The BBC’s Emma Barnett to Tory James Cleverly on the subject of police cuts and the blame for terrorist attacks…
‘I want you to accept that cuts to the police led to terrorism.’
Barnett also tried to promote the Labour lie that soldiers on the streets were a result of cuts to Bobbies on the beat…failing to understand that the soldiers were there, not to replace beat bobbies, but to support the armed police in the event of a Mumbai or Bataclan type attack which the police alone could not handle. Barnett, and she’s not alone in this of course, never seems properly prepared research-wise and frequently fails to understand what is being said by her interviewees despite it usually being clear and coherent, she seems to wing it thinking if she says something with enough confidence she can bluff her way through and score a few points….for instance has she any idea, is she bothered, that Labour proposed cuts to the police on top of the Tory cuts? [and remember this was the same Burnham who also proposed cuts to the NHS budget]…..
Yesterday, whilst the politicians were still in respectful silence after the Manchester attack the BBC and Labour tried to work around that inconvenience in order to politicise, weaponise, the bombing. Instead of using current Labour ministers they pulled in ex ministers, David Blunkett and Jackie Smith, to keep pushing Labour’s message whilst everyone else were silent…they of course not being in Corbyn’s cabinet could be presented as ‘civilian’ commentators…and yet this was a highly, highly political intervention as they implied May had blood on her hands.
Blunkett and Smith were brought in to blame Tory cuts to the police for the Manchester attack…never mind 7/7 was under a Labour government when we supposedly had lots more officers…never mind the police make arrests everyday in relation to terrorism and billions more have been ploughed into security and intelligence…how much more can they do? They seem to be completely on top of the job as far as possible. The Americans had massive intelligence and police resources and yet a huge and intricate plot like 9/11 happened.
Andy Burnham has been grandstanding as usual…and as usual he’s a liar…..and he’s also been blaming, very quietly, cuts for the bombing… well as peddling the Muslim extremists’ narrative about Prevent…..
Meanwhile, Greater Manchester’s metro mayor, Andy Burnham, said that policing numbers should become an issue in the general election campaign after the initial response to the Manchester attack had been completed. He said there was a need for a “fundamental review” of Prevent, which he said had led to members of Britain’s Muslim community feeling “picked on”.
The Prevent brand is now “toxic” in parts of the Muslim community, he said. “I think we do have to have a debate now about whether or not the frontline police force can be cut. I don’t believe it can,” he said. “I would say this now needs to become an issue in the election campaign, once we have dealt with the immediate events of this week.”
Curiously in 2015 Burnham thought we should make up to 10% cuts in the police budget on top of what the 20% the Tories had already cut…….
Shadow home secretary prepared to cut 5-10% of police budgets
In his conference speech on Wednesday, Burnham, who unsuccesfully challenged for the party leadership, will argue that it is possible to “protect most what we’ve got” with cuts of 5% to 10% in police budgets, but beyond that he will warn that public safety will be put at risk.
The government has already cut police budgets by 20% in the past five years…..[Burnham] says that it is perfectly possible to make further savings in police spending up to 10%.
Overall police budgets, excluding counter-terrorism grants, fell by 20% between 2010 and 2015. Since 2015, the overall policing budget has been protected in real terms, but not every force will benefit.
So police budgets have in fact been protected since 2015…and 20% cuts are the limit…and yet Burnham wanted to cut another 10% on top of that….and now is saying cuts to the police contributed to Manchester?
Odd that the BBC knows that figure, must know what Burnham proposed, and that the counter-terrorism budget has risen by billions, and yet still push Labour’s line that Manchester was caused by cuts to the police.
I too have noticed this BBC selective editing to get the Tories.
Noted it also with Suzanne Evans as well as Katie Hopkins.
The BBC edit all quotes to stick with the “350 Billion For the NHS” trick that they use-a repeated Goebbels kind of instant lie that is not refuted, allowed to fester.
And the BBC then hope that it`ll become holy writ.
Same tactics-same fake news. WE all know it now, all this crap re 5% difference between Uncle Jeremy and the Tories for example-it`ll bite them. The BBC-proven liars.
The BBC and selectivity…
‘Mona Mohamed, headteacher at the school, told Mishal Husain of Radio 4’s Today programme, that the girl had been ‘upset and hurt’ by the comment’
Hey, Mish, I wonder how some felt about your ‘comment’ on air, as a BBC national broadcaster spokesperson to the world…
‘The duty on public bodies to report signs of radicalisation, included in the government’s strategy to counter Islamist extremism, is today’s equivalent of internment in Northern Ireland, the shadow home secretary, Andy Burnham, has said, calling for the strategy to be scrapped’
Enough said.