The New York Times was one of the rags that launched a highly critical attack on Trump claiming [probably falsely] that he had disclosed top secret intelligence from another country without permission thus putting operations at risk as well as further co-operation.
The NYT then publishes photos of the Manchester bombing without permission which have been leaked to it…and ...the BBC reports on the NYT’s little faux pas…
The UK government and police have reacted with anger after a US newspaper published photos apparently showing the scene of the Manchester bomb attack.
Counter terror police chiefs said the leak undermined their investigation and victims’ and witnesses’ confidence.
A Whitehall source added: “We are furious. This is completely unacceptable.”
Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of smug, lying Liberals.
“Dangerous Woman” Meets Dangerous Man
by Mark Steyn – Steyn on Britain May 23, 2017
As I asked around Europe all last year: What’s the happy ending here? In a decade it will be worse, and in two decades worse still, and then in three decades people will barely recall how it used to be, when all that warmth and vibrancy of urban life that Owen Jones hymns in today’s Guardian is but a memory, and the music has died away, and Manchester is as dull and listless as today’s Alexandria. If Mrs May or Frau Merkel has a happier ending, I’d be interested to hear it. If not, it is necessary not to carry on, but to change, and soon – before it’s too late.
Steyn asks a good question.
Something that I find incredibly sad is that so many of our current problems have been created during my lifetime by our politicians, why is that?
It is said that ‘the poor will always be with us’ and there is an element of truth in that; there will be people on a basic pension who still manage ‘to put something aside’ and others on every benefit going who are up to their necks in debt, a personality rather than a political problem perhaps? We have seen tremendous advances in technology; not always advancing in a straight line but finding ‘fixes’ on the way to a better solution.
But there has also been a tremendous amount of political tinkering, beloved of the Toynbees and Owen Jones of this world. They haven’t got a clue what they are doing and maybe they don’t even know why but the answer to each upset, like the EU, is ‘more of the same’. Would we have been in a better state if parliament had enacted no new legislation since 1945 except for revoking the wartime energency powers laws?
Jim S, That is a good, insightful, post. Much to think about and discuss. Thanks.
Because our politicians are not up to the job. They get into Parliament and think that makes them experts on everything…….they are not. They listen to civil servants who have but one goal, more and more bureaucracy, so they are biased towards the EU. That is what the EU is, a non-democratic, socialist state. An y boast it makes about being “democratic” are pure lies and always have been. since the days of Heath we have been lied to by every PM with the slight exception of Lady Thatcher who after attending the first few meetings realised that her civil servants were lying to her about the EU. Then thing changed until she was st
Because our politicians are not up to the job. They get into Parliament and think that makes them experts on everything…….they are not. They listen to civil servants who have but one goal, more and more bureaucracy, so they are biased towards the EU. That is what the EU is, a non-democratic, socialist state. An y boast it makes about being “democratic” are pure lies and always have been. since the days of Heath we have been lied to by every PM with the slight exception of Lady Thatcher who after attending the first few meetings realised that her civil servants were lying to her about the EU. Then thing changed until she was st
Because our politicians are not up to the job. They get into Parliament and think that makes them experts on everything…….they are not. They listen to civil servants who have but one goal, more and more bureaucracy, so they are biased towards the EU. That is what the EU is, a non-democratic, socialist state. An y boast it makes about being “democratic” are pure lies and always have been. since the days of Heath we have been lied to by every PM with the slight exception of Lady Thatcher who after attending the first few meetings realised that her civil servants were lying to her about the EU. Then thing changed until she was stabbed in the back by her so called Conservative Members. Then we got the Europhiles back in power and back to normal….lies, lies and more lies.
Apologies for what appears to be multiple posts but at the end point my curser just did not work so I ended up finishing it later
If you are new here, welcome. If you are returning after an absence, welcome back.
Personally I love it every time someone remarks on the nastiness of the EU, the nastiness of EU supporters, the nastiness of EU employees, the ambivalence of the public sector no let’s call it by its proper name treason. The deceit and treachery of many of the political class.
So no apologies are necessary for the BBBC multiple copies, it happens to all of us.
But please, do not pussyfoot about, I want to be made so angry, by the disgusting behaviour of the subhuman filth referred to above, that I go out and do a really good Jihadi impersonation on a few thousand of them. It will make us all feel better.
Mr Steyn makes an interesting point in that article, suggesting that ISIS first attacked religious and national symbols but then worked out that most westerners don’t give a toss about religion or their country, so they bombed a teenybopper concert instead. I’m not sure if that’s correct, as Bataclan and Orlando were clearly attacks on things most westerners DO care about – ie, pop music, clubbing and gays – but I suspect it’s likely that ISIS will begin now to target that sort of thing more. I don’t expect to hear any such analysis on the BBC any time soon, however.
Looks like security is about to become the main issue for the election 2 weeks today. We have moved from the grief and mourning for the young who were murdered, those suffering now bless them . Now we are in the blame game. Another albeeb ritual which ,in effect, does no more than demoralise.
Yes – the Americans were wrong to make information public . Some one took blood money and the nytimes should have known better . Notice that even albeeb can’t get a talking head from that rag.
You can feel that Al beeb is ready to move on from this tragedy . Their group think means they cannot say “Islamic terrorism” – a bit like Corbyn who uses “violence” and not “terrorism” and never condemns one sort of terrorism ( e.g. IRA) but all “violence”.
Lastly – today is Ascention Day- ramadan starts soon – guess which one al beeb will cover .
Where are the quotes from the NYT apologising ?? on the BBC
These same BBC bods harass child victims of terror for quotes.
These same journos who push and push Trump staff for quotes on his ALLEGED leaks, don’t bother to phone the NYT ?
Funny business, this.
The BBC are currently claiming that the Manchester Police are not sharing information with the US. Unless that is clumsy headline writing for Breaking News or is pure speculation by the BBC (and it could well be either or both!), it means one of four things: the leak came from the UK security services or the leak came from the US security services or the NYT hacked either nation’s security services computers or obtained the information from a hack by a third-party. That latter possibility then includes just about anyone, anywhere in the world.
However, the BBC do not seem to be concerned AT ALL about those possibilities, just that the NYT Times (described at times as ‘the Americans’!) leaked these photos. Most of the time, the BBC seems to love America beyond the point of obsession, despite their Liberal and Left leanings, and would be keen to support the NYT when – if I recall correctly – the NYT is no fan of President Trump and supported Clinton in the Presidential election.
The other thing that is a little bit peculiar – I realise we are looking at BBC copies of the NYT page – is the apparent poor quality of the forensic photography. Yes, I do realise that the BBC is pretty much incapable of producing a sharp scan or rostrum camera photograph of UK newspaper front pages most days of the week for their own web-site. So that may be a big factor that would explain my complaint about the quality of these leaked crime scene photographs.
From what I can see in the BBC’s reproduction, then the image quality is not what I would expect from a forensic image file. Maybe I am being overly suspicious. If so, put that down to the fact that the BBC are making a terrible fuss about these crime scene pictures where, as far as the known perpetrator is concerned, a court case – and the forensic evidence – is completely irrelevant. Unless others are charged with aiding and abetting then no harm has been done.
The only possible harm is that in the event of collaboration, the suspects might be alerted to escape the country. One would assume that as soon as news of the explosion was known, they would either be lying low somewhere anyway or seeking to leave in time.
Is it more a case of moral outrage on the part of the BBC? That the place where their children and family members and friends died is being splashed over another nation’s newspaper pages. That I could understand. But I do not recall any of the BBC’s Newsreaders or Presenters saying that specifically. In that case, that is most peculiar.
Am I being spun by the BBC? It feels that way to me.
Thoughts anyone?
Predictably, the BBC is trying to blame the NYT’s leaks on the Trump administration. They’ve absolutely lost the plot.
Maybe the BBC do read this site.
There has been a quick re-write it appears and on their web-site they are now stating ‘Manchester Police stop sharing information with US’ although the change has not worked through all of the w/s pages yet. Bomb-attack police ‘not sharing with US’ is still up on the main News Page, accessed via the Home Page.
I’m not connecting with the drama regarding the photographs etc. oh wait the penny might have dropped. The NYT also released the name of the bomber so this gives any family or accomplices time to vanish. Do I pass my detective exam or is it straight to head of MI5. I think the victims and witnesses lost confidence a long time ago. The bastard was already known but walking free. Any investigations and arrests are a complete waste of time and of tax payers money. Our legal system is not designed for this kind of 21st centurary behaviour. The whole concept of human rights has to be examined. Unfortunately with snowflake mentality (I don’t like using these terms but for me SNOWFLAKE describes these fools perfectly) as in the free hugs kind, any attempt to do something strong would be met with ‘But what about their human rights’. Fuck their human rights. For god’s sake troops on the streets. I knew it was only a matter of time. I’m wondering if any are deployed outside W1A. I hope not. Fuck the CBB, the EU, the UN and our useless government. Their response has been pathetic. Nigel Farage for prime minister, Tommy Robinson for Home Secretary and Katie Hopkins Foreign Affairs. If it’s not already obvious I’m having one of my moodswings.
Yes it’s incredibly stupid of whoever in the US leaked these photos but equally the BBC is using this as its news lead when it’s far from the most important aspect of the bombing. Tbe BBC uses any opportunity to bash the US.
Remember, many of the people in the US Security Services are Obama appointees as are many of the staff still around in the White House and that the NYT is a fanatically Pro-Democrat, anti-Trump newspaper who have form for spreading rumours, innuendo and ant-Trump propaganda.
Leaking the pictures and information to create distrust of the Trump Administration to anti-Trump parts of the media like the NYT would, if people fall for it, a great way of driving a wedge between Britain and the US and there is nothing the bBBC would love to happen more.
I wrote to the New York Times and told the editor that disclosing the identity of the bomber and publishing the pictures was plain wrong. I’ve just received a reply saying that publishing the pictures could benefit people in spotting potential bombs . I think they’ve published their view in the current ny times .
Newspapers are businesses there to make money . In this case it’s blood money. I suggested they give the profits from that edition to the victims charity but that bit didn’t get a reply .
So the next time you hear of the ny times claiming the moral high ground ( normally about Trump) remember this .
Moodswing6 Nigel Farage for prime minister, Tommy Robinson for Home Secretary and Katie Hopkins Foreign Affairs. If it’s not already obvious I’m having one of my moodswings.
We have a window of opportunity as after 9/11, to stop the Islamic invasion in its tracks. Repatriate all Muslims. If a Muslim nation refuses to take back the invaders, then it sides with the invasion. Regime change to one which will agree to our demands. Repeat.
Once that is done, we will be at peace.
We are heading to a Bosnia type civil war, which will be even more viscous. In the end Europe will be divided, and the communities can live in peace. As they are in Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia. They are truly at ease now. But that cane at the expense of the destruction Yugoslavia. Partition of Europe will be the end of Western civilisation. Therefore there is no option but to repatriate all Muslims for the good of the world – Muslims included.
God help us, as only He can from the mess that our idiot politicians have created.
For me this is “news management” by the Government, fully supported and amplified by the BBC. The R4 News headline on Today at 7 am (sets the days agenda remember) was about the NYT photos, which was even spun as being the fault of “the Americans” and Trump. Second item was that the police have arrested 8 (!) suspected members of the bombing ring.
22 dead, many more seriously injured, mainly young girls, bombers on the loose mainly “known wolves”, killers on Westminster bridge, plots being discovered left, right and centre.
Complete dereliction of duty by successive Governments and lies from the BBC have got us to this point. They are absolutely desperate to distract the public, point fingers elsewhere and move on quickly.
I agree. In fact find it hard to see just what it is that the government and the BBC are getting so exercised about. It is insulting the public’s intelligence to suggest that knowing the name of the murderer, that he bought a backpack, used a battery and so on is going to make the slightest difference to anything.
As so often, the first response of a British government in any emergency is always stop the children (us, in their eyes) getting restless. That’s why they use such patronising expressions as ‘reassure the public’ as if we were a cage of fractious monkeys that needed calming down.
This isn’t about impeding an investigation. It’s plain as a pikestaff that the security and immigration services slipped up badly and that what the government is doing is trying to stop us from asking the awkward questions that desperately need to be asked. Questions that in a sane society would lead to prosecutions of the criminals who allowed this situation to come about – most of them former, and some present, politicians.
GCooper – Trump had it right – End migration from muslim countries .
Its not racist it is merely looking into the room and recognising that until the the pink migration elephant is removed from things aint gonna get any better only worse.
We need to realise that importing large groups of people who by and large have no real desire to integrate and some of whom actually wish us harm is not really a very bright idea!
It aint rocket science is it? but on the whole this concept seems to be beyond the capacity of most MSM and politicians to understand.
And until they do or some one steps from the shadows and sweeps them all away – the blood letting will get worse.
Can’t find the link now but the BBC issued guidance for teachers on how to report the Manchester events to their children.
It was “an explosion”. No mention of Islamic extremism or bombs or children being vapourised. No doubt this gives teachers more time to concentrate on more important things such as graphic sexual education for 6-y-olds and haranguing little children in front of the class if their dads read the wrong newspaper.
You mean the bBBC aren’t instructing teachers that the best way for teachers to deal with what happened is to indoctrinate the children that the whole thing is nothing but Alt News creating False News Propaganda and that the ‘explosion’ was nothing more than an unfortunate accident.
Further that one that has been established the children should then be told that stories about Muslim Terrorism and ISIS connections should not be believed because they are nothing more than malicious lies spread by the nasty Fascist Media to spread hate and intolerance in an attempt to destroy Britain’s wonderfully integrated Multicultural Utopia.
Well, isn’t that the propaganda the bBBC would love us all to believe was the reality created by the last two decades of intense State Imposed Social Engineering?
‘claiming [probably falsely] that he had disclosed top secret intelligence from another country without permission ‘
Maybe you missed it Alan, but he’s as good as admitted it:
Anyway…..back to Hilary’s emails.
You’re not very sharp. How about the rest of the tweet?
“…to terrorism and airline flight safety. Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism.”
And the follow up:
“I have been asking Director Comey & others, from the beginning of my administration, to find the LEAKERS in the intelligence community…..”
Of course you also forget that Trump didn’t need to mention Israel to the Russians, seeing as the NYTimes/Washpost reported that to the masses (leaked), along with the details of the laptop flight ban (also leaked).
Therefore i pose the question which ‘leaker’ is the bigger problem to international security, Trump or the opposition media?
Where, exactly, in that comment does Trump make any mention, never mind admission, that anything he shared with the Russians was even of a sensitive nature never mind anything Top Secret? Even the very carefully worded bBBC site your link refers to has to is forced to admit that the suppose classified information is only ‘reported’ to have been passed to the Russians.
I can ‘report’ that i have been informed confidentially that there are a group of scientists who can prove the moon is made of green cheese. The fact ‘report’ that certainly does not show it to be true. You can search forever to try and prove me wrong but nobody can say absolutely that somewhere such a group cannot possibly exist.
The only way that it can be proved that no such group exists is for me to expose my source at which point I would breach the confidence I was duty bound to uphold. Trump is in the same position and the Leftist, fanatically pro-Clinton anti-Trump MSM, and that includes the bBBC know that.
The only way he can ‘prove’ that nothing of a sensitive intelligence nature was passed by Trump to the Russians is for everything which was discussed to be made very, very public and that would mean exposing what the Russians said, and that would include things they may not want made public, as well as what Trump said.
The anti-Trump MSM know full well that it is impossible for everything which was said to be made public because to do so, and this is what the anti-Trump MSM would love the be the result, no leader of any other country, and their officials and diplomats, would ever hold a private conversation with Trump again.
Nobody has provided even the slightest plausible solid evidence that there are any illicit connections between Trump and Russia or that anything Russia allegedly did made even the slightest difference to the outcome of the US Election. All there is are constantly repeated totally unsupported allegations and accusations, reported with eagerness as if they were ‘provable facts’ by the bBBC because the US Presidential Candidate they decided was simply going to walk into the White House failed miserably to be chosen by the US voters and that the bBBC, just as they have behaved towards the Brexit decision, simply cannot stomach.
Even worse for them they were left in both situations in a situation where they didn’t have an excuse for the corridors at Broadcasting House to be awash with empty Champagne bottles and that really would cause them great and long lasting distress. Their psychologists must be working vast amounts of overtime dealing with their chronic deep depression over the shocks they have suffered.
Superb bias by omission. Now if only you could get a job somewhere……………….
The BBCs “Bookclub” is discussing the Levellers and the revolution. Apparently, there was a political crisis…an economic one…a religious one and a technological one.
No-see no read across re the end of politics, the Euro, Islam and the internet…do you?
Came here to rant at the BBCs rewrite of the Lisbon Lions win in the European Cup 1967. It being the BBC, it was anti Protestant, pro-IRA victim seeking pap.
All of us in Liverpool, Manchester and(yes) Belfast knew of low-level nastiness back then…but to elevate Celtics victory into yet another anti Rangers/Unionist crapfest is deeply insulting.
All of us Irish Catholics saw no more “up the IRA” mileage in their triumph than in Dana winning the Eurovision in 1970…but, of course, the BBC will foment all pro-IRA angles every chance they get.
Remind me again-why are we buying this shit on pain of prison?