The decision by Theresa May not to attend BBC debate this Wednesday evening was very shrewd. It was one of THE most biased audiences I have ever encountered. Virulently leftist and wildly applauding fringe parties like The Green’s. Anyway, detail the bias here please!
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Anyone see this online advert against Corbyn
“Million of online hits”
..well I’ve never seen it.
Anyone explain why Lone Wolves would be so much better than Terror Cell members?
Still trying to figure it out because surely, potentially vast amounts of, UK born, self radicalised Jihadis are far more serious than a discreet cell.
If you were an ACTIVIST eco-organisation trying to change UK policies
you might use YOUR OWN MONEY to make a custom graphic and a GIF89 animtion to promote your cause
But if you were a PUBLICLY FUNDED ..IMPARTIAL ..Radio show ie without pictures you wouldn’t waste money
…. Well not unless you are Womans Hour
There is no evidence to suggest that within the next decade or so , the EXISTING evolving ever cleanliness of vehicles won’t bring the almost all roads within EU limits
and anyway we won’t be in the EU.
The vast majority of UK roads already meet limits , it’ just certain roads and certain time, certain weather conditions that don’t.
The two BBC graphics
The BBC Gif animation …for sound only radio show
Let me guess-Corbyns a waster, and now Trump is back on that Paris Accord crap that Obama and the Chinese like.
The Chinese of course do anything BUT adhere to international law, but the EU will need them soon to control the Internet and the populations-so expect a love-in over all this.
This article is hysterical:
The BBC would have been proud to manage the seamless transition from ‘loud noise and cloud of black smoke near Vatican’ to ‘let’s bash Trump for his climate change heresy’ in one short article. It really is farcical and infantile.
Anyway, looking forward to the BBC’s objective and impartial coverage (did I spell that correctly!) of President Trump’s announcement re Paris Climate Change Scam tonight.
I thought perhaps they’d failed to elect a new pope!
The children of the beeb dont even understand the white smoke/ black smoke concept.
Not BBC bias for once, but this extract from Brillo’s interview with Tiny Tim Farron is definitely worth a watch.
Purely by chance – turned tv on it was set on channel BBC1, to arrive some way through Brillo trying desperately to extract answers to straight-forward questions from Tiny Tim Farron. How anyone can respect TTF beats me. If your’e in a hole, stop digging was always good advice yet TTF dug on and on and on. There was no stopping him ranting his dishonest bile which, from what Brillo squeezed out of him, demonstrated under the heading of, “Trust” TTF comes nowhere. On that showing, I suspect that this election could be the end of the LibDems. If this televised interview aided that, good, hopefully it wiil put TTF out of his misery otherwise it will mean a trip to the vet’s.
G – Let’s hope it puts him out of our misery as well.
Apologies if this has already been put up …
Usual excellence from Mark Steyn
You know … I don’t like this, on the Al BBC radio on about that virtue signalling extravaganza concert for Manchester
I know raise funds, but it smacks of, “all move on” celebrity weepathon to me.
I would imagine another big ” look at the balloon” moment and not at Liar May for being Home Secretary who oversaw free passage for extremists to & from Libya re 16 yr old Salman Abedi and had the intel about his imminent attack that someone in No10 decided not to act on … where is the serious scrutiny?
In fact where is Liar May? … she s refused to do BBC Womans Hour now … and send Justine Demeaning instead.
The arrogance of Tories eh! why call GE17 not to take part in it? … its not a bloody “Coronation” Liar
Anyway Mark Steyn, great stuff.
Think for a minute. Can any of us seriously imagine any of Mark’s words being permitted on the BBC/C4?
Of course not. Quietly and with impeccable reasoning he lays out our existential problem in the West.
And what have we got ? May and Corbyn with an associated cast of deadbeats and their cheerleaders.
I want to be able to see my grandchildren live in safety in their homeland. To go freely throughout the land and have no fear. This is what I mean by society and civilisation.
Political correctness,virtue signalling and the current obsessions of a class hellbent on their own destruction via fantasy and personal desires mean nothing to me.
So I really don’t care who wins. None of them are worth a light and none of them will face the future with courage.
That said Corbyn and his acolytes are particularly awful and that Dimbleby thinks that man is being unfairly treated tells me more about him than he would wish me to know.
The BBC is, as it has always been ,on the other side . I knew it long ago and so did a lot of us. It stands for a nightmare future and is using this election to further it’s foul aims.
Mark Steyn is a real and powerful voice for sanity and worth every one of the BBC’s tame spewers of propaganda put together.
Hope this link works!
Easier still 😉

Ta ted
You’re very welcome 🙂
Has there ever been a Prime Minister who has treated Plymouth voters with more disrespect.
‘Three minutes of nothing’: Herald reporter reflects on PM encounter
Well at least A Dudd turned up, to bleat “magic money tree”,
after doubling the national debt in less than 5 yrs, and now its at 1.7 trillion
was she trying irony?
Trump has withdrawn from the Paris climate accord.
BBC Meltdown time
Time to buy shares in popcorn manufacturers!
carter daniel
Total meltdown for the BBC ,,,, Trump,, climate change, ,, diesel cars,, plastic in our seas,, micro beads,, the leftie BBC will being going into total brain washing mode now
If you’ve ever wondered why Theresa May allowed hundreds of ISIS volunteers back into the country check this out:
May Rudd Thornberry same crap
Don’t know what type of barrister lady Nugee was but guessing it’s one of the easier ones like criminal defence. ( no offence much) .
Her anger management lessons must have really worked doing the deep breathing method. You could see she wanted to bash Brillo bless him.
Q”Tiny Tim – why do the lib dems want to legalise weed?” A” blah blah blah”
The Daily Mail reports that Sharon White, Chief Executive of the BBC regulator Ofcom, is a guest at this year’s Bilderberg Group meeting in Virginia, USA. I don’t really know what this means, but it seems worth noting.
‘O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us! ‘
BBC Outside Source presenter Nuala McGovern explains for us that during Donald Trump’s Paris Agreement speech the clapping and cheering we heard was: “from a friendly audience”
24 hours after the BBC’s televisied election debate’s laughably pro-lefty audience – we now know for sure the BBC don’t do irony.
“My job is to represent the people of Pittsburgh not Paris”………….Well done, The Donald
Conservatives will abolish the Television Licence Fee.
Sources close to Conservative Party HQ have denied reports that there are plans to abolish the BBC Licence Fee if they win the forthcoming General Election.
Rumours are abound in the media that such a policy would greatly increase the party’s chances of an overall majority by as much as fourfold, and indeed, other media outlets such as Fox News and Breitbart have welcomed the strategy, which comes just seven days before the General Election.
Nobody at the BBC is available for comment, as this news has only been copied to sources in the last half-hour, but a comment – unconfirmed – mentions that the scrapping of the BBC Charter in favour of a paid-for service would be a huge incentive for businesses to invest in an impartial and independent broadcaster which does not discriminate between political positions and remains impartial at all times.
And then I woke up…
Boy, aren`t they all in meltdown?
Clearly the Freeview cartel-as well as the BBC and its tribute acts like Channel 4 and ITV-simply can`t get their ascientific heads around the fact that a US President cares more for Pittsburg than Paris.
And all those hit piece packages from all the channels?
Can now see why they`re all cheesed off at him crapping on the Holy Altar of Nothing that is the Paris crap.
And as yet-but of course-absolutely no serious piece on what the crock from Paris actually IS. Who pays for it, why that bogus science-and why American technology will STILL be available for the idiots to buy. But they`ll have to pay for it now-and isn`t this exactly what Trumps businessmans head is for. They hate the guy.
Time now to get hacks from China and possibly a suckup to Putin for those rare earth metals.
To see Gore, Bill Nye, Chris Packham and Roger Harrabin in tears of rage will be a joy.
Guess Trump has lost himself a few votes in Silicon Valley-and he was so popular there too!
Thank you Steve Bannon-and FFS, send Ted Malloch over to deal with EU drunks like Juncker…will make our life easier for Brexit.
Juncker says the USA can`t leave the Paris Accord.
Who on earth gave this bloke such a deluded sense of worth?
Trump will ignore a financial settlement with the Paris Accord.
Why can’t we just walk away from the EU without a ‘negotiated settlement’?
I voted to leave, i.e. walk away. May has other ideas.
The BBC/Left haven’t yet realised what’s heading their way from the US of A.
Shades of ‘Hotel California’ with creepy Junckers – we can’t leave the EU, the US can’t leave the accord.
Strange isn’t it ? That a non politician who doesn’t conform to the stencil version of a US president actually carries through on an election promise?
If he had said – ” we re going to stick with the Paris agreements ” al Beeb would have spent their wasted air on calling him a cheat and a liar. Surely you have to respect someone who does what they promise – whether you agree with their view or not. ( I am another climate change denier but that is beside the point here).
As an aside – listening to junker threatening trump about pulling out of a treaty had me choking on my popcorn. I guess junker had been on the Hennessy again because he sounded like he thought America is in the EU. Amazing that junker is an undemocratic tax paid civil servant raised beyond his abilities. I’m surprised al Beeb showed him ranting as it was like Brexit heaven
how come qt has a less biased audience than last nights debacle?
Fear of public opinion.
think they can move that quick? more likely with it being in london they didnt feel the need to rig it much
Maybe but they knew what they were doing last night well in advance and knew there was going to be a row. Not that the BBc gives a toss anymore.
Trump has really upset the sobs now!
Official complaint from the Tories-and a fear that if York is as bad tonight, then we`ll REALLY get into not paying for the License.
I`d not have funded Lord Haw Haw or Tokyo Rose-why am I expected to open a varicose vein for the Liberal leech that is the BBC.
It`s a traitorous “State Within a State”-its own Capita police, it`s own taxation on the citizens.
No-York`s another Reamoaner town. Too many yuppie students at the money tree, paid nowt in yet-but want us dead.
Why not Sunderland or Manchester BBC?
If Corbyns other than a Jihadis John aberration under our heels on June 9th-I`m off to Hungary, and the grandkids can learn that we TOO can leave the country. And no bank of Granny and Grandad either-unless they convert to forints, and thank Orban for holding the line for now.
I thought the same until the Asian man in the audience ranted about “immigrants have destroyed this country” then the entire audience did a synchronised left wing groan.
First time a man of colour has NOT been cheered to the rafters by the liberal slush puppies in the QT bear pit of progress.
He had a point actually-the Nursing College want to lower English assessment results for prospective nurses, so they can misunderstand more and kill us off easier.
Hence their wish that Dementia/Alzheimers no longer be an obstacle for NHS progression on the ward.
Doctor Ernest Saunders probably does all the anal dilation probes for Rotherham, Rochdale and Mid-Staffs.
Where ARE Marietta Higgs and Geoffrey Wyatt these days?
Let alone the nations Matron-Sharon Shoesmith? Our NHS eh?….actually it`s the BBCs and Labours…has been since 1992.
Is it just me ? admittedly not BBC, but Sky have 2 female newspaper reviewers of Asian extract who talk at 100 miles an hour. Again, admittedly they are young and need to get their point over before they are interrupted, but I’ve noticed this with other e/m, extremely eloquent, terribly passionate, and have an attitude that they know better than the rest of us.
… People in imperceptibly thin paned glass houses?
Theresa oops “Appeaser” or maybe its “Sharia” May
How s the Home Secretary who oversaw free passage for extremists to & from Libya re 16 yr old Salman Abedi and had the intel about his imminent attack that someone in No10 decided not to act on .
The PM – Accepting bribes to assist Saud get on the human rights council, sell them the weapons to mass murder Yemini s
then send our foreign to them as assistance … Deliberately not ban Sharia, but use a review to get more implemented. even quote apologists Quran etc etc etc,h_350/d642b0_26d709cd25934b698bfbcffb42fcbb75~mv2.jpg
Treezer sends her message for Ramadamalinglong and imports terrorists
Channelling Rabbie Burns again
‘There is no such uncertainty as a sure thing’
BBC Breakfast’s travelling “Butty Van” (didn’t a former BBC star have one of those back in the 1970s?) ventures north to Dunfirmline in the ancient Kingdom of Fife – one of the few parts of the UK where it’s apparently still quite ok to be a nationalist.
But if you happen to be English or for that matter American don’t even think about voting for politicians who might be putting your own national interests first.
So what does the BBC band wagon – sorry – Butty Van find the good people have to say?
We can only imagine that Gordon Brown is writing the script for the vox pops :
“I’m not keen on Corbyn, but I’m voting Labour, anyway”, is the typical comment that makes it through the BBC edit
And do we detect Alex Salmond ghost writing for the town centre round table discussion? – well, “Independence” is the first word out of the mouth of the first participant. Funny, I wasn’t aware that was on the ballot paper again so soon. Oh, by the way, that’s independence from Brtain not the EU that was what the guy meant – just in case you were wondering.
Here’s the problem: the BBC came under some criticism for its metrocentric outlook and so in an arse-covering sort of way the smug guys and gals late of W1A now of Salford get their marching orders to hit the provinces.
Problem is, they line up all the usual suspects to speak the same liberal elite views. In Wales, for example, we got a clutch of university dons and bar-proping red Dylan Thomas aficionados.
Now they are in Scotland I turn off before the Robert The Bruce reenactor gets into his full Sassenach smiting swing – that would just put me off my porridge
Yes, just turned on in time to hear Ben Thompson utter the gem ‘we are all feeling the squeeze on our incomes’.
Our cat was quite annoyed to see me rolling around on the kitchen floor laughing and not serving up her breakfast.
‘we are all feeling the squeeze on our incomes’? Yes, I bet the 6-figure bbc presenters are crying all the way to the food bank.
America may have been pulled out of the Paris ‘Climate Accord’ by President Trump but the BBC are determined to burn as much fossil fuel as possible in order to bring about Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change while covering this General Election.
They have correspondents in all parts of the UK as well as the rest of the world.
Why they cannot use them, I do not know.
Is it self-aggrandisement on the part of BBC presenters such as James Naughtie? That, I could believe. Are the BBC over-staffed? Very much, it appears. Are the regional correspondents merely freelance ‘stringers’? If so, are they on Zero Hours Contracts?
Shock! Horror!! ZHCs at the BBC?
Trying to open my eyes after awakening on another day I turn on the TV. It’s BBc Breakfast and they are bitchin’ about Trump leaving the Paris agreement. The only other countries to do so are Nicaragua & Syria we are reminded, again. Some bloke in a suit from some organisation I’ve never heard of comes on and says blah blah blah. But in the end they decide as the rest of the world is going to conform to the conspiracy America not playing probably won’t make any difference. So why the song and dance. Anyone on to put forward the view climate change conspiracy is valid as the flat Earth conspiracy. No way. It’s the uniquely funded BBc putting forward it’s agenda and no other yet again.
This from an outfit who have a helo to hover over folk’s homes if they are not on the favoured list?
That ‘bloke in a suit’ was Richard Black, ex-BBC environment guy/activist as Harrabin is now.
Aaah that’ll be the geezer.
Don’t know about you guys, but I’m certainly enjoying the flood of liberal tears as Trump withdraws from the Paris Climate Accords (a non-binding agreement, btw – something which the Chinese and the Indians know only too well). If the BBC was yesterday in funereal mode (serious faces all day), CNN was in positively apoplectic breakdown mode. Truly hilarious viewing was to be had for anyone brave enough to venture onto the channel. This was END OF THE WORLD stuff – by turns hyperbolic and vicious. According to CNN’s wise, scientifically trained, superannuated commentators Trump has ‘abandoned world leadership’, has ‘doomed the world to a catastrophe’, etc.
I was laughing so hard I almost choked on my popcorn. This is fantastic viewing – funnier than any comedy, more surreal than an entire season of The Mighty Boosh.
We live in such interesting times! 🙂
I notice that France has “condemned” Trumpy – and so has the rest of the world, apparently. Auntie Treezer is “disappointed”, which gives you a good idea as to HER plans for energy in the Former UK in the future – and it won’t involve anything positive, like Trumpy has pulled.
Speaking of positive, is there a ‘news’ broadcast, anywhere, which regards Trumpy’s action as anything but BAD?
No applause from – anyone? No proponents, anywhere? Can no-one be found who believes it a good thing? Apparently, not.
I was beginning to think the Donald was losing his touch, but now, he da MAN – keep it up Donald, I love to hear the snowflakes screech.
Syria: Former model turned soldier returns to battle
A short video of a female fighting against ISIS. It looks like the BBC arse department and elbow department don’t talk to each other.
At 0m42s the lady says “…I keep getting labelled as the former model, which to me is insulting, because it was such a small part of my life.”
It’s strange how this lady who was a model for a small time (and hates being labelled as a former model) is called a ‘former model’ by the BBC whilst on the other hand a terrorist/pedophile who spent there life studying Islam and attending Mosques is NOT called a Mulsim when it suits the BBC.
Appallingly chummy interview of The Sturgeon by Nick Robinson on R4 Today. It was like listening to two friends having a chat . Why were they so mutually upbeat ? Why of course it’s because ‘some polls ‘ are forecasting a hung parliament . First point – how many polls plural are saying this? We all know about the flawed pro Labour YouGov but clearly the BBC know of more. Secondly, we have all been here before . Remember 2015? Millibands campaign had failed but towards the end, the BBC and other lefties got so excited about a Labour-SNP alliance at Westminster. Sane voters hated it then and I’m sure they hate it now . BBC hubris, hopefully . Nemesis in early hours of next Friday.
BTW what a bad week for Today lefty presenters . The over – promoted Husain crashes at The Great Debate and Robinson continues to show he is too biased to be a political reporter .
Over on Facebook, the BBC are wondering what more they can do to ensure Nicola is kept front and centre in England to ensure a hung parliament. Impartially, of course.
Here are the smug faces of the BBC election team. Paid an estimated £3 million/year between them and known as “the talent”.
‘the talent’ thats a joke after the past week of shite they called election debates.
I think the Beeb are suffering a Dianne Abbot moment if they are describing them as “talent”
I looked up talent in Websters and found some words that fit much better. (extracted)
Related Words: bias, leaning, partiality, penchant, predilection
Near Antonyms: inability, incapacity; shortcoming, weakness
Where’s Lenny.
All looking a bit too hideous still, surely?
GW…. well, there is a jew and a muslim amongst the mix, but clearly they’ve forgotten Ore !!!
As we all know, these people are not talented. They are long term BBC employees whose careers have been cosseted without exposure to the labour market. I don’t think that any of them would stand out if they had to hack it in the private sector. Who other then over paid and equally cosseted BBC managers determines their inflated salaries?
This scenario has parallels throughout the public sector. Local Authority Chief Executives are paid ridiculous salaries in a self reinforcing process where gullible councillors approve salaries in comparison with other local authorities. There is no true market and while the reward for just being average can be £300-500,000 pa, the penalty for failure is a huge pay-off and the chance to milk the public purse further as a ‘consultant’ .
Meanwhile we mugs have to continue funding the charade by BBC Tax or Council Tax.
“They are long term BBC employees”
Or are they self-employed contractors, paid through their service companies?
I think we should be told!
This surgeon who, according to the BBC, treated the Manchester victims, certainly deserves an honor, maybe a knighthood if his account of his perfect life saving work can be verified. And that should be an easy task . Then, perhaps the BBC might do a documentary on him. He is a caring surgeon, a loving parent, and is a good Moslem who condemns the evil doings of those bad people who do not belong with his faith.
In fact he seems too good to be true. And he does seem to fit in so perfectly with the BBC narrative regarding the superior virtues of Moslems.
I wonder if anyone has checked the BBC story; it would be very easy to interview him or his colleagues or a patient.
If the report had come from some other source than the fake news pro Moslem BBC I would not have this nagging suspicion that I may see him again in a BBC drama series.
Still, my skepticism can easily be disproved with a simple inquiry
Treezer and her fellow socialists in the Labour party are disappointed with Trump’s decision to dump the Paris scam.
I would advise this silly woman and her government to get behind the US now – they are no longer the world’s mugs. But she is an EU supporter.
Does this mean that Trump’s state visit will be cancelled? When is it by the way?
The pain all over the media last night and this morning is unreal. Huw edwards last night at 10 looked sick. Thats two days in a row now for huw who was all smiles before the fiasco in cambridge but then that didnt work out the way it was intended with collusion from labour yougov and the beeb. Sky was the same this morning with the female presenter looking in real pain trying to keep the venom in. Never mind hannah thomas peters poured her bile for us from the US. She really is a hateful individual.
Channel 4 tonight will be a joy with snows head likely to explode and kylie morris will be even more angrier from america . Great times indeed and Timmeh farron got well brilloed last night and not a word about it on the beeb this morning like it never happened.
I would expect that, just like me, you would be puzzled and shocked to learn that it’s quite possible our noble and fully integrated muslim community are not altogether to be trusted. Although it has been frequently reported – little Timmy Farron mentioned it only last night – that the Manchester bomber was reported on five separate occasions, there don’t appear to be any police records of such calls to confirm their reality.
Now this would suggest, either that our ‘institutionally racist’ police force are choosing to ignore valuable and reliable information, or perhaps that the community in question are telling ‘porkies’ – if they will excuse the term.
In a similar vein, the reported incident involving the gunman in the Manilla casino is, apparently, not terrorist related – it was theft. This would explain why, having nicked as many readies as possible and stuffed himself with banknotes, the gunperson then chose to set fire to himself. You know it makes sense.
It was pretty standard taqiyya on the part of Didsbury mosque. They have established the lie, so now it is the truth, and the dhimmis believe it.
According to them, Salman Abedi never attended the mosque, or if he did it was infrequently, and anyway no-one liked him, and the imam reported him to the police. So really it is all the police’s fault, nothing to do with islam or the Didsbury mosque.
They are dancing on the graves of 22 people, and our gutless MSM let them get away with it.
If only it was just 22, eh? And if only Didsbury was exceptional.
Radio Lincolnshire News at 8am and 8:30am
Told us a Twitter account marked Lincolnshire Conservatives has been suspended – TRUE
It had sent a stream of tweets sneering at poor people – TRUE
But BBC staff being LibMob kept their finger on the scale by giving time to reporting the SNEERS
but not the context.
Thus keeping the doubt that it could have been genuine Tory tweeting instead of being a spoof or hack from Labour supporters.
A quick glance at the account shows it retweeted a picture mocking Theresa May that a genuine Tory would not have retweeted.

And in it’s whole history since March it has tweeted only 117 times yet in the last few hours it tweeted 20 times.
That looks like a hack to me.
9am news added a line
“Lincs Conservatives said t account has nothing to do with them”
Why didn’t the original report say that ?
Cos BiasedBBC LibMob staff feel the need to be disingenuous..and stir up hate for Tories, I suppose
If the reporter had actually gone to the local Tory website, then they’d have see that the official account isn’t @LincsCons it’s @LincsTories
“Corbyn supports those rouges.”
True dat.
Should read
“Tweet1 : Poor people are not ‘vulnerable’, they are dangerous due to the fact that they are addicted to drugs and have NOTHING to lose.
Tweet2 : They usually resort to a life crime and then blame the government for their deplorable lifestyle. Corbyn supports those rouges.”
Hey up BBC Radio Lincs have tidied up
12pm It still led the news headlines but they completely rejigged the headline.
“Offensive tweets on a fake account have targetted Lincolnshire Tories”
…”…tweeted about poor people on the account LincsCons, but the official account is actually LincsTories”
” spokesman have said the account has nothing to do with them and they’d got it suspended”
..Then they moved onto the Conservatives Thanet election charges.
From top story until lunch disappeared completely off the 5pm News
but they cover it in 1 minute at 5:15pm
It was a fake account, taken down at real LincsTories request.
They won’t be reporting it to police.
Things like this show that at least for now, the internet is dangerous to globalists
BBC News – Two cousins of the Manchester bomber say they had no idea he was planning his attack
(Islamic terrorist Mass Murder BBC?)
Salman Abedi’s cousins say ‘he did it secretly’
No … NO idea … WHAT! we re shocked, SHOCKED I tell you.
BBC News – Manchester attacker bought bomb ‘alone’, yep! “nothing to do with”
Yep the Mosque … no idea, they re shocked as well
His dad … “nothing to do with ”
BBC News – Manchester attack: Coronation Street set tiles help raise funds, (you don t like saying Islamic terrorism BBC?)
BBC News – Manchester Attack: “normal business has resumed” Liam Gallagher, (do you BBC?)
BBC News – Manchester Concert : We re going to see Ariana Grande, (oh look a balloon)
BBC Newsbeat – Laura Price and her 10-year-old cousin were both in the crowd when a bomb killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert last week. (oh … “a bomb”?)
But she says she’s “excited” to take him back to see the singer again at Old Trafford cricket ground this Sunday. The likes of Little Mix, Katy Perry and Justin Bieber will be there.
Alison Butterworth and Phil Trow: One Love Manchester concert Alison and Phil talk about the tickets for the One Love
BBC Special -One Love Concert
Never Mind Kids, When is Nadiya s Ramadan puff piece, on the Al BBC?
“This Ramadan, let us celebrate the way in which this,”festival of peace”, reflection and religious devotion brings people closer together.
… And let us say to Muslims here in Britain and across the world, Ramadan Kareem”. – Liar May
Ramadan Bombathon Day 6 – Now 29 attacks, 345 killed over 2000 injured
… Just the facts
Hmm..if you believe all that, you`ll believe anything. The Libyans in Manchester are classic tribal cult studies if you want to do so.
NOTHING happens in Levenshulme/Gorton without the elsers blessing and their enforcers. Look at those haircuts of theirs!
Tacky taqiyya. as per.
Ramadan Bombathon Day 6 – Now 29 attacks, 345 killed over 2000 injured
Actually that figure is just over one thousand:
Ramadan death count round up: 01/06/17
Apologies Pounce … Day 7 killed now 1019 (sheesh! … a big Bombathon day)
With this peace and love floating about there shouldn’t much need for the enhanced security at the event then will there?
Bag searches, pat downs, armed police troops, et.c, just make sure not to give any mosquovite a sideways glance or dirty look!
The otherday I mentioned how the bBC always downplays the death toll when certain peaceful people have a hand in causing that.,which is why when that bomb attack on an ice cream parlour in Baghdad killed 90 people and injured 600 the bBC reported that dozens had been killed. Why even today the bBC is reporting this on their ME news web portal:
IS car bomber targets Ramadan crowd at Baghdad ice cream shop
More than 25 people have been killed in two suicide car bomb attacks in central Baghdad claimed by so-called Islamic State (IS).
Last night a gunman went postal in Manila and because of his actions 31 people died, before the idiot killed himself. Here is how the bBC reports that story:

Bodies found?
Nobody knows exactly just who was behind the attack, yes ISIS have claimed it, but they lay claim to anything. But with the possibility it could be Islam based, the bBC reports bodies found.
The bBC, the white washers for Islamic terrorism, paid for by you.
Paying your TV License now surely makes you as much a traitor as somebody who funds Al Queda or the IRA of old.
Until BBC reporters are made to be scared of the consequences of trashing us all 24/7-then, like IS-they`ll stay relentless.
Soros and the Remoaning Remainiacs of Brighton and Hove won`t compromise over Green,EU and Islamic supremacies. Am telling all my stupid grandkids that “voting for one candidate over another might be seen to be judgemental”.
So let`s hope they DON`T vote unless they`ve seen Enniskillen or Beirut or the BBCs response to 9/11-let alone Aldo Moro or Munich 72, Andrei Sakharov etc…
An investigation into the foreign funding of jihadi groups in Britain said to focus mainly on the support provided by Saudi Arabia may never be published as the findings are “very sensitive”, the Home Office has admitted.
The inquiry was authorised in 2015 by former Prime Minister David Cameron in exchange for Liberal Democrat support for the extension of British airstrikes against Islamic State into Syria.
The Home Office’s extremism analysis unit had been directed by Downing Street to investigate foreign funding of extremist groups in the UK and for findings to be shown to then-Home Secretary Theresa May and Mr. Cameron.
However after 18 months, the Home Office has confirmed the incomplete report might not be published, calling the contents “very sensitive”, reports The Guardian.
A decision on the future of the investigation would be taken “after the election by the next government”, a Home Office spokesman said.
It is thought the report focused on Saudi Arabia, which ascribes to a hardline, Wahhabist branch of the Islamic faith.
European leaders and diplomats have condemned Saudi funding of Islamic extremism, including Norway’s former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Carl Schiøtz Wibye, who said the Gulf kingdom has had “a tremendous influence on the spread of the Islamist ideology”.
German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel has also urged Saudi Arabia to stop supporting Islamists in Germany, saying: “Wahhabi mosques are financed all over the world by Saudi Arabia. In Germany, many dangerous Islamists come from these communities.”
Noted followers of Wahhabism include Lee Rigby murderer Michael Adebolajo, shoe bomber Richard Reid, 7/7 ringleader Mohammad Sidique Khan, and hate preacher Anjem Choudary.
UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader Paul Nuttall called for a ban on Saudi Arabia funding mosques after the Westminster terror attack, saying that “with Saudi funding of mosques comes radicalisation”.
“Maybe the government should look at the funding of mosques in this country because I don’t believe that Saudi Arabia should be funding mosques in this country particularly as it’s a country that spreads radicalisation,” he said.
Two weeks prior to the Bastille Day Nice attack in France, a Saudi-funded mosque opened in the city. The owner is the Saudi Arabian Minister for Islamic Affairs, Sheikh Saleh bin Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh.
Saudi money also funded the Islamic Society of Boston mosque believed to have radicalised Boston Marathon bombers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
Associate Director of The Henry Jackson Society Douglas Murray estimates there are “thousands” of Saudi-funded Wahhabi mosques across Europe, with the Saudis paying for the buildings and appointing clerics.
“In 2007 it was estimated that there were around 70 Wahhabi mosques in Britain. By 2015 the number had risen to 110,” with the amount of money flowing into these mosques at a “record high”, Mr. Murray wrote in a commentary for The Sun.
Saudi Arabia has also been influential in supporting some of Britain’s most prestigious universities, including Oxford University which received £2 million from Prince Sultan Salman bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud in 2005 and Cambridge University which received £8 million from Prince Alwaleed in 2008.
In April 2017, Prime Minister May visited Saudi Arabia and held talks with King Salman which focused on “bilateral relations and cooperation”.
Is radicalization something you can’t help catching, like a cold? “He became radicalized.”
The world as envisaged by the bBC:
Good stuff Pounce.
No hijabs, no halal slaughterhouse by the sports arena though.
Sorry no hijabs as all the women as…lesbians:
The bBC are currently pushing this story all over News (esp on the 2017 web portal)

Conservative candidate Craig Mackinlay charged over election expenses
The thing is on looking at this, I found the following:
In 2016 an investigation by Channel 4 News revealed that the Conservative Party had spent many thousands of pounds centrally on battlebuses to transport activists, and hotel accommodation for the activists, who went to campaign in marginal constituencies, including South Thanet. The expenditure on the buses was declared by the Conservative Party on its national declaration of “Campaign Spending”, but in some cases the hotel accommodation was not declared at all as election spending when it should have been.
So in a nutshell, they didn’t list or claim for hotel accommodation. To the letter of the law that is wrong. But is it such a huge crime? or even as the bBC promotes an abuse of Parliamentary expenses . Is it bollocks.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for the labour party paid for by you.
“The bBC, the propaganda arm for the labour party paid for by you.”
Really? This does show that the UKIP allegations that the Tories threw everything they were allowed to and more than they were allowed to in order to prevent Nigel Farage winning the seat.
It is underhand and disgraceful that the BBC appears to have funded so called comedian Al Murray in his campaign against Nigel Farage as well.
That is the bias in this story.
In a similar vein
“Ukip candidate Peter Harris is to make a complaint to the Electoral Commission claiming that HNH is in fact a Labour front carrying out thousands of pounds worth of undeclared extra campaigning to allow Labour to exceed spending limits.
Emails have revealed that HNH in Dagenham is backing Labour with 16,000 anti-Ukip leaflets to “black and Asian voters” and 3,100 “get out the vote” leaflets to “socially liberal households”.
Ukip’s claims have echoes of the misuse of the Tory battle bus in 2015 which saw the Conservatives given a record fine for breaking candidate spending limits.”
One source of HnH funding is from Unbound Philanthropy – a Wall st and City backed charity
Details here.
Scroll to the end and open Full Grants List
And HnH get £200,000 per annum.
Lots of other pro Labourish outfits too,
In other words, Soros.
Now that President Trump has axed the Paris money tree, perhaps he will get on with exposing Soros, whose role in international politics is far more malign than that of any imaginary ‘Russians’.
Conservative candidate Craig Mackinlay charged over election expenses
18 April – snap election called
“Nick Vamos, CPS head of special crime, said: “On 18 April we received a file of evidence from Kent Police concerning allegations relating to Conservative Party expenditure during the 2015 General Election campaign. ”
Why wait 2 years and then present the file on the same day the election is called? And then charge him 6 days before the election?
It’s now the banner headlines on bbc.con.
I smell a rat.
Hmmm the timing to charge does seem suspicious. Compare that to the never ending delays to the Chilcot Report which was delayed until after the previous election and then delayed again until after the EU referendum.
Well, what happened happened. And another May triumph.
However, to your third to last question, the one following it likely answers.
The common purpose sacks are not restricted just to W1A.
The same as that yougov poll was released on the day of the cambridge debate where a certain mr corbyn did a u turn and turned up for the debate. Corbyn was too cocky when he announced it and so were the beeb with the like of huw edwards and pienaar skipping around with smiles on their faces looking forward to the stitchup. But the idiots hadnt reckoned on amber rudd or the fact that the other lefties would turn on jezza. Rudd had lost her father on monday but not a peep from her about it, just head down and on with the job whereas farron was using his family every chance he got. And to cap it all in the end the beeb interviewed the guy behind that yougov poll as well who did not look happy at all and who luckily just happened to be there.
Today is no different with this thanet thing. Tonights debate is last chance saloon for the beeb and try and smear may. Its going to be loaded with activists both inside and out with every sad sob story etc being pushed. Expect something unexpected as brexit is the prize even though the media are hiding behind the social justice agenda. They want to stop and they will use every dirty trick in the book
It was nice to see toby young stick to ex bbc professional marxist Paul mason on the daily politics over corbyns connection to terrorists. He didnt like it at all
Noted in one of the broadsheets that
“Rudd defends powers to keep jihadists out of Britain”.
Do we need to add anything about THAT being any kind of controversial headline? But in Labour BBC and Indyland , 2017?
Apparently it is.
Still though-the Telegraph says that Corbymania is an online scam, using automated bots like the “Second Referendum Petition” as wanted by all those Vatican residents last June.
Hacking Tory sites to add their votes for Corbyn too.
But no mention on the BBC.
Be encouraged-this has all been done before, the good people of Britain are hopefully keeping their powder dry and lips sealed.
Bernie Sanders? Cleggmania?.Hung Parliaments and Remain to win?
Millennium Bug?
I for one won`t forget the Battle of Cambridge the other night and Kuennsberg quarter hour that followed.
Tomorrow must not belong to them.
Alicia, in a similar vein, Radio Times had an interview with Andrew Norfolk, the journalist who blew the whistle on the Rotherham paedophile gang: ‘Norfolk says he initially shied away from writing about the Pakistani grooming gangs because “I didn’t know how to tell it without saliva dribbling down [BNP leader] Nick Griffin’s chin”. ‘
That is the situation the liberal left find themselves in 2017 – self censored because of their own fears of giving succour to an imaginary ‘far right’ enemy.
As with all these things, turn it around. Imagine if a journalist was reporting on paedophile vicars in the C of E, but had doubts about doing so lest it caused saliva to dribble down Richard Dawkins’ chin? It would be unimaginable nonsense; no journalist would even think such a thing.
Radio Times had an interview with Andrew Norfolk, the journalist who blew the whistle on the Rotherham paedophile gang: ‘Norfolk says he initially shied away from writing about the Pakistani grooming gangs because “I didn’t know how to tell it without saliva dribbling down [BNP leader] Nick Griffin’s chin”. ‘
Around 50 miles up the road from Rotherham in Keighley it appears we may be looking at a much larger case of kiddy rape .
New police figures show 165 suspects in Keighley and Bradford are being investigated for child sexual exploitation
In Rotherham only 24 Islamic paedophiles (Why does the bBC never refer to them as Paedophiles?) have been jailed.
“(Why does the bBC never refer to them as Paedophiles?) – They’re simply staunch muslims following their prophet who took a wife aged 6 and consummated same at age 8. Have a heart!
I’m not at all convinced that we have got the better of Muslim rape and child grooming propensities . Rochdale – members of the original gang back on the streets and reports that grooming is still going on by others. Rotherham – the prosecutions will fall well short of the number of perpetrators . I imagine it’s still
going on there too.
London, West End, Met have just released CCTV of three Asians who followed and tnen abducted a woman, gang rapjng her in a side street. They’re clearly not put off by the prosecutions to date.
Islam and Muslim culture condones child sex and rape just as it does killing non- believers . The painfully slow and incomplete reaction of the legal system cannot combat this.
Yet tberes no prospect of more drastic action . Depressing .
Yes FFS what kind of morality is that ?
‘ Loads of girls will be raped within the next few hours, but I won’t start the reporting process that will prevent those rapes cos “I didn’t know how to tell it without saliva dribbling down Nick Griffin’s chin”
…. I’ll just let it go on and on.’
“Yes FFS what kind of morality is that ?”
It’s the morality of today’s media – all of them it seems to me.
The liberal elite would rather Muslim cream dribbling down any white little girls chin that any prospect of the BNP drooling at the prospect of-well what?
Taken to court?
Prosecuted or being on bail whilst a general election goes on?
Getting your address given to Hope Not Hate and the local Far Lefty goon squads?
It`s not much I know-but at least Norfolk DID blow the whistle, not the local taxi drivers or Booze Shack workers.
I think that qualifies as”accessory before the fact” or at least “aiding and abetting”. Obviously, if he had any doubts then, rather than publish his allegations, he could have shared the facts with the police and he clearly failed in this regard. Let’s hope the CPS are looking into a lengthy jail term.
Ah Manchester free concert doesn’t it restore your faith in humanity
Except … Touts have programmed computers to scoop up the tickets.
….. People who didn’t actually go to the first concert, but rather sold their tickets on, have also been applying for free tickets, which are actually only intended for people who were at the original concer.
Manchester attack: Police find ‘significant’ car
I just wanted to be the first person to say:
1. This has nothing to do with Islam
2. Immigration is a blessing for the UK
3. The Muslim community will now get unfair backlash.
4. A Muslim doctor helped save lives after the Manchester bombing.
There I’ve said it so now the BBC doesn’t have to.
You forgot
Members of the mass murderer’s family saying “We had no idea”, “He was a quiet boy”, “He spent all his time at the mosque”,”it was out of order”
The trump card
Members of the families of the victims of thd mass murderer saying “it was the UK’s foreign policy to blame “, “you’ve got to forgive”, it was islamophobia what done it”
I am sure the elders of the Didsbury mosque will deny ever seeing the car, and they don’t like Micras, as they can’t fit all their wives in them, and anyway they reported the Micra to the police. Nothing to do with them. Nothing to do with islam. Please move along dhimmis, nothing for you to see here…
I see the BBC is adopting a new INTDWI formula.
“The suicide bomber claimed to be Muslim”
This goes one better from the BBC point of view.
He is no longer a misguided, or perhaps deranged, adherent of a perversion of islam, but could be an atheist, evil tory, or even a sneaky jew trying to blacken the religion of peace.
Today’s Platitude of the Day was turning its fire on Margaret Court the famous Australian tennis player, christian preacher and “homophobe”. The whole of christianity is suspect as a religion. Court would never be referred to as an adherent of a perversion of christianity, a follower of an extreme christian sect, a christist let alone “she claims to be christian”
All christians are “homophobes” because they believe and act on various verses in the Bible
No muslims are mass murders because they believe and act on various verses in the koran
Drip Drip Drip : LibMob Narratives build up like Stalagmites
So last night BBCFour had #TheGreatVillageGreenCrusade running
…pushing the narrative that “solar/wind are good and big PROPER energy corps are evil”
And then meanwhile on Twitter political Greens were pushing their false-narrative
“BBC’s anti Green Party crusade continues. Ukip is on Question Time this evening,
Green Party is not. It’s a democratic disgrace @BBCNews”
“Good to see that all parties are represented on #bbcqt tonight…obviously except the greens,
because the BBC pretends they don’t exist.”
A quick setting Google for last 24 hours or last 7 days shows the BBC’s disproportionate PRO Green Party coverage
These people are so disingenuous in claiming the BBC don’t cover Greens
Have just seen the most PC advert of all, Virgin holidays to Disney Florida begins with a Sikh couple enjoying the rides, followed by a black couple, then onto a young man in a wheelchair, and ending with ta da , the ultimate marketing man’s dream, a mixed race couple with 2 kids – and why IS IT always a black man and white woman ?????? yes there are ads with a mixed race girl and white man, but rarely a black girl and white man.
Wot, no burka? They slipped up there …..
Not quite the ultimate dream Brissles – that would be the mixed-race-same-sex couple with multi-coloured adoptive child-symbols.
Watched the Lib Dem party political tonight on Albeeb. I counted , I think, 7 white faces and 15 black and asian faces given airtime in quick succession. Some spoke more than once, but the message was absolutely obvious. Diversity is more important than anything else.
Yes we spotted that one. We frequently play mixed race advert bingo. Brissles you will be pleased to note I’m sure I spotted an ad the other day with a non white female & white male. Fabric conditioner I think and there is already one for a dating site.
Well spotted Dave ! (love the idea of mixed race advert bingo !)
Advertisers who do this need to appreciate that the over-representation of ethnic and other minorities can be counter productive. Many people – let’s say ordinary, white, heterosexual people – take the view that the advertiser does not wish for their custom, so they decide to shop elsewhere. Banks, supermarkets and furniture stores in particular might want to keep this is mind: advertising which is descriptive of Britain is fine, that which is prescriptive for Britain is not.
PS – many companies with the Virgin name are no longer owned by the Bearded Billionaire e.g. Virgin Media. Those which they do own or which they have a significant share in include the following. Just in case you want to avoid them:
Virgin Money. Virgin Mobile. Virgin Atlantic. Virgin Hotels. Virgin Radio. Virgin Rail Group. Virgin Care. And of course, a favourite of ROPers: Virgin Experience Days.
Strange you should say that Ian, I do tend to try and avoid giving certain companies my money
Extract from page 66 of the Conservative 2017 Manifesto –
“So we will means-test Winter Fuel Payments, focusing assistance on the least well-off pensioners, who are most at risk of fuel poverty.” Note: “…we will..”
I am extremely surprised that no one but no one has made an issue of this. I am grateful to receive the WFP. I am not rich but, for as long as I can remember, the State has never had need to, ‘means-test’ me. There are so many horror stories about ‘means-testing and the associated 750 page long questionnaires, so, let’s just explore what, ‘means-testing’ would mean. The WFP comes from the Government Agency known as the Department of Work and Pensions –
So, should we understand how the Government will ‘means-test’ the millions of pensioners who are not already claiming some sort of other benefit? I submit that all WFP recipients will be automatically subjected to State scrutiny of our means, savings, all expenses, value of our property etc. etc. so as to draw a line in respect of who gets the WFP and who does not. WFP to start? Once the WFP means-testing is in place, what next to be ‘means-tested’?
The best/closest I can find is a Disabled Grant document –
Click to access 1850571.pdf
See the Executive Summary and, in a typical ‘joined-up’ Government document, it refers to page 54 if you can find it because no pages are numbered. I couldn’t find page 54. Age UK suggest the form of assessment is likely to be in the Pension Credit format. But, hey-ho, its not possible to see or obtain this form online – you have to do it by telephone………… Seems to be in equally joined up Government thinking, the actual cost of the intended means-testing process for WFP will likely totally outweigh any savings taken away from the ‘better-off’.
If we must have the abolition of a universal benefit and some sort of assessment system the quick way would be for the DWP to cross reference their computer with that of HMRC, so that anyone paying higher rate tax doesn’t qualify. But that wouldn’t produce any annoying form filling or result in in the employment of more officials, so it’s much too simple for May’s New Labour.
Perhaps “Money Box” or “More or Less” could do a feature on it?
Targeted benefits are fundamentally the most inefficient way to administer benefits. Someone or something has to process the qualification data. Be that more civil servants or another highly successful (not) software update.
That’s not the kind of thinking I would expect from a Government department.
The bBC and its inability to report the news
Falklands War: Experts bid to identify Argentine dead
Work will start later this month on identifying the bodies of unknown Argentine soldiers in the Falklands.
The International Committee of the Red Cross will take DNA samples from 123 graves in Darwin cemetery, which will be compared with those of relatives. Currently, the graves – one of which contains multiple bodies – say only: “Argentine Soldier Known Only By God”.
I did like how the bBC end their article:
Retired British Army colonel Geoffrey Cardozo will be involved in part of the mission in order to explain how he organised the cemetery.
And here is how a cheap 2 bit (2 bit as they don’t have the funds the bBC has) Uruguayan news-agency reports the same story:
Falklands’ Darwin cemetery Red Cross team flies to the Islands on Saturday
The International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC, which will lead the task of identifying the unknown Argentine combatants buried at the Darwin cemetery in the Falkland Islands, and currently in Buenos Aires, will be arriving in the Islands next Saturday and work is expected to begin as had been anticipated on 19 June….The Humanitarian Project Plan is the result of the December 2016 agreement between Argentina and UK, with Falklands’ government consent and presence, and will try to identify the remains in most of the 123 graves, which are marked “Argentine soldier, known only to God” at the Darwin cemetery. The Argentine memorial holds a total of 237 graves from the 1982 conflict when Argentine military invaded the Falklands….The delegates are expected to work at the cemetery until the end of August and will be exhuming two/three graves per day depending on climate conditions. A final report is to be available to the two governments and Malvinas families at the end of the year. Cemetery will be strictly out of bounds for the media and the public during the months the ICRC team is working….The remains’ samples will be checked at the Cordoba lab which (so far) has DNAs from 95 relatives. Some samples will be randomly double checked in similar labs in UK and Spain. The remains, most of them buried in battle bags will be reburied in proper caskets.
Oh and here is how they report on that retired British Col:
Apparently information supplied by a British Army Colonel, Geoffrey Cardozo will be of great support since he was in charge, with other professional staff, of collecting the dead soldiers after the 1982 war and of burying them at Darwin cemetery.
The billion dollar bBC unable to report the news
I was down there 3 years ago (this week actually) on a battlefield tour. Here is a picture of Darwin taken from the top of the hill:

That’s the hamlet of Darwin. (taken from just before the memorial to a shot down Harrier and the race course) draw a straight line across the water from the green roofed house and there lies the argy cemetery in the middle of bloody nowhere.
There is a picture of the Argentine cemetery. Really well laid out and looked after. (Couldn’t understand why all the crosses are made out of wood) but it really is respectful. Point to note as it is on the reverse side of the slope it cannot be seen from Darwin or Goose Green.
Finally as for the point made by the bBC of one of which contains multiple bodies, Maggie commissioned a firm of civilian undertakers to consolidate all of the temporary Argentine graves on the Islands to a single location Many of the bodies collected were without dog-tags, so best efforts were made to identify each soldier from personal effects found on the body. Single items were not considered conclusive, but collections were. All were given a Christian burial with full military honours. Each grave is marked by a white wooden cross with the name of the soldier on it if known, but 123 of the crosses simply state Soldado Argentino Solo Conocido Por Dios (“Argentine Soldier Known Only By God”). There is also a common grave containing the 5 crewman of a T-24 Learjet, belonging to Fenix Squadron shot down by a surface-air missile from HMS Exeter, over Borbon Island on June 7. This grave contains the remains of airman: Comodoro Rodolfo de la Colina, Vicecomodoro Juan Jose Ramon Falconier, Major Marcelo Lotufo, Subof Pr Francisco Tomas Luna and Subof Ay Guido Antonio Marizza.
After the conflict the United Kingdom offered to send the bodies back to Argentina, but the Argentine government refused on the grounds that it viewed the islands as part of Argentina.
It appears if the bBC had mentioned the above, it would blow apart its view that the British are evil bastards.
The bBC, we lie about how people died.
Here’s a hijab story I can’t find on BBC
Albanians, at a guess. We are so lucky to enjoy the diversions of diversity.
I know this is a pretty trivial concern amongst so much rampant bias on more important issues, but just watched the One Day International Cricket between England and Bangladesh. First time cricket on BBC for some time. Channel 5 has some good coverage these days. It was like the Bangladeshi Broadcasting Corporation, ecstatic commendation of the Bangladeshi team and luke warm comment on England (who won incidentally), and a flagrant bit of cheating by (I think) the Bangladeshi captain who claimed a catch where the ball clearly touched the ground elicited the comment: “He’s not happy!” Shouldn’t effing cheat then.
It’s only cheating if you don’t get away with it. Otherwise it’s skill.
I was having a bash at the Google doodle cricket game.
High score 109
CaLAIS : Burning barricades back
maybe they heard corbyn was going to open the floodgates on June 9th.
The bBC and how it reports on Islamic rape gangs in the UK
Woman ‘led away by men who raped her’ in Covent Garden
Police have released CCTV footage of the moment a woman was led away by three men before she was raped in central London. The 34-year-old had left her friends after a night out in Covent Garden on 20 March when she was approached by three men in Greek Street. One of the men took her by the hand while the others followed behind as she was led to Slingsby Place and attacked by at least two of them.
And here is what the bBC kind of leaves out from that written description:
DC Lucas added: “This was a terrifying ordeal for the victim who naturally remains extremely distressed by what happened.
“We have released footage of the suspects in Greek Street in the hope someone will recognise them or saw them that night. If you have any information please come forward.” “If you have any information please come forward.” The three men are described by police as being Asian in appearance. The attack happened at around 12.17am on Monday, March 20.
The bBC, we cover up Islamic rape crimes in the Uk, is what we do best.