, 43 percent say they would support Trump and 40 percent say Clinton.
A figure you didn’t hear bandied about on the BBC as it marshalled the anti-Trump voices to tell us how terrible Trump’s first 100 days in Office were.
The BBC was quick however to report the EU’s alarmist black propaganda that we’d have to pay them a punishing reparation charge of anything up to €100 billion….figures all first fed into the Public consciousness by the pro-EU FT. Oddly I see no BBC mention of today’s Telegraph report that the EU has admitted it has absolutely no legal basis for making such demands…
€100bn Brexit bill is ‘legally impossible’ to enforce, European Commission’s own lawyers admit
The Telegraph has seen minutes of internal deliberations circulated by Brussels’ own Brexit negotiating team which had warned against pursuing the UK for extra payments.
But member states appear to have ignored the Commission’s own advice by demanding €100bn from the Government – a sharp hike in the original demand of €60bn.
On the FT…have a look at this clip of the FT’s editor, Lionel ‘The vote must be “Remain”’ Barber, called ‘smug’ in the video title but I prefer ‘lizard-like’, denying his paper was in any way partisan in the Brexit debate…claiming he flew no flag for any side…which is a complete lie…
Here’s the FT ‘flying that flag’ during the referendum…
Britain should vote to stay in the EU
A vote to withdraw would be irrevocable, a grievous blow to the post-1945 liberal world order.
The referendum campaign is a contest between competing values: between liberal internationalism and a pinched nationalism, between an open-trading system and marginalisation.
The Leave camp has been superficially patriotic, at heart mendacious.
Membership of the EU and, crucially, the single European market, entails some transfer of sovereignty in return for an actual gain in power as part of a greater whole. The rewards are indisputable.
Leave has failed to spell out the serious risks of life outside the EU. [Hmmm…but Remain did that for them as did the BBC, but Remain didn’t spell out the serious risks of staying in the EU…the BBC failed to provide that information as well…an extremely serious omission one might think for the BBC.]
In a multi-speed, multi-tiered EU, the [threat of a] European superstate is a chimera.
In 1975, when a Labour government called for a referendum on British membership of the European Economic Community, the FT rejected the notion of Britain as “a tight little island, seeking refuge in a siege economy, opting out of the main stream of world politics”. The sentiment remains resonant today. This is no time to revert to Little England. We are Great Britain. We have a contribution to make to a more prosperous, safer world.
The vote must be “Remain”.
The FT ran headline after headline pumping out pro-EU propaganda…it was infamous for doing so.
And as for a Brexit ‘bill’…let’s charge the EU for all the wars, the blood, the lives, we’ve spent saving their backsides and their precious liberté, their demicracies, their lives. We saw off all those others who were enthusiastically working towards a European union…Napoleon, the Kaiser and Hitler…not to mention the Soviet Union. And where’s the thanks? Bill ’em. The EU only exists because we paid in blood and guts to keep Europe free from dictators…only to find one on our doorstep trying to punish us for leaving their clutches…it seems the ‘Iron Curtain’ still exists. We’d all be speaking German now if it wasn’t for the Brits…Drunckers would no doubt delight in that.
Get out whilst you can…
The European Union may qualify for one hundred billion euro from our foreign aid bill, due to mass immigration turning the EU into a third world area. But that’s Tory policy, not UKIP policy.
Foreign aid should be limited to those Commonwealth Realms that need it, which may be none of them?