‘One hundred rusty, dilapidated boats leave India crammed with starving would-be immigrants. Indians, like so many other third-world citizens, are desperate and bitter about their lives. The first worlders know the boats are en route to France, yet they make little effort to prevent the ships from landing.
The liberal press, churches and students have helped instill a sense of guilt. The people don’t have the will to defend and preserve their culture. Many French try to flee to Switzerland. Leaders of first-world countries watch the progress of the rickety boats and cannot muster the political will to prevent invasions. The new politically correct statement is ‘We are all from the Ganges now.’ The success of the Indian boats encourages millions of Third Worlders to take over other Western nations.’
The below is from the book ‘The Camp of Saints’……a book published in 1973…’The mainstream liberal press condemned Jean Raspail’s book as racist, a tirade and preposterous’…but turns out it was prophecy…he captures exactly the liberal BBC mindset……guilty at being white and successful and wishing desperately to be black and for ‘white’, Western culture to be destroyed and replaced….
Noiselessly, the young man had come up the five little steps from the road and onto the terrace. Feet bare, hair long and dirty, flowered tunic, Hindu collar, Afghan vest.“I’ve just been down there [the beach],” he said. “Fantastic! I’ve been waiting five years for something like this!”“Are you alone?”“So far. Except for the ones who were already here. But there’s lots more on the way. They’re all coming down. And walking, too. All the pigs are pulling out and heading north! I didn’t see a single car in this direction! Man, they’re going to be bushed, but this is too good to miss. Going to smoke, and shoot dope, and walk all the way. Make it down here on their feet, not on their butts.”“Did you get a close look down there?”“Real close. Only not for long. I got smashed a couple of times. Some soldier, with his gun. Like I was trash. But I saw a bunch of other soldiers crying. It’s great! I’m telling you, tomorrow this country’s going to be something else. You won’t know it. It’s going to be born all over.”“Did you see the people on the boats?”“You bet I did!”“And you think you’re anything like them? Look, your skin is white. You’re a Christian, I imagine. You speak our language, you have our accent. You probably even have family hereabouts, don’t you?”“So what! My real family’s all the people coming off those boats. Here I am with a million of my brothers, and sisters, and fathers, and mothers. And wives if I want them. I’ll sleep with the first one that lets me, and I’ll give her a baby. A nice dark baby. And after a while I’ll melt into the crowd.”“Yes, you’ll disappear. You’ll be lost in that mass. They won’t even know you exist.”“Good! That’s just what I’m after. I’m sick of being a tool of the middle class, and I’m sick of making tools of people just like me, if that’s what you mean by existing. My parents took off this morning. And my two sisters with them. Afraid of getting raped, all of a sudden. They went and dressed up like everyone else. These real square clothes, I mean. Things they haven’t put on in years, like neat little skirts, and blouses with buttons. So scared, you wouldn’t know them. Well, they won’t get away. Nobody’s going to get away. Let them try to save their ass. They’re finished, all of them.“
The Left hate this book and accuse anyone who quotes from it of being racist…such as Steve Bannon…
“[This book is] racist in the literal sense of the term. It uses race as the main characterization of characters,” said Cécile Alduy, professor of French at Stanford University and an expert on the contemporary French far right. “It describes the takeover of Europe by waves of immigrants that wash ashore like the plague.”
I’m guessing it will never, ever, in a month of Sundays, make it onto the BBC’s Book of the Week list…nor I suspect will Douglas Murray’s latest effort, which is pretty much a similar narrative to The Camp of Saints.
First though let’s remind ourselves of what the Left used to say….before they got all ethnic…..Bertrand Russell…
The white population of the world will soon cease to increase. The Asiatic races will be longer, and the negroes still longer, before their birth rate falls sufficiently to make their numbers stable without help of war and pestilence…. Until that happens, the benefits aimed at by socialism can only be partially realized, and the less prolific races will have to defend themselves against the more prolific by methods which are disgusting even if they are necessary. ––The Prospects of Individual Civilization, 1923
The Socialists of course aren’t at all racist…well they may have killed 6 million Jews in Europe and God knows how many Stalin killed or exiled…but no, not racist, today’s Labour Party is most definitely not anti-Semitic, however if you don’t believe in the divine ideology of Socialism your future was always somewhat less than you might have desired.
Douglas Murray’s new book, The Strange Death of Europe, looks at immigration, identity and Islam…Rod Liddle says it is ‘a brilliant, important and profoundly depressing book’ and recognises that Murray will be ‘vilified for it by the liberals who have created the appalling mess he describes.’
The thesis of the book…that Europe is committing suicide…effectively legislating its civilisation, its enlightened values, into extinction….through mass immigration of millions of people especially from the Islamic world who very definitely do not hold to our values and beliefs.
Raise a voice against this and you will be labelled racist and a scaremongerer….we are comprehensively lied to, in the age of post truth media and politicians, about the effects of this immigration…..the BBC being the very powerful and influential vehicle of choice to disseminate not only the pro-immigration propaganda but also the hate and demonisation of any who dare to speak out.
Murray tells us that Europe has little desire to reproduce itself, fight for itself or even take its own side in an argument…as it wrestles with mass immigration and loses faith in its traditions and beliefs, its civilisation faces collapse.
It’s a curious thing but the people who actually stand up to defend the values of an enlightened Europe, an enlightened world, are those the liberals vilify the most….Trump, Farage, Le Pen, anyone who wishes to see Western values maintained and supported.
Listen to Marr on Start the Week and we get a torrent of liberal tears as Marr conducts what sounds like a Trump trauma therapy group for liberals who don’t get Democracy…all like-minded lefty luvvies serving up anti-Trump, anti-Farage, anti-Brexit voter hatred….Marr is quite unconcerned at the animosity and demonisation of anyone who doesn’t fit the approved liberal mould…he goes along with it himself in fact….and all the while they are rubbing themselves down with copies of the Guardian trumpeting the victory of Macron over Le Pen…deep joy, bliss!!!
Marr tells us in the introduction that we are living in wild times [Really? What he means is a time when the liberals aren’t in charge] and that he will be looking at the role of the Trickster in society….which, he tells us, sounds up to date and familiar…what can he mean? Who does he mean? Such lazy, bigoted trash from a supposedly intellectual, impartial and serious programme.
Apparently Farage is one of those ‘tricksters’, like Iago in Othello, he’s terrifyingly stupid, the ‘amoral’ Trump, of course, is another…and the voters who follow in their wake are destructive and violent, ignorant, uneducated, unintelligent victims of the politics of bitterness, the politics of hatred….conned into being terrified of ‘the other’, of ‘the outsider’. Le Pen and her fascism needs the immigrant, the black, the Muslim as the enemy. Hmmm….in fact it is the Left who need Le Pen in order to justify their own violence [the actual violence farmed out to their proxies like the UAF whilst they themselves limit it to angry articles in the Guardian or on radio shows from the compliant and complicit BBC] used to maintain their grip on power.
A similar tone was taken on the Today show on Thursday (2 hrs 54 mins) when we had Humphrys asking Is liberalism really in trouble or is a shakeup badly needed? His voices of intelligence and reason were…Ed Luce, the author of the Retreat of Western Liberalism and Pankaj Mishra, the author of The Age of Anger.
One of the culprits of these ‘wild times’ (©RedAndy) causing the liberals so much angst is globalisation…however does it even exist? Apparently not…Luce (pronounced Loose…as in fast and loose wth the facts) tells us it’s a right-wing invention…..
‘I’d like to disassociate myself from the word globalism. This is something popularised by Steve Bannon, Trumps chief strategist, and perhaps the largest enabler of the alt-right in the recent election campaign. Bannon has got a nasty white nationalist streak to him and globalism is his word for internationalism and there’s an association there of Jewish conspiracy and all kinds of nasty crank world views.’
Humphrys raised absolutely no objection to any of that.
Yep…Bannon the anti-Semite…
With @SteveBannon in the White House on #israelindependenceday. Steve is a great, stalwart friend of the Jewish State pic.twitter.com/PFxSCK7blc
— Rabbi Shmuley (@RabbiShmuley) May 2, 2017
The BBC is peddling hate and the demonisation of ‘the Right’…..not just fake news but dangerous narratives that are designed to vilify and publicly abuse anyone who doesn’t conform to the Liberal mindset…not just the powerful politicians but the man in the street who votes for them…all condemned and maligned as racists, fascists and anti-Semites..by the impartial BBC.
Funny enough I came to the same conclusion by reading The Mote in Gods Eye”
But at least in this story the threat to humanity from an Alien race which whilst promoting itself as peaceful is actually one which breeds likes rats is blockaded by Humans from leaving the mother planet.
There seems to be a correlation between the Anthrax scare story and this interesting one. The deadly and dormant bacteria and viruses have already been released. It seems CBB staff are the only species prone to infection. To date these infections are very toxic but not yet deadly. W1A and M50 ‘You’re finished, all of you’. We can but hope.