‘Why then does it not publish its training manual for moderators so that the world could see where it draws the line? There are community guidelines available to read on Facebook but the company fears that if it gives away too much detail on its rules, that will act as a guide to those trying to game the system.
Overheard snippets of Radio 5 Live earlier. They were interviewing what sounded like a sensible Northern bloke who’d been involved in the Manchester enrichment. He told of going to meet his daughter(s?) with his wife, (fortunately his family weren’t hurt), the horror, and how they’d both done rather heroic things in helping others, in that quiet self-effacing British way. Naturally he was shaken, hadn’t slept all night, and occasionally struggled to find his words (and who wouldn’t?).
Then at the very end, the interview seemed to be over, he came back, saying something like: Can I add just one thing?
He then launched into an appeal expressing the hope that this wouldn’t be politicised, that it was probably a lone wolf, and shouldn’t be used by people with a political agenda (ie the Evil Far Right, though he didn’t say it).
So a man who’s traumatised, shaken, sleep deprived, who had feared for his family only hours ago – his greatest concern is that this shouldn’t be ‘politicised’ by the wrong people?
A few things struck me: his language had changed, his tone, and his fluency… almost as if he was reading from a script… or had been coached.
I know this goes on a lot in the pre-interview ‘chat’, sometimes overtly, sometimes subtly: “would you agree that this shouldn’t be used politically?” “Would you care to say something about that at the end of the interview?” etc.
World at One BBC female spoke to 3 girls who were at the concert and introduced one of them with the completely superfluous and unnecessary ‘wearing an ”Ariana Grande is my girlfriend T-shirt”.’ The interviewer certainly got one in there on behalf of the in-house ‘wimmins ishoos’ department. BBC: we never waste an opportunity to push our agenda no matter what the circumstances.
Not just the bbc but i have heard calls like that on lbc throughout the day where they sound more like political activists pushing an agenda rather than ‘normal’ members of the public. Its not just today its also been happening through the election campaign where lifelong tories ring in and tell us after 5 minutes of listening to wurzel they are voting labour but give the game away by going on rants about maggie thatcher with the usual buzz words thrown in.
Same chap was on C4 TV news – it might even have been the “TV version” of the radio interview that you mention, as he did exactly what you describe. I found it peculiar too.
Just thinking out loud, will the security and intelligence services – not to mention ‘Panorama’ – be checking the bank accounts of the bombers family for a large irregular payment a la the terrorists in Gaza and other third world cesspits?
Now Radio 5 Live desperately appealing for people to phone in with stories of acts of kindness. What they really mean is muslims who showed kindness, so they can be show-cased as part of their relentless propaganda.
Any half-decent national broadcaster would join in the condemnation, without reservation, of those responsible, and be open with race, motives, and all the rest of it, rather than attempt to cover up the fact that it might just be Islam at work, again. They should be encouraging us to be on our guard, be ready to fight back, and report instances of Islamic hatred, which, I think, far outweighs our own efforts…
I am attending a GE hustings event tomorrow. Assuming it is not cancelled out of respect for not letting any atrocity affect the part and parcel of life in the city.
Speaking of parcels, if anyone lobs up in a coat or carrying anything more than an invite, I may head for the pu… the dance stud… the music sho… churc… home.
Be careful. I find that these are now nasty little public events where a lot of embittered and truly horrible lefties will gather from the surrounding areas to bait a Tory, mock a Jew and use kids to moan about schools and colleges, use disability casulaties to trash anything other than keep on spending on the NHS.
I`ve had bitter experiences, as have other women who dared to clap the wrong candidate-and since 2001, I`ve been to one every election. And they`re getting rather sinister, much as Question Time/Any Questions have.
Too many angry ex public sector repressives who hate us for voting the leave the EU-too many union pilgrims on carshare who can come into scare the rest of us.
Brownshirts with ponytails are the worst.
Looks like it is cancelled. Maybe the MPs and PPCs were unsure if they would be afforded a protection detail and decided it will not change them, or something?
Mark Steyn on http://www.steynonline.com makes an interesting point on President Trumps’ speech . Read it and I think this is the first time a major Western leader has used the banned word Islam in this context.
That’s a good point to make. “The the terrorists will never win.’ is a misapplied phrase.
How have terrorists NOT won? To a girl whose life is gone, suddenly and her parents, the terrorist has been very successful. The terrorist has changed lives irrevocably. It’s quite insulting really. Making light of peoples’ suffering.
I can remember when it was possible to walk onto an aeroplane at Edinburgh airport, find a seat and pay as the ‘trolley dolly’ passed.
Freddy Laker had his ‘Sky Train’ and our aircraft manufacturers became part of Airbus. This was supposed to be the way we would all travel in the civilised world.
Now that the terrorists haven’t won we need passports for internal travel and even the local buses carry half-a-dozen CCTV cameras.
Lucy, I also find the BBC’s attempt to co-opt everyone with the ability or a wish to contribute to alleviating the aftermath of these horrific murders (blood donors, off duty NHS volunteers, police and fire service operatives etc.) under their own blanket of holding-hands-candle-glowing-progressive-liberalism very insulting. It’s a ridiculous and completely false narrative.
The left in the West keep on shoving it down our necks that we have to give up eating meat (as it is wrong, not commercially viable and its bad for you) and swap it for other diets, lentils, seeds and this. (20 second radio 4 video)
Whilst the ethical latte crowd love to promote the view that countries such as India and China get by on a non meat diet (which is why we should emulate them) they leave out these snippets: 70% of Indians eat non-veg
Muslim responsible for Manchester jihad attack identified as Salman Abedi, a mass murderer known to authorities but “not thought to pose immediate threat”
Liar May vows to “defeat the ideology that fuels this violence,” while simultaneously refusing to name what it is
“so you will never defeat this ideology, since you refuse even to admit that it exists, much less formulate effective ways to counter it. You will never comprehend these warped and twisted minds, because you refuse to admit that they’re warped and twisted because of religious teachings that you insist are wholly benign.
And so you will be overwhelmingly elected, and you will continue to lead your country to ruin.”
R Spencer
Meanwhile, the Al BBC News … News of a terrorist attack is always frightening, but for parents there is the added dilemma of what to say to their children.
Should I shield them from the news? Is it best just to turn the television off? Will the images they see traumatise them?
Or should I tell my child exactly what’s happened?
Talk about the news -The advice from professionals is that talking about these issues is sometimes better than avoiding them.
The BBC has deftly removed the mass murderer his Islamic imperative way out of the news
Then – Sir Winston Churchill on Islam:
“The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property—either as a child, a wife, or a concubine—must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it.
… No stronger retrograde force exists in the world”
Now – D Cameron on Islam (“Asian “as per usual used instead of Islamic)
Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around.”
‘We must be careful about the language we use,’ he writes. ‘Many Muslims … are deeply offended by the use of the word “Islamic” or “Islamist” to describe the terrorist threat we face today
Now – Theresa May says ‘Islamist’ Westminster Attack was ‘Not Islamic’ , appoints duplicitous Islamists to Sharia Law review committee, insisted that “what a woman wears is a woman’s choice” when quizzed about the issue. Her remarks follow moves in a string of countries including Germany, France, Austria and Belgium to ban the wearing of full-face veils in public. May described bans on veils as “divisive” ?????? when asked about the moves at Prime Minister’s Questions in the Commons
Britain’s Theresa May in the U.S.: Islam is Peaceful, Globalism Good, and Climate Change a Priority
Here she is looking pious and reciting Quran for apologists, no compulsion in religion
Punishing apostasy by death (or imprisonment, for females)?, and the institutionalized discrimination against religious minorities under Islamic rule that is sometimes referred to as “dhimmiitude.”?
Islamic law explicitly prohibits non-Muslims from sharing their faith and even includes the extortion of money from them in the form of a tax called the jizya. ?
Those who refuse to pay this arbitrary amount are put to death. If this isn’t compulsion, then what is?
May 22 case of thug David Gallacher attacking a Muslim couple at a supermarket in Bletchley
Her asking why he was staring at her, resulted in him kicking her so hard she lost her unborn baby
and he smashed the husband over the head with a wine bottle and then assaulting police when they arrived.
Then he also failed to turn up in court* ..though when it came to it he admitted the charges and plead guilty
* Why’d he been given bail ?
– I wonder why its not been selected for operation BBCbanging on ?
especially since the sentence seems quite low at 3 years 11 months
I’m guessing there’s something going on like he was a drugged up nutter, not properly cared for by the authorities. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-40002497
I don’t know if his mind was affected by the grooming gangs that operated in the area or something.
I too am surprised at the lack of coverage given to this appalling case. He`s white…surely the BBC would normally have made hay with this one.
Did he work for the BBC or was he a Labour councillor?
Really cant think of how the BBC haven`t led with this.
“Two male academics were so annoyed at anti-maleness in gender studies
that they submitted a fake penis theory paper to a journal ”
#1 It was actually published
#2 Academic Reviewers rated it “outstanding”
Jeez it’s in the Times but is this true ? The BBC hasn’t picked it up
BUT PZMyers explains
#1 It was rejected by the first journal
#2 The journal it was published in is a ” a pay-to-publish journal.” http://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2017/05/20/sowhen-creationists-sneak-bad-papers-into-legit-journals-does-evolution-collapse/
So we have three main candidates to choose from in the general election.
All running for the Islamic Appeasement Party.
Who shall we vote for?
My choice seems to have narrowed to UKIP again.
Yes this I thought UK parties can all describe themselves as
– Open Border Party
– Open borrowing Party
– The unreal world Party
…… except for UKIP, …..which currently does seem chaotic when viewed via MSM
How to talk to children about terrorist attacks
Telling them the truth might be a good place to start – something the bbc seems incapable of.
The arrogance of the bbc is unbearable. They are literally brainwashing people.
Melanie Phillips articleon Grrooming
We “treat children as highly sexualised consumers” “Rowbottom herself handing out bags of condoms to children well below the legal age”
"Society is to blame for this abuse of girls" – Melanie Phillips comments https://t.co/U4BSOeD6yt
In 2011 she was countered by mehdi-hasan in the News Statesman writing
\\According to the Times’s own research, several victims of a British Pakistani gang in an unnamed northern city were Bangladeshi Muslim girls. So much for Islamic solidarity among Asian gangs // http://www.newstatesman.com/blogs/mehdi-hasan/2011/01/sex-crime-white-muslims
As predicted, the Chief Constable (or whatever his title is) of GM has stated that any hate crime against ‘the communities’ must be reported as it won’t be tolerated. All the rhetoric today about ‘pulling together’ and not being divided, makes me believe that the authorities are clearly ‘sh…….g’ themselves that there will be a huge backlash. Are they really surprised ?
Cue the vigil (what is the point) and no doubt representatives from all faiths will be there. These events serve no purpose except to make the participants feel good.
No doubt he will have specialist teams of officers, Briss, manning the ‘phones and offering counseling to those who have had dirty looks or sideways glances directed at them.
I heard that too Brissles. I think Mark Steyn described this type of reflexive response by the elite and its creatures to Jihad attacks, as a form of “multi-cultural Tourette’s”.
” any hate crime against ‘the communities’ must be reported as it won’t be tolerated.”
He may as well finish that sentence ‘ But Muslim atrocities certainly will!’
Devout Muslims must be rubbing their hands together in glee with some of them
already at work planning the next attack.
We need real leaders not this castrated lot of fools & cowards.
Got to say that I enjoyed an article by Hugo Rifkind in the Times today.
He`s an idiot LibDem of old-but absolutely destroys them.
They`re neither principled or capable of vision-they`re the party that gave us tution fees so are fucking useless-but they also fail to defend their EU suckups who need EU grants at one and the same time.
So have no vision, no competence and are forever seen as the losing flaccid sandbag who can`t even speak for Moanies, aren`t even wanted by the nice liberal sweeties who live in Bath and Cheltenham…but who certainly won`t live where liberal fantasy clashes with lived experience. Hypocrites-but now bed blocking dead corpses that need carting out so the new REAL alternative to the Tories can be born. Great article. Needed saying-and all the better seeing as it comes from a Lib Dem dumbcluck too.
Ok. I have to admit I was completely wrong.
On an earlier post I stated that I felt sure that the Manchester bomber was a mentally ill anglo saxon christian senior engineer.
But it appears he was not.
We need to go in hard against the terrorists and show them we mean business.
There’s no doubt about it.
Mass handholding and candle lighting will really teach them a lesson.
Amid all the coverage of the Manchester bombing.
Spare a thought for the millions of followers of Ariadne Grande, or whatever her name is.
The absolute vacuousness of her ‘ followers’, the utter inanity, the naivety, the childlike attitude, the adoring brainlessness. The slavish following of a pop star, who takes on the status of some deep philosophical thinker in the eyes of her unquestioning fans.
In a strange way, that is every bit as disturbing as the bombing. No wonder the soft underbelly of Western society is so easy to penetrate.
And to think Krankie and Corbyn want to give them the vote!!!
The BBC indulges in mawkish sentimentality. Waffles on about the Manchester spirit, the wonderful NHS and it’s northern political editor bigs up Andy Burnham. Business as usual.
Statement or irony, actually I don t know
Anyway i m sure the fears/backlash/spike in/rising tide articles are on the way, heard the absolute
galling do nothing/pull together/tea light vigil bollox earlier.
Now is the time, for instant seed change … cancel this opportunist, break neck, party before country election
and address the issue at hand, and DO IT!
… because otherwise what will it take?
BBC News
“Manchester will remember the victims forever and we will defy the terrorists by working together to create cohesive, diverse communities that are stronger together”
Africa Hart, 25, from Manchester, said she and her friends wanted to attend the vigil to show solidarity and demonstrate that “love trumps hate.”
Little Mix and Katy Perry provide “tweets”
Well … It will take a lot more than that, and should be led from the front
Shall we wait?
The people of Manchester are well trained. They turned out today to out number far far far right waaycists of the EDL who objected to the Moslem murder of children.
Well done Mancunions. You let them rape your children and now tolerate their murder
Times claims a the case of a murder by a Muslim in France was deliberately under reported due to election fears .
\\Jewish woman in Paris attacked by Muslim terrorist and thrown from the third story to her death. The murderer shouted ‘Allahu Akbar.’//
Paris police investigating 27-year-old Muslim murdered his Jewish neighbor, Sarah Lucy Halimi following an argument https://t.co/m2rnWoTiNH
Just turned on Five Live and the first thing I hear is about people coming out to show love; they say they are not afraid to gather in groups and it is good to show solidarity.
I say it is pathetic.
Did joining hands along Westminster Bridge do any good? The subsequent terror attack was more ruthless and brazen. It is almost as if the terrorists have no respect for this mass emoting and ‘solidarity.’ And how they bask in all this pathetic prostration as if it were a positive thing. It is pathetic and shameful.
I think I may be succumbing to the BBC soporifics. I’m beginning to think that a mass casualty atrocity is the ideal way of bringing people together, a chance to talk to a rarely sighted muslim neighbour while armed police pin him to the ground befire arrestting him. A chance to overcome British reserve and perform various acts of kindness. Even candle makers must be happy at the surge in demand. No wonder our wise leaders are so sanguine about the whole thing. Vinceremos! There are tens of millions of us to slaughter, these ISIS chappies will get bored and give up before they’ve butchered a million. That chap Farage on LBC has got it right. Let sleeping dogs lie. Oops unintended dehumanising language there. I’ll report myself to the police.
Anyway no recruiting sergeant stuff. Maybe we should just all behead ourselves and avoid any fuss and offence.
Police and British Prime Minister Theresa May made it clear the focus of the investigation was to determine whether the bomber “was acting alone, or was part of a wider group.”
It’s a wider group, has been for 1400 years, they are called Muslims.
It took the Spaniards 700 years of concerted effort to get rid of the Islamic filth.
But have the “Authorities” learnt anything from history?
No, SFA has been learnt.
Time for some new, real, Authorities, who can deal with this.
We need someone who will make Joseph Stalin look like a pussy cat.
The attack took place less than 24 hours ago. The vigil-ing and imprecations to “solidarity” seem to have happened with unseemly haste, crassly insensitive to the victims and their families whose suffering is still absolutely raw. There were people in Albert Square this evening apparently laughing and joking.
Surely balanced reporting would mean vox popping someone who would call this out? They’re not difficult to find: plenty on here.
There was a small kerfuffle a couple of days ago on the never-ending ‘Start the Week’ thread about the desirability of posting tweets, dismal or otherwise. But some do seem to require further dissemination. ‘Guardian news reporter’ Steven Morris—you can find him @stevenmorris20—tweets the following glad tidings:
Police are doing the rounds of the mosques in Manchester to check they are not being targeted.
It should be the easiest operation in the respect that they KNOW where all the mosques are.
Close them down for a start. No more gathering places on British soil for criminal incitement or
funding being gathered (in the form of Zakat) for jihad organisations.
Muslims understand one thing- STRENGTH. Mohammed was a cowardly criminal as are his followers.
They take when the taking is easy and easy is just what our authorities have made things for them.
I was hoping for a couple of positive photos in tommorrow’s paper showing Ariana Grande visiting her injured fans in hospital. At the very least such visits would have improved their morale, especially those who spent the early hours of today having bomb fragments pulled out of their faces . Unfortunately it’s not to be. She’s flown back to America.
Accordingly she is ‘broken’. But her ‘people’ clearly believed to get her out of the country before she completely fell to ‘pieces’. RJ you’re right, her ‘people’ missed a trick there, the publicity of her visiting her injured fans would have upped her anti 50 fold. Never mind, they’ll have to make do with visiting football teams, politicians and the drafted-in royalty instead.
I think that Mark Steyn is an excellent writer and one whose opinions I share on many things; this is a quite superb analysis of the response to the Islamic terrorist murders in Manchester.
Sky News
Dawn Waddy was at the Manchester Arena with her daughter Holly and a friend when the explosion took place and said there should have been more security staff in the arena. She said: “We walked through the doors when we had our tickets and they scan your tickets and we wasn’t even checked.
“They never checked bags at all, I never saw them check anybody’s bags.”
Mrs Waddy added she raised concerns over the behaviour of a woman sitting next to them inside the arena.
She told Sky News: “We had somebody sat next to us, looked very suspicious, she was fidgeting all the time with a bag – on the floor, across her – she was by herself.
“She was looking in the direction of where the explosion actually happened all night and smirking to herself.”
Mrs Waddy told security personnel of her concerns and staff monitored the woman but did not take any action.
She said: “They were up and down the stairs where she was sat discreetly watching her
. .. Nothing was actually done about it.
“One to two minutes before the concert finished this lady disappeared and then of course the explosion went off at the other end of the stadium.”
Nogg, I heard that too, but its not been mentioned since. Perhaps, just perhaps the authorities are acting on that information and are not releasing any details. But it seems to be a vital piece of information that should not be ignored. As for security, I feel at these huge venues they appear to recruit the dimmest of the dim to do the job. If its true what Mrs Waddy said that her daughter was dismissed with the words “how would you feel if someone complained about you” when informing security again, then we may as let the suicide bombers have completely free rein.
So I flip to that BBCNews YouTube channel, and then click to see their video uploads in date order
In the grid on my screen now of 12 vids , 3 are of Trump titled : “Trump denies” “Trump defends” and there are 3 in a row of Corbyn looking presidential.
One is titled “Thornberry nearly drops the B bomb” ..that’s spin cos she clearly did say the word.
For the last 6 months : I count
14 videos of Corbyn
16 of May, but that includes announcing election, and people confronting her in the street etc.
4 of UKIP , all of Nuttall
1 Greens , but it’s their election advert
7 Tim Farron
Trump is mentioned about every other day or so
Deeper and deeper do the CBB sink. 3am WS news. Thousands gather in Manchester to show unity, then on mic and on cue……AS A MUSLIM IM HERE TO SHOW SOLIDARITY………blah blah blah. This was the first item and I switched off immediately. Well rehearsed and easy to perform. I bet that all staff have to attend briefings on protocol after a terror attack. How is it that out of the thousands they just happen to find a Muslim willing to speak and how much collusion is going on between our security our government and the CBB. It’s all so sickening and very soul destroying. I don’t feel I can give my vote to any of them.
“How to talk to children about terrorist attacks”Tell your young person not to go scouring the internet for all the inside stories, it’s just not necessary – we need to protect our young people as well”
In other words don’t look for a different opinion outside of the BBC are corporate owned papers. Surprised the BBC has not tried to denounce wiki leeks as fake news .
Heavens forbid a parent should tell the truth that it all revolves around a little book . The Quran that contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Now if you did that you would have social services knocking at your door
Andy Burnham on Toady, the typical spineless, identikit career politician. He says we must be careful with the ‘language we use’ i.e. just avoid the issue so he gets to have an easy life. He says this terrorist no more represents the Muslim community than Thomas Mair represents the white Christian community. Yeah, Andy: perfect anaology. There is clearly a global Christian fundamentalist movement that keeps striking. They love the Jo Cox killing, don’t they? I wonder how long they can milk it. He was clearly just a lone lunatic and they are so shameless for milking it like they do.
He says the Prevent strategy makes one community feel marginalised. I wonder why. Do you think the parents of those kids who were blown up might feel ‘marginalised’ forever when they see other children going to school and theirs are gone forever? Apparently these ‘marginalisation’ fuels their resentment. So – don’t accuse us of being terrorists or we will get upset and become terrorists.
They are a shameless, self-serving shower of sh*t. There are no depths they will not sink to. Damn them all.
I agree BB. All the talk of ‘solidarity’, ‘ we stay together’, ‘they will not divide us’ is frankly a load of b…….s. I think coming out with that rhetoric is an insult to those families who have lost their little girls and teenagers. Ask them if they still feel ‘as one’ with the bastard religion that has killed their children. All very well for the crowds turning out ‘to reflect’, but I bet they wouldn’t feel the same if it was their kids they lost.
Is there ‘solidarity’ etc etc with those Islamic swines who perpetrated our young girls in Rotherham and Rochdale ? Not in the name of Islam either then. If there is another attack, then the on-message of ‘they will not divide us’, will become harder for right minded people to accept . Well, at least for those over 55 anyway.
On Toady they spoke to a neighbour of the terrorist. They knew something was afoot a few years ago when he had the black flag on Isis on his roof.
Imagine if someone flew a Nazi flag – they would be arrested instantly. Yet Nazism does not pose a clear and present danger. No doubt it would have been a ‘hate crime’ to report him. So he could brazenly and openly fly this flag and nobody reported him? And nobody in his ‘community’ knew anything about this? Nonsense. So they just ignored this clear and present danger in case they hurt his feelings and got arrested in the process, now many children have been blown up?
“God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.”
Re flying ISIS flags…., we needed shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry to tweet her anger and outrage about this act. She thought it was offensive when Rochester White Van Man flew the St Georges flag from his house window.
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Another picture of the dusky ‘ German ‘ who killed at least 2 in mannheim yesterday ( now forgotten )……
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Van HelsingMar 4, 17:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, Russia isn’t as strong as some people think. It wasn’t the old USSR to begin with and it’s even…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
BBC and irony.
Leaks ‘expose peculiar Facebook moderation policy’
‘Why then does it not publish its training manual for moderators so that the world could see where it draws the line? There are community guidelines available to read on Facebook but the company fears that if it gives away too much detail on its rules, that will act as a guide to those trying to game the system.
Maybe they enjoy certain ‘exemptions’?
Overheard snippets of Radio 5 Live earlier. They were interviewing what sounded like a sensible Northern bloke who’d been involved in the Manchester enrichment. He told of going to meet his daughter(s?) with his wife, (fortunately his family weren’t hurt), the horror, and how they’d both done rather heroic things in helping others, in that quiet self-effacing British way. Naturally he was shaken, hadn’t slept all night, and occasionally struggled to find his words (and who wouldn’t?).
Then at the very end, the interview seemed to be over, he came back, saying something like: Can I add just one thing?
He then launched into an appeal expressing the hope that this wouldn’t be politicised, that it was probably a lone wolf, and shouldn’t be used by people with a political agenda (ie the Evil Far Right, though he didn’t say it).
So a man who’s traumatised, shaken, sleep deprived, who had feared for his family only hours ago – his greatest concern is that this shouldn’t be ‘politicised’ by the wrong people?
A few things struck me: his language had changed, his tone, and his fluency… almost as if he was reading from a script… or had been coached.
I know this goes on a lot in the pre-interview ‘chat’, sometimes overtly, sometimes subtly: “would you agree that this shouldn’t be used politically?” “Would you care to say something about that at the end of the interview?” etc.
World at One BBC female spoke to 3 girls who were at the concert and introduced one of them with the completely superfluous and unnecessary ‘wearing an ”Ariana Grande is my girlfriend T-shirt”.’ The interviewer certainly got one in there on behalf of the in-house ‘wimmins ishoos’ department. BBC: we never waste an opportunity to push our agenda no matter what the circumstances.
dont forget said fellows name
PHIL “DICK” from Bradford
yes really
I heard that too, it was weird, almost as if some sort of Stockholm syndrome clicked on. It didn’t seem real at all.
Kaiser, “Dick” is an old Scottish surname, just like “Smellie”, “Twatt” and “Sturgeon”. Nothing to see there, please move along…
Not just the bbc but i have heard calls like that on lbc throughout the day where they sound more like political activists pushing an agenda rather than ‘normal’ members of the public. Its not just today its also been happening through the election campaign where lifelong tories ring in and tell us after 5 minutes of listening to wurzel they are voting labour but give the game away by going on rants about maggie thatcher with the usual buzz words thrown in.
Same chap was on C4 TV news – it might even have been the “TV version” of the radio interview that you mention, as he did exactly what you describe. I found it peculiar too.
Just thinking out loud, will the security and intelligence services – not to mention ‘Panorama’ – be checking the bank accounts of the bombers family for a large irregular payment a la the terrorists in Gaza and other third world cesspits?
Or anyone handing out vouchers to local corner sweet shops?
Now Radio 5 Live desperately appealing for people to phone in with stories of acts of kindness. What they really mean is muslims who showed kindness, so they can be show-cased as part of their relentless propaganda.
Like muslim taxi drivers who took young girls home, for free(?)…………..
Yes, going overboard on, ‘the kindness’ like that makes it okay?
Our Quislings are so much more despicable than the terrorists could ever be.
Let the vomit-inducing damage limitation exercise that is BBC ‘News’ commence.
Any half-decent national broadcaster would join in the condemnation, without reservation, of those responsible, and be open with race, motives, and all the rest of it, rather than attempt to cover up the fact that it might just be Islam at work, again. They should be encouraging us to be on our guard, be ready to fight back, and report instances of Islamic hatred, which, I think, far outweighs our own efforts…
It’s not going to happen, is it.
Certainly hasn’t for the rape gangs, so why expect a start now?
An ESTIMATED 3500 on the terrorist watch list. That’s those they know about. That’s a lot of ‘lone wolves’.
And the cry goes up, ‘We Stand Together’ – ok if you know who the fuck you’re standing next to?
One rule for them, another for us –
Not even a ‘pack’ really. More like a battalion standing shoulder to shoulder around our coastline !
I am attending a GE hustings event tomorrow. Assuming it is not cancelled out of respect for not letting any atrocity affect the part and parcel of life in the city.
Speaking of parcels, if anyone lobs up in a coat or carrying anything more than an invite, I may head for the pu… the dance stud… the music sho… churc… home.
Be careful. I find that these are now nasty little public events where a lot of embittered and truly horrible lefties will gather from the surrounding areas to bait a Tory, mock a Jew and use kids to moan about schools and colleges, use disability casulaties to trash anything other than keep on spending on the NHS.
I`ve had bitter experiences, as have other women who dared to clap the wrong candidate-and since 2001, I`ve been to one every election. And they`re getting rather sinister, much as Question Time/Any Questions have.
Too many angry ex public sector repressives who hate us for voting the leave the EU-too many union pilgrims on carshare who can come into scare the rest of us.
Brownshirts with ponytails are the worst.
Looks like it is cancelled. Maybe the MPs and PPCs were unsure if they would be afforded a protection detail and decided it will not change them, or something?
May spoke to Trump and they agreed it was a terrible incident and they would speak about it at the NATO Summit.
Don’t you feel safer already?
Yeah, Trump will phone his pals in Saudi and strike a deal. Just a few more white children for the invaders and they will stop bombing.
Mark Steyn on http://www.steynonline.com makes an interesting point on President Trumps’ speech . Read it and I think this is the first time a major Western leader has used the banned word Islam in this context.
Theresa May: ‘Safe in the knowledge that the terrorists will never win.’ At a killing rate of 22:1 I think they’ll probably give it a damned good go.
That’s a good point to make. “The the terrorists will never win.’ is a misapplied phrase.
How have terrorists NOT won? To a girl whose life is gone, suddenly and her parents, the terrorist has been very successful. The terrorist has changed lives irrevocably. It’s quite insulting really. Making light of peoples’ suffering.
“The the terrorists will never win.’
I can remember when it was possible to walk onto an aeroplane at Edinburgh airport, find a seat and pay as the ‘trolley dolly’ passed.
Freddy Laker had his ‘Sky Train’ and our aircraft manufacturers became part of Airbus. This was supposed to be the way we would all travel in the civilised world.
Now that the terrorists haven’t won we need passports for internal travel and even the local buses carry half-a-dozen CCTV cameras.
Lucy, I also find the BBC’s attempt to co-opt everyone with the ability or a wish to contribute to alleviating the aftermath of these horrific murders (blood donors, off duty NHS volunteers, police and fire service operatives etc.) under their own blanket of holding-hands-candle-glowing-progressive-liberalism very insulting. It’s a ridiculous and completely false narrative.
James Corden -the king of the self serving celebs seizing the moment. Where’s the queen, Lily Allen?
Please someone, anyone, get this pro muslim, self promoting, jumped up idiot off of the BBC web page.
This phoney concern is insulting.
The left in the West keep on shoving it down our necks that we have to give up eating meat (as it is wrong, not commercially viable and its bad for you) and swap it for other diets, lentils, seeds and this. (20 second radio 4 video)
Whilst the ethical latte crowd love to promote the view that countries such as India and China get by on a non meat diet (which is why we should emulate them) they leave out these snippets:
70% of Indians eat non-veg
China Continues to Eat More and More Meat
The bBC, a propaganda tool used by the left in which to promote and advance their leftwing agenda.
Muslim responsible for Manchester jihad attack identified as Salman Abedi, a mass murderer known to authorities but “not thought to pose immediate threat”
Liar May vows to “defeat the ideology that fuels this violence,” while simultaneously refusing to name what it is
“so you will never defeat this ideology, since you refuse even to admit that it exists, much less formulate effective ways to counter it. You will never comprehend these warped and twisted minds, because you refuse to admit that they’re warped and twisted because of religious teachings that you insist are wholly benign.
And so you will be overwhelmingly elected, and you will continue to lead your country to ruin.”
R Spencer
Meanwhile, the Al BBC News … News of a terrorist attack is always frightening, but for parents there is the added dilemma of what to say to their children.
Should I shield them from the news? Is it best just to turn the television off? Will the images they see traumatise them?
Or should I tell my child exactly what’s happened?
Talk about the news -The advice from professionals is that talking about these issues is sometimes better than avoiding them.
The BBC has deftly removed the mass murderer his Islamic imperative way out of the news
Then – Sir Winston Churchill on Islam:
“The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property—either as a child, a wife, or a concubine—must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it.
… No stronger retrograde force exists in the world”
Now – D Cameron on Islam (“Asian “as per usual used instead of Islamic)
Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around.”
‘We must be careful about the language we use,’ he writes. ‘Many Muslims … are deeply offended by the use of the word “Islamic” or “Islamist” to describe the terrorist threat we face today
Now – Theresa May says ‘Islamist’ Westminster Attack was ‘Not Islamic’ , appoints duplicitous Islamists to Sharia Law review committee, insisted that “what a woman wears is a woman’s choice” when quizzed about the issue. Her remarks follow moves in a string of countries including Germany, France, Austria and Belgium to ban the wearing of full-face veils in public. May described bans on veils as “divisive” ?????? when asked about the moves at Prime Minister’s Questions in the Commons
Britain’s Theresa May in the U.S.: Islam is Peaceful, Globalism Good, and Climate Change a Priority
Here she is looking pious and reciting Quran for apologists, no compulsion in religion
Punishing apostasy by death (or imprisonment, for females)?, and the institutionalized discrimination against religious minorities under Islamic rule that is sometimes referred to as “dhimmiitude.”?
Islamic law explicitly prohibits non-Muslims from sharing their faith and even includes the extortion of money from them in the form of a tax called the jizya. ?
Those who refuse to pay this arbitrary amount are put to death. If this isn’t compulsion, then what is?
Will be interesting to see if Treezer does a happy Ramadan message.
May 22 case of thug David Gallacher attacking a Muslim couple at a supermarket in Bletchley
Her asking why he was staring at her, resulted in him kicking her so hard she lost her unborn baby
and he smashed the husband over the head with a wine bottle and then assaulting police when they arrived.
Then he also failed to turn up in court* ..though when it came to it he admitted the charges and plead guilty
* Why’d he been given bail ?
– I wonder why its not been selected for operation BBCbanging on ?
especially since the sentence seems quite low at 3 years 11 months
I’m guessing there’s something going on like he was a drugged up nutter, not properly cared for by the authorities.
I don’t know if his mind was affected by the grooming gangs that operated in the area or something.
I too am surprised at the lack of coverage given to this appalling case. He`s white…surely the BBC would normally have made hay with this one.
Did he work for the BBC or was he a Labour councillor?
Really cant think of how the BBC haven`t led with this.
“Two male academics were so annoyed at anti-maleness in gender studies
that they submitted a fake penis theory paper to a journal ”
#1 It was actually published
#2 Academic Reviewers rated it “outstanding”
Jeez it’s in the Times but is this true ? The BBC hasn’t picked it up
BUT PZMyers explains
#1 It was rejected by the first journal
#2 The journal it was published in is a ” a pay-to-publish journal.”
Same page : More embarrassment for vanity pay to publish journals. Meet Ollie the Dog PhD, author & editorial board member. more
So we have three main candidates to choose from in the general election.
All running for the Islamic Appeasement Party.
Who shall we vote for?
My choice seems to have narrowed to UKIP again.
Wholeheartedly agree. It is the only message the truly fed-up British population can send.
Yes this I thought UK parties can all describe themselves as
– Open Border Party
– Open borrowing Party
– The unreal world Party
…… except for UKIP, …..which currently does seem chaotic when viewed via MSM
Turn back to UKIP, even if they don’t get any seats you will not have voted appeasement
How to talk to children about terrorist attacks
Telling them the truth might be a good place to start – something the bbc seems incapable of.
The arrogance of the bbc is unbearable. They are literally brainwashing people.
Another day and a half and the immigration statistics will be out .
Will it cheer the ordinary Joe up ?
Melanie Phillips articleon Grrooming
We “treat children as highly sexualised consumers” “Rowbottom herself handing out bags of condoms to children well below the legal age”
In 2011 she was countered by mehdi-hasan in the News Statesman writing
\\According to the Times’s own research, several victims of a British Pakistani gang in an unnamed northern city were Bangladeshi Muslim girls. So much for Islamic solidarity among Asian gangs //
“As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood.”
Enoch Powell.
As predicted, the Chief Constable (or whatever his title is) of GM has stated that any hate crime against ‘the communities’ must be reported as it won’t be tolerated. All the rhetoric today about ‘pulling together’ and not being divided, makes me believe that the authorities are clearly ‘sh…….g’ themselves that there will be a huge backlash. Are they really surprised ?
Cue the vigil (what is the point) and no doubt representatives from all faiths will be there. These events serve no purpose except to make the participants feel good.
No doubt he will have specialist teams of officers, Briss, manning the ‘phones and offering counseling to those who have had dirty looks or sideways glances directed at them.
I heard that too Brissles. I think Mark Steyn described this type of reflexive response by the elite and its creatures to Jihad attacks, as a form of “multi-cultural Tourette’s”.
” any hate crime against ‘the communities’ must be reported as it won’t be tolerated.”
He may as well finish that sentence ‘ But Muslim atrocities certainly will!’
Devout Muslims must be rubbing their hands together in glee with some of them
already at work planning the next attack.
We need real leaders not this castrated lot of fools & cowards.
We need real leaders not this castrated lot of fools & cowards. ….
Never a truer word Lucy.
Got to say that I enjoyed an article by Hugo Rifkind in the Times today.
He`s an idiot LibDem of old-but absolutely destroys them.
They`re neither principled or capable of vision-they`re the party that gave us tution fees so are fucking useless-but they also fail to defend their EU suckups who need EU grants at one and the same time.
So have no vision, no competence and are forever seen as the losing flaccid sandbag who can`t even speak for Moanies, aren`t even wanted by the nice liberal sweeties who live in Bath and Cheltenham…but who certainly won`t live where liberal fantasy clashes with lived experience. Hypocrites-but now bed blocking dead corpses that need carting out so the new REAL alternative to the Tories can be born. Great article. Needed saying-and all the better seeing as it comes from a Lib Dem dumbcluck too.
Ok. I have to admit I was completely wrong.
On an earlier post I stated that I felt sure that the Manchester bomber was a mentally ill anglo saxon christian senior engineer.
But it appears he was not.
We need to go in hard against the terrorists and show them we mean business.
There’s no doubt about it.
Mass handholding and candle lighting will really teach them a lesson.
Amid all the coverage of the Manchester bombing.
Spare a thought for the millions of followers of Ariadne Grande, or whatever her name is.
The absolute vacuousness of her ‘ followers’, the utter inanity, the naivety, the childlike attitude, the adoring brainlessness. The slavish following of a pop star, who takes on the status of some deep philosophical thinker in the eyes of her unquestioning fans.
In a strange way, that is every bit as disturbing as the bombing. No wonder the soft underbelly of Western society is so easy to penetrate.
And to think Krankie and Corbyn want to give them the vote!!!
The BBC indulges in mawkish sentimentality. Waffles on about the Manchester spirit, the wonderful NHS and it’s northern political editor bigs up Andy Burnham. Business as usual.
Where’s Grant ? if he cant get a signal he’s clearly missing out on all the goss. I’m missing his .. who? who? who?
Statement or irony, actually I don t know
Anyway i m sure the fears/backlash/spike in/rising tide articles are on the way, heard the absolute
galling do nothing/pull together/tea light vigil bollox earlier.
Now is the time, for instant seed change … cancel this opportunist, break neck, party before country election
and address the issue at hand, and DO IT!
… because otherwise what will it take?
BBC News
“Manchester will remember the victims forever and we will defy the terrorists by working together to create cohesive, diverse communities that are stronger together”
Africa Hart, 25, from Manchester, said she and her friends wanted to attend the vigil to show solidarity and demonstrate that “love trumps hate.”
Little Mix and Katy Perry provide “tweets”
Well … It will take a lot more than that, and should be led from the front
Shall we wait?
The people of Manchester are well trained. They turned out today to out number far far far right waaycists of the EDL who objected to the Moslem murder of children.
Well done Mancunions. You let them rape your children and now tolerate their murder
I am glad I left the shithole
Times claims a the case of a murder by a Muslim in France was deliberately under reported due to election fears .
\\Jewish woman in Paris attacked by Muslim terrorist and thrown from the third story to her death. The murderer shouted ‘Allahu Akbar.’//
Just turned on Five Live and the first thing I hear is about people coming out to show love; they say they are not afraid to gather in groups and it is good to show solidarity.
I say it is pathetic.
Did joining hands along Westminster Bridge do any good? The subsequent terror attack was more ruthless and brazen. It is almost as if the terrorists have no respect for this mass emoting and ‘solidarity.’ And how they bask in all this pathetic prostration as if it were a positive thing. It is pathetic and shameful.
I think I may be succumbing to the BBC soporifics. I’m beginning to think that a mass casualty atrocity is the ideal way of bringing people together, a chance to talk to a rarely sighted muslim neighbour while armed police pin him to the ground befire arrestting him. A chance to overcome British reserve and perform various acts of kindness. Even candle makers must be happy at the surge in demand. No wonder our wise leaders are so sanguine about the whole thing. Vinceremos! There are tens of millions of us to slaughter, these ISIS chappies will get bored and give up before they’ve butchered a million. That chap Farage on LBC has got it right. Let sleeping dogs lie. Oops unintended dehumanising language there. I’ll report myself to the police.
Anyway no recruiting sergeant stuff. Maybe we should just all behead ourselves and avoid any fuss and offence.
It’s so true what Clint Eastwood said about political correctness: it has created a generation of pussies.
The BBC website has an article about all the valiant hashtags. ‘Stay strong our kid.’ You can’t stay strong when you are in a f**king body bag.
Beeb Brother,
You might enjoy this book. It’s from an American perspective but much of it applies to us as well.
Burgess Owen, good man.
Police and British Prime Minister Theresa May made it clear the focus of the investigation was to determine whether the bomber “was acting alone, or was part of a wider group.”
It’s a wider group, has been for 1400 years, they are called Muslims.
It took the Spaniards 700 years of concerted effort to get rid of the Islamic filth.
But have the “Authorities” learnt anything from history?
No, SFA has been learnt.
Time for some new, real, Authorities, who can deal with this.
We need someone who will make Joseph Stalin look like a pussy cat.
Beeb interviewer to Libyan on Five Live:
“Do you feel your religion is being hijacked?”
Cue the gentleman saying it has nothing to do with his religion whatsoever. Pass the sick bag.
The attack took place less than 24 hours ago. The vigil-ing and imprecations to “solidarity” seem to have happened with unseemly haste, crassly insensitive to the victims and their families whose suffering is still absolutely raw. There were people in Albert Square this evening apparently laughing and joking.
Surely balanced reporting would mean vox popping someone who would call this out? They’re not difficult to find: plenty on here.
There was a small kerfuffle a couple of days ago on the never-ending ‘Start the Week’ thread about the desirability of posting tweets, dismal or otherwise. But some do seem to require further dissemination. ‘Guardian news reporter’ Steven Morris—you can find him @stevenmorris20—tweets the following glad tidings:
Police are doing the rounds of the mosques in Manchester to check they are not being targeted.
It should be the easiest operation in the respect that they KNOW where all the mosques are.
Close them down for a start. No more gathering places on British soil for criminal incitement or
funding being gathered (in the form of Zakat) for jihad organisations.
Muslims understand one thing- STRENGTH. Mohammed was a cowardly criminal as are his followers.
They take when the taking is easy and easy is just what our authorities have made things for them.
I was hoping for a couple of positive photos in tommorrow’s paper showing Ariana Grande visiting her injured fans in hospital. At the very least such visits would have improved their morale, especially those who spent the early hours of today having bomb fragments pulled out of their faces . Unfortunately it’s not to be. She’s flown back to America.
The America she hates?
Accordingly she is ‘broken’. But her ‘people’ clearly believed to get her out of the country before she completely fell to ‘pieces’. RJ you’re right, her ‘people’ missed a trick there, the publicity of her visiting her injured fans would have upped her anti 50 fold. Never mind, they’ll have to make do with visiting football teams, politicians and the drafted-in royalty instead.
At last, Reported that the Army is being called in. About time, they need to stay till this cancer is routed.
Good to see Stop the War, UAF condem this.. Oh wait yes very silent as usual…
The BBC continue to use the word ‘attack’ when in fact it’s Terrorism.
Arrests relate to The Terrorism Act. Not to ‘The Attack Act’, which doesn’t exist.
I think that Mark Steyn is an excellent writer and one whose opinions I share on many things; this is a quite superb analysis of the response to the Islamic terrorist murders in Manchester.
Excellent article. Thanks for the link.
wot no pictures of dead kids yet to drive public opinion, perhaps our dead kids aren’t as photogenic as alan the dead kurd.
A bit of fun on a sad day.
Starring Diane, Tommy and the Euro-Fairy.
Sky News
Dawn Waddy was at the Manchester Arena with her daughter Holly and a friend when the explosion took place and said there should have been more security staff in the arena. She said: “We walked through the doors when we had our tickets and they scan your tickets and we wasn’t even checked.
“They never checked bags at all, I never saw them check anybody’s bags.”
Mrs Waddy added she raised concerns over the behaviour of a woman sitting next to them inside the arena.
She told Sky News: “We had somebody sat next to us, looked very suspicious, she was fidgeting all the time with a bag – on the floor, across her – she was by herself.
“She was looking in the direction of where the explosion actually happened all night and smirking to herself.”
Mrs Waddy told security personnel of her concerns and staff monitored the woman but did not take any action.
She said: “They were up and down the stairs where she was sat discreetly watching her
. .. Nothing was actually done about it.
“One to two minutes before the concert finished this lady disappeared and then of course the explosion went off at the other end of the stadium.”
The BBC Has Imran on Youtube now
Nogg, I heard that too, but its not been mentioned since. Perhaps, just perhaps the authorities are acting on that information and are not releasing any details. But it seems to be a vital piece of information that should not be ignored. As for security, I feel at these huge venues they appear to recruit the dimmest of the dim to do the job. If its true what Mrs Waddy said that her daughter was dismissed with the words “how would you feel if someone complained about you” when informing security again, then we may as let the suicide bombers have completely free rein.
So I flip to that BBCNews YouTube channel, and then click to see their video uploads in date order
In the grid on my screen now of 12 vids , 3 are of Trump titled : “Trump denies” “Trump defends” and there are 3 in a row of Corbyn looking presidential.
One is titled “Thornberry nearly drops the B bomb” ..that’s spin cos she clearly did say the word.
For the last 6 months : I count
14 videos of Corbyn
16 of May, but that includes announcing election, and people confronting her in the street etc.
4 of UKIP , all of Nuttall
1 Greens , but it’s their election advert
7 Tim Farron
Trump is mentioned about every other day or so
Info about Int Baccalaureate
Deeper and deeper do the CBB sink. 3am WS news. Thousands gather in Manchester to show unity, then on mic and on cue……AS A MUSLIM IM HERE TO SHOW SOLIDARITY………blah blah blah. This was the first item and I switched off immediately. Well rehearsed and easy to perform. I bet that all staff have to attend briefings on protocol after a terror attack. How is it that out of the thousands they just happen to find a Muslim willing to speak and how much collusion is going on between our security our government and the CBB. It’s all so sickening and very soul destroying. I don’t feel I can give my vote to any of them.
“How to talk to children about terrorist attacks”Tell your young person not to go scouring the internet for all the inside stories, it’s just not necessary – we need to protect our young people as well”
In other words don’t look for a different opinion outside of the BBC are corporate owned papers. Surprised the BBC has not tried to denounce wiki leeks as fake news .
Heavens forbid a parent should tell the truth that it all revolves around a little book . The Quran that contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Now if you did that you would have social services knocking at your door
BBC R4 News: continuing phlofflewaffle.
Unremitting BBC phlofflewaffle.
Endless BBC phlofflewaffle.
Off switch.
Andy Burnham on Toady, the typical spineless, identikit career politician. He says we must be careful with the ‘language we use’ i.e. just avoid the issue so he gets to have an easy life. He says this terrorist no more represents the Muslim community than Thomas Mair represents the white Christian community. Yeah, Andy: perfect anaology. There is clearly a global Christian fundamentalist movement that keeps striking. They love the Jo Cox killing, don’t they? I wonder how long they can milk it. He was clearly just a lone lunatic and they are so shameless for milking it like they do.
He says the Prevent strategy makes one community feel marginalised. I wonder why. Do you think the parents of those kids who were blown up might feel ‘marginalised’ forever when they see other children going to school and theirs are gone forever? Apparently these ‘marginalisation’ fuels their resentment. So – don’t accuse us of being terrorists or we will get upset and become terrorists.
They are a shameless, self-serving shower of sh*t. There are no depths they will not sink to. Damn them all.
I agree BB. All the talk of ‘solidarity’, ‘ we stay together’, ‘they will not divide us’ is frankly a load of b…….s. I think coming out with that rhetoric is an insult to those families who have lost their little girls and teenagers. Ask them if they still feel ‘as one’ with the bastard religion that has killed their children. All very well for the crowds turning out ‘to reflect’, but I bet they wouldn’t feel the same if it was their kids they lost.
Is there ‘solidarity’ etc etc with those Islamic swines who perpetrated our young girls in Rotherham and Rochdale ? Not in the name of Islam either then. If there is another attack, then the on-message of ‘they will not divide us’, will become harder for right minded people to accept . Well, at least for those over 55 anyway.
On Toady they spoke to a neighbour of the terrorist. They knew something was afoot a few years ago when he had the black flag on Isis on his roof.
Imagine if someone flew a Nazi flag – they would be arrested instantly. Yet Nazism does not pose a clear and present danger. No doubt it would have been a ‘hate crime’ to report him. So he could brazenly and openly fly this flag and nobody reported him? And nobody in his ‘community’ knew anything about this? Nonsense. So they just ignored this clear and present danger in case they hurt his feelings and got arrested in the process, now many children have been blown up?
“God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.”
Re flying ISIS flags…., we needed shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry to tweet her anger and outrage about this act. She thought it was offensive when Rochester White Van Man flew the St Georges flag from his house window.