The decision by Theresa May not to attend BBC debate this Wednesday evening was very shrewd. It was one of THE most biased audiences I have ever encountered. Virulently leftist and wildly applauding fringe parties like The Green’s. Anyway, detail the bias here please!
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Clearly, the audience was completely biased and left wing. That is undeniable.
I was invited to be in the audience for the very first leaders’ debate in Manchester in 2010. In that debate, we in the audience were asked not to applaud any statements made by any of the leaders, and the debate was carried out with a great deal more civility.
The BBC has shown that they are unable to run an unbiased debate. They are unable to select an unbiased audience. And the chairperson, Mishal Hussein, seemed strangely unable to stop Paul Nuttall be being barracked when he tried to speak.
All in all, no surprise from the BBC. The only question is why the spineless Conservatives let them get away with it every time. What do the BBC have to do for the Conservatives to get the message: they hate you, and they don’t even bother hiding it. When are you going to do something sbout it?
At the start of the farce they said the audience has been chosen by an opinion poll company – that shows how untrustworthy opinion polls are and the only purpose of them is to influence voters.
Yougov perchance?
I’m on their list and get regular requests to ‘take part in our in our latest poll’. Needless to say that the emails stopped when May announced an election.
This may have been posted above, if you haven’t seen an alternative view – try this: –
Likewise. YouGov is a complete joke and always has been. It’s as if the tap was turned off the moment the election was announced.
I’m one of those who has become convinced that polls exist to shape opinion, not reflect it.
It was Com Res apparently but the problem as they belatedly acknowledged after the debate was that the majority of parties represented were either left wing or far left:Libs, Plaid, SNP, Green, Labour against two right wing parties: Tories and UKIP which made it five against two. All of the leftists were ploughing the same furrows and they had pretty much the same grievances against the Tories which acted as a kind of force multiplier. Each of them sought to bash the Tories for the advancement of their own particular sect. Personally I thought Amber Rudd did well against constant incoming.
The low point for me (amongst many)was when the Greens said they would generate 130bn by scrapping Trident (to massive applause) but what would happen when that money had been spent? (paying for the NHS for a couple of years or whatever) it would be a one off windfall… they couldn’t scrap Trident again every time they ran out of money. It would also probably cost us our permanent seat at the UN Security Council.
Overall I’m sad that so many political parties appear to dislike this country so much that they either want to break it up or permanently damage it economically or just sell it out. That these people are our would be ‘leaders’ is terrifying.I’m hoping that this is the point that comes through from the debate, that people see what danger we are in.
Parties of the Right should just totally boycott any appearances on the BBC, it simply isn’t the kind of company they should bother pandering to anymore. Of course I’m not including the Conservative party in that suggestion, let them get shouted down and belittled by the leftist mobs- strangely they don’t seem bothered by it at all. You’d think there wasn’t an election to win.
Even more revealing was King Corbyn’s arrival in Cambridge to be greeted by crowds of banner-waving, shrieking supporters – the sort of people anyone could gather at a moment’s notice off the streets. Another PR triumph for Momentum, as any vaguely percipient mind could see, and one that had obviously been planned since Jeremy’s first decision ‘not to appear’, and long before that ‘last minute’ change of mind.
There was nothing to cheer, but everything to jeer about … the only reason she was there at all was to drone out that utterly moronic strong and stable, more lies about some money tree, the best laugh talk about competence … hilarious
Corbyn? … doesn t matter where he goes the crowds keep getting bigger ,so nothings new
The Daily Fail? … After weeks of churning out smear and propaganda for the Tory Party, like all of the press gutter the Daily Mail is now complaining of bias … ROFL!.
Look its simple all semantics, no substance the Tories have no defence, utter failures
There was no erm Tory “crowd” because their still on on the f-cking campaign bus,
Liar May sending out A Dudd, instead of herself is despicable cowardice, makes no difference, her catalogue of lies, utter failure, dangerous incompetence, and putting her grasping party before country, using one scapegoat after another to hide their cluelessness is simply indefensible.
Even more so when you know Ambers father passed away only 48hrs ago, beneath contempt May.
Oh, yes. Even nicer of the BBBC to broadcast the arrival of the other candidates, at all debates, always. Oops, maybe Auntie’s slip is showing – again!
Not really a question of bias but a matter of a lack of control . Have a sit down – no podium . No flappy crowd. A forensic interviewer like Brillo . Get down to numbers and facts rather than dumb accusations . T May didn’t close anything from that and Corbyn was submerged in the minor parties which -maybe was the aim .
Great idea having a bimbo like meeeeeshah as the host who lost in in the first minute . Should have a long career as a tick box ethnic in albeeb. Another poz discrim job in the al beeb selection process. See the wiki for evidence of my view .
Yet More BBC Bias … this time on the music front, a new tune No1 on the download list, top ten trending on Youtube
one and a quarter million views and rising already, the chart show won t play it, across its music it won t play it citing its “impartiality” we ll see if the Al BBCs “reverse Midas touch” works, its due to go top ten this week
… but by refusing to … showing it IS partial
… probably No1 now, with the publicity
Funny thing was that before the debate I spoke to Nigel Farage on LBC and predicted exactly what would happen, after the debate he said exactly the same things I had said earlier !
Thoughtful, were you the lady who suggested that Theresa May was right in not attending?
Yep, that would probably be me !
In the aftermath of this debacle the BBC complaints website kept going down, presumably due to the number of people complaining about the biased audience. I know this as I was busy trying to lodge my own complaint.
In the aftermath of this debacle the BBC complaints website kept going down, presumably due to the number of people complaining about the biased audience. I know this as I was busy trying to lodge my own complaint.
probably because you meant it so much you wrote it in duplicate?
I have just had the usual response to a complaint I put in a couple of weeks ago; ‘sorry but this is unusual,, bear with us, we know this is taking longer than 10 days’. Does anyone get a response to a complaint within 10 days from the BBC?
If you complained that the BBC is biased against Corblimey then they would reply within 24 hours apologising for their mistakes.
Sir Lenny seems to have his own private line to Tone Deaf Hall.
Just watched Kuennsberg piece re the campaign trail today for the 10 O Clock News.
have a look-and see how many examples of overt and implicit bias you can spot and hear.
This is Pravda-Corbyn feted from top to bottom like some Bernie Sanders God figure.
Signs sneering at Tories, cameras staying on cheering deviants and Labour spongers.
Ukip howled down, Celtic mystics speaking sense on migrants and little Tim speaking truth to Mays hapless minime.
Disgraceful. This IS meant to be an impartial national broadcaster, not North Korean hero worship of the Dear Leader.
But the verdict of all good people on the Tories is settled isn`t it?
We must be the Corbyn Deniers then, and may well be a criminal hate offence if the progressives ever get their way.
Remind me again-why are May and other dopes allowing this on their watch?
This’ll confuse the retards.
I guess all those brown people are simply ignorant because Labour hasn’t unlocked their talent yet.
Mice height. I followed the link to George L J twitter site. I saw this and thought it was funny:
Good stuff!
It’s great seeing the Rebel Media team growing, and becoming very popular, in this country.
I believe it’ll be free (or voluntary donation) content that finishes the BBC. There’s no way they’ll ever change, but the idea of being forced to pay for media is becoming outdated faster than I could ever imagine.
What was it Nixon might have said? “Don’t get caught”.
All is not well at sack of rats central, clearly.
Al beebus don’t really like Corbyn, it’s just that they HATE Brexit; as such they will throw their full weight behind him, if it increases the chance of a “Soft-Brexit” i.e. no Brexit after the GE.
They have been helped in this by Theresa May turning out to be such a lightweight and many of the Conservative policies turning out to be dog s**t.
A complete waste of time for any of us to watch it. Irrelevant and childish and that tiny Tim is by far the most inane politician I have seen for a long time.
Far better to watch and listen to Mark Steyn’s latest podcast on the Manchester atrocity. A sober and realistic assessment of the situation we face in Europe as we face the greatest existential crisis since the 1930s .
It hardly matters who is elected if the policies and attitudes of our elites (so well described by Steyn) are allowed to continue without challenge.
Anyone who has not felt disquiet at the reaction by the politicians and many of the people to what happened in Manchester lacks a survival instinct at the very least.
I can no longer listen to these politicians on this election without feeling some contempt for such wilful neglect of their prime duty to the nation.
As for the media and the BBC what can I say other than go to hell.
You are right, and I have watched Mark Steyn’s piece as well.
It was notable that only Paul Nuttall had the courage to point out that the Manchester atrocity was committed by a muslim, in the name of his religion. Even this modest and accurate remark was met with fake shock and derision by the likes of Farron and Robertson, mindful no doubt of their muslim voting base. Nuttall was treated as if he was wearing a brown shirt and a swastika for merely stating the bleeding obvious.
With eunuchs like this at the top of our political system, we are surely doomed. Eventually things will reach a critical mass, and we will end up with a Yugoslavia type civil war. It will be their fault entirely.
Yes, Steyn is very cogent.
After the blurbing of Murray”s new book, I decided to reread Londonistan.
Chapter 8 “On their knees before terror” contains this passage
” When the memorial service for the victims of the London bombings was being planned for St. Paul’s Cathedral, church leaders wanted to invite the families of the bombers. Two senior bishops believed that this would ” acknowledge their own loss and send a powerful message of reconciliation to the Muslim community.” Jack Nicholls, Bishop of Sheffield, said “We have to look forward not back, forward to a society in which Muslims and Christians live together amicably in an integrated community ”
Obviously, the families of the victims were outraged and the plans scrapeed.
Twelve years on, the “great and the good” are still trotting out the same nefarious nonsense.
Ten or twenty years from now, nothing will have changed, except that the muslim menace will have become even more intractable.
“Nothing to do with Islam”
Perhaps the suggestion was made simply to allow the families of the bombers to gloat on what their offsprings/relatives had achieved?
Dave S..or anyone else..can you please post a link to M.Steyn’s latest podcast as referred to above..thanks
ta JimS
Everyone should watch this Steyn post. Thanks Jim.
Maybe I’m just too imperceptive but here and in the States I just keep hearing that our streets are awash with, hate, not to mention, discrimination, misogyny and innumerable ‘phobias.
I can see that being consumed by hate is not a good thing but as for Manchester touting the song, ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’?
Really? if what happened and why it happened doesn’t make you angry you cannot be human.
All that happened was that some SJW attention seeker started a sing along in St Anne’s Square. Once upon a time it would have been “Abide With Me” or “Amazing Grace”, but I don’t suppose anyone knows the words any more, so we have to put up with a dirge from Oasis. Who Sally is and what she is waiting for must remain a mystery.
…but I don’t suppose anyone knows the words any more, ……
So true.
Oasis ? – oh yeah, the group that tried to emulate the Beatles.
cmon it was all planned some dicks were suggesting it the day before on radio 4 cos it sort of sez
dont get angry
an its from manchestor init
pathetic but at least it wasnt f…in imagine
i would have chosen this personally
much more fitting, and the album title sums it up too
If I were a Muslim nutter, I`d certaily be dialling up on my next atrocity. Hell-what the Allah will I have to do to them to get them to admit I`m a Muslim doing a Muslimish thing to them? Safe to say that the BBC wave that rainbow flag at Islam from their northeren outposts. Doubt they`d put this concert of theirs on at The O2 Arena in London.
That said, I can tell the Muslims this.
When you flew planes into the Twin Towers and your other US sites-you wiped out 3000 people .
The BBC response to this was to trash Americans and reduce their Ambassador to helpless tears on their telly shows.
So-you`ll need to kill a few more that 52 if you want the BBC to raise more than a white flag with an Islamic Green pot of Humbrol with a Shahada stencil kit.
My God-WHY do we let the BBC put us in this pointless peril? After Millie Dowler?…they gave up on life as lived by us all.
The rise of Tory attack ads on Facebook
Wow, no attempt to hide the bias, impartiality here. Where are the monitoring bodies?
I’m sorry to say that there is no monitoring or regulation of BBC news sites (remember the BBC were on of the organisations campaigning for Leveson type regulation of the media).
When they get around to doing their job, Ofcom, will only hear complaints in respect of broadcast programmes. Regulation of the news pages stays with the BBC…and there isn’t even the ‘Trust’ now to refer complaints to.
“We’re trying to overcome the opaque nature of political Facebook advertising”
Roughly translated means “we at the BBC are trying to control social media and stop you from seeing what we don’t want you to see”
On the BBC’s homepage they have a headlined story — “Killer Father was Like A Terrorist” — with an image of two white people (mother and daughter). Click into the story and it is a DOMESTIC VIOLENCE story where the father shoots dead his wife and daughter. It has nothing to with creating terror in the civilian population for political purposes (the definition of terrorism). But because the surviving sons said their father was terrorising, the BBC have raised this story from obscurity to headline news. It is clear that the BBC are developing another apologetic strand to Islamic terror – claiming it is equivalent to domestic violence.
This follows from the BBC headlining a witness’s comment that the Portland stabbing was a “terrorist attack”
There is clearly a coordinated attempt within the BBC to loosen the meaning of “terrorism” in order to further downplay the significance of Islamic terror.
‘Like a terrorist’.
‘It’s what he might have said’.
BBC editorial integrity.
It’s what Mishal would have wanted.
Under advice from Emir Khan and the Mayor of Kabul?
I thought exactly the same when I read this.
‘Hey look, even white middle aged guys can be terrorists. Let’s dial down the labels’.
It’s really pathetic isn’t it?
Surely the headline should have read “Killer Father was like a Militant”?
That seems to be the BBC’s favourite choice of word these days.
Two observations on yesterday’s BBC tv debate:
Clive Myrie introduced their show for BBC News Channel with a classic BBC sentence formulation:
“…some people think… this will be the most important event in the election campaign….”
Naga Munchetty this morning slips in an odd challenge during her interview with the Labour shadow transport spokesman:
“Do you think Jeremy Corbyn capitalised enough on Theresa May’s not taking part in the BBC tv debate?”
BBC: self-obsessed, lefty-leaning
Seems she, Amol and others have received the same instruction.
There was just so much that was wrong in the TOADY Programme’s first hour it is hard to know where to start. Not just errors but deliberate bias, in my view, and a slanting of the programme’s output.
Very definitely FakeNews or FalseNews on the TODAY programme this morning in the post 6.00am business segment. The BBC journalist had a female contributor who, perhaps deliberately, perhaps accidentally, presented ‘unemployment as being very low’.
If you know the unemployment statistics, as the BBC journalist (Katy?) should have done, you would know that unemployment is not low – it is at 1.5 million. The rate of unemployment (ie. as a proportion of the total working population) is low, as low as it was 40 years ago, when unemployment was high as was the rate of unemployment.
The difference is between the number of unemployed and rate of unemployed, two completely different viewpoints of unemployment.
The BBC is piling on the FakeNews and FalseNews with statistics from a BBC journalist, Chris Morris, who makes a false comparison between the usage of Food Banks in 2015/2016 (I think) and 2009/2010 when Food Banks were much closer to their ‘infancy’ in the UK. Chris came out with more FakeNews/FalseNews.
The TODAY Programme is taking a deliberate pop at the current Government’s management of the economy and inflation and pay rises, at ‘low pay’, the ‘just about managing’, the struggling, etc., but is presenting falsehoods as it does so.
Interestingly, in his review of the newspapers at 6.40am approximately, Justin Webb, read out without realising it a piece of news from one paper that contradicted the previous 40 minutes TODAY programme. Hilarious! Must listen again, to that one.
The BBC does not appear to know how Food Banks actually operate, who is entitled to use them, how this is controlled and the processes involved. You would think as a news and journalism operation, they would want to find out, would have done their investigation. Again, with Food Banks, there is a difference between the numbers accessing them and the rate of access, but hey – don’t let’s worry too much about accuracy.
The same with statements about the amount of ‘tax’ paid by high earners. That – amazingly – ignored the halving of the top rate of Income Tax by George Osborne.
This was BBC incompetence at the highest level. Either that, or a deliberate distortion and presentation of FakeNews and FalseNews as part of their bias, in an attempt possibly or probably to try to influence the General Election.
Does anyone know how many people in the UK were starving to death before the introduction of foodbanks? Just to the nearest 100,000 please.
I wouldn’t want anyone to think foodbanks were a publicity stunt by the left and unquestioningly pushed by the BBC.
And no, you cannot include those poor sods who died of malnutrition or thirst in state run NHS hospitals, the BBC doesn’t like to mention those.
Between 0 and 100,000 I’d say, tending towards the low end of that range.
Mrs Mole and I used to live quite healthily a few years ago when we had no income, spending around £100 a month on food and drink.
“Starving”: more like missing a meal or two.
BBC ‘news’ predictably concentrating on Teresa’s no show at last night’s mass-debate. Serious and legitimate political analysis would have been better served by questioning the huge crowds, all carrying ‘I love Jeremy’ placards or similar, gathered in a matter of hours to greet the new Leader. For what is consistently described as a ‘last minute decision’, the logistics alone simply defy rational explanation, the reality being that the whole situation was planned and engineered days, if not weeks, in advance. For a major national news source to fail to recognise this blatant Stalinist manipulation, or worse still, ignore it, deserves serious investigation. Ally all this with the promotion of a spurious pop song, which must be making inroads into Momentum funding to buy in the numbers required, and we are in a unique political situation, not a healthy one.
There were positives to be gained. Robertson and Farron confirmed their sly and shallow shamelessness, Wood and Lucas their total failure to understand or grasp reality, Nuttall did as well as could be expected and Corbyn has obviously been made aware of the importance of a neat collar and tie.
Also, hundreds of thousands of ordinary, relatively apolitical viewers will have been quietly repulsed by the utter baboonery of the left. Big plus.
The striking thing about was how Farron got no applause whatsoever.Where are all the angry remainers out there?
Returning to the economy, the BBC is majoring on inflation at present in the TODAY Programme but does not compare it to inflation during 1997-2010 when there was a Labour Government.
The statistics are interesting and are available on-line from the House of Commons Library or the Office of National Statistics.
You have to wonder why the tories won’t do anything about the bbc. I agree with all the above yet I can’t fail to notice that May was and is the tory MPs’ choice and never was the members choice. How could she become the country’s choice?
It was with grave misgivings that I saw Theresa become Prime Minister but definitely better than Andrea. I really would have preferred Michael Gove. But I had thought she had been doing better more recently but when she hasn’t practiced what she is going to say, she sounds flustered which is not good for bargaining. However she will still be hugely better than Corbyn who will just give the EU everything they want. I heard David Davis the other day being given the third degree by Humphries on the Today programme about what the Conservatives bargaining position would be.
Does anyone know what Labour’s position for negotiations with Europe would be? Has he even been asked?
Equality in the way the BBC treats the two parties – don’t make me laugh.
I don’t know. I think I would have liked to see Andrea give it a go. Yes, she was a little naïve in allowing a journalist to walk her into a trap but I would have preferred someone in charge that hadn’t been indoctrinated over the years of doing very little and being such a big part of the establishment.
I would have liked someone to come in and say ‘I don’t care that it’s always been done this way, we’ve going to try something else’. She certainly had more guile and charm than Theresa did and was a better debater in her Brexit performances.
I agree with that. I liked Andrea Leadsom and I am sorry that she seems to have disappeared in this election. Who knows what would have happened if Conservative Party members had actually been allowed a vote instead of being presented with a stitch-up?
Andrea Leadsom was my favourite over May.
I hope she’ll reappear.
I think she’s probably keeping herself clear of the current lot.
I believe she has organised her Department of State well, and produced – towards the end of last year and sooner than other departments – her response and plan for DEFRA on Brexit.
Of course, whether she and her family want to face renewed hostility from MSM would be fairly central to them.
I think, though, she would respond to a call – and be, outwardly, a much tougher person.
I don’t doubt her personal toughness at all.
BBC Today Programme
“Does anyone feel the economy is run in a way that benefits you?”
I kid you not. They have selected the asylum, hired the lunatics and ensured they only quote the ones that serve the narrative.
More complete climate garbage – FAKE NEWS – from the BBC this morning, once again in tears as Trump prepares to pull out of the disgraceful Paris Climate Agreement.
Paris climate deal: EU and China rebuff Trump
Chinese and EU leaders are to agree a joint statement on the Paris climate agreement saying it is “an imperative more important than ever”. A draft of the document, seen by the BBC, stresses the “highest political commitment” to implement the deal. It will be widely seen as a rebuff to the US, as President Trump prepares to announce on Thursday if the US is withdrawing from the accord.
A ‘rebuff to Trump’..? Come again. It’s Trump who is ‘rebuffing’ the idiocy of the UN and the duplicitous Chinese (they know which side their bread’s buttered on and from where they can fetch all that free EU/UN money).
“…For more than a year, Chinese and EU officials have been working behind the scenes to agree a joint statement on climate change and clean energy. The document highlights the dangers posed by rising temperatures, “as a national security issue and multiplying factor of social and political fragility,” while pointing out that the transition to clean energy creates jobs and economic growth. “The EU and China consider the Paris agreement as an historic achievement further accelerating the irreversible global low greenhouse gas emission and climate resilient development,” the draft document says. “The Paris Agreement is proof that with shared political will and mutual trust, multilateralism can succeed in building fair and effective solutions to the most critical global problems of our time. The EU and China underline their highest political commitment to the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement in all its aspects.”
Wherever we are, we are clearly no longer in Kansas. The above reads like a fairy tale, which is appropriate, given that ‘climate change’ as told by the UN reads like a peer-reviewed study into the possible existence of unicorns and faeries. 97% of scientists are convinced they exist, apparently.
The BBC, prepared to believe anything that supports its pro-EU, pro-climate change agenda, continues to cheerlead from the side, gleefully pushing the party line on climate change, hoping (as usual) that nobody notices the emperor has no clothes.
Since when is China bothered about so-called Climate Change? Are they still opening coal-fired power stations at a phenomenal rate and building and buying cars like there is no tomorrow?
“Since when is China bothered about so-called Climate Change?”
My theory is they, like Germany, are bothered because they own or manufacture most of the climate change infrastructure. Vast profits !
“Since when is China bothered about so-called Climate Change?”
I was thinking the same thing. Not an expert on coal but don’t they burn something called “brown coal”, which is the worst polluter of the lot?
And am I right in thinking that anthracite from S Wales was relatively clean, as coal goes?
China burns REAL coal. Germany burns lignite in its
windfarmsandsolar arrayscoal fired power stations, which despite its silly green “policies”, are proliferating.Wasn’t aware of that.
EU bullshit never ceases to amaze, does it?
Germany has many virtues but it still has the capacity to scare me sometimes. On more than one occasion, during conversation with a German a sinister tidbit has emerged.
Yes, South Wales Steam Coal was the best in the world, due to its high carbon content. That was before carbon became a swear word, of course.
That was before carbon became a swear word, of course.
Whilst the liberal world opines about what Trump may or may not do later on today regards
global warmingclimate change . Here is what Pakistan (which just happens to be the biggest recipient of British Aid) is up to:Sharif inaugurates first unit of Sahiwal coal power project
Can you imagine the outcry if the Uk built a coal powered power station
Stick with nuclear, clean, efficient and it does away with the need for glow-sticks.
Bet Trumpy gets cold feet at the last minute, and stays in – maybe watering it down a
bitlot. Some eastern European countries are quietly undermining this stupid “accord” from the wings, too:
‘Climate Change’ – simply a new and ingenious plot to extract more tax from the and I
Yup, once again, more of people believing what they’d like to be true. China is pragmatic and takes the very long view. It will go on polluting to the max while it develops air scrubbers it can sell to the West. Like the UN and Nato, the US would pick up the bill.
May is fairly shrewd she knows that any stunt like last nights” debate” is just an opportunity for the hard left mob to gather together and pelt her with rotten fruit and shriek their old favourite “Tory scum” at her.. The BBC really needs urgent attention.
Last night’s ‘Election Debate’ was essentially a BBC-staged Comintern rally. I think most wings of the Communist International were represented, although I was a little troubled to notice the Kymer Rouge contingent seemed to have been seated right at the back.
The BBC and its somewhat dysfunctional relationship with concepts of ‘impartiality’. What a joke.
Compared to the BBC’s Welsh one a few days ago, I noticed that Husain took great care not to allow audience clapping after the opening minutes delivery from each of the panellists. She jumped in immediately (and I mean immediately!) on the cessation of each and before the next. Compared to the Welsh one, it became impossible to detect the inbuilt bias early. Wales was a classic and the BBC should be ashamed to say or infer that the, “specially selected audience” (BBC description) was NOT in any way biased.
Still waiting for the bBC to mention that awful Election debate. No point in saying what was wrong with it, easier to say what was right; NOTHING. But what comment from the honest bBC. Again NOTHING, not even that the audience selection had nothing to do with us.
TONIGHT 9pm BBC4 : “The Great Village Green War ,
follows green energy enthusiast Robert Llewellyn’s year-long campaign to persuade the residents of a Cotswolds village to generate their own power” ..village, Temple Guiting, also features a bit in Frome
His own Twitterfeed says he’s the voice over man rather than the actual campaign leader
My previous comment
Earmarked for avoidance. Not that I watch the BBC any more, anyway…
I’m regularly posting / exposing the BBC over on their Facebook page, under the threat of being ‘doxxed’ according to their new privacy policy.
Just today, I asked them:
Regarding BBC’s “national headlines” today, we have a story about Navratilova trying to censor Court for opposing same-sex marriage, calling her a racist and a homophobe. We have a story about some American guy saying it’s tough being black in the US. We have an actress complaining about being “body-shamed”. All very left-wing opinion-pieces slotted into our national news, as if they’re actual ‘news’.
BBC – this is a daily thing now, you’re not even trying to hide your subversion, and it’s absolutely hideous. Where is the real news?
On a side note – how many people realise that the BBC has now given itself permission to “dox” people who it deems to be offensive? They’ll contact your employer/school/etc, and ‘snitch’ on you for saying something they disagree with. Have a look at the privacy policy, it’s all in there.
See… this is a big deal now. The BBC are, on a daily basis, slyly slotting far-left opinion-pieces into our national headlines, disguised as ‘news’. We have a very vast majority of people who think everything the BBC says is legitimate and water-tight, right and proper. People still believe that what they’re told by the BBC is important to them, regardless of their political leanings, and they don’t question if what they’re being told is being done so to deliberately influence/manipulate them.
So when the BBC tells the entire country that some black guy in America finds it tough…. because he’s black…. a HUGE number of people are going to have a seed of thought planted in their head saying that blacks are still oppressed by whitey. It’s utterly repulsive subversive bilge, and arguably criminal.
screenshot when you spot them cheating
… otherwise they use their stealth edit tricks to destroy evidence
And don’t worry about being banned.
Best change over to using a clean Facebook account created with another email address, that way when/if they ban you, you can quickly come back, by creating another clean FB account ..cos they won’t be able to police Facebook thmselves based on IP address.
Since when did the views of a retired Wimbledon Australian Womens Champion become anything but a bit of private opinion as held by a woman, perfectly entitled to her view?
To hear the BBC SportsDay ethnics raising an outrage where one is not there is pretty despicable. It`s an OPINION-and , being of her age and faith, it`s perfectly acceptable not to want same sex crap…and warn of lesbian/gay cabals in tennis(and indeed ALL sports-goes with the territory). If these sports jocks need an old granny to threaten, sneer and abuse-well, they ought to revisit their treatment of Baroness Thatcher in 2013.
And now STFU.
Any news of all those child abuse stories that are prevalent in football from the recent past then? Or is it easier to abuse a true Aussie great?
If 100 babies are born in UK hospitals
How many have foreign BORN mothers ??
10 have EUborn mothers
18 have foreign born non EU mothers
according to BBC More or Less about minute 7:30 of their WS prog talking about the rise in UK birth rate from 2003 “foreign born mothers have more babies”
That 28 out of a 100 seems high. The way they separated them as 18, 10 and not mentioning 28 , seems a trick to me.
I wonder how many of the 100 have foreign born fathers ?
Of course we have a land border with Ireland so you’d expect some foreign parents and British people do emigrate so some children born abroad have a British mother etc.
I don’t need statistics to explain what my eyes can already see, and that’s lots of mixed race kids being born to white women with absent black fathers. The demographic of the UK is being altered at a terrifying pace.
But, Stevonatron, it’s not supposed to make any difference, none whatsoever.
Any perceived differences are entirely due to culture, not race.
What the US does today, we do tomorrow. Wonder which of our cities will be first to reach the Chicago death and crime award. Drugs, absent Fathers – we have it all.
…..that’s lots of mixed race kids being born to white women with absent black fathers. ….
I think that should have read …….. being born to OVERWEIGHT white women………….. clearly it is this section of the population who are making good use of foodbanks !!!!
The statistics are not available for fathers, The reason this statistic is so widely quoted is because it is so traceable.
All UK births (barring concealment) are registered, and it is easy to link a baby (new NHS number) to its mother. It is much more difficult to prove paternity in national statistics.
Junckers decline of English : On RT now : The German minister just said “And now I will switch to English” after first introducing himself in German
He’s at a live meeting with Putin in Moscow.
The German speaks fantastic English..Putin listened in an earpiece and then commenced his reply and speech ..entirely in Russian ..I guess his target audience is Russian speaking anyway.
Junckers isn’t German, he’s from Luxembourg, so he speaks Luxembourgish, which is a bit like German spoken by a drunk person. Oh wait, I see you have a point…
Nothing to do with what language Junkers speaks rather just his anti-Brexit comment that Europe doesn’t need the English language.
English will continue to be the common language in Europe. It is nothing to do with our membership of the EU, it is just that English is the international language of business, and is also quite easy to learn. Even Juncker can manage it after he’s had a few.
The lampooning of May will increase as election day approaches.
She has asked for it.
Maybe she realised that this would be simply a bBC stitch up. (I mean this blog has been saying how biased the bBC is for years) and simply picked the lesser of 2 evils.
such posters are put around by Labour activists .
..I’m not going to help them do their dirty work.
I agree it’s a good tactic for May to avoid stitchups.
Wow, interesting given their article
claiming that the Tories are using Facebook ads to ‘attack’ the left??
Maybe the Tories could claim that the BBC are using bullshit to attack the right.
Exclusive: Labour election campaign boosted by fake Twitter accounts.
Jug ears gets one in the rear
The daily bBC victimhood spot for…Islam

The teenage protesters seeking quiet lives in Kashmir
The bBC promotes the view that Muslim children simply want to live in peace in India. What they leave out is how the Kashmir problem is one instigated by Pakistan which simply wants to grab more land in which to build a bigger buffer zone around its capital city from India. Even with the stolen part of Kashmir (In green) the Pakistani capital is still vulnerable from Indian strikes.
Funny enough in September 2010, the Youth of Kashmir decided to have a violent protest over the burning of a Koran in the US. Which is why they burnt down a Christian missionary school . ( I wonder why the bBC left that out) It appears that all these so called Islamic youths who simply want to live in peace, actually mean they want a piece of what the other fellow has:
Thailand,Philippines, ISIS,Taliban, Al Shabab, every Islamic immigrant in the West. Why, here is what a follower of the peaceful religion got up to inside a supermarket on Tuesday night in Paris:
Unhappy Islamic knifeman attacks shoppers in Paris
Funny how the bBC can bring us tales of Islamic victimhood from far away, yet fails to report actual Islamic crimes just across the water.
The bBC, the apologist for Islamic terrorism.
Thankfully the BBC has given up pretending it was a fair audience selection for the election political debate. It leaves the blame with Andrew Hawkins of Comres, the company that bussed in Momentum to the hall to howl down any arguments it found slightly disagreeable.
Hawkins said five of the parties were left of centre – which meant “cheering is going to be skewed in one direction”
– erm no, Andrew, no. The audience should reflect the opinions of this country NOT the group with the largest amount of parties on the stage. If you added together the support of all those left wing parties they might well fall short of the total support in the country for the Tories and UKIP combined. Thus if the populace of the UK was represented there ought to be more people to the right than the left.
Hawkins goes onto underline his absurd logic: “If you have a panel of people – one from the governing party (Conservatives) – one from what’s regarded as a right wing party (UKIP) and five from broadly left-wing parties, and you give those speakers equal airtime, it means you’re giving five slots of airtime to the left-wing parties for every two slots to the not so left-wing parties,” he said.
“Therefore it’s inevitable that the cheering is going to be skewed in one direction.”
Again, NO! firstly I don’t believe that if the right was divided into ten parties and the left one, that the BBC would have allowed the audience to have been 10-1 in favour of the right.
Secondly, they are not ‘broadly’ left wing. Note that loaded word ‘broadly’, The Scots Nats, Welsh Nats, Labour and the Lib Dems all believe in the same things.
Thirdly, I believe that the UK population is roughly 50% right and 50% left, with many around the centre who drift one way or the other. Thus, the audience should reflect that.
It is too late for the BBC to get a grip on its audience selection for this election. They have damaged the right in the eyes of their audience by making them appear to be at odds with the electorate. So job done, but now they must be fair in the future. No, I know they won’t be.
The BBC did the same dirty tricks for the Brexit debates and look where that got them. A left wing biased audience is so typical of BBC Question Time and other debates but it fools no-one anymore.
But, but, but, people will remember the BBC created bias. I hear the drip, drip, drip of their demise.
But also, having 5 left wing Vs 2 right wing ( if you believe Conservatives are right wing) means that 72% of the time given to answers and speeches goes to leftwingers. Also it is obvious that the 5 leftwingers gang up on the other two by heckling and interruption, giving a subliminal impression that they represent a clear majority.
Yes, Mr Mole-but didn`t Mishal Husain state at the beginning that the audience were selected on the results of Brexit and the last election. In other words-half the audience would have been Brexit fans with a clear overlap of UKIP and Tory supporters.
So , no matter the 5/2 bias of the parties( and remind me again-why were the Scots and Welsh there, but not the DUP?)-the AUDIENCE was stated by the BBC to have been filtered and approved.
Disgusting. Incompetent-well, funnily enough their “incompetence” inevitably favours the Left…so maybe not bias, more wilful pre-loading for the Corbz.
Only hope their Bernie Sanders tribute comes to a sticky end for them all.
Just a vignette this morning on Radio 4’s, the ‘Today’ programme.
Justin creep Weebb was talking to Richard Best, the boss at a bakery in Cardiff to seek out disenfranchised employers to have them spout more doom and gloom about the current state of the economy.
Listen to Webb pushing Corbyn’s idea of flooding the market with money (from whom?) to get people to buy more goods.
Web then teed up a perfect question for the ‘right’ answer:-
‘Have you noticed in the last few months a squeeze on the ability of your customers to buy your products…..
Tumbleweed as Webb got the wrong answer.
at 1.15m.49s
Oh dear…. Webb then desperately talked about dire ‘warnings’ of the economy!
Mr Best had none of it.
“soundbites, slogans and smears”
But enough of BBC editorial.
Justin does like hearing what makes Jeremy’s case, doesn’t he?
StealthTricks used by LibMob : soft-blocking of political right

I’ve been collecting these stealth ads that pop up as “suggested groups” Facebook ..often pushing Corbyn/Labour/Remain
But there is another one whereby Your local library or public wifi, allows lefty sites no problem , but when you try a righty site it ttries to block you with a scary ..this site is dangerous page.
… It’s a soft block you can get to the page by clicking a message at the bottom” I understands the risks proceed”
It’s not certain it’s a conspiracy
..the library system here has a similar glitch that it sometimes blocks its own Login Page in the same way.
Yes, I’ve noticed the sudden appearance of blood-red DANGER! pages warning of imminent catastrophe if I proceed past them. The answer is simple: Proceed past them.
It would be advisable for PC users to get themselves a copy of something like Malwarebytes Premium – it sits in the background and kills 99% of all known viruses, ransomwares, trojans, etc – and keep it regularly updated, but once you have that on your system quietly (and I have to say dependably) gatekeeping in the background (and in real time) you really don’t have too much to worry about.
Ah Bless – China is Merkel’s new BFF. Maybe China can supply cut price weapon systems and help her with the NATO contribution – or not.
Sop the election campaign draws to close what do the BBc run as their main story? Yes 13:00 news Trump prepares to announce he is pulling out of the Paris agreement is the number one story. BBc gets in a tizzy wizzy as someone decides not to follow the totally bogus climate change circus. So hey lets have several Bbc correspondents giving us the BBc view. What a disgrace they are.
Just to share with readers the thinking of North African Muslim historian Ibn Khaldun in his work The Muqaddimah written some 600 years ago.
Ibn Khaldun, based on his study of ancient, Islamic and Christian history, ascertained a cyclical pattern of rise-and-fall among what he termed “dynasties” which, mutatis mutandis, is applicable to our culture as well. All of them go through three phases:
[1] The first is the one which establishes the society: “its members are used to privation and to sharing their glory with each other; they are brave….sharp and greatly feared. People submit to them.”
[2] Following that is the stage in which the society moves “from privation to luxury and plenty” and “the vigour of group feeling is broken…. People become used to lowliness and obedience. But many of the old virtues remain” and the people “live in hope that the conditions that existed in the first generation may come back, or they live under the illusion that those conditions still exist.”
[3] The final generation “has completely forgotten the period of…toughness, as if it had never existed…. because they are so much given to a life of prosperity and ease. They…are like women and children who need to be defended. Group feeling disappears completely….. When someone comes and demands something from them, they cannot repel him.”
The fourth phase, then, is the conquest of the civilization by another that is still in the robust, determined and, yes, dangerous phase.
How the bBC reports the news as it sees fit
Over 40 people ‘die of thirst’ in Sahara Desert
Survivors say 44 people have died of thirst after their truck broke down in the Sahara Desert in northern Niger, the Red Cross has told the BBC. The six survivors, all women, walked to a remote village and are being looked after in Dirkou, Niger, Red Cross official Lawal Taher said. They say several children are among the dead.
France 24 reports the above as:
44 migrants, including babies, die in Niger desert
– At least 44 migrants, including women and babies, were found dead after their vehicle broke down in the desert of northern Niger while on the way to Libya, local officials said Thursday.
Here is how Al Jazera reports the same story:
More than 40 migrants ‘die of thirst’ in Niger
Dozens attempting to reach Libya to get to Europe die of thirst as vehicle breaks down in northern Niger, officials say
Reuter reports:
Over 40 migrants reported dead in Sahara after truck breakdown
I wonder why the bBC left out that it was migrants who died?
True Pounce. Why do none of the media point out that if they are travelling to Libya then it can’t be that bad. If they then leave for Europe they cannot be classified as refugees as they, themselves chose to go through Libya. They are economic migrants, nothing else. I know we all on here know this to be true but why don’t the left-wing media tell the truth on this for those who believe that they are all Libyans.
It reminds me of the old clown trick where a tiny car pulls up and an endless stream of clowns keep leaving the car. Unseen by the audience the clowns are all getting in the car from the other side via curtains or some similar device.
I note in the tv paper that there’s another ‘Leader’s Debate’ on BBC 1 at 2030 tomorrow. Surprised it’s going ahead because most people are aware now of the pro-Corbyn Labour bias of the Beauty Broadcasting Corporation (“the Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster dontchaknow) in these sorts of debates and for that reason, they have increasingly become the un-funny joke. What with hundreds of placard waving Marxists (sorry, ‘Labour supporters’) just, by chance turning up at the previous debate Thursday evening mere hours after Corbyn announced (surprise surprise) he would attend. Naturally, this could be a demonstration of the ‘well-oiled Labour machine'(!?) in view of organisation of such numbers, coach hire and all the other arrangements required including alerting the police and the local authority in view of the use of the highway.
I genuinely believe the BBC no longer cares what we think regarding there continual and appalling bias. I think its got to the stage where they dont give a rats arse what anybody thinks, why, because nobody does bugger all about it. The more they get away with the more they will push it. They receive hundreds and hundreds of complaints from people like me and others but choose to ignore them. Its almost becoming a fucking dictatorship.
When the next debate comes along it will be the same, bus loads of tree hugging lentil eating political illiterates being shipped around to cause as much disruption as possible and do you know what folks, people are falling for it.
I was sat on a train yesterday and two of the young tree huggers were sat across the isle from me talking about the election and one asked the other what is the IRA and other replied oh its a financial governing body to do with the banks i think….mind blowing.
God help us…
Yes, the public sector minibuses and union pilgrims are easily bussed into media showcases very much as were the flying pickets. Same intentions too.
The Left “doughnut” and “isolate” anyone they don`t know -if they look Tory-like, they know how to scare them. Seen it myself-have had to stick up for some old Tories, Jews or otherwise decent and independent minded people.
My local Tory MP is usually glad to see me and friends-don`t agree with much of what he says, but he always has the right to say it and be listened to.
The Left-Greens and Quangocuntz seem not to want him (or his like) to speak though…and we all know the likes of Jones, Cynernasties and Brand, Izzard etrc are ALL incapable to listening to anything but themselves.
Time to fight back.Tolpuddle should be fun this year.
dafydd, a perfect example of why the voting age should be increased to 25 and only for those in gainful employment who pay income tax
Couldn’t agree more…they were genuinely pathetic
Couldn’t agree more…they were genuinely pathetic
Compare and contrast –
Compare and contrast –
How about the next one of these debates, the conservatives and UKIP pulling out altogether and letting the leftie gangs squabble amongst themselves.
They could say they will not take part until impartiality is guaranteed.
Point out that the BBC is completely left wing biased in absolutely every way and there’s no point in taking part in such a one sided show.
Would the BBC take any notice?
Sadly the BBC wouldn’t batter an eye lid, they just dont care. The organisation is run by Marxist..
Check the history of some of its Directors, bit of an eye opener..
One example of a senior Director..
James Mark Dakin Purnell (born 2 March 1970) is a British broadcasting executive and a former politician. In late September 2016, he was appointed as the BBC’s Director of Radio, and will take up his position at the end of October in addition to his other role as the BBC’s Director of Strategy and Digital, a job he has held since March 2013.[1][2]
Purnell was previously a British Labour Party politician, being the Member of Parliament (MP) for Stalybridge and Hyde from the 2001 general election until the 2010 general election. He served as Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport from 2007 to 2008 and Secretary of State for Work and Pensions from 2008 until 2009. He resigned from the Government on 4 June 2009.
An ex Labour politician running the non bias BBC…MY ARSE..!!!
Noted the story re BBC bias in their Jeux Sans Borders crap last night has fallen off the Red Button headlines.
Doubtless they`re already double spacing Trumps binnig of the Paris Crap due soon(please God, we need one back after the BBCs godawful showing last night).
My only consolation is that it`s quite clear why ComRes etc( should that be ComReds) keep calling elctions wrong-if they REALLY think that Momentums Mullahs will just self-declare as foam-flecked Lefties for the pollsters-then no wonder they always think that the Left will walk elections. The good quiet people of the country won`t tell them-for fear of their names and addresses getting targeted. Of course, hardly anybody watches this Lefty shit but our likes-but even a casual observer would be horrified about the nature of the coming Lefty Fascist Kettlings that goes on in the “independent media”. Last night will only have helped the Tories and UKIP, especially when the BBC pundits say Labour will benefit.
The pollsters and BBC really can`t fail to get it 180 degrees wrong, arse end up, telescope up the rear as an endoscope. The BBC and ther polling classes are THAT crap.
Poor sods only can use a protractor up to 38.
Tory landslide, the likes of which we`ve never seen.
But even if Labour get FIVE seats-we need an enquiry into what kind of peeple vote for Nugee, Abbott, Corbyn and the other Wacky Racists.
Anti Semitic, Terrorist helping scum-the likes of which we`ve never seen before.
Horrible crime carried out by a Turk in Germany yet, has anybody seen this story reported at the bBC?
Germany: Turk who dragged his wife by the neck behind his car gets 14 years
View at
Stunning takedown of the lying left by the author of “The Black Swan”. Never on the media unless it`s a crank bit on RT-can see why.
Whilst I never watch anything the BBC pumps out I do go over to their website to make comparisons between them and other, more reputable news outlets.
Today their US & Canada section is no different from any other day. Hysterical froth about Trump. Silly stories about some bimbo who’s ‘angry’ about a Snow White advert and the Obamas buying a house in Washington DC. And, oh heaven forbid, a noose has been found at the African-American museum.
Then we have this: “Trump-Russia investigation: US Congress issues subpoenas”
They really go to town with innuendo about Trump and the Russia non story.
Tucked away at the bottom is a reference to another part of the investigation which states,
“There were also subpoenas reportedly issued by the House intelligence committee to the CIA, the National Security Agency and the FBI. These subpoenas are seeking records related to the “unmasking” of Trump associates accidentally picked up in intercepted conversations, say US media reports.”
Note the words ‘reportedly’, ‘accidentally’ and the fact that unmasking is in inverted commas.
Because it’s the BBC you just know that they’re not telling the whole truth.
The full facts are that subpoenas have been served on the CIA, the NSA and the FBI for documents relating to the following:
Former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice
Ex-CIA director John Brennan
Former U.N. ambassador Samantha Power.
The net is beginning to tighten about those responsible for the illegal wiretap surveillance targeting of US citizens by the Obama administration and the BBC doesn’t want to tell you about it.
“Trump, Nunes demand answers on Obama-era spying, ‘unmasking'”
Remember how the bBC promoted the Muslim who just wanted hugs in Manchester as an example of how Islam forgives:
Well it transpires the bloke who did that did it for nothing more than click bait on his You-tube website here are a few more of his social experiment videos.
And the bBC tried to pass this shite off as…NEWS.
The bBC we go out of our way in which to give you…CRAP