The writ’s on the way


May faced a question from a young woman who said she had mental health issues and was treated badly by the NHS…Andrew Neil tweeted that May should have asked to speak to her later…..he got this response from a Corbyn fan…


Who got this response from Neil…


Then this…



I await with interest.



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13 Responses to The writ’s on the way

  1. Number 7 says:

    Picked the wrong dog for a fight.


  2. Payne by name says:

    Maybe Andrew can use Lily Allen’s legal team when they’ve finished suing Tommy Robinson.


  3. Tabs says:

    Trouble these days everyone likes to claim they have “mental heath issues”. It can include anxiety and depression – the kind of things to allow you to claim benefits for life! Years ago you just got on with life and stopped being selfish.

    I’d prefer it if people with “mental heath issues” used the phrase that they have “snowflake issues”.

    Of course there are real people who are mentally ill but they don’t even know it. In the last 3 or 4 years it has become trendy to get as much sympathy from others for a variety of minor problems that they claim to have. That is one of the reasons why GPs and the NHS are struggling.


    • Peter Grimes says:

      Even SKY are getting in on the act. Yesterday they kept showing a family of fat, lumpen, stupid benefit scroungers from (ultra-marginal) Lincoln where the parents hadn’t done a days work in 14 years iirc and the husband prior to that had taken 18 years before he found a job as a car park attendant, evidently short-lived. They had every ailment under the sun which they would only need to self-describe to their compliant GP to enable them to sup off the state, me, forever.


  4. All Lives Matter says:

    No doubt the twat who posted this defamation will claim to have been ‘bullied’ by Neil. That’s the lefty way after all, as once again evidenced this week by Kathy Griffin – who of course the BBC is trying to portray as the victim.

    It’ll be interesting to see how they handle this one, though. Do they back their presenter even though he’s basically the token Tory, or do they back the Twitshit because he more closely represents their goals?


  5. Fedup says:

    I follow Mr Neil on the twitter and saw the exchanges during the question programme last night. I wonder if this Neil flek Waugh character had a good nights sleep as I suspect Mr Neil will follow up on the apparent libel .

    After that show I think i will try to avoid any further coverage of the election by al beeb because it really was beyond the pale. Albeeb – send the Dimbleby boys off to their al beeb taxpayer pension please


  6. Payne by name says:

    Considering that the audience was meant to be randomly generated, it was amazingly coincidental that the two most ’emotive’ questions would be from the disabled guy and partially sighted breaking down mental health girl who both happened to be in the very front row.

    I’m sure that was just a coincidence…


  7. Diane-abbotts-penis says:

    I laughed so hard I was nearly sick. She’s lucky she doesn’t get a visit from men in black suits….


    • KatieH says:

      Lots and lots of crying but no tears


    • Amounderness Lad says:

      Her behaviour is more akin to that of an hysterical teenage girl completely overreacting to some mildly embarrassing behaviour carried out whilst slightly inebriated at a party which she realises everybody who knows her have heard about. What a pathetic display of self-indulgent, self-pitying crap.

      Of course, like all the over opinionated luvvy elitists, nothing is their fault, it’s all the fault of the people they set out to destroy. Griffin was the creator of her own problems and when, in her own arrogant stupidity, she totally misread what was and was not acceptable and it badly backfired on her she reverted to type and started lashing around trying to displace the blame to others, mainly Trump who was the one who was the one she intended to be her victim.

      I love it when some disgusting and vindictive action completely backfires on the person carrying it out.


  8. Rob in Cheshire says:

    I think the Corbynist was getting Andrew Neill mixed up with John Bercow. That must be the first time that has ever happened.


  9. Manxman says:

    Yeah that really is funny, worthless woman fired for disgusting grandstanding, a victim of her victim, funny shit.