Just why was Kuenssberg so insistent that Corbyn say if he would dump Brexit if he didn’t get what he wanted in negotiations as PM?…and is the camera set up deliberately to get ‘Vote Labour 8 June’ deliberately in frame?
‘This is a very important point to make for lots of people. As you say, we don’t know what will happen in the negotiations…. if you are PM can you categorically say we would definitely leave because if you won’t there is a chink of a possibility that things might change and we might end up looking differently about our options.’
Vote Labour, get Remain? Corbyn refuses to say if he would take UK out of EU as Prime Minister. https://t.co/A3uePVoyZe
— Westmonster (@WestmonsterUK) May 9, 2017
Ah, here we go…Kuenssberg admits her line of questioning was all about getting Corbyn to say he’d leave…and this matters….because public opinion might change…Kuenssberg is trying to legitimise a second referendum and a Brexit backtrack…..and encourage people to think Labour might betray the Brexit vote…so ‘Vote Labour’ and you might get Remian!……
If the proposed EU side of the bargain is draconian, or, in this volatile world, the facts and public opinion have changed significantly, why on earth would any political party want to tie itself to a firm position either way…..even reluctance and hesitancy count – because in this election, particularly over Brexit, every word and every move will matter.
Kuenssbergs whole line of questioning was set up to suggest Brexit is not settled and can be reversed…so vote Labour…a double whammy there for the BBC…get rid of Brexit and get the BBC’s preferred choice of Party into Office.
By repeatedly asking the same question (6 times in 3 mins 40 secs) in the insistent way she was doing was showing her prejudices and bias. She should not be working for the BBC if she can’t show the slightest sign of objectivity nor even-handedness.
I also noticed, the way the interview was set up, that there was an oversized “Vote Labour June 8th” message dominating the right-hand side of the shot at all times. That’s not subliminal messaging, that’s BBC electioneering. I bet any Conservative message, if they actually interview any Conservatives, will not be displayed so prominently. If one is present behind an interviewee it will be very small and probably pixelated or fuzzed out.
The BBC should be reprimanded for allowing her to try to influence the voting pattern. Dispicable.
Whether you like him or loathe him Corbyn was doing what all professional politicians do -he has probably scented that most people are pissed off with the endless stream of bile, threats and loaded rhetoric from Europe and he is trying to keep his options open as long as possible.
Even forgetting the way the whole shot was set up highlighting the “vote Labour” logo. I think this whole Interview says more about the supreme arrogance of the BBC (and in particular the dreadful Kuenss-borg than it says about Corbyn).
In effect the boys and girls (or should it be the Ze, Ne or Xes) Who work at the collective have obviously decided what Labours policy on brexit should be, and will continue to berate Corbyn until he gives in and accepts their “suggestions” as the greater wisdom. Obviously a winner!
There is holding a politician to account for their opinions and actually trying to force a political party to change its policies and direction to conform with what the supposedly “independent national treasure” state broadcaster thinks it should be doing. At least to give Corbyn his due, he kept his composure and did not play Keunss-borgs game.
I dont know whether Laura when she went to University was some sort of student union official, or whether at school she was voted the “most popular” girl. But clearly the potential ability to be well known and influence peoples opinions has clearly gone to her head (as it has the BBC).
However unless (in the unlikely event) someone at Broadcasting House finally has one independent thought and fits this particular scold with her very own bridle – I think those of you with tellies will have much more of this shit to come.
Yet again the BBC blurs the line between reporting and policy formulation. Maybe someone needs to tell Laura – “Shut the F###K up because at the end of the day dear, I dont believe you have stood for parliament yet”
‘Whatever the deal on the table we will be leaving the EU?’.
‘No matter how badly they ( talks ) go we would be leaving the EU?’
‘We would leave come hell or high water whatever the deal?’
‘But you won’t say that potentially we might stay ( in the EU )?’
‘People want to know we will leave whatever happens?’
Err, has no one told the obnoxious trivial minded woman article 50 has been signed and ‘WE ARE LEAVING’ ?
Is this the level of journalism we now have to put up with? This is on a par with her questioning Pres Trump at his press conference, and shouting at the top of her voice to T May outside number 10 saying ‘ How many more times are you going to change your mind before the election’? She is both cringe worthy and rabid in nature, a nasty woman indeed.
The BBC likes, and gets to ask a lot of questions, more often than not simply statements.
Interestingly, indeed to a unique level, if questions are asked of the BBC, they can and do retreat behind a ‘purposes of’ exemption.
This seems less than helpful in a supposedly transparent state broadcaster one needs to trust.
Or, indeed, don’t vote NuNuNuLab or LibDum and get Timid’s Green equally potty mates and an effective opposition.
Little Timid Farron on Toady at 8.20 this morning being allowed by HusseinMontague (I can’t tell them apart nowadays) to spout his party political propaganda without ANY interruption from said host. She barely got a word in, proving that Al Beeb only interrupt Tory interviewees.
I thought this might actually have backfired. Not sure what Ms K’s motives were, but we are left with someone who appears not committed to Brexit, which I would have thought was electorally more damaging at the moment.
BBC schedules being cleared as we speak…
Again. Hope their shadow health nut is another slick lady operator.
They may be clueless about saving the NHS ( whatever that actually means.. more beds for immigrants perhaps ) but one thing is for sure, there is absolutely zero time to save the BBC it is too late.
Abolish it.