The decision by Theresa May not to attend BBC debate this Wednesday evening was very shrewd. It was one of THE most biased audiences I have ever encountered. Virulently leftist and wildly applauding fringe parties like The Green’s. Anyway, detail the bias here please!
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And so they should.
If I get there in time Classic FM or radio Sky ‘news’ propaganda is kicked off well before the top of the hour and I often forget to with the music back on afterwards. So all those ads do not get heard.
The BBC, being uniquely funded, is less of a problem; I don’t watch or listen to it, other than via here or online to see what those scamps are rigging next.
That’s why I listen to this – no ads, no “news” (fake, or otherwise) and no stupid presenters.
Led away by ‘Good Samaritan… who gang-raped her in a back street’: Harrowing CCTV footage shows moment man takes woman, 34, through Covent Garden before horrific attack
… yep! “Asian” is used yet again, 3 “men” … no surprise all obviously Islamic? migrant?
“good Samaritan” this is down to not being warned through the media, through the government
… it not being made patently clear
that you cannot trust this cults followers, every woman needs to be made aware, every child public advertisements
warnings about outside schools, the danger of the Islamic ideology to women alone … and FFS No 10 ACT NOW!.
4:30pm R4 More Or Less
I can’t spot what will be coming up on this formerly great show
But I can spot that TimHarford is anti-Trump, Anti-Tory and Anti-Brexit
election special :Blurb still blank
Line up
Who pays tax?
What proportion of adults are paying income tax? How much are they paying? Where does the highest burden lay?
How do you cut migration?
. How has this aim fared in the last six years? impact that might have on the economy.
Taking the nations’ temperature
Winter Fuel Payment. The Conservatives are proposing to change this to a means-tested system – everywhere except Scotland.
Free School Meals
It’s been a popular topic in party manifestos
is there really a case to be made for the health benefits of a school lunch?
Stew, I used to rearrange my afternoon to make time to listen to More or Less, but even though you’ve reminded me it’s on I can’t be bothered to switch it on.
Yes something went wrong with this programme. Was not political but I think there must be a new producer who is a neighbour of comrade Corbin
Kent police
Good video. Cops do not act alone in cases like this. Amber Amber and Treezer minimizing risks to their multiculty paradise
Yes same scenario as Tommy Robinson, The EDL back then, his subsequent persecution … and now pressure on AM Waters and I m sure you can remember Paul Weston quoting Churchill, the prisoning of Tim Burton.
Jayda and Paul have been treated appallingly for being patriots
… It is Liar Mays political policing, it was her original decision that EDL protests were, not going to happen and so “do something” about it
… talking of which. another clear Simon Harris Newsfeed
‘a priesthood defending its faith’
Did wonder where John Kerry had gone. Is he the American answer to John Prescott?
In that, we let ourselves be ruled by the likes of Prescott and Kerry. And our generation paid for them, elected for them even!
Can we arrest Tucker? This outbreak of sense and facts, science and realpolitik?
Hate crime surely.
Amazing that the guest speaker could prattle on about America losing it’s place in democracy. Trump always said he would pull out of the deal and he was voted in. That is democracy.
Fake new from the bBC

and here is how the bBC reported this story yesterday. A story they have conveniently removed :
here is how others reported this story:
Britain ‘Disappointed’ With Trump’s Climate Move
Britain ‘disappointed’ with Trump’s climate move
Theresa May expressed her disappointment with the US decision
Theresa May tells Donald Trump of ‘disappointment’ over decision to pull out of Paris climate change accord
Paris agreement: Theresa May tells Donald Trump she is ‘disappointed’ at decision to withdraw from climate deal
Theresa May ‘disappointed’ at Trump’s withdrawal from Paris climate agreement
Theresa May tells Donald Trump she’s ‘disappointed’ at his decision to pull US out of Paris climate agreement
The bBC we lie is what we do
Political bias and the TV debate
The Times letters today 3 of 7 strongly slag BBC for rigging audience
One gives an example of where when he claimed to be a union activists they started to call him to be in the audience, after ignoring him when he applied as a Conservative.
Another eg
“Sir, there was a wholly unacceptable anti-Tory bias in the audience which the BBC invited to the televised general election debate on Wednesday. The left-wing audience clapped and cheered every time Jeremy Corbyn spoke but booed and jeered at all the other party leaders. These constant interruptions completely slanted the debate. The BBC’s pledge to be independent, impartial and honest was disregarded.
Kay Bagon”
Weird pro-Brexit, conspiracy style ad in the Times
about Carl Ophuels and Walter Hallstein from Nazi times
Half page ad must have cost a lot of money
I read that too. A private Ad i think, but better for it. The Times is largely ‘remain’ and yet invites many journalist who are opposed to take up a column, Melanie Philips for example is a regular ‘leave’ campaigner whilst predictably Matthew Parish and Arron Arronovich both Marxist wet wipes are ‘remainers’. the Times is big enough to voice differences of opinion (unlike the BBC) which stifles debate.
In today’s (Friday) TIMES LETTERS page it has several letters about the BBC ‘Question Time’ Bias; and one caught my eye that should be sent to OFCOM). In it , the writer is clearly dismayed that ‘as a Conservative’ he wrote to BBC asking why the audience cannot be more balanced. He never got a reply, however suspecting something was up, he pretended to be from another part of the country and to be a left wing loud mouth with union connections and was immediately invited not only on ‘QT’ but other BBC programs being planned. If proof was needed of innate BBC bias then this should be enough.
Its one of the reason I gave up any hopes of an independent debate in the BBC empire. I just turn it all OFF.
The bBCs Feel good about Islam post of the
day:hour.Oh how sweet, I wonder why the bBC isn’t reporting this murder of a Syrian refugee in Germany the other-day:
Ramadan Death Count: Germany, 02/06/17
So , I’ve actually managed to find a the mosque twitter site, which allowed me to read the letter in question. I’ll put money on the table a muslim wrote this:
A women would have ended with our brothers and sisters.
That’s the nice this about anonymity isn’t it? I’m still waiting to see the cctv footage from the mosque that was firebombed. Oh sorry had a door singed.
Pounce – “I am a resident of Sommerset Road”. There isn’t a Sommerset Road in Coventry, but there is a Somerset Road! You would think an English person would be able to spell the name of the road they live in, wouldn’t you?
Dear all people of the prayer centre? Who would write with grammar like that? and how many would know the building was a prayer centre?
The fact that peaceful religion is mentioned twice is also strange as if it’s being emphasised.
Looks like media Jihad to me !
Dear all people of the prayer centre? Who would write with grammar like that? and how many would know the building was a prayer centre?
The fact that peaceful religion is mentioned twice is also strange as if it’s being emphasised.
Looks like media Jihad to me !
There are many religions in this world, but only one which has, year after year, thousands of murders committed in its name by its adherents. “Peaceful” is not the adjective anyone with a “small amount of intelligence” or even a working brain cell would use to describe this particular religion.
More explanation of the Media Jihad from Someone who posed as a Muslim convert and worked within CAIR tells the response which the Muslims have organised with their links to the left and with media organisations such as the BBC.
Five past six, and now it’s President Trumps decision to put the USA first, will be a whipping post for the lefties to tie Treezer to. Bugger all to do with us, it’s the US decision ferchrissakes! It has bugger all to do with our General Election! Biased bbc propaganda yet again.
Jezza whimpering for a few seconds before I did what I always do; reach for the mute button!
I’m doing something positive now, downloading some pics of the grandchildren who will benefit from us kicking Labour into touch for good next week!
Wouldn`t you think that the Trump-hating elite would wallow in his unwillingness to compete for that Green dividend of their droolings? Surely the USA will be unable to compete , and therefore lose all those pointless jobs and punitive taxes that the rest of us are saddled with.
Let the EU and China pay for hamster biogas in the Maldives, as their kids get raped back home in Cologne or such.
Goes without saying that China won`t pay a penny for this crap-the EU will, the Chinese will simply nick all the US technology and let the Germans break the EU piggybank for their convenience. Trump`s a businessman remember-as opposed to all the public sector troughing pixies like Juncker.
Well done Donald-to see Channel 4 at half mast is maybe worth the grief.
BBc 18:00 news, Still bitchin’ about Trump. They manages to weave an anti May aspect into it as May didn’t sign the letter that of course will make no difference what so ever.
Woman ‘led away by men who raped her’ in Covent Garden
Scotland Yard called it “a terrifying ordeal” for the victim and have appealed for anybody who recognises the men to contact them.
Scotland Yard not giving us much to go on apart from the video. One is for sure that all three men have beards and THEY ARE DEFINITELY NOT MUSLIMS.
What a waste of Tax payers money bBC:

God she’s f-ing ugly
Looks like something out of Jurassic Park.
why “topless”..Abbott the aborigine?
It probably distracts people from looking at the size of her arse.
She’s not topless. She’s in the “nip”. Someone pointed out that wearing clothes is cultural appropriation and she should only be wearing beads of shrunken heads. I wish they didn’t tell her that whilst in the Supermarket though.
commissioned in 2003 so costs at £18K+ today
DA said “The subjects of the portraits commissioned by Parliament are chosen by the Speaker’s Advisory Committee on Works of Art. I had no knowledge of the portrait’s cost.”
Obvious next question is “Do you agree this practice has to stop ?”
Why does everyone @ BBC refer to the Manchester bombing as a “tragedy” . Yes, as far as the victims and their families are concered, it was a tragedy but so far as I am concerned it was an Outrage a Terrorist Atrocity and Mass Murder.
Not one politician, from any party, has mentioned the massive Pachyderm in the room : Islamic terrorism and how they intend to deal with it. I cannot credit that such a thing could occur in the middle of an Election campaign and it not be the number one item for debate. Words fail me (almost)
I believe there is an agreed informal arrangement between HMG ( of whatever colour) and the main stream media albeeb ,al itv ,al sky and al c4 to not use Islam or Muslim in a negative sense – even when one has killed 23 people ( inc the poor chap who was a 7/7 victim who committed suicide after Manchester) .
We are living in an openly distorted country just as Orwell described. Instead of communism it’s multiculturalism. Both fail.
What do we do about it.? Deny the tv licence tax. Write about it here. Recognise this is the world we are in and hope that one day the light of truth might shine again.
PS – I still cannot believe that I am writing on any blog but like my friends here – I feel very strongly about being fed lies and omissions to further someone else’s multicultural belief.
Florian / Fedup,
Can’t mention it BECAUSE it would put one in the classification of, ISLAMOHOBE, RACIST, XENOPHOBE, FASCIST, HATER – simples!
We lecture our children on adopting a, ‘mature’, ‘adult’ view. Confronting reality, making decisions, acceptance and moving on with a positive attitude. That, for all too many adults here and abroad is simply not the case. I sometimes say to our pre-teens children, ‘You want the moon on a stick’ and for the most part it’s fine. Trouble is too many adults want and fully expect Brexit and Trump to disappear, like it was some bad dream and if they don’t then there are sulks, tears and tantrums. Very sad. I have great hopes for our kids, not so for some adults.
It is unbelievable as you say. Nobody wants to talk about this atrocity. Even some of my family are like this. It is as if a madness is infecting many of us.
There must be anger somewhere. Is it hidden or are people afraid to show it? Probably hidden and kept so out of fear of peer disapproval and the threat of state action against us. This is a very real threat now.
A state built on lies cannot hold. Inevitably it becomes a tyranny and then?
there was more fuss about the killing of St Jo
You mean martyrdom
Paul Nuttall mentioned it every time he had the chance in the 7 leaders’ debate. There were pained looks from the usual suspects ranged against him, but I thought there were shadows of realisation flickering across their faces.. “perhaps this man has a point?”
Maybe the penny is finally dropping. I can only hope it hits the floor soon.
I agree, it wasn’t a tragedy. It wasn’t accidental or a natural disaster. It was deliberate mass-murder.
A large-scale atrocity. A nefarious , unprovoked attack.
They should be describing it as an outrage to all of us. (Non-Muslims)
And asking questions about mosques, mass-invasion & why our government isn’t protecting us.
Slightly different but if anyone is watching al beeb QT now – otherwise known at the Dimbleby Show – it’s another case of deeply biased left audience. Corbin is up next..
not watching, not surprised
Just awful. Switched off.
I stuck with it. It is amazing that HRH Dimbleby gave Corbin a free ride. Let him whaffle like an old boy on an allotment . ( no disrespect ) . And not challenged him about his terrorist friends .
Saw some of Newsnight where they switched to their reporter in the QT Spin Room. At that moment the grotesque fat cow “audience member” who said she was teacher and went on to give May a hard time, could be seen squeezing her bulk past the reporter. Since when do audience members have access to the BBC’s Press Room. It’s obvious she’s another Labour/Momentum Activist that the Beeb planted in the audience to have a go at May.
According to Corbyn, Lucy, the attack wasn’t unprovoked, it was a direct result of our foreign policy involvement in the Middle East.
In times past such an action would have been looked upon as an act of war. Our government isn’t protecting us becuase they are more concerned with the legalities and rights, of the tens of thousands who walk amongst us and wish us dead.
Yes it’s another case of awful audience selection, younger age then the voting population as a whole, many seem to be in the public sector and so questions dominated by public sector obsessions with ‘cuts’ ( a myth in most areas), cheering and whooping every time a hostile question is addressed to Mrs May . Corbyn clearly getting an easier ride. Is anyone fooled by these repeated BBC tactics?
The loud cheer when Corbyn came on shows it’s another “BBC balanced audience”. It’s beyond a joke.
That’s right, Tabs, Corbyn’s popularity certainly seems to be gaining Momentum!
On the rare occasions the camera shows the whole audience clapping and cheering, it is very obvious that the ‘performing seals’ are in the (voluble) minority.
There also appears to be a few ‘plants’ in the audience.
vis. Corbyn was getting a shoeing from two of the audience over Trident and the next questioner, chosen by Dimblebore, changed to asking a question to social policy “instead of murdering people”.
Bias?? What Bias????????
When I was watching the 7 party debate a few nights ago I’m sure there was “canned clapping” soundtrack being played for certain party answers. Sometimes the the loud clapping sound didn’t match the audience sitting totally still.
Tabs, I definitely saw that as well, fiddling bastards.
@Tabs I doubt it, but on comedy progs they used COACHED laughter
and there are tricks like moving the audience mic down to indicate you expect a response
..and turning the volume right up for some people and down when other speakers are on to make applause for them seem less.
From personal experience, al be it 45yrs ago, they used a ‘warm up’ comic to have the audience in stitches before filming a scene. As an aside it did happen to be Steptoe – deja view or what?
I presume, one of the overpaid senior execs. noticed it was cheaper to use canned laughter instead of a live audience.
Yes, noted that Laua Ashley poppet.
No dear, it was “not about murdering people”. It was about our right NOT to be murdered by Iran , North Korea or Libyans from Salford Uni. But it was all about her.
Can she bring in partners migrant mates if they`re on less than the minimum wage? This was all she wanted to know
Jeremy obliged-course he would.
The BBC have now been to Bath, York and Cambridge for their “pop vox” crap now. Are there any OTHER University cities who voted Reamin before Thursday comes?
The BBC would LOVE to know.
Chwarae teg AS (fair play) – I had steam coming out of my ears as to how Dimblebore used the Laura Ashley poppet/plant to take the heat off Corbyn when he was getting skewered by the audience.
Here’s the video.
Sans poppet.
Love the ” Laura Ashley poppet” moniker!
“Let’s stop talking about killing millions of people and….what are you going to do to get my foreign husband back into the country?”.
I thought she was going to raise a serious issue affecting millions of people – ” the many not the few” perhaps?
Well now that I’ve heard her sob-story, I am convinced I must vote Labour. Let’s not worry about the Iranian or North Korean missiles as long as her hubby is at home.
Did I just hear BBC2 Newshite correctly? I think I heard them saying Theresa May won tonight’s debate against Corbyn.
You must have misheard – totally unbelievable!!!!
I must have misheard. Emily Matliss just “interviewed” Boris Johnson and interrupted him constantly sometimes before he even started to answer her question.
Panic over, normal BBC service has resumed.
Probably a tactical move to gee up flagging support for the pacifist IRA and HAMAS supporter.
BBC TV News at 08.45 this morning.
‘Business News’ was in terminal meltdown regarding Trump. World business leaders were apparently shocked. They were almost all based in California. The exception was Goldman Sachs. Their CEO in his first Tweet ever was also shocked.
The BBC screen then showed the world stock markets. All were up by 5% or so.
Corbyn just spelled out his commitment to equality of outcome. Spoken like a true communist.
The weird thing is that he genuinely doesn’t see anything wrong with that view. I used to think like that until I got to about 20 years old, then reality kicked in.
To be fair, the “Peace Agreement” was valuable to the left in mopping up the IRA bloodspills like rainbow coloured sawdust.
Of course the Unionists did unspeakbly evil things too-but Corbyn was only ever on the side of the IRA, he`d never have met the likes of Paisley. Ditto with Baader Meinhof and the PLO/Black September,,,,NONE of this asymmetric terror via the Left and Islam has ever been taught to our kids. So they know nothing of what Corbyn supports.
Our fault too-let`s ensure that the 70s get taught-how can you understand the Caliphate and their view of our buckling under the IRA-unless it`s taught?
No TV on it either I notice.
Hey look at this. “Do something”
Al beeb has become Corbin s best friend in the final week of the campaign ( if hasn’t quietly been all along ). I think many on this site didn’t watch it. Very wise. I think it’s best to avoid the rest of the campaign .
Dimbley be is clearly biased . Bloody shameful .
That was dreadful. The funniest part is right at the the end when the show is finishing and Corbyn says “but I’ve got so much more to say!” as he almost danced around the stage. What an utter plonker.
Not to be found on the BBC
though it hardly counts as news any more
More details with names and mug shots.
“a local
councillor later caused outrage after appearing to dismiss the scandal.
Although he condemned the gang Zafar Ali said: ‘It takes two to Tango, there are bad apples, but it doesn’t mean to say everyone is bad.
‘There is some feeling from some people that she played her part in it, the victim had a part to play, I couldn’t make any comment on that but it’s not widespread.’
you really could not make this shit up, time for them all to leave, its the only answer
I think we need capital punishment for rape/grooming where there is a racial element.
It is quite simple. These Muslim paedophile rape gangs are one of the worst offences, combining hatred of kafirs, racism, rape of children, and their total disinterest in integrating into a civilised society.
This at least might provide a deterrent. Why should we have to pay for these animals to be fed at our expense in prison only to be released and do it again?
Latest headline from the Sun: Conservatives accuse the BBC of whipping up a hard-left 200-strong flash mob for PM Theresa May’s Question Time grilling. Story at
This was the beebs last chance after the balls up in cambridge to smear may. Of course the location was leaked they were always going to make sure there was going to be plenty of activists there and in the audience. Cambridge was full of them as well. Brexit is the ultimate target and they are willing to sell out to get corbyn in just to stop it as they know labour will not go through with it with the likes of starmer and the other remainiacs hanging around him.
but what are they going to do about it???? fuck all if past experience is anything to go by, you would think the so called bbc have dirt on the conservatives
An interesting BBC comment from your link:
“”A BBC spokesman said last night: “The fact that some sections were more vocal than others doesn’t mean the audience wasn’t balanced””.
What the BBC call ‘balance’ is rather like a child playing with the treble and volume controls. They do actively ‘balance ‘ in favor of BBC ‘balance’ act in that they are prepared to ‘bus-in approved voices that they favor. Another term that could be used is ‘gerry-mandering’ but I suspect that the BBC does not know the difference between that and their use of ‘balance’ is much the same thing.
The BBC will never admit to being in the wrong. Look at the Cliff Richards debacle. Look at every single QT and comedy show. That crowd tonight looked exactly like a typical lefty student mob of nice middle class mummy’s boys and girls who want what they feel entitled to which is probably a job at the BBC or the Guardian.
Just when you think the BBc could not possibly behave any more stupidly they go and prove you wrong. Amazing really just how idiotic they are.
I’ve posted a comment above that gives the lie to the BBC and their “balanced” audience. Newsnight cut to the QT Spin Room and squeezing her bulk past their reporter was the fat bint “audience member” who said she was a teacher and went on to give May a hard time. Her being in the Press Room proves she was more than a “balanced audience” member.
Dave S
I hope that they get stuffed by him.
Unfortunately the licence payer gets the bill.
BBC Online News:
“”Rock am Ring festival evacuated in Germany over terror alert””
When the IRA were active, their actions were described by the BBC as being IRA related.
Now, the ‘Terrorist’ organisation is not named.
Why? Is it too difficult to spell ‘Islam’?
Try saying ‘Islamic terrorism’ on their comments.
thats germanys equivalent to glastonbury in size. Must have been serious to evacuate that festival
This tweet by Laura K seems to have been deleted…
All main leaders out and about this morn, on @bbcnews – major event Toniajwsss
Can’t think why. Ed Balls.
On the rare occasion that I watch the TV it appears to me that Al Beeb seems to be more concerned with “so called” hate crime than it does with the real crime of the recent terrorists .
How many of you posters pay the “telly tax”?
Perhaps you should consider a “Telly Tax Strike”. Have you got the bottle?
Shwm mae taffman.
Try asking your question to Mrs 7! She’s got a better left hook than me!
PS. Rhif Saith relates to rugbi!!!
Rhif Saith relates to rugbi!!!
” I luv Rugby ” 😀 Lets see how good the British Lions do later today?
Bet Mrs 7 watches Eastenders . Put your foot down .
WRT this mornings game – A comment from the lad in my local shop this afternoon.
“It was like watching Wales play”, he wasn’t being complimentary, then referenced ‘warrenball’.
If Gats and Howler can’t up their game this will be the only win of the tour. At least the RGC/Cymru showed some more adventurous play even if this made the defence porous.
Mrs 7 hates Eastenders, Casualty et al. More into the likes of Poldark + the rugby.
I’ve found a surprise about Last night’s BBC luvvie Robert Llewellyn’s Green Power show
Prog was a bit of a squib, poor substation meaning the only solution was to cut out selling to the grid and sell direct to a local biz so they sited a small community array at a local tourist attraction Cotswold Farm Park.
..Well guess who owns it …It’s actually titled Adam Henson’s

Cotswold Farm Park.
Yes the only reason they can do any green energy scheme at all is cos BBC luvvie is playing along.
(The thing is 65 mins into the show they found their local substation was not big enough for all the houses to start feeding home generated power into the they only thing they could do was look for a local biz to site their 20KW solar project and buy the power
BTW he’s already got his own 50KW solar so probably doesn’t use all their electricity anyway)
Also the progs maths was iffy
– Show commences saying the village is “62 homes using 341MWh/yr”
(I make that 5.5MWh each)
– And ends saying “20KW barn solar offsets 5-6 homes”
Plugging in the yearly maths I get 365x24x20x0.097CapFactor =17MWh/yr
Actually UK av home consumes 4.152MWh So their proj worth 4 homes
but of this village @5.5 that’s only 3 homes!
Despite the forecasts of an imminent heat wave the weather where I live in wales has been absolute rubbish! But the weather presenters have been talking up the weather to support climate change.
The test gauge were I work tells me that the temperature is now down to 8.6 C. Global Warming, my arse.
Taffman – my response to my lefty friends about the global warming/climate change scam is this –
If I can manage to have 10 consecutive years of doing a barbecue in February, and ten consecutive years of needing to wear overcoats in July, then I might scratch my chin and go ‘hmm this is pretty odd, maybe it isn’t all baloney’.
Until then I call it like it is – a scam aimed at the young, impressionable and feeble minded to redistribute money from the poor in civilised countries to already rich corporations, and to their gangster autocrat lackeys in poor countries.
It’s just communism in a new disguise.
“It’s just communism in a new disguise.”
Just like Darwinian evolution? Because that’s a load of bollocks too, right?
no Darwinian evolution would be a scientific theory with ever building proof which doesnt need underhand adjustments , lies , ignoring of inconvenient data and coercion, and like all real science is up there to be shot at as it doesnt actually care whether its proved wrong.
Where as just the rebranding alone of global warming to climate change tells you a lot about the great scam and the FACT that every prediction the alarmists have made based on their great concensus has been wrong ,shows that in truth they dont have a clue to
A what is going on
and B what the fuck is causing it.
no Darwinian evolution would be a scientific theory with ever building proof which doesnt need underhand adjustments , lies , ignoring of inconvenient data and coercion, and like all real science is up there to be shot at as it doesnt actually care whether its proved wrong.
Where as just the rebranding alone of global warming to climate change tells you a lot about the great scam and the FACT that every prediction the alarmists have made based on their great consensus has been wrong ,shows that in truth they dont have a clue to
A what is going on
and B what the fuck is causing it.
no Darwinian evolution would be a scientific theory with ever building proof which doesnt need underhand adjustments , lies , ignoring of inconvenient data and coercion, and like all real science is up there to be shot at as it doesnt actually care whether its proved wrong.
Where as just the rebranding alone of global warming to climate change tells you a lot about the great scam and the FACT that every prediction the alarmists have made based on their great consensus has been wrong ,shows that in truth they dont have a clue to
A what is going on
and B what the fuck is causing it.
no Darwinian evolution would be a scientific theory with ever building proof which doesnt need underhand adjustments , lies , ignoring of inconvenient data and coercion, and like all real science is up there to be shot at as it doesnt actually care whether its proved wrong.
Where as just the rebranding alone of global warming to climate change tells you a lot about the great scam and the FACT that every prediction the alarmists have made based on their great consensus has been wrong ,shows that in truth they dont have a clue to
A what is going on
and B what the fuck is causing it.
no Darwinian evolution would be a scientific theory with ever building proof which doesnt need underhand adjustments , lies , ignoring of inconvenient data and coercion, and like all real science is up there to be shot at as it doesnt actually care whether its proved wrong.
Where as just the rebranding alone of global warming to climate change tells you a lot about the great scam and the FACT that every prediction the alarmists have made based on their great consensus has been wrong ,shows that in truth they dont have a clue to
A what is going on
and B what the fuck is causing it.
I’m beginning to get the hang of your comment.
“a scam aimed at the young, impressionable and feeble minded to redistribute money from the poor in civilised countries to already rich corporations,”
The very same young who bleat on for more money to waste time to study for “Mickey Mouse degrees”. The very same young who should get a real job and earn money to fund their pensions and life style .
If you have subsidies and inefficiencies and on/off supply guess who pays ?
Not flipping unicorns.
Think about it ..You run a cable to a solar park ..and that cable has to handle peak day sun power, all night it’s not utilised ..and on official UK average it runs at 9.7% capacity
What kind of biz buys a major asset and under uses it like that
That’s like buying a £100,000 truck and only using it 3 times a month
Not quite the BBC, but from the print arm, we have a story which encapsulates the infantile Left, which goes into meltdown when it is caught doing something naughty and starts crying that it is the real victim.
Some here may have heard of the US comedienne Kathy Griffin, who showed an ISIS-style photograph of her holding the severed head of, naturally, Donald Trump. The MSM tried to ignore this, but the public backlash got too much, and eventually CNN was forced to terminate her for this revolting act.
Now, the Guardian tells us in a headline: “Tearful Kathy Griffin says ‘bully’ Donald Trump is trying to ruin her career”
Says all you’ll ever need to know.
Rick Bradford
There is a war going on, and its the media V Trump.
Plus side, she is well on her way to a HIGNFY hosting gig.
Allegedly (glances left).
What wet weekend not brightened slightly by a bit of Naga?
…so, I assume it was Corbyn what won the debates… and will win the election… or else, if they get it wrong again, I want my Licence Fee back
I didn’t watch the BBC Question Time special with the two main party leaders – no matter, BBC Breakfast helps me out with their headline summary:
“Corbyn faced robust questioning on Trident”
“May faced uncomfortable questioning on the NHS”
Robust versus Uncomfortable…. once again perfectly balanced reporting from the BBC – perfectly balanced somewhere well to the left of the British public!
BBC Newswatch with our Samira tackles the issue of the noisy left mob audience for the previous seven-way BBC debate. Once again I avoided subjecting myself to this debacle but the clips I see reminded me of the baying toothless knitting crowd gathered beside a French revolutionary guillotine.
Oddly our Samira tells us “no one was available from the BBC” to answer the viewer complaints aired on their own BBC news feedback show. However, an anonymous written BBC statement makes an interesting point – apparently leftists clap and shout loudest and the BBC obviously defends the right of the individual to do that. Class.
Naga trawling Twitter faithful for the money quote still.
A few possibles, but also dissent in the ranks.
That’s a blockin’
If temporary Alzheimer’s is proving dodgy through overuse, simply vanish.
Sorted. I have learned.
And who is there to help review the papers? Why it’s a nice fresh faced young lady from the Guardian, an ‘editor’ no less – though in that egalitarian world I’m sure the label ‘sub’ is no longer relevant – and how does she see the outcome of the debate? Well, apparently Jeremy came across as forthright and honest while Teresa’s eyes showed the justifiable pressure she was under. Naga nodded approvingly.
Never understood how al beeb often doesn’t respond to its own feedback show. I mean, why both? No sign of this on the Labour PR organisation, sorry I mean the BBC. If this was UKIP you would not be able to shut them up. Bias? surely not.
Most interesting to see how one’s election prospects seem to hinge on how they care about, or not, Palestine, Kashmir (UK’s “fault” for pulling out, FFS!) Israel, etc. Heaven forbid they should get elected on where they stand on problems facing the UK!
Toobi, some politicians (of certain heritage) have a strange idea of who they represent. Last week Breitbart ran an interesting story:
“A Conservative Party Member of the European Parliament has said Pakistan faces a lack of representation in the Brussels and Strasbourg legislatures following Brexit. Sajjad Karim, a British-born MEP of Pakistani heritage, made the comments when speaking with the Karachi-based television channel GeoTV on Tuesday.
“Once Brexit has gone through, Pakistan runs the risk of not being represented properly in the European Union. The repercussions of Brexit must be taken seriously by all!” he wrote on Facebook.
Mr. Karim was unclear about via who, and how, Pakistan is represented in the Brussels Parliament, though the implication is that it is through him.
Responses to the Facebook post include comments such as: “Allah bless u”, and “MashaAllah stay blessed ji”.
In 2015, Karim was presented with Pakistan’s highest national honour for services that have helped the nation, the Sitara-i-Qaid-i-Azam presented in Islamabad by the President of Pakistan.
Mr. Karim was previously a Liberal Democrat MEP, before jumping across to the Conservative Party.”
I didn’t see this one on the BBC, but that might be because I don’t often watch BBC “news”.
The full story is here:
Thanks for this, RJ, but the way things are going, Mr Karim may have a point regarding the lack of representation of the Pakistani RoPers. He could be just laying the groundwork for becoming their spokesman when they arrive.
Last night’s audience was marginally better than that at the 7 way debate earlier in the week. The problem is that the BBBC select the questioners and know what their question is so they can steer the debate.
My main concern was that for long periods last night, TM was having to debate Dimbleby, not the audience. On reflection, she would have probably done better debating Corbyn rather than Dimbleby and a load of Social Justice Warriors.
On another matter, can someone please clarify what actual pay rises our Nurses have had since 2010 ? Apart from the 1% annual rise, do they get other incremental annual amounts automatically.
As an illustration of Dimbleby’s massive conceit, his continuous assumption that he was better qualified than the audience spoke volumes.
Painful to watch eh Beltane – he really hit peak smug. Shame with all that talent he couldn’t become anything better than an al beeb journo
Yes indeed Fedup. Only the privately educated can truly afford to speak for the common man – save for the shouty bearded thug sitting next to the nurse, of course.
I bet the PMs protection officers had him marked out. He looked like he was going to go for it.
Unless the Conservative party strategy is to frighten its supporters into turning out on Thursday for a working majority i started working out what a Corbyn SNP IRA Cabinet would look like and how long before the coup.
Thomas, this probably constitutes too much detail. but:
The NHS pay scale for all staff runs from band 1 to band 9. Qualified nurses should start on band 5 and move up through the bands as their level of responsibility increases. They’d have to become nurse consultants to get near the top end – or go into management. Each band has a number of incremental steps which reflect experience. Unless there is a problem with their performance they can expect to work up the 8 steps of band 5 in as many years. If they’ve just qualified they’re on £22,128 and if they’ve been there for a decade they’re on £28,747. When they get promoted they move to the new band at an incremental point just above their current salary (usually). If it’s a big enough promotion they can start at the top incremental point of the new band or even skip a band.
Someone who’s been in the same job for a long time wll only get the annual pay award; someone who’s just started will get the annual pay award plus the annual increment.
The grid with the bands, increments and salaries is here:
R4Today The platform for socialist authors to plug their books
their running order says
“The Green Party has warned that ending free movement of people after Brexit will create a “very real risk” to public services. They say it’s “little short of criminal” that the Tories and Labour are committed to ending free movement. Caroline Lucas is the co-leader of the Green Party.”
They just had Sathnam Sanghera throwing around the word DENIER against people like Trump
and saying he fears his fascism
..Jez the guy should get a mirror.
The interview was very soft
The producer recommended to him to read Brave New World and 1984 so I wonder if he secretly knows where we are coming from here.
Then they had Indian author Arundhati Roy
another sot interview.
typo :another soft interview.
I think the original “sot” may be closer to the truth…
Interesting graphic
The word Truth made up of little lies
That would apply to BBC Truth×314
Did anyone actually watch Victoria Derbyshire yesterday (2 June), about 11.00am’ish? It was astounding. They had an “expert” (no idea who he was) who had the gall to redefine the meaning of “impartial”. You COULDN’T make his definiton up. I believe it went something like this:
He started by saying that there is nothing objective (they ALWAYS say that), then quickly moved onto to say that in order to be impartial, the BBC must have “experts, etc”, who come to a world view / opinion, of what angle or spin to give to an article, etc. THIS spin / opinion, is then impartial.
Outrageous! I could only take about a minute of this crap, and turned channels. Correct me if I’m wrong, but he stated that in order to be impartial, the BBC has to be, partial! Lying b*stards.
That’s sick! I mean, truly, disgustingly, sick! As in, a shrink should actually see this lunatic.
“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass
RedefiningLanguage = Standard LibMob trick
..Always jump on twitter and that’ll get you the name of the “talking head” and useful background info tweeters give
The BBC are like their soulmate Corbyn. He cannot criticise antisemitism without mentioning Islamophobia, or the IRA without saying all sides were bombers. The BBC cannot report on criticism of comedian Kathy Griffin over her Trump severed head stunt without reporting that Trump once met old rocker Ted Nugent, guilty of saying “President Obama should be “tried for treason and hung”.
BBC leftist bias – once unmentionable in polite society – the tendency we all knew was there but it dare not speak its name. Well it is gradually becoming an open secret
Recently a few weeks prior to the election campaign within 24 hours both a senior faceless BBC news panjandrum and then Nick Robinson each declared that equal time and number of voices on the Brexit issue was no longer BBC policy – the corporation was infact going to focus on the problems and difficulties of Brexit
Recently a media insider reveals in print that her experience is that many within the BBC feel that because the press is by their judgement largely rightwing – it follows by their reasoning it is the BBC’s duty to balance this perceived bias with a leftwing counter balance
This morning a BBC statement observes that leftwingers are more noisy – but this is their right. My observation on this strange fatalistic attitude to broadcast balance is that it follows that the BBC feels no obligation to enable the quiet conservative section of society to be heard.
Perhaps the climate is now right for the leftist BBC to simply ‘come out’
Corbyns and McDonnells true links with the IRA…
They truly need to be prosecuted, appalling
Just watched a clip of a MSNBC Joe Scarborough Trump kicking fest. Who in the studio but the surgically frozen face of Katty Kay. If her face could register emotion I’m sure she would be beaming as she pitched in with the Trump is a thicko schtick. (I’m old enough to remember that was the constant theme of those hostile to Reagan)
I’m beginning to think that the entire regressive Left has been traumatised into a state of hyper-vigilance by Brexit and the election of President Trump.
This is the kind of state that primitive man got into on the savannah when they heard lions all around. The stress hormone cortisol kicks in, takes all the blood to the muscles and away from the brain, ready for flight or fight.
That’s OK for a short-term interaction — in fact, humanity wouldn’t be here without it, but the regressive Left has been running this program for months now.
Even the merest rustling of the bushes (a Trump tweet) sends them into instant brainless response mode, or some hissing in the grass (Russians, no doubt, recruiting Farage), and it’s wall-to-wall meltdown.
I can’t think of any other reason that the BBC and the rest of them have become so demented.
As Abedi had returned from Libya 3 or 4 days before the Manchester bombing, if the UK had implemented the Trump travel ban, he would not have been permitted entry to the UK.
I have not heard a single media outlet discuss this.
Sadly, they would have had to let him back in, he was “British” you see, by which they mean he had a British passport, but no actual allegiance to Britain, and a burning hatred for the Western way of life.
Andrew Norfolk Times Frontpage
Article backed up bybig Nazir Afzal interview on pages 38-39
and the Times Main Leader piece “Extreme Prejudice”
..”spend ..more time attacking the evils of fundamentalism”
Yeh..If only someone had said that years ago
The BBC would love to comment more, would dearly like to come out all guns blazing in defence of this poor, victimised woman. For the past 24hrs they’ve been edging the story up their front page – it’s finally made it to just below the main story, front page.
Fired comedian Kathy Griffin weeps: ‘Trump broke me’
US comedian Kathy Griffin has tearfully said she fears her career is over after CNN fired her for posing in a photo with a prop meant to resemble the severed head of President Donald Trump.
Hmmm. ‘Posing in a photo with a prop’… that’s a slippery choice of words, is it not? So what was the prop? What was her ‘pose’?
Oh. Okay. The BBC doesn’t think that’s anything to worry about. It’s just a ‘pose’, just ‘a prop’, after all. Besides which (so goes the regressive mindset) it was a well-deserved and vicious attack on Trump so what’s all the fuss about? That orange Nazi had it coming, right?
Crocodile tears from a spiteful, narcissistic professional regressive cry bully.
Seeing her in tears made me almost shat myself laughing.
Her luvvie tears are delicious.
Very sad – that there are people like Griffin.
Tragic – that they get support, indulgence and air-time but then we live in an age where Adele is a, ‘monumental talent’.
I really want to see someone defending the public bullying of a child – No doubt a queue is forming, ready to spew their, oh so honourable and just, reasonings. Yeah, very progressive.
Kathy Griffin has form. Attacking children is one of her specialties
The Palin family is fair game for Lib fanatics
Note also that 30 people were involved in the Trump head shoot. It was not the work of one deranged woman. Not one of them pointed out that it was crap humour
I bet Obama’s kids never had this problem.
Can you imagine the outrage from the two faced fuckers?
Don’t bear thinking!
Don’t get it.
Satirists make a living out of destroying human beings. They pounce on any errors, twist any reasonable statements, and crush any thought of their victims are human beings. In return they are paid well and given peak viewing slots on tv.
So why the tears if one of their victims strikes back?
I bet US satirists have tears of laughter when they saw Kathy Griffin with the bloodied head of trump in her hands.
video contains this photo from 2010, when Griffin and “Apprentice” competitor Brandy Kuentzel posed with the future president at a golf outing.

Verified as Dec 3rd 2010 AOL news story
How do you spell “Liberal ” ?
…………………… D-I-S-I-N-G-E-N-U-O-U-S
Leftists are spiteful, but also stupid. To think that she would actually admit that she was going to target a ten year old child! Leftism must be a manifestation of some sort of personality disorder, this bitch is clearly mad!
BBC’s @AdamHenson does a talk a Hay Festival and journos on a freebie spin stories out of it
Times : Celebs/Biz people buying up land for inheritance tax avoidance purposes harms young farmers. James Dyson’s new mansion
Telegraphs PREMIUM nonfree pieces , says farmers need to stop whinging cos it puts off young farmers
I wonder how much the BBC pay Henson ?
Welcome back Grant 🙂 You’ll be pleased to hear you’ve been sorely missed. Many have been wondering what happened to you.
Thanks a lot. I had a great in Gambia. All family and friends there are well and the change in atmosphere since Jammeh went is amazing. Many investigations are continuing but the new government have, so far, frozen some of his assets in Gambia, 88 bank accounts and 131 properties. You couldn’t make it up.
Arrived there to find I had left my book of passwords in Scotland so was offline for 4 weeks. Also I had no contact with the BBC. Now that is what I call a real holiday !
Cheers GC 🙂
Good to know you had a great time Grant and all is well.
4 weeks away from BBC output is a real holiday – the rest is a bonus 😉
…Now get back to work
Lol ! Yes ,sir !
Welcome back Grant- in time for the election
Thanks. And managed to miss most of the build up !
True. Well spotted Teddy Bear. Welcome back Grant.
Thanks also. I only missed 2 things, my mother and this website. Glad to miss the run up to the election but back in time to vote !
Welcome back Grant! Good to hear that you are ok – a lot of us were getting a bit concerned, especially us crustaceans on the ocean bed! I hear that even the Dimbleby’s were asking about you …..
Ooops! That was bigger than I expected! (As the actress said to the bishop …..)
Many thanks. I paid £40 to get online in Gambia for 1 month only to discover I had left my book with passwords in Scotland !
As for the Dimblebys, thanks for spoiling my day !
On a personal note, which you may be interested in, President Barrow announced that he is decriminalising being gay. And he has 2 wives ! Both women.
Grant, I asked where you were a few times, and (I hate to say this), there were a couple of ……. Grant who ??? lol !
Glad you’re back.
Lol ! At least you remembered my name , even if others didn’t !
We thought LibMob had carted you off to their equivalent of Guantanamo Bay
… next time create another account, so we don’t get so worried.
“And he has 2 wives ! Both women” Best sort, Grant and welcome back! 🙂
Many thanks. The funny thing is that they look like sisters but are not, althouth they do wear identical clothes on formal occasions. Sounds weird to us but is quite traditional there. Personally, I find one wife is more than enough !
Bookends, Grant. 🙂

Photo . Ha ! I am sure you can imagine the gossip , much not suitable for a family website. That was at his inauguration in Dakar before Jammeh left Gambia.
Thank God that Blair didn’t do anything similar! Just imagine TWO Cherie’s …….
LOL ! Thanks for spoiling my day, again !
@yorkshirepost 2m
Road cordoned off and university building evacuated in Yorkshire after ‘suspicious activity’ reported:
To reply to your above post, I got online in Gambia then found I had left the book with my passwords in Scotland. Most passwords were not stored on my laptop in Gambia. Stupid. I won’t make that mistake again !
The ‘BOOK’ with your passwords, Grant!
Blimey, how many accounts have you got, and please share some of your tax adviser’s bank account details with me – I won’t look for passwords to them, promise!!
Welcome back!
Ha ! I use different passwords for different websites, including this one. Luckily, I remembered the one for my ( one ) bank account in UK . And I just have one in Gambia. Unlike ex-President Jammeh who has had his 88 accounts frozen by the new government !
13 ARRESTS IN MANCHESTER – A pack of ‘lone wolves’?
No that is classed as a mosque.
I’ve just come in from working in the garden, just too bloomin’ hot and thought I’d take a quick squint at the news. First thing I saw was Jezza. He’s clearly going for the “casual” look. I think he’s over done it.
Tie-less and bedraggled, hair all over the place looking like someone had woken him from where he was kipping in a shop doorway and then dragged him backwards through a very thick privet hedge.
For God’s sake man, you’re attempting to become our prime minister; you’re not auditioning for the lead role in Wurzel Gummidge.
His supporters won’t know whether to vote for him or buy him a sandwich and a can of super strong lager.
Personally, I won’t be doing either…
How old will he be by the end of the parliament ?
nearly 80 I think.
I’ve been reading up on the Paris agreement and I have to admit I’m a little surprised at what I have found so far.
1) limits are self governing, with no punishments for countries which go over.
2) if you want you can trade your emissions
3) Developing countries get a cop out. China is classed as a developing nation.
4) $100 billion a year to be handed over a year to so called climate changed countries.
5) Out of 195 countries 148 have ratified it.
6) The following countries haven’t ratified it yet:
Loads in Africa/ME
Currently trying to find out how much money the following countries will hand over each year:
Odd how hysterical the BBC/Sky news wept for so long over Trump not signing up to the Paris accord that they didn’t have time to report a couple of salient facts.
Firstly, individual states can, if they observe every last detail in the document. Left wing states like New York and California can be expected to do so.
Secondly, even if every country signed up to it and obeyed every last dictate the reduction in terms of temperature by the end of the century would be 0.04 of a degree.
Pounce, you are a star.
I wonder how many ‘snowflakes’ have done that much research? Not many, I bet. They’d be like the Mayor of Miami Beach, merely mindlessly repeating the received mantra.
Thank you for listing that information here. Hopefully, those on here and any visitors who have a mind to challenge the consensus will do so and find it helpful, a useful ‘weapon’ in the armoury for debate time.
Having watched the Tucker Carlson interview with the Mayor, I did some research into mean sea level rise. It was hard to get figures for what seemed to be the most important period, 2000-2015, but I eventually found some for 1997-2010. Some quick sums after reading the available information, provided my maths and metric conversions are correct, indicated a global sea-level rise for that period (’97-10) of two inches, ± one-quarter of an inch. Extrapolating, that means a sea level rise of approximately one foot through the 21st century, ± 2 1/2 inches.
Anyone know how much a shift of ten notches on the barometer account for, sea-level-wise? I suspect it may be similar, but that is a guess on my part.
Not unlike much of the so-called ‘climate science’, it seems.
If you go to the Mediterranean there are no tides to speak of. If the sea level rises or falls it is down to air pressure – handy as a weather forecasting tool.
Captain Cook’s high water mark (amongst others) shows no rise in sea levels either, #7.
This Swedish website
claims that an increase of 1 hPa lowers sea level by 1 cm. One hecto pascal (hPa) is equivalent to one millibar, which is approximately a thousandth of ‘normal’ air pressure at sea level, one bar.
The average sea level during a year is 0 cmPGA and the average air pressure is 1013 hPa. Since the air pressure normally varies between 950 and 1050 hPa during a year, the expected variation in sea level due to air pressure is between +63 cm and -37 cm around mean sea level.
“Cliimate Change” a pillar of the coming New World Order.