The decision by Theresa May not to attend BBC debate this Wednesday evening was very shrewd. It was one of THE most biased audiences I have ever encountered. Virulently leftist and wildly applauding fringe parties like The Green’s. Anyway, detail the bias here please!
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New Grooming Scandal Fears as Police Investigate Almost 200 Sex Crimes in One Small Town
This “one small town” (one?) is Keighley, which we have known about for some time thanks to “fascist” Nick Griffin and Ann Cryer, but no thanks to the BBC. Is this the original rape outbreak or a new one? If it’s the original one, why has it taken so long?
Having listened to a woman who claimed to have mental health issues complaining on the May/Corbyn TV show how long she had to wait for an appointment, I wonder how long these victims in Keighley have had to wait. When will we be hearing about their ordeals?
This, folks, is Britain 2017. In many parts of the world, and in particular those without a police force in any meaningful sense, the men of the town or village would sort the matter out. In 21st century Britain, if the descriptions of the rapists are of the sort likely to embarrass the authorities, the victims have nowhere to go.
How long can this go on before something gives? In the country I was born into, which just happens to occupy the same geographical area that Britain does today, this state of affairs wouldn’t have been considered possible.
If the gulf between ordinary people and those who claim to govern them gets any wider, another less democratic force will step into the void and the consequences will be severe. Successive governments, local authorities, the police and the MSM will be responsible.
If Britain was a banana republic a convoy of lorries would turn up at West Yorkshire police station and the local council offices and soldiers would roughly manhandle the arrested cops and politicians into the vehicles and they would be taken away never to be seen again.
But this is multiculty Britain and these officials may be mentioned one day in a report and if blamed will be given equally powerful and well paid posts in another locality.
Multiculty Britain does not give shit about its children.
They lie, the keep on lying and it becomes a way of life.
Goebbels knew if you keep repeating a lie, to enough people for long enough, it becomes accepted, especially when to deviate becomes sanctionable – Your BBC.
LibMob people haven’t always been unfair, unreasonable, intolerant and disingenuous, thinking they have special rights to break rules, cos their cause is so noble .
I look forward to a time when Libs come back to normality, stop behaving like a mob and start behaving like liberals again.
As it is today most people I meet, think LibMob have lost the moral highground and they know not to watch BBC/MSM political news reporting cos it’s produced with heavy hand on the scale.
Bias is killing the BBC and its pension fund.
– Met another neighbour the other day saying “Yep I’ve given telly and the licence fee”
Our press, our government need to ACT NOW! … immediate necessity call them what it are, Asian? Groom??
Nothing to do with?.
“Shouts of ‘Allahu Akbar’ erupt in court as Rotherham men Jailed for child sex abuse
Chaotic scenes at Sheffield Crown Court after two of the defendants shouted “Allahu Akbar” as they were led from the dock. Six men were given sentences between 10 years and 20 years – and totalling more than 80 years – by a judge who heard details of how two young girls were groomed and sexually abused in the South Yorkshire town ”
Operation Sanctuary – Operation Sanctuary: The True Scale of the Problem, (42 just up to press)
Northumbria Police have released a multitude of documents on Operation Sanctuary.
But nowhere do they publish the entire list of names of those convicted and charged as part of this attempt to stop the rape of underage girls in the North East of England. Here is the fullest list of names available.
Thanks to those strangers who provided it to me.
Biased audiences
At the same time as May and Corbyn were on TV with David Dimbleby
His brother was doing Any Questions on BBCRadio4 BTW
You can hear him apologise at minute 13 cos of all the whoops, cheers and prolonged applause of the obviously loaded audience pro Remain audience.
In response to audience member saying
“I think the best deal for the UK is FULL membership of the European Union”
Direct audio link
“52% voted in favour of Brexit, the audience here is in favour of remaining
..the audience is self selecting from Runcorn, we do not seek to impose any.. balance on the audience ”
JD has always acted as an extra panelist on the side of LibMob, intervening to help them, which gives them a huge extra time advantage
I heard him stopping the panel to make points to non-LibMob panelists like “you said this in 1999”,
Now that would not be a problem if he shut up and left it to the other panelist to make such points.
As it is when non-LibMob try to make such points Dimbers ends up closing them down , in interests of fair time.
Stew, you are right. Jonathan Dimbleby often comes in quick at the end of answers from some panellists but takes more time – allowing the opportunity for applause – with others. After a little while, and in successive programmes, it becomes obvious that one type of panellist is being favoured.
Many years ago, the late Brian Clarke, Ed Stourton and Eddie Mair would stand in for JD during the summer and occasionally during a break at other times of the year. The difference in the moderation of the programme was revealing. I recall Eddie Mair giving the game away on the panellists knowing the questions in advance – in a way that only he could – and could get away with, although I note he hasn’t been asked back much since then.
You’re right I know that but forgot to add it in .
Yes for LibMob speakers he lets their applause go on, whereas with NonLibMob, he jumps in inordinately quickly to stop applause get a footing.
Note how an official BBC account phrased the appearance of UKIP’s Roger Helmer with these loaded words
\\ can’t hide his joy //
Would they have ever said
“Labour’s Ed Miliband can’t hide his joy at the SIGNING of the Paris climate agreement.” ?
but note his clever reply
LibMob sent 30 tweets of hate cos the BBC Radio4 1pm news dared to air Roger Helmer
actual interview
ends after 3 minutes
The White House press briefing from yesterday. The pain on the faces of the journalists as their little cocooned worlds start to crumble in front of Them is a joy to watch. Scott Pruitt schools them and then the hate kicks in. Eight years of the messiah and now they start asking questions about Paris
Here’s a statement the implications of which are mind boggling from Hilary Clinton:
“I set up my campaign and we have our own data operation. I get the nomination. So I’m now the nominee of the Democratic Party. I inherit nothing from the Democratic Party,” Clinton said during an interview at Recode’s Code Conference on Wednesday. “I mean it was bankrupt, it was on the verge of insolvency, its data was mediocre to poor, nonexistent, wrong. I had to inject money into it — the DNC — to keep it going.”
So, after 8 years of Obama the DNC is bankrupt? what on earth has he been doing with the parties money? Especially with all the fabulously wealthy luvvies who must have just been pouring donations into it?
Then there is the issue of a political dynasty who claimed they were broke on leaving the white house, where has the money come from to be able to prop up the DNC?
Unless Hilary isn’t telling the truth of course?
But then there’s the ruckus she’s caused accusing her own data suppliers of getting it wrong and losing her the election ! To which they replied:
Andrew Therriault, who previously worked as the DNC’s director of data science and left halfway through 2016, called the remarks “fucking bullshit” .
Nice to see the left isn’t being ‘divisive’ isn’t it?
Nothing on the BBC about this which was only posted yesterday.
Remember Harlow NewsWatch item from March
about the BBC/MSM technique of build a false-narrative mountain
..and run away from correcting
On the subject of climate change, the way the BBC Sky and other MSM are reporting , it would appear that rising sea levels are about to imminently swamp the entire globe. Anyway, here is a little snippet reported by the Guardian a few years ago, so it must be true. It’s a pity that they haven’t told anyone else though. I love the statement saying ” recent accumulation of ice is temporary “. How the f**k do they know it is temporary…..
“The loss of the entire western Antarctica ice sheet could eventually cause up to 4 metres (13ft) of sea-level rise, devastating low-lying and coastal areas around the world. But the researchers said that even though such a rise could not be stopped, it is still several centuries off, and potentially up to 1,000 years away.
The two studies, by Nasa and the University of Washington, looked at the ice sheets of western Antarctica over different periods of time.
The Nasa researchers focused on melting over the last 20 years, while the scientists at the University of Washington used computer modelling to look into the future of the western Antarctic ice sheet.
But both studies came to broadly similar conclusions – that the thinning and melting of the Antarctic ice sheet has begun and cannot be halted, even with drastic action to cut the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change.
They also suggest that recent accumulation of ice in Antarctica was temporary.”