Nick Robinson hears from the former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith about politicians and decision-making on security; discusses the political power of the press with the editor of the London Evening Standard, George Osborne; and talks to Mark Damazer (former Radio 4 Controller) and Stewart Wood (former adviser to Ed Miliband) about the week’s big campaign interviews.
Treachery, treachery…what to make of a man who not only sells out his country but also his own political party as he undermines both in order to betray the Brexit voting public and sell us out to Brussels?…that man being George Osborne of course.
The BBC have been continuing the effort to attack May’s campaign as they have from the start…when the campaigns were supposedly postponed out of respect for the victims in Manchester the BBC wheeled in a couple of ringers in the shape of Labour ex-senior politicians, Blunkett and Jacqui Smith, to give us their opinion on events….they being ‘civilians’ and so not subject to the imposed silence on the in-office politicians and thus able to carry on campaigning for Labour…and not just campaigning but making the most outrageous claims…that the Tories were responsible for Manchester because of cuts to the police. The BBC has been helpfully pushing that line, Emma Barnett demanding a Tory politician admit his guilt saying…’I want you to accept that cuts to the police led to terrorism.’
No coincidence that this is a major Labour narrative now…despite Labour in 2015 saying they would cut an extra 10% of the police budget above what the Tories had already cut….and note the police budget has not been cut since 2015 whilst counter-terrorism has seen a huge rise in budget…..the BBC graciously tell us that but strangely, in its ‘Reality Check’, fail to mention Labour’s prospective extra 10% cut….and notably fail to give us a conclusion.
Today we had Smith wheeled back in though saying little of consequence this time in a programme by Nick Robinson which seemed designed purely as a vehicle to attack May and praise Corbyn….note all the guests were Labour, ex-BBC or anti-May. The major ‘attraction’ was George Osborne, ostensibly there to talk about Press responsibility but in fact given a platform to further attack and undermine May….what the Telegaph calls a ‘blistering attack on May’s manifesto pledges’.
Naturally this is all related to Brexit and Osborne’s love affair with Brussels….he hopes to fatally wound May, perhaps make her lose the election or at the very least perform so badly that her position as leader is under question…the hope being she is replaced with a more pro-EU person who will kick Brexit into the long grass. No such thoughts and analysis from Robinson despite Osborne’s motives being blatantly obvious.
Whilst May was savaged it turns out, according to Robinson, that Corbyn has had a great time, successfully keeping his feet apparently [the BBC yesterday praising his pro-terror speech as ‘bold and audacious’]…that’s despite being subject to massive criticism for his pro-terror stance. Seems Robinson does not read the papers or watch the news.
With Corbyn getting a pretty clean pass from an uncritical BBC [Neil aside] and May savaged at every opportunity it’s no wonder Corbyn is seeing an apparent rise in the polls as he promises the earth buying votes without having any idea how to pay for it all. His Marxism, his pro-terrorist stance, his bankrupt economics, all get a free pass from the BBC.
All I can say is be careful of which you wish for. Bankruptcy, unions on the rampage, chaos politicially and throughout society, Britain made a defenceless laughing stock that gets steamrollered by Brussels and terrorists roam parliament, the ‘honoured friends’ of Jeremy Corbyn.
Corbyn has done an enormous U-turn in his long held political beliefs…claiming after Manchester that he is an implacable enemy of the terrorist…this, and many other claims by him, are a lie….Andrew Neil exposed him but the mainstream BBC applauds him instead. The BBC, whilst savaging May for her ‘U-turn’ completely ignores Corbyn’s own massive about face.
The Spectator is more critical as it notices that remarkable personal epiphany by Corbyn….
The three lies that Jeremy Corbyn told Andrew Neil last night
Why is a lifelong leftist seemingly abandoning hitherto unshakeable views? For the same reason any politician does anything: There are votes in it.
We learned something important from Jeremy Corbyn’s interview with Andrew Neil: The Labour leader wants to be Prime Minister and will do whatever it takes.
Corbyn told Neil: ‘I didn’t support the IRA. I don’t support the IRA. What I want everywhere is a peace process.’ This is a lie.
Corbyn told Neil: ‘I never met the IRA.’ This is a lie.
Corbyn told Neil: ‘My role was supporting a process which would bring about a dialogue and I believe you have to talk.’ This is a lie.
Extraordinary that a political journalist as astute and sharp as Nick Robinson would rather praise and cheerlead for such a man than expose him and his lies, his support for terrorists and most egregiously his opportunistic exploitation of the dead and wounded at Manchester in a series of lies and misinformation unchallenged by 99.999% of the BBC.
The Labour Party still doesn’t get it; a few do, but most don’t. Corbyn is not some mad old geography teacher with a lapel full of lost causes. He is not well-meaning or idealistic or a bit quirky in his views. He is an extremist and an enabler of extremism. He is a fellow traveller with terrorists and anti-Semites. When the IRA was murdering British soldiers and civilians, Corbyn had their back. When Hamas rains rockets down on Israeli kindergartens, Corbyn has their back. If he was Prime Minister and we came under attack, would he have our back?
The BBC doesn’t get it either.
If Corbyn became PM as head of the Regressive Conspiracy, how long would it be before British Jews followed the French ones in a mass exodus to Israel? It would be the safest thing for them.
Another option would be a riot. Apparently.
The BBC have a new reality show planned to replace Newswatch, called ‘Agenda, us? What agenda?’ Co-hosted by Nihal, Tulip, Mishal, Amol, Faisal and Samira. For balance.
That’s the first I’ve ever heard of that riot. I’m shocked that Jews were the target so soon after the end of the war, but the way the BBC twists things it makes the victims out to be the perpetrators. As always!
The BBC are shockingly anti-Semitic like all their fellow left-wingers. How any Jew can vote for a party of the left is beyond me.
By the way, I’ve often wondered about how much truth there was in the stories about Greville Janner. I didn’t follow the case closely but I was surprised about the way they went after a Labour politician, whose only remarkable facet previously was to be an Israel-supporting Labour politician. After all they made fake accusations about Lord McAlpine, a friend and colleague of Mrs Thatcher.
Listening briefly to the BH programme as I write.
So far, we`ve had Ed Balls talking all nice to John Sergeant about the Good Old Days with Labour in 1994 at party conferences-we know Alan Johnson is also appearing at this Hay On Wye Festival soon. We also know that Mark Mardell will be addressing THE question on all our lips. Is the Lady now for Turning-the Tory PM going all weak and wobbly on us all?
As for those questions about Corbyn in effect blessing Abedis rucksack, and blaming Sykes Picot for Rochdale and Rotherham( as well as jumping into McGuinness wicca coffin in his tawdry lifetime)…well, Mardell has no intention of asking THAT kind of question.
Which-this week after Manchester(remember them Mark?) seems more relevant.
Still though-Hay On Wye is nearer Chipping Norton and the BBC set -so double expenses at half the inconvenience. We`re paying as ever. Mugs are we not?
The BBC’s blatant support for Corbyn in this campaign could have serious long term consequences . If Corbyn gets a higher share of the vote than Milliband then the far left will gain on a number of fronts. Corbyn will stay as leader and introduce his changes at the next party conference to entrench the left in control if labour . For years it will be argued that a far left policy agenda doesn’t lose labour any votes . It will also be harder to set up a new centre left party. Is the UK a better place as a result whatever your politics?
“The BBC’s blatant support for Corbyn in this campaign could have serious long term consequences “,…………. and the present government does nothing about this bias ?
Strange , very strange .
The pusillanimity of the Conservatives in the face of BBC bias continues to puzzle me Taff. I don’t see how they gain from it. I think that Tory politicians should challenge interviewers more strongly instead of pursuing their unflappable approach . Secondly the new BBC charter must be scrapped during the next parliament and a new level playing field for news broadcasting introduced , ideally unsubsidised .